In the aftermath of his father’s death, Regis II faces a court teeming with rivals, intrigue, and betrayal as he ascends to the throne of Burgun. With his cunning half-brother Hugo challenging his claim, scheming courtiers testing his resolve, and whispers of unrest beyond the borders, Regis must navigate a labyrinth of political treachery to secure his rule.As alliances hang by a thread and the weight of a fractured realm bears down on him, Regis’s cold, calculating leadership is tested by the enigmatic Elise Tyrol, a potential ally—or foe—from Salerno. When secrets are stolen, and loyalty is bought and sold, Regis must wield his unrelenting will like a blade to crush opposition and forge a kingdom united under his iron fist.The Steel of Rouen is a tale of power, ambition, and the heavy cost of kingship.
In the aftermath of his father’s death, Regis II faces a court teeming with rivals, intrigue, and betrayal as he ascends to the throne of Burgun. With his cunning half-brother Hugo challenging his claim, scheming courtiers testing his resolve, and whispers of unrest beyond the borders, Regis must navigate a labyrinth of political treachery to secure his rule.As alliances hang by a thread and the weight of a fractured realm bears down on him, Regis’s cold, calculating leadership is tested by the enigmatic Elise Tyrol, a potential ally—or foe—from Salerno. When secrets are stolen, and loyalty is bought and sold, Regis must wield his unrelenting will like a blade to crush opposition and forge a kingdom united under his iron fist.The Steel of Rouen is a tale of power, ambition, and the heavy cost of kingship....