It follows the story of Candado Barret, a twelve-year-old boy with a forty-year-old mentality, cold, serious and sarcastic. Who now has to endure a cold war between the two most powerful entities on the planet, Guilds and Circuits. And the arrival of a new face, Hammya Saillim, who will live in his house. How and when will Barretado end up throwing him out of the window?
It follows the story of Candado Barret, a twelve-year-old boy with a forty-year-old mentality, cold, serious and sarcastic. Who now has to endure a cold war between the two most powerful entities on the planet, Guilds and Circuits. And the arrival of a new face, Hammya Saillim, who will live in his house. How and when will Barretado end up throwing him out of the window?...