<u>Tired of Being Angry</u>
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I’m tired of being angry, of this heat within my chest.
Yet as I think of giving up my grudge I know that rage is best.
For I will not cry surrender, for that way lies despair.This novel''s true home is a different platform. Support the author by finding it there.
My life would be so easy, if I didn’t not care.
What happened to compassion? Why is kindness a dirty word?
Victory at any cost? My vision becomes blurred.
I remember a better time, or perhaps I’m just na?ve.
It was full of hope for a future I now know I shall not see.
Once in a generation recessions twice, and a pandemic rather rare.
As we face the mindless derision, of our brainwashed forebears.
“Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.”
So proclaims purest poppycock.
But how can you explain to a bootlicker
The meaning of paradox.
I’m tired of being angry
But I’ll be damned if I stop.