The Lantern Festival came quietly. Every minister took his own son-in-law and his wife to sit in the carriage waiting for the emperor''s departure. He was no exception as a prince. He had been sitting in the carriage and Mo Moche was waiting at the palace. Doorway.
There are a number of carriages parked outside the palace door. Many palaces have several carriages. Although the gate of the palace is still quiet but crowded, some unwilling women stand outside the carriage and look at the Prince and others from time to time. carriage.
Wu Moxin and Huan Moche were in a carriage, Wu Moxin was resting with his eyes closed, while Huan Moche was holding a book in his hand. At this time, the fearlessness of driving outside whispered to the fearlessness of the side and whispered, "Our carriages are surrounded, fat powder gas is so heavy!"
Without fear, she glanced at the women in front of the carriage and looked at them with disdain. "Why are these women so busy!" She looked at how many women had come to the Prince''s carriage four or five times. I am very happy, if not for the prince, she would like to catch someone.
At this time, the fantasy theory riding on the side of the Prince''s carriage suddenly stretched his head, watching the fearless flattery and saying, "Where are they fearless?" The number of meetings is not frequent, and now it is difficult to go to Wanfo Temple with the master. Illusionism thinks that he must seize the opportunity to win the beauty as soon as possible, otherwise the master will win the favor of the prince, and he still has no progress.
As soon as the fearless sword was put on the neck of the fantasy, the voice was displeased. "Compare those people to me?" Without fear, she always looked down on those women who knew only that the backyard was fighting for their favor. If you are born as a woman in your heart, you will either be a prince like a prince, or as capable and sensible as a fearless woman. At least you must be like a naughty but true temper like Nangonglian, even if these women have a good identity, but Without fear, even those nieces in Prince''s House are not as good.
Illusions are not afraid that fearlessness really hurts themselves, and smiled and stretched out the neck longer. "Fearless men are merciless! How can these women compare with fearlessness, not even standing by fearlessness!"
The exaggerated look made Fearless smiled. Fearless saw the illusion''s mind about Fearless, even if Fearless did not see it, but Fearless had never thought to open a reminder. Fearless is still very optimistic about the relationship between the two. Yes, although she had been blind once, but after a few things she was a little bit more concerned about love, so I can see that if illusion is really with fearlessness, it is really a good choice.
"Fancy words!" Fearlessly withdrew Sabre and stared at the illusions, then let the illusions say good words without fear and didn''t open his mouth, a cold person scratched his ears there.
He opened his eyes slightly and looked at Momo Che and said, "It seems that your subordinates have a lot of determination on my niece! But fearlessness is not so easy to deceive, and illusionism has not learned your smooth tongue. ! "
The book in Hun Mo Che''s hand was slightly lowered, and said with a smile, "I don''t have a tongue and tongue, but just a tongue and tongue to my heart!" He said looking out of the car curtain to the glee, "Your niece has a bit of your character, It will take a lot of thought if the illusion wants to catch up! "
殇 Nodded inadvertently, without fear, 愫 is not yet open, and is a careless woman, and according to 殇 wishlessness, dread is not like a man like illusion, but sighed humbly, "It takes a lot of thought OK, do you think everyone is the same as you? "
I remembered what I was doing that day, but I was a little scared in my unconscious heart. Now when I see those peach blossom eyes, I no longer remember the man who was slowly forgotten, and I no longer reject these eyes, but If these magic eyes are really ruined, I have no intention of feeling that I will regret it.
Hun Mo Che felt a little embarrassed when he touched the tip of his nose. He also knew that what he had done that day was indeed a bit overdone, but he was not forced to do anything. And now that the beloved is on the side, if he feels that he will do it again, he will still do that.
"It''s been a long time since this happened. Is it possible that Xiner is still angry?" Although Momo Che felt that she had no intention of taking revenge for too long, she still felt that she was valued.
殇 Unconsciously reached out and patted Mo Mo Che''s shoulder, with a cold voice in his voice, "What do you say?"
At this time, Mo Mo Che was just a helpless spoiler. Later, after knowing the identity of the unintentional woman, she felt that women were really fond of revenge.
"Fearless, is the prince in the carriage?" At this time Nangonglian came to the carriage in a palace costume and asked. Now Nangonglian is holding her hair bun with her two nieces, and since she was married to Linga Second Queen Nangong Lian often goes to Prince''s House, but he takes good care of Lin House. Although Lin Jia''s status is not high, Nangong Lian is a princess of another country, but she is also good in Lao Country, so this time I went to Wanfo Temple Of course she will go, but the difference is that she is only one person, and Lin Jiaer naturally has her own business to deal with.
Fearlessly nodded, Nangong Lian knocked on the carriage and heard the voice "Come in!"
After all, Nangonglian is married to a woman, so she no longer whispers like she used to, and her manners have become more courteous. However, Nangonglian is still the little girl with a whip.
As soon as Nangonglian entered the carriage, she saw that Wuxinxin and Momo were sitting together crazily. In her heart, she suddenly thought that her desperate brother was in Nangong, but she couldn''t help but smile and said, "Prince, your life is OK. Don''t be so leisurely. Brother Huang is full of thoughts in Nangong! "
殇 Wun smiled and didn''t speak, Nangong Lian didn''t care about 殇 indifferent indifference, after all, 殇 Wu has a disposition that she knew so long, Nangong Lian reached out and took a few mouthfuls of food on the table, then said dissatisfied "This is The characteristic fruit of Nangong is also only available in Nangong. It seems that the emperor really does not have me as the emperor sister! I wanted to eat this fruit a few days ago, and the emperor didn''t say anything at all, but I didn''t want to send it to the Prince!
The fruit placed in the carriage was sent by Nangong Qian quickly and swiftly sent by the horse. He had no intention of tasting it so it was not bad, so Fearless and others put it on the carriage.
"If you like it, this palace will send someone to your house!" For Nangong Qian''s only sister, I have no intention to take care of her even though she is not as old as Nangong Lian, but here It is true that Lao Guo did not dare to find Nangong Lian because of his careless carelessness, even if she was an exotic princess, no one dared to give birth to right or wrong.
"Really? Thank you very much, Prince!" Nangong Lian has no intentions for her unconsciousness. In Nangong Lian''s opinion, in the future, he has no intention to be his male sister-in-law. Since he is a sister-in-law, he is still polite.
After a few chats, Nangonglian got out of the Prince''s carriage with satisfaction. Nangonglian received the attention of many women as soon as the carriage was drawn. Although many women felt that Nangonglian alone entered the prince''s carriage, it was not ethical. But who dares to speak up in front of Nangong Lian.
"Mrs. Lin!" Many women around the carriage of Prince Edward are skilled in saluting. Nangong Lian is not only the exotic princess, not only the wife of the captain, but also a lady with a special seal, now in Laos. Only Nangonglian has this status.
Nangong Lian nodded, and said to the crowd, "Let''s go back to your carriage, otherwise the emperor will come out after all. After all, isn''t it outside the carriage in Prince''s House?"
In a word, many women have blushed. Although I know the prince''s rumors, but think of someone with the ability, appearance and power like the prince, how many women do not want to take it easy? After all, how attractive the phoenix will be in the future.
Sure enough, for a while, the emperor appeared in the sight of everyone in an exaggerated carriage carved with dragons, and only heard Xu Gonggong standing outside the carriage and throwing "the emperor has the purpose, start!" In a word, a carriage They all set off under the protection of the Royal Forest Army, and the front of the dragon-drawn carriage was surrounded by countless Royal Forest Army, and besides each carriage there were their own guards and others to protect them.
The carriage moved and slowly drove towards Wanfo Temple. The crowds on the street wanted to see the emperor and the prince, but unfortunately everyone sat in the carriage and said that the guards standing on both sides of the road isolated each person''s footsteps, only The people stood on both sides of the street and watched as a carriage passed by.
I listened intently to the noisy sounds outside, and I had a headache. Even though she was standing in this position, she still liked to be quiet. Momo sees that the unconscious is uncomfortable, reaches out and takes the unconscious into his arms, reaches out to cover the unintentional ears, and isolates the outside sound.
"Just take a break, I''ll call you!" Momo Che tempted. The more he gets along, the more he knows 殇 Unconscious, for example, many times 殇 Unconscious will suddenly wake up, such as when thundering, 殇 Wentless will hide in his dormitory and block himself from any thunder in the bath, such as 殇 Wantless love feeling She likes to be clean. If she is too noisy, she will have a headache, but the more she understands Momo Che, the more she will feel the uneasiness and the unconscious fragility and uneasiness.
殇 Wuxin closed her eyes. Although she was not asleep but rested, the sound of the carriage driving into Momo Che''s ears, but Momo Che felt that the sound was so nice, looking at the unconscious Mo lying in her arms, Huan Moche looked carefully. Suddenly, Huan Moche felt that there was something white bound under the slightly open collar. Is it a coat? No, it shouldn''t be. Momo Che was preparing to see more clearly, but didn''t want to hear the sound from outside. It turned out that Wanfo Temple had arrived!
"Xiner, wake up!" Huan Moche patted Wu Wuxin, and saw that Wu Wuxin opened his eyes, opened the carriage window slightly, and saw that Wanfo Temple had arrived.
When Mo was unwilling to get out of the carriage, Momo Che asked "Xiner, what are you wearing inside?"