In the quiet town of Hollowshade, the dead don't rest in peace. For decades, the spirits of the departed have told their tales to the living through enigmatic whispers, revealing secrets, crimes, and mysteries long buried. Only one rule binds these spectral storytellers: they speak only to those near death themselves. When an enigmatic gravedigger named Elias accidentally hears the whispers, he discovers he is dying and that the dead have chosen him to unravel a centuries-old conspiracy threatening to consume Hollowshade.
In the quiet town of Hollowshade, the dead don't rest in peace. For decades, the spirits of the departed have told their tales to the living through enigmatic whispers, revealing secrets, crimes, and mysteries long buried. Only one rule binds these spectral storytellers: they speak only to those near death themselves. When an enigmatic gravedigger named Elias accidentally hears the whispers, he discovers he is dying and that the dead have chosen him to unravel a centuries-old conspiracy threatening to consume Hollowshade....