High in the clouds above the planet of Venus, thirty students from Venus City Academy class 37 have been unplugged.Since the introduction of the highly addictive virtual reality known as Plugnet, a social crisis has begun to escalate in the planet's cloud-cities.Entire generations of Venusians are growing up and living their whole lives inside of devices called Plugtanks. While inside of these life-supporting tanks, they are constantly connected to the virtual reality leading to a total collapse of real world socialisation and the loss of ability to physically connect to other humans.To tackle this desocialisation crisis, the Venus City has developed a variety of special projects. Class VC37 has been selected for one of these projects. All thirty students in the class are being forcefully unplugged from their tanks, and thrust, anxious, afraid and ill equipped, back into physical reality. Forced to cohabitate with other students and to develop their social, physical and romantic relationships in order to complete the project, the students of VC37 will have to learn to adapt to their new existence and to depend on each other in order to survive the project and potentially earn themselves a ticket to leave Venus and the dopamine grip of Plugnet far behind for good.
High in the clouds above the planet of Venus, thirty students from Venus City Academy class 37 have been unplugged.Since the introduction of the highly addictive virtual reality known as Plugnet, a social crisis has begun to escalate in the planet's cloud-cities.Entire generations of Venusians are growing up and living their whole lives inside of devices called Plugtanks. While inside of these life-supporting tanks, they are constantly connected to the virtual reality leading to a total collapse of real world socialisation and the loss of ability to physically connect to other humans.To tackle this desocialisation crisis, the Venus City has developed a variety of special projects. Class VC37 has been selected for one of these projects. All thirty students in the class are being forcefully unplugged from their tanks, and thrust, anxious, afraid and ill equipped, back into physical reality. Forced to cohabitate with other students and to develop their social, physical and romantic relationships in order to complete the project, the students of VC37 will have to learn to adapt to their new existence and to depend on each other in order to survive the project and potentially earn themselves a ticket to leave Venus and the dopamine grip of Plugnet far behind for good....