Mel, the uncle of Yalda, and the mayor, father of the missing Gabriel, were out in the harsh cold searching far and wide to seek out the poor lost boy.
They’d scoured snowy hills, practically overturning frozen mountains, even fought off monsters. But no trace of his son could be found.
Through it all, the mayor wondered what could have gone so wrong that his child would want to flee the safety of his home. Things were looking well for the town now, but maybe he wanted more? Why was this teenage drama peeking in such an extreme way?
“When I was his age, I wouldn’t have ever thought of doing something so foolish!” The mayor growled in anger. “How could he do this to me, his family? Estúpido…”
Mel wasn’t amused at the mayor blaming his own son for running away. As an adult who raised a child in place of his brother, he knew a parent should always remember that a child is the outcome of the parents actions.
“Kids are what we make them,” Mel told him.
“Ahh?” The mayor glared at him. “What are you trying to say?”
“Don’t take this the wrong way. I know you love your son. You wouldn’t be putting your own life at risk if you didn’t…but how much have you shown that love lately to his face?”Find this and other great novels on the author''s preferred platform. Support original creators!
The mayor looked confused, but retreated to his mind to consider Mel’s criticism.
“Yalda is my niece. I’ve raised her for the last four years. No matter how much we drive each other up a wall, she always wants to spend time with me.” Mel said. “Children never stop caring about their parents. Each have a different way of showing that, but they all need us to be around through the good and bad.”
He continued by saying, “If we work all day, and only ever buy them food and games from our earnings, they’ll see us as nothing more than servants.”
It was then that the mayor of Las Nieve realized why he’d been the one in the wrong. Not for his job or how hard he pushed himself to provide for his family, but rather for how he didn’t see what his own son was after.
“I always wanted to give my children more than my father gave me,” the mayor admitted. “My father was a gold miner, but after his dreams failed him, we were very poor. I was determined to make my family and this town better off than I was.”
“You didn’t fail,” Uncle said. “I think you just need to take some time off for your boy every now and again.”
The mayor was trying to wipe away the frozen tears from his eyes.
“How do I do that? I’m always so busy.”
Mel let out a chortle. This situation wasn’t too dissimilar to how his own brother had been away for a long time, leaving Yalda in his care. But those two cases were different for very complicated reasons.
“If somethings important, you’ll be able to make the time for it. I’m sure you can figure that part out.”
"But, what if..." the mayor didn''t want to think the worst, but the thought was already toxic to his mind. "Will we see my son again?"
Mel nodded. "I know we will."
A firework flare blew up off in the distance. Mel recognized that it was a signal of a positive outcome; The hunt was over, and the prize was claimed in one piece.
“Well, look at that.” Mel patted the mayor on the back. “Looks like everything is going to be just fine.”