By Suleg’s time these groups were being incorporated into a larger body the Panan or as it translates War-Horde. Consisting of a hundred Panits and twenty new warriors called Panomes or generals. The Panomes were also surgically armored but carried only two weapons; a firearm called a Doram or wall hammer equivalent to an earthly recoilless rifle or bazooka of the twentieth century, and a three and a half foot long straight three edged sabre. Each Panome led fifty Panits into battle and answered only to the Sarome.
Through its history the Vegan city-states were sometimes ruled by a Panome (upon the Sarome’s death) or until the city-state the Panome conquered could name him Sarome. According to Vegan legend Suleg attacked his own Sarome; Ulbati with two hundred (beasts made men) or so the story goes. The beasts were actually Suleg’s creations of genetic surgery; their armor and weapons were grown not built and implanted. Much of the source of Suleg’s genetic material was a Panit he drugged and dissected. Suleg used Maron’s basic body structure information and added animal genetic information for the special touches. Suleg cloned each successful individual and in five years had a ferocious force at his command. The diversity was startling; Suleg had Maron clones with feline characteristics, ursine characteristics, bat, reptile, and lupine characteristics. Their actions were surer and quicker, armor better and senses keener. They were larger then the Panit by thirty pounds and eight inches of height. They carried nothing and could march huge distances. Suleg devised a processor to provide them food in a concentrated form, any organic material could be fed into its hopper and come out as a high protein and carbohydrate powder, and water would be rendered from the source material. Suleg’s troops attacked Ulbati’s warriors within their own walls killing three thousand two hundred Panits, three hundred Panors and twenty-five Panomesin ten hours. The Maron-Beasts then hacked the enemy to pieces and fed them into the processor. Over the next one thousand four hundred years the (sons of Suleg) dominated the planet and continued the war-eugenics program there to what their race is today. This novel is published on a different platform. Support the original author by finding the official source.
The beast-adapted warriors now carry the old traditional weapons as well as several new ones. In the ten thousand years since, the Vegan’s were visited by a space traveler, and stole his ship and technological knowledge before feeding him into the processor. Recognizing for the first time that the universe could also be conquered and looted they began their galactic wars. Eridanus two, Procyon six, Hercule three, Elyrion four, Cladios three, Arcmentes five, and Perseus seven to name a few. All these planets have been conquered by the Shapers and experimented on as well.
After reviewing all of ADAM’s information on the war and Vegan history the primary leaders of the UW government and military met with ADAM in the Science Council’s anteroom. Present were Chairman Hughes, Jeff Calan (now training corp. commander), Ted Harmand, Murray Dean, Russ Carlin, Doctor Hopewell, Professor Sackett, and a scientist Russell did not know introduced as Walter Chambers. Russ knew that even as they were meeting something new was going on. Several hundred technicians, medical teams, historians, and archeologists had been rushed to this UW base in Colorado the long ago site of Norad Headquarters nestled inside a solid mountain of limestone and granite. Russ knew also that five hundred more ships were being designed along Avenger’s specifications, all would be able to jump time as ADAM, and the UW metallurgists had adapted his ship to do. The Shapers did not have nuclear power either fission of fusion, so Russ’s ship could shift at will without having to lay up and restore energy after each hop. It had been a supreme stroke of luck that Terra Twin had spotted the sphere during one of these dormant periods or humankind would have had no chance at all. Now thanks to his own savvy in attacking the sphere boldly and with ADAM’s invaluable data, the odds were much more favorable.