Set in an ancient kingdom, inspired by Ireland. Fia, a female gifted with a piece of the Eternal Flame from the goddess Brigid, does not know she will be the driving force in sparing the realm and existence itself from destruction. Discord and chaos is happening in the kingdom of Calemoor. They have forgotten the old gods and have stopped honoring the ancient rhythms of the earth. This discord creates the Shadow of Toom, a blight made from the imbalance between destruction and creation, light and dark. The Shadow of Toom becomes a parasite feeding off an old champion of the kingdom who wields a blade forged by the goddess Brigid herself. He used this blade to win battles and glory for the kingdom, now he wields it to wreak havoc on the realm and existence. Little does Fia know that her flame brings forth a gift and responsibility to restore balance. However, she must face the societal restraints of being a woman who learns to secretly wield a blade.... and forge one of her own. Will this blade be enough to defeat the champion, defeat the Shadow of Toom, the darkness and restore balance to the realm?
Set in an ancient kingdom, inspired by Ireland. Fia, a female gifted with a piece of the Eternal Flame from the goddess Brigid, does not know she will be the driving force in sparing the realm and existence itself from destruction. Discord and chaos is happening in the kingdom of Calemoor. They have forgotten the old gods and have stopped honoring the ancient rhythms of the earth. This discord creates the Shadow of Toom, a blight made from the imbalance between destruction and creation, light and dark. The Shadow of Toom becomes a parasite feeding off an old champion of the kingdom who wields a blade forged by the goddess Brigid herself. He used this blade to win battles and glory for the kingdom, now he wields it to wreak havoc on the realm and existence. Little does Fia know that her flame brings forth a gift and responsibility to restore balance. However, she must face the societal restraints of being a woman who learns to secretly wield a blade.... and forge one of her own. Will this blade be enough to defeat the champion, defeat the Shadow of Toom, the darkness and restore balance to the realm?...