Okay, the next is trial of sight right? What are we even going to do?
You know I''m usually not allowed to tell right?
Oh yea, forgot.
But since the guide changed the trial just because of you, there''s no loophole due to know straight forward it is and knowing won''t help anyways, so I''m allowed to tell.
So you can tell?
Yea, wanna know?
Not anymore, just keep it as… suspense?
I don''t think that''s how it works.
Does it matter?
I don''t really care.
Screw it, wanna start or not?
Shila teleports them all to the 14th floor where Hilda gets sent to notification for her trial.
Trial of sight, make direct physical contact with the invisible beings through skin on arms, legs or head.
All skills are disabled, system is temporarily downgraded back to the minimum, all other beings related to the user will be sent back to the system temporarily.
Hilda looks around, only seeing the system interface with Shila and Jamine both nowhere to be found as she reread the notification.
Locate invisible beings without any skills? How the…
Oh, am I supposed to just use mana like in the trial of hearing? That''s easy enough.
Hilda starts pouring mana into her right eye to try and a second later…
Hilda tries to keep pouring mana in but finds she cannot do so as she realises her sight on her right is gone followed by a massive jolt of pain where her eye is, as she closes her eyes tightly and grabs her right eye in pain before being healed and sent back to floor 10 where Shila and Jamine reappear.
Hilda, your amazing.
Please elaborate, and tell me what happened to me eye. Hilda says while still grabbing her right eye which is now healed.
Ok, imagine filling a balloon up with water.
Thewater is your mana, your eye is the balloon.
You filled up too much mana, so your eye went… pop.
Oh, so I just need to use less?
No, control is and make a layer around your eye, like a contact lense, but if possible all around, I suggest just at the front for now.
You could of warned me first you know?
You got a slight headache from using mana on your ears, I thought you would have understood that using mana on your body parts, especially if it''s excessive, can have bad consequences.
Clearly I didn''t.
Clearly not, let''s go again, remember, 2 more tries only, though you could use the elixir to heal yourself though it''ll hurt a lot more since it''s basically regening your entire eye.Support the creativity of authors by visiting the original site for this novel and more.
Got it, don''t be stupid is all I need to do.
Yea, simple as that, the only problem is the eye blowing up, but who cares?
Yea, it''s just my eye right?
Let''s go?
Shila sends them again as Hilda ignores the motivation this time and focuses some mana into her eye, taking her own sweet time to focus mana into her eye.
As she slowly does so, stopping as she feels her eye starting to be pain again, she manages to somewhat stabilise it before opening her eyes and looking at the surroundings, which despite not having physically changed, looks much nicer somehow.
As she takes in her surroundings, despite it being a plain white room, she remembers her goal and starts looking around for the invisible beings, barely dodging in time as a giant invisible preying mantis takes to stab her with its scythe-like legs, as it scrapes her side, causing slight bleeding.
Crap, I didn''t take into account what would happen if they attacked.
Hilda tries preparing her sword qi as she pulls out her sword, preparing to slash all the preying mantis down, forgetting that skills are sealed as she dodges another hit.
How annoying.
Hilda keeps trying to fight, but with her skills sealed and not being able to check the manti’s stats for some reason but with them probably being higher, she gets pushed back as more mantis appear.
Crap, it''s getting harder to maintain the mana too.
If this keeps up, I won''t even be able to see them.
Hilda keeps thinking of a way out while focusing her mana on her eye as she swings her sword at them, accidently focusing mana into her sword, killing one of the mantis by increasing sharpness.
Oh yea, forgot I could do this.
As she starts attacking with her mana infused weapon, the mantis start getting more defensive, making it harder for Hilda as she tired to break through to no avail.
Screw It, their too strong.
Trait isn''t banned so buff me please my dear trait? Just enough to beat them all?
Trait “sis con” will increase the user''s stats.
Increasing enough stats to fight all nearby opponents will strain your trait, are you sure?
Okay, maybe not, just increase it till it won''t strain.
Trait “sis con” is buffing your stats.
Nice, lemme check.
Hilda opens her status only to be interrupted by one of the mantis attacking her, retreating before she can do anything.
They keep repeating this with them going back to their defensive stance.
Are these idiots trying to tire me out? I have enough endurance to deal with this, but do they actually have intelligence?
Hilda dodges another one of their attacks, getting annoyed.
But this is sincerely irritating, if they keep this up, I can''t win either.
Let me try something, I hope I don''t die.
Hilda injects some mana into her body with most of it leaking out as she runs at the mantis again, finding her speed faster than normal but not too much.
Huh? This works too? Mana is so useful.
Hilda runs at them with her sword, injecting half her remaining mana equally into her arms and legs, preventing as much from escaping.
As she runs at them, they get surprised by her speed, not being able to react as Hilda slices through a good amount of them, jumping higher than ever, dodging their attacks and attacking them from the back and being able to retreat easily.
Ok, this is great, but the mana consumption is no joke, I''ve got to hurry.
Hilda runs at them again as they gather into a circle protecting all sides.
Hilda runs at them, gathering more mana, intending to cut their legs off to prevent them from defending along with their bodies.
The best offense is the best defense!
Hilda runs at them, swinging her sword,, noticing a small very thin blue wave being sent out, recognising it as mana that has somewhat solidified, something she didn''t know was possible as all the mantis get cut in half.
As they all die, she looks around, finding no more left but not being sent back.
Huh? Do I have to stab them again?
Hilda keeps trying to figure it out as she kneels down and pokes one of them, making their whole body, even the disconnected part disappear as she reads the notification again.
Oh… direct physical contact through skin… so I didn''t even have to defend myself that hard? If they even attacked my head they would have vanished? Then what did I do this for?
Hilda starts walking around, poking them all, with her black trail making it harder due to it being in a much larger volume with Hilda suspecting it had something to do with almost solidifying mana.
Seriously… the guide should get rid of this stupid trail, it even looks somewhat eerie due to how black it actually is but with her still being able to somehow see through it.
She sighs as she pokes all the remaining body parts with their green blood still splattered all over the ground and her as she gets sent back to the 10th floor, surprising people, with her not being sure if it''s the much bigger volume of the weird black mist following every step she takes or the fact she''s covered in green blood, but the green blood being more important to her due to how sticky it feels and the smell.
Hey Hilda… . Shila says, now being back to normal.
You… weren''t supposed to clear it like
Did I cheat?
No, but you made your life harder.
I am very much aware.
Hilda turns over at Jamine as she opens her mouth but closes it immediately, noticing Hilda''s annoyance, mostly caused by the blood on her.
Let''s just go back to the inn.
Sure, but Hilda, why do we use the inn?
Huh? Where else would I stay? You may be able to hide into the system but I can''t unless the guide sends me.
First, I can send you into the system imitation of your house, second, you have your territory.
Oh yea, what a waste of points.
Let''s just go… I already got Jamine to go get our stuff and to cancel our room.
Oh, that explains her absence and the lack of a stinging feeling from her acidity.
Anyways, you have one last trial, I can''t tell you what it involves, but it''s the trial of touch.
Right, let''s just go back into the territory after Jamine comes back, I gotta wash up, they have a place to clean up now right?
Ok, so they finally became more civilised.
That''s rude, you know?
I don''t care.
When your sister comes, I''ll bully her to teach you about being rude.
You dare?
… Ok, maybe I''ll find some other way.
Yea, you better stay away.
… Obsessed.