The origin story of Tore Godsson - son of a Viking shipwright father and angelic mother. Father, Magnus, is from a famous village known for its ingenuity and cutting edge technology due to their trading partners in the middle east and elsewhere. Mom, Is?lde, lost a bet to the archangel Michael and must fulfill a task. When Is?lde''s task comes to realization, it is too late and she has fallen in love with Magnus, this love produces Tore and Is?lde will finally be able to fulfill her end of the bargain she had struck with the archangel. The end of the story is only the beginning for Tore - he ends up saving 10th century China and teaming up with an unlikely shaolin monk to continue their adventures.
The origin story of Tore Godsson - son of a Viking shipwright father and angelic mother. Father, Magnus, is from a famous village known for its ingenuity and cutting edge technology due to their trading partners in the middle east and elsewhere. Mom, Is?lde, lost a bet to the archangel Michael and must fulfill a task. When Is?lde''s task comes to realization, it is too late and she has fallen in love with Magnus, this love produces Tore and Is?lde will finally be able to fulfill her end of the bargain she had struck with the archangel. The end of the story is only the beginning for Tore - he ends up saving 10th century China and teaming up with an unlikely shaolin monk to continue their adventures....