In a world where power is determined by a magical artifact known as a Crest, the Crestless are considered outcasts, unable to participate in society’s rigid hierarchy. These Crests grant abilities tailored to their bearers, from elemental control to extraordinary combat skills. However, the more powerful the Crest, the greater the burden it places on its user’s body and mind.Arin, a young scavenger living in the shadow of the grand capital, has always been Crestless. Mocked and treated as a pariah, he has spent his life eking out survival by salvaging discarded relics from the city''s wastes. One day, he uncovers an ancient artifact—a shard of the Crown of Origin, the legendary Crest that once united the warring kingdoms.Instead of granting Arin a Crest, the shard does something unprecedented: it binds itself to his soul, awakening an ability called Resonance, which allows him to manipulate and evolve the abilities of other Crests. Arin quickly discovers that the Crown was shattered deliberately, and those who wield its shards hold the power to reshape the world.But with power comes danger. The ruling nobility, known as the Crestborne Houses, fear the return of the Crown and will stop at nothing to destroy anyone who dares to challenge their dominion.(100 AI MADE)
In a world where power is determined by a magical artifact known as a Crest, the Crestless are considered outcasts, unable to participate in society’s rigid hierarchy. These Crests grant abilities tailored to their bearers, from elemental control to extraordinary combat skills. However, the more powerful the Crest, the greater the burden it places on its user’s body and mind.Arin, a young scavenger living in the shadow of the grand capital, has always been Crestless. Mocked and treated as a pariah, he has spent his life eking out survival by salvaging discarded relics from the city''s wastes. One day, he uncovers an ancient artifact—a shard of the Crown of Origin, the legendary Crest that once united the warring kingdoms.Instead of granting Arin a Crest, the shard does something unprecedented: it binds itself to his soul, awakening an ability called Resonance, which allows him to manipulate and evolve the abilities of other Crests. Arin quickly discovers that the Crown was shattered deliberately, and those who wield its shards hold the power to reshape the world.But with power comes danger. The ruling nobility, known as the Crestborne Houses, fear the return of the Crown and will stop at nothing to destroy anyone who dares to challenge their dominion.(100 AI MADE)...