Atop an immaculate golden throne, the god above all Aur resided. His azure right hand rested against his face in abject boredom as two of his divine subjects made their desperate pleas to him. He was dressed in an immaculate glittering white robe made of celestial bodies. His huge frame moved slowly as he inhaled. His pure golden eyes drifted across scenes from a million different worlds.
"My lord, Aur." Freyes said bowing reverently before his golden throne. Jorgen joined in, drawing his wings inwards as he bent at the waist.
"Rise." Aur spoke. His voice carried through the space between worlds filling it with his divine will.
"My lord, I have come to plead for the sake of my world. The balance we strive for is at risk. My lands hang in the balance, and I fear that without intervention the lands I cultivate will die."
"I have already given you permission for a champion." Aur replied wearily. "Why have you come? Another champion? Do you wish to intervene directly? Such actions are impermissible. One champion per god. That is the rule. None may break it or upset the divine treaties that govern the cosmos."
"Because, my lord. Jorgen blessed him. I thought nothing of it at the time. The champion is pathetic. He is too weak to help the beastkin. I am afraid things are spiraling out of control. If more help isn''t given, my lands will surely die."
"Jorgen. Is this true? Why would you bless her champion?" Aur asked. "That is supposed to be her task." His eyes never beheld the gods before him. They flicked between the different worlds under his control watching and spectating the lives of trillions.
"Yes, my lord. I was also the one who selected the human. I thought him quite exceptional, yet I have erred in my desire to help my fellow goddess. I thought his knowledge and experience would lend themselves well to my gifts. More so than hers. That is why I offered to bless him. My intentions were true, yet I may have made a mess of things. Freyes, my dear friend, is quite upset. And I-I fear I am to blame."
"Has he died?" Aur asked.
"No, my lord. Not yet. Yet...." Freyes said weighing her words.This book is hosted on another platform. Read the official version and support the author''s work.
"Without substantial intervention, he will die very soon. Please look upon him. It does not take a god to see his fate."
Aur''s dark blue eyebrow raised slightly. His golden eyes twitched as Aur''s gaze fell upon the Beastkin conclave.
"What? From a hangover? Ah.... Wait a moment. I see. You think he will die in this conflict."
"Yes. I am confident he will die in the coming weeks. He is participating against a horde of vampiric undead. Rose von Erwenhest has emptied her coffers for an army from the necromancers guild. Everyone shall die. I am sure of it. The outcome is obvious. An entire kingdom of the dead will be thrown at one measly city."
"I see, now...."
"Yes, Lord Aur." Freyes said reverently.
"Who summoned the champion?" Aur asked. Freyes'' eyes flittered towards Jorgen.
"I suggested the human to Freyes, my lord. Afterwards I assisted in the summoning. As I said, I thought him quite exceptional. I wanted to help Freyes, but I have made a mess of things." Jorgen replied. His myriad of many voices echoed guilt before the golden throne of Aur.
"I see. I see." Aur said. "Have you submitted the proper forms to my secretary?" The god above all asked.
"Of course my lord. We have submitted the proper C-S-4 form."
"As well as the champion summoning CRS-99 form?" Freyes nodded. "And the incident report summarizing the nature of his original summoning?" Freyes nodded. Aur''s eyes narrowed upon Jorgen, peering into the teeming mass of souls comprising his body. "Jorgen, have you submitted your separate incident report?"
"Yes, of course my lord. We have already submitted our RCR-01 reports as well as our Champion Relocation Environmental Impact survey. Additionally, we have already sent over the RCR-02 Viral and Bacterial Species Introductory forms. We would not bother you without following the proper bureaucratic procedures."
"Good. It appears all things are in order. Jorgen, your help was rather suspect. For all intents and purposes we shall count this summoning as your champion. As such, you shall not be able to summon another champion for another hundred years. Freyes, you are free to summon another. However, you must bless this one. Without exception you must bless them. They will be your champion. Fritz shall remain undisturbed. You may not contact him, Freyes. Jorgen we will update our records to mark Fritz as your champion. Do as you will with him. He is now your champion."
"Of course, lord Aur." Freyes replied.
"Now, leave." Aur commanded.
The two gods left the sanctum of the chief god. Leaving through the impossibly high marble doors marking his throne room. Freyes held a satisfied smirk as she prepared to save her lands. She turned towards Jorgen, victory apparent in her stride and manners. The god of magic pulled the cowl of his robes down and brought his wings inward. The two separated from Aur''s grand entrance hall travelling towards their sacred realms. Only when Jorgen returned to his library did he let out his excitement for the approaching chaos.