Dongpu Yunjie and Dongpu are gone, and the nightingale is half of the territory of the Dongpu area. They can''t agree, because then the roots of Dongshan Mountain will be destroyed, and the face will be completely gone. Go on.
Dongpu Yunjie and Dongpu have never left the Night Moon Mountain Villa. They have no stay and are directly transported to Dongpu City. They are rushing back to arrange the arrangement. If they can''t talk about it, they will continue to pick up.
"Night, what do you do! To half the territory of the people, this is no sincere negotiation!" Cang Ning looked at the nightingale.
Lin Biaoer also came, watching the nightingale, waiting for the answer of the nightingale.
"I didn''t want to talk about it. We are a new force in Xingyue Lake, but not anyone who wants to bully can bully. This time I will let everyone know that nothing will not provoke us." The nightingale said.
"You want to erect the label of Xingyue Lake?" Lin Biao asked with a smile.
"A punch is opened, so that you don''t have to punch a lot. If we don''t know how to bully, no one will provoke us. Otherwise, you will come to look for things today. Tomorrow, he will toss and there will be more annoying things, so Dongshan Mountain will be unlucky. !" Nodded nodded at night.
"I thought and decided very well, the strategy is correct, but I have to be careful." Nodded to the night, Lin Biao left, and did not communicate with other people.
Lan Elder and Cang Ning and others knew the meaning of the nightingale, and did not say anything, because the decision of the nightingale was correct, but did not understand what the nightingale said was to give the person what it meant, but did not ask.
Sending away the elders of Lan and others, the nightingale deity went to the Dongpu area and merged with each other. The Jiuyuan Yuanzhu and Balong Ding were left to the avatars. The nightingale deity carried important resources and treasures, and the people who were wrapped in the towers Back to the Night Moon Villa. The next thing, the brigade is useless, and it is enough for him to continue to toss himself.
But the mandala''s avatar followed the nightingale, and she was going to fight with the nightingale.
Going back to Dongpu Mountain, Dong Yun Yun Jie was very annoyed. Dong Hao was also angry. He didn''t expect to be so mad. If he didn''t admit defeat, he would have to make it to death.
What can I do? If half of the territory cannot be given, then you have to keep it.
Then Dong Yunjie made a decision. He and the East were absolutely ruthless. The deities were guarding Dongpu Mountain and Dongpu City respectively. The two men went out to catch the nightingale.
It is so good to catch the night, the nightingale has its own transmission network, killing and killing, saying retreat.
The deity of the nightingale went to the place where Lin Biaoer directed to practice the emptiness field. He is now more eager to enter the emperor.
There are many kinds of attributes in the body, the nightingale has its own measure, the nothingness attribute and the space-time attribute are more complementary. There is something in common in this virtual point. If you enter the emperor, it is not as simple as one plus one, and the virtual attribute is overbearing in attack. With energy support, that can annihilate everything. Ao most A new f chapter & Q section on a cool craftsman} net "R
The war between Xingyue Lake and Dongpu Mountain is still going on. In fact, everyone knows very well that this is the war between the Nightingale and Dongpu Mountain. Xingyue Lake does not give any powerful support to the nightingale.
The city of Dongpu Mountain is constantly being attacked. Although the resources are all gathered, after all, there are still remaining and still developing, so the night snacks are small, but not without. In addition, the city owners and elders of the city were killed, and the personal harvest of the nightingale was not small.
I can''t catch the nightingale, and the passive nights are constantly destroying the various city pools. This makes the Dongpu Mountain miserable.
The efficiency of the nightingale attack is reduced, three to five cities a day, but this is also fatal.
In the half month after the war started, the nightingale and Dongpu had never met.
The nightingale waved his hand against it, and the cracked empty gun broke the space barrier and left. The Dongpu was definitely not a way. When it arrived at the place where the nightingale disappeared, it could only look at the crack in the space that was closed.
Dong Yu and Dong Yun Yun Jie said the situation.
"His field is strong, space and time are very overbearing in any kind of field, and they are good at speed. The combination of time and space is better at this point. It has strong survivability in the emptiness of the void, and it is not good to kill." Yunjie said openly.
If you can''t catch the nightingale, you will be passively damaged. Sometimes the nightingale will also kill the carbine. The city that was attacked will be hit twice.
On the twentieth day of the war, the nightingale met Dongji Yunjie.
No night battles, no direct battles, no kills, temptations do not make much sense. Inspired the transfer of the array to leave, only to the East Yunjie to leave the back of the soul can be explored.
This situation made Dong Yun Yun Jie wake up. The nightingale was equipped with a secret hand. With the transmission network as a means of attack and withdrawal, it was impossible to be besieged.
The power of the nightingale''s soul is strong. Dongpu and Dongyun Yunjie discovered him. He could find the other side at the same time, and stimulated the transmission to leave. Dongpu Yunjie and Dongpu would never have the opportunity to trap him.
Unable to contain, this is the conclusion of Dong Yun Yun Jie.
The anger of Dongji Yunjie and Dongyu had a good exchange.
"Absolutely, the father intends to go to the Demon Castle in Dongpu City." Dong Yunjie said, he did not say clearly, is the feasibility of asking Dongpu''s mission, the son is the demon castle, Dongpu Yunjie is speculative, although there is no positive inquiry.
Dong Hao never thought about it and nodded. He is not very clear about the situation. Normally, the demon castle will not pick up his own mission, but last time his brother took over the task of the nightingale.
The elders of autumn did not refuse this task. If they refused, they would admit that the nightingale is a demon castle. As for how to arrange, the elders of autumn should communicate with Nalan and the cold. I don’t know, the problem is that she knows that the nightingale is a demon castle. People.
The elders of autumn know that the nightingale is a person of the demon castle. It is not only known from the last night’s killing of Xuan. After the nightingale became the demon guardian, the headquarters of the demon castle sent a document to the respective divisions. In the hands of people.
God''s Demon Protector is already the core of the Devil''s Castle, so internal management must know.
In the ruins of the Emperor''s demon castle, I was a little angry when I listened to the description of the elders of autumn. "Is the Dongpu family stupid? Dongpu is an elder, don''t you understand things, and still take this task?"
"This point does not know this, there is the possibility of testing our attitude. In addition, the Dongpu area is now being tossed by this guy, and Dong Yunjie is also in a hurry to go to the hospital." The elders of autumn said.
"Then follow the normal procedure, the task is picked up, and the failure is directly acknowledged in a few days, let them toss themselves." Elder Nalan said.
"You are comfortable, and then toss the branch of our Dongpu area, it is..." The elders of autumn are speechless.
"Things are such a thing. Is there any way? Right, the elders of autumn are responsible for the Dongpu area. The news is wider than us. What is the situation now?" asked the elder Nalan, who was more worried about the safety of the nightingale.
"Some of the news did not come out, Dongpu and the nightingale met, the nightingale did not fight directly to retreat; Dongyun Yunjie met the nightingale, the nightingale gave him a back. Nothing, so the demon mission appeared, Dongpu Mountain can''t keep going." The elders of autumn looked at Elder Nalan. WeChat search "cool art net", pay attention to the name of the post-production, free to read the full text! The fastest update! <\"> says:
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