Bess’ family argued. They used phones to speak with other relatives in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea! But they all decided to move to Aryll.
pin dat shai
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Bess’ father asked for one room for all her family. But, their room was filled with plants! Perretau moved everyone to theirs. All the Aryllans looked exhausted.
A man
I tried not to think about what I saw. Aryllans are now healed? Surprised diplomats are discovering they are free from Aryllan slavers. They are reporting this all over the Thirteen. Zbbat and Esteerrians are healing them and taking them to Alb in large numbers, to all of the Rainbow Colonies.
People are randomly destroying fields of slaver herbs. Slavers land ships of slaves at healer colonies. The Elshar Council is debating slavery. People are keeping Ih Esta busy! Even here on Earth, on our ship, Earthans come and report slavers to Andrisch, and he is busier than ever in his career! But now he is in the room of Aryllans settling centuries of trade disputes with his people. And, I am rude to listen, but I cannot stop.