In the kingdom of Athelren, twelve towering structures form a magical barrier that shields the land from a deadly miasma—a foul energy that poisons the air and sickens all who breathe it. Each tower is guarded by a dedicated Guardian, respons...
England: 1879. A mysterious plague is spreading across all of London. With the government shutting the city off from the rest of the world, mass hysteria begins to emerge from the public. Peter and Marianne DeVois, two residential plague docto...
1973, Jacob Wolmin is given the task to write an autobiography for a local legend, Doctor Elliot DeMile, an epidemiologist. However, their professional relationship quickly becomes something more, and as Jacob tries to navigate life as a sing...
She, a modern hidden ghost leader of an organization which gathered insane prodigies proficient in the various differing skill-sets. Highly skilled in medicine and poison, executes covert assassinations, viewed as insane and demonic in the eye...
The Divine Doctor Wei Ruo, having transmigrated into the side character of a novel, was abandoned in the countryside without a word from anyone for ten years, and was only brought back when she turned thirteen.Everyone saw that she spent her d...