A voice calling from a distant
Ryu Kento, a high school student haunted by his painful past, begins to dream of a faceless girl calling out to him. When Sakiya Mizuno, a transfer student with her own hidden sorrow, enters his life, their fates become intertwined. As their connection deepens, both must confront the scars of their pasts and uncover the truth behind the dreams that bind them together.A tale of love, loss, and the search for healing, where the past and present collide in unexpected ways.
Ryu Kento, a high school student haunted by his painful past, begins to dream of a faceless girl calling out to him. When Sakiya Mizuno, a transfer student with her own hidden sorrow, enters his life, their fates become intertwined. As their connection deepens, both must confront the scars of their pasts and uncover the truth behind the dreams that bind them together.A tale of love, loss, and the search for healing, where the past and present collide in unexpected ways....