The Devil of Nyx & The Hope of Eros
This story follows two male leads, the Emperor of Nyx, an empire where the weak are cut down without mercy, where you are either strong or you die. The other is the Prince of the Peaceful and Plentiful Kingdom of Eros, widely regarded as the kingdom blessed by the gods. Eros has been in a state of peace for many Ever Eros is not as idyllic as it seems within Eros''s aristocracy, which is incredibly corrupt and has been manipulating the royal family for a very long time, so when the Emperor of Nyx invades the Eros, things can only get worse.Nyx is located in the frigid north, nestled between five mountains. Surviving in Nyx is hard due to the lack of resources and frigid winds and climate. The Emperor of Nyx, also known as the Devil of Nyx, moves to invade Eros and potentially start a war with the rest of the continent; however, when the Emperor of Nyx comes across the prince, something changes. Is it for the good or the better? Who can say?
This story follows two male leads, the Emperor of Nyx, an empire where the weak are cut down without mercy, where you are either strong or you die. The other is the Prince of the Peaceful and Plentiful Kingdom of Eros, widely regarded as the kingdom blessed by the gods. Eros has been in a state of peace for many Ever Eros is not as idyllic as it seems within Eros''s aristocracy, which is incredibly corrupt and has been manipulating the royal family for a very long time, so when the Emperor of Nyx invades the Eros, things can only get worse.Nyx is located in the frigid north, nestled between five mountains. Surviving in Nyx is hard due to the lack of resources and frigid winds and climate. The Emperor of Nyx, also known as the Devil of Nyx, moves to invade Eros and potentially start a war with the rest of the continent; however, when the Emperor of Nyx comes across the prince, something changes. Is it for the good or the better? Who can say?...