His hands ran over the de. A Father''s Gift. A fitting name. A weapon that would be with him always, matching his pace step by step. A strangling wave of emotion surged up through him. Excitement. Gratitude. Grief. His throat quivered, eyelids scrunching shut as they threatened to spill over.
"Kaius?" He heard Porkchop move. A secondter a heavy weight settled on his shoulder. "You okay?"
He turned, burying his face deep into the dense fluff of his friend''s neck. Letting his riot of emotions wash through him.
"Yeah. The sword my father gifted to me just had a little bit more history to it than I thought."
"It''s okay," Porkchop said,forting him with a nuzzle.
Kaius took a deep breath, swallowing down the hitch in his throat. It was a princely gift, one he did not intend to let go to waist. He leaned back to his sword.
"Thank you." He scratched behind Porkchop''s ear, taking a breath. "I''ve got to bind this thing. It''s frankly idiotic that Father didn''t tell me earlier, walking around with this without that security was monumentally stupid. Even with Bloodline Veil."
It was an interesting enchantment. One that blocked appraisal of an item unless the person in question was of an intended familial line. Normally, it required a sample of blood from the one an artefact was being made for. In this case, his father simply could have used his own.
Binding the sword was imperative, he had to do it now. It would link it to his status, letting him know its location on an instinctual level. The connection to his soul would also bolster the enchantments. Not enough to raise them a grade, but each would be more effective. Hopefully enough to prevent the sword''s enchantments from ever being used against him. All else who picked up the sword would find it fighting against their every move, a poor weapon indeed.
That protection onlysted until death. Without the powerful Appraise block that it held, he would never be able to carry it in public. Without powerful backers and or a n at his back, any two bit crook would take a shot at him in an attempt to im the reward of a lifetime.
Binding it would also give him insight into the conditions needed to reach the next stage in its development.
He reached for the tightly woven hilt of A Father''s Gift. As if reading his intentions, the small knots in the ck supple leather at the hilts base came undone with ease. Falling away to reveal a glossycquered wooden hilt, deep nurls of swirling wood grain shining pleasingly in the light. The wooden hilt was iid in gold, the yellow lines wrapping and spiralling into one of the densest runic formations he had ever seen.
He recognised the script. Vhaxanish. One of the handful of candidates for his experiments with body formations and imbuement. Complex, overly lengthy, and with an outright contradictory syntax filled with counter arguments and superseding uses, it was a nightmare to use correctly. It was also amazing forplex, highly variable effects. Like a soulbinding formation. Or, to link binding sigils to runic hymns that used two different scripts.
The binding keystone of the formation was a dense knot of twisting and interwoven lines of runes. To interface the de and bind it to his soul he would need to direct his mana there. The process was rtively simple, but not easy. Much like how he had suffused his eyes with Mana in order to develop Appraise and Inspect, Kaius would need to spin a thread of mana from his centre.
There were twoplications, both of which would make it far more difficult than his earlier - easier - application of internal resource control. First, he would have to make the Mana cross the external barrier of his body to brush up directly against the sigil. Much like the barrier between his soul space and physical space, the jump up in control required was significant. If he had Mana Maniption it would be much more straightforward. s, he did not, and waiting until he did would serve him no benefit.
The other main difficulty would be in spinning out a thread of soulfire to infuse his Mana pool. Afterall, the sword needed to bind itself to his soul, not to his Mana. The resource would simply be acting as a conduit. Normally, there was no benefit to soul infusion. You only risked opening an easy path to your most vulnerable centre for no appreciable benefit. In this case, that easy path was exactly his goal.
Kaius took a deep breath. His hand closed around the hilt of his sword, feeling the cool touch of the runic gold iy standing out from the surrounding glossy wood.
He closed his eyes, falling into his visualisation of his centre.
Now that he had Mental Visualisation everything seemed sharper. Less aethereal. More concrete. He reached for his soul, fire writhing out with the lightest touch. It was easier. He hadn''t expected that. An unintended but very wee side effect of his most recent skill.
Pulling on the thread, Kaius encouraged it to connect to the nebulous blue cloud of his mana. It didn''t quite snap into ce like it had with his skill. He had to focus to keep it flowing there, drifting in the blue gas like some wind caught streamer. He encouraged his soul to re, a great outpouring of his very essence flowing through his conduit to colour the blue with a radiant ghostly tinge.
Sweat dripped from his brow. Even with the assistance of Mental Visualisation it was far harder than he expected, the exertion of directly expending some of his soul weighing heavily on every aspect of his being. His head throbbed. Bones ached. Muscles wilted. He''d have to move quickly. He wasn''t quite sure if this was healthy.
**Ding! Mental Visualisation has reached level 4!**
His father hadn''t told him of any risks surrounding this niche skill, but he doubted the man had ever seen it used by someone so early. Every other use he knew of for soul infusion, hell even binding an artefact, was almost entirely the purview of the high levelled.
Binding. ss evolution. Grand rituals. He knew there were more, but those were the only ones Father had deigned to teach him of. The only ones he was likely to make use of himself.
Levelling strengthened the soul. Without that reinforcement, he might injure himself. Certainly he had never been told of it feeling like his very essence was being depleted.
He had to hurry.
Hearing a deep rumble from somewhere behind him, Kaius ignored the distraction and pushed on.
Reaching for the mana next, he quickly yanked a thread past the outer barrier of his soul space. He traced it through his body, running parallel to nerves and vessels.
**Ding! Mental Visualisation has reached level 5!**
He felt so heavy.
Kaius wasn''t sure if he had the mental focus to keep control of his mana outside of his body. A different tactic was required. Force.
The resource flooded his hands. Grunting in strain he locked down his skin, forcing his Mana to flood the area. Saturating it like he had done to his eyes.@@novelbin@@
Once full, he was forced to bear down on the barrier he had created, mana attempting to push its way free. He didn''t let it. The pressure built. Tingling grew in his hand, quickly rising to feel like stabbing needles in his skin. He bit down on his lip. Tasting iron.
Just a bit more. He only needed a bit more. Health left his soul, rushing to heal his hand as tiny droplets of blood welled up from his pours. The mana was too much. Breaking down his flesh.
His skin started to split, drenching the handle of his de in a slick crimson wash.
Something bumped him. He growled in frustration. He had to do this.
He released his mental grip, creating a hole in the barrier he had made around his hand. Soul infused mana shot free, hitting the centre of the binding sigil with a deep throng. Gold iy began to glow, scintiting blue and yellow. A deep thrum pulsed from the runic inscription, shooting through his arm and the tenuous pathway of mana he was only just maintaining.
The load of the soul-binding array was too much, threatening to overwhelm him and burst the delicate thread of Mana.
**Ding! Mental Visualisation has reached level 6!**
Instant relief. He redoubled his focus, bearing his mind down on the vacuous power that provided the spell with a direct route to his soul.
The connection red. The sigil on A Father''s Gift burned with heat and light. Kaius''s soul shook as something sampled his essence, stealing some away to be mingled and reced with the qualia of another. A second parcel of quintessence shot away, chasing back down his forged highway to flood into his de.
An instantter he felt a deep thrum resonate through him.
It was done.
He sagged in relief. Letting soulfire snap back from his Mana pool, the pathway he had forged through his body dissipating.
**Ding! A Father''s Gift (Growth Longsword) has been bound!**
Kaius slumped, he felt like he had run a marathon while testing for a civic exam. Every scrap of him felt wrung out, drained, and used. An all consuming exhaustion.
Something butted up against his face again. Something cold and wet, apanied by a high pitched whine. He looked up blearily, finding Porkchop hoving right next to him with a very concerned expression on his face.
"Oh. Hey, Porkchop. Probably should have warned you." He murmured, weakly patting his friends snout.
"Kaius!" Porkchop nipped him on the ear. "What was that! No killing yourself for loot! Soul is precious!"
Kaius''s mind chugged, struggling to process his friend''s words. His brows furrowed.
"How did you know I used my soul?"
"Greater beast, I can see power. Which is unimportant, what you did could have killed you!"
"It''s fine." He waved Porkchop off. "I had too. I just need a bit of rest. Besides, it worked. I bound my sword."
Porkchop huffed, wandering away from him.
"Hey!" Kaius called out. "Where are you going?"
"To get your bag," Porkchop huffed. "You need water."
"Thanks!" Kaius called after Porkchop''s retreating form, feeling a little guilty that he had worried him. He turned back to the sword still in hisp.
His hands still ached, but the bleeding had stopped and his Health was already burning to seal the wound. Though, his slight leak had covered the hilt in a mess of bloody streaks.
Wadding up his tunic he wiped the blood free, revealing that the gold iy had sh frozen itself into a yellow gleaming crystalline structure. He admired the swirling lines as he rewove the swords grip covering.
The new connection that he had forged with the weapon seemed to tug at him, much like when he had a awaiting status notification. He gave it his attention, a new screen popping into existence in front of his eyes.
Bound Artefacts:
A Fathers Gift - Common Growth Longsword
Awakening Conditions-
Gain a ss (0/1)
Acquire suitable materials (0/3)
Forge a link (0/1)
Kaius sighed as he read the requirements. They were so vague, though he assumed that ''awakening'' was how the de would grow in strength. At least in rumours and legends, the materials used to fuel an artefact''s growth had an incredible effect on the way it developed.
He just hoped he would get some kind of indication if a material was suitable. He couldn''t exactly go around to smiths and ask if they had any metals for a growth item. At best he''d getughed out of the shop, if not abducted wholesale.
Porkchop came back, the carry loop of his bag securely held in his mouth. His friend dropped his back at his feet with a grumble, before settling back down on his haunches.
"Wash your blood." Porkchop said, nudging the bag closer to him with one paw. "Then drink"
Kaius gave a slight smile at Porkchops concern. "Alright, though I have a few more things that I need to Appraise before we leave."
"Right after you nearly cracked your soul?" Porkchop asked, bbergasted.
"That was just for the sword." he said with a shake of his head. "I won''t need to do that again for a long time."
Porkchop watched him with suspicion, but settled down to wait.
Kaius switched his attention to his potion pouch, Appraising the boxy bag.
**Ding! Appraise has reached level 6!**
Potion Pouch:
Depths-wrought item
A sturdy potion pouch made of treated beast leather affixed to rigid steel tes, designed to protect tonics from hard knocks. Contains space for eight standard sized tonics in squared bottles.
To his disappointment, the bag was a simple item, not an artefact. It seemed not everything he received from the Champions was guaranteed to be enchanted. Oh well, it still served the purpose it had been made for admirably.
He flicked the pouch open, turning to his two remaining Sr Revitalisation tonics, and his two new red ones.
Deciding to appraise the ones he''d had for some time, Kaius pulled free one of the familiar radiant orange tonics.
Sr Revitalization Tonic:
Common - Tier I
At the end of the line, there is only one source of energy. Growth, death, recovery, expenditure. All happens under the watchful warm embrace of the sun.
A tonic that slightly stimtes the production of Health and Stamina in the soul.
Depths-brewed potion
Stamina regeneration I, Health regeneration I
The description was exactly as he expected, though it was nice to confirm there were no hidden effects that he had missed. Unfortunately, he did confirm that he wasn''t able to reveal the direct numerical effects of his items. Something relegated for higher rarity appraisal skills, he guessed. Kaius slid the orange potion home, and pulled out one of the new roiling red ones.
Psychopathic Assault Tonic:
Some things just need killin''
A tonic that amplifies aggression, focus and mental resistance. Moderately boosts Strength, with no impact on Stamina.
Depths-brewed Potion
Psychokiller I, Strength Boost I
Kaius eyed the tonic warily. A Moderate boost to Strength was no small gain. With his current cap of twenty, he was nearly half again as strong as he would be without the system''s assistance. Anything that allowed him to push that further was not something he should turn his nose at.
And yet… increased aggression? That would be a double edged sword. Still, he was confused, it surely shed with the increased mental resistance. Usually mental resistance was used to ward off the deleterious effects of berserker style boosts at the very least.
He would have to be very, very careful whenever he tried it. It would no doubt be potent, but if he lost sight of his own sense of safety, it would be worse than useless.
Slotting the potion back in his pouch, Kaius buckled it closed with a click.
"Well my friend." Kaius turned to Porkchop. "I think I am done here."
"Yay! Back home?"
"Yeah." Kaius nodded. "Though only for a short while. Just long enough to get my next two skills. I''m gonna need to set up a formation for each of them. After that we can go look for some more Champions outside of this de."
"No." Porkchop said, flicking his ears. "Need to sleep. More adventure can wait till after a nap."
"That it could." Kaiusughed, pushing himself to his feet. Some rest would be good.
Taking a second to unbuckle his sword belt, Kaius picked up his new Serelian Scalemail. He slid it on, admiring the way it hugged him perfectly with nary a pinch or a pull.
The pair set off, striding out of the underground catb to make the slow route home out of the lengthy maze above.