My New Life at Hitman Academy
This short story recounts the unexpected transformation of a seemingly ordinary man, caught in the throes of a midlife crisis, as he is pulled into a world far beyond his conception, leaving his once peaceful daily life in shambles. In a comedic twist, Angus Bronson becomes a secret agent to protect his town and friends from a dangerous organization. Despite his clumsiness, he strives to save the day and keep his town safe, even if it means making a fool of himself in the process.DISCLAIMER: This story was edited with AI assistance
This short story recounts the unexpected transformation of a seemingly ordinary man, caught in the throes of a midlife crisis, as he is pulled into a world far beyond his conception, leaving his once peaceful daily life in shambles. In a comedic twist, Angus Bronson becomes a secret agent to protect his town and friends from a dangerous organization. Despite his clumsiness, he strives to save the day and keep his town safe, even if it means making a fool of himself in the process.DISCLAIMER: This story was edited with AI assistance...