Electric Nights follows Maya, a guarded professional, and Adrian, a mysterious man, as they meet by chance in a rooftop bar and experience an undeniable, magnetic attraction. Their connection intensifies with every encounter, leading them into a passionate, unspoken dance where vulnerability and desire intertwine. Amid the neon-lit city, they must confront their fears and desires, navigating the fine line between love and self-preservation as they discover what it truly means to trust—and to surrender—to each other.
Electric Nights follows Maya, a guarded professional, and Adrian, a mysterious man, as they meet by chance in a rooftop bar and experience an undeniable, magnetic attraction. Their connection intensifies with every encounter, leading them into a passionate, unspoken dance where vulnerability and desire intertwine. Amid the neon-lit city, they must confront their fears and desires, navigating the fine line between love and self-preservation as they discover what it truly means to trust—and to surrender—to each other....