Re:Start from 0 follows the story of Roy, a seemingly ordinary teenager whose life is violently cut short when he is murdered. As he nears death, he meets a mysterious woman who grants him the power of Rebirth by Death. Upon his death, Roy is transported into a completely new reality, where he is reincarnated into his own body, but with a fresh set of circumstances and challenges. His memories remain intact from previous and this current life, and he must navigate this new world, facing impossible odds while adapting to the ever-changing situations in each reality.
Re:Start from 0 follows the story of Roy, a seemingly ordinary teenager whose life is violently cut short when he is murdered. As he nears death, he meets a mysterious woman who grants him the power of Rebirth by Death. Upon his death, Roy is transported into a completely new reality, where he is reincarnated into his own body, but with a fresh set of circumstances and challenges. His memories remain intact from previous and this current life, and he must navigate this new world, facing impossible odds while adapting to the ever-changing situations in each reality....