Worried Adia, new Queen Of Ye~ and Host Of The Cube Of White Light, most powerful of the telepathic weapon-Cubes, wants to save 13 galaxies by defeating Eriganh, Host Of The Red Cube Of Fire. But her new Zheien body imperils her when she sees futures, and they keep coming. Her talent cannot show her when Eriganh will come to a quiet yard in Inman Park, Atlanta, Georgia, where she must be ready.
Worried Adia, new Queen Of Ye~ and Host Of The Cube Of White Light, most powerful of the telepathic weapon-Cubes, wants to save 13 galaxies by defeating Eriganh, Host Of The Red Cube Of Fire. But her new Zheien body imperils her when she sees futures, and they keep coming. Her talent cannot show her when Eriganh will come to a quiet yard in Inman Park, Atlanta, Georgia, where she must be ready....