Two childhood friends, namely Fuyuki Furukawa and Chi-chan had always been inseparable until one day, Chizuru disappeared. Ten years later, Fuyuki is now in highshool and struggles with feelings of abandonment but she oddly feels familiar and comfortable around a certain transfer student named Chizuru Takahashi. Chizuru on the other hand, struggles with feelings of guilt towards leaving Fuyuki. Would Fuyuki ever know the reason why she feels comfortable and familiar around Chizuru? Would Chizuru ever tell Fuyuki the truth? How would Fuyuki react with the truth?
Two childhood friends, namely Fuyuki Furukawa and Chi-chan had always been inseparable until one day, Chizuru disappeared. Ten years later, Fuyuki is now in highshool and struggles with feelings of abandonment but she oddly feels familiar and comfortable around a certain transfer student named Chizuru Takahashi. Chizuru on the other hand, struggles with feelings of guilt towards leaving Fuyuki. Would Fuyuki ever know the reason why she feels comfortable and familiar around Chizuru? Would Chizuru ever tell Fuyuki the truth? How would Fuyuki react with the truth?...