Chapter 120: Long Awaited Destiny pt. 3 or: Mount Thor
Kaius took in the status of his first option. It was easy to see why he had been offered it. <em>Warsworn Rune-Acolyte</em> looked to be a brutal ss. He could see it suiting him well, something that would lean into the <em>rush</em> of battle. The sheer savage joy of throwing yourself in harm''s way to im victory.
It also…rmed him. There were several aspects he was unsure of. While it made use of glyph-binding, it seemed that it would be bent to more passive effects and general enhancements. He’d dreamed of the dance of slung spells and swung swords since he was a boy, discarding that now - even for a <em>Heroic </em>ss - rankled.
That, and the idea of a glyph of rage worried him, especially when he saw that at least some of why he had been offered the skill was sumbing to the power of the <em>Psychopathic Assault </em>tonic. While it had been a powerful tool, the idea of making it central to his build made him uneasy. Plus… with his new bond with Porkchop, he wasn’t sure how it would affect his brother.
During the fight with the guardian, his tonic induced cold analytical rage had bled through their link, infecting Porkchop with insensate fury. There was a risk that a ss like this could do the same, and even as powerful as it was, it wasn’t worth that risk.
He could only hope the others would be more suitable. He pulled his attention away from the ss, the description flickering out of existence to reveal the detailed wooden carving of himself as a <em>Rune-Acolyte</em>. Looking back to his ss-guide, he found the aged and scarred clone watching him intently.
“So? What do you think? It’s a strong option, one that has the capability to make you an unkible terror inbat.” Kaius the Elder asked.
Kaius frowned, shaking his head. “I don’t think so. The style of glyph-binding doesn’t really align with what I wanted. If it was just that, I would probably still consider it, but the rage aspect worries me. Especially if there is a chance it might hurt Porkchop. This isn’t the one.”
The construct paused, giving him a calcting look. “Are you sure? It suits you. The sort of feats required for a <em>Heroic</em> ss means that it''s almost impossible to achieve one without it being closely aligned to some aspect of who you are. Think, can you <em>really</em> say that you are worried about rage if you indulge in it so often?”
Kaius nched. He thought back on the goblin he had taken out his worry and frustration on. The way his blood had run hot with cruelty. Even the Bloodsong. While it was mostly a pure joy and excitement for the livelihood of battle, that wasn’t all it was. There was a simmering anger there. The visceral catharsis of funnelling all of his tension into bone-breaking blows and close brushes with his own mortality.Yet… He did not enjoy that aspect, and he wasn’t proud of surrendering to his own cruel impulses. He found no shame in enjoying a fight, but surrendering to hate was something else entirely. Even if he could not deny it was a part of him, that did not mean he needed to venerate or enshrine that aspect of himself.
Especially not by doing something as impactful as selecting a ss centred around fury.
Kaius steeled his spine. Meeting the construct''s firm gaze, he nodded. “I’m sure.”
His aged clone smiled wide. “Then let us check your next offering, I’m sure you will find it a fascinating option.”
The construct spun on its heels, wading through the long grass towards the next Ash tree. Kaius hurried after him.
Approaching the trunk, the tree shimmered, revealing yet another carving.
Once again, it depicted him. While he still had his impressive physique, it was not enriched to the point of incredulity like thest carving. Cowled in a heavy cloak, and garbed in thick leathers, swirling runic tattoos covered every inch of his exposed hands and fingers. That wasn’t all, clean lines crept like vines past the neck of his armour, mbering up his neck and face to spiral around his eyes, temples, and ears.
Crouched leaning out from behind some ruined brick wall, the carving showed him focusing intensely, curiosity and avarice clear in his gaze, with a de held at the ready in his inscribed hands.@@novelbin@@
Kaius grinned as his eyes roved over the carving. That was more like it! Nothing ominous, nothing that suggested sacrificing his sense of self, and a clear representation of de and spell.
He tore his eyes away, meeting his guide''s gaze. The construct smiled encouragingly, nodding his head back to the carving. “Go on.”
Kaius’s heart thumped in anticipation. He dove straight in.
<strong>Glyph-bound Seeker:</strong>
<strong>ss - Tier I</strong>
<strong>Relevant Feats:</strong>
<strong>Has in at least three Champions in singlebat while unssed. Has in at least 100 foes with glyph-binding while Unssed. Has survived in the Great Depths for at least a year while unssed. Has obtained at least three </strong><strong><em>Honours</em></strong><strong> while unssed. Has aplete set of legacy skills. Has capped all base stats at 20. Has a survival skill of at least </strong><strong><em>Heroic</em></strong><strong> rarity. Has a perception skill of at least </strong><strong><em>Unique</em></strong><strong> rarity. Has a rune mastery skill of at least </strong><strong><em>Unusual</em></strong><strong> rarity. Has at least one </strong><strong><em>Heroic</em></strong><strong> skill. Has pioneered glyph-binding. Has lived the majority of their life in unsettled ces. Has explored untouched regions of the Great Depths. Has exhibited curiosity of the nature of the Great Depths. Has repeatedly put themselves in harm''s way to broaden their knowledge. </strong>
<strong>There is one constant in the shining sun of the world above, and the hallowed halls of the Great Depths below; mysteries lie waiting. The Seekers of the Way are a dispersed lot, spread in ones and twos as they hunt for the secrets of what was, and what will be. All in their cult may induct another, if they prove they have what it takes to survive. </strong>
Stolen content alert: this content belongs on Royal Road. Report any urrences.
<strong>Newly enlightened, the Glyph-bound Seeker is empowered by a broad variety of abilities. Such breadth is needed to survive where others dare not tread. Master generalists, Glyphs provide a utilitarian base to their abilities, while a scattered focus on observation, survival, and exploration allows them to adapt to any situation. They are adept and wilybatants, always with a solution at hand when faced with an unexpected challenge.</strong>
<strong>All </strong><strong><em>Insight</em></strong><strong>, </strong><strong><em>Survival</em></strong><strong>, and </strong><strong><em>Glyph-Binding </em></strong><strong>type skills are Improved by 60%</strong>
<strong> +3 Intelligence, + 2 Willpower, +1 Endurance, +1 Vitality, +1 Dexterity, +3 Free Stats per level</strong>
<strong>Skill Resonance:</strong>
<strong>Rapid Adaptation - Strong </strong>
<strong>Warforged - Weak </strong>
<strong>Explorer’s Toolkit - Strong</strong>
<strong>True Sight - Strong </strong>
<strong>Runic Lexicon - Strong </strong>
<strong>Mana Maniption - Moderate </strong>
Kaius read and reread the description of the ss, struggling to contain his disappointment. While nominally it aligned with his desires, it was clear that it did so only in the broadest sense.
There was no focus onbat, beyond a throw away line at the end. His only melee skill with resonance was <em>Warforged</em>, and that was <em>weak</em>. Looking through the skills description, it was clear that a Seeker was far more interested in exploration and search for hidden mysteries.
It <em>did</em> appeal to him, and he understood why it had been offered. Thest year had been nothing <em>but</em> exploring and uncovering mysteries, and he had loved every moment of it. Discovering glyph-binding, the nature of observed, and scouring the secrets of the Depths had been awe inspiring.
And yet…. he was torn.
Glyph-bound Seeker had <em>potential</em>, but it seemed like its glyphs would have a utilitarian bent to them. That was good, and he knew well how things like that could be used to advantage in battle, but it didn’t <em>sound</em> like that was their intended purpose.
It was still a <em>Heroic</em>, so it would undoubtedly be powerful, but he could only hope that hisst choice would be more to what he was looking for. Something that enshrined his drive, no, his <em>need</em> to improve. Something that lent itself totally to mastery over the battlefield, and striving to reach the ever moving pinnacle.
If he couldn’t find it there? The <em>Unique</em> sses were always waiting.
He tore himself away from the status screen, looking back to his guide. “Let’s check the next one.”
“Let us talk first,” Kaius the Elder said with a smile. “It is a very good option, one that hits all of your wants and needs, even if it might not focus on them as much as you might like. I think being a Seeker would suit you well. Isn’t that what you always sought, on those long moonless nights where you would watch the stars? To explore the heights and depths of the world, wing at all it had to offer until you were satisfied?”
Kaius frowned. The construct was…not wrong. He <em>had</em> felt that way, he still did. Hells, even in thest year, he had never felt so <em>free</em>, even with a heart full of tragedy and his own looming mortality vying for his attention. Yet… that had never been what he wanted to define him.
“I want to explore, yes, but I have <em>never</em> wanted to be an explorer. Regardless of what I pick, the world will always be waiting. Even if it is more difficult to seize its mysteries, that only makes the reward sweeter. No, I don’t think this is the one for me. Perhaps if thest option is as bad as the first, but I cannot decide until I have seen it.” Kaius said, resolute.
The construct said nothing, only giving him a half smile before they turned and led him to the final tree.
Kaius’s heart thumped with every step, as the air grew even more charged. After his initial limation it had tingled over his skin, active with whispered futures. Now it roared, thick currents of destiny washing over him. His hairs raised, cold tingles rippling out from his spine.
The final tree was… different. Not in any way he could pick out with his eye, but he could <em>feel </em>it. Feel its regal bearing, the sheer <em>weight</em> of it. Thick air sat heavy in his chest, forcing him to work his lungs like bellows.
They stepped under its canopy, and its bark shimmered.
The construct waved him forward as the final carving was revealed, gesturing at him to get closer.
Kaius’s breathing spiked, a thin whine sounding in his ears as he approached.
He saw himself.
d in a full set of scale with his helmet held under one arm, runic whorls bound him tightly. They wrapped his hands, spiralled out from his temples, and crept around the back of his neck. Each location was…different, the runes showing minute discrepancies to his trained eye. They were close siblings, but not identical.
Thrust imperiously into the air, his sword arm gripped a de - one he knew well. <em>A Father’s Gift</em>; he’d recognise the delicate twisted fillgere on its crossguard and pommel anywhere. Even then, his sword had been changed too. Its de <em>zed</em> with runic might, yet more strange runes wrapping every inch of its steel. Waves of vtile magic <em>burst</em> from its edge, carved with such fine detail he could almost see the air shimmering under its potency.
With sharp eyes, he stared out from the wood, gaze locked on something off in the distance. Regally focused, as the slightest frown of intensity graced his lips.
It was everything Kaius had dreamed of and more.
For there was more. The sculpted destiny did not only depict him.
There, d in dense te barding, with a magnificent glyph shining through the fur on his chest, was Porkchop. His brother bore him like a mount, erged and empowered. Yet it was clear that it was not a position of subservience, this Kaius<em> knew</em>. He could feel it, the bond and trust between them shone as bright as the sun.
As one they charged forwards, seeming to leap free of the ash tree’s trunk as they raced across a fieldden with the ruins of a forgotten age, evidence of glorious victory left in their wake.
Kaius remembered to breathe, a gulping gasp filling his chest with air heavy with potent and ancient magics.
“Take a closer look, I think you’ll like this one.” The construct said with pleased self assurance, startling Kaius out of his reverie.
He took a steadying breath and peered closer.
A status page flickered into view.