The life of Leo a Mecha Pilot
Leo, a pilot from the Human Universal Conglomerate, right after failing the most important mission of humanity got himself trapped in an uncontrollable black hole, later on he will discover it was a wormhole that send him into a world of magic and sword.But there is an issue with Leo, he is a pilot of a mecha called Goliah, also certain issues on his life forced him to lack common sense and emotional intelligence.In this new world he will learn the difference between camaraderie, with love and hate.He will try to fit and understand the humanity of this new world; But above all, he will try to succeed the last mission sent by the Conglomerate: colonization and find out if it is possible to copulate with aboriginals from the new world, Whatever in the universe those last words means.
Leo, a pilot from the Human Universal Conglomerate, right after failing the most important mission of humanity got himself trapped in an uncontrollable black hole, later on he will discover it was a wormhole that send him into a world of magic and sword.But there is an issue with Leo, he is a pilot of a mecha called Goliah, also certain issues on his life forced him to lack common sense and emotional intelligence.In this new world he will learn the difference between camaraderie, with love and hate.He will try to fit and understand the humanity of this new world; But above all, he will try to succeed the last mission sent by the Conglomerate: colonization and find out if it is possible to copulate with aboriginals from the new world, Whatever in the universe those last words means....