Shikihime and Shikuro, along with their companions, are fleeing from a formidable adversary, likely a pursuer from the Stardust Kingdom. In a foreign land, they take refuge in a dense forest and set their sights on a distant city in the countryside, home to the base of the Black Sun Company. Despite their best efforts, their journey does not go as planned, and Shikihime is faced with a dire choice. Should she disclose her closely guarded secret to Shikuro? The stakes are high, as revealing the truth could jeopardize their chances of forming a crucial alliance. Meanwhile, across the realms of Iskaldt Rike and the Kurayami Dynasty, preparations are underway for an inevitable conflict, while the unsettling presence of a traitor within their inner circle looms over Shikuro and Shikihime, threatening their mission at every turn.
Shikihime and Shikuro, along with their companions, are fleeing from a formidable adversary, likely a pursuer from the Stardust Kingdom. In a foreign land, they take refuge in a dense forest and set their sights on a distant city in the countryside, home to the base of the Black Sun Company. Despite their best efforts, their journey does not go as planned, and Shikihime is faced with a dire choice. Should she disclose her closely guarded secret to Shikuro? The stakes are high, as revealing the truth could jeopardize their chances of forming a crucial alliance. Meanwhile, across the realms of Iskaldt Rike and the Kurayami Dynasty, preparations are underway for an inevitable conflict, while the unsettling presence of a traitor within their inner circle looms over Shikuro and Shikihime, threatening their mission at every turn....