《Reverse World》
Chapter 1 - 1 – A day like any other
Chapter 1: ¨C A day like any other
A shrill beep resonated at regr intervals in the otherwise silent room.
With difficulty, Benjamin finally managed to wake up, turning his phone''s rm off at the same time. After a few more minutes, he got off from his bed and exited his room. He walked to the bathroom while yawning and opened the door. There, he found Olivia washing her face. She noticed him and was a bit startled.
"Oh, Ben. I-I am almost done now, just a second."
He was a bit surprised at that since she usually either ignored him or frowned whenever they met.
His answer seemed to make her panic a little bit more.
"F-finished now, it''s all yours."
She then passed by him in a hurry and escaped to her room, closing the door so fast that he didn''t even have the time to react.
He felt it was a bit strange but time was running out for him since hezed in bed this morning. Or more like every morning, really. He was not the best at waking up.
Today was Tuesday, a school day. He quickly went to wash and prepare his bag for the day.
Going down the stairs, he saw the table was ready with a simple breakfast. His mother, Chloe, and Nova were already sitting there and finishing eating. He greeted everyone in one go, the ssic way to avoid thinking too much about anything. It was still early morning in his dictionary, after all.
"Good morning."
"Good morning, dear."
His mother''s greeting seemed toe out a bit more rough than usual. She was smiling but her smile seemed sort of weird to him.
"Good morning!"
Chloe was the same as usual, grinning and full of energy.
"Morning. Hurry up or you will bete."
Finally, Nova was also her usual self, frowning at his usualziness.
He sat down at the table and started eating his breakfast quickly. For some reason, he felt like he was receiving more stares from his family members than usual. When looking up at the culprits, they quickly avoided his eyes and pretended that they were doing something else. Once again a feeling of unfamiliarity hit him but he couldn''t pinpoint what was wrong exactly.
The TV was turned on and he focused his attention there.
"Half a year after having been elected as the first male president in history, Jayden Hardwood continues his reforms to the country. He possesses both ardent supporters as well as extreme haters. He is visiting the countryside today in a continuation of his tour of the country."
It took Benjamin a short while but he finally reacted to what he just heard.
"A man president? And what do they mean first male president in history?"
It seemed his table neighbors heard him because they responded to his muttering, starting with his mother.
"Yes, it was a big surprise. Who would think a man would win?"
"Well, it might be a good thing. And also... he is sexy."
Nova added, thest part a bit more quietly. That didn''t stop everyone from hearing it though.
"Is that your type of man, Nova?"
The energetic little sister couldn''t miss such an interesting topic.
"He is okay, I guess."
While they were chatting, Benjamin waspletely out of it. He remembered that a woman was elected six months ago and was the first woman president in the history of the country. Was this channel some sort of troll information channel? No, that was the same public channel as usual. Then, what about the reaction of his family? He checked the date to be sure, it was definitely not the first of April today.
He was really confused now but Olivia eventually went down the stairs. Everyone checked the time and prepared themselves to leave. He also had no choice but to finish eating his toast in a hurry and go to school together with Nova.
Going to school together might be a bit of an exaggeration, since unless she had something to scold him about, Nova usually pretty much ignored him.
It seemed today was one of these days though. She remarked, a frown on her face.
"Your clothes are all wrinkled."
Benjamin sighed internally but didn''t protest in any way. He just waited until she "arranged" him to a satisfying level ording to her criteria. But, after a few seconds of nothing happening, he looked up at her. She was just staring at him and waiting until he did it himself, apparently. Another odd development. She always did it herself and he always let her do it because if he didn''t, she wouldn''t stop nagging him until he was perfectly neat. Since he knew about that, he couldn''t help asking her, pushing his chest out.
"What are you waiting for? We are going to bete."
"Heh? W-well... Are you sure?"
"Sure about what? Hurry up."
He had pretty much never seen her acting like that. She was always so authoritarian.
She approached him and started to smooth out his T-shirt. Her hands seemed hesitant and sometimes would linger in some ces more than necessary. She was also blushing a little bit. After a few seconds of a clumsy and sloppy job, she removed her hand as if she was burnt and shouted.
"A-all good now! Let''s go quickly before we arrivete."
Her attitude was all wrongpared to usual. Benjamin was now sure of it. Something today was different from usual. Perhaps, for the first time in his life, he was looking forward to going to school. There, he could try to confirm what was wrong. It had the most number of people out of all the ces he frequented, after all. He followed her in a hurry and they both arrived at school around ten minutester
Chapter 2 - 2 – Investigating the situation, detective Ben in action
Chapter 2: ¨C Investigating the situation, detective Ben in action
After arriving at school, he parted ways with Nova and headed to his ss.
It was still early in the first trimester, being only mid-September, and the weather was still warm. Benjamin was a freshman in high school starting this year. He recently had a growth spurt, putting himself at 178 cm. That also earned him the ire of some of his sisters, which now had to look up at him, contrarily to the looking down on him which they had be ustomed to, and frankly enjoyed much more.
Just like most boys his age, he believed that he was quite dashing and handsome. This point of view was of course extremely subjective and except for his mother and grandmothers, no one ever expressed the same opinion about his looks. However with his brown hair, brown eyes, and neat appearance - mostly due to the forceful intervention of his sisters - he also never got told that he looked bad.
He had been using the walk to school to somewhat organize his thoughts. First of all, he had to verify that the weirdness wasn''t limited to his family. And if it wasn''t, since the situation was still very unclear, he believed that he would probably have to appear strange to other people for a while more, just like what happened this morning. This really couldn''t be helped and the best he could do would be to limit it as much as possible and be prudent about his questions and attitude.
Entering his ssroom, he still used his old trick of greeting an unlimited number of people with a quiet "Good morning". No one paid too much attention to his arrival, except a few girls close to the door taking a quick look or two at him before going back to chatting between themselves. He spotted his newly made friends from high school, Julian and Nathan, and headed toward them. It was the perfect opportunity to start fishing for information.
"Hey guys, how are you?"
"Hi Ben, I am good, and you?"
"Morning Ben, all fine, thank you."
"I am good too, thanks."
He looked at his friends and he already started to notice the changes. First of all their speech appeared to be more polite than usual. Then they seemed to be... different somehow. If he had to say, they looked sort of... effeminate? Was that even possible? These were the guys he was running with together every day after school. That was also how they became friends quickly, being in the same ss and having the same interests. They were quite the sportsmen and frankly, it was hard to consider them as effeminate in any way. This made hime up with a good first question, to test the waters.
"Are you two ready for our run this afternoon?"
They looked surprised at him and there was a moment of silence. Finally Julian asked.
"What run are you talking about?"
This time it was his turn to shut up. The situation was even worse than he thought. Nathan took the opportunity to speak.
"Have you been running after school Ben?"
Taking his silence as acknowledgment, he continued.
"Are you perhaps starting a diet? Be careful not to go too far and ruin your health. And you wouldn''t want to do too much sport and end up all muscr!"
Thisst part made the two giggle quietly. Ben was a bit shocked. He took a few seconds before getting a hold of himself.
"O-of course you''re right, I will be careful."
They nodded at him and smiled approvingly. There was another moment of silence, which he used toe up with his next question. Since the boys were weird, what about the girls then? He already knew his sisters were not normal from this morning but since he didn''t really understand the changepletely yet, he fired his next question their way.
"By the way, it''s a bit of a topic change but what do you two think about the girls in our ss?"
To that, they frowned, clearly unhappy about the ss'' female poption. Still, they toned down their voice in order not to be overheard. Nathan answered first.
"We got really unlucky with this ss. Most of them are nerds or gamers and all of them are perverts, no exception."
Julian sighed, seeminglypletely agreeing with that statement.
"Right, look at them now."
All three of them turned toward the few groups of girls in ss. Strangely, it seemed a lot of them were looking at Benjamin, or more like toward their group. They had an odd smile on their face and they were indeed ogling them somehow. Their line of sight seemed to dive a lot though, not looking at the boys'' faces but aiming lower. When they noticed our group looking at them, they all hurriedly looked away and started to whisper among themselves.
Thatst sentence finally did it for Benjamin. He felt like some piece of the puzzle got unlocked.
At the same time, the teacher for the first ss entered the room. Benjamin hurriedly got to his seat after a quick "see youter" to his friends. The lesson started but his mind was miles away from following whatever subject the teacher was talking about. He took a piece of paper from his bag and started writing about all the anomalies he discovered since this morning.
His sisters being strangely embarrassed around him. Boys being prude and effeminate. Girls being perverts and horny. Boys being like... girls? And girls behaving like your typical horny high school boy?
Detective Ben finally saw the light. It was still only a theory but could it be that gender morals and values somehow got reversed?
Chapter 3 - 3 – Time to experiment
Chapter 3: ¨C Time to experiment
This realization left him stunned for a while. How could his world change so much in a single day? And why would he be the only one not affected? Was he still living in his world? Or did he somehow migrate to a parallel world of some sort?
His thoughts ran confusedly in all directions for a while. He was so deep in his world that he failed to notice what was happening around him.
"...jamin. Benjamin! Benjamin Freenine!!"
The teacher shouting at him in close proximity finally woke him up from his thoughts. He looked up to see his female teacher ring daggers at him.
"I see my ss isn''t very interesting to you, young man. I can only guess you already know everything I was trying to exin, correct? This is your chance to redeem yourself. Come to the board and solve this problem."
Benjamin looked around at the situation. A few of the students in the ss were sneering at him for being in trouble while his friends had worried looks on their faces. On the board, there was an iplete Math problem, waiting for him to finish. Since this was new material from high school, he wasn''t certain that he could solve it. But he felt this whole situation had little importancepared to what he realized about the world he was living him. He suddenly experienced a strong need to get away from the ssroom, as if he was suffocating somewhat.
"I... I don''t feel so good, miss."
His tentative only got him a mocking smile from the teacher.
"Yes, right, trying to escape the situation like that? I know the trick, young man."
"N-no, I really feel bad, honest. I think I need to lie down for a bit."
She red at him unhappily for a while but then sighed helplessly.
She continued.
"Alright. Go to the infirmary and get the nurse to check you up. You bettere back to ss as soon as you feel better."
"Yes miss, thank you."
Like that, he exited the ssroom. Now that there wasn''t anyone around him anymore, he finally felt like he could breathe again. He very slowly headed to the infirmary, his thoughts continuing from where he left them. He realized quickly that he had no way to answer all his philosophical and metaphysical questions. Who could know what really happened? He still wasn''t sure about anything yet, too. Was the world strange or was it him being strange?
Anyways, after a while, he started to think in another direction. He was a young teenage boy after all and while he was very surprised to hear that girls - and probably women too, he guessed - were perverted and horny, he thought that might be a quite exciting situation. Wasn''t this whole strange world some kind of incredible opportunity? If he thought about it, he was a horny boy surrounded by horny girls. What''s more, it seemed that guys were now the ones being very conservative about themselves, making him some sort of rare goods among his peers.
A rare perverted guy. Thinking in reverse, that would have been a horny and perverted girl in his old world. As long as he yed his cards well, his value in this new world was probably through the roof. Wasn''t he also super handsome at the same time? Won''t those girls jump on him if he showed even the smallest sign of being interested?
He finally arrived in front of the school infirmary. This gave him an idea. If that didn''t change when the anomaly urred, the school nurse was ady in her thirties. He remembered seeing her during the school tour at the start of the year. Wasn''t this a perfect opportunity to test some of his theories? He prepared himself for a few minutes, running some scenarios in his mind. When he felt that he was ready, he knocked on the door.
"Yes! Come in!"
He entered and saw the nurse sitting on a chair at her desk. She was as he remembered her, with blond hair and brown eyes. Her physique was rtively good, with forms in the correct ces. Perhaps a few kilos too many but nothing very remarkable. She was wearing a white skirt and a white blouse, which made her appear very nurse-like. She was smiling at him kindly, her eyes going to his chest for a fraction of a second beforeing back up to his face. He could have missed it if he hadn''t paid close attention. This was a good sign, he thought.
"Good morning. What can I do for you, young man?"
"Good morning, miss. I don''t feel great since a little while ago. Could you please see if there is anything wrong with me?"
With that Benjamin touched his chest over his T-shirt. It was his contextual guess based on the morning that women might be as much interested in men''s chests in this world as men were interested in women''s ones in the previous one.
That seemed to have the intended result as the nurse ogled his chest directly this time. Her eyes had a small glint to them and a different smile started to appear on her face.
"Of course, I will."
She took a stethoscope from her desk and asked him.
"Where does it hurt exactly?"
He pointed at his left chest directly this time.
"Here miss."
She seemed a bit happy now and quickly prepared to check him.
"Alright, let me see now. Breath normally."
She then applied the stethoscope to his chest. Seeing himpletely unbothered by her indirect touch seemed to surprise her. But it also seemed to make her bolder in her actions.
"T-this might take a while, just rx for a bit."
Following that statement, she started to use the stethoscope strangely. Instead of applying it to different ces, she was instead moving it from one ce to another with it still being in contact with him. She did that for some time and at one point, the stethoscope ended up caressing his nipple. He did not doubt that this was absolutely intended by the nurse. It was time to start the strategy he rehearsed previously in his head.
Chapter 4 - 4 – Job change, from detective to actor
Chapter 4: ¨C Job change, from detective to actor
ording to his very small understanding of this changed world, a normal male teenager would now start to question the nurse about what she was doing. However, he decided to act in apletely different direction. When the tool caressed his nipple lightly, he let out a small moan. It was quiet but loud enough for the nurse to hear. She was startled and stopped her hands from moving. She looked at his face to check his reaction but when he didn''t say nor do anything, she started again. A little whileter, the stethoscope passed over his nipple again and he moaned once more.
Truthfully he wasn''t feeling much of anything but that was the n he came up with before entering the infirmary. He was trying to act like an innocent guy who didn''t understand his own body very well yet. And so far, it seemed to be sessful. Since he didn''t stop her, she was growing bolder and bolder. After a minute of this, she said, hesitantly.
"I-I can''t seem to get a good feeling about what is going wrong with you through the stethoscope. I think I have to touch it directly. Is that alright with you?"
"Of course miss, you are the professional. If that can help you find what is wrong with me. I think you are helping a lot, my chest feels a bit better already."
Hearing this, her smile grew a lot. She was quite excited now and her face looked somewhat lewd.
"Good, leave it to me."
She started to touch him directly with her hands now. She still somehow pretended that she was exanimating him for some time but with his moans getting louder, she quickly threw caution to the wind and started openly molesting him. He was also slowly starting to get excited. Her chest was right in front of him the whole time and the weird situation was definitely a turn-on. He was slowly growing a boner and that didn''t escape the nurse''s eyes. She was now taking a peek at it more and more often. A few tens of seconds more of this and she seemed to have a brilliant idea.
"It''s still not enough, unfortunately. I think you should lie down on the bed there and that will make it easier for me to examine you."
Benjamin nodded docilely.
"Yes, miss."
She went to the door of the infirmary and locked it up. He didn''tment on her action,id down on the bed, and rolled up his T-shirt a small amount as if inadvertently, showing the lower part of his abdomen as well as his belly button. Being into sports, he was quite confident in his abdomen muscles. He didn''t have a six-pack but it looked toned.
The nurse opened her eyes wide at that. This sight made here up with her next idea, seeing him so obedient and sexy.
"I might need you to remove your top too. You might be shy but d-don''t worry, I am a nurse, I have seen my share of naked men in my time."
She was even starting to sound weird, adding a littleugh at the end of her sentence.
Benjamin nodded shyly and removed his T-shirt, covering his chest with his hands, just like a shy woman would have done in the previous world. This seemed to make the nurse even more excited.
"You can close your eyes if you feel too shy."
Benjamin obediently closed his eyes. The nurse came up to him and started molesting him once more. His hands were in her way, though. She put her mouth close to his ear and murmured.
"Remove your hands, dear. Don''t worry, your chest is beautiful and sexy."
Her breath on his ear made him shiver. He was also starting to get very excited about the whole thing.
"You think I am sexy?"
"Of course, dear. I have rarely had the chance to "examine" a boy as cute as you."
He smiled happily and removed his hands from his chest. The nurse didn''t hesitate a second and started to touch his upper body in full, with a specific focus on his chest and nipples. On the other hand, he also didn''t forget to start moaning again. At this point, it was only half fake, though.
"I-I still can''t find what is wrong with you. I need to try something different, keep your eyes closed, dear."
She was panting a bit now and, without waiting for his answer, she started to lick his upper body and suck on his nipple. There was clearly nothing medical about this anymore. She then continued this for a few minutes, lost in her enjoyment. Wondering when she would step up her game, Benjamin was also growing impatient. His boner was now so prevalent that it was hurting him inside his jeans. He decided tounch the next step of his n.
"M-miss, I am starting to hurt in a different ce now."
She stopped her furious licking, growing a bit distressed, wondering if the boy really had something wrong going on since the start.
"What is happening? Where are you hurting, dear?"
However, his next words swept up those thoughts away. He opened his eyes, pointed toward his crotch, and said.
"Here miss, it started to hurt more and more as you treated me."
The nurse looked toward the bump in his jeans and swallowed audibly. She thought that this day was the luckiest one in her life.
"O-oh, that looks worrisome indeed. C-can you remove your clothes so that I can check it?"
He nodded at that and started to remove everything. He was nowpletely naked and the nurse was almost drooling looking at him.
Chapter 5 - 5 – Wisdom of a nurse
Chapter 5: ¨C Wisdom of a nurse
His dick was extremely erect and towered over his pelvis. He was bigger than most, at least in the previous "normal" world. He just had to hope that this was still the case in this new world. As she watched his cock pulsating with admiration, he thought that it might still be correct. Still, it seemed that she couldn''t just jump on his dick like that. She looked like she was trying to find a way to make all of this appear in a good light. After a few seconds, she seemed to have a sh of inspiration, in her mind clouded by lust, and managed toe up with her next step.
"What is your name, dear?"
"Benjamin Freenine. I don''t know your name either, miss."
"Good, Benjamin. I am Sasha White. Do you know why your penis grew like this?"
"It happened to me a few times in the past but I never really understood why. I am the only male in my family and it is hard to ask these sort of questions."
This seemed to have been a very good answer as she started smiling lewdly again.
"You are lucky then, I am a nurse and we are alone in the infirmary. We can take all the time we need and I will exin it all to you."
"Thank you miss, that would be very helpful."
She probably felt that this whole process was necessary to go any further with him. He was a bit impatient but didn''t let it appear on his face and decided to let her continue to the end. He was also a bit curious about what sort of things she was going toe up with to achieve her goal.
"You''re wee, dear. Let''s start now. This phenomenon happening to the male penis is called an erection. This usually happens when the man is... aroused. It is a preliminary step before insertion. It is apletely natural thing and a proof of healthiness. After all, sex cannot happen without the man having an erection."
That was a lot of information but Ben focused on a particr part.
He again triggered something within her by asking this specific question. She looked like she couldn''t hold it much longer, which was a good thing because he was also feeling the same.
"Yes. You see..."
She sat down in front of him using her desk chair and suddenly removed her skirt and her panties. His gaze was now glued to her naked crotch. He noticed that she was quite hairy and that everything looked very wet. She took his dick into her left hand and his left hand in her right hand. He shivered at the sudden contact. Moving his dick a little bit she continued.
"...You insert the man''s penis..."
She opened her legs wide and dragged his left hand to her pussy.
"...In a woman''s vagina! Aah..."
She let out a sweet moan when his hand touched her sensitive flesh. She took a moment to appreciate the touch and dered.
"Let me help you make your penis normal again."
It seemed that she choose to focus on his penis more than on her pleasure this time. He also noted that she didn''t even ask for his opinion anymore. That was totally fine for Ben, who let her sit him down at the edge of the bed, facing her directly.
She spat a bit in her hand and took his dick in it. She then started to slowly masturbate him and he began to pant a little bit. Considering all his umted sexual tension, he didn''t know how long he couldst. Her hand was amazing on his cock. Still, he tried to hold on. It was the first ever handjob he received after all and he didn''t want it to end so soon.
After some time of this, she quietly remarked.
"It is good to use any form of lubricant for the male penis, like spit, since it doesn''t produce much lubrication on its own. How does it feel, dear?"
"It is amazing, miss. Please don''t stop."
She smiled lewdly.
"Don''t worry, dear, we have to continue until it goes down, after all. Do you perhaps want to try something even better?"
He obviously knew what she was referring to but continued his act anyway. He opened his eyes wide as if he was surprised and nodded fervently. Sheughed a bit at his reaction, looking at him as if he was something cute and precious.
She stopped her hand''s movements and dropped to her knees, right in between his legs. He noticed that she never let go of his dick through the process, as if it would run away if she didn''t grab it firmly. She lowered her head until it was in front of his member, took her tongue out, and gave him a quick lick. making him shiver again.
She liked his reaction and started to lick everywhere on his cock. No ce was spared, from the root of his cock to its head. Once she felt him growing ustomed to it, she paused for a moment before opening her mouth wide and gobbling the whole thing in one go, surprising him once again. She looked like a parched traveler finding water for the first time after several days of search and kept greedily sucking him off. Her face was no different from that of a woman fully in heat at this point and the noise of her sucking him off was extremely loud. He never felt something so good in his life before, masturbation couldn''t evenpare to this. He was getting really close toing now.
"Ah, miss, this is incredible, your mouth feels so good!"
She took his cock out from her mouth, to his regret.
"You can call me Sasha, Benjamin."
She then started going down on him again, sucking him even faster than before. He was very pleased but somehow didn''t forget his act.
"Yes, Sasha. I think I feel something weirding soon!"
His deration seemed to make her insane and she elerated her head movement even more. The sensation was amazing and all his senses were focused on her wet mouth moving around his dick. That finally pushed him over the edge and he shouted.
"It''sing out!"
He couldn''t help himself and took her head in his hands, pushing it all the way until the head of his cock hit the back of her throat and her nose hit his abdomen. He then let himself go with a groan, releasing everything into her mouth for a full minute, his dick spamming for every spurt sent into her mouth. She didn''t protest his action in any way and let him do as he wanted until he was done. He finally released her and sat back on the bed, panting and looking at her worriedly. He was very forceful at the end and waited for her rebuttal.
However, it seemed that her thoughts were the opposite of his. She closed her eyes and rolled her tongue in her mouth, appreciating his semen''s taste for a bit before gulping it all down. She then looked at him as if in a trance, grinned, and uttered.
"Damn, a big tasty cock, an amazing amount of delicious seed and active during forey. You''re amazing, dear."
Chapter 6 - 6 – Let’s not forget about the principle of equivalent exchange
Chapter 6: ¨C Let¡¯s not forget about the principle of equivalent exchange
She definitely forgot about her nurse''s persona for a moment but Benjamin''s mind, on the other hand, was much clearer due to being on post-nut rity. He acted as if he didn''t hear herment and waited until she calmed down. All the while, he thought about his next move. Fortunately, he managed to get a rough idea about what he wanted to do next before she got control of herself again. Once she stood up, he entered into action. He closed up on her with a smile full of affection, suddenly took her in his arms, hugged her deeply, and eximed.
"Thank you, Sasha! I feel so much better now, I think you fixed me uppletely. You''re the best nurse I have ever met."
It goes without saying that she was taken entirely by surprise and stiffenedpletely. She didn''t seem to be used to being hugged by men, much less quasi-strangers like him. However, after the initial shock, she slowly started to rx in his arms and didn''t try to push him away.
"You''re very wee, dear. I was just doing my job."
He could feel a bit of guilt in her voice. But, when he kept hugging her without releasing her, she started to get restless for a different reason. She was discretely sniffing his neck and it seemed that the smell affected her a lot. She was gasping more and more audibly as the hug went on. When he thought that the timing was right, he released her. Her face was red and her gaze somewhat unfocused. She didn''t get to have a release, after all, unlike him. He thought that it was the perfect timing to push forward.
"Miss, I would really like to repay you for treating me so well. Please tell me what I can do for you."
Her eyes shed for a second after hearing this but she quickly calmed down and answered, shaking her head horizontally.
"Thank you for proposing, you are very kind, dear. I don''t need anything, though, so you can put your clothes back on and go back to your ss."
"I insist. Please tell me anything."
She seemed to still be hesitating even after he said that so he closed up on her and put his hand on her still wet pussy.
"Ahh... What are you doing!?"
She jumped back in a hurry, taking her distance from him.
"I know what I can do for you. Since you made me feel so good by treating my penis, I will do the same for your vagina."
"What? No... you don''t need to..."
Benjamin didn''t let her finish her sentence. He took her by the shoulder and directed her to the bed. She resisted a little but was surprised to find him so strong. In the end, she didn''t manage to escape his grip. He ced her in the same spot he was in previously. Now, the most important thing was speed. Going down on a woman had always been a fantasy of his. He didn''t lose any time at all, got on his knees in front of her, opened her legs, and dived straight into paradise. He didn''t know much about cunnilingus except for what he watched in porn so he just took his tongue out and started licking everything in sight.
"Aah! Stop... Ahh, Aahh, Aahhh... Yes!"
That seemed to have the expected result, somehow, as her pitiful protests changed to full appreciation within seconds. She was very hairy but she kept herself clean. It was smelling of a scent he couldn''t describe easily except that it was sweet and arousing. Her juices were flowing out indefinitely and he diligently licked it all of. She tasted as sweet as she smelled. He started to try different things to see how she would react. He gave a big lick from the bottom of her lips to the top, making her sigh erotically. He tried to insert his tongue into her cavity and she moaned loudly. Finally, he found her clitoris, hidden behind a small piece of flesh, and attacked it slowly. This is what got him the best reaction out of her. He licked her more and more aggressively as he went on.
"Yes! Yes! Just like that! Lick me, dear, lick meee!"
He decided to focus on that ce, happy that she was enjoying his ministrations. He alternated between licking her clitoris and sucking on it, just like he saw on a cunnilingus tutorial video in the past. His tongue was getting tired by the movement it wasn''t used to doing but he persevered on. Eventually, he moved his tongue from side to side rapidly on her clit and she looked like she went crazy due to the intense pleasure.
"Aahh! You''re amazing, it''s so good! I am going toe,ing,iiing....!"
Funnily enough, she did the exact thing he did to her previously, taking his head in her hands and pushing him as deep as she could. His face waspletely glued to her pussy now but he continued to valiantly move his tongue, trying to give her as much pleasure as possible.
She started to tense and shouted in a loud voice, experiencing a great orgasm. He felt liquiding out of her pussy and wetting his face even more than it already was. He tried to taste it and it was found it one level sweeter than her normal juices.
The nurse let her full body fall on the bed, twitching from time to time, exhausted. He admired her unkept appearance, enjoying the fact that he was the one to push her to this point. After a short while, she raised herself again and saw his face full of her cum.
"Oh, I am so sorry! I didn''t intend on dirtying you like this."
"Not at all, miss. It is not dirty. In fact, it tastes very sweet."
"O-oh, really? Wait, let me get some tissues to clean you up."
She stood up and went to her medical supply locker, quicklying back with some tissues and started cleaning his face.
Chapter 7 - 7 – It’s important to keep expanding one’s knowledge
Chapter 7: ¨C It¡¯s important to keep expanding one¡¯s knowledge
After cleaning him uppletely, she smiled at him with affection and broke the silence.
"Thank you for doing this to me, Benjamin. It felt incredible. You might have a talent for this."
The praise delighted him. To be praised for his first sexual experience gave him a great boost in confidence. He also grinned and answered.
"Please call me Ben, everyone calls me that. No need to thank me, it was only natural to return your favor, miss. I have another question, though, if you don''t mind."
"Of course Ben, you can ask me anything."
"I would like to continue learning more about men and women''s bodies. I learned a lot today thanks to you and I hoped I coulde again to continue our lessons. Would that be alright with you? I don''t want to bother you during your work here."
Surprised by his proposal, her eyes widened briefly before looking at his still naked body, from the top to the bottom, her face somewhat red. She soon smiled knowingly and considered her answer for a second before replying.
"I would be happy to teach you anything you are curious about, dear. What about this, I usuallye one hour before the sses start in the morning, just in case an earlymuting student gets injured. Of course, there usually is no oneing to see me so it will be the perfect time for our lessons. If youe during that period, we will be able to focus without any interruption. What do you think?"
Benjamin was pretty sure the one-hour precaution thing was a lie she just came up with but didn''t call her out for it. On the contrary, this was very beneficial to him.
"That sounds perfect, miss. I will be there tomorrow morning without fault."
She nodded excitedly at his approval. After that, they both started putting their clothes back on. Once fully clothed, he asked her some questions about herself, to try to know her better. He rapidly found out that she was a kind person at heart. Well, kind and very perverted, of course. She decided to be a nurse because she wanted to look after and treat people. She tried to be a doctor at first but wasn''t smart enough for medical school and switched to nurse education, not wanting to abandon her dream. Although the profession had a majority of men - a difference from his knowledge due to the change, he thought - she didn''t get discouraged and sessfully obtained her nurse''s license.
This was her first year acting as a nurse in this school because she was working at a hospital the previous year. Due to the high-intensity work at the hospital, she didn''t have much time to date and was still single even though she was in her early thirties. Thest part was exined a bit shamefully on her side while Benjamin kept praising her through the story, pushing her to talk about things she might not necessarily have revealed otherwise. He concluded.
"Wow, you are an amazing person, miss. I am really lucky that someone so kind agreed to teach me."
She blushed a bit from listening to all hispliments but didn''t seem to hate it at all. There was even a small smile on her lips that she tried to hide without much sess. Attempting to change the subject, she asked him about himself this time.
"Well, you know, I am just a very ordinary high school student. I like running and sports in general. At home, I am the only guy, surrounded by four sisters, my mother, and my grandmother, that''s why I like to go out and run when I feel too bottled up."
He tried to keep his answer very neutral, just in case he said something abnormal for this changed world.
"That''s arge family! And you are into sports, that exins why you are so strong, even though you are a guy. Ah! Don''t take me wrong, that was not a sexistment!"
He smiled, amused both by her reaction and by the changed values of this world.
"No offense taken, miss."
They chatted for a little bit more before he gave his goodbye, saying that he would see her tomorrow. He unlocked the door and left, thinking that they were lucky no one came to the infirmary during all that time. Checking the time, one hour had passed already and he would be just in time for the second ss of the day. He arrived at his ssroom just after the previous teacher left and went to his friends to tell them that he was feeling better now. After a few minutes with them, a different teacher entered and the next ss started. Back to his seat, he took another sheet of paper to start organizing his thoughts. He was careful this time and paid the bare minimum of attention to the ss in order not to repeat his misfortune from before.
He had a lot to consider but also had a whole day of school to put his thoughts in order. He tried to be methodic about it. First of all, what did he want? That was a very good question. He could simply answer with ''a lot of sex with easy and horny women'', but was that really what he wanted? The thing was, one of the main reasons he started doing so many physical activities was that his libido was incredibly high. Before he started to run regrly and do all sorts of sports with his friends, he was quite the monkey, needing to masturbate 5 to 10 times a day. One day, when he was surfing the Inte, he came across an article talking about teenagers and masturbation. That was when he realized that he probably was masturbating much more than the norm.
That same article didn''t condemn masturbation but still advised against abusing it, rmending to start doing sports to keep the mind busy and burn the extra energy. He tried it without hoping too much, except that it indeed helped to calm his masturbation a lot. Not because his libido went down but because sports took enough time and energy that he couldn''t afford to masturbate as much. So, his first thought after realizing the situation he was in was that it was a good opportunity for him to direct his excessively high libido in the direction nature intended to: fucking women.
Chapter 8 - 8 – Be careful of cars on the way home!
Chapter 8: ¨C Be careful of cars on the way home!
He could safely conclude that he wanted to have a lot of sex. As for the exact details, he was pretty open-minded about things. It might have been due to his libido or perhaps it was his personality but the thing was, he enjoyed a veryrge amount of different kinks. When looking for porn, there were only a few developments and situations which rebutted him while everything else made him hard as a rock.
The next questions he should ask himself were ''who?'' and ''how?'', meaning ''who should he have sex with?'' and ''how should he go about to get it?''. A lot of ideas randomly came to his mind, until he thought about the next important point. What were the risks when following his sex fantasies? That notion froze his brain and his erotic thoughts went to aplete stop. That''s right, he had absolutely no idea about the risks that such behavior would provoke in this changed world!
What about STDs, was it different or was it the same? What did people use as protection? What about pregnancy risks?
Tens of questions came to him rapidly. And those were not the only things he had to worry about. What about his reputation? How would his surroundings react if they learned he was going around so much? By thinking in reverse with the previous world as an example, he would be the same as a loose girl sleeping around too much, an easy girl who opened her legs on demand. It goes without saying that this type of girl was not viewed very positively by society. True, he wanted to have a lot of fun, but that didn''t mean he wanted to ruin his rtionships with everyone around him.
It hit him a bitte but he finally realized that his very impulsive "experiment" with the nurse had been extremely risky. If her personality had been cruel or maniptive, he could have been in very serious trouble. Shivering, he resolved to be more careful in the future. He didn''t think that she would propagate rumors about him or cause him any trouble judging from her personality as well as the fact that she basically molested an "innocent" student, a minor half her age, at that!
Anyway, he needed to get a better understanding of the changes that happened. He couldn''t get anything more at school without starting to ask a lot of strange questions and weirding everyone out. He had no choice other than to wait until after school. Now, he couldn''t wait for thest period to end, allowing him to go back home. Unfortunately, there was still a lot of time left until then. He decided that he might as well pass the time by listening to the lessons. Who knows, he might even learn something from it.
The rest of the day went by like this, with him being distracted all the time by random thoughts popping up about his current situation. Finally, thest ss ended. He sighed in relief, bid goodbye to his friends in a hurry, and quickly headed home.
Five minutes into his way home, while moving forward on the sidewalk of a street, he saw a caring closer and closer to him and stopping right next to where he was. Surprised, he stepped back from the road, taking some distance from the car. The front window lowered itself and a middle-aged woman appeared, grinning confidently at him.
"Hey, cutie. Wanna take a ride?"
He looked at her, speechless, not understanding what this was all about for a moment. He tried to reverse the situation in his mind and imagined a middle-aged man driving his car, parking next to a cute girl on the street, and asking her to join him for a ride. This was a clear flirting attempt! Wasn''t he a bit young for her, though? Did the women in this world hit also on minors?
These thoughts made his cock twitch a bit in his pants. He got tempted to follow her just to see what would happen. He took a step forward but suddenly stopped. He just resolved himself to be more careful a few hours ago. He hesitated for a moment, torn between the exciting idea of having sex with a stranger and his previous resolution. Eventually, he remembered the lesson the school nurse promised him the next morning and barely managed to convince himself not to enter the woman''s car.
He stepped back once more and answered her.
"No, thank you. I am very close to home now."
The woman didn''t seem surprised by his refusal at all, as if she did not expect that he would agree to her proposal. She justughed and said.
"Your loss, then! See you, beautiful."
She rolled up the window and drove away as if nothing had happened. Benjamin watched her car disappearing on the road, a bit of regret in his heart, and continued on his way home.
His house was pretty huge, with three floors in total and a generous amount of rooms and living space. His family could afford it because their mother had a very well-paying job as a financial consultant. That allowed all of the seven people living here to have their room, plus his mother using another room as her workce since she was working most of the time from home.
Benjamin''s room was on the second floor, at the end of the corridor. He entered the house before going up the stairs and into his room, closing the door behind him. He didn''t meet any family members on the way. He was probably the first one back from school and his mother must have been in her study, busy with her work.
He rxed a bit after reaching the familiar ce that was his room. He had things to do, however, and went to start hisputer, sat down in front of it, and started searching for answers to all the questions he had.
Chapter 9 - 9 – Thank you, my best friend, the Internet
Chapter 9: ¨C Thank you, my best friend, the Inte
As someone born and swimming on the Inte for as far as he could remember, it didn''t take long for Benjamin to find all sorts of information about the differences between this world and the old one. After some hours of research and reading, he managed to get a good idea about the changed values of this new society.
First of all, he confirmed that there were subtle differences in historypared to what he remembered. Mostly some minor events and a lot of historical characters being of the wrong gender. However, overall the global international situation seemed to be mostly the same. The countries and country rtionships were pretty much unchanged, which was quiteforting to him.
The next topic was about the change in gender values. He found out that his initial guesses were mostly correct. Women were expected to be "womanly", which was the equivalent of the "manly" concept he knew. They had a higher rate of working in couples, were expected to be the ones seducing the men in most cases, and were supposed to be the pirs of families. As for the hormones, it seemed their sexual urges were even worse than what he knew about men in the previous world. As his friends remarked, describing them as constantly horny wasn''t very far from the reality. The rate of sexual crimes was very high and women of all ages had a hard time restraining themselves. There were many articles aimed at teenage boys warning them to careful around the opposite sex, describing some examples of what could happen to them, most of which appeared really hot to him.
On the other hand, men had a low libido and a limited amount of interest in sex. They were careful and selective about their partners, rarely moving things forward before they knew more about the woman, and were much more interested in stable and romantic rtionships. Their ce in society was still very much oriented toward the traditional values of taking care of the house and the children, ying the role of keeping everything household rted in ce.
All in all, it looked like the values of gender equality were less advanced here than in his world, masculinism movements only having started recently while sexism still wasn''t penalized, even though it wasn''t well regarded either.
Strong with all this new information, he could now attempt to research his previous questions. The first one was still about who he should have sex with. Being a horny virgin teenager, he didn''t mind too much about who he could have sex with, as long as it was safe. In conclusion, his potential targets were most of the female poption. He always believed it was important to dream big.
Next was about how he could getid. Remembering what happened on his way back from school, he didn''t think that it would be much of an issue. Still, it didn''t hurt to have a more precise idea about the different things he could try to facilitate the process. After mixing some ns in his head for some time, he kept in mind some of the things he might use in the future. Some of his thoughts even made himugh alone since they were so crazy. Even though, from his point of view, it was this world that was a crazy ce, so... why not?
The most important point he should focus on was safety. Benjamin went back to search for data about the subject. After a short while, he sighed in relief: the results were pretty satisfying. STDs were almost inexistent in this world, probably due to the gender reversal values. The reason the rate was so low wasn''t exactly clear because the number of cases of STDs was very limited in the first ce.
Most women went on the pill from a very early age. The main reason for that was due to their delusion that if they imed to be on the pill, they could have sex much more easily. Even better, they might be able to get raw sex, since the risk of pregnancy was practically non-existent. Of course, in reality, a lot of men still used condoms to be extra sure nothing would ever happen.
Finally came the problem of maintaining his reputation. Truthfully, he still wasn''t exactly sure how others viewed him in this world. He had toe up with something to be able to have fun without making everyone around him cringe. It meant that he had to hide his sexual adventures from the people around him, which wouldn''t be easy since people talk and hearsay propagates quickly.
After thinking about this issue some more, he came up with a few ideas. The most obvious one was that if he had to hide from his surrounding then he could just try to have sex far away from his home, for example in a different town where no one would know him. To be even safer, he could try to keep his rtionships casual by making clear that no feelings were involved right from the start. He could also potentially try dating apps. The idea was interesting since the concept was quite foreign to him. He was just a high school freshman after all and those apps were more aimed toward adults.
He suddenly heard a knock on his door, making him jump in surprise. Rising from his chair, he went to open it and saw his big sister Grace waiting for him. Remembering that he still had to be very careful with his attitude, he asked her what she wanted with a very neutral:
She sent him a worried look.
"Are you not going to make dinner today, Ben? Are you perhaps not feeling well?"
Even though he tried to be ready for anything, this still took himpletely by surprise. Right, men were supposed to be the home-oriented ones in this world and he was the only man in the house. Except he had never cooked anything before in his life.
Chapter 10 - 10 – Family dinner
Chapter 10: ¨C Family dinner
He panicked for a short while before taking control of himself again. Since he didn''t have the first idea about cooking, there was obviously no way he could prepare today''s dinner, and definitely not without making his family suspicious. He took a look at the time on his phone. It was already 8 pm, quitete indeed to prepare food for seven people. He put on a sorry expression and answered her.
"Ah, sorry, Grace. I was too focused on something and lost track of the time."
"No no no, it''s ok, don''t worry."
She quickly reassured him, as if she was afraid to hurt his feelings. She had always doted on him and it seemed that it was still the case. He continued.
"Is it alright if we order something? I don''t think I will make it in time, today."
She seemed a bit disappointed to hear that, not the rebuttal sort but more like sad that she would not be able to eat what he would cook. Nevertheless, she didn''t let her feelings out.
"Yes, no problem, I will go tell Mom."
She turned around and went down the stairs, leaving him to go back inside his room. A few tens of minutester, he heard through the door his mother shouting that dinner was ready. He turned hisputer off and directed himself to the living room, on the first floor.
There was a table big enough to sit with eight people and he could see that they decided to order pizza since it was covered in different sorts of the food. It seemed that he was thest one to arrive and everyone else was already there, probably hungry due to thete dinner. He approached and sat at one of thest remaining seats. Seeing him here and sitting down, the women seemed pleasantly surprised.
"Are you going to join us today, Ben?"
The way his mom expressed it suggested that it was not always the case. He nodded and Grace followed up.
"It''s great to eat all together. Even if you are the only boy in the house, you don''t need to be so quiet and reserved."
"That''s right, kiddo. I know it''s not easy to be surrounded by these stupid girls all the time but everyone in this house loves you, so you don''t need to worry about anything."
That was from his grandmother, who lived together with them in the house. Everyone seemed to agree, some of them blushing a little hearing that deration. He now had a small idea about how his previous self was behaving, thanking Grace in his mind for steering the conversation in this direction. Since they all seemed to wait for him to say something, he went ahead and answered.
"I am sorry I have been distant with you. I will try my best to spend more time with you. I-I also love you all."
He tried to give them what he hoped was a shy smile while uttering these lines. Even in his eyes, it was a bit cheesy. However, the effect was tremendous. As if they never expected him to say something like this, the look on their faces was quite hrious. After they processed his words, all of his sisters blushed without exception while his mom and Grandma gave a big grin. His mom stood up, ran up to his seat, and took him in a big manly (womanly?) hug, out of nowhere.
"That''s my darling son! Mom is so happy to hear you say that!"
Since he was still seated and she was standing, his head went directly into her abundant chest and he couldn''t deny that the sensation was amazing. She smelled good, too, and he was very happy to stay like this for as long as possible.
"You always looked so annoyed whenever I did that in the past, now look at you being so docile. I see you didn''t lie, I can feel the love right now!"
"Stop it, Mom, we are having dinner. Leave Ben alone and go back to your seat."
Nova "rescued" him from his mother, who went back to sit down with a pout. The dinner started at that time and everyone enjoyed therge number of pizzas on the table. The atmosphere progressively became more rxed as they saw him eating the same fast food as they did without anyints and smiling at them when they were looking at him. They even started talking about things more freely, like which male celebrity was hot, or that some of their friends imed that they managed to hook up with a guy, and any other simr subjects. After the meal, they started to clean up the table. Once they were done, he turned toward his family.
"Sorry about today''s meal, I will prepare dinner tomorrow."
"Don''t worry kiddo, we are the ones always profiting from you preparing dinner. I remember when you got sick two years ago and we tried to make dinner without you. It''s a good thing that the whole house didn''t go down in mes! Ahahahah!"
The anecdote put quite a few of them to shame as they frowned at their grandmother and avoided looking him in the eyes. Since the mood was very good overall, they decided to watch a film all together. The living room had a giant TV and enough space on the sofa for three of them. He was ced in the middle of it, his mother and grandmother taking ce on both sides. His sisters were notpletely happy with the seating arrangement but didn''t protest, choosing to use chairs or to sit directly on the floor. They choose to watch a romance movie, which ended up being pretty good, though he often had to adjust his sense of values to understand some of the interactions. After the movie, they each went back to their respective room. He didn''t forget to set up the rm one hour earlier for his lesson with the school nurse and went to sleep, tired from a long day full of surprises.
Chapter 11 - 11 – First lesson
Chapter 11: ¨C First lesson
The next morning, his rm woke him at 6 am. With school starting at 8 am, this gave him a good hour to prepare himself andmute. He still felt a bit tired from the day before, adding to the fact that he was waking up so early. He almost went back to sleep, until he remembered his ns for the morning which made him jump out of his bed in excitement. Leaving his room, he went to take a shower, scrubbing himself really well. He wanted to be as clean as possible and leave a good impression on the nurse. He didn''t forget to brush his teeth extra well too. He chose some clean clothes to wear from his wardrobe and was finally ready to go. The house was very silent so early in the morning, everyone else still asleep. He left a small message saying that he had gone to school earlier today, opened the front door, and left quietly, skipping breakfast altogether.
When he arrived at school ten minutester, he was still fifteen minutes earlier than the agreed time. He headed straight for the infirmary and knocked at the door, just in case she was already there, and it was opened almost immediately. The school nurse was grinning at him and invited him with a small gesture.
"Good morning, Benjamin. Come inside."
"Good morning, miss. I hope I didn''t make you wait too long."
"Not at all, you are early, even. I just arrived too."
He wasn''t sure if that was true considering how eager women were in this world but decided that it wasn''t worth interrogating her. She offered him a chair and he sat down.
"Would you like something to drink, dear?"
He really just wanted to proceed with their "lesson". He had been thinking about it for a whole day and he was very eager about what was going to happen.
"I am fine, thank you. If that is alright with you, can we start the lesson right away?"
Seeing the expression on her face, she was very much alright with that. She sat in front of him.
"Of course. So, um, how should we start? What are you curious about?"
"Yesterday, we started talking about insertion and sex. I would like to know more about that."
His supposedly innocent bluntness surprised her, in a very good way. Her grin was only growingrger and lewder by the minute. She nodded several times quickly and answered.
"Yes, that is very important. Let''s see... As I told you yesterday insertion is when the woman puts the man''s penis inside of her vagina and sex is the act of the woman stimting the man''s penis until he reaches ejaction. It is the way a woman can get impregnated by a man''s sperm, which will allow her to have children. But, most of the time, sex is just used by the two partners to have fun, since it is an extremely stimting and pleasant process. Pretty much all the women in the age of procreating use the pill, which is a very safe way to avoid pregnancy. O-of course that applies to me too."
She let out her not very subtle desire a bit at the end and was somewhat red in the face by the end of her exnation. Even though Benjamin didn''t learn anything new, he still noted that her choice of words was a bit weird, very centered around everything being done by the women. He was curious about that so he directly asked her.
"This is very interesting. But, from the way you phrased this, it seems that the woman is doing everything during sex. What is the man doing then?"
She let a small resignedugh at that question.
"Most men... don''t want to do anything during sex. This is because the act of sex is traditionally about impregnating a woman. That implies making the man ejacte inside the woman, and it is the job of the woman to make that happen. Of course, that isn''t all bad for the woman, since that doesn''t mean they can''t get a lot of pleasure from sex, as they also get greatly stimted during coitus."
Now that was new information for him. He could hardly hide his happiness when he heard that. Interpreting what she said, didn''t that mean that active men during sex were rare? This meant that if he was active, he would surprise the women and let them experience somethingpletely new. If he thought that he was hot stuff before, he was now more and more convinced that it went even beyond that, like a winning lottery ticket or something. He then asked her another question.
"I see... And so, concretely, how does sex work? I, um, I know you agreed to teach me but I don''t want to abuse your kindness. I-if possible, could you give me a practical experience, just like what we did yesterday?"
"Yes! Oh... I mean, of course, we can, we are here so you can learn it all, after all. You should not hesitate to ask me anything, right, absolutely anything!"
Her excitement was already reaching a very high level and she could barely contain herself. He wasn''t in a much better state, his hard-on already visible through his pants.
"First, you can take off your clothes and lie on this bed. I will also take my clothes off since being nude makes everything much easier."
He did as she said and started taking his clothes off. As soon as he removed his top, her eyes focused on it, her face full of desire. When he removed his pants and underwear, her line of sight immediately moved down, admiring his erect member for a long time. She finally took her eyes away from the scenery and removed her clothes. It was now his turn to focus on her body and he that noticed her pussy, which was very hairy yesterday, was now neatly trimmed. It was literally drenched, drops of juice falling to the ground. Now that they were both nude, he went to lie down on the bed. She restarted her exnations, approaching him.
"It is very important for the man''s penis to be erected and lubricated beforehand, to avoid hurting it during the insertion. This is called forey."
That was yet again the reverse of what he knew. He asked her.
"What about the woman, isn''t she hurting during the insertion?"
"Not at all, women''s vaginas can lubricate themselves, making any forey unnecessary. Contrarily to the men''s erections, women get wet extremely easily and do not need any external stimtion."
She climbed on the bed, her head now at the level of his cock, and concluded.
"Shall we start now?"
Chapter 12 - 12 – The correct way
Chapter 12: ¨C The correct way
The nurse stared at his cock for a few seconds but, contrary to his expectations, she didn''t start to "lubricate" him. She raised her head and moved forward on all fours until their eyes were at the same height.
"S-should we kiss? Kissing is the most normal way to start the act of having sex and serves to arouse both participants, in order to facilitate and enhance the whole experience."
Benjamin didn''t expect this but soon nodded, easily agreeing. This was also something he had wanted to try for a long time. She lowered her head and gave him a short peck on the mouth, as if afraid to scare him. Seeing him smile approvingly, she grew more confident and kissed him again, longer this time. Her lips were soft and warm and it felt really good. After a few times, she tried to insert her tongue in his mouth during a particrly long kiss. Feeling her tongue on his teeth, he opened his mouth and she didn''t lose a second to rush inside, starting to y with his tongue and the inside of his mouth. After a short while, she broke the contact, panting heavily, her face red with excitement.
"Take out your tongue, dear."
The moment he did, she gobbed it in her mouth and started sucking on it noisily, her head doing very small back and forth movements, as if she was feting it. The feeling was amazing and his arousal was only increasing as time went by. Soon enough, he got used to the concept of French kissing and when she took a break next, he counter-attacked, this time sending his tongue to the assault. She was surprised by this but eventually found it exciting and they both continued enveloping each other''s tongues enthusiastically for long minutes, releasing erotic slurping sounds. Finally, she separated herself again, out of breath.
"Haa, haa, we should, move on, to the next step, dear."
He acquiesced, also panting a bit. That was intense, especially for his first kissing experience.
The nurse moved back a little and started to kiss his left nipple. She followed up by licking it in a circle and went to do the same for his right one. She continued her way down, kissing his belly button, and arrived at his groin. She started kissing his dick several times, delicately, and went on to do the same to his balls. She took them in her mouth, one by one, suckling on them lightly. The foreign experience caused his cock to twitch and she grinned happily at the sight. Eventually, she went back to his member and started to lick it, from his balls to the tip. After a certain amount of licking, she took the whole thing in her mouth and sucked it slowly. Contrarily to the day before, she didn''t try to increase her fetio speed and it didn''t take long before she took his member out.
"Since your penis is erect and well lubricated, we are now done with forey. We can go ahead with thest part of sex, the pration."
"Yes, miss."
Both were very aroused at this point, being short of breath due to their excitement. She moved once more on top of him and positioned herself so that her pussy aligned itself with his cock, in a cowgirl position. Her juices were running down on his tip, as if to prove her previous assertion that women didn''t need extra lubrication.
"Are you ready, dear?"
He nodded at her question. She looked at him hungrily, as if she didn''t want to miss any of his reactions, took his member with one hand to position it straight under her pussy hole, and descended her waist slowly, taking him inside herself little by little. He first felt his penis'' head parting her vagina lips, only to be plunged into a mass of wet and warm flesh, which enveloped himpletely. As he entered, he could feel it scratching against small bumps, making the flesh shiver at his passing. She finally took himpletely inside her hole and he let a groan out. He could feel that his tip had reached something, stopping it from going any further.
"Mhmm, you are all the way to my womb. How does your first insertion feel, dear?"
"It feels amazing, miss. I have never felt something so good before in my life."
And that was not a lie. Her pussy was gripping him and he could feel her soft walls all around him. He had to resist the urge to move his waist, as he still wanted her to be in control.
It seemed that it was the nurse who couldn''t control herself anymore after hearing his answer, her joy, pride, and excitation apparent on her face. She moved her waist up until the tip of his cock almost fell out of her and then brutally impaled herself down on him. She let out a big moan and shivered. Benjamin could feel her pussy suddenly contracting hard around himself, a flow of wetness drenching her already wet insides even more. The nurse had clearly orgasmed, on the second thrust at that, and looked ashamed about it. From Benjamin''s point of view, however, it was incredibly erotic. She quickly moved her waist up and down again, looking like she was trying to correct her mistake. The sound of their flesh meeting resonated noisily in the room as she repeated the process again and again, her movements smaller and faster as time went by. She was literarily fucking herself on him at the end and both of their agitations were growing by the second.
"Yes! You feel so big inside of me! You feel so good! Yes!"
"Your vagina feels so great, miss! I won''t be able to hold it much longer!"
"It''s fine,e inside me! Let yourself go inside my tight pussy!"
Her words pushed him over the top and he pushed his hips up, plunging inside her as deep as he could. He released his seed, in a great rush of pleasure. His sudden movement and ejaction also propelled her second orgasm and she came loudly.
"Aah! I can feel your hot cum inside me! I''m cumming too! Cummiinng!"
She closed her eyes and cast her head back, panting heavily and twitching every time he released his sperm inside of her.
Chapter 13 - 13 – I can help
Chapter 13: ¨C I can help
After both came down from their orgasm high, the nurse smiled at him with satisfaction and affection.
"That was amazing, Ben. You did really well for your first time."
"Not at all, miss. You did all the work and it felt incredible, truly."
"I am d you liked it, it felt great for me too."
She seemed sincerely happy with his praise and her body rxed on top of him, her hips starting to slowly disengage with his. He was far from done with her, however, and interrupted her movement with his next sentence.
"By the way, miss, I am still erect. If possible... Could we do it one more time?"
She instinctively squeezed her pussy and realized that he was saying the truth.
"You are still so hard, this is, really impressive. Men usually need hours before being able to get erect again. Some are even done after one time. We can definitely continue since we still have a lot of time."
She seemed to be quite anticipating it, perhaps because she never had the chance to have sex two times in a row in such a short amount of time.
"Thank you, miss. You must be tired from having done all the work previously so I will try to move too, this time."
"Oh, don''t worry about that, dear. You can just enjoy yourself."
"I am sure we can both enjoy it better if we move together, there is no need to be that considerate of me."
She hesitated a little, as it seemed to be a matter of pride for women to pleasure men in this world, but finally acquiesced.
"Well, if you insist. Coordinate with me, alright?"
Benjamin nodded and she raised her hips, before descending onto him again. He raised his waist when she was going down and their flesh met with a small pping sound. She let a quick appreciative moan out and they continued like this for some thrusts, Benjamin getting the hang out of it as they went. At some point, they became well coordinated and he started to increase his speed a little. She was taken by surprise and hurriedly adjusted her movements until they matched again. He then started speeding up once more, repeating the process. After several times, she appeared to have trouble following him so he gently grabbed her hips and guided her up and down on him. He was getting more and more excited by being able to get more control over their mating and kept going faster and faster. Feeling her pussy pistoned, the nurse couldn''t take it anymore and came on his cock right there, drenching his groin with her juices, her mouth opened in a low groan and her face red from shame and pleasure.
He tried to slow down to give her some time to breathe but she looked like she wanted to make hime too, increasing the speed of her movements instead. He happily synchronized with her once again before soon taking control once more and pounding her from below. He started giving it his all and the nurse went crazy with pleasure.
"Yes, bang me more, bang my tight pussy! Aaaahhh! Aaaahhh! Cumminggg! Haaa, haaa, more,e inside me, give me your seed!"
She reached a few more orgasms before he felt like he couldn''t hold it anymore and let himself go deep inside her cavity. The feeling of his ejaction brought her to onest climax, clenching her pussy and releasing juices in droves.
Benjamin felt incredible but didn''t want things to end like this. He also wanted to try different positions and be able to move differently.
"Miss, can we continue? You are so sexy and you feel so good, I can''t just stop here!"
The nurse was still drunk from her feelings and felt like she should be the one to ask such a cute guy to keep fucking her, not the other way around.
"Fuck me as much you want, Ben! You''re just amazing!"
Happily, he held her back with one hand and switched their positions, rolling over with her back now on the bed and him on top, in a traditional missionary position. She looked seriously startled at the change of position but he didn''t waste any time, took her hips in his hands, adjusted the cement of his dick in front of her vagina, and pushed it all the way inside in one go. She let out arge huff and he started pumping into her. It felt different from before and he was hitting other spots in her pussy. He also realized that he didn''t need to keep his hands on her waist and started to grab herrge chest, massaging it and ying with her nipples.
The sensation of his hands on her breasts pushed the nurse into moaning loudly once again. He continued hammering rapidly into her and moved one of his hands to her clit to stimte it. That change brought her to a powerful orgasm and she squealed loudly in an unrecognizable voice. He went full throttle in her pussy and after a while of seeing her face so messy and full of pleasure, lowered his head down to suddenly kiss her deeply, entangling their tongue rapidly, which brought her to yet another climax.
He kept plowing her out like this for some minutes before he couldn''t hold it anymore and ejacted inside her once more. The excitation of his first sex didn''t go down and he raised himself, took his cock out of her, and turned her body so that she was now facing down. At this point, she was just letting him do whatever he wanted with her. He raised her upper body and her ass, putting her on all fours, the typical doggy position. As soon as he was done, he plunged into her wet pussy again, this time fucking her at full speed right from the start. Overwhelmed by so much stimtion, she was going mad with the incredible pleasure she had never felt before in her life.
"Aaaahhhhh! Aaaahhhhh! Fuck me! Good! It''s so goooood! Fuck me! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!"
He pumped into her like that for a good ten minutes and he couldn''t count the number of times she orgasmed anymore. Finally, he reached his climax too and came inside her onest time, flooding her with his semen. Once he got everything out, both of them copsed on the bed, exhausted and panting heavily.
Chapter 14 - 14 – Learning cooking
Chapter 14: ¨C Learning cooking
Benjamin and Sashaid down on the bed, taking a well-deserved break. Once the nurse managed to calm down somewhat, she kissed him on his forehead, her eyes full of affection and gratitude, and said.
"That was the best sex I ever had in my life. Even I didn''t know it could get this good. Thank you, Ben."
"Really, miss? I should be the one to thank you, it was all incredible to me."
This was a big ego boost for him. Although he let his lust take over somewhat, it seemed that women were indeed different now, seeing how the nurse enjoyed his rough sex a lot. One more thing was that they clearly had a much easier time reaching climax. He remembered stories from his world about how a lot of men had no idea how to please women, or how women would fake orgasming to get out of bad sex quicker. There was no such thing here and it made everything much easier since the women were very explicit about their pleasure.
"Really. Men are usually much less active during sex. I can''t say what you did was bad, though. I was surprised but in a very good way. Oh, also, you don''t need to call me miss anymore. When it is just the two of us, call me Sasha. That would make me happy."
"Alright, Sasha."
She grinned happily and took him in her arms.
"It is good to cuddle after sex. It allows partners to feel closer and shows that the act of sex wasn''t only for physical pleasure."
Benjamin nodded and returned her hug. It felt very warm and cozy, as if he was in a safe ce.
Some minutester, Sasha looked at the wall clock in the room, frowned slightly, and announced reluctantly.
"Unfortunately, sses are going to start soon. We should start cleaning up."
They separated and cleaned themselves up as best as possible. The nurse also changed the bed sheets, which were wet with their fluids. Once they were done, there was only ten minutes left before 8 am. Benjamin thanked her once more and told her that he would see her again the following day, finally leaving the infirmary.
He wasn''t a virgin anymore and his first experience was just the best. He felt a deep satisfaction and entered his ssroom full of happiness. He greeted his ssmates louder than usual, making more heads turn around. He smiled at everyone, surprising the girls, some of them blushing lightly or smiling back at him shyly. He spotted his friends on their usual spot and walked up to them.
"Good morning, Julian, Nathan. How are you today?"
His hype didn''t escape his friends and Julian answered.
"We''re good but perhaps not as much as you. What happened to make you so happy, dude?"
"Hehe, it''s a secret."
Nathan rolled his eyes.
"Come on, bro. That''s stingy. Spill the beans."
"Can''t do. But there is something else, actually. How good are you two at cooking?"
"Cooking? Not so much."
"I am pretty good at it, I have been interested in cooking for a long time and I practiced a lot."
It seemed that Nathan would be his savior.
"That''s great, man. You know, I have a favor to ask. Could you teach me about the basics of cooking after school today?"
"Hmm, well, sure, why not? Howe you want to learn suddenly?"
Benjamin had taken a small risk since he wasn''t sure if his previous self had already talked about the fact that he was cooking for his family every day. Fortunately, that wasn''t the case, thanks to the fact that the school year had barely started.
"Thanks, Nathan! I need to cook for my family from now on but I don''t know anything about it. I want at least some basic knowledge so I can continue learning on my ownter on."
"I see. No worries, I will teach you well, leave it to me. Do you want to do it at your ce?"
"I don''t mind but six women are living there so it might be a bit overwhelming for you. Can we do it at your ce instead?"
"Right, I remember you told us about it. Ugh, must be hard being the only guy with so many girls in the house. Anyway, it''s no problem. What about you, Julian, do you want to join us?"
"Yeah, sounds fun. It wouldn''t hurt to learn about it too."
"Great, let''s meet and go after school, then."
The teacher entered the ssroom and the ss started. It was a fairly normal day at school and Benjamin followed the lessons attentively. He had never been a bad student in the first ce. During recess, he still felt the stares from the girls in the ss, except that this time he returned a charming smile every time he noticed them, surprising them.
Eventually, school ended and the three friends headed toward Nathan''s house, which was also within walking distance from school but in the opposite direction from his house. They reached the ce and Nathan opened the door.
"Come inside and make yourself at home. There should only be my father now, my mother wille back from work a littleter."
Nathan had already told them that he was an only child. his parents and him ounting for the whole family. They entered, left their bags at the entrance and he guided them to the kitchen. They heard someone going down the stairs and a middle-aged man entered the room, looking startled. Nathan presented them.
"Dad, they are my ssmates Benjamin and Julian. I am going to teach them how to cook, I hope you don''t mind."
The father smiled and caressed his son''s hair affectionately.
"Of course not, darling. It''s nice to meet you boys, I am Mark, the father of this one."
"Nice to meet you, sir."
"Ahah, no need to be so formal, you can just call me Mark. Make yourself at home and ask me if there is anything you need."
After they all nodded and thanked him, he wished them luck and went back upstairs. Nathan started teaching Benjamin and Julian about the basics of cooking. There was a lot to learn but Benjamin tried his best to focus. He had a dinner to make this evening, after all!
Chapter 15 - 15 – Cars are really dangerous
Chapter 15: ¨C Cars are really dangerous
The three of them have been at it for about two hours when they heard the front door open. Soon after, they saw a woman in her forties enter the house. She was blonde with green eyes and had an overall neat appearance, probably due to wearing a woman''s business skirt and jacket. She saw them in the kitchen, came their way, and Nathan greeted her.
"Wee back, Mom. How was work?"
"Good evening, darling, it was just like usual, really. Who are your friends?"
"Benjamin and Julian. I invited them because they wanted to learn about cooking. I have been teaching them since we came back from school."
"Oh, that''s great. It''s nice to meet you two, I am Nathan''s mom, you can call me Karina."
They greeted her back, Julian smiling politely and Benjamin giving her a brilliant grin. He had decided to greet everyone from the opposite sex in this way because he enjoyed seeing how they reacted to it. This time again, it didn''t miss, seeing as she was a bit surprised to get such a warm reception from a cute boy she was meeting for the first time. Especially because boys were usually careful around the opposite sex. She returned his smile happily and when the father also came down to wee his wife, the five of them chatted for a few minutes, discussing their progress in cooking, before she checked the time.
"It is getting quitete, it is probably better for you two to go back soon, since Benjamin needs to cook for his family. I will drive you back with the car, we wouldn''t want anything to happen to two young boys like you."
They agreed with that and started preparing themselves to go. Benjamin and Julian thanked Nathan for his teaching as well as his father for his wee before going out with his mother to her car. She asked them where they lived and after hearing their answers, she decided to drop Julian first since he was closer. As the first to leave the car, Julian went to the back seats, leaving Benjamin to sit in the front passenger seat.
On the road, they continued to chat, talking about school and girls.
"So, does Nathan have a girlfriend? The little guy would never tell me even if that was the case, I have to ask around for myself!"
Since Julian wasn''t answering and Benjamin wasn''t sure what the correct answer to this sort of question was, he decided to just say he didn''t have one.
"Not as far as I know, no. The school year has just started too, we don''t know everyone in the ss very well yet, let alone the rest of the people in the school."
"It makes sense. Ah, I think this is the ce, Julian."
Julian nodded and thanked her for driving him back home before leaving the car and walking toward his house. The car restarted in Benjamin''s house direction.
"What about you, Benjamin? Did you manage to find yourself a girlfriend yet?"
"No, not yet. To tell you the truth, I wish the girls around me were as beautiful and mature as you are. But even I know that would be asking for too much."
She was bewildered for a moment, not expecting the sudden praise. Shen thenughed and answered.
"Ahahah, thank you. But, you know that ttering me won''t get you anything, right?"
He smiled charmingly and replied.
"Of course, I am not expecting anything since I was simply stating facts."
"That''s a very nice thing to say, Benjamin."
Her eyes shed with a bit of excitation for an instant. She kept a little smile on her face, focusing her line of sight on the road. However, her right hand slowly left the steering wheel and went to settle down on his left thigh. She left it there for a while, judging his reactions. Since he didn''t do anything, she moved her hand to his inner thigh and started to caress it, very slowly, as if she was afraid to startle him. She continued her fondling and started going up more and more, toward his groin, where Benjamin was already hard due to the situation.
When her hand was only centimeters from his cock, the car finally reached his home, and he took the initiative.
"Thank you for driving me back, Mrs. I appreciate it."
He then grinned, opened the passenger door, and left the car, leaving her with her mouth agape. He walked to his house and entered it. He could rx now that he was at home.
Benjamin thought that this world was truly insane. As far as he could see, Nathan''s parents seemed to have a good rtionship. Of course, that was in front of guests; he also only met them once, so he couldn''t say for sure. However, how high could a woman''s libido in this world be that such a loving mother and wife would use the smallest praise as an invitation to try to get into the pants of a boy the same age as her son whom she met for the first time?
He took a minute to recover from the shock and headed toward the kitchen. Unfortunately, he had no time to get lost in his thoughts today because he still had a critical mission: cooking dinner, by using his knowledge worth a grand total of two hours of teaching.
He decided to go with mac and cheese, which met all his criteria. It was easy to prepare, came withrge portions, and had a low risk of failure. He initiated the operation and after a good hour of hard struggle, he managed to output something which looked more or less like the dish. Satisfied, he called for the rest of his family members toe down for dinner. It didn''t take more than a minute for all of them to rush to the living room and seat at the table. Once they were all present, the family started the meal, with an anxious Benjamin monitoring everyone''s face to see their reactions to his dish.
Chapter 16 - 16 – Comfortable routine
Chapter 16: ¨C Comfortable routine
His family was very lively today too. They started chattering about anything and everything.
"Ben''s homemade dinner. It has only been one day but I already missed it."
"Mac and cheese, nice. Is it the first time you cooked that dish?"
"Yes, so it might not taste that great."
"I don''t care, if it''s a dish made by you, I would eat anything."
"Yeah! A dish full of love for his family. I can feel his feelings entering my body!"
"True that, kiddo. It''s making me tingle all the way down to my crotch."
"Dammit grandma, we are in front of Ben."
They all looked at him, ashamed by their too crude grandmother. Ben was surprised by their sudden openness in front of him but he didn''t dislike it. In fact, it was quite a warm feeling. He smiled and reassured them.
"Don''t worry, I am not a child anymore. You don''t need to mind me, you can talk about anything."
"Exactly! Look at my fine grandson, cute, gentle, masculine, and open-minded. No doubt you will wreak havoc in all the girls'' hearts. Now that you are at this age, it''s good if you know about that sort of stuff for when you find a girlfriend and start having sex!"
That idea didn''t seem to please his sisters and his mother very much, though. They all wore a deep frown, a very unhappy expression on their face. His mother even looked shocked.
"No way, not my Ben!"
She stood up, ran to him, and took his head into her chest just like the day before.
"My baby son, you''re not going to date any stupid girl and have sex, right? You can just stay with Mom forever!"
He felt that she was notpletely serious and was taking advantage of the situation for some fun. But he also felt that there was a part of sincerity in it. He decided to just ride on the flow.
"Of course, Mom, you are the best. What about this, once I am done with my studies, we can go and marry and live together forever!"
He stood up and kissed her cheek chastely. She opened her eyes wide in surprise and blushed a little bit but soon wore her joking smile again.
"That''s my son, only he can understand his mother''s love!"
The youngest, Chloe, couldn''t let this pass without joining the fuss and raised her hand high.
"Me too, me too! I will marry you, Ben!"
He went to her and kissed her cheek too, making her totally red in the face.
"That goes without saying, my cute Chloe."
Sheughed happily at thepliment and nodded rapidly, showing her approval. When Benjamin straightened up again and looked around the table, he saw four other raised hands. His sisters were shyly raising theirs, their faces flushing red, while his grandmother was raising her hand high, wearing a big grin.
"It seems I will be a very busy husband in the future, taking care of six wives. Now that we have a male president, I will try to petition him to allow polygamy and in-family marriage."
Benjamin continued with the joke but still went to each of them and kissed their cheek, his sisters squirming bashfully and his grandmother epting it happily.
After everyone calmed down, they managed to resume having dinner, still chatting and joking around. He found that most of them were a bit restless and once they finished the meal, they cleaned up everything quickly and went back to their room, not proposing any family activity for the evening.
Benjamin also went back to his room and enjoyed a rxing time, surfing on the Inte or ying games for a while, before finally going to bed and falling asleep quickly.
The next few days were of a simr routine for Benjamin. In the morning he woke up early and went to school to fuck the brains out of Sasha. The woman was clearly enjoying the time of her life, climaxing on his dick many times during every encounter. Benjamin himself was growing much more skilled and confident in how to please a woman. During the day he focused on his sses and his friends. He wanted to keep his level of good marks, if possible, since that could help him get into a better college after high school.
He also didn''t forget to always be nice to the girls in his ss and school in general. Nathan and Julian were surprised by his attitude and he exined to them that since he was the only man in his house, he got used to being around girls and their peculiarities, while also being strictly managed by his big sister. That was actually the truth, even though it happened in the previous world and not this one. They seemed to ept his exnation and, interestingly enough, they started to imitate him and interact with the girls in the ss a little bit more. As the only group of guys willing to have anything to do with the girls, they quickly grew popr with them. They were not that bad overall. Although they were horny and perverted, their eyes wandering on their chest, crotches, or asses whenever they thought they could get away with it, they still kept a minimum of political correctness, since they didn''t want the guys to feel too much disgusted with them.
After school, he started doing some sports again. He found out that sex was quite a physical activity and it would always help to keep in shape. He would then go back home and start preparing dinner. During the meal, his family got more and morefortable with his new tolerance and openness and they started talking about anything. The mood was usually very good and everyone enjoyed the time spent together.
Finally, it was Saturday, the long-awaited weekend. Benjamin had time to think about how to spend these two days and he didn''tck ideas. It was now time to act on them.
Chapter 17 - 17 – Hunter
Chapter 17: ¨C Hunter
Benjamin woke upter than for a school day. He was still bad in the morning and it felt good to sleep more after waking up so early for several days, even if it was for a noble cause. He washed up as usual and started picking his clothes for the day. He decided to go with something proper but still showing a bit of skin on the arms and legs. He went down to the first floor and announced that he would go out for the day. His family always had a veryx policy about monitoring the kids'' activities and he found out that was still the case now that he was the precious only son, probably due to his previous records of good conduct. The family credo was around the lines of "you can do whatever you want as long as it is not illegal and you keep your grades up at school". It had been like this since his father died when he was young and he had always attributed it to his mother and grandmother''s liberal mindsets.
Benjamin had thought about how he could try to have sex in this world and the conclusion remained very close to his previous one. He has picked a town located several towns away from his own but still directly essible by train. The trip would take around one hour. He was confident no one would ever recognize him there and no one from his surroundings would ever have a reason to go there. In other words, it was the perfect hunting ground for him.
Luckily today was a sunny day, perfect for what he was nning. He walked to the station, bought a round-trip ticket to his destination, waited for the train toe, and boarded it. After an uneventful one hour of waiting, he arrived at his destination. He had already investigated the map of the ce and knew where to go. After a ten minutes walk, he arrived at a park. He checked the ce and there were a certain number of people around, families, couples on a date, and groups of boys or girls walking around or enjoying the fresh air and the sun. Benjamin chose an empty bench in a visible ce in the park and sat there, took his phone out, and started surfing the Inte on it.
Today was his first day of hunting and he wanted to start slowly. His n was divided into ns A, B, and C. n A was an open option in case something happened on his way to the park, just like when he got hit on by the woman in her car on his way home the other day. If anything like that happened before he reached the park, he would assess the situation and potentially go along with it.
n B was the one currently in action, since nothing happened that triggered n A. Because he wanted to start easy, he decided to act as the lonely boy ying on his phone in the park and see if anyone would hit on him. He would go at it for a while and if really nothing happened after a long time, he would try to go with n C, where he would try a more direct approach to the problem.
For the moment, he just continued what he was doing, looking at his phone and waiting. Whenever he felt a gaze on him, he would look up and if the person was from the opposite sex, he would smile charmingly at them. He did that for some time, waiting patiently for anything to happen. He started reading an interesting article on the and got a bit absorbed in it when he heard a voice near him which took him out of his focus.
"H-hey. What are you doing on your phone alone like that?"
He looked up and saw a girl around his age standing in front of him. She had shoulder-length ck hair and ck eyes, a slim body, and a healthy appearance. She wore a white T-shirt and a short green skirt, a fitting outfit for the warm weather. She was looking at him with an uncertain smile on her face as if she expected him to rebuke her or something. He sent her his most brilliant grin, perfectioned by days of training smiling at all the girls at school.
"Oh, hi, I was just surfing the Inte, nothing big. What can I do for you?"
The girl''s eyes widened a bit at the apparently unexpected warm response that she got from him. She looked behind him for a split second before answering.
"A-ah, nothing much, I just saw you alone like that and I thought, perhaps, um, you would like to chat together?"
At that point, she couldn''t help ogling his chest for an instant before looking back into his eyes. Benjamin on the other hand turned his head a bit and, from the corner of his eyes, managed to see two other girls his age watching over them from a distance. It seemed the girl in front of him was being cheered on by her friends over there.
"That''s very nice of you, I was getting a bit bored by myself. Come sit here. What is your name?"
The girl beamed at her sess and sat next to him, neither far nor close.
"I am Karen. What about you?"
"I am Benjamin, you can just call me Ben, everyone calls me like that."
"Ben, great. I think we are around the same age, I am a freshman in high school."
"I am also a high school freshman, what a nice coincidence. So, tell me more about you, Karen."
After his question, they started chatting about their interests and the like. She was quite the standard girl in this world, she liked sports, going out with her friends, and meeting new people - which Benjamin automatically tranted to picking up boys. He jokingly asked how much sess she had with meeting new people and she sheepishly answered he was her only sess so far.
They chattered for some time before she came up with her next proposal.
"Say, do you have time today? We can go somewhere and have some fun. If that''s ok with you?"
"Sure, sounds nice, what do you want to do?"
She once more smiled happily at how her luck was so amazing today.
"It''s almost lunchtime, what about eating somewhere and then, um, watching a movie?"
"Perfect n. Let''s do that."
Chapter 18 - 18 – Date with Karen
Chapter 18: ¨C Date with Karen
They went to a fast food restaurant and ordered something to eat. Karen wanted to pay for him for Benjamin refused, making her pout amusingly. After eating, Benjamin let Karen take him to a movie theater. She asked him what he wanted to watch and he answered he would leave it to her. In the end, she chose to go with a romance movie that was going to start screening soon and they directly entered the auditorium. Benjamin said that he wanted to seat at the back and she had no problem with that. Once they were seated, she seemed happy to be in such proximity to him. The theater was almost empty, with only a few other people sitting in the front rows here and there.
It didn''t take long before some advertisements started ying and soon the movie itself went on screen. The story was pretty boring overall but there were a few steamy scenes, even though nothing was shown explicitly since the movie was aimed at the general public. Karen kept ncing at him through the screening, trying to be discreet but failing to be so. Every steamy scene left her more agitated and she soon started rubbing her tights together, her breathing a little short and her gaze unfocused. After a particrly hot scene, Benjamin acted as if he suddenly realized her agitation, lowered his head towards her, and whispered in her ear.
"What''s wrong, Karen? You''re really restless."
Suddenly feeling his breath on her ear, she shivered. She turned her head away from him and answered, full of shame.
"I-it''s nothing. Don''t worry about it."
He put his hand on her closest thigh and she trembled at the contact. She turned toward him with iprehension on her face.
"W-what are you doing?"
"I saw you rubbing your thighs together."
He started caressing her, slowly moving his hand towards her inner thigh, using the skill he recently learned from Nathan''s mother. Karen was like paralyzed, not knowing what to do.
"You looked like you were bothered."
He started moving in the direction of her crotch and she started panting, her eyes slowly filling with lust.
"It pains me to see you like that."
His hand reached her panties and he could feel how soaked they were. She let a low moan out at his contact, her two hands grabbing his arm by reflex.
"You are so wet."
He started stroking her pussy through her panties. Her breath was getting rougher and rougher, her zed eyes focusing on his hand.
"You have been very nice to me today. I want to do something for you now. Will you let me help you?"
She looked up at his eager expression, her face full of shame and lust. She hesitated for a few seconds but finally nodded, releasing his arm and lowering her head sheepishly. He continued to massage her vagina through the piece of clothing.
"Thank you for letting me help you."
Benjamin pushed aside the cloth part covering her pussy and started running his fingers directly on her wet cunt. The feeling made her moan again and her juices started dripping on her chair.
"You are so cute."
He started pushing his index and major finger inside her hole and she let out a gasp of pleasure. He inserted his fingers as far as they could go and started pumping them in and out of her. Benjamin had tried fingering Sasha during one of their morning sessions and he knew what felt best for women during the act. Karen was panting heavily now and her face was so red that he could see it even in the darkness of the movie theater. Having a hard time stopping her moans froming out, she bit her lips and blocked her mouth with both of her hands. It was a good thing that they were on thest row, far from the other people in the room, and could get away with doing a little bit of noise. Once Benjamin felt that she was close, he suddenly curled his fingers, without stopping his movements. His fingertips were now scratching the upper wall of her pussy, making her stifle another moan, her eyes bulging in their orbits. Benjamin elerated his movements and dered.
"Cum for me, Karen."
And she cummed, barely blocking her cry with her hands, tears of pleasure falling from her eyes.
Her lower body trembled greatly and her pussy became filled with a wave of juices which flowed out, down on her chair. She twitched on her seat a few times before settling down, her body without strength.
After a minute, she started to get her bearings again. She turned toward him and asserted.
"That was so hot, it was the best orgasm of my life."
Benjamin took his fingers out of her and put them in his mouth, savoring the sweet taste of her juices, under her incredulous look. She gulped loudly and said.
"W-wow, I thought this sort of stuff only happened in porn. Damn, you''re so sexy."
The whole act had also greatly affected Benjamin and he was rock hard, a detail that Karen didn''t miss.
"Y-you''re hard. I-I can do the same for you if you want."
That was a very tempting offer but Benjamin had a better n.
"Thank you but I have a better idea. What about we go somewhere else more private and we can do much more than that?"
Karen''s eyes expanded in surprise but she quickly nodded very happily.
"Yes, great. We could, huh... sorry I don''t have enough money to go to a motel. But, um, what abouting to my ce?"
"Your ce?"
"Yeah, my father is out with his friends today and only my mother should be there. My ce is only five minutes of walk from here. What do you think?"
"That''s perfect. You made me so hard, I can''t wait to be there already."
She breathed in noisily and nodded excitedly. They left the theater and started to walk quickly towards Karen''s home.
Chapter 19 - 19 – Visiting Karen’s home
Chapter 19: ¨C Visiting Karen¡¯s home
As Karen said, it didn''t take long before they arrived at her home, a two-story house on a quiet street. Karen opened the door and told him toe in. Once they entered, they heard a voice calling from the living room.
"Is that you, Karen? You came back early."
A woman with the same ck hair and ck eyes as Karen appeared. She was middle-aged and was wearingfortable clothes which didn''t manage to hide her thick and mature body. Once she saw Benjamin, she couldn''t help being startled and asked.
"Who is this?"
"Mom, this is my friend Benjamin. I invited him to, huh, so we could chat and know each other better."
Despite his excitation, Benjamin still felt that her excuse was quiteme. Anyhow, he tried to give his best smile to her.
"Hello, Mrs. I am Benjamin. It is nice to meet you. I hope you won''t mind meing to your house so suddenly."
Karen''s mother looked at them with surprise in her eyes. She obviously noticed her daughter''s impatient and excited face as well as the boy''s slightly red countenance. A quick nce at his lower body revealed his boner, visible through his pants. She rapidly got an idea of the situation and looked at them with slight envy.
"I didn''t expect my daughter toe back home with such a cute boy. I am Miranda, Karen''s mother. Make yourself at home, Benjamin.
"Thank you, Mrs."
"You are wee. Karen, you better treat him well."
Karen nodded and Miranda turned back to Benjamin, a slightly explicit smile on her lips.
"Benjamin, if there is anything my daughter cannot provide, you can alwayse to me."
He immediately understood her implicit meaning but it seemed that her daughter didn''t.
"Oh, Mom, I can take care of a guest."
She took Benjamin''s hand and pulled him towards her room, on the second floor. Once they were in, she closed the door and locked it. She then turned towards Benjamin, her gaze full of lust but still unsure of how to proceed next. He closed on her and put one hand on her head, caressing her hair.
"You''re so beautiful, Karen."
She grinned happily and he started kissing her, holding her head with his hand. They went at it several times, each time longer than the previous one and he started using his tongue. She was clearly inexperienced and he guided her until their tongues tangled, slithering against each other. She started to take a hold of his head too and kept him in ce, kissing him hungrily. After several minutes of this, she broke the contact, taking a much-needed breath, her face full of arousal. Taking this opportunity, Benjamin started to remove his clothes, one by one.
Her lusty gaze followed each of his movements, scanning his body as if trying to save the scene forever in her memory. She panted when he removed his top and once he started removing his pants, her stare locked on his rock-hard penis, unmoving. He finally got rid of everything and turned to her.
"Your turn now."
His voice took her out of her reverie and she started unclothing as fast as she could, clumsy in her hurry. She had a slim body and cute breasts while having a small amount of unkept hair over her wet pussy. Once nude, her eyes went back to ogle him as much as they could. Considering her reactions and how awkward she was, there was almost no doubt that she was a virgin. He could point it out to her but girls in this world considered being virgins as something shameful and a sign of inexperience, the same way boys would never admit to being virgins in his memories. He had no ns at all on being mean to her for no reason. In consequence, Benjamin decided to make her first time as good as possible and satisfy her curiosity about boys and sex. He opened his arms wide and said.
"I am yours now, you can do whatever you want with me."
Of course, one other reason was that he had this kink where he was curious about what his partner would do if he said that. Karen''s eyes opened wide in surprise but she didn''t do anything for a while, probably still afraid to do something wrong since it was her first time. He grinned, reassuring.
"Don''t worry about me. Go ahead."
That finally got her moving and she did the most obvious action she could do as a virgin girl having her first contact with a boy''s body. She dropped to her knees in front of him and started to inspect his cock. She took his member and his balls in her hands and started fiddling with them, pushing them one way or another, up or down, inspecting his crotch area, and sniffing everything deeply.
"You smell so sexy, Ben."
He didn''t know how to react to thatment and decided to let it pass. She continued by licking everything, from his wand to his balls and back to his tip.
"And you taste good too."
She then took his penis in her mouth and started sucking him. She was very inexperienced and her blowjob couldn''tpare to Sasha''s but her awkward movements felt good in their own way.
"Your mouth feels amazing, Karen."
His words gave her a confidence boost and she started going faster on him, bobbing her head horizontally on his shaft. It must have been tiring for her, especially since it was her first time, but it seemed that her pride didn''t let her stop until she made hime. Benjamin focused his mind on the pleasure, trying to give her what she wanted.
"Just like that, Karen, I am so close."
The prospect of making a boye with her blowjob seemed to excite her a lot and she elerated her movements even more, going full speed on his cock. The increased stimtion finally pushed him over the edge and he shouted.
He released his cum in her mouth, appreciating the sweet pleasure. She choked a bit when the sperm suddenly hit the back of her mouth but kept herself on his cock, swallowing his spunk little by little, until nothing was left. After sucking any leftover on his dick a bit more, she popped it out of her mouth and panted excitedly.
"That was amazing. Even your sperm tastes good, Ben."
Chapter 20 - 20 – Thanking Karen
Chapter 20: ¨C Thanking Karen
Benjamin''s penis hardened even more at her words and Karen watched it appreciatively.
"You''re still hard, that''s so hot."
Her right hand went down to her twat and began to fondle it, almost unconsciously. That gesture made Benjamin even hornier. He put his hands under her armpits and lifted her in the air. She cried a little in surprise at being lifted so suddenly and so effortlessly.
"I need to thank you for the blowjob, don''t I?"
She blushed a bit but didn''t try to escape from his hold. He carried her over to the bed and ced her on her back. He thought a second about doing some more forey but got rid of the idea when he saw her juices literally dropping out of her snatch. He climbed on the bed and opened her legs wide, cing his cock''s head on her pussy lips. Before continuing, he asked, just in case.
"Are you on the pill?"
She nodded so strongly that he got worried she would hurt her neck. Satisfied, Benjamin moved his dick up and down her vagina a few times, making her pant. Finally, he aligned it with her hole and slowly prated her. She was very tight and he had to force himself inside her to be able to move forward. She let out a moan of pleasure until he felt something stopping his advance. He still didn''t want to shame her by revealing that she was a virgin and simply gave a push forward with his hips to break her hymen in one go. Karen let out a short gasp when she felt his member piercing her virginity forever but nothing more, powering through it in a very womanly way.
Benjamin finally reached her deepest part and stopped there for a second. He was strangely excited. More than the pration, the knowledge of being the one having taken the girl''s virginity made him incredibly proud and euphoric.
Karen started panting and squirming so he resumed moving inside her. She came a few thrustster, letting out a shout of delight, her vagina walls twitching around his dick uncontrobly. She blushed in shame of climaxing so quickly but Benjamin didn''t mind one bit. He grabbed her ass in his hands, his fingers sinking into her malleable bottom cheeks. She liked the contact and her hips moved to amodate his cock better. Benjamin then started to move his waist circrly, trying to stimte different spots inside her and find where she liked it the best. He kept at it for while before starting to focus on one area where he had managed to get some great reactions out of her. He was getting hornier and hornier now and his movements inside her elerated.
He suddenly heard quiet footsteps outside of the room. They stopped in front of the door and he didn''t hear any sound after that. Benjamin smiled inwardly. It seemed that someone was very interested in their activities.
On the other hand, Karen was far from being able to focus on anything else right now. She had all forgotten about her defloration and was sending her hips against his, as strongly as she could, seeking as much pleasure as possible.
"Fill my pussy! Fill me! Your cock is so good in me! Yesss! Fuck my pussy! More!"
She was getting more and more exhrated as he went on. Seeing her lose control so much thrilled Benjamin and he began to pound her with all his strength. She came another time but he didn''t even slow down, making a mess out of her cunt. When he kept at it for a few minutes, she wasn''t able to say anything intelligible anymore, only shouting her pleasure in a loud voice. She came several times and her face was full of tears and drool, her expression full of pleasure. The whole situation sent Benjamin into hisst spurt, until he couldn''t hold it anymore and ejacted full strength inside her, sending his cum deep into her twat with a low groan. The feeling was too much for Karen and she came again, big time. She started to squirt, sending a strong jet of liquid out of her pussy, directly on his pelvis.
It was the first time Benjamin saw a girl squirt and he felt that it was really hot. He had a random thought, wondering what it would actually taste like,pared to pussy juice. Seeing such a lewd scene, his dick kept its hardness, waiting for more action. He grabbed Karen by her back and turned her around, her belly facing the mattress and her head now in the bed''s pillow. He raised her ass higher and prated her in one go, just like that. She grunted and he went on pumping into her again from this position. It didn''t take more than a few strokes before she came again, once more squirting, directly on the bed this time. It was really arousing and Benjamin felt like he wanted to test her limits. He went on fucking her at full strength, hammering her sloppy pussy. He sometimes changed positions but never stopped digging into her flesh. Karen kept cumming and squirting, drenching the sheets of her bed. The smell got really intense and stimting, entrancing both of them in their world of mating.
Karen, who was already not able to speak correctly anymore, was bing worse and worse, only letting out animal growls by that point.
"Ooouuhhhh! Uuuhhhrrmm! Roooohhhh! Roooohhhh! Ooouuhhhh!"
When he felt that he was getting close to cum once more, he turned her so that they were facing each other, raising her upper body until her head was on his level. Her eyes were unfocused and her mouth was opened wide, grunting at his pounding, with her tongue sticking out. He brought his head closer, took her tongue into his mouth, and continued his movement onto her lips, in a deep tongue kiss. That caused her to cum yet again another time, spasming in his mouth. The feeling of her pussy twitching on his cock finally pushed him over the edge and he let out his spunk into her, all the while continuing their kiss. It felt amazing to ejacte and kiss her at the same time.
Eventually, they both fell onto the bed, panting heavily. Karen was very tired and barely conscious at this point. He felt a bit sorry about going so hard on her.
"I am sorry, Karen. I got too excited."
But, contrary to his expectations, she slowly shook her head, a smile on her lips.
"No. It was, the best."
Seeing her so exhausted, Ben kissed her forehead and continued.
"You were really amazing, Karen. You can take a break now."
She nodded a little and closed her eyes, quickly falling asleep on the bed. Benjamin covered her with a nket so that she would not catch a cold. He then put his clothes back on and quietly left her room.
Chapter 21 - 21 – Miranda’s suggestion
Chapter 21: ¨C Miranda¡¯s suggestion
Now in the corridor, Benjamin looked around but didn''t see any sign of the person he heard moving outside the room previously. That didn''t matter, though, since the culprit was obvious. He went down the stairs and arrived at the living room. Karen''s mother was still there, reading a magazine. Benjamin noticed that she had changed her clothes, from thefortable ones she had before to much more revealing ones now. She had mini-shorts and a tight yoga top on, highlighting her forms. He could also see that she was a bit red in the face, blushing lightly. She noticed his entrance and put down her magazine.
"Ah, Benjamin, are you done... chatting with Karen?"
"Yes, Mrs. She had so much fun that she ended up falling asleep. I will go home, now."
"Oh, she fell asleep in front of her guest? I am sorry for my daughter''s poor manners."
She stopped for a second, before going on.
"If you would like to, I can take over her host''s duties in her stead. Let this be my apology to you for the poor treatment."
"You don''t need to apologize for anything, she was a great host. But, I really think I should go, now."
"Oh, I am sorry, are you in a hurry?"
"Um, well, not really, but..."
Miranda smiled joyfully and said.
"That''s great, you can stay as long as you want. Would you like a snack or something to drink?"
"Huh. Well, then, I will have a ss of water, please."
"Just a second. You can sit here on the sofa while I get it for you."
Benjamin went and sat on the sofa, as she suggested. She quickly came back with a ss of water before handing it to him. It was very wee after his previous exercise and he gulped it all down rapidly.
"Thank you, I was really thirsty."
"You are wee, dear."
She took the ss back from him and ced it in the kitchen, beforeing back to the sofa and sitting down on his left side.
"So, Benjamin, how did you get to meet my daughter?"
"There is not much to say, she saw me being alone in the park and came to offer me to have a chat with her. I agreed and that''s how we met."
She moved closer to him and remarked.
"That was very nice of you to go along with her."
"No, I was a bit lonely so I was happy to have someone I could talk to."
She came even closer to him until her right arm touched his left one.
"You were lonely? That''s sad to hear."
She moved her right hand until it was on top of his thigh.
"What about now, are you still lonely?"
She started slowly caressing his thigh, moving towards his inner thigh.
Benjamin tensed up at her contact, while slowly getting hard again. Internally, however, he thought that this method of molesting people seemed to be very mainstream in this world. Even he had used it, after all.
"W-what are you doing, Mrs?"
She continued her caress from his inner thigh towards his groin. Benjamin was now fully erect again and Miranda grinned when she saw the bump in his pants.
"I can help you get rid of all your loneliness."
Her hand reached his penis and she started moving it up and down on it through his pants. Benjamin''s breath elerated under her ministrations. Still, he questioned her.
"Are you not married, Mrs?"
She wore a depreciating smile at his remark.
"It has been a long time since my husband cared about me in that way. We haven''t done anything for years now."
She then smiled lustily at him.
"You, on the other hand... Do you know I could hear you having sex with my daughter from anywhere in the house? I don''t know what you did to her but I have never heard anyone shouting like that during sex."
She gulped audibly as her imagination ran wild.
"You are still so hard even after what you did with Karen. Just thinking about it is making me so hot."
Her talk aroused Benjamin even more. However, he thought that he could take a bit more control of the situation, seeing how in heat Miranda was. He gripped her hand with his, removing it from his penis.
"Why would I do anything with you when I could just go up and have sex with Karen again?"
His sudden refusal took her by surprise, especially since he had been so docile so far. She panicked a bit and started racking her brain for a convincing argument.
"I am so much more experienced than her, I can do things she would never imagine!"
He raised an eyebrow, unbelieving.
"Like what?"
"I can give you a titjob! I can face-fuck myself on you! I trained my vagina with Kegels so that during sex, I can grip your penis even stronger than a virgin would!"
Her suggestions made him even harder, if that was even possible. Still, he made a disappointed expression at her, interested in seeing what other ideas she could have. Yet, it seemed her imagination was running out of things she could do to please him. Seeing the look on his face, she was growing more and more anxious. Finally, she shouted.
"I can, I can... do anything! I can do anything you want me to!"
Benjamin wore a surprised expression.
"You would do anything to be able to cheat on your husband with the dick that just went out of your daughter?"
Her face distorted guiltily for a second but her lust soon took over and she nodded at him.
"I see. I can feel your determination."
He stood up and removed his clothes. Miranda almost started drooling at the view, her gaze licking his body all over, from his ass to his cock all the way to his chest. Once he waspletely nude, he turned towards her, his dick towering in front of her eyes.
"I will leave it to you, then. If you do a good job, I don''t mind making your wishese true."
Chapter 22 - 22 – Miranda’s efforts
Chapter 22: ¨C Miranda¡¯s efforts
After getting Benjamin''s consent, Miranda didn''t lose any time. She stood up from the sofa and took all her clothes off with a hurried expression on her face. She then told him.
"Please lie down on the sofa."
He easilyplied with her request. She immediately climbed on top of him, took herrge tits into her hands, and stuck her boobs against each other. She spat on the valley formed by their intersection before rubbing them one against the other, lubricating them as much as she could. Once she was done, she took his dick in between her breasts and started to move them up and down, left and right, jerkingly trying to stimte it. The feeling of her boobs on his cock was novel for Benjamin. It was a different feeling from a mouth or a pussy, just wet and warm skin surrounding his member, with his penis head sometimesing out from the inside of her tits.
After yanking him like this for a while, she lowered her head and started to suck on his penis whenever it went out from her boobs. That increased the stimtion a lot, causing Benjamin to let a sigh of pleasure out. This pleased Miranda and she continued her titjob with redoubled efforts. A few minutester, Benjamin groaned and suddenly came, his first sperm jet painting her face. She immediately took his dick into her mouth to catch the rest of his ejaction. She greedily drank everything he let out and sucked on his ns to get any leftover. When she was done, she lifted her head and asked him, apprehensively.
"H-how was it?"
He smiled and answered.
"It was great, you did a good job."
She grinned in a little in relief, happy to receive his praise, and started to clean her face with her fingers, sending any remaining semen into her mouth. Benjamin saw her smiling with her face smeared with his cum and didn''t need much more to get hard again. She saw him getting erect once more and noted, surprised.
"As expected, you can still go on. You are really incredible. What would you like to do next?"
Benjamin thought about it for a few seconds before answering.
"I am a man of my words. Since you did a great job, you can request something from me now. Feel free to say anything."
She opened her eyes wide in surprise, perhaps not expecting him to really hold on to his promise. She hesitatingly asked.
"Um, then, can we have sex?"
"Is that it? You don''t need to worry about me, I am very open-minded."
Still, she dyed replying. Since she was stuck there, unmoving and not answering, he approached her and whispered in her ears.
"Let out your darkest desires, the ones you were too ashamed to ever tell anyone about. This might be your only chance in life to realize them, you know?"
Miranda shivered greatly at his words. She closed her eyes, panting for several seconds, before opening them again and ring at him, crazy with desire.
"I-I have always been the one pleasuring others during sex. So... So, I have always dreamed about someone taking control and pounding me, again and again and again, and destroying my cunt with a big dick and fucking me so hard, so hard that I will lose consciousness and still continuing even after that until his dick forces me to wake up and fucking me more and more and more until Ipletely lose my mind!"
Miranda gasped after letting everything out.
She experienced a feeling of liberation for the first time in her life. She had said it, whatever the boy would think of her after that.
Benjamin smiled andforted her.
"You did great to let it all out. As promised, I will do exactly what you said. I will make sure that, when I am done with you, your brain will be mush and you won''t even be able to remember your name."
His words and the lewd look on his face became the final straw for her. She shouted in raw horniness, climbed on top of him, and instantly impaled herself on his dick. She immediately orgasmed, her pussy squeezing strongly around his member. She then started to move her hips crazily on top of him, as if in a frenzy. Her pussy waspletely drenched and very warm, making Benjamin groan in pleasure. However, he had to be the one in control since that was her desire. He started thrusting into her from below, disturbing her rhythm. For some time, their mating was a mess, with her dropping on him as fast as she could and him pounding into her with all his strength. Finally, Benjamin grabbed her hips and went on to regte her movements, taking control of the situation. In her frenzy, she tried to continue banging herself on him but after another climax, she lost the initiative and became the one getting pounded. Benjamin didn''t go easy on her and his cock continued to make her cum several times more.
"More, more! Your big cock, stronger, stronger! Oooohhhh! Again, again!"
He turned her on her back and went on pistoning from the top. He grabbed her nipples with both hands and pulled on them, making here once again. Next, he sent one hand over her clitoris and started stimting it, making her shiver. He then raised her legs until they were parallel to her body, her feet next to her head, and moved his upper body topletely envelop her from the top, taking her head into his hands and going into a long and sloppy tongue kiss with her. This position didn''t allow Miranda any movement and he started insanely pile-driving into her. He went on and on like that, observing the changes in Miranda, keeping in mind his goal to satisfy her. She quickly started having orgasms after orgasms, with less and less time in between them, until she reached a point where her cunt went out of control, convulsing continuously. He felt a warm liquid on his pelvis and thought that she might have lost control of her dder, peeing on him. Her face was a mess of fluids, with tears and drool smearing it, constantly distorted into a climaxing expression, even while they continued kissing without stopping.
Benjamin felt that he was on the right track and didn''t release her in any way. He was also getting close to his release and gave a fewst big strokes before ejacting everything into her sloppy cunt. The feeling of his cumming into her sent her for an even greater spasm and she trembled uncontrobly for a full minute, her eyes crazy with pleasure. Finally, Benjamin felt herpletely rxing into him. He checked her face and saw that she had lost consciousness, with her eyes still open butpletely unmoving.
Chapter 23 - 23 – Miranda’s satisfaction
Chapter 23: ¨C Miranda¡¯s satisfaction
Benjamin took a short break, reflecting on what had just happened. He had literally fucked a married milf into oblivion. It felt good. No, it felt great, amazing even. The mental satisfaction was on par with or even greater than the physical one. But, he could only relish the feeling for so long; he had a job to finish, after all. He thought about what to do next and got a good idea of how to continue this.
He turned Miranda over on her belly, put his arms under her armpits, and lifted her in the air. Benjamin was now standing up and holding her in front of him, her back on his chest. He kept lifting her until her sex got positioned right over his penis. And then, he simply dropped her for around thirty centimeters. The gravity did its magic and her pussy impaled itself on his dick, all the way to her womb, his penis'' head striking strongly on her inner hole.
Miranda let out a shout, forcefully woken up from her stupor. She looked around, not understanding her situation for a moment. But, after she saw Benjamin wearing a cheeky smile behind her, she discerned her position and when she looked down, she saw the state of her cunt. She realized what had happened and that directly sent her into an orgasm.
"Ooohhh! Ooooohhhhh!"
She twitched in his arms, her pussy juices dropping on the floor. Aftering down from her climax, she panted for some time before turning her head back to Benjamin.
"I can''t believe this is really happening. Is it a dream?"
"Believe me, this is definitely not a dream. I can feel your wet pussy around my dick and your greedy cervix against my ns. It''s all very real."
Her twat quivered at his words and she nodded, an amazed expression on her face.
"You are even talking so dirtily. If this is reality, are you still going to fuck me until I lose my mind?"
Benjamin smirked, thrusting into her once, and answered.
"Of course."
"Mhmm... I never knew it was possible to feel this much pleasure in my life. Now, I wouldn''t mind dying tomorrow. But, before you make me go crazy, let me say onest thing. Thank you so much for making my fantasye true. Now, destroy me, my hot lover, my handsome present from heaven, my God of sex."
And that''s exactly what he did. He started poking her from this position, progressively going faster. Once his arms got tired of carrying her, he put her back on the sofa and continued to pound her. He then changed positions from time to time, jackhammering into her without break. The number of climaxes she experienced couldn''t even be counted anymore.
After ten minutes, she switched to speaking the animalnguage, just like her daughter did previously. He randomly wondered if it was something special to their family or if it would happen to any woman given the same conditions. Breaking the twenty minutes line, she started losing consciousness and forcefully regaining it repeatedly. And after thirty minutes, she finally reached her wished state of losing her mind. Her eyes rolled back behind her sockets and her tongue was continuously left dangling out of her mouth. She was drooling non-stop and the only sounds she emitted were mono-vowels groans. Her cunt was constantly contracted in endless orgasms and her dder has gotten a mind of its own. He continued fucking her like that for a while until he reached his limit and released his cum inside her for thest time, grunting in pleasure.
Benjamin took a moment to get his breath back into order before deciding to carry the unconscious Miranda to the bathroom. He quickly cleaned both her and himself in the shower of all the fluids from their sex, before getting dried and clothed. He then carried her to the only other bedroom of the house, assuming this could only be hers. He tucked her in the bed, having a funny thought about the fact that both the daughter and the mother had gotten the same ending. Finally, he left the house, using his phone to find his way back to the station.
He thought that today was a great sess, even more so than he expected. He definitely had toe again to this town and get to "meet" new people. If there was only one regret with today, it would be he didn''t get the opportunity to perform cunnilingus. Starting from his first time with Sasha, he had done it a few more times with her and had enjoyed it very much. Of all the sexual acts he knew about, this was one of the ones he enjoyed the most.
He reached the station, waited a bit, and boarded his train when it arrived. He was in thest car of the train and it was pretty much empty except for a couple of people at the front. He sat in a random seat and started boringly ying on his phone. On the train''s next stop, he noticed that only a fat woman boarded the car. She wore an ample dress and looked like she was in her twenties. She went to sit all the way to the back to the window seat, far from everyone else. This gave Benjamin an idea. He stood up and walked up until he was next to her. She looked up at him, her eyebrows raising in a silent question and he asked her.
"Is it alright if I sit next to you?"
Chapter 24 - 24 – Trains are safe
Chapter 24: ¨C Trains are safe
The woman looked around and saw empty seats all over the car, not understanding why he would want to sit next to her when he could seat just about anywhere else. Still, she didn''t seem to have the guts to refuse a boy and just nodded. Benjamin sat down next to her and continued.
"Thank you. Can I ask you where you are getting off the train?"
She answered and Benjamin remembered that it was the next stop, which they would reach in around fifteen minutes. Safe enough. He leaned closer to her and whispered into her ear.
"I would like to give you cunnilingus. Would you like to receive one?"
She looked at him as if he was crazy. Then she looked all around, looking for something.
"Is this some sort of hidden camera event? That''s not funny, you know."
"Not at all, as you can see there is nothing hidden and I am here alone."
"Then what, are you prostituting yourself? How much are you going to charge for this?"
Benjamin noticed that she didn''t say she would not pay, asking for his price instead.
"Nothing. When I saw you, I had this sudden urge to give you cunnilingus, that''s all there is to it. Now tell me, yes, or no?"
She looked at him in the eyes for a long time and he held her gaze without faltering. He could pretty much imagine her thought process by looking at the small changes of expression on her face. She went from disbelieving to cautious, cautious to hopeful, and hopeful to expectant. When she arrived at that point, she eventually blushed a little and gave a very little nod.
"You won''t regret it."
He dropped to his knees in front of her seat, lifted her dress, and opened her plump legs. revealing a pair of white panties, already smeared by a patch of wetness in their middle. He slid them to the side, letting out a wet and unkept pussy. When he approached his head to it, he was hit by its very strong female smell. She was clearly not perfectly clean but that only excited Benjamin even more. He gave her a lick, trying the dish in front of him. It tasted heavily of female juices, sweat, and also a hint of piss. Overall, it tasted extremely erotic. Benjamin took a mental note that it was what he could expect in the future from a woman who waspletely unprepared for a sexual encounter. The woman gave a small sigh as his contact, looking like she still didn''t really understand what sort of impossible luck she suddenly could have for this to happen to her.
Then, Benjamin parted her meaty cunt lips to start going down on her seriously and she forgot about everything else except for the incredible pleasure. He gave her long licks, from bottom to top and top to bottom, going over her hole, urethra, and clitoris, enjoying her taste. The woman began to moan and quickly muffled the sound by putting a hand over her mouth, so as to not alert the two other passengers at the front of the car. Benjamin hardened his tongue and sent it into her hole, as deep as he could, and went on to tongue-fuck her like that. The woman''s eyes bulged and she soon came into his mouth, twitching in her seat, her juices flooding his jaws. She couldn''t help groaning louder through her hand, fortunately not sonorous enough to attract attention.
They both continued enjoying themselves like that for a while until the train arrived at the next station. They knew she had to get off here but the woman instead ridiculously tried to hide him inside her dress, in case someone came into the car and saw what they were doing, as if she thought she would be able to hide their act this way. Benjamin decided to just continue his delightful work and their boldness was rewarded when the woman suddenly lifted her dress back up and announced, in between two moans.
"Everyone else went off the car and no one came in. Mmhmm! We are all alone, now."
This was great news and Benjamin made up his mind to not hold back on her anymore.
"That''s perfect. Can I go harder on you?"
She made a surprised expression but quickly nodded several times, a hungry look on her face. Benjamin grinned, straightened his right hand''s middle and ring fingers, and sent them straight into her twat, making her gasp in pleasure. He pumped them a little bit but felt that there was still room for more and added a third finger inside her. He made an effort to locate the spots she felt the most pleasure in, by judging her reactions. Once he found a good one, he focused his efforts on it, scratching the ce endlessly. She was now moaning out loud since no one could hear them anymore. Pleased by her reaction, he sent his mouth back to her snatch, now concentrating his efforts on her clit, stimting it,pping it, sucking on it. Thebined attack sent her into a frenzy.
"Oh yes! This is so good! Suck my clit! Finger fuck me! Aaahhh! Wait, something is going toe out, something ising out!"
Benjamin was happy that she informed him in advance. He enveloped the top of her cunt in his mouth and elerated his tongue''s movements and fingers'' pumping speed. She tried to remove him from herself but he didn''t let her. Right after that, she let out a loud shout and her pussy twitched in orgasmic pleasure, while a strong stream of squirt got ejected from her urethra. Benjamin got surprised by the strength of the jet but managed to catch it all anyway. He had felt wanting to taste women''s squirt since the time he saw Karen do it in the afternoon. It tasted different from other sexual fluids, salty and sour while also feeling more liquid and less viscous. The woman''s eyes expanded crazily in surprise when she saw him gulping all of her spurts.
However, If there was one thing that Benjamin had learned, it was that women in this world didn''t need a break after climaxing and instead felt more pleasure with continuous stimtion. So, during all that time, he just continued to finger fuck her while assaulting her clit. For the next fifteen minutes, the woman continued cumming and squirting in his mouth until Benjamin felt the train getting close to the next stop. He stopped his work, to her great regret, stood up and told her, after cleaning his face to an eptable level.
"You should get going now, beautiful. Thank you for going along with my crazy proposal."
Once she came down from her orgasm high, sheughed and smiled at him with an amazed gaze.
"I should be the one to thank you. If only the world had more boys like you. You changed a boring day into the sexiest experience of my life. So, yes, thank you."
She hesitated a bit before continuing.
"Say, c-can I have your number?"
Benjamin shook his head.
"I am really sorry, but no."
She looked disappointed for a second but soon smiled again.
"I know I was pushing my luck. I am aware that I am not very attractive."
Benjamin draw near her and gave her a peck on the lips, which left her stunned.
"I swear it''s not because of you. You should be more confident in yourself."
The woman watched him in silence for a few seconds, her fingers tracing her lips. Finally, she said.
"You are a very special boy. You can''t be farther from my first impression of you."
She started to caress him affectionately on the cheek and Benjamin let her do it. Then she took a piece of paper and a pen from her bag and wrote something on it, before giving it to him.
"You know what, I don''t need your number. But, if you need anything from me, you can contact me. I will do my best to help you once since you made my day so much brighter."
Benjamin nodded and took it. She caressed him onest time on the cheek, before going to the car''s doors. The train had now arrived at the station and she sent him onest smile before getting off. Fifteen minutester, Benjamin reached his stop and went on his way home. He had managed to transform a near-perfect day into a perfect one. Today was an absolute sess.
Chapter 25 - 25 – Family time
Chapter 25: ¨C Family time
Benjamin was walking toward home, feeling very satisfied, both physically and mentally. It was one of those rare moments when a horny teenager''s brain would be exempt from perverted thoughts. He was always up for sex and open to most of the kinkiest stuff during it but right now, he didn''t feel the urge for it anymore. He took the opportunity of his mind being clear to think about his situation.
After today, he experienced with his own body how easy it was to get to fuck women in this world. And that was amazing. However, now that the desire had abated, he realized that he had a different craving. He now felt the need to spend time with the people he loved. He had decided to keep most of the sex free from emotional attachment, which is probably why he was having this urge. Now that he noticed it, he decided that he should be taking more time with his friends and his family.
Reaching his house, he went inside and checked who was home. As expected, only Olivia was there, in her room on the second floor. Olivia was younger than him by two years. In the previous world, she had been cold to him, ignoring him most of the time. In this world, however, she was the indoor type of girl, enjoying reading and ying video games, happy to be left alone. He decided that there was no better time than now to start getting along with her and knocked on her door.
He heard some noise inside the room and soon, a brown-haired brown-eyed girl opened the door. She had long hair that she kept in braids and was wearingfortable joggings and a loose T-shirt. She was surprised to see him at her door and asked him shortly.
"What is it?"
Benjamin gave his best smile before answering.
"Hey, Olivia. Just checking on you. What are you doing?"
"Nothing special, just ying games."
"Computer or console?"
"Console. Why do you ask?"
"It''s good that you''re ying on the console. I thought we could y together, what do you think?"
She raised an eyebrow at his suggestion and asked back.
"Do you y video games, Ben?"
"Sure do."
He was a very normal high school boy, previously. Gaming was almost a given. Olivia sent him a disbelieving gaze but didn''t refuse him.
"Come in. It''s messy, though."
He entered the room and instantly noticed it smelled strongly of her, a pleasant feminine scent surrounding him. The room was indeed quite messy, with clothes and underwear left around on the floor, game hardware and school stuffying where they werest used.
"You can sit wherever. So, what do you want to y?"
"Um, what about something cooperative?"
"Ok, what about H&S4? Just got itst week."
She said as if testing his game knowledge.
And pouted at his short answer. Benjamin actually knew about the game since he had yed the previous installment. It was a typical hack and sh, with an optional cooperative mode. He was starting to look forward to the gaming session, now. Olivia booted the game and after asking him if he knew what to do and receiving a positive answer, they started a new game together.
Olivia was very skilled, handling her character like a pro and carrying him through the start. It took him a while to get adjusted to the differences between the previous game and this one but, once he did, he also started to contribute more to their party. Olivia sent him nces from time to time, as if his performance was somethingpletely unexpected. After a while, they got a good synergy going on and she also started to enjoy herself, cheering at their victories and pouting when they sometimes got killed by a powerful enemy.
They yed for around one hour like this before Benjamin asked for a break.
"Sorry, Olivia, can we pause the game for a bit? I have to go make dinner."
She seemed fairly disappointed at the interruption but nodded anyway. Seeing her expression, Benjamin put his hand on her head and stroked her hair a bit.
"Don''t look like that. We can continue after dinner if you want."
She blushed a bit at his contact and nodded happily. They both went downstairs to the kitchen and Benjamin went on with his dinner preparations. His skills were still basic but he was improving every day. If his family noticed a difference in the quality of what he had been cooking thest few days, they didn''t show any of it, seemingly happy to eat whatever he would prepare for them. Olivia sat on a chair and watched him doing his best.
"I didn''t know you were this good at games, Ben."
"Hehe, right? I am far from your level but we still have a good party going on. Won''t we beat the game too fast if we continue like that?"
"No way, it has a lot of content. I didn''t finish it solo either yet."
Benjamin continued to busy himself while chatting with his sister on the side. The rest of his family members came back home one by one from whatever activity they spent their day on and, when Benjamin finished cooking dinner, they were all there. They had another happy family meal and once they were done, Olivia and Benjamin went back to their game.
Since the following day was a Sunday, they were not in a hurry to go to sleep and yed until midnight, progressing nicely into the story. They made sure to save their progress for a potential future session and Benjamin stood up, ready to leave the room.
"Thanks, Olivia. I had a lot of fun."
"Me too."
She hesitated a bit before continuing.
"You know, Ben... You really changed starting a few days ago. You would never havee to y games with me before."
Benjamin wasn''t unaware that his family members had noticed his change. He had tried to y it off from the start by telling them that he had decided to change his attitude. However, they were not so obviously fooled, though they didn''t point it out openly. After all, it was not so easy to change so dramatically, all of a sudden.
"Right, it was like the other day, I woke up, and became a different person! Or perhaps the world became different and only I stayed the same?"
That made Oliviaugh.
"Pfft. What''s that? You''re so silly."
Benjamin grinned and asked her.
"Do you dislike this changed me?"
"No! I mean, no. I-I never disliked you in the first ce but, perhaps, I like this Ben a bit more than the previous one."
She flushed slightly red even while saying this. He went on to caress her hair some more before kissing her on the forehead, making her even redder.
"I like you too, my precious little sister."
Hisment triggered a shy but happy smile from her. He then directed himself to the door, turning back onest time.
"Goodnight, Olivia."
"Goodnight, Ben."
Leaving her room, he went back to his, which was right next to it. Tired from a very fulfilling day, he quickly fell asleep after lying on his bed.
Chapter 26 - 26 – Meeting grandmother’s friends
Chapter 26: ¨C Meeting grandmother¡¯s friends
On the next day, Benjamin woke up, cleaned himself up, and went down for some breakfast. Breakfast was usually very simple in their family, some fruits, toast, milk with cereals, fruit juices, etc. Sometimes their mother would set the table, otherwise, everyone would just take whatever they wanted directly from the kitchen and eat it at their own pace. Today was such a day and Benjamin grilled a few toasts and took some fruits before settling down at the table. He greeted his family members and started eating slowly, waiting for his grandma toe down.
During dinner yesterday, he had asked everyone what their ns for the following day were and his grandmother had answered that she was going to enjoy a golf course with her friends. That piqued his interest and he told her that he was interested in joining her. He was still following his n to spend more time with his family. She was surprised by his request but quickly epted, happy that her grandson would have any interest in her activities.
Eventually, his grandma came down and started her breakfast. Seeing Benjamin waiting for her, she called out to him.
"Morning, kiddo. So, still motivated to join your grandma for some golfing?"
"Good morning, grandma. Of course, I am looking forward to it. I never tried it before."
She eyed him with a bit of suspicion.
"Hm, I didn''t say anything yesterday but why do you want to join me suddenly? Golf is not something very exciting for a youngd like you. Do you want something from your poor old grandma? Perhaps some pocket money?"
"No, no, I just wanted to spend some time with you. In fact, not just you but everyone in the family. I realized I didn''t spend enough time with you all and we had grown distant. I swear I have no other motive. Even yesterday, I yed video games with Olivia for the whole evening."
She was still looking at him suspiciously at the start but it disappeared when he mentioned his time with Olivia.
"Oh, you did? That''s very nice of you. That kid is a bit withdrawn, it would be good if she could open up more to people."
She continued with her breakfast and when she was done, she told him.
"Alright, let me go fetch my golfing equipment and we can go."
She went to the storage room next to the garage and came back with a golf bag filled with clubs.
"Good, let''s go."
They went to the garage and got into her car, which was next to Benjamin''s mother''s car. They then left, his grandma driving them dynamically to their destination. After around twenty-five minutes, they reached the ce, arge golf club that included practice ranges and an eighteen holes course, the one they intended to go through today. They both exited the car and headed to the club''s main building. Once inside, his grandmother looked around and after finding several people seated at a table, headed towards them with Benjamin following closely. Three grey-haired-ageddies were sitting there and they soon noticed the duo approaching them. One of them was wearing a deep frown over a haughty expression. She was wearing neat and high-quality clothes, radiating an aura of wealth. She eximed.
"Roselyn, you''rete again! Can''t you evere on time?"
Roselyn was Benjamin''s grandmother''s name, a name which was rarely heard inside the house since she was always called ''grandma'' by her grandchildren or ''mom'' by her daughter.
"Ahahah, sorry, sorry. I actually have a good excuse today."
She ced her hands behind Benjamin''s back and pushed him forward. He was now directly in front of the threedies. It was clearly her fault if they werete because he didn''t even know at what time they were supposed to meet but it seemed that she intended to use him as a shield. Before he could say anything, his grandma started the introductions.
"Friends, this is my grandson, Benjamin. He wanted to join us today so I took him with me. Benjamin, this chic and haughty one is Vera."
She then pointed to the next person, an old woman smiling gently at him, wearingfortable sports clothes, appropriate for the asion.
"This is Angel, a very harmless grandma."
Finally, she turned to thest one, a woman wearing a cold expression on her face and clothed mostly in dark garments.
"And this is Lauren. She doesn''t open up to new people easily but I will teach you how to lead her by the nose."
The three of them were intrigued by his presence but Vera and Lauren soon wore displeased expressions, after hearing the way they were introduced, while Angel sported a wry smile. Benjamin gave his usual brilliant grin and greeted them.
"It is nice to meet you all."
However, it seemed that he had met strong opponents as his smile didn''t affect them much. They answered in the same order they were introduced.
"Hm, nice to meet you too, young man."
"Nice to meet you, dear."
Lauren gave the briefest of greetings before turning her head away, uninterested in him anymore. As soon as the introductions were done, Vera came back to the initial topic.
"And you, Rosalyn, don''t try to use your grandson as an excuse for beingte. You''re not fooling anyone."
"Fine, fine, it''s my bad. Let''s go already, we can continue to talk while walking."
Vera sighed hopelessly, easily giving up, probably due to being used to her antics. The threedies each picked up their golf equipment before everyone left the building, heading towards the start of the golf course. Truthfully, it was Benjamin''s first time meeting his grandmother''s friends and he was surprised at how different their personalities were. He was wondering how such a group came to be and decided to simply ask about it.
"How did you all be friends?"
Chapter 27 - 27 – Time to golf
Chapter 27: ¨C Time to golf
They all looked at him, except for Lauren, who was still ignoring him. It was his grandmother who answered the question.
"Good question. You''re probably wondering how we could be friends when we are all so different, right? There is actually a good reason for that."
She stopped talking for a moment and Benjamin noticed that she had a sad expression on her face. In fact, it was not just her and it was the same for the fourdies. Soon, his grandma continued speaking.
"The truth is, we met each other because we have something inmon. We... all lost our husbands early on in our lives. And it seems that birds of a feather flock together. Once we recognized that we were all in the same situation, we started tofort each other, and now we arepletely inseparable."
That took Benjaminpletely by surprise. He hadn''t expected such a heavy reason and now felt guilty for asking.
"I-I''m sorry for asking. I didn''t know it was like that..."
His anxious and repentant words and expressions seemed to remove a little bit of the sorrowful mood and Angel answered him, smiling as if tofort him.
"Don''t worry about it, dear. It all happened a long time ago for all of us."
After that, there was a moment of silence where each of them was lost in their thoughts. They eventually reached the start of the course and Vera started a new topic.
"So, what is the real reason you are here, young man? Don''t try to tell me that you really want to golf with us. Are you trying to get some pocket money from this?"
Benjamin was not sure why this seemed to be the first assumption for all of them. But perhaps it made sense. It was hard to imagine a teenager willing to sacrifice his Sunday to y golf with four olddies without any specific reason or benefit. When he opened his mouth to answer her, his grandma stopped him by putting her hand on his shoulder. She then closed on him and whispered in his ear.
"Leave it to grandma. See how their attitude will change when I am done."
She turned toward her friends, who were already wearing a skeptical expression after witnessing her whispering like that, and said.
"There is a very good reason why he is here. The boy has all the rights to belong to our group. He... has lost his father when he was still young and became depressed for a very long time. His situation is very simr to ours."
She was telling the truth. His father died in a car ident when he was still in elementary school. The whole family was in shock and it took a very long time before they could get over it. He still felt downhearted whenever he thought about it.
After hearing this, they all turned to him, including Lauren, with expressions of extreme pity. In fact, it was Lauren who suddenly approached him, asking as if to confirm the veracity of Rosalyn''s words.
"You lost your father when you were young?"
"Yes, he... died in a car ident when I was eight."
Lauren gasped and then suddenly took him in a big womanly hug, startling himpletely.
"Oh, I am so sorry for you, child, I am so sorry! Forgive me for treating you coldly, forgive me!"
She held him tight as if to console a small kid, and he was sent once again to a woman''s chest. However, that was not the end of it. He felt two other people hugging him from the left and from behind. He heard Vera and Angel''s voices as they added their bits to the scene.
"We know better than anyone how hard it is to lose a loved one."
"It must have been a terrible shock, dear. I feel so bad for you."
Finally, even his grandma joined from his right.
"You are taking advantage of my cute grandson, aren''t you? Let me join too."
He was now being hugged by fourdies from all sides, their different body types and chest sizes all giving him distinct sensations. He randomly thought that it seemed that women were very keen on physical contact in this world. When he imagined men''s reactions to this sort of thing, he was able to understand where the high number of sexual offenses he had read about coulde from.
He didn''t feel any lust, however, just a very hot feeling of warmth. Perhaps a bit too hot. The weather was still warm and being cushioned like this was quite suffocating. He tried to make them release him, by gently pushing them off him.
"Thank you,dies. But I am fine now. It also happened a long time ago for me."
Only then did they reluctantly get away from him, still looking at him with sadness and pity. Vera spoke first, her haughty and proud attitude all gone now.
"We are all in the same situation here. Young man, no, Benjamin, you can alwayse to join us whenever you want. You will always be wee."
Angel and Lauren nodded approvingly and Rosalyn just grinned knowingly, as if everything had gone the way she expected.
"Please call me Ben, everyone calls me like that."
All three of them nodded. It was time to start golfing, though, or they would get in trouble with the group scheduled after them. They all swung their clubs strongly, trying to send their ball as far as possible in the direction of the first course hole. When it was Benjamin''s turn, he tried to imitate them and failed miserably. It was much harder than he had thought and he did need a good fifteen tries before he could get any substantial result. No one med or mocked him, however. Not only were they aware of how hard the sport was for aplete amateur like him, but Vera and Lauren''s attitude had also done aplete 180. The fourdies were now actively giving him pieces of advice on his position, his swings, and the strength to use, trying to help him with their own experience. When it was time to walk to their respective balls, they chatted with him, tried to offer him chewing gums and the like, and generally started to dote on him as if he was their grandson.
Chapter 28 - 28 – End of the weekend
Chapter 28: ¨C End of the weekend
The five of them continued toplete the golf course in a simr mood, with the threedies fawning on him. Benjamin''s grandmother couldn''t help making fun of them from the side.
"Hehe, Ben, look at Lauren now. She is cold to strangers but when she opens up to someone, she would be the warmest and most faithful friend. And Vera is not that different from her. Kiddo, you could probably ask them for anything right now and they would do it for you. They got into a lot of trouble when they were younger because of that personality trait of theirs."
Vera and Lauren rolled up their eyes at thatment but didn''t deny it.
"I won''t, I didn''te here to get anything out of it in the first ce. I just wanted to spend more time with you, grandma. Of course, meeting your friends at the same time was a pleasant bonus."
That surprised the three women and Angel remarked.
"What a sweetie. I wish my grandson was the same as you. He is in his rebellious period now and his parents are having a hard time with him."
That started a debate about teenage boys and everyone added their opinion to it, making it a very animated discussion. Overall, that was how the golf course came to pass and they took around five hours toplete it, everybody chatting and having a good time. Angel had been assigned to prepare sandwiches for everyone and they all shared those for lunch. Benjamin became a bit better at the sport while the three women hadpletely opened up to him by the end of the day. When it was time to say goodbye, thedies looked regretful, and he had to promise to join them another time in the future.
In the car on the way back, Benjamin''s grandma addressed him.
"Thank you foring, kiddo. It''s been a long time since I saw them so happy."
"You''re wee. What about you, grandma, did you enjoy your day?"
"That goes without saying! Ahahah!"
Benjamin smiled at seeing her so cheerful. He felt thating with her today was the right decision and decided to continue spending more time with his family members.
They soon arrived at home and Benjamin separated from her to spend some time studying in his room. A few hourster, he went down to prepare dinner for his family. During dinner, everyone was curious about how his day with their grandmother went. His grandma was the one to answer.
"We joined with my friends and enjoyed a day of golfing together. We did an 18 holes course, that''s why it took so long."
"Your friends, grandma? Male or female friends?"
"All female."
"Oh my God! Are they all like you? Were you alright, Ben? They didn''t do anything strange to you?"
His mother was suddenly concerned about him so he reassured her.
"Of course not, Mom. They all had very different characters, not like grandma at all. They were very nice to me and we spent the day golfing and chatting."
"Good. Remember to always be very careful around women, even old ones. There is no exception to the rule."
That was something he had been hearing often since he moved to this world. He decided to tease his mother a bit.
"Even you, Mom?"
She made an embarrassed expression when he used her logic against her, which made everyone elseugh. Chloe then sent a question of her own.
"But spending your whole Sunday golfing with grandmas, wasn''t it super boring, Ben?"
"No, it was nice. Golf is much harder than I expected so I tried hard to improve. There is also a lot of walking involved, it''s not an intensive effort but more like an effort over a long time? Still a good physical activity. We had good weather too, it was a nice day overall. Why don''t you join next time, Chloe?"
"Me golfing with old grannies? No way, that''s some!"
"It''s not often but I agree with Chloe this time."
"Same here."
"What did you say, you little twerps?"
Nova and Grace went with the same opinion as Chloe. Just like that, they started fighting and as it went on, they involved more family members and went to physical attacks, until it became a massive brawl, with hold moves, spanking, and a lot of tickling everywhere. Of course, they didn''t dare to involve Benjamin, who was left eating at his seat. The situation was seemingly amon urrence for his family in this changed world and Benjamin watched over them fondly, although he had been very surprised the first time it happened. Some participants, who lost the most in the fight, sometimes went to him for somefort and he soothed them until they were ready to go back to the melee. The one more on the quiet side, Olivia, always tried to stay out of it at first but eventually got invariably swept away by the flow, when some others targeted her for no other reason than the fact she was not participating. He believed that this whole thing was how the rowdy females in his house showed their love for each other.
After this had gone on for some time, Benjamin decided it was enough for the day and pped his hands.
"Enough. Come back to finish eating dinner."
They all instantly stopped, let go of whoever they had a hold on at that moment, and docilely went back to their seats. It was at times like this that Benjamin was bing aware of his current influence in the family. For some reason, none of them wanted to displease him and they generally didn''t go against him too strongly. He thought it was probably a mix of the fact he was the only man in the house as well as the one making the food for the rest of them. And perhaps also due to his recently changed attitude, though he couldn''t say for sure since he didn''t know how it was before.
They all finished eating, half embarrassed by their conduct and half feeling refreshed by the physical activity. Once everyone was done with the food, they cleaned up everything and went back to their respective rooms. Benjamin continued to study some more before going to bed early on, ready for another busy week.
Chapter 29 - 29 – Fetching Chloe after school
Chapter 29: ¨C Fetching Chloe after school
The next Monday saw Benjamin going back to his routine. He woke up early and once more went to school one hour before the normal time to meet with Sasha. The woman had missed him during the two days they didn''t see each other and went to kiss him passionately as soon as he entered the infirmary. They quickly went to fuck like rabbits and both ended up very satisfied by the time they were done. They lightly talked about their weekend, with Benjamin skipping over his Saturday to focus on the golf course he went through during Sunday. When it was time for sses to start, he went back to his ssroom and chatted with his friends as usual.
The rest of the school day went on with nothing special happening, except for a small thing in the afternoon. They had a PE ss on Mondays and the teacher asked them to run five kilometers on the school running track, causing a lot ofints among the students, especially the boys. Everyone started running anyway, some of the boys giving up soon after, including Julian and Nathan, running less than a kilometer. The female teacher frowned at them but didn''t force them to continue, as if it was something she had already given up on a long time ago. Benjamin and a few other boys were the only ones to go through the whole thing and the teacher and the girls kept praising and encouraging them. Their gazes were really unfocused, though, or in fact, very focused on the boys'' chests. It took a moment for Benjamin to understand that they were getting excited by the fact that their chests became somewhat visible through their sweet drenched T-shirts. That made Benjaminugh internally, they never missed any opportunity.
However, next, something happened to give him some eye candy too. Some of the girls, too hot and bothered, decided to just remove their tops altogether. That startled Benjamin a lot, before guessing that it was probably the equivalent of boys going shirtless in the previous world. In fact, no one said anything and the reactions from the other boys went from vague interest topletely ignore it. Benjamin was the only one who kept sending nces at them, trying to be discreet about it. The girls seemed to bepletely unaware of his looking at them, though, as if they couldn''t imagine anyone being interested in their chests. The ones withrge boobs kept their bras on since it would be hard to run without them, while the ones with modest chests removed everything altogether. Benjamin felt that this world was amazing once again.
On the other hand, the boys obviously kept everything on, no matter how hot they got in the process. Eventually, theypleted the run and PE ended. Everyone changed from their PE clothes to their normal garments and the school day was over like that. Since they finished a bit early, Benjamin wondered what he should do with the little extra time. After a bit of thinking, he had a good idea. He decided to go fetch Chloe at her school, still with the idea of spending more time with his family members. They could go back home together after that.
He said goodbye to his friends and headed toward the middle school. He knew the location very well since this was his middle school, where hemuted to only a few months prior. He walked for around ten minutes before spotting his little sister in a street not far from the school. She had brown hair in a ponytail, as well as brown eyes. She was wearing a beige T-shirt and blue shorts,fortable clothes in the current weather. It seemed that he would not have to go all the way to the school building this time. However, she seemed to be arguing with another girl, with three other girls watching over them, unsure if they should intervene in the argument or not. Getting closer, Benjamin heard their ongoing quarrel. Chloe was yelling.
"How can you say something like that? You''re horrible."
"It''s ok, right? It''s not like it did any harm to him."
That seemed to make Chloe even angrier and Benjamin decided to step in, calling for his sister.
All five of them turned toward him, startled. When they recognized him, Chloe and the other girl''s expressions changed to one of shock, followed by embarrassment. Now that Benjamin was able to see the other girl''s face, he also remembered her as being Wynter, Chloe''s best friend from elementary school, which he had met several times when she came to have fun at his house. He didn''t know the other three, probably new friends from this year since they all just entered middle school.
"What are you arguing about in the middle of the street? Chloe? Wynter?"
Both girls avoided his gaze and none answered him. Benjamin smiled and continued.
"Are you sure you don''t want to tell me?"
When they stayed quiet once more, he walked toward Chloe, still smiling. The girl became suddenly afraid and tried to run away but he reacted fast and instantly caught the little thing before she could go anywhere. He then started tickling her hard, remembering how weak she was to it the day before. She started tough out loud while trying to escape forcefully. He didn''t let her, of course, and carried on the torture. Soon enough, she started to convulse withughter and finally gave up.
"Stop! Stop! I will tell you! I will tell you!"
Benjamin stopped and Chloe escaped from his grasp, gasping for a few seconds before she took hold of herself again. She then disclosed.
"We were arguing because Wynter said... She said... Huh..."
Seeing her still not spilling the truth, he approached her again, his fingers squirming menacingly.
"I guess you still didn''t have enough?"
She jumped back and eximed.
"Wait, wait! I will say it. She said that you were hot and that... That... That she would give anything to be able to suck your cock!"
Chapter 30 - 30 – Eating ice cream
Chapter 30: ¨C Eating ice cream
Benjamin didn''t expect this would have anything to do with him, much less something like that. These girls were really precocious! Or perhaps not, after all. If he thought about it, he knew Chloe was already on the pill, since that was mentioned during one of the family dinners. The same thing probably applied to all of her friends here, meaning they were all very much aware of matters rted to sex. If one included the fact that these little kids were literal balls of horniness, the whole situation started to make sense. It was likely that they knew ten times more things about sex than boys of the same age, which had low interest in it in the first ce, and that also exined a lot about how his family treated him as somehow unaware of sexual matters.
Chloe started to get anxious when he got lost in his thoughts, presuming him to be too shocked for words.
"Sorry Ben, are you very angry? Don''t worry, I was scolding Wynter about it right when you came."
That took him out of his thoughts and he looked around. Wynter had her head in her hands, totally red out of shame. The other three girls also had awkward expressions on their faces, avoiding looking him in the eyes. Benjamin shook his head and smiled reassuringly.
"Don''t worry, I am not angry. I am open-minded, I will never mind about something small like that."
His words surprised the five of them but they also didn''t seem topletely believe him. He gestured for them toe closer.
"You fivee here, I will tell you something."
Seeing them not moving, still afraid, he continued.
"Don''t worry, I won''t do anything and I am really not angry about it. Come here."
Finally, they moved closer, Chloe on his left and Wynter on his right, the other three girls in front of him. He raised his arms and they all flinched, before he put his hands on Chloe and Wynter''s heads, caressing them affectionately. Their eyes widened at his unexpected gentleness and he exined.
"You are all young girls and it''s normal for you to talk about things like that. As I said, I don''t mind at all so you can say anything you want about me. I also can''t say I was unhappy to know that Wynter found me hot, ahah."
They didn''t expect him to be so tolerant and looked at him incredulously. He was not done speaking, though.
"But remember, most of the guys are not like me. If you want to get a boyfriend and do those sorts of things, you need to be careful about what you do and say around them, or they will start to despise you and you will lose any chance you have with them. Do you all understand?"
They all nodded. They were aware that most boys didn''t have very good impressions of girls in general and that they had to tread prudently around them. Benjamin went on to caress the three other girls'' heads. They blushed lightly and he concluded.
"Good. Since you are all so obedient, let me treat you five to something. How about some ice cream?"
They agreed happily and everyone departed to the closest ice cream parlor. Benjamin walked in front while the five girls regrouped behind him and started to whisper between themselves, somehow loud enough for him to hear.
"Your brother is so nice and mature, Chloe."
"Yeah, he''s so handsome and gentle. I wish he was my brother."
"Me too. My brother can''t evenpare to him."
"Now I understand why Wynter said something like that. Look at his ass, he really is hot."
"It''s ok, right? He even gave permission himself, didn''t he?"
"Tsk, my brother is way too nice, that''s why he said that. But I don''t approve of it!"
"Ohe on. With a sexy brother like that next to you all the time, I am sure you also had thoughts about him too."
"N-no way. He''s my brother!"
"Ahahah, you''re so obvious. Not that I am any different. Now that I have met him, I am pretty sure I can masturbate to him for a whole week."
"No kidding. Did you see his smile? I got wet the moment he caressed my head."
"Now I want to suck his dick too. I am sure he has a big one since he is so perfect."
"Crap, my panties are drenched now."
"Stop it, you fools!"
Their clearly audible whispering made him smile internally. They moved forward like that for a few minutes before they reached the parlor. Benjamin bought them one ice cream each as well as one for himself and they started eating cheerfully. Once they were done, everyone bid goodbye to each other, and Chloe and Benjamin headed home. Chloe started lecturing him.
"Ben, you should be more careful about what you say! Now those girls are totally looking at you with perverted eyes!"
"Ahah it''s ok, it''s normal for girls to be like that. Or perhaps my Chloe wanted to keep me for herself?"
"Ben! Stop making fun of me, I am very serious!"
He closed on her and whispered in her ear.
"Oh really? You know I heard everything you girls were whispering to each other? So, do you want to tell your sexy brother what you wanted to do to him?"
Chloe paled and panicked when she heard that.
"No! It''s not like that, they were just joking!"
"Hehe, are you sure? Perhaps, if you tell me the truth, I will let you do those things to me?"
She looked at him, gulping, her gaze wandering to his chest and his crotch, before shaking her head strongly and shouting.
"You''re still making fun of me!"
She then started to run toward their house, leaving him behind. He grinned, amused by her reactions, and continued on his way home.
Chapter 31 - 31 – Apologizing
Chapter 31: ¨C Apologizing
Benjamin reached his house and went straight to Chloe''s room on the second floor, knocking on the door. There was movement inside and the door got unlocked and opened, Chloe showing herself but frowning when she saw him.
"Are you here to continue making fun of me?"
"No no, it was my bad, I won''t do it anymore. I came to say sorry. Can you let me in?"
She looked reluctant but let him in anyway, Benjamin closing and locking the door once more behind him. Her room wasn''t that different from Olivia''s, a mess of clothes and items everywhere. Benjamin turned toward her and said.
"When you girls were whispering before, I felt that you didn''t really know what you were talking about. Of course, that''s normal, but I am a bit worried about you. You might mess up things when you get a boyfriend."
Chloe rolled her eyes, ready for another boring lecture. Benjamin smiled when he saw her attitude.
"Don''t worry, I am not here to lecture you. I said I wanted to apologize, right? So here''s my idea. You can get better knowledge about boys by using me. I will let you check how a boy''s body is, as long as you don''t do anything perverted. Ok?"
She frowned once more.
"Are you still teasing me, Ben?"
"No, I am serious. Just this one time, because I am sorry and because I am worried about you. And you have to keep it a secret, of course."
She still didn''t believe him, though.
"Yeah, right. I know you''re not serious, Ben."
"Really? Look now."
And he started to take off his clothing, starting with his top. Once he was shirtless, Chloe panicked.
"What are you doing!?"
"Just proving it to you. Are you going to believe me now?"
She stared at his bare chest as if hypnotized. Her breath was bing erratic and she was panting lightly.
"I will continue if you promise to keep it a secret. What do you say?"
She gulped, her face taking a shade of red.
"Y-you''re serious. Uh, I, I promise, I won''t say anything."
Ben smiled and started to remove the rest of his clothes. Once he removed his pants, Chloe''s gaze immediately dropped to the bump that was his penis and when it came out from his underpants, with a raging boner, she opened her mouth wide, a bit of drool falling on the side of her lips.
"Wow. You''re so big, Ben. Just like they said."
"You can look at anything you want but you''re not allowed to touch, alright?"
She nodded quickly and started toe closer to him. She examined his chest and nipples from very close before going behind him and looking at his back. He thought she might be the type of person to leave the best for the end. She then went down and looked at his ass, before checking his legs for a few moments. After that, she went back to his ass, panting heavily, and asked him.
"I-I can''t really see well, can you open your ass cheeks for me, Ben?"
He agreed and put his hands on both his cheeks before pulling them apart.
"Wow, that''s a boy''s ass. The smell is incredible."
She was looking from so close that he could feel her breath on his asshole. She looked at it for some time, before he felt a small wet sensation on his asshole, which disappeared immediately, his sister nowing back to his front. It seemed she couldn''t help giving a small lick before leaving his ass alone. Benjamin, in his great generosity, didn''t say anything about it.
Chloe was now on her knees, inspecting his feet, before going up and finally arriving at his cock. Her face came closer to it and she checked his member and his balls from very close, looking from all angles. She was getting more and more excited and her right hand instinctively went to her crotch, rubbing herself through her shorts. When Benjamin saw that, he told her.
"It''s ok to masturbate if you want."
She removed her hand from her groin, as if burned, a shameful look on her face.
"Don''t worry, it''s something very natural. Even I masturbate, you know."
She looked very surprised.
"You too, Ben?"
"Yes. So don''t worry about it, you can take off your clothes too, it will be easier that way."
"Huh, I-I''m a bit shy, I don''t look all that great, you know."
"Are you going to say that when I am totally nude in front of you?"
"Ugh, sorry. You''re right."
She nodded, still a bit ashamed, but started taking off her shorts and panties. Her pussy looked like a single slit, her clitoris so small that it was almost invisible. She was alsopletely hairless down there. Soon, she went back to looking at his dick while sniffing it plenty, her right hand schlicking her twat. She started by flicking over her clitoris quickly, before feeling that it was not enough and using her left hand to finger herself. The scene was extremely erotic and Benjamin was also getting very aroused. Chloe saw his expression and asked.
"Doesn''t it hurt when your penis is so hard, Ben? D-do you want to masturbate together?"
Benjamin hesitated before answering.
"You''re right, this will also be a good experience for you. You can see how men masturbate."
Chloe beamed at his answer, as if she had won the lottery. He spat some saliva on his right hand and then went to slide it up and down on his cock, pleasuring himself at the sight of his little sister frigging herself. Seeing his masturbation pushed Chloe to reach her limit almost instantly, cumming and shivering in ecstasy for a moment, before continuing to masturbate some more.
"You''re so hot, Ben. I am so horny. Continue to masturbate like this!"
They continued to touch themselves like this for some time, getting aroused at the sight of each other''s masturbation. A few minutester, Ben felt like he was getting close.
"I am going to ejacte, Chloe. You know about men''s semen, right?"
She nodded, her imagination making her elerate her hand''s movements.
"You can choose what I should do with it."
She didn''t hesitate even for a second.
"In my mouth! I want to taste it!"
Ben nodded and put his cock closer to her mouth.
"Open up wide, Chloe!"
She opened her small mouth as wide as she could, all the while continuing to masturbate.
Benjamin stroked himself quicker, before aiming as best as he could in the direction of her mouth. It didn''t take him long before he came, his sperming out like a spurt. His first jet''s aim was a bit off,nding on her nose. He adjusted his angle for the rest, everything else going directly into her mouth. Feeling the sensation of his spunk on her face and in her mouth, Chloe orgasmed greatly once again, trembling like crazy for a long time. Eventually, she calmed down and started to savor his semen, cleaning up what was on her face and sending it into her mouth.
"You taste so good Ben. And the smell... wow. I can''t believe we did something like this. You''re the best brother ever."
Chapter 32 - 32 – Sasha has an idea
Chapter 32: ¨C Sasha has an idea
"I know, right?"
Benjamin answered with a cheeky smile, making herugh. They started to clean themselves up and put their clothes back on. Chloe made a regretful face when she was not able to see his nude body anymore, which he ignored. Once they were proper again, he asked her.
"So, did you learn a lot about men''s bodies?"
"Yeah! It was nothing like porn! I was totally surprised!"
"That''s great. Hopefully, now you will be readier for when you get yourself a boyfriend."
"Hm, yeah, but you know, Ben, the boys my age are nothing like you. They''re so snob and avoid girls like the gue. I don''t really want to have a boyfriend among them."
"I see. Perhaps when you are older, then."
"Yeah. But Ben, until then, c-can we do something like today again?"
"You little devil, I said it was only this one time right? And now you have seen everything already, haven''t you?"
"Huh... please, Ben? I will get good grades at school, I promise!"
She made puppy eyes at him, making it harder for him to refuse.
"What does that have anything to do with this? Haa, fine. If you can get a perfect score on your next exam, we can do it again."
"What? A perfect score? That''s way too hard!"
He knew her school results were not that great, hence choosing that condition.
"You can forget about it, then. Alright, time for me to start preparing dinner, see youter, baby sister."
"I will do it! You will see, I will do it! I can do it if I put my mind to it!"
"Sounds like the barking of a future defeated dog. Well, good luck anyway."
Benjamin left her room, to her still shouting that she would show him, and went down to prepare dinner.
The rest of the day went on as usual, except for the fact that Chloe was ring at him with mes in her eyes. Well, if she could really achieve it, it wouldn''t be such a bad thing in the end.
The following day, Benjamin started his morning routine and arrived at the school infirmary as usual. The second he knocked on the door, Sasha opened it and pulled him inside, before quickly closing and locking it again. She then hugged him without a word and kissed him, full of passion. They went on at it for a minute before she separated herself from him. Contrary to usual, she seemed to be hesitant about something when looking at him. Benjamin asked her.
"Is there something wrong, Sasha?"
"No, nothing wrong. But today, I have a suggestion. Will you listen to it?"
"Of course. What is it?"
"It''s this. W-would you like to try anal sex today, Ben?"
That actually didn''t surprise him too much. He had plenty of vaginal sex with her and, as a horny woman from this world with unlimited ess to a sexual partner who was himself full of curiosity, wanting to try anal sex was pretty much a given next step for her. In this world, anal sex was considered something that women dreamed to have and men mostly didn''t want to think about. As such, Benjamin was probably the perfect partner to try it with, in Sasha''s mind. On the other hand, he had also been very interested in trying to fuck her ass, and the idea made him harder than usual. Of course, he didn''t forget to act his innocent boy persona, since he had managed to keep being in character for so long.
"Anal sex?"
"Yes, women have three holes, their mouth, vagina, and their anus. Anal sex is the act of inserting the penis in the woman''s anus instead of the vagina."
"I see. But, isn''t it dirty?"
"Don''t worry! I prepared myself properly and everything is perfectly clean, I swear!"
She seemed eager to convince him so he yed along with her.
"You don''t need to swear, Sasha. I trust youpletely. If you want to have anal sex, that''s fine with me."
"Oh, really? That''s great! Let''s take our clothes off and go to the bed now."
They removed their clothes and she made him lie on the bed, his cock already standing up, as usual. She took out a small bottle from next to the bed and made the liquid inside flow on her hand. She then put her hand around his dick and applied the liquid to it, exining.
"Since the anus doesn''t produce its own lubricant like the vagina, it ismon to use a lotion like this one to avoid hurting the penis during anal sex. If there is none on hand, people would often use a substitute, like saliva or vaginal fluids."
"Vaginal fluids, meaning they would first have vaginal sex before switching to anal sex?"
Sasha blushed a little bit but nodded anyway.
"That''s right. But, to tell you the truth, a lot of men don''t really like anal sex. I haven''t tried it before either. That''s why I would understand if you found it dirty or repulsing."
This was one thing he liked about Sasha. Even though she sometimes tried to "trick" him, she mostly ended up spilling the truth in the end, as if she found it unbearable to lie to him for too long. That was also probably proof of her kind heart, where even her incredible libido and desires could notpletely make her do too many wrongs to others.
"Not at all. We have done a lot of things together and never once did I think like that. There is nothing dirty about you, Sasha."
It was a bit of a cheesy line but it had the expected effect. Sasha took his head into her hands and went for another passionate kiss with him. This onested longer and when she finally moved apart from him, she panted, saying.
"My angel. I don''t deserve you."
"That''s not true. I always said it, right? You are an amazing person."
She smiled at him, happy from the praise. However, time was ticking and they couldn''t continue chatting if they wanted to achieve their goal before school started. She climbed on top of him, facing him while aligning his penis head with her butthole. She queried him onest time, full of expectation.
"Are you ready, dear?"
Benjamin nodded.
Chapter 33 - 33 – A try out
Chapter 33: ¨C A try out
The nurse took his dick in her hand and started dropping her waist a little until his head touched her asshole. She continued going down and his dick''s head, lubricated by the lotion, began to force its way into her until it went in with a little noise. Sasha let out a sigh of pleasure at the feeling. Now that thergest part was in, the rest of the insertion became easier and she continued to drop herself on him slowly until he was fully inside her. She let out another sigh of satisfaction, together with Benjamin.
"So this is the feeling of anal pration. You''re so big inside me. I feel so full."
Benjamin was also experiencing apletely different feeling from vaginal insertion. Being inside a pussy was like being surrounded uniformly by hot folds. Here, on the other hand, she was gripping his cock much more strongly at the level of her asshole, while the rest of her ass gave more of a sticky feeling. The otherrge difference was that he always had a strong feeling of wetness inside a vagina since women secreted so much pussy juice in this world. In her ass, though, there wasn''t such a thing, making it distinct but still giving a pleasurable sensation. Thest difference was that there was no "end" to his insertion. In a vagina, he was reaching a woman''s limit when his ns pocked the womb. But in anal, there wasn''t that limit, allowing him to enter fully without ever being restricted.
"It feelspletely different from vaginal sex, Sasha. I like how you are gripping me and your insides are so hot, it feels incredible."
She grinned lewdly at the praise and, getting aroused by his words, she started to move her ass up and down on his cock. From his position, he had a great view of her pussy, which was flooding wet as usual. Benjamin let her enjoy herself for a few minutes before he started to move his waist too, pocking her from below. She reacted very positively to his moves.
"Ah! It feels so good! I really missed out on not trying anal sex earlier!"
Benjamin grabbed her breasts and rubbed them, inciting a moan of pleasure from her. He elerated progressively his waist movement and Sasha matched him, giving both of them increased stimtion. He could feel her hot ass walls on his dick on every stroke and her asshole was tightening around his base whenever he waspletely inside her, making him more and more excited. The nurse suddenly let out a loud moan and reached an orgasm purely with anal sex. She shivered and her hole squeezed his member, making him sigh in pleasure. Her pussy juices flew out andnded on his pelvis, while her eyes expanded, her face grinning in delight.
That made her stop moving and Benjamin took a small break too, giving her a bit of time to recover. She soonmented.
"That''s how climaxing from anal feels. It''s a different pleasure from a vaginal climax. I love it."
"You are so sexy when you orgasm, Sasha. I want to give you more, I want to take you from behind much more strongly."
She gulped, clearly aware of what was going to happen. She experienced his sexual prowess every morning, after all. Expectant, she raised her waist until his penis popped out from her, making her moan a little. They then both reorganized their positions and she was now in front of him in a doggy position, with him behind her, his cock in front of her asshole. He sent her the same question she had asked him before they started.
"Are you ready, Sasha? I won''t stop until the end, alright?"
She nodded, her face full of lust and anticipation. Benjamin grabbed her waist with both hands and then, with a sudden jerk, prated her all the way in with a single stroke. He knew from his experiences with women in this world that there was no need to be delicate with them. The nurse let out a loud cry of contentment, happy to be filled again. Benjamin started to fuck her ass faster and faster until he was going full speed. Once his movements became stable, he sent one hand to her pussy and flickered her clitoris, sending her in a frenzy.
"Aaahhh! Yes! Fuck my ass, destroy it with your big dick! Aaahhh! My clit! Cumming! Cummiiing!"
She started to orgasm repeatedly as he drilled her with his full strength. The stimtion became too much for Benjamin and he also came, letting out his sperm inside her warm ass, groaning lowly in pleasure. It felt amazing to cum in her ass and it was a different feeling from cumming in her pussy, as she had said. That was not the end, however, on the contrary. His semen acted as a lubricant, making the pration even more fluid. That somehow allowed him to speed up even more and both of them immersed themselves in the intense pleasure, Sasha orgasming every so often.
They went on like that for about ten minutes, Sasha getting more and more disorderly as time passed. It seemed that she had her whole consciousness focused on her ass, almost forgetting the stimtion to her cunt.
"My ass feels incredible! Fuck it more, Ben! Anal is the best! Drill me more!"
ording to her desire, he stopped flickering her clit and focused fully on pumping her ass. He slowed down a bit and moved his waist until his penis was almost out, before once more filling her out fully with one big pration. There was a loud sound of his flesh pping on her ass cheeks, making the whole thing even more erotic. He repeated the process again and again and that change in pace made her go crazy, each filling making her let out a guttural moan. Finally, Benjamin reached another high and let everything out in her once more, shouting his satisfaction with a loud groan. Feeling the hot sperm inside her, the nurse reached onest big climax, her eyes unfocused, her tongue out of her mouth and her holes twitching uncontrobly.
They both panted hard for a while, trying to get their bearing back. Eventually, Benjamin removed his dick from her ass with a small pop noise. An amazing sight awaited him when her asshole stayed open for a full minute in the shape of his tool. He could even see inside it, her ass walls still twitching in ecstasy and his semen starting toe out and flow over her pussy.
Chapter 34 - 34 – Meeting Nova at school
Chapter 34: ¨C Meeting Nova at school
Benjamin continued to watch as her asshole progressively closed itself, going back to normal. He then turned her on her side and plopped himself next to her, taking her in his arms and cuddling. She hugged him back and they spent some time rxing like this until they had to separate to start their day. Sasha was very happy to finally have been able to pop her anal cherry, what is more with such intensive and pleasurable anal sex. Of course, the same applied to Benjamin and both of them left each other in a satisfied mood.
Benjamin went to his ss and spent a normal morning listening to lessons. During the lunch break, however, he separated from his friends to go to the toilet and, on his way back, he spotted Nova walking in his direction in the school corridor. She was wearing a business skirt and ssy shirt, making her look like a businesswoman. Her brown hair was cut short as usual, barely reaching her shoulders, and her piercing brown eyes didn''t fail to notice himing in her direction. Nova had a very different personality at home and outside. At home, she was rtively mild, a nagging sister to the rest of the family members. In public, however, she assumed her president of the council persona and was much more serious and strict with the people around her.
She was not walking alone and had one other girl and two boys with her. They were talking about something when Nova saw him and stopped walking, calling out to him. She was wearing a small smile and a frown at the same time, making her look a bit weird.
"Ben! What are you doing here?"
"Nothing special, I am just going back to ss."
"I see..."
She started to say something else but got interrupted by the girl who was with her. She came forward, moving in front of his sister, and asked him.
"So you''re that Ben? Nova talks about you all the time."
"I-I don''t!"
"Ahah, that''s a rare sight, I have never seen her get flustered like that. It seems you''re as special as the rumors say."
"Ah sorry, I mixed up the order of everything, didn''t I? Let me present myself, I am Maisie, vice-president of the council at our school. Oh, and these two boys are Roy, council member and secretary, and Saul, another member and treasurer. What do you know about the student council in our school?"
He was a bit overwhelmed by the girl''s fast speech, which didn''t even let him greet the two boys, and answered her after a small pause.
"Not much."
"Ok, let me exin it to you swiftly. The name ''student council'' sounds intimidating but in truth, we don''t have much power. We mostly help students when they need it or organize events for them. And so, going back to the subject, since we are often in contact with students from all grades, we also hear most of the rumors going around, and that''s how we heard about you!"
She stopped for a second to take a breath before continuing.
"But don''t worry, it''s all good rumors. ''There is a super friendly boy among the freshmen'' and ''His smile is so pure and brilliant that some of the girls have trouble looking at him in the eyes''. All stuff like that. Pretty nice, right?"
She then patted his shoulder whileughing cheerfully. Her movement got forcefully interrupted, though, when Nova grabbed her arm, sending her a very dark stare.
"What do you think you are doing, Maisie?"
"Oops, sorry, sorry. You know I didn''t mean anything bad, right?"
Maisie took a few steps back, waving her hands as if to prove her innocence. Nova red at her some more but finally gave up, sighing. She turned toward Benjamin again.
"Sorry, Ben. She is often too enthusiastic. And yes, she is always like that."
She sighed once more as if she was shouldering a terrible burden. The two boys took the opportunity toe closer and introduce themselves, smiling awkwardly.
"I am Roy. It''s nice to meet you, Benjamin. Sorry about Maisie, you can just ignore her."
"I am Saul. Nice to meet you. I also wanted to meet Nova''s little brother, you see."
They seemed to be friendly seniors and Benjamin greeted back, grinning too.
"It''s nice to meet you too. Feel free to call me Ben, just like everyone else does."
They started to chat a little bit when Maisie came back to the charge, her previous conduct already forgotten.
"Ben, Ben, do you know? The student council is organizing a party this evening. Are you going toe?"
Now that she mentioned it, he remembered some of the girls in his ss asking him the same question. At the time, he didn''t pay much attention to it and just said he wouldn''te. However, now, he changed his mind. He thought that would be the perfect opportunity to spend some time with his two friends. He thus answered.
"Yes, I wille."
Nova looked troubled and tried to change his mind.
"Ugh, are you sure, Ben? The party will be a bit... you know..."
He wasn''t sure about what he should know and questioned.
"Is it not a good idea? Won''t you be there too, Nova?"
"Yes, but I will be busy managing the course of the party, so I won''t able to stay with you much."
Roy and Saul intervened here, Saul asserting.
"Don''t worry, we will keep an eye on him. Here, Ben, this is the address. We have traditional sponsors for all our student events so there is no entrance fee. And also, you can invite your friends and anyone else, as long as they are students at our school. We rented a whole vi for the evening so there is no limit to the number of participants."
"I see. Yes, I will do that. Thank you for telling me."
Chapter 35 - 35 – Inspection
Chapter 35: ¨C Inspection
After a few more exchanges with the council members, Benjamin bid them goodbye, expressing that he looked forward to seeing them again at the party. Nova still didn''t seem very happy with his participation but thebo of the two guys and Maisie had managed to convince her, although barely. Nova told him that she would go directly from school to the party location to check on the final details before students started toe. Benjamin went back to his ssroom and to his friends, who were waiting for him toe back from the toilet.
"Sorry guys, I met my sister Nova on my way back. She was with other members of the student council and we talked for a bit."
"Oh, right, I remember you talked about her. She is the president, isn''t she? Even though I am still not sure what the student council does exactly. We didn''t have anything like that in middle school."
"I was the same but they just exined it to me. Apparently, they just help students and organize events. That makes me think, they invited me to join the party they are organizing this evening and I said I would go. Do you two want to participate?"
"Ah, that party. I didn''t n on going but I don''t mind joining you if you want to go. What about you, Nathan?"
"I won''t be the only one left behind, let''s all go together."
"Great, thank you, guys!"
Their conversation didn''t escape the sharp ears of the girls in the ss. Soon, the ones which had proposed to him to go to the party before came to their group and one of them asked.
"Did you change your mind, guys? Are you three going to participate in the party?"
"Yes, sorry about refusingst time."
"No, no, it''s fine, super fine. If you are going then I will join too."
"Me too!"
"Me too!"
Soon, all the girls in their group started to im their participation, quickly followed by the other groups of girls, who didn''t want to miss on the opportunity. In the end, it was decided that the whole ss would join, except for a few boys. It was clear that it was impossible to have a private discussion in this ss and Julian and Nathan smiled wryly at the direction the whole thing took. The two boys'' reaction was still a much milder one than before, where they would have been disgusted or would have simply canceled their participation. On the other hand, Ben thought the situation to be funny and his smile full of amusement didn''t fail to make a few girls blush or avert their eyes.
The rest of the lessons went by slowly, most of the girls being very distracted from what was being taught, clearly looking forward to the evening. Once thest teacher dered the end of his ss, half of them cheered, before hurrying out and leaving the school premise. Ben shared the address of the vi with his friends, told them that he would see themter, and started going home too. After he arrived at his house, he prepared a simple dinner for his family before telling Olivia, who had juste back from school, that they were to eat what he had prepared without him and Nova since they were going to a school party this evening. He then went to take a shower and put on a better attire than usual. Now ready and left for the vi, located approximately twenty minutes on foot from his house.
The closer he got to the ce, the more students he could see going in the same direction as him. Once he arrived at his destination, he caught sight of a three floors house, with arge floor area and a vast garden. There was no other term than vi to describe the building and students from all directions were in the middle of converging there. Benjamin spotted the student council members at the entrance and headed toward them. It looked like they were inspecting everyoneing in, checking bags and holdings, and even doing a body inspection. A small queue had formed and he joined it, looking at the other students being inspected. Nova''s angry voice could be heard from where he was, scolding a girl who had her head down in shame.
"A full bottle of Vodka? Are you kidding me? Confiscated!"
And less than a minuteter, another girl got caught.
"What''s that?"
"M-my medicine. I need to take it every two hours."
"Are you taking us for fools? You''re the seventh girling with her medicine this evening. It''s probably some weird aphrodisiac or something this time too. Confiscated!"
The girl then entered the party with a pitiful expression on her face.
When he arrived at the front, Nova''s angry look eased a bit and the council members smiled at him, Maisie speaking before everyone else, unsurprisingly.
"You''re here, Ben! We''re inspecting everyone so there is no exception, even for you. But don''t worry, boys get checked by boys, you can just go to Roy and Saul."
She pointed to the two male members and he approached them when they waved him forward. He greeted them and they quickly inspected him before telling him that he could go inside. Benjamin turned toward Nova and asked.
"Do you need any help with managing the party, Nova?"
She shook her head negatively and answered.
"We will manage. You can just enjoy yourself. But do things in moderation and especially don''t follow any girl anywhere!"
"Don''t worry, I can take care of myself. Good luck, everyone!"
He waved them goodbye before going to the entrance of the vi. Just before reaching it, he heard Nova''s voice onest time.
"Sleeping pills?! Are you KIDDING me?!"
He took a mental note to never ept any food or drink from a girl in the future, opened the door, and went inside.
Chapter 36 - 36 – School party
Chapter 36: ¨C School party
Benjamin started touring the ce, to get an understanding of what the party entailed, as well as find his friends, in case they arrived first. The rooms on the first floor had strong music going on and people were dancing, moving their bodies to the rhythm of the song. There were a few ces to sit in the corners but only a few people were using them to take a short break, before going back to dance. Arriving in the garden, he saw people divided into groups,ughing, chatting, and having fun. There was a barbecue going on and a lot of other food and drinks avable. He saw Nathan talking with some of the girls in their ss and headed in their direction.
"Hi everyone, how is the party going?"
Nathan put on a relieved expression when he caught sight of him. It seemed being surrounded by girls as the only boy present was still a bit too much for him, which was understandable. Benjamin went to stand next to him and everyone started to chat. The girls were a bit touchy today, some trying to discretely brush against them from time to time, which he attributed to the festive mood. Not long after, more girls joined them until Julian arrived, and they all decided to take some food and drinks before sitting down as a group. The three boys were together on one side and the girls couldn''t let their hands wander anymore without making it too obvious, to their regret. Nevertheless, they all enjoyed themselves, talking about school, sports, celebrities, movies, TV... any topic that high school students were interested in.
Thissted for a while until one of the more confident girls proposed they went dancing. Some ssmates didn''t seem too keen about it but after a bit of convincing, the herd mentality won over their reluctance and they all headed toward the vi interior. They choose one of the less crowded dancing rooms and started to wriggle at the sound of music. Benjamin was feeling great to not think about anythingplicated and just dance, sometimes trying to match his moves with his friends or the girls around him, sometimes just doing whatever he felt like doing. They danced for a long time, taking breaks from time to time to sit down on the side for a bit, beforeing back to dance once more. There were a few body contacts here and there, but it was mostly involuntary, even sometimes happening between members of the same sex. It couldn''t really be helped since there were so many students dancing in such a limited amount of space.
However, one thing happened, which was clearly not an ident. One girl, who was not part of their ss, quietly sneaked behind Benjamin and suddenly grabbed his butt, causing him to have a start and let out his voice in surprise. There were always a few girls looking at him at any moment and the situation didn''t escape their predatory eyes. They shouted, indignant but with a hint of envy, and rushed to catch the culprit, who was already trying to escape the room. The strength of their number won out and they caught her easily when one of them simply blocked the entrance from which she was trying to escape. Themotion caused everyone around to stop dancing and soon, someone stopped the music in the room. Nathan and Julian, who had an idea about what had happened, rushed to Benjamin and surrounded him as if to protect him from further harm.
Now in a much quieter environment, all eyes went to the culprit and the girls which had caught her. Surrounded by so many hostiles, the girl didn''t resist very long and started to look down, her face both angry and ashamed. She was then pushed forward in Benjamin''s direction as if he had to be the judge who had to pass judgment on her. One of the girls eximed.
"We caught that molester, Ben. What should we do with her?"
He was wondering if they were leaving her fate to him because they thought he would give a much harder punishment than they would since they were able to rte to her action more. Or perhaps they wanted to look good in front of him and score some points with him. Or for all of those reasons together. Anyway, he had to judge her now. He began by addressing her.
"First of all, raise your head and look at me in the eyes."
She did as he said, though slowly. Now that her anger was subsiding, it was beginning to be reced by fear, appearing on her face.
"Now tell me, why did you do that?"
She bit her lips and didn''t answer until one of the girls holding her shouted.
"Answer the question!"
She started at the shout. She probably didn''t think her little butt grabbing would get her into such trouble and she started to look more and more afraid.
"I''m sorry! I, I just thought you had a sexy ass and grabbed it impulsively! I''m sorry, I won''t do it anymore!"
Her confession caused almost all the girls in the room to take a look at Benjamin''s ass, even those who already knew about what had happened. Benjamin was able to see a good number of them nodding in approval. Now, back to the culprit, the thing was that he still had the mindset of his previous world and it was hard for him to condemn a repentant girl too strongly, even if he knew that she would probably do something like this again in the future. And he obviously didn''t really care if his ass was grabbed or not, contrarily to the others around him.
"Huh, fine. I know very well how girls are so I am not even angry. Just stop molesting people, ok?"
"Yes, I will stop, I swear!"
His lenient judgment didn''t seem to satisfy anyone else, though. Nathan conveyed his opinion.
"Ben, you''re way too soft on her. She will just do it again if you let her go like that. You can send her to the student council members and they will punish her."
The culprit paled when hearing that, her eyes shaking in fright. One of the girls who had caught her added.
"He is right, Ben. Don''t worry about her, she''s just a pervert and a molester!"
Benjamin smiled indulgently and answered.
"There is no need to make so much fuss and trouble the student council members when they are already so busy. And also, we''re here to have fun, not to fight or condemn people. Please, let her go, and let''s continue enjoying ourselves. Yes?"
Everyone looked at him, a little surprised. Eventually, the girls looked at each other and decided to let the girl go, not before hissing a "you''re lucky he''s such an angel". The culprit quickly said "sorry" and "thank you" to him before escaping the ce. Julian took the opportunity to say.
"You''re way too forgiving, Ben. I am worried about you."
Another girl agreed with his statement, adding.
"Julian is right. You''re way too nice for your own good. But don''t worry, we will protect you!"
All the girls in their ss nodded, inplete consensus.
Chapter 37 - 37 – Exploring the villa
Chapter 37: ¨C Exploring the vi
Benjamin gave them a smile of appreciation and dered.
"Thank you, all of you. But I can take care of myself. I am not as harmless as I look."
Somehow, his show of confidence only got him looks of pity, as if they were looking at a delusional child. One of the girls even whispered, "this is serious".
Feeling a bit isted in his opinion, Benjamin shamelessly changed the subject.
"Alright! Should we dance some more, everyone?"
They gave him a wry smile but someone restarted the music anyway and they went back to dancing again. This time, there were no more interruptions and they enjoyed themselves for a while. When more and more of them started to get tired, they decided to go back outside for some drinks and food. On the way, Benjamin excused himself to go to the toilet. He went to do his business but, on his way to the garden, he thought that now might as well be a good opportunity to have a bit of time for himself and tour the vi. The ce was like a small castle and exploring it felt like a bit of an adventure in itself.
Benjamin started with the ces he hadn''t gone to before, namely the second and third floors. He climbed the stairs and reached the second floor. The vibe was different here. Instead of loud music and dynamic people, it seemed the second floor was set up for quieter students to enjoy themselves. There were rooms full of board games, with teenagers happily ying them. There were also rooms dedicated to console games. These were mostly frequented by girls, with the asional boy here and there. Benjamin got tempted to y with them for a bit but decided that he shouldn''t let his friends and ssmates wait for him for too long.
He continued on the third floor. This one was even quieter, with no one in sight. It seemed the vi wasrge enough that the first two floors were enough to hold all the prepared activities. He checked out one of the rooms and found out that it was just a normal bedroom. He went on with his tour of the floor until he spotted a group of three girls after turning a corner. They were behaving weirdly, though. They all had their ears stuck to a specific door in the corridor but were otherwise keeping themselves absolutely silent and still. Curious, Benjamin approached them. However, when they saw himing, they panicked and quickly ran away in the other direction, as quietly as they could possibly manage.
Now alone in the corridor, Benjamin reached the spot they had been on and started to hear some noise from the inside of the room the girls had tried to listen into. Imitating them, he put his ear on the door and was able to distinguish the sounds being emitted on the other side. He could hear the moans of a girl and a boy, the types of which were typicallying out when having sex. it seemed that some students had found another way to enjoy themselves during this party. Now the previous scene made sense to him, with the previous three girls eavesdropping on the sounds of sexing from there. Benjamin was interested in what normal sex would look like in this world but wasn''t about to disturb them just to sate his curiosity, obviously. He had watched some of the porn avable to this world, strictly for reference purposes, of course, but had soon concluded that it was much less appealing than what he was used to. The focus was mostly on the man, with a lot of camera time spent zooming on the male genitals, while the actor himself faked loud moans and an excited expression throughout the act.
Benjamin left the room with the lovers behind and resumed looking around the third floor. Soon after, he was done checking it, with no other unexpected encounter happening. He decided to go back to the garden and went down the stairs all the way to the first floor. He hadn''t gone through every nick and cranny of the vi and had just quickly toured the ce, not taking more than a few minutes, which shouldn''t make his friends raise any questions about his long absence. In the garden, Nathan and Julian were sitting on the grass together, discussing with arge number of their female ssmates. He went to take some food and drinks from one of the garden''s buffet tables, sat down next to them, and started to take part in the ongoing discussion, with his usual smile. He truly had fun chatting with everyone and his grin was heartfelt, his smile also making the others around him smile, enhancing the mood.
That was how the party went on for them until the student council members announced the end of the gathering. Benjamin told his ssmates that he would go help his sister with the cleaning up and they all agreed to stay with him and help too. The council members epted the help gratefully since it multiplied their manpower several times. Some other students, friends of the council members, also stayed to help and the cleaning got done in a sh, with so many people on the task. They put all the materials, speakers, games, etc, in a small van and Maisie prepared to drive it back to the school, since she had her driving license already.
Everyone said goodbye to each other, expressing how they had a lot of fun, and Benjamin headed back home, together with Nova. Lost in their thoughts, they stayed quiet for most of the way, but, just before entering their house, she asked him.
"Did you have fun, Ben?"
"A lot of fun. It was a great party. You and the other members managed to organize something amazing, Nova. Thank you!"
She looked away from him, whispering.
"I see..."
A secondter, a proud smile appeared on her face and she added.
"That''s good."
Chapter 38 - 38 – After golf, bowling?
Chapter 38: ¨C After golf, bowling?
As they entered the house, they saw Grace sitting on the living room''s sofa, watching television. She turned toward them and greeted them.
"Wee back, you two. How was the party?"
"It was great, me and my friends enjoyed it a lot."
She looked between them before focusing on Benjamin.
"That''s nice. I was waiting for you toe back since I had something to tell you, Ben. Tomorrow, I will go bowling with my friends in the evening and we will eat out at the same time so I won''t need any dinner."
"Alright, no problem. I hope you will have fun with your friends."
Benjamin was thinking about what to cook for the next dinner and took some time to realize that this was a good opportunity for him to spend some time with Grace.
"Oh, actually, can I join you? It''s been a long time since we did anything together, hasn''t it?"
Nova intervened.
"Wait. Grace, are those friends girls or boys?"
"They''re... girls."
"Then you shouldn''t go, Ben. Sending a high school freshman into a group of college girls is the same as sending fresh meat to a group of starving wolfs! You never know what sort of things they could do to you!"
There was a moment of silence, where the three of them realized the deep truth of herparison. Benjamin thought it could be a good chance to make fun of Nova.
"Things they could do to me? Like what?"
"Anything! Like, they could grope you, follow you to the toilet or even spike your drink!"
"You realize that Grace would be there too, right? Or what, she would look at them groping me without doing anything? Or perhaps even cooperate with them? Is that what you mean?"
Now Grace was also looking at Nova with a frown.
"No! I didn''t mean that! It''s just... inappropriate for a teenager boy to hang out with college girls!"
"It will be fine, you always worry too much, Nova."
Nova seemed very unhappy with his answer, but seeing that she wouldn''t be able to convince him, she left angrily for the second floor while shouting.
"Whatever! You can go and get raped for all I care!"
Benjamin and Grace watched her leave, before Benjamin turned back to his sister with an innocent smile, asking.
"So, Grace, are you going to cooperate with your friends to grope me and do unspeakable stuff to me in the toilet?"
Grace scowled at his stupid joke and Benjamin burst intoughter. However, she had always been soft on him, both in this world and the previous one. She soon forgot her annoyance and told him.
"Wait for a second, Ben. I still need to ask my friends if they are ok with youing."
She took her phone out and made two calls one after the other. Judging by Grace''s bits of their conversations, it seemed it was no problem for either of her two friends, which she confirmed herself as soon as the second call ended.
"They both agreed, very... enthusiastically. They said they looked forward to meeting you. Huh... but don''t worry, they''re good people and I will be there too. And... I am happy that you areing, too."
She smiled joyfully and couldn''t help patting him on the head a little, before climbing the stairs in turn. Benjamin followed her up and they each went to their respective room, after wishing a good night to each other.
The following day was spent as usual, with little to no change to the now established routine. During ss recess, Benjamin and his ssmates talked about the previous day''s party, exchanging impressions and opinions. The three friends noticed that the girls were now much more easily approaching their group and their gaze had changed a little bit. Among the usual lust, there was now interest toward the three of them mixed in. It seemed that the party had a great effect to make everyone feel closer to each other. Of course, the three boys were no fools and were not oblivious to the change, since they also felt closer to the girls themselves.
When it was time to leave school, Benjamin noticed Grace''s figure at the school''s entrance, waiting for him. Her long brown hair was let down freely on her back and her brown eyes were scanning the students leaving the school premise. She was wearing a simple white dress, which suited her well. He said goodbye to his friends and headed toward her.
"Good afternoon, Grace. You even came to get me all the way from school. That''s nice of you."
"Hi, Ben. Yes, we need to take the train and the station is closer to your school. Going back home would be somewhat of a detour and we need to head there now to be on time."
After a bit of walking, they reached the station and Grace bought two round-trip tickets for them, giving one to him. They waited for the train to arrive, boarded it, and spent the next forty-five minutes chatting until they reached their destination. This stop was where the closest bowling alley to their house was located. Benjamin hade here a couple of times before but not more than that, since it wasn''t that close of a ce,pared to closer entertainment options. The bowling alley was popr, though, which was why they needed to arrive on time to make use of their reservation, or their spot would soon get assigned to other people.
The two of them walked until they reached the ce and entered the building. It was fairlyrge, with around thirtynes in total. People were everywhere, either ying on thenes, taking a break at the bar, or changing into bowling shoes. Grace looked around to see if her friends had arrived already but it seemed they were the first toe. They decided to wait for them close to the entrance so that they could spot them easily when they entered. The wait wasn''t long and mere minutes after, Grace started to wave her arm at two arriving girls, who saw her and started to head toward them.
Chapter 39 - 39 – Grace’s friends
Chapter 39: ¨C Grace¡¯s friends
"This is Jolene and this is Kamryn. Girls, this is Benjamin, the little brother I told you about on the phone."
"Nice to meet you, Jolene, Kamryn. Feel free to call me Ben, since this is what I am the most used to."
Grace made the introductions and Benjamin greeted them with his usual smile. Jolene was a girl with very short blonde hair and blue eyes, sporting a wide smile, giving out a lively impression. She was wearing shorts and a T-shirt, giving her a tomboyish feeling. Kamryn had semi-long red hair and green eyes. She had a happy expression on her face and her clothing consisted of a skirt and a short-sleeved top. Jolene answered Benjamin''s greeting first.
"Nice to meet you too, Ben. Grace is lucky to have such a handsome little brother!"
He didn''t know if she really meant it or was just paying him lip service. Kamryn went next, a grin on her lips.
"Nice to meet you too, Ben. I was looking forward to seeing you since Grace told us you would be joining us."
Jolene continued.
"Now that is done, let''s go and have fun!"
They went to the reception, which also served as a bar, and got their assignedne. They then went to change from their current shoes to the bowling shoes freely avable in one corner of the area. Finally ready, they ordered some drinks at the bar and headed toward theirne.
"Since we are four people, what about a 2vs2 match?"
"Sounds good. We can have the siblings form a team and us two form the other one."
"Great. Oh, I have a good idea. Let''s have the winners ask for a reward from the losers."
"That would make the game more interesting, I am in."
Benjamin thought Jolene and Kamryn were a bit too much in sync. They probably agreed on that beforehand. He was not the only one thinking like this as Grace stopped them.
"Stop it, girls. You think I don''t know what you are nning?"
Benjamin, however, was curious about what sort of reward they would ask for. And if they went too far, he could simply refuse them.
"It''s ok, right, Grace? It looks like fun. Let''s work hard to win the game!"
"Are you sure, Ben? You never know what they could ask for."
"No problem, it''s all for fun, let''s enjoy ourselves."
"Well, if you say so. You two, don''t go too far if you win, alright?"
"Of course."
The two girls, surprised that their poor n had seeded somehow, cheered internally. The four of them then started ying. Benjamin wasn''t good by any means since he had little experience. The three females were a bit better than him but not by much. Overall, the whole group was pretty much on the same level, making the match more interesting. Benjamin was looking at the people around, trying to learn from observation. Whatever he saw, he tried to reproduce, with more or less sess. Seeing him so focused, the college girls also tried to teach him whatever they knew, Jolene and Kamryn taking the opportunity to be in close contact with him.
There was a round table in the center of theirne area, where they would sit while waiting for their turn to throw. Grace had quickly imed the seat next to Benjamin, leaving the two saddened girls no choice but to sit together in front of them. They started to talk out loud about the reward they could ask for if they were to win and then sometimes whispered their ideas in each other''s ears, giggling like elementary school students and throwing looks at Benjamin. Grace watched them acting like this andmented.
"Sheesh, look at them behaving like children. I am sure all their ideas are perverted, anyway."
"What about you, Grace. What would you ask from them if we were to win?"
"Hm, let''s see."
And then she smiled and imitated the two in front of them, whispering her ideas in his ear.
"Since they''re going to ask for perverted stuff, we can ask them for humiliating stuff instead."
Benjamin whispered back.
"Like what? I don''t know them much so I will let you choose, ok?"
"Good, leave it to me. Now let''s win this game and be the ones having fun on their behalf."
Grace was suddenly much more motivated and even managed to get a strike, making the two siblings cheer. Benjamin only got spares on lucky throws, while Jolene and Kamryn got spares more regrly, making for an overall very close score between the two teams. Eventually, however, the college girls won the first match, high-fiving their achievement. Then, with a bit of a predator look, they asked for their reward, Jolene voicing their wish.
"Don''t worry, we won''t ask for anything unreasonable. Our reward will be to sit next to Benjamin!"
"Losers should shut up and give the winners their reward, Grace! Muahaha!"
"Ugh... fine but I will be keeping an eye on you two. Don''t bother Ben too much."
Annoyed, Grace stood up and swiftly went to start the second game. Meanwhile, the two girls happily sat on each side of Benjamin, Jolene on his right and Kamryn on his left, and started to chat with him. The game restarted and Grace was even more motivated than before. On the other hand, the two college girls were much more focused on Benjamin than on the game now, throwing the ball speedily toe back chatting with him faster. This created a sort of unbnce, where Grace spent a long time in front of thene to focus and earn the most points while Jolene and Kamryn spent most of their time with Benjamin. The two girls, seeing an opportunity, started to talk about more interesting topics whenever Grace wasn''t watching.
"So, Ben, since you''re so nice and cute, you must be very popr at school, right? Did you find yourself a girlfriend?"
"Not at all, I am just a normal boy like any other. I don''t have a girlfriend either."
"Really? That''s unexpected. Or is it perhaps because you think the girls your age are too childish? In that case, what about someone a bit older? For example, a girl like us?"
Chapter 40 - 40 – Wins and losses
Chapter 40: ¨C Wins and losses
Benjamin thought it was funny how they pushed their logic, without waiting for his answer. There was a break in the conversation when Grace came back and everyone had a turn to score some points. When it was Grace''s turn again, Benjamin answered.
"I think you are both lively and charming girls, so I am the one who would be surprised if you didn''t have any boyfriends."
Their eyes widened a bit at the unexpectedpliment before Kamryn conveyed.
"We all have had multiple boyfriends in the past, your sister too. But it seems we can''t hold on to them for long and we find ourselves alone again very soon."
They both sighed, looking dejected at remembering their past experiences. Benjamin had known that Grace has had boyfriends before but he wasn''t aware of any detail on how those rtionships went. They took their turn again and Benjamin continued the discussion, stopping from time to time whenever Grace came back.
"Tell me if it is too much of a personal question, but, can I ask why?"
They looked at each other, before turning their heads away from Benjamin, ashamed. Kamryn said.
"It''s a bit embarrassing..."
That made Benjamin even more interested in knowing. He was also well aware of what worked best to persuade girls in this world. He bent his upper body forward, his T-shirt opening a bit with the gravity, revealing his corbone, and asked innocently.
"I am super curious now. You can''t leave me hanging like that, you have to tell me."
As expected. his move was extremely effective. Both girls'' line of sight instantly dropped to look at the small amount of skin he was revealing, breathing noisily in surprise. Considering this to be the perfect timing, Benjamin pushed forward with his question.
Both girls started a little, looking up to him again, red-faced from their actions. Jolene answered quickly as if to move his attention away from their shamelessness.
"That''s because we insisted too much to have sex with our boyfriends. After a while, they got annoyed and left us."
However, her revtion was quite high in the embarrassment level too. They now lookedpletely red in the face and in a desperate effort to change the subject, Kamryn said.
"W-what about you, Ben? You would have sex with your girlfriend when you get one, right? Because you''re so nice."
She realized a bitte that she asked something inappropriate but now that the dice had been cast, the two girls started to look forward to his answer. Benjamin took a moment to organize his thoughts. As far as he knew, it was not that men in this world didn''t want to have sex; it was a pleasant experience for everyone, after all. It was more that a lot of them wanted to advance their rtionships slowly, confirming their and their partner''s feelings beforemitting to anything, including sex. Knowing this, he could deduce that these horny girls couldn''t even wait that long, which was both sad and amusing at the same time.
"Well, I am the only boy in a house full of girls, so I know very well how... hard it is for women to hold back. So yes, I wouldn''t want my girlfriend to suffer like that and I would have sex with her if that is what she wanted."
His answer surprised them, which soon turned into interest with a touch of lust. Jolene rapidly announced.
"You''re so mature and open-minded, Ben. You said I was charming before, right? I can be your girlfriend if you want."
"Hey! Don''t listen to her, Ben. Be my boyfriend instead. I will buy you whatever you want."
"Thank you, but I don''t have any n to have a girlfriend for the moment."
They both looked shocked at his swift rejection, dejection soon appearing on their face.
"Of course. The best ones are always the hardest to get. Hey Kamryn, let''s order some alcohol, I feel like drinking, now."
And just like that, they went to the bar. Grace, who had just finished scoring a strike, came back to the table, surprised to see her two friends gone.
"What happened, Ben? Where did they go?"
"They went to order some alcohol."
"What? Why?"
"I think it''s better if you ask them yourself."
"Hm, fine."
After a while, the two girls came back, their arms full of alcohol, including strong ones. They started drinking when it was not their turn to y and their already low score only got lower as time went on. Unhappy with that development, they forced Grace to drink too, to level the ying field. Their nice bowling game deteriorated into a drinking party and the people around them began to look at them weirdly. Eventually, the three girls stopped bowling altogether and focused on the bottles in front of them, Jolene and Kamryn sometimes expressing their sorrow pitifully. When their allocated time ended, the girls were all pretty drunk. Benjamin had to step forward to make everyone leave the bowling alley and take them to the train station.
Jolene and Kamryn first boarded a different train from the one the siblings had to take and left with drunken goodbyes. When their train reached the station, Benjamin had to half-carry his sister into the car. It waste in the evening and the car was empty of people so he sat her on a random seat, while he plopped himself in the seat next to her. She looked at him with an unfocused gaze, opening her mouth.
"Sorry, Ben. It wasn''t very fun, right?"
"Don''t worry, I was happy just to do something together with you."
She suddenly took his head in her hands and put it on herp. She then started caressing his hair. Benjamin tried to protest against the treatment.
"Grace, I am not a kid anymore, you know."
"Shh, you''re my baby brother."
She paused for a second, before adding.
"I saw them flirting with you, you know. Even though you''re my brother. My brother. Mine. My precious Ben..."
She watched his face on herp, her eyes blurry from the alcohol, and then, in a drunken impulse, she dropped her head and kissed him on the lips.
Chapter 41 - 41 – Trip back home
Chapter 41: ¨C Trip back home
Benjamin''s thoughts froze. He waspletely taken by surprise and couldn''t react for a long time. Then, his first sensation was the strong taste of what he guessed was the vor of alcohol. He could only guess since he had never drank any before, after all. His rationality came back a short whileter and he pushed Grace''s head away in reflex.
"Hehe, your lips are warm, Ben."
Grace was still out of it, licking her lips as if she had tasted something delicious. The current situation confused Benjamin a lot. He looked at his sister''s expression and could see desire and a wish to monopolize him. This triggered his memories. Grace was five years older than him and so, by the time he became a hormonal teenager, she was already a full-fledged woman, with curves in all the right ces. As a young woman so close to him every day, she obviously came to be the target of his fantasies and he couldn''t remember how many times he masturbated to her, imagining doing this and that to her. What was worse was that she was always doting on him, not minding close physical contact. On his side, he sometimes managed to catch glimpses of her body when she changed clothes without remembering to close her door. One time, when he was at the height of his horniness, he even went to spy on her taking a bath, and the image of her beautiful naked body remained in his brain to this day.
That same sister was now looking at him the same way he had been looking at her in the past. He didn''t manage to suppress a feeling of excitation, his penis hardening at the situation. Even drunk, the bump in his pants didn''t escape Grace''s eyes and she grinned lustily.
"Did my kiss make you hard, Ben? Hehe, don''t worry, your big sister will take care of everything."
She unzipped his fly before he could react, took his dick out, and observed it. It was good that there were no other passengers on the train car, even though it was not sure if Grace would have cared much in her current state.
"You''re so big, Ben."
The person in question, on the other hand, was feeling very conflicted. Contrary to the thing he did with Chloe, which was for education purposes and where they didn''t even touch each, this was a much more serious issue. He knew that he should put a stop to the whole thing but was also incredibly exhrated by the situation. It was his sister, his family member! The same sister that he had spent most of his teenage years fantasying about. But still, they were rted by blood!
Hisplicated thoughts came to a stop when Grace suddenly gobbed his penis whole, enveloping it in her warm and wet mouth.
"Ah...! Grace..."
She looked at him while sucking on his cock, happy that he called her name in his pleasure. However, Benjamin quickly felt, after the initial surprise, that she was quite clumsy in her blowjob. Remembering that Jolene and Kamryn said that all three of them had no experience, it made sense, and even more when considering that she was drunk.
Seeing the sister he had venerated in his fantasies sucking on his cock so deliciously finally broke thestyers of resistance inside him. He decided to not care about anything anymore, ande what may.
Luckily, Benjamin''s head was still on herp, in a strategic position. He extended his legs, lying downpletely, using the whole row of seats for himself, and tapped on Grace''s thighs.
"Grace, let my head down and get on all four."
She looked at him and slowly obeyed his words. Benjamin''s head was now on thest seat of the row and Grace was above him, in a ssic 69 position. Benjamin lifted her dress, removed her panties, and made her drop her waist until her pussy was right on top of his mouth. it had a patch of hair above her vulva and was already very wet, her juices glistening on herbia. Then, without hesitation, he started to eat his sister''s cunt, making her let a long moan out in his cock and stop her blowjob. She tasted fantastic, just like in his fantasies, her abundant sweet juices entering his mouth, fulfilling him. He started to lick her pussy over its entire length, causing her to shiver and take his penis out of her mouth.
"Ah, Ben... Your tongue feels so good. I always dreamed of a situation like this. Ah... I love you, Ben! I love you so much! Don''t stop!"
No one hated receiving such an ardent confession of love and Benjamin was the same. At hermand, he continued his efforts, now inserting his tongue in her hole while slurping her juices. She panted hard at the stimtion, her blowjob nowpletely forgotten. Benjamin didn''t mind, though, and switched to her clitoris, sometimes licking it, sometimes sucking on it, sometimes flicking his tongue over it. That became too much for her and sparked her orgasm, as she twitched violently, shouting her pleasure and letting out plenty of juices on his face.
"Aahh! My little brother''s tongue is making mee! Aaaahhhh!"
Benjamin had just brought his big sister to climax, the same sister he had always admired and had fantasies on. This gave him a kind of incredulous feeling, as if he still had trouble believing it really happened. That also soon transformed itself into euphoria, making his dick twitch in excitation. Grace had just had the time toe back from her peak to witness it, realizing that she had focused on her pleasure too much.
"Sorry, Ben! I will take care of you!"
She resumed her fetio, pumping her head over his dick as if to make up for her blunder. A few secondster, Benjamin also restarted his cunnilingus. This time, he directly focused on her clitoris, her best spot, while sending two fingers into her pussy. The double stimtion was too much for Grace and she whimpered, stopping her blowjob once more. She closed her eyes, focusing on her twat''s sensations, until she climaxed a few minutester, her pussy squeezing his fingers and her body trembling like a leaf. Then, she noticed that she had forgotten about her work once more and drilled her head up and down on his penis.
Benjamin thought the situation was funny and he repeated it several times, Grace getting more and more unfocused due to her repeated orgasms, while also more and more desperate during the brief period she resumed feting him. Finally, it was too much even for him and he announced.
"I''m going toe, Grace!"
Her eyes widened in anticipation and she sped up her head movement. Benjamin''s waist quivered and he came grandly, all his pent-up feelings exploding in one go, sending waves after waves of cum in her mouth. It felt incredible to ejacte in his sister''s mouth and his sperm just wouldn''t stoping out. Grace bravely epted everything, gulping all of his semen until nothing was left. When she felt that he was done, she suddenly rxed, her head and body dropping on him. Benjamin extracted his head from her cunt and looked at his sister, who was now unmoving. He soon realized that she had fallen asleep, probably due to thebined effect of the alcohol and her sexual exhaustion, her head still in his crotch and his penis still in her mouth.
Chapter 42 - 42 – Reflection
Chapter 42: ¨C Reflection
Benjamin wondered if it was not too ufortable to fall asleep in this position. Grace appearedpletely smashed now, deep in her dreams, and she probably didn''t notice anything anymore. He delicately extracted himself from under her, freeing his dick in passing, and looked around the train car. It was a good thing that it was still empty except for them or they could have gotten in trouble. Next, he cleaned both of them until there were no visible traces of what they had done. Once he was satisfied with his work, he sat next to her once again and ced her head on hisp, in a reversal of the previous position. He caressed her hair distractedly and started to think back on what had just happened.
On one hand, it was like a dream where he was able to satisfy one of his biggest fantasies. How many times did he think about her blowing him, relieving his painfully hard cock as the doting sister that she was, until he would st his cum in her mouth and she would drink it all, lovingly? What about him going down on her, making her go crazy with pleasure by using his tongue, his cunnilingus forcing her to orgasm multiple times? And after that, she would be addicted to the gratification only he could provide for her, opening herself for even more sexual happenings? In a way, what happened this evening was simr to the start of his fantasies about her, and he couldn''t have helped being ecstatic about it.
On the other hand, he just had oral sex with his sister, his real sister, rted by blood. Incest was certainly one of his kinks when watching porn, but that was fiction and there was a big difference between fiction and reality. Even though he had acted under the effect of his lust, that didn''t excuse anything. He could have pushed her away if he had really wanted to, except that... He hadn''t desired to do so. Yes, in the end, that was the root of the problem. He should be feeling guilty now, perhaps even disgusted with himself. However, that wasn''t the case. In her drunken state, Grace had shouted that she loved him and he didn''t doubt for a second that it was her true feelings. In fact, it was not just her. Benjamin was not blind and he had been able to tell that all his family members loved him. And probably, loved him more than just normal family love.
He just needed to recall his sisters blushing whenever he got in close contact with them or his mother''s excessive physical contact with him, as well as her possessiveness. Adding to that was the fact that they were often seeking his approval and affection, to the point of behaving differently in front of him than in front of other people. He thought about what he did with Chloe the other day. The little imp was mostly guided by her lust but she still had very little hesitation to take advantage of the situation, even when the other side had been her brother, going as far as demanding another session at the end.
In the end, the root of the issue was that Benjamin loved them too. He thought his love for them was just the love between family members, who had grown and spent their life together. But, this might not have been the case after all, and he, of the same blood as the rest of them, might also hold the same feelings as them. As they say, blood doesn''t lie, and he was the perfect example of it. Their love for him was more than love for a member of their family and he now realized that his love for them was also more than family love. Searching deep inside him, he realized that he wouldn''t mind going as far as they wished to go with him.
So be it, if his family members wanted his love, then he would love them as much as they wanted, and more.
Reaching this conclusion somehow put his mind at peace and he stopped thinking about it, for now, leaving his thoughts to go in random directions while he continued to caress Grace''s hair absentmindedly. Soon, they reached their station. Benjamin put his sister on his back and got off the train, thankful that he was in great physical condition since she wasn''t light in any way. He slowly made his way back home and managed to reach it a couple of tens of minutester.
Benjamin entered the house and noticed that their mother was on the living room''s sofa, watching TV. She turned toward them, smiled, and greeted him.
"Wee back, darling. How was your bowling session? Those girls didn''t do anything bad to you, right? Did Grace take good care of you?"
She started to flood him with questions but then noticed what he had on his back.
"...Or I guess not. What happened to her?"
"Good evening, Mom. She drank too much and fell asleep."
"Weren''t you guys bowling? What''s the rtion with drinking? They didn''t make you drink, right?"
"Of course not. We were bowling and they suddenly started buying alcohol and drinking during our second game."
"Sigh... What hopeless girls. In front of you, no less. You really shouldn''t follow your sister anymore, if that''s how it ends up."
"Ahah, well, it was fun anyway, everyone was nice and treating me well, until they started drinking, at least."
"I will give your sister a piece of my mind when she wakes up. Give her to me and I will put her to bed."
"It''s fine, I will do it. And don''t scold her too much, the other two kind of forced her to drink."
"Then she didn''t choose her friends correctly. Sigh, fine, I won''t be too hard on her. Go now, you must be tired."
"Thanks, Mom. Good night."
"Good night. Sleep well, darling."
Benjamin climbed the stairs up to the third floor and entered Grace''s room. Same as her little sisters, her room was a mess. Seeing all their rooms being so consistently disorderly, it seemed that the impact of a single-mother family could really be felt. He cautiously tucked her into her bed before leaving the room. He headed toward his room, entered it, and quickly changed into pajamas. The following day was still a weekday and he had to wake up early. He entered his bed and soon fell asleep.
Chapter 43 - 43 – Forgiveness
Chapter 43: ¨C Forgiveness
Benjamin spent his Thursday at school peacefully. His morning sessions with Sasha now mixed both vaginal and anal sex, as the woman couldn''t forget the taste of his dick drilling her ass. Apart from that, nothing special happened and when he arrived home, he went for a run, as he often did whenever he had time. During his jogging, he spent some time thinking about how to spend time with his mother. He had found a way how to regrly interact with his sisters and his grandmother but hadn''t had time to do anything with his mom. After a bit of thinking, he just decided to check on her in the room she used as an office in the house. Of course, he had no intention of disturbing her during her work and would just wait until she was done. She usually finished at around 7 pm and he could simply aim for that time.
He finished his run and took a shower to wash off the sweat. When he was on his way to his room, he came across Grace, who wasing back from college. When she spotted him, she started and looked at him with terrible guilt on her face. Since Benjamin left early on weekday mornings, this was the first time he saw her after the incident from the previous day. She stopped him and voiced.
"I have something to say to you..."
Benjamin simply nodded and she added.
"It''s better if the others don''t hear about it, follow me."
They went to her room and she locked the door once they were inside. She then turned toward him, her face full of regret and shame, and dered.
"About yesterday... I am sorry, Ben! I don''t know what took over me. I can''t believe I did that to you, my little brother. I am sorry, I am really sorry!"
As expected, she came to apologize for what happened the day before. However, Benjamin believed he was also partially responsible for it since he didn''t resist her in any way. He tried to soothe her.
"I am also at fault for getting carried away by the situation. And you were drunk too, we share responsibility equally."
"No! That''spletely different! It''s not your fault, I''m a girl and I took advantage of my innocent brother! I''m awful, I''m the worst sister ever!"
She continued to me himself so Benjamin stopped her.
"Stop! Stop, Grace! Let me talk for a minute."
She looked at him, still very upset, but stopped insulting herself for a moment.
"Grace, you know... You''re my sister and I love you very much."
"...Really? Even after what I did to you?"
"Do you even need to ask? Do you think I would hate you just because of that?"
"That''s because you''re too nice. You shouldn''t forgive me so easily."
"Listen, let''s use an example. What would you do if someone insulted me in front of you?"
"I would not forgive her."
"I feel the same way. So when I see you insulting yourself, I feel very bad too. Grace, you''re an amazing girl and no one should ever insult you, not even yourself. Promise me you won''t do it anymore."
His words left her speechless for a moment. A few secondster, she answered.
"Huh... It''s cheating if you say it like that... Even though I feel so bad about what I did..."
"You know, I live every day surrounded by six girls. I know very much how horny girls can get. It must have been hard for you to be near me all the time. That''s why I understand why you did that and I don''t me you. Grace, if you want forgiveness then I forgive youpletely. I also won''t tell about what happened to anyone. Alright?"
"I told you, you''re way too forgiving... Sigh, fine. Let me say it onest time. Ben, I am sorry about what I did to you yesterday. I promise I won''t do it anymore."
"I ept your apologies. Good, we''re done with that now."
He suddenly started to smile mischievously.
"But, how can I trust you to not do it anymore? Won''t it happen again when you get drunk next time?"
"I-I will be careful! I can hold on to drinking when I am with you. Or I can go somewhere else to drink far away from you."
"Then my existence would be a hindrance to you and I don''t want that. What about this, next time you cannot hold it anymore, I will help you take care of it."
"Ben! What are you saying! We can''t do that!"
"I don''t want us to be distant because of this. If that''s the price to pay, I will dly pay it."
"No, but, why would you go that far?"
"I told you, you''re my sister and I love you a lot. If it''s for you, I don''t mind doing anything."
He then hugged her, enveloping her in his arms. She stiffened for a moment before rxing in his embrace.
She stayed like this for a few seconds before continuing.
"I am sorry. Forgive your worthless sister."
"Shhh. We went through that already, right?"
"Right... Thank you, Ben. I am d you are my brother."
Benjamin separated from her and grinned smugly.
"Of course! Where would you find a better brother than me in the world?"
She finally smiled, which reassured him. He came closer to her again and whispered in her ear.
"To tell you the truth, your pussy tasted amazing yesterday. I wouldn''t mind eating it again."
She blushed hard, pushed him away, and shouted.
"Ahahah. Seems like it''s time for me to leave. See you at dinner, Grace."
He unlocked the door and left her room, went down to the second floor, and entered his room. The discussion with Grace had gone well; he was delighted that she felt better and that they had found apromise. He wasn''t sure how their rtionship was going to change but, at least, it shouldn''t be too awkward between them.
He idly spent some time on his bed, thinking about this and that. When it was 7 pm, he went up to the third floor again, heading for his mother''s office.
Chapter 44 - 44 – Desk work is hard on the shoulders
Chapter 44: ¨C Desk work is hard on the shoulders
Benjamin knocked on the door and heard his mother''s voice from inside.
"Come in!"
He entered the home office, a medium-sized room with arge desk at the center and arge sofa on one side. His mother was sitting in an office chair, in front of twoputer screens, looking up at him when he came in. She had tied her brown hair with a stylish essory and was wearing a nice white blouse shirt as well as afortable blue skirt. Her brown eyes instinctively scanned him from top to bottom, as if checking that everything was alright with him, before smiling affectionately at him.
"Mom, I am not disturbing you?"
"Not at all, darling. I am almost done for today, just onest mail to send and I can call it a day. What''s wrong? It''s rare of you toe here."
"Nothing special, just checking on you. How is work going?"
"Same as usual, it''s going well. Wait a minute, let me finish this and we can talk, ok?"
Benjamin nodded and she started to type quickly on her keyboard. Soon after, she clicked a few times and she was done, grandly stretching herself and massaging her shoulders. Benjamin noticed it and asked her.
"Mom, do you have stiff shoulders?"
"Yes, thates with having a desk job. Sitting on a chair and typing the whole day doesn''t do any good to muscles and joints. And these only make it worse."
She put her hands under herrge breasts and cupped them up and down. Benjamin''s gaze couldn''t help focusing on them. He remembered how the girls didn''t consider their boobs as anything special in this world, as evidenced by his female ssmates going shirtless during thest PE ss. This gave him an idea.
"Mom, can I see your chest?"
She looked at him, surprised, before grinning meaningfully.
"I see my son is already at the age of being interested in girls'' bodies. Of course, you can. My breasts are not as nice looking as back in the day, though."
She unbuttoned her blouse and removed it, followed by her bra, cing them on the table. Her massive tits came in full view. They were indeed amazing, her darker ares revealing well-shaped sizeable nipples. They were sagging a bit, probably due to thebined effect of their weight and her age. Benjamin came closer and inspected them for a while before eximing.
"Oh I know, Mom! Since you have stiff shoulders, what about I give you a massage?"
"Ahah, what''s going on with you? Do you need some pocket money? You know you don''t need to do that, you can just ask me directly."
"No, I don''t need anything. I just want to spend some time with you and help you feel better if I can."
His mother smiled happily and caressed his hair.
"My son is a darling. Alright, I will take on that generous offer, then."
She didn''t even question if he was saying the truth or not. Her doting and adoration of him clearly knew no limits. Even his easy-going grandmother had questioned him initially.
He went behind her chair and thought about how to do this. Even though he had proposed it, he had never massaged anyone before. In this case, it was better to be honest about it.
"I have never done this before so tell me if I do anything wrong."
"It''s fine. You can start and I will advise you. I received a few of them in the past."
He started on her shoulders, the root of the problem. He put one hand on each and massaged them, the same way he could see it done in films and series on TV. Her still naked skin felt warm at his contact and he moved his hands softly, trying not to hurt her.
"You can put more strength in your hands. Don''t worry, your mother is tough."
He did as she said and she nodded in appreciation.
"You''re doing good, darling. Now you need to find the muscles which are stiff and use your thumbs there to remove the tension."
Following his mother''s instructions, he progressively relieved her of her muscr rigidity. From her shoulders, he went to her neck, followed by her back. She smiled contentedly at his work, getting more and more rxed.
"How is it, Mom?"
"It''s very nice. I can feel the tension leaving me. Perhaps I should really ask you to do this more often."
"Of course, you can ask me anytime. Now, where should I massage next?"
"I think you''ve gone through it all, thank you, darling."
"Eh, really? What about your breasts? Didn''t you say they were responsible for your stiffness?"
"Yes, but massaging those wouldn''t really help the problem."
She paused for a moment, before grinning mischievously.
"Oh, I see. My baby is still interested in his mother''s breasts."
She rotated her chair until they faced each other and opened her arms a bit.
"It''s fine darling, you can massage them as much as you want. There is nothing too interesting about a woman''s chest, you know."
Benjamin hesitated a second before answering.
"It''s true that I am very curious about them."
His mother smiled indulgently and he put his hands on her boobs, feeling her nipples on his palms. He tried to grab them and could feel his fingers sinking in her flesh. It was an amazing sensation of sticity and he continued ying with them, lifting them to feel their weight, pushing one against the other, or caressing them with his palms. He then focused on her nipples, making circles around them with his fingers, pinching them softly, and eventually just caressing and flicking them, slowly at the start and going faster little by little.
His mother shivered when he started to stimte her nipples. She let a small sigh of pleasure out, before biting her lips and trying to remain stoic. Benjamin continued working on her breasts for a while, slowly getting excited and having a hard time holding himself back.
Eventually, he decided to let himself go and went on to suck on her left breast, taking his mother by surprise. She trembled at the feeling of his mouth on her tit and uttered.
"Ben... It''s like you''re really back to being a baby now...."
She still didn''t stop him and Benjamin began to alternate between sucking on her nipple and using his tongue to lick and stimte it, all the while continuing to use his fingers on her right breast. His mother was panting, now. She raised her left hand and started to caress his hair, as if to soothe a child, while her right hand went to her crotch, rubbing it. Benjamin increased his tongue and fingers'' speed and she trembled more and more visibly.
"Baby... My baby is sucking so strongly on mama''s breast!"
Finally, she couldn''t hold it anymore and her body twitched grandly, exploding in orgasm. She shook for a few seconds before rxing and slumping on her chair.
Chapter 45 - 45 – Talk at school
Chapter 45: ¨C Talk at school
His mother took a few moments before looking up at him. She became red-faced, now realizing after the fact that her son had just made her climax. She opened her mouth to say something but Benjamin spoke first, with a regretful face.
"Mom, I am sorry, I got carried away. Did I hurt you?"
She widened her eyes in surprise before shaking her head hard.
"No, not at all. In fact, it felt very good. That was an amazing massage, really. Best massage I ever received."
Her will to not hurt his feelings took precedence over her shame and she blurted anything to make him feel better. Benjamin beamed, continuing.
"Really? Hehe, that''s great. Then I will definitely give you another massage in the future."
"O-ok. Thank you, darling."
She looked like she was a bit conflicted about the whole thing but epted nevertheless. Benjamin kissed her on the cheek before announcing.
"I need to prepare dinner now. I will see youter, Mom."
She nodded and he left her office to go down two floors to the kitchen. He started to prepare dinner, a task which he was bing more and more skillful at. The rest of the day went by without anything special happening, except for the fact that Grace and his mother looked at him even more than usual, if that was even possible. As for him, he always returned their gaze with a full smile on, which would make them look away for a moment, before they soon resumed watching him, as if their eyes were attracted by a superior force.
On the next day, Friday, Benjamin studied diligently in ss to keep his grades up. Aftering back from a toilet break during recess, he reopened his notebook, only to find a folded piece of paper inside. Curious, he unfolded it and saw that there was something written inside. It said: ''Please meet me behind building 3 after lunch at 12:30 pm. I have something to tell you.''.
Benjamin discretely hid the note in his school bag, trying to act as naturally as possible. The day of this happening had finallye. Thinking logically, even without being a narcissist, there was a high chance this was going to be a confession from a girl. He had iting, being so friendly to all the girls around him. From his point of view, this was just friendliness, but as a boy from his previous world, he could easily understand how his attitude could be interpreted a bit too optimistically, potentially confusing it with interest. Or it could simply be a normal crush, for all he knew. Anyway, he wasn''t even sure it was going to be a love confession, though he still decided to prepare himself for it, just in case.
After lunch, he told Julian and Nathan to go ahead, exining that he had something to do and that he would join them as soon as he was done. They curiously asked him about it but he evaded answering and headed toward building 3. It was a building at the end of the school premise and, as such, there was nothing but a wall behind it, making it a ce no one ever went to.
When he reached the meeting ce, he saw a girl waiting for him and Benjamin knew who she was. Her name was Sarai, one of his ssmates as well as one of the most outgoing and confident girls in his ss. She was the first one to suggest to him to join the school party and he had a lot of contact with her in general since she stood out a bit more than others.
Once he was in front of her, she said.
"Thank you foring, Ben."
Benjamin nodded, without smiling, for once. He answered.
"No problem. What did you want to talk about?"
She looked down as if trying to gather her courage, before looking at him in the eyes and dering.
"I like you, Benjamin! Please go out with me!"
His first guess was correct, it seemed. Unfortunately, he had already decided not to date anyone, at least for the moment. If he wanted to continue his current lifestyle, he just didn''t have the time to go out with anyone. But, perhaps even that was just an excuse he was making to himself. The reality was that he didn''t feel much interest in dating in this changed world. It mighteter on in his life when he would feel like settling down, or it mighte if he met a really incredible girl. However, currently, in a situation where there was no such girl around him and where he could almost just ask any random woman on the streets to have sex, it was obvious that dating was not the priority in his mind, as a horny teenager himself. He had a sorry expression when he answered her.
"Sorry, Sarai. I have no n to date anyone at the moment. I am sorry."
She looked at him, agape and shocked. Soon, however, her face distorted in anger and she walked up to him. She violently grabbed his left arm in her right hand, her nails piercing his skin, and shouted.
"Why?! I''m the best girl in our ss! I''m not good enough for you, is that it?!"
Benjamin tried to ignore the jolting pain in his arm and responded, shaking his head.
"That''s not true. You are an amazing girl. This is not about you. I am sorry, Sarai."
His words didn''t seem to appease her, though. She gripped his arm more strongly, her nails piercing even deeper, extreme anger in her eyes. She looked at him like she was attempting to change his mind through her stare alone. However, Benjamin maintained eye contact with her, showing his sorrow, without trying to escape her grasp. After a minute of this, her gaze slowly transformed from anger to realization, and, a minuteter, from realization to sadness. Finally, she let go of his arm, her face full of despair. Benjamin couldn''t help flinching when her nails extracted themselves from the skin of his arm. They had pierced so deep that he was bleeding from the wounds. She saw him flinching and noticed what she had done to his arm, gasping at the blood flowing out. She now looked horrified by her impulsive act and started shaking her head, as if in denial.
"No... no... I didn''t want to do that. No, Ben, I am sorry, I am really sorry!"
She extended her hand toward his arm but didn''t dare to touch it again. Eventually, she copsed on her knees, eyes down, and continued to express how sorry she was, interminably.
Chapter 46 - 46 – Agitation
Chapter 46: ¨C Agitation
Benjamin called out to her, but she didn''t stop. He put both hands on her shoulders and that finally got her to look up.
"Sarai, that''s enough. It''s just scratches, a bit of saliva and it will be gone in a sh."
"But, you''re bleeding. Because of me... Ugh, I''m sorry."
"Stop. I said it''s fine. This is... Just the price I have to pay for hurting your feelings."
"No! You did nothing wrong! I am the one who is in the wrong. I can''t believe I did this to a boy, to you. Dammit, I''m such an asshole."
Seeing her ming herself again, Benjamin tried a different approach. He put both hands on her cheeks and forced her head in his direction, looking into her eyes straightforwardly.
"If you are ming yourself then I forgive you. Do you understand? Now, let''s both forget about this and we can continue acting as usual. Alright?"
She tried to escape from his hold but he held her strongly. After some time of failing to break free from his grip, she gave up. She looked conflicted but after a minute of brooding, she calmed down. Eventually, she nodded and Benjamin let her go. She massaged her cheeks and looked at him weirdly.
"It''s because you''re like that... Sigh, fine. I will take you to the infirmary."
Benjamin wasn''t keen on going to see Sasha in this condition, though. He wasn''t sure they could y the roles of a normal student and nurse in normal circumstances, much less in extraordinary ones like these.
"No need, I will just clean up the blood with some water. You go back to our ss now."
"Please, Sarai."
She moved away from him, looking at him onest time before disappearing at the corner of the building. He waited for two minutes and headed toward building three''s toilets. There, he let water flow on his arm until it was clean. He dried himself and when he felt it was alright, he returned to his ss.
As soon as he opened the door of the ssroom, he was met with tens of stares, all checking his expression. Startled, he looked around to see that all of his ssmates were looking at him, even the boys. Soon, however, they noticed the state of his arm and all hell broke loose. Everyone turned toward Sarai, who was sitting on her seat with a depressed look, and some girls went straight to her, one of them shouting.
"Sarai! How dare you do that to him!? Are you crazy!?"
Sarai kept her head low, biting her lips, without answering the usation. Benjamin was confused by the events for a second, before realizing the situation. It was nothing new. He thought he had been discreet about reading the note and going to meet Sarai but, as usual, he had no privacy in this ssroom. He could only hypothesize that some people guessed the situation and then spread the news about Sarai confessing to him. They must have seen the depressed look on her face when she came back to the ss and understood that it didn''t go well. They were probably waiting for him to check his reaction to the confession, and that was when they saw the marks on his arm. They instantly concluded what had happened and went to me Sarai.
The girl who had shouted was now grabbing Sarai by her T-shirt, menacing her. Nathan and Julian had joined the group of assants, very unhappy that a girl had hurt their friend.
"Why aren''t you answering, Sarai?"
"I am sorry..."
Benjamin decided to interrupt them at that point.
At his cry, everyone turned in his direction, startled. He continued.
"I already talked to her about it. She excused herself with sincerity and I forgave her. I am happy that you are defending me but it''s alright now. Please release her."
Nathan took over now, iming.
"What do you mean it''s alright, Ben? This is not eptable at all! A girl hurt a boy so badly, at school even. Let''s call a teacher and she will get punished for it. She should get suspended for that, at the very least!"
Julian, the boys, and a lot of the other girls nodded in agreement. Sarai now looked even sadder, ready to ept her fate. However, Benjamin had no ns to go that far.
"There is no need to go that far. She got emotional for a moment, this is something that can happen to anyone. Especially... given the circumstances. Can you all say that you could remain perfectly calm in the same situation?"
His question seemed to make them think for a moment. After a few seconds, Julian mentioned.
"Still, that doesn''t mean she shouldn''t get punished for what she did. Look at your arm. What if it leaves scars?"
"Ahah, what do you mean scars? This is just a scratch, even the cat that I don''t have at home would w me harder than that. In fact, I think this is a good thing. This is just proof that she is very human, she can get agitated when necessary and make mistakes. If everyone was perfect, the world would be a very boring ce. Don''t you all agree?"
He gave a bright smile at the end of his sentence. If he had to say, he was quite proud of his impable logic. He looked at his ssmates, ready for their apuse, and saw the whole ss watching him like he had smoked way too much strange herbs. Sensing that his argument went very far over their heads, he quickly decided to use his best trick, the one which had never failed him before.
"Did anyone manage to solve Math''s problem number 4 on page 17?"
Now they just looked at him like he was crazy. A few momentster, the girl holding Sarai''s T-shirt released her, sighing.
"Shit, I can''t even get angry anymore. You''re really lucky he is like that, Sarai. I didn''t forgive you, though."
Benjamin intervened onest time.
"Oh right. Everyone, please forgive her too. And don''t exclude or bully her, alright? I don''t like stuff like that."
They alternated between looking at him and Sarai, frowning. Finally, Nathan sighed and said.
"Fine, only because you''re asking, Ben."
He was also soft-hearted and even if he hadn''t agreed, he would probably have forgiven her soon enough. After that, all their other ssmates followed his example and assented to forget about the whole event. Sarai was staring at Benjamin, watching him as if he was some sort of divine being who had lost his way after falling from heaven. However, there was still one thing that Benjamin forgot to take into ount.
Chapter 47 - 47 – Concern
Chapter 47: ¨C Concern
"Let''s go to the infirmary now, Ben."
Julian stood next to him, ready to escort him. Nathan soon followed, from the other side. Still reluctant to go, Benjamin protested.
"No need, this is nothing, it will be gone in a swift..."
However, he was interrupted by Nathan.
"Shut up."
Benjamin smiled wryly. It seemed that it was his loss this time. The two boys asked the rest of the ss to tell the teacher for the next ss that they went to the infirmary and the three of them headed there. Julian knocked on the door and entered. The infirmary was empty except for Sasha, who was seated at her desk and turned in their direction when she heard theming in. She looked surprised when she recognized Benjamin and shocked when she saw the wounds on his arm.
"Ah! What happened to your arm, dear?"
Benjamin tried to answer but Nathan was faster.
"A girl did that to him, Miss. Could you please treat him so that it doesn''t leave a mark afterward?"
"A girl you say? Who is that? Why would she do that to him? Did she get punished? That sort of treatment toward a boy is definitely not eptable!"
Sasha was getting agitated, pushing Benjamin to intervene.
"We took care of everything already, Miss. You don''t need to worry."
Nathan and Julian looked at him with reproving eyes but didn''t contradict him. On the other hand, it seemed that being called ''Miss'' by Benjamin calmed the upset nurse, who frowned for a few seconds before starting to treat him quickly. Funnily enough, it was the first time for him to witness her doing her job the way she was supposed to. She disinfected the wounds and put some cream on them before bandaging him, with fast and precise movements, full of experience. It was a small treatment but one could still notice that she knew what she was doing, as well as herpetency. No more than a few minutester, she was done and Benjamin thanked her.
"Thank you very much, Miss. That was very quick and neat."
"You are wee, dear. You should take care of yourself more. And be careful about girls, I can''t believe someone would do this to you. Teenager girls are so impulsive."
"Yes, Miss. I will be careful."
Benjamin smiled sweetly and Sasha couldn''t help smiling back a little, despite still being somewhat upset. The three boys bid goodbye to the nurse and left the infirmary, after thanking her onest time. Once they were out of the door, Benjamin said to his two friends.
"Oh wait for a second, I have something more to tell the nurse."
They nodded and he went back in, closing the door. Sasha was surprised to see hime back and started to open her mouth to ask him a question, but, before she could vocalize anything, he plugged it with a deep tongue kiss. Her eyes widened but she rapidly epted his affection, returning his kiss with passion. A few secondster, Benjamin separated from her and whispered in her ear.
"I am grateful for the treatment. I will thank you a lot the next time we meet."
She blushed a bit but her expression showed that she was already looking forward to it. He gave her onest peck and left the infirmary again, joining Nathan and Julian to go back to his ss. The first period in the afternoon had already started and the teacher, aware that they went to the infirmary, allowed them to attend the ss without any trouble. His ssmates seemed to have calmed down a bit and the rest of the sses continued normally.
When thest period ended, Benjamin prepared himself to go back home when he saw Nova waiting for him at his ssroom door. He excused himself to his friends before going to her. She saw his bandaged arm and frowned but only let out a simple sentence.
"Come with me."
Benjamin, who already had a bad day, sighed mentally but nodded anyway. She quickly led him around the corridors and buildings, before eventually reaching a room in an isted part of the school. She opened it and asked him toe inside, followed by locking it. It seemed that she wanted to talk without being disturbed. She turned toward him, looked at his arm, and told him.
"I heard someone hurt you. Are you alright, Ben?"
He wasn''t sure how she could have heard about it so fast but smiled with reassurance and answered her.
"You don''t need to worry, it''s just a scratch. They made a big deal out of nothing."
His nonchnt attitude didn''t please her, though, and she shouted.
"It''s not nothing! Tell me what happened exactly and who did that to you!"
Her shouting didn''t help his mood, which was already quite low, but he forced himself to respond, believing that she was only worried about him.
"Don''t shout. It''s nothing big, a girl confessed to me, and..."
"What!? I hope you rejected her!"
Benjamin frowned at the interruption and replied.
"I did."
Nova,pletely ignoring his mood, let out a sigh of satisfaction and said.
"That''s good."
That was the final straw for Benjamin. He was naturally kind but thebination of the events of the day and his nagging and oblivious sister finally managed to annoy him. He asked, in a low tone containing his irritation.
"That''s "good"? What is "good" about it, exactly?"
At longst, Nova noticed her mistake and his exasperation. She was startled and answered, more prudently.
"That''s... Because all the girls your age are perverts. You can''t trust them. They''re only after your body!"
"Really now? You said girls my age, meaning older ones are better? Then, until when should I wait if I want to date someone?"
"It''s way too early for you to date anyone! You have to wait until you are older, much older!"
"How much older?"
"At least... five, no, ten years. Yes, that''s right. Ten years is good."
Chapter 48 - 48 – Coward
Chapter 48: ¨C Coward
Benjamin couldn''t help butugh mockingly at her reply. Nova blushed, notpletely unaware that she was saying something ridiculous.
"Ten years, huh. Why not just say you want me to remain single all my life, while you''re at it?"
"I mean, perhaps not ten years, but anyway, it''s way too early for you right now."
"Heh, you don''t say. Nova, I think it''s time you start to speak the truth. What''s the reason you don''t want me to date anyone?"
She looked away from him.
"I told you, I just want to protect you from the girls. It''s for your own good."
"Look at me when you talk, Nova."
She reluctantly looked at him again and he added.
"Are you going to continue lying like this?"
"I-I''m not lying."
Benjamin sighed, before telling her.
"Should I say it for you? You don''t want me to date because you l..."
Nova panicked and shouted, interrupting him before he could finish. However, Benjamin was ruthless.
"...Because you love me and you want to monopolize me. Isn''t that it, Nova?"
"No... No, you''re wrong! You''re my little brother! My feelings for you are purely sisterly love and nothing else!"
"What a joke. You think I don''t know how you are looking at me all the time? How you try to stop me from being close to girls? Who do you think you are kidding?"
"Stop, you''re wrong, you''re wrong!"
Benjamin sighed one more time, with a disappointed expression, before resuming.
"It''s not like I am angry or anything. I love you too, Nova. But, I hate to see you like this, denying reality so much."
He stopped for a moment, took her chin in his right hand, and dered.
"Nova, I love you the same way you love me. I am ready to assume this factpletely. What about you?"
Her eyes widened in surprise, but, soon enough, she shook her head, in denial.
"No, I am not like that. I only have family love for you."
Benjaminughed derisively.
"You know what, Nova? You''re a coward."
She flinched and frowned unhappily. Benjamin had finally gotten some reaction out of her and didn''t let it pass.
"Here we are, alone in a locked room, with no one anywhere close to us. I am confessing to you and you just need to admit to your feelings. But you don''t have the guts to do it. What do you call people like that?"
Her frown deepened and Benjamin carried on. He quickly removed his T-shirt, and Nova''s eyes got glued to his chest, before she eximed.
"What are you doing?!"
"Look at me, Nova."
He continued to remove his clothes and, for a moment, Nova extended her arms, as if to stop him from doing so, but didn''t dare to touch him in the end, staring powerlessly at him. That soon changed when he took his pants off, her gaze focusing on his underwear, with a bit of lust in them. When he took off his underwear, her eyes bulged at the sight of his non-erect penis and she started to pant.
"Now, I ampletely exposed to you and you just need to pluck the fruit in front of you to get what you have ever wanted. What are you going to do, Nova?"
Hearing his question, she trembled. She was looking all over his body, her breath elerating and her face flushed. After a few seconds, she extended one hand to him, before shaking her head and retracting it, not attempting anything further. Benjamin closed in on her until his head was right in front of hers and grinned mockingly.
"The student council president is a scaredy-cat."
Once more, she flinched, starting to look angry again, but Benjamin was relentless.
"A chicken. A poltroon. Jellyfish. A wimp. A..."
Nova was growing more and more agitated and enraged and finally, she pped him, cutting his words. Turning his pped head back to her, he articted, smiling with ridicule.
"Are you done?"
Finally, she couldn''t take it anymore. She took his head in her hands and kissed him brutally, their teeth shing against each other. Benjamin epted her and they kissed awkwardly for a few moments. Nova separated herself from him and stared at him withplex emotions in her eyes. There was a mix of anger, shame, desire, and obsession. Panting due to her wild feelings and their kiss, she said.
"Huff, huff, yes, that''s right, I love my little brother! I am a pervert who loves her family member! I have loved you since forever and I always tried to hold myself back, in case I did something unforgivable. Was it really so wrong!?"
Benjamin finally genuinely smiled and took her in his arms, holding her close.
"There is nothing wrong with that and I also believe there is nothing wrong with us loving each other. You''re my cherished sister and you will always be. There is no need to hold yourself back anymore. I am yours now and you can do whatever you want with me, anytime you want. I will always be here for you when you need me, physically or mentally."
At the end of his deration, he separated from her and gave her a peck on her lips, smiling lovingly at her. She watched him in a daze for a long time, before prudently asking.
"Is that true? Are you epting this? Are you really fine with having a perverted sister who loves her brother?"
"Of course. If you are a pervert for loving me, then so am I for loving you."
She smiled and took him back in her arms, whispering.
"I can''t believe this is happening. I know this is wrong but I am so relieved, so happy. I am so d you are my brother, Ben. I love you, I love you so much."
"I love you too, Nova."
They stayed like this for a while, appreciating each other''s warmth.
Chapter 49 - 49 – Presidential
Chapter 49: ¨C Presidential
It was a beautiful moment, but, in the end, they were teenagers who just dered their love to each other, one of them even being naked. As their contact dragged on, they began to be aware of each other and slowly got excited. Nova was back to breathing heavily and her hands started to move on his back, caressing him, while Benjamin''s member hardened itself by the second, poking her through her pants around her lower abdomen. She took his dick in her hand, feeling its hardness, and remarked.
"You''re so hard. Do you love me that much, Ben?"
He answered by kissing her once more, this time using his tongue to explore the inside of her mouth. She shuddered, surprised by the sudden appendage in her mouth, but soon epted it, using her tongue to twirl around his. They kissed feverishly for a long time until Nova separated herself from him to take a deep breath. Benjamin grinned and stated.
"Does that answer your question, or do you need more?"
"More... No, I mean, I want to kiss you forever but your erection looks painful. I should take care of it first."
"Don''t worry about it, there is no hurry. Take your tongue out, Nova."
She stared at his cock for a second more before looking back at him and obediently stuck her tongue out. Benjamin immediately began to twirl his tongue around hers, with rapid circr movements, sending thrills to her back. He continued this until she appeared to want some change so he stopped himself and this time stuck his tongue out for her to y with. Happy to be so well understood, she imitated his previous acts and started to y around with his tongue. This all ended in a sloppy deep kiss, where each of them tried to stimte the other''s tongue and mouth as much as they could. A few minutester, Nova stopped their kiss and asked.
"It feels incredible, Ben. I could kiss you all day."
"Me too, Nova. One more time?"
She appeared tempted but eventually refused.
"No, let me take care of you, now. Leave it to your big sister, I will make you feel amazing."
She acted as if she was an adept but Benjamin was pretty sure she didn''t have any experience, as proven by her initial reactions to his kisses. She dropped to her knees and watched her first-ever penis from up close. She lost some time checking and smelling it, clearly curious about it, but soon moved on, trying to prove that she knew what she was doing. She started to touch it, trembling at the squishy and firm feeling, before moving her hand up and down. That wasn''t a great move, however, since lubrication was poor, only a little bit of his pre-cum helping in the operation. She had trouble moving her hand on his member and it also made her handjob not very pleasurable. Benjamin decided to help her. He tilted his head down and released saliva from his mouth, aiming for his dick. Itnded urately on his tip and Nova widened her eyes at his move, her hand stopping for a moment, her face showing a lusty expression.
She resumed moving her hand for two strokes, feeling that everything was smoother now, before being unable to hold herself anymore and engulfing his cock in her mouth, slurping his saliva greedily. The sudden change forced Benjamin to let out a gasp, which pleased her very much, and she went on with her fetio. Once his saliva was mostly reced by her own, she slowly blew him, delicately, as if his dick was a fragile object, savoring his cock and cock''s taste. This was something rtively new for Benjamin, who was more used to the frantic blowjobs of the females in this world, who took great satisfaction in making a boye as fast as possible, and whose mind switched to full horniness whenever in close contact with a man''s dick. This slow stimtion was also very nice and he put one hand on her head, caressing it affectionately.
"This is so good, Nova. It feels amazing."
Hearing his praise, her eyes went up to look at his face, squinting in joy. Truthfully, she didn''t do that great of a job, simply bobbing her head back and forth and hoping for the best. She sometimes used her tongue, however, it felt like she was more trying to feel his taste instead of stimting him. After a while, she also started to rub one leg against the other, very aroused by her own actions. Benjamin didn''t mind her going slow at all and let her do her best, not in a hurry. She dutifully carried on, trying to please him, and, about ten minutester, he announced.
"I can''t hold it anymore, I am going toe."
That clearly excited her because she started to go faster on him, taking him deeper inside her mouth.
Due to the long built-up, he released his seed powerfully, sending waves after waves of semen in her throat, letting out a satisfied sigh of pleasure. Ready for his release, she focused on catching everything, not letting a single drop out, gulping everything as soon as it came out. Once he was done, she cleaned his dick for a little while longer before releasing it, a pleased grin on her face.
"You came so hard, Ben. You were so sexy when you let everything out."
"Yes, it was incredible. Thank you, Nova."
"Anything for you, Ben."
She then noticed that his penis didn''t go down at all, still going hard and strong.
"You''re still hard aftering? That''s some nice stamina."
"Hehe, that''s what you do to me."
"You know what to say to get more, don''t you? Don''t worry, I will take care of you until the end."
That sounded very appealing but Benjamin stopped her when she started to open her mouth to blow him again.
Chapter 50 - 50 – Commoner
Chapter 50: ¨C Commoner
She stopped midway to her objective and asked him.
"What is it?"
"It is your turn now."
"Oh... it''s ok, you don''t need to worry about that."
"Of course I should. It would be very cruel to leave you like that. I would never do that."
"I-I''m not very clean, after a whole day at school, you know?"
"You think I was clean?"
"It''s different, you''re a boy!"
"Do you still have delusions about boys at your age? I guess it''s time to show you that boys can be as dirty as girls. What do you think?"
He gave her a perverted smile and she gulped loudly, her eyes shing with lust.
"Well... ok, then. P-please."
She started to remove her clothes and Benjamin helped her. When she was in her underwear, she took care of removing her bra while he took off her very wet panties. His removing her panties seemed to excite her a bit because she intensively watched him do so, breathing heavily. Finally, she was nude and Benjamin took a few seconds to admire her body. She was neither slim nor fat, with a normal body line. Her breasts were also the same, not too big or too small, forming a nice shape with her nipples perking due to her excitation. Down there, she was a bit hairy but not too much, her pink vagina forming a nice slit, with medium-sized lips and a visible clitoris. Of course, her juices were flooding down, drooping on the floor, the whole thing giving off an enticing smell.
"You''re so beautiful, Nova."
"Of course."
He caressed her breast and her belly, lovingly.
"It''s like a dreame true to see you like this."
"You''re exaggerating, but, thank you."
Contrarily to her calm words, she looked delighted.
"I will start now, tell me if I do anything which you don''t like, okay?"
She was now terribly horny and she looked like she could barely wait for him to start anymore. He didn''t dy any further and put his head right in front of her crotch, took his tongue out, and gave her a long lick, from the bottom of her pussy to the top. She didn''t taste dirty, contrary to what she proimed, just a mix of juices and some sweat from the day. She had always emphasized cleanness, after all. He enjoyed her taste fully, which,bined with her smell, was very erotic.
"Mhmm. Ben..."
She let out a long moan, happy to be getting her brother''s attention on her most intimate ce, at longst. He decided to handle this the same way she did for him, taking it slow, just like she gave him a long and steady blowjob. He gave her several more long licks, making her sigh in pleasure before focusing on her hole, inserting his tongue inside andpping her vagina creases, twisting it in all directions to stir her interior as best as he could. Her breathing elerated when he went inside her, and, after a minute of him stimting it, she put her hands on his head and gripped him a little before twitching suddenly, orgasming on his tongue, her juices flooding his mouth and letting out a loud shout. Benjamin waited for her climax to finish, giving her a little tongue here and there to help her achieve a better orgasm, before resuming his previous cunnilingus, as if nothing had happened. Nova didn''t let him, though, and, as soon as she was back from her high, she pushed him away from her cunt, blushing in shame of cumming less than two minutes after he started.
"Ugh, sorry, Ben. It was so good that I came so quickly. I-I''m not such a quick shot normally."
"I am not sure what you mean but one thing for sure, it was incredibly hot."
It seemed him feigning ignorance reassured her, as she rxed a bit.
"R-really? Well, anyway, thank you, it was amazing."
"You''re wee."
He then went back to her pussy, licking it once again, as if this was totally normal.
"Mhmm! Wait, what are you doing?"
He stopped and answered her.
"What do you mean, what? I am just continuing."
"I came already, that''s good enough."
"Ahah, do you think I don''t know anything about girls when I am living with six of them? You girls are different from boys and one climax is nowhere close enough to have released all your pent-up excitation, right? Don''t worry, I will take care of you until the end."
He used the same sentence she had used before, smiling cheekily. She blushed once more but didn''t deny his words, only protesting weakly.
"That would be a bit unfair to you, though."
"As you said before, anything for my beloved Nova."
She didn''t say anything anymore so he just went back into her groin. He gave her some more licks, before focusing on her clitoris, slowly twirling his tongue around it, sometimes sucking it, sometimes simply passing his tongue on top of it. She enjoyed it very much, her legs trembling like a baby deer, probably due to her still standing while receiving so much stimtion. Fearing that she might fall, he stopped for a second, gathered their clothes together in one ce, and told her, showing the pile.
"Sit here, Nova. It will be more conformable for you."
She nodded gratefully and sat on the heap of clothes, relieved to not have to stand anymore. Benjamin spread her legs and went down on her again, also happy with the new position. This time he added some fingers to his ministrations, slowly stirring her insides as his tongue focused on her clitoris. As he had decided, he never went too fast, simply going deep and steady. Nova was starting to be vocal, expressing her pleasure more and more loudly. His calm cunnilingus didn''t stop Nova from soon having another orgasm, thebination of his fingers and tongue pushing her to the edge.
"You''re so good, Ben, so good! You''re making your big sistere again! I''ming,iiing!"
Her pussy trembled in ecstasy once again, releasing a wave of juices on his fingers. This time he didn''t stop himself or slow down, just continuing licking and fingering as if nothing had happened. Nova was surprised by his steadiness but was under too much pleasure to protest. Soon enough, she reached one more climax, making herpletely switch to focus on her sensations, closing her eyes and falling on the clothes, now fully lying down.
Benjamin went on like that for several tens of minutes, making her cum many times, until he remembered that he still needed to prepare dinner. He lifted himself from her crotch and checked his sister''s condition. Her face had a blush to it from all the orgasms and she was twitching by herself from time to time, her pussy contracting and releasing juices. She was breathing heavily, her gaze a bit out of focus. He waited for a minute before asking her, worried.
"Are you alright, Nova? Did I go too far?"
She slowly turned her head to look at him, before answering, with arge smile.
"Not at all. It just felt so great that I am a bit out of strength. Give me a minute and I will be good."
She thenughed by herself and continued.
"Now that I know how good it feels, I kind of regret all the time I lost being so insecure."
Chapter 51 - 51 – Peaceful evening
Chapter 51: ¨C Peaceful evening
"Don''t worry, we have a lot of time topensate for that from now on. I don''t mind doing it for you anytime you want."
She nodded and smiled happily, agreeing.
"You''re right. We have all the time in the world now."
Benjamin smiled back and concluded.
"Let''s stop here for today, we need to get home now."
She agreed and they put their clothes back on, opened the door, and left the room. Since it was quite a while after the end of sses, the school was almost empty, with only a few students here and there. They headed for the exit and were soon on their way home, both keeping quiet, something that didn''t change much from any other time they were alone together. The only difference was that she was now openly looking at him from time to time and every time she did that, he grinned at her, which pushed her to grin back in turn. She was obviously in a superb mood after resolving a problem that was gnawing at her for so long in such a perfect way. He also felt the same, happy to have gotten closer to her, and happy that she was happy.
Once they reached their house, Benjamin thought about something.
"Nova, what do you want to eat for dinner today? I will prepare whatever you want."
"Anything is fine if it''s you making it."
"Thank you. So, what do you want?"
Sheughed a bit at how casually he took her praise and thought about it for some time before answering.
"What aboutsagna?"
"Hm, alright but I will need to go to the super to get some more ingredients. The fridge was getting empty anyway so it''s not bad timing."
"I will go with you."
"Nice, that will speed up things a lot. Wait a second."
During the past two weeks, he has learned that his Mom had given him ess to a debit card linked to an ount with some money on it, which he could use for groceries or house-rted supplies shopping. He was the only one in the family allowed to use it and, apparently, the one time Chloe had discretely stolen it from him to buy something for herself, she was met with very severe punishment after it was found out. In fact, she was exposed almost immediately since their mother was monitoring every transaction on the card, making Chloe''s attempt a very stupid move.
Benjamin quickly went to get the card in his room beforeing out again and they left for the supermarket together. Fortunately, there was one close to their ce and they were back with bags of groceries in their hands within thirty minutes. They put everything inside the fridge and the kitchen and Benjamin started preparingsagna after looking for a decent-looking recipe on his phone. Nova decided to sit on a chair and watch him work, a happy smile on her face. Benjamin, on the other hand, struggled hard to prepare the dish which was one level higher in difficulty than what he was usually cooking. In the end, after a long fight with the b¨¦chamel and the meat sauce, he managed to output something eptable, putting everything in the oven and setting the timer for a good hour and a half. Since the time in the oven was so long, he and Nova went back to their rooms to rx in the meanwhile. He took that opportunity to change into a long-sleeved top to hide his bandaged arm and not alert the rest of his family.
When he came back down, he was met with six very hungry females. Since everything took longer than usual, it was way past their normal dinner time and his family members looked at the oven ravenously, the pleasant smell ofsagna exacerbating their feeling of hunger. Benjamin thought they were funny and asked them.
"How long have you all been waiting here?"
"Thirty minutes."
"Since it started smelling good in the whole house."
"Forty-five minutes."
That made himugh. He noticed that they didn''t even set the table.
"You are funny. Were you just looking at the oven for that long without even setting the table? That''s not going to help speed up things, you know."
They suddenly realized their mistake and hurried to set the table, in one rare moment of cooperation. Benjamin took thesagna te out of the oven, satisfied to see that the result seemed to be decent. He put it in the middle of the table, which was already magically set, and they finally started theirte dinner. They devoured his dish, not forgetting to praise him exaggeratedly.
"Too good! It''s too good, Ben!"
"It''s delicious! Give me seconds!"
"Are you aiming to be a chef? I will support you!"
"I love you, Ben!"
Thest one was from Chloe and he answered nonchntly.
"Yes, yes, you mean your stomach loves me."
"How can you doubt my pure love? I am worried you are turning bad, these days!"
"Oh yeah? Talking about good and bad, when is your next test?"
"Ugh... It was yesterday."
"Interesting. And, when do you get the result?"
"...On Monday."
"Nice. Remember, you will receive punishment if you don''t get a perfect score."
"What?! You didn''t say anything about that!"
"I say it now. High risks, high rewards, right? That''s only fair."
"Not fair at all, you can''t add stuff like that after the facts!"
"Of course I can. But ok, let''s be fair about this. What do you girls think about this? I promised Chloe a reward if she gets a perfect score. Don''t you think it''s fair to get punished if she doesn''t get it?"
The five women agreed and the verdict was unanimous.
"You are all too much! My own family is betraying me!"
"Yeah, yeah, so anyway, be ready for it, Chloe."
"Ugh, I tried very hard for that one. I have a good feeling about it. I will get that perfect score, you will see!"
"I pray every day and night for your sess."
"Huh, you''re just saying whatever to make fun of me. Enough, I will show you on Monday!"
"I will think very hard about your punishment."
"Stop it!"
Benjamin stopped teasing her andughed, the rest of the family members following him, except for Chloe. After their meal, they spend a nice evening watching the TV and chatting together, rxing after a long week of work or school, forgetting about their worries in a moment of enjoyment in the family.
Chapter 52 - 52 – Weekend again
Chapter 52: ¨C Weekend again
It was Saturday, the start of another weekend. Benjamin''s ns for the day were simr to the previous week. He woke upter than usual,zing around in bed for once, even going back to sleep for an hour, before finally waking up fully in the middle of the morning, feeling ready for a long day of physical activities. He washed, removed the bandages around his arm, put on some nice clothes, and went out toward the train station. He didn''t eat anything since it waste in the morning and lunch was around the corner. After another peaceful trip, he arrived at the same park asst time.
He decided to use the same form asst time since it worked just fine. ying on his phone, he waited for not-so-innocent prey to fall into his trap. This time, he didn''t have to wait long since within minutes, he was approached by two girls his age, who stopped in front of him, one of them greeting him.
"Hey there. Are you alone, handsome?"
Their approach was quite confident, as if being two against his lone self allowed them to be bolder. Benjamin didn''t mind it, smiled, and answered.
"Hi. Yes, I am alone. Do you need anything from me?"
Now that he looked at them, he felt a weird feeling of d¨¦j¨¤ vu. He was pretty sure he didn''t know them but, at the same time, it was like they were not totally unknown either. Could it people that his past self in this world had known and there was a remnant of memory about them? That also didn''t make sense since he didn''t inherit any memory about this world. He thought about the circumstances, meeting them in this city and this park, and, eventually, it hit him. But of course! These two girls were the ones who were cheering on Karen from afar the previous week! He barely remembered them because he only had a quick nce at them at the time. Now that their identity was revealed, everything became clearer.
"We want to chat with you. Is that alright?"
"Of course. Company is always wee."
He guessed that Karen had boasted about her experience with him to these two friends of hers, who in turn probably became very interested in him. After all, the virgin Karen managed to have sex with this random boy who she had met for the time. If she could do it, why not them too? He was not sure why Karen was not with them today, but this also exined why they came to him so quickly and were so bold. Of course, he now knew who they were but they didn''t know that he knew, making the situation quite interesting and fun for him.
The girls happily sat one on each side of him and started to introduce themselves.
"I am Meadow."
She was a dynamic girl with red hair and brown eyes, wearing a red dress and white sneakers.
"And I am Ani."
Ani gave a more intense feeling, her deep ck eyes focusing on him at all times like a predator locking on its prey. She had ck hair and was wearing a green dress with summer sandals, smiling deeply at him.
"It''s nice to meet you. I am Benjamin. You can call me Ben."
They started talking, chatting about themselves, what they liked, or anything they found interesting. The girls were in the same school year as him, which made sense as they were Karen''s friends. Meadow was into sports and gaming while Ani was into pop culture and reading, with a special interest in celebrities. After a while, Meadow proposed they had lunch and the other two agreed. Benjamin was beginning to be hungry after skipping breakfast so it was perfect for him. Just like with Karen, they went to a fast food restaurant. The girls wanted to pay for him this time too but he refused once again. They didn''t seem to be too disappointed, though, as if they had heard he had refused Karen the previous week too. They sat at a table in a corner of the shop after getting their food and went ahead with eating and chatting some more.
Suddenly, he surprisingly felt something touching his leg, at first seemingly inadvertently, but soon persistently rubbing against him. He looked up, saw Ani smiling at him meaningfully, and understood what this what about. She was ying footsie with him, right in the middle of the day, at a fast food restaurant and with her friend right next to her! Was she getting impatient based on what she knew of him? He raised his eyebrows interrogatingly at her but she didn''t stop, continuing as if nothing happened. Seeing their exchange, Meadow noticed that something was wrong and quickly looked under the table, only to see what her friend was doing.
"Hey, Ani! That''s unfair!"
She didn''t tell her to stop, though, and instead removed her shoes and started ying footsie with him too. Benjamin thought they were amusing. Instead of focusing on whether he was alright with it or not, they were ratherpeting against each other. Their feet, which at the start were rubbing his legs, were now slowly going up, arriving at his thighs. The girls were also getting a bit excited, their faces flushing red a little. They each rubbed one of his thighs, slowly moving upward toward his crotch. Benjamin, being stimted, had also already grown a boner and they were delighted to feel his hard-on with their feet when they reached his groin. They happily moved their feet up and down his member through his pants and Benjamin enjoyed the experience he received for the first time.
He wasn''t one to go down so easily, however. In response to their bold actions, he also removed his shoes and sent one foot to each of the girls'' crotch, skipping their legs entirely. His feet entered under their dress and went to directly stimte their slit through their panties, taking them by surprise and making them moan quietly, before they put their hands over their mouth and checked their surroundings, finally afraid that someone might have noticed their game.
Chapter 53 - 53 – That would make me feel bad
Chapter 53: ¨C That would make me feel bad
Fortunately, no one noticed what they were doing and Benjamin continued his assault. He had the advantage of having more direct contact with his targets but they had the advantage in numbers. Both sides started a game of making the other lose first. However, Benjamin''s advantage was too great and the horny girls were too weak. He kept focusing his toes on the area of their clitoris, making them tremble greatly, and they started to engross themselves more and more in their pleasure while paying less and less attention to his. It didn''t take more than a few minutes for Benjamin to make theme just like this, the girls drenching their panties with their juices and moaning into their hands. While they climaxed, he peacefully went back to his meal, acting as if nothing had happened, with two red-faced girls in front of him panting loudly. He had been hungry, after all.
Aftering back to earth, Meadow and Ani started to look at him like she-wolves, barely being able to restrain themselves. Benjamin finished his meal and calmly asked them.
"What should we do next?"
They both instantly answered.
Once again, they didn''t ask for his opinion, as if they took it for granted. Of course, that was fine for Benjamin, who didn''t even need to find an excuse to go further with them. Their in-sync answer, however, made them turn against each other, Meadow first proiming.
"Hey, I approached him first! You can have him next time."
"What next time? We don''t even know if we are ever going to see each other again. It''s clear he is more interested in me. You leave and go home."
"In your dreams. I am so much better than you. It''s obvious he wants me."
"Did you look at yourself in the mirror?"
"What did you say?"
The verbal fight was quickly escting so Benjamin intervened.
"Wait, you two!"
Stopping then before they went physical, they both turned toward him, surprised by his interruption.
"Listen, it really pains me to see two good friends fighting like this. I don''t want to be the reason for breaking your friendship. And so... I have a proposal."
He stopped for a moment, making sure he had their full attention.
"It would make me feel really bad to leave one or the other of you behind. I know it''s unconventional but what about we... all go together, the three of us? I have never done anything like this but you girls aredies, right? I am sure I can trust you to behave as such."
It was a joke to call them so when he barely stopped them from throwing fists at each other but they didn''t pay any attention to that small detail. Instead, they looked at him, surprised by his suggestion, their mouth opened in wonder, before ncing at each other. They saw the excitement and lust in the other''s eyes and nodded to each other. They turned back to him and Ani voiced.
"You''re right. I don''t want to lose my friendship over something like this. I think this is a good idea."
"I agree. I ept, too."
It wasical that they spoke like they were making a concession when, from their point of view, they were going to not only probably have the first sexual experience of their lives, but also the experience of double-teaming a guy, which was nothing less than a wet dream for women in this world, something taken directly from a porn movie.
"I am relieved, that''s good. I don''t know anything about these sort of situations so I will leave everything to you girls."
They looked at each other once more before turning back to him and nodding, a big smile on their face.
"Leave it to us!"
They ced themselves on each side of him and they left for a motel. On the way, they exined that there was this avant-garde motel in town that was operating without staff. Keys to the rooms were bought in a vending machine-like device and they just had to put them back in another machine when they left. Staff woulde to arrange the keys and clean the rooms once a day and that would be the only time when employees would be seen. That made this motel the perfect ce for them to get a room without anyone questioning them, as well as a cheap option; the motel was able to make the rooms cheaper since they had fewer expenses to maintain their operation.
Benjamin watched them share the price for a room at the vending machine, fascinated by the motel concept, and they headed to their assigned ce once the simple booking was done. The three of them entered the room, a small area that contained mostly a double bed on one side and a bathroom on the other side, with a simple shower and toilet.
After they locked the room, they stood in the middle, Benjamin on one side and the two girls on the other, watching each other and the gals not knowing how to start this. Benjamin had told them that he would leave everything to them so he didn''t intend to provide any help. They were suddenly much meeker than previously, looking horny and impatient but also afraid to do something wrong, or perhaps to show their inexperience, especially in front of their friend.
Finally, Ani couldn''t take it anymore and approached him, asking.
"C-can I kiss you?"
Benjamin grinned and nodded. The girl didn''t need anything more toe to him and kiss him, giving him an awkward peck on the lips. Happy with her first sess, she went back to it, kissing him several times more, enjoying the contact of his lips.
Meadow had lost the initiative and looked for things she could do. She eventually asked him.
"Is it ok if I remove your clothes?"
Benjamin answered in between two kisses.
"It''s fine."
Cheerful, Meadow came to him from the side and started to take his shirt off. Now topless, the girl took the opportunity to admire his body. Shen then started to run her hands on his chest and belly, caressing him everywhere, with an entranced look on her face.
Chapter 54 - 54 – It’s better to leave it to the experts
Chapter 54: ¨C It¡¯s better to leave it to the experts
Benjamin thought it was an interesting experience to receive the attention of two girls at the same time, and started to seriously enjoy the first threesome of his life. Ani was engrossed in kissing him, her pecks growing in numbers and intensity, while Meadow continued to explore his upper body, slowly focusing more and more on his chest and nipples, ying with them with her fingers. His sensations were doubled and the way the girls were fascinated with him enhanced the whole experience. At the same time, it pretty much confirmed their inexperience, seeing them so happy with so little. He wasn''t in a hurry, however, letting them do whatever they wanted. Even though they hadn''t been romantic or even empathetic in any way in their approach, that was refreshing in itself and he waspletely fine with it.
After a while, Meadow started to use her tongue to lick his torso, and, finding it to her taste, she went to lick everywhere with bigpping movements, eventually focusing once more on his nipples, running her tongue around on them, first slowly then more and more rapidly, as if she was trying to stimte what she thought was a sensitive ce for him. On the other side, Ani just carried on. Funnily enough, it never came to her mind to use her tongue, so she just kissed him on the lips, again and again.
After a few minutes of this, she moved back from him and assessed the situation. She observed what her friend was doing and after looking up and down at him, she decided to begin removing his pants. She unbuttoned him and made him lift his legs, one by one until he waspletely free of his pants. Now in his underwear, his boner was much more visible, taking the attention of both girls and Ani caressed his member through the cloth. Soon, she wasn''t able to hold herself back anymore and started to remove his undies too, taking off his socks in passing.
Nowpletely nude, the girls'' attention was all in one ce, his dick. Meadow had also stopped licking his nipples and the two girls dropped to their knees in front of his penis, admiring it as if it was one of the seven wonders of the world. They inspected it, looking at it from different angles, sniffed it deeply with entranced expressions, before touching it, palpitating his verge, and feeling his balls. They did that for a while until Meadow started to lick it, just like she licked his upper body previously. Not wanting to be left behind, Ani positioned her head over his ns and put it into her mouth, blowing him shallowly.
Having two girls on his cock was an amazing feeling for Benjamin, who enjoyed the sensations fully, putting one hand on each of their heads and encouraging them.
"You girls are amazing. It was the right decision to leave it to experienced women like you."
His nonsense had the intended effect and the two friends merrily continued what they were doing, intensifying their efforts. They missed the obvious fact that they were pretty sure that their friend was as much of a virgin as they were, only focusing on what they wanted to hear, in a ssical self-deception trick. They knew him to have experience and in consequence, being praised by him was the very proof that they were also experts at this, in their mind.
The praise pushed them to be bolder, Ani now taking his whole dick in her mouth, bobbing her head up and down on him, without any skill but with a lot of enthusiasm. Meanwhile, Meadow, having lost the opportunity to y with his member, focused instead on his balls, licking them, taking them in her mouth, and sucking on them. The two girls looked very excited, their faces flushed and their expressions full of lust. After a while of this, Meadowined to her friend.
"Hey, let''s switch, I want to suck on his dick too."
Ani looked down, took her mouth off his cock, and answered reluctantly.
They exchanged ces and Meadow, seeing his member full of her friend''s saliva, frowned a bit and used her top to clean it up before taking it in her mouth, imitating what she had seen before. Ani did the same thing with his balls, drying them a little before licking and sucking them.
The change in the situation but with the same stimtion excited Benjamin, who was now getting closer to cumming. After a minute, he announced to the girls.
"You girls are way too good, I am getting close now."
Hearing him say this pushed Meadow to elerate her head movement, while Ani on the contrary stopped ying with his balls and addressed her friend.
"Hey Meadow, let''s share his cum. I want to taste him."
It was Meadow''s turn to be a bit annoyed but she agreed anyway, nodding her head. She took his penis out from her mouth before using her hand to masturbate him with great vigor. Ani positioned herself next to her, using one hand to caress his balls.
"I''ming, girls. Cumming!"
Both of them opened their mouths wide while Meadow continued her fast handjob, directing his ns in her direction. He let out the first jet of sperm right in her mouth before she moved his dick in her friend''s direction, where he let out the second dose in Ani''s mouth. She then directed it again on her side, this time missing a bit and sending some spunk on her face, and soon doing the same for Ani. After a few exchanges like this, his ejaction finished, leaving the two girls with sperm everywhere from their mouths to their faces and eyes. Delighted to have received their first facial ever, the girls slowly tasted his cum, savoring the taste as if they were in a trance, taking some from their faces to their mouths when they needed more.
"That was amazing, Ben. You taste so good."
"Yeah, I wouldn''t mind blowing you again to have more."
Chapter 55 - 55 – Leave no one behind
Chapter 55: ¨C Leave no one behind
"I should be the one saying that. You two are really incredible.
The girls smiled when he said that, happy to hear hispliments. Still, he had gotten his release while they didn''t, and they were getting somewhat impatient, rubbing their legs together or having one hand rubbing on their groins from time to time. The girls saw that he was still hard and Ani soon proposed something.
"As expected, you''re still hard. What about you lie down on the bed and we will continue to take care of you?"
She had made a small slip of the tongue with her first sentence but Benjamin acted as if he hadn''t noticed anything. Before going to the bed, he asked, just in case.
"By the way, you girls are on the pill, right?"
"Of course."
Satisfied, he headed towards the bed andid down, while the girls started to remove their clothes, before following him shyly to the bed, as if they were not so confident in their bodies, which made sense since it was their first time exposing themselves to a boy. The three of them were nowpletely nude and he took the opportunity to check them out. Meadow had a slim body, probably due to doing a lot of sports. She had small breasts and her very wet pussy was surrounded by a small amount of hair, looking quite clean overall. Ani had a bit more fat on her bones. Her breasts were rtivelyrge and her dripping wet pussy had arge amount of undisciplined hair all around, making for a messy but erotic sight. Benjamin didn''t forget to add somements, to assure them that he liked what he was seeing.
"You two look so beautiful. I am so lucky to have met you today."
The girls looked surprised at his remark but soon smiled happily, their fear about their looks partially alleviated. Now next to the bed, they looked at each other, hesitating. There was only one dick but they were two; one of them would have to wait for her turn. Meadow asked her friend, with clear desire in her voice.
"How should we do this?"
"Erm... what about rock paper scissors?"
They started to y the game right in front of Benjamin''s hard-as-rock dick, which was peacefully waiting for its fate to be decided. Meadow won in the first round and Ani had to let her go first, looking dejected at the oue. She climbed on the bed and put herself at the level of his member, looking in his direction. She then clumsily aligned his cock with her pussy before dropping herself slowly on him, giving a small jerk of her hips to pierce her hymen, until his dick was buried inside herpletely. She let out a long moan at experiencing her first pration and losing her virginity and soon started to move her waist up and down, as best as she could for her first time.
Ani was looking at her, really envious, when Benjamin called out to her, holding out his arms in her direction.
"Come here, Ani."
She obeyed him and came closer to him, lowering her head at his level to listen to him. He took her head in his hands and pulled her in to kiss her, before letting her go, saying.
"I feel really sad when you look like that. If you want, you can straddle me and I will lick you."
That startled the two girls, Meadow even stopping her movements in surprise for a second, and Ani asking him.
"Eh, really? Wouldn''t that be too much for you?"
"It''s fine, I would feel worse to leave you behind like that. And you also made me feel so good before, that would only be fair for me to return the favor."
The two girls now looked very excited at his proposition, as if it was something they never dreamed to do in their life. And it would happen on their first sexual experience, no less. Right after, Ani answered him.
"O-ok then, thank you."
She climbed on the bed and straddled over him, her back facing Meadow and her wet cunt now right in front of his mouth. Benjamin didn''t lose any time and took his tongue out to lick her, making her sight in delight at being finally given the attention she craved for. Contrarily to her appearance, she tasted clean, a lot of her juices mixing with a bit of her sweat and he appreciated her taste while taking care of her needy twat. He was contented with this development, hence why he had pushed for it. Since he had two girls avable, he might as well enjoy them at the same time and double the pleasure, even if it was more demanding for him. Feeling his cock in one pussy while licking the other''s cunt was definitely an awesome experience, something he would never have imagined possible back in his world.
Meadow resumed moving and it didn''t take long for her toe on his dick, letting a small shout out and tightening her pussy around him, her juices flooding out of her. She looked a bit ashamed ating so fast and looked at the other two anxiously, only to find Ani way too focused on her pleasure and Benjamin also not in any position toment on her climax. In fact, she couldn''t even see his head, hidden behind her friend''s ass, making it impossible to guess his feelings. His cock was still hard, though, so she just decided to continue pumping her cunt in the same cowgirl position, as if nothing had happened.
Benjamin was licking Ani''s pussy slowly, appreciating her taste and her reactions. He gave long licks, starting almost from her asshole all the way to her clit, making her shiver in pleasure and pushing her to take hold of his head in her hands and pushing him against her cunt, impulsively.
"Your tongue is so good. Lick me more, deeper!"
Happy toply, he gave a few more licks before suddenly invading her hole with his tongue, forcefully opening her insides with his appendage and stimting her creases. This made her instantly climax in his mouth, her pussy shaking severely and flooding him with her juices. He dly gulped everything, enjoying her sweet taste and continuing to attack her insides, to give her the best possible orgasm.
Chapter 56 - 56 – Hand down
Chapter 56: ¨C Hand down
His slow but tenacious tongue movements stimted the girl in ways she had never experienced before. When he found a good spot inside her snatch, he focused on it and the girl squirmed in pleasure, caressing his hair frically, before soon orgasming loudly once more.
"Your tongue! It''s amazing! Aaahhh!"
In this way, he continued making Ani cum again and again, slowly pushing her to her climaxes and never stopping his work.
While this was happening, Meadow was happily bouncing on his cock, enjoying her first time having sex. She had started slowly, with awkward movements due to not being used to the position, but had elerated little by little. The feeling of his hot dick opening her insides and rubbing against her pussy walls was awesome and she particrly liked its length, which allowed it to poke against her cervix, sending shivers into her back. All these stimtions pushed her to want to feel more and made her increase her speed. She was moaning out loud, her eyes closed to focus on her lower half, fucking herself on him.
"This cock, it''s awesome, it''s so big! It''s poking at my insides!"
However, all this also made here faster and she soon orgasmed once more on his penis, trembling greatly on top of him, before resuming her movements once again, feeling the need to get more.
Thissted for some minutes, the girls cumming several times. Still, this was their first sexual experience and they soon started to slow down, tired from so much action. Meadow was now panting heavily, only moving her hips once in a while and taking longer and longer breaks where she was totally unmoving. Ani was also breathing deeply, trying to get more air in her lungs, only twitching from time to time when Benjamin''s tongue rubbed a sensitive ce.
Seeing them like this, Benjamin felt it was finally his turn to be active. He waited for Meadow to lift her waist once more and brutally thrust his hips up to send a big stroke into her cunt, filling her from below. Taken by surprise, she shouted loudly, and he took the opportunity to continue poking her like this, again and again, until she was sent into a flurry of orgasms. She started to drool from the stimtion and her twat convulsed continuously, sending her fluids all over his pelvis, yelling her pleasure in an inhuman voice.
"Ooohhh! Ooohhh! Cummiiing! Ooohhh! Ooohhh!"
Ani, surprised by the change in her friend, started to turn around to check what was happening when Benjamin upped his game on her side too. He removed his tongue from her hole, where he was steadily stimting her, to direct it to her clitoris. He also stopped his unhurried movements to go full force on her bean, licking it strongly, sucking on it, and even sometimes biting it lightly. The sudden change forced Ani to stop trying to look behind her to focus back on him, the powerful stimtion not allowing her any other thoughts, her climaxes resuming at an increased rate.
"My clit! So strong! Ah, your teeth! Cumming! Cummiiing! Aaahhh!"
Benjamin went on like that for a few minutes and the girls went mad with pleasure, orgasming many times on his intense cock and tongue movements. Finally Meadow started to lose strength in her lower body, falling on her back, in between his feet, his dick getting ejected from her slit, panting loudly. Ani resisted for a few tens of seconds more before following her friend, also falling on her back, using Meadow as a cushion. This freed Benjamin from her, allowing him to see the situation. The two girls were now one over the other, both on their back, their crotches facing him. The view was really erotic and Benjamin decided to make use of the situation.
He removed his lower body from under the girls and positioned Ani on the same level as Meadow, the two girls forming something like a sandwich with the top part in the wrong direction, since they were both facing upwards. The two girls were too tired to care about their position, only trying to get their breath under control. He now had two pussies in front of him, one at the bottom and one at the top.
He started with the one on top, Ani''s extremely well lubricated vagina. He aligned his cock over her hole and pushed in one go, deflowering her in one big stroke, making her howl in pleasure, almost not feeling her hymen being pierced. Not losing any time, he started to fuck her at full speed, enjoying her tight virgin pussy coiling around his member. She soon started to cum again, crying her pleasure in a loud voice.
"Aaahhh! Your cock, I waited so long for it! Ooohhh! It''s insane, it''s destroying my pussy! Yes! Cummiiiing! Don''t stop! Destroy my cunt!"
He did as she asked, using all his strength to rub his dick in her pussy, pushing it as deep as possible and stimting her womb. Ani, cumming many times from the extreme pleasure, soon started to make animal sounds, just like other females Benjamin had dealt with.
"Roooohhhh! Roooohhhh! Ooouuhhhh! Uuuhhhrrmm!!"
Her constantly squeezing pussy finally pushed Benjamin over his limit and he gave onest big stroke, releasing his semen deep inside her with a low groan. Feeling his seed inside her was the final straw for her and she convulsed violently for a good ten seconds, her cunt gripping his cock strongly, before she stopped moving, losing consciousness from too much pleasure.
Once Benjamin was done ejacting in his first pussy, he switched to the other, prating Meadow''s twat in one push and attacking her full power right from the start, just like he did to her friend. The process repeated itself very simrly, Meadow soon shouting loudly nothingprehensible and climaxing constantly on his penis. He had alreadye two times so it took a bit longer for him to finish this time, Meadow having to bear the full blunt of his attack for a long time and losing consciousness in the middle, only to be woken up from more pounding, until her twitching pussy finally allowed him to finish inside her, sending his spunk deep in her hole.
Now feeling satisfied, he removed his penis from the girl, watching the scene in front of him. The two girls were aplete mess, with drool and tears all over their face while their lower body was swimming in pussy juice and sweat, the smell of sex in the room being very intense. They were still sometimes convulsing, releasing small amount of fluids from their holes, which ended up falling on the bed. Speaking of the bed, it was also the representation of chaos itself, so flooded with fluids that those had started dripping on the floor, with the sheets spread out in all directions. Overall, it was an amazing view and Benjamin felt very pleased with his work. He thought he would dly do something like this again, if the opportunity presented itself.
Chapter 57 - 57 – Duel time
Chapter 57: ¨C Duel time
Benjamin carried Ani from on top of Meadow to deposit her next to her friend, the two girls now lying one next to the other. He searched around the room until he found an additional nket in a cupboard, which he used to cover them. He then went to the bathroom and took a shower, cleaning himself up from the recent activity. Leaving the bathroom, he saw that the girls were now sleeping, a peaceful and satisfied expression on their faces. Benjamin hesitated a second, tempted to leave them a message like "Say hi to Karen from me", but finally decided not to, since it would only make them feel bad without aplishing anything. He simply chose to leave, taking his phone out to find the way back to the train station. He headed there and took the first train in the direction of his town, arriving there after one hour of traveling with nothing special happening.
Fucking two girls at the same time was a lot of fun and he had enjoyed it but that still hadn''t taken that long. It was still rtively early in the day and Benjamin wondered what to do with his time. Arriving at home, he checked who was there, and the pattern from the previous weekend repeated itself, with him once again ending up knocking at Olivia''s door. He heard some noise inside and she soon opened the door, grinning a little when she found out he was the one waiting on the other side. Benjamin noticed she was wearing her pajamas, as if she didn''t intend to go out anymore for the day. If she had gone out at all, that is.
"Hi there, Olivia. What do you say about another gaming session? Oh, if you''re not doing anything else, of course."
"It''s fine. I liked itst time. Come in."
He entered her room, noting the same amount of disorder as the week before, and sat in the same ce asst time.
"What do you want to y, Ben? Should we continue H&S4? Or should we y something else?"
"Hm, what about some versus game this time? What do you have?"
"I have some racing games, fighting games, FPS or RTS. Which one do you like?"
"Let''s start with a fighting game."
"Oh and what about we make it a bit more interesting. The winner asks something from the loser. What do you think?"
She looked at him, surprised, before asking.
"Uh... really? I am pretty strong, you know?"
"That''s fine, that makes it more of a challenge and it''s also a good motivator for you not to go easy on me. You can ask for anything, as long as I can provide it."
She looked at him, checking his chest and blushing, before averting her eyes quickly.
"O-okay, if you''re sure about it."
She booted the game and went to sit next to him, ready for the battle. Benjamin has never yed that game and just selected a random character. Olivia, on the other, knew exactly which pick she wanted to go with, selecting a strong-looking female character. Benjamin noted in passing that the game characters were mostly female, with only a few men here and there, logically enough. They started the first fight and as expected, Olivia soon exterminated his poor character without any pity, chainingbos so often that he was barely able to touch the ground, let alone do anything. The revenge fight went the same way and Olivia won the first match,ughing happily at her victory.
"Ahah, you''re way too good at this. Alright, it''s your win, what do you want from me?"
She nced at him timidly, before suggesting quietly.
"I want you to continueing to y with me."
Benjamin felt touched by her wish, closing on her and hugging her suddenly, startling herpletely. He then kissed her once on each cheek, making her blush and squirm shyly.
"My Olivia is way too cute. Of course, I wille to y with you again. Anything for my treasure."
She gave a gleeful smile at his deration, looking down from inside his arms and nodding a little. He released her after a while and gave a suggestion.
"I don''t think I will be able to win against you in a fighting game any time soon. What about we try a racing game this time?"
She started up another game, a cute-looking racing simtor where it was possible to do a lot of things during races, like using special powers, attacking the other cars, or even weird stuff like reversing the race''s direction or changing the track, mid-game. This was an all-time ssic game and Benjamin had yed it a lot too. He thought he might have a chance this time, as long as he focused well during the race and got a bit lucky. Fortunately, most of the characters were unchanged from what he remembered and he quickly chose his favorite one, Olivia doing the same on her side. They left the track to be chosen randomly for more fairness.
The race started and both of them did well, running close to each other. Benjamin was a little behind her, which allowed him to more easily attack her. He didn''t hesitate to do so at any opportunity but his little sister was also very good at this game, evading most of everything he threw at her. They were now close to the end and hisst hope to reverse the game got bashed when he didn''t get the power he wished for at thest checkpoint. Olivia finished first once again, only a second in front of him but chuckling happily at her victory anyway.
"You got me. I think this game is much fairer, I might have a chance to win. Anyway, ask away, it''s your win again."
She looked at him, seemingly a little emboldened by her previous sessful request, and said.
"I-I liked it when you hugged me, Ben. Hug me more."
As usual, girls liked physical contact in this world, and Olivia didn''t escape from that rule.
"My little darling wants to be spoiled by her big brother, I see. That''s fine,e here."
He stayed sitting and opened his arms, invitingly. She hesitated a second before sitting herself in between his legs, her back leaning against his torso. He closed his arms, enveloping her, and she closed her eyes in delight, feeling his warmth all around her.
"Alright, should we just continue like that, then?"
She nodded cheerfully and they started another race.
Chapter 58 - 58 – It’s normal
Chapter 58: ¨C It¡¯s normal
This time too, Olivia was leading the race, with Benjamin close behind. Anticipating a potential third wish, her back bumped into his torso in her excitation and she trembled a little. She finally realized that she was in close contact with her brother and, feeling his chest on her back, she started to take deeper breaths to try to calm herself. However, that was a mistake, and she kept inhaling his scent, which reached straight into her brain and took her focus out of the game. She wondered how he could smell so good and continued to sniff his deep masculine odor unconsciously as if she couldn''t have enough no matter how much she inhaled.
Benjamin noticed that he had taken over first ce from his sister and, looking at her screen, she was repeating basic mistakes here and there. He looked down at her in his arms and saw that she was focusing less on the game now and more and more on him. She was discretely trying to rub her back on his chest or taking deep breaths, trying hard to not make him aware of what she was doing. It seemed her demand for contact with him had backfired and she soon ended up losing the race. She didn''t look very upset, though, and simply leaned deeper in his embrace, announcing.
"I lost. What do want, Ben?"
He thought about it for a few seconds, before poking her cheek with a finger.
"Look at this soft cheek. Let me kiss you again, let''s say, ten kisses."
She chortled joyfully, answering.
"Is that really what you want?"
"That''s right."
He took her head into his hands and kissed her cheek, appreciating the springy feeling. He then continued on the other cheek, before going for her eyes, her nose, her forehead, her two ears, and finally ended up with two kisses on her neck. When he was done, she was flushed red and panting somewhat, her eyes looking at him longingly.
"Let''s start the next race, okay?"
They started again but Olivia was barely paying attention to the game. She was rubbing her legs together and when she thought he was not looking, she put her hand on her crotch and rubbed it once quickly before putting it back on the controller. Of course, all of that didn''t escape Benjamin''s eyes and once he won the race again, with arge margin, he said.
"You''re not focused on the game anymore, Olivia. So, for my next wish, let me take care of your little problem before we resume, alright?"
She almost jumped out of his embrace and looked back at him shocked and ashamed.
"Ah! no, sorry. Sorry, Ben. I won''t do it anymore! I don''t know why I did that! Sorry!"
He took her back in his arms and tried to calm her down when she tried to escape from him.
"It''s fine. It''s only something very natural. There is nothing to be ashamed of. On the contrary, it''s proof that you are very healthy."
Hearing his words, she rxed a little but still tried to escape from him.
"I-I shouldn''t have done that. I will stop."
He started to caress her head and responded.
"Calm down. It pains me when I see you like this. Leave it all to me, I will relieve you, my precious treasure."
She rxed some more and looked up at him, surprised. He answered the implicit question in her gaze.
"Anything for you, darling."
Benjamin then put his hand inside her pajama pants and ran a finger on her wet panties, over her slit. She let out a moan of pleasure, panting at his contact.
"Mhmm. Ben..."
He continued stimting her vagina over the cloth, running his hand up and down, until she started to squirm a little in his embrace. At that point, he inserted his hand directly inside her panties and, using his palm, ran his hand over her drenched lips, making her sigh in delight. He went on like this for some time, his sister soon voicing out.
"Your hand feels so good, Ben. More."
Granting her wishes, he elerated his hand movement, before taking his second hand out and using that one to stimte her clitoris, rubbing her little bean with his fingers.
"Ahh! Yes! Your fingers are amazing, Ben! Aaahhh!"
She came on his hands like that, spurting juices from her pussy and trembling in pleasure. Benjamin, well aware that one orgasm couldn''t satisfy girls in this world, carried on with his fingering without any break. The girls here needed it a lot, and hard. Under his fingers, his little sister was getting more and more lost in ecstasy, shouting her feelings loudly.
"It''s so good! I love you, Ben. I love you!"
"I love you too, my beautiful jewel."
"You''re the only one who says things like that! You''re the only one who cares for me! I love you the best, Ben!"
He used his first hand''s fingers to lightly explore her insides, careful not to touch her hymen, while he vibrated the fingers on his second hand on her clit at high speed, conveying.
"Let yourself go, my treasure. Release everything. Let it out, darling!"
And that she did,ing while thrusting her hips up violently in his embrace, her pussy contracting on his fingers and releasing a small jet of juices. Of course, Benjamin kept up with his stimtion, trying to get everything out of her system. It only took her a few seconds more toe again, drooling and tearing from the pleasure, and soon climaxing again, and again.
"Aaahhh! Aaahhh! Aaahhh! Aaahhh!"
Finally, Benjamin went full speed on her, finger fucking her shallowly and rubbing her bean with all the speed he could muster. She squirmed greatly, before announcing.
"A big one ising! It''sing out! It''sing out!"
Benjamin quickly turned her around, removing her pajama pants and her panties. He opened her legsrgely and dived head first in her pussy, covering the upper part of her cunt including her urethra with his mouth and taking out his tongue to continue stimting her clit, while he used one hand to finger her twat once more. Seeing him do this, Olivia''s eyes bulged out in surprise. The feeling of his tongue and his fingers on her sex plus the idea of being suddenly licked by her brother finally pushed her over the top and she cummed the greatest orgasm of her life, twitching crazily, and squirting everything out, not caring about anything anymore.
Benjamin, strong of his previous experience, hold on to her vigorously and received her powerful jet of squirt, which hit the back of his throat and continued toe out for a good five seconds. He gulped everything, enjoying her sour and erotic taste, before slowly cleaning her pussy with his tongue, feeling her now sweet juices in his mouth. When he was done, he looked up to see his sister lying down on the floor, panting heavily, exhausted. He came to her, caressing her hair lovingly, and she smiled back, giving him a feeble but beautiful smile.
Chapter 59 - 59 – What is that?
Chapter 59: ¨C What is that?
"Are you feeling better now?"
"Yes... I have never felt so good before in my life. Thank you, Ben."
"You''re wee."
"But, was it really ok that you did that to me?"
"Well... It all depends on your feelings. If you didn''t like it, I promise I will never do it again."
"No! I loved it. And I love you the best, Ben. I love anything you do to me."
"I feel the same. I love you very much and I loved what we did together. I guess we have an answer."
She nodded her head joyfully and continued with another question.
"But why did you do that with your mouth, at the end?"
"Well, we don''t want to make a mess of your room, right? You didn''t like it?"
"No, it was amazing, but wasn''t it dirty?"
"There is nothing dirty about you, my precious darling."
One of his top ten over-the-top lines ended up doing well today as well, with Olivia smiling shyly at his words. He maintained their position for a while longer, caressing her head, before mentioning.
"I need to go prepare dinner, now. What are you going to do?"
"I wille with you. I like watching you cook."
"Good. We can continue ying again after the meal."
They cleaned up the ce a little, Olivia putting her pajamas on again, and went down to the first floor. Benjamin started to prepare the food with his sister watching him while they had a light chat about gaming. Soon, the other members of their family arrived home one by one, going to their rooms after checking the dinner menu. When the meal was almost ready, everyone came back down, as if obeying some sort of animal instinct, and they quickly set up the table. Supper began, in the usual good mood. Benjamin checked what everyone''s n was for the following day and stopped at his grandmother''s answer, which intrigued him.
"Be ball? What is that?"
"It''s a game of throwing balls as close as possible to a smaller ball, called pallino. It''s simr to bowls and p¨¦tanque. We''re ying with loose rules to keep it simple. Are you interested? It''s a fun game."
Just hearing about it like this didn''t sound so interesting, truthfully, but since his goal was to spend time with his family members, it didn''t matter what they were doing.
"Sure, why not? Is it ok for me to join again?"
"Of course. Everyone will be over the clouds to have you. They keep asking me about you all the time, you know. They really like you."
Chloe couldn''t help interrupting them to give her opinion on the situation.
"Are you going to spend another Sunday with old farts, Ben? Don''t you have anything better to do?"
Their grandmother didn''t lose any time standing up and lifting Chloe from her chair, taking her to another room.
"Kiddo, it''s time to get re-educated."
The little devil tried to escape but failed to do so and they entered the room, grandma closing the door behind them. Soon after, they could hear Chloe''s cries of agony, quickly followed by her apologizing in a loud voice.
"Sorry! Sorry! I won''t say stuff like that anymore!"
The noise stopped and the two of them came back, their grandmother acting as if nothing had happened and Chloe looking pitiful. Wisely, no one else chose toment on Benjamin''s ns for the following day. The meal resumed and once they were done, Benjamin and Olivia went back to y again. They decided to continue their previous saved game of H&S4 and had a lot of fun together, progressing further into the story. As it was time to separate, Olivia told him.
"Don''t forget your promise, Ben. You have toe to y with me again."
"Of course, don''t worry."
He kissed her onest time on her forehead and she smiled happily.
"Goodnight, love."
"Goodnight, Ben."
He went back to his room and quickly fell asleep from a fulfilling day of activities. The next morning, he once more took the opportunity toze about in bed, knowing that his grandma wasn''t an early riser. He went downte in the morning to have a tardy breakfast, eating some toast and some boiled eggs. A whileter, his grandmother finally came down too, greeting him and sharing his light breakfast. When they were done, they prepared themselves for the day, putting on some clothes which were easy to move in and they left the house in her car. She drove them toward one of the biggest and most pleasant parks in the region, a ce that was a bit out of town. They soon arrived and she parked at one of the park''s entrances before they entered the premise together, looking around for her friends.
It didn''t take long to find them, a group of threedies sitting at one of the wood tables avable for people close to the park''s entrance. Heading in their direction, Vera scowled at the sight of his grandmother, just likest time. She started to open her mouth to scold her when she saw Benjamin, who was hidden behind her until then. She closed her mouth and stood up, together with Lauren who also noticed him, and the duo approached him, arge smile on their faces. Before he could do anything, the both of them hugged him on each side, giving him a big smooch, each of them on one cheek, before flooding him with their bbering.
"It''s good to see you again, angel. Have you been well? Did you eat properly sincest time?"
"I missed you a lot, dear. How was your week? You shoulde to see us more often."
That took him by surprise, not expecting them to be suddenly so physical with him. And his grandmother didn''t miss the opportunity toment on the circumstances, as usual.
"You two are making use of the situation to be close to my poor boy, aren''t you? Ben, sorry about that. When these two are fond of someone, their brains sort of short circuit and they don''t think about the consequences of their actions anymore, especially since they couldn''t see you for a week. I can make them stop if you don''t like it."
Chapter 60 - 60 – Rabbits
Chapter 60: ¨C Rabbits
Benjamin took a second to digest the situation. He looked at the twodies surrounding him and then at his grandmother to answer her.
"No, I don''t mind. I was surprised but I didn''t hate it."
He smiled at Vera and Lauren, before returning their pecks, giving them one each on their cheek. This delighted them and Laurenmented.
"What a darling you are, Ben. Sorry if we were a bit too forceful."
Vera then added.
"We had no ns to startle you. And you, Roselyn, stop treating us as some sort of animals unable to restrain ourselves!"
Roselyn grinned, dering.
"That''s a pretty goodparison! Ben, you should consider them the same as rabbits who need a constant amount of affection, or they would die of loneliness."
Shenughed loudly, happy with her analogy. Vera and Lauren looked at her, exasperated, before shaking their heads and sighing helplessly. Benjamin noticed that Angel was watching them from where she was sitting, looking a bit envious. He went to her and gave her her share of a peck on the cheek, making her smile in satisfaction. His grandmother obviously requested the same treatment and when he was finally done and everyone had calmed down, they started their nned activity. They walked toward the location of their first game and the four women exined the sport''s principles to him.
"Each of us has two colored balls. Since we are five, we will have five different colors, one for each of us."
"Each round, the winner of the previous round starts by throwing the pallino on the ground, at a distance of their choosing. Then, from the same distance, that person will throw their first ball, trying to get it as close as possible to the pallino."
"After that, we all take a turn to throw our balls from the same distance, to get as close as possible to the pallino."
"When all the balls have been thrown, we check who is the closest to the pallino and that person bes the winner of the round, starting the next round. Simple, isn''t it?"
"Very simple. But I guess there is more to it since Grandma said it was such a fun game?"
"Correct. The fun part is that you are allowed to disce others'' balls with yours. So, for example, if someone''s ball is touching the pallino, you would not aim to get closer to it yourself since you would only get to tie with that person at best, and even achieving that would be hard. Instead, you would aim to dislodge their ball to make room for yours, ideally taking their position."
"And since there are a lot of balls at the end of the rounds, one good throw can hit several balls and even the pallino itself topletely change the situation."
"Another thing is that this game can be yed on almost any ground surface, like soil, sand, grass, etc. Each different surface makes for a very different game since the balls would behave differently on soilpared to on sand, for example."
"I see, I understand now. It looks interesting."
"Yes, you will see when we y."
They stopped walking at a specific spot of the park where the soil path wasrge enough for them to y on one side without being in the way of other people passing by. After distributing the balls, Angel was chosen to start the first game and she threw the pallino six to seven meters from their position. She then focused and threw her first ball, which rolled on the ground and arrived thirty centimeters apart from the pallino. It was a rtively good result considering the distance and the others went one by one to throw their first balls. When it was Benjamin''s turn, he didn''t manage to get anywhere close to the objective but he got a good feeling about how to throw next to get a better result.
Lauren had managed to get close to the pallino, only a few centimeters away and it was now Angel''s turn again to throw her second ball. She aimed right and hit Lauren''s ball, pushing it very far from the pallino and taking her position. She cheered and everyone praised her shoot. The others threw their balls with no one hitting other balls, creating instead a big stack close to the pallino. It was Benjamin''s turn and he aimed correctly, this time, sending a strong shot that went straight into the stack of balls, striking several of them, pushing them in all directions and continuing on its way, his ball hitting the pallino and taking it with it, now around nine meters far. Seeing the mess he created and his sessfully snatching of the pallino, he grinned at his sess and finally understood the fun of the game.
Everyone congratted him and Lauren was to conclude the first round with her throw. She focused for a long time and threw her ball in the air, without it rolling on the ground at all. It hit true to its target, directly striking Benjamin''s ball and pushing it afar. However, since she had used so much strength, her ball also continued rolling, far from the pallino. The game concluded like this, with eventually no one close to the pallino due to several throws making a mess of things. They allughed at the result and Vera took a tape measure to find out who was closer, concluding that Roselyn unexpectedly won, with a distance of 142 centimeters from the pallino.
It was only the first round but Benjamin got a good idea of why they all decided to y this game. It wasn''t anything special at first look but it had its charm and was a perfect way to have fun with friends and family. Like that, they started another round, with Benjamin''s grandmother throwing first and everyone following on their turn. They continued to spend the day like this, changing their location from time to time to y on the grass or even in a specific ce in the park with some sand, enjoying themselves a lot.
Chapter 61 - 61 – Result
Chapter 61: ¨C Result
They took a break at lunch to eat Angel''s prepared food, under the shadow of trees in a quiet ce in the park. Benjamin had to admit that having a pic here was very pleasant. Thedies knew the best spots in the park and everyone had an enjoyable time, with them dotingly trying to feed him or clean his face with wet napkins as if he was a small child. Benjamin docilely epted their affection since they looked so happy to take care of him.
After lunch, they resumed ying be ball until it was finally time to go home. Just like the previous weekend, the three women were very reluctant to part with him. He had to let them hug him at length one by one, as if they were saying their final farewell to him, and promise toe to y with them again. In the car on their way back, Benjamin asked his grandmother about their attitude.
"Why do they like me so much, grandma? Today is only the second time we met."
"I understand why it might seem strange to you. There are several reasons. First of all, even though they look like this, they are very sensitive to other people''s feelings toward them. When they see you having a good time with them without having any hidden thoughts, they can''t helpparing you to other unsavory people they have met in their lives and feel happy about you."
She took a break in her speech, driving for a moment in silence, before continuing.
"Another reason is that they are very lonely. I have you guys at home so I am alright but the three of them live alone and it''s sometimes hard for them when no one is around. You using your Sunday to spend time with us means a lot to them. Don''t think they don''t know what a holiday means to a teenager, they have been young too. If I were to exaggerate a bit, you spending time with them is brightening their days. I told you already but they have spent half of our time togetherst week talking about you. Just like teenagers bbering about their first crush! Ahahahah!"
Benjamin marveled at her capacity to switch from a serious topic to a bad joke. He thought about what she just said and was surprised that his simple act of wanting to spend time with his grandmother affected her friends so much. He thought that they were good people and deserved the small amount of happiness he could provide. He also liked seeing them being cheerful, which confirmed his resolution to keep spending time with them.
After they reached home, he separated from his grandmother and rxed in his room for some time before starting to prepare dinner. The rest of the evening was spent nicely with family and the weekend ended like this.
On the following day, Monday, Benjamin decided to fetch Chloe at school once again, though his reasons were different this time from the previous one. He didn''t finish sses early on this day so he didn''t go to her school but aimed for her path home instead. After some minutes of walking and him checking the students he met on the way, he managed to find her in a street perpendicr to where he was. She was chatting with the same group of friends asst time while moving away from school. He headed in her direction so that he would arrive from behind their group and when he was right at her back, he put both hands on her shoulders. She hadn''t noticed him until the end and jumped at the sudden unknown contact, shouting in fright.
She and her friends looked back and saw him behind her, smiling at her brilliantly. Chloe scowled and started denouncing him.
"Ben! Don''t do that, you scared me!"
He put his hands back on her shoulders and soothed her.
"Sorry, sorry. But you know why I did that, right?"
"No? Why?"
"Of course, it''s to be sure you won''t escape."
She watched him in iprehension. He smiled meaningfully and asked her.
"How did your test go, Chloe?"
Finally, she understood what this was all about. She shuddered and her eyes started to look everywhere except at his face.
"I-I did super good?"
"Of course."
He turned toward her friends.
"Sorry girls, I didn''t greet you. It''s good to see you all again. I have a question. Are you all in her ss?"
They nodded and he continued.
"Perfect. I suppose you know how much she got on the test?"
He gave his most charming smile and they looked at him, startled, before ncing at their friend, who was shaking her head negatively at them with all her strength. Seeing them hesitate, Benjamin ended the discussion.
"Whoever tells me will get a kiss on the cheek."
"She got 87!"
It was amazing how perfectly in sync they were. Chloe put on her most shocked expression at the quick betrayal, which everyone ignored.
"Thank you, girls, I guess I owe you four. I can''t let Chloe go so pleasee to me instead."
They lined up and he gave them each a quick peck on the cheek, which made them blush and squirm happily. After that, they chatted while moving forward again until it was time to go separate ways. The girls each said goodbye to them and the siblings began to head toward home. Benjamin started the conversation with his little sister.
"87, huh. I didn''t have any expectations from the start but you did better than I thought you would."
She nced at him, hopeful. However, he immediately destroyed her hope ruthlessly.
"Since you managed to get a decent score, I will go a bit easier on your punishment."
She now looked like it was the end of the world and Benjaminughed at her expression.
"Look at the face you''re making. You''re always exaggerating everything."
"I''m not! Ugh, I was so close! If only I didn''t do that stupid mistake!"
He caressed her head and said.
"Yes, yes. You can do better next time, baby sister."
She stared at him, pouting, but didn''t remove his hand from her head.
Chapter 62 - 62 – Punishment
Chapter 62: ¨C Punishment
They reached their house and went directly to her room, though very reluctantly in Chloe''s case. Benjamin closed the door behind her and locked it. Shivering, she asked about her fate.
"What are you going to do, Ben? Please don''t be too mean."
"I won''t, don''t worry. It''s nothing much. I have started learning about massages recently and I need someone to get more experience on the subject. Your punishment is to serve as my guinea pig."
"Really? That''s it? How is that a punishment?"
"You will understand soon enough."
"What? Is it going to hurt? Go easy on me, please."
"Of course not, silly. I would never hurt you. Anyway, you will see in a moment."
She rxed somewhat when she heard that it would not be painful but was still tense since she didn''t know what was going to happen.
"Alright, let''s begin. Take off all your clothes."
"What? Is that really necessary?"
"No questions during the punishment, thank you. Just do as you''re told, little guinea pig."
She hesitated for a while longer before resigning herself and taking her clothes off. Soon enough, she was nude in front of him, her small breasts barely bulging on her torso. Benjamin noticed that her pussy was barely wet. Funnily enough, it was the first time for him to witness a vagina that was not drenched in the owner''s secretions. Curious, he asked his little sister about it.
"Why are you a little wet, Chloe?"
She looked at him as if she didn''t understand his question.
"What do you mean? It''s always like that."
"What? You mean your vagina is constantly wet like this?"
"Of course? All girls are like this. You didn''t know, Ben?"
Her statement shocked him. If what she was saying was the truth, that exined a lot of things. Wasn''t it the same as boys having a hard-on continually? That would rify why the women in this world were so horny all the time!
"What should I do now?"
Her question took him out of his thoughts and he looked at her again.
"Lie down facing downwards on your bed."
She obeyed him and when she was set, he also came closer to the bed. He then straddled her and put his hands on her shoulders, starting to massage them.
"You have to tell me what feels good and what doesn''t so I can be better at it, alright?"
"Okay. The shoulder massage feels good, no problem so far."
He continued to work on her shoulders for a minute more and then switched to her neck, using his thumbs to delicately massage it. Shemented that it felt good too so he moved to her arms, which he had never tried before. This time sheined about him pushing too strongly on the muscles and he adjusted his strength until she was satisfied. Next, he massaged her hands, starting with her palm and carrying on with her finger, doing them one by one. She felt a bit ticklish during this but didn''t dislike it. He went on and focused on her legs, using the same amount of pressure as on her arms. As he went on, he noticed that she was starting to take deeper breaths while talking less and less. He separated her legs to work on her inner thighs and saw that her pussy was now just like how he was used to seeing them, flooding wet.
Once he was done with her legs, he did her feet, massing her soles with vigor and doing her toes carefully, one by one, just like he did for her fingers. He focused next on her back, using his palms to knead her muscles. She was now rubbing her legs together, panting a little bit. Going on to her buttocks, he appreciated the springy feeling on his hands and massaged them conscientiously. She squirmed under his contact and gave her firstment after a long time.
"That feels good, Ben. Can you massage a bit down, too?"
"Ugh... Please?"
She used her puppy eyes attack but he was ready for it this time and didn''t let it affect him.
"No demands during the punishment."
"No way..."
She looked shocked when her best move didn''t work, despairing at her hopelessness. He continued to massage her buttocks for a while longer before telling her to turn around. As she did, he was now able to see her current state better. Her expression was full of lust and she was releasing hard breathes of horniness. Her small nipples were standing erect on her breasts, looking very hard. Her twat was obviously a mess, her fluids already drenching the bed while flowing out continuously.
He started by massaging her legs again, making her tremble at the stimtion. He was very careful to nevere close to her crotch, applying pressure only on her calves and thighs. After that, he went to her belly, using his palms again for the fleshy part and his thumb on her belly button. Next, he continued on her torso, and once he was working on her chest, he carefully used his thumbs to circle her breasts, never approaching her nipples.
Chloe, who seemingly couldn''t take it anymore, tried to discretely send a hand to her pussy while he was focused on her breasts. Unfortunately for her, that didn''t escape his eyes and he stopped her hand in its movement, putting it back on the bed. Frowning at him for putting a stop to her tentative of relieving herself, she couldn''t help questioning him.
"Why are you stopping me? I can''t take it anymore."
He smiled at her meaningfully and continued his light stimtion all around her body, never breaking eye contact with her. She didn''t understand why he looked at her like that until an idea shed through her mind.
"No way...!"
Benjaminughed wickedly.
"Yes way. This is your punishment, Chloe!"
"This is horrible! You''re evil!"
"Thank you for the praise!"
"That I am! Now, shall we continue your punishment, little sister of the evil devil?
Chapter 63 - 63 – Reward
Chapter 63: ¨C Reward
He went back to her chest and massaged her breasts again. However, this time he used his thumbs to very lightly caress her nipples. Chloe sighed in pleasure and looked at him, surprised that he would stimte her more. Unfortunately for her, when Benjamin continued working on her nipples and felt that his stimtion pushed her close to her climax, he stopped it instead just before she could reach it, making her groan in frustration.
"Isn''t it a good thing? This is teaching you how to hold back."
"No, I hate it. I need toe! I need it so bad!"
Benjamin ignored her and headed toward her groin this time. He massaged her inner thigh, followed by the outside of her outer lips. Then, just like he did for her nipples, he gently applied pressure on her outer lips, making her shiver in pleasure. Of course, whenever he felt that she was close to her orgasm, he stopped everything until she settled down, only to go back to the previous stimtion. He repeated this for some time, often needing to stop her hands from trying to touch herself, making her more and more frustrated.
However, after only five minutes, he noticed that she wasn''t making any noise anymore. He looked up at her face and saw that she was close to tearing up, looking pitiful. Before she could actually start to cry, he stopped what he was doing and went to her face, caressing her cheek and soothing her.
"Don''t cry, big baby. It''s my bad, I went too far."
"I''m not crying!"
"Okay, okay. I was wrong, forgive me. I know, let''s say that what happens now is your reward for getting a good grade."
He returned to her groin, under her half uncertain but still half hopeful gaze. He opened her legs widely and put his hands on her outer pussy lips again, this time pulling them on each side, revealing the inside of her cute pink vagina, her fresh female smell spreading out in the room. He then used his right hand''s thumb to peel her clitoral hood and lowered his head toward her now exposed small clitoris. Seeing him do this, she trembled in expectations, thrusting her hips up for her sex to meet his mouth quicker.
Once he was right in front of her twat, he pushed his lips out and gave her a big kiss on her clitoris, sucking strongly on it. Chloe instantly cummed, shouting her satisfaction at finally receiving the climax she craved for. The previous frustration and build-up gave her the strongest orgasm of her life, her whole body shivering like a leaf for a good twenty seconds and her pussy twitching crazily, releasing waves after waves of juices on her bed. Benjamin was careful to hold tight onto her to be able to continue sucking on her clit and give her the best climax possible.
Eventually, her waist fell back on the bed again and she panted loudly, enjoying the post-orgasm fulfillment. Ben licked her clean, enjoying her lightly sweet taste, a fresher savorpared to older women. Eventually, he removed his mouth from her cunt and, after a few tens of seconds, she turned her eyes toward her brother to assert.
"Wow, that was by far the biggest orgasm of my life. That felt amazing."
"See, wasn''t it worth it to hold yourself back for a bit to enjoy it more in the end?"
"Huh, no, it felt good but I still hated it so much. Ben, you meanie."
"Ahah, you have zero self-control."
She stared at him, denouncing, and he lifted his hands, giving up.
"Fine, fine. You have no self-control but you''re still my precious little sister. I was too mean to you."
She seemed surprised at his statement.
"Really? You''re not lying? Am I precious to you? Even though you tease me all the time?"
"Of course, that goes without saying. Do you think I would care so much about you and do those things with you if I didn''t like you?"
"Hm, hm, that''s true! I like you a lot too, Ben!"
She lifted her upper body and hugged him. One thing for sure was that the word grudge didn''t exist in her dictionary and her resenting someone onlysted until the next time something made her happy. Even if she had some shorings, her positive personality was not part of it. Happy with her affection, he put one hand around her and used the other one to caress her hair lovingly. This pleased her a lot and she buried her head in his T-shirt, rejoicing at the close contact with him and the nice feeling of her head being caressed.
"Ahah, my little imp is a spoiled child."
They stayed like this for some time, until the obvious development happened and Chloe started to sniff him and rub her head on his chest, getting excited once more. She then used her puppy eyes attack on him again.
"Ben, I need more, please."
He didn''t manage to refuse her this time and went back down on her, using all his knowledge to make her cum as many times as possible in a short amount of time. When he heard another member of his familying back home. he told her to use her pillow to muffle her voice, sessfully stopping most of the noise from leaking outside of her room. He did this until it was time for him to prepare dinner, when he stopped his work on her. She had climaxed an incredible number of times but still begged him when he ended the session.
"No... More, please, Ben."
"No can do. I need to go prepare dinner now. If you need more, you will have to take care of it yourself."
"Meanie. It feels so much better when you do it, Ben."
"Yes, yes. Anyway, see youter, little ball of insatiable lust."
"I''m not!"
He left her room after cleaning himself up and headed downstairs. During dinner, everyone noticed Chloe''s weird state, and when they asked her, Benjamin answered instead.
"She got 87 on her test. Since she didn''t get 100, I punished her, but it was still a good grade for her so I went easy on her."
And nova toment.
"You''re way too soft on her. It''s better to discipline her strongly or she will never learn her lesson."
Chloe stuck her tongue out at her and that started the usual family fight, which Benjamin watched pleasantly while eating his meal.
Chapter 64 - 64 – Jogging after school
Chapter 64: ¨C Jogging after school
On the next day, Tuesday, Benjamin''s ss was notified that the teacher who was responsible for theirst two hours of the day was absent due to sickness. Even though it was not nice for the poor teacher, everyone still cheered at being able to finish earlier than usual. During the break between the first and the second ss, Julian came to his two friends and dered.
"Guys, I have something to tell you."
Intrigued, they looked at him interrogatively but he checked around and, seeing that most of the girls were listening to their conversation, as usual, decided to take measures against eavesdropping.
"Let''s go out for a minute and talk in peace."
Benjamin and Nathan followed him outside the ssroom, to the girls'' disappointment. They walked for a bit until they were far enough to not be heard and Julian continued.
"The thing is, my mother received several concert tickets at work. She wasn''t interested in going and that''s why she gave me enough of them for the three of us to go when I asked her. The problem is, the concert is this Friday, so it''s very sudden. I am super interested in going but what do you think?"
Nathan asked the obvious question.
"Which concert is it?"
Julian excitedly answered him.
"Believe it or not, it''s for 42-Answer!"
"No way! For real?"
"For real!"
The two started to giggle between themselves, thrilled at the idea of attending. Unfortunately, they had lost Benjamin. He had absolutely no idea who 42-Answer was and why they were so electrified about it. There was no avoiding this one so he just decided to take the hit.
"Sorry guys, I am not too much into singers. Who is 42-Answer?"
They turned toward him, looking so shocked that he thought he had imed that he was having sex with the school nurse.
"You''re joking, right? It''s impossible otherwise."
"Are you really existing? Did youe from a parallel world?"
"Stop exaggerating, guys, and tell me who those 42-Answer are."
Theyughed a bit and stopped teasing him, Julian exining.
"It''s just one person, actually. He is one of the most popr singers currently but that''s not the most important part. The reason why we were so excited is that he is only holding concerts in small locations with a limited number of people, for some reason. That''s why it is so hard to get a ticket for one of his concerts."
"Right, right. Tickets usually sell online within seconds from when they are put for sale. Getting one is more about luck than anything else. Like, an incredible amount of luck."
Benjamin thought it was unusual for a solo singer to use a pseudonym instead of his real name.
"I see now. And your mother got tickets for one of his concerts? That''s also kind of amazing."
"Yes, she said she got them from a client as a sign of goodwill after concluding a deal. Either way, lucky for us!"
"You''re the best, Julian!"
"Hehehe. What about you Benjamin? You''reing, right?"
"Of course. After you said all of that, there is no way I will miss it now."
"That''s the way! Hurray for 42-Answer!"
Benjamin couldn''t help being affected by how exhrated they were, cheering with them even though he didn''t know anything about that singer. They decided to leave the talk about the specifics forter, like how they would get there and when they should meet up, and happily went back to the ss. The girls sent them very curious and regretful looks, clearly wanting to know what they had been talking about that made them so joyful. However, unlike the party organized by the school, there was no way they could join them this time and it was better that they remained blissfully ignorant.
They finished the school day early in the afternoon, as they have been told, and Benjamin said goodbye to his friends. He thought about how to use the extra time and decided to go for a run. He first came back home and changed into his jogging attire before going out again and starting to run. He went at it for a good hour, deciding to end it when he came close to his home during his jogging tour. Sweating, he decided to take a shower to clean himself. Thinking about the concert on Friday, he entered the bathroom without paying much attention and closed the door behind him. That was when he heard some water noise in the bathtub''s direction. When he looked there, he saw his grandmother in the middle of taking a bath, looking back at him.
Both sides were paralyzed in surprise for a moment, before Benjamin turned around and eximed.
"Sorry, Grandma! I didn''t know you were in!"
His grandmother also soon rebooted and stated.
"Don''t worry, it''s not a big deal."
She paused before jokingly continuing.
"I see you are sweating, did youe back from running? Why don''t you join me? I will wash your back."
Judging by her joke, it seemed she really wasn''t bothered about him intruding on her during her bathing time. Benjamin started to open his mouth to answer that he would leave when an idea came to him and he changed his mind. Two could y that game and he wasn''t afraid to tease her back.
"R-really? Ok, thanks, Grandma."
And then, under his grandmother''s incredulous'' eyes, he started to remove his clothes.
"What are you doing, Ben?!"
He smiled innocently and replied.
"What do you mean? I am joining you just like you told me."
He finally removed everything and before she could react, entered the bath on the opposite side from where she was sitting. He sat down in front of her, entering the water, their legs touching each other. She was about to say something when she caught sight of his nude body right in front of her. Her gaze couldn''t help wandering from his chest to his non-erect penis and she closed her mouth, swallowing her saliva loudly.
Chapter 65 - 65 – Rings
Chapter 65: ¨C Rings
Benjamin also took the opportunity to study her body and was in for a surprise. Her short grey hair made a nice contrast with her brown eyes while her bright facial features were proof that she was a very smiling person. She was overall in great shape, with medium-sized sagging breasts decorated byrge nipples and a barely protruding stomach. Her deep-colored vagina waspletely shaved, her big clitoris naturally sticking out outside of its hood and her pussy hole was open, as if unable to stay closed by itself.
However, all of this was not what was surprising. Benjamin found out that she had many piercings over her body, all in ces that were usually covered by clothes. She had a ring in each of her nipples and her cunt was literally overflowing with them. She had several on her inner and outerbia and as well as one directly on her clitoris. There were also others, in ces which he would not be able to name, like under her urethra or at the bottom of her vagina. They seemed to be divided into two types, ring piercings and piercings in the form of small dumbbells. Benjamin couldn''t help but be fascinated by the scene in front of him. Her body was already erotic by itself and the addition of her piercings made it straight out exotic. He could feel his member slowly react at the sight, pulsing excitedly.
His grandmother, finishing her own inspection of his body, now noticed his gaze and asked him.
"Are you not shy to be nude in front of me, kiddo?"
"No, why? You''re my grandmother. Didn''t you see me naked countless times already?"
"That was when you were small. You''re all grown up, now."
"It''s all the same, I don''t mind."
She looked at his penis which was getting hard in front of her eyes andughed.
"I guess you are at that age now. Is it seeing my body that is making you like this? Or perhaps my piercings?"
Benjamin acted a bit shy, answering.
"W-well, both? Sorry grandma, you look so beautiful, it''s doing it on its own."
"Don''t worry about it, this is something natural. You really think my old body is beautiful?"
"Of course, you look amazing, grandma."
"Ahah, thank you, even if you don''t mean it."
"It''s true, I am not lying."
"Alright, alright, I can only believe you when your thing is reacting like that. You also look great, kiddo. With a body like this and a tool like yours, you will make all the girls go crazy for sure."
"You think? But why do you have all those piercings?"
"Hm, there is aplicated reason for this. It''s better if you don''t know."
"You''re making me even more curious now. Aren''t those very sensitive ces?"
"That''s what makes it good."
She grinned and stopped talking for a moment. Benjamin took the opportunity to get another look at her exposed body.
"S-say grandma, can I ask for something?"
"What is it?"
"Is it alright if I look from closer up?"
"Ahahah, you must be curious about women''s bodies. It''s fine, you can look as much as you want."
She opened her arms and legs wide, allowing him to have a great look at her naked figure. Her mature build was very mesmerizing and he couldn''t take his eyes off her. He slowly approached her and checked her boobs, followed by her belly, and finally red at her sex, which was underwater. Contrarily to younger women, everything was deeper colored, her nipples being dark pink and her vagina lips being light brown. Of course, her piercingsing in from one side of her most imitate ces and out from the other were also very captivating. Back to checking her breasts, Benjamin was getting aroused by his examination and he questioned her one more time.
"Is it ok if I touch it a little?"
His grandmother smiled at him, as if she had expected his request.
"Sure, boy, go ahead."
He took his hands out of the water and ran them on her belly, lightly caressing her stomach. He then moved up toward her bust and cupped her sagging breasts, raising them, appreciating their moderate weight. Without releasing them, he touched herrge nipples with his thumbs, running them in a circle around her protrusions. After a few seconds of that, he took her ring piercings in between his thumbs and index fingers and pulled lightly on them. He saw his grandmother''s face, which had been very stoic through the whole thing until now, twitch a little, and the older woman closed her eyes for a second.
Happy to have gotten a reaction out of her, he continued pulling on them delicately in all directions, his grandmother''s face twitching from time to time. Once he had done that for some time, she spoke to him.
"You look like you really like those, kiddo. You don''t need to be so delicate, I am very sturdy and pulling harder on those won''t do any damage. You can do it stronger if you want."
"Really? I don''t want to hurt you, grandma."
"Don''t worry, you won''t. Go ahead."
Getting her permission, he pulled harder on the rings, her boobs deforming in different shapes. He was still careful not to hurt her in any way, only doing it a little bit more, sometimes twisting them a bit, but nothing excessive. His actions had a clear effect on her, though, and she let out a long sigh, before she began to breath harder. He went on with this for a while longer and when she started to pant with a hint of lust in her eyes, he queried her again.
"Grandma, can I try touching you down there, too?"
She looked at him and started answering.
She looked conflicted, tempted to act on her lust while also being aware that she shouldn''t let this go too far or things might get out of control. Seeing her like this, Benjamin didn''t push her to take a decision, simply continuing what he was doing. After a minute more of him ying with her piercings, she began to moan a bit, and finally gave up.
Chapter 66 - 66 – No exception
Chapter 66: ¨C No exception
"Thank you, Grandma!"
Benjamin happily kissed her cheek, showing his appreciation, while she smiled awkwardly. He sent his hands down toward her crotch in the water and she warned him.
"You should be delicate with the piercings down there. It''s ok to pull on those on mybia but the other ones should only be touched or flicked at most."
Benjamin nodded and put his hands into the water, before first running his right-hand index over the full length of her pussy, starting from the dumbbell piercing at the bottom, all the way to the ring on her clitoris at the top. His grandma didn''t react much to it and he continued a few times, feeling the texture of her twat, before following her instructions and pulling a little on her pussy lips rings. He was fascinated to see how her sex opened up, allowing him to see better inside. Or at least, as well as the water permitted to.
"Grandma, I can''t see well because of the water. Can you sit on the rim of the bathtub, please?"
She didn''t say anything andplied in silence, standing up and sitting down where he indicated. She closed her legs for a second but soon opened them again, her exposed groin now at the level of his head. Her deep female smell spread out in the bathroom, enticing and arousing him. He went back to use herbia rings to open her pussy, inspecting her bare mature inner cunt. Soon enough, he noticed that the water on her crotch didn''t dry, reced by her fluids, which started running out of her opened vagina hole.
He caressed and flickered each of her piercings, one by one, checking the effect on her sensitive flesh as well as her reactions to it. She shivered when he flickered the dumbbell-shaped one under her urethra and he could see her pee hole trembling a bit. Once he touched the ring on her clitoris, she moaned quietly, and unconsciously pushed her hips in his direction, as if saying that she wanted more. Happy toply, he used one hand to repeatedly flicker on it, sometimes on the ring, sometimes on the clitoris itself. Her moaning was growing louder, her waist sometimes jumping a little at the stimtion.
All the while, he had been interested in her opened pussy hole. He was wondering how much she could have been prated that her hole would never close again. He kept his left hand to work on her clitoris and used his right hand''s index finger to prate her hole. He hadn''t asked permission to do that but his grandmother didn''t say anything, on the contrary looking like she weed it. The most interesting thing happened when, aiming for the center of her hole, he was able to push his finger inside her without touching her flesh at all. This was one of the most erotic things he had ever experienced and his dick couldn''t help but throb for some time.
He entered deeper and finally hit some of her walls, which twitched a little at the contact. He moved his finger around, feeling her warm and wet flesh around it, before taking it out of her. Then, in front of her surprised eyes, he put his wet finger inside his mouth, tasting her very deep and mature vor.
"Why would you do that, Ben?"
"Sorry, grandma, I was curious about how it tasted. It''s so delicious. Can I have more, please?"
Then, without waiting for her answer, he moved his head forward and kissed her cunt hole. Without taking his tongue out, he started to suck up her juices, enjoying her taste. Now inside her crotch, her smell engulfed him, deep and powerful, entrancing and erotic.
She was startled at his sudden action and instinctually tried to push his head away. But, before her hands could touch his head, she stopped herself, as if afraid that doing anything could hurt him in some way, whether physically or mentally. She stayed like this for a long time, deep in thoughts. Eventually, she sighed, as if giving up, and put her hands delicately on his head, caressing his hair lovingly. There was now a different glint in her eyes, as if she had taken a decision, and she said.
"Ben, what you are doing is also very pleasant for me. Do you want to continue?"
He removed his head from her groin and nodded eagerly, smiling happily.
"Alright. You''re making me feel so good that I am close to reaching my limits. Do you want to see how a woman orgasms?"
He nodded yet again.
"Okay. I will tell you what to do and you can just follow my instructions. Are you fine with using your mouth again?"
"Yes, you taste incredible, grandma."
"Thank you, dear. Alright, first, put your mouth over my clitoris and suck on it strongly."
He followed her instructions and swallowed herrge protruding clitoris, including her ring piercing. He felt the taste of her flesh as well as the metallic taste of the ring, which gave a novel feelingpared to what he was used to. He then sucked heartily on her sensitive ce and she let out a moan, much louder now after her mood switched.
"That''s good, just like that. You continue doing this. Now, use your fingers to enter my vagina."
Considering his previous experience, he directly took three fingers from his right hand out and pushed them inside her. Even with three fingers, he felt very little resistance as he went into her hole and she continued.
"You can use more fingers."
He added a fourth one, which also slid in without an issue and she added.
"Still more."
Now he was surprised but decided to listen to her. He added his thumb inside her, feeling it scratch against her walls, making her shiver. He had now his full hand inside her and he was mesmerized by this fact. Still, his grandmother wasn''t done.
"Good, now push it as deep as you can."
His cock pulsed again at her words. Wasn''t she basically asking for fisting? Removing his mouth from her groin once again, he couldn''t help questioning her.
"Are you sure, grandma? I don''t want to hurt you."
"Don''t worry, that won''t happen. Push it as strong as you can, if possible all the way inside in one go."
There was a very lewd look on her face and he could see great expectation in her eyes clouded by lust. Benjamin gulped, feeling like he was entering a new world. Taking a deep breath, he focused on his arm. He waited for a few seconds, his grandmother breathing roughly in anticipation, and suddenly plunged it to her very depth, with great momentum.
Chapter 67 - 67 – Instructions
Chapter 67: ¨C Instructions
He felt his hand spreading her pussy walls open, grinding against her folds, until his fingers touched her cervix, unable to reach any further. She let out a low guttural voice, the type that only a mature woman could produce.
His hand was now inside her until beyond his wrist and he was able to appreciate the feeling of her vagina through his palm and fingers. Fingers had many more ways to movepared to a penis and their sense of touch was also much more detailed. He was able to feel her creases and folds in detail and pressing a finger allowed him to discern their texture more specifically. His hand waspletely surrounded by her flesh and he could feel it pulsating regrly, as if in excitement, while continuously releasing a generous amount of fluids, which helped lubricate any movement he took inside her.
His grandmother panted for a few seconds before continuing to instruct him.
"That was perfect. You almost made me cum with just this. Now, rotate your hand several times and when you feel ready, start to move it back and forth, without taking your handpletely out."
He followed her words and started to rotate his hand. The margin of movement was poor at the beginning, his hand rubbing strongly against her walls, making her moan delightedly. Little by little, he could feel that it was easier to move, as if her twat was starting to ept his presence. Her folds still surrounded him but the pressure was less intense than at the start. He guessed that was the reason why she asked him to do this. He thought that the time was right and started to pump his hand in and out of her, the grinding of his arm and her pussy making an extremely lewd sploshing sound. Feeling the intense stimtion of his forearm moving back and forth, his grandmother was in ecstasy and started to be vocal.
"Ooohhh! That''s good! A man''s hand ispletely different! Ooohhh! Stronger! Don''t worry about anything, just do it stronger!"
He obeyed her and began to jackhammer her cunt, her juices flying in all directions and her pelvis and lower belly visibly deforming through the constant motions of his arm inside her.
"Oooohhhh! That''s it! My clit! Rub my clit with your fingers!"
He put the fingers of his left hand on her clitoris and started to vibrate them on it at full speed, constantly bumping into her ring and stimting her even further.
"Ooooohhhhh! Yes! It''s perfect! I am close! Look at me, boy! This is how a woman orgasms! It''sing! A big one! Look at me! Look at me...!"
Finally, she howled in an incredible voice, her low squeal resonating in the bathroom and making the walls of the room tremble.
She squirted a long jet of fluids, her body shaking greatly, spasming with violent jerks, while her eyes rolled in her sockets. Her tongue was out, saliva dripping on her breasts. Her clitoris was shivering uncontrobly while her pussy contracted powerfully around his hand as if to never let it go. Her squirt jet pressure was amazing, hitting and drenching his face with full strength, while also feeling endless. He didn''t need to do anything and simply opened his mouth for everything to enter by itself, her squirt not stopping for a good ten seconds. He enjoyed her mature and salty taste, gulping it all, fascinated by the view of her climax. As she said, it was a sight to behold and Benjamin felt happy to have witnessed the deep orgasm of a mature woman at least once in his life. It felt even better knowing that it was his Grandma and he had been able to pleasure her so much.
Once she was done trembling and her orgasm abated, she started to lose strength in her body. She was still on the rim of the bathtub and seeing her swaying, he quickly removed his hand from her cunt, making her grunt in passing, and caught her in his arms. He carefully put her back in the water, on her initial position, lying against the edge, powerlessly attempting to catch her breath.
She closed her eyes, giving the feeling that she fell asleep. After a minute, she opened them again and they widened at the view in front of her. Now that arge part of her lust had dissipated, she began to realize the situation around her. Witnessing Benjamin''s face smeared with her juices, his grandmother started to look horrified.
"W-what did I do? What did I do to my grandson? How could I do that to him?"
Benjamin, now used to this reaction, didn''t panic. It seemed her fluids on his face were a big factor in her agitation so he took some water from the bath and cleaned it in swift movements. His grandmother didn''t get much better, though.
"I''m sorry, Benjamin! I don''t know what took over me! I''m sorry to make you experience something terrible and dirty like this!"
She was getting more and more upset, her face full of shame and regrets. Anticipating that things would only be worse, Benjamin quickly closed on her and, before she could react, took her head in his hands and passionately kissed her lips. Her eyes bulged in surprise and she froze at his contact. Soon, however, she lifted her hands to reflexively try to push him away. But, just like previously, they stopped before making contact with him, for the same reasons as before. Observing this for the second time, Benjamin ascertained once more how preciously he was being considered and treated. When lust was not involved, at least.
He stopped his kiss, moved away from her, and tried to express his feelings.
"Please don''t say that, Grandma. You are beautiful and there is nothing dirty about you. I love you and I loved what we just did together. I like doing anything with you so there is nothing to feel bad about."
He then went back to kissing her, trying to convey his affection with all his ardor. His grandmother''s eyes widened again at his deration and renewed kiss. She didn''t try to push him away, this time. However, a few seconds into the kiss, Benjamin noticed tears starting to fall out of her eyes.
Chapter 68 - 68 – Unexpected
Chapter 68: ¨C Unexpected
It was his turn to panic. To see his always jovial and life-enjoying grandmother releasing tears was a big shock to him. He had never seen her crying in his life and he would never have imagined it could happen, even less in this world, where she was a good model for epassing feminine qualities. A good example was when she disciplined Chloe during dinner on Saturday. It was her who had done it and not his mother, who usually tried to present a feminine front but was way too soft-hearted inside. He quickly put an end to his kiss.
"Why are you crying, Grandma? Did I do anything wrong? Did I hurt you anywhere? I am sorry, Grandma!"
Through all his questions, she just slowly shook her head negatively, giving a feeble but beautiful smile, until she put a hand on his cheek, interrupting him.
"No, that''s not it. I am just very happy right now. I never thought I would hear something like this from a man after my husband died, much less from my grandson. I am a very blessed grandmother, it seems."
Benjamin let out a sigh of relief at her answer. Fortunately, his actions didn''t hurt her and the easing of his thoughts allowed him to calm down. He used his hands to wipe her tears for a few minutes until she ceased crying. During this time, he thought about his feelings and eventually revealed.
"Grandma, I am sorry. I think I love you more than normal family love. I know it''s wrong but... I can''t help it."
She used one hand to caress his cheek, soothing.
"Do you, dear? Tell me what you feel."
"When you caress my cheek like this, I feel happy and I want to do the same for you."
He used his right hand to caress her cheek in turn.
"At any time, It feels like I wouldn''t mind doing anything for you. I feel d when I see you joyful."
He took her hand which wasn''t caressing his cheek and kissed its palm.
"I felt overjoyed when I managed to make you orgasm. You were so beautiful during your climax and knowing that I managed to make you feel good made me feel euphoric."
He released her hand and put his on her pelvis, caressing it affectionately.
"Even right now, I feel like I want to kiss you and transmit my feelings to you."
He closed on her once more and kissed her again, which she easily epted. All the while during his confession, she quietly watched him, not saying anything nor letting her feelings appear on her face. He ended their kiss and she stayed silent, looking down, deep in her thoughts. Benjamin didn''t hurry her and simply waited for her answer.
After several minutes, she finally looked back at him, straight in the eyes, and said.
"I see... I also love you a lot, Benjamin. Trust me, what society believes is right and wrong is of little importance. I am not saying that without any reason, perhaps I will tell youter, but not now. We love each other and that''s the only thing which matters."
She took a break, organizing her thoughts.
"I am old now and you are young, you shouldn''t be bound to me too strongly. If you like anyone else, whoever it is, I will support youpletely. Remember, Benjamin. Whatever you do, I will always support you with everything I have."
Benjamin was astonished by her open-mindedness. He didn''t know what sort of events she could have lived through to give her such a mindset. However, one thing was for sure, she had a lot of life experience. To have his grandmother, who had seen it all, support him in his incest took a big weight out of his chest, something he wasn''t even aware was burdening him. He suddenly felt much better and even his breathing became easier. He wasn''t alone in this.
Without a word, his jubnt self took her head within his hands and kissed her emotionally. She reacted differently, this time, and opened her mouth to let her tongue out, passionately seeking his own. She put her arms around his neck, embracing him closely. When the two tongues met, they entwined around each other and they started a long kiss, full of love. His grandmother was an incredible kisser and her tongue went around his own at an unbelievable speed, before going all around his mouth, stimting every corner of it. She licked his gums, his pte, the inside of his cheeks, and even his teeth, as if nothing had to escape her tongue. They exchanged their saliva several times until everything mixed and the fluids in their mouths couldn''t be differentiated anymore. Her gaze was intense, matching with his own, and full of fondness, enjoying their very close contact. The intense kissing experience rapidly made him hard again, something which his grandmother immediately noticed. She withdraw from their entanglement and asked him.
"Do you masturbate, Benjamin? Don''t be ashamed and tell me."
He hesitated for a second before answering.
"I do."
She grinned, approving.
"Perfect. How does it feel to masturbate?"
He wasn''t too sure how to answer this and simply went for the most obvious thing.
"Well... It feels good?"
"That''s right."
She put her hand in her pussy, lubricating it with her juices, before using it to grab his hardened penis and start to slowly masturbate him. He shivered a little at the contact and she smiled at the sight. She then continued.
"I have a lot of experience, you know. What about you let me take care of you and I will let you feel something several times better than masturbation?"
Benjamin nced at her confident expression and couldn''t help his dick twitching at her proposition. He did the only thing that could be done in this situation. He nodded and replied, full of anticipation.
Chapter 69 - 69 – Exit
Chapter 69: ¨C Exit
She grinned again, released his cock, and told him.
"Turn around and get on all four, dear."
He followed her direction, curious about what she nned to do. He was now facing away from her and even turning his headpletely didn''t allow him to see much of anything behind him. She then opened his legs to a level she felt was correct. He heard the same noises as when she used her cunt to lubricate her hand and soon felt her right hand grabbing his penis again and giving him another well-lubed handjob. She did this for a few seconds before he sensed her other hand touching his left butt cheek and pulling it open. Finally, he felt a wet sensation on his asshole, going up and down on it. Realizing what it was, Benjamin trembled in surprise and embarrassment.
She stopped what she was doing except for her handjob, and answered.
"Rx, darling. It''s a bit surprising at first but you will enjoy it very soon."
"But it''s dirty!"
"I can say the same thing that you told me. There is nothing dirty about you, dear."
He did not argue his own words and she went back to lick his asshole, slowly working on his puckered opening. It still was an odd sensation and Benjamin took some time to get used to it. After a few minutes, he managed to rx a bit and appreciate the feeling of wetness. It didn''t feel amazing but didn''t feel bad either and she was careful to make it as pleasant as possible.
When she sensed that he was used to it and rxed enough, she gently inserted her tongue in his ass, pushing it as far as she could, and he couldn''t help releasing a small shout at this. The first thing that Benjamin felt was his body''s alerts and warnings. Something was entering him not only at the wrong ce but also going the wrong way! He instinctively used his ass muscles to push the intruder out and, feeling the pressure, she let her tongue be driven out, as if she had anticipated this response from him from the start. She went back to lick his hole and when he got rxed again, she made another try. Ready for it this time, he bore the intrusion for longer before he pushed her out again.
She was patient and repeated this several times until he eventually didn''t reject her anymore. At this point, she grunted with satisfaction and started her work on his ass seriously. She licked his insides, close to the hole, then further, little by little. She twirled her tongue, stimting and rxing his creases, tasting everywhere inside his back end. She even hardened her tongue and took it in and out of him, literarily tongue fucking his ass.
Benjamin had started by feeling very weird with the sudden attack on his ass. However, slowly, he had gotten used to it and was now finally able topletely enjoy his first rimjob. His grandmother was very skilled and she knew exactly what to do to make it feel good. Now that the ufortable part was over, he had to agree with her: it felt amazing indeed. His ass being rimmed gave a hard-to-describe feeling,pletely different from his dick being masturbated, which she was also continuing to do without any change. It was like being tickled but with a much stronger stimtion, like a massage on a very intimate and sensitive ce with the pleasure going straight to his brain, addicting.
The double stimtion on his cock and asshole didn''t allow him tost very long and soon enough the pleasure went up, much stronger than usual.
"It''s amazing, Grandma! I am going toe!"
She buried her head in his ass, her tongue twirling deep inside to stimte him while moving the hand on his ass cheek away from it. She put her now free hand in front of his penis, just in time for his ejaction, to catch all his released semen.
Benjamin felt greater pleasure than usual, his orgasm so strong that his view turned white for a second. His dick pulsed strongly and ejacted waves after waves of spurts at full strength. He groaned loudly through the release, his grandmother never stopping her work until he waspletely done.
Once it was over, she ultimately came out from his ass, grinning happily at the result. Benjamin turned around and witnessed her licking the semen in her hand and gulping it deliciously. After there was nothing left, shemented.
"Everything about you tastes delicious, love. How did it feel?"
"It was incredible. I never came so hard before."
"Ahahah, good, told you so."
They rxed in the water for a minute before he dered.
"It''s your turn now, Grandma."
She looked at him, intrigued.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, of course, I will do what you just did."
"What? Are you sure? Men usually don''t like doing these sort of things too much."
"That goes without saying. Anything you do to me, I should do to you too. It''s only fair."
She watched him, surprise in her eyes, before giving a big smile.
"Believe me, dear, you are perfectly right but it''s definitely not the norm. People are selfish and that applies even between lovers. There are too many people who would dly receive but never give back. I hope you never lose that mindset. If everyone thought like you, the world would be a much better ce."
She turned around and got on all four, just like him previously. He now had a good view of her asshole, which had been hidden so far because she was always sitting. Just like her pussy, it was quite deep colored and also protruding somewhat, as if it had seen a lot of usage outside its normal function. As an amateur in the domain, he decided to only focus on her asshole for the time being. He put his hands on her butt cheeks and pulled on them to get better ess. He then took his tongue out and started licking. It didn''t taste much of anything, just a taste of flesh, and also didn''t smell much. It seemed she was extremely clean back there.
She reacted very well to his licking,pletely epting it. Benjamin licked a bit more but feeling that she was taking it without issue, he soon inserted his tongue inside. It went in easily, encountering little resistance. When he was in, she didn''t get any reaction of rejection like he had gotten and epted him unconditionally. It seemed that she was somehow very used to these sorts of things. She only let a barely audible sight of pleasure and that was it. Benjamin was able to taste her insides now and it wasn''t dirty in any way. It tasted a little bit bitter but was otherwise fine, almost enjoyable. He started moving his tongue around, imitating what she did previously.
"That''s good, love. You''re doing well. Your tongue feels great."
She encouraged him and he continued like this for some time. However, he got the feeling that she wasn''t extremely stimted with only that and decided to give her more. Her gushing pussy was right under her asshole and became the most obvious target. He removed one hand from her cheeks and began to finger her cunt. She felt what he was doing and became excited again.
"That''s right. Don''t be afraid and work my pussy too, just like before."
He added more and more fingers and soon enough, he was fisting her again. Now, she was really feeling it and the double stimtion also worked her up a lot.
"Ooohhh! You''re great, love! Go ahead, destroy my old pussy with your arm!"
He elerated his speed and started to pump her twat at full speed once more, to her delight. At the same time, he was careful to keep rimming her ass with his tongue, to give her as much pleasure as possible. It didn''t take long before she was ready for another good orgasm.
"Just like that! Just like that! Oooohhhh! It''s perfect! I''ming again! I''m cumming! Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh!"
Benjamin did the same thing as she had done before, releasing his other hand from her cheek to put it in front of her pussy. She climaxed, trembling and her pussy contracting while she began to squirt again. Her ass twitched and almost ejected him from inside her but he managed to barely stay in, stimting her until the end. His hand in front of her cunt managed to harvest a small amount of her squirt while obviously letting most of it fall in the bath water.
She took a few tens of seconds to calm down and when she did, Benjamin removed himself from her ass and pussy. She turned around, only to see him drink her squirt. Sheughed at the sight, which she had failed to notice the previous time.
"You''re even doing something like this?"
"Of course, because it came out of you. It tastes amazing, you know."
"Ahaha, thank you, darling."
Chapter 70 - 70 – Request
Chapter 70: ¨C Request
They rested in the bath for a little longer, washed, and finally went out. They dried each other with towels, his grandmother yfully giving a peck on his ns, which he reciprocated with one on her clit. At her advice, they brushed their teeth, and, once done, she gave him ast kiss full of passion before they each went to their rooms to put on clean clothes. The other members of the family were starting toe back home and they had finished just in time.
The rest of the day was spent as usual. His grandmother was good at acting as if nothing had happened, perhaps only ncing at him slightly more than normal. He took the opportunity to announce that he would go to a concert on Friday, his sisters getting envious when they heard which concert it was. After dinner, the family decided to watch a movie as they sometimes did. The positions were always fixed, with him being in the center of the sofa, surrounded by his Grandma and His Mom. His grandmother satparatively closer to him than the previous times, their arms touching, but nothing more than that. After the movie, everyone went back to their room and Benjamin surfed on the Inte for some time before going to bed, rapidly falling asleep.
On the next day, Wednesday, Benjamin received an unexpected visit during the recess after the first hour of ss. Sarai came to him, looking very anxious but also a little expectant. A lot of their ssmates didn''t look too happy to see her approach him again but no one intervened.
"Benjamin. Can I talk to you for a minute?"
He was curious about what she could want after what happenedst time and epted. She wanted to talk without being heard and they went out of the ssroom, outside of hearing range from their ssmates. Still, they could see a lot of them who also left the ssroom to monitor them from afar, but not close enough to hear what they would talk about. Looking around nervously, Sarai started to speak in a quiet voice.
"First of all, I wanted to say sorry again forst time and thank you very much for defending me."
"That''s fine, it''s all in the past now."
She nodded thankfully and took a break for a few moments, before continuing.
"Thank you. I wanted to talk to you because I had a favor to ask of you."
She carefully monitored his reaction, ready for anything. He was indeed a bit surprised since he didn''t expect her to ask for a favor in these circumstances. Thinking it might be something important, he replied positively.
"What can I do for you?"
She looked relieved when hearing his answer.
"I-I would like to take a picture of you."
"What? Why would you need that? What sort of picture are you asking for? What are you going to do with it?"
This touched on a sensitive part of his resolutions. He definitely didn''t want her to take a dirty picture of him and post it all over the Inte. Or even sell it, who knew? Any of these would affect his reputation a lot.
"No, no, don''t misunderstand! I just want a normal picture, nothing shameful at all!"
Under his interrogating gaze, she added.
"The truth is... I started this blog of mine."
She took out her phone and quickly showed him a website, which she had clearly loaded in advance. When he began looking at it, she gave him her phone for him to check it as much as he wanted. Benjamin read the blog''s title, "The angel in my school", as well as the first post, which was also the newest released one. It was rtively long, especially since the blog seemed to be having daily updates and he couldn''t help being astonished at the content. This was the narrative of a girl who was admiring a boy in her ss, the "angel" from the blog''s title. To summarize the content, it was all about constant praises for the boy, like how he was always smiling at everyone, that his smile was so beautiful that one would feel good just witnessing it, that he was the kindest creature on earth, that he was so stunning, etc.
Reading further posts, the content was rtively simr. He reached the first post, which dated fromst Friday, where the girl was describing how she sinned against the angel and how the angel not only forgave her but also protected her, so much so that she didn''t get punished for her sin. Then, she described in great detail the shock she felt when she realized how pure the being was, and how low she was inparison. How this great difference still didn''t stop him from saving her and how she felt so grateful to him that she decided to write this blog about him.
Benjamin looked up at Sarai, only to see her looking at him proudly, her gaze containing some sort of worshiping spark in it, before looking down at the phone again. No one was named in her writings but this was clearly all about him! She was the sinner girl while he was the angel. He certainly helped herst Friday but he didn''t think that she would take it so strongly, starting this sort of weird idolizing blog about him. He took a moment to think about how he felt about it and thought that even if it was very over the top in terms of praises, it was also true that she was free to write whatever she wanted. It was innocent and harmless enough and she seemed to be happy about it. However, just in case, he took his phone out, typed the URL into his browser, and bookmarked the blog. He would be able to monitor it to see if it didn''t go out of control in the future. He looked up at her again and said.
"I see. So, what''s the rtion between this blog and a picture of me?"
Chapter 71 - 71 – Proposals
Chapter 71: ¨C Proposals
"If you agree with it, I would like to post a picture of you at the header of the blog. I think it will help me write if I can see you at the same time."
"Hmm, and what sort of picture of me do you want?"
"If possible, you smiling your best smile."
She didn''t seem to be interested in an indecent picture of him, which was quite rare for a girl in this world. Well, she would probably jump on the offer if he proposed it but he obviously would never do that. Just a picture of him smiling on a personal blog wasn''t a big deal and he decided to ept her request.
"Alright, that''s fine. How should we do this?"
"I can take it right now with my phone if that''s fine with you. I will try my best to take a good picture."
"Good, let''s do it."
He gave her back her phone and she took some distance from him, turning around him to find the best position. When she was satisfied and readied her phone, Benjamin beamed, giving his most brilliant smile. She looked mesmerized for a second but quickly adjusted her phone angle and took the picture. Checking the result, she seemed satisfied and grinned at him.
"Thank you, Benjamin! If I can do anything for you in exchange, just tell me."
"Don''t worry about it. As long as you enjoy yourself."
For some reason, she was happy with his answer, not in the way that she liked what he answered but more like his answer met some sort of weird expectation of hers. They went back to their ssroom, Sarai being instantly surrounded by a few other girls and after some whispering, they all shared a cheer. Benjamin wondered if this extremely recent blog could somehow already have some readers and fans. The girls'' antics didn''t escape the rest of the ss and the news propagated soon enough. It didn''t take long before some girls faked indignation and came to him, envy in their eyes.
"Ben, you can''t do that! You''re favoring Sarai too much! What about us?"
"I am not favoring anyone. I just epted her request because it was something so small."
"Then us too!"
"Well, what do you want?"
"Hm, hm, oh, I know! We have a basketball match scheduled against another ss during lunch today. We will definitely win if youe and cheer on us!"
Another girlughed, ridiculing the one who made the proposal.
"What do you mean, cheering on you? You are missing a yer, you won''t even be able to y. Ben, you shoulde to cheer on us instead. We have a ser match after school. There is no way we will lose if youe!"
"You girls are also missing a yer! You are no better than us!"
"Ugh. That''s because you didn''t want to lend us someone from the basketball team!"
"Because you also didn''t lend us someone from your ser team!"
The two girls red at each other angrily, their teammates behind them, and the tension was escting quickly. Benjamin thought about the problem and easily found a solution to it all. He put himself between the two groups and conveyed.
"Don''t fight, everybody. There is an easy solution to all of this. I will fill in the for the missing yer in both matches and that will solve both issues, including the fact that you wanted me to do something for you."
Everyone stopped and watched him, surprised by his idea. A few secondster, the first girl asked, uncertain.
"Err, do you know how to y basketball, Ben?"
"I sure do. Ser too."
"Huh... And are you okay ying while being surrounded by sweaty girls?"
"No problem. Who doesn''t sweat while ying sports? I will too."
Somehow, his remark made all the girls in the ss gulp, their gaze focusing on any exposed skin of his. The second girl continued.
"Well, there is no rule saying that boys can''t participate. We would be grateful if you were to fill in the void in our team. You don''t even need to be good. But, we don''t want you to get hurt."
"Just consider me the same as any other team member. And don''t worry, I won''t drag you down."
The girls considered it a little more before epting it, still somehow unsure about the concept but otherwise happy about his participation. The girls from the basketball team told him the match would be at the school gymnasium and everyone returned to their seats. It was fortunate that the teacher for the next ss was a bitte, allowing them all to talk for so long. On the next break between lessons, Julian and Nathan tried to persuade him not to go y with the girls, worried about him. He reassured them, putting forward how he was often running and ying sports and how he would be like a fish in water. They didn''t seempletely convinced but stopped trying to convince him anyway.
At lunchtime, Benjamin quickly headed to the gymnasium together with the girls of the basketball team. When they were there, he was given a male team jersey which they had in stock for some reason and went to change his clothes in the male changing room, using his PE attire for everything except the team jersey. Since it was basketball oriented, it was a sleeveless top with high skin exposure while he used sports shorts for the bottom. He checked himself in the mirror of the changing room and could already imagine the girls'' reactions to his current appearance. That couldn''t be helped, he was the sinner here for being so handsome. Of course, as always, this opinion was only shared by himself and horny girls having lost all critical judgment.
He exited the changing room and as soon as he was out, he was met with arge cheer. Looking around the gymnasium, he noticed that there were suddenly a lot more students in the audience, all around and in the bleachers, than when they had arrived, consisting mostly of girls with a few boys here and there, including Julian and Nathan. He always marveled about how quickly information traveled in this school. It was as if the students here were plugged into some sort of continuous information feed or something.
...It couldn''t be, right?
Chapter 72 - 72 – Basketball match
Chapter 72: ¨C Basketball match
The girls from both basketball teams came out a littleter than him, only to be met with silence from the spectators. The difference in treatment between him and the rest of the yers couldn''t be more tant. The game had not yet started and Benjamin could already feel very intense gazes on him and his exposed arms and legs. Once everyone was on the basketball court, a female teacher came to act as a referee, ncing at him for a moment, and the match immediately started. Time was limited since lunch break was barely long enough to go through one game.
Contrarily to what one could think when watching reys of basketball games, the sport was very team-oriented. It was to the point that trying to score by oneself would only set one for doom, and it was also very badly seen. Well aware of this, Benjamin didn''t try to show off, focusing on the contrary on passing the ball quickly and precisely to well-positioned teammates. He had yed basketball a lot during elementary and middle school and the sport had no secret to him. The other yers looked very surprised by his quiet but urate passes and he was soon marked as a dangerous element by the other team yers, one girl following at all times to stop him from being too free of movement.
Benjamin soon enjoyed the game, which was bnced, neither team taking toorge of an advantage. He didn''t think for a second to use the fact of being a boy to get any sort of advantage and only focused on winning the game with skills. His serious countenance, focus, and good teamy sent the girls in the audience in a frenzy and he could hear them cheering loudly about whatever he was doing. Whenever there was a small break in the game, he looked around, checking the situation in the gymnasium. He couldn''t help noticing that there were more and more students spectating, to the point that it was getting overcrowded. One time, he waved to his friends who were still watching the game from the bleachers and the reaction of the students around was amusing, to say the least. One girl, who was barely in the same direction as Julian and Nathan, eximed loudly.
"Oh my God, he waved at me!"
"No, at me!"
"Benjamin, look here!"
"Damn, look at his legs and arms. What a hunk."
"No, check his ass. The way it moves is amazing."
"His whole body is a piece of art. If only he was my boyfriend. I would worship it every night."
"He is sweating a lot. I so much want to lick it all until he is clean."
"He is way too sexy. Ugh, sorry, I need to go to the toilet quickly."
"M-me too."
The game continued and the members of his team had learned that, far from a drag, he was a good asset to the team. They started to y more around him, sometimes allowing him to score. Whenever that happened, the cheering in the audience became thunderous, the high-pitched squeals almost loud enough to damage eardrums.
There was now only a minute left of the game and Benjamin''s team was one point behind. They had the ball, though, and everyone was very tensed, sensing that this might be the decisive action of the game. They passed the ball around until one girl noticed Benjamin being well positioned for a potential shot. She passed him the ball and he initiated thest shot of the game. Three of the other team girls hurriedly jumped in front of him to block him. However, just before shooting, he stopped his movement and passed the ball back to the same girl he had received it from. There was a second of lull where everybody was taken aback by the sudden change, including the girl who received the ball. She was now unmarked, though, since he had three girls from the opposing team on him and simply dribbled to the hoot to easily score the victory point, just in time before the referee whistled the end of the game. The spectators went crazy witnessing thisst action and they started a standing ovation.
"Benjamin! Benjamin! I love you! Benjamin! Benjamin! Marry me! Benjamin! Benjamin!"
There were some weird shouts mixed in but he chose to ignore them and went to high-five with his teammates, everyone gleeful at thest-minute victory. They all congratted him for thest action and happily thanked him for his participation.
Now that the game had finished, he took the time to look around the gymnasium onest time. Every centimeter of space that was not the court was now taken, except for one ce. He looked in that direction and saw Nova, the only person who had space around her, the other students very careful not to approach her too much. He soon understood why, looking at her face. It was yet again a weird mix, this time half scowling and half proud, making her appear quite scary indeed. If he had to guess, she was not happy about him exposing himself like this and receiving so much attention, while she was still proud of him for his good match. Amused, he waved at her and she hesitated a second, returning a very minute wave of the hand before turning around and leaving the premise altogether.
The audience was still very excited and he decided to smile at them and thank them for the support, waving at them.
"Everyone, thank you for the cheering!"
He could swear he saw a girl faint in the bleachers'' back rows.
"Benjamin, you were amazing!"
"You''re the best! Thest move was genius!"
"I love you, marry me!"
"I need to go to the toilet again."
"Don''t bother, I just went there and there were at least thirty people already waiting in a queue to enter the bathroom."
"Everyone, did you like what you saw? By the way, I have this small blog of mine..."
"I am so wet that my seat is ruined."
"Perhaps I should use diapers for the ser match."
"No, if you putrge enough clothes on your legs while sitting, you can discretely take care of your business without needing to go to the toilet!"
"What a genius idea!"
He thought he heard Sarai''s voice in the middle but decided to ignore it and went back to the changing room for a quick shower before sses restarted.
Chapter 73 - 73 – Soccer match
Chapter 73: ¨C Ser match
Once done, he returned to his ssroom, just in time for the next ss to start. On the following break between lessons, his two friends came to him and gave him a sandwich.
"Congrats, Ben! Sorry, we couldn''t stay until the end to watch you. The atmosphere was way too crazy. Instead, we thought you might be hungry so we got you this."
"You guys are my saviors, thanks! How much do I owe you?"
"Take it as a congrattory gift for your victory."
"That''s nice, thank you!"
Benjamin began to eat the sandwich while his friendsmented on the game, and other people from the ss soon joined them.
"I knew you were into sports but I didn''t imagine you were this good."
"Yeah. It''s a shame we missed thest action. I heard you bluffed them all, ahah."
One of the girls who joined their conversation revealed.
"Right, it was amazing. He feinted to shoot, only to pass the ball for an easy score!"
"Not everyone can stay calm and think about something like this in a tense situation. You were really cool, Ben!"
"Thank you!"
The ssmates continued to chat about the match until the next teacher entered the ssroom. Once school was done for the day, Benjamin headed to the ser field together with the girls from the ser team. He changed again into his PE clothes, using the ser top jersey which they provided to him. He exited the changing room to see many spectators already waiting all around the field, with more and moreing. His friends, knowing how this was going to end, decided to directly stay out of it this time and had already gone home, with Benjamin''splete approval. In fact, there wasn''t any boy at all this time, as if they had all reached the same conclusion. The girls were all sitting on the grass or the bleachers around, each of them adorning onerge piece of clothing or cloth to cover their waists and legs. He even managed to see a few female teachers here and there covered in the same way.
The girls exited their changing rooms and the same teacher as previously came to act as the referee. The match started and this time, all the other yers took him seriously from the start, something he was d for. He was probably as experienced in ser as in basketball, the sportsmonly yed by teenage boys in the previous world. He had been given a forward position and he wasn''t sure if that was because they trusted him or simply because that was the position they missed in the team in the first ce. His style of y was the same as in basketball, prioritizing the team instead of individual actions and his teammates seemed appreciative of this. This time again the match was well bnced, with each team having opportunities to score from time to time.
The match reached halftime without any side managing to score a goal. Benjamin looked around to check the audience. He was intrigued because they had been cheering in a much tamer manner, even though the gazes on him were as intense as always. He noted that most of the girls had flushed faces and smiled in perverted ways with one or two hands disappearing under the clothes which were covering their lower body, sometimes trembling and panting. He could see very minute movements going on and whenever he locked eyes with one of them, they froze and looked away in shame, only to resume whatever they were doing when he looked somewhere else. He also found out that the teachers were no exception to this, except for the fact that they were a bit more discreet, their expressions much more neutral and their movements almost imperceptible.
He also found Nova again in the bleachers, looking between him and the students around with an annoyed and helpless expression. At least, she was one of the few spectators not doing anything suspicious, simply watching the match sitting in a straight position. He waved at her again and she returned his wave with a wry smile.
The second half of the game began and, very quickly, the opposite team created a nice opportunity for themselves and managed to use it to score a goal. They cheered happily between themselves but the audience started booing them instead. Benjamin turned toward the spectators and signaled them to be quiet, which they promptly did. Now that there was enough silence, he conveyed in a loud voice.
"Girls, it''s okay if you cheer for one side or the other but it''s unfair to boo them for ying well. Please don''t do that."
There was a moment of silence before loud shouts resonated all around.
"Sorry, Benjamin! We won''t do it anymore!"
"He is so mature!"
"You''re way too nice, our angel! Love you!"
"Please be my boyfriend!"
The girls from the other team also grinned at him gratefully and the match resumed like that. Around 15 minutester, his team was the one with a chance to score. Several girls ran to the front, taking the risk to leave the defense weaker to try to even the game points. Benjamin was running on the right side while the ball was on the left side. When the defense on the left side became too much, his teammate holding the ball passed it to him. He managed to outrun the yer marking him to get ahold of it and ran to the goal. He shot with all his strength and the goalkeeper didn''t manage to catch it in time, pushing his team to cheer at evening the score. He high-fived them and they congratted each other happily.
The spectators went into a frenzy, the cheering louder than at any other time previously.
"That was amazing, Benjamin!"
"You can do anything! I love you!"
"How can someone so perfect exist in our school?"
"Everyone, did you like what you saw? By the way, I have this small blog of mine..."
"You again? Don''t worry, I already subscribed to the feed."
"You were too hot when you scored that goal!"
"I''m... I''m... Aaahhh!"
"Marry me!"
After a minute of mixed cheering, the match resumed, but, in the end, no team managed to score anymore and the game ended in a tie. It didn''t seem to matter much to both team members as they congratted each other happily for a good game. Benjamin joined in the fun and chatted with everyone until it was time for him to go back home. He headed toward the male changing room, not before waving onest time to the spectators, causing high-pitched screams to resound onest time.
Chapter 74 - 74 – Inclusive
Chapter 74: ¨C Inclusive
He quickly took another shower and when he exited the room, he found Nova waiting for him. She smiled as she saw him and he smiled back, the two soon heading home together.
"You were cool, Ben. Congrattions on the basketball match victory and the goal in the ser match."
"Thank you!"
They walked for a while in silence and Nova continued.
"It''s a weird feeling. I didn''t like that there was so much attention on you but at the same time, I was proud of it."
"I guess I would feel the same if the circumstances were reversed."
She grinned and the two reached home like this in a good mood. Before separating to go to their respective rooms, he gave her a peck on the lips, whispering in her ear.
"Thank you foring to cheer on me during the two matches."
Taken by surprise, she was stunned for a second and blushed hard. He smiled and entered his room, closing the door before she managed to get a hold of herself. He went to lie on his bed for a short break, getting lost in his thoughts. When he came back to his sense again, it was already 7 pm. The time gave him the idea of visiting his mother''s office, who should be finishing work by now. He went up a floor, checked that no one else was on this floor, and knocked on her office door. As it was for work, his mother had soundproofed the whole room, allowing her to focus on her job without getting distracted by what was happening in the rest of the house. Her voice came back low in volume, as ifing from afar, just like the previous time.
"Come in!"
He entered the room, locking the door behind him. His mother was wearing a white grey shirtbined with a pink skirt today, with her hair flowing down freely on her back. When she noticed him, she blushed a little and voiced.
"You came again, darling. What''s wrong?"
"Are you done with work, Mom?"
"Yes, I just finished now."
"Nice. Did everything go well today?"
"Yes, it was fine. Nothing special."
"I see. Just like I promisedst time, I came to give you another massage. Is now okay for you?"
She hesitated for some time, looking away from him in embarrassment, but nodded in the end. Benjamin went behind her and started his work, just as she had instructed himst time. He massaged her shoulders, using the right amount of force, and continued onto her neck and her back. When he felt that she was rxed enough, he announced, in the most natural way.
"Let me remove your top."
He started to unbutton her shirt and she didn''t protest, only blushing somewhat more. There was a glint in her eyes, as if she was looking forward to it, while her expression remained that of shame. When he removed her bra, her huge tits came out freely, her darker ares and substantial nipplesing into view. Benjamin began to massage them from behind, beginning with the boobs themselves and progressively focusing on her nipples. His mother was now breathing harder, appreciating the feeling of his hands on her breasts. After a minute or two of this, he noticed that she was rubbing one leg against the other and questioned her.
"What''s wrong with your legs, Mom? Do they need a massage too?"
"Ah? N-no, don''t worry about it, darling, it''s nothing."
"No need to feel reserved, I don''t mind massaging them, too."
His mother hesitated, not really sure about this, and he gave her his best smile.
"Please Mom, don''t worry about it. I want to make you feel better anywhere you need it."
Seeing his smile, her hesitation seemed to melt in real time, her doting side taking over, and she nodded.
"O-okay then."
She rotated her chair and presented her legs to him, her face flushed red. He started by massaging her calves and kneading her flesh to rx the muscles. He went to her feet, removing her shoes and socks and working on them delicately, so as to not hurt her. She was startled for a second but didn''t protest, simply choosing to stay silent through it all. When Benjamin wanted to switch to her thighs, he found out that her skirt was hindering him.
"Mom, can you lie face down on the sofa? I think it will be easier that way."
She obedientlyplied, lying down on the sofa. Fortunately, it wasrge enough that she was able to fully extend her legs, not making it ufortable for her. Now that she was in this position, he was able to have a good view of her sizeable behind, protruding visibly from her skirt. He restarted the whole thing, going over her feet and her calves again, only to move on to her thighs. He put his hands under her skirt and massaged her lower back. The work was a bit tricky since he couldn''t see what he was doing under her skirt.
"Mom, I am going to raise your skirt a little because I can''t see what I am doing, okay?"
She hesitated once more but nodded wordlessly again. Benjamin decisively lifted her skirt and raised it until everything was visible, including her panties. She trembled when she felt the airing in contact with her thighs and her buttocks but didn''t protest his action. He could see that there was already a dark patch of wetness on her panties. Now that he had a good line of sight of his target, he resumed his work, starting from behind her knees and progressing up slowly. The closer he was to her groin, the deeper her breathing became. When he began massaging her inner thighs, she squirmed a bit, panting at the feeling. He focused on this area for some time and he could see that she was growing more and more sensitive, the patch of wetness on her panties expanding visibly.
After a while, she started moaning, almost painfully. Benjamin thought the time was suitable and he moved on to knead her ass cheeks, startling her.
"Ben, darling?"
"You''re massaging my buttocks."
"Don''t worry, leave it to me, I will loosen all your stiff muscles."
"I am not sure this is a good id... Aaahhh!"
Before she could finish her sentence, he rubbed one hand on her panties on the area of her pussy and the sudden stimtion coupled with the long build-up pushed her to instantly orgasm, twitching for a few seconds on the sofa and drenching her panties with her juices.
Chapter 75 - 75 – Comprehensive
Chapter 75: ¨C Comprehensive
Benjamin took the opportunity of her climax to carry on with hisbor.
"Your panties are drenched, it must feel very unpleasant. Let me remove them for you."
He swiftly did as he said and was now able to see her pussy. Contrarily to his grandmother''s cunt, hers was very unkept, with pussy hair forming quite the jungle all around her vagina and even around her butthole. Her lips were lightly darkened and her juices were flowing out of her ce continuously. Overall it gave the feeling of having seen a lot of use but having been neglected for a long time. The smell was quite intense after a day of work and was very arousing. Unfortunately, he wasn''t able to see the upper part of her twat and her clitoris because she was lying on her belly.
"I will continue massaging you now."
She was barely able toe down from her orgasm and started to turn her head toward him when he announced this and sent one hand to knead her ass cheeks and the other to work on her pussy. This made her tremble and she halted her movement, letting a loud moan out.
She looked like she was ashamed to let her voice out like this and turned her head back forward, burying it in one of the sofa''s cushions to muffle the sound. Benjamin went on with the massage on her ass cheeks and pussy, causing her to moan even more in her cushion. After a minute of this, he opened her cunt lips and sent two fingers inside her, pumping her for a bit. She was rtively tight and her pussy walls coiled around his fingers, the smell of her opened cavity propagating in the room. Soon, he moved his fingers all around her insides, trying to find her most sensitive ce. Seeing her twitch when he curled his fingers downwards, he choose to focus on that specific piece of flesh, teasing it again and again. It didn''t take more than a minute of this before she came again, her whole body trembling in pleasure.
Her muffled moan came out once more and he happily carried on, fingering her and making her cum at regr intervals. After a few orgasms, he felt like some sort of shift happened to her, as if something inside her had been switched on. She took her head out from her cushion and started to utter.
"Yes! Yes! Right there! Just like that!"
He followed her wishes and continued to fingerbang her as her orgasms went on and on. After some minutes of this, she stopped being vocal and only twitched and climaxed, seemingly getting a little tired. He took his hand out of her hole and put both hands under her to carefully flip her on her back. He was now able to see her face, full of tears and saliva, her expression extremely lewd and orgasmic, with her tongue out. She was panting heavily, trying to catch her breath. Checking lower, he saw the forest of her hairy pussy over her mons pubis as well as her erected deep-colored clitoris, barely visible under it.
"You''re so beautiful, Mom. I love you."
Her tired eyes widened at his deration and he grabbed her tongue with his lips, sucking it up in his mouth, and continued his movement into a deep kiss with her. Her eyes now bulged out at the surprise attack on her lips but she was too tired to stop him. He kissed her for some time, lifted his head from her lips, and repeated.
"I love you, Mom."
He kissed her again for a few seconds, only to stop again, iming.
"I love you."
And kissing her again. As he continued to do this, her gaze slowly started to change, from extreme surprise to eptance and from eptance to love. After ten kisses or so, she took his head in her hands and shouted with all her heart.
"I love you too! My darling, my light, my most precious treasure!"
She was the one to initiate the kiss this time, their tongue twirling around each other and their saliva being exchanged with a lewd slurping noise. She had no inhibition anymore and she went to explore his mouth with her tongue, greedily licking everything she could reach. Whenever she took a break, he did the same to her and they went on to kiss like this for a long time. Finally, she ran out of air and separated from him, panting deeply.
Benjamin took the opportunity to go down on her again. He went through the jungle until he found her wet twat and buried his head in it, licking everything eagerly. He savored her juices, her deep vor tasting of home while the smell of her ripe pussy engulfed him. She moaned in delight and pushed his head deeper inside her crotch.
"My baby, my baby is licking his mommy''s pussy."
He sent his tongue inside her hole to tongue fuck her for some time, ying with her creases, until she climaxed again, sending her juices in his mouth. He gulped her sweet spurts hungrily and changed his focus to her clitoris, licking and sucking it with all the skills he possessed. At the contact of his tongue with her bean, she twitched violently and thrust her hips up, seeking more stimtion. He happily gave her what she wished for by straightening two fingers again and inserting them strongly into her cunt.
"Aaahhh! Yeeesss! Your fingers are so good! Your tongue is amazing, darling!"
Encouraged by her cries, he didn''t hold back anything anymore. His tongue alternated between sucking strongly on her clit and moving from side to side rapidly on it. His fingers began to bang her at full strength, her juices sshing everywhere with a lewd sound and her lewd smell filling his brain. It seemed like the stimtion was incredible because she let her voice out freely. It was a good thing that the room was soundproof.
"Yes! Yes! You''re making mamae again! A huge one ising! It''s been so long! Ah! Hold on, darling, move out of the way! I am going to spray hard!"
She tried to push his head away but she didn''t have enough strength left in her. Benjamin enveloped the top of her pussy in his mouth while continuing to stimte her and waited excitedly for what was toe. She let out a tremendous shout, different from the previous ones, low in tone and resonating, somewhat simr to the way her own mother squealed.
She twitched strongly and squirted with full power. Her eyes rolled back in her orbits and her tongue was out again, her saliva dripping on her chin. Her vagina convulsed uncontrobly, squeezing his fingers with all the force it could muster. Her squirt hit the back of his mouth and he quickly gulped everything, least he became flooded with the incredible amount she released. He enjoyed her salty and sour taste, her jet seeminglysting an eternity, quenching his infinite thirst for female releases.
Chapter 76 - 76 – Understanding
Chapter 76: ¨C Understanding
Her climaxsted for a long time, the longest Benjamin had ever seen a woman experience. It felt like she was finally releasing years of frustrations, as if it was the first time in a long while she let herselfpletely go and enjoy a deep orgasm. She shivered for several minutes and Benjamin took her in his arms after cleaning his mouth until she was done feeling the after-effects of her cumming.
Once his mother calmed down, her face now full of contentment, he started to monitor her expression closely. He knew what was going toe, strong from his previous experiences. His mother started to look toward him and, as soon as he noticed realization appearing on her face, he took the lead and dered.
"Mom, that was amazing. I love you, Mom. Can I massage you again like this another time?"
She was interrupted right in the middle of her thoughts, which were very quickly turning toward guilt. As if in a reflex, or force of the habit as a doting mother, she focused on his words instead of her thoughts, as though there was nothing more important than him talking to her in her mind. She was still confused, however, barely letting out a single word.
"Yes, it''s okay, right?"
Benjamin started to kiss her again. He backed off after a second, smiling brightly. She was more and more confused but watching him smile seemed to put her at ease somehow. He continued to kiss her and ask her if she was alright with it and, after a while, his kisses and grins melted any other thoughts she had. She caressed his hair lovingly and answered.
"Yes, of course, darling. Anything for my baby son."
"Thank you, Mom! I love you!"
He kissed her again, longer this time. Her brain now had time to process everything and a sh of guilt appeared on her expression, soon melted by his kiss, however. After some time of this, she closed her eyes, her expression at peace again. It looked like she had decided to ept everything.
Benjamin, on the other hand, was incredibly horny after going down on her, drinking so much of her juices, and kissing her so many times. He was hard like never and suddenly removed his pants and underwear to raise on his knees, his big cock now right over the head of his mother.
"Mom, you said you would do anything? Can you help me with this, please?"
She gasped when his member touched her face and instinctively sniffed it. Her expression switched to a lewd one and she replied.
"My baby son has grown so much down there. You are so big, darling. Of course, I will help you. Leave it all to mommy."
She began licking the underside of his dick, weakly. It didn''tst very long though, and she soon stopped herself, shame appearing on her face.
"Forgive me, dear. You made me feel so good that I don''t have much strength left."
She thought for a second and added, a little glint in her eyes.
"Let''s do it like this, I will open my mouth and you can use it as you please. I am sorry I have to force you to do it yourself, darling."
"Don''t worry, Mom. I don''t mind at all."
She opened her mouth wide and he inserted his penis. He could feel her wet hole engulfing his member and sighed in pleasure. She weakly tried to stimte him with her tongue but not for long, soon stopping herself. Instead, she signaled him to pump it into her mouth and he followed her instruction. He slowly moved his waist back and forth, and, every time he was buried to the crotch into her, she let out a guttural noise from her throat. Despite being that deep into her throat, it didn''t trigger a gag reflex in her. It felt as if it wasn''t the first time she experienced something like this. Looking at her lewd expression, she seemed to like the act quite a lot. This was confirmed when, a littleter, she motioned him to go faster.
He nodded and increased the speed of his hips, now moving in and out of her much more regrly. The change pushed him to take her head in his hands for stability and she nodded in approval. He noticed from the corner of his eyes that she had moved one hand to her groin and started to rub her pussy to the rhythm of his dick plowing into her mouth. A little whileter, she motioned him to go faster again and he upped his pumping speed again. However, she didn''t stop her gestures, on the contrary, pressing him to go even faster. When he did so, she still continued to signal him and he asked her, uncertain.
"Are you sure, Mom? I don''t want to hurt you."
She nodded vigorously with his dick in her mouth, her face full of lust, and Benjamin decided to not care anymore. He put his hands behind her head and used all his strength to push his cock as deep as possible into her mouth, followed by moving backward and then plugging her violently again. He continued to face-fuck her like this as her expression showed her ecstasy. It seemed that she had gotten back a bit of strength in her arms since she was now using both hands on her cunt, one drilling her hole and the other one jerking her clitoris.
Benjamin experienced a strong euphory, the feeling of control he had over his mother giving him incredible pleasure while her sticky mouth around his dick felt amazing. The smell of her pussy, her juices, and the squirt she had released before was going directly to his brain, enhancing the whole experience. He continued to jackhammer her orally and she was soon tearing in pleasure from the strong impacts. Under those circumstances, Benjamin wasn''t able tost any longer and he announced loudly.
"I aming, Mom!"
Her eyes widened and she waited impatiently for him, her hand on her clit going so fast that it was now but a blur. He finally jerked his hips onest time, pushing his cock as far as possible and releasing his sperm deep inside her throat, spurting again and again with a low groan, happy to get his release after so much build-up. Feeling his semen, she reached her climax, though a smaller one this time, her twat only twitching a few times. She instead focused on gulping everything down as soon as it came out, except for hisst batch. When he removed his member from her mouth, she savored his remaining sperm for a long time, her tongue feeling his spunk as much as she could, only to eventually swallow everything.
"My darling son''s seed, so delicious. Mom can die happy, now."
Chapter 77 - 77 – The day after tomorrow
Chapter 77: ¨C The day after tomorrow
"Are you sure? You promised me we would be doing something like this again, didn''t you? And you know, I am not a child anymore."
She sent him an interrogative gaze and he added.
"I know you have been very lonely after Dad left us. But I am here now and I won''t let you feel like that again."
She nced at him, bewildered. Soon, she smiled and took him in her arms.
"My son is all grown up now."
She then went silent for a bit, reflecting on what had happened.
"I am sorry, Ben. I should be ashamed of myself for what we did but I am just too happy. I love you too much, my lovely son."
"Don''t worry, it is the same for me. I love you too, Mom."
The two of them snuggled on the sofa together, cuddling for a while until Benjamin announced that he should leave to prepare dinner. They cleaned themselves until they were presentable and left the office, going down to the kitchen. They chatted lightly while he prepared the family meal and the other members of the house slowly came down one by one, joining the conversation. Once he was done, they had a pleasant meal, the day ending in a rxing mood.
The following day, Thursday, also started very normally. As usual, Benjamin had a good time with Sasha in the morning. Sheplimented him for his contributions in the sports matches, even though she was worried he would get hurt ying with so many rowdy young girls. During the day, everyone talked a lot about the two matches, excitedly retelling the coolest moments and praising him. He took the opportunity to check Sarai''s blog during recess and saw his picture at the top of the page. It looked alright, just him smiling normally, and he was satisfied with how it turned out. The number of views on the blog had skyrocketed, though, and thements were quite simr to the praises he received these two days. It seemed that his aplishments had a great impact on the blog''s poprity. The rest of the time at school, he talked with Julian and Nathan about the concert on Friday and they went through the smaller details of their outing.
On the way home after school, Benjamin thought about his family. He was d that they were getting closer and that everyone looked like they were very happy these days. Was this possibly what his grandmother meant previously?
Filled with positive thoughts, he had the idea of doing something for them. Thinking about it a bit more, he decided to bake a cake to eat after dinner. As far as he knew, they all loved sweets and it should be something they would be delighted to get. He reached home and prepared to go to his room when he noticed that his grandmother was in the living room, which was rare for her at this time of the day. When she heard him arrive, she smiled at him and said.
"Wee back, love. How was school?"
"It was good, same as usual. What about your day, Grandma?"
"I had a good day too. I was waiting for you because I wanted to ask for a favor."
"Sure, if it''s something I can do."
"Can you leave your Sunday morning open for me? There is something I would like to discuss with you. And after that, I am going to go on a hike with my friends and you are very wee to join if you want to."
"Well... That''s fine. I had no ns for Sunday anyway. I am all yours."
He added hisst sentence with a mischievous grin and his grandmother responded with a bit of a predatory look.
"Be careful about what will happen to you if you say that to a woman, darling."
"Ahah, noted. I will keep it in mind."
He was pretty sure he had used the sentence already and could confirm its great effect. He started to go toward the stairs when he thought he might as well use the fact that his grandmother was there. He turned in her direction again and asked her.
"Grandma, I am going to bake a cake today, what sort do you want?"
"Chocte cake."
Her instantaneous answer rejoiced him. It was in times like these that he liked her straightforward personality, allowing him not to lose any time deliberating about which cake to bake. He checked a recipe on his phone and told her.
"Good, I will quickly go to the super to buy the ingredients we miss here."
"Hm, I might as well join you."
He went to his room to fetch the groceries'' debit card and they both started to walk toward the closest supermarket while chatting about little nothings. They were soon back with what Benjamin needed, his grandmother going to her room after helping him to put the groceries away. He decided to bake the cake before cooking dinner since it was his first time making anything sweet and he guessed he would need enough time, in case of failure. Fortunately, his experience in cooking helped and he was able to get a satisfying result by strictly following the recipe. He put his work in the oven to bake, put an rm for when it should be ready, and went to his room to rx in the meanwhile since it was still too early to prepare dinner.
One hourter, it was ready and he went down again to the kitchen. Getting there, he saw Grace and Chloe waiting in front of the oven, a hungry look on their face. Unfortunately for them, Benjamin didn''t feel any pity for them.
"It''s for after dinner."
Of course, they tried to beg him anyway, Chloe leading the charge.
"Just a little bit, Ben, please. It smells so good."
Next to her, Grace nodded fervently. Used to their antics now, Benjamin didn''t relent.
He took the cake out of the oven and when he was done, he noticed his sisters looking as sad as abandoned puppies on a rainy day. Their expressions almost got to him but he pulled himself together.
"Come on, don''t look like that. You can wait until after dinner, right?"
They nodded reluctantly and he added.
"I will start preparing dinner now so it won''t be too long."
Chapter 78 - 78 – The chosen one
Chapter 78: ¨C The chosen one
Since there was cake for dessert, he decided to make something light for the main dish. He began to put together a mixed sd, with a lot of greeneries, tomatoes, mushrooms, chicken, and a simple sd sauce based on olive oil. His two sisters were monitoring each of his movements as if that could hasten the process somehow. It was a simple enough dish to fix and he was done soon, to their joy. He turned toward them and asked them to call the rest of the family down, which they rushed to do. Two minutester and everyone was sitting on their chair, the meal starting and the girls devouring everything. He always readiedrge portions so that it wouldn''t be a problem but with the main dish being lighter today, it disappeared even faster than usual.
He removed the empty te of sd and put the cake in its ce. Their expressions suggested that they looked forward to it very much and he cut it into eight equal portions, distributing one to each of them. Their pieces disappeared almost as soon as they arrived on their tes and when they were done, they all started to eye thest remaining piece. Benjamin sat down back to eat his own, appreciating his hard work. It was quite good and he felt proud of the result; he thought that he did well for his first cake ever. When he was done, he saw that there was tension in the air. Chloe tried to take thest remaining piece for herself with abination of fake innocence and looking like she wasn''t doing anything special, only to be blocked by five other hands.
"Not so quick, kiddo. This is mine."
"No way, Grandma. I had my eyes on it from the start."
"I want it too."
"With my authority as the mother of the family, I im this piece for myself."
"Dream on, Mom."
"I finished my share quicker so it should be mine."
"What sort of logic is that?"
"Quiet, I said it''s mine."
The argument was getting bigger and Benjamin decided to stop it before they began fighting again.
Hearing him talk, they all stopped arguing and turned toward him.
"I also want it for myself so let''s determine who should get it fairly."
"Let''s see... What about a game? Something like poker? It''s been a while since we did anything other than watching TV in the evening so it might be a good opportunity for a change."
"Poker, huh? Why not."
"Sounds fun."
"I''m in."
"I''ll get the cards!"
Chloe, as energetic as always, rushed upstairs to get a deck of cards from the storage room on the second floor. The others cleaned up the table, Benjamin leaving the piece of cake in the middle as a trophy for the future winner. When Chloe came back, they all headed to the side of the living room, deciding to use the low ss table there to y the game, everybody sitting on the floor. Benjamin felt a gaze on him and, when he looked up, he saw his grandmother winking at him before speaking.
"Just ying the game normally sounds a bit boring. What about we make it more thrilling?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean strip poker!"
There was a moment of silence before their mother and Nova eximed.
"What!? Are you crazy?"
"No way!"
On the other hand, Grace and Chloe seemed surprised but very interested, checking Benjamin from top to bottom. Even Olivia, who usually stayed neutral, took quick looks at him, somewhat attracted by the idea.
"Sounds fine."
"I am totally for it!"
"I don''t really mind..."
Their grandmotherughed, happy with her sess.
"Seems like we have a majority for. Give up, re, Nova."
re was their mother''s name, which only their grandmother used from time to time.
"How can you all agree with that? Benjamin is participating, you know!"
He smiled and answered lightly.
"I don''t really mind. Aren''t we within the family? It will make the game more serious, no holding back. You girls better y well or you will end up in the nude before you know it!"
Heughed and his grandmother followed suit. The two recalcitrant ones still didn''t seempletely convinced about it. Their grandmother went to them and started to whisper something in their ears. Soon enough, they looked toward him, and, after a few minutes of persuasion and a long re at him, they finally nodded their heads.
"Fine, but let''s not go too far, alright?"
"Of course. Here is how I think we should do it. We can follow the five-card draw rules and the one with the worst hand removes a piece of clothing. Is that fine with all of you?"
Everyone nodded except for Chloe and Olivia, who asked for an exnation of the rules.
"This version of the game is very simple. You get five cards at the start and you are allowed to either keep your hand as it is or change any number of cards with new ones from the deck, even your full hand if you want. When everyone is done changing their cards, we all show our hands and the one with the worst one loses. If you don''t know the hand rankings, you can check them on your phone. Is it all clear?"
"I got it."
"Me too."
Chloe and Olivia checked the hand rankings on their phone, which they put down on the table next to them to be able to refer to at any time. Benjamin and Nova followed suit since they also didn''t remember everything by heart. Only Grace, their mother, and their grandmother felt confident enough not to use any references.
It was time for the first round of the game and the tension and excitation could be felt inside the living room. Only their grandmother looked rxed as she took the role of the dealer, distributing the cards to everyone. Once she was done, Benjamin checked his first hand.
Chapter 79 - 79 – Cards
Chapter 79: ¨C Cards
A four of clubs, a six of hearts, a nine of hearts, a ten of diamonds, and a queen of diamonds. What a pitiful hand. He could try to change the four and six and hope to get something that could helpplete the rest of his cards. He checked on his phone and wasn''t sure if he should aim for a straight or a flush in this situation. He could count the number of times he had yed the game on one hand and it was always very casual, at that. He was pretty much a novice and he could see the other novices also checking on their phones, trying to figure out the worth of their cards. On the other hand, the "experts" had only given a quick look at what they had and waited calmly for the rest to be ready.
When all of them were ready, their Grandma started distributing the cards to whoever requested them. Benjamin didn''t pay much attention to who was requesting how many cards, only focusing on asking two for himself, discarding his four and six. Two of spades and four of hearts. He felt sad just looking at his hand. He had discarded a four just to get another one. Not only did he not get anybination, but his highest card was also a simple queen.
It was time to show their hands. Some had pairs and one had a double pair. It was unexpected but his hand wasn''t the worst and Grace had an even more terrible hand than him, with disparate cards and her highest one being a ten.
"I will remove a sock."
She removed it and put it on the ground, the second round starting immediately. Benjamin had a decent hand this time, one pair from the start. He choose to discard everything else and he managed to get three of a kind. He checked his phone and found out that it was rarer than the double pair, making it the highest ranking hand so far. He was pretty safe with this. Once everyone showed their hands, Chloe was the one who lost and chose to remove a sock this time.
A few roundster, he only managed to get a hand simr to what Grace had gotten on the first round and was the one who had to remove a piece of clothing. Of course, he choose to remove a sock too, and while doing so he noticed some of his sisters looking at him, some intensively, some with disappointment.
The game continued. It relied more on luck than other variations of poker since there was no bluffing involved and everyone was rtively on the same level, the three confident ones doing barely better than the rest. Finally, Olivia lost one game too much. Without any socks left to remove, she had to choose to part with either her T-shirt or her pants. Red-faced, she choose to remove her T-shirt, exposing her in bra which was supporting her cute middle-sized breasts. At this point, their grandmother couldn''t help leaving ament.
"Hehe, now it''s getting interesting."
The next one who had to get loose of her top was Chloe, exposing her small chest and sports bra. She didn''t really need to wear one but it apparently made girls feel more like adults and more attractive, at least in their minds. Eventually, what should happen urred and it was Benjamin''s time to have a losing hand and no more socks to remove. His mother immediately tried to protect him.
"You don''t have to do it if you don''t want to, dear."
This remark wasn''t so well received by some of the other participants.
"What? No way, that would be unfair!"
"I agree with Chloe."
"You''re right, I was the one who chose to y, fully aware of the rules. Don''t worry, Mom, It''s nothing big and we are within the family."
He started removing his top and he could feel six intense gazes on him. As soon as he was topless, the girls let out sighs of amazement and some barely audible whispers.
Some of them had already seen everything before but that didn''t stop the six of them to react pretty much in the same manner, namely a very focused stare toward his bare chest. He let them check him for a moment before mentioning.
"Should we go on?"
Startled, they removed their gaze from him and the game continued, not without them sending nces at him from time to time. After a few minutes, he could see a hint of excitement in their eyes as they took a peek at him whenever they thought they wouldn''t get caught. As they carried on with the game, their grandmother was the one who was in the best state, without any socks but with the rest of her clothes on. The other girls had all lost their tops and began taking off their bras. Soon enough, Benjamin was surrounded by exposed boobs, a quite pleasant view indeed. While some of them had started squirming after looking at his bare torso, he could also feel himself slowly reacting to the situation, his member twitching a bit and hardening every time more skin was being revealed.
A littleter, he ended up having a really bad hand, a misfortune which rejoiced the females in the room. Even his mother and Nova, who were initially against the whole thing, were now looking forward to him stripping, a fact which he found funny.
He had the disadvantage of having one less piece of clothingpared to them since they all were wearing a bra. Left with no other choice, he stood up and took his pants off, exposing his underwear, the bulge of his already hard cock clearly visible through the cloth. The sight made the girls gasp in appreciation, the breathing of all the women elerating. They didn''t even try to be discrete now, six gazes fully focusing on his crotch, their faces red with excitation. He had to clear his throat noisily for their eyes to barely leave his groin, and the game resumed one more time.
Chapter 80 - 80 – Hard-earned
Chapter 80: ¨C Hard-earned
This time, their grandmother didn''t get lucky and she had to remove her top, which she did without any shame, exposing yet another in bra to everyone. The next one to lose was Nova. Being already topless, she was the first girl who had to take off the bottom part of her clothes. She did so shamefully, onlyforting herself by peeking at Benjamin''s underwear, exposing in white panties, smeared by arge patch of wetness. No one made anyment, Benjamin only appreciating the view quietly and the others not caring much about it, much more interested in looking at him.
After a few rounds, more and more of them had to expose their panties, except their grandmother, who still managed to keep her bra on. Somehow, Benjamin was lucky enough to avoid having the worst hand for a long time, to the disappointment of the other yers. His mother ended up with a terrible hand in the next game. She looked around and, seeing no pity in the eyes of her family members, sighed hopelessly and removed her panties, exposing herselfpletely to all of them. Benjamin was surprised to see that her very abundant pussy hair had all but disappeared, now showing a very neatly trimmed patch on her pelvis. He looked up and saw that she was also ncing at him, looking away and blushing the moment their eyes met. It seemed that she hurriedly trimmed her hair down there after the previous day''s happenings. It was clear as day that she expected more to happen and wanted to appear even slightly more presentable to him after neglecting herself for a long time.
As time went on, most of the girls had to expose themselves, giving him an amazing view. He was also getting very excited, reviewing all those dripping wet pussies, his penis extremely hard in his underwear. Eventually, the unavoidable urred and he got a bad hand once again. As soon as they saw him lose, the six women smiled widely, looking forward to the show. He stood up one more time and removed his underwear, revealing his dick in all its splendor. The females all gulped at the view, their faces flushed with lust, some of them murmuring.
"If that went inside me..."
They started to squirm, rubbing their legs together, panting noisily. Benjamin let them enjoy themselves for a little longer before forcefully asking for the game to continue.
Their grandmother started distributing the cards, her eyes never leaving his member just like all the others. It seemed that the stimtion was a bit too much, as proven by Chloe, who barely forced herself not to send a hand into her crotch. Soon enough, she stood up with a quickment, leaving a small pool of juices on the spot she had been sitting on.
However, she was so excited that she was unstable on her legs and tripped after the second step. She fell on Benjamin, head first into his groin. She immediately jumped back to her feet, shouting.
"Sorry, Ben! That wasn''t on purpose!"
Her fall into his cock had made her even hornier and she looked around the table with her eyes shaking, before announcing loudly.
"I give up! You can continue without me!"
She rushed toward the stairs, leaving a trail of juices on her path. This event didn''t leave the other participants unmoved, on the contrary, all the gazes fixated on the spectacle of his erected dick. It didn''t take long before they chose to follow Chloe.
"I give up too. Enjoy the cake."
"Same here."
"Me too."
They all quickly headed to their respective rooms without even bothering to pick up their clothes, leaving Benjamin alone in the living room to be the winner by default. The whole thing made himugh and he went to get the piece of cake, appreciating the taste of his hard-earned victory, before going upstairs too.
There, he was met with a concert of loud voicesing from the rooms of his sisters and it didn''t take a genius to understand what they were doing. While he had sometimes been hearing and ignoring small suspicious noisesing from the other rooms at night after he moved to this different world, it seemed that they didn''t have the mind to stay discreet today. Approaching Chloe''s room, he could hear distinctly what she was shouting.
"Yes! Feel my tight pussy on your big cock! Mhmm! I will fuck you so hard, Ben!"
Olivia''s voice was a bit more subdued.
"Lick me, lick me more! Yes, just like that! Your tongue is amazing! I love you! I love you, Ben!"
Nova''s voice was also quieter but very intense.
"How do you like my pussy, Ben? Leave it all to me, I will make you feel amazing. Yes, I love you too!"
Their moans made his member twitch, leaving him even more excited. Curious, he went to the third floor. He was met with the same sort of squeals, also clearly audible from the hallway. The three women were very loud and didn''t seem to care at all about the noise they were making. He could hear Grace yelling clearly.
"Are youing? It''s okay! Come whenever you want, my angel! Release it all deep inside me!"
His mother was also howling with passion.
"Yes, you''re so strong, darling! Fuck me harder! Harder! Harderrrr! Yeeesss!"
And his grandmother was no exception.
"That''s good, love! Faster! Stronger! Don''t worry about me, dear, I can take it! Yes! Just like that! Ooohhh!"
In a way, it was a good reference for each of their preferences. Even though women in this world didn''t hesitate to be vocal during sex and express what they wanted and liked, any information about their fantasies was always wee. The most surprising ones were perhaps Chloe and his mother. Chloe appeared very womanly in her fantasy, perhaps having a preference for having control even though she was the younger one. As for his mother, she was the opposite, seemingly liking to leave reign to her partner and enjoying being on the receiving end. It was interesting because it was not standard in this world, where women were supposed to take the lead for most things in general.
Anyway, he was now left with a lower-level problem. What was he supposed to do with his raging boner?
Chapter 81 - 81 – Choice
Chapter 81: ¨C Choice
Since it looked like none of them were done anytime soon, Benjamin resolved himself to help at least one of these poor souls. He thought about it and choose to check on Grace. He wasn''t really afraid of being caught judging by the noise density in the two other rooms and how busy indulging themselves they seemed to be. Knowing how lusty the women in this world were, he also probably had ample time before they calmed down. Moreover, there was a high chance that they would tire themselves out and fall asleep as soon as they finished.
It seemed that Grace hadn''t taken the time to lock her door and he quietly opened it, trying not to make any sound. When there was just enough room for him to see inside, he gave a small peek at the situation. She was lying on her bed on her back, stillpletely nude, her legs widely opened. Her eyes were closed, her focus intense, and she didn''t notice him opening the door at all. She was violently plunging two fingers of her left hand into her pussy while the thumb of that same hand rubbed her clitoris at high speed. In parallel, the thumb of her right hand was also rubbing the bottom of her cunt hole whereas her major and index fingers were being sent inside her butthole, all of that with great coordination. He could feel that there was some great level of skill there; this was not the masturbation session of a beginner.
He moved inside, closed the door behind him while locking it, and approached her noiselessly until he was right next to her. He covered her mouth with his hand and she jumped with a start, extremely surprised at the contact, shouting in his hand with the sound of her cry being muffled. She opened her eyes and when she realized who was there, she blushed terribly and quickly removed her hands from her crotch, looking ashamed, instinctively trying to break free from his hand. He put one index in front of his mouth and whispered.
"Shhh. Calm down, Grace."
Hearing him, she progressively stopped struggling, until she was quiet again. He removed the hand which was blocking her mouth and she took a deep breath, looking at him, using.
"As promised, I came to help you when you couldn''t take it anymore."
Her denouncing expression instantly left her and her eyes widened at his words. A few seconds more and she was blushing again, for a different reason.
"I could hear you from the hallway. Don''t worry, I will follow your wish and send my sperm deep inside you."
As soon as she understood his meaning, her eyes bulged out and her expression contorted lustily. She was very horny after having been interrupted midway in her self-pleasuring session and he was only making things worse. She locked eyes with him while sending her hands back to her twat. She put two fingers from each hand inside her pussy and pulled them on the sides, opening her vagina wide, inviting. He could see the twitching and soaked flesh, ready for his intrusion, the intense smell of her sex and masturbation enticing him.
"Come into your big sister, Ben."
He didn''t need more prompts than that and climbed on the bed, aligning his penis with her opening. Both participants looked very excited, their aligned fantasies soon to be realized. Without any other dy, he pushed forward, entering her warm folds, both of them sighing in pleasure. Pushing further, he was met with her hymen, which he quickly pierced in a stroke, not wanting to shame her by paying too much attention to it. She let out a small gasp but tried to remain otherwise stoic. He reached her deepest part and stopped for a moment, appreciating the situation. He had just deflowered his sister, the idol of his fantasies, and was going to have sex with her. The exhration was very strong, and,bined with the build-up so far, caused his cock to jerk inside her. Feeling his dick piercing her hymen, reaching her cervix, and spasming inside her pushed Grace to her limits, reaching her first orgasm, letting out a long and joyful moan.
Her pussy contracted strongly around his penis, releasing a wave of wetness, and the sudden shrinking of her hole also forced him to cum, suddenly ejacting his semen deep inside her with a groan. He was very surprised to havee so fast. Was it really because it was her, after all?
Feeling his spunk filling her insides, she let out a satisfied sigh. She put one hand on her lower belly and gave out a wide grin of happiness.
"It feels so warm inside me. It is like a dreame true. I never imagined I would feel your semen inside me one day. I am happy, Ben. I am very happy right now."
"It is the same for me. I still can''t believe we are really doing this. I love you, Grace."
"I love you too, my angel."
Benjamin bent over to kiss her and they shared a long smooch, passionately entangling their tongues and exploring each other''s mouths. He could feel herrge breasts against his torso and enjoyed the springy feeling. While kissing, he started to move his waist, slowly taking his dick in and out of her. She moaned in his mouth and he thought to give her some breathing space when she put her arms around his head and pulled it back to herself. Taking the hint, he continued to explore her insides on both ends, his tongue licking everything in her mouth and his cock remodeling her vagina to fit him. It always felt great to kiss during pration and it was something he also weed.
He maintained his hips movements, leisurely enjoying her virgin pussy. Her creases were holding onto his penis as if to never let go and the feeling was amazing. Her face was also lost in the moment, full of lust, her tonguezily moving around his mouth, her focus more on her cunt being constantly forced open by his cock. It didn''t take long before she muffled in his mouth once again, reaching another climax, her walls squeezing him and her pussy flooding itself with waves of juices.
Chapter 82 - 82 – Reverse
Chapter 82: ¨C Reverse
She rested for a few moments until she removed her arms from around his head. He took a break from kissing her and she uttered.
"It feels amazing. I am sorry foring without you, Ben. Let me be on top this time. You just rx and I will make you feel good."
They reversed their position by rolling over, him lying on his back and her riding him in a cowgirl position, his penis never leaving herfortable insides. As soon as they were in position, she started moving her hips up and down awkwardly, since she wasn''t used to the position, her ass cheeks pping against his thighs and herrge tits bouncing in rhythm. It was a great sight and Benjamin took hold of her boobs, massaging them and teasing her nipples. Feeling that she was in control for the first time during her first sexual experience excited Grace, enhancing the feeling of his cock hitting strongly against her womb as well as his hands on her breasts. She began going faster and faster as she got used to the position, expressing her euphory in a loud voice.
"It''s so good, your dick feels so good, Ben! Are you feeling good too? Do you like my pussy?"
"Yes, it''s incredible, Grace. You are so hot and tight."
He was still careful not to speak too loudly, just in case he was heard, while her shouts could be taken as fantasy talks during a masturbation session and didn''t matter. His words only made her hornier and she elerated the pace of her waist movements, impaling her cunt on his dick. The exceeding stimtion soon made her do one big hips movement, almost removing his member from inside her, only to violently drop down on him, his ns poking strongly against her cervix. This pushed her to yet another orgasm, squirming on top of him and sending her juices on his groin.
She trembled for some time, enjoying her climax, and soon resumed her movements, seeking more pleasure. She bounced on him a few times before feeling that something was missing and bent her upper body, seeking yet another kiss. Benjamin easily satisfied her wish, removing his hands from her tits and using them to hold her head, starting a deep tongue kiss once again. She resumed moving her waist, in an exact inversion of the start of their mating session. They enjoyed the double stimtion, entangling their tongues while Grace was fucking herself on him. She kept at it for a few minutes, the pleasure slowly rising, until both of them couldn''t hold it anymore. They climaxed at the same time, Benjamin groaning his pleasure during their kiss and her moaning her joy in his mouth. He sent several strong jets of sperm inside her, filling her even more, and she appreciated the feeling, her twitching flesh contracting strongly each time she felt the semen invading her.
She started to tear up after so much pleasure and her climaxing and perverted face switched a gear in Benjamin''s mind. Without waiting for theirbined orgasm to end, he started pumping into her from the bottom, sending powerful cock strokes in her twat. Surprised by the sudden change, she separated from his lips, stopping their kiss and moaning loudly.
"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"
Her moans excited him even more and he went even stronger on her, using all the strength of his waist to reach as deeply and as powerfully as possible inside her. The strong stimtion forced her to let her head fall next to his, without the force or the will to support it, just focusing on the incredible pleasure. Soon enough, she had another orgasm, which didn''t stop Benjamin at all, on the contrary. He rolled over again with her and switched position once more before turning her on her belly and rising her ass, sending his cock all the way inside in one big thrust. He continued to bang her like that, bestowing her with more and more climaxes. She hadpletely lost any resistance by that point, simply letting him do anything he wanted with her, her talk about pleasuring him long forgotten.
With her ass in front of him and remembering the way she had been masturbating, an idea popped into Benjamin''s mind. He put one of his fingers in his mouth to lubricate it and sent it inside her ass, prating her puckered hole in one go. There was little resistance, as if to prove that she was often ying with it, and he inserted it all the way to the knuckle in one try.
Feeling the sudden attack on her ass, she squealed sonorously.
"Aahh! My ass! Yeess! Finger my ass, I love it! Use more fingers!"
It was always nice that women expressed their desires so easily. He quickly obeyed her, lubricating another finger and sending both of them once again in her ass, making her shiver in pleasure. Seeing his sister feeling it so hard turned him on to the max and heunched himself in an extreme pistoning of her cunt, the sound of his waist mming on her ass cheeks resonating in the room, all the while fingering her ass as hard as he could. She was sent in a flurry of orgasms, not getting any time in between them, howling her ecstasy.
"Cumming! Cummiiinng! Aaaaahhhhh! Again! So strong! So gooooood! Fuck my pussy, fuck my pussy, fuck my pussyyyy!"
Happy to oblige, he furiously pumped her snatch at full power without a stop for several minutes. Finally, when he felt her constantly clutching cunt rxing itself and her strength leaving her body, he went into a final spurt until he let himself go onest time, sending his sperm deep inside, groaning his pleasure in a low voice. He waited until his ejaction was finished and removed his penis from her pussy, checking his sister''s condition. She had her head on her pillow and was unmoving. He turned her on her back, only to see that she had fainted from too much pleasure, her face full of tears and drool. Her cunt was still opened in the shape of his dick and his semen was slowly flowing out from her hole, dripping on the sheets.
He positioned her in a way where she would befortable enough, turning her a little toward him, and snuggled inside herrge bosom, cuddling with her until she woke up.
Chapter 83 - 83 – Venue
Chapter 83: ¨C Venue
He wasn''t in a hurry since he was still able to hear the shouts from his mother and grandmother, who were still masturbating in their rooms. He suckled on Grace''s nipples to pass the time until she came to, a few minutester, sluggishly opening her eyes. She saw him removing his lips from her tits and smiling at her as well as feeling his body against hers. It took her a second to understand her situation and she returned his smile when she did, hugging him closer to herself.
"I love you, Ben."
"I love you too, Grace. I am sorry, I was a bit too excited. How are you feeling?"
She shook her head and answered.
"No, you were absolutely amazing. I have never felt so good in my life before."
"That''s good. It was great for me too, you were so beautiful and sexy that I lost control of myself."
She grinned and kissed him passionately. He responded in kind, the both of them sharing another deep kiss. They continued to hug and kiss for a while until Benjamin sensed that his mother and grandmother were getting close to the finish. Not wanting to take any risk, he kissed Grace onest time and spoke.
"I will go now. Have a good night, Grace."
"You too, Ben. Sleep well."
He quietly left her bed, went to the door, unlocked it, and opened it without making any noise, closing it behind him. He was a bit curious about how his Mom and Grandma were faring. He approached his grandmother''s door first and was only able to hear her squealing loudly.
"Ooohhh! Ooohhh! Ooohhh! Ooohhh! Ooooooohhhhhhh!"
Heading to his mother''s door, the situation was a little different.
"Just like that! Go on! Release everything in mommy''s pussy! Yes! Yeess! I can feel it! Aaaaahhhhh!"
Soon after, they went quiet and he didn''t hear any more noiseing from them. He decided to go down one floor to see how the situation had evolved there. Nova and Olivia''s rooms were also quiet now, the only one left making noises was Chloe. As expected, she was still the same insatiable little imp, continuing longer than everyone else. She wasn''t saying anythingprehensible anymore, just moaning in arge voice.
"Aahh! Aahh! Mhmm! Aahh! Aahh!"
He was curious how long she would continue and stayed there until she was done. After around thirty minutes, she released arger shout than before and stopped making any more noise. Her stamina and lust were definitely on another level for her to touch herself for so long.
He headed back to the living room on the first floor to fetch his clothes and went back up to his room. He put some pajamas on and went to bed, quickly falling asleep.
The following day was Friday, the day they had nned to go to the concert and the three friends met at the train station after school. They had nned the trip to the venue and they would need to take a train and a bus to get to their destination. They had checked that there would still be some buses and trains running on the way back. Everything was in order and they boarded the train when it arrived. After about one hour and ten minutes ofbined transit time, they arrived at the location where the concert would take ce. It was a medium-sized indoor venue that could host a few thousand people at the same time.
Julian handed the tickets to his friends and they cleared the entrance without any issue, entering the concert hall. The stage was to the front and the rest of the space was divided into two sections. One small space on the left and a much bigger one on the right, bothpletely surrounded by metal concert fences. They were sent to the smaller left area, which was a men-only section, while the other was only full of women. Benjamin was intrigued by the fact that men and women were separated. Was it to avoid women making use of the crowd to grope men with impunity?
There was still around fifteen minutes before the start of the concert but there were already several tens of times more women attending than men, for some reason. Benjamin decided to ask his friends about it.
"Howe there are so few men attending? Is this singer not popr with men?"
"No, as far as I know, he has as many male fans as female ones. This is weird."
"Right. I am not sure why either."
They continued to wait while chatting while more and more people arrived at the venue. A few minutes before the start of the show, a lot of security personnel started to surround the fences of two spaces, most of them around the women''s area and only a few around the men''s area. They were all women without exception and Benjamin thought that they looked at the few men weirdly. It was a different feeling from the usual interest toward men but he couldn''t express what was different exactly.
The closer to the start of the concert, the more tension could be felt. Nathan and Julian were excited to see their idol in person and Benjamin also looked forward to his first concert since the world had changed, wondering how different it would be. Finally, the lights in the venue dimmed and a flew spotlights focused on the stage. A stylish young man arrived on the scene from backstage, mike in hand, with spotlights following him and music starting in the background. He was in histe twenties, sporting shy but nice-looking clothes as well as red elegant shoes. His hair was done in a very artistic way, with most of it pulled on one side and going down to his shoulders. Just judging by his appearance, he was definitely leaving a strong impression, which probably was the goal.
Without any timeout, he immediately started singing the first song. Benjamin didn''t check 42-Answer''s songs beforehand since he wanted to keep the surprise for the concert itself. The first one was a dynamic popr song which quickly grew on him and he was soon led into the rhythm of the music with the rest of the fans.
Chapter 84 - 84 – Concert
Chapter 84: ¨C Concert
42-Answer, or 42 for short, was very talented, to the point that even Benjamin was able to notice it even though he didn''t know much about music. His voice was both sonorous and pleasant and his interpretation of the song was wless. This made sense since he had heard that he was the one whoposed every single air he was singing. He did not dance, only sometimes making some arms or hand gestures to magnify parts of the song. The concert had started on a strong note.
As soon as the piece ended, he received acmations from the public, the men cheering loudly and the women letting out high shrills. 42 used his mike to address the spectators, thanking them foring to his concert and hoping that everyone enjoy the performance. He then looked toward the men''s area and Benjamin felt the same thing in his expression that what the security personnel from before showed. Being on the stage with spotlights on him, he was able to see his face clearly and he finally noticed that the weird feeling was simr to pity. This was yet another odd thing. Why would a singer pity his fans? With so many clues now, it was clear that there was more to this concert than what met the eyes.
42 began singing again, a calmer love song this time. It was interesting that the emphasis was on how the character from the lyrics was attracted by a woman who was quiet, smart, and reserved. Basically, a rare creature in this changed world. This made sense since men were generally poised and quiet, making them less interested in the usual dynamic and horny women and more toward any exception to the rule. While women got somewhat better as they grew up, it was mostly an external change of faking a calmer and more confident countenance, while their internal thoughts remained pretty much the same. On the other hand, teenage girls were very impulsive and focused overtly on their desires, something that Benjamin had experienced many times now.
The many love derations and "I want you" from the song had a strong impact on the female fans. When the song ended, they shouted their love back to the singer, almost as if they had taken the lyrics as something directed at themselves.
"I love you too!"
"I don''t mind being your girlfriend!"
"Of course I want you too, we can marry anytime you want!"
As if it was somethingpletely expected, 42 smiled at them before going backstage. Less than two minutester, he reappeared with different clothes, still very stylish ones but showing a minimum of skin. He immediately started a third song, a sad one telling a story of the grief of parting with loved ones.
The concert went on like this, with the singer changing clothes every other song and the songs themselves being quite varied but still always in the popr genre. There were sometimes some nice light effects with great rendering to enhance the spectacle. The few men cheered normally at the end of each song, enjoying the quality of the concert. The women, however, were getting more and more excited as the show went on. Their squeals were getting louder and louder and the tension was growing in their area.
It seemed that most of them were hardcore fans, which made sense considering how hard it was to get a ticket for the live concert. Benjamin had heard from Julian that people were reselling the tickets at insane prices and even then they were sold off immediately. The more the show continued, the more the look of those fans grew crazy, their eyes looking at the poor singer like a piece of meat, ready to jump on him for a taste. This also tranted itself with wild shouts, full of their overflowing feelings.
"I love you, 42!"
"I would do anything for you, please look here!"
"Please sleep with me!"
The artist was able to hear them in between songs but he tried to stay as unfazed as possible. Some of them attempted to reach him physically and the security personnel worked hard to keep them all within their area. It now made sense why there were so many of them, especially in the female area.
The situation was only getting crazier as time passed. The poor guards were overwhelmed by the relentless assaults of the fans and were slowly getting tired. On the other hand, the women seemed tireless, their fandom giving them unlimited energy. That same energy, which only started as excitation and appreciation toward the singer, started to be filled with sexual tension now, their attraction bing unabated lust.
Finally, something unexpected happened when at the end of one song one woman sporting an extremely horny expression turned toward the men''s area. Seeing so many males in one ce seemed to have a weird effect on her and she shouted.
"Look, there are men over there!"
Even though Benjamin was getting used to women in this world, he still had to admit that this yell was very idiotic, as if the men had suddenly appeared out of nowhere when they had been there all along, enjoying the show. Its effect was great, however. The women who were not in the first rows at the front of the stage and who were situated close to the men''s space all turned their heads in their direction.
"You''re right!"
Their agitation reached a new height and they tried to jump over the fences to reach their area. The security personnel around the men''s area reacted quickly and went to stop them,plementing the ones already surrounding the women and forming a strict line of defense. Judging by their quick reaction time, it felt as if they weren''t doing this for the first time. 42 also looked at the situation like everything had happened as he expected it.
On the other hand, the men who witnessed this were now crowding the side opposite the female area, trying to stand as far as possible from them. Benjamin was finally able to understand the reason for the previous looks of the singer and the security people. They already knew something like this might happen and were pitying the poor men in advance. Of course, 42 wasn''t in a much better position but the main difference was that this was his job, while they hade here to enjoy themselves, spending a lot of effort and money to be here.
Chapter 85 - 85 – Laughing
Chapter 85: ¨C Laughing
A lot of the things which Benjamin had found weird now became clearer. The reason for putting the men and the women in different areas became obvious. One could also infer that the cause why so few men attended the concert physically was because they knew that these sorts of things could happen, perhaps from a previous experience. Finally, the reason why all the security members were women was to avoid them being targeted by the fans since that would make a mess of the security setup and render it pointless. It might be a bit of a stretch but the singer might have been using a group name instead of his real name in an attempt to keep a minimum amount of private life and privacy. Finding the name of someone wasn''t too hard these days so this was just spection.
The singer now began singing one of thest songs of the day. One big issue with the concert was that it was so packed, with a lot of meanings. The songs followed each other quickly, not letting any break to allow the excitation of the fans to drop. Of course, this was something normal. If they had to take a break between every song, this two hours concert wouldst three or four hours instead. Another meaning of this was that the women were very crowded. Being so close to each other, the herd effect was great and the excitation and tension of each of them were being transmitted to everyone around, making the whole group reach extremely high levels of thrill. Thest thing was the duration of the spectacle. In two hours, they had more than enough time to get as agitated as they could be.
All of these things together pushed the situation to the current status, where crazed women were either trying to reach the stage and the singer or the men spectators. Benjamin knew that fandom made people crazy, even in the previous world. If one added to that level of craziness the horniness of the women in this world, it would be possible to witness the present scene.
For the first time since he came to this world, Benjamin felt that there was something really wrong with it. So far, he had considered it a sort of paradise which had allowed him to do things he could never have dreamed of in his original world. However, now, it seemed he had underestimated it. He couldn''t put his hand on the root reason but if at least looking superficially, this situation wasn''t great. The problem wasn''t that the women were horny, it was that their excitation had reached a level where they could potentially hurt themselves, as well as the people around them. Was there no better way to handle this other than to physically restrain them like right now?
Eventually, 42 ended hisst song. He thanked everyone foring to see him, amidst the shouts and love calls from the women, and left the stage from the back. Some of the female security came to the men''s area to tell them to leave the premise first while they would continue to keep the women in check. They would wait a while for them to calm down and let them out little by little to avoid problems that could arise fromrge groups of agitated women roaming the streets.
The three friends quickly left with the rest of the men and headed to their bus stop. They boarded the bus when it arrived a few minutester and sat in silence in their seats, reflecting on what had just happened. Benjamin could see that his friends were a bit spooked by the previous scene. They hade to enjoy the songs of one of their favorite star but had left the event with a stronger impression of the trouble that the women created instead. Heughed and stated, trying to lighten the mood.
"Hey guys, don''t you think those women were just like zombies? Except that instead of brains and flesh, they were looking for men and sex."
His friends looked at him in surprise before bursting intoughter too.
"Man, you said it. I couldn''t have found a betterparison."
"Yeah. Jeez, and here I thought the mood during your basketball match was so high. This concert was something else altogether."
"Right, crazy women. That was so sick, really."
Thisst randomment hit Benjamin like a truck. Sick! That''s right, they looked no different from people suffering from mental issues! This was what he was missing in his previous thought process. The thing here was that this wasn''t a mental problem. The core of the problem was hormonal and biological. It wasn''t something that the women could help. It was not like they chose to be constantly in heat and bing agitated for the smallest of reasons. Who would want to lose control of oneself like this, or have to fight such powerful urges all the time?
Of course, they weren''tpletely innocent too. Taking the women at the concert as an example, they had chosen to attend even though they probably knew that they would have a hard time keeping control of themselves. On the other hand, if they were to restrain themselves from doing things that they liked because of that, their lives would be a lot less interesting. A life full of forbidden acts and without much entertainment would be a drag and people would be miserable.
This was aplex problem, something that went way over the head of a simple high schooler like him. Also, it was not like people in this world were stupid. Even women were very normal and intelligent enough as long as they didn''t get excited. It was just that they tended to follow their impulses and instincts a lot more when they were agitated. There was no way that this issue wasn''t already analyzed by a lot of people, experts and non-experts all the like.
Nathan and Julian continued to expand on the subject of women and zombies, fortunately a lot more rxed now after having made fun of the situation. He told them that there was something he wanted to check on his phone and opened a browser window, too curious to wait until he was home. He searched for this specific problem on the Inte. Soon, he was met with tons of articles advising women on how to control themselves. There were a lot of opinions, from more conservative ones like avoiding men altogether to more practical ones like masturbating a lot. It goes without saying that the conservative opinions weren''t really popr. Some rmended avoiding stimting events like festivals, sports matches, and concerts, where crowds of women easily tended to lose all control. Another one reached a very normal conclusion: women needed to get a boyfriend or husband and this man had to satisfy their needs.
This article and other simr ones had very mixedments on it. A lot of the people agreed that this was the way it should be. However, a lot of othermenters argued that it was hard to find a partner which was able to fully satisfy them during sex. Following was the start of an extensive debate in thements, with idealists and realists sending arguments back and forth.
Benjamin put his phone away at this point and joined his friend''s discussion once again, after excusing himself for checking his phone. They continued to chat all the way back to their town, where they separated, each heading back to his respective home. Benjamin reached his house a littleter and noticed that everyone had gone to sleep already. He went to his room and soon followed their example, falling asleep quickly after such an eventful night.
Chapter 86 - 86 – Practical issue
Chapter 86: ¨C Practical issue
It was time for his long-awaited Saturday again. Benjamin now always looked forward to this day, where he felt the most freedom as well as a sense of adventure and unknown. His anticipation soon took a hard hit from reality, however. Checking his wallet, he found out that he barely had enough money for a round trip by train. Thinking about it, he did have a lot of expenses recently. Taking the train and the bus multiple times, eating out on several asions, buying ice cream for his sister and all her friends, etc. He didn''t regret any of those expenses but it was a fact that he was broke now.
The thing is, his family didn''t have any concept of pocket money. Their mother was quite strict about money and wanted to build good habits in her children. Whenever a child needed something, they would have to ask her for it, which included having a good reason for needing it. The only other way to get anything was during birthdays or events like Christmas or the end of the year. Their grandmother and other more distant rtives would sometimes give some money to them during those events but it was never too much since there were so many children, after all. This also exined why Chloe had tried to use the grocery debit card to buy stuff for herself that one time.
Back to his issue, he needed some money to continue adventuring. He could ask his mother for some but that didn''t sit well with him. Taking money from his mother and using it to go and have sex with girls was something he would never do as a matter of principle. He also rejected the option of waiting for the next time he would get some since that would be too long in the future. Thinking more about it, the most obvious way to earn money was to work. He could try to find a part-time job and get a sry from that. However, that had a crucial disadvantage. He would need to work during his limited free time and that free time was precisely the allotment he wanted to use to go on adventures or spend time with his family. That would contradict his goals, making it a bad choice.
Without any good idea yet, he went down for breakfast. As often during the weekends, he was the secondst toe out; only his grandmother slept in longer than him. The only ones who were still eating were Olivia and Chloe. He greeted them and began his breakfast. He put some bread to toast and poured himself some orange juice. When the toasts were done, he put some butter and jam on them and savored them like that. Seeing his sisters watching him eat, he decided he might as well ask about his problem. Who knew, they might have a helpful idea.
"Olivia, Chloe, what do you do when you need money?"
"Do you need money, Ben? It''s easy for you, just ask Mom or Grandma and they will give you whatever you want. That doesn''t work for us though, right Olivia?"
"Right. Thest time I wanted to buy a game, they both said no. They would only give us something if we have a good enough reason."
"So what do you do?"
"Not much? I just wait for my birthday or Christmas."
"As for me, I create game walkthroughs and I hope people will like them and donate a bit of money to me."
"What, really? That''s so cool! Show me, show me!"
"I will show you after breakfast."
"That''s really smart of you. My little sister is already a businesswoman."
Benjamin smiled as he praised her and patted her head. She blushed and happily epted his show of affection. Since Chloe looked like she wanted some attention too, he gestured her toe closer and patted her too. Seeing both of them enjoying his touch, he pushed the conversation forward.
"What do you girls think I should do? I don''t want to rely on Mom and Grandma and I want a method that would be less dependent on luck. Not that I have enough skill and knowledge to create walkthroughs for games or something simr anyway."
"What about a part-time job?"
"Yes, that''s one of my options, I guess. Any other ideas?"
"Hm, I don''t know!"
"Sorry, Ben, I don''t know either."
"Don''t worry, I will find something. So, what are two doing today?"
"I''m going to y ser with my friends!"
"I want to y ranking games until I get to the next division on Campmonth."
"Hey Olivia,e show me your walkthroughs!"
"Okay, okay, let''s go."
The three of them went to Olivia''s room. She booted herputer and showed them several inte pages, full of text and pictures. It was done very well for an amateur and she apparently received positivements about her work.
"They are very nice. That''s a great job, Olivia."
"And, how much do you get from those donations?"
"It depends if people feel like giving something or not. If I get lucky, I can get $30 a month."
"Wow, amazing! Hey, teach me how to do it too!"
Benjamin and Olivia looked at each other, sharing the same thoughts. Chloe was saying that now but she would probably forget all about it after ying with her friends for a day. She liked ying games as much as any teenage girl out there but wasn''t a gamer at heart. There was no way she would spend the required time and effort needed to create a walkthrough.
"Alright, let''s go finish breakfast first."
They went back to the first floor and finished eating. Once they were done, Chloe checked the time on her phone and eximed.
"Ah! I will miss my train!"
"You''re taking the train?"
"Yeah, we''re ying in another town because it has a bigger and nicer ground. Mom gave me some money for the train tickets and lunch. I need to go now! See youter!"
"See you, have fun!"
She put her shoes on and rushed outside, running toward the train station.
Chapter 87 - 87 – Solution
Chapter 87: ¨C Solution
Benjamin and Olivia left the leftovers of the breakfast on the table for when their grandmother would emerge and went to their respective rooms. Benjamin thought some more about his problem but didn''t manage to get a good idea. He soon left his thoughts to wander randomly, thinking about whatever came to his mind. When he thought about Chloe taking the train, he smiled while remembering all the things he did on trains. This is where he had his first 69, with Grace no less. This was also where he went down on a random woman who was totally taken by surprise by his proposition.
It hit him at that point. That woman, she initially thought that he wanted to be paid to give her cunnilingus. At that time he refused because that was not his goal but thinking about it, had he epted, he would have done exactly the same thing and would have gotten money on top of it. Wasn''t that precisely a way to fix his issue? He wanted to have money to have sex but this would allow him to have both money and sex at the same time, killing two birds with one stone! Why didn''t he think of that faster?
This is where he put a brake on his reasoning. There was indeed a good reason why it didn''te to his mind immediately. A man doing this was not the most obvious thing back in his old world and this would definitely not be the first thing someone thought of when wanting to earn money. The other important point was that getting money for sex was prostitution. Of course, from his point of view as a man from a world with reversed gender values, it would not be much different from having fun with women and getting paid for it. Still, it was better to do some research about the subject first before taking any decision. He turned hisputer on, opened an anonymous browser window, and started his search.
After some time looking around, it seemed that prostitution not only existed but wasn''t illegal. However, the interesting point was that this came from a recent change inw, something from a few months ago only. Before that, it was existing but wasn''t purely legal. Even though it was somewhat tolerated, there were still stories of people getting caught and shops closing down. When he checked what sort of things existed, there were some variations but it was mostly escort services. Since the change in thew was very recent, there weren''t many official businesses offering such services yet. As for the escort websites, they had simply risen from underground to the surface.
There was an exception, though, and many people talked about one specific shop that was already operating. Curious, Benjamin went to their site to check it and was shocked. He thought he had gotten used to this world and that nothing could surprise him anymore but he was once again proved wrong. If what was written there was the truth, that ce was insane! Wasn''t that simr to using a bulldozer to do some gardening? It seemed very overkill at first look. On the other hand, if this was real, it might be the best possibility for him, almost as if it was tailored for him.
He thought about it some more, wondering if he was really ready to do this. Finally, his curiosity and need for money won over his hesitation and he decided to at least try it once. However, there was still one thing he had to prepare, as a precautionary measure. Checking on his phone, he found a store close to his house which was selling what he needed. He readied himself and headed out. After around fifteen minutes of walk, he arrived at the shop, where he bought a simple stic mask that wouldpletely cover his face, from his forehead to his chin. This would allow him to hide his identity and feel safer, just in case. At the same time, it would hide his age. He had read that the shop didn''t check their clients'' identities but it was better not to take any risk. He had already passed the age of sexual contentment in his country but still didn''t want to show off the fact that he was a minor. Fortunately, he was tall and his voice had a low enough tone that he could be taken as someone in histe teen or early twenties, as long as his face was hidden.
Now that he was ready, he went to the train station. It would take a bit less than an hour to reach his destination. When his train arrived, he boarded it and yed on his phone until he arrived. Halfway through the journey, he put his mask on. The people sitting around on the train looked at him, intrigued, but no onemented on his attire. Getting off at the correct stop, he checked the map application on his phone to get to the ce. Eventually, he reached it, a seemingly very normal storefront greeting him. The shop was called "Hop/e" and while it wasn''t situated on the main street, it still wasn''t hidden in a backstreet either. It was just ced in a secondary, less crowded street. The storefront wasn''trge but judging by the fact that the other numbers on the street were quite far from it, the ce was probably huge inside. This fact added a bit of credulity to what he had read on the web but he wouldn''t really believe it until he saw it with his own eyes.
Summoning up his courage, Benjamin entered the shop. The inside looked modern and was decorated tastefully. There was a woman in her thirties at the reception desk, directly in front of the entrance. On the right and left of the desk were two different entrances, going further into the ce. The entrance hall had a few sofas to sit on, ced on each side of the entrance. A few women were sitting there, their full attention focused on him as soon as he entered the building. Benjamin went to the front desk and greeted the receptionist.
"Hello. I read about your business on your website. I, um, how to say this... Is this for real?"
Chapter 88 - 88 – Tour
Chapter 88: ¨C Tour
The woman smiled at him with professionalism.
"Wee to Hop/e, sir. I can understand your doubt. You are not the first person to ask this question. And you are also not the first personing with a mask on. Are you asking because you are interested in our services?"
"Well, I guess so."
"That''s great. Do not worry as we do not conduct identity checks on our clients for privacy purposes. No one will ask you to remove your mask and your identity will be protected. Instead of answering your questions here, would you like me to take you on a tour of our facilities? You will be able to see things for yourself."
"Yes, that sounds nice. Are you alright with leaving the front desk unattended?"
"Yes. We haven''t been open for business for long and we don''t have many male clients. As you might know, our business relies greatly on them. We are lucky when we have more than a couple of people per day. In fact, you are our first male client for the day, sir."
"I see. I am not a client yet, though."
"Of course, sir. You said you have seen our website? Are you aware of the two separate courses we are proposing?"
"Yes. Today I would like to check course one, please."
From what he had read on their site, this course was the most popr and the most standard one, which is why he decided to check it for his first time.
"Very well. Please follow me."
She left the reception desk and headed toward the entrance on the right, Benjamin following her. They walked through a corridor after passing the door separating the inner building from the reception. The employee started her exnations.
"Course one consists of one man lying down on his back and women using the lower part of his body to their wishes, limited by the options chosen by the man beforehand. Our system is made so that there will always only be one woman at a time."
They arrived in front of the first door on the right in the corridor. There was a panel on the door with a simple "Men" written on it. She opened it and they went inside. The room was huge, mostly in its length. It was divided in two by a ss wall, which only had a hole at the bottom with a mattress under it, half on one side and half on the other side. On the side they were currently in, there was only a table in one corner with some towels, snacks, water, books, magazines, and handheld consoles on it while the other corner had a shower cabin. The rest of the room was empty except for a few buttons and a screen next to the mattress. The other side of the room was also quite empty. There were some towels next to the mattress, a shower handle with the hose disappearing into the ground, a strange big rail on the ceiling, and a security camera on one of the walls with speakers next to it.
"This is the ce from where men lie down. The head should be on our side and the lower part of the body on the other side. The ss wall should be around the navel. Please note that the ss wall is actually a one-way mirror. From here, the men can see everything that happens on the other side but the other side will only see their reflections."
She pointed to the table in the corner.
"Men are free to use whatever they want from the items on this table. It is best to take everything one might want to use from the start since it is hard to move after the course begins."
She then approached the mattress and showed the buttons next to it. There were only two of them, respectivelybeled "End course" and "Call staff".
"The man should press the "End course" button when he has enough. If there is anything they need during the course, they can use the "Call staff" button here. That is it for the men''s side. Do you have any questions so far?"
"A lot but I think I will ask everything at the end. It''s just... this is quite the amazing setup."
"Thank you, sir. Let me show you the women''s side now, this is the part we are the proudest of."
They went out of the room and continued down the corridor. It forked to the right and soon after, they passed by a door marked with "Staff only". The woman exined that it allowed employees to enter the women''s side of the room without going through their setup and reassured him that no one would enter during the course unless there was a problem. A few meters down the corridor and they reached a door with "Women" on it.
They went inside and Benjamin was met with quite the bizarre sight. This room was alsorge, about the same size as the main room. There was a great number of some sorts of harnesses hanging by a cable to a rail which was set on the ceiling. He could see the rail going all the way to the walls of the room on two different sides. This looked very industrial and Benjamin couldn''t believe that the website didn''t lie and they really implemented something like this. The woman looked at him proudly and exined.
"The women are required to put these harnesses on and be strictly tied to them. This is because the price for women only includes a one-time session of five minutes. They need to pay again for any additional sessions. This harness they are tied on is a way to both bring them as well as remove them from the room when the time is up. We do this because most of them would get too indulged in their act and be reluctant to leave on time. This is a way to force them to leave without harming anyone. Let me show you how it works."
She went to the harness closest to one of the walls, put it on, and tied herself on the level of her armpits. She now looked like she was ready to do some rock climbing. She took a controller out and pressed a few buttons. Suddenly, the cable length shortened and the harness lifted her in the air, while the wall in front of her started to rotate, showing that the other side was the main room. Now in the air, she was slowly being towed toward the course room and asked apletely astonished Benjamin to follow.
Chapter 89 - 89 – Job details
Chapter 89: ¨C Job details
The harness took her to the middle of the women''s side of the room before gently putting her down to the ground. The wall from where they entered rotated again to close itself this time. The employee turned toward him and told him.
"As you can see, women will arrive where I am now. They will have five minutes from the moment they get on the ground. After that, they will be sent back to the harness room once again, just like this."
She used her controller again and was slowly raised to the air once more. The wall on the side rotated this time and she was taken away in that direction. Benjamin followed her to a space with only the rail on the ceiling. Another wall on their left opened up and he could see that the rail forked onest time before they returned to the harness room. The woman was dropped once more to the ground and she took the harness off. She turned toward him with a proud grin and asked him.
"What do you think, sir? This is the setup ourpany hase up with and it is both extremely safe and efficient."
The only thing Benjamin thought was that this went beyond overkill into beingpletely ridiculous. Why would anyone invest so much money and create such aplicated system just for people to have sex? He couldn''t guess how much the whole thing would have cost and it was hard to imagine them getting their investment back.
That being the case, the device was in front of his eyes. Since it really existed, it was indeed the best possible setup for him. Still, he had a lot of questions about the finer details.
"Yes, it is incredible. Is it alright if I ask some questions?"
"Of course, please go ahead, I will answer to the best of my capabilities."
"Thank you. First, why would you create such aplicated setup just for people to have sex?"
"I already gave you some of the reasons, including respect for the allocated time and efficiency. As for the rest, even I do not know. When I asked my superior, he only said that it was a requirement from above and wouldn''t tell me more."
"I see. Next, is this really safe? It is taking people in the air, after all."
"Yes, of course. It has been tested many times before being used in reality and even after that, there has never been any problem with it."
"That''s great. What about this, let''s say a man arrives and wants to go through course one. Where do the womene from?"
"There are always a few women loitering around in our lobby and waiting for men to arrive. We also update our website and our app when a man is avable. But, to tell you the truth..."
She approached him and talked in a smaller voice, as if she was sharing a secret.
"... I have heard that since we started this business, someone installed a camera somewhere which is monitoring the entrance of the building. There is a live stream of it on the web and people can check it to see if a man enters the building. Since you just entered, I can tell you that the lobby must be full of women by now. I have even heard that some women moved to this neighborhood just to be able toe here at any given time. Ahahah."
She suddenly lost some of her professional rigidity and started gossiping happily.
"That''s... Really funny. Thank you for sharing. Another question. What about protection?"
"I am guessing you are referring to birth control. We do not allow men to use condoms since there is not enough time to change it between each session and also because women are reluctant to go down on men with condoms. In exchange, we check that all of our women customers are on the pill and we also force them to take a morning-after pill if there has been vaginal ejaction during the session."
"I understand. How long can the coursest?"
"There is no time limit and the man decides when it ends by pressing the button. The man then gets paid based on the number of women who have had their full five minutes with him. If the course is stopped in the middle of one woman''s time, she gets a full refund and she doesn''t count in the man''s total number. There is also another case in which the course can end. If the man''s penis isn''t able to stay rigid, we will forcefully end the course because the women won''t be able to get what they paid for anymore."
"Alright. Isn''t five minutes per person a bit too short, though?"
"It might seem like this but in reality, five minutes is not that short an amount of time and women have ample time to do what they wish for. And they arepletely ready to pay for those five minutes. In fact, most men do notst too long overall and generally give up after a few women. So it really is not too short at all."
"Okay. What about pricing?"
"Men receive what the women they went through paid for, minus 15% that we keep as our share. As for the prices for women, it depends on the things that the man allows and the options that the women choose. Are you interested in participating in course one today, sir? I can give you more details if you are."
"Hm, yes, I think I will try it."
"That''s very good news! Thank you, sir. We are always happy to have more male clients. Supply is always so smallpared to demand. Let''s go back to the room for men."
They went back to the very first room she has showed him and she went on with her talk.
"Everything here is very clean, we pay attention to changing the sheets after every person and refilling the snacks and drinks. Now, let me tell you about the options you have. The first and most ssic one is to allow the women to only use your penis; this is option one. In that case, women will pay $50 per session. Next, you can choose to allow women to use both your penis and your butt. This is option two and if a woman chooses that option, she will have to pay $75 per session. Finally, you can choose to let them have ess to everything on your lower body with option three and women choosing that option will pay $100 per session. Please also note that none of the options allow the women to have anal sex."
She pointed to the camera on the other side of the ss wall.
"We are also monitoring the course with this camera. If a woman tries to do more than what she paid for, she will be instantly taken away by our setup and be banned from entry to our shop for six months. Also, there is no camera on the men''s side so please do not worry about it. You can use the screen next to the mattress to see what option the current woman has chosen. And I think that is all. Is everything clear, sir?"
Considering his previous sexual experiences, he didn''t mind allowing for option three. This was an ie between $50 and $100 per five minutes! A bit less after the fee, of course. Still, what an insane amount of money. What''s more, it was all in a safe and controlled environment, where no one knew his identity and no one would ever know. All of this just to lie down and let women blow him or have sex with him. The fact that women were ready to pay that amount of money just for this proved once again how ridiculous this world was.
Chapter 90 - 90 – Work
Chapter 90: ¨C Work
"Aren''t those prices too steep?"
"Not at all. In the end, it is all about supply and demand. There is an extremelyrge amount of women looking for these sorts of services while only a few men are willing to provide them. Our female clients are more than willing to adhere to our rates."
"I understand. Not that I am going toin, of course. Alright, I don''t have any more questions. I think we can start now."
"Good. Which option will you go with, sir?"
"I will go with option three."
The woman smiled appreciatively.
"Noted. I will now leave the room. Please remove enough clothing and lie down on the mattress. Remember, your navel should be on the level of the ss wall. You can use the shower cabin there to wash when you are done. I will go announce that a new course participant is avable and handle our women customers. You should expect the first one to arrive in around five minutes."
"Alright. Thank you for taking the time to exin everything to me, miss."
"It is part of my job but you are very wee. Well then, good luck, sir."
She left the room with this encouragement. Benjamin removed his clothes and put them on the table. He wondered whether to keep his top and wear it above his navel but finally decided against it and just took everything off. The room was kept at a high enough temperature that he would not be cold, probably on purpose. He then took a lot of snacks, drinks, magazines, books, and games and put everything next to the mattress, close enough that he would be able to reach them without having to stand up. He also kept his phone with him since he would be able to ess the Inte through it or y some of the games he had installed on it. When he believed that everything was in ce, heid down on the mattress.
Thinking about what was toe next, he was also a bit excited about it. He didn''t need any effort for his member to stand up on its own, ready for action. Still, one of the reasons he was here was to earn money. This meant that the longer hested, the more he would get in the end. This was all about stamina, something he was very confident in. However, that didn''t mean he shouldn''t do anything to try tost longer. Thinking about it, the women would be able to do whatever they wanted to him and he wouldn''t have much control. This meant that the best he would be able to do would probably be something like trying not toe too quickly and focusing on staying hard for as long as possible.
In the end, this whole setup was simply a glorified, mechanical, and very modern glory hole. He had seen videos with those as a theme back in the previous world. The most ssic ones were simr to his current situation now, except that there would be a hole in a wall where the man would insert his penis by standing in contact with it. The less ssical version was for a woman to be in the same situation as he was now, with her lower half protruding from a wall, avable for men to use as they pleased. As expected of this changed world, someone had the same idea except that it was a man protruding out of a hole instead, of course.
Suddenly, he heard the noise of a machine starting up and saw the wall in front of him rotate. A few secondster, the first woman arrived through the air, attached to her harness. She was a skinny woman in her thirties with small breasts and a big smile on her face. She seemed to be very pleased, perhaps because she had the opportunity to be the first to get her turn. Her pussy hair waspletely unkept and her vagina was already dripping juices on the trajectory she took through the air. When the machine dropped her in front of his legs, she eximed lustily.
"First! I''m so lucky today!"
She looked like she was used to this because she didn''t lose any second and instantly came closer to his penis and sniffed it deeply.
"Hmm, the smell of a fresh untouched cock. What an aroma. And this size is amazing. I can''t believe I am so blessed today."
Benjamin wondered if she was purposely ignoring the fact that he could hear everything she was saying. It might be that the one-way mirror gave her the feeling of being alone in the room. Or perhaps she was saying all of this on purpose for him to hear. He checked the screen and could see that this woman had chosen to go with option one.
"Ah, I don''t have the time for that."
She stopped smelling his dick and stood up, aligned her pussy with his cock, and impaled herself in one go.
"Aahh! It''s so big! This is great!"
Benjamin also let a small groan out and enjoyed the feeling of his first pussy of the day. She started to frantically move her waist up and down on his dick. The stimtion was great for both of them but it was the woman who soon couldn''t hold herself anymore and climaxed.
"Good! Aaahhh!"
She trembled a bit and drenched his pelvis with her juices, before soon hurriedly resuming her movements. After a minute more, she anxiously sent a nce at the speaker on the wall. No sooner did she do that than a loud sound resonated in the room, simr to a low beep, suggesting the end of her time. While she was still moving her hips on his member, she was suddenly taken off by the machine, propelled in the air by her harness with his dick naturally getting released from her pussy. She let out a disappointed shout while the wall on the right opened up and she was taken through there.
Benjamin felt he now understood why this system was put into ce. It would indeed be very hard to remove a woman from a dick in this world, at least not without losing arge amount of time. Here, on the contrary, it happened in a matter of seconds, without anyone getting hurt or angry. Even though he still thought that it was way tooplex for something like that, he had to admit that the designer of this ce knew what he was doing. If only looking at the final result, it was simply genius.
Chapter 91 - 91 – Options
Chapter 91: ¨C Options
He didn''t have much time to get lost in his thoughts, however. Barely a few seconds after the first woman exited the ce, the wall in front opened again and the second one arrived. She was in her forties and clearly overweight, her expression also full of lust and looking forward to her time. The setup dropped her and she observed the situation of Benjamin''s bottom half. She took the shower handle and started the water, quickly cleaning him off the fluids from the previous session and drying him with a towel. She did all of this expertly, barely using twenty seconds total. Once she was done, she sat between his legs, dropped her head on his penis, and began to suck him.
He checked the screen and saw that she had also selected to go with option one. The woman knew that she didn''t have much time and blew him at full strength from the start, using her tongue to strongly stimte his ns. She was very good at this and the stimtion made it hard for him to resist. Still, he had a long way to go today and she was only the second woman. He tried his best to resist as much as he could, dying his need to ejacte. After a few minutes of him noting, the woman looked a bit frustrated. He kind of felt sorry for her, especially since he would have normally done his best to ejacte quickly because women loved making men cum in this world. However, he couldn''t do that this time.
She started to use one hand to also y with his balls and the increased stimtion almost made hime. Fortunately, he managed to hold on until the end of her time and she was taken away, disappointed by her performance. He sighed in relief but only for a brief instant, the next woman alreadying into sight. As expected, this job was quite intense.
Women continued toe, all of them choosing option one. They all either had sex with him or gave him a blowjob, sometimes also going for a handjob. After the first blowjob he received from the second woman, he was barely holding himself back and couldn''t helping into the third woman, giving a creampie to her needy cunt, to her great satisfaction.
Eventually, a woman came into the room that had chosen option two. She was in her forties, with an average body type. Her pussy was trimmed very neatly, contrasting with her very horny expression. As soon as shended on the ground, she gave him a quick cleaning with the shower jet, focusing particrly on his butt, and dried him. Then, she lifted his legs until they were perpendicr to the ground to give her ess to his ass. She bend her head and immediately started to lick his asshole, seemingly appreciating it very much. A few momentster, she pushed her tongue inside his butthole. It was the second time for Benjamin to be rimmed now and his instinctive rejection was a lot lesser. When she noticed that she was able to enter his ass and stay there without too much trouble, she exited his butt for a moment and looked toward the one-way mirror with a smile, licking her lips greedily.
"Ahah, you are amazing."
When she was done saying her piece, she dived back into his ass and rimmed him, using her tongue to taste as much of his insides as she could. Fortunately, after his experience with his grandmother, Benjamin always kept himself very clean back there. While using one hand to hold his legs up, she sent the other one to her twat and began masturbating, switching between sending fingers inside her hole and flickering her clitoris. She went on like this until the end, never even touching his dick once. This woman allowed Benjamin to realize more clearly that this was a job, a transaction. She was the perfect example of only doing what she wanted to do and not caring about trying to pleasure him at all. Of course, being rimmed felt great but it would be hard toe without any additional stimtion, at least for him.
The women came and went, most choosing option one and a few going with option two. After a certain number of women, Benjamin started reading some of the stuff that he had put next to the mattress. He was checking the women when they first came, relishing in seeing so manydies of different ages, body types, and kinks. The rest of the time, he did something else while only focusing on staying hard. He ejacted from time to time but less and less often as time went by.
Finally, he noticed on the screen that the next woman had chosen to go with option three. It was a good change of pace and his cock, which was starting to be a bit tired, twitched a few times in excitation. The woman entered through the wall opening, allowing him to check her. She looked quite young, around twenty perhaps. She had small breasts and a slim body type and looked very excited, just like the rest of them. When she reached the ground, she quickly showered every part of his lower body and dried him. Following that, she went to his feet, facing toward him, and suddenly gobbed the big toe of his right foot in her mouth, taking Benjamin by surprise.
She began to lick and suck it, visibly appreciating his taste, before switching to another toe. When she was done with all of them, she licked the sole of his foot. Then, she repeated the whole process with his left foot. This was yet another new experience for him. It was interesting to see that there were people with all kinds of fetishes in the world. Apparently, feet and toes licking was a thing, probably some kind of foot fetish. Of course, he wasn''t one to judge, as a pervert with all kinds of kinks himself. On the contrary, he took some notes, storing the information safely in his memory.
After the woman was done with his feet, she went to his legs and started to lick them too. Eventually, she finished her session by licking his pelvis. It was interesting to see that she didn''t seem to be interested in his penis at all. It might be that she was used to dicks and came here to be able to do something she wouldn''t be able to normally. Or perhaps she just wasn''t interested in men''s genitals. It was all spection in the end.
Chapter 92 - 92 – First salary
Chapter 92: ¨C First sry
His work continued, with many women using his lower half in different ways. Some of them were particrly skilled, like this woman in her thirties who moved her waist in all directions in reverse cowgirl sex while gripping his dick strongly or like this woman in her sixties who blew him like a goddess, both of them forcing him to cum.
There were also some funny ones. There was one woman who went with option one but didn''t have sex with him nor give him a blowjob or a handjob. Instead, she took his dick in her hand and pressed his ns against her clitoris. She then moved his cock with minute movements on it, literally using his dick head for some clitoral masturbation until she came hard with a joyous moan.
Another interesting one started by stimting his penis with her hand until some amount of pre-cum came out and applied his ns to her face, smearing her whole mug with it, losing herself in the sensations and smell of his secretions on her skin.
Last but not least, an olddy who chose option three began her session by pushing his big toe against her clitoris and using it to masturbate. When she was satisfied with that, she put his big toe into her pussy and lightly prated herself like this. He had wondered if this was the equivalent of a footjob in this world. She didn''t manage toe within five minutes but seemed satisfied nevertheless.
He also noticed that some of the most perverted ones didn''t care about washing him at the start of their sessions, directly having sex or blowing him with the fluids of the previous person still on him. On this day, Benjamin realized the depth of the world of sex and that he still had a lot to learn. After around two hours, he also began seeing some of the same women again, even though there were still some new onesing in too.
In the end, after his seventh ejaction, his member started to lose its hardness. After the current woman finished with him, he decided that it was a good time to end things and pressed the "End course" button. The machinery noise stopped and he faintly heard some very disappointed shouts through the wall in front of him. Checking the time, he found out that he had worked for around three hours and a half. Since there was a dy between when a woman left and the other one arrived, it actually took more than five minutes per woman. He estimated that he went through between thirty-five and forty women, a very pleasant oue. Still, he thought that he had been a bitckingpared to what he believed he could do. Some of the women had been so intense or creative that they had made hime too fast for this taste, lowering his global performance. He was still very green behind the ears in this discipline and mostly performed well due to his innate horniness and stamina.
He removed himself from the hole and went to the table, taking one of the towels there and heading to the shower cabin to wash after removing his mask. Once he was done, he dried himself with the towel and put his clothes back on, including the mask.
He wasn''tpletely sure what to do after this. Should he go to the reception to speak with the woman again? When he was hesitating, he heard some knocks on the door.
"Can I open the door, sir?"
It was the voice of the woman from before and he quickly answered her through the door.
"Yes, it''s fine."
She opened the door and entered the room, checking him from top to bottom.
"I am d you are looking alright. Well done, sir. That was an amazing performance. It was your first try but your time ced you as the second best performer on our leaderboard."
That made himugh.
"Ahahah, you even have a leaderboard? Who is the one who took the first position?"
"He was also wearing a mask so I do not know his identity. He was our very first client and his great performance is one of the reasons why our business got so popr right from the start."
"Out of curiosity, how long did hest?"
"Almost five hours. To be precise, four hours and fifty-six minutes."
"That''s indeed very impressive. It''s much more than me."
"Please do not say this, your performance was several times better than our average. Our female clients were extremely satisfied today and I thank you for that. I hope it was not too hard on you."
"Thank you, it was fine. I stopped immediately when I reached my limit."
"You made the correct choice. We do not want anyone to force themselves too much or get hurt. Now, would you like toe with me, please? We have a separate room where we can settle on your earnings."
Benjamin nodded and they both exited the room. Following a different path from when they toured the ce before, they reached a small room with someputers on several desks as well as many shelves filled with documents.
"This is our back office. Please have a seat here."
She indicated a seat in front of one of the desks and he sat there while she sat on the other side. She then checked theputer screens while clicking around for some time before announcing.
"You have handled 37 clients for a total duration of 3 hours and 29 minutes. There were 3 clients who chose option 3, 10 for option 2, and 24 for option 1. This makes a total of $2,250. When taking out our 15% fee, we get to a payout of exactly $1,912.50. How would you like to be paid, sir?"
He couldn''t believe he earned so much in such a small amount of time. That was several times more than what he ever possessed in his life. And all of that just for a few hours of sex with women! That was just incredible. The woman noticed his silence and asked again.
"Sir? How would you like to be paid?"
This took him out of his reverie and he focused on her question. Truthfully, he hadn''t thought about this at all.
Chapter 93 - 93 – Praises
Chapter 93: ¨C Praises
This was a great amount of money for him but it might not be so for the woman in front of him since she was working in this industry.
"What payment options do you have?"
"We do bank transfers or cash. Please also do not forget to report this ie to the tax authorities. We are a legal business after all."
He had a bank ount that his mother created for him, as she did for all her children. However, he was pretty sure that she was monitoring the ounts. She was quite strict with money due to her work as a financial consultant. Using his bank ount was obviously a really bad idea since if she saw such a huge amount of money suddenly transferred, she would definitely start to ask questions.
"Then in cash, please."
"Alright. One moment, please."
She headed to another room in the back of this office and came back a few minutester with the money. She gave it to him and smiled.
"Here you go. Thank you again foring today and we hope you wille again."
"I should thank you too, it was also an interesting experience for me."
"That''s great. Do you have any more questions, sir?"
"No, it''s fine. I will get going now."
"Let me escort you to the exit."
They both went through the corridors, heading toward the reception. Benjamin now realized howrge the ce was. The rtively normal entrance truly hid the size of the site. What''s more, there was still the other side of the building, where course two probably happened. He was curious about how they could rent such a huge ce with so little business. After all, only one person could work at a time in course one and if what he had read on their website was true, it was the same for course two. Curious, he decided to ask about it.
"I know I said I didn''t have any other question but how can you make enough to rent such a huge ce with your current business?"
"It''s alright, feel free to ask me anything. This is a good question. I wouldn''t normally say it to our customers but since you performed so well, I don''t mind telling you. The truth is, we are in the red most days. I think we would need two of three clients like you every day for each course to start earning money. I don''t know the exact details because I am just an employee but for the moment I have been told that we are only losing money. I can only hope that we get more popr as we go. We only opened a few months prior, after all."
She then grinned at him mischievously.
"That''s why, please definitelye again and invite your friends too! I would hate to lose my job right after getting it because we go bankrupt. Ahahah."
He looked at herughing andmented.
"You are an interesting person."
His sincere praise took her by surprise and her eyes narrowed in a smiling shape.
"Thank you for the praise. I was monitoring the women''s side during the second half of your course and I can say you are also quite amazing."
She thought for a second before taking out her phone and showing him a number.
"What I saw pleased me very much. If you are interested, here is my number. Feel free to call me, I am avable after work if you would like to get to know each other better. Oh, and you can call me Aurelia."
What a straightforward woman! Some people might hate this sort of personality, where one disyed one''s desire openly, but he didn''t dislike it since that made it easier to understand them. He took his phone out and saved her name and number not in his contacts but as a note. He didn''t want people to start asking questions if they ever saw a lot of random numbers in his contact list.
Aurelia looked happy when he seemingly saved her number. They arrived at the reception and Benjamin could see that another female employee was now handling the front desk. There were still a lot of women in the lobby, chatting happily between themselves and looking refreshed and he recognized most of them from the previous session. When they spotted him with Aurelia, they smiled and praised him, as if he was some sort of star.
"You were amazing, mysterious guy! Pleasee again!"
"I never saw anyonesting so long since I starteding here!"
"You were so big and hard, it was the best!"
A few of them even directly came to him to chat, trying to invite him to have ate lunch or hoping to get his number. The boldest ones even directly asked him to be sex friends, promising unforgettable nights to him. Thankfully, Aurelia soon regted them and pushed them away, exining that he was tired after working for so long. He thanked her and quickly went out of the shop after saying goodbye. He walked away until he was sure that no one was looking at him or following him and headed to the station. After another train trip, he arrived at his town and soon enough, he was back home again.
As usual, he checked who was in the house and as usual, it was only Olivia. He knocked on her door and heard her shouting from inside.
"Wait for a second, Ben! Let me finish this game."
It seemed she was also getting used to the pattern of himing to visit her on Saturdays. After a few minutes of waiting, she finally opened the door, arge smirk on her face.
"What happened? Why do you look so happy?"
"I just won that game and got to the next ranking in Campmonth!"
"Oh, nice. Congrattions!"
"Thank you! Hehehe. It took me most of the day but I did it!"
He patted her on the head and she closed her eyes, happily enjoying his touch.
"That''s great. I am d you had a good day."
Chapter 94 - 94 – Multiplayer
Chapter 94: ¨C Multiyer
Proud of her achievement, she started to convey the process to him.
"We were losing at the start because we had a lot of weak yers in our team. But I found someone who was very good and we teamed up until the end of the game. With our duo, we killed all the opposite team yers one by one and they couldn''t do anything until the end. And we won with only the two of us left!"
Benjamin smiled and congratted her again. When she was done with her story, he questioned her.
"Now that you aplished your goal for the day, do you want to y something together?"
"Sure! What do you want to y?"
"Hm, what about a multiyer game this time? We both have aputer so we can y together through the Inte or on LAN."
"Then there is this cooperative zombie survival game I wanted to check for a long time. Want to try it?"
"If you rmend it, that''s fine with me."
She instructed him on how to get the game and he went to his room to boot hisputer. Following her instructions, he downloaded the free game andunched it. That was when they heard a loud voiceing from the first floor.
"I''m home!"
Chloe hade back from her activity and they soon heard hering up the stairs. This gave him an idea and he exited his room to greet her.
"Hey Chloe, how was your football game with your friends?"
"It was cool, we yed a lot! I''m tired now after running so much."
"That''s nice. Say, we are going to start a multiyer game with Olivia, do you want to join us?"
She looked surprised for a second but then agreed happily.
Fortunately, all the family members had theirputers, even the youngest one Chloe. A perk of having a doting mother. Even though she was strict with money, she never hesitated to spend it on her children. He repeated the instructions he had received from Olivia to Chloe, who listened carefully. At that time, Olivia came out of her room.
"Chloe is going to join us. Is that okay, Olivia?"
"Of course, the more the merrier."
Once she understood what to do, they all went to their respective rooms again. However, that was when Grace came back home. The process repeated itself when Benjamin also invited her to y with them and she easily agreed, seemingly happy to do something together. When their grandmother, mother, and Nova reached home, they were all invited to join in turn. Their grandmother epted without any discussion, looking intrigued to do something she was not used to. Their mother was happy to see her children doing a joint activity and dly joined them. Nova was a bit reluctant at the start but a sincere request from Benjamin convinced her to join the fun. When the whole family decided to y the game together, the one who looked the happiest was Olivia, delighted that her family members would join her on aputer game, something that she would usually only do by herself.
Because they were now seven yers, they couldn''t y the same free game anymore. There was another simr game that allowed more yers but it wasn''t free. Fortunately, now that their mother was ying, she was easily convinced to buy the game for everyone. They all went to their respective rooms and downloaded the game. When everything was set up and everyone was ready, they started their first family multiyer game session. They used live chat software tomunicate between themselves to avoid having to leave the doors open and shout what they wanted to say. They could have moved theirputers to the living room and created a LAN there but they found it too tedious since they all had their setups in their rooms and most used desktopputers. There were many other alternatives but didn''t want to bother when the Inte worked just fine.
The seven of them spawned in a small house with a minimum amount of furniture and food. Looking out of the windows, zombies were roaming the streets in all directions. They began trying to understand how the game worked and what they had to do.
"I think first we should barricade our house to be safer in here."
"We need wood for this but we don''t have any."
"You can dismantle the table to get some."
"Are you doing okay, Grandma, Mom?"
"Ahah well, thest time I yed a video game was Maria with your mother when she was young. This looks nothing alike for sure."
"As for me, I am alright. I was a bit of a gamer when I was in high school."
Olivia went to their grandmother''s room to instruct her on themands and on the way to y the game. After a few minutes, they could see her character starting to move around and work on defending the house. She got the hang of the game quite fast and was soon as good as the others, a very impressive feat for someone who didn''t y video games for tens of years.
They soon made the house safer but ran out of materials and food. They had to go out, explore the town and scavenge for what they needed. Unsure of how they would fare against the zombies. they decided to all go together. They exited the house and the zombies instantly noticed them and headed in their direction. Fighting wasn''t easy for the first time and their grandmother and Nova got wounded in this first battle. They decided to leave them back at home so they could recuperate from their wounds and the rest of the expedition team continued until they reached the next house.
They carefully entered it but were still ambushed by two zombies inside, one of them wounding Benjamin. He had to go back to their house to get treated, joining his grandmother and Nova. After a few minutes, the rest of the team returned from their scavenging with some more materials and food, allowing them tost for a little longer. They used the goods to finish barricading the house and by the time they were done, the sun had set and the first day in the game was over. They wanted to go to sleep but there were only three beds in the house. They let the injured ones to sleep in the beds and the rest of the team had to sleep on the floor. They concluded their first day by agreeing that they should build or transport more beds from other houses during the next day.
Chapter 95 - 95 – Overwhelmed
Chapter 95: ¨C Overwhelmed
They woke up early the next morning, ready to survive for another day. The ones who slept in the bed managed to get somewhat better while the other ones had a small debuff due to sleeping on the floor. Their goal for the day was to have more beds and get more food. The game was set in the early days of the zombie apocalypse with water and electricity still running. For now, at least. Now that they got used a little to the game, they found out that they needed different tools to survive. They needed an axe to cut trees and get ess to wood, a saw to help in constructing things, weapons to defend themselves better, etc. They added finding these to the list of things to do.
Another thing was that the game had skills and a skill leveling system. There was a wide range of skills, from cooking to make better meals to first aid to patch someone who got hurt and all the way tobat skills to help handle specific weapons better. They could do a task to get proficient at the corresponding skill or find books and read them to increase the rted skill level. They divided the work, everyone being assigned to focus on specific skills for efficiency purposes and Benjamin obviously got assigned to the cooking part, even though it was a game. That made him smile and he didn''tin about their decision.
While the others were preparing themselves or reinforcing the house, he went straight into it and used some of the ingredients they had found the previous day to cook a simple breakfast, with his still low-level cooking skill. This made him feel nostalgic, remembering the first time he cooked for his family after being sent to this world.
Now that everyone was full and ready, they all went out to explore more of the surroundings and try to scavenge what they needed, to have a better chance at surviving. They encountered zombies several times but didn''t get any injuries now that they got used to thebat system in the game. They managed to go further than on the first day and discovered a few shops, from which they were able to get a lot of supplies and food. Chloe also found a map of the town and they realized that their house was located in the town center and that this was why they could find stores so quickly. They returned to their base full of their looting and used those to improve the condition of the house, built some beds for those who didn''t have one, and installed curtains on the windows to prevent the zombies from spotting them from outside of the house.
The game went like this, with them going on expeditions every day, finding more and more loot, and improving their situation. On day four, they found some seeds and started a small vegetable garden that would help them have a constant food supply in the long term. Everything was going well, except for the fact that there were more and more zombies spawning around the house every day.
On day five, they gotpletely surrounded by them and it took a long time to clear them before they could go on an expedition. Two of them even got injured, reducing the number of crew members who could safely leave the house. On day six, the situation got even worse, and finally, Grace got bitten by a zombie. After doing a quick check on the Inte, it seemed that the game was very unforgiving. Being bitten meant that one would be a zombie in the next few hours. What''s more, if someone died, they had to create a new character and lose all the skills and items they had acquired. As expected, a few hourster, Grace''s character became a zombie and attacked the rest of the team. They had to kill her and put her to rest. Grace sadly created a new character,ining about losing all her blunt weapons skill levels. Fortunately, she spawned in their house and was able to get her items back from the corpse of her previous incarnation.
On day seven, the zombies were so numerous that they started attacking their house by themselves. It was only a few at first but the noise of them banging on the doors of the house attracted more and more of them until a whole horde was at their door. They had no choice but to fight bravely to avoid being killed. However several of them got injured and two more got bitten, transforming into zombies soon after. The situation was getting dire and on day eight, they got attacked by so many zombies that they gotpletely overwhelmed and everyone in the team eventually died a gruesome death, their corpses eaten by a crowd of zombies.
Their first game was a total failure and the girls allined about the game''s difficulty, sad about their defeat. They didn''t know what they did wrong and wanted to try again but Benjamin called for a break because it was time for him to cook dinner.
"Cook something quick, Ben, I want to try again."
"Yep, make anything simple, I can''t allow ending this game in defeat like this."
"Sure, just wait a bit."
He chose to make some simple chicken curry and while he prepared the dish, the rest of the family members sat in the living room and discussed what they did wrong during the first game. Nova, who had been reluctant to y at first, was now fully part of the discussion while their mother and grandmother, who had mostly agreed to participate to please the children, also enjoyed the game a lot and offered their opinions.
"I think our house didn''t have enough barricades and that''s why it was so hard to defend."
"No, we should be stealthy. If the zombies never detect us, they won''te to attack our base."
"We should probably build a wall to give us more time to react and a high vantage point to defend ourselves from in case of an attack."
"What about giving up on our base when it gets too hard to defend?"
"Wait, let me check on the Inte."
Olivia was too curious and frustrated about their failure and couldn''t help checking what other people rmended to do on the web.
Chapter 96 - 96 – Survival
Chapter 96: ¨C Survival
After a few minutes, she expressed her discoveries.
"It seems that the game intentionally put yers in the town center at the start of the game, where thergest number of zombies spawn. If they decide to stay, they will soon get overwhelmed by the number of zombies and die. Experienced yers rmend taking some risks at the start, leaving the initial house, and finding a ce to stay on the outskirts of town or even out of the city."
"Ah, so that was it. How vicious."
"No wonder the horde of zombies around the house grewrger every day."
"Now that we know this, the next game will be much easier."
"Right. Of course, they still rmend building a wall and some defenses for our base. And also to craft or find weapons to take care ofrge hordes of zombies, like Molotov cocktails or shotguns, as well as getting a car to make it easier to move around the map."
"So we were notpletely wrong. But we didn''t know we could use cars too. We should make that one of our priorities."
"I agree. Can''t wait for the next game. Is it done soon, Ben?"
"Ten minutes more. Set the table if you want things to go quicker."
A few of his sisters went to set the table while the rest continued to talk about the game with passion. Ten minutester, the meal was ready and they swiftly devoured everything to go back to y even one second faster. They cleaned the table and the dishes and were finally ready for round two of the game.
They started their first day in the game differently from the first time, a small team of two people going out to get a car while the rest explored their initial house and took everything they could from it. Fortunately, things went well for the expedition team that managed to get two cars by the end of the day, due to avoiding zombies instead of fighting them, increasing their stealth skill level at the same time. They had noticed that cars in the game could only fit four people and had used most of the day to find two of them. Everybody boarded the cars and went to search for a good starting location.
After looking around in one direction for a long time, they found an abandoned farm outside of town but still at a reasonable distance from it. There were only a couple of zombies roaming around and they dispatched them quickly before deciding to use the farm as their main base. The building wasrge and it already had a plot with some vegetables growing as well as a few animals. Except for the fact that it was rtively far from the town center and the shops, it was the perfect ce to use as a base. It waste in the night and they all decided to go to sleep and be ready for the next day.
After that discovery, the game went well with a few team members going on expeditions every day while the rest worked on improving the farm, building a wall as well as some defenses, or cooking meals in advance for the rest of the team. Several days passed like this. They umted materials and the corresponding skill levels to work with, slowly transforming their base into a fortress. They found several books which they used to get better at what they were doing, as well as other seeds that could be used to grow more vegetables and fruits. They were also close to a forest and one of them started hunting for food there.
The number of zombies in their area increased a lot more slowly than in the town center and they were always able to keep their ce safe. By day twenty, their situation was very stable. They had a moment of panic when the water and electricity were suddenly cut. They urgently built rain collectors but had to do with bottled water and sodas that they found in town for the following few days. As for the electricity, they found a broken reactor in one of the shops in town that they transported back to the farm. Thankfully, one of them had enough repair skills to fix it. They still had to get two team members to go fetch the materials needed to repair it as well as some fuel necessary to make it work. They managed to do both on the following day and were able to restore the electricity in the farm, which they mainly used for the fridge and the freezer, to keep the food from spoiling too quickly.
By midnight in reality, they finished their first month in the game with things going quite well. They decided to stop here and regrouped onest time in the living room, happily discussing the game, what they did well and what they could have done better as well as what they should do next. Seeing everyone enjoying themselves together in family put a smile on their mother''s and grandmother''s faces. They whispered to each other for a bit while grinning and looking at the children. It was also the first time Benjamin saw everyone so sincerely cheerful and he thought that inviting them to do something together had been the correct choice.
After a lot more discussions and talks about strategies and things they could try, they finally decided to go to sleep when Chloe started having trouble keeping her eyes open.
"It was super fun, we should do this another time."
"I agree. Sometimes, it''s good to have arge family. We had people for each type of job."
"We had great teamwork going on here. Call me next time if you want to y again."
"Thank you Olivia for choosing such an interesting game."
"You''re wee. I had a lot of fun too."
They all went back up the stairs and separated to go to their respective rooms. Benjamin changed into pajamas and fell asleep almost as soon as heid down on the bed, tired after a very fulfilling day.
Chapter 97 - 97 – Early morning
Chapter 97: ¨C Early morning
Even though he was tired and went to sleepte, Benjamin still woke up before seven in the morning the next day. He wanted to get some more rest and tried to go back to sleep but didn''t manage to. Sighing, he decided to get out of bed; there were simply days like that and it couldn''t be helped. Exiting his room, he went to wash up and brush his teeth in the bathroom, before going back to his room to change into his clothes for the day. At this hour on Sunday, the house was very quiet with everyone still sleeping.
Bored of being the only one awake, he thought about who he should prank. It was probably not a good idea to disturb his mother or his grandmother. Nova might get angry with him and he didn''t want to prank the quiet and peaceful Olivia. That left Grace and Chloe. Grace would forgive whatever prank he would y on her and Chloe was Chloe so it didn''t really matter. Chloe''s room was the closest and she became his target for that simple reason. However, when he reached her door, he heard some very quiet moaninging out from inside. He stuck his ear to the door and was able to confirm that she was probably in the middle of a very early self-satisfaction session. What perfect timing!
He brazenly opened her door and entered her room, startling the hell out of the poor girl. She was only wearing her pajama top while her lower body waspletely nude. She had the fingers of one hand fiddling with her clitoris while two fingers of her other hand were inside her pussy. Shocked by his sudden appearance, she was looking at him, paralyzed, not knowing what to do. Before she could say anything, Benjamin put a finger in front of his mouth to signal her to be quiet.
He closed the door and locked it behind him before going to sit next to her still-paralyzed self on the bed. He then kissed her on the cheek, put his mouth next to her ear, and whispered.
"Good morning, Chloe. Are you doing this every morning?"
Hearing his question, she finally rebooted, taking her hands off her intimate ce. Frowning, she answered in another whisper.
"Get out, Ben."
"Ah, don''t mind me, you can just continue. It is interesting for me to watch and it''s not like I haven''t seen it already."
She still stared at him angrily for a few moments until she looked like she had an idea and smiled perversely, which only looked cute in his eyes.
"Hey Ben, I will forgive you foring into my room without permission if you do it for me again likest time."
"Ahah, that''s what you came up with? I don''t mind, as long as you are quiet."
She beamed after hearing his answer. He went to sit in front of her and lifted her legs in the air until they were parallel to her upper body, her feet next to her head. Surprised by the unexpected position, Chloe stiffened and looked ufortable for a moment. It took her a while to get used to it and when she did, she rxed again, letting him handle her as he wished. Benjamin now had a perfect view of her butt, both the top and lower parts. He put his head into her snatch and started to lick her pussy, to her great joy. He licked everything, going from her little hole to her clitoris, not forgetting to titite her urethra for a bit. His skills soon forced her to use her pillow to muffle her voice so she would not alert anyone else. After a while, Benjamin asked her to hold her legs herself and used his now free hands to lightly prate her cunt. The change pushed her to moan loudly into her pillow.
"Mhff! Ishh goooh!"
Her butt was half in the air in front of him and that pushed him to try something different this time. He switched hands the fingers which stimted her twat and used his other well-lubricated fingers to caress her butthole. She shivered at the sudden unexpected contact and called out.
"What about here, do you use this ce too?"
She shook her head horizontally and he continued his questioning.
"Do you want to try?"
She hesitated for a long time, before finally nodding behind her pillow, losing to her curiosity. With her approval, he slowly inserted one finger lubricated by her pussy juices in her ass, careful not to go too quick and hurt her. After a few attempts, he was able to insert it all the way to the joint inside her and she moaned quietly. Interpreting this as a good sign, he slowly moved his finger in and out of her and after a few back and forths, she got used to the feeling and started appreciating it.
"Goooh! Ishh goooh!
Since she seemed to like it, he continued what he was doing while going down on her clit once more and moving his fingers in her pussy again. The triple stimtion was soon too much for her and she orgasmed with a moan while Benjamin continued to stimte her. He had to be careful about her pussy but that wasn''t the case with her butthole and once he felt she was used enough to it, he banged it with more strength, which pleased her a lot.
"Yeshh! Yeshh! Mhfff!"
After a few more climaxes, he was curious about something and removed his mouth from her clitoris while also stopping fingering her cunt. Instead, he put a second finger in her young and flexible ass and resumed his hand movements, moving his fingers inside her butt to try to stimte her as best as possible. She was feeling it a lot less now that she was only being fingered in her ass, but, interestingly enough, she still managed to get a pure anal orgasm after a few minutes. She really was easy to please.
At this point, Benjamin stopped the session. She removed the pillow from her face and begged him for more, as usual, but he refused her. Instead, he did something else. He showed her the fingers that have gone into her pussy and deliciously sucked on them, appreciating her fresh taste. Then, to her even greater surprise, he did the same to the fingers which had gone into her ass. They only tasted a little bit bitter but were otherwise fine. The show didn''t help her condition, though.
"Dammit, Ben, that''s so hot. I am even hornier now."
She started masturbating frically again and Benjamin decided to leave her to it, exiting her room. He went back to the bathroom to clean himself up thoroughly and then came down to the kitchen, preparing the usual simple breakfast that they ate in his family.
His sisters and his mother woke up and came down one after the other, including Chloe when she was done pleasuring herself. They ate breakfast together before leaving for their nned activity of the day. Even Olivia had something to do outside today and left after saying something like going to a gaming event. Eventually, his grandmother came out, a lotter than everyone else. Benjamin was now the only one left in the house. She greeted him and ate her breakfast in a very unhurried manner. When she was done, she asked him toe to her room to start their nned discussion. Her room was a simr mess to his sisters'' rooms. He felt like it might be a gic issue at this point. It was not a ce where the children often went as she didn''t like them entering her room without permission. Now that he was inside, he could understand why. There were pornographic items everywhere in the room, including adult-rated movies, magazines, and books. What''s more, dildos and vibrators were lying here and there, each of them having clearly seen a lot of use. She didn''t seem to mind him seeing all of this, though, and simply started the conversation after asking him to sit on the bed next to her.
"Today, I wanted to talk with you about something very important. However, it is also a secret and before I reveal anything, I need you to unconditionally swear that you will never disclose what you will learn to anyone, without any exception."
"Is it really that important? And is it a secret that I absolutely need to hear?"
"Let''s just say that this secret is notpletely my own and that this is the reason why I need you to swear. And you don''t need to hear it if you don''t want to. I wanted to share it with you because I thought you would be open-minded enough to ept it and also for another reason which I cannot say before you swear."
He didn''t expect the whole secret thing and in truth, he wasn''t interested in learning it. There was always a good reason for a secret to remain unknown and he also had his share of them. What''s more, learning of one was a heavy responsibility when he was already barely able to take care of himself as it was. However, his grandmother was one of the people he trusted the most in the world and he knew that she would never do anything harmful to him. She must have had a good reason for doing this and he decided to trust her this time too.
"I understand. I swear, I will never talk to anyone about what you are going to tell me."
His grandmother looked happy and relieved.
"Thank you, love."
Chapter 98 - 98 – Secret
Chapter 98: ¨C Secret
She stopped for a moment before talking.
"It is about me and my friends. The truth is, the four of us are... in a rtionship."
That was really unexpected! As far as he knew, lesbian rtionships were still not so well epted in this world. No wonder she asked him to keep it a secret. What''s more, it wasn''t just two people but four of them together. If reversing the situation to his previous world, it would be the equivalent of four gay men being in a rtionship together. He wouldn''t have anything against it but he knew that not everyone thought like him.
Of course, in this world, and from his point of view, it was four women having sex together, and couldn''t be anything else than being extremely sexy and arousing. His grandmother monitored his expression and gave him time to process the information. When he returned from his fantasies of lesbian group sex, he asked the most obvious question.
"Why are you telling me this?"
"You are not repulsed by it? Do Grandma and her friends not seem repulsive now?"
"Not at all. If anything, this is quite erotic in my opinion, ahah."
She seemed startled but soon gave a big grin. She took his head in her hands and gave him a big sonorous kiss on the lips.
"That''s my darling. I was really hoping you would react like this and I am d I was not wrong. Please don''t ever lose your open-mindedness because it will allow you to see the world without prejudices. Remember, there is always a reason for everything in this world."
Benjamin nodded and she resumed her talk.
"To answer your question, I would need to start telling you this story from the beginning. After my husband, your grandfather, passed away and I recovered from the shock of his death, I became extremely lonely without him in my life. Your grandfather was a good man who had always supported me and we loved each other a lot. I was eaten from the insides by a big feeling of emptiness and I didn''t know how to handle it. I still had to work and provide for re and I didn''t have the time nor the will to find someone else to help me raise your mother. One day, one of my co-workers talked about one of her acquaintances who had just lost her husband, as I did. I thought about what I had gone through all by myself and decided to go meet with that person and help her in any way I could."
She took a break at this point, seemingly getting lost in her memories for a few seconds. Benjamin thought about his situation. His father had also been an extremely kind and gentle person. For a long time after the ident, he often decided about things based on what he thought his father would have done in a simr situation. Even though he was still young when he passed away, he definitely had arge influence on his current personality and way of thinking. He would never dare to think he was anywhere close to what his father had been but he wanted to believe that he had inherited at least a part of his father''s nature.
His grandmother shook her head, as if to stop recollecting the past, and continued her story.
"That woman was Angel. When I met her for the first time, she waspletely devastated by the death of her husband, just like I had been. I strongly saw myself in her. I started to discuss with her and we shared stories of our situations, thoughts, and misfortune. She soon recognized that we were the same and shepletely opened up to me. She began to strongly rely on me as emotional support. But the truth was that I was using her in the same way. By sharing our misfortune, we started to rely more and more on each other until we became inseparable. We slowly started to get better over time and that was when we heard about another woman in the circle of our acquaintances that was the same as us. That was Vera. I and Angel decided that we wanted to include her in our group and we went to see her. She was reluctant at first but after we kepting to her and sharing our own stories, her pride finally broke apart and she burst into tears one evening, crying for hours."
She took another break after talking so much, using it to pet Benjamin''s hair idly. Finally, she resumed her story one more time.
"After that, she fully became part of the group. And, as you can expect, the same process repeated itself for Lauren. She was an even tougher nut to crack but our strong persistence eventually got the better of her reservations. That''s how we formed the group of four that you know. We became extremely close to each other and we would do everything together. However, one evening when we were indulging in our sadness by talking about ourte husbands while drinking, one of us drunkenly started kissing the closest person to her and the situation soon degenerated into the four of us having sex. The next morning, we were extremely ashamed of what we had done but simultaneously, it had been the first time in a long while for all of us to feel someone else''s warmth and relieve our sexual frustrations. We had a hard time admitting to it because none of us were lesbian but it had felt good and we were feeling much better after it happened, as if a big weight had fallen from our shoulders. So, even though we were ashamed of it, we still decided to keep our rtionship. We wouldn''t have been able to separate from each other by that point anyway and, instead, we chose to continue relieving our sexual needs within our group by having sex from time to time. And that''s how it has been, even to this day."
She concluded her talk with a small grin, indicating that her story was done. Benjamin took a moment to assimte everything and said.
"I understand. Thank you for sharing your story with me, Grandma, it makes me happy to learn more about you. In conclusion, it is not that the four of you have lesbian inclinations and it is just that you are all too close to each other."
"Exactly. It was awkward at first to do it while being sober but, as with everything, we got used to the situation after some time and now it is something very natural for us."
"I see. But you still didn''t tell me why you wanted me to learn about this."
Chapter 99 - 99 – Possibility
Chapter 99: ¨C Possibility
She hesitated for a long time. In the end, she opened her mouth and dered.
"After what we did in the bathroomst time together, I thought about a lot of things. Time and experience have taught me that I am the happiest when I help other people and share my joys and sorrows with them. I also have long lost any will to monopolize happiness for myself. That''s why I have a proposal for you."
She took a breath and when she was ready, she added.
"Don''t take it badly and you can refuse if you want. My proposal is like this: would you like to join me and my friends in one of our sex sessions?"
After saying this, she looked at him anxiously, checking his reaction once again. Benjamin, on the other hand, shivered in excitation at her words. Joining as the sole male in a group of four women for sex? Was this any different from paradise? His lesbian fantasies began to y again in his mind with the new addition of himself in the center of the group.
Seeing him not reacting, his Grandma quickly tried to exin herself.
"I know it might be shocking but what we didst time made me so happy that I wanted my friends to experience it too. I promise we will treat you very well. And they also like you a lot so they will be over the clouds to have you. And since you said you liked my body. And, and..."
Her excuses took him out of his reverie and he stopped her.
"Stop, stop, no need to say anymore."
She closed her mouth and waited anxiously again for his decision. He grinned with affection and dered.
"I will do it. I wille and participate when you want me to."
"... Really?"
"Of course, I would never lie about something like this."
She smiled once again and took him in her arms, giving him a big hug.
"Thank you! Thank you, darling! Everyone will be so happy!"
She hugged him joyfully for a long time and he waited until she calmed down to ask her another question.
"Do they know about you wanting to organize this?"
"Not yet, I wanted to get your approval first before telling them anything. I didn''t want to give them any false hope."
He nodded and she continued.
"That''s great, I was really anxious about this. I feel relieved now."
"Well, I can understand. This is definitely not a normal proposal from a grandmother to her grandson, ahahah."
"You''re right. Hm. Do you remember when I told you that it was fine that we loved each other as more than family?"
"Of course. That actually also relieved me a lot from my anxiety."
"That''s good. And you can see now why I said that. I am also in an abnormal rtionship. People from the outside would judge me as creepy and disgusting but the truth is, I have been much happier by maintaining it than I would ever have been by listening to vague conceptsing from society and its morals. This taught me that we should seek our happiness, no matter what shape it maye in. Speaking of which..."
She made a knowing smile and continued.
"I have seen how you have been looking at us all during the poker game. This was more than simple lust."
"Don''t worry. I just told you. If you like anyone, whoever it is, I will support you, even if it is someone in the family."
"Yes. You might think this is crazy but look at them now. Since you started changing your attitude and showering them with your attention and affection, they have be so much brighter. I have never seen this family being so happy after your father''s ident. What does it matter if you like them a bit too much? I don''t mind whatever you do as long as you continue making everybody happy. In fact, if you need any help from me, I will dly do it."
Now that he knew more about her and her background, he got a better understanding of her logic and what she really cared about. Of course, even considering that, she was still extremely open-minded and supportive toward him. Benjamin couldn''t be happier to have such a strong backer with him.
"Thank you, Grandma. You are the best. I love you."
"Hehe, I love you too, my dear. Come here and kiss me."
They shared a long kiss full of love, entangling their tongues for a long time. When it ended, she asserted.
"Now, I have ns to join my friends in the afternoon to go on a hike. Are you still willing to join us?"
"Of course. Oh, that makes me think."
He sported a mischievous smile and added.
"Should we y a trick on them? We already agreed that we were going to have sex but they don''t know about it. Should I surprise them by being a bit too affectionate with them?"
"Ahahah, I like your way of thinking. That''s a great idea, I will support you. I won''t tell them about you joining our sessions before tomorrow, then. What do you have in mind?"
They discussed the things they could do to prank the threedies. After some time and a lot ofughing in anticipation, she proposed something else.
"We still have some time before we need to go. What do you say about some sex before that?"
Now that all her anxiety was gone, she was back to being very direct with her wishes.
"Sounds great to me."
"Perfect. Leave it all to me, I will make you feel amazing, love."
He nodded and decided to let her be in full control, curious about what normal sex would be with someone as experienced as her.
Chapter 100 - 100 – Experience
Chapter 100: ¨C Experience
She started by initiating another kiss with him while taking the opportunity of their close contact to caress his chest over his T-shirt. Once the smooch ended, she took his top off and kissed him again when she was done. Next, she unbuttoned his jeans while kissing and removed them after parting with him. She went on like this, removing one piece of clothing from him in between each kiss.
Soon, he was nude, and, contrary to what he expected, she didn''t spend much time looking at his body, guiding him to lie down on the bed instead. She climbed onto the bed after him and when she was on top of him, she started to caress him everywhere while taking a piece of her clothes off from time to time. A minuteter and they were both naked, his grandmother revealing her body full of piercings once again, which he found as interesting asst time. He continued to enjoy her touch, his dick so hard that it was floating over his abdomen. Witnessing this, she did two things at the same time.
On one hand, she put her vagina in contact with his wand and slid her hips on top of it, her wet sex feeling pleasant over his cock and her piercings rubbing exotically on his member. He believed this was what was called non-prative sex and it was an interesting feeling. It probably worked even better in this world where women had a much easier time producing natural lubricant.
On the other hand, she bent her upper body to kiss him again. It was a much deeper and longer kiss this time, where she took the opportunity to show her skills. Her tongue was like a ferocious animal, invading every spot in his mouth, licking his gums and his pte as well as attacking his tongue, sucking it greedily. She was aware of where to go to make it feel the best and was also relentless, making her the most skilled kisser he knew. It felt incredible to be on the receiving end of her attention. Whenever he had the opportunity, he entangled his appendage with hers and they turned around each other like this, exchanging saliva back and forth.
After some time of this, she broke off the kiss and went to assault his neck instead, giving it some pecks. She slowly continued to go down, kissing his chest and nipples, followed by his navel and his pelvis. She was now finally in front of his member and she took a moment to appreciate it before licking it. She started from the root of his verge and went up little by little with Benjamin panting at the feeling, a sight she seemed to enjoy a lot. Once she was at the tip, she licked it for a moment and went down again, licking her way back to his balls. She was quite good at handling those, delicatelypping them at their underside. She then slowly put each one in her mouth, stimting them with her tongue for a while. Then she gobbed both at once and rolled them preciously over her tongue, giving him a new feeling.
It was only the start but he had already been experiencing many new things, proof of his grandmother''s expertise in the matter. After that, she released his balls and went back up to his ns. This time, she took it slowly into her mouth and dropped her head little by little on his penis, until her lips finally reached the end and touched his pelvis. She was so far deep that he could feel the back of her throat and she didn''t even gag at all. Was this the famous deepthroating he had seen in porn? It was really something to experience this himself and he couldn''t help twitching at the great stimtion. She looked happy to see him like this and, as if it was not enough, she began using her hands to caress his balls.
She moved her head up and down on his sex and added some fierce tonguing on his cock and ns at the same time. This was the most arousing fetio he had ever experienced and he didn''t think he would be able to hold for much longer.
"It''s amazing, Grandma. I am going toe soon."
Contrarily to most women, she didn''t raise her speed or change anything when hearing this, simply looking at him approvingly and continuing what she was doing, only focusing on doing it well and steadily. It didn''t take long before he got to orgasm with a low groan of satisfaction, his hips pushing upwards unconsciously and his penis strongly releasing shots of sperm inside her throat. She continued to pleasure him for the duration of his climax, greedily gulping anything that he ejected until he waspletely done. He let out a sigh of contentment and asserted.
"It was the best, Grandma. You''re so good at this."
She took his cock out of her mouth and smiled. She noticed that he didn''t go soft and looked pleased, dering.
"I know, darling. And it seems that I will be able to show you a lot more, right?"
"Yes, I can''t wait. Is it my turn to lick you now?"
"Not this time. Today you just rx and I will do everything. Even though we don''t need to follow traditions, I want you to experience at least once how normal sex is supposed to happen. I still feel a bit ashamed about letting my lust take overst time."
"There is no need to, I enjoyed what we did very much."
"And I know that you are saying the truth. Still, you can guess that things will be much less normal when the other three will get involved so we should use this time to go slow and easy. I heard that people these days are more adventurous but traditionally, women are supposed to handle most everything during sex and the goal should be to get the man to ejacte. In the case of a young couple who is aiming to have children they might always aim for vaginal ejaction to have a baby but we are obviously more free on this specific part."
"I understand. I don''t mind at all, anything is fine if it''s with you, Grandma."
She smiled happily and they started the second round of their mating.
Chapter 101 - 101 – Traditional
Chapter 101: ¨C Traditional
"Let''s switch over to the main part now."
She straddled over him once more and raised her waist until her pussy was on top of his dick. Even though she had been much calmerpared to women Benjamin had to deal with before, she still looked quite excited right now. Her pierced clitoris was as erect as her nipples and her vagina was releasing fluids continuously, flowing down on his rod. Her smell was starting to fill the room, enticing and erotic, pushing Benjamin''s tool to throb impatiently.
She took his cock in one hand and adjusted her aim before gently lowering her hips. She went very leisurely, dropping herself centimeter by centimeter, both of them enjoying the sensation of him entering her. Eventually, her butt arrived in contact with his thighs and he was fully inside her. The feeling was different from all his other experiences. She was enveloping him but the pressure was low, as if he was in a wet and warm glove. It feltforting and reassuring but the stimtion was quite limited. This was also what he had expected. If he could fit his hand inside her vagina, there would surely be plenty of room for his penis.
He was soon proved to be deeply mistaken. She started to strongly contract her pussy walls around him and began moving her waist up and down, the squeezing on his member increasing by several times. He was taken by surprise and couldn''t help letting out a groan of pleasure as she did this, making her grin cheekily, as if she hadpletely understood his thought process. Once again, he was proved that he shouldn''t have underestimated his grandmother.
And that was not all. Instead of simply clutching her twat all the time, she began to do it intermittently, contracting and releasing the pressure, and then contracting again. It now felt like her pussy had be a living organism on its own, pulsating over his dick. Added to thebination of her moving up and down on him, he was being stimted in a way he could never have imagined. Tight virgin cunts were good but this was something else together. As expected, experience really delivered during sex and the new sensations pushed him toward his climax much more easily than he was ustomed to.
"The way your vagina is pulsating around me feels so good. I am going toe again soon."
"Go ahead, release everything inside me, darling."
This time too she didn''t increase her speed and, barely twenty secondster, he sent a thrust into her to reach as deep as possible and let himself go inside his grandmother with a grunt, sending wave after wave of his seed into her depth. She closed her eyes to appreciate the feeling,menting with a moan.
"Mhmm. It''s been so long since I felt warm semen inside me. That''s the feeling, it is so addicting. I don''t know how I did without it for so long."
She continued to make her pussy pulsate until he waspletely spent and took a small break after that, enjoying the sensation of her vagina being filled by both dick and cum. After that, she opened her eyes again and noted.
"You''re still hard? That''s incredible, love. You are like the dream lover of all women. And at least for now, you are all mine."
She smiled meaningfully and started to move her hips again before bending her upper body and going for another kiss with him. They entangled their tongues once again while she carried on with making her ass bounce on his dick for some time. A few minutester, she suddenly elerated her movements for a few insertions, a bit frantically, and then trembled greatly, moaning in his mouth, her pussy twitching uncontrobly and drenching his member with her juices. She orgasmed like that for a few seconds before breaking off their kiss.
"This time andst time too, I aming so fast. It''s really different to be with a man."
Benjamin felt that she wasn''t quick at all, at leastpared to what he was used to. If this was fast, he wondered how long it would normally take for her to cum. He guessed that she was so used to sex that it had gotten harder for her to climax.
She resumed smooching him and moving her hips and they went like this for some time. As always, it felt great to kiss while having sex and after a few more minutes, it was him again who couldn''t hold it anymore and came inside her for the second time. She waited for him to finish, enjoying the feeling of his spunk inside her cunt, andmented.
"Let''s change position a little."
She turned around and instead of facing him, she was now riding him with her back to him, in a reverse cowgirl position.
"This is anothermon position during normal sex. It is a bit less popr because partners cannot see each other''s faces anymore but it allows for a different stimtion since the penis will get to feel the vagina at a different angle."
It was not his first time trying the position since he had gotten the opportunity to try it with Sasha as well as during his work the day before. It was still very pleasant and a wee change after having been in the same position from the start. He thought it might be a good opportunity for him to move along with her and started to slowly thrust his hips up in coordination with her movements, only to be stopped by her.
"Don''t, love. If you need more stimtion, I will provide it to you."
She misunderstood his intention but he didn''t correct her. It seemed she really wanted the whole session to be under her control. Since that was what she wanted, he decided to let her have her way until the end. She began moving her waist at a swifter pace while continuing to make her twat pulse on his dick. It still felt amazing and both of them soon became entranced in the sex. Her butt cheeks were now pping regrly against his thighs and the view of her behind was very erotic. After a while, she was the one who came first this time, letting out a shout of pleasure. She shuddered for a while, her fluids flowing down on the sheets. The room was now filled with the odor of their sex, each breath making them hornier than the previous one.
She rotated herself once more but only by 90 degrees this time, her side facing him, and continued to bounce on him. Her two orgasms did have their effects on her and she was also starting to really enjoy the session for herself and not just to pleasure him.
"I can''t believe you are still hard after all of that. You''re amazing, darling. Mhmm, your big cock feels so good inside me!"
As time went on, she was moving faster and faster on his penis, getting more and more disorderly. She rotated one more time, her other side facing him, and it felt like she was now going full strength on him. He was surprised by her stamina, which was really good for someone her age. Soon, she was close to another climax and she rotated onest time, facing him just like at the start.
"Yeess! I am going toe again! I can''t believe a cock will get me off so many times!"
"I am close too!"
"Good,e together with me, dear!"
She impaled herself a few more times on him before suddenly trembling, her pussy contracting strongly on his member and her face contorting in great pleasure, letting out her feelings with a squeal.
Her walls gripping him like a vice also became the breaking point for Benjamin, who cummed together with her, his sperm exploding deep into her insides onest time with a satisfied groan.
Once their orgasms ended, his grandmother flopped powerlessly on the bed, his dick getting ejected from her cunt. Her head fell behind his and her cunt started to let out his three ejactions worth of semen on the sheets since she had rxed her pussy muscles. He aligned his body with hers and took her into his arms, cuddling with her. She smiled at his gesture and feebly returned his hug, looking tired after so much activity.
Chapter 102 - 102 – Duo
Chapter 102: ¨C Duo
They stayed like this for a long time, appreciating each other''s warmth. Eventually, his grandmother parted from him and said.
"Let''s take a shower and go hiking after that."
Benjamin nodded, and they went to the bathroom, entering the tub together. She took the shower head and adjusted the temperature before soaping and rinsing him. Once she was done with him, she switched to cleaning herself. She began by using one hand to open her pussy, allowing his semen to slowly drop from her vagina. He had never wondered about how women handled leftover sperm inside them after sex and wouldn''t have to since the scene in front of him answered the question. Once the flow dried up, she directed the shower jet to enter inside her cunt to finish cleaning everything. Both scenes were quite hot, reviving Benjamin''s dick one more time. She noticed him getting hard again andughed.
"Ahah, you''re insatiable."
She made him seat on the rim of the bathtub and gave him a soapy handjob until he came again. After that, they finally managed to clean themselves for good and exited the bathroom. They put on some easy-to-move-in clothes and when they were ready, they used his grandmother''s car to head to the location that had been chosen for the day''s hiking. During the ride, they talked some more about the pranks they were going to pull on the threedies today. Just thinking about it made his Grandma cheerful and they arrived at their destination on that note.
It was arge park with a hilly forest containing several hiking tracks. The mostmon starting location was at the bottom of the valley, where the water of a beautifulke shined from the reflection of the rays of the sun. It was indeed a very nice ce. The contrast of the blue from theke and the green from the forest was a feast for the eyes and Benjamin understood why they choose toe here. His grandmother parked the car in a car park located outside the entrance of the park and they headed to a small wooden house that served as a meeting point and resting location for hikers.
They found the three women sitting there and chatting between themselves. It seemed they werete, as usual, because they looked like they had been waiting for some time. Once the duo came closer to thedies, they turned their heads in their direction. Vera and Laurenpletely ignored Roselyn and smiled widely at Benjamin. Just like the previous week, they quickly came to him to give him some hugs and pecks. However, he was ready this time. Lauren reached him first and tried to give him a smooch on the cheek when he suddenly turned his head in her direction and they ended up kissing on the lips. She was extremely surprised and instantly separated from him, apologizing.
"I''m sorry, Ben, that wasn''t intentional!"
He also acted as if he was startled, putting his fingers on his lips, and answered shakily.
"I-it''s okay, it''s not your fault. I-it''s not a big deal."
He saw his grandmother trying hard not tough from the corner of his eyes and that also made it hard for him to keep acting but he somehow managed to hold himself back. Seeing what happened, Vera had stopped herself in her tracks, now hesitating to approach him. He turned toward her and dered.
"It... It''s important to be fair, I believe."
He came to her and gave her a quick peck on her lips, leaving her stunned too. Of course, he went to Angel and did the same to her, now having three dazed women in front of him. It was his grandmother who broke the standstill,ing to Benjamin and patting him on the head.
"You''re right, you should always be fair with everyone. If you are, they will also treat you fairly."
She looked at her friends, her eyes asking for their approval and they got out of their daze to swiftly confirm her words.
"Yes, that''s right, you did well, Ben."
"Correct, you should always treat everyone fairly."
The whole thing was a bit ridiculous and the duo of pranksters had another hard time holding themselves back fromughing. After this interesting start, the five of them headed to the beginning of one of the hiking tracks. The women exined to him that they would do one of the easier ones today since he was with them. He argued that he could handle himself on any of those tracks since he was doing a lot of sports but they didn''t change their mind and they all started advancing on their chosen track. It was entering the forest with a slow slope until it reached the highest point. After that, they would go around theke while enjoying the forest and afterpletely circling it, they would finally return to where they started, except they would arrive from the other side of theke.
The fourdies were in great shape, handling the track as if it was nothing. Benjamin followed without any trouble and they went on like this, having a good pace but not going too fast, taking their time to enjoy the scenery and the forest. From time to time, the track woulde close to the side theke was on and they would have a very nice overview of the surroundings. The weather was neither good nor bad today, a bit cloudy but still not raining. In a way, it was good weather for hiking, not too warm nor too cold, enjoyable.
They sometimes met other people who were also hiking, either going the same way as them or arriving from the other direction. It seemed like it was a sort of unwritten rule to greet anyone one woulde across during a hike and they did so, saying hi to many other people on their way. There were also parts of the tracks where there wasn''t anyone in sight and they used those times to chat among themselves, often asking questions to Benjamin, wondering if he was doing well, how school was, or asking him to talk about his friends or his hobbies. He answered all the questions they had, sometimes allowing them to dive into a specific topic of discussion, and time passed like this, with them progressing on their hike in a good mood.
Chapter 103 - 103 – Pranksters
Chapter 103: ¨C Pranksters
After around one hour and a half, they reached one of the higher locations in the park, an area that was simr to a clearing, with some wood tables avable here and there. There were a few groups of people taking a rest in this ce, drinking some water or eating something before resuming their hikes. They decided to take a break there too and eat the food that Angel prepared for everyone, as they usually did. For Benjamin and his grandmother, though, this meant it was time for their second prank.
After they all sat down around one of the tables, Benjamin feigned being hot after walking so much and pulled on his T-shirt to ventte himself. He did that a few times until he announced, as if this was not enough.
"It''s really hot."
He then took his t-shirt off, the eyes of the threedies widening at his gesture. Their gazes instantly focused on his chest, their mouths open in surprise, before Angel jumped out of her seat in a hurry, conveying.
"You shouldn''t expose yourself like this, dear!"
Vera and Lauren nodded their heads in agreement but he could see that the threedies'' faces had a little blush on them. He also saw some reactions from the other people in the clearing. There was one young couple where the woman was looking at him, agape, only for her head to be forcefully turned aside by the man she was with, who then started to chide her for looking. The other group wasposed of three middle-ageddies who tantly stared at his exposed torso, their lecherous gazes not moving a single millimeter from his exposed skin.
Benjamin looked down at his topless self and replied, ashamed.
"Oh, I am sorry. I know I don''t look that great."
He put his top back on, to the man''s relief and everybody''s else regret. Of course, the threedies immediately started to deny his words, trying tofort him.
"Not at all, you look great, darling. It''s just that it''s dangerous to expose yourself like this."
"That''s right. It''s a bit too stimting for women."
"It''s exactly because you look good that you should be more careful."
The three middle-aged women and the young woman also nodded at those words. Of course, the young man wasn''t pleased with his lover''s reaction and started to scold her again. Roselyn was now chuckling by herself, unable topletely restrain herself fromughing. This made it harder for Benjamin, who could unconsciously feel the corner of his lips twitch.
Fortunately, the incident passed quickly and they started having ate lunch, appreciating Angel''s food which tasted as good as always. Thinking about this, he couldn''t help asking the group about it.
"Howe Angel is always the one bringing the food?"
"Oh, you don''t know? She was a chef when she was working."
"What''s more, we are all terrible at cooking except for her so the choice became obvious."
Angel grinned, adding.
"I don''t mind preparing the food for everyone. It keeps me busy and allows me to maintain my skills from when I was working."
"I see, no wonder it always tastes so good. You''re amazing, Angel."
She smiled happily and came closer to him, giving him another share of the meal and looking at him eat cheerfully.
"Eat this too, dear."
He thanked her and continued eating, tasting everything she prepared. Soon enough, they were done. They stood up, cleaned up after themselves, and carried on with their hike. They were now on the other side of theke and were heading toward their starting point. All of them were still full of energy and when Benjamin praised them for it, they answered that they often did physical activities like this to stay in shape.
They were now close to the exit with perhaps ten minutes left before they arrived. They were alone on this section of the track and didn''t meet many people going in the other direction anymore, probably because it was toote to start the track at this time. Benjamin felt like it was a perfect opportunity for their grand finale and sent a nce at his grandmother. She nodded imperceptibly and heunched the operation.
He started to squirm, more and more visibly, waiting for the threedies to notice. After a minute of this, Lauren saw something was wrong with him and asked him.
"What''s wrong, Ben?"
"I need to go to the toilet."
"Huh. Can you hold it in for a short while? We are close to the exit now."
"Impossible. I need to go now."
"Well... It''s a bit primitive but this is a forest so you can go do your business behind a tree."
"Yes, I will do that."
Truthfully, he really needed to go to the bathroom, even though he would be able to hold it in until they arrived at the park''s entrance. He had drunk a lot of water before leaving home precisely for this purpose. He left the trail and went behind a tree but not very far, only a few meters away. He then purposely positioned himself so that he would bepletely visible to the women but would still aim at a tree. He opened his fly, took his engine out, and started to pee. He heard the three women gasping and turned his head with a minute movement to be able to see them from the corner of his eyes.
The four of them - his grandmother also taking the opportunity to get some eye candy - were watching him with fascination, not able to move their gazes from his penis, looking like deers in the headlights. He noticed that they stared at him from start to finish and only turned away when he was done, acting as if nothing had happened. However, Benjamin and his grandmother''s n wasn''t done yet. Stopping here would only hurt their reputations as pranksters and they knew better than to do that.
Chapter 104 - 104 – Found out
Chapter 104: ¨C Found out
After he was done, he thought about the group sex he was going to enjoy with them at the next opportunity. Taking his grandmother as a reference, he remembered her mature and sexy body as well as her pulsating twat, multiplied that by four, and got hard in no time. Leaving his hardened member out, he came back to his group like this. Except for his grandmother, the three women were all looking away from him, still pretending to have seen nothing just before. When they heard himing back, they turned toward him, only to be met with the sight of his rock-hard sex peeping out of his fly.
Their gazes once more focused on his dick, shocked by what they were seeing, their mouths agape. They stayed like this for a moment, until Vera barely managed to ask him a question.
"W-what are you doing like that, Ben?"
"It became like this when I thought about you all. I don''t think I will be able to fit it inside my pants until it gets smaller. I am sorry to show you something so unsightly."
The threedies reacted in the same way, shaking their heads negatively with all their strength. Vera was the one who started to deny his words first.
"It''s not your fault, it''s something natural. And it is not unsightly at all, it looks very, um, very majestic!"
"That''s right. It''s amazing. Just like, well, ance ready to pierce a... To pierce the heavens!"
"I have rarely seen such a great one, dear. You should be proud of it. It is simr to a... A lion towering over the world!"
Lauren and Angel added their impressions after Vera. That was too much for his grandmother, who burst intoughing uncontrobly.
"Bwahahaha! It''s majestic! It''s towering over the world, ready to pierce the heavens! Pfffttt hahahahaha!"
The three women immediately understood what this was about and looked both mortified and angry.
"Roselyn! It''s you again! How can you make your grandson do something like this!"
"Are you crazy? What the heck were you even thinking about?"
"Sigh, you''re hopeless."
The person in question shook her head left and right whileughing, trying hard to deny the usations.
"Hahaha, no, no, I am innocent! Hahahaha! Piercing the heavens!"
"Like hell you are!"
Looking at the scene, Benjamin hurriedly forced his penis inside his pants, before soon not being able to hold hisughter back anymore either.
"Pfffttt hahaha, sorry, it''s too funny! Hahahaha!"
The threedies were not stupid and soon reached the obvious conclusion.
"Ben! You were in this too? No wonder you were acting weird today. I didn''t think you were like this."
"Oh,e on. As if we didn''t have enough of Roselyn. Now we have two of the same."
"Sigh, I feel tired just thinking about it."
To the three''s exasperation, the two prankstersughed for a long time. Once they calmed down, they got scolded for an even longer period on the side of the hiking trail, the other hikersing from behind looking at them amusedly. It didn''t help that Benjamin and Roselyn would still chuckle from time to time while being chided. The three women only calmed down when Benjamin sincerely apologized, since Roselyn''s apologies had zero effect on them. He gave a smile of repentance and stated.
"We were wrong, forgive us."
He then went to each of the three to hug them. Their indignation and annoyance soon disappeared as they were unable to stay angry in front of his smiling face and hugs. Once again, Benjamin shamelessly exploited his advantage as a boy to get off lightly. Still, even after stopping being angry, Angel came to him, caressing his cheek and asking.
"Promise me you won''t do something like that again, yes?"
He avoided looking her in the eyes and replied.
"I-I can''t promise that."
She smiled wryly but didn''t seem too upset by his answer, continuing to caress his cheek affectionately.
"You''re just like your grandmother. Well, even if she is sometimes making us very upset, her cheerful personality is also one of her good traits. Just don''t go too far, alright?"
He nodded and she let him go. They were finally ready to continue their hike, or at least the small amount of remaining walking they needed to do. They exited the forest ten minutester, arriving at the park''s entrance again. They sat inside the wooden house for a while, taking a small break and chatting about their day of hiking and their next activity. Eventually, it was time to part for the day. Vera and Lauren tried to fake still being a little upset at Benjamin but their front crumbled when they saw Angel getting a parting hug from Benjamin and realized that they wouldn''t get one. They instantly changed their stance and impatiently asked for their share too. This was the moment his grandmother chose to make another well-timedment.
"See, Ben? We can do whatever we want and they will always forgive us in the end because they adore us. I speak from experience."
"Yes, I see it now. We have to think about what to do next time."
"I am sure we will find something."
Their talk finally managed to irritate Vera, who said menacingly.
"Enough with you two. If you don''t stop, I will take you home to punish you."
Benjamin looked at his grandmother and raised his eyebrows interrogatively. She saw it and exined.
"That''s aplete bluff. She looks ferocious on the outside but she would never touch a single hair of anyone''s head. Just y along with her."
"Sorry Vera, we will stop, please don''t punish us."
Vera was now red, at the limit of her patience.
"You two, just, just go home already!"
The grandmother and grandson duoughed onest time, said goodbye, and entered their car before driving away from the park. They had a lot of fun today and spent most of the trip back home talking about what happened during the hike and giggling stupidly.
Chapter 105 - 105 – Activity
Chapter 105: ¨C Activity
On the following morning, Benjamin started his routine again. After waking up early, he headed to school for his daily learning session with Sasha. She was always very passionate on Mondays, after two days of missing him. One hourter, he exited the infirmary to go to his ss. On the way, a lot of students recognized and greeted him, either cheerfully or with affection, simr to caring for a little brother. After his two sports matches the week prior, he felt that most of the students knew about him now, especially the girls. He tried to always greet everyone back with a smile, which only made even more students greet him every day.
Curious, he checked Sarai''s blog and was surprised to see that the number of views andments had increased by many times. However, the most perplexing part was probably one of thements onst Friday''s blog post. While the content of the post only talked about him having a normal, if very angelic, day at school, thement said that they had spotted the angel and his two friends going to 42-Answer''s concert. And here they were trying so hard to hide it. By now, probably most of the school knew about it. The problem wasn''t the students in general, though, but the ones in their ss in particr.
As expected, as soon as he opened the door to his ssroom, he saw a bunch of girls crowding around his friends.
"How did you get tickets to the concert?"
"You guys are so lucky. I want to go to one of his concerts too."
"You have to tell us next time. Had I known, I would have bought a ticket from a reseller, no matter how expensive!"
"I wanted to join too!"
His two friends seemed overwhelmed by the girls'' quick talk, barely able to answer anything at all. Benjamin greeted the whole ss with a simple "Good morning" as he usually did before going to help Nathan and Julian. When he was next to them, he tried to ease the girls down a bit.
"Calm down, girls. It''s normal to do some activities with just us guys, right?"
They nodded reluctantly but one of them added.
"Fine, but we have to do something together today."
She was the second most assertive girl in the ss after Sarai and was named Noemi. She was often leading the girls after the incident with Sarai. Speaking of Sarai, she was now in the periphery of the girls together with a group of friends who had a simr interest to her new hobby. The girls in that group always had their eyes fixated on Benjamin and monitored every one of his movements, sometimes writing something on their phones.
Back to the girls'' wish, Benjamin asked his friends for their opinion.
"Well... What do you two think?"
Nathan sent a quick look at the group of girls around them and replied.
"I don''t mind."
Julian seemed less interested and answered with a question instead.
"What about you, Ben?"
"I am also okay with it."
"Alright, I will join too, then."
The girls looked cheery at their sess and high-fived each other right in front of them. They still needed to decide on what to do and Benjamin queried them.
"So, what''s the n?"
They looked at each other, desire obvious in their eyes, and one of them tried her luck.
"What about a disco? I know one where they allow people our age."
Julian and Nathan frowned while Benjamin gave his best smile.
"Dream on."
Somehow, his rejection made them happier than before. The girl did not expect that it would work but managed to get to see his smile in exchange and they all thought that the trade was profitable. Proud of her achievement, she tried once again.
Judging by her questioning tone, she already knew the answer even before asking and Benjamin only grinned without responding. After a few seconds, she blushed and added.
Seeing that it wouldn''t be that easy, the girls started to think seriously about it. Finally, a different one gave a suggestion.
"What about a movie?"
"Too long. I need to be home before seven to start cooking dinner."
She looked sad that her idea was rejected and gave way to the next girl.
"Since it is sudden and we don''t have a lot of time, what about something simple? Let''s go to a caf¨¦, eat something sweet, and chat."
That was a surprisingly good suggestion and Benjamin checked on his two friends'' expressions. After some eyemunication between them, Julian concluded.
"Sounds fine. Let''s do that."
The girl who had her suggestion approved looked d and the whole group cheered. Since most of the girls in ss wanted to join, the three friends also invited the other boys in ss, and a few epted toe. The final ratio was still greatly in favor of girls but it was still better than just the three of them.
After that, the teacher entered the ssroom and ss started. The rest of the day was spent normally, with Benjamin focusing on the content being taught. Anything he managed to learn and remember directly in ss would be something he wouldn''t need to reviewter on, allowing him to spend his time on more interesting activities.
After thest period ended, the ssmates who had nned to participate in today''s activity regrouped before heading out together. They were about twenty people and had to find a caf¨¦ that would allow them all to sit together. One of the girls knew a ce not too far from the school and they decided to go there. After ten minutes of walking, the group arrived at the location, a colorful caf¨¦ with a stylish entrance. They went inside, surprising the waiter with their number. Not long after, they became seated at three tables close to each other.
Benjamin''s group was at arge table sitting eight people. The other boys in the group were seated at other tables and so they had five girls with them. The three friends'' order of sitting was Nathan, Julian, and Benjamin, meaning that Benjamin and Nathan were sitting next to girls while Julian was being sparred this time, which he seemed to be content with. Benjamin was seated next to a girl called Selene and Nathan was sitting next to Noemi, both girls looking particrly merry to have gotten those seats.
Chapter 106 - 106 – Café
Chapter 106: ¨C Caf¨¦
They started chatting, talking about their day, when the waiter came to take their order. As usual, the girls checked him not so discretely, something that he seemed to be used to. Everyone ordered some sweets and drinks ording to preferences and the waiter left for the next table after taking notes of what they wanted. After that, they talked about topics that teenagers were interested in. The discussion soon naturally got divided into two groups, consisting of the girls talking with Nathan and the girls talking with Benjamin. Noemi, being quite the assertive and chatty girl, took most of Nathan''s attention away, not allowing Julian to be easily integrated into that side of the conversation. Noticing this, Benjamin tried to incorporate him into his side instead, something that he looked to be grateful for since he was usually quieter when there were many people around, especially girls.
It took a while but the waiter finally came with their order and they began enjoying the food and drinks. Benjamin had ordered a strawberry tart and thought it was pretty good after taking a bite, wondering if he would be able to make something like this himself. That was when Selene voiced.
"Ben, your tart looks good. C-can I try a bite too?"
She looked like she had gathered all her courage to ask this, watching him anxiously while waiting for his answer. He obviously understood her goal but didn''t mind and replied with a smile.
"Sure. But you have to let me try yours too."
"Of course!"
She beamed at his answer and immediately pushed her te in his direction while using her spoon to take a very small piece of his tart. Of course, the other girls reacted quickly, making use of the opportunity.
"I want to trade a piece too!"
"Me too!"
The two other girls around him imed their will to participate in the exchange and thest two girls began to ogle Nathan''s te since he was the closest to them. In the end, they all began to share their food, making the girls gleeful at the development. They always took a small piece of the boys'' sweet but savored it lengthily, even if they had ordered the same thing.
Time passed quickly as they ate, chatted, and had fun in a good mood. They talked about their foods, judged the caf¨¦, or exchanged opinions about things happening in school. Soon enough, it was time to go home and they separated to go their way. Ten minutester, he reached his house. opening the front door and entering. As soon as he did, he heard his mother''s voice calling.
He looked toward the living room and saw most of his family members sitting together around the table. His mother looked in his direction and when she realized it was him, she had a disappointed expression on her face. This surprised him a lot since it was the first time he saw anything close to a negative reaction when she looked at him. He wondered if he had done anything wrong recently and began remembering his past acts. He soon gave up after realizing that it would probably be faster to count the respectable things he did instead. Anxious, he headed toward the living room and saw that they all had serious expressions. Fearing the worst, he asked.
"W-what''s wrong?"
It was Nova who answered him.
"Mom is panicking because Olivia is not home yet."
Hearing that reply. he couldn''t help feeling relieved. However, he soon took a hold of himself; it was correct to say that the situation was unusual. He noticed that his mother looked very worried indeed. She was unconsciously stamping one foot on the ground from time to time, showing her impatience. Her face seemed extremely nervous and she had her phone in her hands, checking it every ten seconds or so. Benjamin prudently questioned.
"She might have something to do and wille home a bitte?"
Grace nodded and expressed.
"That''s what we said too."
But their mother answered them with distress in her voice.
"No! She almost neveres homete and likes being in the house the most. Even if she has something to do outside, she will always tell me beforehand. Not only is shete, but she also is not answering her phone at all and all my messages are unread. Something happened to her, I am sure!"
She stopped for a second before continuing.
"Huh, my baby, where are you? Why are you not answering?"
Nova sighed.
"What baby? She is a junior high senior."
"Shut up! Dammit, I can''t take it anymore! Grace, Nova, you twoe with me and we will go out to search for her."
It was rare to see their loving and doting mother speak so roughly to her precious children but this was proof of how anxious she was. After her husband''s ident, she always became extremely nervous whenever she thought something could have happened to her kids.
Of course, her deration didn''t please Grace and Nova, whoined about it.
Still, they stood up and went to the door. Benjamin noticed that even though theyined, they also appeared to be a bit tense too. He wondered if they were also worried about Olivia or if it was just their mother''s anxiety that got transmitted to them. Benjamin used the opportunity to say.
"I will help search for her too."
"You stay here!"
Their perfectly synchronized shouts proved that there was at least one thing they all agreed on. Benjamin sadly went to sit next to his grandmother and Chloe, who had stayed silent all the while. They also looked quite anxious and his grandmother immediately started to caress his hair, both tofort him and to calm herself down. Chloe took his hand and gripped it hard while looking at the three women preparing themselves to go out.
They put on their shoes and were soon ready to head out. At this time, the front door opened from the outside.
Chapter 107 - 107 – Sorrow
Chapter 107: ¨C Sorrow
Olivia stood at the entrance and her appearance waspletely different from usual. She had a depressed look on her face and her eyes were red. Her clothes were in disorder and the same could be said about her hair. She was looking at the ground, not even noticing that her whole family was staring at her. Their mother didn''t care about any of that, however, and ran to her to take her into her arms.
"My baby! Thank goodness you are safe! I was worried, I was so worried!"
Olivia let herself get hugged lifelessly, looking up at her mother with a very gloomy face.
After a few seconds, she extracted herself from her mother and said.
"Sorry, Mom. I want to be alone for now."
She then slowly went up the stairs and disappeared from their sight. They heard the door of her room opening and closing soon after, leaving the rest of the family to stand in silence, bewildered. They looked at each other with the same questions in their minds until their mother broke the silence.
"What do you think happened?"
Nova answered her.
"Judging by the circumstances, most likely something happened at school or on her way home."
Grace thought about it and gave her opinion.
"Probably at school. She wouldn''t be so depressed in case of an altercation with some stranger. And this is a quiet neighborhood, it''s pretty safe from her school to here."
Her grandmother spoke for the first time.
"Probably bullying. I have seen a lot of that back in my time."
The conclusion angered their mother.
"What!? Who would dare bully my daughter? I will contact the school and ask for the culprit to be punished."
Nova hurriedly stopped her.
"Wait, Mom. We don''t know what happened for sure. We need to know the exact circumstances first."
Their mother frowned but eventually nodded reluctantly. Benjamin took over.
"Let me try to talk with her."
They all agreed with that suggestion, believing that he was the best candidate for the task. If anyone had a chance, it would either be their mother or him. With their mother being rejected just before, it was naturally his turn to try now. Under the eyes of the five remaining women, he headed toward the stairs. He went up and knocked on Olivia''s door.
He waited for a while but there was no answer from inside. He knocked again and added three words.
"It''s me."
There was still only silence greeting him for a long time until the door finally opened. Olivia looked as downhearted as before and asked him in a voice that was barely more than a whisper.
"Can Ie in?"
She hesitated for a long time before eventually nodding. She headed to her bed and sat there, her gaze staying on the ground. It was a hard sight to see his sister looking so hurt and he resolved to try to help her in any way he could. He entered her room and closed the door behind him. He then followed her to her bed and sat next to her with a small distance between them. He wanted to ask what happened but she didn''t look like to be in the right state of mind to talk. Changing his mind, he did the only thing he could think of. He turned toward her and opened his arms wide.
"Come, darling."
She looked up and saw his posture. She didn''t react immediately but after some time, she started to tear up. When this happened, she suddenly jumped in his arms, buried her head into his chest, and started to cry loudly.
He put one hand on her head to caress her hair and the other on her back, patting herfortingly. Olivia was inconsble and wept for a long time, sobbing and bawling. He didn''t know what happened to her but it must have hurt her deeply. She was a very sensitive child and that was why she liked staying at home and ying games. As a quiet and timid girl, she had a hard time making friends and it was not easy for others to emphasize with her.
After several tens of minutes, she cried herself to sleep in his arms. He delicately tucked her inside her bed and waited next to her. He still needed to hear the circumstances that made her so sad and see if there was anything that could be done about it. She slept for about an hour and woke up slowly. She looked somewhat better than before and when she realized that he was still there, she blushed a little.
"Sorry about that, Ben."
"Don''t be. It''s good to cry when you are upset. How are you feeling now?"
"A little bit better."
"That''s good. Say... Can you tell me what happened?"
She frowned and got lost in her thoughts for some time. Eventually, she nodded.
"Okay. When I came to school this morning, I was still excited about ranking up on Campmonth on Saturday. Perhaps because they saw me like this, one of the most popr girls in my ss asked me about it, even though she normally never talks to me. I told her and her group of friends about ranking up on Campmonth and that I was now tinum ranked. But when they heard that, they looked at me weirdly and started tough at me. After that, they began saying I was a kid to be still ying games at our age. They all started to insult me, saying I was a nerd, a virgin, and a no-life gamer. I don''t know why they said that and I was upset but I didn''t know what to do. I was alone and they were four. And all the others in my ss just looked away or didn''t care about what was happening. After that, the teacher came and they stopped mocking me to go back to their seats."
She now looked even sadder and continued.
Chapter 108 - 108 – Confidence
Chapter 108: ¨C Confidence
"I thought they were done but I was wrong. When I came back to my seat after lunch, I saw that my desk was covered with graffiti and words. It was full of stuff like "Liar", "Dick" or "Virgin". I had to spend most of the evening to erase it all."
At this point in the story, Benjamin guessed that she had not told the teacher about the damage done to her desk. Instead of asking a question he already knew the answer to, he let her finish recounting.
"Then, when it was time to get home, I wanted to hurry ande back here but when I passed by them to get to the door, one of them tripped me and I fell to the floor. And then everyone in the ssughed at me. I hate them so much. They saw the girls insulting me for no reason and tripping me and instead of helping me, they all mocked me! I hate them all!"
After her shout, she went back inside his arms and he soothed her again for a long time until she calmed down enough to continue the conversation. In the meanwhile, he thought about the things she had said. The whole situation felt a bit weird to him. Kids who never talked to her suddenly started insulting her out of the blue? And what was with calling her a liar and a virgin? Now that she was at peace in his arms once more, he asked her about it.
"Do you know if those girls y Campmonth too?"
She looked up at him from her position, not wanting to leave the warmth of his embrace.
"I... am notpletely sure but I think I heard them talking about games once. Why?"
"Wait, one more question. They called you a virgin, does that mean they have boyfriends and already had sex?"
She blushed at this question but answered anyway.
"No, I never heard anything about them having boyfriends. I don''t know if they already had sex but I doubt it."
"I see..."
"Why do you ask about that?"
"I am trying to understand why they did something like this to you. Look at you, you''re so kind and cute, why would anyone want to bully you?"
She smiled at hispliment before scowling again.
"They''re just jerks, what else?"
"True. But I think there is more to it. Do you want to listen to what I think?"
She nodded, her expression full of trust.
"My guess is that they are also Campmonth yers and when they heard about your rank, they got really jealous. That''s why they called you a liar, because it was easier for them to believe that you were lying instead of thinking that someone they looked down on could be so much better than them."
Olivia''s eyes widened at his words and she nodded, convinced. Still, he wasn''t done.
"As for the virgin thing, I think they have aplex about still being virgins themselves. It was probably something they came up with out of frustration. Perhaps they think they''re great or something and believe it''s shameful for them to not have boyfriends and still not have gotten rid of their cherry. Of course, it''s all just a guess but I wouldn''t be surprised if that was how it is."
Olivia nodded again and replied.
"Yes, it''s just like you said. They always act like they''re something special, they''re arrogant and try to hit on the guys at school all the time. It doesn''t really work, though."
"And perhaps, I might have a way to help you."
She seemed surprised and her face suddenly brightened, looking hopeful.
"I could go and beat them all or Mom could report the girls to the school and ask for punishment but you know, that wouldn''t solve the problem. They might get punished andy down for some time but then they would hate you even more after that and make your life terrible. Instead of that, I have a more fundamental suggestion. First of all, you need to be confident in yourself."
Hearing all of this, her hopeful expression dropped by a good 90%. Seeing this, he quickly added.
"I know, I know. It''s not easy to change yourself. But I have a very good idea. Do you trust me, Olivia?"
"Good. Let me exin it to you. The main problem here is that those girls look down on you while also being jealous of you. The easiest way to change this is to show them that you''re much better at everything they care about. What do you think these things are?"
"Games? School? Looks?"
"Wrong. It''s true that they probably care about games but they already know you are better than them at it. And these types of girls probably don''t care much about school results and looks. No, girls like these only really care about one thing: boys."
Hearing his answer, she giggled a little.
"That''s true."
"So, do you understand what you have to do?"
"Hm, do you mean I should get a boyfriend and show him off to them?"
"It''s a good idea but there is no way I can do that. If even they can''t do it, how would it be possible for me?"
"That''s where my amazing ideaes in. You have one absolute advantage over them. And that''s... me!"
"What? What do you mean?"
"I mean that you don''t need to find a boyfriend since you have me."
"How could you be my boyfriend, Ben?"
"Why not? In fact, they care about boys a lot but even more than that, what they probably really want is sex. That''s why you just need to show them absolute proof that you had sex with your boyfriend, for example with a video, and they will never be able to look down on you again! You know that love and hate are close emotions, right? That''s why if you do it correctly, they will instead start to venerate you. Think about it, you have a boyfriend, you have sex with him all the time and you''re good at games! From their point of view, you would be like a Goddess!"
Chapter 109 - 109 – Lay down
Chapter 109: ¨C Lay down
She left his arms and looked at him, agape and lost for words. On the other hand, Benjamin was smiling at her widely, proud of his idea. After a long time, she finally opened her mouth.
"You want us to have s-sex, record a video of it and show it to them?"
"That''s crazy! And I heard that it''s not good for siblings to have sex."
"But think about it. Imagine their faces when those girls see it. Wouldn''t it be the ultimate payback? They cursed at you by calling you a virgin but in the end, the only virgins left are them!"
His words weren''t without effect and he could see a small but vicious smile appear on her lips. Even though she calmed down somewhat, she obviously resented them a lot.
"What''s more, what better way for you to gain some confidence in yourself than graduating from your virginity? You will be a woman amongst girls."
She still didn''t look that convinced but didn''t deny him immediately anymore. He concluded with onest thing.
"And it''s not like we didn''t do stuff together before too."
She blushed once more as she heard that. Still, she didn''t answer him and got lost in her thought. From time to time, she nced at him before continuing her cogitations. A few minutes passed by and she looked up once more to ask.
"What about you, Ben? Are you really alright with that? You''re a guy, are you really alright having sex so casually?"
"If that can help you, I don''t mind doing anything. I feel much more hurt when I see you being so down."
He saw her lips twitch a little but she questioned him again.
"But what about us being siblings? It''s not okay to have sex, right?"
"Since you are on the pill, there is very little risk in the act itself. I personally think it''s a matter of feelings. I like you a lot so I don''t mind at all. If you don''t want to do it then we can find another solution."
She got lost in her thoughts one more time. A few momentster, she stared at him from top to bottom and blushed, only to finally express herself.
"I... also don''t mind. Are you really alright with it?"
"Okay. If you''re sure about it, let''s do it. Thank you for going so far for me, Ben."
"That goes without saying. I am your big brother and you''re my precious little sister."
She smiled genuinely this time and jumped into his arms anew.
"Thank you, Ben. You''re the best brother ever."
He caressed her hair and she buried herself in his chest, the way she liked to do. Still, there was onest thing he had to warn her about.
"It''s better if we do it as soon as possible but today is obviously not possible. Let''s do this tomorrow after school."
She nodded and he added.
"That means you will have to hold on for one more day. They might bully you again so perhaps it''s better if you stay at home tomorrow."
"No, it''s fine. I can take it if it''s just one day. I know why they acted like this now. They''re so childish. I will just ignore them tomorrow."
"You''re already so strong. That''s great. Let me give you some additional encouragement."
He took her chin in one hand, raised her head, and kissed her on the lips. Her eyes widened at the surprise attack and she didn''t know how to react. After a while, she got her bearings back and started to respond to his kiss, pressing her lips even stronger against his. They separated after some time and she announced.
"That''s how it feels to kiss. That felt nice. Now I feel like I can do anything."
"That''s good. Alright, I will go now. The others are probably starving."
"I will go with you. I feel better now, thanks to you."
They exited her room and went downstairs. The rest of the family was still there, waiting for any news. They looked relieved to see her out of her room and with a brighter expression on her face. Seeing this warmed Olivia''s heart. With this and the game session they had during the weekend, she realized that her family loved her a lot more than she thought. Feeling sorry for them, she immediately apologized.
"Sorry, everyone. I feel much better now."
Her mother was the first toe to hug her.
"That''s great to hear. What happened to you, darling?"
Olivia nced at her mother and the rest of the family before answering.
"It''s nothing. Something bad happened at school and I felt down."
"Really? Is there something I can help you with? Anything is fine, you can just tell me."
"Ben is already going to help me. Tomorrow..."
She stopped herself midway, not sure how to continue her sentence. Benjamin came to her rescue and disclosed.
"Tomorrow after school, we are going to solve her problem. So don''t wait for us and don''t worry if wee homete."
"What are you going to do? And what problem are you talking about?"
"That''s a secret between me and Olivia. Nothing to be anxious about and we wille home as soon as possible."
Their mother looked a bit dissatisfied with being excluded from the whole thing. Still, it was true that her daughter was looking much better now and that was the only thing that mattered to her.
"Don''t do anything dangerous, alright?"
"Of course."
This is how they concluded the matter. The rest of the family members also looked relieved at the oue. That was when Nova''s stomach growled. Everyone turned toward her, even though she tried to y innocent. Benjamin smiled and said.
"Right, let me prepare something, even though it''ste."
It was already close to nine in the evening, muchter than when they usually ate. He should just cook something quick to appease the hunger of his family. However, his mother shook her head and replied.
"Don''t, we will just have something delivered tonight."
She asked Olivia what she wanted to eat and soon used her phone to quickly order some delivery food online. They still had to wait half an hour but they finally had something to fill their stomach. Their mother and grandmother sat around Olivia during dinner and spoiled her like a child, constantly giving her more food or cleaning her mouth with napkins. Olivia looked like she had given up on saying anything and let them do whatever they wanted, at least for this night.
Chapter 110 - 110 – Double
Chapter 110: ¨C Double
After the meal, the family members separated to return to their rooms. Their mother and grandmother asked Olivia several times if she was really okay and after she patiently answered them, they let her go back to her room. Benjamin went up together with her and told her onest thing.
"Let''s meet at the station tomorrow after school, alright?"
She didn''t manage to hide a hint of excitement as she answered. They went to their rooms after that and Benjamin spent some time thinking about the following day. He already had a rough idea about how they could achieve their goals tomorrow. Once he had a viable n set up, he switched to studying for a while until it was time to go to sleep.
The following day, Tuesday, started as usual. Benjamin''s ssmates talked about their trip to the caf¨¦ and most of the girls pushed for doing something simr again in the future. Coming back to his seat after recess, he noticed that Nathan was acting strangely. Paying more attention to him, he saw that he was holding a piece of paper and trembling while looking at it. This scene seemed strangely familiar... Or more like, this was probably how he behaved when he received Sarai''s note. This felt like it might be his friend''s turn this time. If he had been acting anything close to how Nathan behaved now, he could understand how the whole ss noticed it since it was quite obvious.
What he didn''t expect was that when he opened his notebook, he also found a folded piece of paper inside it. He opened it and it read to pleasee to behind build 3 after lunch. This was almost a copy of the previous message, making him wonder if there was some sort of standard to writing those. Knowing that his and his friends'' every move was monitored in this ss, he didn''t try to be particrly discreet about it. Of course, he didn''t show it off either, just putting the piece of paper in his pocket.
It didn''t take him too long to have an idea about why the girls were so active on this day. During the sports matches he participated inst week, a lot of girls confessed their love to him. However, it was more like shouting their feelings from afar, just like they would do at a star or a celebrity. Arge part of them probably wasn''t that serious about it either. However, a few of the girls managed to have more in-depth and direct contact with him and the other boys during their time at the caf¨¦. There was a huge difference between admiring someone from afar and actually talking with them and enjoying some time together. If he had to guess, this was probably the cause of what of was happening today.
He looked toward Julian but he didn''t seem to behave any differently from usual. This also could confirm his theory. Nathan and he were the ones who were directly seated next to the girls and who had done most of the talking, while Julian had been safer in between them. He was actually admiring these girls, especially the one aiming for him. She knew that he had rejected Sarai but still wanted to try her luck. That must have needed a good amount of courage. He only hoped she wouldn''t react as strongly as Sarai did when hearing his rejection.
Just before going to lunch, Nathan announced he had somewhere to go first and that they should start without him. Julian had also realized what was happening and the two friends said that they would wait for him and wished him good luck, which made him smile wryly. He went on his way while whispering that it was true that there was no privacy in this ss. Once he was gone, Julian turned toward Benjamin and asked him.
"You also got one too, right? Don''t you need to go?"
"Mine wanted me toe after lunch."
Julian nodded and the two of them chatted for some time. At one point, Benjamin asked him something he was curious about.
"By the way, are you not unhappy about not being confessed to?"
That made himugh for a few seconds, following which he answered.
"Not at all. I''m happy they don''t. I don''t have much interest in girls at the moment."
"Well, you know, I got used to them more after we became friends but I still think they''re too childish and lecherous. It just turns me off."
"Ahah, you''re not wrong. I don''t mind them being like this because I think that''s cute but I understand why you could dislike it."
"Sigh, I wish I was as open-minded as you are, Ben. But, I just can''t. Sometimes, I can''t help but cringe from the way they look at me or from something they say."
"That''s fine. I don''t think you have to force yourself to like them, right? What about older women, then? They are somewhat better already."
"Just barely. I am not too interested in older women either. I feel like they''re too alien, too different. Keep it a secret but I think they''re too intimidating to my taste."
"I get you. Just the other day, I was walking on the streets and a random woman driving a car invited me for a ride, just like that. That was really surprising, ahahah."
Julian grinned at him, stating.
"You''re the only one who canugh when something like that happened to you. You''re a bit special, Ben."
Benjamin smiled teasingly.
"I feel like you don''t mean this ''special'' positively."
"Oh, you finally realized? You''re weird. But that''s also not in a bad way. I can understand why the girls would be crazy about you."
"I will take it as apliment. Anyway, there is now saying that you should date when you''re young or anything. I heard it''s bing moremon to have rtionshipste nowadays, especially if you are busy trying to improve your career."
He amicably tapped on his friend''s back, concluding.
"Anything is fine as long as you''re happy. That''s my belief in life."
Julian''s eyes widened a little at thisst sentence. Benjamin felt like he wanted to say something but that was when they saw Nathaning back.
Chapter 111 - 111 – Switch
Chapter 111: ¨C Switch
He also wasn''t alone. Noemi was walking next to him and they both had happy expressions on their faces. This made the result of the confession quite obvious. When the two of them arrived next to the two boys, Benjamin took the opportunity to speak first.
"Congrats, you two."
Julian immediately followed after him.
"Congrats. I am happy for you."
The two new lovers smiled shyly but joyfully and thanked them. At this point, they didn''t even get surprised by the fact that they knew everything just by looking at them. They chatted for a little while, Nathan recounting how the confession happened, until Noemi''s belly rumbled, making her red in the face. The three friends grinned at her and Julian tactfully conveyed.
"We will let the two of you eat together. We solo guys won''t intrude on you anymore."
However, Nathan strongly shook his head in denial.
"No, let''s eat all together. Is that okay with you, Noemi?"
She seemed a bit overwhelmed by the situation, being the sole girl in a group of guys looked both terrifying and attractive to her. Still, she summoned up her courage and replied in a trembling voice.
"Y-yeah, of course."
Seeing her like this, Nathan took her hand and reassured her.
"No need to be tensed. I will eat with your friends next time."
She seemed happy at his gesture and beamed.
The group of four headed to the school canteen, got their meals, and sat together at the same table. Benjamin and Julian were curious about the couple''s feelings and started interrogating them.
"So, what do you like about Nathan?"
"Ugh. I like that he is kind and mature. And also, he is very c-cute."
"Nice answer. What about you, Nathan? What do you like about Noemi?"
"You guys are way too nosy."
"Toote to say that. You didn''t stop Noemi from answering. It''s obvious you were curious too."
"You got me. Well, in truth, I have been interested in her for a while now but I never had the opportunity to talk to her more directly. We talked a lot during our trip to the caf¨¦ yesterday and I think that only confirmed my interest. So I was very happy when she confessed today. It felt like we were thinking the same."
"You didn''t go into any details but fine, let''s leave it at that."
They continued their lunch until it was time for Benjamin to go. He stood up and dered.
"I hope she won''t take it as badly as Sarai."
"You''re going to reject her no matter what?"
"Yes. I have no ns to date for the moment. I feel bad for the girl but that''s just how it is. Alright, I will go now, see youter."
He quickly headed to the meeting spot and saw who was waiting for him. Without surprise, it was Selene, who had been seating next to him yesterday at the caf¨¦.
"Sorry for the wait. What did you want to talk about?"
She looked at him anxiously and didn''t immediately answer. After taking a big breath, she started to speak.
"Can you let me talk for a bit without interrupting me?"
Benjamin nodded and she continued.
"You see, I kind of idolized you before and I was happy with just seeing you every day but I changed my mind yesterday. When I saw you trying hard to include Julian in the conversations so that he didn''t feel left out, I felt that you were really kind. It''s weird, right? I knew it already but I guess seeing it from closer gives a different feeling."
She took a break before adding.
"That''s why, even if I don''t have much hope that you will say yes, I thought I would regret it if I didn''t even try. Is there any hope that you would consider being my boyfriend?"
This speech gave him a weird hunch, as if he was missing a piece of a puzzle. Still, it wasn''t the moment to get lost in his thoughts. In the end, no matter how good her speech was, his decision was already taken. He could only repeat what he had said to Sarai the previous time.
"I am sorry, Selene. I have no ns to date anyone at the moment."
She looked at him sadly for a long time and eventually nodded.
"I knew that you would probably answer like this and I thought I was ready for it but... It still hurts a lot in the end."
She turned back without another word and slowly left the ce. Now left alone, Benjamin didn''t feel great either. It was never a good moment to reject those sincere girls. He felt like he wanted to be alone for a while and sat down on the ground. His thought went back to her speech from before. Now that he had time to think about it, it wasn''t its content that made an impression on him. It was probably the rationality and the logic of it all. It seemed he had unconsciously been quite biased against girls in this world. They were so impulsive and easily led by their libido that it was easy to forget that if those parts were excluded, they would be as logical and rational as any calm person from his previous world. He couldn''t help feeling yet again that this world was very unfair to women.
He got lost in these sorts of thoughts for some time until he got interrupted by the bell for the next period. He almost thought about ying hooky but finally decided not to, hurrying to his ssroom. He arrived right before the teacher for the next ss closed the door that would mark people aste. The teacher frowned but didn''t say anything and let him go to his seat. He noticed that Selene hadn''te back yet. As for the rest of his ssmates, they all guessed the situation by interpreting his facial expression.
The teacher immediately started the ss and they all had no choice but to focus on the lesson. Or at least, pretend that they were, as all high schoolers did.
Chapter 112 - 112 – Preparations
Chapter 112: ¨C Preparations
In the end, Selene didn''t attend any of the afternoon sses.
After school, Benjamin headed to the station. When he arrived, he checked around but didn''t manage to find Olivia. This made sense since her junior high school was further away from the stationpared to his high school. He bought two train tickets for their destination and decided to sit in a conspicuous ce to wait for her. Ten minutester, he saw her running in his direction and stood up to greet her.
"Haa, haa, sorry Ben, I amte."
"You''re not, your school is just further away from here. You didn''t need to run, you know."
"I didn''t want to make you wait for too long."
"Don''t worry, I didn''t. Our train ising in five minutes anyway. Come sit down while we wait."
He gave her one of the tickets, and both sat down on the bench.
"How was your day? Did they bully you today too?"
"They did but I ignored them the whole day."
"Let''s make this thest day this happens."
She nodded and they continued to chat some more until their train arrived at the station. They boarded it and went to sit in a quiet spot so they could talk in peace. Once they were seated, Olivia asked him about their destination.
"We''re going to an unmanned motel. It''s a ce that won''t control anyone who enters because it ispletely automated."
He exined to her some more about how it worked. This was of course the same ce he had been using together with Meadow and Ani. He now felt grateful to them for having introduced him to that very practical motel. Once his sister seemed to have a good enough understanding of their destination, he began to talk about more practical details.
"The main points will be to show that you are having sex with your boyfriend, that you are confident about yourself, and that you are used to it. My idea is that you will give me your phone and I will film you. That''s because it would be bad if my face were to appear in the video, in case they recognize me as your brother."
"You''re right. I wouldn''t want my brother to be shown in a video like that either."
"Next is the most important point. At least during the moments when I will film, you will need to take charge and handle things. Do you think you can do that?"
"Well... I will try my best. It''s my first time after all."
"Yes but you can rx more because it will be with me. Now let''s talk about whates after. Let''s say we finished the video sessfully and you show it to those girls tomorrow. You''re smart so I will leave it to you to handle that part. However, just in case they still don''t believe you for some reason, you can ask for some pictures from your boyfriend during school time tomorrow and show them off to them."
"What do you mean?"
"You send me a message, like "Baby, send me a pic of your chest" and then I will try to send you one as soon as possible. When they see the whole process with their own eyes, they will be forced to believe you, whether they like it or not. If the first picture is not enough, just ask for a shoot of my dick or something."
"Your d-dick..."
"Right. Do you understand?"
"Y-yeah. You have so many ideas. Are you okay with sending pictures of you?"
"No problem. I still won''t show my face so it''s really just body parts."
"Okay. There is no way all of this won''t be enough."
"I think so too. So the most important point will be to appear very calm and confident. Show them how superior you are to them."
"I will try."
"Don''t worry. Our session today will give you all the confidence you will need to seed."
She blushed when she heard that and they went on with their discussion until it was time to get off the train. Benjamin guided her to the motel and they booked a room. Just like he had done thest time, she looked at him do things with very curious eyes. Everything waspletely new to her, both the motel and the whole situation. She would never have dared toe to a ce like this on her own and she was thankful that her brother was with her.
They were now alone in the room Benjamin has chosen and he could see that she was starting to get anxious.
"Don''t be nervous. Consider me as your timid and obedient boyfriend. You are the strong girlfriend who wants to enjoy her boyfriend''s body to her content."
"Ugh... I will try."
"Great. I will hold your phone and film when I think the timing to show how womanly you are is good. Perhaps I will do some moaning or something to enhance the whole situation so don''t be too surprised. I will change my tone of voice too so no one should be able to recognize it."
"Good. Let''s get rid of our clothes."
He started to remove his top and his sister couldn''t help staring at his now bare chest. She had already seen everything during the poker game but it didn''t change the fact that it was still fascinating to her. He continued until he waspletely nude and she was now ring at his erected penis, gulping audibly. Seeing her still fully clothed and mesmerized by the view, Benjamin had to tease her a bit.
"It''s all yours, Olivia. Don''t worry, it won''t run away."
She got startled and blushed once more. Benjamin took her phone and went to lie down on the bed.
"Babe, I can''t wait anymore. I need you, now."
Her eyes widened at his nonsense and she unconsciously began to head toward him. He had to remind her one more time.
"Remove your clothes and hurry up, darling. See how hard I am for you?"
She looked like she was somewhat overwhelmed but still began to remove her clothes in a hurry, her gaze never leaving his body.
Chapter 113 - 113 – Acclimatization
Chapter 113: ¨C limatization
She was soon in her birthday suit and he took the opportunity to check her, the same way she was doing to him. She was neither slim nor overweight but perhaps tending more toward thetter. It showed that she wascking exercise, her body looking a little chubby overall. She had rtively small breasts and a small amount of pussy hair. It was clear that she was already very excited, her cunt constantly releasing plenty of fluids that were flowing down her legs. She realized that he was looking at her body and gave a sad smile.
"Sorry Ben, I don''t look that great, right?"
"That''s not true. You''re very cute and sexy."
"Of course, look at this."
He poked his hard-as-rock penis and she became fascinated with the scenery of his tool again. Seeing her like this, he thought getting her to dominate their session right from the start might be a bit hard. What''s more, it would be sad for her first time to happen in this way.
"You know, it might be better for you to get used to it all before we start our n. Come here and take your time, do whatever you want. If there is something you want me to do, just tell me. Don''t be shy about anything, I am here for you after all."
She gulped and nodded, smiling at him thankfully. She had been extremely curious about his body and there couldn''t be a more wee offer than this for her. She timidly approached him and climbed on the bed. Benjamin stayed lying down and took afortable position, curious about what she was going to do. Without surprise, she began inspecting his dick with a very intrigued look. She looked at it from different angles, checked his balls and even his pelvis. After a few minutes of this, she went to his torso and stared at his chest from very close, looking engrossed. Then, she moved toward his legs and scrutinized those too, as well as his feet. Finally, she went back to his chest and asked him.
"Is it okay if I touch you?"
"Of course."
She grinned at his quick approval and delicately put her hands on his chest as if he was something fragile. Seeing him still looking at her approvingly, she grew bolder and started caressing his chest. She did that for some time before focusing on his nipples, using her fingers to gently simte them. Curious, she questioned him again.
"Does it feel good, Ben?"
"It feels neither good nor bad, I would say. It tickles a little, I guess."
She seemed disappointed by his answer, though.
"Is it because I am not doing it strongly enough?"
"Not really. I don''t know about other boys but I don''t feel much anything from my chest and nipples only."
She stopped caressing his torso and went down to his penis again. She couldn''t help asking again.
"Can I touch you down there too?"
"Yes. You know, no need to ask every time. Just do whatever you want and if there is really something that I don''t like, I will tell you."
She nodded and slowly poked his dick with a finger, still carefully monitoring his expression. He felt like they were a long shot from their goal, judging by how careful and timid she was. Of course, it wasn''t necessarily a bad thing in itself. It was just that she had to be a confident girl by the end of the day and they had a long way to go. Fortunately, they had a lot of time and it didn''t matter if they came homete since they had already warned the rest of the family. Instead of forcing her to do things she didn''t feel like doing, he thought it might be more rewarding to let her advance at her pace and boost her boldness slowly.
After poking him a few times, she took his cock in one hand to slowly appreciate its texture, griping it several times to get a good sense of it.
"It''s warm, almost hot."
"Yeah, there is a lot of blood flowing there when it is erect, that''s why it feels warm."
"I see. That''s really erotic."
He wasn''t too sure what was so erotic about it but it might be like that from her point of view. She went on and caressed his member slowly, running her hand up and down on it. As she did that for some time, a small amount of pre-cum appeared at the top of his ns. She noticed it and shivered excitedly,menting.
"I know about this. This is pre-cum, right? Did ite out because of me?"
"That''s right. This is because what you are doing feels good."
She was happy at his affirmation and began moving her hand faster. He advised her a bit more.
"Pre-cum is used to facilitate pration by letting out a small amount of liquid for lubrication purposes. It''s not very useful for vaginal pration since girls produce much more fluids themselves but in your case, you can use it to make the handjob smoother. You can also use some saliva or vagina fluids for the same purpose."
She felt like she was enlightened by his words and immediately tried it for herself. She moved her palm to collect the small amount of pre-cum that had umted over his ns and renewed her hand''s movements. It became a bit easier now but the amount was still quite low and she felt that it wasn''t enough. She licked her palm to lubricate it some more, using the opportunity to taste his pre-cum in passing, and resumed her movements. It was now perfect and she was able to move her hand up and down without much friction.
"How is it now? Does it feel better?"
"Yes, it''s very good. You''re a quick learner."
She smiled widely at the praise and elerated her speed even more.
Chapter 114 - 114 – Starting line
Chapter 114: ¨C Starting line
Feeling the pleasure increasing, he wondered if this scene would be good material for their purpose.
"Do you think this would be good to show to those girls?"
She stopped what she was doing to think for a bit and soon nodded.
"I think so. Showing that I can make you feel good just with my hands would be a good start."
"Good. I am going to film the first scene of our masterpiece. I am also going to moan a bit exaggeratedly to make it better."
He first tested altering his voice.
"Tell me when you think my voice is different enough. Test. Test. Test. Test."
"Stop. Thest one is fine. No one would ever think that''s your voice."
"Alright, let''s get started."
She began moving her hand again and he raised her phone to shoot the video, focusing the camera alternatively on her face and her hand, to show that it was really her that was being filmed. He started to moan and give outments that coulde out from a pornographic movie in this world.
"Mhmm, your hand feels so good, babe. Mhmm, don''t stop, just like that."
Olivia couldn''t help widening her eyes at his dirty talk. She knew it was fake but that didn''t stop her from feeling great about it. It was not like she didn''t watch porn and hearing lines that coulde out of her fantasies was super hot. She increased her handjob speed and Benjamin felt like he was getting close.
"Mhmm yesss, you''re amazing, babe. Mhmm, I am going toe, you''re making mee!"
His words roused her even more and she went full speed on him, masturbating him with all she got. She now sported a lewd smile on her face and waspletely focused on her work, trying hard to make hime even one second faster.
"It''sing out!"
He ejacted with a groan and his first spurt went flying in the air, only tond on her hand and his rod. She watched his climax with a fascinated expression and his second jet soon came out in the same way. Finally feeling that it was a waste, she hurriedly directed his dick toward her face and received his third release on it. For the next one, she didn''t forget to open her mouth and aim his ns toward it. She was only half sessful as only part of his fourth ejection got into her mouth. She adjusted the angle even more, moved her face closer to his dick, and ultimately got most of hisst spurt into her mouth.
Benjamin had a little trouble focusing on filming everything while cumming at the same time and could only hope that the result wouldn''t be too bad. Now that he was done, he focused the camera again on her face, which was now smeared by his sperm. She savored the first semen of her life for a long time and when she felt like she needed more, she took some from her hand or face to put into her mouth. She went on and did that until her face was free from his seed, ultimately grinning lustily at her job well done. He stopped filming at this point since it was pretty good to end with such a provocative and lecherous expression.
"Let''s check the video, Olivia."
She came closer to him and they both watched it y. Olivia blushed at seeing herself on screen like this, especially when her horny expression was clearly visible. The video trembled somewhat during the ejaction but it was otherwise pretty good. Perhaps the trembling only made it even more realistic as long as she said it was a video taken by her boyfriend, something like a point-of-view shoot, but reversed. They both agreed that it was alright, even though it was far from perfect. In particr, the Olivia in the video looked a bit too fascinated with the whole thing even though they were trying to sell her as someone experienced. Still, they choose to keep it for now and decided to move on to the next step.
"What do you want to try next? It doesn''t have to be rted to our goal since we have a lot of time."
She thought about it for a moment. The previous act had made her very horny and she was very close to putting a hand on her pussy and schlick on the spot. She had to force herself to not do it when watching the video. Now that he gave her the initiativepletely, there was indeed one thing that she had wanted to try for a long time. It was her greatest fantasy with him, that she masturbated to all the time. Timidly, she questioned him.
"C-can you lick me, Ben? I really want to try it."
He smiled, full of reassurance.
"Of course. You just needed to ask."
She smiled back at him, happy that he epted so easily. During theirst act, he had ended the session with some licking and she had felt wanting to get more after that. She especially wanted to get licked from start to finish. She still couldn''t forget the feeling of euphory she felt when she squirted on him and he drank everything, That had been so incredibly hot that she always managed to get off several times per day just by remembering that scene. Trembling in excitation, she put herself on all four and showed her butt to him.
Benjamin was initially surprised but soon figured out the situation. There were actually severalmon cunnilingus positions in this world and this was one of them. He wasn''t too sure why but it seemed that getting licked from behind was a thrilling act for the women in this world.
Seeing her wriggle her ass impatiently, he moved behind her and thought about how to do this. In her current position, her cunt was half facing down and half facing toward him. It would also be harder to get ess to her clitoris and her legs were kind of in the way too. He started by raising her butt so that he had better ess to her twat and then opened her legs wider, while she easily let him handle her as he wished. This was already much better and he could now see most of his target. Without losing any more time, he started his very enjoyable task. However, at thest moment before his dive, he had an interesting thought.
Chapter 115 - 115 – Kick off
Chapter 115: ¨C Kick off
He stopped his descent and stated.
"Olivia, what about you guide me? Tell me what you want me to do exactly."
His idea was that this could be a starting point for her to get used to driving their session. She only replied after a few seconds.
"O-okay. First, can you lick my vagina?"
"You have to give me more precise instructions."
"Ugh... Fine. Open mybia with your fingers and lick inside."
He resolved to not do more than what she expressed, hoping it would force her to give more and more instructions. He dived once more and followed her directions, using the fingers of one hand to open her drenched pussy lips, her female smell propagating in the room. He took his tongue out and gave a small lick, straight on herbia minora. She tasted great, sweet and fresh with a hint of sweat from the day. This suddenly made him think about something. In his previous world, people would often shower before sex but he didn''t experience anything like this in this world. He never paid any attention to this detail before because he liked it when he could enjoy girls as they were and guessed that women didn''t ask for it for the same reason. In a weird way, he was truly a good fit for the women of this world.
Feeling his tongue on her sensitive flesh, Olivia sighed infort, overjoyed that her fantasy finally got realized. Benjamin slowly ran his tongue on her cunt, using movements that were very mechanical and simple on purpose. She appreciated it for a long time, content to feel his attention on her. Still, after several minutes of just this, she had to acknowledge that it was not enough. It seemed his strategy was a sess when she gave him a secondmand.
"Can you lick my clitoris now?"
He obediently did as she said, moving his tongue down to focus on her bean. When his tongue touched her little button, she felt as if electricity passed through her and directly reached her brain. The stimtion added to the long build-up was too much for her and she came with a moan, twitching a few times and her pussy releasing a small flow of dense juices.
When she came back from her climax, she panted, a lot more rxed now after getting a good orgasm. That wasn''t to mean she was done, of course. She had been dreaming of this situation for a long time and there was no way she would let it end so quickly. She continued to give him some instructions, in fear that he would stop.
"That was great. Continue just like that, lick my clit more!"
He went on with his licking, still onlypping at her clitoris in a very basic way. His tonguing was slow and simple, carefully avoiding using any of the skills he had acquired about cunnilingus. She didn''t seem to mind at all, her bean being so sensitive and pleasurable that his simple licking satisfied herpletely. In fact, she soon came once again after less than two minutes, proof that she was still greatly stimted. They went on like this for some more time, him licking her slowly and repeatedly and her cumming from time to time, living the dream of being licked by the brother she had fantasies on.
Benjamin thought she would soon ask him to do something else, seek more stimtion, or want to be licked differently. However, he was wrong and no matter how long he waited. she looked like she was perfectly happy to have him lick her clit eternally and orgasm on his tongue every so often. It was obvious she had forgotten about their goal in her pleasure. Unfortunately for her, even though they had a lot of time, it still wasn''t infinite. After thirty minutes of cunnilingus, he had no choice but to be the one to stop the act. He removed his head from her snatch and sat down, taking some rest after working on her for so long. Her reaction to this confirmed his suspicions.
"...Huh? Don''t stop, lick me more!"
She wriggled her butt impatiently and turned her head toward him when he didn''tply with her wish. Her face was quite red after so many orgasms, her eyes zed with pleasure and lust while her lips were distorted in a lewd smile.
"Did you forget our objective for today?"
"Huh? Ah. Huuuhh...."
She finally realized the situation and turned around once more, putting her head into the pillow to hide her embarrassment. Benjamin thought she was cute and let her recover from her shame. A minuteter, she raised from her pillow and conveyed.
"Sorry, Ben. It felt so good that I got too into it."
"It''s fine. But we have to move on or we will never finish this."
"Good. Now, let''s start with our main goal. I will lie down again and we will have sex with you riding me. Your purpose will be to get used to it and when you are ready, I will start filming. Remember that you need to show that you are in control of the sex at that time. Okay?"
"Yes. I will try my best."
She seemed quite excited again, looking expectant at losing her virginity and having sex for the first time. Benjaminid down, taking the pillow from her to use for his head. Thinking about the sex he will have soon also helped making his member hard again. Olivia saw his dick towering toward the ceiling and gulped lecherously. She moved in the direction of his groin and slowly straddled him at the level of his pelvis. Then, she lifted her butt until her pussy was right in front of his ns. She aligned her hole with his tool and asked him, quite insecure.
"Like this?"
"Yes. Take my penis in your hand to aim right and slowly drop your waist whenever you are ready."
Chapter 116 - 116 – Forward
Chapter 116: ¨C Forward
She did as he said and stuck his ns to her pussy hole. She gradually lowered her waist until his head prated her and shivered at his entry.
"Ah... You''re inside me."
She began to breathe harder and continued going down until he reached her hymen. She stopped there for a second, swallowed her saliva, and pushed her hips downward with a jerk, allowing his tool to pierce her virginity forever. She trembled in pain for a few moments, trying hard to bear with it in silence. Eventually, she resumed her movement and sunk her pussy until she reached his dick''s root. She took a break there and raised her head, smiling widely.
"I did it... I am not a virgin anymore! I am a woman now!"
Benjamin smiled back and responded to her joy.
"Congrats, Olivia. No one can look down on you anymore now."
She rejoiced for some time, enjoying the fact that she had finally lost her cherry and graduated from being a girl. Benjamin also shared her happiness and they exuberated for a while. After his sister''s high fell a bit, Benjamin refocused on other matters. In particr, he directed his attention to the feeling of her cunt. It was extremely tight and wet, the tightest he had ever felt. It was a great sensation and he had to hold himself back to not start banging her right here and then.
Suddenly, a thought came to Olivia and she stared at him anxiously.
"How is it, Ben? Does it feel good for you? Am I tight enough?"
"Of course, it feels amazing. You''re so tight, it''s like you''re gripping me. Isn''t it obvious?"
"Well, that''s because... I am masturbating a lot and I was afraid I had gotten loose."
"No way. It feels so good that I have to stop myself from thrusting into you, you know?"
She gulped loudly and smiled lustily at him.
"Really? That''s a relief. I also can''t hold myself back anymore. Can I start moving?"
"I told you to not ask for permission anymore, right?"
She nodded and immediately began raising her waist, the friction of his cock on her walls making her moan. When she was high enough that his penis almost left her insides, she dropped herself once more, impaling herself to her depth in one go. Feeling his dick filling her so much and hitting strongly against her womb, she didn''t manage to stop another climax from washing over her.
Her twat clenched hard around his pole, releasing some fluids around his member and she trembled in ecstasy for a few seconds. After this orgasm, she looked at him with both guilt and shame and said.
"Sorry I came so fast, Ben."
"Don''t be, it''s normal on your first time. Take this opportunity to get used to it, okay?"
She liked that he was so tolerant and smiled gratefully at him. She thought that she was really blessed to have him as her brother. She resumed slowly moving up and down on him. Her movements were still awkward as she was not used to them. What''s more, the thrill of having sex for the first time and with her beloved brother on top of that didn''t help her focus. She barely did a few up and down beforeing again. She looked at him guiltily once more but he just smiled with indulgence and she quickly continued skewering herself on his dick.
Benjamin thought it would be a shame for her not to experience a bit more about sex and said.
"Continue like this and bend your upper body down forward."
She was surprised by the suddenmand but obediently followed his words. She put her hands on both sides of his torso and dropped her bust until she was almost touching him with her chest. She was shorter than him and he had to move his head forward until they were now facing each other, a few centimeters separating them. He took her head in his hands and kissed her on the lips. The sudden kiss startled her but she soon responded in kind and kissed her him back, full of passion. He inserted his tongue inside her mouth and went to attack her appendage. She didn''t know how to respond to the intrusion at first and let him do whatever he wanted while appreciating it. Soon enough, she wanted to reciprocate, letting her tongue also entangle with his and both of them kissing with frenzy, a lot of fluids and passion being exchanged in the process. Once she got used to it, she resumed moving her lower body and the double stimtion soon pushed her to another climax, happily moaning in his mouth.
They went on like this for several minutes, her orgasming every so often until her motions got much more fluids. She had now a better rhythm, her ass cheeks pping regrly against his thighs, making an erotic sound. Benjamin''s pleasure was also going up and he thought it might be a good time to start their recording since he wanted to use his ejaction in the video. He put an end to their kiss and asked her.
"How is it, Olivia? Should we start the video now?"
She regretfully stopped moving on top of him and answered.
"Yes, I think I am much more used to it now."
"Perfect. Alright, here is the scenario I have in mind."
He exined in detail how he thought they should go about it. Hearing his erotic ideas, Olivia couldn''t help being extra aroused, panting hard while listening to him, her pussy clenching around his cock and her waist doing small back and forth unconsciously. When he exined the apotheosis of their future masterpiece, she got so fired up that she simply cummed on the spot, taking Benjamin by surprise.
She gripped his dick once again, her fluids having flown out of her in such quantity that both his pelvis and the bed were nowpletely soaked. When she was done, she buried her head into her hands, red in shame.
"...Sorry, Ben."
"It''s fine. If it does this to you, imagine how good the effect will be on those girls."
She nodded a little, still ashamed of what she had done.
"Alright, you can''t be like this anymore. Do you understand the scenario? Do you think you can do it?"
"...Yes, I will do it."
"Great. Then let''s start."
Chapter 117 - 117 – Art creation
Chapter 117: ¨C Art creation
He raised her phone once more and waited for her to start. He thought he might as well start recording after making sure of the quality of her performance to avoid having to do any editing since that might cause their target audience to be suspicious, even though he was probably too cautious about it.
Olivia started bouncing on top of him again and he could see her trying to ignore her pleasure. She looked at him intensely and uttered.
"H-How is it? Do you like that, sweetie?"
Shecked the feeling of pride and confidence that she was supposed to have and her facial expressions were not up to par for her role.
"Be more conceited. You are a winner, a girl in control of the sex with an older boyfriend! You''re great! Don''t forget to smile with both pride and love! Again!"
She nodded and tried once more.
"How is it? Do you like that, sweetie?"
"It''s better but not there yet. It''s fine even if it''s a bit exaggerated."
She redid it several times until he felt like she had gotten the hang of it. Her tone was now appropriately smug and her facial expression was adequately lewd and doting.
"Good, don''t forget that feeling. I will start the video recording now."
He began filming and she went over her first lines again. In response, he acted his part.
"I like it, babe, it feels so good!"
Getting excited by his words just like previously, her grin widened. She tightened her pussy around his shaft and continued with their role-y.
"Of course it does. Do you feel my tight pussy around your cock?"
"Yes, you''re so tight and warm, babe. Don''t stop, your pussy feels like it is milking me!"
Those sorts of stupid lines were typically what came out from some of the porn in this world and they were pretty confident in their effectiveness, at least against middle schooler girls who didn''t know any better.
"Don''t worry, I won''t stop until I make you cum hard inside me, baby!"
She elerated her hips movement, getting immersed in the act. This was good and they just needed to go until the end like this.
"Aahh! It''s strong! It''s too strong, honey! I wille too fast if you do that!"
"It''s fine! Don''t hold back,e whenever you want!"
He could feel her trying hard to hold back her own climax instead, being so very aroused by the whole thing. He was also quite affected and it wasn''t a lie when he said he was close to his release. She went even faster on top of him, her butt cheeks pping against his thighs several times per second, using all the speed she could muster with her newly learned sexual skills. The pleasure was great for both of them and they entered the final part of their acting.
"It''s so good! I am going toe so hard inside you babe!"
"Do it! Cum for me! Release it all as deep as you can!"
"Coming! Cummiinng!"
He jerked his waist up and sent a deep thrust inside her cunt before ejacting at full strength inside her, groaning loudly for a better effect and releasing jet after jet of warm semen, flooding her twat with his seed. Feeling his sperm filling her, she knew she could finally let herself go and gave way to her orgasm, cumming hard after holding herself back so much, moaning her pleasure freely while her pussy squeezed his dick strongly, literally trying her hardest to milk him of his semen.
Once they came down from their orgasms, she barely managed to deliver her lines.
"Y-you came so hard, baby. Your cum feels so hot inside me."
"It was amazing, honey. You''re the best, I love you."
"I love you too, sweetie."
She raised herself from his cock and Benjamin zoomed on her sex. She opened her legs a little and contracted her cunt muscles. His sperm began to drop out of her pussy to fall on his pelvis and she added the final lines of their scenario.
"Look how much you came inside me. You just couldn''t help yourself, huh?"
And they were done. Benjamin cut the video recording and ced her phone on the bed.
"That was great, Olivia! You nailed it!"
She smiled and looked relieved.
"Yes? That''s great. I was feeling so good that I was afraid I would ruin it all."
"No, I think it was close to perfect. Should we check the video?"
She hesitated, looking at his still-hard member and squirming a bit.
"Um, can we go again before that, Ben? I kind of want more."
"Oh, right. Yes, it''s fine, we still have some time."
Truthfully, he also wanted more. He wanted to pin her under him and bang her as strong as he could until she came her brain out. However, he exercised all his self-control to not do that. He thought it would ruin all their efforts to make her more confident. She would probably very much enjoy the act itself but that would make her lose all assertiveness once again. In the end, he concluded that the best was probably to let her be in control of everything until the end. Or at least until she gained enough confidence in herself that he was sure she wouldn''t revert to being too timid.
"What do you want to do?"
It also helped that this was a world where women usually had the initiative during sex. Lying down and getting banged was not the first thing a girl would imagine in this world when thinking about what to do during sex.
Olivia thought about his question and asked him back.
"Is there anything you want to do, Ben?"
"I will do whatever you want me to."
"Really? Hmm."
As if it was unexpected, she started to think seriously about it. She sent nces at his penis and his mouth. Then, she checked her pussy and hesitated. After a few moments, she raised her head and looked at him as if she had gotten a decent idea.
Chapter 118 - 118 – Front
Chapter 118: ¨C Front
She got off the bed and tapped on its edge.
"You sit here, Ben."
Intrigued, he did as she said. He now had his butt on the bed and his feet on the ground. Olivia looked at him sitting like this and nodded with satisfaction. She put herself in front of him and moved forward, climbing on his thighs until she sat there. Not stopping here, she continued moving closer until her belly was in contact with his penis. At this point, she raised her butt, using one hand on his thigh to stabilize herself and the other one to align his cock with her pussy. She then dropped herself on his dick, impaling her cunt with a long moan of pleasure. Immediately after, she raised her arms to put them behind his neck and glued her body to his. Finally, she lifted her head and very clearly asked for a kiss.
He kissed her as she wanted and she was now riding his sitting self while kissing, a new position for the both of them. It was a very good choice and it felt extremely pleasant. Since they were glued together on so many levels, they could feel each other warmth much better. In particr, she was pressing her chest hard against his own and the sensation was amazing for both of them. He was able to appreciate her soft boobs and she was able to feel his toned chest, both getting exactly what they wanted. In addition to that, they kissed deeply, entangling their tongues and exploring each other mouths tirelessly. Finally, she moved her waist once more up and down his dick, him enjoying her still very tight pussy and her in love with the cock that had taken her virginity and remodeled her insides to its shape.
Once again, he had to restrain himself from banging her hard and let her do most of everything. He was only active for their kiss, responding appropriately to all her tongue movements, sucking it when it came into his mouth, and letting her do the same when he invaded hers. Concurrently, she tried hard to move her hips. Even though she tried to run both tasks in parallel, she sometimes got distracted when either the kissing or the fucking got too intense. Still, her sexual skills had improved immensely from the start, which was a very wee realization. He felt like their work finally paid off. She had chosen a new position for them and was acting on it with a good amount of drive. She would be fine the next day as long as she could keep this state of mind.
Benjamin stopped thinking too much and focused on the action. His darling little sister was trying hard and he didn''t want to be too distracted. It didn''t take more than a minute before she reached her first orgasm in this new position, moaning her joy in their kiss. A small spurt of juices got ejected from their pration, showing how full of their fluids she was. Still, she didn''t stop moving for long and soon resumed bouncing on his member. She stopped their kiss for a moment to express her joy.
"I love it. I love how you''re so big that you''re stretching me. It''s great."
"And you''re so tight and warm, it feels incredible to me too."
She slowly elerated her pace and continued to climax regrly, clenching hard on his dick and releasing a seemingly infinite amount of juices from her pussy. They were glued so close to each other that her juices had to escape from their sides, flowing down on their legs and falling on the floor and the bed, soaking thetter. The smell of their sex hadpletely permeated the room, the air heavy from their body and body fluids'' odor.
"This is the best, sex is the best."
Finally, she reached her fastest waist speed and they had trouble continuing to kiss. She broke off theirtest mouth-to-mouth and focused only on moving her hips with all her power. The pleasure was so great that she was starting to tear up and be vocal, and not because of any script.
"Amazing! It feels so good, Ben, so gooood! You''re poking my womb so hard! It''s going straight to my brain, it''s making me crazy!"
"That''s right, my precious darling. Don''t think about anything, just enjoy it!"
"Yes! Yes! I am! It''s soooo good! I love you, Ben! I love you so much!"
"I love you too, my treasure!"
"Yes! I''m going toe again! I''m going toe hard! Aahh! Aahh! Aaaaahhhhh!"
She banged herself on his cock with all she could a few more times and finally exploded in a great orgasm, her walls gripping him with all her strength and her pussy squirting at full power against his pelvis. She threw her head behind, her toes curled in an arc, tears of pleasure falling from her eyes. Her whole body twitched in rhythm with her climax as if she was having an attack, shivering like crazy. Her squirt, having nowhere to go, sshed in all directions, inundating their bellies and legs.
Seeing her orgasm so hard also pushed Benjamin close to his limit. Still, he had a bit more to go since he had alreadye several times before. He had no choice but to thrust into her a few times until he could finish. Olivia wasn''t done with her climax when she felt him sending strong strokes into her twat. The sudden additional stimtion only amplified her orgasm even more and she shouted her pleasure in a frenzy.
"Oooohhhh! Oooohhhh! Oooooooohhhhhhhh!"
She lost control of her pussy and it started to contract uncontrobly. Her twitching cunt finally pushed Benjamin to his orgasm and he sent onest strong thrust to reach her depth and release everything as far as he could within her with a groan. Feeling his warm seed flooding her twat forced Olivia to onest squirt, drenching their bodies once again, before finally rxing in his embrace, breathless.
Benjamin embraced her in his arms until she was done shivering and panting. She put her head on his chest and calmed herself down progressively for a few minutes. Eventually, she exited his arms and gave him her most beautiful smile.
"Thank you for everything, Ben. This is the best day of my life. I will never forget about it."
Chapter 119 - 119 – Implementation
Chapter 119: ¨C Implementation
"I don''t think I will ever forget about it too."
They kissed once more, less frically this time and with more appreciation. During their kiss, Benjamin hugged her and made them fall on the bed, lying next to each other. They cuddled for a while in this position, until it was time for them to go back home. They separated and he finally removed his penis from her pussy. Getting unplugged, all the remaining juices and sperm inside her started to flow out onto the bed, inundating it. They decided to take a shower before they made an even greater mess of the room.
Olivia couldn''t help keeping her eyes on his body for most of the duration of the shower, as if she could never have enough of the view. He helped her clean her cunt of his semen, just like he saw his grandmother do previously. Unfortunately, the act made them both horny again and they ended up pleasuring each other on the floor of the bathroom in a 69 position. She blew him as best as she could topletion and he licked and fingered her strongly until he made her squirt once again, this time using her spurts to replenish his loss of fluids during the evening.
Eventually, they managed to stop being in heat long enough to finish cleaning themselves. After they put their clothes back on and they were ready to leave, Olivia couldn''t help asking him.
"Ben, if possible, can we do it again in the future?"
"Ahah, do you want to be sex friends with your brother?"
"Sex friends... That''s, um, that sounds nice?"
"You''re funny. Well, that''s fine. We can do it from time to time when you feel very horny."
"Really? I would be happy as long as we could spend some time together every so often. I know I''m already abusing your kindness too much. Sorry."
"Not at all. I also loved what we did today and I like you a lot, Olivia. And if that can help you be more confident in yourself, I will dly do it."
"Thank you, Ben."
They left the motel and headed for the station. Soon, they were on the train taking them back to their town. Benjamin went through their n onest time in his mind, wondering if they had missed anything. After a while, there was indeed a small detail they could improve.
"Olivia, you didn''t forget to change my name on your phone, right? Also, should we make some fake chat history between us? If you need to show them some pictures of me tomorrow from the chat, it would be better if the previous messages looked like something that a couple would send to each other."
"Good idea, I didn''t think about this at all. What should we write?"
"Some normal stuff about how our day went and wishing the other a good night should be enough, I think."
They did that while waiting to get to their destination. In the end, even though it looked a little bit awkward, it was good enough to trick people who wouldn''t look into this too deeply. The train reached their stop and they got off. Benjamin proposed to treat Olivia to some fast food since they hadn''t had anything for dinner. They found one of the few ces that were still open and ate some doner kebab. After that, they finally went back home. Since it was prettyte by now, everyone else was already in their rooms, either sleeping or doing somete-night activity. They quietly moved to their bedrooms to not wake anyone. Just before separating, Benjamin gave her onest encouragement.
"Good luck for tomorrow. I am sure it will go well."
"Thank you, I will do my best."
After entering his room, Benjamin quickly changed into his pajamas and directly went to sleep.
On the next day, Wednesday, Benjamin went to school feeling quite anxious about his little sister. He had done everything he could and could only wait for the result now. Was this the feeling of a parent who sent their child on an errand for the first time? Perhaps because she sensed his state of mind, Sasha was gentler than usual during their session. He was thankful for her thoughtfulness and was able to forget about his concerns for a little while with her help.
However, as soon as he went out of the infirmary, his anxiety came back. He had always felt mostly alright when things were directly about him, even when the situation wasn''t so good. However, waiting for something was hard when you couldn''t influence it anymore. The best he could do was to keep an eye on his phone to check if she sent him a message. The first period went by like this with nothing happening. When there was only a minute remaining before the second period started, his phone lit up with a new message from Olivia.
This was a pretty good sign since it meant she had at least gone as far as needing him. He immediately read it and saw that it was short and straight to the point.
''Send me a pic of ur chest, sweetie.''
Unfortunately, he didn''t have time to go to the toilet before the next period started. It would be meaningless to send a picture now anyway since her next ss was going to start too. He had no choice but to wait one more hour before rushing to the toilet as soon as the bell rang, locking himself in one of the cubicles and taking his top off. He had been prepared for the situation and quickly took out a piece of paper and his phone from his pocket. He put the piece of paper under his chest and took a picture of both his chest and the piece of paper. Checking the result, he could see a man''s chest and a text under it that wrote "Olivia''s boyfriend". This was absolute proof that this wasn''t a picture randomly taken from the inte as well as the fact that Olivia had been preparing for this with her boyfriend and he thought it would be enough to convince the bullies. He sent it together with a small message.
''Here you go, babe.''
And could only wait again for the result.
Chapter 120 - 120 – Report
Chapter 120: ¨C Report
He waited for a long while but didn''t receive any more messages. He could only hope that it went well for her and had no choice but to return to his ssroom for the next period. Eventually, that single message was all he got until the end of the school day. After saying goodbye to his friends, he hurriedly went back home. Olivia wasn''t back yet and he sat in the living to wait for her.
Several of his sisters reached home and greeted him in passing before going to their room until Olivia finally arrived. She saw him in the living room and gave him a wide smile before rushing to him. She jumped into his arms and eximed.
"It worked! It worked so well! My name on the piece of paper was genius, Ben!"
Seeing her like this, he could finally rx after a day full of anxiety. He grinned back and replied.
"Really? That''s great! I was so nervous for you the whole day. You have to tell me everything!"
"Yeah! Hehehe."
Sheughed happily for some time before finally calming down and starting her story.
"So during the first recess, I called out to those girls and I told them I had something to show them. I had trouble convincing them to follow me to the toilet but managed to do it. Then, I told them that they should stop looking down on me because I had an older boyfriend with whom I was having sex all the time. Theyughed at me, saying that I was bullshitting hard and such but I told them I had proof. I showed them the videos we made yesterday and they immediately stoppedughing. You should have seen their faces, it was too funny. It was obvious they couldn''t believe what they were seeing but at the same time, I could see that the videos made them horny so I had a hard time not snickering at them. After I showed them both videos, they looked at me like they had seen something impossible. In the end, one of them said this wasn''t proof enough. So I did as you said and told them I would ask for a picture of your chest. We went back to the ssroom at that point and it was clear that they were super disturbed during the whole period. They kept looking my way and the teacher had to scold them a few times."
Benjamin nodded at everything she said and she joyfully continued.
"After that, I saw that you sent me the picture so we went back to the toilet and I showed it to them, with my name clearly on it and all. Their expressions were way too hrious when they saw that. I told them that the only virgins here were them and that they should stop bothering me because I was better than them at everything. Of course, they got angry but I wasn''t afraid anymore. They tried to hit me in anger but I said that if they hit me, I would ask my boyfriend to cklist all of them forever with all the guys in the neighborhood. It was a big bluff but I could see they weren''t so sure about it. In truth, they don''t know much about guys and how theymunicate with themselves so they got seriously scared. And then, I gave the final blow. I told them that since I had so much more experience than them with men and games, I didn''t mind helping them with both. The group''s boss was still unhappy but I could see the other girls were very interested. In the end, one of them couldn''t hold it anymore and asked me what I did to get a boyfriend. And with that, all of them started asking me questions. When only the boss of the group was left alone, she looked betrayed but after a while, she changed her mind and went to ask me questions too. It''s obvious that she didn''t want to be left behind. Hehehe. I tried my best to answer everything. Lot of the stuff I didn''t know myself but I know what they wanted to hear so it was easy. And after that, they started to look up at me. During all the recesses, they came to me to ask more questions and stuff. They even asked if my boyfriend could introduce some boys to them. It was really funny."
Sheughed again, very satisfied with how everything turned out. She then looked at him with adoration and eximed.
"You were totally right, Ben! I feel so much better now. With just that, they respect me so much now. They''re really silly but... It feels great."
He patted her on the head with affection and she instantly buried her head into his chest the way she always did.
"You did amazing, Olivia. The bluff was so smart of you and you were so strong. I am so proud of you. You worked hard so you really deserve it. You did well, you did very well."
She nodded in his chest, delighted to hear his praise, and stayed there for a while, enjoying the spot she liked the most in the world. Eventually, she parted with him.
"Thank you, Ben. I won''t forget about this. I know I can''t do much but if you need help with anything, you can count on me."
"Don''t worry about it. Just seeing you happy and smiling again is all I ask for. I don''t need anything else."
Touched by his words, she couldn''t help going back into his chest and holding strongly onto him, as if to show her feelings. He went back to caress her head and they stayed like this for a while longer. After some time, he noticed that her grip strength diminished and her breathing evened out. He checked her face and saw that she had fallen asleep, probably due to rxing after so much excitation during the day. He calmly continued to pat her head and waited for her to wake up.
Chapter 121 - 121 – Announcement
Chapter 121: ¨C Announcement
Shortly after, Chloe went down the stairs to get something to drink. On her way back from the kitchen, she saw Olivia in Benjamin''s arms and eximed.
"Ah! That''s unfair! Me too!"
Benjamin put a finger in front of his lips to indicate her to be quiet.
"Shhh. She''s sleeping."
Chloe pouted but his warning wasn''t enough to stop her. She came to sit next to him and glued herself to his torso from the other side while looking up at him, clearly demanding the same treatment as her sister. Helpless, he could only indulge her and began to pat her head too. She smiled and closed her eyes in contentment, burying herself deeper in his warmth. Soon after, she fell asleep too and Benjamin was now stuck in between the two girls in their dreams, unable to move anymore.
His mother came downter on and grinned when she saw them like this.
"You three look cute like that."
The next one toe down was Nova and she smiled meanly when seeing the scene. She approached the two sleepers and pinched their noses while closing their mouths. They told her to leave them alone but she didn''t listen, arguing that he was spoiling them rotten. The two eventually woke up with a startle due to theck of air, looking around to try to understand what was happening. They saw Nova''s mocking grin and understood the situation, Olivia sighing in regret to have been woken up from such a perfect nap and Chloe immediately starting a fight with her.
"I won''t forgive you today! No holding back anymore!"
"Ahah, what a joke! What can a pipsqueak like you even do? You''re a million years too early to go against me!"
Free to move again, Benjamin used the opportunity to go to the kitchen and start preparing dinner, leaving the girls to enjoy their childish confrontation. It didn''t take long before Chloe came to him for somefort after losing the fight badly. While soothing her, he exined.
"You''re still too small to fight her one on one. You would have a better chance to win if you allied yourself with someone else and attacked her with the power of numbers."
Nova immediately reacted to hisment, faking anger.
"Hey, Ben! What are you teaching her? Whose side are you on?"
"Of course, I''m on my family''s side."
His mother liked thement,ughing.
"Ahah, that''s right. My son loves his family the best."
However, thatment caused the girls to realize that its meaning was hitting a bit too close to home and they all blushed, each remembering some particr happening with him. Their grandmother, who hade down in the meanwhile to check what the fuss was all about, gave a knowing smile but didn''tment on the situation.
Benjamin focused back on his cooking and finished preparing dinner after some time. The whole family sat at the table to enjoy the meal and Grace, who hade downst, began the discussion.
"You look like you''re feeling much better now, Olivia. Did you manage to fix your problem?"
"Yes. Ben helped me and everything is resolved now."
"That''s great. Do you still not want to tell us what it was about?"
"No... It''s a secret."
They continued to chat about random things until their mother pushed the discussion toward a specific topic.
"I talked to Halle today and she said she would be delighted to have youe to her ce during school vacation. Who wants to go?"
Halle was their aunt, from their father''s side. She was a sweet and warm woman who had a lot inmon with their mother and the two of them had a close rtionship. She had two children, twins of different gender, who were the same age as Olivia. Even though he didn''t know if anything changed about them in this world, Benjamin liked them a lot back in the previous world. They were a cheerful duo, always uplifting the mood of everyone around them. He had seen them during summer vacation but he already missed them and would definitely go to visit them if he had the opportunity. While he was in his thoughts, his sisters had already started to give their opinions, Grace going first.
"I don''t even have any vacation in the first ce."
College breaks didn''t follow primary school vacations and her remark made sense. Nova followed after that.
"I have ns with the student council for the vacation so I won''t go."
Chloe and Olivia were hesitating so Benjamin went next.
"I will go."
His choice seemed to convince his two younger sisters to follow.
"Me too."
Everyone seemed surprised when Olivia said she would go.
"Oh, you will go, Olivia?"
"That''s good."
Finally, Chloe gave her opinion.
"I will go too."
In the end, their mother agreed to send only the three of them. The vacation would start on the weekend after the next, leaving some time for them to prepare. They already knew how to get there anyway so there wasn''t much to worry about.
Since the mood was good, they decided to watch a movie after dinner. It was an action movie, something that could havee out from his previous world film industry, except that most of the characters participating in the action were female. This was also a normal channel broadcast and ads were cutting the movie halfway through. The ads in this world were a little different from those he was used to. The most ssical way to sell a product here was to use males, usually handsome and popr ones. They would either smile charmingly during the advertisement or be on various levels of nudity for no good reason. Judging by his sisters'' reactions, especially the younger ones, this was indeed very effective. Every time a man showed a little bit of skin, they focused intensely on it as if fascinated by what they were seeing.
The ads ended quickly and they finished watching the movie. When they were done, they chatted some more to exchange their feelings about it before everyone separated to head to their rooms for the night.
Chapter 122 - 122 – Sasha has a new idea
Chapter 122: ¨C Sasha has a new idea
Thursday. Benjamin began his day in a positive mood, happy with how things turned out the day before. He quickly finished his preparations and went to school early as usual. Once there, he knocked on the infirmary''s door and it was immediately opened, Sasha weing him with a smile. After locking the door, she looked at him as if there was something she wanted to say.
"You look the same as when you wanted to try anal sexst time. Is there anything you want to try today, Sasha?"
She blushed a little and answered.
"Actually, yes. But I am not sure you will be okay with it."
"Tell me and if I really don''t like it then we can do something else."
"Alright. Do you remember when I taught you how to masturbate?"
This is something that happened during one of their many sessions. She had shown him how to masturbate and even rmended he do it if he missed her when they could not see each other. He nodded to her question and she continued.
"Today, I would like to see you masturbate."
Was that the reason why she taught him this in the first ce? Watching him fap in front of her could be one of her fantasies, not that he really minded.
"That''s not a problem but it isn''t very interesting, you know?"
"Not at all! I am very interested in it."
"Well, okay."
"Great. And also, well, um..."
"I bought a... toy with me and I would like to try it on you. Only if you are alright with it, of course!"
"A toy?"
"Yes, this one."
She went to her bag and took a long ck object out of it. It was around 40 centimeters long and had a hole in the shape of vagina lips at one end. The exterior looked hard while the interior looked like it was made of softer silicone. She excitedly started to exin the object to him.
"This is a toy that men use to masturbate, it is called a fleshlight. The interior here is made of silicone and it tries to reproduce a woman''s vagina. You insert the penis in this hole and then move it back and forth to pleasure yourself."
She took a small bottle of liquid out of her bag.
"Ites with some lube to make the process more fluid and a lot more pleasurable. What do you think?"
So this was her real aim. He was both conflicted and curious. As a man from his previous world, masturbating with a sex toy in front of a woman was quite a shameful thing to do. On the other hand, he also never tried any toy before and he was somewhat curious about them, wondering how it would feel and how different from a real pussy it would be. Seeing her look full of hope and thinking that such shame didn''t exist in this world anyway, he thought he could try it, at least to see how it would feel like. He also wanted to stay open-minded to new things and not deny them without trying first, unless it crossed a hard line in his preferences. If he didn''t like it, he could just stop and switch to fuck Sasha.
"I can try, I guess."
"Really? Great!"
She gave a big perverted grin, seemingly already anticipating the show.
"But why would you want me to do this? Is it somethingmon?"
"It is rtivelymon. I heard couples often use toys like these to spice sex when they have gotten bored of normal sex."
"Oh? Are you already bored of having sex with me?"
She realized her mistake and looked panicked.
"No! Never! I, I was really just curious about it! This is just a fantasy of mine, please believe me!"
She spilled the truth in her panic, afraid that she gave him the wrong impression. Seeing her reacting so strongly, he felt bad about teasing her like this andforted her.
"I was just joking, I believe you, don''t worry."
"Really... You scared me."
"Sorry, sorry. Anyway, should we get to it? How should I do it?"
She went to the bed and indicated for him to sit on the edge.
"You can sit here. Can you first masturbate normally? We can use the toyter on. Fortunately, you cane multiple times in a short amount of time."
Unsure of how things would turn out, he decided to simply remove all his clothes as usual. Even after so many times together, Sasha seemingly never grew bored of seeing him removing his clothes and lusting at the view of his nude body. She was watching him intensely, a predatory expression on her face, even sometimes licking her lips unconsciously.
Once he was done, he sat at the edge of the bed and she ced one of the infirmary''s chairs in front of him. She sat on it and had now the best VIP seat possible for the iing show. She locked her lecherous gaze on his penis and he soon started, understanding her implicit message.
He spit in his right hand and put his palm on his rod, slowly moving it up and down to start masturbating. She quickly queried him, seemingly curious about the process.
"Can you exin in detail what you are doing and how it feels?"
He wasn''t sure what she wanted to hear. For better or worse, male masturbation was a very straightforward process. What''s more, the question was weird considering she was supposed to be the one who taught him how to do it in the first ce, as well as the fact that she had given him many handjobs in the past. Still, it seemed that today would be a day to realize another fantasy of hers and he didn''t mind indulging her a little. She had always treated him well, even if lustily at times, and he rarely had the heart to refuse her small wishes.
Chapter 123 - 123 – Process
Chapter 123: ¨C Process
"I used my saliva as a lubricant and I am now moving my palm up and down on my penis to stimte it."
She nodded approvingly at his words but looked like she wanted to hear more so he had to think about things to add. He slowed his movement to exin the process step by step.
"I start from the root, like this, and move my hand up until my thumb and index fingers reach the separation between the verge and the ns. This part being stimted feels good so I stop there and move my hand down again. I repeat the process like this many times."
It seemed even she didn''t expect so many details and was fascinated by the view. She was also getting more excited, her thighs rubbing against each other a little.
"From time to time, I go all the way up and close my hand to stimte the top of my ns. This also feels good but because I need to close my hand, this is like a small deviation from the normal movement, to give a different stimtion and keep the whole thing interesting."
Now he resumed showing what he was doing at his usual speed, alternating between many strokes going only part of the way with one going all the way and surrounding his shaft entirely from time to time. The more he progressed, the more lecherous Sasha seemed to be. At some point, it felt like she couldn''t hold it anymore and simply put a hand in her panties to start masturbating at the view. After everything they had done together, she didn''t feel ashamed about these sorts of minor things anymore and had no hesitation in doing what she wanted with herself. She moaned and panted, her gaze fully focused on what he was doing. This was a very wee development for Benjamin. Even though what he was doing felt good, not having any external stimting factor meant that he would have to either rely on his imagination or spend a lot of time and effort to get off. That would have been a shame with a woman in front of him.
"Can you remove your pants and panties?"
She nodded and swiftly removed those, immediately sending her hand back to where it belonged when she was done. He was now able to see what she was doing. Her thumb was fondling her clitoris while her index and major fingers were thrusting inside her pussy, the whole thing producing some erotic noises. Getting excited due to getting a better view of her schlicking, he slowly elerated his movements. As if in sync with him, the nurse also did the same, the two of them getting more and more heated in their act.
He noticed her climaxing once after a minute but she immediately continued with her masturbation, as if nothing had happened. A few minutester, he was the one ready to go.
"I''m getting close, Sasha."
"Yes! Give me details, please!"
She was clearly using him to get herself off now but he didn''t mind since he was doing the same with her. Still, this part was tricky to exin. How would you describe an orgasm apart from saying that it felt good? After a few seconds of thinking, he decided to exaggerate things a bit for a better tale.
"I can feel iting. I can feel my sperm slowly umting in my balls, ready to get released."
Her eyes bulged out at the description and she started to schlick at full speed, her juices sshing everywhere. He continued stroking himself a few times and added.
"It''s close now, the sperm is moving up my penis and... I aming, cumming!"
He ejacted with force, his jet of spunk going up in the air andnding on his belly and pelvis. He thought that Sasha would rush to get his sperm like she usually did but not this time. It felt like she wanted to keep the experience as close as possible to a real solo self-satisfaction session. Instead, she continued to masturbate at high speed and reached her climax just after his own while looking intensely at him orgasming.
He released some more spurts of semen, allnding on himself, either on his hand, penis, or belly. Sasha trembled greatly on her seat, convulsing in rhythm with his jets of sperm and moaning joyfully until Benjamin was done. He thought she would stop there but that was wrong. As soon as her climax ended, she resumed her hand movement.
"Damn, you''re so hot covered in your seed like that."
She even added her second hand to the dance, one focusing on her clit and the other one fucking her insides, both going at full speed. It didn''t take her more than a few tens of seconds to reach another orgasm, her pussy contracting strongly and her body convulsing while she released a big moan of pleasure.
She shivered for some moments before finally stopping herself and rxing in her chair, happy to have realized her fantasy so perfectly. Once she was good again, she looked at him one more time and dered.
"Let me clean you up."
He thought she would get some tissues like she often did but she surprised him by getting on her knees in front of him and taking her tongue out to lick his semen-covered hand. Seeing his expression, she conveyed.
"Don''t move, I will be done soon."
She resumed licking his hand until it waspletely clean. She then shifted toward his dick, removing any trace of his spunk on it. She did the same for any part of his body that had be dirty, happily swallowing his sperm and licking him clean. Seeing her so devoted to the cause, he couldn''t help putting a hand on her head and caressing her hair with affection. She grinned even more brilliantly at his gesture and continued what she was doing. Soon enough, he waspletely free from any remnant of his previous act. He thanked her and they were now ready for the second part of today''s session.
Sasha went to get the toy again and looked at him with a perverted expression. This expression never failed to get to Benjamin and he asked her, curious.
"How should we do this?"
Chapter 124 - 124 – Helper
Chapter 124: ¨C Helper
She thought for a second before fetching the bottle of lube and giving both items to him.
"Can you try to use it and tell me how it feels?"
Now that he had the "fleshlight" in hand, he could thoroughly inspect it. He put the lube on the bed and took hold of the toy with both hands, turning it around to see all it had to offer. He soon concluded that there wasn''t much to it. He noticed that the side which didn''t have the silicone opening was closed. The only other interesting part was the other side which was in the form of female genitals. He used one finger to rub it, trying to get a feel for its texture. It felt soft, bby, and cold to the touch. He then inserted his finger inside the opening and could feel that they had tried to reproduce the folds of women''s vaginas, the silicone inside taking the form of small bumps and waves. The feeling was quite far from a vagina, even though the soft and bby texture was rtively urate. As expected, itcked both the warmth and the fluidity of a pussy. He could probably get the fluidity with the lube, but the coldness couldn''t be helped.
Seeing him putting his finger inside the toy seemed to resonate well with Sasha, who looked at what he was doing with a very interested and lustful expression.
It was now time to start with the main act. First of all, there was something he wanted to try. He took the toy in his right hand and his cock in his left hand. He then aimed his ns at the hole and slowly inserted himself inside it. As expected, there was a lot of friction when not using the lube, the unpleasant kind. It was hard to move deeper and it kind of hurt too. He now understood that some sort of lubrication waspletely expected and the toy wasn''t made to be used as is.
He removed himself from the hole and took the bottle of lube. Now, he wondered what the correct process was. Since he didn''t know, he chose to ask Sasha about it.
"Should I put the lube on my penis or inside the silicone?"
"Hm, I''m not sure either. What about you do both? Don''t worry about the quantity you use, I can just buy moreter on."
He wondered if she had ns to make him use the toy regrly from now on. Listening to her idea, he put some lube inside the hole and some on his hand, which he then applied to every corner of his member. His dick was now glistening with the lube and Sasha looked very satisfied at the view.
He took back the toy in one hand and his penis in the other and tried inserting himself once again. It was much smoother now and he was able to go in without any issues. It felt rtively good, the small bumps of silicone inside acting as expected to provide more stimtion and everything feeling very sticky. When he reached the bottom of the fleshlight, he hit a wall of silicone, which was probably the equivalent of the deepest part of a pussy. Overall, it felt okay and it wasn''t bad. At this time, Sasha reminded him of his "duty".
"How does it feel?"
"It''s alright, I guess. It feels bumpy and sticky and pressing my ns against the deepest part feels good."
"Oh, I see. How is itpared to my vagina?"
He didn''t even need to lie because the differences were obvious.
"It cannot bepared. Itcks both the warmth of it and the small movements and contractions you would have when I am inside you. The feeling of stickiness also feels quite different from the feeling of wetness inside you and the pressure is also less."
When he was done exining, he could see that she looked very happy at hisments. He moved the toy up and down a few times to better understand it.
"Havingplete control of the act is nice but that''s the same as with masturbation. Overall, I would say it feels a bit better than masturbating with my hand but that''s pretty much it."
"I understand. Do you still want to go all the way?"
"Well, why not, I should try it at least once."
He continued to move the fleshlight up and down at a regr pace and Sasha observed everything with a piercing gaze. Still, she seemed a bit disappointed and he asked her about it.
"What''s wrong, Sasha?"
"Well... Don''t get angry after I asked you to do it but it feels less interesting than I thought because the interesting parts are hidden most of the time."
This made sense. From her point of view, she mostly only saw some stic going up and down over his groin. She thought for a second and added.
"Perhaps it would be better if I did it for you instead. Can I?"
"Go ahead."
He stopped what he was doing and she came to sit next to him on the bed. Her hand reced his on the toy and she began to move it up and down at the same pace he had been going.
"Now that I am not in control anymore, it feels a bit more exciting."
Hearing his words, she elerated her movements and he sighed in pleasure. Seeing this, she alsomented.
"Yes, it''s more interesting like this."
As expected, a minimum of interaction made things more thrilling for everyone during sexual acts. Progressively, she increased her speed, and the noise of his dick rubbing against the lubed silicone resonated in the infirmary. She was closely monitoring his reactions to her masturbating him and seemed pleased by the view. Eventually, he reached his limit and announced it to her.
"I am going toe soon."
She switched to using both hands now, suddenly going as hard as she could on him. The toy stimted him several times per second and he couldn''t hold on anymore. He came soon after that, grunting his pleasure in a low voice. She pressed the toy as deep as she could on his dick, appreciated one jerking ejaction, moved it again hard one time, and pressed it all the way once more, in repetition, until he waspletely spent.
When there was nothing more to extract from him, she finally removed the toy from his cock. They could now see that it was glistening with both lube and sperm, creating a great scenery for Sasha who looked at her work appreciatingly.
Chapter 125 - 125 – No time
Chapter 125: ¨C No time
She put the toy in a stic pocket and stored it preciously in her bag. He thought it might be better not to ask what she nned to do with the tool that was still full of his sperm.
"Thank you for going along with me today, Ben. It was very interesting."
"You''re wee."
Her thanking him like this gave him an idea but he didn''t mention it and just smiled as usual. It would be a surprise for next time. After that, the two of them cleaned the room and themselves up and they were ready for another day at school. Benjamin was a little worried about Sasha though.
"Are you going to be alright today? You only came a few times."
He knew she was ying with herself a lot less since she started having sex with him regrly because she blurted the information a previous day in a careless moment.
"Of course. Don''t worry about me, I am an adult."
However, as she said that, she sent a nce at her bag holding the toy. He was now getting really worried about her, thinking that she might make a mistake during the day. There were only five minutes left until sses started but he decided he couldn''t leave her like that.
"Let me take care of you quickly."
He forcefully sat her down on the bed they had just used, removed her pants and panties, opened her legs wide, and went down on her before she could understand what was happening. She was initially surprised and started to protest in between moans.
"Mhmm! Wait, we don''t have any more time."
Benjamin ignored her, knowing that she would soon change her tune. And as predicted, she soon put her hands on his head and caressed his hair frically, twitching whenever he went over a sensitive ce. This was a sort of test of skills for him. Sasha was the woman he knew the most about. He had given her cunnilingus numerous times and knew exactly where she liked it. On top of that, he possessed the skills he had acquired by licking so many women. The time was less than five minutes and the goal was as many orgasms as possible. There was no chance to do any buildup or to be delicate so he went as strong as possible on her right from the start.
Contrarily to what he would usually do, he inserted his tongue strongly in her vagina, aimed upward, and stimted that spot as much as possible. This was where she felt it the most, her trembling and hard breathing proving that he was correct. Without any other dy, he used two fingers of his left hand to pinch her clitoris, making her shiver in ecstasy. Finally, he used some of her flowing juices to lubricate two fingers on his right hand before inserting them in her butthole, moving them in and out with force.
He had been able to pinpoint all her weak spots urately and the nurse soon shouted her pleasure loudly, euphoric under the triple stimtion.
"Aaahhh! Amazing! How can you be so good, my angel? Aaahhh! Cumming!"
She barelysted a few seconds before climaxing, her juices flooding his mouth and her pussy and asshole quivering greatly. Benjamin redoubled efforts while keeping the time in mind. If he wanted not to bete, he could barely use one more minute on her. He managed to make here two more times like this before rushing to the sink in the room, cleaning his face and hands at ultra-high speed, saying goodbye to Sasha, and running out of the room. The nurse let her upper body fall on the bed and panted hard, still recuperating from herst orgasm. There were only two thoughts on her mind: her angel was the best thing that ever happened in her life and she hoped these days wouldst forever.
Benjamin''s efforts were not in vain as he managed to reach his ssroom a few seconds before the chime rang. He greeted his friends and directly went to sit down on his seat, ready for another day of sses. Time passed slowly as he tried to focus on learning as much as possible to avoid having to review the content of the lecturester on. This was always trickier when a particrly soporific teacher talked in a monotone voice for a full hour about things he didn''t care about. Fortunately, a small event gave some color to the end of his day.
In the recess before thest ss of the day, a girl came to him when he was chatting with his friends. She was one of the quiet and reserved girls in the ss and it was quite unexpected for her toe directly to his group like this. If he remembered correctly, her name was Waverly. She seemed like she gathered the totality of her courage to open her mouth.
"C-can I talk to you for a minute, Benjamin?"
He was curious about what such a girl could want from him and epted without any question. She asked him to follow her and they went outside the ssroom, at enough distance that they wouldn''t be overheard. She looked at him and then at the ground, trying to find her words. Finally, she looked up once more and began to talk.
"I... I mean, we..., erm, w-would you... Ugh."
She looked behind her and Benjamin saw two other girls looking at them, on top of the usual curious people who couldn''t help being interested in whatever he did. These two girls and Waverly were always together at school and it seemed Waverly had been sent to ask something on behalf of their group.
"Did you get sent to me after losing a bet or something?"
His random joke seemed to have hit way too close to home and the girl looked surprised.
"How did you know? No, I mean... Ugh, please, just forget about it!"
She turned back and escaped in a hurry.
Chapter 126 - 126 – Board games
Chapter 126: ¨C Board games
Benjamin hurriedly stopped her.
"Wait! I''m sorry, I misspoke. Please tell me what you want from me."
Waverly timidly turned around again and looked at him. Seeing him looking apological, she seemed to rx a little and finally resumed talking.
"You don''t need to be sorry. You only said the truth. I lost a game with my friends and I was sent here as a penalty. I should be the one to apologize. I''m sorry."
"I see. Don''t worry about it, this is nothing. So, what were you supposed to ask me?"
"Well, my friends and I are quite passionate about board games and we often y them after school. They were quite mean because they gave me the impossible mission of inviting you to join us today."
The only feeling Benjamin had about board games was the ones he yed with his family when he was young. Except for that, he didn''t know much about them.
"Board games? Is that something that people our age can still enjoy?"
Instead of being offended, Waverly smiled with understanding and started to exin.
"That''s a good question. Most people only remember the games they yed as children but board games are much more than this. Many haveplicated rules and setups and are aimed at adults. There are even board games tournaments for the really passionate people."
The girl was now much more rxed when talking with him. As usual, letting people talk about what they liked was the way to make themfortable. He had no idea about the world of board games, so he could only trust her. When he heard that a lot of the games were aimed at adults, his first thought was that this could be something he could y together with his family. He could join these girls and see if there was a game that his family members could enjoy. Also, it was always good to learn about something new. He smiled and dered.
"Sounds interesting. I''m in."
"Let me join you girls today for your board games session."
There was a long dy where the girl looked at him as if she didn''t understand what he said. In the end, she only repeated her previous question.
"Let me join you girls today for your board games session."
There was another silence before she questioned again.
"...Are you serious?"
"Of course."
"No, but, that''s... a really bad idea, you know?"
"Didn''t you just invite me?"
"Because we never expected you to say yes! It was just a punishment for losing a game!"
He faked being hurt and answered.
"So you were ying with my feelings?"
"No! I mean, I guess we did? Sorry!"
"Ahah, no, I am just kidding. You would need a lot more than this to hurt me."
She looked at him, half-relieved and half-annoyed.
"Ugh. I forgot you were like that. Anyway, do you really want to join us, or was that a joke too?"
She talked as if the whole ss was aware of his personality, which was probably the case in retrospect. At the very least, they had all been exposed to his scene with Sarai and most likely a few others.
"I am serious. It seems interesting and I want to join since you invited me."
"But, that''s not good for you, a boy alone with three girls."
"Just the fact that you are reluctant about it and warning me beforehand increases my trust in you by a lot."
"But still, we, well, we''re nothing like the girls that are usually around you. We''re just in girls and we''re not interesting at all."
This has be an interesting situation where the one who had invited him tried to persuade him not toe.
"What does that have to do with ying board games? I don''t judge people by appearance or personality traits anyway."
"What? Are you serious?"
"Of course. Why would I judge people by something they have no control over? Is it someone''s fault if they are the way they are from birth? As for personality traits, it''s great that people are all different. If everyone was the same, the world would be a very boring ce."
"Then, how do you judge people?"
"Who I am to judge others anyway? What do I know about them to judge them? But, if I had to give one criterion, it would be whether they are kind at heart or not."
"You''re... weird. Ah sorry. What I mean is, well, I understand why all the girls are crazy about you now."
"I will take it as apliment. We''ve gone off-topic for too long, we don''t have much time before the next ss. Can I join you or not?"
"You... can. Aren''t you worried about being in an enclosed space with three girls you don''t know much about?"
"I can take care of myself. But if you''re that bothered about it, what about we do it somewhere we won''t be alone? What about somece like, um, a caf¨¦?"
"A caf¨¦? I never thought about this. That might be a good idea. Okay, let''s do that. Let''s meet after school, okay? If you don''t change your mind until then."
"I won''t. See youter."
The chime rang and the two hurried back to their ssroom. Everyone was looking at them weirdly for talking together for so long, including their respective friends. One hourter, school ended and Benjamin said goodbye to Julian and Nathan before going toward the three girls. He didn''t invite his friends this time since he didn''t want to trouble the girls too much, thinking that he alone would already be hard enough for them to ept. Waverly was whispering to her friends when he reached them, probably recounting their talk from before and he could see the other two looking at him incredulously. They had to stop murmuring when he was right next to them and a different girl looked at him before conveying her feelings.
"For real?"
Chapter 127 - 127 – A great place
Chapter 127: ¨C A great ce
"For real."
Benjamin nodded and smiled at them. The two girls, Braelyn and Azariah, looked mesmerized for a moment before Braelyn spoke again.
"But, I don''t think that''s a good idea..."
Not wanting to go in that direction again, he quickly exined.
"Ah, we already talked about this with Waverly. We were thinking about going to a caf¨¦ and ying there. Is that okay with you two?"
They looked at each other and nodded toward the other. They then looked back at him and Azariah said.
"Well, in that case, I guess that would be fine?"
Seeing them still a bit hesitant, Benjamin proposed something.
"Since we''re going to a caf¨¦ because of me, it''s my treat."
However, they reacted badly to this and Waverly eximed.
"No! You''re a boy, we can''t let you pay!"
"What century are we even in? You wouldn''t have needed to pay if it were just you three so this is only normal. It''s not negotiable."
From his point of view, it didn''t make sense for them to spend any money in that situation, especially because he earned so muchst weekend. No matter how rich their parents could be and how much pocket money they could receive, he doubted they could be as well off as him. What''s more, he could always earn more moneyter on if he wanted to.
The four of them argued some more about this topic until he won out of pure stubbornness. As soon as he got their reluctant concession, he switched the topic, just in case they changed their mind.
"Shall we go then?"
Braelyn was the one to answer him.
"Fine. We had ns to go to my ce today so the games we wanted to y are there. Let me go grab them and we can meet at the caf¨¦ directly. Or is there any game you want to y, Benjamin?"
"No, I don''t know much about board games so I will leave it to you."
"Alright. See youter then. Text me the address of the caf¨¦."
She quickly left and the remaining girls looked at Benjamin as if he had be their group''s de-facto leader just by being a boy. This was funny because girls were normally supposed to lead in this sort of situation. He knew little about their small group of three friends except that they were happy to do their own things most of the time. They didn''t cause any trouble and were quiet girls, usually staying within their group. He wondered if this type of girl would be more to Julian''s taste but soon chided himself for having such thoughts. His friend could take care of himself perfectly fine and didn''t need him to intrude in his private life. Since the girls didn''t take the initiative, he had to be the one to do it.
"Let''s go. Do you have any ce in mind?"
Azariah took her phone out and dered.
"Let me check."
She handled her phone for some time before continuing.
"I found a good ce. There is a caf¨¦ close to here that does board games nights from time to time. They even have their own collection of games that people can borrow to y inside the premise."
Benjamin didn''t think that board games were so popr that a caf¨¦ would even propose this sort of activity. This was a pleasant surprise for him and he was starting to look forward to ying them.
"Sounds great."
Waverly also seemed interested and the three of them headed toward the location after Azariah sent a message to Braelyn. After a fifteen-minutes walk, they arrived there, a cozy-looking ce with a lot of sofas and rtively dim lighting. They entered the shop and were greeted by a smiling middle-aged man behind the bar.
"Wee. Please sit wherever you want. I will get you the menu in a second."
He was a gentle-looking man with a smile constantly hanging on his face. The two girls couldn''t help giving him a second look before they chose to sit at afortable table next to the window. The rest of the ce was rtively empty with only a few other clients scattered over the shop, drinking some tea or coffee while minding their own business. The man soon came to them with three menus in hand.
"Here you go. Please call me when you are ready to order."
"Thank you. We have one more personing and we are nning to y board games. Is that alright with you, sir?"
His grin became brighter and he swiftly answered, in high spirits.
"Of course! We always wee people who like board games. I am a fan of them myself. We have a nice of collection of games you can borrow, do you want to see them?"
Benjamin looked at the two girls and seeing them very interested, he acquiesced.
"That would be nice."
"Follow me."
He headed toward a door at the back of the shop, opened it, and went inside. They followed him and saw that the space was a small storage room filled with shelves full of games. The sheer number of them was impressive and the three of them were surprised, though for different reasons. Benjamin never thought there would exist so many different board games while the girls were simply fascinated by the amazing collection. The owner looked at them with pride and told them to feel free to look around as much as they wanted before going back to man the bar.
Benjamin took a game randomly and read the description at the back. It was a game where one had to build train lines between different destinations. Having never yed anyplex board games, he had no idea how this worked or what the gamey could be like. Eventually, he put the game back on the shelf and just looked around, mostly looking at the drawings and pictures. On the other hand, the two girls were very thrilled by the collection and kept eximing that they had this or that game, happily going around and checking everything the storage room had to offer.
Chapter 128 - 128 – Game start
Chapter 128: ¨C Game start
This continued for some time until Braelyn arrived. She was directed to the storage room and entered with a backpack looking very full, only to have the same reaction as her friends, and went to join them in inspecting the shop''s collection. Eventually, Waverly had a suggestion.
"What do you say we try one of these games instead of just ying one of ours?"
The two other girls agreed with her, even Braelyn who went home just to get the games.
"True, it''s a good opportunity to try something new."
They then discussed which game they wanted to y. The wide range of choices made it hard to choose and it took them another few minutes to pick one they all agreed on. Now that everyone was satisfied, they went back to their seats. The owner came with one more menu for Braelyn and they all started to go through the different options to pick something to their taste. Benjamin noticed that they all went for the cheap options and wasforted in his opinion that they were quite decent people. Of course, he told them they could choose whatever they wanted but didn''t manage to convince them to change their choice in the end. They called the owner to give him their order. He came back a few minutester with what they ordered and they finally were able to focus on the thing they were here for.
The girls had chosen a game called "Wondersfull". None of them had yed it before but it seemed that the game was well-known among board gamers because they had a basic understanding of the gamey. It seemed that they had never bought it themselves for budget reasons since the game was quite expensive. They usually preferred to buy several cheaper games for the same price instead because they would get more diversity that way, even if they found it a shame to miss the most popr ones. Today''s opportunity was a blessing for them, allowing them to enjoy games they had always wanted to try without having to waste any money. Of course, they didn''t say thisst part out loud, even if everyone was aware of it.
They still went over the rules, read everything meticulously, and were able to find some details they were not aware of. The goal of the game was simple and each yer had to build the most magnificent wonder possible. To do that, they had to manage different elements like money, workers, resources, the climate, idents and even hindering from other yers. Each turn, they had the right to perform two actions of their choice while also drawing a card, which could be a helpful event for them, something neutral, or a disaster.
They started to set up the game after they were sure everybody had understood how to y. It was a good thing the table they were using was wide since the game board itself was quiterge and there were a lot of small pieces they had to keep in front of themselves but out of the game board''s area. Once they were ready, they rolled a die to find out who would start. Azariah won and began by drawing a card. She found out it gave her some stone to help with her construction. She smiled at her luck and continued with hiring some workers before directly starting her construction since she now had some construction materials. She was ying the game swiftly as if it was not the first time she was trying it, and Benjamin observed what she was doing to get a better idea of what he should do when his turn came.
Next was Waverly''s turn. She drew a neutral card saying that nothing special happened. Next, she used her money to employ some workers and buy construction materials. In a way, she got to y the most standard turn that was possible in this game. Next was Benjamin. He drew a card and saw it was a special card called "Bribe". The card description text said that he was allowed to steal one group of workers from another yer due to offering them a better sry. That was great, he would be able to get workers for free with the help of the card while also hindering another yer. As for his target, he choose to go with Azariah who had the best advantage currently, even if only by a small margin. He showed his card to the girls and announced.
"I''m bribing your workers, Azariah. You should have paid them a better sry."
"Ha ha, very funny. Here."
She transferred her workers to him while the two other girlsughed at her misfortune. She didn''t stop there and added a small warning.
"Remember that the world of board gaming is all about karma. You''ll get what you deserve sooner orter."
"Oh, really? Come then, I am waiting for you."
The game had barely started and the mood was already very high. Braelyn took her turn while Benjamin and Azariah were smiling at each other, not bothering about anything else. The game continued like that. Anytime Benjamin or Azariah could do anything to trip the other, they would do it without any hesitation,ughing stupidly when they managed to hinder the other one. They started to spend money and resources to hire spies, saboteurs, and the like, their wonder construction not getting much progress. On the other hand, Waverly and Braelyn went on with the game normally. They would still get attack cards from time to time, which they used on each other, but didn''t spend excessively on hindering anyone.
This created a funny situation where the gap between the duo of Benjamin and Azariah and the duo of Waverly and Braelyn was getting wider and wider. Soon enough, it was obvious that the former had given up on winning the game and only aimed at getting a less terrible result that their opponent. Thetter were the only ones having a decent progression and the four of them entered the second half of the game in this manner.
Chapter 129 - 129 – Cooperation
Chapter 129: ¨C Cooperation
Things changed when yers finished constructing their wonder. They entered the second and final stage of the game, where the goal was now to polish and decorate their buildings. Any yer reaching that far needed to draw five mission cards and try their best to do as many of them as possible. It included things like buying art to decorate their wonder, painting the walls, polishing the surface, etc. However, this is where things got interesting. They didn''t have the right to draw normal cards anymore and their money ie also stopped at that point. This meant that they had to aplish their missions with the resources they had left from the previous stage.
In addition to that, the fact that they couldn''t draw any more normal cards implied that they couldn''t attack, steal from, or hinder other yers anymore. On the other hand, yers still in the first phase of the game could still attack them if they wanted to. This was a bncing mechanism where it wasn''t necessarily such a good thing to finish one''s construction too fast. yers would get a bonus from finishing the first stage so quickly but would then probably have very few resources left due to rushing and would also be the targets of every other yer. This was amon mistake people who yed the game for the first time would make. This game was popr because it had a certain amount of strategizing and it wasn''t just about rushing to aplish one''s objective.
However, in this particr game, the two forerunners didn''t have to worry about any of this. Benjamin and Azariah were still only fighting each other and they were able to focus on their missions without any hindrance. Several turnster, the game ended when Waverly finished her missions. They started to count their scores based on how quickly they finished their construction, how many missions they aplished, and how many resources they still had left. Waverly won by a small margin with Braelyn right behind her. Benjamin and Azariah''s wonders were barely half done, most of their workers having disappeared in strange idents and the bulk of their money drained from their long war. Azariah was still a little bit better off and ended up in third position, giving a smug smile to Benjamin, the absolute loser of the game.
He was a bit upset to have lost against her but still had a lot of fun. At the same time, he felt somewhat sorry to have focused only on opposing her.
"Sorry, I ruined the game by only antagonizing you."
However, the three girls shook their heads and Azariah answered.
"Not at all. There is no normal way to y these sorts of games. As long as you have fun then anything goes. It was a good fight and I enjoyed it."
Braelyn added some more reassurance.
"That''s right. You might have had more fun than us who yed the game normally."
And Waverly concluded.
"Do you want to try a different type of game? I propose a cooperation game. This time was free for all but with a cooperation game, we all have to work together toward a single objective."
"Sounds interesting."
With Benjamin''s agreement, they cleaned up the game''s setup and Waverly went to put it back in the storage room,ing back a few secondster with a different game in hand.
"This is a game I yed at my aunt''s ce. We are stranded on a volcanic ind and we need to find a way to escape before the volcano erupts and kills us all."
She put the game on the table and they started setting it up and checking the rules just like before. The game itself was quite simple, every time they all had a turn, a day passed, and they had ten days to escape. They needed to build a big enough raft to amodate everyone and collect enough food and water tost long enough and not die during the raft''s trip. Everyone received three cards at the start, which allowed them to do various things including collecting more resources, getting some advantages in terms of resource consumption, or even killing another yer. When it was their turn, they were only allowed to do one normal action plus any actioning from their cards.
The interesting part was that instead of working toward their goal, they could explore the ind and find useful things - which was corresponding to drawing a card. That meant that someone could potentially y the psychopath, not help toward the goal at all and only focus on getting stronger. This is where the team had to make the choice of getting rid of troublesome elements before they became unstoppable and potentially kill everyone else. The fact was that getting rid of someone else meant that the rest of the survivors needed fewer resources to escape the ind and survive. Since everyone''s actions were visible, there was no way to hide anything from the other yers except for their cards, which stayed private until they were yed.
The game started and Benjamin had nothing interesting in hand. The three girls all had their best poker face on and the first few turns of the game were very normal, with everyone contributing toward the goal. One went hunting to get food, another one went to harvest coconuts to get both milk and food from them. A different one focused on cutting trees and thest one started making a raft out of the fallen trees. But then, after a few turns, the girls started to try exploring the ind. Curious, Benjamin followed their example, drew a card, and read its description.
''Sharp rock. Both its size and weight are a perfect fit in your hand, as if it was meant to be. For some reason, you start having strange thoughts when holding this rock in hand. Action: allows you to kill another survivor during your turn.''
Chapter 130 - 130 – Nuisance
Chapter 130: ¨C Nuisance
He tried hard to not show anything on his face and keep a poker face. Were these sorts of cardsmon in the game or was he just "lucky"? He thought it probably was theter option or else the end game would always be a bloodbath. He looked at the girls to check if they noticed anything from his attitude when his sight was drawn by something else. Their table was next to the window and right outside the caf¨¦ stood a group of five girls who were watching them and pointing at them with their fingers. They were about one or two years older than them and their expressions were a mix of mockery and envy, a weirdbination. He wasn''t the only one to notice them; his new friends were also ring at them. They all had a bad premonition and as expected, right after that, the group of girls entered the shop and immediately went to sit at the table next to them. Everyone frowned, unhappy with the sudden development, but tried to ignore their neighbors anyway.
They resumed their game while the shop owner came to give the neers the menu. He wasn''t oblivious to the situation but since they hadn''t done anything wrong yet, they were still his clients. The girls barely looked at the menu before ordering the cheapest items which the owner prepared and delivered soon after. After he was gone back to the bar, the girls began to focus their attention on the table next to them. The four of them were still ying and ignoring them the best they could when one of the girls suddenly spoke in a loud voice.
"Do you see that? What do you think of this situation?"
One of her friends answered in a simrly noisy tone.
"Isn''t that what they call a reverse harem?"
"No, I think it''s more like three girls fawning over one guy."
"Ahah, true. I wonder what he is thinking, aiming forme girls like them."
Being insulted like this for no reason, Waverly, Braelyn, and Azariah who were initially just annoyed started to tremble in rage. Benjamin was also irritated to be disturbed when they were peacefully enjoying themselves and when his newly made friends were being looked down on in this way. He hadn''t known them for long but they were nice girls and probably above average in terms of decency. They all sent nces at each other as if to say that they should just hold back and continue to ignore them. The owner called out to them to tell them to stop harassing other clients but his warning went in one ear and out the other.
The five girls noticed that their provocation had an effect but didn''t manage to trigger them so they just continued.
"Perhaps he decided to trade quality for quantity."
"Must be the best day ever for those girls."
"I think you mean the first time in their life they got to spend time with a boy."
"Right! Ahahah!"
They allughed loudly, now disturbing even the other clients in the caf¨¦. Benjamin stood up and Waverly tried to stop him.
"Don''t. They are not worth it."
"It''s fine, I know what I am doing."
"Wait, I will go instead."
"No need."
Before she could say anything else, he directly went to the five girls and gave them his best cold and annoyed smile, the result of days and nights of intense training. He heard Waverly leaving her seat in a hurry to stand next to him.
"So? What do you want?"
The five girls stoppedughing and closed their mouths, surprised to see himing at them fearlessly and asking such a direct question. They looked at each other but didn''t know how to answer. Truthfully, they didn''t think about anything at all. They saw three girls surrounding one nice guy and were just a bit jealous. Met with his cold smile, they felt both attracted and afraid at the same time and continued to look around to find an answer. Soon, the gazes of four of the girls focused on thest one, as if to say that this was her idea toe here and to take responsibility. Now that everyone in the caf¨¦ was looking at her, the girl that was suddenly thrown under the bus by her friends started to panic.
Feeling the pressure of everyone around her, she trembled. She didn''t know why her friendsid all the me on her when they had all agreed toe here. And what was with this guy, wasn''t he afraid of them? She started to be irrationally angry and didn''t get a better idea than standing up and grabbing Benjamin arm''s while shouting.
"Why don''t youe to y with me instead of those pathetic girls? Let me show you how a real woman handles a boy like you!"
Waverly had been ready to shout to let him go when Benjamin burst intoughter.
"Pfft. Hahahaha. Do you think we are in a delinquent scene in a movie? This is not the twentieth century, you know."
Full of shame, the girl gripped his arm stronger and yelled.
"You can''t mock me like that!"
Benjamin only smiled coldly and took his phone out of his pocket. He manipted it for a few seconds before showing the screen to the girl. It only showed one thing, a contact called "Mom" with a green button to call it. He put his thumb over the call button and replied.
"Of course I can. Do you know? My mother is a police officer. If I press this button, the call will go through and she will be able to trace my location. A few minutester and you will be taken off by the police to spend a night at the station for assault and public disturbance. So? What do you think?"
She would normally call his bluff but his cold smile, the fact that he didn''t care when she grabbed his arm, and his air of absolute confidence convinced her that he was serious about it. Horrified, she let go of his arm. The other four also looked afraid now. They definitely didn''t want to have anything to do with the police just for teasing some people in a caf¨¦. They looked at each other again and hurried to leave the ce, not before paying their bill at the owner''s reminder.
After they were gone, Benjamin went back to his table with Waverly in tow and smiled innocently.
"Shall we continue?"
Chapter 131 - 131 – Career
Chapter 131: ¨C Career
The three girls looked at him weirdly, with a hint of amazement. Soon, Azariah dered.
"That was really effective. I guess it''s true that you can take care of yourself."
He thought she was referring to the incident that happened at the vi''s party, where he affirmed that he didn''t need anyone to protect him. Braelyn added her thoughts.
"I can see why you are so confident now. It helps to have a police officer as a mother."
"Ah, she''s not. My mother is a financial consultant."
The three girls stared at him, surprised.
"You mean... This was all a bluff?"
His impish smile at that time stirred their hearts pretty badly but they tried hard not to show it on their faces.
"Huh... How can you think of something like this on the spot?"
"It wasn''t on the spot. It''s a countermeasure I prepared in advance in case something like this happened. It was more effective than I thought."
"I think it''s because you were so confident about it. You even managed to make us believe it too, after all."
"Ahah, perhaps I should try to be an actor after I graduate."
He said this as a joke but the three girls nodded very seriously in agreement, with Waverly dering.
"Yes, I am sure you would do great. You can speak well, you can act well even in a tense situation like this and you are, um, not bad looking too."
"Thanks but I was just kidding. I am not interested in acting."
"Oh... That''s a shame. I think that would suit you perfectly."
"Enough with the ttery, let''s continue the game, okay? I have to go home soon."
"It wasn''t ttery but... fine."
They resumed their interrupted game and everyone took turns, sometimes working toward the goal, at other times working toward their own objectives. And, as expected, the end of the game was pretty brutal. Due to everyone not contributing enough, they only had sufficient resources to save two people. Eventually, Waverly put some snake poison into Braelyn''s food and the girl died on the spot. Benjamin was the next to y and avenged her with his sharp rock. The game concluded with Azariah and Benjamin agreeing to end the bloodbath here and escape the ind together since they had enough to sustain themselves. The two enemies in the previous game now became allies and the winners of this game, a fact that made them smile.
After that, they discussed the game for a while, each of them exining what they had tried to do. They talked about what they could have done better and if it was possible to have everyone survive. Soon enough, it was time to leave and they reluctantly tidied up the game and put it back where it was previously. They had a lot of fun today, the girls being happy to get to try new games that they have been interested in and Benjamin getting his first experience with board games aimed at older people. He went to pay the bill and the owner congratted him for handling the previous situation nicely.
The four of them exited the shop and Benjamin turned toward the girls.
"Thank you for inviting me today, I had a lot of fun."
Azariah answered him back with a grin.
"You''re wee. Or more like, we ended up discovering this ce and you treated us on top of it so we should be the ones to thank you."
The two others nodded and Braelyn continued.
"We didn''t expect you to ept at all, but you were more approachable than we thought. Say, are you interested in having another session like this in the future?"
"Sure, why not? I won''t be doing this every day but I can join from time to time."
The girls cheered and Waverly concluded.
"Great! I will ask you when we n to y again."
"Alright, I look forward to it. I have to go now so I will see you tomorrow at school."
"See you!"
He left and moved toward home, reaching the ce fifteen minutester. He still had a little bit of time before he needed to prepare dinner and went to rx in his room. There was indeed nothing better than rxing after having fun, a concept that a lot of people sessfully implemented in both worlds. A whileter, he went down to prepare the meal and the rest of the evening was spent having a peaceful time within the family, with the usual verbal and physical banters.
On the next day, Friday, nothing very special happened at school. Nathan and Noemi''s rtionship seemed to be going well, and the two looked happy, often ncing at each other during sses. Benjamin now added the group of three girls to his morning greetings and they responded to him shyly but joyfully, the other girls looking at them with some envy.
After school, Benjamin went for a run. He didn''t have any strict training schedule and with his days being so busy, it had been a while since thest time he ran. After a good hour of jogging, he went home and took a shower to get rid of the sweat. Then, he went to his room to study. Seeing how things were going today, he almost felt like a normal high school student. This gave him a weird feeling and he wondered if there was anything he could do about it. Soon enough, a good idea came to his mind and he exited his room to head to his mother''s office.
He put his ear to the door and could hear her voice as well as a few other voices, all barely audible due to the soundproofing. She was probably having a conference call at the moment and he thought about the situation. ording to the clock on his phone, it was close to her time to finish work but she still had a little to go until the end of her day.
Chapter 132 - 132 – Conference
Chapter 132: ¨C Conference
He discreetly opened the door and peeked at the situation inside. It was as he had expected and his mother was facing her screen while sometimes talking to the other participants. He noiselessly entered the office and closed the door behind him before locking it. His mother wasn''t blind and when he turned back, she was sending him a questioning look. When he smiled at her, she signaled him with her eyes and a small movement of her chin to wait on the sofa until she was done.
Of course, he ignored her and came closer to her desk. She didn''t seem to understand what he was trying to do and sent him nces all the while still trying to focus on her meeting. He gave her an innocent grin and went on all four when he was right in front of her desk. His mother shivered in panic at his action but couldn''t do anything to stop him. He heard her click on her mouse and immediately hiss after that.
"What are you doing, Ben!?"
He ignored her and when looking at the front, he was able to see that she was wearing a yellow skirt today. He walked forward on all four until he was in front of her legs and opened them wide. She tried to close them but he already had his head inside and it was toote.
"Wait, I am in the middle of a meeting!"
He still didn''t answer and focused on her white panties instead. He slid them to the side and immediately went to lick her now-trimmed pussy, giving her a taste of his tongue skills. For added effect, he looked up at her and that also allowed him to see her reactions. She closed her eyes in surprise and pleasure while biting her lips.
"Mhmm! Stop, you silly boy!"
Unfortunately for her, not only wasn''t he going to stop, one of her colleagues suddenly directed a question at her.
"...For the annual report. What do you think, re?"
Having no choice but to focus back on the conversation, she bit her lips harder and tried toe back with a decent answer to a question she didn''t hear. Fortunately, she was very experienced and could guess where the discussion had gone when she didn''t pay attention. She clicked again to unmute herself and replied.
"We still have some time before weplete the report but based on our preliminary calctions and the prevision of your results in Q4, we, mhmm, think you can achieve a growth of about 6.9% this year."
She couldn''t help moaning when Benjamin''s tongue went over her clitoris and red at him as soon as she was done talking, closing her thighs around his head as a way of retaliation. Her re and her thighs around his head only made her look sexier in Benjamin''s eyes, having the exact opposite effect of what she hoped, getting him more excited instead. He redoubled his efforts on her cunt and she swiftly muted herself again before chiding him once more while still looking back at the screen and trying to seem normal.
"Darn it, Ben! Mhmm! Why are you so good at this? Please, can''t you wait until I am done?"
He stopped for a second to answer her.
And went back to his work, this time inserting his tongue deep inside her twat, making her shiver greatly. Feeling that things were going south, she also turned off her camera. She then put her hands on his head and gripped it while uttering.
"You naughty boy, very naughty boy. Ah! Yes! No! Aaahhh!"
The stimtion was too much and she came like this, orgasming on her chair while pushing his head deep into her vagina. At the same time. one of her colleagues, seemingly worried about her, sent another question in her direction.
"Is everything alright, re? You turned your camera off."
She barely had the time toe down from her climax to unmute herself and answer.
"I, I''m fine. I... I am suddenly feeling a bit lightheaded."
"I understand. We are pretty much done with the meeting anyway so we can stop here."
"Sorry about this."
"No worries. Have a nice rest and I hope you get better soon. Have a nice weekend, everyone."
A few different voices said their goodbyes and the meeting ended like this. His mother could now focus her full attention on her rebel child and sent him a very dark gaze.
"You disobedient boy. Interrupting Mom at work, you''re... bad! Very bad!"
Typical of the rebuking of his doting mother, it had zero impact whatsoever. She would have to do better than calling him "bad" to get any reaction out of him. Coupled with the fact that he was grinning mischievously at her and that this made her anger melt in real time, she couldn''t have been less intimidating had she tried to.
"It felt like you enjoyed it a lot, though?"
She blushed a little but wasn''t unaware of the fact that she was too lenient with him and knew she had to scold him. It would be a problem if he did something like this again, after all. Punishing him didn''t even cross her mind and she went with a different approach instead.
"You shouldn''t interrupt when I work, Ben. Promise me you won''t do something like this again."
He didn''t mind doing this since he had just wanted to try this situation he had seen in porn before and was now satisfied.
"Yes, I''m sorry, Mom. I promise."
His apology was enough to remove any remnant of displeasure she had but she wasn''t done with him.
"Good. Now, finish what you started, you naughty child!"
She took his head in her hands and pushed him inside her crotch once more, a lusty expression on her face. He dly let her glue him to her drenched pussy and resumed his cunnilingus. He focused his tongue on her clitoris this time and sent two fingers into her cunt, making her instantly moan in pleasure. He licked and sucked her bean, sometimes strongly, sometimes lightly, while looking for the spot inside her twat where she liked it the most. It didn''t take long for him to find it after she twitched when his fingers dug at the ce.
He was now sailing at cruising speed, his mother melting under his attention.
Chapter 133 - 133 – Excursion
Chapter 133: ¨C Excursion
She closed her eyes and threw her head behind, focusingpletely on the stimtion. Benjamin continued what he was doing, his fingers caressing her warmly wet cunt walls and his tongue attacking her sensitive clitoris. The pleasure was intense and was only increasing, amplified by the fact that it was her darling son providing it. It didn''t take her long before she was close to another high again.
"That''s it, right there! My baby, don''t stop, lick mommy, lick mommy, lick mommyyyyy! Yeeesss!"
She convulsed in orgasmic pleasure and her twat released a flood of juices, flowing down on her chair. Her pussy contracted around his fingers and her whole body shook in gratification, her legs opening wide and her toes curling in an arc. Benjamin continued to stimte her until the end to give her as much pleasure as possible and her climax went on for a good time.
After cumming, she began to pant hard and opened her eyes to look at her son. Seeing him still trying hard to make her feel good, something stirred inside her and Benjamin noticed her face morphing into a very predatory look. Right after that, she pushed him away from her and eximed.
"I can''t take it anymore!"
She suddenly stood up and adjusted her panties for them to cover her pussy. Then, she used her sleeve to clean his face to a bare eptable minimum and took his hand to exit the office.
"Come with me."
Benjamin was surprised by the sudden change but followed her obediently, curious about what she nned to do. She quickly dragged him to the first floor, which was currently empty, and from there to the garage, pointing at her car.
"Get into the car."
He took the front passenger seat and his mother took the driver seat, starting the car and rushing to the streets as soon as the automatic garage door was opened enough.
"Where are we going?"
"You will see soon."
Judging by the circumstances, he had a good idea about what sort of ce she wanted to go to. They drove for a minute before a new brilliant idea came to him, suitable for the current situation. This was also something he had wanted to try for a long time and now was the perfect time to test it.
He turned his upper body toward her and bent it down in her direction, his head now right on top of her thighs. His mother didn''t know what he was trying to do and asked him, surprise in her voice.
"Ah, what are you doing now?"
"You will see soon."
He lifted her skirt and slid her panties to the side one more time before diving his head right into her crotch.
"What? I am driving, Ben!"
The position was very awkward, much more so than he had imagined it to be. He was trying to reproduce the famous car blowjob but adapted to this world, female version. The problem was that there was ack of room for him to reach his objective, contrary to what happened in the case of a blowjob, where the man''s tool stood above the waist. In his case, her cunt was in between her legs, making it much harder to get to. On top of that, he wasing from the side and her thighs were in the way, just like guardians defending the treasure room.
"Focus on the road, Mom."
In the end, he opened her legs as much as he could, and only then was he barely able to reach her clitoris with his extended tongue. His mother trembled at the contact and mentioned.
"You have the weirdest ideas, my naughty boy. Mhmm!"
He licked her as best as he could for a few more tens of seconds before his mother eximed once again.
"Aahh, I can''t wait anymore!"
She suddenly turned from the main street and went into a dark empty alley in between buildings. She stopped the car there and looked down at her son, still licking her clitoris with the tip of his tongue. This sight was thest straw for her and she pulled him away from her, pushed him against his seat, and fiddled with his pants. Suddenly interrupted in his work, Benjamin looked at his mother swiftly unbuttoning his pants and opening them, sliding his underwear down, taking out his dick, and dropping her head on it with a happy shout.
She engulfed his member in her mouth and immediately calmed down, like a child who received the toy she had been wanting to possess for a long time. She stayed there, his cock in her mouth, her body rxing and her tonguezily tasting his member, now at peace with the world. Benjamin could have sworn she looked no different from a baby who has been given the pacifier, seeing how contrasting her attitude now waspared to a few seconds ago. He caressed her hair delicately and she smiled in bliss, peacefully continuing to suck his dick in the most unhurried manner.
Unfortunately for Benjamin, even though it felt good and reassuring, the stimtion wasn''t very strong. When she went on like this for more than five minutes, he started to think about what he could do on his side. In the end, the view of her butt happily jiggling left and right in unison with her licking pushed him to reach for it with his other hand. He lifted her skirt and tried to reach her twat but was a bit short of reach without having to move his mother. In the end, he lubricated a finger in his mouth and sent it slowly into her butthole, making her moan in surprise at the sudden attack.
She didn''t let go of his penis, however, and resumed her sucking, her eyes now staring at him and getting filled with lust once more. He sunk his finger as far as he could inside her and began to work on her ass like this, his mother getting more and more agitated as time passed.
Chapter 134 - 134 – At a standstill
Chapter 134: ¨C At a standstill
In the shadowy back alley, she progressively elerated her blowjob pace, in proportion to her arousing, which was rising as much as he fingered her ass. It was a bitte but Benjamin still questioned her.
"Are you alright with my finger in your butthole?"
She nodded strongly without releasing his dick and her face looked like he hadn''t even needed to ask. Now having her express permission, he focused on that part more. This wasn''t a selfless decision since he had seen how she was intensifying her sucking when he did so. He wet a second finger and used two of them to increase his attack power. This was a correct decision because she soon changed the way she blew him, from minimal movements andzy tonguing to sucking him strongly.
However, it was different from any other head he had gotten in the past. She didn''t move back and forth much and instead focused all her mouth power on sucking him, maximizing her suction power as much as possible. It was like his cock was gtin and she was trying to aspirate it, to constantly slurp every bit inside her mouth. Her lips were distorted to the front of her mouth in a very lewd manner, proof of how intensively she was going at it. This was a new feeling for Benjamin who couldn''t help groaning in pleasure at the stimtion. It felt like his member was being aspirated by a wet and warm vacuum machine, stimting him in ways unknown so far. She looked pleased with his reaction and went on with her sucking, slowly moving her tongue around his ns for increased pleasure.
It felt incredible and he wasn''t able to continue focusing on his fingering, simply enjoying what his mother was doing to him. It didn''t take long before he was ready toe.
"It feels amazing Mom. Don''t stop, I''m almost there... Coming!"
His waist jerked and his penis'' head rested on her tongue, sting his sperm in her cavity with a shout of satisfaction. His mother closed her eyes in appreciation and greedily aspirated anything that he released until he waspletely spent. She immediately switched to strongly sucking any remaining sperm inside his shaft, forcefully draining his urethra. Once this was done, she went back to herzy tonguing, as if to congratte herself for a job well done.
"Wow Mom, that was awesome. You''re so good at this."
She finally released his dick andughed with a proud smile.
She looked at his still-hard cock and added.
"You are also amazing in a different way, still so hard like that."
She caressed his dick lovingly but before they began anything else, Benjamin said.
"Let''s move to the back seats, we don''t have enough space here."
She nodded in agreement and both of them exited the car from their side, removed their clothes in the fortunately empty alley, and entered again from the back seats. Now in front of each other and ready to go all the way, both hesitated, unsure how to start this. Benjamin remembered her specific taste he learned about after the poker game and knew what she most likely wished for.
She had her gaze focused on his penis and was clearly at maximum arousal, her cunt juices flowing out on the car seats. She looked up at him when he called her but wavered and didn''t give him an immediate reply. She looked down at his sex again and panted hard, probably having some very arousing ideas but hesitating to speak of them out loud. Eventually, she sighed and told him.
"Leave it all to mommy, dear. I will make you feel the best."
Judging by her face, this wasn''t what she really wanted to do. When she tried to make him lie down on the seats, he stopped her and asked again.
"What do you really want to do, Mom?"
She trembled at his question and looked at his face. He was smiling as if to suggest he knew everything and her heart beat harder under her precious'' son''s stare. Seeing that his words weren''t without effect, he gave her one more push.
"For you, Mom, I will do anything. Anything you want, whatever it is."
She gasped and shivered. She looked at his tool once more and into his eyes onest time before finally giving in and epting his persuasion.
"You made me so horny and now you''re saying something like that. You better take responsibility for your words."
While blushing hard, sheid on her back across the seats, herrge boobs jiggling in ordance with her movements. She lifted her legs until they were high up and used her hands to pull them towards her body, now parallel to her torso. She then looked at him and dered.
"T-this is how Mom likes it. Put your body on top of mine ande into me strongly. Do me hard, as hard as you can."
She was now panting hard, a good amount of shame mixed with her extremely lecherous expression. Her trimmed twat was releasing fluids like never before, almost like a miniature fountain. Considering how women were supposed to be dominant in bed, her shame made a lot of sense. As for Benjamin, seeing his mother take such an erotic pose aroused him immensely and his dick twitched in anticipation. Today was the day he would fuck his Mom and he wasn''t going to hold back, just like she wanted.
He jumped on her, his body enveloping hers. Without any more dy, he adjusted his aim with a hand and pushed his hips forward, prating her all the way in one go. He felt her warm and wet flesh opening to give room to his cock, his tool scratching against her inner walls and soon reaching her cervix, bumping strongly against it. Feeling his penis inside her, his mother was in ecstasy.
"Aaahhh! My first dick after so long! My baby, my son is back home inside mama! You''re so big, darling!"
Her pussy enveloped him ardently, her flesh contracting around his member. Finally, he was having sex with his mom and the mere thought of it pushed his penis to swell inside her. It felt incredible and he might havee very quickly if he hadn''t gotten a release just before. His mother, on the other hand, was barely holding on. He moved his waist up to send another strong thrust into her and this one was too much for her to take. She cummed hard with a loud shout of happiness, her toes curling up once again in pleasure and her pussy gushing juices around his dick.
Chapter 135 - 135 – Drive
Chapter 135: ¨C Drive
Her cunt contracted strongly around him and he groaned at the stimtion, barely holding back oning himself. His mother twitched under him, as much as her position allowed her since he waspletely enveloping her body. When she was done, she looked even more aroused than before, as if her orgasm had only made her want more.
"More, darling, fuck mama more!"
Seeing her so excited, he resumed his movement and began to send strong strokes into her twat. The sshing sound of his penis going inside her intensified and the smell of their sex filled the car interior more and more. His balls were pping against her ass every time he went into her, adding to the eroticism of their sex. Feeling her twat being repeatedly prated by her son''s dick, his mother moaned her pleasure out.
"Aaahhh! Aaahhh! Yeeesss! Just like that, pound into mama, pound into mama!"
Her dirty talk was too much for him this time and he reached his limit. He elerated his movements for a few thrusts and then pushed his hips as far as he could, his ns striking against her cervix and his pelvis colliding with her clitoris. He came like that, exploding inside her depths, his sperm painting her greedy pussy walls with his colors. Feeling her soning into her also pushed his mother to another high and she came once again, her creases contracting around his shaft and her womb wriggling voraciously at the sensation of his warm semen flooding her.
They took a few moments to calm down and his mothermented.
"Mhmm, I can feel your seed inside me. My baby son''s seed."
She smiled blissfully at him and added.
"It feels so good to feel you release inside me. Mama can die happy now."
"You said that thest time too. But you know, we are far from done."
She gulped lustily and started to shiver in anticipation once again. Understanding what she wanted, he began thrusting once more. Each pration remodeled her long unused pussy to fit him more and more and soon enough, her pussy was a perfect fit for his penis, as if it was meant to be. Her walls were coiling closely around him and his dick was right the perfect size and shape to stimte all of her weak points. He felt veryfortable inside her and the pleasure also got better. Their synergy was good and he could see his mother also realizing the change. She grinned widely and said.
"You feel so right inside me, darling. I have never felt something like this before. Is it because we are mother and son?"
"I can feel it too. This is the best, Mom."
"Yes, go ahead and thrust into me more, you feel amazing, darling. Don''t stop even if I tell you to!"
He got aroused once more and elerated his waist movements. No matter how fast he was going, his cock entered her and ground her walls in a very fluid manner, as if her insides hadpletely epted everything of him. There was probably only his loving mother to ept him as much as this, her pussy constantly tightening around his member and caressing him lovingly, just like when she was rocking him as a baby.
The more he pounded into her, the more she felt it was right. Even though she had plenty of sexual experience, this was somethingpletely new to her. The fact that it was her son providing her such pleasure only increased its intensity and she closed her eyes to appreciate it fully.
Now that he had gotten the hang of the position, Benjamin stopped holding her for stability and put his hands on her massive breasts, rubbing them and stimting her hardened nipples, remembering how she had liked it a lot during his massage. After a few moments, he pushed her tits one against the other until her nipples stuck together. He then dropped his head to suck both nipples at the same time, giving her some hearty licking and sucking. She moaned in pleasure at the new stimtion and he was happy to see his gesture being received positively.
He progressively quickened his pace, the sound of their moans and mating filling the otherwise silent car. Soon enough, he was at full speed and thrusting into her several times per second. As for her, she was so into it that she was trying to send her hips up even though she could barely move in the position she had chosen herself. It was a strange sight to see her jump up in this position to get plunged even a centimeter deeper and feel his dick striking her womb even slightly stronger. His mother''s euphory only grew as they went on and she couldn''t help expressing her feelings loudly.
"Good! Good! Just like that! Don''t stop, darling! Stronger! Stronger! Fuck mama''s pussy! Fuck it, fuck it, fuck meeeee! Yeeesss! Mama is cumming! Aaaaahhhhh!"
She came hard, sending a small jet of squirt to hit his pelvis, her pussy gripping his penis with all the strength it could mutter. Her juices flowed out of her in waves, her face distorting in an orgasmic expression, her tongue out and tears of pleasure falling from her eyes. This time, he ignored her cumming and only focused on drilling her more, not stopping just like she had wanted. While still orgasming, she continued to receive his strong strokes into her cunt, her abundant juices sshing everywhere around them.
This was something she had never felt in her life. Never before had anyone worked her pussy so hard while she was climaxing. She felt as if his dick was piercing her brain directly, each thrust into her sending extreme animal pleasure throughout her body. She forgot everything else and only focused on the sensations, letting go of any human reasoning, only now driven by pure instincts. Notions like shame and propriety didn''t exist anymore, only brain-destroying pleasure, again and again, never-ending.
"Giiihhh! Giiihhh! Gooohhh! Gooohhh! Rooohhhh! Rooohhhh! Rooohhhh! Roooooooohhhhhhhh!"
She finally exploded into another greater orgasm, the greatest climax of her life. Her back arched as much as it was physically possible and she twitched so hard that her twat expulsed Benjamin from inside her, with him falling on his ass in front of her rolled-up orgasmic form. His cock getting released from her twat was like a hose getting suddenly unplugged and she squirted strongly without any restraint, her jet hitting the roof of the car and falling between his legs. Surprised by the sudden expulsion, Benjamin lost a second to observe her extremely erotic climaxing appearance before realizing what he was missing. He swiftly put his head in front of her cunt and opened his mouth to gulp her squirt, enjoying her sour and salty taste while still looking at his crazily twitching mother and appreciating the view of her superb orgasm.
Chapter 136 - 136 – Grocery shopping
Chapter 136: ¨C Grocery shopping
After a long time and a lot of violent spasming, the tension of her orgasm eventually left her, her legs falling on each side of him, plopping powerlessly on the car seats. She was breathless for a long moment, trying to recuperate after cumming so hard. After a minute, Benjaminid down on top of her and took her in his arms, cuddling with her until she got better. She smiled weakly at his gesture and put her arms around his back, returning his hug, full of love. After she stopped panting so hard, he went to kiss her and she responded to him softly, the both of them sharing their feelings with some slow tongue entanglements. She broke off their kiss to convey her feelings.
"Thank you, darling, I really needed this. That was the best sex I ever had."
"It felt amazing for me too."
They cuddled for some minutes until Benjamin lifted himself again. He wished he could have stayed inside her arms more and also potentially get the final release he didn''t manage to have but time didn''t wait for them. His mother acted quite impulsively when taking the car out and it hadn''t been the best time to do so. Soon, he would need to prepare dinner and they had to make the correct preparations for this.
"Mom, let''s clean up and go for some grocery shopping. We can use this as an excuse for us going out together at this time of the day."
"Right. Sorry, Ben, I acted without thinking, I was too excited."
"It''s fine, it was my fault to begin with."
They cleaned themselves up until they were presentable enough and left the back seats to go back to the front seats. The car would probably need more throughout cleaning but that would have to be left to another time. His mother restarted the car and drove them to the closest mart. They went shopping together, Benjamin picking things they needed or might need in the future based on what he remembered they had left at home. They were done pretty quickly since they hadn''t needed to shop in the first ce and his mother paid for the grocery before carrying everything to the car trunk. When Benjamin asked to share the load, she rejected him and didn''t let him carry anything, saying that this much was nothing and that she waspletely fine. This was her strong and dignified feminine front talking, the one she tried hard to project to the world even though she really was a total softie on the inside. This made him smile and he didn''t argue with her, letting her do as she pleased.
Once the groceries were loaded, they drove back to their house. Barely a few minutester, they entered their house and went to the kitchen, where she stored the groceries under his directions. Grace was in the living room and chatted with them as they did so.
"You went shopping for groceries together? That''s rare."
His mother looked a bit guilty but he tried hard to keep a neutral expression to answer her.
"Yeah, it went fast since she drove me there. Saved me time and effort."
Now that everything was at the right ce, he started cooking dinner straight away, with his sister and mother watching him do so while exchanging news of their day. There wasn''t much to say and they quickly switched the TV on, right in time to catch some political program.
"Mrs. Pertex, you are our political expert today. Can you tell us more about the recent reforms adopted by the government?"
"Our president is adopting two series of reforms in parallel. On the one hand, he is trying to increase men''s position in society by giving them equal opportunities, more rights, and hardening punishments for crimes against them. On the other hand, he is also promoting some changes that women have been asking for, for a long time. This includes the very controversialw about legally approving sexual establishments as well as government subsidies forpanies working in the pornographic industry."
"How do you exin these twopletely different series of changes?"
"In a way, they are not a surprise. He has run his candidacy based on the promise of doing these exact changes and they are precisely the reason why he was elected in the first ce. What is more interesting is that these changes that seempletely unrted are actually not so. Men often seek partners that are as good as them or better. This means that increasing men''s status in society also implies that more men are going to seek partners among an increasingly smaller pool of elite women. This will consequently create more and more single women among the average poption. As we all know, frustrated women are never a good thing, hence thew about allowing sexual establishments and helping the pornographic industry."
"Mr. Hardwood thought that far when pushing for those changes?"
"That''s correct. No matter what everyone says, he is a veteran politician. Even though a lot of people criticized him for the changes he made to our country, no one can deny that they follow a very precise line of thought. As for whether they will have a positive or negative impact in the long term, that is something we can leave for future historians to debate."
"Thank you very much for your eye-opening exnation, Mrs. Pertex. Let''s move on with..."
Benjamin also listened on while cooking and thought that this was very interesting. He now understood that this was the reason why shops like Hop/e started to be legal recently and it all made sense now. He had never put much thoughts into politics and didn''t pay attention to them or the president but this changed his mind a little. The president and his government didn''t blindly increase men''s position in society like your average masculist would have done but also thought of the consequences of those changes and reacted ordingly.
When he finished cooking, most of his family members were in front of the TV, waiting for dinner time. They called over the ones that were still in their rooms and started a peaceful meal. They talked about the political program they just watched, including the changes done by the new government, and Benjamin was surprised to see that they seemed to take those changes quite positively overall. Once dinner was finished, they cleaned up everything before going back to their rooms. Benjamin studied for a while before ying some games on hisputer. When it gotte, he changed into his pajamas and went to get some much-merited sleep.
Chapter 137 - 137 – Crying
Chapter 137: ¨C Crying
The following day was his long-awaited Saturday. He had thought a lot about what to do this time since he had the choice between many different options now. He could go to Hop/e and partake in course one to earn more money or try course two for a new experience. He could also try a different way to earn money if he wanted to. There were some more things he could do but in the end, he thought about doing something else since he had worked the week prior and didn''t need money for the time being. It would be more for the experience if he did it again. How many men in the previous world could im to have had sex with 37 women on the same day, after all?
Today, he was rather inclined to go back to hunt in his usual town. It was so easy the two previous times that he hadn''t needed to do much, but he was thinking of taking a more active approach this time, by switching directly to n C. Instead of going with the flow with the first person to approach him, he would seek prey of his choosing instead.
He woke upte, just like he did for most holidays. After having a quick breakfast, he took the train and was able to reach his destination soon enough. He also took his mask with him since he had ns where he would require it after he was done hunting. He didn''t go to the park this time and choose to roam around town, mostly using residential alleys and smaller streets, on the lookout for any opportunity. At the same time, this allowed him to know more about the geography of the town. He thought this would be useful considering he nned toe here often.
Just like that, some amount of time passed. Truthfully, he encountered no small amount of potential targets. Or more like, considering his open-mindedness, there weren''t many members of the opposite gender who weren''t eptable targets to him. That didn''t mean to say he would jump at the first opportunity, though. He had decided to take this a bit more seriously today and was waiting for something out of the lot.
After one hour of him going around the streets and getting a much better understanding of the townyout, he finally came across something, mostly by coincidence. It was still very different from what he was looking for but he couldn''t readily ignore it either. Due to the previous day''s events, he had be a lot more attentive toward dark back alleys. After all, the fact that they had been having sex in a back alley meant that it was also possible for other people to do so and he definitely wasn''t against some very coincidental voyeurism. He had been interested in witnessing sex between normal people in this world for a long time now. Added to that the fact he was actively looking around for potential targets, he was narrowly able to notice the situation.
When passing by the dark back alley in question, he was barely able to hear some small sniffing soundsing from it. When he focused his hearing on it, he concluded that it was not his imagination. He came closer to the alley and started to see the figure of someone curled up against the wall of one of the buildings, their head on their knees. When he approached further, he was able to see that it was a young girl, wearing a pair of short jeans and a pink T-shirt. He couldn''t see much more than this due to the dark alley.
He hesitated for a moment before deciding to check on the girl. Seeing her crying like this, she reminded him of Olivia and he felt wanting to console her if that was possible. He came closer to her without trying to hide the noise of his steps, to leave her the time to realize that someone wasing. His efforts went to waste as the girl didn''t seem to notice him at all, continuing to cry her heart out with her head on her knees. Left without any other choice, he could only call out to her.
"Are you alright?"
Suddenly hearing his voice so close to her, she jumped in fright, taking her head out off her knees and her hands falling to the ground behind her.
"Ah, sorry, I didn''t want to startle you. I heard someone crying and I came to check if something happened."
She looked at him in shock for a few seconds before rxing a little when she found out he was a boy. Now much closer to her, he could see the rest of her features. She looked like someone the same age as Olivia or perhaps slightly younger. She had rtively long brown hair that she was letting fall freely behind her back and was wearing round green sses as well as some white sneakers.
When she got enough of her bearings back, she spoke in a small, tired voice.
"Please leave me alone."
Having the experience offorting his little sister, he thought that she might want someone to talk to instead. Sometimes, it felt good to just let everything out, even if that didn''t help the situation at all. He gave her a reassuring smile.
"Ah, you see, another reason I came to check on you was that you reminded me of my little sister. Just a few days ago, she was very sad like you but got better after we talked about it. I would feel bad to leave you alone crying like this. Perhaps, do you want to talk about it? I am ready to listen to you if you want to."
She frowned at his word and answered.
"No, leave me alone."
He nodded, gave her onest sympathetic smile, and concluded.
He then went back to where he came from and exited the alley.
Chapter 138 - 138 – Break up
Chapter 138: ¨C Break up
Right when he was about to set foot on the main street, he heard the girl''s soft voice again.
He turned back toward her and she looked at him for a second before dropping her head. Thinking that she might be having a mix ofplex feelings right now, he didn''t answer and slowly came closer to her position to sit on the ground a few meters apart from her. She gave him another look but stayed silent otherwise. He decided to wait patiently until she got her feelings under control and sat there, without looking at her and without making any noise.
A few minutester, she used her sleeves to wipe her tears and nced at him.
"What you said about your sister, is it true?"
"Why was she sad?"
"She was getting bullied at school."
She nodded at his response and stayed quiet for another couple of minutes. Eventually, she opened her mouth again.
"My parents divorced five months ago."
She stopped there, not adding anything for a long time. He didn''t rush her, waiting for her to continue.
"Just when I was getting used to the change, my boyfriend broke up with me two days ago."
She sniffed, looking sad and ready to cry again. Benjamin stayed quiet for a few seconds before replying.
"When my sister was sad, she got a little better after crying in my arms. I am just a stranger and this is all I can do for you but I don''t mind lending you my shoulder to cry on if you want to."
He opened his arms toward her and she looked a bit surprised at his suggestion. She hesitated for a long time, not moving at all and just watching him. Finally, she slowly came toward him until she was right next to him but didn''t do anything more than this. Thinking that she was too shy to go any further and adding to the fact that they didn''t know each other, he took the initiative and covered her in his arms. She trembled a little at his contact but soon rxed when feeling his arms and warmth around her. A few secondster, she feltfortable and said.
"It feels warm andfortable, I understand why your sister liked it."
He began to caress her head and she closed her eyes, feeling reassured for some reason, burying herself deeper, her sses hitting his corbones. She didn''t know why she let this total stranger boy hug her but she didn''t dislike it. It felt like when her father hugged her when she was little and it was very pleasant. When she thought about him, she got sad again and started to sniff again. Seeing this, Benjaminforted her in a gentle voice.
"It''s okay to cry if you want to."
His words triggered her emotions and she began to cry again while letting her feelings out.
"Sniff, why did they have to divorce? Everything is different now and they''re so cold toward each other. I hate it."
He continued to soothe her and she expressed her grievances even further.
"And Lyle, what do you mean you don''t like me anymore? What do you mean I am too clingy and annoying? How can you say that when I liked you so much?"
She went on like this, alternating between talking about her parent''s separation and her own. This was a lot of grievance for such a young girl and he felt bad for her, continuing to soothe her as best as he could without interrupting her. After a few minutes, she seemed to reach the end of what she had to say. She sniffed and cried for a little more before eventually stopping and staying quiet in his arms. A few tens of secondster, she looked up and conveyed.
"Thank you for listening to me andforting me, um..."
"Thank you, Benjamin."
"You''re wee. What''s your name?"
"I''m Alena."
"Alena, are you feeling any better?"
"Yes. You were right, it was good to unwind."
He smiled at her and concluded.
"That''s great."
Seeing his smile, she couldn''t help having her heart miss a beat, her cheeks suddenly warming up. She finally realized what sort of situation she was in. She was in the arms of this angel-like guy, who hadforted her for a long time even though he didn''t know her at all. She wondered if this was what having a big brother would feel like. She only had a big sister, who wasn''t even that nice to her, so she didn''t know. She remembered hearing her friends who had big brothers saying that they weren''t that nice either, often looking down on and not wanting to associate with them. What this guy some sort of rare sweet boy, the kind you would only see on TV series and movies, like those princes waiting to be rescued by the heroine? Before going out with Lyle, she often dreamed of having a boyfriend like that, someone that would dote on her and indulge her as only fictional boys could do.
Her heart started to beat faster and faster as her thought process continued. She wondered if this might be some sort of fortune in misfortune to meet someone like him here. What''s more, his chest was right in front of her head. She swallowed her saliva, getting sad at the fact that her nose was still stuffy from crying and that she couldn''t enjoy his smell. No doubt it would be amazingly nice and sweet.
She had never gotten so close to a boy before, not even her boyfriend, who had only been alright with holding hands up until the end. She discretely tried to lower her head so that her face would enter in contact with his chest. Somehow, she was sessful and couldn''t help feeling hot when feeling his toned chest against her nose and cheek. Her sses were a bit in the way but she still tried to slowly rub herself on him, wanting to get more of that feeling, forgetting herself a little in her excitation.
Chapter 139 - 139 – Relocation
Chapter 139: ¨C Relocation
Of course, Benjamin knew exactly what she was doing. Based on previous experiences, he understood her aim as soon as she started behaving abnormally. When she became a little too obvious in her actions, he questioned her.
"Are you interested in my chest?"
She started, ashamed to realize that she wasn''t as discreet as she thought.
"Ah! Um, s-sorry. I didn''t n to do that."
"It''s fine."
"It''s fine. The girls in my ss are also staring at my chest all the time so I got used to it now. I don''t mind if you touch it a bit if that can make you feel better."
After saying that, he removed his T-shirt to show her that he wasn''t joking and the girl couldn''t help gaping at the unexpected sight, her eyes glued to his chest. She stayed like this for a long time and didn''t dare move in any way, frozen by the unexpected situation. Helpful as always, Benjamin went to her rescue by taking her hands and putting them on his chest. Alena shivered at the contact, pressing her hands into his flesh unconsciously. She looked up at him and seeing him grinning approvingly, rxed a little. After a few seconds, she began to move her hands a bit, feeling the texture of his torso. She slowly moved her hands around, pressing here and there as if she could never get enough of the feeling.
"Wow, this is a man''s chest. It''s so hard and different from mine. This is so sexy."
She wondered why he was letting her touch him like this even though they were little more than strangers. Could it be he was the type of supposedly fictional guy who would indulge others, someone who couldn''t say no to people? Or perhaps, he fell in love with her at first sight? Even lost in her fantasies, her hands were diligent and continued to rub him all around until her gaze focused on a particr part of his torso. Trying to confirm her theories, she sent a bolder request.
"Say, c-can I touch your nipples too?"
"Go ahead."
As expected! With his consent, she smiled happily and delicately used her index fingers to touch his nipples, checking his reaction. When nothing happened, she grew bolder and used her fingers to stimte them, making circles around them first and then flickering them. Her breathing grew harder and a lustful smile appeared on her face. She still checked his expression from time to time and seeing him quite unperturbed by what she was doing, she became intrigued. She pinched his nipples between her index fingers and her thumbs and monitored his reactions. When still nothing much happened, she became more and more curious and increased her pinching strength while asking him innocently.
"How does it feel?"
He was also getting used to this misconception among young girls.
"Neither good nor bad. It doesn''t feel that nice, that''s only in porn. And also, my chest and nipples are not very sensitive anyway. Doing it any stronger would only make it hurt."
She removed her hands hastily.
"Oh, I see. I didn''t know that about that. Sorry."
"It''s fine."
He looked around and continued.
"Should we move to a better ce and continue chatting there?"
She followed his gaze and seeing the dirty alley, she nodded.
"Ah, yes. Then, um, my house is just around the corner, we can try going there?"
"Sounds good."
He put his T-shirt on again and followed her. Just like she said, her home was just a few houses away. It was a single-story house with arge surface area topensate for theck of floors. When they reached the front door, she turned toward him and asked.
"Can you wait here for a minute, please?"
She opened the door, went inside, and closed it again. He heard her steps going away from the door and waited until she was done doing whatever she wanted to do. It didn''t take her long and she came back a few tens of seconds after, opening the door and inviting him in.
"My mother and sister are not home. You cane in."
He entered and saw a normal-looking living room, except that it was very messy. She seemed to notice the disorder and hastily tried to justify herself.
"Ah, sorry. It''s just us three girls living here so it''s not super clean."
"I don''t mind, my sisters'' rooms are like that too."
When he mentioned this, she seemed to have another realization and ran toward a specific ce, Benjamin slowly following her. She arrived in front of a door and told him.
"Hold on a second, I-I need to clean my room a little before you cane in."
He nodded and the same thing repeated itself. Once the door was closed, he could hear the noise of her going around her room and fighting the mess inside. Judging by the amount of noise, she wasn''t going to be done anytime soon. Curious, he looked around. The corridor he was in had several other doors. As a way to pass time, he tried to open them to see what was on the other side. It wasn''t very polite to do that in a stranger''s house but Alena probably wouldn''t mind it too much.
One of the rooms was a bathroom and he guessed the two others would be bedrooms. Judging by the furniture, the first one probably was Alena''s sister''s room. There was nothing too special about it except for the fact that it was very messy too, with clothes, games, and school stuff all around the floor and the bed. By process of elimination, thest ce had to be the mother''s room. Same as the daughter''s, it was also very chaotic. However, Benjamin''s sharp eyes noticed something interesting. The sheets around the middle of the bed were wet, where someone''s butt would normally be when lying down, except that the wet spot was almost fully hidden by the nket. What''s more, there was a lingering smell he knew very well in the room, the smell of female sex and juices.
Going to the bed, he lifted the nket and was surprised to see three dildos hidden there, amid the wet stain, still glistening and smeared with fresh fluids. One of them was a small egg-shaped one and the other two were in the form of a penis, one slightly thicker than the other. It was clear that the mother had been very active not so long ago and hadn''t bothered tidying up. Faced with these, he did the normal thing anyone would do in his shoes. He decided to do her a favor by cleansing them for her, taking them in hand one by one and licking them clean, savoring the remnants of what they had just gone through in passing. The vor was thick and strong, very much to his taste. He did this conscientiously until he wasn''t able to taste the sweet fluids on them anymore and the tools became spotless again.
Chapter 140 - 140 – Instinct
Chapter 140: ¨C Instinct
Once he was done, he put the dildos back in their initial spots and admired the view. He nodded approvingly, proud of having done such a good job. As they say, a good deed never goes wasted; the toys were now ready for future use, allowing the mother''s next masturbation session to start immediately without any time loss.
Now that he exceeded his daily quota of good deeds, he could rx a little and take things as they went. Of course, his doing so could also be seen as doing a good deed toward women in this world but he didn''t dwell on this profound philosophical question any further. He put the nket back in its previous position and went back to wait in front of Alena''s door. He still had to stand by for two more minutes before the door opened and the girl invited him to go inside.
"You cane in now."
He entered and checked the room. At first look, it seemed to be quite orderly, with a desk in one of the corners, a bed on the other side, and a closet against the wall opposite from where he entered. Considering the noise she made while cleaning up, he had no doubt it would be best not to try to open the closet right now.
"You can sit here."
She tapped the bed and he sat where she indicated. She quickly sat next to him, a bit closer than should be normal for people who were still pretty much strangers to each other. She looked a lot more lively than before, traces of her crying almost gone now.
"You look brighter. Are you all good now?"
She felt as if time slowed down around her. She intuitively knew. Her instinct as a predator of her species told her the following: this was a trick question! She felt as if she could see the two paths her life could go on from here. She could answer the truth and tell him that she was feeling better. That would make him happy and would be nice and well but also would be pretty much it. Or she could tell him that she was still sad and then... get morefort from him!
What a devious trick, she almost fell for it. She tried hard to make a pitiful expression, squeezing her eyes hard for any potential remaining tears.
"I-I''m still feeling a bit sad."
Benjamin had to use all his experience in keeping a poker face not to smile. This girl was simply too funny. No doubt he would have a good time watching Alena''s show today.
"Oh no, what''s wrong, darling?"
Darling! Did he just call her darling? He simply was the sweetest thing! She almost melted, her pussy instantly gushing fluids and smearing her panties. Its message was clear and one she knew well: "Pussy engulf dick. Quick.". Of course, she only knew its meaning and not the action itself because she unfortunately never had the opportunity to try it, except in her fantasies. But... Perhaps today, that could change. If she yed smart. She pushed her sses back on her nose and said.
"My boyfriend..."
"Your boyfriend?"
"There were so many things we nned to do together but we split up. I will never be able to experience those now."
"I see. Hmm, what about this? If that can make you feel better, I don''t mind acting as your boyfriend for today and we can do those things together instead."
Wow. Did he read her mind? Wasn''t this going way too smoothly? Not that she hated it! A contraction in her pussy told her that it was also very positive about the current development.
"Really. I feel bad to see you sad like this. What sort of things were you nning to do?"
This was the tricky part. She really wanted to ask him to let her fuck his dick on the spot but even she was aware that she might scare her prey if she went too strong from the start. She slowed time down again and thought about the optimal answer to give back. It shouldn''t be too much but at the same time, considering the guy''s personality, she could probably hope to go further than before.
"W-we never got to kiss in the end..."
"That''s such a shame. Then, here you go."
He pushed his chin forward in her direction, his lips waiting for her to kiss him. She trembled at the sight and asked, just to be sure.
"Is that really okay?"
He nodded and kept his position, still waiting for her. Her heart was now beating so fast and loudly that she was sure he could also hear it. As for her pussy, it was continuing to send her situational messages: "Lips suck clit. Quick.". She tried hard to ignore it and slowly approached the boy. She was going to have her first kiss, what''s more, with such a dreamy guy. When her head was less than 50 centimeters from his, she quickly advanced, pecked his lips, and retreated far away, checking the boy''s reaction. He smiled gently at her actions and encouraged her.
"It was nice. You can do it more if you want."
This Benjamin guy was a total angel! How could he understand her so well? Could he be her destined partner? Boldened by his words, she went back to him and stuck her lips to his once more but longer this time. His lips were soft, warm, and felt very pleasant. She stopped kissing him for a second before going back to it, this time taking his head in her hands and pushing her lips strongly against his. His cheeks were warm and felt nice to the touch, as expected of him.
At this moment, she suddenly felt something trying to enter her mouth. She was startled for a moment before realizing that it was his tongue. She now finally remembered about it. Real kisses also included the tongue!
"Tongue lick pussy too. Quick. Waiting here."
Chapter 141 - 141 – Demand
Chapter 141: ¨C Demand
She opened her lips and his tongue immediately invaded her mouth, ying with her tongue and licking her gums. She was overwhelmed by the assault at first and the only thing she could do was to be on the receiving end. Not that it wasn''t pleasant. Tongue kissing was on another levelpared to simple pecks on the lips. Not only was it pleasurable, stimting her in ways she never experienced before, but it also tasted very pleasant. Both his tongue and saliva had this sweet and masculine vor, something that she wouldn''t mind savoring eternally. The act was also greatly arousing and she could feel the heat increasing in her body.
Instinctively, she felt like she wanted more, that she needed more. She started by slurping any of his saliva that entered her mouth but even that soon wasn''t enough. She closed her lips around his invading tongue and sucked it, trying to extract anything possible from it. When that too wasn''t enough, she broke the kiss only to immediatelye back to the assault, this time invading him with her tongue and tasting everything in his mouth, sucking as much fluids from there as she could.
Suddenly, he pushed her down on the bed while continuing their mouth-to-mouth. When she had her head lying on the bed, he separated from her and gently mentioned.
"Open wide."
She didn''t hesitate for a second and opened her mouth wide. It was obvious that anything such a perfect guy said had to be obeyed. Herpliance was soon rewarded when he put his mouth a few tens of centimeters above hers and let his saliva flow out of his lips into her mouth. When it came into her opened jaws, she rolled her tongue around the sweet liquid, tasting it in any way she could.
"You seemed to like my saliva. You can drink as much as you want, cutie."
She strongly nodded at his words. This dreamy boy''s fluids were so intoxicating, she just couldn''t have enough. He knew what he was doing and it was as if he had read her mind again. She resolved to trust and do anything he said from now on.
He continued to send his saliva her way for some time until she could hardly bear it anymore. The fluids were like an aphrodisiac and her pussy was literally burning. Or more like, boiling in her juices. While drinking, she couldn''t help sending a hand to her cunt and rubbing it through her jeans, pressing strongly to get through the clothing. Her nagging twat finally gave her a small break when feeling that it was getting stimted, even if it wasn''t very intense. It was a simple fellow, after all.
What''s more, once Benjamin didn''t have any more saliva to send, he dropped his head on hers and went for another sloppy tongue kiss, his eyebrows bumping into her sses. With her pussy being stimted and her receiving his kiss while still enjoying his saliva, she was saturated with too many stimtions and came on the spot, moaning her orgasm in his mouth, her body twitching in pleasure and her cunt releasing waves of juices, escaping her panties and flowing down her legs. She appreciated the climax but. when it was over, she felt shameful about it. Even though she was somewhat stimting her vagina, didn''t she pretty much cum with a kiss? She broke off from his lips, blushed, and uttered.
But contrarily to what she thought, he just grinned tenderly and answered.
"What for?"
He was so tolerant and didn''t shame her in the least on top of everything else! Could someone like him really exist? Did she fall asleep in the alley and was dreaming of all of this?
"What other things did you want to try with your boyfriend?"
That''s right, this was the setting. She had almost forgotten about it. She still had the right to make him do whatever she wanted. At this point, she was pretty sure he would do anything she asked. The mere thought made her horny once again, as if the previous orgasm hadn''t happened at all. She had the ideal guy in front of her and she could do whatever she wanted with him. As if in a dream or perhaps as a final test, she put her index finger to his mouth. He quickly opened it and became to lick and suck the finger, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. She shivered at both the feeling and the mental implication. Seeing him lick her finger like this, her lust reached a maximum and she barely managed to assert.
"M-my pussy. Lick it. Please!"
"Of course, darling."
He helped her out of her jeans and panties, her cunting in full view. It was a small thing, just a bit more than a single slit, as if it had only begun to develop recently. She was almost hairless, her little bean hidden inside its hood, barely visible at all. The whole thing was flooded with her juices and her body temperature was so high it felt like there was steaming out from the ce.
She felt him opening her legs wide and her pussy, smug about its ultimate victory, concluded: "Finally. Sooner been better. Always win anyway."
She had only just finishedmunicating with it when she saw the boy''s heading closer, his tongue out like a spear ready to assault hercent vagina. She wondered how it would feel to have someone else y with...
Her vision went white and she heard someone shout at full strength. The orgasm took herpletely by surprise, strong and piercing, mind-blowing. Her pussy, also taken off guard, pulsed strongly while releasing a small jet of fluids, delivering its iprehension: "What. Happened. But good."
What''s more, it didn''t immediately end and the pleasure went on for a long time, as if she was receiving continuous stimtion. This was incredible, so much better than any of her usual climaxes.
Chapter 142 - 142 – Interruption
Chapter 142: ¨C Interruption
Once the pleasure abated, her vision came back and she was finally allowed to understand the situation. Benjamin''s head was still in between her legs and licking her pussy diligently, currently focusing on herbia minora. This was the only reason the pleasure went down enough to allow her to realize what happened. The person who squealed was her and it was due to him directly aiming for her clitoris and sucking strongly on it. That had taken her by surprise and provoked her strong orgasm. She, who had been a virgin for as long as her age, now understood why all women wanted a partner for sex. The fact that the stimtion was given and not under control made things so much better than masturbation.
Seeing the boy still trying hard to work on her cunt, she felt her heart warm up, arge feeling of appreciation swelling up. Could this be love? She put her hands on his head - his hair was so smooth and enjoyable to the touch - and tried to transmit these emotions.
"I love it! You are the best! Please, don''t stop!"
I came out a bit differently from what she had wanted to express but she didn''t dwell on the matter. As if encouraged by her words, he was now plunging his warm and soft tongue inside her vagina. Oh my goodness, this felt amazing. This guy was so good. His tongue explored her insides until she felt a burst of pleasureing from a specific spot. He had found one of her sensitive bits, a part she often titited when ying with herself. As if he knew he had found it, he pinpointed the location and the tip of his tongue focused on it, attacking it endlessly. Darn, it felt nothing like when she did it herself. She was already going toe again.
"Yes! Right there! It''s so good! Right there, right there, right there! I''m cumming!"
She tensed up, her legs opening up as far as possible, her fingers gripping his hair. The climax took her, deep and gratifying, simply amazing. Her toes curled up, her back fell on the bed, and her twat released yet another spurt of juices while contracting around his tongue. Her body trembled in bliss and she barely could register him swallowing all of her fluids. The thought of him gulping her cum made her so hot; this guy was so unrestrained. What''s more, he was so good at kissing and eating pussy. Howe he was so good at everything? Was he a god who descended from heaven to console her in her sorrow? There wasn''t any other possible exnation.
When she went down from her high, she realized what she had yelled before her orgasm and felt a bit embarrassed. She never thought she would blurt out something like this. The pleasure had been so great that she had just said anything that had gone through her head, without caring about any consequences. So this was real sex, so good that she couldn''t pay mind to her image anymore.
What''s more, the boy was unstoppable. She had sort of expected him to take a break at some point, even though that would have been disappointing, but that wasn''t the case. On the contrary, he upped his game. After a few more minutes of him exploring her cunt with his tongue and her getting a few good orgasms from it, he began to use his fingers on her clitoris. Right after one climax, he put a finger on her bean and made some small circles around it. She shivered at the additional feeling and after she got used to it, he switched his finger to directly flicker it. She instantly cummed, her sensitive clit being directly stimted sending her to heaven. On top of that, he was relentless and continued to flicker it faster and faster, stronger and stronger, all the while still tonguing her. The pleasure went directly to her brain and her climaxes only went crescendo. She had never felt so good before in her life.
"Aaahhh! Aaahhh! Cumming! Oh gosh! Oh Gosh! It''s sooo gooood! I''ming again,ing,ing,ing! Ooooohhhhh!"
She exploded in a great orgasm, her back arching as much as was humanly possible, her body twitching crazily, and her pussy releasing another wave of juices. Her whole being contracted in the pleasure of the climax, trying its best to savor it as much as possible.
As usual, Benjamin clung to her the best he could to stimte her until the end and give her the most perfect climax possible. At that exact moment, the door of the room opened up with a bang and he heard a voice shouting.
"Can''t you be quiet when you masturbate? We can hear you from all over the house!"
Surprised, he quickly exited the sweet pussy, released Alena, and turned toward the intruder. It was a girl that looked like she was a little younger than Nova. She had brown short hair and rectangr grey sses. She was wearing a yellow dress with blue city shoes and looked like an older variant of Alena. After witnessing the scene in front of her, she had an expression of total iprehension, as if she was seeing something impossible. After a few seconds, the best she could do was to open her mouth to dere.
"...What the hell?"
Although he had been taken by surprise by the situation, Benjamin still managed to get a hold of himself. It wasn''t like he hadn''t expected something like this to happen someday. He immediately overclocked his brain and went into deep thinking in the hope of finding a good way to handle the current situation.
There was Alena, who was currently recuperating from herst great orgasm, lying on the bed. There was this girl, who was looking over the scene in the bedroom with her eyes wide open, her expression slowly switching from stupefaction to a mix of anger and jealousy. And then there was him, his face and fingers still smeared by Alena''s juices, examining the girl who probably was Alena''s sister.
After overheating his gray matter for a few seconds, it eventually came to him, the best way to resolve this situation.
Chapter 143 - 143 – Forgiveness
Chapter 143: ¨C Forgiveness
Ashlynn had juste back from an unpleasant errand that her mother sent her to do when she heard her little sister using the opportunity of being alone in the house to masturbate in the loudest possible manner. She was already irritated as it was without having to listen to those seal-like squeals. Determined to give her a piece of her mind, she barged into her room, only to be met with the most unexpected spectacle.
A boy younger than her had his head deep into Alena''s crotch and was focused on giving her cunnilingus, his fingers dancing on her clit and his mouth so closely attached to her pussy that he could only be tonguing her. Her sister was clearly having the time of her life, shouting her pleasure loudly without any care and cumming in a way she thought wasn''t possible for a girl.
She took a long time to register the concept, the scene so unexpected that she wouldn''t have believed it if it wasn''t happening right in front of her eyes. After a few seconds, she could only admit it to herself. Her little sister was in the middle of having sex with some unknown guy who wasn''t her ex-boyfriend. A multitude of questions crossed her mind. Who was that boy, why would he have sex with Alena, how could they do that in her house in the middle of the day, how could she be having sex before her, why not her instead of that pipsqueak.
Her thoughts were rapidly taking a negative turn. She felt angry at her sister for daring to have sex like that in front of her and jealous that it was not her instead. At that moment, the boy, who had been looking at her with extreme surprise, got out of bed. He cleaned up his face and fingers with his sleeves and went to stand in front of her. He had a very guilty expression on his face and uttered, trembling.
"I-I''m sorry! W-we were just talking and... and things kind of got out of hand!"
She looked at his pitiful expression and something stirred inside her. She instinctively felt that this boy was a total pushover. That would exin a lot. How could her sister get to have sex with this guy if that wasn''t the case? She probably pushed her luck with him to the maximum and he had been too timid and obedient to refuse her, leading to the previous scene. After all, he was full-on pleasuring Alena without getting anything in return. Darn, he was even stillpletely clothed! She snickered mentally and mocked Alena in her mind. As she was thinking about these things, the boy continued his pleading.
"P-please, don''t tell anyone about this! Please! I will do anything!"
Oh my gosh! Did he just say he would do anything? Her mind instantly switched to millions of perverted ideas. She never had the opportunity to do anything with a man before but it seemed today was her lucky day. She now thanked Alena for pushing this timid guy into this situation and started to wonder what she could make him do for "keeping her quiet".
At this moment, Alena seemed to have gotten out of her climax stupor and finally realized the current situation. She feebly turned toward them and yelled.
"Leave us alone, Ashlynn!"
She ignored her but thought she had to act fast before getting interrupted any further. It was a shame to let go of so many of her ideas but that couldn''t be helped. She chose to go with the simplest n instead. She quickly removed her panties and raised the front of her dress, exposing her already dripping wet cunt to the boy.
"If you want me to stay quiet, lick!"
She hadn''t chosen this because she was jealous of Alena, it was simply the easiest and most erotic act she could start in such a short time. The boy quickly nodded and came closer to her, dropping to his knees.
She was right about him! As he was getting closer, she shivered in anticipation. Even though the circumstances somewhat deviated from her usual fantasies, this was still the first time she would get cunnilingus. The dumbfounded look on her little sister''s face was also a nice bonus.
She saw him take his tongue out and his slick appendage gave a big lick from the bottom of her pussy to the top. The feeling made her shudder and she couldn''t help but moan. Darn, yes, that was it, so good! He continued to run his tongue over her twat and she put her hands on his head in reflex, pushing him deeper into her groin. So this was cunnilingus! Girl had she been missing out! His tongue over her pussy felt the best, so much better than when she usually touched herself. Even though she had seen thousands of cunnilingus videos before, fiction didn''t hold a candle to reality.
Then, the boy attacked her clitoris and her mind went nk for a moment before she suddenly came hard.
She trembled in bliss for a long moment, her pussy releasing fluids like a flood and her legs pressing around the boy''s head. When she rxed again, she realized that she was the one who had shouted in full voice. She blushed hard and remembered her little sister squealing just before. Would she be like this too? The thought made her half expectant and half hesitant. Such an amount of pleasure was attractive but she didn''t want to lose all control right in front of her sister because of a guy younger than her.
Just as she was thinking that, the boy prated her pussy with two fingers and moved them around her insides. His fingertips soon went over a sensitive spot, and she felt like an electric choc ran through her body. What''s more, he put his mouth back to her clit and thebined pleasure overloaded her brain. This was just incredible!
"Aaahhh! Yeess! This is amazing! Don''t stop, you''re making me cum again, I''m close, I''m close, right theeere! Cumming!"
She exploded in a great orgasm, the pleasure running through her whole body.
In a very small corner of her mind, a tiny part of her had this thought: ''Ah, I did it. Whatever. I don''t care anymore.''
Chapter 144 - 144 – Guilt
Chapter 144: ¨C Guilt
She shivered for a long moment, fully enjoying the aftertaste of her climax. She could feel the boy diligently continuing to work on her pussy, something that was very wee. He was very good at this and she could understand why Alena went crazy under his fingers and tongue. She vaguely wondered why he seemed to be so enthusiastic about it even though she was forcing him to obey but soon forgot about it under the pleasure.
For the next few minutes, she appreciated his skills, cumming a few more times, living the dream of having a boy fully at her disposition. However, thisst thought woke her up and she looked at her sister. The girl looked extremely distressed while watching them, a very betrayed expression on her face. She finally fully realized what she had done. Didn''t she steal her sister''s boyfriend right in front of her while they were having fun together? Even though they didn''t have the best rtionship and often fought together, that was still over the top. Suddenly feeling guilty, she decided to rectify the situation a little. She eyed Alena and announced.
"Don''t look like that, youe too."
She beckoned her but the girl sent her a very dark gaze. She only red at her resentfully and didn''t seem to have any intention to move at all.
"I''m sorry, okay? I got a bit carried away, I have no intention to, mhmm, steal him from you. Come, let''s share him."
Alena still looked at her for a long time before switching to Benjamin who was still eating her pussy. Little by little, the view seemed to get her excited again and she eventually stood up toe next to them. When she was close enough, Ashlynn took her arm to ce her at her right with only a few centimeters between them. She then taped on Benjamin''s head.
"Take care of her too."
The boy obediently did as she said and switched pussy to go back to his initial one. Just like before, she was thrilled to have so much control over a guy and watched him work on her sister. He did the same as he had done for her, putting his fingers inside her cunt and using his tongue on her clitoris. Alena trembled at the stimtion and it didn''t take long before shepletely lost her frown, reced by an ecstatic expression. Ashlynn wondered if she had the same expression when the boy had been eating her, the thought making her a bit ashamed. Soon, her sister began to moan loudly again, and seeing her like that, she also grew impatient. Less than two minutes after they started, she couldn''t help putting her hand on the boy''s head and purring.
"Hey, don''t forget about me."
Hearing this, he changed target once more and resumed licking her, to her great satisfaction. However, Alena wasn''t happy to suddenly lose him.
"No, don''t stop!"
She saw him hesitating, before doing something unexpected. In front of both demands, he decided to try to satisfy both at the same time. He licked her for a few seconds before switching to Alena and licked her for a few seconds too and then came back to her. He quickly alternated between them like this and the sight of him doing this made her very hot. She never thought she would ever witness something that she had only expected to happen in porn. What''s more, he wasn''t done. He soon put his right hand''s fingers inside her pussy and left hand fingers inside Alena''s and stirred them both at the same time, all the while continuing to lick them alternatively. For some reason, it looked like he was also enjoying himself doing this. Darn, this was simply crazy.
Thebination of the situation and the stimtion soon pushed her to focus only on what she was feeling and she couldn''t help raising her voice again. She also saw that her sister was in the same situation, both shouting their pleasure together.
"Yeess! This is so hot. Work on us, boy! That''s it, I''ming,ing,miing!"
"Aahh! It''s so good! Right there, right there! I am close! Cumming!"
They both came at the same time and she could feel her cunt contracting around the boy''s fingers and releasing plenty of fluids that ran down his hand and her legs while a wave of pleasure spread through her body. When she came down from her orgasm, she saw that her sister was also panting from her own release. All the while, the guy continued to stimte them expertly, sending chills down her back.
Now that she had gotten plenty of cunnilingus, she felt like trying something different. She also felt grateful to the boy for being so obedient and pleasuring her like that. She wondered what to do for a second beforeing to a simple conclusion. What could be better than using her tight pussy to reward him? The fact that she would finally be able to lose her virginity was also a non-negligible bonus. Just thinking about it aroused her and her juices began to flow down her legs once again. Right when she was about to take action, she remember that she had just promised to share the guy with her sister. She felt annoyed for a moment but soon started to wonder how to handle this.
The guy wasn''t a factor since he would do anything she said. She sent a quick look at his crotch and saw that he was hard and ready, a bump clearly visible through his pants. The only remaining issue was that there was only one dick for the two of them. She tried to focus on finding a good solution for this while the boy was still working on both of their cunts, since she didn''t tell him to stop and Alena seemed perfectly happy for things to continue like this forever. Finally, her mind obscured by pleasure managed to get an idea, taken from her vast experience in watching porn.
Chapter 145 - 145 – Aligned
Chapter 145: ¨C Aligned
She was about to take action when she felt the pleasure increasing again. She definitely wasn''t against onest good cunnilingus orgasm and waited until it took her, still as good as ever. Aftering back to earth, she made her move. She pushed the boy away, whose face was erotically drenched in their juices. Alena protested against the suddenck of fingers in her pussy and she had to voice her thoughts to make her cooperate.
"Let''s move to sex. You''re still a virgin, right? It''s the opportunity for you to graduate."
"I''m not, okay? What about you, you never had a boyfriend before!"
"Tsk, I just don''t talk about them. Don''t put us on the same level."
"Yeah, right."
Her snickering little sister irked her very much but getting to the sex was more important for now. She could just punish herter. She removed her dress and bra and was now fully nude.
"You two remove your clothes too."
She felt good about being the one in charge since it was proof of her experience. Her sister and the guy - she still didn''t know his name, by the way - followed her and undressed. She couldn''t help but watch him remove his clothes. When he was topless, she admired his chest, much more toned than she expected from such a timid guy. Not that she minded, she liked men''s chests no matter how they looked. The firm ones were good since they were so different from her own bby and uninteresting mass of flesh. The ones with more flesh on them were also good since they seemed very fit to be caressed and yed with. His nipples were also super sexy, small, and light-colored, making a clear contrast to the rest of his chest.
He then removed his pants and she got to see his underwear. He was wearing boxers and she randomly wondered if there was any way she could ask him for them at the end of their session. Freshly worn underwear from a young man, if she was careful, she could masturbate to them for a few months. The bump of his dick also became more clearly visible and the sheer view of it made her horny. What''s more, he looked quiterge.
This was confirmed when he removed his underpants. His raw cock towered over his pelvis, long and massive. She gulped at the sight, her pussy gushing juices in anticipation. Just like for chests, she liked any sort of penises. In her mind as someone without experience, the small ones were cute and probably easy to fete, the fat ones surely perfect to grind against her pussy walls and the long ones obviously good to poke her cervix. They all had their good aspects but seeing the real thing waspletely different from seeing it on the. It felt so much more authentic, especially with the way it was pulsating excitedly. She also saw a tiny drop of precum on top of his ns, a clear sign that they had managed to arouse him a lot. She wondered how it would feel to fuck such a big penis for real and couldn''t wait until they got to the action. She saw that Alena was also watching the boy, mesmerized by the view. At the same time, he was also scanning them, alternating between her and her sister. She wondered how she looked in his eyes. It was good that he had to listen to her since she wasn''t so confident in her looks and body.
As the oldest here, she had to continue taking the initiative. She came close to the guy and caressed his dick as if she was very used to it. She couldn''t help shivering a bit at the contact. Darn, it was hard and hot, so sensual.
"What''s your name, boy?"
He trembled some when feeling her hand on his cock but still answered her.
"Benjamin, I hope you''re ready for what''s toe."
He nodded wordlessly before asking something.
"Are you both on the pill?"
"Don''t worry, we are. Feel free to spurt inside of us when you can''t hold it in anymore."
Now that everyone was ready, it was time for the main act. She took Alena''s arm once again and guided her to the bed.
"Since we only have one dick, I thought of a way for all of us to enjoy ourselves at the same time. Get on all four on the bed."
Her sister slowly obeyed her, seemingly a bit discontent to have to follow her words but looking forward to it too much to refuse. She followed her and also got on all four, right next to her and in the same direction. Their bottoms were now aligned and facing Benjamin, who watched them with an intrigued look on his face. She had thought hard about how to do this and this was the best she managed toe up with. Truthfully, there were better positions, for example with her and Alena lying on top of each other and the boy simply having to aim up or down to fuck one or the other, but she didn''t want to be in such close contact with another girl, much less her sister. In the end, this position would have to do.
"Now, Benjamin, go ahead and do us at the same time. You better work hard."
Alena turned her head around to look behind her and she, fortunately, didn''t seem too adverse to the idea. It also wasn''t how she envisioned to have her first time but getting to double-team a guy wasn''t such a bad deal. How many women could say to have experienced this in their lives, after all?
The boy nodded again and hesitated for a moment, probably wondering who he should start with. She hoped he would choose her because her cunt was burning up and she could barely hold herself anymore. Unfortunately, he went to Alena instead and she turned her head to watch what he was doing. He put one hand on her ass and positioned himself so that his dick was right in front of her pussy. He used his other hand to guide his rod and when his ns was at her entrance, he slowly moved his hips forward, pushing himself inside her little sister.
Chapter 146 - 146 – Payback
Chapter 146: ¨C Payback
There was no break in his movement and he pushed himself inside her until he couldn''t go any deeper. Since his movement was so fluid, she momentarily wondered if her sister really wasn''t a virgin but when she noticed a hint of pain on her expression, she knew that wasn''t the case. Still, as soon as he was fully entered, her sister moaned loudly and couldn''t help describing what she felt.
"Mhmm! Wow, you''re so big inside me. You''re stretching me so much!"
Benjamin moved his waist backward until his penis went out of her pussy and she let out a disappointed moan. He then moved to the side and aligned his dick with her cunt. He was still as obedient as ever, respecting her order to work on both of them together. Now that it was her turn, she quivered in anticipation. It was a shame she couldn''t see much anymore even when she turned her head since he was right behind her now. She only noticed he had a weird smile right before prating her, from the corner of her eye.
She felt his hand on her bottom and his cock''s head touching her vagina hole, ready to go inside. And then, he brutally prated her, his hard and burning dick strongly parting her twat walls on his passage and exploding her hymen without care, all the way inside until it managed to violently strike her never before touched cervix. Taken by surprise by thepletely different assault she received from her sister, she experienced pain and extreme pleasure at the same time, her mind going nk and her thoughts stopping in their tracks.
Before she could get a sense of what had happened, his hot rod started to go out of her cunt, only to send another strong stroke on her womb''s entrance and she cummed hard. What''s more, he didn''t do it just once, but continuously, his dick ramming her several times per second, their flesh getting in contact with a loud pping sound. She waspletely lost, her poor unused virgin pussy getting destroyed on her very first sex. The pain abated but the pleasure increased instead, overloading her brain. She couldn''t think of anything, her mind totally nk from start to finish, and simply felt herself getting mmed by a hard pole, again and again, the thrusts sending her to a heaven of sensations she never knew could exist. She climaxed non-stop, losing control of her body, not even aware anymore of what state she could be in.
"Ooohhh! Ooohhh! Gggooohhh! Gggooohhh! Ooouuuhhh! Ooouuuhhh!"
It was never-ending and the mind-breaking pleasure didn''t stop, never diminishing and only going up. Finally, after getting pounded for an undetermined amount of time, her view slowly transitioned from white to ck.
"Aaaahhhh! Rrraaahhh! Rrrrrrrooooooohhhhhhh!"
After onest immense burst of pleasure, she stopped feeling anything and her vision wentpletely dark.
Harlee came back home from the supermarket after doing some grocery shopping. She was busy with work during the week and, after her divorce, she had no choice but to do most of the chores herself during the weekend. However, as she came closer to the door of her house, she started to hear weird animal-like howlsing from inside. They sounded somewhat like Ashlynn''s voice and she got worried something was happening to her daughter, especially after hearing onest bigger roar. She hurriedly put down the grocery bags, opened the door, and looked around the house. The noises that had stopped for a moment now resumed but differently, more tamed and erotic sounding, with Alena''s voice this time. She saw the door of Alena''s room open and heard the noisesing from there. She ran toward the scene and was bbergasted by the spectacle in front of her eyes.
An unknown boy was in the middle of plowing her youngest daughter from behind, with unhurried but strong and skilled movements. The daughter in question was moaning her pleasure loudly, letting the guy handle her as he wanted. On their side, Ashlynn was lying down on the bed, seemingly asleep, but convulsing from time to time. The three of them werepletely nude, clearly in the middle of having sex. Witnessing this, she felt her braining to stop. What the hell was she seeing here?
For a long time, she just watched Alena getting pounded from behind, still shaken. Eventually, she came to her senses and tried toe up with an exnation for the current situation. She was a woman and had expected her daughters to find boyfriends and have sex with them at some point. However, the scene in front of her was quite different from what she could have imagined. First of all, it looked like her two daughters took part in the act together with the same guy. For a second, she wondered if they had found a random boy and were in the middle of abusing and double-teaming him but soon discarded the idea. This theory didn''t work well with the sight in front of her. If anything, it looked like the boy was in control and attacking her daughters instead. What sort of situation was this?
"What the hell is happening here?!"
At her shout, the young man stopped fucking Alena and the two young people separated in a startle before turning toward her. Seeing her, Alena started to panic while the boy only seemed surprised but stayed otherwise quiet. She couldn''t help giving a quick look at the guy''s member, still glistering from pussy juices. For some reason, he wasn''t shy about being exposed like this, not bothering to hide himself with the bed''s sheets like boys usually did in these circumstances. This was the first dick she saw in months and it was a feast for the eyes, massive and extremely hard. This was just inside her daughter? The mere thought made her heart beat faster and she began to get hot.
"M-mom! This is, err, well..."
She knew she wouldn''t be able to get any information from her stuttering daughter any time soon and turned toward the boy instead.
"Who are you and what is happening here?"
He hesitated for some time before replying.
Chapter 147 - 147 – Convincing
Chapter 147: ¨C Convincing
"Hello, madam. I''m Benjamin, a friend of Alena. About this, I''m very sorry, we got carried away and it only got worse when Alena''s big sister found us."
So this was what happened. Fortunately, it seemed there was neither crime nor offense involved. Even though it wasn''t great that Ashlynn interrupted them and they started a threesome, it wasn''t a problem as long as the guy was alright with it, as he looked to be. Albeit young, he might be the adventurous and open-minded type. Now that she rxed, she was a bit envious of them. It was nice to be young and do crazy stuff like that. She thought her youngest daughter was a bit too young for that but since the boy was around the same age, it wasn''t an issue. She had heard that kids these days were very precocious. She was still a bit curious about Ashlynn, though.
"I see. Well, I won''t tell you not to do it but perhaps try to go to a quieter ce next time. What''s wrong with Ashlynn, by the way?"
She turned toward Alena with thisst question. Her daughter fidgeted for some time, trying to find the correct words.
"She... She got done too hard and fainted."
What? Was that even possible? If the previous squeals had been hers, then perhaps? If they were due to sex, that was amazing in itself. She had never heard anyone releasing this kind of voice during sex before. She couldn''t help looking at the boy again, especially his dick. It was quite the tool indeed, much more impressive than her ex-husband''s and even her previous boyfriends''. Even though size wasn''t everything, it still helped to reach some particrly sensitive spots. What''s more, he was still rock-hard, even after doing both Ashlynn and Alena. His body was quite muscr and she wondered if he was into sports. Darn, if the circumstances were different, she would have long since jumped the guy and fucked him hard. She was getting hornier and hornier and thought it would be better to leave now before she made a mistake. Fortunately, her trusty dildos were waiting for her on her bed.
Right when she was about to leave them to their fun, the boy approached her.
He then stopped right in front of her to whisper in her ears. Since he was so close, she managed to get a whiff of his smell. So this was what young men smelled like. It was a great aroma, masculine but fresher than older men, right up to her taste. She only had daughters and didn''t remember her boyfriends when she was still a teen so she enjoyed the scent fully while itsted.
"You''re so beautiful, madam. I got so hard when I saw you. Would you like to join us now that the situation is like this anyway? I can''t wait until you fuck me hard with your tight pussy."
What the hell?! Did he just invite the mother of his friend to a foursome with him and her two daughters? Her, who had never even done something like a threesome before in her life? And what, she was beautiful and he wanted her to fuck him? Damn! She felt thest thread of her reason break at this instant. He wanted to be fucked hard? That''s precisely what she wanted to do too! Hell yeah, she was going to show him!
She took him by the arm and threw him on the bed. She then quickly removed her top, skirt, and panties and jumped on the mattress after him.
"Mom?! What are you doing?!"
Shepletely ignored her daughter and looked at the boy who was now lying on his back in front of her. Without any further dy, she raised her waist over his dick and impaled herself on him, engulfing him all the way to her womb in one go. She almost came on the spot but managed to hold back. He was so big inside her, it was just so good! Still, she remembered the situation and opened her mouth to tease him.
"How do you like this? Can you feel my tight pussy around your cock? I will make youe so hard you will beg me to stop!"
She began to move her hips up and down on his shaft while trying hard not toe before him. He was so deep inside her and his dick was poking at all the good spots while stretching her pussy so much.
"Not again! Mom, he''s my friend!"
She still ignored Alena but for a different reason now. The more she bounced on his cock, the harder it was for her to focus on noting and she closed her eyes to concentrate on the task. Each pration sent chills down her back and she felt the pleasure going up extremely quickly. Darn, he was such a good fuck! Why did she want him toe before her again? She couldn''t remember. If she didn''t remember, it probably wasn''t very important. Right. She really wanted toe now. No, she needed toe, right away. She elerated her waist movement a few times and finally skewered herself on his member as deep as she could. His dick striking her cervix strongly was the breaking point for her and she orgasmed hard, her pussy contracting strongly around his penis and releasing a wave of juices.
"Yeess! It''s so good! I''m cumming!"
She let the orgasm take her, appreciating her first climax due to sex in months. Girl, it felt amazing! She really missed out on those now. The dildos were nice but they were nowhere close to this, a strong and warm cock piercing her insides.
When she came down from her release, she finally remembered the reason why she had wanted him toe first. She felt her cheeks getting hot and looked at the boy under her, ashamed. However, while she had been doing all of this, the situation around them had changed quite a bit already.
Chapter 148 - 148 – Family bonds
Chapter 148: ¨C Family bonds
Alena had stopped protesting against her actions and the reason was simple. She was currently kissing Benjamin and waspletely entranced in the act. He also responded well and their tongues danced around each other in a very erotic manner. On the side, Ashlynn had also woken up and was watching the whole scene in front of her eyes with surprise and envy. This was perfectly fine for Harlee, who took the opportunity to resume fucking the big dick under her. She had the best spot out of all of them and was very satisfied with it.
Soon enough, Ashlynn looked like she couldn''t hold it anymore. She turned toward Benjamin and begged.
"Hey, let me join too."
However, he ignored her and went on to kiss Alena. She waited for a while longer until she understood that he wasn''t going to answer and bit her lips before begging once again.
"Hey, I''m sorry, okay? I was wrong before. I apologize so let me join too, please."
Finally, he stopped his current kiss and turned toward her.
"You''re just saying that to get sex, right?"
"N-no! I swear, I really regret it. I just acted impulsively."
"Prove it with your actions then."
She seemed taken aback for a second but soon nodded resolutely.
"Okay, I''ll show you. What should I do?"
"I''ll leave that to you to think about."
As if to signify that he was done with her, he gave another quick kiss to Alena before telling her.
"Straddle me, darling. I''ll lick you good."
The three of them were surprised by his proposition. Harlee had thought he was adventurous and open-minded but didn''t think it would be to that point. Just the thought of double-teaming him with her youngest daughter sent her to another climax and she felt her pussy contracting and releasing its juices once more, allowing her to enjoy another burst of sudden pleasure.
Alena didn''t lose any time and immediately followed his words, sitting on top of his head and aligning her cunt with his mouth. She couldn''t see what happened after that since she had her back to her but he must have started taking good care of her considering how she immediately began to moan joyfully.
With this change, Ashlynn looked even more frustrated and kept sending her gaze all around, probably to try to find something she could do to redeem herself. Was he punishing her because she had interrupted them before? Considering the previous dialogue, there might be more to it but she wasn''t interested in knowing any further for now, the cock piercing her long unused twat monopolizing most of her thoughts.
Eventually, her oldest daughter seemed to get an idea. She approached the boy''s stomach, careful not to touch her or Alena, and began to kiss and lick his navel. Seeing this, she almostughed out loud. This was really pitiful, even in her eyes. And as expected, Benjamin didn''t have any reaction to this, no matter how long she continued. She seemed to realize that it wasn''t the most amazing idea and switched to something else. She took his left hand in hers and went to kiss his palm or suck on his fingers but only got the same result. This was stillughable. If anything, this was more of a treat for herself than for the boy. With how men''s bodies were venerated by women, any part of their anatomy was fascinating for them, especially for younger women. She was confusing her desires with his.
She could advise her but thought the situation was interesting and decided to only spectacle. It was rare to see her haughty daughter so miid, after all. After trying a few different things unsessfully, she looked like she finally let go of her pride, ready to do anything to take part in the scene of decadence in front of her. No doubt that the happy moans and orgasms of her family members had a big part in convincing her.
She went behind her and squatted. Thinking that she would eternally regret it if she missed this, Harlee rotated herself on the penis to face her daughter. Her doing this also pushed the dick to pulsate excitedly inside her, as if the sudden unexpected stimtion had felt good. She was happy about it and started to rotate her hips, trying to continue to pleasure the guy''s tool.
Back to her daughter, she looked annoyed to have her watch her like this but didn''t voice her thoughts. She looked at the boy''s bottom for a long time and finally resolved herself. She took his legs in her hands and lifted them in the air. Then, her head came closer and closer until she was right in front of his now-exposed butthole. She took her tongue out with a frown and began to lick his ass. To think her cocky and egotistic daughter would lick a man''s ass, what''s more, right in front of her eyes! Today was so full of surprises, in a lot of ways.
However, it seemed the act wasn''t as bad as she thought and Ashlynn''s frown disappeared quickly, reced by a weird hungry expression. This made her curious. She had never tried to lick a man''s ass before. Perhaps she should use today''s opportunity to go at it. Now that she was divorced and with two daughters, who knew how hard it would be to find another partner? She might never have this chance again in her life.
Soon enough, her daughter grew bolder and she downright began to enter the boy''s butt with her tongue, rimming him frically, her sses glued to his ass. Her efforts were not in vain. As soon as her tongue went inside his ass, the boy''s dick grew bigger inside her, squirming eagerly. After a short while, his hips began to send strong thrusts into her pussy and she moaned appreciatively, focusing on the increasing pleasure again. Her daughter hung on with all her strength to stay inside his asshole and he eventually sent a final brutal stroke inside her, orgasming with a choked groan from Alena''s cunt, his sperm exploding inside her. The feeling of fresh and hot semen sshing her womb and pussy''s walls was also the breaking point for her and she came hard, realizing how much she had missed being creampied. Ashlynn valiantly managed to hold on and her added stimtion forced the boy to send many violent jets of cum inside her, each prolonging her climax by that long. The incredible pleasure was assaulting both her body and brain, sweet and addictive.
Damn, that was life!
Chapter 149 - 149 – Direction
Chapter 149: ¨C Direction
After the both of them finished orgasming, she looked behind her to check on the situation. Benjamin had already resumed licking her daughter and she seemed to be close to her own climax. As expected, she got off soon after, trembling blissfully under his tongue. Now that all of them except Ashlynn hade, the boy taped on Alena''s thigh to tell her to move. She quickly obeyed him and moved to the side, allowing her to see his head again. His face was smeared with her daughter''s juices but he didn''t look unhappy about it at all. Instead, he raised his upper body until she was riding his sitting self and asked her.
"What''s your name?"
"Harlee, let''s change position."
She felt strange to be called by name by such a young boy and it was also unusual for her that he took the lead like this but it wasn''t a bad feeling. Having such wild sex with someone young made her feel like she was in her teens again. She was more curious about what he nned to do than anything else and didn''t mind leaving him free reign. She raised her waist until his penis was freed from her hole and went to the opposite side from where Alena was, her gaze focused on his member. Even aftering like that, it was still hard and towering, glistening from her fluids and his sperm. That was so different from other men she knew about. To think he could go again without any break, he was such a stud. That also meant this incredibly exciting foursome wasn''t done yet and she couldn''t ask for anything better.
He looked down at Ashlynn who was still furiously rimming him even right now and put a hand on her head. Her daughter looked up and he told her.
"Thank you, that felt amazing. Come join us too, I''ll repay what you did with interest."
Ashlynn finally took her tongue out of his ass and gave him a very brilliant smile, nodding happily.
"Thank you!"
He then turned toward Alena.
"Lie down on your back, Alena."
The girl instantly obeyed him, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. How did he manage to tame her daughter like this? Well, that was a stupid question. If he managed to tame Ashlynn, Alena probably wasn''t even a hurdle for him. What''s more, he had some very convincing assets. In truth, even though she has had her share of boyfriends and sexual experiences, nothing couldpare to this guy, his massive dick and absolute willingness, as well as his toned body and incredible endurance. Thinking about it, he was an amazing catch. Would he get steady with Alena? If that happened, she might be able to have another chance with himter on.
He ced himself right in front of Alena''s groin and then spoke to Ashlynn again.
"Stand up over Alena, yes, right here, turn around now."
Just like her youngest daughter, the oldest one had be fully obedient and she immediately did as he said. She was now standing at the level of Alena''s crotch, right in front of Benjamin but with her back to him. Now that they were in this position, Harlee could see what the boy nned to do. Yet another wild position she could never have imagined seeing in real life, making her pussy gush again at the thought of what was going to happen. Finally, he sent a nce at her.
"What would you like to do?"
She knew exactly what she wanted to do but felt a bit ashamed to say it out loud.
"You can start and I''ll find a way to join you, don''t worry."
He gave her a smile that felt like he knew exactly what she had in mind and her cheeks became hot once again. Still, he didn''t make anyment and turned back toward her two daughters. The two of them were already squirming impatiently, looking very much expectant of what was toe. He didn''t lose any more time and lifted Alena''s butt with his hands until it was at the level of his cock while he was kneeling, her lower body not touching the bed anymore. He aligned his dick with her pussy and prated her slowly. She let out a groan of pleasure and, as soon as he was fully inside, he started to fuck her with regr movements. It was a strange sight to see her daughter having sex in front of her eyes once again. What''s more, it was obvious to see that she was still very young. Even trying his best, his cock still had a good fourth of it that couldn''t fit inside her. On top of that, she was seemingly so tight that she could see the form of his member deforming her pelvis from the outside whenever it prated her. That was such an erotic view that she couldn''t help putting a hand to her cunt and beginning to touch herself.
Soon, he asked Alena to hold the position herself and she did that by putting her hands under her ass to support her lower body. Once Benjamin had settled on a good rhythm with her, he focused his attention on Ashlynn. She was standing with her legs apart, her butt right in front of his mouth, and was waiting very impatiently for him to care about her. Her juices were dropping on her sister''s crotch, proof that she had taken as much pleasure rimming the boy as he did receiving it. He put his hands on her hips and brought her closer to him until his mouth met with her asshole. He then started to lick it, just like she had done for him right before while also removing one hand from her waist to finger her pussy at the front. Ashlynn shivered under the stimtions and her face instantly morphed into a very lustful and ecstatic expression. After a short while, he began to push his tongue inside her back exit and her daughter went wild with the experience she never thought she would ever get. To think the boy would be willingly rimming a woman''s ass, he was so inhibited! She wondered how it would feel to receive such attention herself and her imagination made her even hotter than she already was.
Her daughters were now being taken care of at the same time and they weren''t shy to express their pleasure out loud. She was amused to hear them shouting about how good his tongue or howrge his dick was, with all sorts of descriptions of what was happening to them. This was good and all but now that they were all busy, she could finally try what she had wanted to do. Fortunately, the trio''s current position allowed her to attempt it without much trouble and she raised herself to head toward her objective.
Chapter 150 - 150 – Rotation
Chapter 150: ¨C Rotation
She stood behind Benjamin and admired his back view for a moment. Even from behind, it was still visible he was quite toned. His wide back was very attractive and his sexy ass was the best. Seeing this, she couldn''t wait anymore. She started by kissing the behind of his neck and he quivered at the sudden feeling. Pleased, she continued with her kisses and slowly went downwards, kissing everywhere on his back and hips. Eventually, she arrived at the ce of interest, his butt. He was still swinging it to fuck Alena and she kneeled to have her head right at the correct level. Then, she used her hands to open his ass cheeks and was assaulted by the smell of his behind. Darn was it making her horny, such a masculine and sexy odor.
Her objective was now visible, his sexy puckered hole. She could now take the opportunity to try it since she never knew if she would have such a chance ever again. What''s more, taking into ount what was happening to Ashlynn, there was a chance he would do the same for her after, in reciprocation. She couldn''t ask for anything better if that happened. To think she would have so many first times at her age. This guy was apletely unexpected blessing for her and her daughters.
She began to carefully lick his butthole, testing the waters. She immediately found out that it didn''t taste bad at all and that the boy was extremely clean back there. No wonder Ashlynn reacted so positively before. Now that this hurdle was cleared, she enthusiastically licked him and she could feel that he wasn''t insensible to what she was doing. His hole was contracting whenever her tongue passed over it and she rejoiced to make him feel good like this. Soon enough, she felt like wanting to go further, to stimte him more, and inserted her tongue inside his butthole. She felt her sses touching his flesh and wondered if she should remove them but considering her eyesight was quite bad, she opted for keeping them on just in case she missed anything interesting by not having them on. She was able to enter his behind without issue and he epted her intrusionpletely, only shuddering a little. His insides didn''t taste bad either, just somewhat bitter but still very fine. She had no experience rimming a man so she wasn''t sure how best to do this and just tried different things.
She ran her tongue at the level of his entrance and licked everything plenty. She put her tongue deeper and stimted the walls of his ass in all directions, trying to get a feel of what he liked best. She even hardened her tongue and pumped it in and out of his hole, effectively tongue fucking him. Judging by his reactions, it felt like he liked everything she did, as she often felt his puckered entrance contracting and squirming in pleasure. The thought of what she was doing also had a big impact on her and she sent a hand to her cunt to start masturbating. It was an amazing feeling to work on a man''s butt while pleasuring herself.
As expected, her attention on his behind was highly arousing for Benjamin since he soon went into ast spurt. His so far regr hips movements switched to full-force fucking and she tried hard to stay inside his ass even though he was moving so wildly. It seemed he had also upped his game with Ashlynn since her daughters began to squeal in an even louder manner.
"Ooohhh! Yeess! This is the best! Your big dick is destroying my tight pussy! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck meee! Yeess! I''m cumming!"
"Your tongue feels so good inside my ass! Your fingers are the best! Don''t stop, I''m close, I''m close! Aaaahhhh!"
He eventually sent ast strong thrust inside Alena and began to tremble grandly, releasing a groan from Ashlynn''s ass. She could feel his whole body shivering in pleasure, his ass contracting insanely around her tongue every time he was sending a jet of sperm inside her daughter. The whole situation also pushed her closer to her release. She flickered her clitoris at full speed and finished herself by pinching it hard, allowing her to reach her climax, her twat trembling and gushing fluids on the bed. It was the best to orgasm from inside a guy''s ass since she felt sopletely filled with his smell as well as his hot and trembling flesh. Darn, what an experience! She wondered if normal sex would start to feel dull after going through something so wild.
When the four of them were done climaxing, she felt Benjamin slowly taking his penis out of Alena. Following his example, she also exited his ass. She stood up to check on the situation and saw that he had also stopped rimming and fingering Ashlynn. Since they both came out of a behind, she thought it wouldn''t be a big deal to kiss him and quickly acted on her impulse, going into a deep kiss with him. She was so excited by the situation that she didn''t think about the fact that she would taste her daughter on his lips and tongue, even though she would never have done something like that normally. At least for today, she felt like she didn''t mind doing most anything. He responded well to her kiss and they went to roll their tongues around each other''s and explore their respective mouths.
Her two daughters watched the show for some time but soon began to get horny once more. Ashlynn''s inhibitions must have been as low as hers right now because she didn''t hesitate to start licking his dick, even though it was still glistening with her sister''s fluids. When she did that, he put a hand on her head and caressed her hair with affection, a gesture that seemed to please her daughter a lot. Seeing Alena not knowing what to do, Harlee broke off her kiss with Benjamin and went to whisper in her ears.
"You should try to lick his ass, you won''t regret it. Ashlynn and I just tried it and it was quite the experience."
She saw her daughter gulp lustfully and send a nce at the boy''s butt. Soon after, she headed toward this new world she had been told about, just like an adventurer in quest of new horizons.
Chapter 151 - 151 – Reciprocation
Chapter 151: ¨C Reciprocation
When Alena was behind him, she put a hand on his butt. He was currently sitting but immediately changed position, putting himself on all four while safely keeping Ashlynn on his cock, as if he knew exactly what Alena had wanted of him. The girl in question smiled wryly but soon started following the same process her family members had gone through. It didn''t take long before she was joyfully tonguing his asshole as they had.
During that time, Harlee was monitoring Benjamin''s expression, something she hadn''t been able to do previously. When Alena''s tongue entered his hole, he couldn''t help closing his eyes and sighing in pleasure. Gosh, he was just so cute and sexy. And was also very diligent. Even with a girl giving him a blowjob and another rimming him, he didn''t forget about her.
"Get on all four in front of me."
"Of course, I always give back what I receive."
These simple words alone were enough to light the fire in her pussy again, thinking that her time had finallye to try getting her ass worked on too. She swiftly did as he said and impatiently aligned her ass with his mouth. He didn''t lose any time and began to lick her the moment she was in range. It was an interesting feeling to get her butthole licked like this, somewhat ticklish too, but she liked it. He did this for a short while and then slowly inserted his tongue in when he felt she was rxed enough. She was surprised by the intruding sensation and contracted her butt muscle by reflex, forcing him out. That didn''t bother him as he went back to lick her, only to give it another tryter on. After a few times, she got used to it enough for him to stay in there. Immediately, his tongue went crazy inside her ass and stimted everything around, licking both her entrance and deep inside, tonguing her strongly. This was a new feeling for her and she soon enjoyed it very much, wishing he would continue forever. What''s more, once he was settled in, she felt his fingers looking around for her cunt and prating her as soon as they found it. Darn, this double stimtion was simply the best. Howe she never had a boyfriend like that in the past? She had really missed out on a lot of fun. The pleasure was so great that she couldn''t help letting her voice out, saying whatever passed by her mind just like her daughters did previously.
"Mhmm, I love your tongue inside me. Go harder boy, you''re amazing! Don''t stop fingering me, I''m getting closer!"
As she shouted, her orgasm wasing very fast. She could feel it umting and it wasn''t going to be a small one.
''That''s it! That''s it! Aaahhh! It''s so good! Just like that, I''m going toe, I''m going toe hard! Here ites! Cumming! Oooooohhhhhh!"
The climax took her violently and she trembled hard, her pussy pulsating around his fingers and her asshole contracting around his tongue. She enjoyed the great pleasure for a long time, Benjamin continuing to stimte her until the end. When she was finally done, she felt her strength leaving her body and copsed on the bed, panting hard after getting such a great orgasm. This was so good, she could get addicted to such pleasure. When was he going to marry Alena again?
A littleter, she looked back at him and saw that he had asked Ashlynn and Alena to stop what they were doing. When Alena was in front of him, he kept true to his words and rimmed her good too, to her great pleasure. Ashlynn went to kiss him while he was doing this and she went to take care of his penis as if it was the most normal thing in the world. It was great to feel her mouth wholly filled by hisrge size and he tasted great too. Unfortunately, she didn''t manage to make hime before Alena climaxed her head out and he asked everyone to reposition again. The three of them were now sitting in front of him and he looked in thought for a second beforeing up with a new idea.
"You girls go on all four in front of me."
They quickly obeyed him, even though she was personally a bit tired now. Still, she wouldn''t miss any of the iing sex even if that was thest thing she did in life. Once they all had their butt aligned in front of him, he spoke again.
"I will take care of you all at the same time. I can do you anally too if you want."
Gosh, this guy was simply in a category of his own. Was he some sort of sexual deity with infinite lust?
Of course, she would never give up on that opportunity. She had never tried anal before but had always wanted to. Her ex-husband and her previous boyfriends had never epted taking her in the ass, to her regret. Today was the day she would correct that life''s mistake.
"Yes, anal, please!"
It seemed her daughters were also very interested because they followed up with their consent immediately after her.
"Me too!"
"Yes, please!"
Benjamin nodded and he went to the middle of their formation, where Ashlynn was. She was on the left and Alena was on the right. He pushed his fingers inside Ashlynn''s pussy and then switched them to prate her butt, using her fluids as a natural lubricant. Once this was done, he aligned his dick with her puckered hole and pushed himself inside her.
"Ooohhh! Yes, this is anal! It''s great, you''re stretching my ass so much!"
He began to thrust inside Ashlynn slowly at first and then more and more quickly. While doing this, he didn''t forget about her and Alena. He first put his thumbs inside their pussies to lubricate them and then switched it to their ass while instead using his index and major fingers to work their cunt holes. Soon enough, he was effectively taking care of the three of them simultaneously and the crazy sex went on, with him fucking them more and more wildly.
Chapter 152 - 152 – Wind-up
Chapter 152: ¨C Wind-up
Things elerated after that. He fiercely thrust into Ashlynn''s ass until her daughter melted under his assault and ejacted grandly into her hole with a loud groan of pleasure. He then asked them to switch the person in the middle and obliterated their buttholes one by one, all the while still taking care of the other two on the side. Having his fat dick scraping her ass was one of the best experiences of her life and she didn''t regret giving him free rein with her.
The three family members were now exhausted from the strong anal sex they experienced for the first time. They allid down on the bed, breathing hard to try to recover. However, that didn''t stop Benjamin. His libido and stamina seemed to be infinite and he went to each of them to continue fucking their trembling bodies without care. Things became messy after that, with everyone just doing as they pleased without any coordination. The boy was going from pussy to ass to mouth without any order or logic, using them as he pleased. As for them, they were so high on sex that nothing mattered anymore and they were happy to let him do anything he wanted. Harlee''s only personal restraint was that she didn''t touch her daughters at all. Not only was she repelled by the idea of doing something with another female, the added concept of incest only made things worse. It seemed her daughters were also of the same opinion and they never cared much about each other, all focusing their attention on the only male present instead.
Whenever they recovered some strength and he wasn''t taking care of them at that exact moment, they would join in a way they found interesting, taking the opportunity to try anything they thought of. They yed with his chest, licked his nipples, used his fingers as masturbation tools, gobbed his balls, licked his navel, nibbled his ears, caressed his body everywhere, and so on. This messy sex went on for several hours, apanied by a lot of moans, fluids, and dirty talking, in a room so thick with the smell of sex that they were kept constantly in heat.
Eventually, he pretty much fucked all of them silly. Thest one to go was Ashlynn and judging by her squeals, she wanted to get at least one vaginal creampie before the end of the session.
"Yeess! Fuck me, fuck me! Come inside me! Come inside me! I need your sperm in my pussy! Give it to me! Gimme! Gimme!!"
It seemed Benjamin was also very high on the situation now because he answered her in the same manner.
"Don''t worry, I''m close! Get ready to ept my seed, Ashlynn!"
He sent a fewst violent strokes in her twat and released everything inside her with a groan, her daughter cumming grandly at the same time. After that, he plopped himself next to her, the both of them panting hard following such gratifying sex. The three women had his sperm flowing out from their nine holes, their visions obscured by all the semen smearing their sses due to the facials they received, creating a stunning sight to behold. Benjamin turned his head toward Ashlynn and went to suckle her medium-sized breasts. Seeing his gesture, her daughter dotingly put her arms around his head and pushed him deeper in her cleavage while caressing his head.
She took the opportunity to crawl to his penis with the little bit of strength she had left and sucked hard on his shaft, hoping to extract any leftover semen from inside. Fortunately for her, she managed to get some and appreciated the strong, galvanizing, and manly taste. Even though it was less true for Benjamin, sperm was still always a precious resource that should never be wasted and had to ideally end up on or inside a woman. Alena looked a bit envious that she had taken the initiative about this and instead went to cuddle with the boy from the other side. As for her, she kept his now soft member in her mouth andzily enjoyed suckling on it.
Forget about Alena, after a sex session like this, she wanted to apply to be his girlfriend too. Just the thought of getting her holes destroyed by the boy every day was enough reason to consider it. She wouldn''t even mind sharing him with her daughters if that allowed her to experience such pleasure from time to time. Her previous sexual experiences now seemed like child''s y inparison to what she had just gone through.
The four of them stayed in this position for some more time, exhausted from all the activity, until Benjamin sat down and asked her.
"Can I use your bathroom to take a shower?"
"Of course, it''s the first door on the left."
"Thank you."
He stood up to head there and it goes without saying that she followed him.
"Let''s clean ourselves together."
He nodded without stopping her and she happily skipped after him. Her daughters stood up and announced their participation too as if it was a given. The four of them entered the bathroom, which wasprised of a bathtub, a toilet, and a sink. She took the initiative and opened the faucet to start filling the tub with warm water. Once this was done, they went to clean themselves up in the tub, even though space was limited. Or at least, this is what should have happened. In reality, the whole thing quickly degenerated into another mess of water, soap, sexual fluids, and fucking.
Her innocent washing of his penis managed to revive the beast and he didn''t lose any time to pick one of them and pound his target hard once more, to the utmost joy of the one being chosen. The problem was that he had probablye so many times today that he became able tost extremely long. He went to fuck them silly once again, making no distinction between who the target was and which hole he was thrusting in. While getting battered by his dick when her turn came, she didn''t care at all about how they were making a mess of the bathroom and only howled at him to pound harder, to fuck her stronger, to destroy all her holes, to give her even one more brain-melting orgasm.
Chapter 153 - 153 – Shopping
Chapter 153: ¨C Shopping
Benjamin exited the bathroom all cleaned up, a considerable amount of time after entering it. The three girls were behind him, no doubt enjoying the view of his butt, and he went back to Alena''s room to put his clothes back on. They looked disappointed to lose the scenery of his nude body but it was time for him to leave now.
"I''ll go now. Thank you for today, it was amazing and I had a lot of fun."
Alena realized she still didn''t know anything about him.
"Wait! Are you going to leave like this? We didn''t get to chat much."
"Sorry, I have to get home soon."
"Huh... Then, are you going to visit again?"
"I don''t know."
"Wait, Alena. He''s not your boyfriend?"
"Err, not really?"
"Then, why...?"
"I''ll tell youter. Benjamin, you can''t just leave like this. At least give me your number!"
"I set a rule for myself not to give my number easily, sorry. I have to go now. Thanks again for today, you were all incredible."
He went to the three sad-looking females to kiss them one by one as a farewell and left their house right after. They clearly looked like they wanted him to stay some more but he had things he wanted to do and had to ignore their sorrowful expressions. Once he was on the streets, he took his phone out to find the ce he was looking for. After a quick search, he used his GPS function to head toward it. On the way, he thought about what happened today. It was one of the most exciting experiences of his life, no doubt about it. There were a few moments of tension when he got caught not once but twice in a row but it went well overall. He had enjoyed himself so much that he had literally emptied his balls inside the girls, even more so than when he worked the previous week. It would be nice to try something like this again in the future but considering what was waiting for him on the next day, he might not have to wait for long.
After a few minutes, he arrived at his destination, a normal-looking game shop. He entered the ce and quickly found the two board games he had yed with his newly made girl friends. On top of that, he asked the shopkeeper for another rmendation when ying with at least seven people and ended up buying the three games, putting them in a big stic bag that the store sold at a low price. Once again on the streets, he used his map application to find the second ce he wanted to go to and headed toward there.
This was the one he needed his mask for and he put it on, on the way, with the people on the streets now looking at him weirdly, not that he minded. He got to the ce less than ten minutester. It was a sex shop, with only the entrance visible, hidden by a thick ck curtain. He had never gone to a ce like this before in his life and was curious what it would be like. He quickly entered and took a look around. The lighting was dim and there was no other customer here than him, but except for that and the type of products they sold, it seemed rtively normal. Of course, the products were the main interest here. On his left were things aimed at men and on his right were those aimed at women.
However, as he looked around the store with great curiosity, he got interrupted by the person manning the ce.
"Wee, mister. I''m sorry but I''ll need to ask you to either remove your mask or show me your ID to prove your age. This shop doesn''t allow minors in."
She was a middle-aged woman in her forties with ck hair and ck eyes, clothed in very gothic-looking garments, and with a lot of dark makeup on her face. Her tight ck pants had holes in them and her shirt was barely covering any skin at all. Fortunately for Benjamin, she was a woman and he knew how to handle them.
"Hello. I don''t mind showing you my face but only in a ce where no one will be able to see us, if you have something like this in this store. I don''t want to expose my identity more than necessary."
"No problem, you can show me in the storage room. Customers aren''t allowed to enter there."
They entered the storage room together and thirty minutester, the two of them came out but in very different conditions. Benjamin wasn''t much affected except for the fact that his face was glistening a little and he was a bit out of breath. The woman, on the other hand, was wearing her clothes as if she had put them on hastily. Her face was very red and she was panting slightly. A closer observation would show that unknown fluids were flowing out from the holes in her pants and her eyes were constantly following Benjamin as if she couldn''t convince herself to take them off him.
"What are you looking to buy, dear? Leave it to me, I''ll only rmend you the best products we have and I''ll charge you our best discount prices."
"Thank you, I appreciate it. I want to buy female sex toys. A few different kinds that would allow me to stimte a woman in many different ways at the same time."
"I like your way of thinking, there aren''t many men ready to please their partners in this way. You''re at the right ce, we have all you need here and more."
She went around the store with him, showing him this and that product. Contrary to what he expected, the selection of toys was a lot less wild than he would have thought. Most of the products were dildos for vaginal or anal insertion and the rest were for clitoral stimtion, just like Harlee''s egg-shaped toy. After looking all around, he found out that there were a lot fewer choices than what he knew existed in the previous world. Of course, he only knew about this because he was a pure seeker of knowledge and for no other reason. He also took the opportunity to check the male''s side but the choices there were also quite limited, even though he didn''t feel like trying most of the stuff there anyway.
Still, the female selection was more than enough for his purpose and he bought several toys that the shopkeeper rmended, at a very big discount price. He put everything in his stic bag, which now had an oddbination of board games and sex toys inside. He thanked her and left the shop, happy with what he got. This time, he moved toward the station and soon took a train to his town, arriving there around an hourter.
Once again, this expedition was a great sess and he already looked forward to the next one.
Chapter 154 - 154 – Curiosity
Chapter 154: ¨C Curiosity
On his way back home, he was thinking about a few things and one of them was the differences between women. Besides the obvious things like how their fluids all tasted slightly different or how their orifices had all different feelings during pration, there was one element that really set them apart. He hadn''t thought about it too much previously but the day''s happening could be used as a good conclusion on the subject. This difference was whether a woman was a squirter or not. Taking today as an example, he had gone pretty hard on the three girls but none of them had ever squirted at any moment during their session. His family members were another good instance. Grace, Nova, and Chloe were also the same as those three while his grandmother, his mother, and Olivia were quite the heavy squirters. The most obvious one was probably Sasha. No matter what they did together, she never released anything more than normal pussy juices. He didn''t know how it was in the previous world but it seemed that not all women from this one were able to squirt. This was an interesting bit of information that he decided to keep in mind, in the same memory bank as his other sexual-rted knowledge.
Strong of this new profound revtion, he reached his almost empty home, went to his room to put his loot in a safe ce, and immediately went to y with Olivia. The two of them sat on the floor of her room to y a console game while Olivia happily recounted her week. She talked about the group of girls she had tamed in her ss, what she was learning at school, which games she was ying at the moment, and so on. Benjamin always responded positively to everything she said so she had no restraint in talking about any subject. Even though she spent the whole of today just ying games, he also never mocked or rebuked her. She has been curious about this for a while now and decided to ask him about it today.
"Ben, you don''t mind when I y games all the time? Mom and grandma always tell me I should go outside and make friends."
"Hm, yeah, I think it''s okay. You should just do whatever you want. You''re hardworking and smart so you''ll be able to seed in whatever you do. Mom and grandma are social people so they have a hard time understanding you but I think you''re fine the way you are."
She looked happy at his answer but still added.
"What if I be an obese gamer like grandma always says?"
"I guess I''ll need to build enough muscles to carry you around when you can''t walk anymore."
"Ben! That was a serious question!"
"Ahah, well, don''t worry, slim or fat, you''ll still be my little darling."
"Of course. Still, being obese is not good for your health so don''t make it your goal, alright?"
"Hehe. It was just an example. It''s not like I''m aiming for it."
They resumed ying, with Olivia now in a very good mood. She knew her brother waspletely spoiling her and she loved it. He was always so supportive of anything she did. She nced at him from the side and moved a little toward him.
They went on with their gaming and Benjamin noticed Olivia progressively moving toward him, step by step. She tried to be discreet but there was no help noticing it when she eventually was so close that her left arm went into contact with his right arm. He turned in her direction and since there was no need to be cautious anymore, she simply glued herself to his right side. Seeing her like this, he smiled and mentioned.
"Ohoh, herees my little darling. Alright,e here."
He opened his arms and legs wide and she immediately entered the space, getting soon covered by him, his scent surrounding her. She leaned against his torso and sighed in delight. They yed like this for a few minutes but the inevitable happened and she started squirming inside his arms.
"Are you getting bothered, my treasure?"
She nodded a bit shamefully and he continued.
"What do you want me to do?"
"L-lick me, please."
"Yes, that''s what you like the most, right?"
She nodded again.
"But remember? You have to tell me everything you want me to do, in great detail."
"Ugh... I-I want you to use your tongue on my clitoris and your fingers in my pussy. I want you to lick and suck my clit and stir my pussy hard with your fingers. I want you to do that until you make me squirt! And then I really want you to drink it all!"
"That''s my darling, you did well to say it."
He turned her head around and kissed her briefly. Then, he put a hand inside her pants and panties and started to caress her clitoris. She moaned in pleasure and he dered.
"Before we start, there are some things I''m curious about."
"What, mhmm, is it?"
"Do you masturbate a lot, Olivia?"
"What? Huh... I, I''m not like Chloe, I don''t do it that much."
"How do you know how much Chloe is doing it?"
"She told me herself. She was very proud when she, mhmm, said she was able to do it fifty times within twenty-four hours the other day."
"Fifty times? That''s amazing."
"Yes, mhmm, but she said it was her record and she normally only does it thirty times per day."
"What about you then?"
"I-I am not that lustful, mhmm, I only do it fifteen times a day."
"I see. When you do it, do you squirt too?"
"I never did before but now, mhmmm, I can do it if I try to."
"Before you l-licked me for, mhmmmm, the first time! Aaahhh!"
She came under his fingers, squirming in his arms and her pussy releasing juices profusely. Benjamin put his fingers inside her cunt for a quick second and then put them in his mouth to appreciate her taste. She looked at his gesture and seemed to get even more excited but he wasn''tpletely done with his curiosity.
"Can you do onest thing for me before I go down on you?"
Chapter 155 - 155 – Replenishing
Chapter 155: ¨C Replenishing
"What is it?"
"Show me how you make yourself squirt."
"You want to see it? It''s not very interesting, you know."
"It''s interesting to me."
"Well, okay."
She left his embrace, removed her clothes, and went to sit at the edge of her bed. He followed her and sat in front of her. She opened her legs wide, exposing her wet slit, and slowly started to show him. She first used the fingers of one hand to trace circles around her clitoris. Then, she used two fingers of her other hand to prate herself. Her palm was bent toward her groin so that her fingers were able to fold upward into her cunt and she yed with herself while moaning anew. All the while, she looked at Benjamin''s face, as if doing so helped enhance the experience.
"What do you do differently when you make yourself squirt?"
"There''s this fold in my vagina that feels amazing when I touch it. It''s on the upper side, around the level of my clitoris. If I stimte it together with my clitoris, I''ll end up squirting when Ie."
She applied some strength on a finger from inside for him to understand and he could see her small clitoris being pushed up a little bit.
"Very intriguing. Go ahead, show me."
"Okay, wait a bit, it won''t take too long."
She progressively increased the pace of her fingers, bending them inside her vagina and rubbing her clit faster and faster. Soon, she was going at full speed, her hands moving so fast that they seemed to be vibrating, enjoying this new feeling of showing herself to her brother.
"It''sing soon, I can feel it! Are you going to drink it? Please drink it, okay?"
"I will, don''t worry."
"Yes! Get ready, open wide! It''s here, it''sing! Drink my squirt! Drink it all! Aaahhh!"
He opened his mouth wide in front of her pussy and she aimed at it before suddenly releasing a strong jet of squirt right into her objective. She cummed hard, her face full of ecstasy while watching him gulp all of her spurts, squeezing her cunt to thest drop to fill him as much as possible. Benjamin enjoyed her sour and salty taste to the maximum, gulping everything that came out and replenishing his loss of fluids from the day''s happenings. He randomly thought that he would only need a few such squirters around him to not need to have to drink normally ever again.
As he saw the force of the jet diminishing, he glued his mouth to her pussy in order not to lose anything. She moaned at the sudden contact and he waited a few seconds more until she was done, swallowed everything, and then directly attacked her twat from this position. Just as she wanted, he used his mouth to lick and suck her clitoris and his fingers to work her vagina. There was one difference from the first time he worked on her and it was that she didn''t have a hymen anymore. As such, he didn''t need to tread carefully by only navigating in shallow waters and could now explore the deep seas.
But first, he wanted to continue his experiments. He located the pussy folds that she had been talking about and rubbed them, judging her reaction. Then, he went around other ces inside her twat and tested them all. Interestingly enough, there were other parts that were also very sensitive and he registered them all in his mind. Even though his fingers were not long enough to reach it, he also knew that women in this world liked to have their cervix stimted, making it one more obvious sensitive spot.
Once his curiosity was sated, he focused on truly pleasuring her and alternated between thrusting inside her and rubbing one of these sensitive areas. Olivia was on the clouds, orgasming many times and more and more often, with most climaxes being apanied by some amount of squirting. When he thought it would soon be time for other members of his family toe back home, he put on his full efforts for the finish, his tongue flicking her clitoris from side to side and his fingers mming her at full power.
"Aaahhh! It''s so strong! So good! I''m going toe hard, it''sing! Coming! Coming! Cumming! Aaaaaahhhhhh!"
She violently orgasmed, her back arching hard and her toes curling intensively. Her whole body trembled uncontrobly and she exploded in onest powerful gush of squirt that hit the back of his throat. Her eyes were tearing from the pleasure while her face was very red and sweating a lot. She twitched like this for several tens of seconds before plopping back to the bed and panting hard. Benjamin used the opportunity to clean her pussy, sucking any remaining juices and enjoying her sweet and fresh taste.
Once she regained her bearings, she thanked him for the amazing cunnilingus and they cleaned themselves up in the bathroom. A few minutes after that, their grandmother came back home, soon followed by the rest of his family members, who arrived one by one. It was now time for him to propose his activity of the day. He went to ask them if they were interested in ying a board game and they all agreed, perhaps due to remembering the fun they had ying a survival game the previous Saturday.
They yed one game and had some good fun before Benjamin had to start preparing dinner. After eating, they went to y a different one and they all agreed that it was quite enjoyable. Since every game didn''tst that long, they also tried the third one he had brought and concluded the evening like this.
When they were done, they tidied up everything and happily discussed their three previous games. A while after, they separated to go to their respective rooms, Benjamin to study a little and most of the females except Olivia to meet their daily quotas. Once again curious, he discreetly went to each door and listened to their barely audible moans. Since they weren''t extraordinarily excited, they were able to keep their voices low and not expose themselves for all to hear. Soon after, he headed back to his room and went to sleep, satisfied to have spent another good and normal day.
Chapter 156 - 156 – Basement
Chapter 156: ¨C Basement
On the next day, Sunday, Benjamin woke up quitete, probably due to being tired from the previous day, and was the second tost to arrive for breakfast. He slowly ate and chatted with his family members until they started to leave for their activity of the day, except for Olivia, who went to y games in her room. His grandmother came out around that time, with now only him and her at the table. Even though she was usually good at hiding her emotions, it seemed she couldn''t help showing her happiness today. As soon as she saw him alone at the table, she greeted him and asserted with a grin.
"Morning, Ben. I hope you''re in good shape today. I''ve been looking forward to doing this very much."
"Good morning, Grandma. I''m all good and you? It''s the same for me, I''ve been very curious about what would happen today."
"I''m feeling great too, thanks. I made the four of us take it easy yesterday to save strength for today."
"How did they react when you told them about it?"
She looked around before replying.
"Hm, well, let''s not talk about this here. I''ll tell youter when we''re on our way."
Contrary to usual, she ate quickly, and they prepared themselves for the day promptly. Soon enough, they were in her car and resumed their conversation.
"To answer your previous question, they were of course very surprised. They didn''t believe me at all at first and it took me a long time just to convince them to gather today at our usual ce."
"I know this problem. When I joke around too much, people stop taking me too seriously. What do you mean by usual ce?"
"It''s where we usually do all our sessions. Vera is loaded and lives alone, so she has a whole setup there that we perfected with time. You''ll see when we get there."
That sounded a bit like a sex dungeon and he already looked forward to seeing it. After around ten minutes, they reached the location, a big house that was on par with or bigger than their home. His grandmother rang at the door and it opened after twenty seconds, showing a surprised Vera.
"I can''t believe you two arrived before the agreed time. Is the end of the world close?"
"If it is, we better enjoy ourselves plenty before that."
"Well said, Grandma."
"You''re still the same as always... Whatever,e in. And good morning."
"Good morning, Vera."
They entered the house and Benjamin looked around the ce. Even though Vera was rich ording to his grandmother, the interior looked modest. It was nice but not overly decorated or luxurious, focusing on soft, light colors and sturdy-looking furniture. Vera showed him around the house, indicating what each room was and where things were. She only skipped one door on the first floor, without telling him why. Of course, his grandmother couldn''t help but whisper in his ear that this was the door to the basement, where they would have their funter on.
After that, they sat in the living room and talked for a few minutes, until the two other members of their group arrived. After everyone greeted each other and chatted for a while, his grandmother suddenly changed the topic.
"Let''s go now, I''ve been looking forward to this for the whole week."
The threedies looked at her weirdly before turning toward Benjamin, Angel prudently questioning him.
"Ben, darling, are really okay with this?"
"Of course."
"You do know what we''re talking about, right?"
"Yes, we''re going to have sex together, correct?"
"Huh... I can''t believe Roselyn dared to ask this of you and even more that you agreed to it."
"I was also surprised but I don''t mind, I like you all a lot."
"Well, we like you too, but still..."
"You don''t want to?"
"No, on the contrary, but this feels a bit too good to be true."
At this point, it seemed his grandmother got impatient and interrupted them.
"There''s no need to doubt. I already told you, we had sex two times together already."
"...Is that true, Ben? It''s hard to believe anything Roselyn says."
"It''s true. Once in the bathroom and once in her room. Both times were amazing."
The three females gulped at his words and they visibly started to get their imagination running, their breathing elerating noticeably. His grandmother, believing that they were convinced enough now, stood up while proiming.
"See? Let''s go now."
She didn''t wait for them to agree and directly moved toward the door to the basement, with Benjamin in tow. The rest of the women slowly followed them, trying to appear calm but with a bit of anticipation in their eyes. Past the door were straight stairs and after going down, they arrived inside an extremelyrge room. In the middle of the room was a gigantic bed that could easily amodate ten people. Around it were many chests of drawers in all sizes and shapes and a little further was a table with chairs. The ground had several very thick carpets, covering everything without leaving any gap, and arge TV was installed on the wall in front of the bed. The temperature in the room was seemingly keptfortable and on the warm side, probably on purpose. His grandmother began to exin things to him.
"See this bed? It''s amazing, right? This was a custom order and the carpenter had toe here to build it because it would never fit through any door or window."
She opened the drawers and showed him the inside, making the three otherdies look away a little.
"This is where we store anything that fancies our interest. We probably have all the female sex toys that exist in the world in here."
There were indeed many toys and dildos, in all forms and shapes, but that was not all. There were also tons of clothes, bottles of lubricant, massage devices, essories, and pornographic content. The collection was so huge that there were more things in there than at the sex shop he went to the previous day. This was no doubt a treasure trove that all women would dream to possess.
Chapter 157 - 157 – Probing
Chapter 157: ¨C Probing
Once the duo was done with their inspection, they all went to sit at the table. His grandmother took the initiative this time too.
"Before we start, we have some things to discuss, like setting the rules on how we are going to do this."
"Do you have some rules for yourselves?"
"No, it''s not for us, it''s for you. The four of us already know each other as much as it''s possible to know someone that''s not yourself. But it''s different for you. We need to know what you''re fine with and what you don''t want to do beforehand so we don''t do those things. Well, I already know a bit myself but it''s not like I know everything either. And those three know nothing at all. I can promise you one thing: we will never do anything you don''t like. But that''s why we need to know what we shouldn''t do."
The three women all nodded and Benjamin thought about what she said. He had a lot of kinks and was fine with pretty much everything sex-rted but there were still some things he didn''t want to partake in.
"Right. I''m okay with almost anything except for two things. BDSM and scat. I don''t want to do either of these."
He liked rough sex and also liked the fact that women in this world loved it but that waspletely different from voluntarily hurting others, be it physically, verbally, or emotionally. As for the other one, he enjoyed girls'' fluids but there was still a line between this and scat, which went into the realms of piss and shit. He remembered Miranda, Karen''s mother, pissing herself during sex and that was fine but any more than this would put him off.
As soon as he finished talking, he could see some very mixed reactions on thedies'' side. There was some disbelief, some excitement, and also some... disappointment?
"Is there anything wrong with what I said? Why do you look a bit disappointed?"
"No, there was nothing wrong at all. If what you said is true, this is even better than we could have hoped for. It''s just that..."
She stopped for a second and pointed at Vera and Lauren.
"These two, they''re a bit, well, on the masochist''s side."
That was really surprising but for some reason, the three others looked more shocked than him at the deration. His grandmother gave a wryugh before correcting herself.
"Yeah, okay, they''replete masochists."
This time, they all nodded approvingly and his grandmother continued with a helpless expression.
"Anyway, we knew we shouldn''t have hoped for it but you know how human nature works and it''s impossible to stop dreaming about even the most unrealistic things. I guess we all had this very small hope that you would be interested in that kind of stuff, even though we know your personality is far from it. The problem is that neither I nor Angel is a sadist, especially Angel. Poor Angel wouldn''t hurt anyone even if her life depended on it. And I''m very much against it too. So we had these two women, who are a handful, with this kink that no one could satisfy. At one point, they kepting to me for months and asking me to do a BDSM session without Angel. They annoyed me so much that I eventually agreed just to shut them up. I can''t express how much I regretted doing this afterward. The stuff we did there, I don''t even want to remember it. What''s so fun about this crap, seriously?"
She sent a very dark re at Vera and Lauren and the two looked away, carefully avoiding her gaze. She then sighed and looked back at Benjamin.
"They will definitelye to you with the same offer at some point. Don''t give in and refuse them to the end or you will end up like me. I still have nightmares about that time, darn them."
"Okay. But isn''t it bad that they can''t do any of what they like?"
This time, Angel answered him.
"Not at all, that''s a misunderstanding. It''s not that they can only get aroused by doing this kind of thing. This is just one of their many kinks. Even if it''s not satisfied, they have plenty of other stuff that they like to do. So it''s not that they''re masochists, it''s just that they''re also masochists on top of everything else. Also, I and Roselyn don''t like any of the BDSM stuff but we don''t mind doing some very soft things."
He put on an interrogative expression and Angelughed a little when seeing it.
"Look, like that, for example."
She snapped her fingers and Vera and Lauren instantly went on all four, their tongues out and panting like dogs. Angel waved at them toe and they quickly ran to her. She caressed them under the chin and they whimpered happily.
"Good girls, good girls."
After a minute of that, she snapped her fingers again and the two stood on their feet to go back to their seats as if nothing happened.
"As you can see, I lightly treated them as dogs and they like this sort of thing. Of course, they dream of much worse but it''s still better than nothing. Oh and by the way, you saw they have two modes. One is their public personas and the other is their sex mode. You can make them switch with just a snap of your fingers, it''s very practical. There''s also no risk of any incident happening during their everyday lives because they only register specific people that they trust. As for you, you''ve long been registered, even though you didn''t know about it. In sex mode, they''repletely inhibited and they like absolutely everything so feel free to do whatever you want with them."
Benjamin looked at the twodies and they nodded at him to reassure him. This was a lot of surprising - and to tell the truth, pretty crazy - information to register in a short amount of time.
"Well... Okay? I guess I''m surprised, considering how they usually behave. Like how it was when we first met, for example."
"They do this on purpose. They created their public personas to be as far as possible from their real inclinations. That''s because they had gotten into a lot of trouble in the past due to that specific kink of theirs."
Benjamin''s grandmother immediately followed up on that.
"That''s right. Remember when I told you that once they warmed up to someone, they would do anything for that person and that this got them into a lot of problems? This is what I was referring to. I think this can be a good lesson for you. Lauren, tell him how your life went."
Lauren looked a bit reluctant but started counting her story anyway.
Chapter 158 - 158 – Recounting
Chapter 158: ¨C Recounting
"I discovered I was a masochist when I was in high school. I spent most of my high school days experimenting with myself and when I was in university, I got my first boyfriend. At that time, indulging in masochism was giving me such excitation that I based most of my decisions on that criteria. That boyfriend was a sort of delinquent, rebellious, and violent and I thought he would be perfect for me. He was also quite popr among other girls but I managed to attract him by making myselfpletely submissive and obedient. At first, things went well. He treated me badly and I loved it. But, as time progressed, his treatment of me got worse and worse. He started using me only as a way to unwind and got more and more violent. There was also not much love between us and one day when he was very stressed, he got too far and hurt me badly. After that, things got awkward between us and we broke up."
She stopped for a moment before going on.
"The next few boyfriends were pretty much the same and I always ended up picking the bad kind, who I thought were well-matched to me. But the conclusion was always simr and the rtionships neversted too long. I saw this wasn''t working so I decided to aim for more normal guys. I got a normal boyfriend, someone who had nothing special, neither having a good personality nor a bad one. After dating for a few weeks sessfully, I told him my tendencies. He was a bit repulsed at first but I convinced him to try it. The first time went much better than he expected and he enjoyed controlling me as he pleased. For some time, things went well. However, the more he controlled me during sex, the more it affected his attitude toward me during normal times too. After a few months, he began treating me as some sort of servant that would do anything he asked. He grew used to the power he had over me and our rtionship turned more into something convenient for him than a lover''s rtionship. As you can imagine, it didn''tst long and we separated soon after because this wasn''t a healthy rtionship."
She sighed and took another break. These were probably not the best memories for her.
"The next boyfriend I had went pretty much the same way and I found out once again that I was doing something wrong. I decided topletely change my approach. I created a cold and distant front and I only let the people I trusted in my life. That''s how I met someone totally different from my previous boyfriends. He was a very kind guy, always smiling and helping other people. He wasn''t extremely brilliant and didn''t have much for him except for his nice personality. Still, after spending a lot of time together due to studying the same subjects in university, I began to fall in love with him. However, I was very conflicted. With him being such a kind person, he was a bad match for me. However, I was young, foolish, and more importantly, I waspletely in love with him. I spent more and more time with him and I was eventually sessful in starting a rtionship with him. Because of his personality, I hid my masochist side from him and things went well for a long time. We loved each other very much and our rtionship was the longeststing I ever had. We graduated together, found work, and even started living together. But when he started to talk about marriage, I felt extremely guilty and in the end, I couldn''t hide my secret from him any longer. Contrary to what I thought, he took it very well. He told me that he wasn''t into it but he didn''t mind indulging me from time to time because he loved me very much. As you can expect, I was on a cloud. Still, I remembered my previous failures and we set some strict rules for this. We decided to strictly separate this from the rest of our lives. And it worked. Those times were the best in my life. He never did anything very cruel or extreme but I didn''t care because I always felt his love for me. As you can guess, he was myte husband because we married soon after."
She stopped for good at that point, looking mncholic. Benjamin was quite affected by the story, especially because he knew how such a nice person ended up in the end. However, it seemed that wasn''t the case for his grandmother, who had probably heard that story so many times that she had gotten used to it.
"Ben, for reference, Vera''s life story is pretty much the same. The point here is that masochists are extremely annoying creatures that want to get treated badly and be loved at the same time."
She sent another resentful look at the twodies who avoided her gaze once again. Did she make him listen to this whole story just to say that? It seemed she held quite a grudge against them for their previous BDSM session. At this point, Angel intervened.
"Ben, the real point of this story is to understand that letting someone have too much control over you never ends well. Power ends up corrupting people, even the most normal and good-natured ones. For example, right now, I could snap my fingers and ask them to give me some money. They''ll dly do it but that would break the trust between us. That''s why we have agreed on never doing it to get anything from them outside of a sexual context. I hope you''ll also follow this limitation and never use it for your benefit."
"That goes without saying. I swear I''ll never do this. And if I ever do, just smack me until I regain my senses."
The four women smiled at him, happy with his deration. His grandmother mentioned.
"Good, as expected of my darling grandson. Now, we''ve gone off topic for a long time, let''s go back to our initial discussion. I''ve got a question for you, Ben."
Chapter 159 - 159 – Alignment
Chapter 159: ¨C Alignment
"You said that except for BDSM and scat, you were alright with anything. How much is "anything" in your mind? I''m not sure youpletely understand the implications of what you said."
"You mean, there might be other stuff I might not want to do and it''s just that I don''t know about those things yet?"
"Well, I''m not sure. How could I could tell you if I don''t know about it in the first ce?"
"Hm... Vera, you tell him."
"Alright. Ben, because we have spent such a long time together, we have created our ssification. We divide sexual acts into the following categories: soft, medium, hard, and extreme. I think we can use this as a starting point to understand how far you are ready to go."
"Do you have examples of acts for each category?"
"Let''s see. Some soft acts would be kissing, cunnilingus, and fetio. Medium would be things like vaginal sex and anal sex. Hard would be double pration, rimming, and fisting. As for extreme acts, well, it''s probably better if you don''t know."
"Is it that bad?"
"...You could say that. Perhaps we could talk about it next time if this session goes well."
"Okay. Let me think. I''ve done normal sex, rimming, and fisting with grandma so I guess I''m at least fine with hard acts?"
"You did? Really?"
Seeing Benjamin and Roselyn nod, thetter with a smug grin, the three otherdies looked quite excited. His grandmother couldn''t help adding.
"He even drank my squirt. Hehehe."
''That''s... very promising. Still, let me give you some more examples and you tell me if you feel put off by them, okay?"
"Several women on you at the same time?"
"No problem."
"Strong sex?"
"I love it, actually."
"Very strong sex?"
"Ahah, yes."
"Double pration? Giving anal fisting? Bukkake?"
"Seems all fine to me."
"You''re not lying to please us, right?"
"I''m not."
"Hmm, if that''s true then we''ll indeed be able to have a lot of fun."
"Are those examples all from the hard category?"
"Most are, yes."
He nodded and the fourdies'' faces were now filled with lust, while he was also excited to hear about those sexual acts he''d never performed before. At this point, Lauren stood up and dered.
"I can''t wait anymore. Let''s do this."
As everyone else agreed, they all stood up and started to remove their clothes. The four women''s eyes werepletely focused on him while he watched alternatively between them all. Soon enough, they were all in the nude, and the first thing that stood up to him was his grandmother''s body.
"Grandma, you removed your piercings?"
"Yes. In the first ce, we only used them to get some thrill out of it. After having sex for so long, we grew bored of the most normal acts, and these days, we pretty much only do hard and extreme stuff. But now that you are here, the situation ispletely different. It''s been many years since I''ve been as aroused as during our two times together. That''s why I thought I wouldn''t need them anymore. On top of that, those were hindering some of the things we wanted to do so it''s good to get rid of them. I also told these three to remove theirs but they didn''t do it because they didn''tpletely believe in my story."
"Yes, yes, you were right. Whatever, let''s remove them now."
The threedies went to the bed and began to remove their piercings, with Roselyn''s help. In the meanwhile, Benjamin used the opportunity toe closer and inspect their bodies. His grandmother was the same as always except for the piercings, with her medium build and healthy-looking shape. Angel was more round, with very entuated forms. She had the biggest tits he had ever gotten the chance to witness, massive and sagging with protruding nipples, and he wondered how it would feel to bury himself in them. Her pussy was fully shaved, just like all the women here. Her clitoris was about the same size and color as Roselyn''s and her pussy lips looked quite fleshed up and well-darkened. Her cunt hole was also opened, never to be closing again.
For some reason, Vera and Lauren had very simr builds. The two of them were skinny, with medium-sized breasts and little forms. However, this was where the normality stopped. They both had extremely long nipples, looking very erect and dark-colored. The same thing applied to their clitoris, at the top of their shaved pussies. It was huge to a point that it looked like a mini penis, towering proudly over their drenched pussy lips. Those also looked abnormal, very long and extended, looking kind of floppy. Their twat hole was literally gaping wide, the opening sorge that he thought he could fit two fingers in without touching any flesh. He wondered what they had done to end up looking like this and his imagination forced his dick to pulse excitedly.
After cleaning the metal pieces, they were done a few minutester, and went to store them inside one of the drawers. They returned to the bed, and Benjamin was now facing the four women hungrily ogling at every part of his body. There was a moment of silence until Angel took the initiative.
"Since this is your first time inside our group, Ben, we should let you decide what you would like to do to start with."
The generous proposition was a little unexpected since he thought they would jump him or something. Since he was given the choice, there was indeed one thing he had been curious about.
"Then, if you don''t mind, could you show me how you usually do it when it''s just the four of you? I''m curious about it."
The fourdies looked at each other before nodding at him.
"No problem. You can watch and when you feel like it, you can join at any time."
They looked at each other once more before positioning themselves in a specific way, not before Angel snapped her fingers once. Vera and Lauren had an obvious switch in attitude but still followed the others'' moves. It seemed they mastered the art of silentmunication because they all moved together with great coordination, each knowing exactly where to go and what to do."
Chapter 160 - 160 – Efficiency
Chapter 160: ¨C Efficiency
Author''s advice: skip to chapter 166 if what''s going to happen next isn''t the sort of thing you enjoy. You have been warned.
They used the bed as a reference, eachying down in one of the bed''s edge directions. Vera was perpendicr in front of him, her head on his right side. His grandmother was parallel to him, with her crotch ced at the level of Vera''s head. Lauren was also perpendicr to him but on the other side, with her groin around Roselyn''s head. And finally, Angel was on his left and parallel to him, with her crotch on the level of Lauren''s head and her head ced next to Vera''s groin. This way, they formed a perfect square and he started to have an idea of what they were trying to achieve. When everyone was in position, they turned to lie on their side, with one elbow on the mattress and the other facing the ceiling. Finally, they opened their legs wide on one side and inserted their heads between their target''s legs on the other side.
This was an extremely well-thought-off and impressive position. With this, they could all pleasure each other at the same time without anyone getting left out. Each one of them would get licked by one person and lick another, which was exactly what they started to do as soon as he thought about it. They buried themselves in the pussy in front of them and attacked it without restraint, sucking, licking, and slurping the wet piece of cunt they were assigned to. This was quite a superb sight for Benjamin, who didn''t think such an effective sexual position existed. He was amazed to witness his first lesbian sex ever, with four women at that. Soon enough, the visual stimtion got embellished with the noise of their small moans, on top of the arousing sounds that were emitted during four simultaneous cunnilingus. What''s more, the room quickly started to smell of female sex, making him even hornier.
However, if he thought that would be all, he was in for a surprise. After a short while, they all removed their right arm touching the bed from under them to use it for a better purpose. They started by focusing their mouths on the clitoris in front of them and used the fingers of their right hand to prate the twat they were targeting. Of course, as he knew himself, that wouldn''t be enough for them. As expected, they quickly inserted more and more fingers inside, and soon enough, they were all fisting the pussy they were pleasuring.
Benjamin now understood where his grandmother wasing from when she asked him to fist her. Now that they had switched to this, their pleasure seemed to increase exponentially. Their moans were getting louder and louder, even though those were muffled due to having their mouths inside a pussy. Witnessing this, Benjamin thought it was fantastical. He never had seen anything as erotic and arousing as the scene in front of him. In his mind, he decided to call this the "Square of Fisting". They chose well what to show him!
As time went on, thedies got closer and closer to their highs, ready to orgasm. Because he was paying so close attention to them, he noticed that even though they had progressively increased the pace of their fisting, they sometimes slowed down or elerated depending on the circumstances. A closer inspection showed him that it seemed they were all constantly adjusting their rhythms, taking into ount the reactions of their target. It didn''t take long before he got to understand the reason for this, as the four women climaxed in perfect synchronization a few minutester. Seeing these fourdies trembling in bliss and moaning with low-pitched voices simultaneously was some amazing scenery, and he kept the picture safely in his memory bank. The fact that they knew each other so well they were able to time their orgasms at the same time was also quite the feat.
He was now incredibly excited and ready to go, but the women didn''t stop at all, on the contrary continuing to pleasure each other like this. This kind of made sense. Women in this world would never be satisfied with only one orgasm and they simply applied this concept to themselves. The problem was, he very much wanted to join now, being so aroused that his precum was flowing down his shaft.
In the end, he decided to do as they said and join them even though they weren''t done. The one whose head was closest to him was Angel, on his left, and he went to her, tapping on her shoulder to attract her attention. She shivered at the contact, seemingly taken by surprise by the interruption, and took her head out of Vera''s cunt. Instantly, the whole square felt the change and even though they didn''t stop what they were doing, they slowed down a lot. Angel looked at him and realizing who it was, she smiled inprehension, her face smeared by pussy juices. Then she opened her mouth in his direction and he inserted his dick in there, too horny to bother having any hesitation about it.
Feeling his dick in her mouth, her face suddenly morphed into a very lustful expression and she immediately sucked him hard, in a very skilled way, her tongue stimting his ns and her mouth making back and forth on his member. He sighed in pleasure, satisfied to finally get some attention on his hard-as-rock dick, and his expression of pleasure only made Angel go harder on him.
That change didn''t go without creating its issue, though, since shepletely stopped working on Vera''s twat to focus fully on his penis. Consequently, he decided to take over her job. He removed her arm from Vera''s pussy, admired the view of her gaping hole for a second, and reced it with his own, slowly inserting his hand until he felt her cervix. For some reason, the feeling of her cervix was a little strange but he didn''t dwell on the question and focused instead on the pleasure his cock was receiving and the work he had to do. He began to move his arm back and forth and saw Vera taking her head out from Roselyn''s pussy to release a long squeal.
Chapter 161 - 161 – Substitute
Chapter 161: ¨C Substitute
"Oooohhhh! Is that your arm, Ben? It feels so thick, so different from ours! Go ahead, darling, do me strongly, just like Angel was doing!"
He saw the three otherdies shiver in excitement at hearing Vera''s words and they all resumed what they had been doing but with much more intensity now. Vera also dived back into the cunt in front of her and Benjamin began to work her hole at a simr pace to the rest of them. Topensate for Angel''s mouth leaving her clitoris, he used his left hand''s fingers on it, masturbating her big protruding bump. Vera soon began to tremble more and more at the stimtion and the other two, feeling the change, adjusted their pace ordingly. He was now the one who was fisting the slowest out of them all but they seemed to achieve a good bnce like this, with him stimting his target cunt more than the others because his arm was thicker than theirs.
Now that this side was more stable, he focused his attention back on Angel''s fetio. At some point, she had started using her hands, one on each of his balls, and the feeling of her kneading them was incredible. Coupled with the long build-up, he was getting closer and closer to his release.
"You''re amazing, Angel! I''m going toe soon!"
Once again, the whole square quivered in excitement. They all suddenly increased their rhythms while moaning louder and louder, taking Benjamin by surprise. Vera used her legs to tap him lightly and signal him to follow the pace, which he quickly did. They progressively elerated until they were all banging hard the pussy in front of them. Cunt juices started to spatter in all directions and the smell was bing incredible. Knowing Vera''s characteristics, Benjamin didn''t hesitate to work her extremely hard, just like the "very strong sex" she had been talking about just before. This seemed the correct choice because the woman took her head out again and howled her feelings.
"Ben! Yeess! Just like that, dear! Ooooohhhhh! It''s been so long since I''ve felt like this! Stronger! Destroy my pussy! Destroy it! That''s right! I''m going toe hard! Cumming! Cumming! Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh!"
She violently arched her back and climaxed grandly, releasing a strong jet of squirt on his torso. The sudden change of angle of her body pushed his arm to bend differently inside her, stimting her even further. As if in synchronization, the rest of them followed her, the threedies experiencing their own orgasms and moaning loudly. Benjamin ejacted with force inside Angel''s mouth, apanied by a groan of pleasure, and the cumming woman tried hard not to lose any of his sperm. But, contrary to what usually happened, she didn''t swallow his semen, keeping it all in her mouth instead, her cheeks inting as he erupted several more times in her wet orifice.
They stayed like this for a few more moments, enjoying the post-climax bliss, until everyone separated with lewd squelching sounds. Angel turned toward Lauren behind her, took her head in her hands, and went for a kiss with her mouth still full of his seed. Lauren happily epted it and Angel exchanged a small amount of sperm with her. Then, she stopped kissing her and went to Roselyn and Vera, repeating the process. Once everyone had a share of his cum, they savored it for a long time, sometimes also going to one another and exchanging the fluid erotically, one lying down and the other sending it in their mouth from above and then switching positions around. They did that for several minutes, clearly having a lot of fun, and eventually gulped everything in ecstasy. This was a beautiful show of team spirit and he felt that everyone had a lot to learn from such selfless sharing. Lauren noticed him watching them and smiled as if to apologize.
"Sorry, Ben, it''s been so long since we tasted any, we got a bit too much into it."
"No need to apologize, it was a very hot scene."
She looked at his still-raging member and grinned.
"I can see that, it''s great that you''re still ready for more. Most of the men I''ve been with needed some time aftering."
Roselyn took the obvious opportunity to brag about him.
"Ben has incredible stamina. He came four times in a rowst time."
The three women looked at him with impressed expressions, clearly looking forward to seeing this in action. At this point, Lauren stared at his grandmother and changed the topic.
"Still, you were right, Roselyn. Even without being in contact with Ben, it was so much more exciting just to have him with us."
"Right, just him watching us like this is making me wet. On top of that, we get his masculine scent in the room. Isn''t it so arousing for us men-deprived women?"
They all nodded at her words and turned in his direction,ing closer to him. Soon, they were all sniffing him with entranced appearances, as if they could never get enough of it. Lauren, who didn''t have the opportunity to do anything with him so far, seemed to be the most affected.
"You''re right. You smell so nice, Ben. Haa, haa, I can''t take it anymore. May I lick your ass, master?"
Surprised, Benjamin didn''t know how to react to being called this and looked at his grandmother. She grinned wryly and said.
"If that level of y is fine you with, you can go along with her. It makes her excited to think she''s owned by others. But remember to say it if you don''t feelfortable with it."
"I think it''s fine. I won''t do anything mean, though. Go ahead, Lauren."
"Thank you, master!"
She went behind him, asked him to be on all four, and began to lick his butthole, giving a lot of wet attention to his puckered hole and making him sigh in delight. Witnessing this, Vera squirmed for a moment before attracting his attention, a begging expression on her face.
"Master, me too, please."
"What is it?"
"Can I lick your ass too, please?"
"Err, isn''t Lauren doing it already?"
"We can do it together."
"Yeah? Well, alright, I guess?"
"Thank you, master!"
She went to join Lauren behind him and Benjamin wondered how they were going to do this.
Chapter 162 - 162 – Exclusive
Chapter 162: ¨C Exclusive
He turned his head on both sides to see what they were doing. Since they were right behind him, he couldn''t see much except for the fact that Lauren was on his right and Vera was on his left. Then, he felt a second wet appendage cing itself on his asshole and starting to lick. He could feel that the two tongues stimted both sides of his butthole and sometimes yed a bit with each other. After a short while, they simultaneously entered him and he couldn''t help letting a groan of pleasure out. To think there would be a day when he would be double-rimmed. Life was really full of unexpected things. His butt felt full of their wet tongues and they began to roam inside him, licking everything they managed to reach.
When he continued to turn his head around to watch them, Angel took it into her hands to stop his movements.
"You''ll hurt your neck if you continue doing this. Focus on the sensations instead."
He did as she said and closed his eyes for a moment to fully appreciate the work of the two women.
"Good. Now take out your tongue, dear."
He obediently followed her words and stuck his tongue out. Immediately, she engulfed it in her mouth and began to suck it strongly. After a minute of doing so, she moved toward his lips and went for a deep kiss with him, both of them noisily exchanging saliva and ying with each other''s tongues.
Being the only one not doing anything, his grandmother opted to blow his dick. She inserted her head under his belly and swallowed his member, sucking him expertly like she did thest time. Now being stimted in so many different ways, Benjamin felt the pleasure increasing rapidly once again. His waist started to do some small back-and-forth movements to lightly move inside his grandma''s mouth and soon enough, he was close to another orgasm. Feeling his penis swelling in pre-ejaction, Roselyn sucked him harder to finish him off. The three otherdies also upped their games as if they were linked. Angel took his tongue out and stuck her own to his in front of their chin, their tongues t against each other and their saliva dropping on the bed. Lauren and Vera furiously rimmed his butthole, pushing their tongue so far inside him that their cheeks were stuck to his ass cheeks, and then moved them in all directions to stimte him.
He finally came hard, the pleasure so great that his sight went white for multiple seconds, exploding inside his grandmother''s mouth with a heavy animal groan. He felt like he couldn''t stop cumming, sending st after st of sperm deep into her throat, trembling in pleasure. The four women diligently stimted him until he waspletely done and then slowly went on, waiting for Roselyn to finish cleaning his rod. Once she was done, she released his dick, her mouth still full of his semen. The other three also came to her and the same scene as previously happened where they shared his seed happily. After they were done, his grandmother smiled and mentioned.
"We made you wait again. Sorry, sperm is much too precious to waste any of it. Normal men usually only release once so women don''t get the opportunity to enjoy it that often."
"I understand. After what you did to me, waiting a minute is nothing. It feels like I never came so hard before."
"That''s good. As you can see, there are a lot of things you''ll only be able to try with us. Women normally don''t like touching each other too much so even if you get to have sex with multiple women, there''re still things that they wouldn''t do. But that doesn''t apply to us, as you just experienced yourself."
"Yes, it felt incredible. Thank you for this, Vera, Lauren."
The two of them smiled at him and rubbed their heads against his chest while purring like cats. That was a bit fun and Benjamin caressed their heads, making them purr that much more. Angel grinned and exined.
"As you can see, they''re much more than just masochists. They love to be doted on too, especially when they''re in animal mode like this."
Benjamin continued to pat them peacefully until Lauren began to emit small whining noises.
"She''s in heat again. It''s a good opportunity. There are also things you''ll only be able to do with us that aren''t rted to the fact that we ept each other presencepletely, especially with Lauren and Vera. Do you want to try?"
"Good. Lauren, on all four, my girl."
Lauren quickly moved to be on all four in front of him, her opened drenched pussy right in front of his eyes.
"Now Ben, prate her from this position."
He put himself on his knees, adjusted his cock''s angle, and inserted himself into her. He entered without any trouble, the pressure of her cunt walls around his dick being low. He thought she would contract her twat like his grandmother had done the previous time but she didn''t and right after, Angel dered.
"Go all the way to her cervix."
He pushed himself until his ns hit her cervix and could feel once again that the sensation was different from what he was used to. It would normally feel like a piece of flesh of a different texture than pussy walls that marked the furthest point he could reach inside a vagina. Here instead, it wasrger than normal, with a hole in the center. Feeling her cervix being poked, Lauren let out a small moan of pleasure.
"Can you feel the hole, Ben? Lauren and Vera expanded their womb entrances enough to allow for things to enter. I don''t need to tell you what to do. I promise you it''ll feel great."
He really didn''t expect they had gone that far with their bodies. He gulped excitedly, aligned his penis head with the hole, and thrust his hips forward.
Chapter 163 - 163 – Beyond
Chapter 163: ¨C Beyond
He felt his ns go through a narrower entrance before arriving at another space. It wasn''t deep, though, and he quickly reached another wall at the front, drier than inside the pussy but very mellow. It was a weird feeling to enter something while already prating but it felt superb nheless. Adding to the fact that he never thought he would ever have this sort of experience in his life, the pleasure was far beyond that of normal coitus. In a way, this could be called a variant of double pration, except that instead of a woman getting to receive two dicks, one dick would prate a woman twice. It also wasn''t leaving Lauren unmoved, as her cunt contracted when he inserted himself inside her womb. While poking the back of her uterus, she let a whimper out. He moved his cock around, feeling this new area he was in for the first time in his life, and soon began to move his waist again when he got used to it.
"Nnniiihhh! Nnniiihhh! Nnniiihhh!"
Judging by Lauren''s whining, the situation was also giving her sensations different from normal sex. He had never heard women making this kind of noise before and soon enough, he saw her letting her tongue out in pleasure, panting hard to what he was doing to her. As for him, the feeling of constantly having his ns pass through her cervix opening was breathtaking, to say the least. It was the best of both worlds, with her twat contracting around him when he poked her and his penis'' head getting fully stimted every time he entered her womb. Curious about something, hepletely exited her pussy, aimed right, and inserted himself all the way in one go, prating both vagina and cervix in one thrust. It felt great as he got his member thoroughly stimted in one go. Lauren couldn''t help releasing a louder whine of pleasure when her whole insides were forcefully opened up to let him pass.
"You were right, this feels awesome. This sensation on my ns is just, wow."
His words aroused the otherdies once again and they soon moved into action to join the fun. This time, Angel went to his butthole, opened his ass cheeks wide, and started to rim him good along with an appreciative moan. His grandmother also went behind him but from the side and yed with his balls, licking and sucking them into her mouth. It seemed they just had to always stimte him in so many intensive ways and he could already sense the pleasure increasing fast. He knew that women in this world loved to see men orgasm but this session was still one of the ones hested the less time on average, almost as if he was a virgin all over again.
While the four of them were enjoying themselves, only Vera didn''t do anything. She alternated between watching Lauren getting her uterus pounded with envious eyes and sending him pitiful nces like a dog would, to get something from its owner.
"Come here, Vera. On the level of her head, yes, toward me."
She happily obeyed his instructions and was now over Lauren, her legs on both sides of her head and facing toward him. Benjamin had felt wanting to try something since he had seen Vera and Lauren''s bodies. Now that she was in position, he bend forward while still fucking Lauren until his head was right in front of her pussy. He opened his mouth and began to suck on her enormous clitoris that was protruding from her pelvis. The piece of flesh was hardened due to her being so excited and felt like a mini-penis, allowing him to suck it heartily from this position. Due to this characteristic of hers, he thought that she would be very suited to receive a cunnilingus while driving. From time to time, he would also give it some good tonguing and even tried to curiously y with her pussy lips. Those were so long and plentiful that he managed to partially fill his jaw with both these and her clitoris, kneading the mix inside of his mouth. She moaned in pleasure and joy to receive his attention, closing her eyes to focus on her cunt.
On the other side, his bending forward allowed Angel to have better ess to his asshole and she redoubled efforts to work on him. As if in synchronization, Roselyn also did the same to his balls and even began to caress his inner thighs close to his crotch level. It was weird but in this situation where he was stimted from all sides, the simple addition of getting his thighs caressed multiplied the overall pleasure several folds. It was soon too much for him and he started to bang Lauren at full strength, attacking her womb with all he got. Lauren felt the change and howled her pleasure out without any restraint.
"Nnniiihhh! Nnniiihhh! Nnnooohhh! Nnnooohhh! Gggaaahhh! Gggaaahhh! Gggggggaaaaaaahhhhhhh!"
The very moment her twat and uterus clenched his rod in orgasm while letting out a burst of squirt on the bed, he erupted into a violent climax of his own, blowing his sperm deep inside her womb to paint it with his colors. His strong sucking allowed Vera to have a light release too, shivering slightly in pleasure with her juices falling on Lauren''s head. Angel and Roselyn stimted him until the end and he was able to spurt many times, enjoying one of the best orgasms of his life. The five of them stayed in this position for a while, the three having cummed trembling in bliss for a long time until Benjamin eventually exited Lauren''s vagina to fall on his ass and take a small break.
Another funny scene happened when the threedies rushed to Lauren and began to suck her pussy hard, trying to extract any sperm from where it was deposited deep inside her. Lauren had a smug smile on her face while looking at them, as if she had won something by being the first to receive a creampie. A whileter, they were done, the four women facing Benjamin once more. Thinking about it, he kept receiving a lot from this session but wasn''t able to give back everything, as was his motto. Still, they were four, and remembering what happened the previous day, he did have his hands full taking care of three women simultaneously already.
"Thank you, that was an amazing experience. I want to give you all back for all the pleasure I received. I''m asking just in case but is there a way for me to handle all of you at the same time?"
They looked at each other for a moment before Angel answered.
"There''s a way but it''s a bit wild and acrobatic. And also it''s quite... extreme."
"So we should avoid trying it?"
They looked at each other once again and Angel resumed.
"Considering how well the session has gone so far and how open-minded you are, I guess we could try it. Let me tell you first and you can judge for yourself."
She exined the position to him and he gasped in surprise. So this is what they meant by extreme! It was indeed very... abnormal. He wondered where they found those sorts of crazy ideas. Was this what happened when one had tens of years to think about how to spice one''s sexual life?
Still, everything is an experience, as they said. He decided to bite the bullet and go for it.
"Alright, let''s try it."
Chapter 164 - 164 – Above
Chapter 164: ¨C Above
Author''s advice:st chance to skip to chapter 166. What you will read here cannot be unread. You have been warned. You can only me yourself if you decide to read anyway.
"Are you sure?"
After looking at each other onest time, the four of them became excited once again.
"Alright. We only ever tried this once, a long time ago. Since it''s somewhat acrobatic, it''s not a bad idea to do it now while we still can. But, let''s start slowly, okay?"
She gave him a few pieces of advice, smiled perversely, and added something more at the end.
"As for the finish, what about this?"
She gave him a suggestion and he couldn''t wish for anything better, approving immediately. Getting his approval, they smiled lecherously, as if one of their dreams would being true, and swiftly moved into position to start as soon as possible. They separated into two groups, Roselyn and Angel on one side, Vera and Lauren on the other side, with around one meter in between. Each duoid down on their back with their legs facing each other, so that their butts were almost touching. Then, they lifted their waists in the air at the same time and stuck their asses to each other. They continued to lift their hips like this while getting closer to the one in front of them until they had their backs glued to each other. Eventually, they stopped when their backs were perpendicr to the ground and they werefortable and stable against their partner. At this point, they took their legs into their hands and brought them back until their feet were on the level of their heads. From Benjamin''s point of view, there were now two pairs of butts turned toward the ceiling, their pussies facing the skies.
It was now his turn to move, the women watching his every move eagerly. The current position with four asses in the air was already quite the stunt but things only started now. As they had advised, he began with the Vera-Lauren duo. Vera was on his right and he lifted his right leg to insert his foot into her gaping cunt. He prated her loose flesh with his toes and slowly entered her until his foot waspletely inside. Vera let out a low-pitched groan of pleasure and excitation at feeling herself foot-fisted and he felt her twat releasing juices inrge quantity around his foot.
Next came the hard part because he would need to put his weight on his right foot to insert the left one into Lauren for a small moment. He tried to be quick about it but couldn''t help having his right foot push strongly inside Vera''s pussy and crush her cervix. But, contrarily to what one could have thought, or perhaps as expected, she seemed to enjoy the brief instant very much.
"Oh, yeeesss! That''s what I''m talking about! I love it!"
Lauren looked a bit envious on the side but she wasn''t left alone for long since he soon had his left foot inside her, bncing his weight between the two. The pressure was still great and Lauren let out a grunt of pleasure too. Now came thest part. He bent forward until his shoulders were at the level of thest twodies and sent one arm into each of their wriggling vaginas, entering them without much trouble and getting some moans in return.
Sess! They had managed to make this weird positione true and as Angel said, he could work all four of them simultaneously. He was in an odd state where he was standing on his four limbs, fisting the two women in front and foot-fisting the two in the back, using their pussies as ground support. He decided to name this position "Quadruped Dive" in his mind. The fourdies were now well stimted, all releasing squeals of pleasure, and he could finally start working on them seriously. As for him, it was like being in four warm gloves of flesh. He moved his fingers and toes around to feel their insides better and appreciate the minute differences between them. He remembered to start slowly as Angel rmended and moved his arms and feet leisurely inside them. They liked it a lot, as proved by their groans, but the problem was that it was hard for him to give them all the same amount of pleasure. He decided to ask them to guide him.
"Tell me if someone needs more stimtion."
Their answers were very synchronous.
"Me! Stronger, just do it stronger!"
He smiled wryly, wondering why they had even bothered to tell him to go easy at the beginning. He alternated between putting his weight on a different limb, innervating them all as best as he could. They moaned happily in pleasure but still were asking for more whenever he wasn''t actively focusing on one of them. Wondering what to do, he soon came up with a good idea. He would normally have hesitated to do this but considering their current state, it seemed that anything-goes was the norm.
He started to use his four support pussies at the same time and jumped vertically, his arms and feet going up and down their four twats with lewd noises, working them to their full potential. This was the right choice as a concert of moans and squeals began in the room.
"Ooooohhhhh! Amazing! It''s so good to get fisted strongly by a man''s thick arm!"
"Just like that, love! Just like that! Work grandma hard, don''t ever stop!"
"Such arge foot is ravaging my pussy! This is the best!"
"Yeess! Yeess! Burst my pussy! st it! Go into my womb and destroy it too!"
After thisst sentence from Lauren, he felt the womb entrances of the Vera and Lauren duo opening up morergely as if they were able to control it. Or perhaps, he only felt like that because he started to focus on it. Just like they asked, He tried to aim for it, and on his next descent, his feet strongly entered the holes and stroke violently against their wombs and uteruses, making the two women enter a trance of pleasure.
"Nnniiihhh! Nnniiihhh! Nnniiihhh!"
"Nnnooohhh! Nnnooohhh! Nnnooohhh!"
He felt that they were all getting close and jumped up and down more and more rapidly, making fluids ssh in all directions. His grandmother and Angel were also getting ready for a strong orgasm but, as they had agreed beforehand, he had to wait for their signals for the finish. He decided to help them with onest big move. He jumped so far up that his four limbs left their twats, being in the air for a brief instant, and brutally plunged back again into their warmth, forcefully opening the four vaginaspletely and stimting them to the maximum. As expected, this was the breaking point for them and their faces contracted in orgasmic pre-release, tears of pleasure falling from their eyes and flowing down their very red faces.
They all tried hard to not immediately climax and he quickly removed himself from them to sit down on the bed. They also left their positions to stand in front of him in a semicircle, their cunts facing him and their legs slightly apart. They fiercely stimted their clitoris and shouted in unison.
"Iing! Oooooooohhhhhhhh!"
In perfect synchronization, they all orgasmed with force, their urethra squirting strong jets toward Benjamin, who opened his mouth wide to try to catch everything. Of course, it was impossible, and squirt started to inundate his body from all sides, the cumming women getting incredibly excited by the view and even beginning to rotate their waists so that their fluids would cover his whole body. By doing this, some of their sprays met in the air, creating messy sshes everywhere. Since they came so hard, their squirtssted for a long time and they managed to drench him from head to toe. This was the ending that they had agreed on, the famous bukkake. In a way, it worked even better in this world, since women''s squirt was so abundant and iparable in quantity to men''s ejaction. It was an amazing feeling to getpletely covered in female releases like this and Benjamin appreciated it fully, the smell so intense that he felt it would never leave his body, while also gulping hard anything that entered his mouth. The mix of slightly different vors from the fourdies only added to the bliss, making him appreciate it even more. For thest few seconds, the women purposely focused their spurts toward his mouth, enjoying the view of him not being able to gulp everything in time and getting overwhelmed by the quantity, with as much squirt flowing from his mouth than he was able to swallow.
Chapter 165 - 165 – Elation
Chapter 165: ¨C tion
Eventually, they finished climaxing and their streams diminished until nothing came out anymore. Benjamin swallowed anything that was remaining and was left panting once he was done, trying to recuperate from the intense action. This whole thing was definitely one of the most arousing and exciting acts he has ever done in his life and the twitching of his dick was proof of that. As for the fourdies, their eyes were glued to his soaked form, not moving a millimeter, seemingly in a special mood. Soon, Angel opened her mouth to assert.
"I can''t believe we did it. We really did bukkake him."
"I would never have thought to still have a first time at our age."
"Gosh, look at him, drenched in our squirt. This is way too hot."
"Haa, haa, I''ve never been this horny in thest ten years."
Roselyn, Lauren, and Vera answered her in that order. They continued to watch him, breathing harder and harder with expressions of extreme arousal, unconsciously sending one hand to their pussies and another to their neighbor''s cunt to masturbate them on the spot. It was interesting to see that they always thought of their friends while doing something as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Their friendship ran indeed very deep, in a lot of meanings.
Finally, it seemed that it was too much for them and they jumped him, just like what he had expected them to do at the start of their session. Angel was directly in front of him and was thus slightly advantaged, allowing her to reach his cock instantly and m herself on it. That didn''t stop the other three, though, and the following scene became quite chaotic. The women didn''t coordinate anymore due to their very high lecherous state and just did whatever they wanted. Some went to kiss him, some went to lick all the fluids on his body, some sought any form of stimtion and used whatever was avable to get themselves off, be it his mouth, hands, feet, or any other part of his body that allowed a slick twat to slide and get stimted.
They carried on like this for a long time, their arousal seemingly infinite, and minutes started to pass, followed by hours. Benjamin''s dick was constantly inside a hole, whichever sort of hole it was. He fucked pussies, asses, mouths, boobs, hands, and anything that they put in front of his penis. The whole thing was apanied by plenty of sperm, pussy juices, and squirt, the extrarge bed soon bing a mess of fluids and the room smelling so densely of sex that it was getting hard to breathe.
Eventually, what was bound to happen did happen when they drained him of his semen to the point that he wasn''t able to stay hard anymore. They were also very tired by that point, not being so young anymore they could have such intense sex for so long without getting exhausted. Still, they tried hard to give him a boner again anyway, simting any of his erogenous zones frically, one of them rimming him, another one kissing him, a third one feting him, and thest one licking his nipples. They managed to get him semi-hard after some minutes and realizing that this was probably thest time for him, they worked him until he was ready for onest ejaction. They all put themselves in front of his penis and directed it to each of them to receive a final facial. A small amount of seed sshed on them and ran down their faces, which they slowly licked out of each other.
After that, everyoneid down on the bed, panting hard. After a minute or two, Benjamin took the opportunity to do something he had wanted to try since the very start. He crawled to Angel and buried his head in her massive tits, appreciating the feeling of beingpletely inside her bust, her soft boobs epassing him. She smiled at him doing so and caressed his head with love.
"Are you okay, Ben? We got so excited we went very hard on you."
"I''m fine. I expected this, being the only man within the group. I''m drained but it felt amazing. Thank you for inviting me today."
"Well, it was all Roselyn''s doing but we loved it a lot too. This is the best session we''ve had for years."
He turned on his back, using one of her breasts as a pillow while taking the other in his hands to put into his mouth and lightly suck on it. His grandmother came to him, adding her two cents as usual.
"Her boobs are great, right? I love them too."
He looked at her and freed the one under his head to give it to her and she imitated him, suckling on it too, making Angelugh.
"What are you two even doing with my breasts? It tickles."
Even though she said that, she didn''t do anything to stop them and they continued to suckle peacefully like this. Vera and Lauren soon joined them, seemingly back in animal mode, and rubbed their heads on Benjamin''s chest, meowing quietly. Just like Angel was doing to him, he caressed their heads and they closed their eyes in pleasure, bobbing their heads in rhythm with his patting. They all feltfortable like this and, after several minutes, Benjamin noticed that Lauren and Vera fell asleep. Since he couldn''t move without disturbing them, he decided to close his eyes and join them in dreand too.
He was woken up by a feeling in his groin. When he opened his eyes, he saw the fourdies around his dick, all of them licking it together from a different angles. It was a weird feeling to wake up due to being feted, something that he experienced for the first time. Of course, it wasn''t unpleasant at all, on the contrary. They noticed him waking up but didn''t stop what they were doing, licking his member that was back into action due to the short rest. Still, it was too short of a time to be back at full strength and even this boner felt quite forced. He let them pleasure him like this topletion, giving them another facial, his penis immediately losing its hardness again.
They understood that this was the end of today''s session and Angel snapped her fingers. Vera and Lauren had a small switch in attitude again, looking suddenly more dignified even though they were still smeared in sexual fluids. Vera, as the owner of the ce, proposed they went to take a bath. The room next to the current one was a bathroom, probably put there on purpose. Just like the sex room, it was also quite grand, containing arge bathtub resembling a small pool,rge enough to fit seven or eight people.
The five of them cleaned themselves in the bath, not without ying around a little but without doing anything too serious, just some kisses, caressing, or fingering here and there. The focus was more on sharing their feelings of love rather than getting pleasure, exchanging long and slow smooch, caressing and cleaning each other with a lot of attention, and lightly fingering each other, full of tenderness. Of course, Benjamin joined their games, and, after a good half hour of bathing, they were all done. They dried themselves and put their clothes back on. After that, they chatted for some time, analyzing the previous session, setting up a schedule for future sessions, and wondering what to do the next time.
Benjamin told them that he would be gone for the school vacation and that he wouldn''t be able to join them the next two weekends. They looked extremely disappointed but still wished him to enjoy himself and have fun. Eventually, Benjamin and his grandmother said goodbye to everyone and went back home. They were both very satisfied with how things turned out, especially his grandmother, who was very happy to have made everyone enjoy such a good time. Soon enough, they arrived at their home and entered the house after parking the car in the garage.
Chapter 166 - 166 – Student council’s plans
Chapter 166: ¨C Student council¡¯s ns
That evening during dinner, the family talked about the iing school vacation. Benjamin, Olivia, and Chloe''s ns were already set in stone. Grace would attend college since she didn''t have a break, their mother would work, and their grandmother would enjoy her life as usual. The only one who had an unclear program was Nova and the discussion naturally turned toward her.
"It''s nothing special, we need to make some preparations for the next student council event."
Intrigued, Benjamin asked her.
"What sort of event?"
She sighed as if she wasn''t very satisfied with it.
"It''s a poprity contest."
"Is there anything wrong with that?"
She looked at him and frowned.
"I wanted to do something different but the rest of the members voted for this and I lost to the majority. They picked that to make fun of me. They know how popr at school you are and how I hate it so they chose that on purpose. Stupid Maisie, she just couldn''t stop giggling. She said something about preparing bets, like how many of the total votes you would get and whatnot. I''ll strangle her again tomorrow."
He imagined a strangled Maisie, halfughing and half choking, making him smile. Their grandmother took the opportunity to dere.
"Oh? I didn''t know you were that popr, Ben. As expected of my grandson. I was also in high demand when I was younger. Good old times."
It was hard to say if this was true or another imaginary recollection of hers since she was good at keeping a poker face. No onemented on her story but Chloe couldn''t help trying to show off.
"I''m also super popr at school! Everyone likes me!"
"Even the boys?"
"O-of course!"
"Stop lying, Chloe, it''s obvious the boys hate you with your personality."
"No, they totally like me!"
"Yeah, yeah."
Benjamin tried to bring the discussion back on track.
"Anyway, do you need the whole vacation to prepare for this?"
"There''s a lot to do. We''re going to start tomorrow after school already. We''ve got to find a ce suitable for so many people, contact the sponsors, transmit the information to everyone at school, rent a truck to transport the props, prepare for the contest itself, and many more things. We''ll be very busy once again."
"I see. Let me help you in that case. Tomorrow after school, right?"
"Don''t worry about it, we''re starting early to be sure we have enough time. We''ll manage on our own."
"It''s fine. And it''s been a while since we''ve done anything together, right? I''ll make myself useful."
She hesitated, watching him for a few seconds.
"Well... Alright. Help is always wee. Thanks, Ben."
"You''re wee. I''lle to you after school."
"Do you know where the student council room is?"
She nodded and the topic changed once again, the meal continuing peacefully. The rest of the evening was spent watching a movie, after which they separated to do their things. After surfing the Inte for a short while, Benjamin decided to sleep early, still feeling tired from the day''s happenings.
Monday. Nothing special happened at school on that day. Benjamin checked Sarai''s blog as he often did, noticing it was still getting increasingly popr. He wondered if this sort of content was what girls were interested in, in this world.
Soon enough, thest ss ended and he said goodbye to his friends. He headed toward the student council room, which was on the third floor of the building. On the way, he came across Saul, the council''s treasurer, and they started to chat. He was already informed that Benjamin woulde to help today and was grateful for the help, joking that boys would be the majority in the room today and have the power. When they reached the student council room door, Saul entered as if it was his home. In a way, it wasn''t quite far from the truth since it was a room shared by only four people.
Benjamin followed him and examined the ce. It was quite simple overall. There was one big table in the center with fourputers sitting on it, two on each side. There was a whiteboard on one side and a fridge on the other, with some sofas around it, giving the ce a more cozy atmosphere than expected. The three other members were already here and Maisie immediately came to him with a big smile.
"Our future star is here! It''s been a while! It''s good to see you! Thanks foring to help us today!"
She spoke as fast as usual but he wasn''t surprised anymore. Contrary to what she said, they sometimes met at school and she always greeted him in a simr hyped manner. When this happened, he returned her greetings with his standard brilliant smile, which has now be his trademark.
"Hello, Maisie. And hello, Roy. How are you?"
Roy didn''t even try to reply and just nodded, probably used to the fact that he would never be able to answer faster than Maisie, which was very urate because she replied instantly, and for everyone too.
"We''re all super good! And even better because you''re here!"
"That''s nice. I heard you were creating bets about the contest. Is that something official?"
"Of course it''s official! We''ll rope the whole student body in and earn big bucks. But we need to find some other strong candidates or we''ll be forced to bet on your numbers of votes instead of on who will win."
Nova frowned and cut into their discussion.
"Don''t listen to her, Ben. Students aren''t allowed to bet."
"Hehe, busted. It''s just between us, Ben. No big money, just one dor each. Do you want to participate?"
"Sure, sounds fun."
"That''s what I like to hear! You''re so much better than ever-too-serious Nova. Hey, wanna be the president instead? I''ll support you!"
"Of course. I guess it''s time for a revolution. Nova, are you going to fight or will you abdicate peacefully?"
"Be quiet, you two, and get to work. We have a lot to do. Ben,e sit here."
Chapter 167 - 167 – Organization
Chapter 167: ¨C Organization
Since their coup d''¨¦tat failed before it even started, they had no choice but toply with her. Nova asked Benjamin to sit right next to her while Maisie returned to her seat in front of him.
"We have three things to do today. The most important one is to decide the details of the event. Based on this, we will book an event hall. Those ces usually need to be booked well in advance so we have to do it as soon as possible. Finally, we need tomunicate about the event to everyone at school. Any objections or questions?"
When no one answered, she continued.
"Good. Then let''s decide on the particrs of the event. Any proposition?"
Maisie instantly raised her hand high.
"Me, me! Let''s have the boys wear skimpy clothes andpete in sexiness!"
Everyone ignored her and Nova repeated.
"Any proposition?"
"Tsk, you''re no fun."
Saul gave his opinion this time.
"What about something simple? Everyone contestant will go on stage and people will vote for who they prefer."
"Should we mix or separate genders?"
"Hm, good question. I feel like most girls are going to vote for men so there''ll be too much unbnce for womenpetitors. We probably should divide the contest into the girls'' and boys'' parts."
"I agree."
"Alright for the gender division. Any other ideas for the contest itself?"
"Isn''t just standing on stage doing nothing too boring? I think they should at least get a chance to appeal to the voters."
"That''ll make it harder for us though."
"Yes, but I think it''s necessary. There''ll be a lot of people that don''t know the contestants. If we don''t do that, everybody will only vote for the people they know."
"Good point. Let''s go with this. Now let''s decide on what sorts of things they''ll do on stage. What about something standard? Like a cooking contest for boys and a sports contest for girls?"
"Come on Nova, that''s discriminatory, sexist, and old-fashioned. Hasn''t Ben here proved how wrong that was?"
Everyone nodded in approval except for Nova, who bit her lips in annoyance. As for Benjamin, he was surprised by her suggestion. While it was true she was quite strict, she wasn''t sexist. He thought she suggested cooking for boys to give him an even better chance of winning in case he participated. It was funny because she didn''t want him to participate but probably anticipated that there would be no avoiding it. That was peer pressure for you.
"Fine. Then, what do you propose?"
This time, no one replied immediately. It seemed they had a hard time deciding on events that would be fair to everyone and shouldn''t be discriminatory. After some thinking, Benjamin gave a suggestion.
"No matter what we go with, it''ll always be unfair to someone because everybody has different interests and skills. What about letting people choose what they want to show? We can just give all contestants a certain amount of time to show or perform whatever they want, and the spectators will judge what they like most for themselves."
"Nice idea, Ben! I like it."
"Same here, it''s good."
"Good. But let''s not forget to put some rules in that case. Performances should be kept within the assigned time and shouldn''t be going againstmon sense or morals."
Everyone agreed with this and they concluded the topic on the subject. Now that they had the contest details in ce, they had a better idea of what sort of hall they would need. It would need to be arge location with an elevated stage where people would be able to perform. Ideally, the rest of the students would all have a sit for themselves but in the worst case, they could also go with having everyone stand up. They also needed to implement a system for the voting part but they could take care of this on a different day since it was less urgent. Nova looked around and assigned work to everyone in the room.
"Maisie, Roy, and Saul, please search for a suitable location. I and Ben are going to handle themunication."
"Hehe, Nova, keeping your brother for yourself? Don''t you see him all the time at home? Even that is not enough for you?"
"I know, right? That''s the pain of having a big sister that loves me too much."
"Shut up, you two. Who knows what Maisie would do if I were to let her get too close to you."
"What do you take me for? I''m feeling hurt now."
"I''ve never seen you feeling hurt in the too-long time I''ve known you. Whatever, let''s stop the chit-chat and start now."
"Yes, Ma''am! Ben, don''t we have a greatbination between us? Should we do a duo performance for the contest?"
"Oh, good idea. It would be a bit unfair to everyone, but it''s a contest after all."
"Over my dead body!"
After making a lot of fun of Nova, they finally began to work. Maisie, Roy, and Saul went to one side. Maisie took a notebookputer from one of the room closets and sat between the boys. On the other side, Benjamin took one of the two desktopputers for himself and logged in using credentials given by Nova.
"Ben, you handle themunication with the students and I''ll do the same for the sponsors. Thisputer is already logged in to the school website using the student council ount so you can create content directly. Just in case, always show me what you want to publish first so I can double-check it. We just need one announcement on the front page and another full page dedicated to the event with all the details. Ask me if there''s anything you''re unsure about. Here''s how you can create content on the website."
She showed him the ropes and it was pretty easy overall. The website was alreadypletely set up; he just needed to create a new post and page using the ount''s publisher''s permissions. When he understood the basics, she let him handle it to go take care of her work.
Chapter 168 - 168 – Ninja
Chapter 168: ¨C Ninja
Before doing anything, he navigated the website''s content management options, taking the opportunity to know more about how things worked. He found out that there were a lot of possibilities, like how the content should be presented or how it was possible to set a date and time for new content to be automatically published. He also came across the posts and pages created previously on the site and decided to use those as a reference for the ones he had to produce. He worked like this for about an hour when Maisie stretched loudly.
"Let''s take a break. I need to go to the toilet too."
"Just go, why do you have to let the whole world know?"
Royughed and reported.
"I also need to go."
The two of them quickly exited the room. Benjamin was very focused on his work during the past hour but now that he was distracted, he felt that he needed a visit to the bathroom too.
"Then, me too."
He stood up and went out of the room but realized that he didn''t know where the toilets were in this part of the building. This wasn''t a big deal, though. He just picked a random direction and thought he woulde across one sooner orter. After two minutes of walking, he guessed he didn''t choose well since he still didn''t find any. Eventually, after one more minute of looking, he spotted what he was looking for and made his way to the ce.
However, as he approached, he began to hear soundsing from inside. It normally wouldn''t be anything special but the circumstances were different from usual. First of all, it waste in the afternoon and most people should have left the school a long time ago, especially on the current third floor, which only had ssrooms and the student council room. What''s more, the soundsing from inside were of a type he was very familiar with, the kind of lewd noises people produced when doing activities inappropriate in a school.
Faced with this situation, there was only one thing for him to do. After being a detective, an actor, and a hunter, it was time to be a ninja. He removed his shoes and took them in hand before opening the door to the men''s toilet in the most silent possible manner. It was a sess and he entered, his socks not making any noise on the ground. It seemed things went well up to that point because the voices from inside didn''t stop and he was able to hear everything distinctly now.
"Mhmm, just like that, baby. Your tongue feels so good."
There were some licking sounds and another voice responded.
"Hurry up ande. What made you so horny anyway?"
Recognizing who the voices belonged to, Benjamin was so surprised that he almost let his voice out. They belonged to Maisie and Roy, who had coincidentally gone to the toilet at the same time. To think they were in a rtionship! He would never have guessed based on their attitude. It was obvious they chose not to go to the closest toilet, as a precaution. Even still, it was quite risky to do this at school in a ce where they could get caught at any moment. Even though the school should be empty at this hour of the day, they never knew if some straggler stayedte for some reason. Or if someone working in the student council room didn''t know where the closest toilet was and ended uping here.
Aftering back from his surprise, Benjamin silently went to the toilet booth furthest from where the lovers were having some fun and closed the door enough that they wouldn''t see him if they exited their booth.
"It''s your fault for sitting so close to me. Come on, don''t stop, baby!"
"So it''s my fault now?"
There was a very vulgar slurping noise and Maisie moaned noisily.
"Aahh! Sorry, babe, it''s my fault! I just get wet too easily!"
"Are you sure it''s not because of Benjamin? He''s a cute one and you seemed to have a lot of fun talking to him."
"No way, you know I only care about you! I don''t care about anyone else!"
"If you care about me so much, why don''t you want to make our rtionship official?"
"I told you already, I don''t want to make the mood awkward in the student council by being the only item there."
"I swear it''s true. Come on, I can''t take it anymore. Don''t make me wait any longer!"
The lewd noises suddenly increased, with what Benjamin expertly recognized as fingering and licking noises. Maisie moaned happily at receiving the increased stimtion and the duo continued like this for some time. Benjamin enjoyed listening to their fun since he had wanted to witness normal people having sex for a long time. Of course, it would have been even better if he could see what was happening but trying to do so was way too risky. There was no way they wouldn''t see him if he pushed his luck that far, no matter how indulged in their act they were. Soon enough, Maisie was ready for her orgasm, letting her voice out more and more freely, seemingly not caring anymore if she could get heard or not.
"Yeess! You''re so good, babe! I''m close now, don''t stop, don''t stop! I''m there now, yeess, yeess! Coming!"
She climaxed with a louder squeal for a few seconds. After that, the only sounds that could be heard were of two people breathing hard.
"Thank you, baby. It was the best. I love you."
"Yes, yes. We took too long, let''s go back now."
"Don''t you want me to take care of you, too?"
"I''m fine. Let''s head back or they would get suspicious about us."
There were some sounds of clothes and a few tens of secondster, he heard them exiting their booth and cleaning themselves. Soon after, they went out of the toilet and Benjamin was left alone. Even though he only had ess to the audio, the whole thing had been hot and he was very hard. He decided to calm himself with a quick fap, ejacting his load in the toilet. Now that he was relieved, he took care of his normal business. When he was done, he cleaned himself up and headed back to the student council room.
Chapter 169 - 169 – Details
Chapter 169: ¨C Details
He entered the room and went back to his seat, acting as if nothing happened. Due to what he witnessed, he took quite a while in the toilet but no onemented on it. Maisie and Roy were already back to their seats, also behaving naturally. Now that everyone was back, they all continued to work, each focusing on the tasks they had been assigned.
Now that he was aware of the rtionship between the two, Benjamin couldn''t help paying more attention to them. In doing so, he was able to notice small details hepletely missed before. They often nced at each other and sometimes even slightly smiled when their eyes met. Nevertheless, they were still pretty discreet overall and it was no wonder he didn''t notice anything. They were especially good at acting normally when they talked to each other, as if they were simple colleagues or friends and nothing more.
After another thirty minutes, he was done with his workload. He showed the drafts of his content to Nova and she pointed out some things to change. Soon enough, she was satisfied with the result and they published the two pieces of content. Benjamin asked around if anyone needed help but they all told him to he could rx. Since that was the case, he decided to go back home to prepare dinner. He said goodbye to everyone and they thanked him for his help. He exited the student council room but heard the sound of the door opening again behind him. When he turned around, Saul was there, looking at him with a serious expression.
"Ben, can I talk to you for a second?"
"Of course."
"Follow me."
They went a bit further away from the student council room and Saul initiated the conversation.
"I saw you noticed what was going on between Maisie and Roy. Can you keep it a secret, please? I think they don''t want others to know about it."
How observant! It has barely been half an hour since he realized it and Saul already noticed the change. He was always impressed by the attention to social details that boys possessed in this world. Were girls from the previous world also the same? Was this the kind of discussion they could have, with the boys beingpletely kept in the dark about these background exchanges?
"I understand. I had no ns to tell anyone about it anyway. I''m more surprised you found out that I realized it so quickly."
"Well, yeah, you weren''t super discreet about it, ahah. Just like how those two think no one would notice their little game. There''s only someone like Nova to get fooled by them."
"She doesn''t know about it?"
"Not as far as I could tell. It''s no surprise, she''s a girl and not the most perceptive one too."
Saul smiled before concluding.
"Thanks, Ben. I owe you one."
"You mean they owe me one, even though don''t know about it."
"Hehe, right. In that case, they owe me too. They didn''t start dating for long and their couple is already drowning in debt. I''m worried about their future!"
Theyughed for a bit before Benjamin said goodbye one more time and headed back home. He prepared the food for his family and Nova arrived home a few minutes before he was done. They had a normal dinner, discussing the event the two high school students had been preparing during the afternoon. The rest of the evening was spent leisurely, everyone spreading to do whatever they wanted.
On the following day, Tuesday, Benjamin knocked on the infirmary''s door and Sasha immediately opened it. As he was entering the room, she noticed he had a stic bag in hand and became curious about it.
"What do you have there, Ben?"
"Ah, this is because today is your turn."
"My turn?"
He went to the closest bed and unloaded the content of his bag, revealing three dildos of different types and sizes. One was egg-shaped and two others were in the form of penises. They looked very simr to what he had found on Harlee''s bed on Saturday and he had purposely chosen the same types. After all, who knew better what pleased a woman than another woman? Those were also part of what the shopkeeper had rmended him to buy so he thought his choice was pretty safe.
Seeing the content of the bag, Sasha gasped. Female toys had a bit of a special status in this world. On the one hand, they were quite a shameful thing to possess or to admit being interested in. On the other hand, it was an open secret that many women owned some, making this one additional irrational concept that existed in the world.
The best proof of that was probably Sasha''s reaction. She blushed and looked away from the toys but still kept them in the corner of her eyes, ncing at them from time to time. What''s more, she was wearing a short skirt today and Benjamin could see juices already flowing down her legs.
"W-where did you get those?"
"I bought them, of course. Don''t worry, they''ve never been used by anyone before."
"Wasn''t it expensive?"
"It wasn''t that bad. What we didst time gave me the idea of trying it on you next. What do you think? Is that alright with you?"
She reddened even more at his question, looked down, and nodded sheepishly.
"Nice. Should we follow the same pattern asst time? I''m also curious about seeing you masturbate with just your hands."
"It, it''s not like for a man, you know? It''s nowhere as interesting."
"It''s not interesting for you but it is for me. Will you do that for me?"
"If that''s what you want... You know I can never refuse you."
"Thank you, Sasha. Oh I know, just do it like you''d normally do without minding me. I''ll just ce myself to have a good view afterward."
She removed her skirt and panties andid down on the bed, face up. She kept her eyes on him all the while, never looking at what she was doing, opened her legs slightly, and began her demonstration.
Chapter 170 - 170 – Demonstration
Chapter 170: ¨C Demonstration
She put a hand over her hairy pussy and aimed for her clitoris. She slowly stimted it with her major finger, rubbing the small bean from side to side while letting out small moans of pleasure. Benjamin went to sit on the bed in front of her legs and she instinctively opened her legs more for him to see better.
"Remember you have to exin everything you''re doing."
She nodded and opened her mouth.
"I always start with my clitoris. Because it''s so sensitive, it''s the best way to get myself going. I use my middle finger to rub it like this."
It seemed her words also made her hornier because she slightly elerated her pace.
"When I feel I need more, I use my second hand''s fingers to prate my vagina, like this."
She straightened the index and middle fingers from her other hand and inserted them inside her cunt with an additional moan. She moved them in and out of her hole a few times while still working on her clit.
"I also alternate the stimtion inside my vagina. Some spots inside feel better than others, and I aim for those."
She inserted her fingers deep and, from Benjamin''s external point of view, they didn''t seem to move anymore. Of course, he knew that she was moving her fingertips to rub the sensitive spots inside her twat. In times like these, he wished to have X-ray vision or something to see what was happening inside. Since that was but a dream, he had no choice but to trade this for her description.
"Which spots are you aiming for?"
"You know already, you always focus on them whenever you go down on me."
"Tell me anyway."
"Fine. My fingers can only reach two ces. The first one is on the lower side, close to the entrance of my vagina. The second one is on the upper side, under my clitoris. Mhmm!"
She was probably following her own words and strongly stimted those spots because she moaned loudly. Right after that, she began to schlick in a much more fric way, using two fingers on her clit to violently flick it from side to side. The fingers in her pussy alternated between rapidly piercing herself and being deep inside to focus on those special spots.
"I''m close, Ben! Just a few seconds more, mhmm, here Ie! Aahh!"
She trembled and tensed up, orgasming with a nice shout. Her juices flowed out plentily from her hole, inundating the bed. She twitched a few times before rxing her body with a sigh, appreciating the after-climax relief. After a few moments, she sat on her butt and asked him.
"How was it?"
"It was great. You were so sexy, Sasha."
"R-really? That''s good, then."
She smiled at him and he took the dildos that were still on the other side of the bed to show them to her.
"Are you ready for the second part?"
She gulped lustfully.
"Do I have to use them all at the same time?"
Benjamin thought she would try them individually, but that was him underestimating Sasha again. He acted as if it was what he aimed for from the start, replying confidently.
"Of course."
Out of the three toys, only the egg-shaped one was a vibrating dildo, with a small cable and a controller. It was still very simple, with only an on and off button. The other two toys were simple silicone ones and weren''t powered by electricity.
Once her gave her his confirmation, Sasha moved expertly. Benjamin wondered how she would handle the situation, considering there were three dildos but she only had two hands. This was soon answered by her actions. She clearly knew what she was doing because she inserted one of the long toys inside her pussy and immediately took it off to put it inside her butthole with a moan. Then, she sat on it, using the bed as a support for the dildo, freeing her from keeping her hand on that one. Once the hardest part was done, the rest went very smoothly. She used her right hand to insert the other penis-shaped toys inside her cunt with a big moan, turned on the egg-shaped vibrator, and used her left hand to hold it over her clit. It was obvious she must have possessed simr tools herself seeing how used to this she was. Just like that, she was able to triply stimte herself, moving her hips up and down to fuck her ass, using her right hand to drill her twat, and pleasuring her clitoris with thest toys'' vibrations. Still, there was one thing Benjamin was curious about.
"Do you usually use your butt, too? It didn''t feel like you were used to it when we had anal sex for the first time."
She looked at him, blushed, and looked away again.
"That''s... because I bought a toy for my ass after we did it."
"I see, it''s true you like it a lot when we do it with your ass."
She still looked away in shame but nodded slightly anyway, closing her eyes to focus on the task. He had been wondering if it wasmon for women to masturbate using their buttholes, seeing how all of them wanted nothing more than to have anal sex. If such practices weremon, it would exin why anal would never be an issue for them considering they had no trouble being double-prated by fat dildos like these.
Benjamin continued to enjoy the performance, Sasha progressively rising toward her orgasm. Contrary to what happened when it had been his turn, she needed neither help nor any additional stimtion, just like how it was when she used her hands. As he knew, pure physical pleasure was high for women in this world and while any other arousal elements were always good to have, those were not strictly necessary for them. On top of that, women usually had very good sex-rted imagination and were able to create arousing situations in their minds without any other external input. There was no denying they were very suited for the task.
Chapter 171 - 171 – Help welcomed
Chapter 171: ¨C Help weed
Sasha soon reached her maximum waist speed, which wasn''t that fast overall. She focused more on keeping the dildo in her butt stable than banging herself too hard and making it slips from her insides by mistake. The toy in her pussy was a different story, though. She was drilling herself with force, the tool entering and leaving her cunt several times per second, with juices sttering around messily. She was moaning loudly now, the triple stimtion affecting her greatly. Finally, she crushed her clit with the vibrating dildo, sunk her hips on the bed, and pressed the one in her twat to the maximum, so deep that only a few centimeters from the tip were out. She climaxed like this, her pussy releasing a flood of juices on the bed and her body trembling in pleasure, twitching many times.
When she was done, sheid down on the bed, panting hard for a few moments. Then, she raised herself again and asked him.
"That''s how I do it at home too. How was it?"
"It was amazing. Do you also have simr toys at home?"
She nodded shyly before looking down at him and continuing, lust appearing again in her eyes.
"You''re hard. Should we have sex now?"
"Hmm, what about you let me try the dildos on you first?"
She swallowed in excitement and gave them all to him.
"Sure, go ahead."
Of course, the first thing he did was lick them clean, tasting her delicious fluids on the tools. The sight made Sasha even more lecherous and she put herself on all four without him saying anything, her butt fidgeting left and right impatiently. Seeing her like this, he didn''t lose any more time and ced himself behind her, putting the toys on the bed. He thought about the situation and realized he had the same issue she came across previously. He only possessed two hands and there were three toys to use. After a bit of reflection, he had a brilliant idea.
He first inserted the egg-shaped one in her pussy, pushed it as far as he could, and turned it on. Having a small toy going wild in her vagina seemed to have a good effect on Sasha because she moaned happily once it started vibrating inside her sensitive flesh. After that, he pressed one dildo into her cunt and felt it touching its sibling equipment. He continued to push forward until he couldn''t insert it anymore and Sasha shouted joyfully.
"Aahh! This is great, it''s vibrating against my cervix!"
He now took the second penis-shaped dildo in hand and slipped it into her ass, the toy entering her behind smoothly. She was now again double prated by the tools and Benjamin put one hand on each to start working on her. He began slowly, experimenting with things as he went. First of all, he tried to alternate the prations, so that when he pushed the one in her pussy forward, he would move the other one toward him, and vice-versa. In a second experiment, he tried to move both of them in parallel, plunging them and removing them at the same time. Finally, he tested moving them randomly, without any coordination. Overall, it was hard to judge what she liked the best because she moaned erotically whatever he did, seemingly pleased to be stimted by him no matter what. He decided to ask her directly to sate his curiosity.
"How do you like it best, Sasha? Going in at the same time, at opposite times, or randomly?"
"Haah, haah, I like it all but I prefer when you move them in opposition. It feels the best when it moves out of my butt while moving in my vagina."
"I see."
He now knew what to focus on. He slowly inserted the one in her ass and moved out the one in her pussy. Then, he abruptly moved out the one in her butt and drilled strongly the one in her cunt. Sasha let out a long squeal of pleasure, eximing blissfully.
"Aaahhh! Yesss! Just like that, Ben, just like that!"
He continued like this, alternating between a slow preparation and a sudden burst of pleasure-inducing movement. On the third time he did it, she orgasmed, her inner walls contracting strongly around the toys. Of course, he knew better than to stop and went on like that. working on her holes strongly while coordinating his motions. After a few more minutes and several more climaxes, Sasha yelled all of a sudden.
"Your dick, please, give me your dick!"
"Anywhere you want, just take me strongly!"
He opened his fly and took his rod out. Without any further ado, he removed the dildo from her pussy and immediately reced it with his cock, sending a strong stroke into her and plunging to her depth in one go. She was incredibly wet and twitching but the best part was the sensation of the vibrating toy stuck to her cervix. It was still valiantly doing its duty, except that it was now also vibrating against his ns, sending chills down his back. He felt like he just wanted to stay like this, his penis inside her warm vibrating pussy and he wouldn''t need more to eventually reach his orgasm. On top of that, he felt the dildo in her ass pushing her upper walls down, making her extra tight. Thebination of this all felt incredible and he let a sigh of pleasure out before resuming the action since the goal was to pleasure Sasha this time.
He sent long thrusts inside her every time he pulled the toy out of her butt and continued just like before except that his dick was recing the dildo. The pleasure was increasing quickly for both of them, with Sasha being prated by two dildos and one cock at the same time and him enjoying her vibrating and clenching twat. Soon enough, he began to bang her ferociously, to her utmost ecstasy.
"Stronger! Stronger! Yes, Yes! This is just amazing! Fuck my holes, fuck them hard! I''m going toe! Coming! Coming! Aaaaaahhhhhh!"
Her back arched violently and her holes contracted like vices, so much so that the toy in her ass could hardly be moved anymore. She came hard, gushes of juice flooding her cunt and falling on the bed. Her cumming pussy was enough for him to reach his orgasm too and he let his sperm explode inside her with a groan, covering her inner walls on all sides. The two stayed like this for a while until their climaxes ended and Sasha plopped on the bed, panting hard after the action. Heid down next to her and went to kiss her with affection. She returned it with passion, their tongue entangling around each other for a long time.
Chapter 172 - 172 – Seen
Chapter 172: ¨C Seen
Once Sasha recuperated enough, they went back for another round, this time with him taking her in the ass and the dildo in her pussy. She climaxed many times on this day and was fully satisfied by the end of their time together, hugging him and kissing him, full of love. This was supposed to be an experiment for him to enjoy looking at her y with sex toys but it ended not very differently than usual, with him fucking her hard and her enjoying everything as much as she could. Not that it mattered since he was also happy with the result. When it was time to separate, he offered her the dildos but she refused, saying that she had simr ones at home. He had no choice but to put them back in his bag and wish her a good day before going to ss.
The rest of the day was spent uneventfully. Another girl confessed to him and he rejected her too. This was bing quitemon now and the girls wereing to him even if they were not in the same ss or grade. As for him, he was getting known as everyone''s shared property and his rejections got a great majority of approvals. He wasn''t too sure what to think about this and mostly ignored it, sticking to his line of conduct. Nova sent him a message telling him they didn''t need any more help so he went back home directly after school, spending a rxing evening with family.
The following day, Wednesday, was also spent in peace. He decided to do some jogging after school and ran around the neighborhood for an hour beforeing back. The house was empty except for Chloe in the living room, who looked at his sweaty self with predatory eyes. That made himugh internally since she didn''t even try to hide her gaze, staring at him from top to bottom with a particr focus on his chest, arms, and legs. He went to take a shower and wash off the sweat, leaving her to admire his backside as he passed by.
A minute into his shower, he noticed the door to the bathroom opening a little from the corner of his eye. However, the door didn''t fully open and no one came in, making him intrigued. He had his back almost to the door and focused on the potential intruder while continuing to wash himself. After some more time, a small head appeared in the door''s gap and started to check on the situation inside. As soon as the eyes of the intruder found him, they focused on his nude body, unmoving. The breathing of the voyeur became hard and he recognized the trespasser. Without any surprise, it was no one else than the family''s most beloved imp, the little and very horny Chloe.
He wondered if the view of his sweaty self stirred her desire for her to do something like this. Well, he also didn''t know if this was the first time for her as she might have peeked already before he moved to this world. Of course, he didn''t care in the least about her spying on him. On the contrary, he thought he might as well give her a little show since she took the risk to satisfy her voyeur fantasies. He sat on the edge of the tub and rotated himself enough to give her a good view of what he was going to do. Then, he put some soap in his hand and used it on his penis, slowly masturbating himself.
He heard the little devil gasp in surprise, soon followed by some sounds of clothes and moans. It was obvious she started to schlick at the scene, probably not believing her luck. She was absolutely not discreet but Benjamin still acted as if he had no idea she was there, happily jerking himself off. After a minute of doing so, he even gave her a little bonus with some moans of his own.
"Mhmm. Chloe. You''re so sexy, Chloe. Yes, fuck me hard, darling."
She was startled when her name came out of his mouth, wondering if she was caught. Seeing him fully focused on the task, she soon understood what it was all about. To think her brother would masturbate to her in the bathroom! Wasn''t this just like one of her thousands of fantasies about him? She especially liked that one and never would have dreamed it would happen for real. She got extremely horny and worked her pussy at full speed for a few seconds before reaching a good orgasm, her cumming pussy spurting some juices. It was not enough, though, and she continued to spy on him while touching herself with all she got, climaxing again and again on the scene in front of her eyes.
On the other hand, Benjamin wasughing in his mind. Far from being discreet, she was extremely noisy. He wondered how she could think he wouldn''t have noticed her ten times over by now. Still, it was funny to him so he just continued like this, even upgrading his nonsense a step further.
"Ah, Chloe! I need your tight pussy, I need it right now! Chloe!"
Thosest sentences were probably a bit too much for her current lecherous state because she suddenly stood up and mmed the door wide open with a bang. She opened her mouth to say something but, at that exact moment, they heard the front door opening and Olivia saying.
"I''m home!"
Benjamin, having turned toward Chloe due to the noise she had made, could now see her current state. She was frozen in ce with her mouth open, her panties down on the level of her feet, with juices inundating both her legs and the spot she had been sitting on previously. She looked at him, stunned, and when she heard Oliviaing up the stairs, she let out a small shout of distress before trying to flee. Unfortunately, she got her feet entangled with her panties and fell hard to the ground. Panicked, she removed her underwear with her legs, inadvertently sending them toward Benjamin. She looked at them for a second but hearing Olivia being very close now, she decided to just abandon them there and scrambled at full speed to her room.
Benjamin had a hard time not bursting intoughter and went to close the door to the bathroom while chuckling. He took his little sister''s panties and sniffed them deeply, enjoying their sweet smell and wetness before using those as help to finish getting off.
Chapter 173 - 173 – Visit
Chapter 173: ¨C Visit
After a few minutes, he was ready for his orgasm. He decided to prepare a gift for Chloe and ejacted on her panties, smearing the underwear with his thick sperm. When he was done, he finished washing himself and exited the bathroom. He put some clothes on in his room and headed toward Chloe''s room, panties in hand. He knocked on the door and his sister opened it slightly a few secondster, carefully checking who it was. When she saw it was him, she panicked and closed the door again.
"Open up, Chloe."
Hearing hismand, she opened the door again, a resigned expression on her face.
"I''m sorry, Ben. I was wrong. I won''t do it anymore."
"Well, it''s okay if it''s just me since we''re rted but you better not spy on any other boys or you''ll end up in prison, baby sister."
She seemed quite down so he decided to give her his gift.
"Here you go."
At first, she simply took her panties, a shameful look on her face. However, when she felt something sticky on her hand, she took a closer look. She then noticed that it was coated in semen and let out a small exmation. She looked up at him and, seeing him smiling smugly, she groaned, half annoyed and half lustful.
"Darn you, Ben. You''re doing this on purpose."
"I have no idea what you''re talking about."
She alternated between glimpsing at him and her panties, breathing harder and harder. Finally, she tried to close the door to her room again but he blocked it with his foot.
"What are you doing?"
"What about you?"
"Ugh... Stop teasing me, even though you know it."
"What do I know?"
"Darn you."
She continued to send more and more nces at her panties and eventually couldn''t hold herself anymore. Since his foot was blocking the door, she pulled him inside instead and closed the door after that. Then, without caring about him anymore, she went to lie down on her bed. She started to lick his seed on her panties while removing her clothes. Right after, she sent a hand to her cunt and masturbated on the spot. She closed her eyes and went into a trance, her hand alternating between stimting her small clitoris and stirring her insides, moaning some words from time to time.
"Mhmm... Delicious... Mhmm!"
Benjamin put himself in front of her to have a good view and enjoy the show. It didn''t take her long before she came, twitching a few times while moaning in pleasure. That didn''t stop her in the least and she continued pleasuring herself as if nothing happened. A few minutes and several more orgasmster, the taste of his sperm on her underwear seemed to diminish after so much licking and she just put the whole piece of clothing into her mouth, not caring at all that they were also stained by her fluids.
She went on like this for a long time, ying with herself in her world without caring about anything around her. Fortunately, the fact that her mouth was full of her panties lessened arge part of the noise from the moans she emitted, making it a rtively quiet masturbation session. After around forty minutes and a final climax, she finally stopped, removing her underwear from her mouth and lying down on the bed with her eyes still closed, panting hard. There was now a big wet stain on the bed on the level of her crotch and the room was smelling intensively of her sex and fluids.
Seeing her juicy pussy in the middle of her slightly parted legs, Benjamin couldn''t help bending down and giving her a single big lick, tasting her sweet and fresh taste. She shivered, opened her eyes, and looked at him.
"Mhmm! Huh? You''re still here, Ben?"
He nodded and stood up, heading for the door.
"Wait. You did that and you''re leaving me like this now?"
"Just wanted a quick taste."
"What? You''re really doing this on purpose, right? Darn you, Ben! Just when it wasing down."
Seeing him leave for real, she winced and put a hand back to her pussy to calm the heat that had gone up again, resuming masturbating frantically. He left her to her own devices and went down to prepare dinner.
Nothing exceptional happened for the rest of the evening except for Chloe looking at him with a big frown on her face. When their mother asked her about it, she said that he kept teasing her and that she was thinking about how to pay him back, making everyone grin at her upset expression. She was annoyed at her family members'' reaction. They watched her like they were watching some interesting show, pushing her to escape to her room with a pout as soon as the meal ended. Since Chloe left, the rest of them chose not to do any family activity on that day and followed her example, everyone going to their respective room.
Benjamin took the opportunity to study for a while and y games when he was done. Around midnight, he had to put a stop to his fun and go to sleep. He fell asleep without issues but was woken up an undetermined amount of timeter when he heard the door of his room open. He was still 90% asleep and wished nothing more than convert that to 100% when he perceived the door closing again along with very quiet stepsing his way. The footsteps stopped close to him and he realized he wouldn''t be able to go back to dreand so easily.
Curious about who it was, he woke himself up a little more and waited until something happened, careful not to move or open his eyes. The intruder didn''t do anything for a long time, probably waiting to see if he woke up. After a minute of nothing happening, they finally made their move, delicately opening his nket. There was another long break after he wasn''t covered anymore. Eventually, the raider went into action.
Chapter 174 - 174 – Nocturnal
Chapter 174: ¨C Nocturnal
Seeing that he still didn''t react, they delicately put their hands on his pajama pants and began to pull them down, along with his underwear. Now that they were so close and breathing excitedly, Benjamin managed to find out it was yet again Chloe who hade to see him. There was no doubt that, in her mind, she was avenging herself for what happened in the evening. Even though he had teased her quite a bit, she was still obviously the one in the wrong for peeking at him when he was taking a shower, but she probably didn''t take such a small detail into ount.
His room was neverpletely dark because his window was covered by a curtain instead of shutters, allowing for a minimal amount of street light to enter. That let his sister have a rtively nice view of his now-revealed goods. She admired his penis for a certain amount of time, probably also judging if he was waking up, until he eventually sensed her breathinging closer and closer. He then heard her sniffing his dick and could feel her breathing on his crotch.
She did this for some time but soon switched to the next step. She held her breath and he felt a finger lightly poking his cock. There was another break for a few seconds before she did it again. When he didn''t react to all of this, she seemed to judge he was deep in sleep and grew a bit bolder. She began to caress his member with her hands, clearly enjoying the feeling and taking her time to touch everywhere, including his balls. Now that he thought about it, even though she saw it before, she never had the opportunity to touch him. It was obvious she would be curious about it considering this would be her first contact with a male''s sexual organ.
He was also wondering how far she would go and kept quiet, silently waiting to sense what she would do. One thing for sure was that she was getting more and more enthusiastic, her breathing elerating and her hands touching him everywhere with less and less restraint. Under the stimtion, he also had no choice but to get aroused, his dick progressively getting harder. She seemed to notice the change and gasped, stopping everything she was doing to monitor his expression.
He keptpletely still and she finally judged she was still in the clear, resuming her molestation of his now-hardened member. She put her small hands on his rod and slowly moved them up and down his length, appreciating the changed texture. Soon after, he felt a wet sensation on his penis and shivered a little. He guessed she had used her tongue to lick him. When he still didn''t wake up with all of this, she continued to lick him, going from the root of his cock to his ns and even aiming at his balls a few times.
After a few minutes of this, he heard the sound of clothes. One of her hands left his member and he soon could hear her ying with herself while relishing in the situation. Soon after, she put her mouth on his ns and kissed it several times noisily before suddenly gobbling his whole member. She let out a small moan of pleasure and moved her head up and down, effectively giving him a blowjob.
She noticeably had no idea of what she was doing because her fetio was a mess. She sometimes let her teeth touch his penis, sending bursts of pain to his brain. She only used her tongue to taste him and not to pleasure him. She even tried to do weird things that were far beyond what she could handle, like suddenly deepthroating him, making her gag and cough hard. Another example was her trying to aspirate on his dick hard as his mother had done. That also failed grandly and she got out of breath immediately, having no choice but to release his member for a moment. Finally, she gave it her all to bob her head fast on him and give him an intense blowjob, only to get tired soon after and stop yet again, using her hands on him while she recuperated.
Of course, the whole process was extremely noisy and she had lost any of her initial prudence. She was probably so excited that she didn''t care anymore, focusing her full attention on his penis. He let her y with him for a long time until her messy efforts were finally enough for him to get close to his release. Just before his orgasm, he began to moan on purpose, trying to signal her that he was close. She froze for a few seconds but then feted him again with all she had while still working on her pussy at the same time. Finally, he let out a groan of pleasure and came into her small mouth, filling her cavity with wave after wave of sperm. She climaxed at the exact time she felt his semen in her mouth, moaning blissfully for a moment before soon gulping his seed as quickly as possible.
Once they were done cumming, Benjamin finally decided to open his eyes. The situation in front of him was exactly as he expected, with his nude little sister stuck to his dick in post-orgasm ecstasy.
"What do you think you''re doing, Chloe?"
She jumped so badly that she let go of his cock and looked at him in panic. She opened and closed her mouth for a few seconds before iming, biting her lips.
"It-it-it''s all your fault, Ben! It''s because you kept teasing me!"
Then, without waiting for him to answer or react, she stood up over his dick and instantly dropped her waist down on it, piercing her hymen in one go and strongly prating her virgin pussy all the way to her depth.
She trembled in pain at her brutal deflowering, tears appearing in her eyes. Benjamin reacted in dismay and called out.
"What are you doing, stupid girl!? I can''t believe you did that!"
She looked at him with tears falling down her cheeks, trying hard to smile through the pain.
"Hehehe, serves you right! I''m the one who took your virginity!
Chapter 175 - 175 – Luck
Chapter 175: ¨C Luck
Benjamin facepalmed.
"Oh my God! Is that really something to be proud of?"
"S-shut up! I know you wanted it. I saw you masturbating to me in the bathroom!"
"Gosh, you''re really..."
He sighed and looked at her. No matter how excited she had been previously, she was still currently wincing in pain. He could feel her extremely tight vagina around his shaft, the tighter he had ever experienced. Adding to that the fact she impaled herself so violently on him, it was obvious it would be hurting. Even though he was still annoyed at her, the priority right now was to take care of her and help to relieve her pain.
"It hurts, right? Listen to me and bend down."
"It doesn''t hurt, okay? It feels good, actually!"
"Hurry up!"
She was taken aback by his serious expression and obeyed him soon after, too spooked to refuse any further. She seldom saw her brother get upset and knew better than to disobey him when it happened.
When her head was in front of his, he took it into his hands and delicately kissed her, to her surprise. His goal was to make her focus on something else and he continued to give her small pecks, waiting for her to get used to them. Her expression slowly changed from amazement to affection and it didn''t take long before she stuck her lips to his. Once there, she didn''t move, going for a long kiss, her eyes full of love.
He used the opportunity to try inserting his tongue and she quickly reacted to it, entangling her own with his, the two of them ying like this for a long time. He let her try anything she was curious about and she happily took the opportunity given to her, exploring everywhere in his mouth, sucking his tongue, licking his gums or even sucking his lips. It seemed his goal of making her forget about the pain was sessful since there wasn''t any remnant of suffering on her face,pletely reced by love and lust.
Eventually, he separated from her but when he did so, she went for him instead, plunging on him to kiss him again. She continued to kiss him many times, not giving them much of a break. She also sometimes whispered in between two kisses.
"It feels good. I love kissing. I love you, Ben. I''m so happy you''re my brother. I love you. I love you."
She was clearly high on her feelings because her attitude was very different from usual. Sensing this, he let her do whatever she wanted, waiting until she calmed down. It took a long time, which she used fully to her advantage. On top of kissing him in all kinds of different ways and ces, she also licked him here and there, mostly on his face but also on his neck and shoulders. She also nibbled on his earlobes, sent her tongue into his ears, and caressed his hair plenty. She had always been a very curious girl and proved it once again today, trying anything she could think of.
Eventually, she was satisfied enough to take a longer break. She raised her upper body back and admired him, her twat still full of his dick all the while. Seeing him with her kissing marks and saliva everywhere, she shivered in excitement. Her trembling seemed to remind her of what was inserted inside her because she moved her waist around, moaning at the feeling.
"How do you feel, Chloe?"
"It doesn''t hurt now... Say, I can''t hold back anymore. Can we go all the way, please, Ben?"
He stared at her tentative of doing her puppy eyes attack even though her expression was full of lust.
"Fine. But take your time to get used to it. Don''t hurt yourself again, okay?"
She beamed, almost not believing her luck. To think the brother of her fantasies, the one she masturbated to all of the time, would allow her to have sex with him! This was a dreame true, no, one of her fantasiese true yet again! Adding to this the scene in the bathroom and the loss of her virginity, this was the best day ever. She would have yed the lottery had she any money left!
She slowly raised her waist until his ns almost exited her insides and dropped herself down on him again. His penis parted her pussy walls and ground against her creases, only to poke at her cervix in the end. It felt so good that she came on the spot, moaning her orgasm and releasing a flood of juices on his cock. Darn, he was so incredibly big inside her. She felt like she was inserting a rod inside her cunt. She was so full of him! She looked down and could see hisrge member making a bump over her pelvis. This view was so exciting. She then checked her brother''s expression and seeing him smiling tenderly, she had to ask him.
"How does it feel for you, Ben? I-I''m super tight, right?"
He saw her looking a bit unsure and reassured her.
"You''re incredibly tight. It feels like you''re going tear my penis out whenever you move."
She grinned widely and immediately acted on his word, sending her waist up again. He hadn''t lied and her pussy was so tight the sensation was heavenly. His whole member was stimted every time her hips were going up and down and it was fortunate she was so wet because there was no way any movement would have been possible otherwise. On top of that, even when she took him fully inside her, he still had more than a third of his cock unable to enter her.
She continued riding him and came again on her third thrust, looking to be a bit frustrated by it.
"Aahh! Haah, haah. Hey, why aren''ting, Ben?"
This was such a typical question of a girl who got all her sexual knowledge from watching porn. Not only did she only thrust three times so far, but he also came barely a few minutes ago. Even if she was incredibly tight and wet, he was still far from a second shot. It was a perfect opportunity to tease her, though, and he didn''t hesitate to take it.
"I wonder why? Why don''t you show me what you can do? Didn''t you say you would fuck me hard when you were masturbating after the poker game?"
"Y-you heard that?"
"I sure did, baby sister. Can''t wait to see that happening. If you can, that is."
"I can! I''ll show you! You won''t beughing for long!"
"Oh, I''m so scared!"
She moved her waist up again and resumed her movements, a determined expression on her face.
Chapter 176 - 176 – Endeavor
Chapter 176: ¨C Endeavor
Unfortunately, it didn''t go that well for her. On the one hand, she was bothered by his size. She had trouble going up and down while being filled so much by him. Any movement she took ground his tool against her walls and she kept grunting in pleasure, losing her focus every time it happened. On the other hand, her motions were a mess. This was her first experience riding a guy and she had no idea what she was doing. She often moved erratically, sometimes stopping herself in the middle of going up or down, and globally didn''t keep any clear rhythm at all.
What''s worse is that she kepting by herself from time to time, especially after doing a sudden motion. Benjamin was watching her efforts,fortably lying on his bed, with a slight grin on his face. After a few more minutes, she realized things weren''t going how she wanted and became frustrated once again. Looking at his rxed expression, she frowned and increased her waist speed for a short while in retaliation but it only made things worse, as she came even more strongly a few thrustster. After returning from her high, she looked at him still seeming rxed and her eyes filled with tears of vexation. This was quite simr to when he teased her during his massage on her, even though it was for a different reason this time.
"What''s wrong, little devil? Are giving up already?"
"Shut up! I''m not!"
"Are you sure? If you give up, I''ll do the work and I''ll make youe so hard you''ll never be able to forget about it. What do you think?"
Her eyes opened wide and she swallowed her saliva, probably imagining what it would be like. However, she shook her head after a short moment.
"No! I''m the one in charge here! I''m going to make youe like crazy instead!"
"What about we make a bet, then? The winner can do whatever she or he wants with the loser."
"W-what bet?"
"If you can make mee within two minutes, you win. Otherwise, I win."
"Ugh... That''s unfair!"
"What is?"
"Two minutes is too short. I want ten minutes."
"Three minutes."
"...Seven minutes."
They shook hands to signify their agreement and Chloe focused once again, her most serious expression on her face, which only looked cute to Benjamin. He took his phone in hand, realizing it was past 3 am, and started a timer. The little girl timed her attack well. It was right in the middle of the night and everyone was probably deep in sleep right now. He redirected his attention to his little sister and checked what she was doing. She took a few seconds to think about her strategy, not wanting to repeat the previous disaster.
She thought the safest solution would be to use her hands and mouth again and make hime like this. This would avoid her from being overly stimted and allow her to focus on the task untilpletion. However, she immediately gave up on that option. She was no dick and didn''t want to go with such a cowardly move. What''s more, there was no doubt he would tease her about it even if she won. No, she had to do it the right way and use her tight pussy to make him climax. It was just a problem of how. He was a tough opponent and she now knew he wouldn''t go down that easily.
In the end, without any great idea to flip the situation around and running out of time, she decided to try things until she found something that could defeat her smug brother. She first rotated herself and rode him in reverse cowgirl, thinking that a different angle might stimte his penis enough. She moved her waist up and down again and felt him pulsating inside her. She thought that was the correct answer but, unfortunately, she was also greatly affected by the change. His dick was now grinding against her lower pussy and each stroke pushed her to let a big moan out. Darn, this was so good. Sex was the best. She was going toe again. One part of her wanted her to stop moving and take a break but her body didn''t listen, as if it had a will on its own. It continued to bounce on the hard cock and she orgasmed soon after, feeling a mix of bliss and frustration to repeat the same errors again and again.
After recuperating for a few seconds, she thought it wouldn''t do. She hade once more but he didn''t seem to be anywhere close to his release. She rotated her hips to face him anew, thinking about what to try next. She soon got a new idea and immediately went for it. Right now, only his penis was being stimted. What if she increased that to multiple stimtions? The most obvious choice would be to go for a kiss again but that would also make her feel it too. So, she went for his chest instead. Remembering the numerous porn videos she watched in the past, men often seemed to like it when their chests and nipples were touched.
She bent forward a little and put her palms on his chest. Then, she started caressing him, with a great focus on his nipples, using her fingers to make circles around them or flicker them. For some reason, he smiled when she did that, but didn''t seem to be much more aroused than before. Now, she had no other choice but to use her final move. She continued to move her waist up and down andid her upper body on his torso. Then, she put her mouth over his right nipple and started to lick it. After a small amount of time, she switched to sucking it.
There was no way he would stay indifferent to that! It worked all the time in porn!
Chapter 177 - 177 – Bet
Chapter 177: ¨C Bet
For some time, she put her all into stimting his nipples, even switching her licking and sucking from one to the other. She sometimes checked his condition, expecting that her victory would soon be in sight. Unfortunately, after two minutes of this, he still looked as rxed as ever. How could that be? Was he some special man that didn''t orgasm when his nipples were stimted?
She checked the time on his phone, found out that she had less than a minute left, and started to panic. There''s no way she could lose, right? She was the woman here, she had to fuck him and not the other way around, no matter how attractive this sounded. Her pride as a female was at stake! If she failed here, she was sure he would tease her about it for an eternity. Still, she had no idea what else she could do. She felt tears reappearing in her eyes and felt bitter about the dilemma. As ast resort, she pinched his nipples hard, moved her waist with all the force she could muster, and shouted.
"Cum! Cum! Why aren''t you cumming? Even after I did all of this? Are you frigid or what?"
"Pfft, you''re so stupid. Didn''t I juste in your mouth?"
Her tears began to flow down her cheeks while her pussy was being sent to heaven, the increasing movement speed stimting her way too much for her to keep her thoughts in order. Soon enough, the phone rm rang, signaling the end of her allocated time.
"No! I was so close to winning!"
"That''s only in your dreams, big baby. Let me show you how things are done. Hope you''re ready for this because I won''t stop even if you beg me."
"No, I don''t want to! I''m the one fucking you, not the other way around!"
"Losers have no sexual rights!"
The first thing he did was to push her off him, her tight cunt releasing his penis. He stood up and finished removing his underwear before rolling it into a ball. Then, he pushed it into his sister''s mouth, convinced that this was the best way to keep her at least a little quieter for what was toe. Getting her mouth filled with his underwear, she was initially surprised but when she realized the implications, her face took on an extremely lecherous expression. She breathed in a few times, trembled for a moment, and suddenly climaxed by herself, without needing any additional incentive.
When her orgasm ended, she realized what she had done and blushed hard, looking away from him. She still had his underwear in her mouth, though, stopping her from being able to say anything, and it didn''t look like she had any ns of removing them any time soon.
Benjamin took her by the hips and made her lie on her back. She was very light, making it easy for him to manipte her. She resisted a bit but he quickly put his body on top of hers before aligning his dick with her pussy. He slowly entered her, centimeter by centimeter, until he reached her cervix. Then, he carefully took his member out, and in again, repeating his thrusts in a very unhurried manner. She was letting small moans out, muffled by his underwear, but otherwise just kept looking at him, a mocking expression on her face, as if to ask if that was all he could do.
Without reacting to her provocations, he continued like this for some time, slowly thrusting inside her, waiting for the correct timing. She purposely acted bored by the situation and at one point, she even closed her eyes, faking falling asleep. She was as cheeky as ever but this was precisely what he had been waiting for. The very moment she closed her eyes, he grabbed her waist to keep her stable and sent a very strong stroke into her twat, grinding her creases and violently hitting against her cervix. Her eyes opened wide in extreme surprise and she let out a muffled scream at full power.
He didn''t give her time to think about anything and immediately thrust inside her at full power, attacking her freshly virgin tight cunt with all he got. On the third thrust, she came hard, arching her back forcefully, her already tight pussy contracting even more around his shaft. Without stopping, he continued his assault and she came again less than five thrustster, tears of pleasure starting to fill her eyes.
Just like that, she went on with cumming many times and more and more often, until she came to a point where cumming was all she did. She lookedpletely lost, both not understanding what was happening to her while also happily letting the sudden pleasure get over her mind. All she knew was that it felt great, the best she had ever felt in her life, and that she didn''t want it to stop.
Benjamin fucked her like this for a few minutes until he reached his limit. He ejacted with strength in her depth, spurting his semen several times inside her twat. The warm feeling of his seed inside her pushed her to get onest climax, her squeezing cunt allowing him for an even better orgasm.
Still, he had said he wouldn''t stop and intended to keep his word. He turned Chloe on her belly, lifted her small butt, and prated her pussy with one thrust, making her grunt lowly in pleasure. Using this new position, he resumed fucking her, stimting both of them in a slightly different manner.
The little girl was letting him do whatever he wanted at this point, only letting out muffled squeals each time she was pounded into.
"Mffaahh! Mffaahh! Mffoohh! Mffoohh!"
He slowly elerated his movements until he was at full speed once again. His thrusts progressively remodeled her tiny vagina to his shape, forcing it to ept him more and morepletely every time he slipped inside and stroked her womb entrance. Soon enough, he noticed he was able to enter her further than initially as if her vagina had correctly evolved to the situation and wanted nothing more than to get fuller of him to get increasingly stimted.
Chapter 178 - 178 – Carry
Chapter 178: ¨C Carry
After a minute more, he suddenly got an interesting idea. He waited for her next climax and when she was done shivering in pleasure, he stopped his movements and turned her back toward him. He was able to see her face again and it was quite the sight. She was very red, panting as best as she could through his underwear with tears running down her cheeks continuously. Her eyes were unfocused and she barely noticed him turning her around. He took her small head into his hands and asked her.
"How is it, Chloe? Did you like it?"
She didn''t respond for a long time, looking at him vacantly. After a few seconds, she slightly nodded her head before realizing what she did and switching to shake it instead.
"As expected of my little sister, that was nothing to you, right?"
"M-moph courph."
"Right. I guess it''s time for me to stop ying around and get serious, then."
Her eyes widened and he was able to read her expression as if reading a book. Her thoughts were probably something along the lines of wondering what else there could be when the previous rounds already made her feel so amazingly good. He saw her swallow her saliva, her expression a mix of fear and extreme lust.
"Goh on, noph aphraid oph anyphing!"
Even though she had a hard time talking, she was bent on never letting go of his underwear, making himugh internally. It was now time to test if her bravado was justified or not. He reached his arms out to her and she instinctively came to cuddle him. However, instead of letting her hug him, he put his hands under her armpits and lifted her in the air. She let a small yell of surprise out but didn''t try to escape from him as she had done before. He took her closer to him, stood up, and adjusted her position so that her pussy was just over his dick. This was the idea he had, remembering what he had done to Miranda, Karen''s mother. The difference was that he thought it would work much better this time because Chloe was so much lighter. He hadn''t been able to carry Miranda for too long but he would probablyst much longer today.
Just like he had done thest time, he let gravity do most of the job, letting her small body fall on his cock, allowing her to get impaled hard. He stroke her cervix with force again and she let out a big moan of pleasure, immediately enclosing his neck with her arms for support. She could do almost nothing in this position, and he used the situation to his advantage. He held her at her hips and lifted her up and down, letting her get fucked by him in the air. The acrobatic position coupled with the strong stimtion pushed her to climax soon after, her legs stretching behind his back and her small toes arching up greatly.
In full control of her, he went on in this manner, increasing his speed progressively. Being manipted like so, her thoughts took a weird turn. On the one hand, it was quite a humiliating position. She, a girl, was letting a boy use her just like a masturbation tool. She was just like one of those sex toys for men who would grind their dicks with up and down movements until ejaction. On the other hand, there was a sort of thrill she never expected to experience in such a situation. The position itself was something she didn''t anticipate and she obviously was in bliss to get her cunt attacked so hard. However, there was more to it and she thought the exhration she was feeling was because she was having sex with the person she liked the most in the world.
On top of that, even though she was more into normal sex where the woman had her way with the man, she had vast tastes. She wasn''t against watching one or two - or three - videos where the man was acting domineering. That was why, even though her pride was a bit hurt, this situation wasn''t far from one of her fantasies. Of course, she would rather die than admit to it.
All the while, her brother was continuing to use her as he pleased. His fucking of her twat was sending shivers into her back more and more often and her thoughts were getting severely disturbed. Eventually, he reached a maximum speed and her inexperienced small pussy went into total ecstasy, getting pounded several times per second. Her cervix, which she had unwillingly protected since she was born, was receiving all the missing years worth of poking, the pleasure piercing directly into her brain. He was still carrying her effortlessly and after a minute of this, her mind started to be nk under the pleasure. Adding to that the incredible taste and scent of his underwear as well as the strong odor of sex in the room, her view progressively went white under her sensations and climaxes. She gave up thinking about anything and only focused on the sublime pleasure. There were only two things left, her tight cunt and his massive dick, the second ravaging the first.
"Mffaahh! Mffaahh! Mffoouuhh! Mffoouuhh! Mffoooooouuuuuuhh!"
Finally, he sent onest enormous stroke in her twat and exploded inside her, arge amount of semen painting her small cavity, her tiny womb entrance gulping the fluids greedily. At that point, she came hard, squealing at full strength, her whole body tensing up under the greatest orgasm of her life. Her back arched once again and he had to hold strongly onto her so she wouldn''t fall while still ejacting inside her. Her pussy released wave after wave of juices, running down his crotch and legs, smearing the bed under them.
This was the best she ever felt and her brain overheated under the pleasure. After her orgasm, her vision switched from white to ck and she fainted, her body losing all strength in his arms.
Chapter 179 - 179 – Easy
Chapter 179: ¨C Easy
Witnessing his little sister being out ofbat, Benjamin removed her from himself and delicatelyid her down on the bed. Even fainted, her pussy was still so tightly shut that it didn''t let any of his sperm out, keeping everything safely inside. Her fighting power has been the exact opposite of what she imagined, extremely weak, allowing him to get an easy victory. Truthfully, he probably didn''t need to go that far with her. She was extremely sensory and very curious about things in general. He could have done anything to her and would have won eventually because she was so easily affected and sensitive.
In different circumstances, he would have woken her up to fuck her again but this was still the middle of the night and he wanted to rest some more. He put his clothes in order and carried his nude little sister to her room, without forgetting to take back his underwear from her mouth. After putting her to bed, he returned to his room and went to sleep immediately.
Thursday was yet again a peaceful day. He was a bit drowsy but managed to wake himself up in Sasha''s arms. He was confessed to yet again on that day during lunchtime. It was almost a daily urrence at this point and he wondered how long this wouldst. At the very least, it seemed the girlsing to him still had some hope. Unfortunately, they probably had even less chance of getting what they wanted than expected. Since most of them now were girls he had never met before and didn''t know anything about, it was like getting confessed byplete strangers. He probably wouldn''t ept those confessions even if he was looking for a girlfriend. After all, how could he ept someone he knew nothing about? Should he judge them by their appearances or the way they confessed? That was something he would never do.
Nothing too special happened the rest of the day, except for Chloe''s attitude toward him. As usual, she had a hard time hiding her feelings. Whenever she looked at him, she had this weird expression that was like a mix of both resentment and love, making her look funny. He obviously took the opportunity to tease her about it when they were sitting together on the living room sofa.
"Little devil, your face looks interesting today. What are you thinking about?"
He came closer to her and whispered.
"How did you like it yesterday?"
"Ugh. I-I barely felt anything."
"Of course. But remember, Ben 1, Chloe 0."
"Shut up! I wasn''t feeling well at that time. You won''t have a chance next time!"
"Oh? You want a revenge match? Are you going to attack your defenseless brother again?"
"Obviously! Don''t you dare run away like a coward!"
"Ahah, why don''t you just say you want to have sex again?"
"I-I don''t! This is just a match between you and me!"
"The truth is you only want to give me control and get pounded until you faint, right?"
"N-no! I''ll dominate you next time!"
"Sure, sure, perhaps in a thousand years."
At this point, Olivia noticed them and silently went to sit next to him from the other side. Then, she slowly closed on him like she usually did until she was stuck to him, a content smile on her face. When Chloe saw that, she began to cling to his other side as if it was apetition, her irritation already forgotten. However, Benjamin was ready for it this time. Before the encirclement waspleted, he stood up and left, not wanting to be stuck between them for an undetermined amount of time again. They let out small exmations of disappointment as he dodged them, which he ignored, smiling proudly at his sessful escape.
On the way to his room, he bumped into Nova who was going downstairs. He smiled at her as usual but she stopped him before he could open his room''s door.
He turned toward he and she added.
"Ben, do you..."
She hesitated and didn''t finish her sentence but soon continued anew.
"The student council could use your help again. Do you have time tomorrow after school?"
"I do."
"Can youe to the student council room again, please?"
"Sure, no problem."
She finally returned his grin.
He nodded and she headed downstairs while he entered his room. After some time doing his homework and studying, he went to prepare dinner. The rest of the evening was spent in peace with his family. On that day, they watched a movie before everyone got ready for the following day and eventually went to sleep.
Friday. The main topic at school was of course the iing vacation. Everyone was sharing their ns, talking excitedly about what they would do. The duo of Nathan and Noemi had chosen to stay in town so they could see each other as much as possible. The rest had extremely varied ns. Some would travel to a tourist location to do some sightseeing, some would visit their family, and some didn''t have anything in particr and would just stay in the vicinity. As usual, there were some people with interesting objectives. Benjamin heard some girls whispering about picking up boys. Some others wanted nothing more than to spend their whole free time gaming on theirputer. The guys weren''t much better, some nning to go shopping, or more probably window shopping, considering high schoolers'' limited budgets. There were some that seemed to be happy using social media for the whole vacation. Most of the rest had no better ns than to hang out purposelessly every day, going to each other ces and chatting idly.
A lot of girls were disappointed to hear that Benjamin would be out of town. A few of them even looked at one another, distressed, as if they had already projected to hang out with him. Still, some were interested in the topic of his twin cousins, especially since they were of different genders. He had a lot of trouble answering their questions about them because he only remembered how they were in the previous world, not this one.
Chapter 180 - 180 – Trap
Chapter 180: ¨C Trap
After thest period, Benjamin made his way to the student council room, as agreed with Nova. He didn''t meet anyone on the way this time and knocked on the door when he arrived. His sister was the one to open it for him.
"Come in, Ben."
Once he was inside, he noticed that no one else was there yet. The room was really quiet when it was empty like this and also appeared bigger than thest time. At that moment, he heard something clicking behind him and turned back. He saw Nova finishing to lock the door and looking at him with a weird expression.
"Why did you lock the door?"
Instead of answering him, she took him by the arm before pushing him against the wall. Then, without losing a second, she closed on him, put one hand to the wall to block him, and went for a kiss. Surprised, he didn''t immediately react to the assault on his lips, letting her have her way with him. Then, after a few seconds, he separated from her and asked.
"Wait. We can''t do that here. The others could being at any time."
"No one''sing."
"What do you mean? Was there a change of ns?"
"No. Sorry, I... lied about us needing your help."
"What? You lied? You, Nova?"
She looked at him with a frown and answered.
"T-that''s right! That was the only way to get some time with you alone! Anything wrong with that?"
He was perplexed by the fact that she was getting angry when she was the one who tricked him but he quickly understood what this was about.
"To think I''d see the day you''d lie. What did you want to do to your innocent brother that you had to go so far?"
"There''s nothing innocent about you. It''s just, you''re going to leave tomorrow, so..."
"Ahah, you could have just asked me, you know."
She put her words into action and silenced him with her lips. This time, he responded to it and they explored each other''s mouths for a long time, entangling their tongues passionately. She didn''t seem to want it to stop, kissing him again and again, only taking a small break to breathe from time to time. Her hands also started to get into action, caressing his torso. They slowly moved down, going to his navel, pelvis, and finally arrived at his crotch. She hummed appreciatively when she felt his boner through his pants and stroke his penis while continuing to kiss him.
Benjamin wasn''t idle while this was happening. His hands followed a simr path to hers. He began by fondling her breasts, went for her belly next, and reached her butt. She reacted well to anything he did, whimpering excitedly from time to time. At some point, she opened his zipper and took his dick out, caressing it slowly at first and then more and more quickly. He responded to that by opening her jeans and putting a hand inside her panties to work on her wet vagina. After caressing it with his palm a few times, he inserted a finger inside her hot cavity and she let out a bigger moan. This went on for a minute until she separated from him, her breathing hard.
"I can''t wait anymore."
Her eyes full of lust, she opened her own zipper until her crotch was visible and slid her underwear to the side. Then she stood on tiptoes, took his cock in hand, and adjusted her aim. When she was ready, she inserted it into her pussy in one smooth movement. He felt his member prate her cunt, parting her flesh and reaching her hymen. She didn''t stop in any way and continued her descent, breaking her membrane in one go and losing her cherry forever. Her face twitched for a second under the pain but she didn''t show any other reaction, powering through it in a very womanly way. Eventually, he reached her cervix and she sensed himpletely inside, provoking another moan. She was very tight, her virgin cunt gripping him powerfully while her juices flooded his penis, the odor of their sex already spreading inside the room. She had finally done it and he was now having sex with his all too strict and serious big sister. Out of everything, this was really something he could never have expected to happen in the previous world.
"Mhmm. Ben, you''re sorge inside me. Do I feel good?"
"It''s amazing, so tight and wet, so hot. Fuck me please, Nova, I want to cum inside you."
He knew exactly what to say to get women going in this world. He didn''t even have to lie about it, even though it wasn''t something he would have normally vocalized. As expected, the effect was great. She shivered at his words and started to move with small movements. It wasn''t so easy for her in this standing sex position since he was taller than her and she had to constantly be on tiptoes. On top of that, it was her first time having sex and the motions were very unfamiliar to her. Helpful as always, Benjamin lowered himself a bit so she could have an easier time. She moved up and down a few times on his dick, her face very tense. It looked like she was trying hard to suppress the sensations in her twat, wanting tost as long as possible. Unfortunately, the euphory of having sex for the first time, with her beloved brother at that, made things much harder. After a few thrusts, she didn''t manage to hold back anymore. She sent herself deeper on his cock and cummed hard, trembling like a baby deer, her cunt squeezing him hard and her fluids gushing on their legs.
She stopped moving and panted for a few seconds, her face a mix of pleasure and shame.
"Sorry, Ben. I came before you."
"Don''t worry, it still feels incredible to me. You''re gripping me so hard. Do you want me to move now?"
"No, leave it to me. I''ll make youe soon."
She resumed moving, a resolute expression on her face.
Chapter 181 - 181 – Efforts
Chapter 181: ¨C Efforts
After several times of thrusting herself at high speed on him, her facial expression distorted again. She was going too fast and even though it felt good for him, it seemed what she experienced was on a different level. Soon enough, she moved frically a few times and climaxed again with a moan of pleasure. Ashamed to havee two times in a row when he hadn''t released even once, she resumed moving even more violently, limited by the small margin of movements the position allowed, only to get overwhelmed by the sensations again.
Thinking this would be a never-ending cycle, Benjamin put his hands on her shoulders to calm her down. She frowned at his gesture, not wanting to stop, but he put a bit more strength in his arms until she eventually came to a stop.
"What''s the hurry, Nova? Let''s take it easy, we have a lot of time."
She red at him for a few moments before rxing and sighing.
"You''re right. I was too selfish."
She moved her waist up until his dick came out of her and looked around the room. Her eyes focused on the sofas for some time before continuing to the rest of the furniture in the room. In the end, it seemed the sofas weren''t attractive enough to her because she went to the table and tapped on it.
"Sit here, Ben."
He obeyed her and sat on the edge of the table, thinking she might have fantasies about having sex in her everyday working environment. She swiftly came to ride on his knees, advancing her butt until her cunt was right in front of his cock. Then she took his member in hand, advanced some more, and prated herself with it. After that, she used her arms to embrace his head, going for a kiss. This time, she kissed him leisurely, taking her time to enjoy his lips and explore his mouth. Simrly, she began to move her hips slowly, doing some minute movements on his knees, sometimes moving back and forth, sometimes moving up and down.
This was much better for the two of them. He was able to feel her tight twat around his shaft, with him gradually stretching her cavity until he fit inside her better and better. He also adjusted his aim, either trying to find some of her sensitive spots or gently caressing her womb entrance with his ns. On her side, she could feel him with much more uracy and was able to gradually adapt to the sex, testing a few things here and there when the pleasure wasn''t too intense. She attempted to squeeze him by contracting her pussy or moving her waist differently, judging his reaction to whatever she did.
She was a smart girl and quickly got the hang of it. Their mating now transformed. Benjamin focused on her sweet parts, making her shiver every time he was sessful. Nova found the most efficient way to please him, by alternating moving her hips to the side and up and down while gripping him intermittently.
The addition of their kiss on top of that made it a level more pleasurable and they soon became entranced in their feelings, progressively moving toward their highs. After a few minutes, they reached a good pace. Eventually, he pushed his penis deep inside her while she rotated her waist wildly and they came at the same time. His sperm exploded inside her and her pussy twitched hard in orgasmic release, contracting strongly around him. She felt his warm seed flooding her cunt and moaned her pleasure in their kiss while he groaned his in her mouth. They stayed like that for a few moments, him spewing a few more times and her waiting until her spasms ended.
Eventually, she ended their kiss, her face red and ecstatic, full of love and pleasure.
"So good, Ben. I''ve never felt so good before. I love you, Ben. I love you so much."
"I love you too, Nova. It felt so incredible toe inside you."
"Yes, I can feel it. It''s so warm inside me. This is the best feeling ever."
She put a hand on her pelvis and smiled while caressing it, as if to show her appreciation. They stayed like this for a few moments more until she lifted her waist to get off him. After her cunt separated from his penis with a lewd noise, she looked down. After focusing for a second, his semen started to flow out of her cavity. This was a bit strange to Benjamin since he didn''t expect her tight virgin twat to be unable to keep his sperm inside. His interrogation was soon answered when she used her fingers to spoon what wasing out of her into her mouth, savoring it deliciously, surprising him a lot. It seemed she had exerted her pussy muscles on purpose to make his semene out so she could eat it.
"Wow, I didn''t expect you to do something like this."
She blushed a little but replied anyway.
"I''m not sure how you see me but I... I''m much more perverted than you think I am."
"Oh? Like, how perverted?"
She didn''t answer immediately, continuing to eat anything that came out of her until the flow dried up. Once she was done, she looked up at him cautiously and said.
"I''m not telling you."
"Are you afraid I''ll judge you? Don''t worry, I won''t. I think it''s good to do whatever you want, as long as we''re both okay with it."
"You swear?"
"I swear."
"Hm. The truth is... I dream of fucking you with my ass. So? Are you disgusted?"
"No way. If you want to do it then I don''t mind at all."
"Yes. You said you were perverted? Well, I''m also very perverted. Sorry to break your illusions of me."
"No. This... This is good. We''re both perverts and that''s fine. I like you however you are."
"I also like the perverted Nova. You''re so hot like this. Then... Shall we get to it?"
She gulped and nodded, her eyes getting filled with lust yet again.
Chapter 182 - 182 – Same
Chapter 182: ¨C Same
She led him to thergest sofa in the room and asked him to lie down on his back. He recognized that she wanted to keep the initiative this time too by being the one on top instead of the other way around. Just as she said, she wanted to fuck him with her ass and not get fucked in the ass, a difference that Benjamin had gotten used to now in this world. Not that he had any sexual experience from the previous world, of course.
However, in this particr case, he was the one who had the most knowledge and experience between them. When he saw her nude self simply riding him and directly going for anal sex excitedly, he hastily stopped her before things took a turn for the worse. In this world, young women viewed anal sex as something both erotic and exotic and didn''t have an ounce of apprehension toward the act itself. This was a big mistake, ording to his experience. Dry backdoor sex was unappealing at best and painful at worse, and that applied to both partners.
"Wait a second, Nova. I think we should lubricate ourselves a little or it might hurt."
She reacted exactly as he expected, as if she suddenly realized she had almost hurt him. Even now, she typically didn''t think for a second that it could hurt her too, which wasn''tpletely wrong either. Truthfully, even if it did, women would simply power through it with sheer willpower and ignore the pain.
"You''re right, I was too inconsiderate. Just a second."
She switched her target and prated him with her pussy for a few seconds, contracting it a few times around him. She then raised her hips again, checked that his dick was full of her fluids, and aimed at her asshole again. It would have been even better had she been lubricated too but that would have to do for now. The two teenagers now excitedly watched her lower her ass on his cock. Soon, his ns touched her puckered hole and she pushed down harder until it forcefully entered her with a slight lewd noise. They both let out a moan of pleasure and she hastily continued her descent, much more fluidly now that the bottleneck was crossed. Her ass cheeks finally pped against his thighs and she took him fully inside her, her entrance contracting against his dick''s root.
"So this is anal sex. Darn, you''re sorge inside my ass. It feels weird, in a good way. I love it."
"You''re as tight here as in your pussy. It feels incredible for me too."
Her insides twitched joyfully at hispliment, stimting him even more. She began to move her waist up and down, without any hurry. As usual, anal sex gave quite interesting sensations to him. The strong contraction on her anus was great but it always felt quite weird to not hit anything at the end of the pration. He was now used to poke women''s cervixes when having vaginal sex and anal was greatly different from that point of view. On top of that, even though her insides were very hot, they were also much drier than her pussy, giving a different kind of sensation. Of course, he liked both vaginal and anal sex, especially the fact that going for one or the other could make for a good change after focusing on one of the two for a long time.
Nova seemed to be of the same opinion, moaning happily every time she moved his cock inside her. Still, it looked like she was much more calm now than at the start of their session and she took her time to feel him into her, just like when she first gave him a blowjob. He guessed that the few orgasms she managed to reach before helped a lot to keep her from being too frantic about it.
After a minute of slow anal sex, Benjamin thought to enhance their experience. He put his hands on her breasts and massaged them delicately for some time. She didn''t react much at first but when he started to knead them rhythmically, she moaned a little louder and smiled at him.
"Do you like my breasts, Ben?"
"I do. See, they fit perfectly into my hands. They feel so soft, I love them."
"Yeah? That''s good."
She had this indulgent grin that women had when he yed with their chests. Most women didn''t consider those as anything too special, some of them even finding them cumbersome. He knew, however, that some breasts were quite sensitive and wanted to test it with Nova. He continued to massage them while now putting a particr focus on her nipples. He used his palm at first but then switched to his fingers, making circles around them before flickering or lightly pinching them. It seemed Nova was in that category of women too because she reacted well to what he was doing, a little surprised herself that it felt that good.
Under that additional stimtion, she elerated her movements. After a short time, she was going fast enough that he knew she was trying to climax. Amodating, he also focused on his cock, aiming for a simultaneous orgasm.
"Mhmm! Mhmm! This is amazing! Anal sex is so good! Mhmm! I''m going toe soon!"
"I''m close too. Don''t stop, Nova, just a little more. Let''se together."
"Yes. Mhmm! Aahh! N-no, I can''t. I, I, I''m cummiingg!"
She dropped herself strongly on him onest time and climaxed, her whole body trembling and her pussy ejecting a few jets of fluids. Her anus contracted strongly around him but it didn''t manage to finish him off, unfortunately. She breathed hard for a few moments, recuperating from her high, before looking at him, full of shame.
"I''m sorry, Ben. I came by myself."
"Don''t worry. We can just go again, right?"
She nodded, red in the face, and resumed bouncing on top of him.
Chapter 183 - 183 – Simultaneous
Chapter 183: ¨C Simultaneous
She did so for some more time and he was now also getting close but still aimed for a simultaneous orgasm. To do that, he left one of his hands to y with her breasts and used the other to work her clitoris. As soon as he touched it, she shivered greatly.
Her rectal canal twitched around him and he used to opportunity to finish things for both of them, flickering her clitoris from right to left rapidly.
"I''m close, Nova!"
Using this as an excuse, he started to send strong thrusts from below into her ass. Surprised by the sudden change, she inadvertently let her voice out again.
"Aaahhh! W-wait! Aaahhh! Aaahhh!"
He obviously didn''t wait and increased his pace instead, working hard on her inexperienced backdoor. Eventually, he was at full speed, hammering her ass a few times per second, and her tone switched to a very erotic one.
"Ooohhh! Ooohhh! Ooohhh! Ooohhh! Oooooohhhhhh!"
Interestingly enough, she felt it strongly enough that she cummed before him, releasing a superb squeal of pleasure, her head rising toward the ceiling and her body trembling hard through the orgasm. Her vibrating hole was enough to finish him and he exploded deep inside her asshole with a groan of satisfaction, filling her with wave after wave of sperm. She twitched on top of him for a long time, enjoying the post-climax for as long as possible. Finally, she lost her strength and her upper body fell on top of him, her boobs acting as a cushion.
He used his arms to embrace her and waited for her to get back to earth. She breathed hard for a long time, her head into his chest, and a few minutester, she raised herself a little to look at him.
"Never felt so good before in my life. It was the best, Ben."
"I liked it a lot too. Today was full of good surprises."
"Yeah... Never thought I''d have both anal and vaginal sex. Thank you."
"Anytime. Or more like, I should be the one to thank you."
"Hehe. I love you, Ben."
She kissed him again and they stayed like this for a while longer, appreciating each other''s warmth. Unfortunately, it was soon time for them to move on. They cleaned themselves to a bare minimum before going to the closest toilet to do a more throughout cleaning. It was fortuitous that they didn''t meet anyone on the way and were able to exit the bathroom in a much better state. They then headed toward home and arrived soon after. Benjamin started to prepare dinner with Nova watching him work, a loving smile on her face.
Saturday. It was finally time for them to go to their aunt''s. The three children woke up early to prepare themselves and catch their train. It would be a four-hour trip, and since they didn''t want to waste the full day, they bought tickets for one of the early trains. Even though it was a weekend, they had to wake up earlier than for a school day, the three of them taking a shower and putting on some clothes while still half asleep. Chloe in particr had trouble keeping her eyes open and their mother had to do almost everything for her.
When they were ready, they put their luggage into their mother''s car and she drove them to the station. When they were there, she half-carried the sleepy Chloe and her luggage until they were right in front of the train. It was now time for the goodbyes and she looked as sad as was possible. This was something Benjamin was well aware of. Their mother relied heavily emotionally on her children.
Even though that was the case, she never hindered their freedom. The fact that she had five of them didn''t dilute her love for them in the slightest and separating from them was always a painful business for her, even if it was for a short while. No matter who saw it, she was an amazing mother and Benjamin was proud of being her son.
In the end, she had to kiss them plenty of times with some hugs in between before she finally let them board the train. The three children, who knew her personality well, didn''t bother trying to escape and let her do what she wanted until the end. Once they were on board, she still didn''t leave and waited until the train rolled off, waving her hand at them while following the train''s pace from the outside. They responded to her waving until the train gained enough speed that she couldn''t keep up anymore. She became a smaller and smaller dot and they eventually lost sight of her when the train took its first turn.
It was still 6 am and the train wasn''t even half full. Due to this, the three of them had four seats facing each other to themselves. It didn''t take long before Chloe began to fall asleep again. Before it happened, Benjamin asked her.
"Why so sleepy, Chloe?"
She was now three-quarters asleep and took a bit of time to answer him.
"...Hm. Couldn''t schlick to wake up today..."
She was so out of it that she didn''t realize what she was saying anymore, surprising him and Olivia. Of course, he immediately thought the situation was funny and took the opportunity to ask for more details.
"Do you do that every day?"
"How many times do you do it?"
"...Not many, like ten or so."
Olivia looked like she thought this was amusing as she put a hand over her mouth to keep herself fromughing.
"How do you do it?"
"...Like normal, just put my fingers in my pussy and flick my clit."
"Doesn''t that tire you instead?"
"...I just need toe hard at least once and that''ll wake me up... Light ones don''t do much."
Then, her hand started to head toward her crotch and she slowly rubbed her privates through her jeans.
They were still on the train and Benjamin had to stop her before she began to masturbate in front of other people. He took hold of her arm and removed it from her groin, the sudden contact waking her up.
Chapter 184 - 184 – Embarrassed
Chapter 184: ¨C Embarrassed
Her eyes opened. She looked at his hand hindering her and then at the owner of that hand. She started to get red in the face and eximed.
"W-what are you making me say?!"
In a different dimension, she might have physically hit him out of sheer embarrassment. However, in this world, this would never happen. Hitting men was frowned upon, an act that only violent women would do. So, the Chloe of this world could only look away from him and pout silently, a shameful look on her face. As she did that, she caught sight of Olivia who was now chuckling, unable to hold herself anymore. She became even more vexed and turned away from her too.
"I hate you two!"
Benjamin put his hand on her head and patted it.
"Sorry, sorry, I was just happy to know more about my little sister. There''s nothing to be ashamed of."
"As if!"
She said that but didn''t remove his hand from her head and he continued to caress it, pacifying the angry little demon. It didn''t take long before she lost her frown and slowly fell asleep again, his monotonous movements elerating the process. It seemed that seeing her sleeping like this had its effect on Benjamin and Olivia because they started to yawn before soon joining her in dreand, proof that they all had been waking up too early.
The three of them slept for most of the travel and arrived at their destination a lot fresher. Their aunt and cousins lived in a more rural area of the country, a small town surrounded by farms and fields. They were part of the people living in the surroundings since their aunt possessed an insect farm and made a living from this avant-garde business. As far as he knew, she had a very rough start at the beginning of this new venture, for various reasons, but was now doing much better. This was a domain that was always very intriguing to him, at least in the previous world, and he enjoyed going around the ce or watching her work.
Of course, he was aware that some things might have changed from before and had discreetly done his investigation beforeing here, asking innocent questions to his family members until he had a good overview of their situation. In conclusion, things weren''t that different, except for their characters. This was a good thing for him since he would only have to manage that part and not meetplete stranger-like people. In the end, the main issue was about him since from their point of view he was the one who would have changed.
The three kids exited the train with their luggage and were now in the small station of the town. There weren''t that many other people getting off here and their aunt and cousins, who had been waiting for them here, instantly spotted them. They looked almost the same as he remembered them but before he could take a better look, a dynamic tanned girl rushed to him.
She opened her arms wide and gave him a big hug, even though she was shorter than him, a wide smile on her face. This was his cousin Kiana, the female counterpart of the twin duo. She was a brown-haired girl with short hair, brown eyes, and a slim physique. She was currently wearing jeans and a T-shirt along with sneakers, a ssical outfit for girls in this world, who didn''t care much about what they were wearing.
He was surprised by the sudden hug, something that she would never have done in the previous world, but soon returned it by putting his arms around her back. She was extremely startled and broke her embrace immediately, looking at him with a shocked expression.
"What? Why are you hugging me back? You always hated it when I did that!"
This was the sort of reaction he expected and was ready for this.
"Heh. What you have in front of you is not the same good old Ben. Behold Ben 2.0, the new and shiny Ben, an upgraded version of the past me!"
She had now her jaw opened wide and her reaction was mirrored by his aunt and male cousin, who were arriving behind her. The girl in question soon turned toward his sisters to get an exnation.
"Olivia, what happened to him? He''s weird!"
"One day, he said he would change and he indeed did change a lot. We were also very surprised."
Kiana looked at the proudly grinning Benjamin and continued.
"No way, where did the shy Ben go? Who am I going to tease now?"
"Well, this new one is good in a different way too. And it''s not like he became bad or anything. Just... a lot more assertive, I guess."
They talked about him as if he was not right in front of them but he didn''t care much about it. Instead, he went to greet his other two family members. His male cousin was called Ray. Just like his twin sister, he was tanned, with a slender physique. He had rtively long brown hair as well as brown eyes, looking at him with joy. This was where the simrities from what he knew stopped. He now had a soft expression on his face and was smiling at him lightly. He was wearing much better clothes than his sister, blue pants and a white shirt, with city shoes on his feet.
He would normally have gone to high-five him like the close cousins they were but he knew this was not what was expected of him in this world. Instead, he went for a short hug and his cousin returned it before they looked at each other again.
"How have you been, Ray?"
"I''ve been doing good, as always. Just a bit tired. What about you?"
Now that he looked at him more closely, he indeed had dark spots under the eyes, as if he was missing sleep.
"I''m always good too. So, what''s up with you? Why so tired?"
"Yeah... I''ll tell youter."
It was now time to greet thest person, his aunt.
Chapter 185 - 185 – Farm
Chapter 185: ¨C Farm
She was a woman around the age of his mother and just like her son, she was sporting an amicable smile. She was brown-haired and brown-eyed, with long hair and a toned body due to her farm work. She wore a green dress with white sandals and her hair was let out freely on her back. When he arrived in front of her, she immediately hugged him before kissing both his cheeks.
"Hi, Ben, darling. Did you have a good trip?"
"Hi, Halle. Yes, we slept most of the way so it passed very quickly. Thank you foring to fetch us."
"Don''t mention it. You look indeed very different from this summer. What could have changed in such a short amount of time? Is it a girl?"
"You know I only have eyes for you, Auntie."
"Oh, what a sweet talker! Look at you, you''re going to make girls your age crazy with such talks. I bet you get confessed a lot at school, don''t you?"
"How did you know?"
"That''s because Ray is in the same situation. Ahah, it''s good to be young."
They continued chatting and when everyone finished greeting everyone else, they jumped into Halle''s truck, the only vehicle she had that could allow six people to ride on at the same time. The town wasn''t thatrge and even going to the outskirt where the farm was located didn''t take that long. Soon enough, they arrived at the ce, a small homesteadprised of three main buildings. The first one was their home, arge two-floored house. Land and house prices weren''t that expensive in a ce like this and their family was able to afford such arge house. The second building was the actual farm itself. The good aspect of insect farming was that it didn''t need as much space as traditional ranches and everything could be contained within onerge structure. Thest ce was the warehouse, where Halle stocked materials, insect food, and final products, which would then be delivered to the wholesale buyer.
They first went to put their luggage away. The house currently had two unused rooms, one on the first floor and one on the second floor, typically used for them or friends sleeping over. This time, there wasn''t much to think about and Benjamin took the room on the second floor for himself while his little sisters shared the other one. Kiana helped Chloe and Olivia sort their stuff and Ray did the same for Benjamin, allowing them to be done quickly. After that, they regrouped on the first floor and Halle, who had been preparing lunch, told them to wash their hands and set up the table. This was a wee change for Benjamin, who wouldn''t have to cook during the whole week. Halle was doing all the cooking in this family and she was pretty good at it. The only downside, if you call it that, was that most of the meals used local products, which meant almost all of their protein intake woulde from insects. Fortunately, they were all used to it by now, not like it tasted bad or anything.
Today''s menu was fried house crickets with vegetables. The trickiest part when eating insects was their appearance because it was a bit unnatural to put something you would usually be repulsed by in your mouth. The first time was always the hardest, but once one got used to it, these were enjoyable, just like any other food. House crickets for example tasted nutty, kind of like rye bread or popcorn, depending on the person you asked. Another important aspect was to have a good recipe for them. It was much easier for first-timers to eat them if they were not by themselves on the te and were instead just one part of the dish. As an insect farmer, Halle was also a researcher in this aspect and her meals were always well-bnced, tasty, nutritious, and pleasing enough to the eye.
During the meal, they shared news about everyone. It had only been a little over two months since they saw each other and not much changed in between. They only talked about their new ssmates, Chloe entering middle school, and Benjamin entering high school. Kiana and Ray were mostly interested in high school since they would also be graduating from middle school at the end of the year. They imagined high school as a ce for people who were almost adults, not like the children that were around them in middle school, and had high anticipation for it. Benjamin knew now that it wasn''t that different in reality but he didn''t want to crush their hopes too badly and painted his school life in a good way. Since it seemed Ray was very popr at school too, they talked about this part.
"I''m sure high schooler girls are much better than middle schooler ones, right? I have enough of those childish and perverted girls all around me."
"A little bit better, I guess. I think it depends on the people themselves. I''ve made good friends with some very nice girls while there are a lot of ridiculous ones too."
"Ugh, no way. So it''s still the same in the end?"
"I believe it''s all about spending your time with the right ssmates."
"Sigh, I already have to take care of Kiana here, it''s hard enough for me."
"Hey, what do you mean by that!"
"Just saying the truth."
The twin started to bicker and Benjamin hastily changed the subject.
"So, what are your ns for the next week?"
Ray was the one to reply.
"There''s a ton of stuff I want to do. We can go shopping in the city, go to a caf¨¦, or visit some museums. If we''re bored, we can meet with my friends who are still around too."
Benjamin still had some of his mentality of the previous world and shopping didn''t sound like an activity in itself. Even more so when it would probably mostly be window shopping considering Ray''s limited budget.
"The caf¨¦ and the museums sound good."
This time, it was Chloe who asked Kiana.
"What about us? Do you have any good ideas?"
Chapter 186 - 186 – Discussion
Chapter 186: ¨C Discussion
"We can go to the pool. Or we can y some football with my friends. Ah, if you don''t want that, Olivia, we can also y some games."
Her mother had to intervene at that point.
"Don''t stay inside too much during vacation, kids."
Olivia thought about it and answered.
"Well, I can at least be the referee if you want to do some sports."
"Come on, you can y too. We all know you so no one will mock you even if you suck."
"Ugh, I know I don''t y sports a lot but you don''t have to be so blunt."
"Sorry, sorry. I have some other ideas of stuff we can do but let''s talk about itter."
Her mother intervened here.
"Don''t make your cousins do something foolish this time."
Halle sighed, pretty sure she would end up in trouble sooner orter, as usual. The problem was that their little group was a bit unbnced. Even though Olivia often tried to stop them whenever they were doing something stupid, the duo of Kiana and Chloe wasn''t something the timid girl could do much about. Kiana always proposed some terrible idea which the younger and curious Chloe happily went with and the best Olivia could do at that point was some damage control.
"Kids, why don''t you all spend the vacation together?"
From her point of view, that would be the best to avoid the girls getting into trouble. However, their response was fierce, starting with Kiana.
"No way I''m going shopping with them."
"Yeah well, no way I''m ying football with girls."
Ray retaliated immediately and Halle could only sigh again at the failed attempt. She would have to prepare some punishment in advance for her daughter since she couldn''t go too hard on her nieces. Even though re said it was fine to scold them if necessary, she knew she didn''t like it too much when it happened. That''s something she understood well because it was the same for her. No matter how unruly her daughter was, there was a world of difference between her rebuking Kiana and other people doing it.
Kiana and Ray frowned at each other for a while but soon turned back to their respective discussions about things to do. The meal ended like this and as soon as they were done eating and cleaning up everything, the children went to do their stuff. Benjamin told Ray he wanted to have a chat just between them and they went out to find a ce where they could talk without anyone bothering them. They settled for talking while having a digestive walk in the surroundings.
Benjamin was happy to see his cousins, even if they were different from how he remembered them, but there was also another reason why he wanted toe here. Since he arrived in this world, he had been doing a lot of thinking but he never shared his thoughts with anyone. He wanted to talk about a few serious topics with a male of his world but never had the perfect interlocutor so far. His friends at school were nice folks but in the end, they were still people he had just met a few months ago and he wouldn''t talk about such things with them just yet. On the other hand, his cousin was the perfect interlocutor. No matter what subject he would touch on, he was a nice guy, his family, and someone he could trust.
"So, why so tired?"
"What else? It''s Kiana being a pain in the ass, as always."
"I see. Can''t you do anything about it?"
"Temporarily, yes, but you know her, she''s persistent. She always manages to get what she wants because people are so annoyed by her that they relent in the end."
They continued with their light talk and news sharing from lunch for some time until Benjamin finally asked a more serious question.
"Ray, what do you think about this world?"
"That''s a pretty vague question. Can''t you be a bit more specific?"
"I''m talking men and women and the rtionship between them. I have my opinion on the subject but I wanted to hear someone else''s point of view."
"Hmm, so, is there anything wrong with it? Are you talking about the recent masculist movements? Or the fact that men are getting more rights recently?"
"Not really. See, I''ve been thinking recently but don''t you think the world is somewhat unfair to women?"
"What? I never thought you''d say that, Ben. Especially since you alwaysin that it''s painful to have six females around you all the time."
"Yeah. But let''s forget about me. What do you think about it?"
"Let''s see... The world is unfair to women, you say? Hmm, I don''t think that''s the case. The people in power are still mostly women and men are far from being able to get into high-level jobs and positions as easily, right? On top of that, there are still some sry differences between men and women even if they have the same job. You could say the world is actually unfair to men, even if it''s slowly getting better."
"What about how women are biologically so, well, horny all the time and there''s nothing they can do about it?"
"I wish it wasn''t the case, really. This is more of a pain to deal with for us guys. I''m sure you''ve been bothered by girls all the time at school too, right? That sucks, I wish they''d just leave us alone."
Ray''s opinion was very interesting because it reflected something he had heard a lot from other males in this world. Of course, he was still a teenager and wasn''t very empathic about women''s issues, focusing more on his side of the problem. He also didn''t have Benjamin''s experience of women in this world and a way topare with another world where things were the reverse from here.
"What about from women''s point of view? Don''t you think it''s painful for them to have such strong urges all the time even if they don''t want to?"
Ray looked at him, lightly surprised, before thinking about it for a moment.
"I''ve never thought about it this way. I guess there might be some women who are bothered by it? Well, if you think about it, you could say that history has been built because women were chasing after men aggressively all the time. No doubt the world''s poption would be a lot lower if that wasn''t the case!"
Chapter 187 - 187 – Disadvantage
Chapter 187: ¨C Disadvantage
"That''s for sure. Speaking about chasing after, don''t you think we guys have too much of an advantage in the dating business? We''re the ones deciding if something is going to happen or not in the end."
"And that''s for the best. Can you even imagine if that wasn''t the case? Women would just pick men randomly on the streets and rape them on the spot. Nah, it needs to stay like this because it''s simply impossible to trust women with this."
Alright, he had a point. This was exactly why he wanted to discuss more seriously with someone, even if that was just a teenager almost the same age as him. Now, if considering a different scenario where both sides would be very willing, wouldn''t the whole world transform into his life? People would just find any reason to have sex all the time and it was unknown where humanity would have gone in those conditions.
"Makes sense. By the way, did you hear about the newws introduced by the government?"
"You bet. We''re finally getting more rights and safety for ourselves. If women are found discriminating against us, that would be considered an offense. Now, we really have a chance to build a serious career. I know it''ll take some time before this is properly respected and applied but it''s a very good first step."
That was something Benjamin had looked into and things were much moreplicated than this in this world. However, that wasn''t what he wanted to focus on in this discussion.
"What about the things about prostitution and brothels?"
Ray looked away a little and didn''t immediately answer. He was still a middle schooler boy, after all, and this wasn''t the sort of topic he would usually talk about.
"You know, I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I feel sorry for guys who would do that to themselves. On the other hand, I guess it could perhaps save some desperate men who have nothing else to rely on. At the same time, if that could help reduce sexual crimes, that''d be good. It''s weird to say this but if it''s controlled properly, it might be a win-win for everyone."
He didn''t know he had a guy who would do this to himself in front of him, which made him smile inside.
"No, I know what you mean, I think the same too. Anyway, thanks, Ray. I wanted to get someone else''s opinion on those things for a long time but I didn''t know who else to talk with."
"Anytime. We guys have to stick together! Oh, one thing from me too. Be careful about Kiana. That girl has been talking about you all the time these days. I don''t know what''s going on but it can''t be anything good."
"Alright, I''ll be careful."
They chatted some more and then headed back home. Halle was gone to work on the farm and the girls were doing something in Kiana''s room. Since there was no hindrance, they were now free to do whatever they wanted for the rest of the day. Ray was interested in going to a caf¨¦ so they did just that. Since just doing that by itself wasn''t that fun with two people, Benjamin found a ce simr to the one he went to with his female friends, where it was possible to y board games. He asked his cousin to try it and he readily agreed since it seemed which caf¨¦ they went to didn''t matter to him.
Ray went to a local middle school. There wasn''t any fancy store to his taste around there so he wanted to try some ces in the bigger city. They rode a bus to get there and when they arrived at the ce, they found a few other people using the facilities to y too. They asked if they could join them and had a good time together for the rest of the afternoon. As for the menu, Benjamin still had plenty of leftover money from work so he told Ray he could get whatever he wanted. He was extra happy when he realized his cousin would pay for everything.
After enjoying themselves to their heart content, they rode the bus back home, just in time for dinner. Everyone talked about their day, with the girls apparently having gone to the pool, and chatted for the rest of the evening. Halle asked for news about the rest of the family and the topics after that were mostly focused on this. She was also satisfied that the girls didn''t create any trouble yet, giving her a respite for the time being.
The next couple of days passed simrly, with the boys and girls doing their things while Halle worked during the day. On Tuesday morning, there was a small happening. Ray received a call from one of his friends and looked troubled. He sent nces at Benjamin a few times before finally apologizing to him.
"Sorry, Ben, I need to get to him."
"No worries, you should take care of your friends."
"Thanks! I''ll see youter."
He finished his breakfast quickly and immediately left the house. As soon as he was gone, Kiana gave a big smile while looking at Benjamin first and then at Chloe, who grinned back at her. Olivia had a weird face too, which was hard to decipher.
"Ben, join us for today!"
"Sure, let''s do that."
Kiana was abnormally happy, something which didn''t escape her mother''s eyes.
"Ben, don''t let them do anything stupid, okay? Girls, you better behave today."
They all nodded but their smiles didn''t relent in the least and it was obvious the words had gone in one ear and out the other. Halle could only hope that thebination of Benjamin and Olivia would be enough to stop the two little troublemakers.
After breakfast, she went back to work and Kiana invited everyone to her room, saying she wanted to show something to Benjamin. There was no way the mischievous girl would have anything normal for him but he decided to follow anyway, curious about whatever she had in store for him. In the house, Halle''s room was on the first floor while Kiana and Ray''s rooms were on the second floor. Once they were all up there, Kiana closed the door and locked it, which was already very suspicious, only to take her phone out and show him a specific application.
"Tadaa! Look at this, Ben. It''s a newly released hypnosis app, they say it works incredibly well. Do you want to try it?"
As expected, it was nothing good.
Chapter 188 - 188 – Real
Chapter 188: ¨C Real
"You know these things are all fake, right? I hope you didn''t pay for it."
"It was just a few dors so it''s fine. And this is the real deal, there are tons of reviews of people saying it worked for them."
"It''s my money so I can use it however I want, okay?"
"Fine, fine."
"And so, let''s try it on you, Ben!"
"Why me? You can just try it between yourselves."
"Nah, it''s not fun to hypnotize a girl. It has to be you."
"Sigh, well, whatever. Go ahead then."
Even though heined, he was a little bit curious about it too, not that he thought it would work. It would be fun to see how far she would take this. Also, since she was so insistent on it, it would be perfect to y a small trick on her. Looking at the side, Chloe seemed to be eager too while Olivia was half-interested, half-reluctant.
"That''s how it should be! Alright, just focus on the screen and the app will do the rest."
She started the hypnosis program and shoved the phone to his face.
"Too close."
She put it slightly further away and Benjamin could now see the screen. It showed a purple rotating spiral in the middle and a bigger pink one around the first, taking the entirety of the screen. The background was pure white, probably to contrast against the spirals. After some time of watching them going round and round like this, it was more psychedelic or dizzying than anything and he couldn''t really feel something else happening. Still, he focused on them, waiting for the kids to do something. After a minute more, Kiana asked in a toned-down voice.
He stayed perfectly still and didn''t answer.
"Ben? Can you hear me?"
He still didn''t do anything for a couple of seconds, before slowly nodding his head. Seeing this, the three girls gasped and started whispering.
"No way, did it work?"
"That fast?"
"It''s amazing, I told you."
"No, he might be just ying a trick on us."
"Let''s test it then."
Kiana turned toward him again.
"Ben, from now on, you have to listen to me, okay? If you agree, nod two times."
Same as before, he waited a little and slowly nodded two times."
"Lift your left hand."
He did as she said and she gave him a new order.
"Put your hands together in a heart."
"What sort of order is that?"
"Don''t you want to see it too? Ben doing a heart, just like those singers, that would be so cute."
"Well, yeah."
He slowly moved his hands and made a sloppy heart with his fingers.
"Gosh, look at this. Hey, take a pic, take a pic."
Chloe took her phone out and took a picture of him in that position.
"Doesn''t it look like it''s really working? He''d never have let us order him around like this, right? He didn''t even care that we took a picture of him."
"No, we''ve got to be careful. He became very yful since he changed attitude."
"That''s right! He''s teasing me all the time!"
"Really? That''s... nice."
"What do you mean? It''s not nice at all."
"Well, Ray never teases me. He''s just annoyed at me all the time."
"You two are twins so it''s probably different?"
"Hmm. Anyway, if he''s making fun of us, we can just make him do stuff he''d never do and he''ll have no choice but to stop his acting."
Chloe nodded but Olivia didn''t.
"Don''t go too far, okay? If Halle learns about this, we''re in trouble."
"Don''t worry, it''ll be fine."
"What should we make him do?"
"Let''s make him answer some sensitive questions for now. Ben? From now on, you have to answer us when we ask you questions. Okay?"
He nodded again.
"What''s your name?"
"How tall are you?"
"...179 cm."
"How much do you weigh?"
"...68 kg."
"He answered that. Guys never want to tell their weight, usually."
"That''s not good enough. I''m telling you, this is nothing to him."
"Alright. Ben, are you dating someone?"
"Oh... Nice. Ahem, ahem. Is there anyone you''re interested in?"
"It seems a bit too easy? Hmm, can''t be helped, no more holding back. Ben, are you a virgin?"
"Hey, Kiana!"
"Olivia, it''s like Chloe said, we need to go that far, or else we''ll never know. Ben, are you a virgin?"
"No way..."
Kiana looked like she was in shock, Olivia blushed, and Chloe flinched hard. They were all suspicious but were so focused on themselves that they didn''t notice how the other two reacted. After a few more moments, Kiana continued.
"That can''t be... Who the hell did you do it with?"
"...A younger girl."
"Darn it! You like younger girls? If I had known, it could have been me!"
"Hey, what are you saying, Kiana!"
"Ugh. Damn it."
"Kiana, you like Ben?"
"A-a little bit? So what, I know you two like him too!"
"Look at you, you''re so obvious."
"What about you, then?"
"I''m his cousin, it''s still fine. But you two are his sisters!"
"S-so what!"
"I''m still better than you!"
"You''re not!"
"I am!"
"Wait, wait, stop it. we''re not going anywhere right now. And Ben, I know you''re faking it, stop acting now."
Olivia tried to calm the situation down but of course, he wouldn''t let them go so easily. He still didn''t give any reaction back, keeping himself expressionless. She called out for him and even stirred him a few times. He let her do it all without resisting.
"It can''t be it''s for real?"
"They say it''s very powerful?"
"How do you break it, then?"
"Should I snap my fingers?"
She snapped her fingers but nothing happened. After trying a few other things, like telling him to wake up or pping their hands, with nothing working, she suddenly had another idea.
"Wait. Isn''t this a good opportunity? It looks like he''s going to do anything we ask, right?"
Chapter 189 - 189 – Advantage
Chapter 189: ¨C Advantage
"What now? We''re going to get into trouble if we go any further."
"No, I agree with Kiana. We''re never getting any better opportunity."
"That''s right! It''s two against one, Olivia. I''m sure you''re interested too, anyway."
"I-I''m not like you two."
"Yeah, right. Whatever. What should we make him do?"
"It''s time for me to avenge myself for all his teasing. No need to hold back, Kiana!"
"Hmm, in that case... Ben, answer me. Do you like me?"
"...I do."
"Seriously? Yes!"
"Wait, you can''t ask stuff like this. Ben, you like me the best, right?"
"Stop it, Olivia. It''s obvious it''s me he likes the best."
"Dream on."
"Wait, we can just ask him. Ben, who do you like the most between us?"
"...I like you all equally."
"Eww, what sort of answer is that? Are you sure he''s not just acting?"
"Then, we can ask him to do something he''d never do normally."
"I''m not sure that''s a good idea."
"We have the majority here, Olivia. Let''s see... Ben, let me touch your chest!"
"That''s too much!"
He opened his arms and pushed his torso forward, showing that he was still listening to orders well. Kiana took the opportunity given to her and lightly poked him, waiting for his reaction. When he didn''t do anything, she grew bolder and started to touch him with her whole hand before soon caressing his chest all around.
"Oh, it feels so nice. There''s no way the app isn''t working if he''s letting me do this, right?"
However, her two cousins didn''t answer. They knew this was nowhere close enough to his limit and that they had done a lot more than this with him. Still, an opportunity to freely molest their brother wasn''t something they could resist and Chloe went for it too, soon followed by the reluctant Olivia. The three girls ran their hands all over his upper body, enjoying the feeling of his toned chest and anything around it. When Kiana started to focus more and more on his nipples with a raged breathing, Olivia interrupted her.
"Don''t do that too much, I heard it''s not that pleasant for guys."
"I-I know that too."
"Hm, of course. Hey, this is good but it''d be even better if we could touch directly, right? Ben, remove your T-shirt."
The three girls put their hands away for a moment, allowing him to slowly remove his top and reveal his nude torso.
"Wow, this is amazing. I can''t believe he''s letting us see him like this. This app is so cool."
Chloe and Olivia still stayed quiet but the three of them went back to molest him, their small warm hands running all over his skin, getting more and more excited at what was happening. After a minute or two of doing this, Kiana seemed to not be able to hold herself anymore. She looked up at him and announced.
"Ben, kiss me."
"Y-you can''t do that!"
"I''ll never get a better chance in my life. It''s now or never!"
As obedient as ever, Ben slowly moved his head closer to hers and smooched her for a few seconds before going back to his previous position. Kiana stayed in ce, her lips slightly opened, seemingly mesmerized. Finally, she smiled widely and eximed.
"He kissed me! He really did it! That felt so good! This is awesome!"
Her two cousins frowned at her exuberance and Chloe soon followed her example.
"Hey, Ben, kiss me too!"
He gave a peck too and she grinned simrly, proud of herself. This time, it was Olivia who didn''t want to be left out.
"M-me too, Ben."
And he kissed her, just like the other two. The three girls were now smiling happily and Kiana remarked.
"Best ten bucks spent of my life."
Chloe and Olivia agreed and they soon kept asking for more kisses from him, enjoying themselves for as long as itsted. However, they soon became so lustful that this wasn''t enough anymore for them. Kiana looked down more and more and noticed that he was getting hard. Without any restrain, she put a hand over the bulge of his penis over his pants and caressed it, fascinated. On the left, Chloe began to kiss him without releasing him. On the right, Olivia caressed his butt, appreciating its texture.
"Oh my gosh, he''s so hard, girls. We''re making him excited even though he''s hypnotized. That''s so hot."
She rubbed his member more and more quickly until she couldn''t hold herself anymore.
"Hey, Ben, remove your pants and undies too."
This time, Olivia didn''t protest anymore. No matter how many times she did things with her brother, every time was as exciting as the previous one and she didn''t care much anymore about getting into troubleter on. She also didn''t care much that Chloe and Kiana were there together with her and just focused on her brother''s sexy body.
As soon as the new order was heard, he leisurely stood up, forcing the girls to take their hands back. Then, he removed his pants and underwear under the enthralled gaze of the three females. Finally, he was nude and he deliberately aimed his erected dick toward Kiana, the younger girl having her mouth opened wide in wonder.
"W-wow, that''s Ben''s cock. It looks so big and hard. Damn."
She put herself on her knees in front of him, opened his legs, and put her head next to his penis. Then she gave it a big sniff, filling her lungs with his smell. She seemed to be incredibly affected because she immediately put a hand on her crotch after that and started to run her snatch over her pants. Then, she sniffed him one more time before giving him a lick, and then two, and then a lot. Chloe and Olivia watched her do this before closing on the object of interest too. Seeing this, Kiana panicked a little and directly went for the next step. She opened her mouth wide and gobbled the whole thing, filling herself with his member.
Chapter 190 - 190 – Not yet
Chapter 190: ¨C Not yet
Due to the sudden devouring of the massive dick, she couldn''t help pushing herself too deep on it and gag. Nevertheless, she never let go of it and kept it safely in her mouth, the penis trembling happily at the stimtion. Chloe and Olivia, who saw her selfish move, started toin.
"Kiana, how greedy."
"You can''t take it all for yourself like this!"
"Chuf uf!"
She couldn''t speak in that position but still tried to, even being defiant about what she did. This was her cousin''s dick, after all, the one thing she had been dreaming of blowing for as long as she could remember. There was no way she would share it now that she managed to hog it for herself, especially since she could only see her cousin for a limited amount of time. She never knew when such an opportunity could happen again. And if she had to be punished for this, so be it. Just feeling his penis in her mouth was worth any punishment!
Olivia and Chloe couldn''t do much about it either. They could fight her for it but thought they should be magnanimous for once. After all, they both had done much more than this with him and didn''t mind letting her have a chance at it today. They also thought they were above fighting for a simple blowjob and decided to look down a little on their cousin for being so egocentric. Instead, they went for different things. Chloe monopolized his mouth by constantly kissing him and Olivia went for his balls, licking them, sucking on them, venerating them.
All the while, Benjamin was in a rtively tough position. Being on the receiving end of so many stimting acts made it pretty hard to stay stoic. In these circumstances, he would normally put his hands on the girls'' heads and praise them or something but he couldn''t do that today. He wondered how a hypnotized person should react in these conditions and the conclusion was that he had no idea about it. Having to stay immobile was taking its toll on him but he didn''t know what else he could do since any movement could blow his cover.
What''s more, he couldn''t be too active during his kisses with Chloe and the girl was using the opportunity to vite his mouth with her tongue and fingers, doing anything she wanted without any consideration for him. She even used her fingers to pull his tongue out at some point and yed with it, moving it up and down, extracting saliva from it, or making it lick her cheeks.
The only saving grace about this situation was that Kiana was able to give a rtively good head overall. While she mostly focused on tasting him at the start, she quickly switched to stimting him by bobbing her head while using her tongue on his ns and shaft.
The situation went on like this and after a while, he couldn''t help getting close to his release and groaned a little under all the different sensations. The three girls got increasingly excited when hearing this, all of them upping their game on him, with Kiana now blowing him at full strength.
However, they suddenly heard Halle calling for them from the first floor.
"Kids! Don''t stay in your room all day and go out to y!"
When they heard this, the girls were startled, Chloe and Olivia releasing Benjamin and stepping away from him. The problem was Kiana, though. She was so close to making him ejacte and definitely didn''t want to end this before she got to taste his sperm. She continued to blow him at full strength, deciding to ignore the circumstances. Chloe and Olivia looked shocked and whispered hastily.
"Kiana! Stop!"
"You''re crazy!"
And of course, since they didn''t answer her, Halle called out for them again.
They heard her go up the stairs and panicked even further. There was no time anymore. Olivia and Chloe forcefully removed Kiana from Benjamin''s penis and the girl whimpered.
"Noo! My dick!"
"Shut up, you crazy girl!"
They hissed at her, Olivia putting a hand over her mouth to quiet her. Chloe immediately put Benjamin''s clothes back on him, as fast as she could. Now that she had lost her precious penis, Kiana finally admitted that the situation was very bad and went to help Chloe, alongside Olivia. With the three of them working together, they were almost done when Halle tried to open the door and failed.
"Why did you lock the door? Open it immediately!"
"Yes, Mom! Just a second!"
She left the other two to finish the job and slowly walked to the door. She checked behind her and when they gave her an okay sign, she finally unlocked the door and opened it. Halle instantly barged inside, looking at the circumstances. She wasn''t stupid and could see that something wasn''t normal right from the start. Benjamin''s clothes were in disorder and she could see his boner from over his pants. He had a nk look on his face and wasn''t reacting to the current situation. There was a smell she knew well in the room and the girls couldn''t look any more guilty. She understood that something wrong happened there and got angry.
"You girls! What did you do?! Answer me right now!"
Kiana looked away from her, trembling in fear, as she knew she would be the one to take the brunt of the punishment. Chloe was looking at Olivia as if she could save them from this peril but the girl was just biting her lips in despair. Seeing that no one was answering her, Halle went for the weak link in the group.
"Olivia. Exin it all or I''ll contact re right this instant! You have three seconds. 3, 2..."
"Wait! Don''t tell Mom, please!"
"You better start talking, then."
"O-Okay. It''s just, we were trying this new hypnosis app and things got a little bit out of hand..."
Chapter 191 - 191 – Scolding
Chapter 191: ¨C Scolding
"What? Those things are all scams. What did you do?"
"We thought so too but Ben''s like that now."
She pointed at him and Halle turned to take a better look. She saw he was still the same as before, expressionless and unmoving.
"This is a joke, right?"
She came to him and stirred him a few times. Now was the critical part for Benjamin. He had to wait until she did something that the girls didn''t try before to "wake up" and act as if that was the trigger to get him out of hypnosis. When he didn''t react to what she did, Halle looked worried. She couldn''t go too hard on him since he was a boy - and a total darling, at that - so she turned toward the girls again, a big frown on her face.
"Whose app was that?"
"Kiana, you little..."
"Sorry, Mom, it was just for fun!"
"For fun? What did you do to him that he''d get... like this?"
"You three are not getting out of this so easily. What are you waiting for, Kiana? Look into the app''s instructions and tell me how to wake him up!"
She hastily obeyed her and checked the app for some time.
"They say you should first try to snap your fingers. If that doesn''t work, p your hands. And if that still doesn''t work, throw a bit of water at him. Thest options are to put him on a chair and make it fall from the back or... to give him a big p."
As she talked, Halle tried things in real-time. He didn''t react to the finger snapping and hand pping, forcing her to fetch some water. When she threw some at his face, he finally took the opportunity to react.
"...Ah! Y-you girls..."
"Are you alright, Ben?"
"Yes, I''m fine."
"Do you remember what happened?"
The three girls started to tremble. They were doomed now.
"What did they do to you?"
"They... didn''t do much. They just kept whispering, um, dirty things in my ears andughed at my reaction."
The four females looked surprised, with the three girls not believing he actually covered for them. Halle continued to interrogate him.
"Is that all? Are you sure?"
She now seemed relieved because she imagined much worse. She sent a look at the bulge in his pants and looked back at him.
"I see."
That didn''t mean she would let the three girls off, though.
"You three, farm work today with me. And apologize to Ben. Kiana, no allowance for three months."
"No way! Mom, anything but that, please!"
"I told you not to do anything stupid and look at you now. Let''s go, I''ll work you three hard today."
She made the three whimpering girls apologize to Benjamin, took them with her, and exited the room. She kept the scolding and punishment light for her nieces since she didn''t want to interfere with re''s way of educating them too much. Their family was different from their cousins because allowances were a thing, perhaps because there were only two children. This was also where the ten dors for the application came from and not getting an allowance for three months was a very big deal for Kiana. Weren''t three months close to an eternity? She wouldn''t be able to do anything for that long, making her despair. The only saving grace was that Benjamin didn''t reveal the truth or else she didn''t know how bad the punishment would have gotten.
As for Halle, she was satisfied with the appropriate judgment. Cutting children''s allowances when they did something bad was like killing two birds with one stone. They hated very much not receiving any money for the duration of the punishment and she could save that much for that period. Since kids'' thought processes were very centered on themselves, they always missed that second fact. Allowance money wasn''t that small of an amount for modest families like theirs, who only had a single ie source to provide for everyone.
Now alone in the room, Benjamin took care of his hard-on. After that, he wasn''t sure what to do. He didn''t know when Ray would be done on his side. He didn''t want to send him a message and disturb him in case he was doing something important. This was still the countryside and there wasn''t much to do by going to the neighboring town. All the good things were in the bigger city. However, he didn''t want to go by himself and let Ray find him gone when he would be back. In the end, he decided to go see the girls working hard.
He headed to the farm building and saw they were already all wearing working clothes. Halle took the opportunity of having three ves to make them do the hard work, carrying heavy bags of insect meat from the farm to the warehouse. She kept an eye on them to check if they were working correctly and went for the more delicate work. Insect farming consisted of five different steps. There was the actual growth period, where insectrvae were put into a container with some feed for them to be adults. When it was time to harvest them, they would first go through water cleaning and storage at low temperatures to remove biomass and excretions. Then, they went through an inactivation stage, to inactive enzymes and microbes on them. The fourth phase was heat treatment, to kill bacteria, and the final step was to dry them for better conservation.
Since she had some avablebor force today, she focused on insects finishing thest step, putting them into the heavy bags that the girls would then transport to the warehouse. The three of them were working reluctantly but still did their part, transporting loads that were close to a third of their weight, suffering breathlessly in silence. Benjamin sat in a corner and cheered on them, making them frown even more. Chloe even started pouting but, no matter how unhappy they were, they couldn''t say anything to him. Not only did he cover for them just before, he could always change his mind if they displeased him. If that ever happened, that would really be the end for them.
Chapter 192 - 192 – Spy
Chapter 192: ¨C Spy
Eventually, they could only switch to brainless mode, letting their bodies move automatically while their mind focused on happier thoughts, like Ben''s sexy body they managed to molest a short while back. That also wasn''t such a great idea because their pussies started to release ample amounts of juices, making their panties sticky and hindering their movements even more.
Benjamin smiled when they began to walk with duck steps and they turned even more grumpy, at least externally. In reality, they liked his smile and used it as a way to gain some courage for their work. After a couple of hours like this, Halle called for a break as she went to prepare lunch in the house. The girls stopped their work and fell to the ground,ining about their situation.
"Finally a break."
"This is too much, and there''s still the whole afternoon after that."
"Don''t say it, I''m depressed just thinking about it."
When they recovered a minimal amount of stamina, they went to Benjamin, with Kiana asking him a question first.
"Ben, why did you cover for us even though we did all of that to you?"
"Didn''t I say it?"
"I like you three and that''s why I didn''t want you to get punished too harshly."
"Ah! You really like me?"
"Yes, of course, you''re my cousin. We''ve known each other for almost our whole lives, right?"
"Yes, but I thought you were finding me annoying. You''ve always hated it when I clung to you."
"That was the me of the past. I''ve now matured enough not to mind anymore."
"You don''t mind, even though I, I s-sucked your dick?"
"It was bad of you to do that without my consent but we''re still family so it''s not a big deal. You shouldn''t do that to someone else, alright? I don''t want Mom to receive a call from Halle to tell us you got arrested and went to prison."
Kiana nodded and Benjamin continued.
"Still, you girls owe me one. Keep that in mind, alright?"
"What do you want?"
"Nothing for now, I''ll tell you if I think of something."
"No physical work, please. We''re already tired enough as it is."
"Ahahah, sure. Alright, let''s go have lunch."
They had a quick meal and resumed their work right after. A few hours into the afternoon, Ray returned home, his situation being handled. He learned about what the girls did and scolded Kiana a bunch too, making her pout just like Chloe. This was amon happening for him since he was the brake in their twin rtionship. However, no matter how often she got scolded and punished, she never learned her lesson and soon did something stupid again, forcing him to clean up after her. People often felt that twins should be responsible for each other''s mistakes and he found that to be exasperating, as the sober one in their duo.
Eventually, Halle noticed that the girls started to drag their feet and look very tired. She took pity on them and chose to stop the day of work early. With their help, she achieved great progress on her work and didn''t mind finishing prematurely. The three of them headed to their rooms wordlessly and dropped on their beds, soon falling asleep for ate afternoon nap. Farm work was hard work and it had taken a toll on their still young selves. They didn''t wake up until several hourster, fortunately looking somewhat more energetic already. This was just in time for dinner and now that their physical punishment was done, their mood got a lot brighter.
Halle said that they would eat the result of their hard work, uplifting their spirits a little more. There was nothing better than enjoying the fruits of yourbor since it was proof that the effort you put in was meaningful. Today''s meal was arge mealworms'' pie, with a nice color and a crusty texture. This was another example of how presentation allowed people to consume insects much more easily. This specific pie was made so that the mealworms were mostly on the inside and didn''t show themselves on the outside. As such, an unaware person wouldn''t even know it was made of insects and people could simply focus on the taste, which was mostly the taste of pie itself because mealworms tasted very mild anyway.
After dinner, everyone separated and took refuge in their respective rooms for the night. Benjamin had trouble sleeping, mostly due to being too horny. He remembered what happened during the morning and couldn''t help getting aroused once more. On top of that, it has been several days since he got to have any sex and he would never have thought he would miss it so much already. He would usually have sex many times a day and going from that to zero so suddenly might have been too abrupt of a change.
With no other choice, he loaded his sexual memory bank, starting from the morning''s happening, and used it to get himself off, jerking his wand with expert movements refined by years of experience in the task. A few minutes into his session, he suddenly heard the door of the room right next to his open, Kiana''s door room. Right after, this was followed by some steps, making him stop what he was doing for the moment. Strangely, the steps didn''t head toward the bathroom or down the stairs. Instead, they went for Ray''s room, which was the furthest in the corridor. She lightly knocked on the door and he could hear Ray and her whispering for a while before she went inside.
He was too far to know what they said to each other but felt curious about the situation and decided to wait for a minute, before opening his door as discreetly as possible and closing on Ray''s room as quietly as he could. Curious about what Kiana could need from Ray at this time of the night, he put his ear to the door and tried to listen to what was happening inside.
Chapter 193 - 193 – Blood
Chapter 193: ¨C Blood
"Please, Ray."
"No means no."
"Don''t say that. Look, I''m begging you here."
"You promised you wouldn''t ask for it when our cousins are visiting us!"
"But, I can''t hold it anymore."
"You had it four days ago already!"
"Four days is a lot..."
"It''s not! And you promised. Go back to your room now."
"Wait. Please. I really need it. Just for a little bit. I''ll make it quick."
"Are you crazy? What if Benjamin hears us? He''s right next to us!"
"He''s next to my room, so it''ll be fine. Just a bit, okay?"
"Darn you, you''re so annoying!"
"Is that a yes?"
"Ah, whatever! Do it quickly, I don''t want to get caught."
"Yes! Thanks, Ray, I love you."
"Yeah, right. You''re only using me as a substitute for Ben."
"I-I''m not."
"What a joke. Hurry up already, I want to sleep."
This conversation between the twins couldn''t be more suspicious. For some time after, slurping sounds were resonating in the room.
He now heard some clothes'' noise and soon enough, Kiana moaned in pleasure.
"Mhmm, I love your cock, it''s filling me so much."
"Spare me the dirty talk and finish already."
Now, there was no need to doubt anymore and it was pure facts. To think Kiana and Ray would have sex. What''s more, it felt like they were quite used to it. Suddenly, a lot of things started to make sense. Ray being tired on the day they arrived, Kiana''sck of restraints about sexual matters, and her strange expertise at giving head. Hearing them in the act, he thought that this ran deep in the blood. It seemed his cousins were the same kind as him, even though Ray looked quite reluctant. If he had to guess, Kiana begged him to go through all sexual acts step by step until they went as far as having sex regrly. This would be in line with her personality in this world. She wasn''t a bad person but she tended to only hear what she wanted to hear and not take no for an answer. He could now understand why Halle was so worried about her. His aunt could only hope that she didn''t create some serious trouble someday and get arrested.
The twins went on with their nightly sports. Contrary to what she imed, Kiana didn''t end things quickly. She came for the first time after a couple of minutes and Ray tried to end the session there.
"Satisfied? Go back now."
"No, that''s not enough. I need some more."
He heard her resuming her movements and she went on like this for a long time, moaning and orgasming from time and time. Except for the visuals, Benjamin was rtively satisfied. He had been wanting to "witness" the normal sex of this world for a long time. Ray was doing pretty well. He hadn''te yet and was seemingly still hard. Some amount of timeter, Kiana begged him toe.
"Hey, cum already. I want to sleep with your seed inside me."
"Darn you pervert."
"Here, take this! And this!"
Whatever she was doing, it wasn''t ineffective, as Ray started to groan lightly. After a minute more of this, he let out a bigger groan and Kiana moaned in delight.
"Aahh, yes, that''s the feeling."
There was a break in their exercise, with only hard breathing noises being heard inside the room. Finally, Kiana dered.
"Can we go one more time, please?"
"Can''t you see I''m soft now? I have enough of you. I don''t want to see you for the rest of the vacation."
"Wait, I can make you hard again."
"No. If you insist any more, I''ll call Mom and we''re both going to suffer."
There was another silence.
"Thanks for tonight, Ray, it felt great."
"Whatever, hurry up and go."
Benjamin heard some movement inside and thought it was time for him to scram. He headed back to his room and closed the door as quietly as possible, just in time for Ray''s room door to open. The steps went back to Kiana''s room and the house finally became silent. That was a lot of information to process for Benjamin. In a way, he rejoiced not to be that abnormal in this world, since he now knew there were other practitioners. Their situation was mildly different, however. First of all, they were twins. Even though they were of opposite genders, twins still had closer rtionships than normal siblings, with them growing and sharing everything.
Another fact was that Halle likely wasn''t aware of any of this, making it quite an interesting bit of information. After all, if Ray hated it so much, he could simply go to his mother and reveal everything to her. He would be scolded but that would be nothing inparison to what Kiana would get. And this was probably one of the main reasons why he didn''t tell on her. At the very least, he liked her enough to keep the secret.
It was also unclear how things started. Younger girls and boys in this world had vastly different knowledge in sexual matters and Kiana probably used that to her advantage. It still didn''t mean that Ray was innocent since once he was introduced to those acts, he could simply look things up on the Inte and would know everything about it. This implied that there was a certain amount of contentment on his side in the whole matter, which wasn''t that strange. This was done with his close twin and sexual stuff felt good, after all. There was a certain number of reasons why a curious boy would go for it.
One more thing to consider was their father''s influence, orck of it, to be exact. This topic was taboo in here because it only caused pain to the family. Their father had been addicted to gambling, to the point that he almost brought the whole family to ruin. For a long time, Halle was lost in her memories of his past self. She hoped that he would get better soon and let the matter be. This was a mistake and when she realized that he took so much from her ie that she didn''t have enough to feed her kids, she finally couldn''t bear the situation anymore and expulsed him from their home.
Chapter 194 - 194 – Assistance
Chapter 194: ¨C Assistance
He didn''t take it well, obviously, and Halle had no choice but to call the police on that specific night as he was growing violent. In the end, they went to court and the judge proved her right, giving her child care, forbidding him from evering less than ten kilometers away from their living space, and banning him from ever contacting them again. Halle and the children were hurt pretty badly from that episode and took a long time to recover. During that period, re offered as much help as she could and this was why the two women were now on such good terms.
Going back to the main point, the twins had a mother working hard on the farm to provide for the family and a father who was always absent, gambling away from home. With little supervision, it was probably no wonder that they had been free to explore their sexuality as much as they wanted, especially since the closest neighboring house was several hundred meters away.
Another interesting point was that Ray''s libido seemed to be more normal for this world, as proven by the fact that he needed a blowjob at the start and that he was done aftering once. It was hard to say if it was a good or a bad thing since his needs were a lot lower than Kiana''s, creating a disparity between them. There was a chance that the scene he just witnessed wasn''t the first time something like this happened and if it kept going on like this, he might build up resentment against his twin sister. They might end up having a big fight and growing apart, which wasn''t something he wished for them. Their duo was rtively stable as it was and Ray had a positive influence on Kiana. If their rtionship cooled down, she might really go the wrong path in life. It wasn''t something that would make anyone happy.
Thinking so far, Benjamin decided he might as well try to help them. They were his closest rtives except for his family and he only wished good things for them.
After breakfast of the following day, Wednesday, he took Ray aside for a discussion. His cousin looked tired again, probably due to the happenings from the day before. They walked around to talk freely just like they had done on the first day and Benjamin went straight to the point.
"Actually, I heard what you and Kiana did yesterday night."
Ray opened his mouth in shock, before closing it. After a moment, he groaned with arge frown.
"Damn it."
He looked angry for some time but soon sighed as if giving up on everything.
"I guess it was only a matter of time with a crazy sister like this. Did you tell this to anyone else yet, Ben?"
"I didn''t."
"Really, and I don''t have any ns of doing so."
"That''s a weird question. Why would I want you to get into trouble? You said it yourself, we men have to stick together."
"Ahah, don''t look at me like that. Instead, I want to help you."
"Help me? What do you mean?"
"Don''t take it badly but as far as I could tell, you''re having a hard time handling Kiana, correct?"
"Why would I take it badly? It''s like you said, she''s an unstoppable bulldozer. The only one who can barely stop her is my mother and even that is getting less and less true."
"Right, and I felt things might get bad at this rate. I''ll only be here for a few more days. At least during this time, I want to help as much as possible."
"Any amount of help would be better than nothing. What do you propose?"
"Well, can you keep a secret of mine too?"
"Of course. Any secret of yours is safe with me."
"Thanks. It''s a bit shameful but the truth is, I think I have a stronger libido than most men."
"As you can imagine, it made my life pretty hard for a long time. But, now, I''m thinking perhaps I could make good use of this."
"My idea is that if webine strength and manage to satisfy Kiana, she might calm down a lot."
"...Are saying you want Kiana to have sex with both of us? That''s crazy."
"You''re right but you know, my personal belief is that libido is what is guing girls'' lives. Wasn''t Kiana much cuter before she got such strong urges?"
This was a bit of a guess on Ben''s side. A pretty safe one, though. There was always a time when children were cute, after all. Ray didn''t answer for a long time, as if lost in his memories. He frowned at some point but progressively smiled a little as if remembering something good. Finally, he looked back at Benjamin and asked.
"Is that why you wanted to talk about those things on the first day?"
"I couldn''t have expected this exact situation. You can say this is my global way of thinking about our world. Just like our current president, I believe the world would be a better ce if there was a way to handle women''s constant horniness."
"That''s... true, of course. So you think Kiana would have a change in attitude if she getspletely satisfied?"
"I''m no seer so I can''t say it''ll happen for sure but I think it''s worth a try."
"...Okay. Let''s do it. Anything is better than nothing. I also think the current situation is not sustainable. She''s making me crazy."
"Alright. Then, just call me when you''re ready to do this."
"I will. Are you sure you''re fine with having sex just for that reason?"
"If it can help you two, that''s a good enough reason to me."
"...Thanks, really. But, what about when you''re gone, Ben? What if it works but she reverts to her previous self after some time?"
"One step at a time. We can handle it when it happens. It''s not like we''re living that far from each other, right?"
Finally, he gave a genuine smile.
"Thank you, Ben. I''m feeling better having this secret off my chest. Even if doesn''t end up fixing her, I''m still thankful that you''re willing to help."
"There''s no need for thanks between us. Let''s make this work, no matter what, and get you back your peace of mind."
Chapter 195 - 195 – Lure
Chapter 195: ¨C Lure
After that, they discussed specifics in more detail. Ray wanted things to go fast so they nned to do it during the afternoon when they would have the most time. The only issue was how to lure Kiana away from Chloe and Olivia for a long enough period. Ray wasn''t too worried about it, though. In exchange for sex, Kiana tended to have more tolerance toward his requests because she was afraid refusing him would make him lose any remaining goodwill he had for her. He simply had to say he needed to borrow her for some time and she would follow obediently. Chloe and Olivia would be left alone for some time but that wasn''t a problem since they knew their way around the surroundings. They wouldn''t have any trouble finding something to do for a single afternoon.
After lunch, Ray initiated the ploy and sessfully lured their prey out. He knew the perfect ce for the deed and the three of them walked in the direction of the twins'' school, with Kiana innocently asking.
"Ben ising too?"
"You need help from both a girl and a guy?"
"That''s right."
Their middle school was empty since it was school vacation time, making it the perfect ce for doing things without being disturbed. Of course, it was locked, but that wasn''t a problem. They had Kiana with them, after all.
"Take us the way to the gymnasium."
"You want to break into the school? Why?"
"Less talk and more action. I know you can do it. This sort of stuff is your specialty, right?"
"You know me well! Let me show you how this is done."
She guided them toward a ce where the wall surrounding the school was the lowest and they jumped over it one by one, helping each other get on top of it. Once inside the premises, Kiana headed toward a ssroom without any hesitation. She stopped in front of a specific window and pushed it open slowly until there was enough space for them to squeeze themselves in.
"This window is a bit old and it doesn''t close correctly anymore. It''s the best way to get in."
There was only one issue and it was that once they managed to get in, an rm started to beep. Kiana ran inside the building and they followed her. She found the rm control panel and entered a specific code, silencing the rm.
"Why do you know the code for the rm?"
"I don''t understand why you don''t know it. It''s basic knowledge."
Ray rolled his eyes at her and she swiftly guided them to the gymnasium. Kiana got ordered to put a few gym mattresses on the floor, forming a makeshift bed, and she obeyed without question, simply happy to do mischievous stuff like breaking into the school and ying around inside. When she was done, she turned toward her brother, and asked, a big smile on her face.
"What now? What do we do with these?"
"For now... Let''s chat a bit."
"So, the thing is, Ben found out what we were doing yesterday."
Her smile instantly transformed into horror. She slowly turned her head toward Benjamin and stuttered.
"B-ben, t-this is... It''s not what you think it is! I can exin it!"
"Enough with your pitiful excuses, he knows everything already."
"Ugh, why? Did you tell him?"
"I didn''t."
He looked at Benjamin, who added.
"Sorry, but you weren''t exactly discreet yesterday."
"Damn it."
Ray almost enjoyed his sister looking so despaired. He knew she liked Benjamin and there was probably nothing worse for her than him learning she had been using her brother''s body as a relief instrument. He could have started exining why they were here but decided to let her be distressed for a while more, thinking it would teach her a lesson not to do such crazy stuff in the first ce. It was unfortunate she would immediately cheer up a lot after hearing their n for today. She wouldn''t have stayed anguished for that long anyway, considering her personality.
Kiana kept her head down for a while, releasing dejected groans from time to time. After a minute or so, she eventually raised her head and asked her brother.
"S-so? What do you want from me?"
"When we were talking about it, Ben had an idea on how to handle the situation. You don''t deserve it, like, at all, but we decided to give it a try. Ben?"
"Yes. The problem is that your libido is too strong and you''re bothering Ray too much. So, my idea is to try to get everything out of your system in one go and hope you''ll get better, at least for some time."
She heard the words but had trouble understanding them.
"To say it crudely, we''re going to have sex until you''re satisfied and stop annoying Ray."
She heard him again but couldn''t believe it. She pinched her arm and flinched at the pain. It wasn''t a dream, probably. She pinched her other arm, just to be sure, and felt pain again.
"No way. Really?"
"There''s no way this is happening, right? I''m going to wake up from this dream any time soon."
Ray intervened, a small grin on his face.
"I can p you if you want to be sure."
"Err, no, thanks. So, what, you''re saying we''re going to have a threesome, like, right here, right now? You''re just teasing me, right?"
"We''re not."
"Oh! My! God!"
"Yes, yes. Let''s get this started, alright? We have a lot of work before us."
"Hell yes! What''s this? I can''t believe it! Is it my birthday today?"
"Our birthday''s in eight months, stupid."
"Ah, I know, this is all just a fantasy of mine, right?"
"I think she needs that p."
Ray raised his hand menacingly and she cringed.
"Okay, okay, I''m good now. What are we waiting for? Let''s do it!"
She immediately began to remove her clothes, throwing them away as fast as possible. Benjamin soon followed her example while Ray was a lot more reluctant, removing piece by piece slowly and ncing at his cousin from time to time.
Chapter 196 - 196 – Two
Chapter 196: ¨C Two
Kiana was the first to be nude and took the opportunity to watch Benjamin finish removing his clothes. She was a lot less interested in Ray''s body since she had seen it many times before. Benjamin was currently shirtless and she admired his toned body. He has always been interested in sports and it showed, contrarily to Ray, who had a lot more normal body shape. When he removed his underwear, she could see hisrge penis for the second time. Its size was nice but wasn''t that different from Ray''s. No, the most impressive thing was that he was already hard, something that she had seldom experienced with her brother. Taking into ount the previous day''s experience, she wondered if he was the type to get excited easily. That was so hot.
While Kiana glued her eyes to him, Benjamin did the same to her. She was in very good shape, proof that she was an active girl. She had under-average breast size, a pussy with very little trimmed hair, and a small butt. He wondered if she had trimmed herself down there due to Ray asking for it. She was also obviously very excited already, her cunt juices dropping on the floor and a lecherous expression on her face.
Next, he looked at Ray, who just finished removing his clothes too. He was quite normal looking, neither fat nor slim. Since they were cousins, there weren''t that different from each other. He was a bit taller than him and was a little less in shape. He usually didn''t move his body as much since he had different interests than him. As for down there, he was almost the same size as him, something that must be running in the family, with the only main difference being that he wasn''t hard. He seemed a bit shy to show himself to Benjamin and looked away, not without sending nces toward him too, probably curious to see another male''s body other than his.
On the other hand, Kiana wasn''t shy at all, and seeing that everyone was ready, she went on her knees on the gym mattress and gestured to the boys.
"Come here, guys."
Ray didn''t seem to like being ordered around so much but they still both went to her. She couldn''t believe she would have two men for herself, something that was a pure dreame true. Even porn videos about this were quite rare since male actors were in such high demand in the first ce. She was like a total winner in life and thought it paid off to have both a twin brother and a sweet cousin. There was no doubt all her life''s good karma umted just for this single moment. She was so horny that her hands trembled as the boys approached her.
She now had the two of them standing nude right in front of her kneeling self and the sight was so great that she couldn''t hold herself anymore. The only downside to the current situation was that Ray wasn''t hard yet and she immediately went to remediate this. She took his soft penis in her left hand and caressed it delicately, making the boy shiver. He had strictly educated her to always be delicate with him, especially at the start, and she had learned the hard way not to forget about it. He would often forbid any contact with him for a long time if she displeased him.
After so many times with him, she believed she knew exactly how to handle him. After stroking him lightly for some time, she softly kissed his nds and shaft. As expected, he liked it because his dick was slowly reacting to her attention. While she was doing this, she didn''t forget about Benjamin''s tool, which was the most interesting thing to her, after all. She used her right hand to hold it and the feeling of his hard massive cock around her fingers was amazing. She switched to slowly licking Ray''s penis but kept her eyes on Benjamin''s member, leisurely caressing it too.
Eventually, she took Ray''s dick in her mouth and blew him expertly until he was fully hard. The problem was what to do next. Right now, she dreamed of taking this blowjob to the next level and giving head to the two boys at the same time untilpletion, when they would smear her face with their sperm. However, she knew that men only had so many shots in them and wondered how long she would have to wait to get some more action after that.
Seeing her hesitate, Benjamin came to her rescue.
"I''m able toe several times in a row if that''s what makes you hesitate."
"Really? I didn''t know that was possible outside of porn. That''s great!"
Her decision was taken at that moment. Even if Ray needed some time to recover, she would still have Benjamin in the meanwhile.
"Hey, guys, I want to try giving you two a simultaneous blowjob, what do you think?"
Benjamin immediately agreed but Ray sighed, as if it would be stupid to expect anything else from her.
Still, he didn''t say no, and she interpreted that as consent. Without any further ado, she took Benjamin''s big dick inside her mouth and savored it for the second time in two days. It tasted as good as before, and this time, no one would interrupt them. Just the mere thought of tasting his semen pushed her to go hard on him, even though she knew she should be delicate with men. Fortunately, he didn''t rebut her. On the contrary, he put his hand on her head to caress her hair while encouraging her.
"It feels good, Kiana."
These words alone were enough gratification to her. Ray never said stuff like this and it felt awesome to beplimented for her sexual skills. At this point, she had no doubt she was better than most experienced women. She redoubled her efforts on her blowjob.
Chapter 197 - 197 – Plus
Chapter 197: ¨C Plus
She was so engrossed in it that it took her a while to notice that she had kept Ray waiting. Even though he didn''t seem to mind it at all, her goal was to seed in her first-ever double blowjob and she couldn''t forget about him. She released Benjamin''s dick with a slurping sound and switched to Ray''s penis, trying to blow him more delicately than she did to her cousin. The subtle difference in taste was enjoyable and after working on him for some time, she swapped it with Benjamin''s tool again. Just like that, she went down on them both at the same time, relishing in the situation a lot.
What''s more, they weren''t indifferent to her skillful mouth and tongue. Benjamin continued to encourage her whenever she was focusing on him and she could feel Ray''s cock pulsating in pleasure from time to time. This was awesome and at that moment, her horny brain came up with an even better idea, immediately acting upon it. She pushed the two boys closer one to another and used both hands to direct their tools into her mouth, swallowing them at the same time. Her jaws felt so full of dicks! This was absolute bliss.
The two males weren''t that happy about it, though, with Ray shouting at her and trying to move away. She didn''t want to lose his fat member from inside her mouth and tried hard to keep him inside. Ben, on the other hand, let out a small groan of surprise and dissatisfaction. He was strictly straight and it wasn''t that good to feel his penis entering into contact with another man''s member. When Ray found out that he couldn''t get away, he frowned and stopped struggling. However, instead of scolding Kiana, he apologized to Benjamin.
"Sorry about this, Ben."
Seeing him offering his excuses, Benjamin sighed and decided to keep his annoyance to himself.
"It''s fine. Hurry up and finish this, Kiana."
Happy to have won this round, the girl nodded with their dicks in her mouth and upped her game. The situation was so erotic that she could feel her pussy shivering even though she hadn''t touched it at all. She started to bob her head on both of them at the same time while using her tongue plenty on their ns. She was like a conductor and her goal was to give them the exact amount of pleasure they needed to reach their orgasms at the same time. She monitored each small twitch and paid more attention to one or the other depending on who she thought should be more stimted at the moment.
Her work paid off as she could sense them getting close at a simr rate. Wanting nothing more than to get both of their cum in her mouth, she went full strength on them, using all her skills to finish them off. She sucked hard on thebination of flesh inside her mouth and ran her tongue crazily around their ns. The first one to get off was Benjamin, who suddenly called out.
"I''ming, Kiana."
He released a louder groan and exploded inside her mouth, loading her with his hot sperm. The quantity was astounding, more than what Ray usually released, and he quickly filled her to the point that, considering she had two cock in her mouth at the same time, she had to swallow not to lose any. It seemed Benjamin''s orgasm wasn''t without its effect on Ray as he looked at his cousin cumming with wide eyes and climaxed suddenly after him with a sonorous grunt, plugging any remaining space inside his sister''s cavity with his seed.
Kiana was in ecstasy, the sensation of the cum from the two people she liked the most in the world sending shivers to her back. She even came lightly, her cunt twitching and releasing a small wave of fluids, drenching her already very wet legs. She continued to stimte them as best as she could, extracting any remaining essence from their cocks before removing her mouth from them. Her jaws were full, to the point that her cheeks were visibly bulging, and she savored the mix of their semen for a long time, enjoying what could be the most exciting event of her life. Eventually, she slowly gulped everything, appreciating the sticky feeling of sperm going through her throat, and looked back at the two boys, arge smile on her face.
The two of them were also staring at her, Ray with a resigned expression and Benjamin with a light grin.
"Thanks, Kiana. it felt great."
Benjamin was still as kind as ever, even in the current circumstances, and that was why she liked him so much. She still couldn''t believe she would soon have sex with him, even after what just happened. She also noticed that Ray had lost his hardness while Benjamin''s penis was still standing strong. She was overjoyed to realize that he hadn''t lied and immediately moved things to the next step.
"Ray, you take a break, okay? Ben, can you lie down on the mattress, please?"
Both boys obeyed without discussion, Ray going to sit in a corner of the makeshift bed and Benjamin lying in its center. Now that he was in this position, she had a new perspective on his body. He was just too sexy, with his cute smiling face and big dick towering in the middle, to the point that she almost wanted to stuff her head into his groin once more to pleasure him again. However, her pussy was sending her strong signals by now, and she couldn''t ignore them anymore. It was time to fuck her cousin, the man of her dreams, and she almost drooled just thinking about it.
She went to him until she was standing over his crotch. She slowly dropped her waist until the base of her twat entered in contact with his ns, trembling in excitation. Then, she used one hand to open her pussy lips and the other to guide his dick. As soon as she was ready, she lowered her hips on him.
The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and
continue reading tomorrow, everyone!