In the coastal village of Velora, young Acki dreams of becoming a hero like the 8 legendary heros who once saved his land from monsters. But his life takes a tragic turn when he loses both of his parents. His father, a swordsman, dies mysteriously, and his mother succumbs to despair, leaving Acki to grapple with his grief alone.Just as he reaches the breaking point, a mysterious half-demon girl named Ian appears. Summoned by his mother’s sorrow, Ian becomes Acki’s reluctant guardian. She’s blunt, powerful, and far older than she seems, yet she offers him a chance to survive and grow stronger. With a newfound drive, Acki begins to discover hidden powers within himself—an ability to wield dark flames that could change his destiny.As Acki struggles with his painful past and his uncertain future, Ian teaches him not only how to survive but how to unlock the potential within himself. But danger lurks, and their journey will test the bonds between them and force Acki to face the truth about his strength and what it means to be a hero.
In the coastal village of Velora, young Acki dreams of becoming a hero like the 8 legendary heros who once saved his land from monsters. But his life takes a tragic turn when he loses both of his parents. His father, a swordsman, dies mysteriously, and his mother succumbs to despair, leaving Acki to grapple with his grief alone.Just as he reaches the breaking point, a mysterious half-demon girl named Ian appears. Summoned by his mother’s sorrow, Ian becomes Acki’s reluctant guardian. She’s blunt, powerful, and far older than she seems, yet she offers him a chance to survive and grow stronger. With a newfound drive, Acki begins to discover hidden powers within himself—an ability to wield dark flames that could change his destiny.As Acki struggles with his painful past and his uncertain future, Ian teaches him not only how to survive but how to unlock the potential within himself. But danger lurks, and their journey will test the bonds between them and force Acki to face the truth about his strength and what it means to be a hero....