“Ascari Outriders serve as the alliance’s primary means of extrajudicial action. With the thirteen cities often arguing about different courses of action on any given issue. The onus falls to the Outriders to act as a temporary stabilizing force until more direct troops can be mobilized to respond to a threat. However, due to chronic underfunding and disagreements with troop leaderships. Though they are trained as well as any elite force, their overall capabilities still remain a little lacking, relegating them to forward scouts or even reconnaissance duties rather than the traditional roles of other near peer or peer units. More akin to a high tier paramilitary unit than a proper elite formation.”
- Former Legate Hosti Arvale, Royal Imperial War College of Traxia, “Fighting Forces: Military Units of Renown”
Aryana yawned as her face scrunched up in displeasure. Her mind had awoken racing urgently to remind her of something. Something which she now had no idea what it had been in the first place. A wave of fatigue washed over her and she groaned out loud, the sun now shining down upon her face from the window.
Unlike when Sophie was around, she had little need to draw the curtains closed, enjoying the gentle light dancing upon her cheek when she awoke. At least, when it was the winter sun. Now she just felt clammy and sweaty and just a little bit annoyed. Her groggy eyes finally opened fully to take stock of the current situation. Twitching a little from the unpleasant awakening, she glanced over to the other bed’s window where Yana resided. The faerie was already out and about, now people watching. Noticing Aryana’s stare, the faerie zipped over and landed atop her head, beginning the daily ritual of untangling any knows stuck within.
“Thank you.” She mumbled sleepily and got off the bed.
The weekend had been tough. The whole time she worried for Sophia, the girl appearing fine but remaining mostly tight lipped whenever they were around people. Only Elaria’s nagging could occasionally pry things out of her and even then, the bard shared Aryana’s worries. Beyond that, Tristan’s ominous warning about Galen’s activities loomed over her. Like a spectre ready to bash her skull in, but she’d never know when.
She changed and got ready for classes, another day of learning ahead of her. She looked at the small clock on the wall, seeing that she still had an hour before morning classes started. She groaned even harder. Her mind debated resting for a few more minutes, however her rational side knew the consequences of laying back down would likely be waking up even groggier and potentially missing class altogether.
With great reluctance, she roused her spirit and decided to go acquire sustenance. Tapping the side of her head to indicate to Yana they were moving, the faerie zipped down to her pocket and grabbed a tiny makeshift pillow. Almost immediately, Aryana felt a blast of iciness engulf her left nipple, the girl barely able to restrain herself from moaning out loud. Yana always kept herself climate controlled. The heat proved a lifesaver and comforting companion in the winter months, but now that the weather was changing. Aryana was a little more on the fence about this. Letting out an impolite grunt to compensate, she let her day begin nonetheless.
As she walked to class, her mind couldn’t help but reflect on the chaos of the last week. So many things had happened, that even now, she still felt slightly overwhelmed by it. It was like a never ending cascade of trouble. What frustrated her most of all was that despite leaving the Frostwinds to ostensibly seek her own path, it also seemed that the more she was embroiled in. The less control she had over anything at all. She worried about Sophia, but beyond providing company and warmth, there was little else she could do. She dreamt of Sophie, who led a life far grander than her own, and far more dangerous. There was Galen and whatever sordid machinations he had prepared, all to be enacted on his terms and his time frame.
For her, classwork was like a balm. A routine, mostly mindless learning experience in which she could tune out the world. It was a process that just happened to interest her as well. The desire for knowledge coming to life within her the more she learned.
There were, of course, obstacles to some of the material but nothing that she couldn’t eventually get around to understanding anyways. Other times, there would be moments in which she had to assume duties and responsibilities that she wasn’t used to. Such as today.
Beyond herboology scheduled for the morning slot. She would have to meet with Professor Werncke for a health check up. This time around, she remembered to warn Yana beforehand, so that the faerie would not be found. Though she wondered what the professor would say at the disappearance of such a large mana source. Hopefully nothing that will get me or Yana into trouble. Ugh.
Things went smoothly for the most part. The girl managed to sit through her herbology class without much trouble. Even getting the chance to prepare a presentation on the flora and fauna in her home region that could be used in recipes. It was a happy little moment that reminded her of home. A trip back in the memories of a simpler time.
None of this was quite enough, however, to truly batter down her impending dread. The knot in her chest only tightening up further as each passing day meant that her doubts were only compounding in strength as they were left unchecked.
With class wrapping up, Ary took a glance at her backpack, rearranging her books and notes before heading into the mage tower once more. She waved goodbye to her classmates, before trying to hastily exit the premises.
She gingerly walked around the campus until she found a small secluded hall. She tapped her chilly left chest pocket, signalling Yana. She could feel the annoyed kicking and muttering as the faerie disentangled herself from whatever sleeping position she was in. When Yana emerged from her hiding spot, the faerie looked almost disheveled and groggy. It took her a few seconds, but once she caught sight of the outside world, Ary could see the flicker of excitement flash in Yana’s tiny eyes.
Ary offered only the barest hint of a nod, but it was enough. With renewed vigor, the faerie took this chance to explore the world and zipped away from her. It was like this every time they had to separate but Ary found herself smiling each time. The unabashed delight the fae had at such simple pleasures bringing a joy of its own to her own heart. Just like when I first arrived, heheh.
“Yo, Aryana!”
“Redhead alert!”
Two strangely familiar voices called out to her.
She spun around to find the fuzzy forms of Aetemo and Tavaeia waving at her. Delighted but a tad shocked, she managed to wave back.
“Hey guys.” Ary smiled warmly.
“Hey hey, been a while since we saw you and the missus.” Aetemo winked.
“Me and the… ah-ah….” Her brain failed. Wha-wha-what? Sophie and I? If we were together in the future? What if…. Ahh!
This story is posted elsewhere by the author. Help them out by reading the authentic version.
Tavaeia lightly jabbed her friend in the sides, “Temo! No need to tease the poor girl like that!” The wolf girl let out a disapproving gasp.
“Sorry, sorry.” He chuckled, “You have to admit, the two of them spend a lot of time together.”
“And we’ve all seen each other naked.” He giggled, his tail wagging in delight.
“Ah!” Ary’s face burnt a bright red, her brief trip down memory lane turning into near total embarrassment. Unlike Sophie had been that night, she had drank very little alcohol. Upon the wolfkin’s prompting, flashes of their intertwined bodies and the room flooded back. Oh spirits above! She cringed at herself, in public too…. Ahhhh!
“Sorry, alright? Sorry. Properly this time.” He gently nudged Ary.
The girl had shut down and buried her head in her hands. She mumbled some unintelligible affirmation, all the while giggling slightly to herself at the image.
“See? It’s fine!” Aetemo beamed.
Tavaeia rolled her eyes and sighed dejectedly, “Goddess beyond, you’re such a prick sometimes.”
Aryana’s flustered joy at the thought must’ve shown on her face. For Aetemo let out a heart laugh before pretending to maintain some semblance of decorum.
“Hahah, well I’ll admit it, not my finest jest. But it’s all good, right?”
“Ish fine.” Ary managed an embarrassed mumble, her face still buried.
Tavaeia rested her hand on Ary’s shoulder, the physical weight snapping the redhead out of her embarrassment. .
“E-eh?” Ary timidly asked. For she could feel intent being the grip, another weight upon her shoulder.
“Look, I know Temo is trying to be a little shit about it. But we’ve heard about what happened. At least, what was told to us.”
Instantly, the mood of the trio darkened, Ary’s scarlet red flush leaving just as quickly as it had arrived. She let out a heavy sigh and began fidgeting with her braid, her fingers finding each individual strand and absently touching them.
“H-heard what?”
“About Sophie, and the peace ceremony.” And the assassin. Looking into Tavaeia’s eyes, Ary felt even more depressed, and of how Sophie got hurt.
“Mmhmm. Since we know the both of you, I figured we’d at least be around if you need someone to talk to. Was gonna bother you in class later today, but well… you’re here now.” Tavaevia let out a soft chuckle.
Ary let out a nervous laugh, “Thanks.” She whispered. That… that reminds me, shouldn’t Sophie have been back Caeus? Maybe Morus at the latest? It’s already Astra.
“I know it might be tough, but you’re not alone, alright?”
“Mmm.’ They don’t even know that Sophie’s already up and about.
Tavaevia seemed on the cusp of saying something else before she paused and just smiled, “Well… we’ll be here if you need anything. Oh! And if you’re both able, we’d love to have you over this weekend.” She shot Ary a cheeky wink.
“We’re hosting another party off campus. Like last time.” She whispered seductively, “Hopefully enough to help you two relax a little, eh?”
Aryana’s blush returned in full force, though by now somewhat tainted by the vestiges of doubt.
“I… ah… hehheh.” She stammered out.
“And someone says that I tease too much.” Aetemo huffed, “But yeah, hope the two of you are fine.”
“Uhn!” Ary nodded, a small wellspring of warmth at her friend’s well wishes.
“Well we won’t keep ya. Where are you off to anyways? Isn’t class in half an hour?” Tavaeiva giggled.
“Ah! I’m going to the conclave.”
“The conclave? Oooh, the mage’s tower. What for?”
“Health checkup. Err, they said my mana was weird so they just wanted to check.”
“Huh. Well I hope that goes fine. You can tell us if something is up.”
Ary nodded more enthusiastically.
As the group split up, she was only left with more doubts as she headed to meet Professor Werncke. What happens now since Yana’s not here? Is Tristan going to be there? Spirits above, what do I do if he is? What’s happening with Sophie? Annoyed, she pinched herself to dissipate the thoughts. What was it that
Sophie always said she does? Right, one thing at a time. One thing at a time…
“And you’ve done nothing different?” Professor Werncke arched his brow.
“No?” Ary replied.
“Hmmm, how curious. But well… I suppose there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with you.” The elderly mage sighed, “Still. Do keep vigilant. Mana absorption syndrome can have debilitating health effects if left untreated for extended periods of time.”
“Of uhh, of course, professor.”
“Good. Next time you display symptoms head to the infirmary and then come here for a check up.”
“Yes sir.”
The professor seemed a little disappointed at how conciliatory she was, but masked his slip of emotion just as quickly.
“Right then. If there’s nothing else.”
Taking the hint, Aryana stood up and bowed respectfully, trying her best to imitate what she often saw Sophie doing. She then quickly turned on her heel and slinked out of the room, only breathing a sigh of relief once she was able to exit the hallway.
As she moved to exit the building, she caught a glimpse of Tristan. Her fellow Frostwinder offered only the faintest nod of acknowledgement. A gesture she responded to with a nod of her own.
On one hand, she was grateful that he was restrained here, his actions more subdued and unlikely to attract attention. On the other, she felt the briefest titter of annoyance at the sudden disappearance of his almost flamboyant greetings that he usually did with her. I mean, maybe… gah… never mind.
Shuffling awkwardly out of sight, she emerged back onto the campus. Looking around, she skittered around until she found a small patch of grass left mostly undisturbed and unnoticed by other students. The sun now danced merrily across the still growing grass. The wind rustled what leaves had returned from the winter’s slumber. The world is awakening once more, the spirits return in full to vigilance. And yet… her eyes lingered on the clouds above, some graying, some fluffy, and mostly clear. I can’t help but feel all our troubles until now are but the beginnings of something worse. Her shoulders sagged a little, and Sophie will be at the center of it all. She let out a tired breath, I just hope you’ll let me ease your burdens, however much I can.
Somewhat more pensive than before and a little introspective. She motioned absently to the sky, a ritual from her days alone. As she swayed from side to side, her hands touched the soils of the earth and she closed her eyes. O’ mighty spirits of the wilds and the mountains, of rivers and seas, of skies and winds. O’ mighty spirits that guide us along, touch thine faithful souls and accept my meagre prayers. Protect our lands and our hearths, our people and our souls. Hear my prayers and pleas, for all I ask is for peace in this world, and for my keeper to return to me.
She could feel the world beneath her hands shiver. The gentle wind tapping a soft melody across her face. The earthy and humid scent of the thawed ground invading her senses. For a moment she could see a flash of light in her mind’s eye. A connection. Then there was only darkness again and she let out a soft sigh. Her eyes opening once more, she felt a tightness in her chest. Despite her prayers, there was no relief to be felt. I just hope the others are having a better time than I am. Nothing’s going wrong, well, not right now anyways. Yet it all feels so… so… ugh. I have a bad feeling about this.