There were four of them in the garden.
Me and my village daughter, Philomena, have a funny face.
This person is also beautiful, so I wish I could laugh.
"And yet, it''s a beautiful garden."
Unexpectedly, I get that impression.
The large garden was in great harmony with the layout of the aisles, the location of the trees and the blooming flowers.
The gardener who designed this garden must have been so tasteful.
It wasn''t just "beautiful", but it seemed like I was building a garden considering the whole landscape.
(Besides, even "tied up".....)
I know there''s a secret passage down here.
There are probably several entrances and exits on the ground.
I doubt if I''ve told the gardener that much, but I don''t think he''s going to block the secret entrance with rocks or trees, so I''m sure he ordered, "Don''t place it around there."
The village girl smiled like herself as she bowed down and praised the garden.
"I''m glad you liked Alto.I love this garden, too.--Actually, it was the Elves who designed this garden basically.It''s been hundreds of years. "
Hee, elf!
He is a familiar species to me.
Given their long life, I thought the gardener and someone I knew might be nearby in their current form.
Philomena came straight to me and took my hand.
It appears that this person has decided to abandon the practice of ''refraining behind''.
"According to legend, the elf''s name is'' Hisela ''.I''m not sure if it''s accurate because the records are scattered, and even though it''s not strange for a gardener like this to be known elsewhere, the doctrine is more dominant because there is no name in the literature elsewhere. "
Something... I heard that name somewhere, right?
He usually works elsewhere, so he just doesn''t come into the world.
I turned away and saw someone walking on the other side because I didn''t realize that I had a subtle look on my face.
Because it''s so far away, it only looks like bean grains if you don''t use eyesight enhancement.
In this case, is he aware of it?
Someone seems to be walking with some people like the village girl.
I wonder if it''s the right identity?
"There''s someone over there, isn''t there?"
When I said so, the village girl answered immediately.
Have you noticed it from the beginning or can you see it at this distance?
"That''s... Cuano AIDS oniisama."
I mean, the prince of this country.
Surprisingly, Philomena will supplement it.
"His Highness Cuanoaides is the Third Prince of this country."
I''m sure your mother is the princess of the neighboring Bloomwall kingdom...
When I peeked using the vision enhancement, I saw a beautiful man with long hair.
(Something like "Intelligent Early Character"?)
The real thing is naked eyes, but while wearing glasses and cumming, if you say, "Don''t you know that?" or a face that seems to say naturally - would you be rude?
In order to mislead my bad feelings, I fixed the subject''s trajectory.
"Bloom Walk''s blood line, right?That''s good, Bloomwalk. Actually, I''d like to go there once. "
By the way, this is also true.
The synonym of the Kingdom of BloomWalk is'' Academic Nation ''.
It is a country known for its knowledge and civilization, full of scholarship and culture.
In particular, Bloomwall did not aspire to "academic capital" from the outset.As a result, it just happened.
Situations around here can be explained easily to Sangoku aspirations and other people who like them.
In other words, it''s like Zhuzhou.
There were also frequent disputes in Nakahara and Hebei, and academic development occurred because people fleeing difficulties came to the south, but Bloomwall also had the same situation, and to the south, this great power, Moon Rain.In the adjacent west and north, there is a powerful nation called the Kingdom of Kempton, and these three are allies.
To be precise, Bloomwall and Kempton are not allies, but because of the deep connection between these two countries and Moon Rain, they are as good as allies.
Bloomwall sells high culture, but has little experience of war and is sometimes regarded as a "weak state".
In the story I heard later, it is easiest to point out "weakness" to incite the people of BloomWalk, and the faction of the Third Prince and the Second Prince, who are not friendly, are fighting with the faction of the Third Prince every day.
But there are rabbits and horns, and there are rare books and books in Bloom Walk that have flown away from the fire, and I think it''s particularly wonderful that there are the Royal Library and the Royal Museum of Art.
In these times, ordinary valuables are "hidden".
Although it is limited, I think it is really amazing to be open.
I love reading myself, so I''d love to visit you if I could, the Kingdom of Bloomwall.
The village girl nodded at my murmur.
"I would also like to visit a library in this country once.There are a lot of books from the Magic History there. "
Oh, she''s still studying for her beloved mother.
You''re a great girl, aren''t you, Mura?
When I turned a warm, raw eye, the girl from Royal Village fell down with her cheeks red.
She makes a fool of herself.
"Oniisama Cuanoaides has a strong academic preference.It''s very knowledgeable. "
"Heeh... is that what the village girl said so smart?"
After me, you two twisted your cheeks ironically.
The village daughter was the only one with a good smile.
"--Certainly, His Highness the Third Prince is a good student.Just studying (...) is really... "
"Yes, I''m sure you''re going to come to Lord Sheila to make fun of your knowledge, and then you''re going home to complain."
It''s spicy...
But I know you''re a person who''s obsessed with studying.
Incidentally, speaking of the wise in this country''s "Son of the King", the village daughter and His Highness the First Prince will be named first.
It seems that the name of the Third Prince comes next in most cases.
Well, as a bloodline from the "Academic City", I think it might not be interesting to be evaluated as a step forward in knowledge...
After receiving your two words, a nice village girl rushed in to follow you.
"Come, Oniisama Cuanoaides is called the enlightened man of the kingdom.The popularity of ordinary people is high, not only because of the nobility of the ranks, but also because of the recruitment of personnel from the general public. "
Then Philomena smiles.
"Yes, you said it was open-minded."
The swordsman with his nose also laughed.
"The mother of His Royal Highness the Third Prince said that his family lives in a foreign country, and since the foundation is difficult in Moon Rain, it is difficult to obtain talent."
The long-haired sorceress made a deliberate correction to the village daughter, who said she was an open-minded woman.
Doesn''t that mean reputational collapse?
This will also be assembled from information purchased later, but it seems that the third prince is an "educationally biased man" if he speaks of modern Japanese style.
Not only in the blood of the academic nation, he expects it not only to cultivate his knowledge, but also to surround himself.
Intelligence is what people say.
That''s why he puts the intellectuals around him, or those close to him.
Even the aristocrats are not averse to scholarship.
On the other hand, if civilians are leaving the appropriate school buildings, actively solicit them.
Generally speaking, it has gained a reputation as a person who understands academics and seeks talent extensively.
However, the ratings from the two people here are as good as you can see.
Well, anyway, I wouldn''t be able to make contact with a prince named Cuano Aides, and it wouldn''t make sense to think too deeply.
(I wouldn''t go to school in the future.)
In this world, perhaps they will be the out-of-school children of the Perpetual Plunder.
Abel sees study, and in the first place, people in urban areas go to private schools to teach simple reading and writing calculations, and most children in rural areas are illiterate.
(Well, I''d like Fi and Marimo to go to school in the sense of interacting with people....)
I shrugged my shoulders.
The village girl says that to me.
"Come on, Alto. The flowers you want to see are over there!It''s really, really beautiful! "
Leaving aside the garden and the Third Prince, let''s think about spending time with this child - the little princess she thinks she is.
In front of you is a moon-like smile.
That''s why I came to the castle.