B2 Chapter 135: The Return pt. 5
As soon as Kaius mentioned that he had be Observed by the system for consuming a Natural Treasure, the table <em>erupted</em>.
Each and every one started talking over each other, their responses ranging drastically. Sandor merely scoffed, rolling his eyes, while Eillish, Hurrin and Yanmi jumped to their feet, hammering him with questions. Illendra sat quietly, her jaw ck as she stared at him in shock.
Jekkar, on the other hand, howled withughter, swinging back on his chair as he belted out his shock and mirth. After a few moments he rocked back forwards, the front legs of his chair smacking back to the floor with a loud crack.
“Quiet!” he boomed, cutting through themotion. The other elders paused, looking at him. “Now I den know about ye, but I’ve never known young Kaius to be a <em>liar</em>, have ye?” he said in his thick frontier drawl, levelling his gaze at his colleagues.
“Thought not. Look, I’ve analysed thed. He has a damned ss, and we all ken he’s not yet hit his second decade. If anything, him bein a bloody myth makes <em>more</em> sense, not less. Let’s hear thed out, he’s earnt that much trust at least.” Jekkar said.
Kaius breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Jekkar.”
“It wasn’t long after that that I met Porkchop. I was still in arge cavern just off the entrance room, undergoing a circumnavigation when I stumbled across him having fallen through the same portal I had. The same bandits had tried to chase him down, though lost him when he threw himself in the river. From what Porkchop saw, there were far fewer of them than had chased me.” he continued with his story.
His audience hissed, galled and mortified that even the lowest of society would <em>dare</em> to hunt a greater meles. Saldar especially looked apoplectic, his jaw pping as he tried to get words out.
Eilish beat him to the punch. “Those bloody <em>bastards</em>. If everything else they’ve done wasn’t enough.”Yanmi shot her a sharp look. “Hush, Eilish. Now is not the time.”
The head of the artisans grit her teeth, but nodded.
“What thend? A few extra stats shouldn’t have been enough for you to escape, not against a Guardian.” Hurrin asked.
Kaius nodded, taking another drink to wet his throat. “It wouldn’t have been. That was only part of it. After meeting Porkchop, I learnt that the meles have oral histories of the Observed, that their power came from rewards granted by the system for performing great feats. We tore our way through our biome, and moved onto the next. It was there that I discovered what that was.”
He paused, allowing the moment to hang in the air. The elders leaned in.
“After I killed my third Champion solo, I received something called an <em>Honour</em>. It came with bonus stats, and a small passive boost with no scaling, though both were improved due to being the first to perform that particr feat as an unssed. Not long after I got one for being the first to ‘discover’ glyph-binding. Let me show you.” Kaius took a moment to undo one of his vambraces, the elders watching him in shocked silence.
Letting the scale armour fall to the table with a nk, he presented his hand, showing off his <em>Drakthar </em>glyph, and the attached runic hymns. His audience leaned in in interest.
“Lad, is this how you could cast without needing to channel? I thought I saw that when you took down that deer.” Jekkar said with interest as his eyes traced the runic symbols burnt into his flesh.
“It is, though this one is from my ss. It’s something Father had worked on, using his knowledge toe up with a prototype. ording to my ss guide, it was pretty jankpared to this, but being the first was enough to get me some <em>great </em>options.”
“And you got another one of these <em>Honours</em> for discovering this?” Yanmi asked.
Kaius nodded. “I only share because you mentioned that my ss identifier is <em>Spellsword</em>. I think that is more to do with - well - my focus on both sword and casting. It’s going to be a lot harder to hide than I expected. I was hoping I would just get <em>Sorcerer</em> or <em>Skirmisher, </em>but such is life.. We chased <em>Honours</em> after that, and got Porkchop his share too. After a year it was just barely enough for us to take on the Guardian.”
Illendra’s jaw <em>finally</em> snapped shut at that. “You fought a <em>Guardian</em>? Do you have a death wish?” she used, her voice growing shrill with concerned anger.
Kaius smiled sadly. “I wasn’t going to wait another year to find out what happened to Father, Illendra.”
His words took the winds out of her sails, and she paled. “Of…of course.”
Giving her a small nod, he returned to his exnation. “It is what happened from there that causes me to share a secret like <em>Honours</em>. It is my killing of the Guardian that set off the second phase.”
He was met with shocked silence, but he pushed on either way.
“I learned from the system itself that this is just the beginning. Someone will either achieve the requirements for more phases to progress, or we will inevitably be overwhelmed and perish.” Kaius finished, waiting for a reaction.
Yanmi collected herself, and focused on him intensely. “You are <em>sure</em>.”
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“I am.” he nodded solemnly.
“What of the Tyrants? The Crucibles? The <em>Aspects?</em>” Yanmi followed up with.
“I don’t know. Though, the aspects are why I have shared about <em>Honours</em>. It was suggested to me that I hold off from crossing into the third tier before Iplete them. It is my bet that I will garner more <em>Honours</em> for doing so.” Kaius exined.
He leaned forwards and fixed the elders of Three Fields with a potent stare, his expression deadly serious. “I would not see somewhere I consider home destroyed, and my people in due to the consequences of my own actions. The new phases wille with <em>opportunities</em> for Honours and power. <em>Everyone</em> here is in the first stage, and you all have aspects for it. I <em>need</em> you to seize the day, things will only get worse from here. I n onpleting my Aspects, and when I do I will send word of <em>how</em>. You must persevere.”
Hurrin let out an explosive breath, leaning back to stare at the ceiling. <em>“Fuck.”</em> He returned forwards, pping his palm on the table. “Lad. You intend to pursue these phases? Yer barely in your first tier!”
Beside him, Porkchop sat up, looming over the table. <em>“Kaius was the first Observed in millennia, and the pioneer of a new art. I am the second, and a greater meles. If not us, then who?”</em>
“I don’t bloody know, but yer gonna get yerself killed!” Hurrin yelled.
Kaius frowned. He <em>needed</em> them to understand. If they didn’t push<em></em>they would <em>all</em> perish. It might take years, but he trusted the words of a god. If they couldn’t progress the integration, they were all doomed.
“Hurrin, I must. The wheel is in motion, it can’t be stopped. You <em>need</em> to bandy for support from the other viges. Unite and share resources, something that I assume Holt is already working on. If there are more <em>Honours</em> avable, there <em>will</em> be some that I am able to share, eventually. Those will bolster you, and the more people searching for them, and the more we can share information, the better <em>all</em> of our chances will be. Please.”
Saldar spoke up. “How, Kaius? You’ve <em>lived</em> training since you were ad. Our best are hunters and guards, not consummate warriors. If <em>Honours </em>require the kind of feats you mentioned, we’ll <em>die</em> trying to pursue them.”
Kaius looked over to Porkchop, who nodded at him reassuringly. <em>“Do it. I know it feels wrong, but this perverse obsession with secrets is the only thing that makes sense for why we stagnated for so long. I can understand for strangers, for when it could be used against you, but not for them.”</em>
Kaius grit his teeth and nodded. They’d discussed it for days on their journey through the Sea. It went against every bone in his body. It felt like <em>betrayal</em>, for all he was meant to be, for all he had been raised for. No matter how much it made <em>sense</em>.
Thinking of Three Fields overrun with beasts, blood in the streets and familiar faces staring at him with ssy eyes, was enough for him to <em>know</em> he must. Above all, the secrecy sickened him. Without the perverse desire to hoard knowledge, without a culture that killed for secrets, everyone would be better off. He and his father would have never been separated.
He couldn’t change that. Not yet, and not alone. But he could make a start. Some small difference. A little shove, that might one day be nurtured into andslide.
Porkchop leaned, giving him ess to the bag that hit their <em>Merchant’s Saddlebag</em>. A little mana was enough. Pulling free a sheet of paper, he gripped it so tightly he was afraid it would tear.
Leaning back into his seat, he stared at the words on the page, before he looked up at the elders solemnly.
“I give you this out of trust, and the hope that you will use this to empower our people as best you can. While I now wish I could spread this far, for now it <em>cannot</em> leave Three Fields. Use it to bring the other viges under your banner, not as tyrants, but uniters. Use it to survive.” he said, his voice lowering into a bare whisper by the end.
cing the page on the table, he stared at the words. <em>Explorer’s Toolkit, Ironbodied, Mana Maniption, Lesser Regeneration, Natural Celerity, Identify. </em>Two of his own, two of Porkchop’s, and two ‘known’ legacy skills. None were those that would immediately identify him, and none were those that could be used against him. He just hoped it would be enough.
He pushed it forwards.
Yanmi picked it up, frowning in confusion. Kaius watched her realise what he had just passed over, her eyebrows raising, before her jaw dropped in shock and her eyes opened wide. Her colleagues leaned in, each reacting the same.
“Kaius. Lad. We can’t. This is…” Jekkar trailed off.
“Enough to found a Dynasty, I know.” He replied.
“I misjudged you boy.” Saldar said, looking up from the page to fix him with a calcting look.
“This…this might change things. You said you want us to unite the viges? Would you have us join your dynasty?”
“No,” Kaius shook his head. “We must remain separate. The name of my dynasty has the attention of an unknown party. No, I would have you nurse sessors and defenders. Spread the skills to <em>all</em> who can be trusted to not spread them to outsiders, until you are strong enough to be beyond reproach. Use it to unite the viges into a single city state, to leverage into Delvers, and to seize <em>Honours</em>. A single bastion is far more likely to survive theing tide than seven isted viges with a smattering of hunters and guards.”
“But <em>why</em>?” EIlish asked. “With what you have told us, we could do all that anyway. This is… too much, Kaius.”
“Because I want you to fucking live! I want to know, while I pursue the pinnacle, while I throw myself at death, while I search for vengeance, and while I try to push through these gods’ cursed phases, that I have done what I can to ensure I have somewhere to return to! That I have done what I can to preserve the lives of those few who I actually know and care for!” Kaius yelled, mming his fist on the table.
“So what? Yer gonna go hunting down Tyrants? Searching for cold blooded killers? What''s next? Ye gonna Delve tenyers above yer level? Yer gonna fuckin get yerself killed!” Hurrin yelled, his face twisting with anguished worry. “I can’t bloody lose you too!”
“Pa!” Illendra yelled, smacking his thick shoulder as she stared at him aghast.
The small seed of dread in his stomach exploded with growth, blooming into familiar grief.
Kaius sighed, leaning back as he stared towards the ceiling and closed his eyes. Porkchop let out aforting murmur, pressing into him. He’d been expecting it, what else would they all dance around so delicately?
“So he’s dead then.”