A first hand account that follows the former neighbor to the Domestic Homicide incident of a family on October, 1993. This is a fan-fictional take on the Silent Hills, P.T.20 Years had past since the brutal murder the neighboring family by the father. His friend was one of the victims, and upon being the first to witness the death of his friend and the family, has lived ever since with a scar in his mind . Norman Red, now a grown adult, looks to purify of his painful visions and horrific dreams, and to possibly avenge his friend, J.
A first hand account that follows the former neighbor to the Domestic Homicide incident of a family on October, 1993. This is a fan-fictional take on the Silent Hills, P.T.20 Years had past since the brutal murder the neighboring family by the father. His friend was one of the victims, and upon being the first to witness the death of his friend and the family, has lived ever since with a scar in his mind . Norman Red, now a grown adult, looks to purify of his painful visions and horrific dreams, and to possibly avenge his friend, J....