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MillionNovel > Spider-Man. House Of Venom > Arc Four. Side Story. Thor. Queens Gambit.

Arc Four. Side Story. Thor. Queens Gambit.

    “So Brother, we got my hammer, we found the Klyntar, and we apologised, and we even got some new friends. Do you think Father will be pleased?” Thor asked as they made their way across the Rainbow Bridge back to the capital.

    “I think Brother that he’ll be pleased, pleased we didn''t start another war,” Loki replied and Goblin huffed,

    “You worms are nothing compared to the might of ‘ooof’,” and Goblin wheezed as Thor punched him in the gut.

    “Quiet monster. Why can''t we just gag him, I mean, he’s been like this since Earth.”

    “Because, I can only conjure two sets of cuffs, Brother, and unless you want him to get free, then we need to listen to him, plus I think he’s amusing. I mean, we’re back on Asgard, where is he going to go?” and as Goblin looked around her realised he was on a glowing bridge that shimmered with multicoloured lights, and below it was a vast ocean. He was no longer on Earth,

    “Where have you taken the magnificent me, you bugs?“ he roared, and Thor just smacked him on the back of the head.

    “I said quiet monster. Prison eventually. Until Nova Corps and Carol get back.”

    Carol had taken a shuttle from the bridge room, which was why Thor and Loki were walking. Heading into space she would bring news, and the Nova Corps, back to Asgard for the trial of the Klyntar, where not just the symbiotes but the Asgardians would face trial for the actions of both people.

    “What I don''t understand though, was why I was transformed into a woman. I mean, I''ve always been quiet and respectful, and as you point out often enough I''ve never even been romantically involved.” Loki asked Thor who was prodding Goblin in the back,

    “Well,“ and he coughed, “I might have blamed you for a few, things,” he said guiltily.

    “Things, wait. Is that why I can''t get a table at the Stars and Swords. What did you do Thor?” Loki asked accusingly,

    “I may have maybe slapped a barmaid on her arse while she was bent over,” Thor admitted and Loki sighed.

    “And let me guess, I wasn''t paying attention and so you blamed me. And all the other restaurants and bars I''m barred from, those too?” and Thor coughed and nodded.

    “Apologise. You can fly, go and apologise before I get back. I can take care of this one mutated thing. Go right now and apologise, not just to them, but Father and Mother.'''' Loki shook his head, “no wonder I got my powers back when you defended MJ, you’re to blame for all this.”

    “Brother,” Thor said, smiling and opening his arms for a hug, “Forgive me?”

    “Don''t you Brother me. Go and apologise. You can fly and be back before I''m even halfway.” and Thor sighed, pulled out Mjolnir and twirled it above his head, he took to the skies and sped away.

    “Oh thank the stars for that, and you, you stupid shit. What the hell were you thinking?” and he kicked Goblin at the back of his knees and pushed him to the ground,

    “I don''t care if Monarch is dead, the attack was stupid and ill-timed. Osborn should have slowly taken over, infected one part of the population at a time. You diminutive idiot.” and as Goblin scrambled to his feet Loki kicked him in the stomach, knocking him over again. Pulling down on his waistcoat. “You are lucky, Carol would have incinerated you. Lucky to have met the God of mischief and lucky I have not just a ship, but away off of Asgard undetected.”

    As Loki ran her hands down his form the illusion shattered and she stood there once more in her resplendent glory. As Goblin got on all fours, hampered by the chains binding him Loki put a foot on his backside and pushed him off the Rainbow Bridge, peering over she smiled as she heard the splash and then jumped down after him. Landing with a thud on his prone body.

    “At least you have some use.” Whistling and conjuring a platform, Loki waited as Goblin scrambled, soaked and coughing up the water pushed into his lungs by Loki landing on him. As she waited and he struggled, a shimmer approached and with another wave, a small Asgardian shuttle appeared.

    “You are coming with me. I have need of you.” and with a wave, Goblin felt the chains tighten around his limbs and he was dragged into the shuttle behind Loki.

    Goblin growled and struggled against his chains, “release me bug. I am the mighty Red Goblin and I will not be-” and Loki drove a fist into his stomach. Pulling him close even Goblin was weaker than her.

    “Listen here you diminutive insect. Meddling with your body, bonding to a Klyntar and wielding a weapon of cosmic power does not make you anything more than a child playing with borrowed power. I am Loki of Asgard, Goddess of Mischief, rightful ruler of not just this realm but Jotenheim and I lay claim to your pathetic world as well. I am burdened with a new and glorious purpose, to raise not only myself but the new Klyntar empire to power. I will not hesitate to use anything and anyone in my pursuit of that. So, lesson one. Do, Not, Aggravate, Me.” to enunciate each word, Loki drove her fist into Goblins stomach and as he glared at her she smiled,

    “Still belligerent. Then the lesson shall continue.” Waving her hand the chains surrounding Goblin flew apart and he found himself spread eagle. As Loki punched in coordinates, she activated the autopilot, letting the shuttle speed towards a hidden exit she knew existed within the cave network of Asgards underbelly.

    As she smiled at Goblin she ran a hand down his face, “Even in this form you are repulsive. No wonder they rejected you, no wonder even your son sent you to die. Your Klyntar should have known about us, about Asgard,” and Loki drew a dagger from her belt. “Even I can feel the knowledge my own brings me, and it behaves as it knows its place.”

    As she slid the blade into Goblins armour, cutting away the thick straps that held it, it clanged on the floor. Kicking it away she carefully cut away each piece until Goblins massively mutated and muscular torso was revealed. She smiled and ran a hand down between his pecs.

    “And now,“ and she plunged the dagger into his stomach, ”you will learn yours.”


    Thor sped along the Rainbow Bridge, enjoying being able to fly once more. It had only been a few days since he lost his hammer but he realised just how much it was a part of his identity. As he approached the guard station and he frowned as the guards crossed their halberds.

    “It is I, Prince Thor, come with news for my Father.” the guards uncrossed their halberd

    “Prince Thor, The Queen awaits you in the throne room.” and Thor tilted his head quizzically,

    “Mother?” but the guard, probably under orders, shook his head and Thor took off, flying high into the tower fortress of Odin''s Palace.

    As he landed on the balcony he could see the Warriors Three and Lady Sif, standing in discussion with his mother. Clearing his throat to avoid a confrontation the group turned and while Freya burst into joyous laughter, the others weren''t so happy to see him.

    “My son, welcome home. I see your trip was fruitful,” and Thor hugged his mother, nodding and smiling.

    “Aye, good to see you lad, but we’re discussing something important,” Hogun interrupted and Fandral batted him on the chest

    “A boy needs his mother, we can wait a moment.” and Hogun huffed.

    “Ah, yes, Mother, I need to apologize, to you to Lady Sif.“ and Thor grinned and scratched the back of his head, “you see, it uh, wasn''t Loki, the peeping and the underwear, that was uh me.” and While Freya lifted a hand to her mouth and hid her laugh Lady Sif looked furious. “And the bar staff, and that serving girl, and uh, the women’s bathing pool, and, yes I think that’s it.”

    “I want them back, washed, and. You know, no I don''t. I could believe Loki but you,” and she waved a finger in his face.

    “It was an accident I swear. I ran into a serving girl carrying the laundry and they got snagged on my armour, I was unsure as to how to broach such a delicate and frilly subject so I uh, dumped them on Loki while he wasn’t looking.” and Fandral and Volstaag burst out laughing, one holding his stomach as he roared with joy.

    “Well, at least Loki is innocent “ and as Queen Freya lifted a hand and golden light swirled around it she frowned, “Loki did not return with you?” and it as Thor''s turn to frown,

    “I left him on the Rainbow Bridge, guarding our prisoner, so he should be halfway across by now” as the golden glow left Freya’s hand a moment later it returned to her and she frowned and looked at Thor.

    “He? No, my magic can only be released by me. Your geas was set by Odin, but not Lokis. Only a sorcerer can enchant another like that. She should still be under my spell.” Queen Freya explained. “And with its failure, Loki is not on Asgard.”

    Thor scrunched up his face, “but the Klyntar was defeated, Loki made sure he was chained, there was no way he could have defeated him, I mean her.” but Queen Freya interrupted him,

    “She is not on Asgard, but she is still alive, my enhancement would have broken if she was harmed. You did contain the Klyntar separate from the host yes?” and Thor scratched the back of his head

    “Was I supposed to?” and Freya scowled and shook her head,

    “Sound the alarm. If a Klyntar is free we must protect the population. Have the guards at the rainbow bridge seal the main gates and use bows only. It must not be allowed to enter.

    Lady Sif shook her head as she walked past Thor, “You may have condemned your brother,” and she stormed off to fortify Asgard.

    Fandral clapped Thor on the shoulder, “worry not lad, she’s just mad about, uh” and as he caught Queen Freya’s eye she shook her head, “something else.” and he patted Thor on the shoulder once more, “good you got your hammer back, so tell me, how was Midgard.”

    Thor shook his head, worried, “What has happened Fandral? Lady Sif would be mad at me, but we have fallen out before. What has happened” and as he looked over at Queen Freya, Thor tilted his head, frowning, “Mother, where is Father?”

    Sitting down on her throne she motioned for Thor to move closer. “Your father.” and she sighed. “The war within the nine realms had a higher cost than we anticipated. As well as several attacks by the Kree empire upon the Xandarians and the remains of the Skrull Empire, several smaller but more dangerous opponents were set free. During one such engagement, Surter freed himself of his bonds, your father was hurt in the engagement and now he sleeps. Asgard is undefended.”

    Thor slumped down on the steps leading to the throne. “And I just released a monster onto our shores.” shaking his head. “I am truly sorry Mother. Fandral, keep this quiet but I will deal with Loki and the Klyntar myself. If she can be reasoned with, all may be saved, the other.'''' and as he stood he straightened up. ”If I must kill the last Klyntar then I will take full responsibility. I will not allow Asgard to fall into its hand, tendrils, whatever they have.”

    Fandrel clapped him on the back, “We three shall ensure Asgard is safe Thor, you can count on us”

    “Always my friend, always.” and with a serious look on his face, Thor exited the throne room.

    Fandral looked over at the Queen, “Will you not tell him?” and she shook her head

    “If Odin’s condition worsens then we shall inform him and no-one else, and that is an order from your Queen,” and the Warriors Three bowed. “Now, While Lady Sif ensures that Asgard is safe, and Thor is hunting the escaped Klyntar, you shall resume your duties. The Nine Realms need to see an Asgardian presence, lest they believe we are weakened by our recent efforts. You have your orders.” and the three left the Queen, sat on her golden throne with a pensive look on her face.


    As Carol waited in the cafeteria she noticed how much the Nova Corps headquarters had changed. Once it was a bustling hive of activity where new recruits and old veterans swapped stories and planned their latest missions together, but as she surveyed the barely filled room, she could feel the gloomy atmosphere. An artisan was busy in one corner, cleaning what looked like scorch marks from the walls, and Carol shook her head.

    While she was away, Ronan the Accuser, the single most violently extremist Kree had attacked the capital planet of Xandar, and it was only the help of some miscreants, now boastingly calling themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy that they had been saved. He had used the absence of Carol to plan and execute a worldwide bombardment and had succeeded, killing not just a quarter of the population but almost half the Nova Corp as well.

    He had used an Infinity Stone powered weapon to attack the capital, and Carol had clenched her fist in anger. She had let Thor take the Space Stone, knew Peter had the Mind Stone, and now the Power stone had made an appearance.

    There were old tales, that once they started to make themselves known, a collection of gems with unimaginable power and seemingly with a will of their own, that the universe would undergo a massive change, and it would be up to the people as to how this change would play out.

    “Hey Girl, wish I could bring better news but uh,” and the tightly uniformed pink-skinned Kylorian girl Bereet walked over. She had been on holiday when the attack happened, off-world being treated for an ‘illness’ and once Carol mentioned these Guardians her face had darkened a deeper red colour. “Nova Prime wants to see you. The Corps needs everyone on deck but uh, it''s not good.”

    As Carol spooned at her soup she saw the group swagger into the mess hall. As they and the Ravagers had saved the capital they were being treated like royalty, and free meals, while their ship was re-fitted, was one of the many perks they were enjoying.

    “So I says to him, ‘I need that arm’ and the doofus grabs it, I mean I know you’re an idiot Quill but come on, who steals a guy’s prosthetic arm,” and the group laughed as the tall blonde hair man just frowned and shook his head,

    “So I save the galaxy and this is the thanks I get.” and as he looked around the room his eyes met Carols and he smiled, and started to make his way over,

    “Shit,” Bereet whispered ducking down, “that''s him, that''s the guy I got my uh illness from,” and she turned her head and he sat down. Carol looked over at the small group of people. One was green, bulging muscles covered in deep red ritual tattoos, another was a small strange raccoon, which she thought was adorable but if someone had stolen one from Earth and experimented on it she didn''t really want to know why or what they had done. The woman who scowled as Peter walked over was Gamora, and she had seen her file, beautiful with raven dark hair she made a note that if they ever got back to Earth, to keep Peter away from her. His thing for beautiful and deadly women was right on target with her, and finally the giant tree-man Groot. As the supposed last of his kind, he was well known.

    “Hey, Peter, Peter Quill. We, I mean, I. I just saved Xandar, but uh, I don''t think I’ve seen you around. Are you new, if you are I could uh, show you the ropes, maybe give you a tour? I have my own ship,” and as he cast a glance over at Bereet he just nodded at her, and focused his attention back on Carol.

    “Yeah, I don''t think so,“ and Carol just took another spoonful of her soup, “I''ve got someone, and honestly, I prefer my men a bit,” and as her eyes moved up and down the scruffy Ravager, “cleaner,” and Bereet snorted and coughed, keeping her head turned away from him.

    He was handsome enough, with a slightly scruffy beard and short dirty blonde hair. Chiselled jaw and piercing beautiful blue eyes. She knew why Bereet had fallen for him, and if she was honest with herself, if Peter, her Peter had not spent a day pounding her into the mattress of his home, even she might have found the man attractive, but

    Hmph, smelly and disgusting, diseased and pathetic, kill him and feed his carcass to the worms for daring to approach what is the peters. Ravage spoke in her mind, and Carol agreed.

    If Bereet''s illness was some kind of space STD, she really didn''t want him touching her, even sitting at the table was bad enough.

    He just smiled though, and it was a genuinely nice smile, warm and full of hidden mischief and as he leaned forwards, Carol let the spoon fall into her bowl, he reached out to touch her hand. “Hey, don''t be like that. I mean, you can make sure I''m clean, and we can just get dirty doing so-” but as his fingers moved to graze over the back of her hand a symbskin tendril stretched out and slapped his hand.

    “Ravage says no. So, you might not want to piss her off,” and as Peter held his hand, he stood and stepped back,

    “What the hell lady? We just saved your asses, and this is the thanks we get,” he yelled, loud enough the rest of the cafeteria stopped eating,

    Great, fucking drama queen. “Yeah, and I get that, but I just got back from assignment, on my own home planet, where someone tried this as well. So good job, well done, medals all-round,” and as she stood she let the photon force out and a halo of light began to glow around her, “but don’t think that gets you freebies at the pussy bar you fucking creep.”


    Knowhere, the stinking cesspit of criminals and depravity. The floating head of a dead celestial whose giant skull housed some of the most energy-rich, nutritionally pure protein and meat in the universe.

    Think neural cables, capable of holding a charge big enough to destroy a planet, cerebral tissue, the core component on giant computers, capable of driving and controlling starships. Each and every tissue that could be scavenged from Knowhere was valuable and those in control of its harvesting knew that.

    The narrow streets, once housing thick blood now held huge crowds, crammed into the ever-expanding space, filled with merchants shouting their business next to massive bubbling pits of neurochemicals, distilled and refined into the finest products that money could buy.

    But, such power came at a price. Gangs and warlords fought for the most valuable tissues. Small slivers of Uru, dug from ancient wounds could cause violent wars to erupt between rival factions. A dangerous place for a dangerous job.

    As workers came, so did the crime, so did shops and commerce but so did the seedier merchants. Whorehouses, drug dens, anything you wanted, anything you thought you needed but didn''t know it, was available, for the right pierce and as Loki and her new pet walked through the hustling crowd she took a deep breath,

    “Smell that Goyle, that is the sweet smell of desperation.” and she pulled on the chain she had forged around his neck. As he whimpered and scurried behind her on all fours no one paid the slightest bit of attention. No one cared that the once-proud Norman Osborn was now reduced to a pet to be dragged behind his mistress. No one would even care that his symbiote had screamed in terror and agony along with him and that now, if she commanded it, it would devour its host and sacrifice itself, all for one moment of praise from its master. The child/parent bond broken and replaced by something much more depraved.

    As Loki strode and dragged Goyle through the crowded street she came to the back alley she had been searching for. The stale odour of the main walkways, of the sweaty unwashed miner and grilling meat, had faded to be replaced by the stench of rotting garbage and rotting bodies.

    Those who could work, did, and those who were either too old or too injured crawled into the dark to die, forgotten. Once you had outlived your usefulness nobody cared if you lived or died, and the abandoned parts of Knowhere, where all precious materials had already been stripped became a ghetto for the forgotten or the hidden.

    It was down one of these alleys that Loki knew her target was hiding. Using the filth to coat a pristine exterior. “Come Goyle, let''s go meet your new master,” and as he whined, she pulled harder on the choker and reluctantly he followed.

    She could feel the eyes on her but didn''t care. She wanted this to be a show of power, to mark her as an equal. Loki wasn’t stupid, and where she was walking to was most certainly a trap for the unwary, but she. She was a Princess of Asgard and had no fear of the things in the dark.

    As she came across a guarded tent the pair of muscular Kylorians at the front crossed their blades, “what you want?” she heard from inside. While the two rather handsome and muscular men drew her gaze, it was the thickly accented voice she was more interested in.

    “Zorr’Kiri” was all she said, and hearing a grunt from inside she knew her passphrase was correct.

    The pair uncrossed their halberds and pulled back the thick curtain, and she pulled Goyle into the tent with her.

    Unlike its dirty and filth coated exterior, the inside was a den in decadence. A pair of slaves sat to one side, puffing on a hookah while two oiled and muscular men wrestled in the other corner. In the centre, sat on a throne made of bones sat a giant man, covered in scars and as they approached, he glared at the pair.

    “That name gets you inside, you need more if you wish to leave,” said the giant, picking up a slab of dripping meat with his fingers and sucking it into his mouth.

    “And we both know that''s not how this goes. You see, first, I offer you power, then you try and kill me to take it, then I reveal who I am in a burst of glorious splendour, and then we agree to work together, neither one trusting the other.” and the man laughed.

    “That''s your plan, to tell everyone here and hope to find an ally?” and the room quietened down and everyone stared.

    “No, you see, while the theatre is grand it''s ultimately boring, everyone knows the ending, what I really want is a Queen. What I want is someone who’ll help me rewrite that boring old cliche story and help me tear the universe apart, and make it ours.”

    The man grabbed another slice of meat and waved it at Loki “and where is this queen?” as he slurped it, chewing on it, and licking his fingers.

    “You can''t fool someone adept at transformation magic. I know who you are” and waving an arm around the room “Who you all are, and I come to give you glorious purpose. I am Loki of Asgard, rightful ruler of the Nine Realms, host to the magnificent Puck, Mistress of this thing,” and she waved a hand dismissively, “Goyle,” and Loki pulled the chain, sending Goyle sprawling on the floor at the man''s feet. “And you, you are not a man, are you? Veranke. Empress of the Skrulls.”


    Thor’s search of the rainbow bridge had gone as well as he expected. Without knowledge of where there was nothing but rocks and cliff faces. Even Heimdall had lost sight of them as the pair fell into the water, the creature falling and dragging Loki with it.

    As he stood on the bow of the Asgardian scout ship, he knew there were secret passages in and out of Asgard, but with no intimate knowledge of them, even if he found one there was no guarantee it was the right one.

    All he could do was head into the ship and return to the city. There he could plan for Loki and the Klynter to either reveal themselves or try to return to the city. If Peter could provide him with aid, he might be able to have some way to detect those infected with the creatures. He was hesitant to involve the Nova Corp. News of the Kree attack had reached Asgard, as had requests for aid. As the ship filled with food and medical supplies departed he knew Carol would be busy, and had no wish to interrupt such busy work.

    He shook his head and frowned wishing his father was awake to aid him. There was a strange atmosphere in the castle, and he knew that it was more than just his admittance of wrongdoing. Sif looked at him strangely, his mother had been avoiding him and upon trying to visit the sleep chamber where his father rested he had been turned away. Only his mother was granted access, or if Odin awoke. He sighed and with a stern resolve pondered the best way to get to the bottom of this mystery.

    His plan, according to him, was perfect and as he, Sif, Fandrel, Volstagg, and Hogun sat in the tavern they drank, ate and laughed. Thor carefully watched his cup but making sure the others were well watered and fed. As the night progressed a very drunk Sif was first to stagger to her feet,

    “You left me,” she swayed as Thor helped get her to the door, “you went on an adventure and left me,” and as she leant over and vomited into a flower barrel, she stood and wiped her mouth, “You are still an arse,” she slurred before staggering off.

    With one mystery solved, that his childhood friend felt abandoned as Thor and Loki fought on Earth he turned to the others.

    It was Hogun, who left next. His drinking had been sedate, and he was barely staggering as he stood. “We have a duty, you should not continue,” he chastised the others but Fandrel was already making moves on a barmaid and Volstaag was busy stuffing a boar''s leg into his mouth,

    As he nodded at Thor, he left and soon after it was Fandrel, who gave Thor a knowing wink and took the barmaid into the back. Thor could hear her giggling but turned his attention to Volstaag.

    Smiling, “Brother, have more of this,” and he lifted the bottle peering at its label “whiskey. I got it on Earth, its,” and as he peered once more, “alcohol,” and poured most of the bottle into Volstags tankard. He waited until the man drained most of it before slapping him on the back, “Good?” and as Volstaag belched and swayed slightly he nodded. Thor poured the rest into his cup, he slid around the table and moved closer,

    “There had been no sign of Loki, even our agents in the realms have failed to find any sight of her. Have you any word?” and Volsaag shook his head, tearing off another chunk of meat and taking another drink from his cup.

    “Nay, our agents found the shuttle they stole but its course had been wiped, there was blood, some kind of filth but nothing else. Just drifting,” and as Thor produced another bottle, Volstaag nodded and drained his cup, letting Thor fill it once more. “But uh, we’ll find her Thor, have no worries.”

    Thor took a sip from his own mug, “it''s not just Loki, but the Klyntar as well, the creature it was bonded to. He was wanted on Earth, for doing unspeakable things.” and Volstaag sighed, draining his cup and Thor poured another for him,

    “We have no leads either, no weapons or mercenaries have been spotted moving, no fleets, no,” and he shook his head, “no nothing. After Ronan everyone’s been quietly looking the other way. The Nova Corp are out for blood, and the first to move will probably get a bloody nose.” and draining his cup, he motioned it at Thor who smiled and filled it once more. Volstaag swayed slightly as the alcohol began to catch up with him.

    While from Earth, Thor had altered the bottles and they were his new, and very good friend, Gwen’s moonshine as she called it. He had laughed when she lit one of the glasses on fire and warned him that it was incredibly strong, and seeing Volstagg succumb, he knew it must be true.

    “And what of Asgard, is Asgard safe?” he whispered as he moved closer,

    “Of course, of course,” Volstaag laughed and moving in, “only the Queen,” and as he blinked, Thor grabbed his arm and pulled him closer,

    “Only the Queen what?” he asked and Volstagg blinked,

    “I, I uh think I have had too much to drink, forgive my old friend, I''m rambling.” but as he moved to stand Thor kept his grip on his arm and made sure he couldn''t rise.

    “Only the Queen what?” he asked again, a serious look on his face.

    “I can’t. I already broke my word by saying that, '''' and as he looked at his cup as he realised what had happened. “Oh damn you, Thor, damn you.” and he shrugged and pulled his arm free. “See the Queen,” and he stormed off.


    He snorted, “yeah yeah, I get it, not good enough for you, save a planet and still just a Ravager.” and she stalked back to his table where Carol could hear the others in his group teasing him over her rejection,

    “Thanks,” Bereet said leaning over the table, covering her face with a hand “but he wasn''t that bad of a guy you know, I know it''s tough out here but he is you know half-human”

    Carol yelled, “What?” and stormed over to his table,

    “Human, you’re human?” and Peter looked around at her and leaned back, smiling and smirking,

    “Yeah, you finally figured out who I am right, It’s Peter, but you can call me Star-Lord.” and Gamora snorted and went back to eating her soup, she had enough of him for the day and was glad she could finally get a decent meal, even if everyone kept interrupting it.

    “Yeah, I don''t give a shit. You’re from Earth, how did you get out here? I thought I was the only one.” and it was Peter''s turn to look surprised,

    “Uh, what?” and as he sat forwards, “I mean, has Earth been brought into the empire? Cause last time I checked nobody had heard of it, let alone been there.”

    Carol pulled over a chair and shook her head, “I was taken by the Kree, so no, but uh we just have been. Last I heard the Asgardians finally made contact and so did the Corps. The Klyntar ended up there.” and Peter shrugged but Gamora put down her fork,

    “Are you serious? Is the planet under quarantine or did you kill them?” she asked,

    Peter turned and stared at her, “Uh what?” but Carol waved a hand at him,

    “No, we captured the last one, and a new ambassador was found. I''m here to negotiate for them.” and Drax snorted,

    “There is no peace with the Klyntar, they are evil slime creatures, only born to fight and eat brains. Quill, you will be safe, you should protect us by offering yourself if one appears. While it tries to figure out where your brain is, we can escape.” and Rocket laughed.

    “Quill, hear that. At least Drax thinks you''re attractive enough to snag a Klyntar. Man, I hear those things are great, super strength and healing. Oh yeah, if we met one, I’d be letting it eat Quill and grabbing it.”

    “I am Groot.”

    Rocket snorted, “Do plants even have a central nervous system for the Klyntar to bond with? Whoever heard of a plant-tar.”

    “I am Groot.”

    “No, it''s not specist to call them plant-tars, nobody cares what they think,”

    “I am Groot.”

    “No, I’m not just making that up. Gamora, tell this walking shrubbery that it''s not specist to call things assimilated by the Klyntar with the tar ending.”

    Gamora raised an eyebrow at Rocket. “I don’t care.” and went back to eating her meal,

    “See, now you upset Gamora,” and he lightly batted Groot on the knee,

    “I am Groot.”

    Rocket rolled his eyes, “Whatever pal, there ain''t no more so it''s all moot anyway.”

    “I am Groot.”

    “Yeah yeah, we know, you’re the last one too, we get it, now stop jabbering and let the lady talk. For all we know, Quill and her might be the only two humans left, maybe they’re gonna start repopulatin right here on the table.”

    Gamora had her spoon halfway to her lips when, at Rockets'' thought, stopped, stared at the pair, and then with a look of disgust, dropped it back in the bowl and stood and walked away.

    “See, even Gamora thinks it''s disgusting.”

    “I am Groot.”

    “How do I know what the mating rituals of a human is, for all we know they could be mating right now.”

    “I am Groot.”

    “No. That''s disgusting, you’re disgusting,” and Rocket stood and looked over at his friend, shaking his head, “Who''da thought huh, it''s always the quiet ones.” and as he walked away Groot’s branches sagged.

    Looking forlorn “I am Groot,” the massive tree man stood and walked away, following his diminutive friend.

    Carol just shook her head at the pair, but turned her attention back to Quill, “So, kidnapped, by ravagers?” and he nodded and turning smiled,

    “So, is Earth okay?” and he half shrugged, “I mean, the Klyntar didn’t you know, eat everyone?” and Carol laughed.

    “No, the Asgardians saved it, and took the one responsible for the trial.” and as Peter smiled and nodded, Bereet came over, looking worried and flustered,

    Nudging Carol she knelt down and pointed. As Carol looked past her she saw some of the Nova Corps Military Police, heavier armour and stun rods, designed for capture but more importantly to kill, heading into the mess hall. As their leader pointed they spread out and surrounded the exit.

    “Carol Danvers. Nova number 556893, please step forwards.” and as he batted the stun rod in his hand, “please step forwards, I do not wish to make this into an incident.”

    Carol leaned forwards and looked at the flustered Bereet, “What the hell’s going on?” and Bereet showed her her tablet. News from Asgard had been broadcast over the galactic net. Thor had been charged with the recapture of the Klyntar prisoner, who had assaulted and taken his brother hostage.

    As Carol read she shrugged, “wasn’t me.” She had come straight to the Nova Corps headquarters, and they knew about Ravage.

    As the MP’s began to sweep into the cafeteria Quill stood and raised his hands, “I don''t want any trouble,” and he unsuccessfully pointed down at the barely hidden Carol, “no trouble at all.”

    As the MP’s converged on her, she patted Bereet on the knee, “thanks, but don''t try anything,” and the Kylorian nodded and stood, pulling down her uniform and stepping to one side.

    “Carol Danvers. Nova Agent 556893. You are under arrest for harbouring a Klyntar fugitive. Please do not resist. We have been authorized to use lethal force if the Klyntar will not come quietly.”


    The man gave a throaty laugh and as he transformed himself into a beautiful green-skinned woman, with reptilian eyes and thin lines across her chin, her outfit filled and the thick greasy hair disappeared and the bald long-eared and stern-looking women sat on the throne.

    “And what does the Prince of Asgard want of us?” and Loki shook her head,

    “Now now, let''s be nice and start properly. Its Princess, this is not an illusion it is now my preferred and most perfect form. Such is your own.” and Veranke raised an eyebrow,

    “Then Princess, what do you wish of the Skrulls that you so brazenly come here, stinking of filth and dragging this creature with you.” and as she sat back down a slave girl knelt and offered her a goblet, filled with sweet red wine.

    Loki smiled, “what every ruler wants. A queen, and of course, I come bearing gifts.” as she stretched out a hand a dagger materialised and she plunged it into the whimpering Goyle, “a goblet, please.” and as a slave looked over, Veranke nodded and they moved forwards. Holding the goblet Loki let Goyles blood drip in and then offered it back to the slave.

    As Veranke lifted it, she sniffed and recoiled, “what on the stars is that?” and she motioned to throw the goblet at Loki,

    Loki simply smiled, “Have someone taste it.” and raising an eyebrow she motioned to the same slave, who reluctantly moved forwards and with a serpentine tongue cleaned the blood from inside the cup.

    Pulling a face he turned his head as the bitter liquid coursed through him but he shuddered, and as the Empress watched he shifted back to his natural Skrull form, but his muscles swelled and thickened. His jaw and bones cracked as he expanded and as he hissed he looked and nodded at her,

    “We are host to a Klyntar, as is this thing, but his form is a human. A pathetic species, unworthy of anything other than subjugation. But, they have created a formula, one that adjusts and creates what they call, super soldiers. I give him to you, my Queen.” and with a bow, Loki threw the chain at Veranke''s feet, “as a gift.” and Veranke nodded. A slave grabbed the chain and dragged the whimpering Goyle away.

    “He is slow and dull but if you prepare him properly he should be able to help you perfect an army of Super Skrulls. The knowledge within the Klyntar, of science and genetics, will help you rise back to your rightful place.” and Veranke nodded.

    “And what do you wish in return?” she asked, and as she motioned, a slave brought out a chair for Loki and sat it down as another brought a small table and poured a goblet of wine for her.

    “I was not joking when I said Queen, Governing the Nine Realms will be tiresome, a chore and I wish to have help. An army, and a ship for my knowledge and legitimacy. I have heard the rumours that Odin sleeps, and if he fails to wake, then the crown of Asgard is as much mine as Thors. I need allies to take it, and you need a place to call your own, and maybe some revenge on those who took your home from you?”

    Veranke laughed, and took a drink, “and you expect me to believe that I won''t be discarded the moment you’re finished. That the Queen of Asgard will roll over and bow to a Skrull?”

    Loki shook her head, “Then, brutal honesty. The Sovereign will kill us both the moment we step into the spotlight. The Nova Corp can barely keep their own house in order, and the Kree are looking for any excuse to restart the war. Right now, only Asgard stands between galactic war and peace. Under the right circumstances, with the right plan and the right players this galaxy can be ours.” and she lifted and drained the cup in one mouthful, “And, you are desperate enough to accept, and you know I am as well. I know you have a ship, a large ship but still, just one. One is enough though, I only need it to take back Asgard and then everything else falls in line.” Waving the goblet, Loki stood as the slave moved forwards and filled it,

    Moving forwards, she handed the goblet to Veranke,

    “We need each other, and I came here knowing that I could trust you. Did your last invasion of Earth not teach you anything, that you need allies, even a single human was enough to persuade you to leave Earth. Surely a single Asgardian is enough to persuade you to return. This time, this time triumphant, not as refugee’s but as rightful rulers.”

    Veranke lifted the goblet, and smiling, she took a drink as Loki watched,

    “Your words are still like honey, dripping with poison, and what guarantee do I have that you won''t stab me in the back?” as she leant back in her throne Loki smiled, “Rumours of the Asgardian God of Mischief have reached even my ears. Your duplicity is well known Loki.”

    “I can be very persuasive. I have, as the humans would say, a silver tongue. What the rumours don''t say, is that I am very, very skilled at using it.”

    Loki stood and moved over, and Veranke waved a hand as guards stepped forwards with rifles raised. Lifting Verankes hand she kissed the back and pulled her into her embrace, kissed her, and let the symbiote cover them both.

    “We are bonded, equals, and partners,” could be heard from the pair and as Loki''s symbiote pulled back, revealing her, resplendent in battle armour Vernake was covered in thick purple plated armour, and the pair shared a passionate kiss, their hands grasping and groping.

    “I wish a Queen, an equal, a lover, and I choose you,” Loki said with true sincerity as she held Veranke’s cheeks in her palms and stared into her eyes.

    Veranke laughed, “We are Kiri, and we accept.”


    Thor stood outside the throne room, even he wasn''t as brazen as to barge in, not this time. As Queen Freya stepped out from behind the throne and saw Thor waiting, she nodded and the guards allowed him past.

    “We have already received word. You are taking bad habits from your Sister Thor.” and as she sat on the throne, “but, I suppose, we are taking them from your father,” and as she patted the seat of the throne next to her he approached.

    “Do you know the Book of Ages?” and Thor nodded.

    It was the Asgardian tome of history, the very first Asgardians wrote down their exploits and it contained all the knowledge they had accumulated over the centuries.

    It was required reading for both himself and Loki but Thor had to admit he mostly skimmed it and fell asleep. It was dry and boring, King Ulfstad the third did this, and then got eaten by a dragon. While it was interesting, by the time it had happened to his fifth ancestor, Thor figured they were either idiots or that dragons really liked to eat Asgardians and they should probably wipe them out, which of course one of his ancestors had done.

    “In the book, there are references to stones of power. The Infinity Stones.” and Thor nodded, that was required reading, and he had endured many smacks to the back of his hand by his tutors as he tried to study their significance and their appearances during the rise of Asgard.

    “You brought back the Space Stone, and have reported that the Mind Stone is on Earth, yes?” and Thor nodded. “The Kree, Ronan, had the Power Stone, and successfully used it to destroy most of the Zandarian homeworld. Of course, this is being kept secret. If news of the stones were to be revealed, there would be war in the realms once more.”

    Thor leaned forward, rubbing his hand on his chin, “And the appearance of three of the six, means that the others are soon to follow?” and Queen Freya nodded.

    “The conjunction is soon, and another stone may appear during that time. The conjunction is a portentous time, and as the energies of the universe align we may see more calamities occurring.”

    “But why the secrecy, I am aware of the stones, all Asgardian Royalty is, so why lie? Why hide the truth?” Thor asked and Freya took one of his hands in hers, gently stroking it.

    “Because that is not the truth Thor. Your father was worried that you would get yourself killed if you knew, but stumbling around in the dark will do more damage than good.”

    Thor looked over at his mother, noting the concern on her face but it wasn''t good enough. If his father was worried then it meant that something bad was coming, and if he was going to deal with it in his father’s place he needed to know.

    “Tell me,” and as his mother’s eye met his, she nodded.

    “Leave us,” and the guards stepped from the room and closed the doors behind them.

    As she stood he clasped her hands together. “What we don''t teach, or at least not until a ruler passes, is their power. You are known as the God of Thunder, but your true power has yet to reveal itself. And your Father is the same. Only a few know Odin''s true god name, and what I am about to tell you can never, and I mean, never be repeated until he passes.” and Thor frowned, and pursed his lips,

    “He’s the All-Father, God of knowledge and wisdom,” but Freya shook her head,

    “No, he is not.” As she moved over she knelt in front of Thor, sitting on the steps to the throne. “Your father is the God of Wisdom, one who gave up his eye for all the knowledge in the universe, but it hides a deeper truth. Your father’s power is foresight, and he has lived through each battle as he has already seen the outcome.” and Thor shrugged,

    “I don''t follow, so what if Father can see the future, we have prophecies and other trinkets, one of the stones is the Time stone, supposedly allowing its bearer to move through the timestream like a fish, moving not just forwards but backwards well.”

    Freya smiled and patted her son on the knee, “I am glad you actually paid attention,” and he rubbed the back of his head embarrassed by her praise. “But we believe each God of Asgard is connected to one of the stones. You are a manifestation of the Power stone. I,  the Reality Stone, as is your brother, and your Father, the Time Stone. He sees multiple outcomes to each action, and as he chooses to follow a path the results are revealed to him. His eye was the lesser choice. I believe that day, he would have lost you and failed to rescue Loki if he had chosen differently.”

    Thor frowned, “So why?” and Freya stood.

    “Because your Father has witnessed the destruction of Asgard, and his death.”


    As she stood in the energy repression cuffs Carol was taken from the cafeteria to a holding cell, where the head Nova greeted her.

    The older woman, neatly dressed in full military uniform, shook her head, “I am sorry Carol, but with the Asgardians losing their prisoner, you are the only Klyntar alive. Even with diplomatic immunity, it still needs to answer for the crimes they committed, and as its host so do you.” She pursed her lips as Carol sat on the edge of the sparse cell, shaking her head.

    “This is bullshit. You know that you can''t just arrest me on made-up charges. The Klyntar I''m hosting was spawned on Earth, it doesn''t have knowledge of the homeworld, it''s not a direct descendant.” and Nova Prime laughed,

    “You expect us to believe that? It''s common knowledge that all klyntar share a common genetic heritage. It has an ancestor from the homeworld, therefore it is responsible.”

    Standing and moving over, taking two bars in her hands, “that’s bullshit. You know that’s just a rumour, and I can tell you it’s not true. Humans spawned different types, and this one, Ravage, has no knowledge of homeworld or her past. Whatever the humans did was no different than lobotomising a person, and still, you expect this to pass?” and as she saw the look on Primes face, she snorted,

    “You don''t care, and of course you know. Scapegoat. To save face the Asgardians are going to throw me to the wolves, and you’ll let them. So what, is Earth up for grabs? You’ll just hide and ignore the problem, just like you did with the Kree?”

    That got her attention as the Prime grabbed the bars. “Listen, the Kree attack was your fault. Oh, we found the records from Ronan''s ship, of the failed invasion of Earth and the bright spark that destroyed his armada.” As she stepped back, “make no mistake Carol this is your trial just as much as it is the Klynatrs. Ronan retaliated against a single Crop member, and the planet suffered because of you!” She spat.

    “Carol Danvers, before you face a public trial, you are hereby stripped of your Nova rank and all privileges granted, effective immediately. The energy restraining cuffs will be turned to maximum and you and your powers are to be sealed until such time that the level of your guilt is established. Failure to follow our directives will result in dissolution.” and as she pulled down the lapels of her jacket, “You destroyed Zandar, and you will pay for that.” she turned on her heels and stormed from the cell.

    Carol had been provided with a copy of the charges. The Corps might be making her a scapegoat but it was all being done legally to ensure she didn''t wriggle out of them.

    After she had been indoctrinated by the Kree, she had been sent to Earth to hunt for the last surviving Skrulls. Finding them, and a huge conspiracy, she eventually broke out of their control, defeated Yon-Rogg and destroyed the Kree invasion force, which she now knew was led by Ronan. After she had helped the Skrulls to a safe place, and headed to Zandar Prime she joined the Nova Corps and began to help everyone else with their Kree problem, driving their expansionist efforts back to their home system.

    What she hadn''t guessed was Ronan was keeping tabs on her, and as soon as she was sent to Earth, with no jump gates or space flight, he launched an attack on Zandar prime, using a damn Infinity Stone. It was only Quill and the Guardians of the Galaxy that stopped him but at great cost.

    Once she was home, they were heroes, and the blame was all being pushed onto her. Didn''t matter that she was an asset at a time where the Corps needed her, public opinion was more important.

    She yelled to herself in frustration. If she knew it was going to be this much of a political shitshow she would have just stayed on Earth, sent in a remote report and used the Klyntar as an excuse to never set a boot in space again.

    What will they do to us? Ravage asked, and Carol could feel her fear.

    Containment, they’ll remove you and allow you to bond with a non-sapient, somewhere with no higher life forms. Keep you three until they decide it''s been long enough and maybe send non-dangerous criminals down for you or your offspring to bond to. That''s what they did the last time.

    With the news Ravage was silent, but Carol could feel her apprehension at being separated from her. She didn''t blame her, to be hosted on a creature, seemed like hell, to be unable to communicate or do anything except whatever its life cycle was.

    She flicked through the report. After the Kree incident, there was more on the Klyntar. It was only breaking quarantine but she resisted the urge to smash the damn tablet. Attacking an unaligned uninitiated world was also listed as a charge. The Corps was going to throw the attacks, and the invasion on Earth at the Klyntar, as usual, they ignored the Kree threat, and as usual, it was an innocent that was going to take the blame.

    We see, are we going to be safe?

    If they hurt you, Ravage I will finish what Ronan started. And Carol felt Ravage purr within her.

    We know, we. We are just afraid.

    Carol lay back on the bunk and stared at the ceiling, letting the energy cuffs rest on her forehead. Their cold metal was slowly draining the power from her body and as she closed her eyes she focused more on them.

    Can you affect the cuffs?

    Carol felt a small part of Ravage slip out and touch the cuff, with a small spark it was quickly withdrawn,

    It''s okay, don''t hurt yourself. But she felt Ravage''s frustration.

    She had one option left if the Nova Corps decided to make an example of her, but until that point, she wasn''t going to expend any more energy than she needed to. Closing her eyes she let sleep drift in.

    If the trial went badly, she would need to get to Asgard, and to Earth. If the Nova Crop discovered Peter and the rest were hosts, they would send a fleet to contain the problem, and Carol was adamant she would not let that happen.


    Thor was still in the castle when the news came.  A single ship, of Kree design, had entered Asgardian space and was hovering outside the security grid, held by several small patrol ships. The majority of the Asgardian space fleet was patrolling and the largest ship they had to take care of the problem was en-route.

    Thor, however, would reach there much faster and as he gave his mother a last look, he smiled and with a swing of his hammer, took off to the location.

    As he approached the ship was huge, covered in massive cannons but surprisingly not the normal Kree markings. Whatever this ship was, it was not Kree.

    “Ah brother, welcome welcome, I have returned, and I have brought friends.”

    Thor frowned and stopped in mid-air. “Sister?” and as he landed on the hull of one of the patrol ships a hatch on the ship opened and Loki and an unknown Skrull slowly ascended with the red troll they had captured.

    “It is good to see you sister, but Skrulls? I had no idea any survived, I thank you for aiding my sister.” It was then he noticed the chain leading to the troll, and the damage done to its body.

    The Goblin was almost docile as it lay at the women''s feet, curled Thor could see that one arm, one leg and a massive part of its chest was now artificial. Had Loki fought with the creature but then had it healed? As he shook his head.

    “I request that my flagship be allowed clearance. Then, we will discuss the situation that Father is in and the rights of succession. I am formally announcing my bid for the throne, Brother.” and Thor took a step back,

    “Father isn''t dead Loki, and a contest right now would bring chaos.” but he held his hammer ready, just in case.

    “No, you are mistaken. Right now the galaxy trembles, the Kree and the Nova Corps both bite and hold their tongues for fear of Odin''s wrath, but if I have heard word then so have they.” Of course, they had, Loki had already infiltrated the palace and made sure that the rumours were true, made a very convincing Odin and then disseminated the faked footage throughout the GalNet, the galactic network that updated each species in local and galactic news.

    She already knew that Carol was being tried for the attack, and that right now, each race was preparing to strike. This was her chance to seize the throne, as long as Thor remained distracted.

    “Still, Father only sleeps, and Mother rules in his stead. A war for the throne only serves to divide us, not provide the stability the galaxy needs.”

    “A war brother? You would start a war over this?” and Loki snapped her fingers and the cannons on the ship swivelled and pointed at him.

    “I am merely saying that we would discuss this, but you would start a war over my claim? You come here, brandishing your hammer, with armed scouts ships. I think you had already passed me for dead, and that you would deny me my birthright.”

    As Thor stammered, wondering how his own Sister would point cannons at him, he heard from the ship below. “Sir, as a hostile force, we have to respond to the activation of a weapons platform. Bring the cannons online, and prepare to adopt attack formations.”

    “No,” Thor yelled,

    “I am sorry my Prince, These are standing orders, only the Queen or King Odin may countermand them,” and as the scout ship lifted and joined its friends, their own cannons began to charge,

    “Loki, please, stand down. I misspoke, there is no need for this,” but as the first ship fired the blast scored a large gash across the hull of the ship. Loki and his consort looked in horror as the molten metal cooled and sparked less than ten meters from where they stood.

    “You would fire upon me?” Loki and his consort descended. “This is war Brother,” and the ship''s shields sparked into life and its own cannons returned fire.

    The scout ships circled the larger craft, each scout ship taking heavy fire from the battery cannons of Loki''s craft before several were forced to retreat, smoking holes blasted into their hulls.

    Thor looked on in disbelief as the ships exchanged fore, this was wrong, and he swung his hammer and returned to the throne room. If he engaged, Loki would use it as an excuse to continue fighting, no the best plan was to retreat and inform his mother.

    Aboard the ship, Loki smiled at Varanke and they took their places on the command centre.

    “Ma’am, Skrull operatives have reported in, they are unharmed and are advancing on the capital now.” Loki nodded and she took Verankes hand.

    “Have them disable the guards as planned and take us to the throne room,” Loki ordered.

    As the Skrull ship lifted off, leaving the wrecked scouts ships in its wake, Loki smiled, everything was going according to their plan.


    It had been days since they took her, and since then it had been a waiting game. Every day was a new excuse, every day was a new reason why she was still held. Carol knew she could bust free anytime she wanted but therein lay the problem. She was here in two capacities. The first was as a Nova Corps member, but second, she was the ambassador from Earth.

    Even as she asked and began to plead for news from Earth they ignored her, and each day the urge to smash the stupid cell was growing greater. She could still feel her powers bubbling beneath the drain of the bracelets, and she knew that if she could get off-planet the Asgardians, well, Thor would help her return to Earth.

    It was early one morning that they finally arrived. Several heavily armed guards and a single guard carrying a large hammer with a purple gem attached appeared outside her cell.

    “Prisoner 4423. Stand and be detained.” as she stood she slid her hands through the cell, where the cuffs were removed and a new much heavier set were placed on her wrists. She felt the connection to Ravage fade with a final jolt of fear from her companion, and as the gauntlets powered up she felt her own powers fade. As she stepped back the guards all pointed stun rods at her, and the lead guard spoke, “Prisoner 4423 will follow. Any resistance will be met with force,” and she nodded.

    As she was led through the cell block, she was taken to a virtual courtroom, where she knew this wouldn''t take too long. Her capture and imprisonment felt like a setup, and this was probably a sham as well.

    As she stepped into the bare room the guards lined one wall, shimmered, and as the display started they vanished.

    “Prisoner 4423. Today''s Proceedings are to determine your guilt in the matter of Carol Danvers vs The Zandarian Conglomerate. The charges will be read, and the prisoner’s court-appointed defender will then speak. Do you have any questions?”

    What the hell? She thought. She hadn''t even met her lawyer and they expected her to trust whoever it was, screw that.

    “Yes. Under Clause 186 J of the Penal Code, as requested to officers of the Nova Corp I request a full review of all evidence and a dismissal of all charges due to improper court proceedings.“ Yes, fuck you. Carol had a whole lot of time to read out on patrol and while boring the legal system for Zandar was complex but informative.

    “Denied. Due to current Wartime laws, your position in Nova Corp has been suspended.”

    “Then I request to defend myself. Any Zandarian defender will be biased and unsuitable.”

    There was a pause, “Request agreed. The court will now proceed with the reading of charges.

    “On one count of reckless endangerment, by antagonising the Kree Empire,

    One count of aggressive action towards the Kree Empire

    Fifteen counts of aggressive destruction towards the Kree empire

    Deaths listed, as a result of aggressive behaviour towards the Kree empire,”

    The list continued and as Carol read the charges, they were pinning the whole attack on her, and it was then she saw her chance.

    “How do you plead?” asked the monotone voice.

    “Not guilty,” she replied

    “Plea entered. Plea rejected. Evidence places Carol Danvers at the scene. Evidence collected places Carol Danvers at the planet of attack, Power match confirmed. Guilt Established.”

    “Objection. Charges all hinge on Carol Danvers being a member of the Nova Empire, but when I attacked the Kree fleet I was still a member of their military. This is a sham, no charges can be brought as I was a Kree prisoner, and once I broke free I defended my planet of origin. As no member of the Nova Corp was present, this evidence could have only come from the Kree Empire. This court is in collusion with the Kree and I am being set up to take the fall for Ronan’s behaviour.” suck it, she thought.

    “Irrelevant. Ronan was killed by Quill, Peter. Carol''s actions are still illegal and as a current member of the Nova Empire is subject to our laws, past and present.”

    What the effing shit, she thought, so if I break a law on Earth they can prosecute me? Nope, not taking this.

    “Then, as a citizen of Earth, and as a host to one of the last remaining Klyntar I reject Nova Empire Law and refuse sentence.”

    Carol could hear the virtual intake of breath, she had effectively told the Empire to go fuck itself, and by giving up citizenship barred herself and possible Earth from their ranks. Right now though she didn''t care. If she was sentenced then Ravage would be removed and held, while Carol was sent to the Kyln, where a lot of the prisoners would be very unhappy to see her. Crooked Corps members never lasted long in prison and even with her stronger body, there was always someone bigger.

    “Rejected. Earth has been contacted, and with Asgardian channels open, has already begun to make progress into the Nova Empire.”

    Carol snorted, yeah right. Earth had no central government and as such would be rejected outright.

    “That is a lie. Earth does not meet basic requirements for entry. I repeat, as a citizen of Earth, I reject this court''s accusations and request transferral back to Earth to face justice there. Refusal is a rejection of the Nova Empire''s own laws.”

    “Request denied. The sentence will now be passed.”

    “No,” and as Carol strained against the gauntlets holding her hands she began to glow, Ravage slipped and covered her in her thicker armour and as the bands around her hands shattered the holo display shattered and she was left in the pale grey room with the 5 guards.

    One of them smiled as he held up the hammer, and as he turned it, the purple gem glowed and Carol felt its power from here,

    Shit, that''s an Infinity Stone. “Rhomann, you don’t want to do this,” she pleaded with the hammer wielder, but he sighed and shook his head,

    “I have to Carol, you are a threat, and we can’t allow you to escape.”

    Unable to give in, unable to take this mockery of a trial, and with the final betrayal of her friend, she yelled and as her powers flared and she glowed, she leapt forwards and struck.


    Queen Freya was sitting on the throne when Loki and Veranke stormed in, As she sat up straight she scowled as Loki dismissed the guard and the stranger, who was armed, walked in as if she was a member of the royal family. Thor scowled at the pair, but Freya placed a hand on his arm and he stood back.

    “Loki?” and Loki bowed, as did Vernake,

    “Mother, may I introduce my consort and future queen. Veranke, of the Skrulls.” and Freya tilted her head,

    “Acceptable but she will remove her sidearm while in the royal throne room. You know only members of the royal family may be armed, and while that may be true in the future, for now, she must surrender it.” and Loki smiled and motioned, Veranke slid the pistol from its holster and handed it to a guard,

    “And now formalities are out of the way, it is good to see you,” and Freya stepped down and moved to pull her daughter into a hug,

    “Not so quickly Mother. Tell me, how long until Father awakens, or is the odinsleep permanent. I tried to enter the chamber to see his condition for myself but I was barred.”

    Freya patted Loki on the shoulders, “all barring myself are, Odin’s orders and no, the sleep will be longer but Odin is only recuperating from the war, he is in no danger.”

    “And until it does?” and Freya moved back and sat on the throne,

    “I am in command of Asgards forces, and the crown remains with Odin, to be passed to his successor only if the Odinsleep lasts for more than five years or he succumbs. But that isn''t what you want to hear is it?”

    Loki bowed, “I only wished to make sure that Asgard was safe, mother.” but Freya tutted and shook her head,

    “And the attack at the gates? Do not think for one moment that I did not feel your hand in that, our forces are not allowed to fire on our Princess, even if she comes in a warship.”

    Thor stepped forwards, “Sister, you know I do not wish for war, and yet you still fired.” and Loki smiled,

    “I responded Brother, to your forces. We both know you are loved by the people, and you are stronger. How was I to know how you would treat me when I returned, after all, I have been gone months, and yet I find you here. Was the search for me not assigned to the most trusted of Asgardians, did my Brother not even try to find me?”

    Thor shook his head, “I looked Sister, I scoured the galaxy, with Heimdall, but you were hidden, and I am sorry that I failed you.”

    “And yet the Skrulls found me, the remnants of their people took me in and nursed me back to health, a task it seems you are incapable of repeating. This, Mother, this is why Asgard cannot be trusted to Thor. Our time on Earth proved him still immature and rash, and now, irresponsible.” and Freya laid a hand on Thor’s arm once more,

    “It appears that we come to an impasse, Thor. Why don’t you take some time, cool down, and I will discuss this problem with Loki, and then we can all sit down once more.”

    Loki laughed and raised her arms in a small shrug, “It appears we’ve been found out my dear,” and Varanke laughed,

    “So it seems, plan b then?”

    Loki nodded and as she summoned a blast of magic and fired it at Freya, Verankes pistol exploded in a puff of energy, and the guards and the Queen lay stunned on the ground.

    Veranke clicked on a wrist communicator at her wrist, and two new Skrull guards entered and replaced the two stunned ones. As Loki stood over Freya her form shimmered and she changed, and Veranke did the same, and soon a new Loki was stood there,

    “It is still weird being you,” and Freya laughed,

    “But you look so dashing like that,” and leaning over gave her a quick peck on the cheek, “but yes, weird. Take the Queen and Odin to the ship, do the treatment and we can take them to Earth. Remember, Do not kill them, there are wards around Asgard that will detect the deaths of the Queen and the King, and we can''t have that, not yet anyway.”

    Loki rolled her eyes, “I know, I know,” and with a swish of her hips turned, “You two, take them and quietly dispose of them, that is acceptable yes?” and Freya nodded,

    “We need to replace the disloyal guards with your people, as long as you are quiet, it is fine. Oh stay away from Lady Sif and the Warriors Three, I will send them away from Asgard. Until then.” and Loki waved a hand at her

    Loki raised an eyebrow, answering impatiently, “I know. Return to the ship and wait for your signal.” as she waited a ship appeared at the balcony and lifting the unconscious queen and her guards she gave Freya a sideways glance and left.

    As Freya sat on the throne she smiled, it was good to be home she thought.

    As Freya surveyed the throne room she smiled, The small group she had summoned entered and went down on one knee, even if Thor looked apprehensive as she sat on the throne.

    “Rise my subjects” and Thor, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three got from one knee and waited,

    “As you are aware the galaxy is in chaos. The Kree brazenly attack the Nova Empire, the Sovereign race unleashed nightmarish creatures from within darker dimension to power weapons of mass destruction and our forces idle as Odin sleeps.”

    The small group looked over at each other, they had just finished one campaign, was Freya about to suggest another.

    “It is up to us, as the prominent species to show the smaller worlds the truth of peace and prosperity. Thor, I want you to take a small force and head into the Argala escort. Lady Sif, the angelus sector and warriors three, you shall also head, into the Devroa nebula. I have arranged another peacekeeping force to aid us. It is time to unite the realms, and it is time for the realms to realise that war is beneath them.”

    “Mother, what are you suggesting? Those areas are out of our jurisdiction, as agreed by-” but Freya lifted a hand and he stopped.

    “We know, Thor. It was part of your father plan before he fell into the Odinsleep to bring them into Asgards control. They hide real threats, real dangers that we must extinguish or the galaxy will fall. It was doing so that your father was hurt, and you must continue his work if we are to succeed.”

    “And Loki?” he asked,

    “Loki has been dealt with, she has agreed to abandon her foolish attempt at the thone until the time limit had passed. Do not take her lightly Thor, and prepare yourself. I feel Loki and the Skrulls are not a good mix.”

    Thor nodded and glancing at his comrades around him, they all rose and bowed before leaving.

    “Handmaiden, attend me.” and a plain servant woman stepped forwards and knelt at Freya’s feet. As she looked around the room she smiled, “now, none of that, there is no one here, there are only certain times you are required to kneel before me.” and as the women stood she laughed and her appearance changed,

    “It is done. We used our memory device and Odin is in what the humans call a care home, while his wife, Freda, lives nearby in a small housing complex. Neither remembers who they are, and neither have access to interstellar flight even if they did.”

    “Good with Thor and the rest out of the way we can cement our rule here and then conquer the rest of the galaxy.” As Loki sat in her mother’s lap, she smiled and kissed her gently on the cheek,

    “The golds a bit gaudy though,” she said,

    Freya laughed, “we can change it, why not, we’re going to change everything else.”


    Carol knew as soon as the hammer connected that it must be the Power Stone. Even Goblins strength hadn’t felt like being hit by several g-forces of pain all compressed into a hammer sized blow. As she sailed backwards and crashed against the wall the air was knocked from her lungs and the pain radiated from her waist in waves. She was sure something was ruptured and even Ravage screeched in pain. It had to be the Power Stone, and making the best choice, she activated her full power.

    As her Binary Form lit up like a sun she knew that it was still no match for the power of an Infinity Stone and that they knew exactly how this was going to play out. The charges were all bogus, inflated, and the whole invasion was being blamed to draw attention away from their own incompetence.

    As the anger raged through her, she raised both fists and blasted a hole in the wall she was leaning against. Lifting herself and flying through it as fast as she could. A simple building would be no issue, she had flown through a Kree battlecruiser before, even its shielding was no match for her power.

    Wielding the Power Stone enhanced Uru hammer, recovered from the crash site, the guard clicked on his wrist comm. “Prisoner 4432 has escaped, issue the bounty.”

    As they sat in the cafeteria Peter raised an eyebrow as a message came over the GalNet, He whistled as he saw the million credit reward for the capture of Carol Danvers and he raised an eyebrow at his team, “So?” and as Gamora checked her hip for her blaster, she nodded,

    “Ha, it seems that Quill will once more show someone how disappointing he is. Be grateful you have us on your team.” and Drax slapped him on the shoulder, “Fear not, we shall capture her as easily as we captured you.”

    Clicking on the side of his cheek his helmet sprang over his face and he grabbed both pistols. “She was only a few floors above us and if she starts to head off-world we can use the Milano. Rocket, get the ship, take Groot and Gamora, Drax, head out and see if you can find her in the building” and as he turned he blasted out a window “I’ll go up and see if I can spot her from the outside.” as the rocket pack activated he flew up and out, “never mind, there she is,” and he took aim and fired a stun bolt at her.

    As Carol waved through the hail of blaster fire, she knew her only chance to escape was to head into deep space and try for Asgard. Even if the Nova Corp followed her, she knew Thor would provide her sanctuary and if things got heated, she could use their matter bridge to transport herself back to Earth.

    It would be a long flight, Asgard and Xandar weren’t exactly the closets of systems and even with her power, she would need to secure a shuttle. Knowing she had taken an Asgardian scout ship, she headed to the spaceport, flying as fast as she could without breaking orbit.

    The shuttle had guards,  but quickly basting them away she boarded and began to ignore the bolts being fired at her by that asshole, Quill. Preflight would have to wait and as she hit the engines he zipped past her, he said they had a ship, no time then and as she lifted off and streaked out of the atmosphere her ships scanners detected another craft, much larger than the one she was in steadily gaming on her.

    Asgardian scout craft had faster than light engines, and she could use them to escape but with a ship in pursuit, there was really no point, following her would be a simple task and once she reached Asgard they would just open fire again.

    She couldn’t risk it though, stopping would only allow the Nova Corp to catch her and hitting the preprogrammed path in the ship’s navigational computer she felt the ship judder and slip into the Universal Neural Teleportation Network. She felt sick as it warped the space around her and her powers flared for a moment, stabilising her.

    “Shit,” Peter cursed as he landed on the top of the Milano and climbed in the hatch, “She’s jumping, can we track her?” he yelled into the ships comms,

    “Yeah yeah, keep your hair on Quill,” and Rocket, fired off a small beacon rocket, which thudded and hit the outside of the ship she was flying, “seems she’s off to Asgard, about right since she’s flying an Asgardian ship,” and he rolled his eyes at Quill.

    “Jumping now, hang on to your reproductive organs, and I mean your own Quill.” and as Rocket followed her path the ship stretched and jumped.


    “We can’t just jump into Asgardian space, they’ll blast us too,” Quill shouted at Rocket as they approached the planet,

    “Calm down, yah ape, I already signalled them, they know we’re chasing a fugitive and that she’s in a stolen shuttle,” he said rolling his eyes. “Breaking atmosphere in 5, 4,” and pulling on the controls they tilted so they would have smooth entry.

    Carols trip into Asgardian space wasn’t going as well, as they had confirmed her fugitive status and ordered her to halt. As she had sped up and headed right towards the Rainbow bridge, they had sent a small scout ship after her and it was currently trying to disable her engines.

    As she spun the craft she saw the blast streak past her and even as she approached the water’s edge she knew she wasn’t going to make it. While the Bifrost Bridge control room was on the edge of the planet, it was kept on the other side, so that incoming starship traffic couldn’t do what she was attempting.

    Having no choice, she waited until the scout ship was closer and as it fired she ramped up her own power and shot forwards at high speed, smashing through the front being window and out into the atmosphere of Asgard. As the ship behind her exploded, she accelerated once more, activating her Binary form and as she hid within the rolling waves of Asgard, she shot towards the only means of escape she had.

    “Yeah Yeah, I see yah,” Rocket knew about her powers. She had made a name for herself, and if he was honest he took no joy in taking out someone who was a walking laser cannon.

    “Well, blast her,” Peter shouted but Rocket kept his fingers from the controls,

    “Yeah the Asgardians ain’t too happy about us using our weapons in their space,” and he swivelled a control screen around. On it was a warning for them not to pursue Carol any further. While they were celebrated heroes in the Nova Empire, the fact that four of them were wanted criminals in other systems had not escaped the Asgardian authorities notice. As such they wanted nothing to do with them, and the screen had called for them to turn around and leave before they caused any damage.

    “So that’s it, you’re just going to let her get away, a million credits, just flying like it’s a holiday.” Quail complained, and Gamora shook her head,

    “You know this is a setup,” she said. “There is no way that Carol Danvers, the Nova most prized hero, set up with Ronan to attack their homeworld,” and Drax nodded,

    “Your ability to turn on your own species is astounding. I am truly amazed you managed to get off your homeworld, and not die.” and as the pair turned,

    “Well, I didn’t say I didn’t have a plan,” and Rocket hit a switch, “oh dear, it seems that a highly experimental weapon, that we never had time to test properly, was activated by those strange powers she has. I’ll be sure to send our apologies to the Asgardians.”

    “I am Groot.”

    “Yeah yeah, it’s just a small missile.”

    As Carol sped towards the Bifrost, she heard the woosh behind her and as the Milano hovered, the rocket it fired streaked towards her. Increasing speed to her maximum she hoped it was enough, and as she saw the golden done and its giant needle she cheered.

    As the missile sped, its front opened and several smaller missiles inside streaked out, each one taking a different route. As they flew past Carol she was shocked as they overtook her and then exploded, but not near her, but near the Bifrost.

    As Heimdal watched the missiles he could only state in horror as they enveloped the Bifrost in an energy field, overloading it and sending the control needle into an uncontrolled spin.

    As the energy of the bridge coursed uncontrollably, it touched over where Carol was flying and in an instant, she was gone,

    “Ha, see,” and as Rocket turned to gloat, the bean streaked through the Milano, and as it cut the ship in half, where the beam touched also vanished.

    As the energy from the missiles faded, Heimdal slotted his sword into the control centre he brought the overload back under control.

    As he touched a rune on the control panel,

    “Please alert Queen Freya. An enemy ship attacked and has severely damaged the Bifrost. It will take at least a year to repair. All currently deployed Asgardian forces are on their own.”


    In the throne room, Freya listened to the report. The Bifrost has been damaged, and only the Space Stone was powerful enough to repair it. With the bridge down, all Asgardian forces would need to use the normal routes of travel, and most were barred for military vessels. With Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three off-planet, she could use the hidden network to smuggle Skrull forces into Asgard, and the first part of her plan would be complete.


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