A Despot’s Redemption
Orphaned at a young age after the destruction of his hometown. Ferric formed a bond with the mercenaries who took him under their wing. He rose to power and led the nation Lumea for one task: to conquer the rest of Asherah.His defeat led to a unique punishment where he would experience an endless death loop in a dimension similar to his own. Now reborn as a conscript, Ferric must now fight the very war he himself started and reunite with his former companions to alter the course of history.Will he bring justice to himself , or will he take down his opponents and rule all of Asherah with an iron fist?
Orphaned at a young age after the destruction of his hometown. Ferric formed a bond with the mercenaries who took him under their wing. He rose to power and led the nation Lumea for one task: to conquer the rest of Asherah.His defeat led to a unique punishment where he would experience an endless death loop in a dimension similar to his own. Now reborn as a conscript, Ferric must now fight the very war he himself started and reunite with his former companions to alter the course of history.Will he bring justice to himself , or will he take down his opponents and rule all of Asherah with an iron fist?...