Throughout the ‘tissue raid’ on the past, Adam and the metallurgists had been working on a ‘blanket’ to cover the sphere and cut off all energy absorption. Finally they settled on a powder of salts of mercury and silver, if introduced onto the spheres surface no matter how furiously it smelted itself to smother the salts they would remain on the outside reflecting large amounts of energy away. As the two ships landed at Luna Base ADAM announced the ‘blanket’ was ready. On the flight from Chambers compound to Luna Russ had been contacted by Luna Tactical Supply, his knockout gas was ready and waiting to be loaded on the arrival of Avenger and Defender. The canisters were high pressure impact bombs of gray plastic composition sized to be delivered by his and Jeff’s ‘mass cannons’. They would cover as area forty miles square in dense yellow smoke and diffuse chloroform vapor. The stuff was thick and in Mars thin windless atmosphere could be expected to linger for several days. Most of Hughes ‘fleet of green’ was already completed, Professor Sackett having copied ADAM’s time net on RACE mountain and automated the ship works on Luna and Earth. Only two million men remained on Mars. Time hopping ships had made hundreds of evacuation runs and often before departing.
The ‘time shift’ technology seemed to Jeff to have lifted every human spirit. People who spoke to him now sounded sure the battle would be won. Even ever pessimistic Chairman Hughes sounded upbeat as she greeted them. “If only we’d had more time,” she said, “I’d have brought your wives along, but they are on the holophone for you instead.” Jeff and Russell were each shown to private holobooths on the base and spent several minutes speaking to their wives. Jamie and Jeff celebrated her news of a son on the way, and Russell and Debra confirmed their intentions to start a family. Both conversations ended on a strained note but both spouses were the stronger for having the contact. As Jeff and Russell were led up to the Chairman’s office, Russ asked how long she was visiting Luna. Their guide said “Chairman Hughes has relocated herself and UW Headquarters permanently.” Love this story? Find the genuine version on the author''s preferred platform and support their work!
When they reached the office she explained the move herself. “We were stagnating on Earth and didn’t even know it, the government there was old, comfortable and lazy. I brought the government out here to get a new perspective, space for mankind to expand, not just support Mother Earth. Chambers saw more than I did before he opened my eyes, our place is out there everywhere we can live and progress. Life is very uncertain gentlemen, stars die or go nova, dust clouds like the cole sack invade, it is in our race’s best interest to spread out into the universe, as far and as fast as we can. If your attack succeeds commanders, our race will get that chance.” explained Hughes. Both Jeff and Russell agreed with the Chairman whole heartedly. They entertained her with tales from their latest mission (some of the operatives had some very close shaves getting their samples). They dined without speaking and had coffee after.
Jeff was first to speak as the coffee was served, “Russell, ADAM and I have conferred on the reward the R.A.C.E.’s should be given. Madam Chairman, Chamber’s idea is fine but lets do something different than repeat Earth history on a thousand other worlds lets give each variety of race its own world to rule. Without any competition all should benefit enormously. Every race we found has its vision of a (promised land) lets give it to them, a whole planet with one species on it of mankind, with one nationality and one creed. Think of the races lost forever on Earth because of thoughtless violence.”
“How would they communicate with us or each other?” asked Hughes.
“We can teach them one language to use with (outsiders), and keep it going through some form of religious order. All of the warring peoples we saw were fighting over the same things Madam Chairman, food, shelter, and living space. In educating them we can teach them to take care of the first two needs and the planet we give them solves the third.” explained Russell.
“Your point, as usual Russell is well made, your RACE troops will be given a home for each creed until all are rewarded equally,” said Chairman Hughes. “Now you gentlemen must return to your ships and win this fight, to save all the children of civilization, alien and human as well.”