《The Reincarnated Vampire Wants an Afternoon Nap》
Chapter 1
I Died In My Sleep
... Its a white room.
When I awoke this morning, I found myself in a stark white room.
Really, its so white that its impossible to tell where the walls and ceiling are.
Whether its a narrow space or a wide space is also vague. Just looking at it is unsettling.
So you have finally awoken, new reincarnator.
Haa... Good morning.
... You give a lighthearted response.
No, I just woke up badly. My head isnt working just yet.
For now, Ill just ask this disembodied voice some questions.
Where am I?
This is the reincarnation room. Here you pick where you will be reincarnated and what race you shall be reincarnated as.
This persons voice sounds like a little girl, but speaks like an old man.
... So I died, Loligramps-san.
Sadly, yes... wait, Loligramps!?
Yes. Loligramps-san.
You... how rude.
Sorry, is Grandpa Loli better?
That is not the problem! The ordering of words and what I want to say are two separate things!
Really, to yell at someone who just woke up. Hes kinda an annoying person.
While standing up and stretching to shake off drowsiness, I question the loligramps.
Nh, mm... How did I die?
You move quickly huh... no matter. The cause of your death was sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea syndrome.
Its that, where you just stop breathing in your sleep... right?
You usually arent supposed to die from sleep apnea though. It just raises your risk of cerebrovascr disorders and heart diseases.
Hmm? Thats what I heard though. Still, your death was indirectly caused by sleep apnea. Really, the upper management does sloppy work... Anyways, you died. Got it?
Haa, I understand.
I dont know anything about the upper management, but if I died, theres nothing that can done. I didnt suffer, so I guess thats good. Its much better than dying while in pain and suffering. Instead of living a long life and dying while suffering, dying while young and quickly is much more ideal.
Then... reincarnation? Why reincarnation? Is there a rule where if you die from sleep apnea you get reincarnated?
No, it is just that your soul is... how would you say... passionless.
Passionless... is it?
It was as the voice said, normally I am a passionless person, a person without a scrap of motivation.
I am an existence of self-indulgence, a parasite clinging on to and surviving off of parents.
Without a doubt I am like a speck of dust on earth, or maybe its better to say Im merely extra baggage, an existence that offers no benefits for being around, like the uv or appendix.
Your self-evaluation is harsh!
Well its all true. And, what is the point in reincarnating such a passionless person? Go force this on to another a person with more drive. Like a person who died screaming, Noooooo, I wont die yeeeet! would be better right? Then, goodnight.
Wait, dont just say such an obvious answer and casually go back to sleep. Also, what is with that strangely dramatic performance!?
The futon disappeared before my eyes. Without even leaving time to blink, it really gave off a feeling of vanishing into thin air.
... This, doesnt seem to be a dream.
Haa. What a pain. I miss my futon.
Chapter 2
Will Your Order Be The Status Settings?
Listen up, a passionless soul is basically one that does not fit in with its world. Have you ever felt it? The feeling that your perception of reality and your surroundings were disjointed?
I have, but isnt it normal for everyone to experience that at least once?
Because everyone is different, I assume its normal for everyone to be confused or disappointed by the difference between each others thoughts.
You are just strange. There are not that many who have your level of passionlessness.
.... Youre not praising me, are you?
From what I understand, because I was born in the wrong world, you set up a n to have me be reborn in a more appropriate one, right?
Dont call it a n. Instead of a n, its more like cleaning up after ourselves... an apology for sending your soul to the wrong world.
Basically, if I reincarnate, I might be able to find the motivation to do things or a reason to live.
I dont know if its okay for me to say this, but I really am a human with very little motivation. Is it really that easy for people to change...?
Even if I think about it, the loligramps has already decided Ill be reincarnated, so nothing I say will change the situation.
It cant be helped.... Even if I cant find any reason, I can always just sleep through life again....
With that said, Ill be having you pick your race.
Is it okay even if Im not a human?
Yes yes, there are many different existences in your new world. Anything is fine, for instance, vampires are very strong....
Then Ill go with that.
That was fast!?
Well, its a pain to think about it.
These types of registrations should be finished quickly. Ill get very tired if I do them seriously.
O- okay... I guess its fine. Next would be abilities... basically your skill set.
Haa.... What kinds of skills are avable?
First off, youre a vampire so you have bloodsucking, its just that this one....
Then Ill put everything into bloodsucking.
.... Youre just beingzy arent you?
You found out, huh.
You.... Fine, Ill write it all down on a piece of paper so put some serious thought into it. Your soul may be passionless, but the quality is good. If you invest too much into bloodsucking the amount of blood you need will be massive and youll die almost immediately.
Whats with that pain in the.... Tell me beforehand about abilities with demerits, you useless loligramps.
Isnt it because you just didnt bother listening to me!?
Even while grumbling, loligramps wrote out usable skills on the piece of paper.
By the way, the paper in question appeared out of nowhere. Simrly, a pen popped into existence and began writing while floating in midair. The loligrampss figure is nowhere to be seen as usual.
After waiting for a few minutes in that situation, a piece of paper was ced in front of me. There were too many words on the page, so it was troublesome to read, but the loligramps was annoying, so I begrudgingly ended up looking over it.
Skill list acquirable by beginners/Default skill list:
Vampire-type Ver. 1.27
Blood Pact
Blood Reading
Blood Arms
Blood Box
Language Trantion
Language Deciphering
Enhanced Olfaction
Enhanced Vision
Enhanced Magic Power
Healing Magic
Wind Magic
Darkness Magic
Too long.
Just reading the list makes me tired. Thats how much data is on it.
I believe Ive worked enough today, lets just take a nap now.
Can you just randomly pick a few for me?
Of course I cant! Its your life so you pick them!
Ehh~.... Then Ill just take them all.
Even if you take them all, youll have points left over.... Please decide which abilities you wish to improve.
.... So this is the point system.
Judging from what he said, I have to use all my points.
Really, to be so precise, what exactly is this loligramps? Is he Japanese?
Then, after getting all of them, invest the rest in healing magic and the resistances please.
Dying again would be troublesome; lets prioritize survival first. Theres no guarantee I wont die without suffering likest time.
Poisoning and curses sound painful, and vampires are supposedly weak to sunlight, so lets focus on these. In case I get hurt, Ill choose healing magic afterwards.
With all these skills, it should be enough for survival.
.... Even if we max out all of those abilities, there are still plenty of points left over.
Whats todays specials?
Are we a bar!? Whatever, we have Blood-type, Transformation-type, Language-type, Blood Pact, and Magic Power Enhancement!
Ill invest in them all.
.... You, really, what exactly are you....
Oh my, your personality has greatly changed. Are you okay loligramps?
In the end, there were a few more points left over, so I had the rest invested in bloodsucking. If its at a certain level, the advantages are greater than the disadvantages, so theres no problem.
Next are your physical status settings....
Theres still more.... Please randomize it.
.... You really are very passionless. If its to your extent, its a first, even for me.
Im notplimenting you. Im not. Dont go saying such embarrassed-sounding lines with such a nk expression, its disturbing. Whats with your uselessly talented acting skills?
Since its a pain, max out agility please.
.... Considering your personality, I thought you would max out defence.
Isnt it obvious? If I have something to do, I want to be able to quickly finish it and go back to bed.
Uwaa, I can agree with that reasoning....
Even though I thought long and hard about how to improve my napping, to reply with such utter astonishment, how upsetting.
The next setting would be your birthce. What sort of area would be good?
A quiet ce with a rtively stable climate. Somewhere perfect for napping please.
Whats with the sudden increase in demands!?
No, isnt that an important point?
Even with a face that screams, the hell are you saying, loligramps breathed out a sigh and agreed with me.
Loligramps is probably a good person. At the very least, hes good at going with the flow. Hes even good at taking care of others.
I dont know if hes God or not, but a person with a good head on their shoulders doesnt sound too bad. I want him to take care of me for life.
Well, a girlfriend-like figure having to deal with someone like me everyday would probably be impossible.... Still....
W, what? You suddenly got quiet.... Does your stomach hurt?
Nothing, it just appears simple.
What does!?
Its just my own problem, pay it no mind.
A- ahem.... With this, the preparations for your reincarnation areplete. All thats left is for you to prepare your heart for the trip.
Then please, hurry with the transport.
Humph, I thought you would say that.... Have a safe trip.
You as well loligramps, stay healthy. Dealing with people like me will be troublesome, but hang in there.
If you understand that, then take it more seriously, fool! Good grief.... Well, see you. Try to find something this time round.
Even if you say something.... What exactly?
Something is something. Something that will bring you happiness or regret in life.
It felt like loligramps smiled a bit.
In the next instant, my body was wrapped in light and my mind started to drift away.
Even if you say something, I cant even begin to picture it....
Loligramps is giving off a satisfied feeling with my response, so if youre happy with it, Ill let you keep believing it.
I can still hear you.
With the feeling of my head being lightly hit, my consciousness began to fade even faster.
Whats up with that; although he has such a kind p, he wasnt an easy mark at all.
Chapter 3
I opened my eyes after I gained consciousness, there I stood in the ruins.
No, By all means, this is a ruin, a ruined town to be precise.
No sign of life, only ruined buildings over there and here.
So I have been reborn, though my height and sight feels the same as before. I think I wasnt reincarnated, but I was transported into a different world with this body. Though Its just a brief thought.
I looked at myself in a piece of broken ss, there I saw a peerless beautiful girl with red eyes and long silvery hair.
It would be perfect if I try to do a peace sign in this body, though Im a pure Japanese. I have a girls face, but Im a male.
Then, In other words, theres no doubt that I had been reborn.
Im probably already an adult after I was born as a vampire. Therefore, after being reincarnated I didnt feel any difort at all.
When I opened my mouth, two long sharp teeth grew out.
Umn, its perfectly like a vampire.
Well, Its a bothersome with a new start
My gender has changed...,,,Well, the design is not that bad, theres no help for it. It felt a little uneasy between my thigh, though, but I tried not to worry about it too much.
Oh, theres no uneasiness at my chest at all. Because its a t chest apparently.
However, to be born in a ruin is...
...this is a little different than what I thought it would be, Loligramps.
The weather is calm and the temperature is warm andfortable. The air is also fresh and its a good environment to take a nap. But of all thing but to be born in a ruined ce.
...Oh well, it doesnt matter if its a little mistake.
As long itplies with my desire. Lets assume that Its fine for now.
Also, Im stark-naked. I was able to tell myself that Ive be a girl simply by being naked. But its fine because theres no one here to see me being naked.
When I entered some nearby ruin buildings, theres already a bed there. The rag isnt long and was shredded a little, you wont be able to sleep in here.
Offsetting the fact that the environment is good, but for the bed is inferior.
Because the ceiling had already copsed halfway, light and the wind enter moderately which really isfortable. But because a vampire is weak to sunlight, so taking a shelter from the light is the right choice.
Im happy with this.
Lets sleep. Lets sleep immediately. Right now.
ording to my wish, I fell asleep. I kept on sleeping continuously.
Ah-, thats bad...its too good...funyaaaa....
I dont need any necessity of food and water because being a vampire I dont need to worry about hunger, even if I became thin, I can still sleep continuously.
Its greedy for afortable idle slumber every day without being excited about excretion. Vivia indolence.
I was a little interested to not take baths, but surprisingly, it seems to me that any dirt and stains will disappear and fall off because of a high-level rehabilitation magic that I have. Good thing that its maxed level.
The reason why I know its level and effect is because that it appears in my mind somehow, its easier to say that I have an instruction manual in my mind. ording to my institution, I only used the necessary skills.
Beauti-ful ......guuu......
When using magic, you normally need to concentrate and chant, but I can do it by just putting a lot of magical powers. Of course, thats possible by me who has enhancement skill.
But its too bothersome to have a long chant, I chanted shortly. Nevertheless, it seems that short keyword can still be activated. Its suitable.
While it feels good using rehabilitation magic to make my body clean, 3 days have passed since.
As expected, If I continuously sleep for 3 days straight, I would get a little hungry and thirsty. Dehydration is a serious problem in particr. It was bad and I cant sleep in peace.
Ahh......It would be nice to be in a race that doesnt need food
I decided to go to look for water for the time being, even though itste already. This is my first time searching in a different world, my heart didnt dance at all. I want to finish this quickly and return to my futon.
While searching randomly, I picked up a strange fragrance that stimtes my nose.
Now that I mentioned it, I think I also have enhanced sense of smell
I remembered all the different skills and their abilities, each and individual one because I have the manual stored inside my mind. Though its bothersome to look each one, I study a bit because Loligramps kept on nagging before.
While I was half asleep. I concentrated my consciousness a little bit and somehow I was able to tell what the fragrance was.
......Its the smell of blood
Not the smell, but the fragrance //noixeL: I think what she meant is that its not the smell of physical blood, but the smell of blood flowing the living things since shes a vampire.
The smell isnt pleasant, but its making me hungrier.
Ah, after all, I am a vampire. Theres a desire in me craving to suck some blood by smelling the smell of blood.
I was invited to the good smell, which I began chasing after it.
Uwa, Im fast
I was surprised by the speed that I can run and stop a bit, but I began to run again immediately.
I feel like Im not running seriously, the ruin that I was sleeping until just now suddenly looked so small like a tiny speck. While Being surprised I looked back once more unconsciously.
Im probably faster than a car, its amazing.
......If its with this speed, then maybe I can do something fun?
I think so, I put my foot on a wall near a ruin wall......Oooh! While Im being pulled by gravity, I can still walk on the wall, once again in no time I climb up to the roof.
That was dangerous, but it was quite fun. Though it cant beat sleeping, but my heart danced a little.
Now, is that the direction?
The direction that the smell is leading, I stared at the direction I was looking at it like I have a telescope, spying. So this is enhanced vision skills.
I found the sources of the smelling from far away.
......I see, thieves are chasing after the merchant?
I could see three people who seem to be a thief that are chasing after the carrier that is controlling the horse while pulling the carriage.
Even though the carrier is bleeding on his forehead, hes desperate to escape while holding tightly on the horse reins. The carrier doesnt seem to be able to seed in escaping.
......Here I go!
To be honest, its troublesome, but to satisfy my hunger its inevitable.
Its troublesome so Im just going end it quickly, I left my spot and went straight to the prey.
Chapter 4
Adorable Bandit-san
The reason I can understand this worldsnguage is thanks to the effect of the Language Trantion skill. Since my words are also tranted and delivered to the other party, I dont have to worry about having any difort with conversation, truly a convenient ability. As expected of the daily special.
If I focus with this ability I can evenmunicate with animals but as expected there is really no need to go that far, lets just limit the effectiveness to humans as it had been till now. Its a power that could be configured like that too.
...Be that as it may, whats with this cliche.
The bandits lines seemed like it was heard by half of humanity.
Despite thinking that, for the time being in order to make my existence known, I decided to stage a showy entrance.
I rush to the location between the horse drawn cart and the three bandits and abruptly stop with all my strength. The sudden deceleration whips up a shy dust cloud.
I sprinted here barefoot and even though my feet have gouged a hole in the ground, it doesnt hurt at all. Vampires sure are sturdy.
If I were still human, it would have been impossible to create this meteorite impact like circumstance with a regr human body. Vampires sure are amazing.
W-What the-!?
Even in the cloud of sand, I can understand that the three bandits and the horse drawn carriages movements have stopped. With my enhanced sense of smell I can grasp my surroundings.
...Aa, theres an amazing smelling from the carriage.
Some kind of sausage or preserved meat...also the sweet smell of bread and vegetables. The more I focus on it the hungrier I be. Having a strong sense of smell can also be a problem.
... Lets finish this quickly and im a reward.
While I thought about such things, the cloud of dust dispersed and I confronted the three bandits.
The bandit facing me on the right side pointed at me with a trembling finger,
B-Boss! A pervert came out of the dust cloud!
Oh, that kind of reaction huh.
Certainly, Im not wearing any clothes right now. Once again looking at my body, I have long silver hair that seemed to wrap around my body rtively covering the important parts but, no matter how you look at it I have the appearance that Im naked. It probably cant be helped that Im treated as a female pervert.
Well, right now that doesnt matter anyway. Whats important to me now is that I satisfy my hunger.
Umm, excuse me bleeding forehead merchant-san
I turned around and the merchant bleeding from his forehead replied while covering his face with his hands.
To not look at a naked womans body, how very gentlemanly... or so I thought, until I saw him staring at my butt through the gaps in his fingers. Huh, he was just your typical closet pervert.
If you give me food Ill help you out, so what will it be?
No, Im saying if you give me food Ill save you. If you dont want that Ill immediately go somewhere else, so what will it be?
Err, then, please...
Ok, your request has been epted.
Obviously the other party was in a state of confusion but he agreed to my offer. I got him to agree, so its my win in this situation. *Grin*
Well then, as promised lets help him.
Im passionless but I dont like to break promises. Promises are something meant to be kept. Because Ive made one, Ill properly keep it. Swallowing a thousand needles is scary anyway.
Well then... From the right, youre Overgrown Leghair-san, Caped Baldy-san, and Semi-visible Nosehair-san
They splendidly harmonized. The three of them actually harmonized their dissatisfaction. I thought the nicknames captured their unique features, but it looks like they dont like them.
Good grief, whether its these guys or Loligramps-san, theyre such selfish people. Be like bleeding from his forehead merchant-san and show me you can obediently ept the name.
Overgrown Leghair-san, Caped Baldy-san, did you want Semi-visible Nosehair-sans name?
Again they harmonized. They sure do get along~.
While I was thinking about what to call them, the three bandits simultaneously jumped off their horses. As they do so, they somersaulted in midair andnded on the ground elegantly. Each of them took a strange pose and started to give a speech.
I am the chain and sickle, Chihuahua!
I am the explosive, Dachs!
And finally theres the amazing me, the knife thrower, Terrier!! All together we three are the Terrier Bandit Troupe!
S-sorry, just give me a minute... Pffhaha
...Dont you all have names of small dogs?
Since its another world, the meaning might be different. From my perspective though, all three of them are dogs! And small dog breeds at that!
The three all look tough, but their names... Ah, this is bad. Impletely stuck on the dog thing.. To make matters worse, the three of them seem to be pretty honorable; theyre just watching meugh at them while their shoulders shake in anger. That barely contained trembling looks just like a puppy...
Aha, Ahahahaha! I cant take it anymore, whats with that? Its so cute...Ahahahahahha!
You bastard...Dont get so cocky!
Chain and sickle Chihuahua-chan, in ordance to his name, used a chain and sickle to attack me.
The sickle that Chihuahua-chan is holding has a chain attached to its body and a counterweight on the other end. A pretty typical chain and sickle appearance.
The horizontally swung chain wrapped around my body. As Chihuahua-chan pulled the chain, it constricted and the counterweight got caught in the chain,pleting a lock.
... Ahh, so this is how the chain and sickle catches its opponents.
Im surprised. And then since my surprised voiced sounded unexpectedly feminine, I became even more surprised.
As expected, even though I have the consciousness of a male, the body is that of a female. No way, Im being forcefully turned into a girl...!
Guhehe...I dont know why theres a pervert in this ce but what a fine jewel this is. Acting all carefree...After we thoroughly enjoy ourselves, well sell you off to the ve dealer!
Im sorry but losing my virginity only three days after being born is a little bit too much for me.
There was a part of me that was still going with the flow, but if it bes that sort of circumstance, at least be a bit cooler, have a stable ie, let me roll around without having to do anything, and smile with a friendly grin while epting anything I ask, that kind of person is good! As a parasitic target, I mean, lover!
Oi oi, havent you be rather calm? Ahh!? Do you understand the situation youre in?
Ah, Yes yes, I understand perfectly, Chihuahua-chan
Calling me with Cchan...You bastard, it looks like you wont understand till I seriously vite you at least once!
Chihuahua-chans veins stood out as he pulled tightly on the chain. He started to draw me in, or so he had nned.
... Its not good to think that Im that powerless okay?
I only lightly put power into my legs but with Chihuahua-chans degree of strength I didnt budge. The look as if something unbelievable just happened settled into Chihuahuas eyes.
You also, can you see the situation you are in?
In the first ce, three mob characters not thinking about anything and challenging an opponent is a stupid thing to do.
The reason why I decided appeared in front of them is quite simple. Its because from the people standing in front of me, I dont feel any wonder or amazement.
For example, it feels like Im looking at hamsters in a cage. See, theres no sense of danger to be felt right? Rather, youd think its an adorable thing to look at.
Somehow, right now it seems I can grasp the level of strength the opposition has just by looking at them. Specifically, by smelling them.
This is the Blood Reading skill. With this skill, I can grasp information on the opponents ability through their blood but, somehow from the smell of their blood I can also generally understand their level of strength as well.
The opposition havent spilt any blood. But even still, at this distance, my nose can tell approximately what kind of blood they have every time. This is thanks to the Enhanced Olfaction skill.
Meaning, this information was obtained by using blood reading and enhanced olfaction together.
... Well, I already maxed out blood reading anyways.
It was a little unreasonable but, the fact that it became unusually convenient is not aughing matter. Reaching this effect with just smell every time that is.
For example, even if they all teamed up against me I wouldnt receive even a scratch. Because I have such confidence thats why I have been so carefree.
Because the sensation of the chains were annoying, I turned the upper half of my body into fog and slipped out from the chain and sickle. This is the Fog-Form ability. I can even turn just individual parts of my body into fog. Very convenient.
Got it, boss
Unlike the dumbfounded Chihuahua-chan, Terrier-chan calmly gave Dachs-chan instructions.
Dachs-chan took out a round object from his breast pocket. The round object had a cord-like substance connected to it and Dachs-chan lit it on fire with a match.
Since it seems your name is Explosive Dachs, that is without a doubt a bomb right.
How about this!!
Dachs-chan took a clean pitching form and with an overhand throw, he tossed the bomb.
Isnt this, a pretty tight situation Im in?
What will you do if you damage the goods...Wind-san, Ill leave it to you alright
Wind Magic.
I only have one point allocated in it so I cant do anything amazing but, summoning some wind is no problem.
As I wanted, a sudden gust appeared and blew the bomb back to the source, the perpetrators; goodbye... Ah. The fire didnt go out.
Get down, men!
Thanks to Terrier-chan promptly pushing the two down, It seems that the three of them didnt take any damage from the bomb.
The sound of the explosion resounded fairly impressively but, looking at it, the power isnt that much. Since I decided to take them alive, I should use something with less gunpowder huh.
Ku...You bastard, you arent an ordinary pervert are you!
Ehh, well...Im not a pervert though
Since my feelings are that of a male, molester... No, that also has a bad implication to it.
Anyway, its not like Im not wearing clothes because I like it or anything, being called a pervert is upsetting okay?
If its be like this then I dont care if theres some injuries. With my knife throwing-
Wind-san, would you kindly
Since Im going to get seriously hungry soon, its time to end this.
I abundantly gather my magic power, and with magic I summoned a sudden gust of wind.
Even though what I did was simple, if I increase the input of magic power, the scale of the spell bes bigger; it seems like this is one of the rules of magic in this world. The manual in my head doesnt seem to be false so with peace of mind, I confidently made use of my power to charge magic to full.
Once I gathered up a vast amount of magic power to create a gust, it became a giant vortex swallowing up the small breed dog-guys and blowing them away.
Splendidly harmonized screams were heard as they left their horses behind and the figures of the Terrier Bandit Troupe disappeared from my line of view.
Haaa, Im really hungry now
They were pretty interesting so I wanted y with them some more but, right now getting some food is my maximum priority.
Well I more or less went easy on them so I dont think theyll die.
Chapter 5
Silver Discovery
Hey, this is pretty good.
Said the unrivaled beauty as she stuffed her cheeks full of jerky.
For whatever reason, I was saved by this girl and now the two of us are eating lunch together.
... I wonder, what exactly is this child.
The route I was assaulted on is a shortcut well known amongst peddlers. The route is an ancient and unused highway. All thats nearby is a copsed country.
The merchants guild would like to restore it; however, between the bandits and monsters, repairs arent proceeding as nned. Because of this, the path is rugged and casualties from attacks are high.
I was in a rush so I had no choice but to take this path... And just as I thought, I was attacked. If this girl hadnt been passing through, I would surely be dead.
I knew a little magic and believed it to be enough, but those three were skilled to the point that my only option was to flee. Even so, those three were sent flying with a kick as if they were children. This girl... Exactly what is she? Her age seems to be around 13-14...
Thank you, to even go so far as to lend me your clothes.
I-Its fine. Its good that the size fits you well.
The clothes are one of my products, a set of mage clothing. The girl said she had no clothes, so I had given her a set.
Its true that shes my savior, but without them, Im troubled about where to look.
... It was quite the nice physique.
Due to my nature as a merchant, Ive travelled across many countries and I had met many beauties. asionally, I had even bought some of them.
I believed that I had met many beautiful women; however, this girl in front of my very eyes... To give my honest impression, there was nothing that could bepared.
Out of all the women I had seen, she possessed the most exquisite face of them all. I had never considered myself a lolicon, but it may be time for me to reevaluate that belief.
And so, as we ate our meal, I came to find her act of licking the salt and oil off of her hands as attractive. Despite that, I found her to be quite androgynous, or maybe it would be better to put it as udylike or open... That is also...
...? Is there something wrong?
No, nothing of concern.
If I stare too long,I feel Ill drown in those scarlet eyes. I forced my gaze away; however, it felt rude, so I shifted my gaze to her forehead.
Even though our eyes dont meet, it is a line of sight that gives the impression of He is looking at my face.
By the way, where is this carriage headed?
It is headed for a town called Alrescha
Shiwakucha? (Crumpled)
Its Alrescha
... Does that ce have a stable climate, delicious food, and good public order?
If youre just talking about this country, its on the better side in my opinion.
It is a town on the coast, so while the breeze is salty, it is pleasant all year round.
Being on the coast has caused trade to prosper and the seafood is always fresh. The town is also an important region to the country, so public order is well-maintained. If I had to fault something, it would be that the lord of the region is a womanizer.
When I exined all this to her, the silver-haired girl thought for a little before she replied and said, ...Sashimi sounds good. If it is fine with you, could you give me a lift there.
Sure, with pleasure.
I couldnt turn down my savior, even if I wanted to.
On top that, to be able to travel with such a beautiful girl, it would make more sense for me to ask her to apany me.
By the way, I didnt quite catch your name. My name is Zeno, Zeno Kotobuki.
Ah... Oh yeah, a name...
...? Is something wrong?
Did I ask a strange question?
The girl ruffled her beautiful silver hair while making a troubled face.
... Is there some reason why she cant reveal her name to me?
Being in this ce without any clothing, its hard to call that natural.
I wont pretend to know whats going on, but Im sure there must be a good reason for all this.
To not be able to immediately state her name, there must be a troubling reason behind it.
I dont know anything about the other partys background. This means theres arge amount of uncertainty, a major burden for any merchant. Disregarding the looks, I cant get a read on whats inside.
... But shes my savior.
A merchant is someone who always remains cool, yet never forgets courtesy.
The other party protected my most valuable asset, my life. She even saved my cargo.
Before even going into profit, shes my greatest benefactor. If she doesnt want to talk about it, its fine not to ask. Lets end the discussion here.
Argento Vampear.
Its long, so just call me Arge.
... I understand.
Judging from the flow of the conversation, its easy to imagine the name she just told me is false.
Even so, I silently epted it.
Whats important is that the girl in front of me, my savior, struggled to answer my question, even though it must have been difficult for her. Even if it is not the truth, I only have the right to ept it.
In this way, my mysterious savior and I spent several days together until we arrived at the town of Alrescha.
After this, my path and hers would cross multiple times. For our fates to be drawn together in this way, I had no way of knowing it at the time.
Chapter 6
Port Town Alrescha
So this is Hanapecha.
Its Alrescha. Do you like the town?
Its quite nice. The wind is a bit salty, but it feels good.
The salty breeze is strong enough to be smelt from the bed of the carriage. Its the characteristic smell of a coastal region.
The view of the townscape from the carriage gives off the feel of a foreign port town. The slightly old-fashioned look of the buildings also lets off a pleasant atmosphere. Theres nothing to criticize about it as a tourist spot.
... It would have been a good idea to have mentioned something about the food situation to loligramps.
While it is charming to have a quiet ce where I can sleep for as long as I want, if I had stayed there I would have starved.
Because a person happened to be passing by, I ended up leaving my birthce... but this new area looks pretty nice. I want to quickly have a nap.
Well then, Im fine here.
Ah... W-Wait a second Arge-san.
As I start to step off of the carriage, Zeno calls out to me.
To be blunt, the name Arge that I have gotten used to being called over the past few days was really half-assedly picked.
My full name is Argento Vampear. Argento is the Italian word for silver and Vampear is the French word for vampire.
(TL: I chose to write vampire as vampear to distinguish it from the english word. Its the usual trouble with Japanese being able to use foreign words for everything. Take Ѫ and ѥ as an example, although its written ԩ` in this novel. Seriously, Im going to shoot someone one of these days over katakana...)
I could have used the name from my past life, but Kuon Ginji is definitely a guys name. I may feel like a guy inside, but Im physically a girl so I ended up picking a name that sounded feminine.
Please take this and this.
Zeno-kun searches the inside of carriage and hands me a ck hooded cape and leather bag. When I take the bag, it makes a jingling sound. Its pretty heavy, is there gold inside?
There might only be a little, but please use it as funds for your travels.
Ah, so this is money... Is this ok, even though youre a merchant?
I wasnt thinking about that problem at all, so the truth is Im super thankful for the cash... however for a merchant, money is supposed to be more important than anything else. Is it really ok for him to so readily give this to someone with such a suspicious background?
Its because you saved my life. Also, while youre in town please try to keep the hood on. Arge-san stands out a lot so this way it should stop... you know, stop you from being hit on.
Ah, that does sound like a pain.
From what I can tell, it isnt an exaggeration to call the current mes appearance an unrivaled beautiful girl.
Judging from the Terrier Bandits and Zeno-kuns reactions, my evaluation doesnt seem to be wrong. For this reason, it might be important to cover my face. I have no interest in men. If they feed and care for me, its a different story though.
... Zeno-kun seems like the diligent type.
If I were to marry a person like this, helping out with his business seems tiresome.
To make matter worse, his business is as a peddler, meaning unless he retires, there will never be a chance to settle down. As a target to leech off of, hes not perfect. This sucks.
Also, the ufortableness of the carriages luggage area causes him to lose points.
Even if you dock these points, theres no mistaking Zeno-kun is a good person. Hes even done all of this for me.
Uun... I feel kinda bad after all this.
Its fine. Even for me, I feel kinda bad after receiving a horse.
No, thats just something you picked up from the Terrier Bandits.
I still cant casually ept this. I cant repay you with anything right now though... how about next time we meet?
Next time?
Yes. If we meet again and Zeno-kun is in trouble, please let me save you.
In exchange for saving his life, the thing I requested of him was to feed me.
I have already received my reward. Thats why I consider him taking me this far, clothing me and giving me money a separate case from that deal.
It might feel natural to Zeno-kun, but me being unable to pay back his goodwill makes me feel sick.
I might be extremelyzy, but Im the type to properly settle my debts.
Even if I think that, all I have is my body. Even the clothes Im wearing dont belong to me.
The only thing I can pay with right now is a verbal promise.
Of course, a verbal promise is still a promise. If we ever meet again, if I have something to pay him with, Ill dly pay the price. Its this type of feeling behind this promise.
After making this promise, its probably best to go our separate ways for now.
... If you put it that way, I understand.
Well then, Ill be off. Thank you so much. Please hire proper bodyguards from now on.
Ill keep that in mind. Stay healthy, Arge-san!
I properly pull down the hood and jump off the carriage.
With some reluctance, I walk quickly and disappear into the crowd without looking back.
Well then, first things first...
...Lets get some lunch.
Naps are nice and all, but I just received money so lets gratefully use it. Money is only valuable when used.
Chapter 7
Some time had passed since parting with Zeno-kun.
I was in the middle of eating a proper meal. Sashimi made from a fish known as zerabia was rich in umami and had great consistency. In a word, it was a perfect dish. However, even though I had eaten such a masterpiece, my hunger was not fading.
I even drank the water I was offered. It didnt even quench my thirst a little.
... I guess my body desires blood.
Its been about a week since I was reborn as a vampire. The reason for this craving is most likely because I hadnt drank a single drop of human blood that entire time.
I can ovee the natural enemies of vampires such as sunlight and water with defensive skills however, theres nothing that can be done about this thirst.
What can be done...
The solution is easy. Ill be fine after drinking blood.
I know the answer. I know the answer, yet...
Im a deviant.
Casually approaching a stranger and saying, Excuse me, but would you be so kind as to let me drink your blood. ispletely out.
They would definitely run away. If I was the one approached, I would report them to the police.
It may have been a mistake to be a vampire...
While I was traveling with Zeno-kun, the desire to suck blood often showed its face. At that time, whenever I drank water or ate food, I was able to sate my appetite. Now there was now no sign of it subsiding at all.
... Does this mean that the foods distractive effect was lost.
The blood sucking impulse was only suppressed momentarily with meals and water. That only stalled the inevitable, as my current state reflects.
... Even if I calmly analyzed my situation, it wouldnt improve.
There wasnt only a feeling of starvation, but I also had a headache and my vision blurred a bit. I felt chilly.
It felt simr to a cold apanied by a high fever, but there was a single clear difference between the feelings.
My fangs... ache...
My charm point after being reborn as a vampire were these sharper than normal canines.
My whole body wasining because of the cold, but only my fangs felt terribly hot and unpleasant. They gave off the difort of a prickling scrape.
...I have to keep it together.
Escaping into an alleyway was a smart move, if I do say so myself.
If I had stayed in such a crowded ce, I certainly would have bit into the nearest person. That was how suddenly the thirst for blood came.
I thought that I wouldve been able to withstand it for a little longer, but my limit was close.
I dont intend to be a monster that attacks people though.
... Its not ok to cause trouble for others.
I certainly amzy, and my dream is to be taken care of by someone and live a good-for-nothing life, but Id like to make sure that the person epts me first.
I dont want to put strain on or cause trouble for a person that doesnt desire it.
If only I could drink my own blood and be satisfied...
I remembered all of the details of the ability. I understand that its not something that can be solved by such a way.
When I bite, I dont need to suck. Thanks to raising the abilitys level, theres no need to do such a thing or drink arge amount. Just a little would do, but it cant be my own.
I would never be satisfied without drinking the blood of another being. This is the vampires curse.
I who had ovee most of the weaknesses of the vampire race such as water and the sun, was still troubled by this final weakness.
Its also incurable with recovery magic because it isnt a sickness, injury or blight. It is the same as breathing for vampires. To stop breathing altogether is not called recovery.
Oh, its useless... Its already bing dark...
Fortunately, it doesnt seem like Ill fall to my desires. My consciousness is slowly fading.
At this rate, I can avoid going on a rampage. As long as I pass out, I wont cause trouble for others.
Ah... so sleepy.
That reminded me, I hadnt taken a nap yet...
Despite being in a back alley, the sea breeze still blew over me and was very pleasant. The passing fragrance smelt quite nice.
In order to escape my hunger, I curled up and slept.
...Ill just sleep it off and forget.
I am good at sleeping. You might even call it a specialty. I slowly gave up my consciousness to sleep. Speaking of which, Loli Gramps-san said something about dying if the desire for blood grew toorge...
I feel a bit bad of going through the trouble of reincarnating only to die a week after being born into this world... I only started thinking this as my consciousness melted away, so these apologetic feelings to Loli Gramps-san stopped being my problem.
Felnote Tribute
Are there anyone ship Felnote ?
Merry Christmas.
And I will confirm a Big spoiler, Felnote is the main hero.
This Extra Edition is four time longer than a normal chapter. Do it in 1 day worn me out. And It isnt even weekend.
Extra Edition: Vampire and Merry Christmas
Whats wrong, Arge?During breakfast.Suddenly, I remember that like nature and leaked out.
Felnote-san is sitting opposite the table respond to my word.No, its Christmas Day (ꥹޥ: Kurisumasu)
Kuri ...?Felnotes expression is clearly showed that she have never heard of word I have said.
It is obvious.This is a different world from the world where I lived in the past.There can not be an event like Christmas.Well ... it is like a celebration of a cold season,
In terms of time it is colder now, is not it?It is true like she said, the sea breeze is cold, it feels like chilling early in the morning and at night.When applying to the concept of the four seasons, I know that early spring is near.
The reason I said it was Christmas. Because, if you calcte from the calendar of the world where I was, today is the day before Christmas.
It was during the winter that I was reincarnated in this different world as a vampire.It was about when I thought that Christmas is about toe.
Before I was incarcerated, there was a calendar in my room even if I could not go out, and celebrations for each event were properly received. In the Christmas season, it was decided that sweets and cakes will be put in.... It was a nice treatment.
To be honest, at first, it was a little surprising. Because I thought that nothing will be given to me, who isnt needed in the family.
But in reality, I can not go outside, there is no way to get in touch with me. My parents decided that Im dead (T.N: not literal dead but treat MC like dont exist).That was it.It was that degree.
And Im really dead, but it wasnt that bad and my life was fulfilling.At least, to the extent. But I remember Christmas and feels nostalgia and loneliness.
Well, lets just celebrate christmas
It is troublesome, but if I do not do it, you will feel bad.
I can just forget about it and let it pass away but right now, I want to do that.
If there is no such event in this different world, it is not necessary to do it if the time is different, but ... because I remembered it, I think it would be nice to try.
Sorry, Felnote-san, could you lend me your kitchenter?
Well ... I do not mind ... What happened?
Thank you ...
Its just a whim.
But once you notice it, you do not feel calm and you will not be able to sleep on that day unless you do it.
Pain Pain Go Away
I hold my hand on the wound and speak the words.
My magical power bes the ability to heal wounds and the pain flew away ording to the word.
I think that it is a mysterious sight even if you look at it many times, but it ismonce in this world.
It is the same as people who normally use mobile phones in the world that I lived before.
In this world, people use magic as a matter of course.Thats it.
However, my magic is not normal like everyone else.
Recovery magic level 10. It is strongest level in this world.
Even if we find all around of this world, maybe Im the one have this level?
And even with this recovery magic, it is impossible to revive the dead.
I tried resuscitation once, but it was useless.I tried it on a boy who seemed to have drowned in the sea and he did not recover. As a result, the child was saved byFelnote-san doing CPR (using hands , but I dont know how to exin in English) to revive the child, after that I use recovery magic and heal him. (T.N: I guess we need to remove the cause for injure or dead before healing, like we cant heal a person who still get a sword stabbed on him, we must remove the sword first and heal him)
At that time, Felnote-san just happen to be there to rescue the child. It must be his lucky day.
Today, I dont have anyone that hard to heal though.
The most severe case is just regenerate an arm.Its easy task. My first customer today is man that lost his arms during a battle with demons in the past.
Hes impressed looking at his new grow up arm.
Just as rumored say ... Saint of Miracle Vampy-chan! (T.N: people give her a short nickname)
Ahaha, ...thanks for that
Vampy, that is not my name.
There is a time people called me as Vanpy-chan, they shorten the second part of the name Argento vampear.
Besides, People also told each other Vampy-chan is magical girl of miracle, goddess of sea breeze, silver angel of silver hair and so on, but none of them are corrected.
It is troublesome and I am not correcting it.I wonder why there is no one who calls Arge or Arge-chan even there are so many people.
Apart from the first customer, other people who came seem to know me and was quite familiar.
I seems to have be famous, but sometimes its a little troublesome.If you hold my hand like you do now or when you are really moved and keep shaking my hands without reserve, I wont feel so good.
... for some reason my eyes are stinging.
He seemed to noticed my gaze, bitter smile so he let go of my hand in a panic.
Please try not getting injured in the future.
Well, this is... ...?
Today is Christmas Eve, its cookie, I do not know if it suit your taste.
Christmas... Eve...? What is it?
Ah ... ... Christmas is an event from where I was born, it is the eve ??festival for that Christmas day
I give an appropriate exnation and hand over the cookie stored in the Blood Box to him.
It is a simple one wrapped in a white bag with a red ribbon.It is just butter cookie inside. Felnote-san bought a lot of ingredients and baked it the day before.
Its not a big deal, its just what I prepared to taste.But people seemed to be impressed as they received it.
Oh, Ohhh ... ... Thank you very much! really, ... Thank you very much!
Its not a big deal,
No, no! It is a gift from a beautiful girl! This is a very valuable thing!
Ha, is that so?
I do not understand well, but I wonder why people around me are nodding as well. Well, Im d as long as they are happy
I am preparing a lot more and I am not serving because it is a service, so please keep the order in line, can you?
The work of the day was very sessful and the bag of cookie that I prepared running out pretty quick.
There are a lot of people who pay more money than usual, maybe they seeded in the Christmas shopping season or something.I am not in trouble with money, but I will get money when I still can.
Excuse me
Oya, Loli ojou-chan? It is unusual, you going alone today (Oya is how an old man speak oh , ojou-chan is little girl / littledy or youngdy)
Yes. There was a little errand today
It is the first time for me toe to this shop by myself.
I finished work early, I came to the market.
Because it is always thriving and there are lots of crowds, I usually walk while holding hand with Felnote-san.Because it is troublesome in the first ce, I rarelye up to this shop though.
And here is the butcher who Felnote rmanded.The shopkeeper has friendly personality.
Speaking of Christmas, it is chicken meat.I do not know who decided, but since it has been so long ago, I obediently follow.It is troublesome to consider each time.
Excuse me, do you have chicken, if possible chicken legs
Ah ...... chicken?
Shopkeepers tantly obviously broke his face.It is not good, he seem troubled.
There isnt?
Uhm, right now, the purchase is dyed ... Tomiabuna, the merchant I often purchase chicken is having a bit trouble.
It seems that his merchant team was attacked by a demon on his way to Arlesha, although he was alive, his luggage was totally lost. He is a major chicken supply in Arlesha. Chickens are short at any store now.
Is that so...
Troubled.It may not be avable in other ces as well.
If it bes short, the remaining items should be handed over to major customers who usually have a rtionship C specifically cooking shops etc. Im doubt whether I can get it even if I visit a shop from now.
But he is serious too, as he carried chickens, he was attacked by birds
What? Bird?
Oh, Ah. I mean Gigante-Meklis. Meklis is a stupid bird shaped demon (?ꥹ: Giganto mekurisu)
Merry us?
Meklis, It usually live in the Westernnd and rarelye out in the vicinity of Arlesha
... is that demon edible?
Uhm, the taste seems to be good. The value of meat is high because it is quite strong, Im just a simple butcher so Im never have a chance to eat yet ... Well, tomorrow The lord will organize the troops and go hunting.
Is that so ... Do you know where it usually appears?
Gigante-Meklis, Loli Ojou-chan ... Are you nning to hunt it?
No, I want to have a look
Is that so, Its sensitive to signs, so be careful. you should go with Fel-san, just to be safe. (Fel is short for Felnote, in raw is Feru-san)
While saying so, the shopkeeper told me ces. Of course, he keep saying I should go with Felnote-san.
It is a little troublesome, but I cant have chicken mear like this, lets go get it myself.Its Christmas time.
Of course, I did not speak to Felnote-san.
Because I did not want to get her involved in my sentiments.
In the story of the shopkeeper, there is a small forest not far from Arlesha, and Gigante-Meklis seems often appear there.
I went there immediately, there were many destroyed horse-drawn carriages around the forest, and there were some blood stains.
Smell Enhancement skill and vampire instict tell me there is a smell of new blood.
It is probably because there was a victim other than Tomiabuna-san.
Merchants and travelers other than Tomiabuna-san can also be attacked. There are scattered luggages, carriages and blood smell after all.
Well ... Ite from this direction, is not it?
A smell of blooding from the back of the forest, a little sweet smell like peanuts and bread.
There was a loud sound. That was its walking sound and I can finally see it.
A bird shaped demon who had a fat body.The silhouette is close to the chicken but the head and beak are both simr to a lizard and cock. His body colour is like a earth. It is over 2 meters long and its eyes are obviously hostile. (T.N: This part is really long and hard to trante so I shorten it using my own words as best as I can with simr meaning)
Gigante-Meklis is roaring a shrill voice like a parakeet.And soon after, it begin to attack, it elerate and thrust in.
... Wow, that was a great attack.
Its two meters long but it can move really fast, it also create wind and smoke. ButIn a sense, it just look like a big panic chicken.
It can elerated well, maybe it think Im a delicious prey. Being surprised, a beak was approaching before my eyes.
That was close (ȤȤ: Wa to to~tsu = a carefree way saying watch out)
It is a beak that has a considerable size.Even if the body of the vampire is sturdy, its still pretty painful if I get hit with such thing.
I avoided its attack, and take a light distance.
It squirm its body and scream... It looks like a chicken plowing the field.
I looked at it for a while because it was interesting.In the mean time, It also turned the beak around to attack, so I avoided it the same way like before.
Sorry, I am in a little hurry.
The time right now is past noon.Considering the time of dismantling and cooking, I can not spend much time with it.
I take out a bottle of swines blood that I got at the butcher shop. I open the bottle and I can smell a beast smelling blood.
Blood Arms, ??long sword
A vampires unique ability to create weapons from blood.
A long warped sword, made by imaging a kitchen knife to dismantle.
To catch a chicken, I will need to bait it first. And finish in one attack (T.N: It hard to trante this part, basically, chicken often run away really fast when it in scared state, if you are just hurt it, it will run away)
It seems to be difficult in terms of size, so I just skip it and go to the next process.
I close the distance in a moment. It missed its attack twice so it might be angry right now.
It take the bait, it lower the head trying to hit me with the beak.Aiming for it isnt difficult.
I swing the de and make a clean cut to its neck.
Arge ... what are you doing with this?
Its Christmas that I said yesterday.
Felnote-san watching with her two coloured eyes closely to everything I prepare on the table.
Roast beef on freshly baked chicken steak.Spanish omelette and potato sd.Pumpkin soup.
Actually I wanted chicken steak to be a chicken leg but I give up. Gigante-Meklis legs were too big.
Since it contains blood, meat can not be stored in a blood box, so I just bring the whole back to Arlesha.After that I took as much as I needed for today and gave the rest to the butcher shop owner.
Because the shopkeeper seemed to appreciate, he will do a variety of free services next time Felnote-san went shopping.
I will refrain from cake, so I keep it in cold storage. Lets have a cake tomorow then.
Felnotes house has a food storage container like a cold storage so there is no problem even if you keep it for overnight.
As expected there is no microwave oven, but it will be necessary so you can eat warmly.
Christmas ... Ive looked it up today, but it does not happen in any country?
It probably does not even happen in the literature or peoples knowledge
Ignore Felnote-san who makes a strange look and I will take a seat.
While looking like she is not convinced yet, Felnote-san is also taking a seat.
Well, Merry Christmas
... ... is that kind of greeting?
Yes, as far as I know
Christmas Eve is the day before Christmas day, that is, from the sunrise on the 24th, it is treated as Christmas.
So Merry Christmas on Eves Day is nothing wrong.There seem to be many people who misunderstand that it is early to say Merry Christmas to Eve.
Of course, Felnote-san dont know such knowledge, she is awkward but still listen to my word.
Merry Christmas, Arge
She said that andughed.
Whats wrong, Algier?
No. We should eat before it get cold
I wonder how many years have passed since I spent Christmas where other people are in face to face and smile.
The season is early spring.The ce is different world.Nobody knows Christmas.
Still today was a nice day for me.
Even in a different world where Santa can note, today I have the best gift ever.
Merry Christmas
How long since thest time I see people smiling with me?
With such an uncanny feeling, I put chicken steak into a dish.
Yup.After all it is chicken for Christmas.
Giving little love to various people, I get a little warmth.That was such a small Christmas.
Author Note: (not Trantor Note, dont mistake)
I am happy that I could deliver my childs happiness in the form of extra edition.
Actually, I wrote this in a matter of a few hours today, so I have not reviewed it at all. So Im sorry if there are strange spelling errors, meaning duplications, expressions.
Actually I wanted to review more hints or review, but today there are no breaks, so it will not be long.
However, I became rehabilitated quite often.I will do my best in this volume.
It was a time when Arge tried hard without taking a nap.The roots are serious, are not they?
By the way, it is said that parakeet smells like peanuts and breads.
Well then, everyone, Merry Christmas.I am fortunate if this time will be a good surprise to you.
Trantor corner:
As readers request, I will make a TOC and back / next button.
It is an easy work but it will take a lot of time because there isnt a function like that, I must make it myself.
Chapter 8
For , , , , , , please visit s page.
Thank everyone. And yourment about Oddo Ai, how silly of me not thinking about odd eyes. I fixed it like you suggest.
Loli Vampire Afternoon Nap Chapter 8:
No Hell, Yes Boobs ( Ω`تzäѤ N jigoku, iesu oppai)
"... Hmm, why ?"
I open my eyes and suprise.
I was wondering if I would die with a blood-sucking impulse, but I knew somehow that I still alive.
Although Im still thirsty, it is morefortable than before I lose consciousness, look like my blood thirsty is calm for now. Is it because I fall asleep ?
"Oh, such warming bed ..."
Besides, somehow, I am lying on a bed right now.
Moreover, it is not a hard bed like the one in the ruin, its a soft fluffy bed. Ah..., what a soft and warm bed ...I love bed. It seemed like I was sad. It seems I missed you.
"Hah ... I want to marry a person who allow me sleep in this bed in the future, of course, with three meals snacks"
"Is not it quite innovative future design ...?"
I heard a voice of a woman. Because I could not ignore her, I raise my body from the bed.
There is not much thing, just a simple room. The Owner of voice is sitting on a wooden chair, away from the bed I was asleep. It was a woman with warm brown hair.
"Did you wake up?"
"Yes, yes ... Uhm ... did you help me, Odd Eyes boin-san?"
"Odd Eyes boin !?"
"Oh, Im sorry, was Boin Odd Eyes better ?"
"Thats not it! I dont need you to reverse it !"
Why does everyonein if I call. Even though I grab properly and call it.
A big breastdy with two colors eyes. So can I call her Odd Eyes boin ? Since I still dont know her name yet, is it inconvenient for me to have a conversation unless the other party calls me to say "I was called"?
"Well, I "noticed" you sleep on the street and carried you to this ce, and I have a name Ferunoto ? Lyria, maybe you can call me so ...?" (եΩ`?饤ꥢ , Ferunto rairia , open suggest name)
"Okay, I am Argento vampear. You can call me Arge, Ferunoto-san"
Ferunoto-san got up from the chair when she breathed out a big sign as if she was relieved. Distinctive breasts shake a bit in ordance with movement.
Apparently she seems to be making tea. But ....
"... ?"
Something is wrong.
Ferunoto-sans movements are stable and certain. I understand that the movement of tools for making tea brewed on the table on the side of the chair is quite ustomed.
Even so, somewhere, something is missing. There was unnatural to feel so, in her movement.
I continued observing for a while and finally found the identity of difort when tea brewed.
... This person, she is making tea without looking at her hand.
Normally, when you do something you see your hand. Even when it is familiar, when people use their hands, they usually look at their fingertips.
And when you dont, it is possible that you get injured if you fail like tea preparation or cooking.
Ferunoto did not do it. Her neck was not bent, her face turned to the front, and tea was brewed without lowering her eyes.
"Here, drink it, because ites with herbal medicine, its good for recovering your fitness"
I looked into her face while she is giving tea and get the reason why her gaze did not move.
From my side, Ferunoto-sans two colours eyes are purple on the right and gold on the left. In other words, the left eye is purple and the right eye is gold.
The both of her eyes have no light.
Speaking of anime expressions, there are no highlights. Clearly, neither eye is in focus.
"... That eyes, maybe you cant see?"
"Yes, a few years ago, fight against a certain demon ... at that time"
I see. She isnt looking at hand, because the field of vision was not opened in the first ce.
I drank a cup of tea that I received, for now, I will ask her a question.
"You can not cure, like with magical, medicine ?"
"I tried it myself and I tried asking famous doctors and wizards ... none of them was any help."
"Huh ... is it so?"
Magic can not cure, blindness.
Was it even impossible for me to recover magic?
I have recover magic with skill points to the limit. I do not know how much she and the famous wizards were good at recovering magic, but my magic should be stronger.
"Sorry, can youe a little closer?"
"Oh, yes ... ?"
"Excuse me ?"
Felnoto-san moves her face closer to me. She could not see me, so I touched her face (to tell her that she was close enough, I guess) and I try not hold my surprise voice.
... Oh, her skin is smooth.
It is the skin of a woman. I am also a girl right now, but I still feel frustrated. Lets treat politely.
"Eto ... Can you close your eyes for a while ?"
"... what is this, I wonder ?"
If I suddenly heal her and she suddenly see the light, she may be surprised, so I have her eyelids closed.
... She is a nice person.
She help the strange copse person with a blind body and now she listen to what I say obediently.
She was a good person and helped me. Also, it is a bit unpleasant when get helped and leave you in a favor, so I would like to return it with eye treatment.
... It will be nice if everything go well.
Even with a recovery magic in a bit, there are various kinds, such as curing scars, solving curses and poisons, and clean body dirt.
If it is a simple scratch it can be solved with magic to cure the wound. In other words, her eyes are losing light for other reasons.
"... to be able to see"
It feels fuzzy, but it also has quite a bit of magical power and it also picks up recovery magic to use.
Recovery magic to counteract the curse ... Is it better to say the spell of magic? I put it on the eyes of Mr. Felnoto.
"how is it?"
"Huh ... Ah, light, light ..."
... It looks like it was sessful.
Even if you close your eyes, light stilles somehow. To be able to recognize it means that her vision has returned.
"Calm down, please open your eyes slowly"
"Oh, yes ... "
Ferunoto-san feels afraid to open eyes.
Her Odd Eye that appeared again in my sight was not a dark shade like the one just before.
Recognizing the light, recognizing me, the pupil is swaying. It sounds good, it seems healed properly. After all it seems that the curse was the cause.
"I can see ... I can see it ...!"
"seems that way"
"I could not see it for years, I was giving up ... Thank you ... Thank you, Arge!"
"No, I must thank you for helping me before."
If I dont return your favor you, it bes matter of concern, I can not take a nap with confidence. I am azy person, but Im a type Id like to do thing properly.
Ferunoto-san grips my hand with a touched feeling. It is a little painful. I guess it is still nice.
I do not know how many years She have not seen in detail, but it seems that She had lost the light for quite a long time to see how that tea was brewed. I can imagine something that she have been through a lot of hardships.
"There is no way to thank you simple like this ... Such a thing, if I can do this, I will have to do it! Something, something !? I will do anything!"
"Kya n ~tsu !?" (I cant choose a cute english word for a loli when she is surprised)
I was surprised a little because it was pressed by a tremendous force. It will be shaped like being pushed down as it is.
My (when the bed be your ?) beloved bed take me kindly from behind so it doesnt hurt, but this appearance may be a bit bad. Her difference colour eyes are serious, but they overlook this.
If a third party sees it, there is a situation that apparently is likely to create a misunderstanding. Probably this state only seems to be "being pressed" in a different meaning.
After sleeping, my blood sucking impulse has been settled so far, although blood thirsty is still not avoidable with just drinking tea. If you get too close, you will make me want to bite.
As I saw her slim neck, I feel like she is really tasty, I am a dangerous person now.
"Uhm, are you calm down yet?"
"Oh ... oh, sorry!"
I pushed Ferunoto-sans shoulder lightly and got away without hurting.
... Even so, Im surprised for me to use a girl voice.
I said "Kya n". Since the body is a girl, it is not wrong as a reaction, but it feels a bit unnatural in a mood.
It is a bit different from what I kinda feel bad ... Its kind of embarrassment, its like itching, its such a feeling.
"Im sorry, but, I do not mind if I need to do something, which is too big for reward"
As for me, I am just try to return favor and think thats enough.
As it was, if I fell down the alley as it was, it probably would have been dead and now, I even get a warm bed to sleep.
Because She had saved my life, I should return a thank you for curing her sight.
However, it seems that Ferunoto-san is not convinced. Although I look away as she asked, her gaze remained serious without changing.
As it ister, It is not clear. Or rather, as for me, I want to take a nap with a beautiful futon sooner and it get harder to sleep when I have a serious face in front of me.
... Well, would you please ask for it?
It is true these things bothered if I do not solve quickly, there is also the possibility that when the next big impulsees out, I will die.
I have not heard that the vampire is such a disadvantaged race so far, Loli-gramp. Next time we meet, please take responsibility and take care of me forever.
"... Can I please say something funny ?"
"Yes, whatever you say"
"Could you give me some of your blood ? I want at least a small amount".
Chapter 9
Chapter 9: What I really wanted
"Fu~e ?"
I did not have time to stop.
Ferunoto-san use the short dagger from her bosom while replying briefly and her wrist without hesitation.
Stagnation, urate movement. As if brewing tea, self-injuries with casual movement.
She pour her own blood into the empty tea cup as it is - as a reserve. While I was being shocked, blood came in and out of the cup more and more -
"- No no no, what are you doing,dy"
"Well, Arge wants to drink blood ..."
"I said I want to drink, but that is a bit excessive."
To have a dagger is not worth surprising.
It is a different world where thieves are wandering like usual, and there are some demons that blind the opponent. I am a vampire. In such a world, it would be natural for everyone to bring something for self-defense.
However, without any doubt or hesitation, it is not natural to cut your wrist.
Blood is important for living things. Speaking of adult men, if you lose about 2 liters of blood you will die. She is a woman, so there are less lethal amounts.
Besides, blood is not a thing to drink. It would be something to use for blood transfusion if it is tougher.
Losing blood is dangerous and drinking blood is obviously a strange person. On the contrary it would be normal to have a disgusting feeling.
"Here, please take out your hands. Oh.. no... so deep ... Because you are a girl, please treasure yourself more. Painful painful go away"
I was n that I got her to cut the tip of the finger lightly and gave me the drops. I feel sorry this time, next time I will tell her properly.
Restore with magic to chant and close the wound. Because it has a high skill level, it is a high recovery magic that also has the effect of increasing the function of the body to produce blood. I will not leave a single scar, dont let me down.
Of course, I did not do a good-looking chant or give a name. Because it is troublesome.
Ferunoto-san gazed at the part where I cured his injury for a while, appearing somewhat rxed.
"Really amazing ... Oh, this, my blood"
"... "
There was quite a lot of blood in the cup that I received. Yeah, I can not see it anyhow.
As expected she would not die if she lost a cup of ...blood.
... Well, its unnecessary.
There are more quantities than I thought, but what I originally said is what I asked for. It would be strange to refrain now.
It feels like iron specific drink which I feel from the cup. But it feels so sweet and abnormally thirsty.
Impulse that has been deceiving until now. It is evidence that it swirls as soon as it is waiting, and the hold down does not work.
The act of drinking blood of people.
Even though it is notmon sense for people at all, it goes naturally. Itsmon sense for vampires, because my body was waiting for this.
The blood contained in the mouth is sweet, and a much more intense scent runs through from the nose to the brain than when it was sniffing.
Still warmth of body temperature ... liquid remains in throat and falls in the stomach. In the back of my stomach, from the inside of the body I felt that the warmth appeared to the whole body, the skin was agitated.
... Ya, this may be a habit ...
It is delicious way better than ripened dried meat and fresh fish sashimi.
Not only the body, it is filled to the heart. It seems that my brain will get burnt with happiness. Nature, my breath bes feverish.
"Huh ... huh ... oh ..."
Drink up to thest drop and lick the blood on the lips. After all, it is sweet.
My thirst is gone like a lie and my mood is refreshing. Now I can sleep for a few days on end. There is a bed, if you can, I would like to do so now.
"Fuu ..."
At the same time as I felt calm, the ability of Blood Reading was activated. Apparently it seems when I drank blood, I read Felnoto-sans information without permission.
Blood reading at the highest skill level reads the others thoughts and even the past. Indeed I thought that was so rude, so I decided to consciously cut the reading when I got information on her status.
Activation is automatic, but I do appreciate that it is up to you to adjust how far you will reveal at my discretion. It will not be an invasion of privacy, because Im not interested in the other s past in the first ce.
I can not help it because I have already seen the status. By the way, her status is like this.
Name: Felnoto ? Lyria
Race: Human
Body Ability: Bnce
Learning skill swordy 6
St. Magical 6
Magic Sword 3
Recovery magic 4
Tool appraisal 3
Dark attribute tolerance 3
St. attribute tolerance 2
... I feel like a magical swordsman that can use recover.
The number next to the skill name is the skill level and the maximum is 10. I mean that its possible to reach level 10.
Even level 10 is the maximum but reach swordsmanship skill 6 is said to be rare, it seems that it is a long-term training, but the movement to handle dagger is very familiar, so I think that she must have sufficient hand skill.
While thinking about such things, I return the cup to her.
"It was a feast"
"Well, I will give you -"
"- Please stop weapons because it is already enough"
You told me a feast?
Ferunoto-san, who puts the cutting edge of a dagger on her wrist with an amazingly good smile, stopped it before it was toote.
... What kind of disappointing face do you have? It was pretty bad, now.
"Yeah ...about that, Arge"
"what do you want ?"
"Who is Arge? I have never heard of a magician who is good at recovering magic so far ... I could not cure my eyes even with the countrys top magician ..."
"... Its just a vampire just passing by."
"Cure, vampire?"
"Yeah, it is a vampire, is it rare?"
"... Because it is a race with few individuals, it is rare, but ... Um, the sun still high, are you alright?"
"If I like, I can even sunbath, because there are level 10 to withstand sunshine."
"10 ugh!"
Oh, it is surprising after all.
Of course. Ferunoto-sans blindness could not be cured even by the countrys best wizard. The fact that I was able to cure it means that the wizard of the countrys top magician did not have the skill level of recovery magic at 10. It is quite amazing that the skill level is the maximum.
"so, walking under the sun and was a vampire ... Such a kind of existence that appears in the legend ...! Is it? "
"Ha ha ... but you know, I am real .If Im not a vampire, I wont need to drink blood, right ?"
"Although it is certainly not customary to drink blood, only vampires or some demons, but ... well, there is no recovery magic !?"
"Yes, thats level 10, is not it?"
Ferunoto-san expresses that she saw the unbelievable thing.
In fact there are quite a few other skills at level 10, but it seems better to stay silent. Even if I speak, I will make her more confuse (headache).
"You, who really are you ...?"
"It is Argento vampear, good night now"
"Huh? Wait a moment, Arge !?"
She is a tough person. I can hear something, but I am already tired today so lets continue tomorrow.
Ignoring Ferunoto-san who cried out at the ear for a while, I crawled into a fluffy bed for the first time in a week.
... Huh, all the time
I ate delicious sashimi and drank delicious blood. It is impossible not to take a nap with this.
I finally got what I was really looking for, I was literally dreaming and headed for dreams.
Chapter 10
Chapter 10: Vampires want to sleep while turning their eyes from reality that they must work
- Arge! You are still sleepy !?
Fu nya n ~tsu
I was forcibly awakened when still have happy sleep.
Im sleeping with fluffy beds, but suddenly I was knocked down on the floor.Thanks to that, I got a cute scream.
Reluctantly opened my eyes, Ferunoto-san holding the sheet and sign while looking down at me.
It doesnt looks like she mad or angry, but whats wrong ?
Ai ta ta ... What are you doing ? (Ai ta ta = thats hurt , but I keep it because I want to show that our MC use girly voice)
Ah, youngdy ...!
Muu, the sun is still bright isnt it... would you please let me sleep for a while.
It has been a whole day since you sleep, from yesterday evening to now ? (I change a little because it hard to trante this)
It still isnt a whole day yet, right?
Do not say strange things with a serious face!
Well, whats wrong with that ?
I cant ept it, but It cant be help because I already woken up.I got up and stretched, Im still somewhat sleepy.
It is unhealthy to keep sleeping without meal or a bath
Even if I do not eat it for about three days, I am fine, the body is ... Yes, Be clean. (the word is kirei mean pretty but I choose clean for easy understand)
Clean up your body with the recovery magic that removes dirt.Well, after all this is very useful.It will remove the dirt of my body and it will also remove the dirt from cloth that touching my skin.
Ferunoto-san, who saw how I recovered with recovery magic, sighed as if he was amazed,
It was the first time I saw a small child who can use magic this way ...
The magic that cleanses the body is a pretty high level magic and you use it without any special prepare, isnt it a pretty high level magic? To use it, you will also need a lot of magical power, to think you use it this way ... wont taking a bath be easier ?
There is not a big deal, my magical power enhancement is also level 10
... It really is handy, isnt it?
By the way, do you need any?
I worry about you, ... I think about how you are supposed to eat and I also think its bad to wake you up, you keep sleeping too much, Im really worried about you.
Apparently she seemed worry about.Im sorry for what I did.
It would be nice if I said you should leave me alone in advance before I sleep for about three days.
Please stop with that!
It looks like she suddenly became Tsukkomi character, perhaps Ferunoto-san original character seems has such feeling. She is a serious character.
She responded seriously to the my strange request "I want you to drink blood"
At first I think its strange that she didnt even hesitate and cut the wrist, but as I talk with her. Now, I understand that it was not strange.
At least for her, it was only way that she can repay her benefactor. Even acept my demand without thinking about the background, the reason, or such, at all.
... This girl is a stupid person.
Well, ... It was fun talking with people like her, If she is the one feed me, I wont be bored.
... Oh, right. I will pay for my stay fee.
No, thats good but ... where do you keep money ?
Its like a feat of vampires
The money I receive from Zeno-kun is stored in my Blood Bag.
Blood bag, It sounds strange, but its just a storage skill.Just melt the existence of goods in your blood and you can pull it outter.
There is a limit to the storage capacity, but it can be stored indefinitely when the skill level reach maximum. By the way, I am at the highest skill level.
Since both hands are always empty and so the weight of luggage will not bother at all, this is also quite convenient.From others, it seems that the item suddenly appeared in the palm of your hand, like Ferunoto-san was surprised now.
But I also want meal ... If I do not pay while I have it I will not know when I will lose.
... What do you mean by that?
Shy and unemployed
Even I have money now to say I will pay , but I did not earn it on my own.This money is from Zeno-kun, he earned it by his own hardwork. (the original word mean sweat but I think hardwork sound better)
... I need money.
The goal of my life is to be feed by someone, to live a satisfied life with a three-meal nap snack without working, but at the moment I havent found anyone to feed me.
Until parasitic targets are found, I must prepare meals and beds yourself. For that reason it is natural, but I have money.
The importance of money does not change even now that I am reincarnated in a different world.It was totally taken when I ate meal.
Therefore, if you say the difference from the previous life, it is not a yen but a unit called Cyril and what kind is only coin?
... If you want,dy, you can earn money by curing people (original is mean like sell recovery magic to people and you dont have to worry about money but I think it sound strange)
Ah ... Do you mean like a doctor?
Well ... I wonder, If you want to do business in this town for a while, and apparently, you dont have ce to go?
I have not even thought about anything because I do not have a source, I just came to this town for rice which is delicious so I just want a ce that would be nice for a nap.
Lady, you are quite free spirit ...
E e he~e
I have not praised you. What is wrong with you, I wonder why your face expression dont change much but you can give a shy voice ...
This is also a vampire special skill
Whatever, I know that it is a lie
Eventually, Ferunoto-san did not receive the money on this day, but I decided to pay tomorrow.
In this way, I decided to earn living expenses in Arlesha as a Recovery Magic Master for a while. (쥷: Aruresha , open suggest name for this town)
Ah, I want to get someone to feed me for life soon.
Chapter 11
Peoples rumors spread with light speed (as exqalph03 suggest, I change it to easier to understand, if you guys have any suggest please tell me)
Okay, pain pain go away
Ten days has passed since I started healing people with recovery magic.As usual, Im also working today in front of Ferunotos house.
I must say that the first 3 days was almost free.
I got a little money from healing a grandpa who hurt his back, and the boy who fell and bruised. His parents bother toe to payter even though I was going to cure childs injury for free.
From the fourth day, the number of customers suddenly increased. It became a rumor, It was a long time ago that doctor or a wizard already give up with this sickness and I had a lost arm from a monster , I was surprised because many serious customerse.
I thought that it would be impossible for a lost arm to grow or cure a person who was about to die at once, but when I tried, his arms grew and his illness cured.Recovery magic is convenient.Its impossible to make the deade back to life as expected.
Because It was troublesome to take and count money and so I said anything is fine, most people will look at me like looking at a God and some will offer a lot of money. I have be pretty rich. Oops... When I tell Ferunoto-san about money now, she said I am rich enough to brew tea.That was cold. Her face. (She tease our MC, I guess)
Of course when people hear anything is fine, so some people will go home without paying anything, but I would not mind it.
Like that, I have a lot of money so I can travel again, but I dont think I have to go anywhere, so I will stay here for a while.
Ferunoto-san sometimes give me blood, and this town is quite easy for me.It is nice to have a nap and it may be good to find someone who is willing to feed me here all the time.
Yes, Im done, you can go kill demons, but please do not die.
Oh, thank you very much... Truly a goddess!
No, Im not a goddess
Although I use the hood to cover for a while, but if it gets hot, I will remove it and if I use recovery magic at close range, you can recognize my face.It seems like Ive wasted Xenos concern about me to keep it a secret. (her face and her power, her face because a certain womanizer will want to marry her and her power because the country will not leave her alone). But this is bad, not only my face, but also the mysterious recovery magic that can recover a severed arm got well known.
Then rumors are spreading and recently I was called like goddess of the sea breeze silver angel, genius bishoujo wizard vampear-chan. You should properly name me. (I use vampear because people speaking of her name not her race, and our MCin that those name dont reflect her direct, they just idol her)
The cured person seems to be one of people who worship me as he likes, he took out the money from his wallet and handed it over to me, saying I wille again, goddess and returned home with a skip.No, as possible, please do not worship me.Have you guys heard the story properly?
It is a great sess every day at the end of the way to repeat like this. Even after he left, there are still many queued people waiting.
By the way, I did not tell people in town that I am a vampire.Ferunoto-san tell me to stay silent, she says that I will be stand out .
The fangs are growing like a vampire and the ears are somewhat sharp, but thanks to the dignity under the sun, it seems that no one is thinking that I am a vampire.
Well ... ... when I cure five more people, I will finish today, so could you give priority to people with serious injuries ?
Even though I said to end it, not because my magical power is exhausted. I said it just simple because I tired and wanted to take a nap.
I would like to stop working right now but I cant say my real intention and it is better to earn money when I can earn more than what time I can find parasitic targets that will feed me.There are five more people today as apromise.
At such times, everyone will be saved as they will obediently listen.Because I can rest when I want to take a break, it is easy to work environmentally.
There are people whoin from time to time, but the number of violence is small, because those people would be beaten up by other people waiting immediately.
I cure five people and returned to Ferunoto-sans house.
Her house is two stories and quite wide.It seems that Ferunoto-san bought it with money earned in the past.The cause of blindness is a fight against monsters and her skill is a battle system, so it probably was making a living by monster hunting.
If you think about trying to find out, you can immediately understand it with Blood Reading, but I am not interested.
Go through the corridor and going to the kitchen, Ferunoto-san was sitting in the chair.Because there is a set of tea on the table, is it tea time?
I am back now, Ferunoto-san ... .... Ferunoto-san?
Even if I speak to her, I have no reply.Ferunoto-sans eyelids were falling down when I thought that it was strange.
Gentle breathing is repeated, the big breasts called Boin in the first impression shake shallowly in ordance with breathing.
Are you taking a nap?
It is quitefortable to sleep while sitting.I understand it.
There is a sense of security different from the bed, you can feel like sleeping in a short time.I feel a bit relieved.
... Its bad to wake her up, is not it?
Ferunoto-san is going somewhere because she is busy everyday, so she may be tired.
I have not heard of what she is doing, but she was not able to see with her eyes for a while.It seems that something that came to be able to be done because it became visible and things that she had to do hade out.
I like taking a nap.You can say that I love it.
I know exactly how happy a nap is.So do not do anything to take away such a happy time from others.
... But, it is around time to prepare meal.
Every day meal is made by Ferunoto-san.Although it is dependent on the menu, it is about time that it is not strange even if the preparation is already in progress anytime ... ....
... It can not be helped
When I see Ferunoto who sleepsfortably, I feel that way.
Although I am paying money, She is making delicious rice everyday, so lets give her some rest today.
Chapter 12
Special thank to Myeins
I already fixed a lot of mistake.
Chapter 12: Strange colleague
I woke up from sleep because I was stimted by smell.
It is a sweet scent.It is not the strong sweetness of sugar, but the soft sweetness of milk.
I opened the eyes as if invited by the smell, the scenery opened.
No matter how many times I wake up from sleep, I think this moment is happy.
... I thought that I could not see it anymore.
My eyesight lost in the past battle. I still can not believe that it has returned.
If you do not like it, you still think about it before you go to sleep everyday, what to do when you wake up tomorrow.
About that, the world I saw again was full of color and beautiful.
And now, in this beautiful world there is a beautiful silver colour.The silver poured into the tableware some liquid, and it was sticky when she scooped it with a spoon on the side. (in original only in this beautiful world there is white , but when she mean our MC, I want to use better word)
this is...
Oh, you wake up.
A girl with a silver haires out from the kitchen.
Argento Vampear.What kind of rtionship is it, you ask ? Well, a girl who lived together with me for a while.
She have sparkling silver hair, red eyes like red blood.A beautiful girl who charm you just by looking, a benefactor who recovered my light.
She smiles with her red eyes in the shape of a bow and talks to me.
Good morning, Ferunoto-san
Besides, her voice is cute.As the same woman, I am a living creature that loses my confidence for a while.
Oh, yeah, good morning ... Um, Arge, this is ...?
This, of course, is white now in front of me.
It looks like a thick soup and its fragrance is pretty good though ... ....
Its a stew
Ah, it is not from here ... Well, it is a soup made with milk and butter
... Somehow, its strange.
Because it is thick with wheat flour and potato
Arge answer ?ithout hesitant.I mean, she is a really a good cook ...?
... This child made it, did not she?
To be honest, I am a little scared.
I never saw her making meals till today and she iszy enough to said she looking for a person who feed me with a three meal and nap.
I wonder if Arge can cook, ... just having it as knowledge, I made it properly ....
Outside of my concern, Arge came up to me with a casual gait.When she came to this side, She took the spoon of that liquid,
Fu ? , fu ? ... wa i, dzo (Fu fu is the sound she blow to cool down soup, dozo is like here you go , basically our MC is blow to cool down a spoon and feed it to Ferunono, like in anime a girl feed her boyfriend Aaa)
Uhm, here you go, she said.
I have already tasted it, I knew what its like to eat
If you give out a spoon with a smile like that, I can not do anything anymore.
... Lets get cured if I get a stomach-ache.
The cooking skill is unknown, but the recovery magic is godlike.Perhaps even you look all around the world, she is the only one have level 10 of recovery magic skill.
I have seen her for the first time in her work.Even part of the lost body was restored.That has reached the level of regeneration rather than recovery.
If you have the power to that extent, there is going to be a lot of rumors and every country will not leave her alone, But Ive never heard of rumors even by name.What exactly is she?
Beside that, she has a lot of mysteries.What I understand is just that she likes to take a nap and it is quite troublesome, just that the light of the sun is a t vampire.
One of the mysteries that I never understand until now ...
When I gave up and opened my mouth, a warm liquid was poured in.
It is a thick soup like and it feel like melting my tongue.I understand that the taste is still of milk, sweet things.The vor that stimtes smell is slightly smell of butter.
Although it is thick, it strangely easy go down my stomach, I do not feel persistent.The aftertaste is gentle sweetness like cream, Im feeling great.
The potato grain remaining on the tongue is crisp but leaves sweetness for a long time.The grain is also swept away by the saliva that was inspired by the sweet taste and it disappeared.
... Its delicious, Ive never know
Thats amazing.I can not believe it, but Arge seems to be able to cook.
To know that I am anxious about her own cooking and feel at ease with confidence. She smiled, satisfied with my evaluation,
E e e, yokatta (yokatta: mean Im d)
I wonder what Im thinking.But Arge is really cute.
Especially her teeth. The face she makes whenughing, It feels quite appealing to me.I do not mind being bitten, I think about such things.
Besides being she is always expressionless or sleepy, but when she smiled suddenly.I feel my heart skip a bit, it was surprisingly nice.
...... I thought that Im normal. (I think she mean she used to prefer boy, WELCOME to our world, yuri)
There were only women in the former workces, and because of that, there was love among girls (yuri) ... I myself have been invited or sometimes confessed.
At that time the heart did not move, but now I knew the feelings of the children who confessed to me when I was watching Arge.Arge is pretty enough to change themon sense that I had until now.
Eating with bread is also delicious, its still hot, so please wait a little longer
... Are you gonna bake a bread?
Yes, today is a bit simpler, I bake it in a frying pan ... I make it from the fabric properly, and I also cleaned the kitchen lightly
Ha !?
I was surprised to hear my own loud voice.
I hurriedly got up, confirmed the kitchen in a hurry C I was stunned.
...... What, this is even more beautiful than when I clean, isnt it?
Obviously it was not lightly cleaned.Just as I just bought this house, both of them are shiny.
It is understood that the floor, the wall and the ceiling are not dirty, and even the cooking utensils are polished.
My mouth half open in spite of too much beauty.It seems that my current face is stupid when other people see it.
Hey, this one ...
Did you like it? I have not changed the arrangement of cooking utensils and condiments ....
Wait a moment, Arge ! you were able to do such a housework!
Oh, yes, why do you ask?
Because you sleep all the time ...!
For sure, I am always asleep, it is like a figurine that is not useful for anything.
I have not said that!
It is not good, it is also the pace of this girl.
Arge is peculiar orpletely unique tension, and sometimes this topic is crushed when talking.Now thats the flow.
I do not mind everyday though, but Id like it to be clear.I thought that her mystery could be solved, but then it has grown rather deeply.
Although it is not important, if you do not know why this falling child can do so far, I can not sleep at night because I am anxious.
How can you do house chores so far ... ? ... you want to have a three meal snacks and you can just take a nap whenver you like so you do not need housekeeping skills if its the case
Is it so?
...... I can think only of that.
Because it seems so.For those got feeded, that skill should be unnecessary.
Arge opens the lid covered in the frying pan and answers these words while serving freshly baked bread on the dish.
Because I do not have a person to nurture so far, I thought that I could live properly until then. And people who would support you also wanted to take a break sometimes or something wrong happen to them ? For that kind of asion, I do remember the housework as a whole.
When I was told, I understood the meaning of Arges not so.
She wants to live firmly until People feed me with a three meal nap and snack appears and She will try sometimes to live by sticking to that person all the time.
In other words, Arges nurturing person will be an important person for Arge, not just a ve.
Although it is said that you want to be live a life with other people feed you , Arge have the feeling of supporting the other person in fact, and that you are acquiring the necessary things properly for that.
Arge seems to have said that he wanted to be nurtured, with a different idea from what I thought.
... that effort, I wonder why I can not point straight ahead
If you can do just that, you can even live seriously ...
I mysteriously felt a strange headache to the reality that I solved the mystery but I can not understand it.
Meal in that day was delicious very much or honestly It was better than what I made, Arge baked cookies after meals, but it was somewhat frustrating.
Chapter 13
By the way, this chapter will be a cliff hanger even when I finish, its important so I use Cap.
Read it at your own risk, I dont think I can release chapter 18 (End of this Cliff hanger) anytime soon.
He came in abrupt.
are you the saint of miracle ?
People usuallye here to cure wounds, but this person pushed the waiting people out of order.
A wild strange person appeared! (of it doesnt have wild in raw, sorry but I cant help)
... I have no intention call myself a saint, but some people calling me so on their own
People like this guy were usually get beaten up quickly, but today, no-one doing so, they are not evenin.Rather, everyone in the town willing clear the way for him.
A strange person was apanied by two people, an armor helmet knight that seemed to be strong and a ck haireddy who put a sword on her waist was on his side.
At first, I thought that the intimidation of thepanions dismissed people, but it seems to be different.
Its a lord ...
Hey, the lord ising
Who is it that unleashed that stallion?
Mommy look, there is a lord
Do not look, you can get pregnant !! (Dont ask me just read for yourself, I dont want spoiler)
Ah, I understand who you are from most of people voice.
I certainly appreciate Xeno tell me about a womanizer lord, but it seems to be pretty good to see the reaction of the town people.
A strange man renewed lord carefully looked at me from the toe to the tip of the hair.Today it was hot, I have not covered my head with the hood, so you can check on me.
After he finished checking on me, the lord begin to talk.
Its so beautiful...
Ha, thanks. Uhm ... Erotic Mushroom-san (Ero kinoko-san)
Who is the Erotic Mushroom !?
He had a hairstyle like a mushroom and I had a very easy-to-understand calling name of Erotic Mushroom, even my line of sight was obscure, but I was stared at.
... Was it better for the Mushroom Erotic?
Is not it just change the way of saying !?
Buffu (sound of people try to hold theirugh)
What are you guysughing at !?
Do notugh at me !!
Oh, yeah.Since this pattern was kind of familiar, let mix in something elseter.
Apart from that, the other party is very angry for some reason.Kicking the armor of the blown out armor helmet and threatening the inhabitants who burst outughing is a lot of stupidity.Only the knight and me are notughing at him, the woman who is waiting by his side awkward say. (he is some kind ofic relief character)
You do not have to get so angry ... Why do not you name yourself if you dont want she to call you like that ?
Is this my fault or is this terrible !? I am the owner of this town, my name is Samaka Swaro ! (ޥ`?: Samak suwaro) Has been appointed to the maind of Arlesha by the king!
Is that so? I am Argento vampear, so what is Samaka-san want with me?
Argento ... You, could you be my wife? (He said her full name not shortern Arge)
... He came with a straight ball. (A japanese way of saying, he is direct)
There is a question mark attached to the others word, but from the action I feel I do not say it is disgusting but have a feeling of shame.Armor helmet knight and ady who holding a sword with her finger surround, so it is no of escape.
The skeptic mushroom reformed Samaka-san use his most impressive point is probably the face, and he has brought his face to my face close enough to feel his breathe in my nose.
Somehow, Samaka-san seem worried about bad breath. Although it smelled fresh and refreshing like a herb, he go back reflexive one step as worry the luscious breath make me ufortable. After that Samakha closes the distance with a Kabe Don (Its hard to trante this part, basically, Ero mushroom want to get closer to our MC, then he remember that he should check his breath so he take his face back for a while, after check his breath, he Kabedon our MC, please help me choose word with that in mind, I cant make any good with my English)
(Kabe don: is a pose when senpai want you to notice him, see image at the end of chapter)
My bad, for keep you waiting. (褦ˤϤ: Warui y ni hasen zo)
His hand press to wall and other hand is holding my chin. He attack me for a specialbo technique to get a girl.
... What shall I do, my heart dont skip a beat.
I understand in sense the meaning of special technique to get a girl limited for handsome man, but effect also depend on how you do it and the girl taste. Certainly this is nothing unpleasant when a person you like do it.
To be honest, Samaka-sans face is not so bad.At least it is not bad to call ugly.Sorry, it is a sense.
The hairstyle which consolidated ck hair in tickiness is glossy mushro no matter how you looks at it, and additionally it is the one covering the hat with expensive feathers on it, so the area of the face feels strangely small. His hair or hat looks like the main body.
The clothing is said to be a light armor, but the decoration which seems useless here and there is attached to the rose gorge and the whole bnce is bad.Still, why is the breast open firmly for some reason, do you intend to defend it?
Typical, I think that he is awesome handsome man but also a person that you feel awkward to be with type.
Uhm, about that... (ΤǤͨDD Ano desu ne)
- Arge, whats wrong?
She seems to have heard the fuss, Ferunoto-san flew out of the house.While poking the boobs up.
Ferunoto-san seemed to misunderstood when she saw Samaka-san, who is kabedon-ing me to the wall of her house, She re at Samaka with obviously angry eyes,
Samaka ... what are you doing to that child?
Ferunoto-dono, no ... wait , I just a propose marriage with her. ( -dono is same with -sama, use for a person you respect a lot)
You are still feel not enough with thirty-four wife?
Thirty six people now
Its still bad !!
Somehow, they are acquaintance.Ferunoto-san talking tone does not care, it is rather a hostile one.
... There are thirty six wives, it is an outrageous harem.
Although my heart did not move at all, I think he had quite a lot wives right now.There is a possibility of being forcibly, but it is rude to think about it without hear from himself.
Samaka-san did not seem to be frightened, no matter how much Ferunoto-san re at him, rather shrugged his shoulders sharply.
Fuu ... Ferunoto-dono, what are you doing in such a ce?
... Because Ive blinded, Ive already retired, didnt you know?
I have heard that your eyes have healed. I even heard that after receiving that report, the king personally ask you returned ... Was that right, the former Kingdom Order Third Corps Vice-leader?
I was surprised that Ferunoto-san was a from the Order, and that was a pretty awesome upation.
I am convinced that she always seem busy if you were so great.Perhaps She was turning his head down to various ces to refuse the order from the king.
Looking at the attitude now, I understand that She is not enthusiastic about returning.On top of that, She also feel guilty about refusing the consultation from the king.
However, this situation is somewhat bad.Ferunoto-san is now clearly rolling in.
She is a serious person. She wont give up until the opponent give up.Those people are not suited for quarreling.
On the other hand, Samaka-san is clearly talking calmly to the point that it is obviously he has upper-hand.The words that he told Ferunoto-san is also moderate, so that I can take it as if he wont acept a refutation.
Zeno said that port town Arlesha is a very important ce as a base for trade in this country. The king is entrusted with it Samaka-san which mean he ispetent.
Even though he has bad sense (of fashion) and love woman (pervert), The king will not trust such importantnd unless it is a person who can do politics and economy.
Battle system and political system.What is totally different between the ces where they are supposed topete with each other, and it is backing Samaka-sans in this fight right now.It was obvious that Ferunoto-san had no chance of winning.
What are you going to do with your opponents field of expertise?She really is a serious person.
... What should I do?
If you focus on your sense of smell, it is the woman who is close to Ferunoto-san and Samaka-san have strong feel among those who are in this ce. I can understand by the blood reading from the smell of blood.
Ferunoto-san is my friend, I cant run away without her.
However, its still annoying if I can run away with her.The opponent is the lord of this town, and Ferunoto-san may be held liable.
Besides, I cant read Samaka-san smell of blood, so we can not distinguish his ability.
From his body, it smells quite sweet.Perhaps its perfume, but its odor is too strong to understand the smell of blood.Do not overdo it.
I can read if the skill level is high, but unfortunately the smell enhancement has only level 1.
I can not grasp the degree of surprises beyond the ability to understand, so it may be dangerous to move inadvertently.
...For the time being, we can not talk properly about it, hey, how about have some tea ?
Thats good, Lets go to my residence, Argento. We can have a talk.
Ah, Arge!
Im OK, Ferunoto-san, I just have a some tea.
There is no doubt that it will not be easy to keep it as it is, so lets decide to ride on the invitation of the opponent here.
It is much better than being talked for a long time.Because it is troublesome.If I have something I want to finish early and take a nap.
...Even if he give me three meal nap, I think I will not easy fall.
Why not deny with an immediate answer here?
No, if you do it really it will be quite fluctuating.
End chapter 13
TN: Kabedon: usually a tall boy do it to a girl and pin her to the wall
Chapter 14
Our sworn enemy cliff-hanger still here until chapter 18, already done this chapter, read it with your own risk.
Chapter 14: The thought of love
Wow ... its a great ce
The ce where I was brought in was a residence with a noble hobby.
The red carpet there is soft and fluffy, make me even hesitating to walk.I can tell that the paintings and pots ced here are expensive at the first nce.I was sitting in the chair and he looked at me.
It is a person who is entrusted with the base of trade.I wonder if there is considerable profit.There are thirty six wives as well.
I drink a cup of tea that a pink hair twin tail maid poured for the time being.
It was tea andquite a good one.There is a deep scent and a strong sweetness, yet there is no unpleasant taste remaining in the mouth.
First Im sorry for being rude, Argento
It was surprising.Samaka-san removed her hat and bowed to me.
I can hardly believe that someone who did it like Please be my wife with a kabedon until a while ago. He right now is humble and have gentleman attitude.
Not only him but also thedy and the knight, deeply lowered their heads.
I am sorry for my forcibly behave, but I had to secure you.
What do you mean?
Your recovery magic is too strong. I can not leave a wizard with so much power alone. I am obliged to report your existence to King Pleiades (ץ쥤ǥ: Pureiadesu) ... as a lord appointed by the king of this country ...that a powerful wizard appeared
... In other words, does this mean that his action before just to secure me?
... You invited me, in order to present me before the king is the real purpose?
No, this is my personal judgment. Even if I do not report, your rumor will eventually spread to other towns and will reach the kings ears someday ... before the king, I had to invite you about you before the kind noticed your presence.
I understand that he has to inform the king about me.
Because Recovery magic skill and magical power enhancement skill are also reach the point people call me saint of miracle.
Indeed, I have many other skill levels reach to the limits, but for now my rumor about me is to cure any injuries and diseases.
Recovery magic with effect enough to say that it is absurd enough to regenarate a severed part of body, can even healing serious illness without leaving a scar.Moreover, it bes possible to use it as many times as you want without thinking carefully.
It can be a huge profit.It would be natural to report to your boss.
But Samaka-san abandoned the obligation.It is not someones instructions, but with his own will.
That is to say, Im going to work, without report to the king ... ?
The king will heavily use you, the war front with the empire, He will let you go there and heal the injured soldier ... the soldier will gratefully thanks you, worship you and have great morale
...I agree
When the king and those who are needed request, you will need to heal them, heal the people and gain support of the people ... In addition to the beauty of absurdity, a wizard of the universe, an ambush of God, a saintly creation It will be create. (I think he be like the pope in average god)
Ah ... Yes
What to do, just listening is awfully troublesome.
Doing that around every day and healing people around the country and always smiling like a holy saint? That not a joke.I want to sleep as much as I want everyday, but I will not have time to take a rest if I be a saint.Im doubtful whether I can have time to eat snacks.
I want a life with three meals snacks and you let me sleep for as much as I want, and even when a lot of patientse from every where, you can still forgive me for not working serious.
So ... Well ... why did Samaka-san invite me to the mansion without reporting it to the king, do you want to do something political with me?
Like Samaka-san want I do not have to be led by the king.
For example Samaka-san may do it.Every time my soldier or people gets hurt, I will heal them, I will cure the injuries and diseases of the inhabitants in this town and get him citizens support.If so, it may even possible for Samakha to be the King of the country.
That is what I have to an extent, I have awareness that it has passed through.
... It is good to have a ambition, though.
Originally, Im already use recovery magic to cure peoples injuries to get money from people and also get their gratitude.In other words, If it is used wisely for profit purpose you will get a lot benefit.
Even if you go around the world, you can hardly get anyone to get rid of injuries and diseases better than me.Im not such a saint.I just want to take a nap only while being feeded by someone.
I do not think about that, I respect the king and I swear allegiance ... ... I will obey once the king give order, thats why I need to hide you from the king somehow, and it worked.
Surprisingly, it was denied.I thought it was absolutely this line .... apparently seems to be different.I mean that he is satisfied with the current power.
When my prediction turn out wrong, I can not understand what Samaka is thinking.
He is satisfied with his current position and loyal to the kind, but behind the king he try to hide my existence, what would he want?
Uhm ... what exactly do you want ?
It is best to ask obedience what you do not understand.After receiving a cookie from tea ceremony, I ask questions to Samaka-san.
Samaka-san got up as I was waiting and he walked along the table and came up to me.And just like a y somewhere, he hold both of my hands as if he was an actor.
It is decided! Because it is absurd to use a beautiful girl like you for such things!
Go to a dangerous battlefield, be made a tool of politics and worshiped not to hope ... Oh, how wonderful ... such an angel shouldnt be use that way !
Well, ... Samaka-san, you ... maybe ... ... Do you seriously want me to get married?
Of course! Let you live as a simple woman as my wife! If you only treat it to the extent that you are a little good abut recovery magic, the king will not have an interest. I will report to the king like that. As beautiful as you But do not be a tool of politics and fighting ...... The beautiful hand is not there for such a thing ... It is to fulfill the happiness as a woman, that is love, Argento, with me. Lets get married ... abandon that power which is too big, live happiness as a single woman!
...... Well.
Apparently, this person seems to have been hardcore womanizer than I thought.
Chapter 15
Even I try attack a lot but our sworn enemy Cliff hanger get the upperhand.
He use Sword of Reveal Light so for Now, I cant attack for three whole chapters.
Chapter 15: My hand is too small.
I refuse
He was taken back as hes quite surprised, but my answer was decided.
To be honest, it isnt bad to have Samaka-san feed me.He is gentleman and friendly to women.Maids are also hiring a lot, and they are supposed to feed me with a three meal nap snack.
Still I declined his invitation.
...... Im a bit staggering.
What Im seeking is living a life with three meal and freely nap not a request for womens happiness.In the first ce, Im a man mentally.
What he asks for me and what I want for parasitic objects do not match.I want people who will feed me, want me to live with them and can ept everything about me
In conclusion from the result, if I get his invitation here, I will achieve my purpose in my life, but my rtionship with him will definitely copse somewhere. (Our MC mean: Samaka only want her be his wall-flower, his wife not really ept MC as who she really is) It will be troublesome when our rtionship fails.
For that reason it was my conclusion that we can not marry.
Yeah ... Im sorry, but I have to report about you.
I do not mind, that is your job, right ?
You dont hate me?
Even though I declined, you dont not forcibly catch me, only reporting ... At that point, I will understand that you are really friendly to women
... Well, you are really the so called saint.
Although I do not understand well, Samaka-san seems to have been convinced certainly.
... Or rather unexpectedly talking about, the contents are in front of a man.
I am convinced that there are thirty six wives.Perhaps, but his wife probably has many people who have been married like I have been doing now.Incorporating the feeling of protecting your life forever, he seriously makes a profitable marriage.
Ferunoto-san seemed to have a disgusting feeling, but ... he has a conviction of himself and is making a friendly harem with 36 wives.Maybe he is such a person.
Hairstyle looks like mushrooms, there is no sense of clothes and action is kind of awkward but ... I think that he is not a bad person.
Please enjoy your cup of tea, you can take your time, can have a tea with beautifuldy like you is already great feat
You have thirty-six wives, are not you?
Lets notpare beautiful flowers to the wives, they are love flowers. I call them as loved ones, or as families, not only beautiful but also meaning that they are beautiful and precious
I see
While he is continuing his ideal, I was melt firmly.This ispletely womens favorite.
Originally a man but I do not feel bad if you praise this as well.I decided to spent time with him for a while, and I drank a cup of tea.
- Ho, report -!
Along with such a word, the door was opened up at the same time as I ced the cup.
The person who entered the room was a person who wear armor as well as Samaka-sans escort, he is running on a carpet to Samaka-san. He is in a hurry to see his lord, but have I done something?
You are noisy even though now is the tea time, Manen-kun (ީ`ͥ: mnen-kun), whats wrong ?
... Abyss Call came out (This time I dont need name suggest because next chapter they exin the name)
... !
Samaka-sans face changed color at the moment when the word Abyss Call came out.
Abyss Call, Abyss is abyss, Call mean call. I can hear the name from his report, but what is it?Is it a demon?
Sorry, Argento, tea time is over
Samaka-san, what is machine doll? (ޥɩ`: Mashindru) (call it now, MC is do it on purpose)
Abyss call, its a demon, its also a big deal.
Oh, As expected ... so, is it dangerous?
Its not safe, its a familiar opponent, Also Arlesha does not have Imperial Army garrison ... the ocean is in the area of this demon
Mr. Samakha toppled his own tea in a stroke and began giving instructions to the knight.
His expression is serious and there is no hesitancy in the instructions.It seems that he is used to it.As expected, He ispetent.
Argento, you can leave the town without notice because everyone is distracted by this fuss and I will be busy with the posting of damage, etc. After this, your report will be overlooked.
Samaka-san went out of the room with the knights, leaving a word clearly to be understood as a care for me.
A woman and her twin tails maid also followed Samaka-san, so I will be left alone in the room.
... Should I leave the town?
As Samaka-san says, I have to do so.
If I stayed in this town as it is, the king will definitely order the Samaka-san to catch me.
In such a case I will not be able to sleep slowly, and Samaka-san will be forced to do unwanted work.
Maybe Ferunoto-san will be given instructions as well.If that happens, my serious girl friend will suffer (she mean her serious friend who happen to be a girl not girlfriend) .It was pinched between the country that she served in the past and the benefactor.
Even if I stay in this town, it will be disadvantageous to everyone.
... Well, ... It is true from my original goal though. (MC mean get Ferunoto-san or anyone take care of her will cause disadvantage to people)
I am azy person, I do not feel like being motivated, it is like azy have governing authority.There is no helping to it.
Loli-gramp is saying Because my soul does not match the world, so I will reincarnate.In other words, if the soul conforms with the world, that person gets motivated.
But the results are as you can see.I remain despicable person without changing anything before incarnation.
Speaking of what has changed, races, gender ... And, how many ton of OP skills?
But the root has not changed.It has not changed.
I am as usual and motivated, I am not motivated, as I amzy.
I am in trouble even if you give something kindly to such a human being. Even if I get such a thing, I am sorry that I dont want to do anything and only want to nap.
I have already received conscience from Zeno-kun already.More than that, it is too heavy for me.
What I want is not one kind of conscience.It is an eternal favor.Even if I keep going to bed without working, I will be forgiven.
...Are you going to leave the town ? you ask
If Im going to leave the town, I must first return the favor.
I threw a cookie into my mouth and left Samaka-sans mansion behind.
Everything is to make you able to havefortable nap tomorow.
Lets go return the favor from everyone that I do not want to hold.
picture source is Sylvia, an legal loli silver vampire from rain manga that I REALLY REALLY love. If they make an anime of her (Rain anime) so I can see her in action and hear her voice , she may take the 1st spot in my heart instead of Shana.
Chapter 16
2 more chapter until Sword of Reveal Light lose effect and we can defeat our sworn enemy Cliff Hanger.
Chapter already tranted but still not edit yet, please help me point out the mistake.
Chapter 16: It was a demon you saw a lot in movies
Ready...set (褤ä: Yoisho tto)
I run with high speed toward the tallest houses wall and climb it, then I rush up to the roof. (Kind of like assassins creed)
Then, when Im standing on the roof and concentrate, I felt a strong aroma in the sea breeze.It is a sweet smell of perfume that Samaka-san was using.
There are many smells in the town.A smell of people or a smell of life.Even though there are many smells, you can properly distinguish Sumaka-sans perfume smell.After all, it was too unique.
Is he going towards the harbor?
He is moving fast.No, he was in a hurry.
I know the direction, so let moves soon.Jump over the roof and take the shortest route to Samaka-san.
Upon arriving at the harbor, Samaka-san was busy and was giving instructions there. As hismand, these people are going down and forth.
For the time being, I jumped off the roof andnded in front of Samaka-san in order to talk.
Argento! Why did youe here? Do you know it impossible to leave by ship !?
I understand, where is the bag corn ? (Хå륳`: Bakkarukn)
Abyss Call! For now, our ship are dealing damage to him over there
I look at the direction that Samaka-san points.
It is the direction of the sea.That is quite far. But I can see something.
There is no need to use visual enhancement.The existence that should be said as a huge shadow raging at the sea.
He had numerous arms.Shake that arm all the time and sink a boat that was armed one after another.
Even if a fleet attacks with a cannon against it, at best they can only make his body tilts lightly.It picks up immediately, and it takes a sink from his hand.
In the abyss of the ocean, the monster of the wickedness to bring ships and people into abyss as he call it.Indeed,A Call to the Abyss.
Oh... Huge squid ... (I wonder this happen because a certain someone release the kraken)
It was a squid.
It looked like squid.
It waspletely squid.
It was a squid of a size that was not ordinary.
A big squid of rounded silhouettes rather than slender like diamonds.
That was the identity of Abyss Call.It looked pretty good.
Even if you look at it, it is squid, but what you are doing is heinous.A gigantic squid is sinking a number of ships.
A giant marine creature raging and it is like a ss B movie, but surely there will be many people dead.
... Even if you say that you are giving damage, is it not a disadvantage to battle with it like this?
As long as he is in the sea, the disadvantage is really bad, so we must bait him, when he get close to the harbor, we can knock it down at once C that is the most efficient method.
I do not think you can do anything about it.It is the basis of this game.
Samaka-san believe as long as the other party is in his home ground, it is a really correct tactic called a cumtive fire if you reach the other side reasonably.
The battle still continue in the sea now, he is saying that they will try give as much damage as possible beforehand, so when they bait it to the harbor to kill it without much damage to the harbor. Thats it.I understand, but...
... those people, who are on those ships
They are also convinced, that they are get the most dangerous role... they are like abandoned stones, but they have to do it like this ... I have to respond.
Samaka-sans fist while saying those words was tightly clenched. Looking at this situation, I thought he is a really good lord.
You can bnce the things you throw away and the things that remain, you can choose the bnce that yields profit without hesitation C but he is also a person who get hurted inside.
I can not do it like him.I do not want such a responsibility in the first ce.
What I can do is simpler and easier to understand.
Samaka-san, are you happy if you can remove that huge squid without any further damage?
What? Suddenly ...
No, so, with no further damage ... It would be nice if I could stop the invasion of that squid without any more human injury or physical damage.
... Of course, if there is something that can be gained without losing anything, that would be the best.
Well, then, will you listen to me for now?
... Is there a n?
Yes, perhaps if it will go well, I can stop it.
Mumumu... (samaka want to say but cant say anything because he know what is the best right now)
Samaka-san seems to be quite lost.After all, it is likely that he does not want women to fight.Actually, He do not know that the contents are man.
Wh, what?
You already knew about my recovery magic, right ?, I am also good at various others, please leave it to me.
Even after say all this, Samaka-san still worried for a while, but in the end he give up.
He chose the best one when bncing everythings with me. Well, I wish I could defeat Abyss Call.If I fail, He can spend that time preparing for the defense before it getting closer to the harbor.That means that he made such a decision.
In that case, please prepare in a hurry, I will board the ship that is currently fighting Abyss Call, if you lift living person, lets take them all back to the harbor.
Actually Id like to restore injured people, but unfortunately I can not afford that, so lets ask Samaka-san and tell him what to do.There will be sanitary soldiers.
Okay ... Do not die, Argento
Its all right, because Im a vampire, it will just a breeze
Huh! Vampire!?
I was told by Ferunoto-san to stay silent, but after this is over, she does not have to worry because I will leave the town soon.
While hurriedly saying Samakha, who is stunned, You move so fast, I started preparing to get rid of that big squid.
... ... a blood contract, it is my first time to use it
I know all my skills.If there is something that can be done for this, I will manage somehow.
Chapter 17
The nearer you go, the bigger the squid is.
An impression leaks out of the mouth.How many sashimi can you have?
I am here at the bow of a medium-sized armed ship.
The name of this ship is Pisces.It is an old ship that was nned to be a waste ship, got from Samakha to approach squid.
The Pisces is in the midst of a slow forward aiming for the gigantic squid Abyss Call.
It is not sailors who move the ship.I am the only one on this ship.
...... This is also one in ton cheat skill.
Blood contract. A skill use person his own blood to another and make them a servant.
Originally it is a skill that use for living things, but I can even use for non-living things with the maximum level skill.
And high-level blood contracts have the power to manipte the servants freely.
In other words, I am making this ship as a servant, so I am moving it by myself. If you wish, the sail will adjust the tension arbitrarily, steering wheel, it does change direction without even touching.
Its very convenient to move just by thinking.Pisces isA sail boat, it has a structure that moves by receiving winds on the sails, it does not have an engine, but if it is wind it can be made magically.
Although as expected, I can not shoot freely the cannon, but this is enough because I just want to get close.
Blood contract.It is the perfect skill for me. E...he...he, she is really nice person, isnt she ? (I think she mean Loli-gramp)
The sea was rough because the squid was raging until a little while ago, although the Pisces swaying pretty well, it has proceeded neatly.
If there is a problem, the position of the leather belt hanging on the shoulder from before sailing on the ship is sometimes misaligned and somewhat disgusting.I fixed it now.
The effect of the contract of blood also has the effect of raising the capability of the servant, so even this ship can run without difficulty in a rough sea. (Nice boat)
Although the squid clearly recognizes me, Im not trying to make an explicit attack, whether he is suddenly confronted with the retreat of the fleet.
Even it may not understand and answer questions, lets first talk.With that in mind, I take out something from the Blood Bag.
What I took out is what I got prepared by Samakha like the Pisces, a megaphone.
Even saying it is not like a speaker used for elections.It is as simple as it is used for watching sports etc.It is a stic like material, and the expression like that is truly perfect.
Hello, can you hear me?
Try calling with a megaphone for the time being.I have expanded the range of effect ofnguage trantion skills, so if it is an intelligent creature, my words will be understood and I will also understand its words.
After a while, there was a reply from the other party.
Who are you ?
...... Wow, old man voice.
Is it a racial one or an individual one?The voice of the squid was a middle-aged man, it was a low voice with a dry impression, perfectly matching the expression of the old man.
Well ...... Its just a vampire passing by.
What is a vampire? What kind of joke, miss. Is it possible for a vampire to move when the sun still out?
No, because I have sunshine resistance ... Um ...... Old man squid (ä: Ossan ika-san)
Old man squid!?
Oh, Im sorry, was squid Old man better? (䥸: Ika Oyaji )
You have not changed much!
I was yelling about the naming even with a non-human partner.
I thought it was a perfect name, but squid squid.It looks delicious.
What with that regrettable face ... ?Oh, no, do not worry about it, so... can you please stop moving to town?Deny
Short, easy to understand reply to that.After that, came visibility was buried with a lot of tentacles.
I thought who was the target, but I do not feel like going out for a jokes.
...... Ah, did not this be the case after all?It is troublesome.
At the same time I made a decision in my heart.Numerous white tentacles were beaten up the Pisces.
Chapter 18
Chapter still not edit yet.
If you want to read a proper chapter, please dont read the chapter yet.
Please wait until a kind reader and everyone edit it for me.
If you still gonna read the chapter right now, which mean you dont mind reading a REALLY REALLY BAD ENGLISH chapter. So please, dontin in thement.
Chapter 18: Vampire does not work.
What ...!!?
Abyss Call leaked a scream.
The reason is simple.Because the Pisces disappeared.It will be surprising if the object which was about to sink now suddenly disappears.
A group of tentacles lost sight of the opponent to crush, prated the sea, and make a loud sound.
As a result the sea is raging but that was all.
For myself, I look down from the sky literally the way the Abyss Call looks around in a hurry.
It is easy to do.Just holding the Pisques and clothes and the megaphone in the Blood Bag, changing the body using the bat form skill to fly away quickly.
Even if I bes a small bat, it does not change that Im really swift.I flew as fast as I could create a gap between the falling tentacles and escaped to high altitude.
...... Tentacle y is kinda.
Squids tentacles are thicker than my body, so they will be crushed before ying, but whatever it is, I do not care.
There is something hanging in my body now bing a bat.Only this can not be stored in the Blood Bag.
Even if the skill level is 10, it is absolutely impossible to store as a characteristic of skills, so it has been carried for a long time.
To avoid dropping it carefully, yet flying quickly was terribly troublesome, but it was unavoidable because it was necessary.
After taking a sufficient altitude time to end this battle.
Exposing the naked body is cold and unbearable, but you can solve it if you take out clothes from the blood box and wear it.
Although wearing it, you do not have to go through sleeves.Blood box is a skill that melts goods into existence in blood.
Blood circtes throughout the body.I can withdraw goods from the ce I wanted, except for the hairless nails that dont have blood vessels.
Because the presence can pass through skin, I do not need to get scratched to shed blood.
Clothes appeared from the inside of my body, clothes change waspleted automatically.
Naturally, if you release the bat form, my body that has lost its wings is caught by gravity and falls to the sea.
However, since it is flying to a fairly high position, there is a sufficient time until I fall down.
There is a sufficient time to eliminate that squid.
Where!? Where have you gone?
An abyss call which gives a hysterical voice and swing tentacles randomly.It spit it far and frustrated.
Looking at such a squid, I kept pulling the leather belt C what I had worn on my body all the time.
It is a big water bottle that is hung at the end of the belt.If you open the lid, you will smell that we all know.
...... It is blood.
I asked Samaka-san to have blood served little by little from soldiers.Thats what the water bottle contain.
Yes, only blood can not be stored in a blood box.Even with the skill of a crippling effect of preserving the existence and preserving indefinitely, we can not overthrow this premise.
You can not mix blood with blood.
Blood Arms
It is easy to do.Sprink blood into the sky and use power.It is not troublesome, it is really simple.
Arms of Blood Arms is not arms, but a weapon, or armed.
AbilityArmed blood as the words suggest, weapons are produced from the blood.
The higher the skill level, the more firmly it is possible to produce more weapons with a smaller amount of blood.If the level is maximum, from just a drop of blood you can even make a sword.
The given skills.I never tried exercising Loli-gramp rmended skills and it isnt chosen by myself.
Blood sprinkled in the air expands bypletely ignoring the original mass. While shaping, it solidifies.It establishes as a definite solid weapon, not a liquid.
The squid of that size. (To KO) In one try, it is necessary to have a length to prate that big body.Sharp and long.As I imaging, weapons are created.
The form chosen is a three-pronged spear.
The reason is simple.Because it is like spear used by fishermen.The other party is a creature in the sea, so this is fine.
Almost 5 meters from the tip of the head to the stone piercing.Naturally the thickness is also reasonable.Weight is also free, so to a firm weight.
Totally, thirty tridents can be created with one bottle of blood.They deployed in the air in a short amount of time and turned the faces of the three fingers towards squid.
As a characteristic of the high level Blood Arms, there are things that can be moved without touching.It is a perfect characteristic for the current situation.
If you give a little boost, gravity will guide you towards your goal. (Try to imaging Gigamesh use gate of babylon with 30 tridents)
...It is indeed a bad squid.
That town is so warm and it is perfect for a nap.It will be nothing if you break it.
I have to leave that ce after this, but from now on, various people will definitely take a nap over there. You have no right to break that happy time.
I do not care about what kind of reason the squid attacked.
I just do not want it to be crushed that town that is perfect for a nap.And its also a little repayment to everyone living there.
But that squid. It do not care about my circumstances, it doesnt even want to talk and attack.
So, you dont want listen to people and do ask you please ? I will do the same, lets finish it quickly.
I want to take a nap as soon as possible.
... It is really a good town
Port town Arlesha.The climate is good, the sea breeze isfortable, the fish is delicious.
The nap that felt the scent of the tide was the best, and there were abundant foods other than fish as a trade base.
There was a former Kingdom Vice Captain who was too serious, who helped an unknown vampire and offered blood and bed.
The lordsmen are fond of women, there is no sense in fashion, and misunderstanding about yourself as a handsome but it is apetent lord.
Samaka-san keeps the town of Arlessa peacefully, and above all, he is a man who isughed at by the townspeople and is angry with it.It means that the people around me are live happy and have fun enough tough.
Its a really nice city.
This town is protected by people in this town.
It is not protected by azy like me, it can be only protected by people in this town.
What I do is just a little boost.
It is just a little thing that the gigantic vampire me can do it.
The people of this town have the power to defend themself.
Well then, guys C Please protect your city.
With the boost, thirty tridents may prate the squid body.
More than that they were elerated by being pulled by gravity.Even if I do not do anything, they can knock down the squid because they are make by blood of everyone.
Im just boosting it.I do not work and I do not want to work.
The flock of tridents will speed up the speed.Eventually, they reach enough speed.
Hm ... whats the... !?
It is alreadyte when it noticed me.
Like a lot of ships that you have sunk so far, many pieces of sinking ships floating in the sea.
Just because of your selfishness, Just disappears.
Sayonara (T.N: Goodbye)
Add a word of farewell with many falling tridents.
While seeing that Abyss Call is prated into the sea, I change my body into a bat.
I flew the spot after confirming that the squidsrge body sunk and faded to the bottom of the ocean.
...... I did not feel well.
If you listen to it properly, all the blood that Samakha prepared for me now was mine.
Since I became a vampire, I have already drunk blood several times. Recently there is no sense that bloodsing action is out ofmon sense, rather it is interesting to taste blood of other people beside Felnote-san.
Mixed blood in which the blood of various people was blended.I was looking forward to it as a snack.Im really sorry.
I threw away a sigh that I can not do right now with the bat from in my mind and I was leaving Alesha.
...... Its pretty tiring to fly.
It will stand out to get on the Pisces, so you have to fly with this even if it is troublesome.
Since atomization and shadowing are slow to move, this is the earliest and not conspicuous.
Oh.I want to get back to where there is the ground soon, to lie down and take a rest.
The sun will set soon.Its almost night, that is, its time to go to bed.
I want to take a day off.Because it is a time zone when the vampire gets active in the night. Really ? But everything my mind now is get a nap.
T.N: With this we almost done this arc, just epilogue and info left
Chapter 19
I already trante but...
Chapter still not edit yet.
If you want to read a proper chapter, please dont read the chapter yet.
Please wait until a kind reader and everyone edit it for me.
If you still gonna read the chapter right now, which mean you dont mind reading a "REALLY REALLY BAD ENGLISH" chapter. So please, dontin in thement.
Chapter 19 The Hardship of Women Loving
I put the pen and close my eyes.
The document that is piled up the desk just like a mountain. Even if I want to forget about it for a moment by closing my sight, but in the end, nothing will change.
One night after Argento defeat Abyss Call. Even Im working over night, there are still a lot of documents about this matter.
Samaka-sama, thanks for your hard work ~
Together with a sweet voice, I hear the sound of water poured.
I turn my head and look at her, my twelfth wife, Eldera (ǥ: Erudera), who is responsible for assisting me in my office.
As usual, she wear maid dress prepared by me, making my tea when Im working. She is an excellent aide and a lovely woman who is also my beloved wife.
Samaka-sama, didnt I tell you that seperate public and private when you are still working?
I intended to reach out to the butt with a very natural movement, but Eldera-kun seems already predict my action. The back of the hand was twisted with a smile.
My guardian Yuzuriha-kun (楺: Yuzuriha) who is leaning against the office wall is sighing after seeing it.
Strict, both of you
Sorry, Ero Samaka-sama
Erotic lord
You are really strict !?
Outside of work, they are both really kind to me, but at times like this there is no mercy. Thank to that, I was saved.
...... I do not need to spoil it where I do not need it.
That was my bad habits, when I see a beautiful woman, I tend to get derailed.I do not like to do document work.
At that time, I willing to work because they will put pressure on me.
Still, they will pamper me well if I leave work, I can chew happiness as a man.Both of them are good women.
However, for now it is better to derail a bit.Eldera-kun seems to understand it, so today she make more tea than usual.They are really capable women.
Yuzuriha-kun is as usual, she is my escort. She normaly does not move unless there is something.
Furthermore, she is not my wife.I really want Yuzuriha-kun to be my wife, Even if I propose it many times,I would like you to be my wife, you do not have to fight if you be my wife. Well, that is good.Its rather good.
Eldera-kun, can you get some tea ?
Okay, today Im including a good sponge cake.
Wow, I am looking forward to it.
Samaka, here shee (ޥ`: Samaka, kuru. Yes, Yuzuriha call samaka by name without -sama)
Okay, thats too early.
Yuzuriha-kuns short words.After a while, even I can also hear the footstep.
Its unfamiliar footsteps.Clearly as an intruder, the soldiers are told to let her go if shee to the hall.
It would be useless to stop her in the first ce, because our opponent is out of our soldiers league.
She opened the door of the office roughly, and she appeared.
Isnt it Felnote-dono. Wee.
Felnote-dono does not respond to my words, she is sending a line of sight only to me.
It is different from fixation.Thats obviously an eye of anger.
She walks in front of me with a step with power so much that each step echoes in the room. With a desk for office in between, she look at me face to face.
Her pleasant chest was shaking violently due to her step, but when I looked at it now I was self-weighted because I could not finish with a joke.
Her words that I finally opened my mouth are as expected.
Samaka ...you, where did you hide that girl ?
Who is that girl?
Dont toy with me !!
Along with those words, she strongly hit my desk with both hand.I grind to think that my desk for office will be broken for sure.
As I had expected this deployment, I lifted the mountain of the document before being hit. Beside me, Eldera-kun lift the tea cup in the same way, so the damage is zero.(Just like in Ranma 1/2)
I knew her power so if anything was hurt then it was probably her breasts.I wonder if it hurt shaking like that.
ording to expected words, the development as expected.
Since I already predicted to some extent, I will prepare several words before the next persons wordes.
When preparing in that way, the other party cant really do anything.
Arge ... Its about Argento Vampear!
I do not know
I already told you, dont toy with me
Hm ... Is it a recovery mage used to be rumored a few days ago? If so, I have not met her yet.
What ?! What are say ...
I am busy, Felnote-dono, I have to report the damage of Abyss Call and coordinate arrangements, necessary funds, personnel, etc. for the reconstruction. I dont have time to to care and report about a mage that a little good with heal spells to anyone.
Felnote-donos eyes are opened.It seems that she finally understood it.I am telling her, right now I busy with the city re-construction so I have reason not report to the king.
She is former in the Kingdom Order,also a vice captain of the Third Corpsposed of only women.In other words, there is a reason why the deputy captain stopped. If she is still working for the kingdom, she cant turn blind eyes to Argentos existence... She is a serious person unlike me, she cant lie. (This part is really long and hard to understand, so I change it and shortern it)
So... How are you going to report about yesterday?
There is nothing to report, the damage of Abyss Call hase out considerably ...
... I can not see that, but it looks like this time is easier than usual
No, even so, many ships were sunk, some people lost their lives, there were also injuries and injuries during the evacuation, and there were also damage from the fire ce thief ... Well, one by one, every corner, It is painful to have to look thoroughly and carefully, but this is because of the work of the lord, so I still can not take it easy yet.
Felnote-dono is quiet. she understand the meaning by biting these words one by one.
Yes, she is serious.So take it seriously once and then think about it.Behind my words.
Although it may be said clearly, Felnote-dono who receives it seriously in that way is somewhere adorable, and it made her kind of lovely this way.
This is also a bad habit.I have consciousness.I do not feel like repairing.
Well, anyway, I need to tell her soon.
So it seems that it will take quite a while for the news to reach the king that an unknown thing suddenly appeared before Abyss Call, defeat it and fly off to somewhere ... No ... It is really troubling. (Samaka mean everyone dont know about our MC is the one defeat Abyss Call, so rumor will reach the kind that way)
... Which way did that unknown thing go?
Well ... either Empire or Republic ...
... It is in the direction of the border, is it also like going to either ce?
She seems to be a serious person, it is a word to understand firmly grasp the geography.
I do not affirm or deny, I return the mountain of documents to my desk.It is because there is nothing to talk with her any more.
And It seems she get that I do not speak anymore, she go away from the desk to the door.Leave the room.
I was saved.
Feeling reluctantly, but also relief, Felnote-dono disappeared.
The vice captain became a stalker
Usually, when others are around, they will never speak.
Yuzuriha-kun opened her mouth after Ferunodd left the room and said those words.
Do not say that, Yuzuriha-kun, she is an earnest person.
It is unspeakable thing ~ serious is not good, right?
The vice captain
You guys really are strict
When I was talking to other people, I was trying not to get caught in my mouth, it was really good.If you do not do that, I will definitely make a misfortunes.
Of course I love such an honesty, but I thought that my men who saparated the public and private were really good and I was sighing.
But Samaka-sama, you can not stop the mouth of a man, right ?
Some rumors will spread about Argento, but if I keep it as not knowing the detail, the King will also ce great emphasis on it.What about the Vie captain ?
She went on a journey saying I will see the world with my cured eyes. If the king seems to hear it, I will say so.
Erotic !
Why !?
Why is she turn that way?
I thought and thought about it. Yuzuriha-kun got a caste from Eldera-kun, decide to not to ignore it anymore, and was eating it.
They really act freely where there are no other people .... While thinking so, I decided to start working on my own.Take your time slowly so that there is no mistake.
Whew.In this condition I will be reporting to the king, what time will it be.
By the way Samaka-sama.
What is it, Eldera-kun ?
What if the people of the city talking about Arge to outsider ?
... They are also good.
Perhaps it is those who lived in the town and were taken care of by her. They will not talking about it because they want to express their gratitude.Thats how it is.
We have to talk about it well and we must survive.If the turmoil grows any further, It will reach the kings ears quickly.
Im truly grateful.
Fortunately they was longing for her.They will keep quiet to some extent if they are understood that it is the best for her.
Of course there are people that do not get help from her, they have already left the town with rumors of Arge. (people call her Arge not full name Argento like Samaka)
As Eldera-kun said, you can not close a persons mouth.
...... Still, I have to rx a bit.
I breathed out again and I got up to leave the office.
This is also to make a beautiful woman live herself.
I could not get her in my hand, but let me pray so that at least she can be happy at where she wanted.
What I can do is only that.
Samaka-sama is grinning and grinning C
He is thinking about eroticism
Can you two to have some kindness with me?
Chapter 20
Fuwa ... I am tired
Yawn, I rub my shoulder.
Actually, I dont feel the stiffness of the shoulders, so this is just a mood.
My body has already been destroyed, now it is a spiritual body.The body you are moving now is just a provisional thing to rest your mood.
The ce where I am is also a spiritual world, so everything that I can see is an illusion created by my soul.
The feeling of the body, the softness of the chair sitting on, and the warm green tea C are all pseudo, all I have requested to this world.
Fui ~
I drank fake green tea, spit out a pseudo-sigh, and opened a pseudo magazine.
My work is Maiden of the Boundary.A bridge that connects the worlds. Among them, I am in charge of incarnation system.
Above the world ... It is a task of transferring the soul not fitting the world caused by the mistakes of the gods to the world where the soul can live correctly.
But when you go crazy, you are wiping by the bosses (gods). (they have both gods and bosses in original, she change it as time pass, first she refer them as gods, as she work for them a long time she refer them as bosses right now)
... ... Its a troublesome task.
The name changed, the existence changed, even the role changed.
Before life.I was just a shrine maiden, I closed my whole life as a bodily gift.
In my world, in my era, there was a custom to stand a pir when I asked for rain for our castle.
It was around that time that I was dedicated to God and fulfill my mission. Hoho... how nostalgic. (she talking like a gramp even she was a loli , that Hoho was original from japanese)
I felt that my life was exhausted but in the next moment, I was in a pure white world.
It is a moment that I thought that it was confused without knowing the situation, It is a very lonesome part of the divine world. Also that time, I understood my role.
It is a spirit world.Even without being spoken, understanding is reached only by being imprinted directly to the soul.From now on, I immediately understood that I had to handle incarnation.
From then on, I am engaged in this work.Decades, hundreds of years ... Maybe it can be thousands of years.
There is no inconvenience.If I wish for it, Gods (boss) can fulfill you can get the same appearance as before life. As the god (boss) saying now, and most things can be obtain if you apply to God (boss).
A magazine that is spreading now is one of them.Weekly boundary. Information magazine of only for this world which is the only one in many worlds.
Of course, if you want this as well, all informationes to mind, but ... I like the sense of reading books, so I will take the trouble to take the trouble and take in every piece of information slowly.
Huh, new sweets in that world ... buy it
Actually I will not pay because I receive it if I apply, but I feel that this expression is close by mood.
It expresses a brief expression with that world, but there is no other name for that.
For example, there is a world with the star name Earth, but it is not the name of the world.
In fact there is a universe on the outside of the stars, and the gxies are spreading extensively.
World C There is no name etc in the one that touched all information of one world.
Even the gods who manage it, That world is kinda awful, it is awful, it seems to destroy, is not it?It is a spiritual world, so you canmunicate with that world.Since we can share our consciousness, we do not need individual names.
That rule also applies to me.
I have a name before my life but I have no name at the moment.
There are some shrine maidens at the border in charge of incarnation, including me, but no-one is named.Speaking of that child, I canmunicate with everyone by consciousness sharing.
In the world where civilization has developed, it is close to Upload with images.Since you can know details at a nce, you do not need to name each time.
Sounds like awesome.Before I live, I am somewhat saddened as a person who has keen faith in the gods.
Everyone seems to be enjoying a good life
In thetter half of the magazine Weekly Boundary, there is written after the incarnate.
Of course, it also shows what kinds of things I am in charge of reincarnation are alive.
Some contribute to the development of science.
Some throw the battle thatsts for hundreds of years, to the king.
Also, some travel to space, to a journey of evolution connecting peoples consciousness.
Indeed, everyone has a big scale.
The reincarnation has been given some ability to deviate as a apology gift against mistakes.
How much deviation depends depends on the quality of the soul ... In most cases, you gain enough ability to describe cheat or outside.
Of course, they are not all fun.Some do their best to the extent of the violence they have given.Destruction to God and incarnation.
But that is nothing to do with the gods.Because the main purpose of gods is to look at the world including evil.
I will search for the article of interest by turning over the page with a blistery vor.
My interest was in a boy. In his world, he living in a lethargic life, as if a girl that have boy appearance. (T.N: Nice loli-gramp, that why you change our MC to a loli)
It took quite a while for me to stay in this role, but I never met such a lethargy.
If there were souls that were only lethargy, it was a matter of course.Those whose soul does not conform to the world have eyes that almost all have lost their lives.
However, he is an observance to what is not approved, despair by the gap between himself and herself, or the soul is not satisfied because it can not be satisfied.I thought because it was such a reason.
However, I was wrong.
He is just lethargic. From epting events beyondmon sense of incarnation.
Just say that anythings are OK. He isin that he would like to go to bed early.
I believe he just saying that at moment moment
Among the reincarnational migrants, I have given him the best power.Moreover, depending on the initial ability C growth, it has the potential ability to decide even the end of the world where he will be incarnate. He must have motivate right now.
Where is that that guy now?My interest is there.
Just a few pages, we reach that name.
Kugane Ginza.The existence that I was incarnated.
Bu fu ~o~tsu
Blew.There was no choice but to blow.
It was terrible as I thought that my immortal body would get into difficulty breathing.
On the page Im on, the action after the incarnation of Tsugaru Ginza is noted, and several more photos are stuck.
Exactly it is not a picture but andscape of the world is cut out and saved, but since the principle or purpose is the same as the picture, the fine things will be good.
... It is not a system error, this one
He was asleep.
In a decaying bed, buried in the grass in a forest somewhere in a soft bed, in a ce like a carriage.
Was sleeping. He was sleeping.There were only photos of sleeping.
The details of the activity, if it raises a big thing forcibly, the extent that he defeated the demon and saved the town.
The scale of what you are doing is too small for the ability you gave.Far from being small, he did not do anything neatly.
... I dont want to know about it anymore (TN: run away from reality ? well, you are in a dreamworld after all)
It is not me that decided where the reincarnation will be incarnated, but the system that the gods made.
In other words, I have no fault.I did the job perfectly as usual.no doubt.
I stopped thinking and closed the weekly boundary softly.I will erase everything and return to work, both my body and the chair I sat.
The mistakes of the gods (boss) are not exhausted, and the reincarnation is exhausted.I am at the boundary, and I am busy managing incarnations.So I do not know about that guy.I do not know.I do not know. (T.N: you repeat it many time, Loli-gramp)
So you came, a new incarnate.
Lets start a job.
I am busy.Unlike someone who is just sleeping.
Chapter 21
Chapter 21: Vampire have a dream
Fluffy consciousness.Fluffy world.
Just like to be buried in big cotton candy.I think such a thing.
Right now I only light sleep.It is time I realize that I am asleep, yet I can not move. Beside, I do not want to move.
I will dream at this time with awareness.Feeling it is a dream, you can stay asleep.
A nostalgic voice.Nostalgic time.Soaked tenderness.The world that you could immerse.
He epted that I did not do anything.
I do not have to do anything.Because, people other than me are excellent.
Certainly everyone was excellent. He do not care if I do not do anything.
I was excellent as well.But that was too small in the world where I was born, something that is not even a matter.
That child can not be put out, because it will be a shame of our house, even he also have the excellent genes like everyone else, such a child has been born
Someone said such a thing.Were she the mother?Was he the father ?
I kept sleeping.Because everyone will let me do.Because I was told to do so.
You do not have to do anything.
You do not have to go anywhere.
So C do not appear in anyones eyes.
Every adults said so.
My body that has not hit the sunlight is white and thin, almost like a vampire girl. (T.N: Loli-gramp also think so)
I kept sleeping in the world.Sometimes get up and read books, try cooking, try what I can do without going out.
asionally the excellent people who came to see me looked at me with two kinds of eyes.
Mokery and pity.
Among them, theres a child with apassionate eyes, she sometimes watched me with a wet eyes from the other side of the ironttice. She really feel sad for me to the point she cant bear it, I thought it would be easier if I got ridiculed instead.
Do not mind, please do not mind.The rice wille out and you can make it yourself if you feel like ... You can also order a snack, so do not cry. Ah. Oh, yes, I recently learned a variety of voices without changing their facial expressions. (MC also show Felnote)
I told such a thing across the iron grating, to a child that was about to cry.Although I was always sleepy I do not remember much.I think I did such a story.
Happy time.Nobody disturbs my sleep.
I was satisfied in that world.For some reason, I was supposed to reincarnate in a different world.
It is quite a nuisance after all.Thanks to that, I have to search for parasitic objects again.
It became a chance to use the housekeeping skills that I remembered for the moment until I found a person who feed me three meal with snacks and let me sleep freely.
Even though I did not feel motivated, even though I have been made to reincarnate by surprise.I would rather like you give it to a more serious person.
There would have been plenty of people better than I am.
There must have been a lot of people who have more obsession than I am.
N, ni ~yu...
My body moved quickly.Words that are meaningless will leak out of my mouth.
The time of a slight sleep is over and I am about to wake up from sleep.
... It is troublesome.
I wish I could stay asleep.
While thinking about such a thing, the fluctuating consciousness slowly emerges.
It was annoying even to forcibly raise a conscious rise, I just left my heart to that feeling.
I wonder if someone will feed me.
Chapter 21.5
Chapter 21.5: Character info: Argento, Felnote, Miko. (TN: Author leave ? ? ? after Argento, Felnote because she doesnt have a name anymore, I think Miko will be better)
*Name: Argento vanpear
*Race: vampire
*Body ability: super agility
Blood sucking 3
Atomization 10
Battle battle 10
Shadowing 10
Blood contract 10
Blood Reading 10
Blood Arms 10
Blood Box 10
Language trantion 10
Language decipherment 10
Smell enhancement 1
Visual enhancement 1
Magical power enhancement 10
Recovery magic 10
Wind magic 1
Dark Magic 1
Fire attribute tolerance 10
Water attribute tolerance 10
St. attribute tolerance 10
Dark attribute tolerance 10
Sunshine resistance 10
Poison resistance 10
Curse resistance 10
Magic resistance 10
One word: Three meals with snacks and a nap, I want to live while being nurtured for the rest of my life ...
Details: A vampire beautiful girl who got a different world rebirth.Originally a man and a human being. TS ... ! (that TS ... was original, I think author was Tch... with a man and a human being part, author want a loli not a man and non-human being = vampire not a human being)
The age before incarnation is 19 years old.Name is Kuon ginji.
To be helpless is that the soul does not fit the world is said to be incarnated.
Although the race and the status were properly set, although the quality of the soul was good, it became a terribly powerful existence, but the persons principal is I dont want to work, I like to have a nap.
Actually, although the original specs including all-round domestic skills are also expensive, there is a feeling that it is bnced out or offset by the motivation of the person himself / herself. (himself / herself in original machine trante)
My hobby is taking a nap. (from here is MC talking about herself, like Author ask MC and she reply)
What I like is zy without working.
What I dislike is I can not take a napfortably.
I almost ovee all the weaknesses of the vampire, but only blood sucking impulses are rted to existence of vampires and can not be ovee. Absolutely not.
(From here, seem like its back to Author narrator)
There seems to have been some sort of freedom before incarnation, but there is a certain degree of freedom, there seems to be a period of time allowed to go outside before that.
There is such a background, it seems that the body was white and thin from the beginning, and the face was like a woman.Said himself, Like a vampire girl.
Also a special skill boasting of strange nicknames on opponent and changing only voice with nk expression.On the other hand, she is good at making facial expressions.
It seems that there are quite a few other hidden special skills, including housework as well.
What she seek is not conscientious, eternal favor.Looking for someone who will ept all of her, feed her while let her sleep freely.
Where is this silver girl heading?
Vampire Argement Well, what are you going to do with talking about me ? I do not want to talk so Im going to bed.Good night .
*Name: Felnote Lyria
*Race: Human
*Body Ability: Bnce
Sword 6
St. Magical 6
Magic Sword 3
Recovery Magic 4
Tool appraisal 3
Dark attribute tolerance 3
St. attribute tolerance 2
Quote That mean girl, I will absolutely catch her and I willin a lot!
Born and live in Pleiades Kingdom. She was a deputy captain of the Third Corpsposed only of women.
In the battle with a certain demon, she lost her eyesight and she live retired life at Arlesha.
Brown hair with gold on the right and purple odd eye on the left.And big tits.
Personality is serious, she is not good at abdominal art. She was trying hard to correct Arge somehow.And it was in vain.
Although it was not painful to live without seeing it, in other words, it lost the light for that much time.
After having helped Arge, she regained her sight with the opportunity, and after that he offered her bedding.
After that, she was angry with Arge who disappeared without saying goodbye. She left Arlesha to follow her.
It is a good year whether it is an adult or not, but it probably became so-called blindness.In a sense.
Battle style is a magical swordsman who can also recover assistance.Using the magical sword as a weapon of holy attributes Grant then, kill the demon.
Author note: I just put on what sounded good and there is no original story for her. (TN: that was AN not TN, please dont mistake)
Vampire Argesment It seemed pleasant when I slept with that tits buried
Name: ???(Maiden of the Boundary) (Boundarys Miko)
Race: former human (spiritual body)
Physical ability: None (spirit body)
Ceremony of skill reincarnation
Quote I am busy
The shrine maiden who performs reincarnation at the boundary of many detailed worlds.
Originally she was a human shrine maiden but she was dedicated as a sacrifice of God, and now she truely serve God.
Author note: Furthermore, there is no level in ceremony of incarnation in the skill column because it does not apply to the rule of the world Arge was reincarnated in the first ce.For convenience, I just described it in the skill column.
Other than rain praying and delights, her technique as a shrine maiden can be carried out all the time because the world where she was from is a world that can borrow the power of God.It seems that she was a really capable maiden.
While seeking the sweets of various worlds, she is a god clean after.
The trouble now is that God is sloppy than I thought.It seems to beplicated as a side who believed.Did you get to know the back side of the idol?
Vampire Argesment: I think that it is fun to y with her, she willing to do anything, and I think that it is a good parasitic target. Haha, sorry ...Someone, please feed me
Chapter 22
Tranted but not edit yet.
Cliff Hanger alert.
He is back, our sworn enemy.
Chapter 22: I want to sleep a little more.
Fu ~a~a
Im still a little sleepy. From the point of view, for the time being. *yawn*.
Apparently It looked like a forest if I looked around in the sight with tears mixed. (TN: I think that tear from sleep and yawn not because she is sad)
I rise while prying my tears with my fingers.Well ... ?
... Ah, thats right.I knocked down a squid and flew up to this point.
I brought a great squid of Abyss Cole in the sea and I flew by bat form.
Although it was okay to get off at thend immediately, I flew a little longer thought that it was troublesome but I was looked for a ce and came up to this forest.
I wonder if it stands out here.Thinking that way, I went down to the ground and lifted the bat form skill C I fell asleep because I was tired.
N ? , nya ~tsu
Lightly stretch.
I notice from the sunlighte through leaves that it was morning, It dont have much heat yet, it is fresh.
That would mean that one night has passed since I came here.
Perhaps it may have been asleep for about two days, but I do not know about it because I sleep the whole time.
I had a nostalgic dream,
Even if I says nostalgic, I was still in that world just half a month or about a month ago.In that world, I was drawn to sleep.
I just missed myself when I remembered.I want to have a life like that again soon.
Well, what should I doing now?
For the time being, I would need to escape from this country.Samakha will dy to report about me to the King, but it is better to leave the country anyway.
If there is profitable existence information, it will not flow to other countries, so I dont need to worry about being chased if you leave the country it will cease.
I do not know the direction of the border, but I remember which direction Arlesha is.Although that is not my goal, but if you move opposite direction from Arlesha, you can go outside the country.
Of course, I have to move like that, but ... there are quite a few problems with this.
First of all, food. It was long distance travel take at least three days, so I will need some of it, including water.
Next clothes.I can drop dirt with recovery magic, but I only have this one worn by Xeno.It is troublesome if it tears.Felnote-san gave me some, but Im not bring them with me.
I wish I could prepare in advance. But other troubles might have been waiting for me when I returned to Arlesha, it cant be help, right.It was pretty shy.
And blood.Even though I can withstand food for three days, I probably want the blood.
Besides, when there is nothing to eat, it is impossible to calm blood-sucking impulse.If I dont eat and drink blood, I will not be able to endure it for a week like before.
And blood can not be stored in Blood Bag.
I have nothing right now because I dont have time to prepare. (Food and water)
I do not want to prepare anything (TN:zy), but at least I wanted to say a goodbye to Felnote-san.
As for bedding I was paying properly, so it would be okay to lend and borrow, but I wanted to say good-bye to her. Well, ...It is meaningless to think about it now.
Wa ~a~a~a
And one more.There is a problem that I have to breathe out heavy sigh.
This is more important than blood.Still, it really is a problem that can not be helped.
If its food or water, procurement is probably not impossible.Even blood, catching animals or demons should give me some blood.
We might be able to meet somewhere else if I has talked with Felnote. Since Arlesha is a nice ce, I would like to take a nap again if I have the opportunity.
For this matter which will lock down most of my troubles, the solution did note up.
... It is troublesome
I do not want to walk.
I hate flying in a bat because I am tired.
I would rather not work anymore.
Someone carrying me.Prepare meal, too.Also, a snack and blood.
I know.Its useless to think such a thing.
There is only me here. I will not get a step further if I dont move by myself, and no meal wille out.
Still I do not want to work.
Well, it can happen if the Prince or the Princess pass by, hugging me as it is, bringing me to the castle, and feed me with a royal meal, give me a royal bed to rest.
... Lets sleep
I am depressed when I think about the future.Lets sleep once and forget it.
Thinking that way, when I lie down on the bed of the grass, the feel touching my back is solid specific to the soil, but that makes me feel good.
asionally windsing from between trees with the smell of vegetation and the scent of flower nectar.
Smell of nature with modest sweetness and freshness.
I want a bed if I can, but a nap wrapped in such a scent is not bad. No, Id rather like it.
Im trying to stop thinking and switch to sleep, the odor, the spicy mingled.
It was a mysterious smell.Sweet, it is also sweetness in a bad way.There are more things like sour.
Long before the incarnation.When I was still allowed to go outside, it smells that I have smelled.I wonder what this is.
Very unpleasantly, I wake up, with that kind of odor, I cant sleep even I want to.
People were trying to sleepfortably but they messed up.I do not know who they are, but I will have them take responsibility and have them feed me.
... It is getting closer
An unpleasant smell gets closer and closer to you and makes the smell worse.
Vampires are race sensitive to smells and sounds.This is different from the effect of skill, a racial character.
It is more advantageous than living beings as the same thing as the nose of a dog or a cat is superior to a person or a female is superior in color to a humans male.
In addition to that, I have the smell strengthening skills, so now I am not good atparing smells that seem to be stinky like this before reincarnation.Vampires are not good at garlic, too.
After feeling the smell a little time was left, the earth sound came next time.
The vibration that shakes the earth is regr, and it is understood that something rather than an earthquake is walking.
Since I was discriminating from the smell, I gazed at that person, I understood the identity.
Walking crampedly in the gaps between the trees is a giant body measuring about 2 meters.
The body just rolled up is quite muscr. And on a whole, It is ck and short hair grows.It seemed to be considerably filthy, and there were some flies around the body.
The legs are slender for the weapon of the body but are still muscr, and on the toes hoof.
The hand at the tip of a log is a five finger.If it is only a form, it is close to that of a human being. Its holding big axe that I think that it can cut even the neck of a tiger.
And the face that repeats a rough nose is obviously not human.
Large and damp nose, portrait face, ck short hair grown all over as well as the body.
After looking at the whole body, I remember that simr things appeared in some of the novels I read in the iron grid room before incarnation.
Minotaurus or something, Cowhead or something.Such a creature.No, is a demon correct?
(TN: A wild Minotaurus appears!)
Bumo~o~o~o~o~o~o~o! ! ! !
It cried. It cried Bumo
It was a loud voice as trees trembled, but it was cried Bumo.
It was the smell of cow shed, right ?
It is a smell that I had smelled in the past.Finally I remembered and agreed.
Yes, I have been to a cow farm. Certainly, my fathers cousins cousin was own a farm.It seems something awesome, but I did not remember the story because I was a child at that time, as I be adult is also when I entered the room of Iron grid.
Stupid, poacher!
Talked.It is quite fluent.
The effect ofnguage trantion has been narrowed considerably.It is enough to trante humannguage.Because if I can understand even the words of birds, it is only annoying to go to bed.
If you know the words of a cow in such a state, it means that the cow in front of you is now familiar with the generalnguage used by people in this world.
I was honestly surprised, but there was a word to worry about in my words rather than that.
... Poacher?
This forest is monitored by birds ... a dirty poacher like you!
What do you think, but the other party seems to have no ears to listen to.
Also, as birds were watching, I slept soundly overnight.The of surveince, is not it quite loose?
He does not even know such a question from me, and he is going to do things wildly.Fuzzy, he has a rough nose as steaming as he can.Muu, it is stinky.
A fellow who defiles the forest, I will not forgive!
The obviously angry Minotaurus swung up the weapon.
While watching the situation, there is one thing that I think about and talk to him.
... Is the blood of the cow delicious?
Of course, the axe was still swinging down.
Trantor conrner:
This time, I counting, its not even a minute yet and you are already here. exqalph03.
Chapter 23
Tranted but not edit yet.
This time, Cliff Hanger isnt here.
Chapter 23: Weak type
In conclusion, the battle ended in around ten seconds.
First, I avoided the axe that the Minotaur is swinging down.
Leaving the soil that was hoisted up by the attack, Im runing behind his back.
No, so fast ...!?
Blood Arms. Chain
Even if you beat him or kick, it will not have much effect with that muscle, he can also resist wind magic. So, I used my blood as a weapon.
For a vampire, its a easy thing to do, you only need to use your nail to cut lightly on your finger. Then, change the blood overflowing with a tingled feel to a long chain.
I remembered a member of the Terrier Bandit Troupe, Chihuahua the chain and sickle. I had no technique like him, so I just wrapped the chain that I made.
Aiming for his arms, feets and the whole body.I wrap around the Minotaur with my speed and restrained him.
Okay, Chain-san, please tighten.
Bumoa aa!?
Weapons I create can be moved freely without touching to a certain extent.With that ability, I tightened the chain.
The preparation for Blood Arms is not fast, but the strength is quite strong. Im finished rolled beef in no time.No, this is not a matter of being rolled up in meat, because meat is wrapped around, is it a bit different?
Anyway, the battle was finished without any problems.
Ku~tsu ... human being ! You n to poaching our forest ! (original is hard to understand so I change it)
The eyes of the bull re at me as it is wrapped in the chain.
Even my chain is bounded him tight but he doesnt seems to have injured.Yes, this ispletely misunderstood.
... He is such a troublesome bull. Well, he is only a bull, ~sign.
But those who are misunderstood are bothered, so you have to exin.
Well, first of all, I am not a human being. I am a vampire. Please look, see my fangs and ears ?
Nu ... but its still morning ...
Either in the morning or in the day, Im still okay because there is sunshine resistance. And another thing, Ive only taken a nap here and I dont think I want this forest.
... Really? You arent a poacher?
I has no trouble with money, I do not need poaching.
As evidence, I picked out just a small portion of the money earned in Arlesha.
... about that.
I am really sorry ...
... Has the tone changed?
Im sorry, I was a little sick of poachers, Im sorry ... I want you to forgive me...
The atmosphere suddenly changed and apologized.The voice is also low, it is turned from a threatening thing to a high voice like a boy.
Honestly It does not suit you at all, but it was a cute voice.I heard that he think I was a poacher, and he was a monster, was a demon, I guess the peace of this forest was protected ... by him.
It is hard to have a position.I do not need such a thing.
Since the misunderstanding was solved, so for the time being, I recovers money and then releases Blood Arms.The chain became red smoke and disappeared.
Blood that has turned into a weapon will note back.If you release it, it will be gone.
My finger ... Its still a little painful ... Thats it ...I am vampire Argento vampear ... Arge is fine.
Minotaur Oswald, Im the guardian of this forest (: Ozuwarudo)
Its Minotaur ! Nee-san, Nice to meet you !
No, nee-san is a bit
Well then, how about Arge nee-san
Ah ... please do as you like
I decided to keep it like because keep choosing is troublesome.Since Im original is a man, it feels a little ufortable, but since Im now physically a girl, he is not wrong.
Again, I will look at Oswald-kun who is out of chain.
He is really big. He is ck.And he has a stinky smell.
Excuse me for a moment
Be clean
Honestly, It was painful to talk to him close, so Im cleaning his body.
Recovery magic to remove dirt removes filthiness from his body in a moment.The drifting smell wrapped in the refreshing wind of the forest and disappeared together with flies.
He still smells like cow but he is already cleaned, so it is just his body odor.I decided to endure.
You should take better care about your appearance.
I thought it was impolite, but I will keep an eye out for a moment.
I dont say he must be as shy as Samaka-san, but I want him to be a little more clean.Because it is painful that he can not breathe through his nose.
The stinky smell a while ago is because he has not properly cleaned up.There is no choice If the smell is his body odor but here it is, he is good to go.
Oswald-kun had opened his mouth a while for a while.Then he seemed to be impressed.
... Pane~e ... Arge nee-san, who are you ... just now, you have used a high level clean magic that only unicorn can use, right !?(ѥͥ: Pane~e, dont know what it mean, so I leave it as Romanji)
Im just a passing by vampire.
I try to attack suck a gentle person, I ... I ... Arge nee-san, ! If you want anything please let me know!
Well then, I thought I want get feed, but Oswald-kun was Minotaur. He is just a walking bull.
He seems does not have economic power or anything, and he is fighting poachers to protect the forest.That is, it is highly possible that he will be busy and die.
Besides, body odor is my weak point.It was a very good property.
Oswald-kun who shrinks a body that is about two meters short and is a little cute, but I do not think I want him to feed me.Sorry.
... Mentally Im a man.
I am going to be normal at first. So, I prefer a girl.If the partner is quite good, I will consider even a man.
Apart from that, Oswald-kun seems to apologize, but what should I do.
I guess it is better to get blood here.
He looks like cow, so blood will pass.I do not have any blood sucking impulses yet, but it may not be bad to have supply.
Now that I am not hungry for blood, the best wishes are to bring me to the border, but since he is a guardian of the forest, he will not be able to leave the forest ... I guess it will be fun if I can get on the shoulder of that muscles body but ...
... Ah, I see.Its a vehicle.
Well, may I ask one?
Please, anything!
Do you have horses around here?
If you do not want to walk, you only have to ride.
Just like when I take a ride on Zeno-kuns carriage .
Even if there is no saddle, I can still ride a horse.Whatever you can procure in a nearby town.
Lets procure horse in this forest.A child who will run even if I am asleep. (TN: MC want a young horse because she is small)
Chapter 24
Chapter is tranted but not edit yet.
And this time is not really cliff hanger so you dont really need to worry about it.
Chapter 24: Horse horse time ( : Uma uma taimu , uma mean horse, taimu is how japanese pronoun time)
I know where horses are gathering! I will show you!
That said, Oswald-kun makes the face of the smiling cow. It was a smart smile like a mascot character of a meat shop.
In addition, Oswald-kun gave me a big hand and said, Please get on! It is a gentlemanly response.
He might be more of a gentleman than other man. At least, He is more a gentleman than a person who suddenly try to marry me.
When I sit on the palm of his hand, he raise his hand, I was raised on his shoulder as well, and I sit on his shoulder .
Without pursuing, the desire to ride hase true. Its a little fun.
I will walk slowly, please tell me if the tremor is terrible!
No, itsfortable
Thanks !!
From other point of view, isnt this look like a demon take away a girl?
Fortunately there is no surrounding eyes and I decided to take it for granted because it is really easy. I think that this is part of apology as well.
Well, Im d you are not a poacher! Arge nee-san, but now, even if you came to poach, I absolutely will not your enemy!
Do poacherse often?
They wille. This forest is far from human settlement, the country does note here to develop this forest, but in this forest there are a lot of precious medicinal herbs are growing. Human want to protect this forest so they make a rule if you dont grow it, you have no right to collect it, only a little number of people have permission cane here. But people break the rule like poachers wille. because they will get a lot of profit
Ha, I see
If it is a business that requires permission, depending on where you submit the permission, whether it is a country or an association, by doing the business, you get mediation fee or membership fee right.
But if it is poached, all the profits will belong to poachers. It also takes time andbor for cultivation.
There is danger and it is illegal, but there are people who jump if there is a lot of money.
The rest are demon like us
Demon like Oswald-kun?
There is a rich man who love to eat demon, ... The flesh of the demon ... Well that is not illegitimate ... but when you look from us it is either poaching or an enemy.
... Certainly Oswald-kun, you looks delicious with a chewy response.
I considered such a thing for a moment but I kept it silent.
Well, we are handling demons basic like pests from humans point of view, because we are different from Demi!
Demi Human: like Wood Elves, High Elves, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Devils, Vampires, Beastmen ... Somewhat close to human beings but Demi is hostile to humans, there are some isnt hostile to humans too.
Hmmm ... is that so?
For example Elves are not hostile to humans, but they are breaking up with other races and live in hidden viges, and I heard there is those who are actively involved with people descending from the viges.
Oswald-kun, you know the stuff
Hey, migrant birds will talk, but Arge nee-san, you dont know that much, is not it?
No, I do not know at all as Im only half a month old,
Really!? As expected, Arge nee-san is amazing! You are only half month old and you have such strength and magic!
Oswald-kun is talkative. After that we have talked quite a lot. Like how he was born,... he told me various things.
I heard that vampires and dwarfs are also hostile to humans but some are not.
Felnote-san says Because you stand out, please keep your identity hidden probably was such a meaning. Since there are vampires are hostile, so if my identity is known, there will bemotion. Thats the meaning.
... Oh well, I was talking about this world.
Its bad for Oswald-kun who serious teach me, but its in trouble even if you talk about world affairs too much.
Because I am not interested and it is hard to understand even if it is done at once.
As his talk gradually became longer, I decided to repeat the reply appropriately.
I can remember the content that I heard once, so when I need it again, I just need to check it in my memory. (TN: give me that ability, I remember the whole textbook and text will be a breezy)
Then, when I was going through the forest, I passed some Minotaur like Oswald-kun as well.
Look like Oswald-kun is stronger than the rest of Minotaur, I guess he is truly a guardian of the forest.
I also saw something like a tiny green dwarf like a small walking dog.
Green one is the goblin, doglike one is the Kobold. Yo, Gobuzo, Kobotchi, are you guys doing well ?
He exined what I thought. Both are like demons often seen in fantasy novels.
...Yes Yes. It is good to say so, it is information disclosure. Just what you need when you need it.
Oswald-kun talked to me variously while walking about the passing demons and animals.
It seems that he is simr to a friendly person who usually patrol in the town and is familiar with everyone. But his face is a cow and he have an axe.
Well, thats why I got the tittle guardian of the forest from my grandfathers generation
To that extent, but you was toote to notice me
Usually, poachers who came to the forest in the evening use lights and even when they rest they still use fire and light ... Arge nee-san has no movement and no light, so discovery was dyed, I can only listen to the report in the morning and jumping up
Ah ... I was asleep
I was sleeping in the dark, wearing a robe, buried in the grass.
Indeed, it may not be strange even if you do not notice until morning.
As a result, I was fine because I slept well enough, I wonder if I has done bad things to Oswald-kun.
By the way, those who can not fight like goblins and others are trying to use trap like naruko.
Ha, is that so?
Naruko is a mechanism that connects trees and the like with strings and ropes and passes wooden boards and the like through the trees, so that the sounds sound when something touches.
Instead of saying a trap, it is true that a simple rm device using natural objects is correct, but from how Oswald-kun say, it is wonderfully worn by various others.
Because it is hard for us to live if we dont work hard, mostly just for the night ... ... I guess well arrive soon.
As Oswald brought his hand to his shoulder, he moved me from his shoulder to his hand and slowly let me down.
When I got off to the ground, I felt a wet smell. Because I have vampire strengthened smell and smell enhance skill level 1, I know it was a smell of water.
I start walking toward smell direction. After we crossed some trees, we were able to see the source of the smell.
A pool, no itsrge enough that I can describe it as ake. Theke which shines by reflecting sunlight through forest sun is very fantastic.
Horses and wild boar, squirrels and birds, monkeys around theke. Not only those animals but also many monsters, each enjoying the grace of nature.
Animals and demons. Theyre all drinking water from fountains.
For a long time, thiske is the main source of water for our forest, it had been here even before my grandfathers generation, and well, ...youre looking for horses, right, Arge nee-san, this ce is where they gathered the most!
... If there is such a ce, can you wash your body properly?
I am sorry! I will be careful from today!
Thats right, please.
Appropriately speak to Oswald-kun who bent his waist exactly and lowered his head, Im approaching thekeside.
Animals and demons merely nce at me, they do not try to escape or threaten.
Everyone is not surprised.
Because I brought you here, So they are thinking its okay.
I see. It seems that his influence is strong with the tittle "guardian of the forest."
I understood that they are not wary of me, so I can carefully watch the horses drinking water and eating grass.
My body can be called a girl. I can not ride a horse that is too big, so I will look for a horse that fit me. It is troublesome to ride it if it is big.
The number is small, but there were also horses with horns. Perhaps it is a unicorn, but every horse is quite big and I was not likely to ride easily.
I walked around thekeside, and eventually my eyes met with one particr horse.
It is a medium size, pure ck horse with blue mane.
The silhouette is slim but rather than unreliable, I get the impression that he is a strong horse.
His eyelids are clearly deeper color than other horses and I feel he is an intelligent one. He has ck eyes that sucked you in when you are staring.
... It might be good.
Especially, I prefer his mane. It feel like fluffy bed.
Sincenguage trantion has expanded the scope of effect properly, first thing is a greeting.
First time meeting, my name is Argento vampear.
... There is no name, Im just a horse.
Oh, a good voice.
The vocal range is low. From his tone, I can feel the strength of your intention.
I guess it is an adult mans tone. If he is a human being, I can imagine he is quietly inclining a ss of sake at a bar. Although he is a horse.
Uhm ... ... Would you please carry me around in your back?
Huh,... a young miss like you ?
Yes, I want you to take me outside this country.
It will be good, but there are conditions
what is it?
As expected I do not think he allow me to simple get on. Because he is a horse, he would not be interested in money ... but I intended to pay with carrots.
If he is asking for something else from me, I will respond as much as possible. Because he is not a parasitic target, I must repay him properly.
An anonymous horse looked at me with a small and glossy eyes and made a word.
I do not want to listen to anyone slower than me, if you want me , you must catch me first, missy
Chapter 25
Today, Im back from work sooner than expected and I already transalted more than half of this chapter during the day. I hope I can finish chapter 26 tonight.
Here is chapter 25
Chapter already tranted but not edit yet.
I did it, I can finally upload chapter sooner than expected.
Chapter 25: Vampire does not like chase
Do you remember the rules, youngdy ?
If I can touch horse-san who runaway I win, if horse-san run away to sunset horse-san will win, Oswald-kun will count up to ten, after that I can start chasing you, is not it?
A charming horse (with a perfect for sleeping mane) sprang up and shook his head lightly. It seems I got it right.
For now, we are moving a little away from thekeside. We has moved here to avoid annoying other animals.
Then its time to start!
Please do it anytime
Honestly I think its a little troublesome, but I will endure patience because I can rx after this is over.
Naked horse, it is a little dangerous to get on, but if the temperature of the horse is directly felt, it is a pleasant one.
...Sorry, please start!
At the same time Oswald give signal, he start running. As expected, he is really a horse, there is a tremendous eleration.
Naturally trees are growing here and there in the forest so we can not run straight without stopping.
Yet, he is a skilled horse, running through the trees almost without deceleration.
It was brilliant running that I was convinced that was his I do not listen to anyone slower than me confidently.
..., three, four, five, six ...
While watching the horse runs, Oswaldo counts with a strangely cute voice, while Im listening to it with a rxed feeling.
Or, it seems that he counts sheep even if he counts with such a long voice ... far away ... Sleepy ...
Arge nee-san is sleeping? I already counted ten!
Fu nya ~tsu
Bad Oswald-kun, dont make so much noise when Im sleeping.
Rubbing while closing the eyes. *yawn* . By the way, today I have not take a nap yet. I am sleepy.
Well, Arge nee-san, you do not chase him?
I do not have to chase him,
Each others shadow is connected
I point at my shadown and said that.
My shadow made by sunlight passing through the leaves of the trees. It is shaking. But thats not all.
A thin shadow extends from the head of my shadow and it has been continuing all the way to the back of the forest. It was not made by the light of the sun, an unusual shadow.
The ce where this shadow will arrive is the shadow of a horse with wonderful mane.
This is a skill that can use high level shadowing skills and can connect me and the shadows of other things. "Shadow Knot", maybe I should call it like that.
Measures were prepared even before he run. All I have to do is pratice my skills.
I became shadowed like a fishing line wound on a reel, automatically and fast to the shadow of horse-san.
This skill can change even my dress to a shadow, so there is no need to put on and take out clothes every time.
As the level of shadowing skill rises, I will be able to obtain hearing and vision from the shadow state besides tying shadows as I do now.
Looking out from inside the shadow with that ability, Horse-san was running like a gust of wind in the forest, he look back and said.
Fu ... look like she cant follow me?
That is not the case
Wow, horseish scream.
While Im thinking such a thing, I restore the upper body from the shadow.
The lower body still remains shadowed, so if the other runs and moves, I will move as well. From the side, it seems like a girl is growing from the shadows.
This kind of effect is also benefits from skill points. After all it was okay to leave distribute points as loli-gramp rmend. Slowly leave the shadow, touch the stomach from the side of horse-san.
Okay, I win
Mu, mu~u"
This is my win ... , is not it?
... I have no words
My opponent rxed slowly, so Ipletely get out of the shadow.
To be honest, I think I can win without it.
If I run seriously, I can run faster than a car.
Of course, I can even outrun a horse as fast as him, but ...since its troublesome, I do it with easier way.
Even its easier to win with ability, but using these method is of course troublesome.
If the other party did not approve of the defeat in this way, I intended to run a bit seriously, but I am relieved that he ept it.
Well then ... Uhm ... why do not you tell me your name for the time being?
... I am the one I lost, call me as you like, miss
Well then, Neguseo-san. (ͥ`: Neguse-san)
He was made a great face.
It look like he is angry. It was a surprise to think that a horse could do such a face.
The King of sleepless, Neguseo-san (: neguse mean ck of sleep" : ou sama mean King)
Before saying Call whatever you want on your own, you must know that you could not cancel it. It seems pretty serious.
If you do not like it, I will think about a different name if you say so. Because it is ck furry, Schwarz meaning ck in German, Noir in French and so on.
I felt he did not like it from the partner s atmosphere, but since he did not say it clearly, his name became Neguseo. Because it was a name that fit him in my mind.
It is important to say your opinion properly. I will say honestly whenever I want to take a nap.
Hey, I am tired, I want to take a nap,
Yes, just like this.
Neguseo-san watches over with terrible eyes though, but Im not interested and leave him alone.
Chapter 26
Chapter is tranted but not edit yet.
RED ALERT: CLiff hanger is back, this is not a drill, Cliff hanger is back.
I repeat, this is not a drill, Cliff hanger is back.
Chapter 26: I will go have a talk even Im sleepy.
I seemed to have fallen asleep.
I woke up from sleep because I felt the smell of blood.
There are various bad smells. Obviously there is a smell of beasts and smells of blood, and there is also a sweet smell make my fangs tickle.
Various animals, humans perhaps, the blood of demons as well.
...This smell, it is "old blood" right ?
The smell of the drifting blood was not fresh but its just recent.
After being scattered, it was left alone, after a while it became old as it is. It smells like that.
Of course, it never smells like blood from long time ago ... It was confident that my vampire instinct have with old blood. There is no evidence, but I feel it was like that.
Wake up, Argento (TN: Neguseo dont use -san or Arge but Argento)
Oh, Neguseo-san
What happened, Neguseo-san, you have a strange face, did you have any problems? neguseo-san? Hey, Neguseo-san. Ne ? gu ? se ? o ?-san
Yes, its okay, no problem.
It was fun to y with Neguseo-sansplicated face every time I called his name, but I stopped because from the smell of his blood, he was anxious.
I raise my body from the bed of grass and use my hand to sweep the dust and leaves on my clothes.
From the inclination of the day, right now may be the evening.
If I concentrate on smell, I can immediately pin point the direction in which the smell drifted.
... The smell of people, is not it?
It is not only the smell of old blood. I also smell some people mixing in.
Humans and old blood. And the story of Oswald. Whenbine all of them together, there is one thing that I can think of.
...Mi tsuri ~yo... (TN: sorry I cant get what it mean, someone is talking far away and our MC can hear it)
DD Bumo~o~o~o~o~o~o~o! ! ! !
Kya ~tsu
Before I can hear words to the end, a siren-like roaring through the forest.
I was surprised and close my ears, but that is probably the voice of Oswald-kun.
The guardian of the forest is fighting
... No, that is wrong.
Mu ... What does that mean?
The scent that stimtes the nose is getting darker and steadier.
It is a fragrance of new blood. That fills the smell of old blood.
The important thing is that blood scent is from a demon. Or more uaracy, it is a Bulls smell.
He seems to be pushed back
If Oswald-kun is dominating, the new blood will have a sweet smell, the smell of human blood.
It is not my favorite smell but it smells arouse my vampire instict the most.
Right now, I can only smell peoples smell but I can smell monters and their blood smell. Thats mean only the monsters get hurt.
Neguseo-san, I will go ahead a little, so please follow me slowly.
What are you going to do?
A few days ago, I separate from the person Im indebted without even saying a goodbye ... I do not want it happen twice.
Floating in my mind is Odd Eye and big breast girl Felnote-san.
She is a serious person. She may be mad at me for not say even a word before leaving. I should apologize if I meet her again someday. (TN: Yes, she is really, really mad, she waste all her scene time in character info to swear will catch you andin a whole lot)
... For now, lets clean up things before my eyes. (I guess she mean to help Oswald out of his mess)
It will be bad if Oswald-kun get killed, Im not even say goodbye and thank yet.
More important, It will make me sad that I can not take a napfortably. Literally.
When I thought so, I already left Neguseo-san and was running ahead.
From behind, I heard his voice again Buhin~tsu! ? .But now I do not have time to exin so I will leave him alone.
The smell of blood is getting stronger. I guess it would be better to hurry.
No, Why are you here ?
Why can you do something so cruel to our reader ?
Cliff Hanger: :v Kek, Id like to see your frustration face.
Chapter 27
Chapter is tranted but not edit yet.
Even new chapter is tranted, it change nothing.
Cliff Hanger is still here. He is even call another enemy along.
Brace yourself, the Feel is also here.
Chapter 27: Guardian of the forest
Bumo~o~o~o~o! !
The axe that I swing is cutting through an empty space. I thought I hit her perfectly, but I did not hit anything.
Rather than hurt her, it is my arm that got scratched instead. Although the wound is shallow, blood certainly flows, soiling the earth.
... Whats the mean of this?
Even if I can not understand, I has to keep swing my weapon. The battle is still going on.
However, no matter how many attempts I tried, my attacks will not hit. Only the opponents invisible attack is chopping my body little by little.
Youre slow ... for such a slow fellow youre not worth living.
What ...!!?
There was a terribly joyful voice at my ear. She is riding. On my shoulder. Un-notice-able.
I get a cold feeling in my spine. When the girl on my shouder is attacking me on the side of my face, I fretted and let go of my weapon.
Instant movement, its also a swift and urate attack, you got to throw away weapon in reponse
- Flowering.
I was dealt with easily.
My attack was avoided. I could not understand.
Not only that. The sense of hearing from one ear is lost hearing. It is only a sharp pain left to feel.
My opponent get off from me in a moment and showed off my right ear as if she show me a tree leaf. (I guess she is S type)
"Gu, ku~tsu...!
Ah well ~ ? Its fun, you are still alive with such a wound, if you die easy like a normal bull, it would be too boring!"
Dont toy with me ... poacher!
I do not have time to think about the lost ear.
I did not pick up any weapons. Because I thought that I was slow as I was swing an axe.
... Frustrating, today Im only get beaten!
I cant even touch Arge nee-san or the poachers in front of me right now.
Both are really fast, and if they can be hit, they are likely to be defeat with one blow. However, that blow are never happen.
Arge nee-san was a fast one. But this girl is as if she is a ghost. (TN: I will not say anything about Oswaldsment because It will be spoiler)
Frustration ? Flowering.
Even I thought it was an attack, her body just shake lightly. And at the next moment C
C I am wounded.
An unknown attack. The forehead was cut shallowly. The right visibility is blocked by the flowing blood.
Even she use it twice, I do not know the identity of that attack. From my wound I can tell that is was a sh type. The attack isnt cut deep but sharply torn, the opponent seems disappear from my sight.
Nuu ...... Bu-mo !!
Although I can not see her, I thought that if I was attacked she should still be close, and I swing my arm, kick the leg around random.
My feet are hoof, the foot itself is a mass of muscle. Although it is durable, it will never be okay if it hits.
It will be amazing. If you can hit me like that. ... Flowering.
At the end of that word, the other s hearing ability was cut away.
I can not even hear the voice of my agony any longer.
Probably not just cut it, its an attack involving some kind of curse. It is certainly echoed to the flesh of Minotaur, insensitive to pain, and it is pulled out even to the eardrum just by being cut off.
The other party is saying something, but of course I can not hear her.
It is a bad smile of bottom line. I understand that I can not hear it and she is making words. Sheughed and threw away my other ear like a trash.
There is no anger. However, there is impatience.
When I died, all the forests are robbed by that poacher.
Blessings of the forest and those who should receive it.
The word something to do is not heard in the auditory sense. Still, I make words to inspire myself and run.
I do not think that I will move fast. If you do not understand the identity of the opponents way of fighting, I can not think how to fight it.
The other party is obviously ying here. If you feel like that, she ought to be able to kill me easily. There is a real power difference.
... Still, I can not retreat!
There is something important behind me. The forest which we kept protecting from generations.
The ce where I decided that I will protect since I was a child.
My house. A ce to protect. Where there are loved ones.
Birds and beasts voice, wind sound, water flow, warm sunlight through the sun, the activities of demons.
I will not let it get dirty. I will not ruin it.
This is our ce. It is the world where we have survived.
Minotaurs other than me are decked but most of them are temperate, not suitable for battle. Kobolt and goblins are also cowardice.
I am the only one who can fight properly. I have to defend, but I can not do it anymore.
The smile of the opponent is shaken. It is also. Also, an invisible attackes.
- !?
Silver color appeared suddenly in half of sight before being cut.
Where did ite from? No, have you not arrived before? She made her silver hair sway and turned her eyes toward me.
Her little lip moved.
I can not hear her voice. Still I knew what the person said. It is because I have heard what I have seen.
That is the word I heard for the first time today.
A word that sounds like a singing voice that gently responds to a bird squeezing.
Even if you do not hear it, words that can be remembered indeed.
"You get hurt so painful, Pain, pain go away."
Thats our silver angel FYI.
but some dear readers even dare to think that our Felnote is this S ?
Sorry for the ranting, here, this girl.
I like her in a different way. Well you will know soon enough.
Soon, mua ha ha. She will pay her sin with her heart. (Stolen)
Chapter 28
Chapter is tranted but not edit yet.
Finally both Cliff hanger and feel are left.
You can read without worry.
WARNING: its important so I use cap.
The new girl is a little special, so will I go all out and trante even what her action and word really mean. This is S(pecial) T(rantor) N(note) , S.T.N instead of T.N
This chapter may annoy you because of too many note but
This is my religion , I wont back down on this.
Chapter 28: Didnt you boast too much about speed ?
Do you still feel hurt?
Ah, about that ... Im sorry, my ears can not hear ...
You can not hear ... then it not just cut off , is this a curse? Okay, ... can you hear now ?
Oh ... Oh, thank you very much, Arge nee-san!
Oswald-kun is getting dizzy, he has lowered his head.
Lost blood will not return anytime soon.Restoration magic that cures trauma is to stop the bleed, temporarily increase the ability to produce blood and regenerate the lost part.
If there are one or two minutes there will be more blood, but until then he will be a little dizzy like now.
The cut off bulls ears are growing little by little. Will it take about five minutes untilplete recovery?
It takes a few minutes to cure major injuries, major illnesses, and strong curses.Even if it is a high level of recovery magic.
Incidentally, energy for making blood and missing parts is covered with my magical power.
I touch lightly on his body and check if there is any other abnormality.
Blood gets on my hand, but it was old blood, there is no new bleeding.Yes, his wound is patched up.
... Well then, what should I do with that person over there? (T.N: Arge worry about Oswald and she has no time to look at the girl yet)
That person is fighting Oswald-kun C or rather over-power him.
From what I saw, that was a girl ... She was about 16 years old. She seem to be a little older than my present appearance.
At the moment when I broke in, she stopped attacking and took a distance. It is also quite a distance.Perhaps she is wary of me.
I want her to return as it is because it is troublesome, but it seems that she would not return that easily.
Even as for me, thinking that Oswaldo kun will get killed and is dismantled when Im leaving the forest, it makes me feel sad.
Even if the distance is far away, I can smell a lot of bloody smells from the other s body.It is not only warped blood of Oswald-kun but more others bloods.
Somehow, while I was smelling, I understood the identity of the old blood smell.
... It smells a lot of people killing.
The girl in front of me are probably one of those people.The scent of the blood of many living things will be killed.
She is not a poacher. Look like she is a mecenary or something the poacher hired.
There are still a few smells of people from the back of the forest, so it is no doubt.Is it that she came to exclude the guardian of the forest first?
The other party stilll watched me, she has short ck hair, her amber eyes still lock on me. *Jiggle*, as if she appraisal. (S.T.N: an assassin never look away from her target and will not attack blindly)
... Youre fast. (S.T.N: praise)
Fast, isnt it ?
Youre fast, but I can not forgive you, you suddenly appeared ... like a sh, I could not see it (T.N: by the way she call herself boku like a polite boy, she is a bokukko)
(S.T.N: how dare you move so fast, even faster than I can see, faster than I can move, that was suppose to be my special)
There is nothing faster than me in this world, right !? Yurage ~e!!
(T.N: e餲: Yurage ~e mean shaking , she use this word when she make her after-image, see trantor corner for more)
(S.T.N: Prideful girl)
I wanted to talk over as much as possible, apparently she seems to be a type that is not good at talking to people.
Shaking, the opponent trembled for just a moment.No, Blurred was more correct word.
The next moment the opponent appeared on my side.
... Certainly, She is fast.
There is only to say.That is a straightforward impression.
Shes not only fast. She is making a virtual image and moving.
At the time when the figure of her shaking, she was already away from that ce.It seems that it seems to be blurred that perhaps some form of magic leaves only her figure on the spot.Is it like a hologram?
What she is doing is quite easy.Once she make a virtual image, step backwards.After that, she ran as if sewing between the trees, and came here.
Everything that she did until the end was just that. But of course, Oswald-kun eyes could not be reacted at such speed.
While the opponent is distracted by afterimages, she moves silently and at high speed.Its such tactics.
She set up a de using her own hand. (T.N: maybe I should use word hand-chop)
There was clearly something on the her hand.The air flow is clearly different there.
Probably wind magic. She is most likely manipted the wind and make something like an invisible de. (T.N: Please watch anime Fate series and see how Saber use invisible sword, well this girl is more like assassin though)
...Because she is concerned about being fast.
So she do not have anything. She can not even hold weapons.
She reduce equipments weight to the utmost limit, making it the supreme speed to move, isnt it ?
It seems that her body weight is also light, its very good for moving quickly.
Clothes are also light.It is a tight clothing that doesnt restrict her movement, it has ck colour, thing that you often see in gym.
If she need carry something, it is packed in both of her wrists (T.N: like a hidden de).I wonder about what her bracelet is.The shape is simple, but it has a strange emblematic design.
And a de with literally sharpness as a real sword approached my neck.
... !?
Why you dont get hurt?
... It is a bit too powerful, isnt it?
My response is simple.I only epted the de that was being shaken at the neck.
If you hold her hand as is, speed does not matter at all.As long as Im grasping, the other party can not take the distance.
Wow, what is ... !? (S.T.N: how can she grasp my hand, my attack should be perfect)
Maybe your magic is weaker than my magic resist.
Blow-kill! (S.T.N: one more try)
You really do not listen to me.
I tried to tell her properly that she can not break through my magical resistance with her magic.It was ignored.
I was not damaged by the magic of her wind because it has high magic resistance.Thats it.
The attack that has been released has be a little girls chop. (T.N: see Trantor corner)
Because she didnt know such things, because she disnt listen to me. She use her other hand that still free, arming to the wrist of my hand that grasping her hand.
Flowering !!
Attack at such a speed that even the atmosphere is likely to leave behind.
Naturally it included the invisible power to say as the de of the wind. Probably it is a stroke of curse.
Too bad.
Hu... huh ! What... is.... thisssss !?
(T.N:ã ʡʤˤ줧 : E, ~tsu! ?Na,na ~anikore~e! ? )
(S.T.N: MC show her cheat power, assassin girl get shock, its super effective!)
I grasp her hand with my other hand.Ipletely caught her.
Curse resistance is also the maximum level, so her attack does not do anything. Because my tolerance is too high for such a lower level of magic and curse to even have any effect.
The opponent somehow struggles to escape. She resist not only swinging of the arm but also kicking and head butting, but it is lightly judged and it ends.
Why, what happens ...?
Im just simply faster than you
Better than me ... speed !?
Because it is true
Certainly the opponent is fast. She is probably even faster than Neguseo-san.
... I am faster, though.
Super Agility Body ability.The status that I decided to choose. (T.N: In case you dont remember, this is the only thing she choose, she dont want to do anything, but if she must do anything, she prefer do it as fast as possible, other skill she leave it to loli-gramp)
This does not indicate a simple movement speed.It refers to all the abilities rted to speed, such as the fingers, reflexes, moving eyesight.
In other words, the higher this ability is, the more quickly you can react. Including correspondence to the opponent.
This ability always activate as low output C but if I concentrate my mind, I can see everything as slow motion.
I can stop Felnote-sans self-injury if the surroundings were always looking slowly, but it seems tough to live if the surroundings were slow motion all the time.
All the actions of the other party were visible.Everything before Oswald-kun was cut. I use this ability to help in time.
Even if she is resisted in the capturing state, it is toote, so I can respond easily.
Even if she try using force, I am stronger, even if she try using speed, I am faster. And I can hold she down quickly.
Please do not run away from the trouble.I already have a match with you.Tired of concentrating.I want to stop early and go to bed.
Blood Arms. Rope
Hi ~i~tsu......!? (S.T.N: a girls cute scream)
Please tie her
When Im confirming the injury of Oswald-kun in advance, I change his blood and put on my palm. Now, I just simply activate it.
A bunch of threads knitted and knitted in blood slowly restrains her.
Naturally she resists, but I kept it all around and rolled the whole body around.Like I did to Oswald-kun, I wrap up carefully.
I continue wrap her with blood rope after done with that, I skip the rope to the branch at the high position of the nearby tree.
I pull her up and finished hanging her on a tree.
Damn it! Let me down! Let me down !!
Okay, I got you now ... um ... Vine t-chest Chop -san. (T.N: Ĥڤåפ: Tsuru peta choppu-san) (T.N: I knew it, MC is the best)
Who is Vine t-Chest Chop !?
... t-chest chop? (ڤå: Petanko choppu?)
Dont toy with me
Well, because my mouth is bad, maybe I should say Cursed t Chest ?Well whichever is okay though.
No matter what you say this child, she seems to get angry. Fu fu, interesting.
What are you grinning for! Let me down!
... The smell of humans is going away.
From afar, it seems that they were asking this girl about the situation in some way.I guess this child is an escort .
Arge nee san, are you alright?
Yes, Im totally fine, it seems that there are still poachers in the forest other than this girl?
......! I will go there !!
As Oswald-kun said that he start running.It seems that he is also working with the birds in the forest, and there are also traps. I can leave the rest to him.
Ignore it! Let me down!
Well, (Tsuru peta) Vine t chest is bad mouth ... Is it bad mouth Vine t-chest ?I wonder what to do about that.
For the time being, I take my eyes of her in a bit and I pretend to fly away.
Trantor corner.
This is how that girl skill look like. She cant make a lot of copy like Lyn though.
And this is how little girl hand chop you.
You can hate the new girl (thats your freedom).
But this is my page, please dont insult her in my page. Take that else where PLEASE.
Dont make me feel bad, dont ruin my mood.
I dont want to be a meanie withst resort like ban yourment.
Thank you for understanding.
Chapter 29
Chapter is tranted but not edit yet.
This time isnt a Cliff Hanger but a
No, I want moar, dont show me such a delicious dish but not allow me to eat enemy.
WARNING: its important so I use cap.
The new girl is a little special, so will I go all out and trante even what her action and word really mean. This is S(pecial) T(rantor) N(note) , S.T.N instead of T.N
This chapter may annoy you because of too many note but
"This is my religion" , I wont back down on this.
You can hate the new girl (thats your freedom).
But this is my page, please dont insult her in my page. Take that else where PLEASE.
Dont make me feel bad, dont ruin my mood.
I dont want to be a meanie withst resort like ban yourment.
Thank you for understanding.
Chapter 29: Beyond the Restless y
After enjoying neglect y for a while, I start talking to her.
Uhm ... what are you called ... surely isnt Vine t Chest (Tsuru Peta) ... then... Tsuru tsuru peta peta?
I dont want to be called tsuru peta from a t chest like you.
Surely I do not have any chest, or if I try hard I can assert a bit but I do not care much. The other side seems to be different.
If you do not like it, please tell me your name ... Why do not you say it sooner?
Now, Im a bad person!? My name is Chrome (: kuromu)! Chrome Crime (?饤: kuromu kuraimu) !! Im Cursed Wind Chrome! (⤤LΥ: Noroi-f no kuromu) "
Cruel Wind Chrome? (ᤤLаΥ: Hidoi kaze no kuromu?)
You are doing it, arent you !! You doing on purpose, right? "
No, I have not heard of such names or things, I do not get it, but it does not matter.
Chrome-san desperately struggling while crying variously, but at best she can only shake the rope, the girl who is suspended sway just like a key ring.
Although she seems to have tried to cut the rope asionally by using the magic of the wind, but even if you chant many times, the blood arm rope will not get damage.
Since rope is made quite hard, it is impossible to cut. It should be as robust as steel wire.
Tsk, whats this! Why cant I cut it ?
Its special made, so it can not be cut by that much?
Because it is made from special skill, it does not matter if you use Minotaur s blood. Strength depends on the level of Blood Arms.
After that, Chrome-san was working hard for a while, but as she understood that it was impossible to do anything, she gradually grew calmer.
Gu, ku ~u~u ..."
I can drop you off, in exchange can you promised me two thing?
Wh, what is it ...
She did not feel like talking at all at first, she began listening quite obediently. I wonder if neglect was working as expected.
I had nned to leave it to Oswald if she did not seem want to talk.
In that case, I also understand what will happen to her, so it was good that she agree to hear it. It is truly bad that humans are killed in front of you.
I do not know Poachers. Originally, it is a self-interest, and it is bothersome to go and see for yourself. If I can not reach my eyes, even if they die, my heart will not hurt, so I can just leave it alone.
With that kind of conclusion, I will make a word for Chrome-san.
First thing that will not hurt this forest anymore, and the other ... will not you let me drink your blood?
Blood, blood isnt it...?
Yes, Im a vampire, so I need it.
I do not have a blood sucking impulse yet, but it is safe for a couple of days even if I dont drink it. But I want to supply it properly when there is opportunity.
The smell of the old blood that I feel from her is too strong to understand the smell of her blood, but as I saw she is a human being. If it is human blood, it is surely delicious.
If I might be able to drink the blood of people other than Fello Note, I will expect a little. I might already be vampirepletely.
By the way, my name is Argento vampear and you can call me Arge.
Vampire ... Argento ... Vampear ...
Chrome repeat my race and name as slow as a rolling ball, at this rate I might fall asleep.
I can see the face because she is hanging around where I am. She got wrinkles between the eyebrows and it looks a little sullen. I want to stretch it with my thumb.
... I understood, please drop me down
Okay then, right away
Manipte the rope of blood and lower Chrome-san to the ground.
Because she is a girl, slowly and politely so as not to hurt. I lowered to let she sit instead of rolling.
Then I release Blood Arms, the rope that bound her is scattered without a trace.
I also considered the possibility of escaping at the moment of release, but there is no such swing. After looking at the chainpletely disappearing, Chrome-san looked at my face for little bit and turned her face away.
... Have I been hated?
...mm (S.T.N: what take you so long)
Nya !?
N ~tsu ! (S.T.N: whats with that Nya ?)
You dont understand even after seeing! You want to drink, then hurry! (S.T.N: Baka, you get it even I show you my neck, if you want to drink then hurry, dont make a girl wait in such state)
Oh I see.
It looked like she was turning her face away from me, but she seemed to have put out her neck.
... I do not have to bite her to drink though.
Every single time. First, Felnote-san pouring blood to tea cup and had it received. Anything is fine as long as I can drink it. Thats why I also say let me drink instead of saying let me suck your blood.
However, the other party seems to prepare get bite. Because Im skipping words to protest, she is still silent turn her head away and waiting for me.
You only have to scratch the fingers slightly. I thought to say so, but as I was watching Chrome s neck, my emotions appeared from the back of my heart.
Her neck is slim and looks very soft. The skin looks beautiful and bright and the cirction of blood looks good.
Emotions getting boiling up looking at her neck. Its hunger.
It is different from the feeling of hunger when blood sucking impulsees out. The same type of hunger as when my favorite is in front of me. Simple desire to taste.
...Looks delicious.
When I thought that, I approached her by a very natural movement.
The other party does not say anything. I will not let this chance pass here.
Therefore, I will not refrain. (T.N: Itadakimasu)
Trantor Corner
Just putting it here.
Chapter 30
Chapter is tranted but not edit yet.
This time is an enemy name NOT SAFE FOR WORK.
As you can see, the new girl is a Tsundere.
Tsundere is really hard to understand thats also why I make the Special Trantor Note. Attually it is Tsundere Trante but I dont want spoiler in the first chapter she meet MC.
Please deal with me only 1 more chapter.
From chapter 31, she dont have scene time anymore, I will do the chapter properly again.
Just think of me like a fangirl. Usually I behave normal, but when it about my favourite, I
Just like the victim girl in the picture, you may think I dont need to know that much though.
Chapter 30: Story of my first time cure the bite mark.
(`ĤϤƤΤ: Ki ~yu ? ketsu hajimete monogatari , Kiyu mean cure , ketsu mean jab but with this situation I change it to the bite mark , hajimete mean the first time , monogatori mean story.)
Excuse me
Gently look at the neck, Chrome-san is trembled, but she did not pull herself back.
She has old blood smell mixed with with her bloods smell. But as I approached her, I felt the sweet scent unique to girls and the smell of her sweat and blood.
... Aaa... nn (Tsundere trante: *moaning*)
Gently press the fang against the skin, slowly sinking. Her breath make a voice mu sounded to my hearing.
As you expected, when you get through the shallow resistance of soft skin, the sweet smell of blood overflows.
Even if there is no impulse, I can not stop drinking if I feel this scent. Because I am already such a creature.
I turn my hands to her neck and waist so that I can firmly hold her.
Do not let her escape.
Do not run away anymore.
N, n ~tsu (Tsundere trante: *moaning*)
Feeling the flow of blood, the core of the fangs be dense, it gets warm.
The feeling that resonates in the nerve is like a decayed tooth, but there is no pain. Rather, it feels good. Sense of sweet pleasure.
Chi ...yu~tsu, ku~tsu, n...... ku...... (Tsundere trante: moaning)
I suck up and swallow the overflowing blood, but she can also feel that suck on her skin as well. (just like kiss mark)
Stimte the wound with the tongue, quickly hurry and substitute.
Suck off the fresh blood that overflow like that. Carefully, do not drop too much.
Blood reading took ce automatically, but the informationing into my head is annoying. Now I want to feel the taste of this blood, the temperature more. I read only the status information and blocked it immediately.
Fu ya, a, ~a... (Tsundere trante: *moaning*)
A very cute voice, different from normal Chrome until now, like a cryptic voice. From her body to her arm, I can feel that the power is giving out.
I hold her waist to support the weight, as I continued blood sucking.
Dont... , ni ~i...... this is... ~e...... fu ~a, hi~tsu...... (Tsundere trante: dont ... it feel so good ... this is ...*moaning*)
N, fu~tsu......ji ~yuru~tsu...... wa mu~tsu
Hi gu~u ~tsu! ? (Tsundere trante: no, if you keep doing that, my mind will go nk *moaning*)
A ha~tsu...... delicious......? wa pu~tsu, n, chi ~yu~u~u~u......?
Fu ~e, ~a...... hi ~a~a~a~a (Tsundere trante: I cant think about anything anymore *moaning*)
Push the fangs over and over, spread the open hole little by little. Then the taste of the new blood will spread throughout the mouth, and can not bear it.
Although she behaved with a bad voice, I greedy continued blood sucking for a while, but when Chrome-sans strength give out. She repeated shallowly convulsions, lip only leaks meaningless words.
Oh, I guess I sucked too much.
I lost sight of myself for a while.
It may suck and kill her if I keep sucking like this, so I will pull out my fang as soon as I notice it.
N, beloved... happines...affiliation , hon e hi e (Tsundere trante: her mind in cloud and her word dont make sense anymore)
While licking the overflowing blood, I use recovery magic. Cure her injuries that I have attached with my fangs properly.
... Mark, It is bad if I leave a mark on her.
It is also prominent of girls. I should do it properly.
I also increases the speed of blood production, so she will be fine soon.
Do not lick her blood or I may lose my mind again. I try to look at her gently, but Im feel guilty to detain at all times, so I stopped.
Are you all right? Perhaps I was a bit overdoing, sorry.
Fu ~e, a, wa ~u (Tsundere trante: her mind is still in cloud)
I was caught in the neck until a while, so I could not see the face Chrome-san. Now I stop bloodsucking, so I can see her face.
Chrome-san dyed her cheeks red and opened his mouth halfway. Her eyes are moist, and she is staring at somewhere far away.
She seems to be somewhat embarrassing but ... I guess I sucked too much.
... Chrome-san, are you OK?
Fu ~e, more ... fu ~e...... ha~tsu ! ? Wa, stay away!" (Tsundere trante: at first, she is still in trance asking for more, after that she wake up)
Hi nya ~tsu
Shes suddenly pushing me away.
I was not careful as I was in battle, so I could not react and I fall down. I hit the buttocks and gave a cute scream.
Itata ... what are you going to do? (T.N: Itata mean "its hurt")
U, russai!! You, you, ...!! (T.N: Urusai mean "shut up", )
My name...? Im Argento vampear
I did not forget it, what is it..., what are you doing just now ...? Uuuuuuu !! (Tsundere trante: Even I feel great but I dont remember, what are you doing to me just now)
Chrome is stepping on the ground. There are not many people doing in reality, it is a precious foundation.
Chrome-san is making the cheeks red like a boiled octopus. It seems that recover blood is working well.
Vampear ... !! (Tsundere trante: Now Im angry)
Arge is fine, is not it?
Vampear!! (Tsundere trante: Dont tell me how to call you when Im angry)
It seemed that she wanted to call the roundabout way, I was told twice.
It was a word that I thought that the short name was easy to call because it was not insignificant in the name, so there is no reason to stop if she absolutely wants to call it perfectly. I decided not to say anything more.
Chromes amber eyes right now are so powerful, I have never seen her like that before since we met. She re at me with her eyes that makes me feel scary, and after pointing at me, she said.
Ill kill you ... you, youre doing that sort of thing to me ...! (Tsundere trante: that was my first time)
Uh ...... That sort of thing?
I do not quite understand it, but she seems to be very angry.
Perhaps she angry about I sucked too much blood. Although I stopped, I might have killed her after all.
To lose blood is to approach death. It can not be helped if she feel fear or indignation.
Well, Im sorry, I took a bit too much
A bit !? Are you also doing other people, that way ...!! (Tsundere trante: that was my first time, are you also doing the same with other people ?)
That way?
Thi... this girl ... ... I will not forgive you ... I can not condemn such a humiliation, I can not forgive you for being faster than me !! (Tsundere trante: this baka girl, I will not forgive you, I can not condemn such a humiliation, lost in a speed battle and was treat that way)
Chromes amber eyes shine lightly.
I thought she was nning to fight again, but it was not the case. She leapt andnded on a tree branch nearby. Its amazing. I also often jumped to that height.
Remember this! Do not think that you won! (Tsundere trante: I cant ept this, you are my rival, ... my frustration feeling must be because I lose a speed battle, If I defeat you, I will not have this feeling anymore)
Chrome-san disappeared into the depths of the forest, along with words likely to be seen somewhere about half of the people in the world.
I do not know why she got angry .... for the time being, I guess its look like she going out of the forest.
After I sense her bloods smell going away. I try confirm her status first. We may meet again, and I do not mind to remember her info.
Name: Chrome Crime
Race: Human
Body ability: Quickness weight
Skills visual enhancement 1
Auditory enhancement 1
Hidden 2
Magical Sword 8
Wind magic 4
Dark Magic 3
Wind resistance 6
Darkness tolerance 8
Curse resistance 8
Poison resistance 6
Contract Magic (Artifact)
Blur Soundless child
What surprised me is her skill level 8. Although it includes tolerance, it would be considerable if there are three of them. Even Felonote-san who was Kingdom knight vice-captain only had the highest skill level 6.
I also knew and as she call herself cursed wind, and she might be named on that road.
... Magic (Artifact), What is it?
As an image received from words, it is a magical item.
I have known it. It is bracelets that she wore in both hands.
Perhaps the wind de and curse she used were caused by different factors.
And she was Blur Soundless child, it maybe good to interpret as depriving of hearing. I guess the curse is from Contract Magic (Artifact), they were causing it.
... Well, whatever?
Even if I wanted to to know more, shes already gone.
Well, when she leave, she did say those cliche words, so we will meet again. And if I remember, I can ask at that time. I do not know how to find a mysterious girl like her anyway.
I did what I had to do, so I decided to take it easy.
In the meantime, Oswald-kun and Neguseo-san areing here. I feel they arefortable walking. I can have a nap and wait for them.
Trantor corner:
Okay, with this chapter Chromes already left.
Chapter 31
Chapter 31: Go through the forest
Arge nee-san, do you really have to go?
Yes, because I can not stay long.
Actually Im looking for a ce to live permanently, not just long-term, but this forest is somewhat not fit.
It will still be in the territory of the kingdom, and Oswald-kun is not suitable target for parasitism.
So the day after I drove away Chrome-san, I decided to leave.In order to go look for someone who will nourish me for my entire life.
I stroked the stomach of Neguseo-san who is wearing a fine saddle and reins, and calls out to him.
You look nice, Neguseo-san
Well maybe, but Argento is more beautiful.
What happened?
No, thank you.
Even if I call Neguseo-san, he does not respond. Too bad.
Saddle and reins are gifts from Oswald-kun. It seems to belong to the poacher who came before.
Other stuff like a stove,ntern, fireworks, maps and nkets is stored in Blood Bag.
Everything I got is the belongings of the poacher ... Although it is an item that you can buy, but right now I need it for traveling, so I am grateful for it.
Because poaching is bad in the first ce, even if you are killed, you can notin.It is not something I feel bad about.
No, everything is second-hand goods, Im sorry Arge nee-san!
No, Im thankful, I have been saved.
Thanks !!
Forest animals and demons behind Oswald-kun are also lowering their head.
They feel gratitude ande here to see me off.
Because from their perspective, Im the one saved the forest, it may be natural. but I think they are a bit too exaggerated.
Yesterday, animals and monsters came from the forest, worshiping me and handing things like gifts like tribute.
Maybe Oswald-kun told them. Things like fruits, tree nuts that can be eaten, medicinal herbs, etc. are brought me.
Everything I got is stored in Blood Bag.
From the viewpoint of other, I will look like empty-handed, but now I am already prepared for the trip properly.
Drinking water also gets a considerable amount of spring water. At least enough until I leave the country, thanks you all, there seems to be no need to visit some town or vige.
If I go this way, I can reach the border, right?
Yes! It is true! If you go in that direction, follow the highroad, you can get out of the country ... There is a procedure for entering and departing, Arge nee-san you want to sneak out?
Yeah. I do not want to be conspicuous
In that case, it would be nice if you cross the mountain, then you can a republic town named Yotsuba! Be careful with the border guard!
The ce Oswald-kun pointed to, there is a mountain indeed.
It is not a rocky mountain, it is a mountain where many trees grew.It is still far away, looks like a small hill, but even from here you can see the deep green color.
In his words, out of the country, other country.Lets go take it easy as the destination is visible.
Afterwards, please take this!
... Katana?
Yes! Arge nee san, I thought that it would be better for you to have weapons after all, I chose a good one from the poachers possessions!
I receive it and try sweeping.
The katana reflect sunlight and shines bluntly, certainly a weapon specific to cut.(See trantor corner)
The de is clearly sharp.I tried shaking it lightly towards one falling leaf, and it make a clean cut.
Whats wrong?
No, I did not see iting ... just surprised.
I intended to shake it once, but it seems that it was really sharp.I guess it was a bad thing.
... Even another world have this unique sword, a katana.
It is an image of the weapon peculiar to Japan, but it seems to be in a different world.No, is there any possibility that a person who is incarnated besides me brought in the making method?
Tentatively I looked at it and confirmed it, I got a katana.
Do you know whats Contract Magic (Artifact) !?
Contract Magic (Artifact), isnt it ...?
It is the name that appeared yesterday, when analyzing the status of Chroms in Blood reading.
Oswald-kun seemed to understand, from his attitude. He exined.
Its a tool with special power, you can contract with it by giving your magical power. Once you contract, only the contractor can use it until the contractor dies.
Hmm ... Is that so ... What is the special power of this katana?
I do not know that ... It seems that it was for sale, its just a katana if you do not have a contract with it, so please be assured that you can use it normally
Unspecified, is it?Is not it better not to treat it normally?I would be in trouble if it was strange ability.
I did not know about the katana Contract Magic (Artifact) ability, so I put the katana in the Blood Bag.
Lets put hold on whether to use this katana for the time being.Even if I use it, I will use it as a normal katana.
Felnote-san had a skill of tool verification, so she might understand something, but I can not depend on people who are not here.
Well then, I will keep it
Arge nee-san! I will be stronger! Next time, even alone, I can still protect this forest!
Is that so ... then, let me help a little, a thank you gift for the trip preparation
...Contract of blood
I use my thumb finger nail cut on my grooming finger and let the blood flow.I put the flowing blood on the hair of Oswaldo and speak the words.
As water stains on the ground, blood will soak into the inside of his body.
O, Oh!?
There is no change in appearance.However, Oswald-kun himself seems to understand how his body changed.
He understand that he became a lot strongerpare with how he previous is.Because we are already connected to each other.
Blood contract.Those who gave blood (me) with their skill level to improve ability of
those who receive blood (servant). Servant is not necessary be like vampires, just simply increasing their ability.And I be the master, I can makemands with enforceability to the servant.
Of course I do not n to use the second half of enforcement.What I am doing is a simple thanks.
... This forest is also a nice ce to take a nap.
Regardless of permanent residence, I think that it is a good ce toe only for a nap.
I would like you to protect this forest that is perfect for a nap.With that kind of feeling, it is a little help.
... Arge nee-san, Thank you very much !!
A word of brief thanks.It was such a connection that I couldmunicate with him without wasteful words.(Master to servant telepathy ability)
Lightly stroke the head of Oswald-kun, who lowers his head as if his head will catch on the ground.I felt sorry for him and ask him to stop.
The partner who receive the blood contract does not have their mind control. Unless I give an order, his will will be respected.
Actually, a high-level blood contract canpletely deprive the partners intention, but I do not feel like doing that.
Just a thank you, I just thought good.
Just that I wanted to cheer him for having his own ce and he wanted to struggle to protect it.
Stroking his head all the way, and I left Oswald-kun.Oswald-kun raised his face as it seemed to have understood that it was a sign of parting.
His face was a smart smile like a mascot of a meat shop after all.
Good luck
It was a long time to ride a horse, but I surprisingly was able to ride smoothly.It seems that the body remembered.
Sit properly on the saddle, gently squeeze the reins.Even without doing something like pinching the reins, he will walk if there are words, and he did so.
Thank you, Neguseo-san
-San isnt needed, Neguse is good
Is it good?
Yes, I decided to refresh
Well ... please, Neguse
Yes, leave it to me
Neguse slowly walks.Many monsters, animals, birds voices from behind.
Even though I was able to say something like this, I was afraid a little bit, but I did not transfer it.(Her past life make she think low of herself)
I Close my eyes while feeling the voice going away.
Do you sleep, Argento?
Well, please say it when you get tired, Neguse. I will take a break.
Ah, please let me do that
It feels good with the footsteps of Neghese and the shaking feeling ordingly.
While feeling the smell of the wind and the distant voice, I gradually make my consciousness darker.
I got the means of moving and it was really good.I was terrified.
While satisfied with what I gained, my consciousness went down to my dreams.
It is still far to the border.
I have plenty of time to sleep.
Trantor corner
In anime, katana always shine when draw out of sheath.
Chapter 32
Felnote Point of View chapter.
Chapter 32: Former knight resentes.
... Such difficult travel. Refresh (T.N: Refresh is skill name)
Speak a word in a carriage.The spoken word transformed my magical power and caused the phenomenon as envisioned.
I am doing it again and again.It has been a while since I regained light, but I used to do it as well during the time in kingdom knight corp.
... I am not good at this.
Actually, I am weak to vehicles and I feel sick.
During the time in the Knight corp, I became dizzy in the carriage by the time it got to the expedition area, and there are many soldier be useless on the site.
The first challenge when I became a knight is How we face the physical sickness.
And I studied recovery magic in order to ovee it.Once you make use of a drunken healing magic, it will be fine for a while, while resting magical power will also recover and you can keep use it again.
It is a little troublesome, but no matter how much I try, I can not help it because I was not able to change my constitution.
Are you OK? Felnote-san
Im fine, Zeno (Felnote dont use -kun or -san with Zeno)
The peddler who is manipting the horse looks back to me carefully.
His name is Zeno Kotobuki. He is my current employer.To be urate, we are just helping each other, but since Im on the side to which wages are given, it is not a mistake in the expression of employer.
I have enough magical power to adjust physical condition, it will not be exhausted much, either a demon or a thief will sh and throw away
That is reliable, is it saved?
Everything is good. Can I ask you to move to the Republic.
Yes, please leave the carriage to me
The part where our interests arebined.That means that we are going to the Republic together.
I follow Argento Vampear.
I know that she went to the border.
Will she go to the Empire and the Republic?Im betting on the Republic.
The empire is pretty rough in the fight against the kingdom.Due to heavy taxes and repeated conscripts, the country has a pretty tight atmosphere.
On the other hand, the republic is not involved in the fight between the kingdom and the empire.Taking a standpoint of standing, both have an exchange.
If it is an empire and a republic, then the Republic is more peaceful.The army is voluntary, taxes are not light, but it is not so outrageous as the empire.I hear that life in the country seems to be painful but he is not as rough as the empire.
If that girl goes, she will move to a more stable ce.
For Zeno, he says that there is a report to themercial guild.
Amercial guild is a union which many peddlers joint force together.
Who belongs are needed to report to the headquarters once a year.It seems that it is decided that reporting the bnce of payment for one year and paying the assembly fee ording to earnings.
Sakura Nomiya, whose headquarters of themercial guild is the capital of the Republic.I heard that trees named Sakura bloom a lot, beautiful capital.
Popr as a sightseeing spot, there were many colleagues saying they have Honeymoon in Sakura Nomiya during the knight era.
... The scenery is good and the food is also famous.
A unique food culture such as rice and tempura is rooted and there are times you are told that If you do not eat yutsuba dishes, you are not eating the right way.
Besides, the Republic of Yotsuba has a feature that is also tolerant of the same sex marriage, and among the 3rd women knight corp who are my subordinate, some couples of the same sex who decided to stay permanently in the Republic after retiring.
... Same sex marriage.
I thought of a girl with silver hair unexpectedly, and I quickly drown out my imagination.I wonder what she is thinking. Did she not want to be together with me anymore.
Arge is bad for this and that too. She is determined to be bad.
The rice of that day said that she wanted to eat, it was a somewhat unusual food.
It was originally rare and the timing was a bit off, so I had a hard time finding it. And even though I find it and wait for her at home, she did note back.I was tired, I was asleep at the table that day.
Far from not going home again, I go to the house of Samaka the next day ... When I visited, I was told that she left the town implicitly.I thought it was a mess.Did you know how much struggle I went through to find that food?
... No, that is not it.
I do not want to say about meals.I was just disappointed.
I was left alone without even telling me anything.That made me feel like I was thrown away.
To respond to that extent, I am about to leave the country where I was born and bored, looking for someone who is not even sure that I can meet.
I think that I am wrong, but I really want to see you.I missed having to meet and say a word.
Lets think about that after that.Specifically, it is different from the ceremonial hall ...Since I miss you, I want to meet you.
I got to know Zeno because I saw him recruiting escorts while preparing my trips on the market.
Zeno Kotobuki.Kotobuki is a word of Yotsuba Ive heard before.I remember that it was meant as a happy thing or a celebration.
So I quickly understood that he was from the Republic, and the thought that he might go to the Republic, we can help each other.
Before I go over there, I have to be able to do everyday conversation.
In that case, I will teach you.
I am saved, Zeno
Because the escort of the kingdom knight is received inexpensively, this is what I can do to show gratitude
Former...only. Do not expect too much. I also have blinded for a year
Speaking of Odd eyes Holy Knight , she is such a powerful woman that she was known even outside the country, she will regain her intuition quickly.
Old story, do not say too much
Its a nostalgic name, but when I think now its a bit more honest or embarrassing.It is kind of blush as a person who is so skilful after past twenty.
It seems that a long-running refusal came through, and Zeno apologizes a word Im sorry and it ends.
Not at all.Like this, it makes me want to be stronger for my younger partner.It is all because of that girl.
As soon as you remember it, that vague sleeping face floats.
Every day, she sleepfortable everyday, make cute noise when sleeping and drool, a silver vampire that was sleeping until she hungry.
Take off sloppily the robe and rub your body to the sheet feelingfortably, so quickly.
Sometimes it was pretty lovely to leak small words like the middle of expiration and words.
Still, it is a kind of eyes that makes it easy to wake up kindly, because she gives a kind voice to say Felnote-san, I was waking up roughly.It was so unprotected, it seemed to be unbearable.I do not understand well what I am not able to bear.
Together with me ... Arge said
Well, have you said Arge just now?
Yes, I said ... but whats wrong?
No, I know an acquaintance is the same name, nickname ...
... Argento?
We suprised and keep stare at each other for a while.
The world is narrow, perhaps when we stare at each other, we dont realize that, the wheels of the horse carriage stepped on the dents and bounced greatly, I bumped my ass.
Itta ~a~tsu! ?
Even just now, that was that vampires fault .That must be the case.
I will absolutely catch her, and I willin a lot.
Chapter 33
A wild vampire princess appear!
Trantor Note: moaning have a lot of meaning less word, so I only trante what make sense, the rest I will keep as romanji.
Chapter 33: Vampire Princess is chasing
Oh no ... ...!
Shadow.The shadow is stuck to her. (T.N: Reminder: this girl is one of poachers that escape, not Chrome)
Its my pretty shadow that sticks to her with just a little movement of my fingers.
In fact, all of herpanions are rolling miserably on her feet.She is the only one remaining.
Please ... have mercy, next time..., next time ... will be ... sess!
Well ... thats good already, because I already made up my mind
I would like to eat minotaur meat.The request I made for them was as simple as that, but they did not even grant it.It is disappointing.
My stomach tired of waiting has changed my moodpletely.I am not interested in meat of Minotaur now.
When I touch her trembling cheeks, I feel wet. Shes cute, Shes crying.
Take my finger to her neck and stand shallow nails. Poke.
Ara...? (T.N: mean like huh or oh)
There is a sound of water.A vulgar sound such as tea pouring.
I turned my line of sight downwards, a big pool of water was made.Aha... ?
Have you leaked out, FU FU FU, are not you too afraid of me? I will give you SOOO MUCH MOREEE ...?.
Oh no, no, no, no no! Please forgive me ...!
Ara, do you want to be caught in the neck like a vulgar boy rolling over there?
Hi~tsu ... (T.N: voice when scared)
Oh yeah, behave like a good girl ? ... Even so, you can not be saved.
From the beginning I nned to deal with all of you. You have failed me for thest time, poacher.
Now, Do you want get killed after I get the meat of minotaur or I will kill you before receiving it?
The moment she heard my words, a small green eyes spread apart.The trembling lips try to speech the words.
Whether it is a beggar or a screech, I do not want to hear dirty words before meals.I silenced her with magic.
She is a cute merchant who I dont even know her name, but she is very pretty.It would be a hard time for a girl to be a ck merchant.
The green colored eyes are very beautiful.Red hair is slightly sore and unworthy, but she is still a beautiful person for a person hide behind the scenes.
More than anything, the act of incontinence when she is afraid is very cute.
It is a pity that her emotions have disappeared from facial expressions with my enchanted magic, but I will do it so pleasant from now, so its okay.
Be Drowning
I set my fang on her neck and graze it.
It is always pleasant to prate a girls soft skin.A vulgar body of a man is ufortable to pierce.
I brush the warm liquid overflowing with spill.Very sweet, taste numb to the brain.It is wonderful.
A gi, a ~a~a~a~a! ?
The effect of enchantment ends at the moment of biting.Otherwise, I can not enjoy such a reaction.
I held down her resistance with the magic of shadow and continued blood sucking.
There was resistance for only a few seconds. After that, she abandons her thoughts.
A, hi...... ufu, fufufu...... hi ~a, hi ~i~tsu
I will make her blood of mine, she began to leak meaningless words.
The feeling that the blood that fell into the stomach through the throat and flow into the whole body is addicted even if I tasted it many times.
For me who is a vampire, blood sucking is the best pleasure.Even blood from this girl who did not finish my request.Though men are garbage.
A, a~a, n ~tsu...... a wa, a hi ~ya......
N fu ~u... you okay, Ill suck it all out ... chi ~yuru~tsu, n ~tsu
Hihi hi...... a wa wa wa...... n ~a, an~tsu...... ku fu, hihi ~tsu
... This girlughs.
The expressions that the child whose mind is broken by the pleasure I give is divided into three broadly.
A smiling child, a crying child, a child keeping ecstatic.This girl seems to be a smiling type.
Every child is so cute that I want to take it slowly and thoroughly.
Continue to give the best pleasure until the end of the your life, Ill destroy you with all my love.
Aha, ahahaha ... .... feeling, ... ... fu a ...
... ... Do you feel better?
I want more! I feel morefortable, more!
Oh no ... you will die if I keep sucking like this, is not it good?
Good, its okay! I am not scared of anything anymore! The world is beautiful! Its more! I can be dead! Good, even if Im gone !!
Ufufu ... ... and you are also pretty ... Good child, then, can you say that you love me?
I love you ... ... Elsee-sama! [Elsee as a girls name is of Hebrew origin, and Elsee means God is my oath, Elsee is a variant form of Elizabeth (Hebrew).] (this time the name is easy to guess, thank you google search)
Thank you. I love you.
I will catch the delicate body that is sticking properly and I will do it as she wants.
Because she throw away her life and give me everything, I must take care of her until thest moment.
Touching the body with an open hand, I got a sweet reaction every time, she is very cute. I can only hear the chirping sound, herugh, and my own breath.
A, wa ~u~u~u
Fu fu ... .... its okay, you can moan as much as you want, let get drunk in pleasure like this, until the end
Wa, n ~a~tsu...... wa, ~i~i......
Han...... n, chi ~yu~u......
Being like a couple, we indulge in action.She dedicates everything to me, I will love her all, only a little sweet deed.
Little by little, poweres out of her body, her body is getting cold.The heart beat is weakened in that moment and it makes us feel the end of a pleasure time.
She choose to give me her own life, not living for the rest of it.Whispering to call my name till the end, I love you.
I have such an unbearable feeling that I has sucked all the drops.I made everything of the growing beating forever to mine.
Fuu ... ... she waspletely dried out ... okay, you are really beautiful ...
I stopped talking, I kissed her cheek and I let her go.
I close my eyes and use my power.Blood reading, a special force that a vampire has.
My blood reading is not so strong butIt enough to digs at least memories of several days.
...... I am interested in why they failed.
For sure, why did not Minotaur s meat get avable, for sure?
If a vulgar man was in the way of getting the meat, he had to pay it by get tear up properly ... right?
ARA...... ARA, ARARA ! WHAT... THIS... GIRL......!? (T.N: Ara mean huh)
In this girl memory, she was watching the child with the telephoto magic.
Silver hair sparking through the evening sunlight through the sun.Pure white skin.Sleepy eyes.
Lightly pointed ears and tusks, red eyes are unmistakable, a simr proof of me.
Silver hair vampire C she is too, she is a can walk under the sun vampire.
A, ~A~a~a......
I loved her at first sight.
Her gentle bright red eyes.It is really cute. Cute, Cute, CUTEeeee.
That little tusk.I want to lick it.I will feel sick if I take a deep breath as it is buried in her silver hair.
Put a fang against a small neck, what should you look like if I suck it up?ugh?cry?Do you feel relieved?
I am concerned, I am sooooooooooo ... ....CONCERNED
My chest and the back of my heart get hotter.The body is numb and numb and a feverish breath is leaked.
... ... cute, Cute, CUTEeee!
What a child she is! She isLegendaryVampire walking under the sun!I have not heard about her, that cuteness is also legendary!
I want her to be mine.No matter what.No, ABSOLUTELY.
I had finally found what I was looking for forever.
Her silver hair will surely shine with my blond hair.If I sink in the bed with two of, how can I be a painting ... ...
Servant Call
Your Order ?
This child will be my bride.
Absolutely absolute ABSOLUTELY.
It is unnecessary to temporarily rte like a child rolling on her feet. She will be mine forever.My only cute girl.
If you decide so, notify all the servants!
I will skip my heart to my cute little people who are connected by a blood contract.About the future bride.
Share memories and burn her figure to the hearts of my servants.
Have you heard, did you see, I will make that child my wife. Search, find her, catch her ... Oh, thats right ... ... If you dare taste, I will tear you thousands piece, got it ?
I wonder what kind of dress you are going to put on.I should choose something that suits all the time for such love!
I would like to have a big party for my wedding anniversary.I call a lot of customers.And I want to show our affairs to all of our customers.
Of course Only I allow to see all of you, it is forbidden.
Hehe, hehe ... .... hehe ... I am looking forward to it, even if its fun ... .... Vander Snatch ! Get ready!
Talk to my dog ??and shake the dress.I will go out and prepare for picking up.
Well, it will be a lot of fun and I will be busy now.
Chapter 33.5
The raw dont really have arc or volume or name.
But I guess we are just done with second arc. Because this chapter is character info.
I will start with third arc Fox little sister soon.
Chapter 33.5: Characters: Oswald, Chrome, Neguseo.
Name: Oswald
Race: Minotaur (Blood Follower)
Physical ability: arm strength
Skillnguage trantion 8
Strength strengthening 3
Pain tolerance 6
Guardian of the area 4
Magic resistance 2
Poison resistance 5
Quote I will get stronger enough to be recognized by Arge nee-san someday!
Among the territory of the detailed kingdom, Minotaur that guards the nameless forest in the ce that can be called the frontier.It seems that he is doing it from his grandfather s wish.
Body is bigger than other individuals, there is also strength.The striking blow will instantly turn the poacher into mince C if he hit them.
Hair is ck.ck hair cow ...!
Argento has given blood and became a follower, but he did not apany her on a journey.
Currently it seems that he is training day and night to ovee the speed issue.
Also, as Argento told him, he began to pay attention to his appearance.
He has a highnguage trantion skill.For this reason, he can speak birds and animals and speak fluently with humans.Argentos good peoples words is a mistake in a sense.
His guardian of the area is an unusual skill that improves his ability when fighting in certain fields.
Contrary to its appearance, Minotaur is a race that fight together and who can be fought alone like him is a precious being.
How far will he grow up as a follower?It is not yet known to anyone.
Vampire Comment Algiers I think hes a good boy, but I do not think I want to be nourished.
Name: Chrome Crime
Race: human
Body ability: quickness weight (the less you weight, the quicker you are)
Skills visual enhancement 1
Auditory enhancement 1
Covert 2
Magical Sword 8
Wind magic 4
Dark Magic 3
Wind resistance 6
Darkness tolerance 8
Curse resistance 8
Poison resistance 6
Contracted Magic Artifact
BlurSoundless Child
One word ... Nothing
Detail: The bodyguard hired by poachers.
As a bodyguard, she is a veteran, who goes under the name of Curse of Wind Chrome.
Very expensive, undertaking work with a high sess rate so she is popr.
The reason for expensive contracting is not troubled by money and her purpose is to prove my strength rather thanpensation.Therefore, prefer a more dangerous mission.
Can blurred image by creating a virtual image with dark magic, exercise magic sword with bare hands, and fight a unique way.
It seems that she is currently studying hard to revenge Arge,every single day.
Her ContractedMagic Artifact BlurSoundless childHas the effect of eliminating the sound that urs when the user acts and move, Its also have the curse that permanently cut the hearing when she cut off the ear.
Vampire Comment Arge I do not really understand her, but she is delicious (her blood)
Name: Neguseo
Race: Horse
Body Abilities: Quickness Weight
Skills strengthening 3
Enhance your eyesight 5
Color vision adjustment 3
Evening 3
A word She is way faster than I, even more than I thought
A wild staple of a forest with no name. he was confident in the speed of the legs, but Argento shunk him effortless.
he features a fluffy mane amazing for sleeping, he has a ck skin and blue hair.
Character is cool. he was somewhat overconfident, but he regretted.Reflection is important.
By the way, the eyesight of a horse is lower than a person (at least a force to look far), but in his case it is pretty eye-catching as itpensates with vision enhancement.
Also, he have color vision at the same level as people.It seems that this is not unusual for horses living in that forest.
Vampire Comment Algae If he is human beings, I want him to feed me, but my life is not going well.
Chapter 34
We are now start with new arc. Raw dont really have name but it was about a Fox Loli.
Let just call it Fox Little Sister arc.
Chapter 34 (Prologue): Convenience with legs
N, n n ~...... afu ~uu~u...... Im sleepy
Argento, were not you sleeping until a while ago?
Im short of sleeping about twelve hours, at least with that amount of time, I will not sleepy anymore.
For some reason, the movement of Neguseo stopped for a while.
After blowing his nose, he will walk again.Did I say something strange?
Even if I am asleep, Neguseo is still keep my journey on track.It is too ideal to move only when I wake up.
The wind blowing in the meadow isfortable and it is the perfect weather for a nap.Fortunately, I can sleep a little more.
N, fu ni ~yu
Are you going to sleep again?
If there is something ... Please wake me up ...
Wait, Argento
... What is it ...??
As I was called out, I lifted my consciousness I was about to sink.
I get a little sleepy while listening to the low and calm voice of Neguseo, but if I get to wait, I will have a conversation.
I am traveling together and I should takemunication.Although he is a horse, I can talk with him thanks to trantion skills.
Will you also contract me for blood for me?
Okay ... I do not mind, please wait a bit.
Although I do not know the intention of Neguseo, I epted lightly because there is no disadvantage.
Because the ability is improved, it seems that there are more merits.
Especially if his physical strength improves, the distance you can advance while I am sleeping will increase greatly.If he gets better from now, Id rather be happy.
Lightly biting my fingers and scratching, I dropped blood on the back of Neghese.All you have to do is speak a word.
Blood contract
Like Oswald-kun, there is a sense that mutual existence has been connected.
Unlike Pisces, if you use blood contracts for living things, you will be able to strongly recognize each others existence.
Its a strange feeling.Somehow, I can understand each others physical condition and mood.
By the way, Oswald-kun is a bit tired but I feel like he is feeling well, so I guess he is doing training as well. he hope to ovee the problematic speed, but that will depend on him.
Neguseo did not exaggerate like Oswald.
Just step on the ground in turn with the four feet so as to ascertain your own condition, release a word, then it is over.
It was a cool way to catch him.
Are you satisfied?
Thank you very much, Argento. I can run faster with this.
Oh, is that the reason?
Because I was feeling bad that I do not do anything with the body I got on, I would be happy if he was satisfied.
After closing the fingers injury by touching the pain of usual pain, close your eyes.Well, finally this C
- Argento
Yes, I also get it.
Burning smell.It also smells the meat burned.
The range a horse can smell much stronger than a person.The same can be said with vampire as well.The smell we recognize was transmitted to each other right after that. (Blood Contract can shared info)
What will you do?
It be troublesome
There are feelings I want to ignore, but if it is a fire or something, that one is bothersome.Lets check it for a moment.
Looking around, I can not see mes and smoke.However, there was a ckndscape in the direction of a distance.It is a short grass that is in the surroundings, so it is said that it was burned.
Looks like it seems the burning is over,
Ah, it seems okay to leave it alone
Smoke,Lets check whether it disappears properly or not because it is dangerous.
I am going to go ....?
Would you please, Neguseo?
... ... I agree with you
If I go by myself it will probably be awfully frustrating and will leave but he have legs that can walk, so the way out is not a pain.
Neguseo walked towards there, blowing a big nose like a human sighter.
I would rather say it that only because I do not like it.People who are easy to flush, not horses.
If he is a human being with this, he will be shed by my request and will finally feed me.Sorry he is not human.
Argento, are not you thinking strange things?
I thought that Neguse was a good horse.
Hmm, is that so?
Yeah, thats pretty frustrating.
He is shaken for a while on the back, Neguseo who is unnatural or elerates his feet, and arrives at the scene.
The first thing I thought was Beautiful.
In the area where it is understood that the flowers that did not know the name burned, the traces ofbustion disappeared at a certain position. Flowers that are not burning, not to mention grassy edge, have no impression of being thirsty.
For example, it seems to have covered only the part and burned.A state that only a certain range is burning and the rest is safe.
... ... Is it a strange way of burning?
It might be due to some kind of magic
Do you understand that kind of thing?
You are insensitive
To be sure, I am dull in the dullness and Im like a synonym ofzy people
I have not said that!
I got off from Negseo and stepped into the burned point.
If I concentrate my consciousness, I felt my skin tinged.It looks like a sun tanning, it feels calm.
... ... Magical residue?
Is this the feeling that Neguseo feels?
I thought about asking, but Neguseo was eating grass that was not burning. if you interrupt the meal, it is bad. Im better leave him alone.
...... Is the cause of smell like meat burning, is this?
There were several charcoals shaped like people in the burn mark.Probably, it was originally a living thing.
Although it is copsing, it can be determined that there are limbs.Face bones are close to dogs.I wonder if I should say it as a human wolf?
It is simr to the Kobolt I saw in the forest, but the Koboldt was as tall as my waist.In front of me is a bigger corpse.It is about a little smaller than an adult man.
Something simr to a man was burned entirely, leaving only the shape of a dimly skeleton.It copses each time it blows in the windA corpse.It can be seen from the fact that it was burned with considerably strong fire power.
I feel a beast smell in the burning smell.It is not of charcoal in front of my eyes.Its more fresh, or more fresh.
If I concentrate a bit more on smell, I may find something C
N nya?
The moment when I felt the burning smell strongly, the mes hit me directly.
Chapter 35
Trantor note: Our Fox little sister attack MC because:
1, Her mother was hold hostage
2, Her neck was locked by a SLAVE COLLAR
3, She was given an order kill any monstere near this area because they will hunt you and kill you
4, She is still very small, she was separate from her mother before she can learn much about the world. She mistake our MC is like Elsee. She is pretty much thinking she fight for her life.
Side note: This loli talking have ~no in the end of her word. like desu ~no , masu ~no. I n to keep desu ~no but because it may annoying people so I will stop. Just remind you that she is that type of girl.
And just simple put it here even its not rte.
Chapter 35: The Determined me (Misunderstanding)
-that was a suprise
me resistance 10, Magic resistance 10.
For me with these two, the magic of me only have little damage whether it came surprisingly.It felt an unpleasant heat like the summer wind, it just passed by.
Because it makes me feel hot with two maximum tolerance skill, it probably was a magic of considerable power, but ... what on earth are you intending?
Youre okay, Argento !!
Neguseo, please stand down for a bit.
Well, yeah ... is it okay?
Dont you know my ability?
... ... I agree with you
Neguseo turns and moves away.
We can see each others ability somehow by contract of blood.If Neguseo hits the current me, he will be a steak of cherry-blossom in a blink of an eye.
Ah, hes getting faster.
There is a difference in eleration from when he followed up with me.Fluffy mane like sleeping bed go away as I see it.
His max speed, I may not outrun him now if he run seriously.Let s make a decision if he is challenged for the next game.
Muu ... ... did my clothes burn?
Clothes that I got from Xeno be ash.
Clothing is not included in the items I got in the forest.There were clothes, but there is not any clothes for children like me.
Naturally speaking it is natural.There are no ordinary poachersing with children, so the tools they have are necessities of their daily necessities. Even though I have a stove and a pot, I can not have childrens clothes.
I got naked after all, is not it ... ... well, pleasee out
Do you have to misunderstand it even on nkets?However, I will try not to think about it now.
Direction in which I spoke, a few meters away from me, the ashes was blew away.The gust of wind gently stroking the cheeks still feels like sting on the skin.
And there was a girl in the center of the wind.
First of all, her ears, it pointed out.As I look careful to the ears, it is animals ears, brown was mixed, remind me of fox.
The fluffy long hair that looks like the mixed color of gold and tea.
Yellow eyes with a fist eye are vertically elongated pupils, but they are simr to cats, but it is certain that the foxs eyes are shaped like a cats eyes even though it is a canine, so I think the fox is correct as well .
I can not see the butt because I face each other, but I can confirm that the fox tails are two, elongated.
... ... a fox loli? (T.N: in original mean fox little girl)
In a nutshell, she is the two pronged tails fox.It is a human-like creature with ears and tails.
Looking at features other than foxes, the age of appearance seems to be the same or smallerpare to me now.Rather than being a girl,A loli may suit her better?
And her neck is filled with a metal cor.
Although there is no chain on the cor, it is terrible to put on her small body. Its very obvious used to restraint than an essory.
She was wearing a Japanese clothes, but there were parts where the area around my arm was tornrgely, etc.
Kimono length is short, thin and healthy feet peculiar to children are thighs
Her shape give a ve impression.Even so, I do not think that treatment is good.
Perhaps she was hiding in the ashes, ascertaining our approach.
Although the dress is dreadful, the soul dirt seems to be blown off by the magic of the wind, the skin and the hair are very beautiful.Thats why extraordinary looking stains are conspicuous.
... ... I have not heard that there is such a strong monster.
The reverberating voice matches a lovely figure, a high voice.
It seems like I obviously misunderstood.ording to Oswald-kun, the vampire is a demi human being and it should be a different category from demons.
I am not a demon?
Im sorry ... I can not give up on you ... ... an order, so ...!
...... There are many people who do not want to talk.
Oswald-kun, then Chrome, and a fox loli in front of me.A simr flow continued three times and it seem like in her eyes, Im a scary monster. She pointed to the sky with her index finger.At the same time, I feel something like a sprinkle on my cheek.
Well, is this a magical force?
It is the third time I have this feeling.
If you feel the clear power so far repeatedly over a short period of time, you will understand it indeed.Chromes magic is a magical power of the difference kind.I was able to feel pretty much how that magic was used.
The magical power concentrated on her fingertips bes a red glow.
What is lit is warm, not easy things.I had a feeling that it would be easy to burn off this area.
Earlier, I only use a little power, I will go seriously from now!
Ha, is that so?
Fox Fire C Hsenka ! ( C Pɻ: Kitsunebi C Hsenka)
I heard the word Fox fire and she really had the impression ah, she is a fox after all.
A me ball shed at the fingertip.That size, which is about the size of an adult s face, is released to me.
The me before reaching me is divided became many piece. Literally, Its small like seeds. Many grains of mes like rain flew toward me.
Wow, Its hot!
The me stuck on my skin is greatly diminished by my tolerance.Still it received some damage.
I felt the heat on my skin like the oil sshed deep frying. I shrink a little.After all, it seems to be quite powerful as a magic of fire.
Thats hot ... ...what are you doing?
What are you going to do if trace remained?Its terrible.
Ah, a .... So... sorry ? (T.N: Yes, good loli, you know to apologize)
Yes, I forgive you because you apologized.
Ah, thank, Im d ... wait, why am I need to apologized !? (T.N: because you are good girl at heart, you just dont get teaching properly, so you dont know our MC isnt a monster)
Is it needed to apologize if you do bad things?
I understand such a thing ... Oh geez! Beast division, sprout .
Her two tails moved like a wave.At the next moment, one tail separated from her.
Her tail, separated like a lizards tail, changes shape significantly.
First of all, it had swollen up, limbs grew.The face, clothes, cors are shaped is the same. In a few seconds, her tail be an exact duplicate of her.
They are two people who are exactly the same in both taste and look. Shake one tail of the same length to each other and hold hands toward my direction.That movement ispletely synchronized.
You became twin-chan
Now, I will go with double magic power
Would you please stop when you are satisfied?
Double whirlwind sickle (դޤ: Futa e Kamaitachi! )
The atmosphere from the scenery is distorted. Her spell is cut the surrounding and burn thing to charcoal, a twin zing wind de approach me that can be visually observed.
Since there is no tolerance for wind attributes, it may hurt like get hit by a whip.I do not want to get hurt, so I will keep a little defense.
Please, Wind-san
I point my finger at twin girls that holding hands.Then speak words.
The wind I created has no cutting power like her.If the other wind is a verbal sybary, my wind is like a gust of wind.
Still, the wind have the same nature.The flying de surely receives the influence of my magic, and when it reaches my body.
I feel a little tingling
It is enough to make a dull pain like when clean your body using a bad towel.Although it is unpleasant, there was not much pain like when I got hit by her Hsenka.
The two foxes are opening a small mouth with pokn face as they have seen the UFO.I do not know if UFOs will fly to this world though. (pokn: is an surprise face with round and white eyes, see trantor corner)
Why are you unscathed ...?! (T.N: fox loli and her copy said at the same time)
Because I have high magic resistance ... ... Are you satisfied?
... It is said that you are a hunting demon
I am not a demon?
Because of that much sign, there is no one who does not have a t face, receiving my magic from the front!
No, I am not a human, but Im not a demon ...
... What do you mean, by that?
Im the same demi human like you are. Im Argento vampear of vampire. Nice to meet you, Cor no-pan (T.N: No-pan is japanese short for no panty)
Cor no-pan!
Was it better for the no-pan cor?
At least, take away the no-pan part !?
No, because I saw it when you use the wind magic.
Well, I do not want to listen to peoples story. But Fox little girl, I want you to listen to my story.
Trantor Corner:
This is Noires pokan face. Round and white eyes.
Chapter 36
Fox loli talking is really cute, I really like her ~wa , ~no , desu ~no, desu~wa.
And a warning, this arc is really sad.
But it also show our Fox loli is really a good girl, I want to hug her andfort her.
Chapter 36: The foxs repayment
Im sorry I have caused you trouble this time ...
No, no, its fine as long as you understand it.
The Fox girl is deeply lower her head appologize. Im trying calm her down, say thats okay and look around the surroundings.
Where she brought me is just a sad cabin.
A wooden building, which is clearly not built for the purpose of people living. There is nothing like furnishings, if I must say there was anything, only straw is stacked up.
There are holes in the ceiling and the walls, so it really cant protect you from rain and wind.
Far from the stables, it was a ce like a food storage ce for horses.It seems that it has be ruin from long ago.There were no private houses around and I felt that she lived in a very lonesome ce.
Speaking of a horse, I am acting seperate from Negseo for now.
Because we have a blood contract, If I need him I can just ask, he wille soon. We are seperating because there no space to fit him here.
Im facing the apologetic fox loli. After a while, she finally lifted her head.
My name is Kuzuha.
Kuzuha-chan, right. I understand, Arge is good for me.
I understand ... about that ... uhm ... I would like to give Arge-san something as an apology ... If possible, I would like with action or item not just words ... but ... I will do anything as far as I can for you
Hm, is that so?
Apparently, Kuzuha-chan seems to be poor.Clothes are ragged and her living ce is also ruined.
She herself is also saying as far as I can so I better not expect much.
... I can not say that I want to be feeded to a small girl.
Also as an adult, I do not think It good to ask anything from a small child.
Children are an existence that needs to be protect.
Her tone is calm and she is not a human, so her age may different with how she seem to be ... And I did not hear her age but she looks like a little girl and I can feel she is still immature.
If I do not know her age, I only have to distinguish by appearance and atmosphere.And in my eyes, she is a little girl so far so she is not a parasitic target.
Loli-gramp also has a loli voice, but she was apparently living a long-lived with God-like existence so she is a parasitic candidate. That person,no... maybe I should call her goddess. But even now I still wonder if she will acept to feed me for life.
If there is something I really want right now, it is clothes, but as you see Kuzuhas ragged clothes and no-pan style. How can she have clothes to give me when she dont even have clothes for herself.
At the moment, Im covering myself with a thin nket, but I also want to avoid other see me as a lewd person.It is troublesome.
For now, what I want ... is clothes?
Well ... Im really sorry ...
Yes, I know, after all it seems impossible.
First of all, why does she live in such a ce?
I want to ask but if the story is long, Im going to be sleepy in middle. So Im better not ask in the first ce.
To tell the truth, I am here from someones order ... If I get reward from him, I think that I can repay you ...
Kuzuha-chan seem sad when she is saying that, her tails is falling down.
I dont want to see a small child get sad, I need to listen to her story. I have to be careful not to fall asleep.
My esteemed mother is cooperated with the vige lord
Yes, as far as he promise, by the end of that cooperation project, he and my esteemed mother can have power to maintain peace surrounding this kingdom ... She is a gently and proud demon so she agree to help.
Hmm ... ... Even if they cooperate, what is the lord doing attually?
I heard that it is a research on weapons that end war with the empire.Thend is ruined due to the war between the empire and the kingdom, and it is also a matter effect a lot to our beastkin. Esteemed mother are doing admirably work such as that
A ... fuu ...
No, no, not at all.
Im done it now, because the story has gotten longer,I got tired and yawn.
I am sleepy, but I can understand that even if I am sleep, she is definitely deceived.
... Honorable parents treat children like this?
Live in a ruin stable, do not give decent clothes, also attach a cor.
She probably doesnt feel deceived.Kuzuha-chan, you stupid ... No, its still too soon.I do not know how her parents are.
Well its OK for me.Intervention in battle between countries, etc.
Kuzuhas story continued for a while, and I decided to properly hear it.Generally summarized, Her esteemed mother works hard on her own, so it was a story of a feeling that I do not have to memorize in detail.
... Thats why I can not leave here, I do not have anything, I wish I had something to do for you ...
No no, you do not have to worry.
She is just a child that is out of the parasitic target, and it seems she has her own problem, too.I can not ask her anything and I do not expect her to do anything for apologize in the first ce.
However, she seems to be very sorry. She may be convincing a little If I got something from her even in form only.I wonder if there is something ...
... Ah
There were.
Just a good apology, in front of my eyes.
I pointed to what I found.Make sure that she notice, and she change her view to where my finger shows.
Straw, It seems to befortable for sleeping, so please let me take a nap there?It is good as an apology.
Whats up?
Well, why ? are you sure?
Thats good, is not it?
Well, I do not mind ... but ...
Well, good night
Since I got her approval, I decide to lie down without hesitation.
Indeed naked straw I seemed to get stuck in my skin, so Iy down lying in a nket, wrapped in a nket.Well, its fluffy and not bad.
Uhm ... Arge-san ...?
She is saying something, but I already have her approval, I decided to go to sleep.
Ah ... I must tell Negseo, ... I take a nap so please do as you like for the mean time and transfer thought, I have nothing to worry about anymore.good night.
Chapter 37
Ah... Kuzuha is really cute, I really want to add her Desu~ no , Desu~ wa in every sentence. But it may annoying people so I only keep with easy word that almost people know.
The Poor girl, it will take several chapter for Arge to save her.
And THIS ARC IS REALLY REALLY SAD. Even it was a good story and Kuzuha is really a good girl. But I cant help it, I cry a lot in this Arc.
Brace yourself reader, chapter will get more and more sad. But thats also how Author build more love for both Arge and Kuzuha. You maye here for a goodugh but end up with the feel instead.
Chapter 37: Fox and dinner
Arge-san, Arge-san, please wake up.
Ni ~yamu
I obediently listen to her and wake up.
Rising while still sleepy, from the hole in the ceiling I can see a starry sky.This hut, what will it do on rainy days?
Was it still night?
Its already night, you sleep well
E he he, that much is nothing
I am not praising!? Why is you voice seem pleased, but your face is serious?
It is a vampires talent.
Oh, I see, its amazing, is not it?
While looking delicately, Kuzuha-chan seems to be convinced.
To believing such lies, just how gullible can this little girl be.
Because I felt asleep on the top of fluffy straw, my body doesnt feel so stiff. But as my habit, I stretched like usual. Yeah, its refreshing.
Arge-san, front! Your front!
Fu nya? Aa, Im sorry
It seems that the wrapped nket slipped down.Because Kuzuha-chan pointed out, I wore it back.
I do not really mind, but it is rude to let a little girl see.
Well, but it was her fault that I dont have any clothes anyway, and I think she already saw everything when she burn my clothes with first fire spell. (T.N: but you also see her no-pan when she use wind)
I rolled a nket around my body and got off the straw, and two dishes were lined up on the ground.
What is this?
Although I know it look like a meal but I did not understand what is the thing in front of me ?
The te itself is t and round, the bowl is a bit deeper. I think this is a soup dish.What I do not understand is what is on it.
It is obviously hard to say soup.The color is yellowish white and it seems to be sticky.Such a thing was served as a soup dish ?
The smell is unpleasant like a sweet sour.
... ... A rotten porridge?
I can only say that.It is hard to say that this is what human eat, no matter how you look at it.It is worse than dog food.
Kuzuha-chan was sitting in front of the dish, and both hands are pped. She hold her long hair so it wont get in the way, and she bow deeply,
Itadakimasu ~wa (Itadakimasu: is mean like let eat or bon appetit)
Please wait
With almost a reflexive movement, I pick up the dish from her front.
And I put it in the blood bag, Im also doing the same with my portion as well.
... Arge-san?
Kazuha looks at me with a strange look.
Although she was trying to eat, but it was bad, I think she is better stopping it right now.
... Indeed this will break your stomach.
It is not good to eat something that can not even be called as food.
It is something that makes you feel ufortable even just see other eat in front of you.I think that children should eat more fresh and nutritious things.
Perhaps she eats such things on a daily basis, but I could not overlook it.
... It was a feast. Is this food from the lord?
Well, yes, I got it while Arge-san was sleeping, I am sorry that it isnt good, but ... you ate it just now, is not it?
Yes, vampires can eat meal from their hand
Is that so !?
Yes, I can even eat from my elbow.
Wow, thats amazing ... !
Yes, she believe it seriously and its a little funny so Ill leave it uncorrected. The sparkling cat eyes, no, ... fox eyes are cute.
Take out some nuts and fruits from the Blood Bag and hand it to Kuzuha-chan.
You better eat this one.It is much better than eating something doubtful whether it is food or not.
I apologized for eating it.
... no, its alright, I dont mind
Even so I still must apologize.
... Arigat gozaimasu ~wa (Arigat gozaimasu: mean thank you very much)
Kuzuha-chan started to eat the fruits, she lower her smal head deeper than when she say Itadakimasu ~wa before.It seems that she get my intention.
I do not have to eat for a few days and I still have plenty of food.
Neguse seems to be eating the grass that is growing around that so far, so the fruits is only for Kuzuha-chan.
After waiting for Kuzuha-chan to finish eating, Im start talking.
Is Kuzuha-chan satisfied with the treatment now?
What do you mean?
Living apart from your mother and live here alone, and meal is like this, are not you tired?
... My esteemed mother is still doing her best, I can not selfish ask for anything
Is that so ... ... arent you lonely?
...Just a little. Ive not seen her for a few months already. The lord is telling me all the time that my esteemed mother are still doing her best ... But Id like to hear it from her not just a report from the lord.
I thought that the lord and parents were terrible, but when I heard Kuzuha-chans story in detail, I thought that the circumstances may be different.
... Parents, too?
If the child as well as the parent is easy to be deceived, I can understand the current state somehow.
I do not say that parents are absolutely not going to treat children bad, but it is more like that the lord is the bad one here.
I look at Kazuha-chans te, look like she is already finish eating. As I collect the contents in the blood bag, I was remind of the dish that Kazuha-chan prepare. Things that were on the te were never a decent meal, but for her it was surely the best hospitality from the lord.
Im sorry, Kuzuha-chan, I will go out for a while
Where are you going?
Because Im full, I will go have a walk, and I do not mind if you fall asleep before I get back.
Do not wait for Kuzuha-chans response, I stand up and head for the exit.
Push the hole boarded wooden te no longer ying the role of the door, and go outside.
Well, then I should go?
I slept well and also took meals.
In a sense, I owe Kazuha-chan a favor.
Concentrate on smell and find the direction of human smell.It is probably a small vige because it does not feel as much odor as Arlesha.
I put the nket in the Blood Bag and changed my body to a bat.
... This is also one kind of gratitude.
It was never like meals to be served but it is not a problem.
It is important for me with how I feel. Her treatment earlier is sufficient for me and it is a burden.
I will meet her mother, I will verify the truth and I will bring she if possible.
I will repay that much for the favor I owe.
I flung the bats wing, pping it. It will be troublesome so I choose the shortest distance, a straight line.
Chapter 38
Reminder: Dont apply hentai logic or guro logic here.
This is R-15 novel.
Chapter 38: Vampire, go out for a walk in the evening.
The scenery around me is the darkness of the night and the moonlight.
With the vampires eyes, I can see everything even without the moonlight.
There is a small vige that is visible.There are no more than 20 houses.
There are fields around every house, I guess I can call it a rural area.
From the smell, It seems that there are also several small viges around ... But this is thergest one and nearest to the ruined hut where Kuzuha-chan is living.
Her mother is here.The reason I think so is the two-story mansion in the center of the vige.
Even though the surrounding house is made of wood, only that house is built with brick-like items.Its like a small castle.
The scent drifting from the mansion clearly includes things other than people.
...... It is a smell of beasts.
Animal other than man.On top of that, sweet smell that mixing with smell of beasts.
Perhaps, it is a unique smell that I do not know unless my sense of smell is sharper. What I feel right now is a smell simr to Kuzuha-chans smell.
A smell of someone who is not Kuzuha-chan, which is simr to Kuzuha-chan. Without thinking, it cant be anyone else but her mother.
I skip the bat wing and go to the mansion.
There is no-one keep watch when I look from the sky.Because it is a small vige, there should not enough people to do that.Although, they might have a guard in the house.
After confirming that no one was there, I thrust into a nearby window.I will not break it.I atomize the body just before that.
Literally like a fog, from the gap between the window and the wall into the mansion.
It was easy
The first word when Im returning to the human form.
Apparently, it seems that long time has passed since this house was built.
When considering that surrounding houses are made of wooden shelves, it seems to have been built in a hurry, in the past long ago ...
This house seemed not only old but also looked rough, there were gaps in the closed window. And it was easy to invade from there.
Its a gap that you can not enter if you are not fog though.
It is a gap that mist, liquid, or the like can easy go through.It would be sufficient to prevent people from entering.
I scarcely smell human beings around.It seems that the number of humans guarding is small.
Obviously, because it is a countryside, is it natural?This seems that I can walk around in a dignified manner.
I lightly scoop up my hair that reflects the moonlight, and I start walking through the mansion.
Night air on the bare skin is a little cold, but it is an obstacle to walk so I have not put out a nket.
... It would be better for me to get clothes first.
I would like to avoid being treated like a pervert.
Because I dont have clothes right now so it un-avoid-able, still I dont want talking around naked..
If there are people like maidens on this mansion, there may be clothes, but looking for other errands is troublesome and I do not know if there is a size for a small child like me.Lets give up this time.
By entering into the mansion, the smell of beasts is felt stronger.
The scent like getting up from the feet and the floor showed that there is a lower floor here.
It is the first floor where I am walking.Below this, then that means there is a underground basement.
You have to find an entrance to the basement.Even though I know the general direction with my sense of smell, I can not grasp the exact route. Well, that is troublesome.
If it is outdoors, you should proceed towards the direction where the smell has flowed, but it will not work so indoors.
There are walls and floors in the surroundings, you can not get there unless you go through the stairs and the door, not the straight line in the direction you want to go.
I feel a sensory-like sensation. This is what I just remembered today.
I feel the same as what I felt when ying with Kuzuha-chan.Magical power residue in the air.
... Is she called me?
Somehow, I felt that way.
A small feel like a small child grabbed my hand and pulling me.
It is very weak but I feel it certainly.ording to that feeling, I walked in the corridor where the moonlight drew.
I pass through several doors and stop my feet in front of a door.It is somewhat bigger than the other doors that I went through beforeing here.
I opened it by pushing lightly, and I looked inside.It was arge, vertically oriented room with arge table in the center.
The table is covered with arge white cloth, and a three-pronged candlestick is ced with a constant sense.
Is this a dining room?
The sense of being pulled fingers is still ongoing.Enter the dining room, bypass the table and go further.
When I opened the door on the opposite side from where I came in, it was a kitchen.
It is much wider than the kitchen at Felnote-sans house.I feel that the equipment is in ce, so it probably is being built up.
It is big kitchen.The oven is alsorge.The refrigerator can be stored twice as much as what was in the Felnote-sans house.
The kitchen utensils hooked on the wall attached to the wall are beyond ten with kitchen knife alone.
The shorter the des are on the right, the longer ones are left.It is a tidy arrangement.
... She is not here either.
As the irritation to the sense of smell gets stronger little by little, it seems that it approaches, but it is still thin.The sense of magical power has not disappeared, it keeps piercing the skin.
Looking at the kitchen in moderation, I step forward to the direction of sense navigation.It is a small door next to the cold storage.
As expected, you can imagine what the next room is like.
Is it a food storehouse?
It will be a space to preserve ingredients that need to be kept cold.
The smell that I feel from the other side of the door is a thing.I guess this is the smell of onion.
But this door was strangely sturdy for the food storage.
Three locks.The door itself is obviously made of thick metal.It is as if It doesnt allow people to enter or leave.
I understand that food is important, but will we normally do so?
If its not normal, then the things in here may not be normal
I change my body to a shadow.The shadow is literally a shadow.There is no thickness, and it can enter any gap.Besides, the time is at night, the light is not lighted in the kitchen, so its dark.
I have a high skill level of shadowing I can be a shadow even in the sun, but those who change as they blend into the shadow do not get tired. Shadowing is the most fluctuating change system skill, if it has been set up.
I can not move forward earlier but I can move as the shadow.I slowly broke into the food storehouse.
The flow of magical power is gradually felt strongly.
Apparently this person seems to be close to the end.
Chapter 39
I already told you guys this is R-15 Novel.
Theres NO HENTAI logic or GURO logic here.
This is just a simple tregedy, the lord kill the mother
and use her body as main supply power to use spell.
Her body is still intact and look like sleeping.
This time is a Cliff Hanger but not so much impressive as the feel.
The first thing after I entered the food store and return to human form was to pinch my nose.
... Onion is bad.
The headache hurt a little to the green onions scent that drifted fromrge quantities onion.
After bing a vampire, my sense of smell has be sharp, and my nose is getting stronger by the smell strengthening skill effect.
Even if I smell just fine when I was a human being, but right now, it smell so bad that enough to kill me.
If onions is cooked with fire, I can eat deliciously, but the unique smell of uncooked onions is the worst.
It seems that rice and wheat flour are also kept in the food cab, but the odor of green onion is terrible.
Uhm ... ... this way, right?
While blocking my nose nose, I hurry run to the back of the food storehouse.
There was a staircase to the basement, there is wind blow so it is no longer necessary to block my nose.
The wall around the stairs is somewhat unnatural.
I guessed this basement has been madeter after the mansion was built. They make space by digging holes and breaking the floor of the food storehouse.Thats why its an unnatural connection.
...Isnt this usually build in bed room?
This is arge renovation.It is no doubt that the lord himself has done it. But why did not him create an entrance to his room?
This is a staircase to the secret basement, no matter how you look.It is natural for the entrance of these things to be built so that you can get out your room.
Because people were in his room (like his family) can get oout without being seen by anyone and there is no way that someone can sneak in without his permission because they have to go through his private room.
But the entrance leading to the basement of this mansion was in the food warehouse.There is indeed weird.
... Are the cook is also the lord?
If so, you can convince to build an entrance to the basement in a food cab that only you can enter .... Well, I can not help but thinking.
As It became troublesome, I decided to ept the facts in front of me and go down the stairs.
While feeling cool air throughout the body, I get down to the basement.I feel cold unless I wear something but I can not do it right now.
I go down the stairs little by little and eventually arrived in one room.
It was a huge painting on the floor that first came into my eyes when I got off the stairs.
The picture drawn with a circle purple paint, and there are severalplicated patterns in the circle.
A strange picture like drawing a circle and overwriting a lot of symbols in it. The word Magic square immediately came into my mind.
Purple paint is emitting light, and it has a somewhat strange atmosphere.
Armor with sword was arranged so as to surround the magical square around.
A full te that covers everything from head to toe.
And in the center of the team, she was.Tied to the chain extending from the ceiling and was hanged.
The fox-colored fur is dirty, the ear hangs without force, and the kimono shes wearing is severely torn.
The feet have not reached the ground and are slightly floating.Only her nine tails that mmed down all the time are touching the floor.
I understood it at the moment I saw it.I knew it. The mothers life has run out long ago.
Just being hung and weakening does not feel that way.
She is not weakened. Her soul is missing. Her heart is not even beating.
It was a very natural, corpse.
Even though I could understand that, I approached thedy being hung.Do not need to worry about magic squares paint getting stamped on.
...Good evening
Looking into the face from below, she was surprisingly beautiful.
The eyelids with long eyshes are closed and the plump red lips are thin open as if breathing. Her body is still remain intact, there is no scratch or hurt.
There is no smell of death or smell like the flesh has decayed.There is scent of beast and sweet scent peculiar to women.
Far from being dead, she only look like shes just sleeping.
Still, she is not alive.As if to sleep, she is dead.
Without say anything return to my words. She is there, silence.
Her body is beautiful, is there some kind of antiseptic treatment is applied.
... If so, what is this feeling?
The flow of magical power still here.The source is definitely from her body.
I wonder if the corpse have called me. Then Why, how?
When I still in doubt, one thing happened under my feet,purple magic square started to shine strongly.
I thought it was a trap at first, but it seems to be different.
The purple light turns into gold.
A woman appeared before me, with the same appearance as the one Im holding.
Her foxs ears and foxs yellow eyes are open.
The kimono she is wearing is somewhat shy, a red flower with a unique shape was drawn, which is simr to Higanbana.
From her thin smile mouth, the beasts fang is peeking.
Someone who looked just like the suspended woman.
You are?
This will only happens when someone other than a human being appears here, I will leave this record.
Record ...?
I was invited by the Lord of this mansion, he want me to stop the war and seek out ways together to do that ... that kind of story.
She keeps talking ignoring me in her sight, neglecting the question I ask.
From her word, the woman who is talking in front of me is probably the same person who is hanging next to me.
Before her life was exhausted, she left images and words magically.A will of video format in my former world.
In the world that I know, the words recorded in the video and recorder can not be treated as legal wills ... This is a different world, the one talking is the foxdy using her magic power, the one watching is a vampire.You do not have to tell me some stupid things. I know it isnt video wills. (T.N: break the four wall ? Author)
She is simr to Kuzuha-chan, but with a more calming and mature feeling.
I was deceived .... I dont want get revenge ... It is somewhat devastating when my lifee to an end. But only my daughter, Kuzuha, is concerned ... ... Because she is a pure child ... Oh, did you see her yet? She is a pretty baby that she was born and she is so cute.
What are you doing at the time of death?
Even though I understand that her illusion can not understand me because she is a picture.
Because she cant hear my word, she arrange the photos one by one.It is a lot of affluent attitude to be caught.
I wonder if she is really dead, this person.Also, there are pictures in other worlds too.
... Well, I sorry for the distract, I will return the story soon.
I do not know the exact time because there is no clock, but after doing some doting parent work for a couple of minutes, she have returned the tone of her voice to a serious one.
She is a kind of up C and C down person. She may be simr to her daughter.
I do not know who is watching this video and I know that I was not obliged to ask, but ... I wonder if I can ask you to take care of my daughter ... please ... I hope you do.
Deeply lower her head C With that posture, the foxdy turned something like golden particles,scattered and disappeared.
At the same time, the fox-colored light inside of the basement change back to a mysterious purple light.
... She is a stupid person, is not it?
As shes dying, she prepare words to tell her daughter because her daughter is so important to her.
Her daughter was too important to her but she get killed, get hung in the basement and was forgotten in such a ce.
Rather than wish to be save, she thought about my daughter too much and depended on someone.
She may not even be able toe into contact with anyone because of where she left behind an image. Still she bet her life on a slight possibility.
I can not fulfill your wish
I think that feeling is precious.But why should I and how can I do such a thing?
Far from looking after someone else, Im looking for someone to take care of me.
I have no connection, I dont even know if I can live for myself. Even if I ask about the dead body I just met today, I have no answer.
... All I do is to return the favor.
I just want to return what I got.To that end, I will bring her back to her daughter.
What to do after that is Kuzuha-chans decision.She is neither an outsider (me) nor dead (the mother), she is a girl who has to keep on living.
I unwind chains wrapped around the body of the foxdy who I do not even know her name.
It was not tied or locked, it was not difficult to just remove it because it was just rolled up, but I took a bit of trouble because of the height problem.
Okay, I got you
The height of the foxdy is higher than me and because the body is dead, there is no power in the body, she is heavy.
Nheless, I am a vampire with cheat power, I can carry her just fine.Politely, in the form of a princess pick, I take Kuzuha-chans mother.
Lets return to Kuzuha-chans hut.The moment I thought so, the shine under my feet increased again.
Different from before, light does not change to fox color.The purple shine fills the entire room.
Who daree into my basement atte night like this ?
The voice that struck from the staircase is the voice of a man with a calm atmosphere.
Perhaps it was a mechanism that would be detected when moving a corpse. So troublesome.
Chapter 40
Unlike reader, the trantor is read chapter over and over to find the right word to trante. I get a lot of feel (sad) and rage (want to kill pig lord).
Im in rage mode because of the PIG LORD and people keep mis-understand. So I behave quite bad in thest two chapters.
Anyway, Im really sorry for that.
On a side note: well, if you dont really hurt by the feel. I think it was still good in a sense. I think Im over sensitive. Its not like, everyone will cry a lot with a sad story.
That pure damage still hurting me even now, I cant really behave normal.
I think I dont need to worry anymore. But just saying, the feel is still here.
Chapter 40: Rutss ambition
At the stairway, He said in a loud voice with a rxed sense, his footsteps echoing through the basement.
He was a man wearing magician like clothes.Robe has gold embroidery from here and there, it looks really expensive.
His dark hair color are mixed ck and blue. His age from the face is about mid-twenties?
Because the robe is thick, I do not know the physique is clear but the line of the face is narrow.The pupil is purple.
Wee, intru...buffu!
Somehow the lord blew off when he tried to say something.
He disconnected his eyes and pulls his hands against his mouth. I wonder what happened?
Whats the matter?
why is there a pervert in my basement ... ?!
Excuse me, its just that I dont have clothes to wear
Because it was burned down by Kuzuha-chan, Im not naked because I want to.
The reason why that happened was also because the lord (PIG) who trick Kuzuha-chan.
Okay, I do not really understand ... That thing you are picking up is belonging to me, I will get it back now
You think she be your possession because you sess to deceive her and kill her ?
Thats exactly why, what the hunter hunted is his possession? In the same way, It was me who kill that female fox ... so that body belong to me, Ruts Shivua (`?: Rtsu shivu~a, TN: I dont even want to know what his name should be, I just let it as that)
A man named Rut took out a cane from his bosom.
It was a familiar color.It is almost gold but only the tip of the cane is brown.
Short wand with color of fox.The design is simple, it looks just like a stick with just a blister tip, but that color is the same shiny fox color is really familiar.
Not only color, both the smell and the magical power that I feel from the cane are definitely of the same as the Kuzuha-chan and her mother.
That staff is ... ....
I dwell with demons and demi, the magical power that overflows from the dead body of a particrly powerful fellow, I was me who researching Magic Artifact to make it.
So, It was really you who kill this person?
It was easy to deceive an idiot fox. Im just telling it I can make use of that power for peace and itpletely believe me. Ipletely took care of it using the poison.Well, It still living for a while but it make a perfect magical power source by hang it here in the basement. It stop breathing in a couple of days though
Beside, she has a daughter, she is still young but she is also growing up to be a fine living research material. That fox simr to her mother, is also stupid. Its easy to do. I even put a ve cor on the neck
I get that you want to take back her corpse by force, why are you only just talking so far.
Oh ... Of course, I just wanted time for the prototype ... and the preparation isplete!
It seems that he was prepared something, so he is talking to stall time.
It wasnt an amusing story, in fact I feel disgusted.
A golden light flew from the fox staff was shine brightly.
I thought that it was an attack, but it was not the case.The light emitted was not aiming at me, but is hitting the armor around the room.
Trial production Magic Artifact, Kujyu Butai.Now... Dance!
An euphoric voice resonates in the cer.
The armors in the cer start moving. Not just one armor, all of them start to move with the nging metal sounds. There are 9 bodies in total.
It will be wonderful, it takes a little time to cast spell, but it is an immortal soldier who has no life, even if it is destroyed and we still have no human injury .This will be popr in the empire, and we can even mass production !!
Ha, is that so?
From your body, I can feel high magical power ... Vampires or demons, whatever you are, I will add as a new experimental body!
I do not care about the his purpose, but I cant bring Kazuha-chans mother back like this.
Since it seems to be difficult to fight while princess carry her body, I put down the dead body of Kuzuha-chans mother to the floor.
Careful, dont be rough, gently, dont let her body get hurt andy her on the floor.
The flock of armor ispletely surrounded me.The movements of the armor are as smooth as it has people in, they pull out the sword and is beginning to attack.
... If no one is inside, I do not have to hold back.
Wind-san, please.
First I need to take some distance to not involve Kazuhas mothers body. I use my magic and thrust my hand to the armor that was on the right side, which is close to me.A small gust of wind cover my hand make a magic fist attack blow the armor away and hit the wall. (see, trantor corner)
The armor that was hit by the wall fell down and stop for a moment, then it got up quickly.
The helmet is dented, and perhaps also the torso.Even so, it does not seem like being frightened, nor does it drop the sword.
There is no single response, it hasnt been defeated yet. It is a suitable existence to call as an immortal soldier.
This is quite troublesome thing, isnt it?
At the same time Im talking, the remaining eight rushed to me.
They alle directed towards here and reach the range, they sh at the same.
Because I dont want to get hurt, I choose avoidance rather than defense.
I move with high speed, passed the side of the armor that came from the left.Armors who have lost sight of the target (me) collide with each other, and a loud sound reverberates.
If there is human in it, that would be a big ident, but there are no people inside the armor.It get up immediately and run toward me to attack.
And the enemy is not just the armors.Ruts is pointing the cane toward here.
A sensory-like feeling. Here ite.
Thunder,e forth!
It came.Light flew from the tip of the cane.
It is obviously different from the band of light that he use to move the armors earlier.It is more powerful, it can be called lightning.
Lightning strike.It is not the speed that can be avoided after watching it.It hit me directly.
I feel a little numb
... It hits like this though.
If this is a physical, genuine thunder, I may get hurt badly, but fortunately the opponents attack is magic type.
If magic, my resistance is significant reduce the damage.
That impossible, my thunder spell
Kujyu Butai, get her (I dont really understand but maybe Kujyu Butai is the magic word to control armor, not the name of armor)
Whichever is okay, because it is troublesome, I will finish it right now.
He can maniptes nine soldiers and can attack with un-avoid-able speed.
Well, its easy to deal with.Rather than avoid, you can defeat the opponents before the opponents attack you. (attack is the best form of defence)
I stepped in with all my strength from the start. After reborn, this is the first full strength.
... ... Its fast.
I moved at a speed that even the sound was left behind.
First of all, I will put the armors together and finish them. Speak the word Please while passing the armors, the wind will hear my words.
Wind rising from bottom to top.Together with the armors, I blew nine bodies off to the ceiling.Without even see my attack, all the armors was blow off quickly.
What ...!?
These things are an obstacle so I blow them away
I stop in front of him.Take his arm with my hand and I use my leg to sweep his feet. He is falling to the ground.
I take out the diggusting soup from my Blood Bag and thrust it into his mouth that leaked an agony voice.
I will not let you scream. Well, the armor hit the floor from a little while ago, and a gaudy sound is echoing as the armor collides with each other. I do not have to worry about sounds at the moment.If the guardse, I will just beat them all together.
I just want to return what I got.
It was a feast, I will repay you in full
This is the food Kuzuha-chan gave to me before.
And its origin is what he prepared.I will return the feeling that I got to Kuzuha-chan, but I will return the thing here in his mouth.
Mo, go, goooooo! ?
Whats wrong? it is meal, isnt it?
To give others what you can not eat.So this strange thing, I will make him eating all of it.
I open his mouth and stuffs it in.There is no use for me even if I have it, so I will return everything, PROPERLY.
The sound is loud in the background.The sound from the armors falls to the ground.Ignoring it and continue returning.
Ruts was squirmed violent, but his reaction got weaker and he is eventually pass out.A cane fell from the hand that lost power and a dry sound appeared.
... Hmm ... I still have more, but it can not be helped?
He is not dead. He just fainted.Lets put the rest in his hood.
I look back and none of the armor is moving.
It is not surprise, because they are moved by magic from the cane in his hand, the caster is unconsciousness, and the cane is falling to ground.It is the same as the radio control that picked up the remote control.
I avoid the parts of the scattered armor and return to Kuzuha-chans mother again.
Kuzuha-chan is waiting for you, lets go home.
There is no reply, even though I knew that. I lifted her and raised her up in a princess carry.
I take the soul-lessdy out of basement and leave the mansion.
On the way back, when I wonder what to do with the door of the food food storage, but ruts seems to have opened the door and i can get out without problems.
I wonder if Kuzaha-chan is still awake.
Trantor Corner.
Magic Fist Attack is kind of like this. I guess
Chapter 41
Readers already confirm so I guess it wasnt a feel enemy after all.
Sorry for the fake alert, everyone.
I think its safe to read chapter. English Grammar is still bad though.
I really appreciate when youin or point out my mistakes. So I can fix it and make the trantion better and better. I said it and I really mean it. I love how you helping me edit the novel.
insult any girl in this novel.
I read the novel. I knew everything.
I love all the girl, they are all good girl. Thats why I can keep trante.
This is my page, I make to spread the love. If you just wanna be a hater.
I never want to do it but I will ban yourment.
Heed my warning, dear readers.
When I return to the hut, Kuzuha-chan was sleeping on the straw.In her clothes, there are many exposures and the ces were ripped, she may get stuck by straw.
It seems somewhat lonely that she sleeps having her tail as a pillow. (see trantor corner)
I put Kuzuha-chans mother close to her. From my view, they look like mother and daughter sleeping together. (see trantor corner)
I thought that I should wake Kuzaha up, but I do not want to disturb others sleep.Let exin when she woke up. I put the straw to cover Kazuha-chan and her mother to keep warm in stead of nket. And then, I took out the nket from my Blood Bag, sat down and lean my back on the pir nearby.
I am a bit tired, so lets sleep.I thought so and I closed my eyes, but as I close my eyes, I hear the sound.
I open my eyes again and I see Kuzuha-chan is waking up.
While leaking a small voice, Kuzuha-chan got up.
As she got up, the straw I use to cover her start falling apart
Arge-san ...?
Did you wake it up? I am sorry.
No, it doesnt matter ... but what is it, I can feel my esteemed mother smells ...?
Your mother is over there
I point my finger to the straw part. Her mother is lying next to Kuzuha-chan.
After hear that, turned her face toward my finger direction.
She seems to be very happy, she jumps into her mothers chest. Just like a small fox y with parents.
Haha-sama!! (ĸ: Haha-sama = esteemed mother)
While keep call to her mother Haha-sama Haha-sama, Kuzaha rubs her face against her mothers chest. (see trantor corner)
I will proudly tell you what I was doing by listening to the lords speech and looking at her eyes that she want her mother to praise her. She skeep repeating those word with her mother.
But, of course, her mother does not respond. She never open her eyes and never move her fingers.
It seemed that it was so strange that Kuzuha-chans face got cloudy.
Ka a,-sama? D shita ndesu no? (ޣ ɤǤ: Mo...ther, whats wrong? )
... your mother is not going to wake up any more
Kuzaha-chan turned her yellow eyes toward me and immediately returned to her mother.
She is a child, with a pure heart, easy to be deceived.
But the meaning of the word I said, even a young girl like her can get it means can not open her eyes, forever.
Her tail, her ear was standing because she is happy just a moment ago. Right now, they wilted in a blink of an eye. Her small shoulder trembled and her big eyes were wide open.
Water drop on her mothers cheeks.
Her daughters tears.
Haha-sama...... ka a-sama, haha-sama......! (ĸ......ޡĸ...... T.N: everything is mean mother)
Kuza does not shout or rage, she stares at her mother s face, continues to call her mother, her tears just wont stop falling.
She never asked why, nor got angry. Just repeat calling her mother, overflowing with tears.
I trembled my shoulders and pulled up, I stretched out my hand to her but stopped. While she keep calling her mother.
... Touch and stroke her head.So how will this help?
It may beforting.But it will not be a salvation.
Her mother can not revive, even I can do something like that.
What I can do is to heal wounds.Thats it.
I can not bring back the dead.
My hands can conform her but it can not save her mother.
After all, I was just looking until Kuzuha-chans tears withered. Without touching.
... Im sorry, I showed you something unsightly.
No, I do not mind.
I appreciate it if you say so ... ... Thank you for bringing my mother back.
After crying all along, Kuzuha-chan smiled, she bow her head deeply with a smile on swollen eyes.
I touch the neck of fox girl who bow her head down.
Im touching not her skin but a cor.
Is this cor from the lord?
If I put on, the lord is able to know my location ... Mother says that it is safe to know the ce even if she are away. The lord have told her so, and it is a lie.
As expected, Kuzha is not deceived anymore.
No wonder.Because she did not ask why her mother died.
She saw the mothers body and understood. She already knew it. And she just cried.
As long as this thing on your neck, you can not go anywhere.
Thats right, I can not take it off, because a powerful curse has been applied ...
Please give me freedom
The word is directed to the cor, not to Kuzha.
Magic to dispel curses.Remove what it was on the cor.
At the same time as the magic solved the spell, a lot of cracks appear in the cor.The iron cor is broken apart.
Kuzha looks with a surpise face to the iron fragments scattered at her feet.
Arge-san, this is ... ....
You can now live freely as you like
It is not because I was asked.
I do not feel like taking care of her.
It is not a kind of repayment.
I just thought that I should do so.
Just like I sleep when I want to sleep, I thought that she should do what she wants to do.She already knew everything.
You can do just as you want, if there is ce you want to go, if there is something that you want to do, you should do it as you like. You may find a new hope. I can only do as much as break the curse though. I cant help you anymore.
... Wakarimashita wa ( I understand)
From her eyes, I could see a strong determination.
It is an understanding eyes that she has decided on something.I will definitely not be able to do it, strong determination eyes.
Itte mairima su (I am leaving)
Bowing deeply, Kuzuha-chan kicked the ground. She jumps to the hole in the ceiling of the hut and leaves as it is.
... Her physical ability is also high.
She seems to be a beastkin.Regarding magic, she was manipting the fire attribute magic that strong enough to hurt me even with my tolerance and she even able to make an alter ego.
She is still a child, but she has enough power.It is difficult to live because she is easy to deceive. But, as she live, she can learn from her mistake, and she can survive somehow.
She can walk with her own power. She do not need anyones help.
Its a bit cold, isnt it?
Im talking to Kuzuha-chans mother.
Her daughter is now free, and determine to do something, I think Kuzuha-chan can live properly. There is nothing I can do.There is no need to do.
I put a nket that I current wore to her body.
Keep yourself warm until Kuzuha-chan returns.
I understand that there is no response, I repeat the words and leave the corpse.
I do not really know why I am doing this.
I just thought that I was better do something like that.
... I respect her feeling for her daughter, I cant do anything for her, but I think the least I can do is keep her body warm.
I take out a new nket from the blood bag and wear it, then leave the hut.
Unlike Kuzuha-chan, I go out from the door properly.
It is still early until dawn.A cold wind strokes my cheek.The smell that the wind brought was sometone I knew.
He current is in the other side of the meadow, and he wille to me in a sh.It seems that he got much faster.
Neguseo. youe?
Oh, I feel a bit uneasy,
No ... ... Your heart seems to be hurt, so I thought something was happened and came to see the situation.
I am sorry ... I do not really understand, but thank you.
... What does he mean by my heart hurt?
There is no lie in what Neguseo says.
We have a rtionship with a blood contract.Just as I can understand how Neguseo feel, He can also understand how I feel .
Of course, he knows not to tell a lie.
Thats why I did not understand it.I wonder what makes my heart hurt.
In the first ce, why am I so much ...?
... .... Arge
Oh, yes, what?
You ought to get on. Will you head for the border now?
Well, thank you.
I do not know well, but Neguseo stop talking.
It is a question that I can not answer either.It is troublesome to keep thinking, so I decided not to worry about it anymore.
Ride on the back of Neguseo. He understand me without talking, and he start walking without saying anything.
I will sleep for a while,
Oh, I will call you if there is something
Thank you, Neguseo
As soon as I closed my eyes, my drowsiness came.
It seems that I was tired from exercise rather than I thought. For now I will stop thinking and just go sleep.
How Kuzuha and her mother sleep together.
How Kuzuha seem lonely sleep use her tail as pillow.
How Kuzuha jump on her mother chest. And of course, her mother wasnt alive.
Chapter 42
Un-rte but this song really simr to how Kuzuha feel. Please litsen to it and read the lyrics to have better understanding how Kuzuha feel.
We started to walk calmly and determinedly
With the same scar in our hearts
With our backs to each other
Without looking back
We believed
We found out one unchanged thing
But we felt it was changing
And took a step back
Yet another step back afterwards
So as not to be hurt
* I wanted to say Thank you
I couldnt say Thank you
Because its like Good-bye for ever
And too sad
** Maybe I shall be born again to myself some day
And start a journey to seek for you
One day
When I happened to be puzzled a little
By a new and unfamiliar view
Which I must have chosen
The gentle wind just like you
Blew by me
*** I wanted to say I love you
I couldnt say I love you
But I feel it was both my biggest lie
And the truth
** (repeat)
Even if Im born again to someone else
Ill start a journey to seek for you
Chapter 41: Ceremonial bonfire
... My body is light.
A feeling that has never existed.
Something simr to floating feeling in the mind.Although it is sad that I just knew that I had lost my beloved mother, my feet kick the ground surprisingly is light.
I understand that the whole body is filled with force, it be stronger with each step.
Eventually, the power overflows from my body, forming a form.
My twin tails changed to triplet tails
Rapid transformation of the physical body is not the first thing.When my tail was increased one more, my power also increased in the same way.
When it bes three, it is a little concerned.Clothes felt cramped, the new tail make a hole through my clother.
Beast Division, Triplet body
Give magical power to my tails and seperate two of them.
Received the incarnation, parts of me was divided instantly and they became the exact copies of me.
This skill is a beastman, especially fox family or a cat familys unique skill. After detaching the tail, it transform and creates a copy of you with the same ability.
We be three beastkins, we run through the forest.I didnt need long time to reach the aiming hunting ground.
It is the mansion of the lord that I aiming for. The one who does conspiracy thing to my beloved mother.
Beat every human beings other than the lord, the other me.
Then, Im going to repay their hospitality.
Then I will follow the main body.
The copied bodies have exactly the same abilities as mine. They even have the same thought, because they are the same as me, mutual understanding ends quickly.
Both of the bodies spoke words in the same voice as I and they went to their respective positions.One stood at my side, the other destroyed the window and invaded into the mansion.
Following that, I and another alter ego go into the mansion.
Okaa-samas smell ... (Okaa-sama is a repect way to call mother)
Mothers smell and magical power which was felt even from outside the mansion became more concentrated when I enter the mansion follow after my alter ego.
My mothers body that Arge-san brought back, was kept as beautiful as if she was just sleeping.
I understand the reason.Because he is think its worthy to keep my Mothers dead body that way.
I do not know what value mothers body has, I do not want to know.
No matter how great, no matter how wonderful mothers body is, I will never forgive him.
... I smell Arge-san.
Afortable smell and a remnant scent of strong magical power. She is the person I just met, but I can not forget her.This isfortable smell of Arge-san.
I bet she was looking for my mother for me. AndI didnt even thank her properly.
Following the smells of my mother and my benefactor, I run along with my alter ego.Even opening doors is troublesome, so I destroy with arm strength and keep proceeding.
Following the smell Arge-san left behind, aim for the smell of my mother who was left.
As I passed through several rooms and went down to the basement, there was a pleasant smell and an unpleasant smell.
Okaa-sama s scent andArge-sans scent is pleasant.
And, it is an unpleasant smell that can also be said to be mixed with the two.
It smells of violent.
What a f**king, f**king, f**king ...!! Thats what I did! Thats what I did !! To think I had a hard time to kill that fox! F**king Sh**! (T.N: Never in my life, I intend to say these vulgar word, but he isnt me, his word cant be trante in lighter mean)
The lord looks hatred, keeps kicking the armor rolling around and repeatedly spoke dirty words.
While doing so, it seems that he is continuing to devote magical power in the center of a venomous purple magic square.
Perhaps that magic square is used for drain up my mothers magical powers.
It consumes magical power drain from the target and keeps going, it is a special one.
Long ago, my mother told me that there is such a magic square.It is a terrible thing that a certain Devil thought of.
That magic square now has a very faint radiance.
Perhaps because my mother who is a power source is gone, I can still feel faintly my mothers magic power in that magic square.It is no doubt that mans magical power is locking it.
How much time and sacrifice have I devoted to preparation! Even this magic square is stable, finally stabilized. But it can not be kept for a long time ... ... If this happens, I will use the daughter ...!
Whats wrong with me?
...... !?
He was surprised by the voice from behind. He turned around and looked at me.
It was only a moment that the facial expressions were obviously upset. He immediately distorts his face.Obviously, it was inferior, in the form of a smile.
Hey, Kuzuha, I can save the trouble of going to the stable. Did you know everything and came here
Yes, because I realized everything, so Ie here.
I do not know what that monsters work is .... It does not matter what that one is, apparently you seem to havee alone, a foolish child, that youe to be an experimental animal!
Has my mother been killed by such a man? She was deceived by such a guy and was used as a tool.
My whole hair standing and the murderous intonation blurs.My heart shouts to violent kill the man in front of me.
I press down that feeling, I take a step forward. My copied body was also do exactly the same movement.
I am not going to forgive him.Even so, we have to ask questions.
If you do not know, I can not get enlightenment.
Otherwise, I can not ept it.
Why did you deceive Okaa-sama and me?
It will be decided because of experimental materials!
Is it because of power to end the war?
Oh, thats right, I should finish this war.
... What does that mean?
I am a genius, I can not satisfy with just be lord of such a smallnd! Look! Please manipte this magic square all the way left by your mothers magical power,I even help to made it.
What he raises is a staff that has the same color as our fur.
It is Mothers power that I feel from that staff.
No doubt.That was made by taking away magical power from my mother.
Conjure Division
Magical powers released from the staff start to move the surrounding armor.
What he is doing right now is simr to my beast division, he is using my mothers power to make Divisison.
We use magical power of the tail as the nucleus, and manipte as an alter ego.
He omit the procedure when we using our power but he use magical power with armor as the nucleus so he manipte the armors instead.
I should be respect more! I should have higher rank! Because I have so many talents and power, If the kingdom dont want to use me, I wille to Empire. They will treat me well
... ... You are a foolish person, arent you?
Desire for self-expression, inferiorityplex, ambition.
It is a small and ugly emotion that exists in him.
I am looking at not only peace but fame apanying by help make peace.And Hes merely immersing his dirty real intention with beautiful words.
I wonder why Mother was tricked by such a person.My mother was intelligent, so she should understand it soon.
Is it because my father is a kingdoms citizen, did she believe the royalty of the kingdom?
Or she thought she can help to stop the war, the war that kill my father. Bring peace also allowed me to live happy?
I do not understand.I can not ask her anymore, so I have to imagine. Knowing it has be impossible, forever.
However, tears are overflowing and it will not stop.
My feelings are overflowing, I can not be stop.
There is murderous intention.Hatred and anger.
But beyond that, there is something much more important that I have to do now.
I will not allow you to use my beloved mothers power for such a thing
Do not worry, Ill send you to the same ce with your mother, you do not have to shed tears of sorrow like that!
Your talking is like a drunken man and its unpleasant.
Sensation that the blood of the whole body boils.The tears that keeps flowing are scattered instantly by the wind spell that Im using.
The armors started to move walks out to this ce clearly with harm intention.
I reached out my hand to the sky.The alter ego next to me makes exactly the same movement.
Distorted breaking.Double misery (2 people speak at the same time make ... )
Expanding the magic with exactly the same quality, ovepping expression. This skill was directly taught from my beloved mother, It was I and my mothers momento.
Its beyond powerful skill, because it was too strong, mother tell me this isprohibited to use unless intending to kill magic.Winds strong like natural disasters run through the room.
All the armors was twisted and carved until it gets disjointed.
The only safe area is around me, the surrounding area is destroyed.
Even the magic square in the wall and floor were destroyed to nothing.
This has destroyed the site for research.
Whats happening! What is happening!? A child fox has such a strong power ......!
You do not understand anything, for you who can only see and care about yourself
This degree isnt extend to the feet of my esteemed mothers magical power !
But... this staff have magical power drawing out from your mother?
Alongside with the alter ego, I walk to him.I step by step slowly walking toward him.
The other party apparently feared, waving a staff.I feel magical power concentrates. But that is a force that does not extend to my mother or even to my feet.
Fu, get her! Thunder!
... I do not avoid.
I do not feel like even avoiding it.It is a weak force to solve if I concentrate magical powers into the body and receiving it.So, I did.
Hit ... !?
This extend, did you put my esteemed mothers power in that tool?
Did you take away my mother life to make this degree?
You think our mothers power was that weak
I have to break every everything.
No more a man like this, no more people will be harm like us.
I and my mother must finish.
Wind Sickle (Kamai-tachi)
The spirit magic fulfills my wishes properly.
The de of the wind cut off from his right shoulder, the staff and his arm rolled on the scarred ground.
Oh no! It hurt!
For you who can only see yourself, only this level is still isnt suit-able
Hiii~ ii!?
Heavy use, achievements, praise can not be imposed on you, because it is given by others
You keep on drunk in your own world, you should wake up from your dreams with pain.
Help me, ...!!
I will not save you, I will destroy your ambition, but I do not want that dirty life, I do not want to be like a murderer like you.
Well then, Im waiting outside. (Kuzuhas copy said)
It carries something that drips noises, and my alter ego leaves the basement.
The magical power given to the body is abundant.Even though I leave it alone, She is a partner who keeps moving on my own judgment overnight.
If the alter ego that I sent earlier are not enough, I will help you. If the lord is still noisy, she will punish him more.Because we share the same mind and can think about the same thing.
It is a really item make from my mothers power. But its power even weaker than me.
I walk to a rolling staff and pick it up.The arm on the side is unpleasant so I throw it off.
I embrace a wand with a nostalgic smell.
This is what Mother left in herst moment.Even if she did not want it, she was badly done, but I dont feel a grudge from it just regret.
For me, its the only thing I can feel my mother.
... Okaa-sama, I will go
That is why this wand has to be broken.
Because such things are not my beloved mother s true power, nor can it fulfill her wish.
At the very least I will bury it while feeling my mother.
Please send me a fire so that my heart will reach my beloved mother.
Flower of the heavens, take my mother soul ... to the heaven
Blooming!! Higan flowers!! (T.N: see trantor corner)
The magic that my mother was the most proud.While I was crying, I managed to sing it and use it.
I can not really reproduce it like mother did, but I can do as much as I do for mockery.
Flower blossoms blooming around.They burn slowly and wrap around the room.
Neither the beauty nor the fire power is far from mothers me . If my mothers me is a flock of flowers filling the shores, my me should also be called a small flower garden.
Still, I used this magic.
Flower of Higan is worthy to say goodbye, mostly because it is the magic that my mother love the most.
...... Sayonara, kaa-sama (Good bye, mother)
Say good-bye to my mothers power.The thrown away staff is swallowed by the me flowers immediately and disappears.
Even the tears that drifted dry, I turned away.After that, even if nothing is done, the me will burn the underground and the mansion to ash.
I buried my mothers power.
Next time, I have to mourn my mother.
Higan Flowers is Red spider lilies that bloom in the underworld. Watch a Higan Retour song may give you a better understanding. Its a really good song.
The first sky of the disappearing seasons Blooming in red and dissipating in white, Its a colorful ending...
Its the end. Vanishing senses, a circling me Ah, observing the seasons in a crooked cage.
White flowers bloom in the real world, Absorbing many words that are zed into the sky. Just faces without features, White hands sneaking past murmuring backs.
Red spider lilies have bloomed in the present world, Finally burning and quietly singing a wish. Crossing into his sky, silence colors the journey, The scenery is observed from far away.
Its the end. In the frozen darkness, even the moonlight dies. Ah, the sky Ive gazed up at is an unknown color.
I believed his days had died forever, A cry my heart goes out to in the wind of this vanished world. I havent forgotten fragments of those words, White hands outstretched to murmuring backs.
Red spider lilies have bloomed in the underworld, Burning on an ordinary night and singing tremorously without direction. Continuing toward the end, the tone colors the journey, Memories watched from a great distance.
Swaying, the boat goes forth Swaying, shaking, going somewhere, Too far away, carrying countless memories on board.
In our field of vision we reflect the world Many nces and stories intersect While holding in your heart memories which bloomed profusely in the end, Finally reaching the river bank.
Ah, even tonight is red; red spider lilies Are burning in the underworld, remoroously singing without end, Coloring the terminal end, flowers standing still as if frigid, Your demise is seen.
Chapter 43
Un-rte but this song also simr to Arge and Kuzuhas feeling.
Please listen to it by all mean.
Chapter 43: First friend
... Fuuu ......
Shaken by the back of Neghese, I let out a big yawn toward the sky.
I take in fresh air while yawning, I feel a little cold.
I want clothes
It is unavoidable to say.Id like to buy it somewhere as soon as possible, but ... it is impossible until I cross the border.Do I have to put up with nket to endure it?
I must cross these mountains in order to reach the Republic from the Kingdom.
Speaking of Neguseo, we start really early today.It seems that it will be faster if he run, but I got him stopped because it makes me feel ufortable.
Well then, I will sleep a little more
Arge, didnt you just wake up?
Well, whats wrong with that?
... No, nothing.
Speaking like have a tired throat, Neguseo continue walking.
It seems that his mind is else where, or his way of walking has be wild.
...Did I said something weird?
I have a doubt, but if Neguseo says nothing, I do not have to ask him for detail.It is troublesome.
Please tell me if you are hungry, tired, or you want water.
I abandon the doubts in my mind, talk to Neguseo and close my eyes to sleep.
As soon as the scenery was blocked, drowsiness came. But then I felt something when I tried to sleep.
Neguseo, can you stop for a while? Because I think that this smell is probably that girl
Oh, it looks like she is getting closer
Because we are also share our smell, so we easy to reach a mutual understanding.Neguseo stops his feet.
Faint fox smell and sweet scent peculiar to girls.It definitely belongs to Kuzuha-chan.
It seems that the her bad smell from yesterday is gone. She may have taken a bath.
The stimulus for smell bes stronger and stronger, so obviously she is headed for us.When turning my eyes, the color of a fox was floating in the meadow.
Calling out to me with a loud voice, Kuzuha-chan is running even faster.
She is not dressed shabby anymore. Her Kimono is a red flower drawn in the same way as her mother was wearing, it is clearly better clothes than before.
Is the number of tails increasing from two to three, did she level up?
She wave her triplet tail and came up to me, her breath is still light.
She is carrying a backpack as big as her body right now. Wont she get tired if she run full strength in such a condition.
Oh, yes... what?
Why didnt you wait for me!?
I could not understand the meaning of the words she just told me and it stuck my head.
... wait?What?
For me who does not understand the trantion, Kuzuha-chan is getting more angry. She put the bag she carried on the ground looked at me with a strong gaze.
Hey, Arge-san, I said I am leaving and I still left my mothers body there, right?
Yeah, you are right
If so, dont you normally think that I wille back? Why didnt you wait for me? After mourning my mother properly and I must chase you in hurry until now
No, I also thought that you woulde back, but my role has ended. I received an apology from the mistake attack and returned my gratitude for the meal. So I think I can already go
... You, you have no friends?
I was told with terrible eyes.
When she told me so, Its true, none of people I know is my friend.
I never thought that I wanted a friend.
I just received what I was given, as given.
Yes, I do not have one.
Here, after all ... No, I can not say too much about friend. But I have been taught properly by my mother! A way of going out with friends! The preparation is perfect
... That is not an air friend, right ?
I thought, but I did not say it out.Because Kuzuha-chan is too proud, If I say anything ... no, I thought it was bad to say anything right now.
Kuzuha-chan shook her big baggage and walked to here, she stroked Neguseos body. Then she look up at me and say.
Thats why, Im counting on you from now on,
......? what do you mean?
I would like to thank so I will follow Arge-san.
... Why is that, Kuzha, you dont even know where I am going?
I did not understand the meaning, I did not understand her intention.
After return the favor at that time, it should have ended our rtionship, but still I can not understand what she say to me now.
While I still in doubt, Kuzuha-chan smiled happily for some reason, looking at me.
Her face somewhat resembled to her mother.
Wherever you are, I will go there. And it is you, who told me that I can live however I like. Isnt what you said mean I am free to follow you ?
... I only said that you can live as you like
It was the word that I told her, I cant refuse as she is.
Because I do not like to hurt other peoples freedom, my freedom will be harmed.
I do not want to do that much, I cant even take care of myself right now and I have to look after another girl. I only working when I return my gratitude to someone.
Fortunately, we have plenty of food and water, and if that big luggage is avable for Kuzuha-chan too.It does not seem to be a problem even if I take her along.
As a friend of mine, Im counting on you, Arge-san!
Uhm, thank you.
Although I do not understand well, I have been approved by my friend, and it is troublesome to refuse.The number of apanying people increased without paying attention, But what I should do is not changed.
Leave the kingdom and find a person to feed me for life.Only this.
Lets go then, Neguseo
I understand
Oh, please wait! Arges clothes before that!
Have you brought clothes with you?
No, I will make it now, so pleasee down, ... Come on!
Kuzuha-chan beckon me toe.
... I can sew.
I can sew clothes that were torn, but it is amazing to make clothes from scratch.
Somehow seems to be rough, but I appreciate it if I could have my clothes on, so I obedientlye down from Neguseo.
... Im just around here, please call out when you are done again.
I think it will take about a day, is it okay?
No problems, youngds
It seems that he is really care about my body, and Neguseo goes away.
I do not mind if he saw my body, but as he himself is concerned it would be bad to be detained.Lets leave him alone.
Well then, uhm, do you need to measure?
Yes ... I will be careful to make a fitting clothes ... Ha~aa ... Arge-san, your skin is white!
Is that so? Maybe because Im a vampire?
...then, are you okay with the sun? My mother told me, a long time ago vampire is a race with dark attribute magic power, and when they get hit by the sunlight that is the sacred attribute, they will considerable pain ...
Because I have both sunshine resistance and holy attribute tolerance at high level, it is okay. Well, should we head backwards?
Oh, no! I do not care as you are right now! Please stay just like that!
Is that so
I do not know the reason, but Kuzuha-chan is shaking her ears and tails in a good mood.
I wonder what.I wonder why she is so happy, make friend with me.
... Friend, is it?
A word that I had never thought of before.The first conscious existence.
I rolled the word that I did not realize yet in my head, I took off my nket.
The wind that blows is a bit cold to raw skin, but it is alsofortable.
I close my eyes and I leave the rest to be Kuzuha-chan.
There are lots of doubts, but as you always feel when you close your eyes.
Ah.I want to finish early and take a nap.Author Note: (not Trantor Note) This is thepletion of Kuzuhas story.Thank you very much.
Cherish what does not even bud.See you next time.===============================================Trantor corner.And we done with this arc.
Chapter 43.5
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Chapter 43.5: Characterss Info: Kuzuha, Ruts
Name: Kuzuha
Race: Beastkin (Fox family)
Physical ability: Magical arm strength
Muscle strengthening 2
Enchantment 3
Smell enhancement 5
Fire magic 5
Wind magic 4
Transform 6
Magic resistance 4
One word I can be together with my first friend!
Daughter who was living with his mother at a distance from the remote kingdoms river.A beastkin of a fox family.
The mother is from the Republic, the father is a fox-type beastkin from the Kingdom.
Transform Skill is a skill to alter your body, but she can also make an alter ego by putting magical power on a part of her body (Beast Division).
The alter ego is operated by the amount of magical power that she gave (can freely choose the amount of magic power, the more she give, the longer alter ego can operate).
In addition, by using exactly the same magic as alter ego, the same magic is deployed in a multiply manner Ovep Fom. This skill is what she inherited direct from her mother.By using this, she can release a magical attack that is (X times) stronger than the original skill level.
Many copies with same movements and thought need identical body parts which can only use by beastkin of the fox and cat family, so it seems she has considerable strong ability while she is still young.
Simple arm strength is also high, attack power is considerably high.
She was also excellent in smell enhancement, and she pursued Arge with it.
Her personality is obedient, but she also easily to deceive.
She can do housework all the time, and she is particrly good at sewing.
When she first meet Arge, She is a no-pan mini skirt Japanese clothes Loli fox girl. (T.N: LOL, Author, you bully, did you really need to repeat that)
As Arges memorable (?) First Friend, I will travel together with her.
Vampire Argesment: I do not really understand, but she is a healthy child
Name: Ruts Shivua
Race: Human
Body Ability: Magical Power
Skillful magic 2
Thunder Magic 3
Dark Magic 4
Language decipherment 5
Contracted Magic Artifact
Conjure Division
One word Everything should bow down to me!
Lord of the Kingdom, the lord who in charge of the rural areas near the border.
The main task is to collect crops and send them to urban people.That is a country aristocrat.
Because I am skilled, I should be used more, as my birth is a rare aristocrat. I can not ept being a small lord of rural areas.
He trying to develop a powerful weapon and advance his career.
In the countryside, he lived in a resourceless country, only have Demi Human with powerful magical power.
He decipher old documents, create magic square, catch beastkin, Heplete his research of Magic Artifact.
However, he did not have many things, and he could not see many things.
The ability that he believed in is attually weak. And he was paid arge price. (T.N: excuse me, Author-sama, Im still want to kill this pig, I just dont want to dirty my angels hand, you think that wasrge price)
Currently he lost his arm and house, research achievement, He has been denied by himself. (T.N: good, shut yourself somehere and disappear from our novel, forever)
Lightning magic is an unusual skill and theres no mistake that he has talent. The incorrect thing in his life is he should master it and be royal magician instead.
Vampire Argesment: This person is ... ... No, nothing is good, is it OK already? Author. Good night.
Next chapter isnt tranted yet, please be patient.
Chapter 44
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Chapter 44: The boys feeling.
When my consciousness start fading, I have a dream.
It is memory of my past life.I will experience again what Ive done, in the form of a dream.
The house where I was born has always produced excellent people.
Exercise, science, medicine, politics, economics, education, archeology ...... Anyway anyway, a house that has always sent people to the top.That is Kuons family.
Kuons family is moving the world.Recognition in the world. It is the world. Thats where I lived.
And Kuon was a house not ept anything other than excellent.
There are only two things that are excellent or un-usable.
It was only those excellent one are being recognized as human beings, the others were not.
And I am a member of Kuons family, a human being never called excellent.
Whether you are excellent or un-usable the family still allow you to live normal when you are still a child.
Its not im bad at anything, attually Im quite good at it, but of course Im not excellent at anything.I was like that.
If there is something that is superior, that was my robust body in the Kugon family who are all merely consanguineous marriage and have a weak constitution.
Move your body, sit down and learn.
There is no excess and deficiency in anything.
It was early for my parents to give up on such a child like me.
Thatst day they visited.I remember the day when my life was finished well.
There were quite a lot of caretakers visited my room on that day.
Not only those who are in charge of housekeeping, but also people who are about to protect my parent, came to my room.
It is the elderly man who is the head of the caretaker who brought in many caretakers. His name is Haregi
Haregi-san always wears a suit while other caretaker is wearing kimono.On this day as usual, he has spoken to me.
Young lord, can youe over here? (ä: O btchama = how servant call a young lord)
Do you mind if I change clothes? As you can see, Im awfully sleepy, Im still in bed clothes.
No. Go as you are without holding anything
Okay, I understand.
While I felt a sense of ipetence in my beds temperature, I went out of there.
It is a bit strange that everyone is watching me with caution, Iugh a little.
I understood the meaning that they came here.So even if I do not look like that, I will not run away.
I followed them, saying, Im all right, to the followers who have strange faces.
The surroundings are protected by strong guards, or they are blocked, and they are taken me to a room that I has never been in.Its like Im escorted by them rather than to follow them.
I knew this ce.
It is because it was a ce that anyone could enter, anyone who was treated as human beings.
It is my first time to step in, but I knew about this ce for a long time.
This is garbage dumping ce.When a Kuons family child reach a certain age and still un-usable, they will be kept here forever.
... It is normal.
Underground of the mansion.That room separated by iron grates was a space that seemed to be unexpectedlyfortable.
Because I had never seen it before, I thought how bad the environment is, but it is more ordinary space than I imagined.
There are chairs and desks, and beds are ced.There were items that look like cooking areas in the back.Flooring is flooring, walls are white wallpaper.
Perhaps this room is morefortable than and my room.That is the evaluation I gave when I first saw the scenery behind iron grates at that time.
Is there a bath and a toilet?
Of course.
Haregi-san takes out the key ring from his bosom, and opens the door of iron grates.
It is not simr to the ordinary scenery that lies ahead, there was a high sound that the metal rubbed.
While Im frowning my face with annoying sounds, Haregi-san open the door and gives me a word of encouragement.
Please, get in young lord
The size of the entrance is enough to pass without having to lower head. I enter inside as prompted.
If you need something, please tell us
Yes, I understand
... Young lord, are not you wondering?
About what?
About the treatment that you are receiving. That is dead now, why did you still calm ...?
Until I came here, Haregi-san who was doing business with expressionless face more than usual was distorted.
It is not question of hate or anger thates to the Haregi-sans face.
On the other hand, it is easy for me to answer.It was just one word.
Because it is the Kuons family
......Is that it?
Yes, there are no people in doubt about throwing away things that you can not use?
You parent isnt see you off or say anything, just kill you!? And you ept it without even expressing it, what kind of child are you !? Until now, there was not such a child in Kuons family! So I... this is how they ... !
You brought a lot of guards so that I can not run away?
Everything is understood.
I wonder what will be of people who can not do anything like me, what kind of reactions have been taken by people who have been here before.
Everyone at the Kuons family did not give anything to what they would throw away.
Because I know everything, I have no surprises, anger, no sorrow.
I know that resistance is in vain.I also know not to cover it.
Because I know that myself, I can not be a part of the Kuons family.
Thats why it seems wonderful for Haregi-san to have a doubt expression.
Until now, other children has made meaningless resistance. And still, for the one who took us defective items here to feel strange.
Its all about understanding, isnt it okay to just ept it?
... ...!
At this time, I still remember well that the line of sight directed to me changed from me obviously.
Because the fear has filled the doubt that came up to that point in an instant.
... Maybe you are the most damaged one in the house of Kuon, arent you?
Well, I think it was because I was broken and I could not be use, so I was sent here.
In that sense ...... No, lets stop it ... I got frightened by the young lord, in a sense, even more than the familys head, so I will leave it here.
Kachan (SFX) and the door are closed and locked immediately.
While listening to a lot of footsteps going away I was thinking about the future.
I do not need to learn anymore, I do not need to study.Nothing to do as an obligation has disappeared.
Because I am already a dead child.
... for now, should I try to sleep?
I did note up with things to do, I decided to take a nap.
...... Do I have any hobby?
While sinking my body in the bed, I closed my eyes considering such a thing.
My consciousness of my dream is end, and my consciousness of realityes to mind.
Along with the end of my dreams, my memory went down.
Next chapter isnt tranted yet, please be patient
Trantor Corner
Chapter 45
Look like people understand Arge better now, Imouto is d, Imouto is happy.
Next chapter isnt tranted yet, please be patient
Chapter 45: High tension loli
I did it!
First thing when I wake up from my dream is a loud voice make me leak out a scream in surprise.
I take the nket which spreads on the ground to rece the mattress, and cover myself.
Looking at the direction where the voice came, Kuzuha-chan is holding something as if she was in a good mood.
... My clothes?
Yesterday, after my measurements were over, Kuzuha-chan began to make clothes immediately. And shes not alone, she use her beast division skill increasing to three people.
She brought dough and tools by herself.It took her a while to make clothes, so I decided to take a nap and wait.
Looking up at the sky, the color of vermillion still remains.Its still not even morning yet .
Perhaps she was making clothes all night.
I wrapped a nket around my body for the time being, and I called Kuzuha-chan.
Did you make it overnight?
I leave it to the alter ego half way and I am taking sleep properly. (T.N: Good girl, loli must eat and sleep properly)
Well, She can do such a thing.Convenient.
I should have be a fox beastkin.Why didnt you tell me about this, Loli-gramp? Loli-gramp is totally useless. (Yes, you can ONLYmand things with blood arm and blood contract, if you want, with time you canmand over 9000 things or living beings, :v Worse than 8 copies of yourself and they are alsozy like you ^_^ right ?)
Arge-san, whats wrong?
Oh, no, its nothing. Good morning, Kuzuha-chan
Yes, good morning
Kuzuha-chanes close to me with a joyful expression.It seems that the alter ego was removed and her triplet tails was swinging joyfully.
I dont know the details of clothes because she is still holding it, but the color seems to be two colors, ck and white.
Come Arge-san, I will put it on, so pleasee here!
No, I can wear myself
I made it, please let me put it on properly and check if it is good enough
Haaa, if thats what you want
Even if the girl who made it says so, somehow it is still a matter of concern. But I obediently listen to her.
When I take off my nket in front of Kuzuha-chan, she starts dressing me at once.
She raise my arms and start dressing me.I thought I was like a mannequin or something, I also close my eyes as it is troublesome.
Afterwards wear this on your head ... and ... Its done!
Since it seems it has ended, I look at my body from head to toe.
It is a ck long skirt, long-sleeved clothes.It is covered with an apron with a frill.
Touching the hair clip put on my head, there frills.
Its a fluffy decoration and an apron, but it is strange and harmonious that there is ck chess.
I have such an impression by looking at therge hand mirror that Kuzuha-chan delightfully presented.
A girl in the mirror, a silver hair girl wearing on her head is a head dress called White Brim.
Although it is not a mirror that can see the whole picture, clothes that you can fully understand by just checking up to the shoulder.
Maid clothes?
You know?
Well, well,
Some of the caretakers who were at the Kuons family, they were dressed like this.It can be said that this kind of clothing like cooking wear, is the work clothes of a womans care staff other than the escort.
Of course the details are different, but they are roughly the same.For me it can be said that I am familiar.
Somehow, I familiar with work clothes, and costumes so I feel a calm atmosphere.
... It is easy to move.
When looking at the mansion, it looked like it looked cramped but its quitefortable to wear.
It may be surprisingly excellent as a costume for a follower.
Oh, I am perfect while you ...
Kuzuha-chan is worry whether Im satisfied with the result. I can tell from her tails and ears. I pick up the helm of clothes and move around, let Kuzuha-chan watching from various angles. (See trantor corner)
I was wondering if Kuzuha-chan would make even a kimono from how she look, but she can make an unexpected costume.
Is there anything ufortable ? I will fix it soon
All right, its perfect
Bending and stretching of arms, etc. are not ufortable at all.
However, because it does not feel too loose, it is a finish with no sense of incongruity.
Im impressed.Even though she has three people, she must work hard to make this dressy clothes overnight, even more she make with hand sewing and measurements is perfect fit.
It matches very well with Arge-sans silver hair .... Huh, it is possible to be a centerpiece. Please do not hesitate to tell me, I will repair as soon if it is torn.
I understand. Thank you.
Please wear it for the moment, next time I will make a Japanese clothes, so lets wear matching clothes and go out together!
... Ah, I think I get it now.
It seems that Kuzuha-chan likes that kind of dress like clothes.Is maid outfit the first step?
I do not have the right to veto because she is the one make it.
I am thankful that Im now have clothes to wear again.
Well then, what shall we have for breakfast ... Uh ... are you okay with dried meat?
No, because I am fine without eating ... ... lets depart when Kuzuha-chan finishes eating. we still have your luggage, let me carry it.
Kuzuha-chans luggage is big.
She try to bring as many as possible. There is no doubt that there will be considerable weight.
It is troublesome, the moving speed slows down, bring such a big baggage.
Since storage can be done indefinitely, it is better to put what I can put in blood bag.
My baggage is pretty heavy, I can not let you or horse-san carry it...
Its okay, except for meat, it can be stored by my ability
Cleaning up ...?
I decided to exin the ability of Blood Bag to Kuzuha-chan, who has a strange look.
... We still dont know anything about each other yet.
She says that she is a friend, but what exactly do you want with that?How is it supposed to be friends?
I just started to understand her and understand myself.
I can not be understood how to make friends with such a child.
It is troublesome to keep thinking about not understanding, so I decided not to be conscious of it.
Now I just need to speak what I need.
Next chapter isnt tranted yet, please be patient
Trantor Corner:
Silver Vampire Loli Maid.
Chapter 46
I will start tranting next chapter soon
Chapter 46: I dont desperate enough to prepare in 40 seconds
... then, does Arge-san n go to the Republic?
Yeah. Secretly, I do not want to stand out too much
So, you are heading towards that mountain, certainly over there ... beyond Mariot (ޥå: Mariotto) is a republic of Yotsuba
Magic cap? (ޥå : Magukappu)
Mariot, That mountains name
Kuzuha-chan answer me while shes still sorting the Backpack.
The little Backpack she is sorting now is a simple tool made by her alter ego while she is eating.
I only see one string insted of two. Was it a single shoulder backpack?
What is inside is dried meat which can not be put in the blood bag, it is more convenient to carry this way.
Well, shall we aim for the Helmet mountain? (إå: herumetto)
Its Mariot moutain
Sorry, sorry. Well then, I will call Neguseo.
... Um, Im already thought about it since yesterday, is that the name of that horse-san, that isnt a good name, right?
Yes, I named him, I am confident.
Arge ... No, its nothing.
Kuzuha-chan try to talk about something, but she stop.
It seemed not to be an important story, so I call Neguseo.
I direct my thought to him, we only have to wait a bit.
It didnt take long for the blue maned ck horse to appear in front of us.
Neguseo is running toward here, even he has a powerful and fast running he doesnt lose his elegant.
He gradually slowed down and finally stopped in front of me.That gesture that gently sniffs when stroking your face, he seems to be happy.
Wait, Arge, that clothes will look great,
Thank you. Neguseo, do you need meals and water supply?
I only need water
I understood it.
Pull out the tub which is as big as you can with my hand from the Blood Box and pour the water there.
I do not remember the total amount exactly, but since I secured a considerable amount of water in the forest that Oswald-kun was protecting, I do not need to pay attention to the water.I know when it has less amount though.
As for horse, it is certainly necessary consumption, because he should drink water about 20 liters a day.
As for me, there is almost no need for meals and water supply, so give water and food to Neguseo and Kuzuha-chan. We still need a long time to reach the border, and more time until we reach the vige.
Regarding food, Neguseo is mostly eating the grass around here, and Kuzuha-chan is saying that she can hunt wild animals, so we dont need worry about anything but water.
Do you need a substitute?
No, its enough.
Because it seems that he is satisfied, I store the tub in blood bag.
Thats all there is to it.There was something unexpected, but there was not a particrly big problem.
I am thankful that clothes were avable, or rather Kuzuha-chans gifts.Lets start now.
Arge-san, you understand Horse-sans words ?
Yes, because I havenguage trantion skills, please get on Neguseo, Kuzuha-chan
To be honest, walking is troublesome, but I felt bad let a child, a loli walk by herself, I urged Kuzuha-chan.
Because it is only a month since I was born as a vampire, in terms of years I will be younger than Kuzuha-chan.
I do not know her exact age, but I should be younger than her.
However, counting from the previous life I will be about twenty years old.
The age of the body is young, but the actual age or the souls age is older.
If you are asked as to which one you should use for yourself, I think about the age I actually live is better.
Since I got to move my legs alot, I would like to ride and move if possible, but I think that as an adult should give priority to children.
If we are both adult, we will take turn to ride, but the other party is a child.
Because I will walk
If that is the case, there is no problem, Arge, can you please carry this?
Kuzuha-chan suddenly pass the backpack to me, she nodded once in a satisfying manner.
Okay, here we go (Original dont have this, I add it to easy understand)
She close her yellow eyes, she arranges breathing.
What is she going to do?When I wondered, Kuzuha-chans body begin to change.
The body of the little girl who was originally small shrinks even smaller.No, it is not just shortening.The shapes of limbs and faces clearly change.
She is not a bipedal walk but a quadruped walking.
Not on the face of a girl, but on the face of a hox.
Kimono sticks to the whole body to be stretched and it bes fox color instead of red flower.
When all the changes were over, she be a little fox.
How about this, we can ride Neguseo together like this, cant we?
The fox looks up at me and speaks so proudly somewhere.
Honestly I was a little surprised, but it surely seems to be okay if you ride Neguseo together.
Neguseo, are you okay?
There are no problems even if we ride two people in the first ce. We will be lighter and thats a wee if she gets smaller.
I got permission from Neguseo, so I ride on his back.When I confirmed the position of my butt, Kuzuha-chan also settle down.
Kuzuha-chan settled down her body so that it is caught between my thighs.Shey her stomach down on Neguseos back, breathed satisfactorily,
Neguseo, are you okay?
Neguseo, is the position of Kuzuha-chan, is it okay?
I can stand even she has nail.
It seems good if you do not have to stand your nails.
I will do my best
Well then, shall we go?
Because Kuzuha-chan and Neguseo can not talk, I will be like a trantor andplete mutual understanding. I have the skills ofnguage trantion.
I will sleep now, please make it suitable
Do you sleep on Horse-san !?
A vampire does note out regrly unless she sleeps on a horse.
I see, its amazing ...! (T.N: I love naive loli)
Arge, do not tell a lie
Here, Neguseo is also say its true.
I did not say that!
If Horse-san also say that, theres no mistake!
Do not believe her, youngdy!
Oh, what should I do, this may be quite funny.
Ignoring Neguseo who shouts as correcting, I closed my eyes with a halfugh.Good luck Neguseo. (T.N: Arge, you bully)
By the way, Neguseo sometime calls me Arge now, but why?Well, anything is fine. Good night.
I will start tranting next chapter soon
Trantor Corner:
My bad,st time Iment, I only read with machine trante so I not really understand it. I think that Kuzuha-chan and Neguseo can talk with each other.
This time I also check japanese raw, look like they cant understand ech other after all.
Chapter 47
Next chapter isnt tranted yet, please be patient
Chapter 47: A narrow world, a wide mountain
We reached Mariot mountainte at night, we decided to cross the mountain as it was.
Oswald-kun said that because there seems to be some border guards, it is better to leave the kingdom secretly because of the darkness.
Fortunately, everyone including me is good at night.Even at night there is no inconvenience to sight.
However, it is not as ordinary as it is said to cross the mountain. No-one ever use the mountain, so it doesnt have any road to walk or climb.
There are many ces where the slope is steep, the ground is raised up and down.Besides, the soil is soft and slippery.
Mariot mountain seems to be a mountain that consider as the countrys border, and it is not a ce toe casually. To avoid people cross border illegal they dont make mountain road.
It was truly difficult to cross the mountain while ride on Neguseo, I and Kuzuha-chan got off of him and was moving in the mountains.
Arge-san, please watch your feet
Thank you, Kuzuha-chan
If clothes get caught on the branches of the tree and it is torn, I will fix it properlyter so please do not hesitate to ask me
Kuzuha-chan is walking ahead, she already change back to human form.
She seems to be ustomed to mountain walking. She will tell me if there are obstacle or slope.
ording to her instructions, we begin to cross mountain little by little.
Is Neguseo-san okay?
Are you OK? Neguseo?
No problem with just this slope
It does not seem to be a problem
Even so ...... It takes more time than I expected
Kuzuha-chan looks up at the sky.
Follow her, I also look up, I saw a soft red color in the sky.
It is a pale light that is different from orange and red, dawn willing soon.
We dont have much time before the sun rise.
Does the night end?
It seems like that, it is dangerous to cross mountain in daytime. We will be spotted. Let find some ce to hide and rest until evening.
Well ... Im sorry, I am walking slow
The reason why we are slow is obviously me.
I did not sleep this time.Although I was a bit disappointed that its impossible to ride Neguseo cross the mountain. It would be ineffective and dangerous if we forcibly ride and fall.
I feel troublesome and reluctant but I did walk properly.
Its take time until I am ustomed to mountain climbing.
When I just started climbing Mariot, Kuzuha-chan is going with a cool face. I try walking the same way and I nearly fall.
Walking in the mountain is difficult and different from the forest.The forest I met Oswald-kun was the same as Maritat about no road and there were roofs of trees. But it was still t and the ground was harder than here.The mountain is just too hard to walk.
... Its really hard, mountain.
The mountain is also foggy, the speed of travel was slower than walking and I got tired.
I can change to bat form and flying away. But I cant leave Neguseo and Kuzuha-chan behind.
As a result, I make everyone go slower.
Please dont worry
But ... kya
Oh ... that was dangerous. Here, give me your hand. (See trantor corner)
And now, I hold hands with Kuzuha-chan.
Kuzuha-chan is smiling like she doesnt care. Look like I make her worry again.
However, the apology has been denied just now.Rather than repeat an apology here, it should be said like this.
Thank you, Kuzuha-chan
You are wee, have you both got tired yet?
Neguseo, arent you tired?
Oh, no need to worry.
He seems all right, I am fine as well.
I am told that this area is near the top of the mountain, so you can go down the road a little early. Both of you, please do your best for a while.
When we trying to descent from the mountain ording to Kuzuha-chans guidance.I felt something wrong with the sense of smell.
It is neither a smell of wood nor a scent of soil.It is also different from the smell of beasts.
Well I knew this smell, yet it is this ce C a scent that gets a sense of ipatibility in the mountains.
This sweet scent is the smell of human.
... It is a human smell, is not it?
When Kuzuha-chan turns around, she obviously frowns and says such a thing.
It seems that human body odor is a bit unpleasant for Kuzuha-chan.
On the contrary, I feel that this smell is sweet and nice smell.Is it also because Im a vampire?
I thought that the difference between me and Kuzuha-chan from the same smell is a little funny, but I can not afford to think deeply.
Because this smell drifts is evidence that there are humans in the vicinity.
The direction is over there ... ... straight, it is heading to us, is not it?
What are you doing, Arge?
Well ... Please leave Neguseos saddle and rein to me, in case of emergency, Neguseo acts like a wild horse, Kuzuha-chan puts the baggage somewhere and bes a fox. I can be a shadow.
I understand
Lets take some distance and avoid them, doing that way is better than hiding.
It was okay to wait for the other party to pass by, but it is troublesome. we better get off early.
Neguseo and Kuzuha-chan nod to my word, and start to move.
Collect the saddle and rein equipped in Neguseo to the Blood Bag.We made it faster and we started going down the mountain.
Carefully descend the slope and go different direction from human smells.
... ...!
I notice from the clearance of the trees that the morning sun pass through, there was an abnormal light reflection.
Im usuallyzy, but if it is necessary I will respond and move quickly. Both Neguseo and Kazuha-chan are here so I cant just evade it.
Clearly something is flying toward here.Understanding that, my body moved.
Wow ...!
I take out the sword from the Blood Bag and parry the iing object.
I can handle sword.Because Kuons family teach such things to children.
A hard sound is made, and the thing which flew here is knocked down.
...That was easy
Even Im not excellent with sword and I dont practice for many years.
I can not believe I was able to do it well. However, while moving, my feed was in a slope and Im fallen on my buttocks.
Arge !?
Its all right, Im not hurt ...
The one that flew was a knife and the trajectory was low. The other party is aiming at us.
I take up Kuzuha-chans hand and stand up.I wanted to sweep the fallen leaves on the butt, but it seems theres no need for that..
The smell is getting darker and steadier.It is obviously getting closer as soon as possible.
Moving between the trees, yet it is a light movement.Its not as fast as Chrome-san, and there is one thing different from her.
This precise movement is a movement that is clearly ustomed to a bad road. They are getting speed with technique, not with physical ability.
If you observe carefully, you know that the number of opponents is three.
And three people, each emerged from the gap between different trees.
Three people jumped out of different ces, they gathered in the same ce and decided each pose.
I remembered that figure.With a familiar voice, the three begin to speak to the mouth.
"I am the chain and sickle, Chihuahua!"
"I am the explosive, Dachs!"
"And finally theres the amazing me, the knife thrower, Terrier"
""" All together we three are the Terrier Bandit Troupe!! """
I saw a simr y before.I say that because I saw it.
The bald head with the cap attached like when I first met, as usual the nose hair which is still stick out a little, somehow thest one already shaved leg hair but still visible
The entertainer came ... !
""" Who is the entertainer Trio!! """
The answer as expected resounded in the mountains.
Next chapter isnt tranted yet, please be patient
Trantor Corner:
A Wild Team Rocket appear!
Chapter 48
I will start tranting next chapter now
Chapter 48: Wee Bandit Troupe
Oh ... well, you are the pervert woman at that time!
Oh, you remember, and Im not the pervert woman
And we are not entertainers!
Well, Arge-san, are you acquainted with these people?
I was at a loss as to how I should respond to the question being thrown to the ce where I talked with Terrier-chan. (Oniichan trante as Terrier = real name of dog, but in raw, Arge call their name with -chan)
It is true that if you ask whether I know them, I think that it is not asked they are a good acquaintance.
The other side was trying to ve me and sell me and I blew three people to get meal from Zeno.
If you exin that to Kuzuha-chan, it would be correct to say I am acquainted as an enemy.
However, I dont hate Terrier-chan trio that far.It is rather favorable.Because these people are funny.
I thought that they should be introduced with such feelings, I start talking to Kuzuha-chan.
Kuzuha-chan, they are traveling entertainers
Wow, a performer! (Kuzuha)
"""Do not tell a lie !!!"""
They are crying something, but that is what the entertainers prefers.
That is a pro! (Kuzuha)
"""Damn it !!! We are thieves !!!"""
Its a setting
Theyre into their role! (Kuzuha)
"""Why does it happen !!!"""
There is a habit of involving people in that setting, and it gets pretty stinky here, okay?
Its a pro! (Kuzuha)
"""Lets get it over with, pervert woman !!!!"""
Who is a pervert woman? Will you please stop give me a disgraceful nickname without my permission, funny puppy jokes
"""Look at a mirror before say it !!!"""
Ah, what shall I do, these people.After all, they are amazingly funny.
It also was a lot of fun to have with Felnote-san tsukkomi but this time three people tsukkomi at once.It is a perfect synch for their reply. (tsukkomi: ae back)
Neguseo is obviously amazed by the eyes. he will see this, but he leave it as he does not say anything.I want to see these people a bit more than that.
So why are all of you in such a ce?
Huh, listen and be amazed!
Listen and entertain?
Do notugh! I do not care whether you want to listen or not!
Terrier-chan who got angry, then he stood up try calm down.
He clear the throat with ahem and begins to talk about it again, he is taking whatever pose he like.Perhaps he would also like to dress up, but I am at a loss as it is interesting.
We overdo in the kingdom, weve be wanted in the whole country
Oh ...
I listened to Terrier-chans exnation while shining his head with a smug face, I was honestly surprised.
... Youre just an idiot, arent you?
I thought that they are a funny entertainer corps, but I guess that theyre also wickedly enough to be wanted.
Moreover, in that state, they are escaping to the border like this.The three people who showed me earlier that they were able to quickly move through the gaps between the trees, and it seemed quite sophisticated.In other words ...
Its a veteran entertainer
You do not want to hear it seriously, do you?! Thats right! Ill kill you!
Terrier-chan pull out the knife. And when I thought he was going to throw, but he immediately put the knife back.
Although there is hatred but there is no murderous intent, look at me with his eyes, Terrier-chan start talking.
Chick, we can not cross this ce like this ... It is troublesome if we are found by a border guard.
I agree
To be honest, I am the same.
I think that it is easy to repel them, but even if Dachs-chans bomb exploded or it was made too much for entertainers, Im in trouble now.
It is the purpose not to be found by anyone, go out of the country.And that is our and the Terrier-chan triosmon goals.
Looking at Terrier-chans behavior, as Dachs-chan and Chihuahua-chan do not say anything, there is such a rtionship of trust, and both of them will know the situation.
If what each others thinking is the same, this is one thing to say. I store my weapons in Blood Bag and speak.
Lets go together without make noise until we cross the border.
Humm, that will be the best for now ... lets go, you guys!
Hei, o kashira! (o kashira mean thats funny , but I keep it as romanji because Kuzuha will mistake it as Terriers name)
Aye aye, o kashira!
I understood, o kashira-san! (Kuzuha)
Which way should we go, Terrier-chan?
Oh, first of all, the slope from the other side ... Hey! What are you so casual about ?!
Well, that sounds easy.
Apparently, the three people are used to walking down the mountain.
They are bandits. Theyre good with bad condition area.
Kuzuha-chan also seems to be good at walking in the mountains, but with many people, there are such human resources.I am not ustomed to mountains, so I will use them conveniently ... let them help us.
Also, they are also afraid of get caught by the border guards and it is troubled if the alertness goes up.I guess we can break through border, and then they will makes a fusster.
Terrier-chan trio may be strong as bandits, but I do not know how strong they are, and I do not know the strength of the border guards.I want to avoid troublesome things and uncertain things as much as possible.
Its nice, isnt it?
It reduces! Our motivation will reduce!!
You are not pleased that such a pretty girles with ... Oh, Terrier-chan trio are like that ... So three men gathered together ...
What are you trying to imply, put three of us together again?
You three trulymit with yourself, not a bad things, right ?
Damn you pervert woman, Hey!
Its amazing! Its a real acting performance! Both of you, you seem to be really mad!
I am mad! You are as I saw!
You should notice it soon!
What is this pure foolish girl!
Oh well, I will go with you from now, shall we get going?
"""Why do you decide your own !!!"""
Terrier-chan trio refuse it too much, I guess they dont want that so I change my mind.If they dont do it together, maybe they do it alone. Well, its rude to think about it so I should stop.
Kuzuha-chan also seems to bepletely enthusiastic, going closer to Terrier-chan while making eyes glittering is interesting.
Neguseo saw the Teria-chan trio with eyes as see something pitiful. He is spreading something like a deep sorrow. (TN speak in Neguseo ce: Bros, I know that feeling real well)
Are you toying with me ...... Pervert Woman
Oh, my name is not Pervert Woman, Im called as Argento Vampear. Just Arge is good, is that right, entertainer?
My name is Kuzuha, I would like to thank you for the entertainment performance
"""Stop calling us entertainer !!!"""
That reaction is already a performer.
Thus, although temporarily, we decided to cross the mountain with Terriers.
Even if they understand it is necessary to keep quiet, but look like they cant do it.
Next chapter isnt tranted yet, please be patient
Chapter 49
Next chapter isnt tranted yet, please be patient
Chapter 49: Together with the Bandit Troupe
The sun has already risen, Chihuahua, lets move.
Ok, its okay!
Chihuahua-chan moves as he listens to Terrier-chans words.Among the three, the slim body slid into the gaps of the trees.
And Terrier-chan walks in the direction opposite to what he disappeared.As Ducks-chan goes with it as well, we will follow the two of them.
While watching Terrier-chans slippery head that looks good, I ask him a question.
Why did you send Chihuahua-chan away, what did you do?
Since we will hide until night, he will erase footprints and camouge as if a beast passed around.
Is it okay until evening ... whats about border guard are patrolling?
Well, but this ce is rtively under-monitored, there must be ces to hide
After Terrier-chan said that he went with dachs-chan.
Because the sun leaves are reflected on Terrier-chans bald head, I will not lose sight of it, but it is quite difficult to follow, but those twos feets are quick.
... Its a familiar movement.
The Terrier-chan Bandit Troupe are moving with the ease as if they were walking in the garden.
I would believe if they said they live in this mountain.
Kuzuha-chan also goes the same way and Neguseo seems to be fine.It iste for me to clearly step forward.
I am a vampire now.I have high physical ability and physical strength. However, it is hard to walk on unfamiliar footing.
Because it is likely to slip your feet asionally, you will be cautious about going by all means.
Are you alright, Arge?
Yes, its okay. Thank you, Neguseo
Oi, we are not waiting.
I do not mind, I will follow properly
Indeed, I do not expect such kindness.I also know that it is not good to have it.
Its a pain, but I will try harder.When I thought that, I had a feeling of floating.
My feet get away from the ground and my posture copses as it is. Terrier-chan bald head disappeared from my sight, I saw the leaves and blue sky.
Kya ... !
I think that I fall and leak out a strange voice.
I quickly understood that was my misunderstanding.
The sense of floating happened because I have been lifted from behind.The face of the fox girl in my view.
... Kuzuha-chan?
Mr. Algier, I will carry you
No, its okay.
Dont be like it, I am the body divided by Kazuha
I understand the meaning of her words.
Thats it means Kuzuha-chan, who is princess carry me now is an alter ego created by the tailed beast.
When I turn my head, I saw Kuzuha-chan who is likely the main body stepping forward while shaking the tail.
It makes me feel a little sorry to have a small girl carry me.
However, when look at Kuzuha-chans movement so far, her physical ability seems to be high, and she can also carry me as I am.
Because the alter ego is made with magical power, there is no consumption of physical strength, food consumption is also none.
It is faster than how Im walking and with the thought we need to move faster in mind.Lets obediently do as Kuzuha-chan want here.
Im sorry, thank you.
You are wee, Im your friend after all.
Even if she said to be natural, I am not sure.
Because as for me that there was no friend until now.
Kuzuha-chan also said that she doesnt have friends, but they say that their mother taught her how to go out with them.
That mother is a bit strange woman or something like overprotection, but it is no doubt that she valued Kuzuha-chan, so what she teach Kuzuha-chan should not be a lie.
If the Kuzuha-chan is my friend, as a friend it would be rude to let others down as friends.I decided not to say anything and keep nodding to her.
I try shrinking the body for Kuzuha-chan alter ego easier to carry me.
Kuzuha-chans alter ego is careful walk as she carry me, Im embraced and not bothersome, even though there is little shaking.A shallow shake seems to be a cradle, and it seems that I will fall asleep when Im distracted.
In the sight where my eyelids close down to about half, the fox girl smiled at me.
If you are sleepy, then you can sleep?
No ... Oh ... thats okay, Bushiha-chan
Because you are Kuzuha-chans tail, Bushiha-chan...... bushi...... bun-chan...... bu-chan
Arge-san!? You are getting more and more sloppy!?
Be quiet and walk faster
Terrier-chan sends cold words to Kuzuha-chan, who began to run with the her alter ego.
The two Kuzuha-chan nods seriously and started to chase Terrier-chan and Dachs-chan silently.I will stop talking as well. *Yawn* I will do it.
How many times yawn it is? Terrier-chan stops walking around the time when Im about to sleep.
Before he stopped, there was a hole about enough for one person to get through.
It is a sideways hole which seem like dug by a beast, facing the mountain instead of underground.
Its one of the hiding ces we use when we cross the border.
As I said so deliberately, Teria enters the side hole.
The next dachs is a little wide but still seems to pass, it disappeared into the hole.
I do not know how deep inside the hole is, but it seems that there is room in the space because it ising.
Mr. Alger, Im going ahead
Okay, I understand.
Kuzaha does not scare himself, but slides a small body into the hole.
I left the boyfriend Kuzaha, obliged Bushyha to let me down and decided to follow everyone.
Although it is called a hideout, what kind of structure is it?
Im waiting outside
I was sent off by Negsee s cool voice and I went into the terrier thieves s hiding ce.
Im resting right now, next chapter isnt tranted yet
Chapter 50
Next chapter isnt ready yet, please be patient, okay ?
Chapter 50: Kuzuha-chan sing a Tsukkomi Luby. (T.N: in raw only have Kakurega and I have no idea what it mean, so I use what I understand from the chapter instead)
The space in front of the narrow sideways hole was surprisingly wide.
The vampires eyes can see the view correctly in the dark.With that convenient eyes, I look at the surroundings.
It is wide enough to stay overnight, and there are several things like tables and tool boxes.
The ceiling is quite high.Even if Oswald-kun is here, this space vertically and horizontally enough for him to walk without problems.
While looking around, Dachs-chan rubbed the match and put a fire on thentern.
Warm light fills the room.Because it is not a strong light, I did not feel pain in my eyes.
When turning my eyes towards Kuzha, she walked around the hideout, shaking the tail with an interesting face, touching the walls, and looking up at the ceiling.
So, why are you in such a ce?
As I was talked to, I turned my eyes, Terrier-chan was sitting on one of the toolboxes I saw earlier.
Its a rectangr box that seems to be just right for a chair.I am not interested in what is inside, but the key is securely attached.
What I was asked is not really need to keep secret, so I answer obediently.
I thought of going to the Republic
I do not understand, we cross mountain this way just because we are wanted. Only bandits and border guard go though this way, thats why were attack you. But you, why dont you go with the main road and pass the checkpoint ?
It seems that they seemed to be bandits just like them.It seems that it was such a reason to attack.
I look at my appearance again.Its dirty with soil, but its a maid outfit anyway.It seems better to have cleaned this for the moment.
Thinking that way, when walking around this way, she is interested to see thentern on the table, looking at Kuzuhas dress.It is a short Japanese-style kimono simr to shrine maiden clothes.
I think that she is beautiful ... Do you think there are such a beautiful bandits group? Terrier-chan, dont tell me, you are a stupid person?
I did believe it! Im sure I believed it! There are bandits who look like idiots like you guys!
Well, look like its interesting, please tell me more!
What are you nning ?
Because they seems like an interesting bandit trio if they do such a thing, dont you want to meet by all means?
Perhaps this world, all bandits are funny characters.If I think that there are encounters with new entertainers in the future, I am looking forward a bit from now.
However, the story diverted a little.In order to respond properly to what I was asked, I look at him and answer.
Because I became quite famous in the Kingdom, I should go to the Republic
Hey, seriously ?
As I may get an order from the king as a fighting force, It is good to go out of country early, there is a certain ... people have told me.
Dangerous.I were about to say mushroom.
Mushroom in other word, that is Samaka-san. He looks like a mushroom but he is a nice person. Hes kind of weird and erotic though.
Because the Kingdom have war with the Empire for a long time
In a disgraced manner, Terrier-chan makes words as if to throw up.
From that expression I felt a sense of hatred, but I felt like it was not for me.His gaze is out of here and is staring at the ground in disgust.
This is only an estimate, but there may be something to think about the kingdoms and the empire war.
It became obvious, but it is not umon to dig up again.I decided not to ask in detail.
But you, what a monster, have you twitched before us twice?
Its just a passing vampire.
Vampire ... You were born in Antares, right ? (쥹: Antaresu)
Antares! If we came across the ce when we first met and there was an old ruin near there!
Certainly I was in a city that was already destroyed when I woke up afterpleting the process of reincarnation.
As a result, the buildings and roads there were not only destroyed, but also deterioration due to aging seemed to be severe.It must have been quite years since peoples signs ceased.
... Antares is a name, isnt it.
It is not a birthce of my own, but a ce I can say as a birthce.
I thought it was in the kingdoms territory, but I did not know the name. Although I dont have to hear but there are no inconveniences even if I remember it.
There was arge battle long ago, the environment in which vampires are born is in ce, magical beings with a high concentration of magical powers gained their will and change shape to vampires
Oswald-kun and Kuzuha-chan also said vampires were created from high magical powers, but I do not know the details.I do not care because it is not interesting though.
However, it seems that the shape of the vampire has already been determined when I was born, as I had anticipated it is what I heard from the story so far.
After all, it seems that it is quite different from the vampire that I know.
Terrier-chan, you know pretty well,
Hmm, just so-so, hey Dachs, prepare bedding for them
Oh, good-night!
Upon receiving instructions from Terrier-chan, Dachs starts to move quickly. He opened one of the tool boxes and took out two sets of futons andid it in a near ce.
Even though I thought so far, Terrier-chan trio handle us unexpectedly and politely.
He said that he would leave if I was walkingte, he gave me a hoarse but he gave me guidance to the hideout.Right now he is preparing bedding for us to sleep.
It is a wanted bandits group who, when I first saw it, was probably trying to kill Zeno and selling me as a ve.It is hard to say he is truly a good person.But I can not see even the bad guys from head to toe.
Why did they be bandits in the first ce?
Here, weid it, because the departure is night, sleep properly
Thank you, Dachs-chan
Stop with -Chan!
After say my thank to Dachs-chan, I get into a futon.Because this ce is hard to say that it is fluffy on a little dusty smell, but I decided to endure because it is a futon for the first time in a long time.
As soon as I close my eyes, Im going to fall asleep so I say to Kuzuha-chan first.
Kuzuha-chan, I gonna sleep
I agree ... I will take a nap if I make an alter ego to help the entertainers.
Well, thank you for your new Bushiha-chan.
That way of calling her is already decided!? Hey, Arge-san! Is it negligible?
Although Kuza protests something, I ignored her because I was sleepy and closed my eyes.
I think that she is cute.Because she can not distinguish by appearance from the main body, I think that you can change the name as much as possible.
When you darken your vision, consciousness quickly fading.I was sleeping with BGM as a scream of Kuzhas tsukkomi.
It may be a little unprotected, but if we have Bushiha-chan, they will not do weird things here.
Too bad, I cant trante next chapter that fast. Be patient, okay ?
Trantor Corner:
Chapter 51
Next chapter isnt tranted yet, please be patient, okay ?
Chapter 51: Advance in the night
Oi, get up quickly
Along with rough words, I was woken up by a kick.
Even I said a kick, it is not that I was kicked, but I felt that my back was shaken with his feet.
Naturally, it does not make me want to wake up.I looked up at Terrier-chan while covering in the futon,
Please wake me up a little more gently.
What are you expecting Bandits to do, I dont want to be kind.
I want to tell him stoped stepping on the futon but it is their belongings in the first ce, I raised myself from the futon without any particr objections.
I was not killed while I was asleep, as a bandit he must be a kind person. Well, but even if they want to try anything, there was no worry because there was a Bushiha-chan.
I *yawn* wipe off the tears and look around.
Look like Kuzuha-chan was awake earlier, and she was already wash her face. When our eyes meet, she smile and greeting me.
Good morning, Arge-san (T.N: good morning in the evening)
Yes, good morning
After returning greeting and continuing to look around, Dachs-chan and Chihuahua-chan moved around.
Perhaps they are preparing for departure.They put food and tools in the bags ced on the table.
Apparently it is a leather bag, it is the same as backpack Kuzuha-chan made by herself.But there was one thing that bag had different from ordinary one.
... It entails a lot of things.
They put clothes andnterns, firetes and kitchen knife etc and throw everything into their bag. They only leave antern in table to light up this ce.
Strangely enough, even if they put everything in and the bag isnt swell. I point my finger at that leather bag and ask Terrier-chan.
Terrier-chan, what is that? It looks like a lot of things go in.
Ive stolen from the rich house in Kingdom. Ashs bag, magic artifact, you know.There are as many tools as you can store in.
Hm, I see.
As far as I can see, Ashs bag can store variety of things.
Because it can also contain dried meat, unlike a Blood bag skill, things that contain blood can be included as well.
I saw it in this world so far, there are three kinds of magic artifact.
Blur Soundless Child, Conjure Division and now Ashs bag.
Blur Soundless Child perhaps is a curse system, Conjure Division is a Remote operation type, Ashs bag is storage effect. Magic artifact, there seems to be various kinds of effects in various things.
It seems that my katana from Oswald-kun also have it, but what effect does it have?Although I was told that it is just an ordinary katana unless magical power is shed.
Well, I can not put thing in if the item size bigger than bags mouth, the same with living being
Oh, is that so?
Apparently, there seems to be no power to store big things like the Blood Box.Still, there is no doubt that it is quite useful.
I was a little surprised that they had stolen such things in the kingdom. Perhaps because of that crime, they be wanted in the kingdom.
The sword you used the little while ago also amagic artifact, you know.Well, where did you get that kind of thing?
Terrier-chan, do you understand its effect?
Well, that sword is -
Boss, were ready!
Just before Terrier-chan tried to talk, Chihuahua-chan cheerfully uttered.As a result, the stiffness of the story is broken.
Chihuahua-chan roughed his nostrils about, shaking his nose hair, and carry Ashs bag on his back.
A conversation has been stopped, so a subtle silencees between me and Terrier-chan.
After a few seconds, Terrier-chan stood up while scratching his bald head. Well, this story is over, it seems like that.
I do not know how he caught sight of my sword and if he know the effect of magic artifact, as a senior I would like him to tell me, but it seems like he haspletely disappeared from the other side so it will be useless.
Okay, Lets go, guys
"""Okay, Boss !!"""
To Terrier-chans words, not only the two of his men but also Kuzuha-chan are replied back to him. She probably still misunderstood the three people as entertainers, but it is funny to keep silent.
As expected of a bandit group, their footwork is light, Terrier-chan cut out the me in thentern and goes out.Kuzuha-chan also follows them, so I decided to leave the hideout at the end, just as I entered.
When going out through the side hole, the mountain is full of the darkness and tranquility of the night. H h to I hear an owl cry from somewhere. So we also have owls in other worlds.
I feel sleepy
I wonder if a vampire should do such a thing. You is a vampire, arent you? But havent you moved around during the day?
Oh, the light of the day are no problem with vampire
... Its a big problem
Be quiet, lets go
Sorry, Boss
Why is that when I was talking with Chihuahua-chan, Terrier-chan will get angry. I can understand if he is angry when im talking to him.Im not doing anything wrong to him, they why ?
Neguseo seemed to be waiting close by, and came to me as soon as I got out.
Terrier-chan begin to walk, Dachs-chan and Chihuahua-chan walk behind.Kuzuha-chan goes further after them, and me and Neguseo are side by side goingst.With such a form of formation, we begin to cross the mountain.
Terrier-chan who goes first, walks more slowly than during the day, but he isnt considerate for me, It was not to make the least noise as possible. asionally stopping, he is listening and looking around.
It is easy for me who will go slowly, so Im appreciated even if it is really not a concern for me.
Although it is a mountain with no light and moonlight hard to reach, the Terrier-chan Bandit Trio are moving as easy as during the day. Even though they are human beings, perhaps most of the ordinary people are supposed to see the scenery in the dark.
Is it due to some skill, or is it just such thing as a thief ?Although I am a little interested, I keep silent..
... Stop, you guys
His voice that dropped the tone and lift one hand as signal. The other two also stop one after another as instructed from the Terrier-chan. Naturally, Neguseo and I are thest one stop.
Teria looked around and sighed a lot.
I concentrate on smell and perhaps perceive the same thing as he.
Terrier-chan, you are...
Oh, it seems that it is going to happen
Terrier-chan bandit trio entered battle.
Next chapter isnt tranted yet, please be patient, okay ?
Trantor corner:
After cross the border far enough that dont alert border guard.
A wild Team Rocket start to attack.
How will Red and Pikachu blow them off AGAIN this time?
Chapter 52
Next chapter isnt ready yet, please be patient, okay ?
Chapter 52: Shadow in the dark
Please wait, three of you
Knives, chain sickle, and bombs.I poured water into the three of them who took out their weapon.
Kuzuha-chan is looking nervous. She understands the meaning of hiding and crossing the border but she wonder why the entertainers is doing that. I think she is just too pure.
Terrier-chan bandit trio responds to my words and gazes at me.After confirming that, I bit my finger.
The blood overflows from the wound, and the sweet taste spreads in the mouth.
While I remembered some unnecessary feelings, I released my fingers from the mouth and speak the words.
Blood Arms, ??rope .
Skill to change blood into weapons.It seems that the rope is not exactly a weapon, but the restraint seems to be interpreted as a weapon.Because my skill level is max, I can make it, I will dly use it
Lightly tie a rope made to be long enough so that it does not get too tight around Neguseos neck.
Are you OK? Neguseo
No problem.
Well then, Kuzuha-chan, would you pass this rope to three of them?
Oh, yes.
Talking over the edge of the rope, Kuzha will ry to the front.
Even though the four of them dont know what my n is, they still grasped the rope properly.
So, what do you want to do?
I think you should avoidbat as much as possible, right?
This is long rope, did you make it ?
As Terrier-chan says, peoples signs are getting closer. This rope is for several people, not alone.
I also do not know how he perceived it and how the people who are heading here have grasped our existence.
But if possible, I want to avoid conflict.It is a troublesome. We are crossing the border by moutain to avoid the trouble in the first ce.
O Darkness, cover us
So, I use magic to avoid it.
Dark magic.I exercised magic skill at level 1.
It is the skill I had grasped the effect from the begining.I did not use it until now because I had no chance to use it.
The effect of the this skill level is very simple.Make darkness.Thats it.
Things like ck mist overflow from my palm and flow to the surroundings. I have dyed my neighborhood while I see it, yet I can not stop.
Just a little time, everything was covered in darkness.
Arge-san, this is ...
Its okay, just making it hard to see
Normally, even it is night now, visual is bad.Forest of the dusk where only a few moonlight reaches. Terrier-chan bandit trio, Kuzuha-chan and Neguseo still can see.I can see the scenery which is almost the same as the daytime thank to my vampire eyes. We are a group with a good sight at night.
But the darkness I made now is dark enough that impossible see.
Only I can see.
To be precise, only vampires can see.Im the only member who is vampire here now and I can only see this darkness without problems.
The reason why I still can see is the race characteristic of the vampire.I do not know the detail, but the vampire seems to have settled the magical power of darkness, probably a blessing.
Now the people who are chasing us will lose sight.While continuing the dark magic, send words to everyone while moving to the front.
Well then, I will lead you, please follow me without taking off the rope.
What is it, Terrier-chan?
Is it dissatisfied or even a question?When I looked at Terrier-chan, he looked straight at my eyes in this darkness.He doesnt look at me blindly.Terrier-chans eyes are properly look toward here. Maybe he can sense me somehow
... Maybe you can see it?
I can tell them I can see it , but I do not feel like exining the reason.His attitude was like still in doubt.
I do not care about why, so it does not matter if I do not feel like talking.
Terrier-chan bandit trio nod with each other, look they decided to listen to me. How can they reach to an agreement without visual.
The entertainer is amazing, isnt it? (Arge)
Who is an entertainer, wait a moment (T.N: this time only Terrier talk)
It seems like he want to do something.Terrier-chan pulled out the dagger from his bosom.It is not just one, the glow that appeared from the bosom is at least three.
Terrier-chan threw three dagger with a casual movement as if he was deciding to do so from the beginning. Without sight, he shouldnt know the direction to throw, but his throwing is uracy.
Each of the three daggers flies through the gaps of the trees, in a different direction. Without even look, Terrier-chan grabbed the rope again,
Lets go
Terrier, what have you been doing just now?
Those daggers will explode after a while, its a diversion to catch the attention of the border guards, lets go quickly.
Ah, yes
Im holding the edge of the rope and the back was pushed, so I started walking and lead everyone.
If you can see it, I think Terrier-chan is the best, but he seems to leave it to me.
I was wondering if he might get angry with me deny and disturb them when they trying to fight, but they rather obediently listen to me.
Their name are strange and violent, but those are who we can not hate after all.
While thinking that the mountain road is hard to walk, I walk through the darkness and lead everyone.
The end of the mountain road is almost over.We went through the darkness against the shy explosive sound behind us.
And then there were none No new chapter yet.
Trantor Corner:
Chapter 53
Next chapter isnt ready yet, please be patient, okay ?
T.N: This chapter is quite long, Yesterday, even after 2 hours I still cant finish it, only about 80%
Chapter 53: Rematch, Terrier Bandit Trio
Fu, aaa ...
While yawning, I expose the fangs of the vampire to the sky, I dont need to hide it because they already know.
It is a pleasant thing to breathe out and take in fresh air into the lungs, but it is also an ally for a nap.I want to take a nap soon.
... and will you three do it anyway?
While wiping tears I look at them and ask.It is a Terrier-chan bandit trio a few meters away.
Slim chihuahua-chan who roughly shakes nose hair with muffin and nose.
Dachs-chan is a little fat exposed his shinny hair gently.
And Terrier-chan with a bnced body with a bald head, wear a mantle.
They look like entertainers, with strange clothes , Terrier Bandit Trio.It is a funny trio that can not be forgotten once you see it.
Before your eyes!
We are the one make children keep crying when look at!
You cant keep anything from us
While watching Terrier-chan bandit trio who positively make their appearance pose, I will organize the situation.
We got off the mountain safely and then we were walking together for about half a day.However, as soon as I got off the mountain I fell asleep on Neguseo, so I did not notice that they were following.
So when I woke up I was surprised to see them.I was just thinking that they are going on a different path.
Then the reason why the Terrier-chan bandit trio went out of their way to wait for me to wake up is to have some words with me now.
In other words, they patient waiting for me to wake up, for a fair revenge match. Perhaps they have too much free time.
The fragrance of blood from the trio who are posing right now is still as ever, which mean their power doesnt improve from thest time we met.
At least, I know they are not as strong as Felnote-san and I doubt that they even as strong as Kuzuha-chan.
Still I descended from Neguseo and watched the trio.
... I can not understand the meaning of their pose.
I did not feel any wonder at the first meeting, I won them easy.
Today, however, I looked at them again today. and I changed my perception slightly.
There is no waste in their movement except for posing.Although it is a self-deration, there is information that they was rampant at the kingdom.
Especially Terrier-chan is doing better than the information I obtained from smell. He can looking at me with the darkness that I made, and the ability to detect danger was high, the throwing knifes aim was uracy.
Reading the smell of blood is all about rough strength (basic stats).Tactics, thoughts, and experience are not reflected there.In other words, Blood Reading from smell only senses the the opponents physical body, the strength of the magical power.
It may not be okay to rely too much on blood reading, at least from the smell. (T.N: in case you forgot, smell enhance only lvl 1. Taste blood is the only way active Blood Reading lvl 10)
Arge-san, entertainer-san, whats wrong?
Oh, thats right.Kuzuha-chan is still thinking so.
Well, they seem to want to practice actions now, so I thought of having a acting with them
Wow, I am keen to see!
Yeah, thats why Kuzuha-chan should shouldnt join in, Its okay to look at the practice scenery, can you watch it from over there?
I understand!
Kazuha-chan who is unlimited honest and pure seems to have believed my words, she is taking a bit of distance away from me and look at me with eyes of expectation.It looks like she is hoping for it.
And I n to talk with Neguseo next to Kuzha-chan, but I did not have anything to say, so I left him alone.I have not done anything bad.
When I turn over again to the entertainers, the three of them keep their poses neatly.I wonder why they did not attack in the gap when I was talking just now.
Go, you pervert woman !!
Im not a pervert woman
My protest against unwilling nickname was not heard, they are rude. The terrier bandit trio moved.
Although it is not surprisingly funny, it is the beginning of battle with subtle timing that can not be said as sane.Like the previous one, I blew in with the magic of the wind, but it seemed to they expecting it, they moved in different directions.
The trio are spreading out with a swift movement, which seems different to raised one leg or crooked or strange pose like a while ago.Dachs-chan and Chihuahua-chan each go to the left and right, Terrier pull out one dagger while stepping back.
Its dangerous, is not it?
When the body was tilted and the throwing de was dodged, chains and sickle flew at me.It is Chihuahua-chans.
I avoid the chain and sickle sideways by lower myself.Wind noise is passing over the head.White Brim rocked roughly.
A bomb is thrown in front of me when I bent back.At the moment, when I tried to respond, a dagger prated a bomb.Terrier-chans is it. An explosion urred.
An explosion at a level that does notpare with what was used in thest battle. ButIt is still a powerful attack that can hurt me.
Wait ... !
At the moment of explosion, I moved backwards and escaped.The edges of silver hair and frill are burned slightly and give off an unpleasant smell. Because it is physical damage rather than magic, there is no way to prevent it if it hits this.
Oh!? Clothes!
Kuzuha-chan, the creator of the clothes, ruffles her voice, but there is no time to worry about it. A dagger flew through the smoke before the st was clear off.
Because smoke is hindered the view, I should not be seen, but the knife is precisely throwing.
There is no need to be impatient, and I intercept the flying dagger with a katana taken from the blood bag.One, two, three.When the smoke was clear, there was no sign of Terrier-chan.
If he move in a visible state I will not miss him, but if he block my sight and move, I will lose sight like this. Of course, even with this situation, I dont need to rush.
Wind-san, please.
I cast a gust of wind magic on my left hand and blew away Dachs-chan, who was trying to throw another bomb.It will be troublesome if you do not crush the range attack first. (T.N: remember when all out attack in LOL, kill Ziggs first)
Wow !?
Dachs-chans screams going further away. I turn my body to the right side.Chihuahua-chan is already throw a sickle.
Take this!
I can avoid by lower my body. But two knives from the back of Chihuahua-chan are flying towards me right way. (T.N: Twist Fate cover for off-tank Thresh that miss his Q)
I guess Terrier-chan try to cover Chihuahua-chan when he recover his sickle.Chihuahua-chans body is slim, but the knifes trajectory pass though him precisely. I can tell how good the co-operation from Terrier-chans throwing knife skill.
While admiring them, I use the katana and intercept one knife.
Another one cut shallow on my right cheek as it flying pass me. But it isnt that I cant dodge because get a slight cut is my aim.
Blood Arms.Chain... good
U oo !?
Catch Chihuahuas weapon with the chain create from blood in my cheek and throw it away. I can control the chain make from my blood without touching it. Just simple imaging how you want the chain to act.
Even Im hold a kanata, Blood Arms moves by autopilot. The chain restraint Chihuahua-chan who trying to run away after lost his weapon.
It was worthwhile to purposely get scratching in the skin.Although I can feel the wound, there is no problem.
Additional Order, to Dachs-chan
While looking carefully around, I control the chain to restraint Dachs-chan as well.
You may still need blood so do not use recovery magic yet, the wound remains.
... He disappear again.
I saw that Terrier-chan was throwing two daggers from the back of Chihuahua-chan but Terrier-chan was disappearing again right after.
I will listen to it, but Chihuahua-chan, how is Terrier-chan disappearing?
Hah! Do you think I will tell you, Baka!
You must be right.
Whoa !?
I just heard it, I have not expected it in the first ce.
Operate Blood Arms and pull Chihuahua-chan.Even if you want to do, you will not be able to do anything when your body was held on the tree.Likewise, Dachs-chans restraint waspleted.Lift them up to several tens of centimeters above the ground and hold them there.
Additional Order, Be Quiet
Since their scream behind me is so loud, I use my blood to create a cover to close the twos mouth.
Instead of seeing with eyes, concentrate consciousness trying to detect with smell enhance.
...Not here?
I can not caught Terrier-chans smell.
There is a smell, but it is only the fragrance scent.Terrier-chan seems to have been behind Chihuahua from that time.
Has him moved away to where my nose does not work?I could deny that possibility.
He will not leave hisrades and run away. Even when he got away, I should see him because it is a in here, too far away attack will not reach me.
Theres another possibility.It may be possible to mislead the smell. But how?
If you could do such things, hide it magically, or C
- Is this the ground? (T.N: are you becone Reksai + Teemo now)
I believed that was the case this time. If I remember correct, It was nearly the same ce where he is appeared to attack and disappear. Ie to the ce behind Chihuahua-chan just now and waiting. As expected Terriers bald heades out from the ground, but he was slightly behind this time.
The position where I was standing for a while.Teria who made a face like of a mole digging the ground.It was a picture that seemed to make meugh in spite of myself. But since he throw three daggers toward me, I sway my body a little to avoid, let return to battle. (T.N: make me think of Twist Fate Ult and Q)
It seems that hes throwing with just one arm swinging, but how many daggers are you hiding?
Blood Arms,??Chain.
Tsk! Lurking !
As I mentioned before, the chain appeared at where I was, where my blood is falling. My blood expanded its mass, turned into a chain and flying toward Terrier-chan, but he dug to ground before the chain catch him.
Although he only speak a rough word, magic was definitely activated just now. That spell make a lot dust smoke, the appearance of terrier disappeared to the ground.That is soil magic, isnt it?
Terrier may be a good at skill rather than a simple strength.And he also handle it well.
Nheless, I found out the trick.If you know what he is doing, you cane up with as many things to counter.
Store weapons and clothes, change your body to fog.I do not like to keep using this skill so much, but I think that the best hand for now, so I use it without any hesitate. (T.N: uhm... hand isnt really mean hand but method, im not really sure but I hear it somewhere before)
I dont like it because consciousness bes a little thin when I be fog. It is simr when I be drowsy, but if normal, I can just sleep when I be drowsy.I can not sleep when it is foggy.Yeah, Im not good at it.
While gathering fluffy consciousness, I will scatter my body.Even though my eyes and ears are all lost, the strange thing is that the body where the fog is covered can grasp whatever happens.
Even the feeling that the ground is moved slightly, it seems like to pick it up. There is no hand in this form though.
In the meantime, I concentrated my consciousness on the movement of the ground and waited.
Shaking of the earth, movement that is a sign of appearance.The ground rises slightly.I follow what I felt.
Just before the opponentes out, I return from the fog to the original form and I also wear clothes.And I have the upper hand this time.
Roll up the soil gently, the ground breaks.What appeared then is Terrier-chan.
Wee ~? (raw dont have ~? but I think it better if we have it there)
So far as expected. Even I got him, it is impossible for him to obedientlye out of the ground after I exposed his method of disappearing.
In order to disturb me, he abandoned the cloak and dropped to the ground.
Hes pulling out daggers and throwing at me.Its urate, but when face to face, I can easy avoid by sway my body a little.
Damn it! Lur...
Too slow
Mmmm !?
It is the my Blood Arms.However, It is not a weapon.
Ducks and Chihuahua who was covered the mouth and was dragged around the sky. I keep the two from behind the terrier.
At the same time I released Blood Arms, the two people who were unconstrained fall by gravity.As a result, the three people are forcibly stuffed into the same hole.That looks painful.Three people together saying Muugou!?
Blood Arms, rope.
Lets finish. I create new rope by Blood Arms.
Although it is making arrest tools rather than weapons while saying Arms, it is convenient and I uses it without worrying about it.
The rope tie up the three people together.
It is a truly an amazing performance from entertainer-san.
Who is entertainer C !!!
No, they arent entertainers anymore when should I tell Kuzuha-chan?
Next chapter isnt tranted yet, please be patient, okay ?
Trantor Corner:
Chapter 54
Next chapter isnt ready yet. Be patient, okay ?
Chapter 54: Bandits who didnt learn their lesson.
The rope that tied the three of us disappear suddenly.The red chain wrapped around the whole body to such an extent that it was impossible even to get out was suddenly scattered.
Tsk, pervert woman
While give her poison words, I get up quickly and sweep the dust. The other two are also doing the same.
Dachs and Chihuahua as well as me, are released from restraint.
Boss, we are sorry
I dont mind, because I also cant do anything.
The reason the chain disappeared was probably because she fell asleep.That Pervert Woman, had she said she is Argento?
Skills of the vampire Blood Arms is lifted when its user loses consciousness. We know that well.
And she seems to like sleeping.It is no doubt that why they were released because she went to bed.If she is attacked by a demon and died, that will also be released.
How is your injuries?
Its still daytime now, we can see clearly, I will check it for a moment.
After catching us, that pervert woman gone away from this ce after applying recovery magic.So there should not be scratches.
... Un-believe-able Recovery Magic.
It was about scratches that we got, but she used a huge amount of magic and heal it.
The three of us recover simultaneously. Together with dirt remover.Far from being a little injury I waspletely cleaned down to the mud and the soil that I got when dive in the ground.
Its all right!
Me too!
Okay, lets go
I was pretentious like I dont care.Although its hurt, it says also proof of living. (He talking about scracth)
I am angry but it is better to emphasize our mean to survive.The first thing to do is collect the knife we ??threw and then.
That girl, just who is she ?
I dont know, Ive never heard of such a ridiculous recovery vampire and speed vampire
Thats right, I guess we should know if she is appear in the past.
They are right.If such a vampire is from a long time ago, we should know.
I know some detestable vampires. Golden Blood Vampire (Elsee), ck Count, Red Lord.
But she is silver. Vampires are always born abruptly, but suddenly there will be nothing like those with that ability. They need time to get stronger.
Besides, she is toying with us, I hate that.
Where was she picked up, that kind of thing
Thats it, is that her sword? (T.N: they dont call katana as katana but as sword)
I also knew about that sword from before.I have heard of Dachs and Chihuahua.Because I can appraise the tool, I immediately found out what it was.
A frenzied swordsmith who had lost a body part, had crafted it in the past. In the end of his life, he remember his dream, he create two sisters sword. (T.N: Japanese smith often craft two master piece katana, one to give to friend, the better one is worship as family heirloom, I hope you know Rurouni Kenshin)
One of them is in the empire.I heard that the other one is still hiding in the darkness, but now it is in the hands of a lewd woman. Ah...How did she get such sword.I wonder where it is, even though I could not grasp the ce for many years searching.
Dream of Water Lily
Names and effects have been appraised. Attually, I knew from the beginning.
She didnt seem to know so I thought I should tell her, but it was troublesome when the touched story broke.
In the first ce, why do I have to teach. She seems to be an idiot.
Collect all the thrown knives and put them back. I should do maintenance while moving.
It is not that far from the border yet.I must move early to find the next prey.
I do not know if I will meet with that pervert woman again.If I meet her again, next time I am motivated to pay her back, how dare she treated us as entertainers, but it may be tough as it is now.
If I want to battle with that vampire, three people are tough. Only of we have something.
... Can you think of anything ?
I dont even know when I will die, I can not see the future.It is better to take measures from what you can see at least for a while.
I do not think of anything at the moment, but lets think about it againter.
... There seems to be many gaps.
To be exact, she is toying with us too much.
Although she seems to have changed a little in this battle, but its still an overkill. (T.N: overkill dont really mean kill but mean too strong, I guess)
If she isnt change in the next time we meet, this will be a chance.Of course, we will prepare means that will be able to repent her even if she has been improved.
I will repent that woman next time, I will make her regret make a fool out of me.
Lets go, guys!
Yes, Boss !!
Hit and strike, as usual, I am satisfied with the usual reaction and turn the mantle.
Anyway, first of all, I have to eat tomorrow.Look for prey and have to hunt.
We are a thieves group who will make child cry when look at.Because we are Terrier Bandit Trio.
The Kingdom is hard to do now, but the Republic is wide.It is good for raising a g.
The destination can not be decided.We do not even know about tomorrow.
Thats fine.Thats good.Because we are free now.
We will do it as we like. we will not let anyone disturb us.We are Bandits.
Next chapter isnt ready yet, please be patient, okay ?
Trantor Corner:
Praise for the reader who guess the Trio have something to do with Plotst time.
Last time I read from Machine Trante, I dont fully understand and I dont check the raw for the word meaning like this time.
Chapter 55
Next chapter isnt tranted yet, please be patient, okay ?
Chapter 55: Fox lolis desire.
I got it fixed !!
I hear her cheerful voice and wake up.
In my blurred vision, I see Kuzuha-chan, a Fox girl, she jumps over the meadow with my maid clothes. Kuzuha-chan is happy jumping around the area.
Every time she jump, her short skirt is fluttering, isnt that dangerous. I wonder if she already wear panty yet, but from my side, it still look like she go no-pan.
... The clothes got fixed.
In the battle with the Terrier Bandit Trio, Kuzuha-chans handmade maid clothes got ruffle and skirts end got burned slightly.It seems that Kuzuha-chan didnt like it at all.
When I got a bite after having finished eating, Kuzuha-chan suddenly said I will fix it!. She quickly stripped me nake and began to repair the maid dress.
Because I can not help it, I was sleeping in a nket and ... It seems that the repair work has ended.
Ah ... Good job, Kuzuha-chan
Even I dont really care about appearance, but she is working hard to fix it, I must say thank properly.
If she couldnt make and fix clothes, I would be treated as a lewd wherever I went.
Well, but the reason why the clothes I wore have disappeared is because Kuzuha-chan surprisingly smeared me with a high heat, but that is that, this is this.
No, I dont think it was anything great ... Come on, please wear it !
Take off the nket after receiving the maid dress.
Although I was dressed by Kuzuha-chan only once.I remember how to wear, I dont need Kuzuha-chan help this time. I can change my clothes by myself.
I will make another clothes ahead of time, so when Arge-san clothes get torn again like this, Arge-san doesnt need to be naked.
I think that it is fine as it only lightly torn though ....
What are you saying, a girl should wear proper clothes if she can help it!
What was that ?
If you have clothes with open holes or dirty clothes, you will have a hole in your heart and be filthy! Therefore as much as possible, you need to wear proper clothes!
Because Kuzuha-chan look serious and say something amazing, I decided to nod and obey her in silence.
Her words feel like sermon. She must endure a lot, after all ve life seemed to be painful. I wonder if its normal girl also love to wear costume.
... Well, it is Kuzuha-chan and Bushiha-chan making it.
And she say that she can make dress while I am asleep, Im appreciated, so I will leave it to her.
I would prefer clothes that are easy to move, if possible, but I will leave it to the mood of the creator.Since she is the one make it, it is bad to have many demand from her.
If Kuzuha-chan said so, shall we do so?
Yes, thats OK, leave it to me.
Kuzuha-chan nods in satisfaction. Shee is an obedient child.
Well then, shall we leave?
Oh, please wait, Arge-san
Whats the matter?
No .... about that Arge-san, where is your destination in the Republic?
... ... For now, I think I will aim for the capital.
In the sense, that it is the final destination, it is to find people who feed me for life, allow me to sleep whenever I want ina fluffy bed but in order to get it, I am nning to go to ces with many people.
I do not know where the capital is and what name it is, but if you walk properly you should be in town and you will meet travelers, so you only have to get the information from them.
Well, are you in a hurry to go to the capital?
No, Im not in a hurry,
It is true that I want to live that kind of life quickly, but I dont really rush.
I know that people who do such things are really rare, so Im thinking to look for them slowly.
Or rather, I do not want to get tired, so Id like to look for them while I am resting moderately. My pace is important.
Kuzuha-chan heard my words and smiled.Shaking her triplet tail, it seem like she feel relieved.
In that case, there are some cities where I want to visit ... is that OK?
I dont know her intention, but Kuzuha-chan is seriously appearing.
Kuzuha-chan was treated as ve for a long time by Ruts.
I do not know how long it is, but during that time, she would not have had the opportunity to contact anyone or going anywhere.
She seem to have buried her mom properly and chased me as soon as possible.
... Well, its not bad for foreign world sight seeing tour.
It reminds me of the port city of the kingdom, Arlesha.
The sea breeze is pleasant and the meal is delicious.It was a nice town to take a nap.
It isnt bad to go to other towns as well, if you like them.I may be choose it as the ce to live in the future.
Okay, then can you show me around?
Well, please leave it to me!
When Kuzuha-chan stretches her body, her face start changing.
The size of her body and the clothes she wearing are shrinking, even the shape of the body changes. Fox mode Kuzuha-chan ispleted.
I will show you the way, lets go, Arge-san
Yes. Neguseo, please.
I picked up Kuzuha-chan and I call out to Neguseo.
Neguseo rises from the ground. It seem he also rest for a while just like me.
Departure, Arge-san.
Okay ... please help us for a while longer.
All right. You should get on,dy
Following a gentlemanly urge, I ride on the back of Neguseo with Kuzuha-chan.
The position for line of sight became high and it became possible to see far.The wind is pleasant and Im sleepy, but Negseo and Kuzuha-chan can notmunicate, so I have to stay awake and be an interpreter.
Is the city you want to go far?
If you walk slowly and take a rest at night, you will arrive at noon tomorrow.
Well then, shall we go then, which direction?
Tell Kuzuha-chans instructions to Neguseo and we will resume our trip.
Republic?What kind of country is it?I hope there will be someone who will feed me.
Next chapter isnt tranted yet, please be patient
Trantor Corner:
Today, I skim through all chapters with machine trante. To find if any girls appear again.
Just to know one thing. Arge go with Kuzuha-chans storyline in thestest arc
Kuzuha-chan is way too cool. I thought she is a cute fox imouto, turn out, she is an ACTION HERO in shounen manga.
Their rtionship reach next level. Now they can do ...uhm... what theyre already done in the past ... but Arge also felt a little happy.
Now I really want to read the proper trante of next 68 chapters.
~Sign, even I do my best still take 50 days.
Chapter 56
(Next chapter) Your order isnt ready yet. Please have some tea and be patient.
Trantor note: As a Touhous fan, I cant let this chance pass.
Please listen to this song.
By all mean please listen to this song.
Its important so I write it twice.
Chapter 56: Flower surrounded Town
... Sakura?
Words I said almost unconsciously, are direct to the petals in the winds.
It is a spectacr cherry blossom treese in view while staying on the back of Neguseo.
Sakura trees are nted so that it encloses the entrance of the town and the road extending from there.Cherry blossoms are overflowing on one side of the main street and you can take your eyes away.
As I went straight ahead, I saw a big mountain.There are no cherry blossoms there, but green is deep, and it is beautiful as it seems that the mountain is surrounded by cherry blossoms when looking at the scenery.
Its a not full-bloomed yet, but its still as beautiful as ever
Kuzuha-chan get off Neguseo and returned to the human form.
The background of cherry blossom petals is a good match for her in Japanese clothes.Her firgure and the background make a beautiful picture.
Shaking her fox colorful ear, she looks back to us with a smile.
How is it Arge-san ? One of the many tourist destinations of the Republic of Yotsuba, this is Sakura-zaka! It is famous cherry blossom trees that brought all the way from the capital city Sakura-nomiya!
Ha, I see. This is certainly amazing, isnt it?
The name is different, I obediently ept it. This is really a sight of our eyes.
Its sort of a sight that I familiar with.
Not to mention a tree-lined street where the cherry blossom surrounded, there are many people here wear Japanese clothes, the building is also a wooden building, all of which have roofs of tiles.
Illusion as if I came to the ancient capital of Japan. I almost forget for a moment that this is a different world.
It feels like I came to the shooting studio of the TV drama.I want to walk around this town for sight seeing.
In any case, it is dangerous riding a horse to enter the town.Thinking that way, I get off the Neguseo.
When I stood on the ground, I felt that the scent of cherry blossoms was more intense.I feel like Im getting into a nostalgic feeling.
... I did not see cherry blossoms for years.
At that certain time, I could not go outside anymore.The opportunity to see real flowers was lost forever.
There used to be someone who rece flower vase, but she never brought cherry blossoms in front of that room.
Cherry blossoms are weak.Sometimes it withers as soon as it folds. I wonder how she is doing right now.Because she was a kind person.I hope she is doing fine in that world.
Its been a while since I saw raw cherry blossoms, more like a petal touches my cheeks and hair.Salted cherry blossom is delicious.
Arge-san, whats wrong?
Nothing, Kuzuha-chan, what do you want to do in this town?
Hehuu, you will know if you go, lets go, lets go hand in hand.
Kuzuha-chan takes my hand with a cheerful appearance. Her right hand holds the reins of Neguseo, and her left hand hold mine.
Because I dont resist her hand pull, my feet will walk naturally, following Kuzuha-chan. Neguseo follows in obedience to the drawn reins.
Cherry blossoms and streets are reflected around our sight, and my own silver hair peeps at the edge.
As I walked, the nostalgia that I felt at the entrance became stronger.
I can feel harmony from the scenery here and there, and the whole scenerys impression is still nostalgic. But I still dont smell soy sauce and miso yet.
... If only human beings are walking here, I will feel that Im really time slipping.
People who walk and pass by are mostly human, but many arent.
A man with a beasts ear like Kuzuha-chan.
A brown person who looked like an intermediate person and a reptile, whose body was covered with scales.
A person whose elbows of both hands are on the wings of the birds, the knees to the head are still the feet of the birds.
Obviously, I am wandering with various races, not human beings in my world.
It is highpared with the kingdom, or the rate of demi-human is high.Since I could not remember the name of this city a while ago, I would like to attach an interesting nickname from one end.
I kept talking to Kuzuha-chan, I should stop that mischief.
There are quite a few non-human races
This is a sightseeing spot, people gather from various ces
Most people are in kimono ... it seems they are wearing kimonos,
They are also doing kimono rental
It be more like a Eiga-mura. (A movie vige, like Toei Kyoto Studio Park)
Oh, no, never mind that.
I understand that Kuzuha-chan can not know such a word, for her it is a different world story.
Although Kuzuha-chan turned her head with my words, she immediately return to lead the way.
Without falling aside, walk with the cherry blossoms surrounded the main street.After a while, the end of the main street came into sight.And at the end of the road there was a building.
A Japanese-style building with a mountain back, as if towering.It is two-storey, not a t shop.
Arge entrance that you can see at a nce that its a shop rather than a house, and a wooden sign on it.The letter on the signboard is not thenguage I know, but it is easy to decipher the meaning.I have that kind of skill.
Almost at the same time I understood what it is written on the sign of the signboard.Kuzuha-chan told the words.
The Sakura-zaka signboard is Sakura garden It is a Onsen inn!
bna misa?
Its Sakura garden.
I am satisfied with what I could not do earlier and think about the reason why Kuzuha-chan returned here.
... I wanted to take a bath.
Even though I can be neat with my recovery magic, it is more pleasant to take a bath.
Even so, I prefer to take a nap than a bath, I do not think there is any particr problem in the style of not having to take a bath just by removing dirt by the recovery magic.
However, I understand the feeling that it is not tasteful.Indeed, Kuzuha-chan has always been forced to work.
There is still a lot of things she want to do. Beside she just lost her mother, I dont think she get over her sadness yet. Slowly soak in hot water may calm her down and make her feel better.
Is there any ce for Neguseo?
Yes, of course it is!
Thank you. Neguseo, can youe over here?
Oh, I understand
I understand from Kuzuha-chans guidance that she knows well about this neighborhood.
Perhaps she has been here many times. Maybe she was with her family who is no longer here anymore.
Things other than fatigue and bodily injury.I feel like a nostalgic atmosphere from her.
So do not excavate about it, I just pulled the reins of Neguseo ording to her guide.
Next chapter ... z ... zZ ... Dont worry Yuyuko-sama ... I will get next chapter for you soon.
Trantor Corner:
Yes, Kuzuha-chan is still sad about her mother.
Until thestest chapter, Arge go with Kuzuha-chan storyline. Kuzuha-chan in those chapter was really COOL. SUPER COOL.
Their rtionship reach next level.
Kuzuha-chan be happier because Arge recognize her as friend.
Chapter 57
Next chapter ... z ... zZ ... Dont worry Yuyuko-sama ... I will get next chapter for you soon.
Chapter 57: Big one
Well ... , Kuzuha-chan, there are days like that
Kuzuha-chan is finally calm down, It take a lot of effort tofort her.
Kuzuha-chan is disappointed and sad that her hair, ears, tail was all falling down.
... Well, it is reasonable.
When we tried to book a room and use the onsen, the receptionists told us.
Im sorry, hot springs have withered since yesterday ... Its still possible if you are only want to stay
It was unexpected even employees are in trouble, Kuzuha-chans hope ceased toe true.
Thats why Kuzuha-chan was in a bad mood until now, even her tails fall down. Her tails
make the sofa she sitting look fluffy. Its a little interesting sight, but I feel sorry for her.
The other guests in the surroundings are not hiding their disappointment, but she look even more depress than other people. Kuzuha-chan look awful enough that even strangers seem to worry about her.
It seems we still can stay the night, and we can have meal too. I can cleanse our body with my recovery magic, so eat something delicious, sleep in a soft bed and cheer up a bit.
It does not seem like me tofort someone, but Im worry about her.
Kuzuha-chan came here to heal her (heart) injures, reward herself after all the hard work, memories with family in her favourite ce.
The ce with such emotions that she as me toe here, on our travel to capital. With other, they only loss a little fun from onsen, but with her it must be a big deal.
As for me, taking a nap is important, as important as how the onsen here for Kuzuha-chan.Thats how it is.
...no (no in romanji japanese)
Kuzuha-chan muttered something when I was wondering what should I say to her.
My vampire ear can pick up sound really good. But it was a small voice that I can not hear.I thought it was a solitary thought, but I doubt reflexively.
What ... What was that!!! (Nan... Nan Desu ~No!!!)
And Kuzuha-chan exploded.
She stood up vigorously and both her drooping tail and animal ear stood up and she scream.To such a sudden movement, I will unintentionally leak out a cute scream.
Kuzuha-chan, who had no motive till now, has be mad with emotions blowing out. She dont care about the surrounding guests looking, she stomp with her small foot on the wooden floor.
It is an association event to deepen my friendship with Arge-san! My mother also said It is good to start with a naked rtionship (change clothes or take bathe together), and we will deepen our friendship from there, I was really looking forward to it!
What it that means?
I feel that there is an error between parent and child in the past education.I wonder what she taught to her little child.
... Kuzuha-chan, she was thinking about that.
I was wondering if she brought me here in search of sentiments and rest. But it seems that it was a bit different.
A friend rtionship with me.It seems she also want to deepen our friendship.
Uh, Kuzuha-chan, calm down a little?
I can not calm down! I was really reaaally looking forward to it! Take a bath with Arge-san, wash your back, count numbers side by side! And drink fruit milk with you after bath. Its my hope!
I like fruit milk ... not it ... Hey, it also bes a nuisance to the surrounding customers.
People are looking at us. maybe therere some people think we are noisy, but for some reason they look at us with warm eyes. Still, it is a bit ufortable if we are the center of gaze.
Kuzuha-chan was shrunk by my words.It seems like she gets shrunk if she fold her ears and tails.
Well, Im sorry ... !
I was sighing while looking at Kuzuha-chan, who lowered her head.
... She might be surprisingly healthy.
I thought whether she was a bit more depressed, but it seems not to be that kind of feeling either.I may have been too worried.
Whether it is saddening or not, of course it is different, but Kuzuha-chan seems to be more positive than I thought.As I am part of the reason, I also lower my head to the surrounding people.
I am not noisy, but Kuzuha-chan is my friend.It would be easier to get peoples forgiveness this way. Both of pretty girls lower their head to appologize.
Fu fu fu, you are on good terms with each other
The voicee from behind.
Well, if you are so loud, there will be some people calling out.Both I and Kuzuha-chan are small girls, so it is easy to talk to me in that way.
I turned around and ...
... Big.
I was rude if I said it out, so that was dangerous. Im still safe because I only thinking.
The person who appeared behind was big in every sense.
First, its her height.170cm, No I guess thats a bit more. She is taller than me at least two head. She must be pretty big for women.
From the green kimono that wears down halfway and exposes the shoulder, big chest that seem to be cramped in clothes.Felnote was big, but thisdy is equal, too.
Still, the whole line is not thick, and the proportion is better, enough to know even if she wear other type of clothes.
Glossy ck hair is long and decorated with red flower hair ties.Instead of putting up with your hairdressing, the hairstyle is straight as it is just to decorate.
There is a Japanese umbre in hand, and as a whole, she is a beauty in Japanese clothes.Although her chest has destroyed the Japanese clothes, it is not a vulgar impression, but rather it looks like a result of sessfully dressed.
... It is big, isnt it? (kdesu wa ne)
Kuzuha-chan, you shouldnt say that.
I want to said that, but I can understand how she feel like saying that.The first impression of thedy in front of me is big as much as I actually endured it.
Height, breast.And another thing that can be evaluated as big.Its a coffin.
She somehow carry a big coffin, like a rucksack, carry it through the belt.
Her clothes and her coffin make her look unique, she attract people attention, but even if I subtract it, she is a beautiful woman that enough to attract attention.
Lady, you are ...
Even everything about her is attract, theres something that catches my eye.
Peeping nce from ck hair, shallow pointed ears.
An impressive double tooth that you can see from her mouth when she smile.
The colour of her eyes is blood color.
Oh ... a vampire, How rare.
In the words she said, my prediction has been finalized.
...She is the same vampire race, but it is such a big difference in size.
In various meanings, the size ratio is bad.
Well, it is not a regret but somehow it was unreasonable feeling, I touched my little breasts, looking up at her.Deepen the smile, the other party speaks.
It is unusual for vampire to go out during the day!
No, arent you also like that
No Satsuki-chan is a semi-mature day walker. Even so I still cant take direct sunlight, it is very very bad go outside without an umbre! (This girl Satsuki call herself with her name-chan)
Ha, is that so? Uhm
Oh ... well ... well Both of you are so cute ... Ahhhhhhhhhh, nice, silver hair Loli vampire and Japanese clothes Lolita fox daughterbo. U fu fu! Just watching makes me really happy, so please allow me for a while! There is no problem right
Well, ...
Wh ... what ... is this woman doing (Na,na ndesu no kono hito)
Oh, have not I said anything yet? Satsuki Ichinose, that is the name of Satsuki-chan. Ah, I remembered, lets go eat dumplings.
Not even room to put in words, I was dragged together with Kuzuha-chan.
It is a ce where anyone may worry about vampires other than me.It is troublesome to resist these types all the time, so I immediately gave up and decided to leave as it is.
Somehow a bit strange person, is it okay if you give me a hand.Wow, I love dumplings
(Next chapter) Meal isnt ready yet, please wait a moment, Yuyuko-sama.
Chapter 58
Next chapter isnt ready yet. Please be patient, okay ?
Chapter 58: The Coffin carrier, Satsuki-chan
But, well, it was a disaster. Although I came all the way to enjoy a bath with a lot of cute girls, to think something like this happen, the hot spring dried. Your young mistress must feel the same
Pick the fifth skewer on the te, Satsuki-san says.
Right now, we have a meal in dinning room inside the inn, and we are standing in the back of the inn. Because, Satsuki-san is a vampire that cant take direct sunlight.
The surroundings, the dining room seats are quite busy and crowded.
You can still enjoy meals without entering a hot spring.Lets enjoy a hot spring bath elsewhere.That would be okay.
It is the same for Kuzuha-chan who is next to me and is eating on the eighth line. Far away, Satsuki-sanpletely eat it.Oh, she took the ninth one.
No. Indeed I am wearing a maid outfit, but because this is the only clothing to wear, we are not a master-servant.
Oh, then you two are?
Well, uh ...... Friends.
I still feel a little doubtful about the word friends, but Kuzuha-chan is so serious about it.I decided to say so.
Is that so? It is wonderful ... Fu fu fu. Either way, its a disaster. The hot spring here is famous.
Well, I didnt expect this
Its horrible, I was really looking forward to it (Hre fuwane! Ta no himi ni hite ori ma hita no hi) (Kuzuha is talking while she is still eating)
Kuzuha-chan, lets speak after swallowing, you have stain around the mouth
The hot spring she was looking forward to was dried up, I know she is upset, but thats bad manners.
Kuzuha-chan honestly nodded and began wiping his mouth with a handwrap.
Satsuki-san looks at us and squirts enthusiasticly,
NICE ... is scolded by a Silver Hair Loli Vampire ... It is a nice reward ... Oh, but if you can. I hope you will gently wipe out the mouth of that girl with Jeez ... here, let me clean it for you, mistress ... I mean ... like Maid take care of her young mistress !!
Sorry, I do not understand what are you saying
Kuzuha-chan, I will not wipe it for you if you gets dirty on purpose.
Kuzuha-chan is looking at me. She was subtlely frowned.I will not do it because its troublesome. And because I do not know the meaning, I leave them alone and I bite thest bite of the third one.I pierced the dumpling gently with my pointed fangs which is the characteristic of the vampire and pulled out the skewer.
To the rich sticity, sweet sauce.Chewing is more fun, biting sweetness of dumplingses out.
... No way, to think that you can eat dumplings in different world.
Actually I was hoping for it because the impression when I got to the town was Japanese style, but I could really eat Japanese sweets as I expected.
It is Japanese style sweetness, familiar to Japanese people.It is simple and in some cases seems to be sticky, but it is still nostalgic.
Even though I have not been a long time in this different world, I want to eat this unique soy sauce based, bittern and sweetness is a terrific taste. (terrific dont mean taste bad, but addicted)
The dumplings here are delicious, therere shops that serve the same level of cuisine and sweets around here. And you can even look at the whole town fill with Sakura-zaka, This is the best ce in Republic.
Sure, it is delicious, isnt it?
I was satisfied, but Satsuki-san call for a second helping. (T.N: second dont mean 2nd in Japanese but like more.)
... She is big.
Its about her height. Not just torso length, basically everything about her have different height than me.My height isnt even reach her chest, if I want to talk with her I must always look up.
Satsuki-san puts hers chest on the table so she can rx her shouder.On her chest, I can see a strange crest like in my stomach.It seems that the location of the crest is different depending on the individual.
Of course, the coffin that she carried on her back is on the floor. She can not sit down otherwise.
There are quite a lot of gaze gathered in the coffin which still gets distinct when ced on the ground, but she does not seem to care.I pick up the dumplings and talk to her.
Well, for Sakura-zaka view, this hot spring is an important tourist resource, so if we wait several days, the cause will be investigated and it will be settled.
Oh, what is it?
Well, the hot spring cant sudden wither, so there must be reason for this, it quite troublesome for everyone so they will try to fix it as soon as possible.
Well then, Kuzuha-chan, shall we stay at the inn until we can have an onsen bath?
Okay, but staying long is ...
Well, I am not in a hurry.
It is true that I want to have a calm parasitic life quickly, but a strange person who kind enough to feed people isnt easy to find.
It isnt bad to spend time and sleep here for a few days. It is only tiring to search for things that are not easily found.There is something I want to store.
Because I havee so far, I think that it may be enough to take it slowly until I get into hot springs.
You girls really are good friends
Satsuki-san nods to me, Kuzuha-chan is also happy to tenfold. but I dont really understand what she mean. (tenfold: dont really mean 10 times but a lot)
I do not have friends, I do not know at all, I do not know what kind of actions and words are suitable for friendship.
I just want to make her feel satisfied. Because I dont want to see her sad. Well, just leave it and drink tea.Oh, its green tea. This is nostalgic.
Perhaps the citizen of the Republic are the people simr to Japanese. When Im thinking about such a thing, Satsuki-san stood up and said.
Well then shall we go?
Where are you going to?
I said that if we wait several days , I can not wait for three days. If I can, I will settle it right now
Resolve ... Can you do such a thing?
Whether or not you can do. It is a pleasure to see at the scene. And if you cant do it, it will be easier after investigating the cause
While replying, Satsuki-san carries a coffin.
The treatment of the coffin is polite, and it seems that the inside isnt empty as it seems.
Nheless, it is hard to believe that anybody carries corpses.Perhaps the coffin simply content clothes to change.
Okay then. Because Satsuki-chan is happy to have a meal with two cute girls, Satsuki-chan will pay for everything.
I dont know what her reason when she pay for us, apparently she seems to have some satisfaction.
There is no loss if she give me something. In this case, there is something I must do. Show my gratitude by lower my head.
This also seems to be a kind of gratification, but since Satsuki-san herself said Eye Candy, has she benefited with something.I dont think I have anything to lend or borrow.
Kuzuha-chan also lies down next to me.
Thank you very much, uhm, about that. Satsuki-san, can I ask you something? (Arigatgozaimasu wa. to, sono. Satsuki-san. Hitotsu, yoidesu no)
Well, what is it?
Id like toe along with you to investigate the cause of the hot springs withered ... Do you mind?
... Surprising, isnt it?
Kuzuha-chan also want to go with her.Satsuki-san said that she will try to fix hot spring soon. But it is the words of the person we met for the first time.
There is no confirmation and there is no basis.I am ufortable. I know she isnt a bad person but can we trust everything she said. (T.N: I think Arge mean the info maybe wrong, not mean Satsuki try to trick her, and Arge dont want to do anything un-certain)
Since there is no reason to stop Kuzuha-chan, I should let her go with Satsuki-san.
Well ... Because I only go back to the waterways to investigate the cause, there is no danger, so it will not be a problem if youe along.
Yes, thank you. Arge-san, shall we go?
What? ... ah, yes
I never thought that I am also supposed to go with them.
But if I think about it, Kuzuha-chan hopes to take a bath with me as soon as possible, so it is natural that she should take me.Just when I was going to go to bed with a soft, luxurious futon after a long absence, I was a bit perplexed.
... It is inevitable.
It seems that Kuzuha-chan already make her decision.
Look like I dont have a choice here.
Although I was almost reflexive and flushed, I also nodded. So I will follow obediently.
Well then, Im paying and then we will go!
Cheerful smiling, Satsuki-san took out what looks like a wallet from the cleavage of her chest.I thought that it was big, but it is my first time to see someone who takes things out of there.
Ara... Did you want something?
No, nothing at all
I only had a personal impressions, so I have nothing special to say.
I confirmed the tness of my chest and I felt that I could not understand. And I followed the two girls.
Next chapter isnt ready yet.
Trantor corner:
Chapter 59
(Next chapter) Your order isnt ready yet. Please have some tea and be patient.
Chapter 59: Withered canals
This is bad
Satsuki-san says with a light tone.
In fact, the sight in front of me was terrible.
The waterway made by wood fence ispletely dry. It is true that the hot springs have withered, as the people in the ryokan said. (Ryokan = inn)
The hot spring of Sakura garden is directed from springs in the mountain, They will supply spring water through waterways, purifying the water, reheating by magic and then providing it.
Ha, is that so?
Kuzuha-chan is teaching me , but I am sorry, because I am not particrly interested. Rather than hearing that, I can tell just by looking.
Unlike the mountains that crossed over the border. Right now, Im walking on a beautifully maintained mountain road and climbing the mountains.Satsuki-san use an umbre in the beginning, I and Kuzuha-chan are followed behind.
I just use a mountain past the other day so I can understand the gratitude of having a proper path.
The hard soil road which probably is maintained by magic, we can walk with a sense of security.And I can smell the wind and vegetation, I move forward with rxed feelings.
It might be nice to take a walk.I would rather take a nap than a walk though.Of course every day.
The cause seems more upstream.
Well, if there is a problem on this side, even employees can deal well enough
Yeah ... Because there are demons and so on, person dont often go upstream. So could we ... No, we will go! Were aiming for the summit! The hot springs are waiting for us!
... Its fine if its not direct sunlight, right ?
The sun has begun to set a bit, but it still is in the sky. Even so, Satsuki-san who goes ahead doesnt seem to suffer from sunlight.
She firmly put a Japanese umbre and seem to avoid direct sunlight, but thats it.Far from suffering, the tension is the highest among us.
In the shadow made by Japanese umbre, Satsuki-san mumble the rhythm almost like skipping, her ckhair is swaying. She looks like a child who enjoys rhymes of the falling rain, and there is a gap with her appearance.
However, considering her personality it may well suit her.It seems that her tension is high, or the rhythm is good.
Even so, you are reallypletely fine walk under the sunlight !? Satsuki-chan is amazed.
While looking backwards, Satsuki-san is talking to me.
The other side seems to have thought about my constitution.Because I was spoken to, I respond to a conversation.
Is it unusual ?
Not just rare, it is an individual that exists only in legend, it is convinced that one who was also appealed by a demon or an elf will
Is there only in the legend?
By the way, Felnote-san said simr things. No,I doesnt mean that people with big breasts are thinking simr ...
People Ive met so far were surprised without exception, so it seems that my existence like myself is a fairy tale existence as well. Fairy tale for inhabitants of the fantasy world .It is confusing.
Satsuki-san is not good if you get hit by the sunlight directly.
Id say I wont bes ashes, but I will be in a bad condition, and as long as I keep expose to sunlight, I will die in a day. (T.N: well, if I expose to Sahara sunlight for an entire day, I will die too)
Satsuki-san who seems to be outdoors type, to think its fatal if she keeps expose to sunlight.
Vampires are terribly weak against the light of the day.It seems that it is the same in my world and this different world as well.
The assumption that vampire need suck blood and is an inhabitant of the night are the same as well.
... Well then, isnt it better if you wear clothes a bit more properly? I think its dangerous to expose it.
Ara ara, but my chest is cramped and its inevitable, I cant do anything about it, this swollen manju is
Fun, Satsuki-san makes heart shape with her hand.Its amazing because she has self-assertiveness even with her light action.
It seems as if the chest itself is feeling cramped and still struggled.Im afraid that it will slip out.
There was also a height difference, I looked up to the big tits that also felt like the roof of the meat. I got a frank opinion, but I swallow it.
Its big, right?
The fox loli next to me did not abide.
Satsuki-san smiled happily rather than protest at Kuzuha-chans words.
No, absolutely not. Even if my chest are big but theres nothing good. Other people may happy to look at my chest though
But I still think your chest was nice ... (Sore mo d ka to omoimasu wa) (Kuzuha)
Ah, its okay, small chest is my big favorite! Its rather nice, gentle ups and downs, its wonderful!
Im making a poker face, no ... I had not heard anything.I have not heard it so leave it alone.
Afterwards Kuzuha-chan keep talking to Satsuki-san, but were still climbing the mountain properly while talking.Because Kuzuha-chan is seriously keeping up with each other, I almost hear the story.
As I climbed the mountain and went upstream, I thought that hot springs were flowing a bit, but no matter how much we climb it, the waterway arent humid.
Way of water through which only the mountain breeze passes.It seems from yesterday that the hot spring withered, but I can see that it really stop in a sudden manner.
The days gradually tilt, the sky changes from blue to evening colour.There is nothing like encountering a demon and the way is calm.
And when the green of the mountain was illuminated by the light of sunset and changed colour, we found the cause of the withered waterway.
Looking at the cause, Kuzuha-chan is the first one speak.
What does that mean? (D iu koto,desu no)
Fumu, as expected, it doesnt wither naturally?
The waterway was blocked by the soil.
Its not just buried in the soil.The y wall that dams the hot spring was perfectly fitted to the waterway as if it had molded, and it was thick.
Like a wall made of concrete, the waterway ispletely blocked by a partition of soil colour.
Its soil magic, this ... If you can stop the flow of water like this, its natural that no hot water will go to the mountainfoot.
That is true, but ... whatever, how much hot water is there?
The fact that a partition is provided means that water is umted on the upstream side.It may be overflowing.
But as we look to the other side of the blockade by the soil, the umted hot water is only reach my ankle.The sun is shining and the swaying water surface is beautiful.
Even they dont block here, no hot water will flow to the inn.
It seems that it doesnt simple hot water drain. Lets climb a little more
Okay, I understand.
Arge-san, whats wrong?
Sorry, please wait a little
Stop the two who tried to go ahead and close my eyes.
Blocking vision is to give consciousness to what you want to feel.Since there are many information entering from the eyes, concentrate on what you want by cutting it.
Smell. Its superior and has strengthened by skill.I will overlook if I do not concentrate, I will sniff it.
From the upstream it will be smell of hot springs, it smells of water.But thats not all.
In my past like, I am not familiar with smell, but I can say that Im used to sniffing after my reincarnation. This is ...
The smell of blood ... and thats a lot too?
At a moment in doubt, a bad sign stroked my spine.
Wait ... get down!
Kya ... !
From what I felt, I react right away. I pulled the twos hands on my side and flew away from that spot.
Both of them were surprised with my action, but they did not resist.Although Kuzuha-chan is surprised, he also kicks the ground himself, and Satsuki-sanes along without dropping her Japanese umbre.
A shadow was dropped where we had been only a few seconds before.
Impact like a falling meteor has fallen.The ground that was well maintained was gouged and turned up.Surprised by the reverberating roar, birds fly at the same time from around the forest.
The falling star sprung up the sand smoke that it caused in hisnding, and it revealed its appearance.
Arge monkey with pure white fur.The height is about 2 meters, the face is red.It is like a bigger version of Japanese white monkey.
The white monkey is gazing at our face, it looks like he has a bitter swallowed face.
There is no word.However, I could see from the atmosphere that he still isnt done by merely approaching.
The big monkey is wary of us.The whole body is obviously nervous, and as soon as it decided something, it is about to jump over.
Looking at such opponent, Satsuki-san opens her mouth as she was surprised.
It is unusual for Hakuen to attack people
Stuffed? (Hakusei)
Hakuen, Why dont you feel a little painful to stuff?
Oh, she was calmly returned word.
Hakuen.Writing in kanji would be white monkey.It is basically a warmth, cowardly or clever creatures that it is unusual to attack people.
Although the Hakuen may have a vignce, it is hard to approach, but there is no way they be threatening or willing to attack.It seems to attack if we do strange things. but it wont do anything if we turn back as it is.
Nheless, I can not do that.I came here to investigate why the hot spring withered.
To be honest, I dont care about it, but Kuzuha-chan will not be convinced unless we get some results.
Actually, the sign of Kuzuha-chan is steep.It seems that she is making magical power and ready to fight at any time.
Satsuki-san ... is ?It looks like a casual look, but I do not know if she feel like fighting.It might be a mystery to that she will fight. At least she do not propose to return.
... Lets talk for the time being, for both of you, please calm down a bit.
If he is intelligence at the least, I canmunicate with him bynguage trantion skills.If we dont feel like fighting the other party, discussion is possible.
The opponent hasnt attacked in the current situation.Then, we might be able to have conversations.
There is a possibility to battle and get injure.If that is the case, it will be easier to resolve by discussion.
Well, I am the one with the highest ability to understand words in this.
I felt troubled, but I took a step.
Next chapter isnt ready yet. Please be patient, okay ?
Chapter 60
Next chapter isnt ready yet, please be patient, okay
Chapter 60: Reason Hakune Block waterway.
... uhm
Well, I tried taking the first step but I wonder how to call out.If I moves poorly and is regarded as hostility, Hakuen will attack soon.
Actually, the other side is increasing vignce because I was a step forward. He staggered the pure white coarsely and slowed his posture much.
You can easily imagine if the rest of us just stepped in, the shrunken body would fly like a spring that lost the shackle.
... Do you have an injury?
White coat stands upstanding by hostility has a slightly reddish color.
The stagnant red that looks like a spot is not a pattern.It is dirty with blood.I know by smell.
The smell of blood that stimting me just a while ago.One of the source is probably the Hakuen in front of us.
An opponent is willing to fighting.Such a procedure is almost troublesome if you fight.
It is because there must be a reason that the side is in the disadvantageous condition still attempts to attack.
... Can you hear me?
Raise the scope ofnguage trantion skill and slowly speak words.
Stay focused so that we can deal with him as soon as he attack. I can avoid easily with my swift speed.
Hakuen isnt attack and he begin to speak.
Get out of this mountain
A low, intimidating voice scrapes the leaves of the trees.A voice that you can talk for the first time and still understand that we has been rejected.
The meaning of his word tell us shouldnt go any further.
Nheless, we cannt just answer Is it so?.I am fine, but Kuzuha-chan will not be convinced.
Even if it goes down to this, I must at least get satisfied reasons.So I choose neither to leave nor to go forward, I repeated words on the spot.
... I know the purpose that you came, which is why I can not let you pass.
To know our purpose, which mean either you were watching us for a while or were doing something that could not be helped.
If you were watching here from the beginning, I will notice by the time you climb here.Then it will be thetter.
You are the one who blocked the waterway, are not you?
... In the meantime lets get rid of the partitions, so I do not know if it makes sense.
Why, did you know that we woulde to find the cause in this way?
There are some brothers who have been injured, and the number of hot springs is decreasing, one that should be given priority is self-evident
I see.Is that something like that?
The reason why he is injured, but still has to stand in front of us.Hispanions are many, and they are injured heavier than he is.
On top of that, the amount of hot water is decreasing.Then, even if they dont block the partition here, hot water will not reach the mountainfoot anyway.It will be sucked by the ground halfway.
Vampires, in particr, are now subjects of fear to our colleagues ... as the chief of the flock, I can not let you pass, you are a blood sucking race.
Fear of vampire, is it?
Even more, both hot water and my brothers have been robbed by the vampires.
Satsuki-san ... No, its not like that.
She is justing this way to investigate why the hot spring withered, and if Satsuki-san is the cause in the first ce, Hakuen will also attack without warning.It should be different vampires.
I do not really understand the circumstances ... But if that is the case, will you let us pass if Im able to make you feel better?
I do not know what it is like to the hot spring, but if it is a wound, I can heal it by myself
Such a thing
I start casting heal before he could decided to believe us or not.
Since the other party is clearly wary of this, I know that his following words will be either denied or suspicious, so I will crush them before he has a chance to talk.With that intention I will heal him, the same with tell him to eat his own words.
Pain pain go away
The spoken word converts the magical power and produces the result.
I do not know how much the Hakuen in front of me is damaged.But even if the size of the injury is unknown, it does not matter if it is my recovery magic.
It will heal everything, be is an injure or sickness or whatever, and it has a bonus to clease dirt.And it will take an immediately effect.Pains and wounds suddenly disappear.
The Hakuen is amazed with his half opening mouth, to the change of healing in his body.
It is like a monkey that was baited by other monkeys at the zoo, and right now he is making a Pokn face. Well, he is a monkey.
Oswald-kun was like a mixture of bull and human, but this Hakuen is apletelyrge monkey.They were all had a huge size that I cant treat them as normal.
how is it?
... I ... am ... cured ?
Yes, if there are still injured friends of your, we will cure them all as well
Why are you doing so?
uhm ... for my friend ?
There are many troublesome things, but it is true that Kuzuha-chan count on me.
She also make clothes and lead the mountain path.
I guess Kuzuha-chan is surely saying such things is normal as friends.In this case because I am a friend, I am doing something for her as well.Even if it is the main reason is I want to finish without making amotion as much as possible because it is troublesome.
...Really ?
A word that sounds like thinking something.He carefully looked at himself to ascertain his body.
I am feeling less tense and go back one step.When the two from behind get the meaning its okay now, the two came.
Are you alright, Arge-san?
Yeah ... I think that it was transmitted without enmity for the time being
I also have anguage trantion skill, but it is rare to unravel words of animals and demons
Because Im trained
Yup.Specifically Loli-gramp is rmendit it.It is convenient as it is just todays convention.
Without this skill, I cannt keep talking with others. In that case, what you first do after incarnation would have been study of the words.
I did not want to do such a troublesome thing so it was a good answer. Comfortable BANZAI (T.N: Banzai is like cheer)
... follow me. No ... Please follow me.
Hakuen turns his back and walks.
It is a favor that I suggest, so I will not refuse.Since the two in the back dont know his words, I am going to guide you, lets go and I followed Hakuen while telling them.
I can handle things like injures.I do not know about hot spring, but Satsuki-san may find something to solve.
Since returning here will leave an ipletebustion feeling. It will be nice if there is something we can do about the hot spring.
Next chapter isnt ready yet. Please be patient, okay ?
Chapter 61
(Next chapter) Your order isnt ready yet. Please have some tea and be patient.
Chapter 61: Vampire I should remember.
This is bad
The word Satsuki said at the time we entering the mountain.
I had heard that his friends was hurting, so I expected that a pretty good number was hurt.However, it does not mean that there are so many.
A wounded flock that is hard to find an intact Hakuen.The hot spring, which probably gathered for injured Hakuen was still shallow and dirty with blood.A blood pond hot spring, what a word gulp and disappears in the corner of my head.
Hakuen, who brought us up, calm the flocks which made a fuss from a sudden visitor.
Calm down, this vampire came to cure the wounds, it is different from her.
He is admonished with a calm tone, and the flock bes quiet.
As soon as I follow the words of Boss, I heard that control is quite clear.The tight air is not quiet, but the sign of hostility disappeared.
What is this ... just how many of you are injured?
There seems to be some reason, but ... okay, Ill cure you all.
Although it is said that this is the work of a vampire, what is the reason for doing so far?
There are many ways if you only want blood.In the first ce, I think that humans and Demi C Humans blood are more delicious than these Hakuens.
The reason I think so because I myself think the blood of a human or simr race has a delicious smells, so other vampires may prefer the blood of animals or something ?
But even so, this is terrible.Some have even arms, feet, even eyes missed.As Satsuki-san feel overwhelmed, she take a deep breath and said.
I think it would be tough if you treat this number with magic. Arge-chan, will you OK?
Yes, there is no problem.
Hmm, then shall I go to see the hot springs?
Shaking the big coffin, Satsuki-san left us.
It will be okay to leave it to her as she embarks herself from the research of hot springs. Attually, I went to see, I do not know the details of the hot spring system in detail.
... I will do what I can do.
Take a step.I know what I have to do, so I will not be impatient.Since flock already calm down, I slowly look around the surroundings.
Hakuens in front of my eyes are obviously wary of me. Okay, they are still alive.If they arent dead, I can save everyone.
Breathe in and draw the palm towards countless Hakuens.It takes time to get close to cure one at a time and I must also cure the anxiety of Hakuen. So lets heal all at once.
If you use recovery magic for a wide range, magical power will be consumed more, but my magical power is strengthened to the limit with skill.It will not be a problem if it does not ur frequently.
Pain pain go away
The usual word.But I am in a world where this word does not exist.
A world where alot the big monkeys get injured in front of me.
And whats going to happen is alsomon sense in this world.
Words persist with magical power, and it develops as magic.A ring of healing spreads, it will generate their blood and mend their wounds.
... Indeed, it is not possible to clean the hot springs.
If it is a curse, you can cancel even an inanimate object. but if it is not a living thing, recovery magic will have no effect.Even remove dirt is included in recovery magic, but blood pond hot springs still remain as it is.
Amazing, the recovery magic of Nushi (̥ : Nushi | I have no idea what it mean)
Okay, uh ... ench-san
Well, I dont know your name
The Hakuen who brought us up here, that is the leader of the flock.
I do not know the individual name, nor have I been told.And since it is long and troublesome to call Hakuen ch (T.N: ch = leader), Ench is the head of Hakuens.
It is easy to understand and easy to call.It is my self-confident work like with Neguseo.
Encho-san had a delicate face for a while but eventually dropped his shoulders.
... Well, I hope you like it
Okay then, just call me Encho
I got his consent, so I will call him without hesitation.
He seems to be pleased with ttery.Neguseo, should I tter him a little like call him nice and respectable human. Well, neither of Neguseo or Encho are a human.
Hakuen loose their vignce, and stare at me as an unbelievable thing happen.
It isnt a good feeling to be stared forever. I was also unwind a bit.Haha, I got tired.
Arge-san, about that, theres something strange
What is it?
This flock, they have no female and children
... It seems that there are no children indeed, do you sure theres no females?
Yes, I only smell male
I guess its true that Kuzuha-chan will not tell a lie.I do not know the difference between the smell of male and female.
It is a question from Kuzuha-chan, but I can talk with Encho-san. I start talk to him when he is still subtle in his neighbor.
Encho-san, there seems to be no female and children
Oh, oh ...... Most of the female and children were taken away, and a few remaining hidden behind the mountains
Is that kidnaping also the vampires work?
Thats right, the name is Elsee.
Elsee.I try to repeat, but of course I dont know that name.
Satsuki-san is a vampire that we just met and be her acquaintance today.The world itself, no matter where I go, I dont know anything about this world yet.
Just remember that there are such a vampire.It is not really necessarily, because I may never meet her as I travel.
I dont know the purpose, but keep it in one corner of memory as an annoying and dangerous person.
Oh, Kuzuha-chan, do you know Vampire Elsee?
No, I dont know
Yup.Well then I do not quite understand but it seems to be a troublesome person decided.
Encho-san, do you know why Elsee did this?
Come on, the original goal was obviously our women and children, we stopped the hot spring not only because we need to treat our wound but also because we were dissatisfied with her purpose, she hurt us and robbed our children and women.
Ha, I see.
Is this a result that they fought and lost against that vampire and get injuries as by-products, or that vampire n to hurt the males from the the begining.
What purpose Elsee need for Hakuens female and child for is mysterious, but the presence of female and children is essential for the survival of the herd.It would be natural for the Hakuen to get angry.It is quite natural as a response.
And that hatred is deep-rooted by Enchos tone.
The other Hakens also obviously made himself stiff at the moment he heard the word Elsee.Is the reason why it is fear, anger, hatred, all of that?
In any case, I can not take care of that.Recovery magic will erase only scratches, curses, dirt.
Lets them manage on their own.
There seems to be underlings who has stopped the hot spring, who seems to have scooped the female and children under Elseesmand, some of them may still remain.
What ... What is that annoying story!
Kuzuha-chan heard the exnation and made her face red like steam woulde out.
There is a word for angry hair, but she is angry with the foxs ears pointing towards the heaven.All three tails arepletely stand and reveal her overwhelming anger.
For her, hot springs are the purpose she came here. and a big matter that she can not believe is Hakens family members are separated from others. With both of them, it is no wonder that she get angry like this.
But, that person isnt here anymore. She is angry but there is no ce for that. With a soothing sense, I decided to call Kuzuha-chan.
Kuzuha-chan, lets calm down. Lets go to those hot springs, Satsuki-san may find a solution
... Yes, I see.
The hot springs are notpletely dried.Although theres still bit of water flowing.
Did Satsuki-san find out the cause for how Elsee reduced the amount of hot springs spewing?
In order to confirm, I decided to take Kuzuha-chan and join Satsuki-san.
Ah, Im still not trante next chapter yet. Please be patient, okay
Chapter 62
Next chapter isnt ready yet, please be patient, okay ?
Chapter 62: The source of the curse
Well, this isnt something I can do, for the moment.
Satsuki-san lowered the coffin, and was calming there. She twisted her neck, and her arms folded to support her heavy chest.
Her point of sight seems to be the root of hot springs.Hot water is spilling from here on the ground. From what I see, only a small amount of hot water spill out.
For the time being, I tried to approach and call out to her, but Kuzuha-chan is faster than me.
Well, Satsuki-san, cannt you fix it?
Oh, yes, thats right .... Its a little difficult, it seems that the territory itself is cursed.
The territory ? (} Ji myaku)
Oh, you dont know Arge-chan. The territory, the dragon, the spirit (}}} : Ji myaku, ry myaku, rei myaku) ... There are several ways of saying, but it is about the flow of magical power being stretched around the world
The surroundings are clear and the flow is clear. And high-quality hot springs spring up depend on the attributes of the water, but the flow seems to have been cursed and stagnated.
I do not understand the meaning of the word.I do not fully understand what magical power is in the first ce.
ording to Satsuki-sans words, it seems that magical power in this world is not only living but also the world itself.And here is the fact that the flow of magical power is getting worse due to the curse.
Regardless of whether you understand the mechanism, if the trouble was caused by a curse, it would be my area.Ha, its still troublesome though.
It is not like my magical deplete or anything. It just if I use magic, it makes me tired. Because I do not want to get tired, I will reluctantly devote magical powers.
Because only the curse is the opponent, lets use the magic to cure it. Maybe even a little magical consumption will be enough.
Flow back to original
Use an appropriate words as a trigger.
Magic is activated as usual, miracles asmonce ur in this world.
I do not know if it is a spirit or dragon, but since magic does everything, I do not need to know about it.The sun sets in the distance, the power of magic will cleanse the earth.
C There was a sense that something seemed to have broken off.
That sensation is apanied by numbness to the palm of my hand. I take my hand slowly and watching it, a reddish pattern was sprinkled on the palm of my hand, it quickly disappeared.
... Is it a curse?
When the pattern disappeared, I felt an unpleasant feeling like stroking my spine with a fingertip.That bad feeling is a curse.It is my first time to be curse. But I somehow know its a curse.
When Im trying to dispel the curse of spirit, another curse was putting on me.It wasnt effective because I have high tolerance though.
Arge-san !?
Im alright, looks like it was a powerful curse?
I do not know who vampire Elsee is, but it seems her personality is bad enough to put a time bomb curse along with spirit curse to stops flow.
Nheless, this is a solution to the hot spring problem. If the curse is removed and the hot water will returns.
I looked at the source of the hot spring, and I noticed I was wrong.
... Hmm?
I dont understand what happened. As for hot springs, only a small amount hase up.
It is the same as before.Nothing changes, it remains cursed.
This is also ... They put such a troublesome thing
Do you understand, Satsuki-san?
It seems that it is being constructed, that a different curse will activate when you trying to dispel it. And it refuses perfect dispetion by peeling the surfaceyer of the curse with it as a starting point.
An answer that seems to be troublesome, Its a multiyer curse and the curse will keeping back if we only dispel surfaceyer.
Its an unique curse that makes people tired ... Im polite enough to be amazed. But this is the most troublesome when we are in a hurry. Who is it, who made such a stupid serious curse?
I heard that vampires name is Elsee.
Satsuki-san looked as if she was amazed, or as if she gave up, she look up to the sky. It is a state that make her chest shaking.As expected, this person.
Satsuki-san eventually dropped her tilted head, sighing.Try to hold the chest swinging and shaking with her arms.
Should we call this a cmity or a disaster?
Did you know her?
Itst more like I heard it rather than knowing, Shes a dangerous vampire with a prize money from the Landz-Knecht Higher Association (?ͥҥ: Rantsu kunehito)
Lanch Clione? (Ranchikurione)
Landz Knecht, people who provide military strength with money. They mainly undertake the extraordinary strength of the country, exploring the danger zone, escorting the merchant, etc. The association manages the people, they are recruiting people by cing prize money on dangerous existence. (T.N: Let just call it a bounty system)
Talking about it, it seems to be mercenaries and things like money earnings.
Victims will use their money to ask association, and ce prize money on Elsee.Well, this one is ABSOLUTELY troublesome one.Lets not engage even if we meet.
Decide the response to the dangerous person not yet seen, concentrate consciousness again. I need to try again, without spare time.
This curse was made like refusing people to remove it. And it didnt go through once.Even if it is troublesome, I should be able to deal with it in full power.
I cant use a small hand like that used by the other side (T.N: small hand = cheap trick).So I will deal with it with my all power.
Concentrate consciousness slowly, like dropping the head in the water.
I know how to put a lot of magical power.Just to think strongly.I am not good at it, but now is the time I need it so it can not be helped.
Sounds where hot springs spring.The leaves trembled and the insects of the night cried out.There is a voice from Kuzuha-chan as if it pounds a wave of sound.
Arge-san, you dont need to push yourself ...
I ignored it because it is not impossible.Its just irresistibly troublesome, I just want to end it right here and now.
There is no point in raising both hands.It is a matter of preparation. Spoken the words again to the cold air.
To the flow, return to normal
With my words spoken, magic was created again.
As a matter of course, there is a rebound, but no repetitiones.I endured it this time.There is a feeling like being stroked again, and I will do it.
When I exhale a breath and look at the result of magic, it seems that there was some effect.A loud noise was heard, and the hot water that springed increased.
However, it is hard to say that it isplete yet.The hot springs are gushing from the ground, and rocks in the surroundings usually have color change as a proof that there is hot water there.
A mountain breeze blew as if tough, and the head dress was disturbed.I fix it to consciously not to disturb my heart.
... Even with full effort it is suppressed to this point.
My recovery magic and magical strengthening are raised to the maximum skill value.In other words, in this world, I can definitely use the healing power with the greatest effect.
Even in the world where magic ismonce, the power that just makes a face like everyone has rounded eyes and looked at even miracles.It deals with such power, but it is prevented.
It is notpletely disabled.Little by little, the power of curse is weakening.
Cursing can bepletely eliminated by repeating the dispel several times. I do not know how many times it will be.
Looks like it will take time. Please wait a little longer.
I talk to Kuzuha-chan, who is silented behind me.Eh, what was she squatting and stroking her ears for ? Did she did not reply because result was just that. (T.N: It can be said that Kuzuha is Face Palm)
There is a result, I also still have magical power, so I dont have to rush.
Stop, Arge-chan
Satuski-san tell me to stop when Im going to try again. I turned towards the direction in which the words came.Before I knew, Satsuki-san wasing near.Eyes match eyes.
We have the same color but she looks warmer than I am.
Satsuki-san smiled and poke a finger. She is tall but her fingertips still slim peculiar to women.
I see what her finger indicated for the time being.There was something she was carrying with her all the time.
ck, now a coffinying on the ground.Its existence dissolve in the darkness of the night.
I was confused without understanding the meaning. Taking my hand, Satsuki-san made a deep smile.
Help us a little, did you sleep well?
Who? Me? (Arge)
Next chapter ... z ... zZ ... Dont worry Yuyuko-sama ... I will get next chapter for you soon.
Chapter 63
Ah, Next chapter isnt tranted yet. Please be patient, okay ?
Chapter 63: The identity of the coffin
Oh, what does it mean to rest? ...
Yes, because I can see a little impatience
I understand that your friend is important, but you dont need to rush so hard .Would you calm down a bit?
I do not understand the meaning of the word she told me.
Even if she told me that Im impatient, I do not n to do that. I dont like to see Kuzuha-chan sad ...How is it supposed to be important?I do not understand.Because I dont have anything important to me in my past life.
Her hand reach me again.Before I can respond to it, she rub my forehead. She talk to me with an anxious voice before I could ask.
Hey, you have a hard face again
Oh, is that so ...?
Yes, lets rest now.
... In that ce?
Of course, that is a coffin brought by Satsuki-san.
It certainly does not fit for her size.
I have heard that a vampire sleeps in a coffin.It may be so in another world.
Even I like taking a nap, but when you told me to stay in bed actually makes me hard to sleep.
Since the inside of the coffin which I see asionally on television seems quite fluffy, maybe I will feel good if I try to sleep in it.But it is slightly strange to be in a coffin as it is alive.It seems to be very stuffy when the lid is closed.
First of all why would she advice taking a rest here?
Of course I would like to take a rest if its okay for me, rather I would like to stay asleep everyday and want to live in my belief that I dont want to work seriously tomorrow.
But considering the circumstances, I can not do that.Because I am the only one who can solve the curse in front of us.
Satsuki-san says that I have a difficult face, but I really know.Perhaps my face right now wasnt the usual face.I think so.
Perhaps my present face is much more difficult face.
Satsuki-san descended from the side as Im still in doubt.
Alright, Arge-chan ... Uhm, sorry, please wait a bit.
Oh, yes ... I understand.
You are a good girl, arent you?
Looks like Satsuki-san tried to hug me but she just smiled with a wink.I was surprised. I thought I gonna be crushed by her chest.
Satsuki-san start walking a few steps away from me and go to the front of the coffin.
Its time to open the shop. ? Pa pa pa ka pa ~tsu~tsu?!
Although that isnt suitable for that mature appearance, she open the lid of the coffin while singing.
From here you cant see the inside of the coffin.
But even without approaching, I was able to know the contents.The coffin wasnt empty and it wasnt a luggage.
A thin hand extends from the coffin. That hand spread small white fingers grasp the coffin. She raise her body from the coffin.
It was a gold color that appeared in the darkness of the night.
A girl with blond hair colored with blue flower decorations that simr to Satsuki-sans red flower decorations. Her shoulders are also exposed like Satsuki-san.
Eyes are red, ears are pointed.Apparently she seems to be a vampire.
It is almost like a white kimono that the dead wear.There is little ornament, hence blonde and red eyes, and blue flower decoration.
She is also look like a ghost
She was a heterogeneous, but she is a very pretty girl so far.
A vampire girl who appeared like just resurrect from the deathbed, handed her right hand to Satsuki-san.On the back of her hand is the same emblem as on my lower abdomen and Satsuki-sans chest.
The extended hand is taken as if to say that there was to be there from the beginning and she goes out of the coffin.
She is small and tall, ... just a bit taller than I am. She is wearing an atmosphere that can be said to be strange. As if she blends in the darkness of the night without feeling ufortable, though she has a bright color head and eyes, and white kimono.
Her red eyes and a pointed ears standing at night, seeing the dark. Without a mistake, that girl is a vampire. And I can also see a white fang from her lips with a nce.
If Satsuki-san is big and tender, she is small and sharp.
ck hair and blond hair.
Large and small patterns.
Big tits and small tits.
It seems to be in the opposite, so why does they seem to be harmonious.
A girl with blond hair, unlike Satsuki-san, shook her short hair and turned her red eyes toward me.Even though it is the same color, why is the glow different so much?
Satsuki-sans look was warm, but her eyes have little temperature.It is a bit different from cold.It is an unresolved eyes like a prideful one.
While turning her line of sight towards Satsuki-san, she begin to speak.
Satsuki. This girl is? (Satsuki. Kono-ko wa?) (Iris call Satsuki without -san)
Its Arge-chan, that fox girl is Kuzuha-chan.
Fuun, I see ...Oh well. If Satsuki is taking you, I dont have to worry (Fn. S, sokka. M yo. Satsuki ga tsure terunara shinpai nai ndarou)
I guarantee them ... yeah, they were a very good lily couple ...!
Yeah yeah, Im sorry that I cant see it. So it seems that this ce is not the garden of cherry blossoms.
We are here to investigate because the hot springs had withered.
I see, so it was like that? (Naruhodo. Naori-s?)
Yeah, thanks to the magic of Arge-chan, we can break ayer of this curse. I want you to help her.
I see
Mutual understanding is fast.Even if Satsuki-san does not present details, girls will ept as they do.The conversation bounces naturally, seems calm and is the shortest.
From that perspective, it can be seen that the two of them havent talked after Satsuki-san arrived to this town.
This is not the case.For another vampire suddenly appeared, I cant take a reaction other than surprises.Although Im able to settled down, Kuzuha-chan still seemed to be unable to recover from surprise, making her eyes ck and white,
Well, uh ... that coffin, there was a person inside ...?
There are no people inside, its a vampire inside
No, that isnt what Im talking about!
If I could understand it for the time being, I want you to understand this time next time.
Sending words and gaze in that sense, Satsuki-san stroked the breast as if he could say huge, introduced a blonde vampire.
This girl is Iris-chan, my family. And during the day, she is sleeping in the coffinProtect pretty flowerthat I carry around
Iris Ichinose. Nice to meet you
Iris-san, is it?The year seems to be close to me and Kuzuha-chan, but the vampire will not be as old as she seemed. Even I have this appearance but I am zero years old.
She is calm in the atmosphere and she seems to be older, I think that it is okay with the establishment.
Although it is said to be a family, she looks are quite different.From the color of the hair, the two are the opposite.
Since vampires in this world are probably naturally urring types of living things in the first ce, I feel that it is not the same as the family Satsuki-san says.I feel like she is close like a sister.
Contrary to Satsuki-san who is active, Iris-san slowly shook to show the emblem on the back of her hand.
Iris-san walks here with a gentle step.Its a rxed movement as I and Kuzuha-chan can afford to redeem myself again.
I see, are you dealing with that selfish blooded princesss selfishness? (Naruhodo. Ano kyketsu Hime-sama no wagamama ni tsukiatteru no ka)
Iris shakes her head lightly.Instead of denying, it is a gesture and voice like to admonish that you do not have to worry.
She settled down her wrist to her lips with calm movements.
Shortly speaking out, Iris bite on her wrist.I thought that it looked like something, soon I understood what it was.
That is simr to the movement that cut myself when I use Blood Arms. She bite her wrist and makes a self-injury movement.
From the skin she took off her mouth, blood spill out from it.The pure white skin is colored with the color of blood, and color the white kimono.As expected.But why?
Well then, I wonder if I can help you (Sore j, tetsudau to shiyou ka na)
Iris who smiled like a mischievous child, and looked a bit like Satsuki-san.
Next chapter isnt tranted yet, please be patient, okay ?
Trantor corner:
Im tired. I need my dose of Game and Anime / Manga before I get a withdraw symptom.
I really love this novel but concentrate to trante it is really tired.
Chapter 64-65
Youe for next chapter right ? Too bad it isnt ready yet.
Rmend song for 2 chapters.
Please listen to it by all mean.
Great song and great anime graphics.
Chapter 64: What the blood produces
Kusu ... Ei ?
Er ... .... Oh!
Sudden movement.I could not react to the action as I was distracted by the blood.
Iris-san wrist is pressed to my mouth.I felt the taste of blooding in, I swallow the saliva and blood overflowing as a reaction.
By the way, I have not drunk blood for a while.The other s intention is a mystery, but should she let me drink?Thinking about such things, my body became hot.
Fu~u ...!?
Yes, drink it and drink more
Hey, what are you doing to Arge-san !?
Its okay (kara kara)
But, it looks like she suffer! Even Arge-san is a vampire, arent you doing too much ?
Its okay, she just feel great.
I know the words to hear.It is a flow that Kuzaha-chan protested and Iris-san denied it.
But I can not afford to pay attention to that, think about the meaning of Iris-sans word or say to Kuzuha-chan that Im OK.
My lips are already open, blood will flow into my mouth without difficulty.Hot liquid falls like stroking the tongue and throat.
And I myself will not refuse it.ept blood with natural movement, rather suck on the wound.I will just let it flow in my throat.
Both FeloNote and Chrome are different.Iris-sans blood is very hot and I think that it will burn.
Well, its not like I get burn.But it is hot.Its hot, somewhat sticky, seems to burn my mouth, throat and stomach.
Dont sweat over it, swallow it to the back of your stomach properly.
Im nodding to words heard at my ear.Even without being told, I have already done so with nature.
I swallow the blood that has a heat like grilling without a second thought.My body is heated from the core to the extent that it is annoying even with the maids clothes I am wearing.
The swallowed blood strokes my whole body from the inside. Cumber, and the back of my stomach are pulled down, pain that can take both pain and itching.
I want more, more.Instead of thinking, I obeyed as a mere desire.
After a long absence of blood sucking, I ampletely absorbed in the blood of my partner, and I continue drinking the her blood.
I was seen by Kuzuha-chan, I behaved badly in front of a child like her.
Chi ... yuu ... ji ... yuru ... ruru... wa, um ku~tsu ...! (T.N: just like moaning so I cant really trante)
A ha, good child? (A ha~tsu, ko ?)
um ... mm ... koku ...
A slender and soft thing strokes my hair. My body gets hotter and steadier. when I gets stroked, I feel strange and rxing.
I can rx my mind and finally remember my breath.I was absorbed in sucking blood enough to forget to breathe.
Pull my red sticky fangs and release the lips from her skin.
The surrounding air is cold even the inside of my body that was burning. With that feeling, the back of my stomach turned hot again.I wonder what this feeling.I do not dislike it, but I get a bit of a thrill.
Would you please be patient for just a little longer ?
Fu, a~a, e ~e ... ?
Blood boost
Au u~u !?
Words Spoken by a mean smile.The moment it invaded my ear, the back of my body got boiled.
Heat runs like stirring my whole body nerve with a sense simr to numbness and itching.
Even my breath was burned in an instant, and my eyes glow. My body losing power and falling to the ground.
Fumi ~yauu ... !
I can feel the gritty ground touching my butt over the skirt. A terrible high-pitched voice came out like not being myself.
... What is this ...?
As the blood goes around, my body reacts.I feel like someone stroking my whole body just by rubbing clothes, trembling, shaking.
I can not even question her what she was done. I cant even move my throat.What is this, me, what ...?
Kuzuha-chan runs up and hugs me.
By doing so, my body gets hot again, but Kuzuha-chan is not aware of it, and I also dont have the power to appeal.
Just a weird voice seems to leak, which seemed very embarrassing.I desperately endure the squeal thates up from my stomach.
Kuzuha-chan stared at Iris-san while hugging me, trying to calm me down by the cold night winds.
Do not bully Arge-san, please!
Fiddling ... Oh, well, can you see that? She is okay, Im not bullying her
Iris-san, theck of exnation will not pass
Yeah yeah. And it is better for Satsuki to wipe her nosebleed and stop your recording magic before saying that?
What are you talking about?! Satsuki-chan doesnt do anything disappointing! This is a growth record!
Youre totally odd ... well ... its kind of like you, to mess with pretty girls ... its a good thing to be cute.
Waah, A ha ha ha ...
And ... Arge, painful? Please be patient a little, and then the boost will take effect
I do not know the meaning of the words she told.
Even even the conversation of three people in the first ce, although I can hear it, I cant afford to talk right now.The barely understood thing is that Kuzuha-chan intimidates and Iris seems to treat it as much.
Sending air into the body many times and repeating a rough breath.I exchange cold and hot air repeatedly, and calm down my body and mind.
asionally Kuzuha-chans tail strokes the body and it make me raise my voice every time.From her view, she just try protect me.Since she isnt bad, I decided to endure without saying anything.
Ha~a, wa, um ku ... wa fu
Have you calmed down?
Yes, somehow ...
By the time Im finally able to to speak, Iris-san is calling out.
There is still fever in the whole body, I still have excessive sweating but its possible to establish a conversation somehow.
Especially the stomach and lower abdomen are hot, there is still a feeling of stroking from the inside. My head is dizzy and I dont have much idea, but I know that I have to do something.
Yeah yeah ... Its a cute eyes, there seems to be self-discipline enough to keep yourself under control of my blood boost
Blood, boost ... ?
Ability to raise the power of those who take blood ... Well, I do not care about such things. Here, something to break is in front of me right now.
Iris-san takes my hand and support it.
Even now, blood is flowing from her reverse wrist, It will make a number of red things flower in the white kimono, but Iris-san does not care.
It is the opposite of Satsuki-sans brute force.I did not resist the kind of guidance that she gently taught.
A feeling like a sweet, warm thing swims behind the belly spreads throughout my body.Even though consciousness is thin, it is felt that only magical powers are being clearly kneaded.
Almost nature and mouth open.Like when we were being shaken by a dream, words came into my mind.
Flow, return to normal
The mainstream of magical power, which is clearly understood even with light consciousness.It is much stronger than the recovery magic that I have dealt with, and the wind of healing violent blew.
It is not only to erase and dispel curses, even the surrounding flowers are blooming.The mountains are colored as if they were injected energetically rather than recovering.
A corner of a mountain where colorful flowers have bloomed enough to ignore the season.The moonlight danced and gave a glittering sight.
The hot spring blows out as if the waterfall was upside down, and eventually caught by gravity. Satsuki-san cover the hot water which falls down by opening a big Japanese umbre.
A big oversized umbre that was good to have
Ah, about that, Satsuki-san, how do you draw it out of the cleavage ...?
No, this is just an action, actually Im putting in and out with storage skills like Blood Bag
Is it confusing?
For now, lets go back, Ar..., ARGE!?
Oh, yes...
Because I used magic, the heat in the back of my body has disappeared. Although it was said that it was Blood Boost, is it that the effect was over?I didnt have it in the initial skills table that Loli-gramp suggested, what kind of ability is it?
Still, there is still a shallow numbness sensation in the whole body.
As everyone moves away from the spot, so we dont get caught up in the spurt of hot springs.My body is still weak and I was supported by Kuzuha-chan.
... Thank you, Arge-san
Thank you in a small voice, Kuzuha-chan smiles like a flower blooms.
It might be the first time that she can smile like that.While thinking about such things, I trusted my body to Kuzuha-chan.Also forget to apologize for let her carry me.
While listening to the mountain bubbles and the sound that hot water overflows into the mountains, I close my eyes.Somehow, I got tired.
This is a long and tired day, I can finally sleep
To be continued
Chapter 65: Soaking in hot spring
Umm, ha~a ...
Sinking the body, sighing. My whole body rxes.
My butt touch ground. Hot water throughout the body and makes me warm.I was enjoying the heat as it was.
... It is hot warm temperature.
Its a nice warmth like passing loosely over time to the core.
The hot water itself is amazing.When scooping over the shoulder, it feels a little tender and feels good.
It is true that I dont need to take a bath like this.Because it is only necessary to remove dirt with recovery magic.
If I try to soak it in hot water like this, it is not as good as a nap, but it is certainly pleasant.
Encho prepared hot water as a thank you when I woke up.
A dedicated bath that he made for me with soil magic, it wide enough for the four of us.It will be too adequate as a reward.
I sink down to my shoulder and I look at my silver hair floating on my back. When I breathed a deep sigh a second time, I can hear footsteps.
The full of spirit and ecstasy well kick the earth were those of Kuzuha-chan.She naturally takes off all her clothes and runs without hiding it, and jumps into the hot spring as it is.
Its a bath!
Do bon, the shy sound and hot water was sshed away.
Kuzuha-chan who arrived, jumps happily in the water surface while sucking a lot of hot water on the ears and tail.It is annoying to do where people are, but since this ce is only for us, it will not be a problem.
Kuzuha-chan ys with hot water with an innocent smile like enjoying a ssh. she looks like a dog ying in the water.No, she was a fox.
It feels good, Arge-san!
I agree
You dont have to go ahead, you wanted to take a bath so soon?
... Yeah, well
Certainly it is.The curse is so annoying, and I sweat quite a lot by the spell of the hot springs.Thetter isrgely due to the Blood Boost.
However, there is another reason why I was soaked in hot springs after taking off my clothes earlier than three people.
... for the time being a man.
This body is unmistakably a girl, but the soul is of a man.At least I will do that.
For Kuzuha-chan, its just about getting in a bath with just girls, and that recognition is by no means a mistake.If I look only at the body, I will be a beautiful girl in every parts of my body.
Even from looking at the nude of the Kuzuha-chan, I do not think anything, but Im still a man, mentally.I thought that it was rude to see girls took off their clothes. So I take off my clothes and enter the bath first. (T.N: Give up Arge, you dont feel anything when see nake girls, you only thought it was rude to look at, you are already a girl even in mind) (Author just make you a trans gender so you wont marry a man and prefer a girl)
Kuzuha-chan is thin as a whole but she has a healthy and supple body. She is moving around here.
Somehow in doubt and looking at the tail, her triplet tails grew considerably above the buttocks.It is a little more than the tail bone.
Ara ra, full of spirit arent you (Arra, genki ga desu n)
Wow, huge.
First and foremostmentes out.There appeared existence with such volume.
Satsuki-san enters hot water slowly with her long ck hair tied.The open chest floated on a bath as if it were a single, or two ... creatures.
Ah, my heart is light, after all the hot springs are nice! I can get tired! I literally have a lighter body now!
Haa, uhm ... is it so?
Well, it is really too big for this cheeky mochi, I cant even see my feet.
Certainly, it will be invisible if it is big, even if you dont speak to that extent so much.
I thought of plunging. But from Satsuki-san, I am a girl.If youre going to have a girls talk, I need something to say that wouldnt be strange.
Once again sitting next to me, She is still big.Not only the chest, but all.
Satsuki-san is stature as a woman. She isnt fat and is rather slender except for her chest, but as the height gets higher the whole part will be bigger.
Well, from what Arge-chan and Kuzuha-chan said not so long ago ... Arent you a little young for a two-trip?
There are various circumstances
Well, it certainly is, I guess.
Although I refused the clear answer, Satsuki-san lowered her head to this ce. Her bundle of ck hair sinks deep in hot water, and the chest is shaken by the waves. She seems like a brute force but she attually a person who respects us properly.
Satsuki-san is looking at Kuzuha-chan who is ying hot water somewhat fun.
Somewhere, I felt something wrong.Rather than feeling strange, it is a flow of magical power.Something like a mysterious sign is leaking from Satsuki-san.
Since myself also uses magic, recently it is a little sensitive to the flow of magical power.I can not see it, but I feel the air that strokes my skin.
Satsuki-san, are you using magic for something?
... What are you ... ?
Yeah, its too bad to let this pass, isnt it? Thats why Im recording the Fox Lolita ying with hot water ... Yes, thats it!
I wonder, it looks like a simr development a while ago.
There is a doubt, but the other side is not going to step on us there.Even so, it is a strange story that I alone was forcibly listened to her idea and circumstances.
I am on the first day of meeting, but I think that she isnt a person who harms us, so I will not pursue it deeply.I conclude that and I will look down on the bathtub.
My eyes met with a red eyes.
Kya ... !
I was surprised, I got a voice like a girl.
When the other party smiles slowly in hot water, she slowly rises.
The gold hair that removed the blue flower decoration is Iris-san.When she wiped her face with her hands, she has a wonderful face
Arge, ka ? wa ? (Kawai mean cute) (Iris call Arge without -chan or -san)
... please dont scare me like that
Oh, sorry sorry, are you upset?
No, I am not angry.
But it looks like her expression does not go bad, although we put our hands together with exaggerated movements. She do not apologize seriously, but shes still charming, it suits her well.
I was only surprised, Im not angry. So I will not me you.
Before I knew it, she was already in a bathtub, I guess she was diving to my side, this person.I am curious about her.
When shee to the side in this way. I know that it is true that she is an opposite in every way with Satsuki-san.
Brilliant golden short hair contrasting with a gentle ck long hair.
Small body oppositerge body in every sense.
Satsuki-san is aggressive but she is polite and drawing properly, Iris-san person seems to be calm but she is attually mischief.
However, both are definitely beautiful.
Satsuki-san is beautiful, Iris-san is cute.Both have beenpleted, they have different direction beauty.
The contrasting two lines lined up naturally, soaked in a bathtub.
Impression that each action unconsciously respects each other, and then it fits neatly in its ce.It is a movement that will be impossible unless they know each other for quite a while and deeply.Somehow, I feel that way.
Satsuki-san looks up at the moon as if it looks like shimmering.
Haha, this is a good hot spring
Satsuki-san loves hot spring?
Yes, from long ago ... Arge-chan
... Ah, yes
There was an atmosphere that seemed to form only the two worlds, so suddenly I was called and the reaction was dyed.
Satsuki-san said nothing against my dy in reaction, rather she is smiling gently. And this time she waved to Kuzuha-chan and call out.
Yes, what is it, Satsuki-san?
Kuzuha-chan who was called swings her tail that soak of water. and shees to this ce. Her fur and tail look heavy by sucking water.
Satsuki-san nods satisfiedly when Kuzuha-chanes in.
Both of you, have you decided where to go from now?
... For the time being, we stay here for a couple of days and then I think we should go to the capital, isnt it, Kuzuha-chan?
Yes, there is no problem!
Is that so ... then shall we go together?
We live in the capital, so why are you having trouble with us go back home ... Isnt it right, Iris-chan?
Yeah ... I heard you for the first time, but it isnt good (for two cute little girls travel alone)
Mutual understanding that is too light, but perhaps they are natural.
Im not having any problem. Beside,I still like to talk with each other.When sending a line of sight to Kuzuha-chan, she raises her hand.
I will follow Arge-san where she want to go, I also think that its good if someone is with us.
... okay, then Satsuki-san, Iris-san, may I ask you toe with us?
Well, of course,
Yeah, good.
Kuzuha-chan will know the way to the capital, but if we want to live there, it would be better if we asked the guides for the capital itself.
Both of them are vampires, they can enter the mountain side like this, so it seems good to see both as having certain strength.
We will be able to rx when we are attacked by a demon on the way. Well, let s get ready.
While thinking about such an expeditious thing like that, I grasped hands that are presented from both Satsuki-san and Iris-san.Like Kuzuha-chan, she also shakes hands with the two.
As Satsuki-san wraps around, Iris-san touched me without any hesitation and I learned a little strange to the fact that the two of them arepletely different.
Next chapter isnt tranted yet, please be patient
Chapter 66
Ah ~? I still dont have next chapter yet
Trantor Note:
Theres no official image for Arge new clothes
so use your imagination with this girl instead.
Chapter 66: To the Capital
The sunlight in the morning is strange.Even though the air is cold, I feel relieved that warmthes down from the top.
I felt that kind of thing even in the body of the vampire, and still able to walk around because I was taking sunlight tolerance properly when I was incarnated.I must thank Loli-gramp.
While taking in the cold air, lets get familiar as body temperature, walk on the site of Sakura garden.
Normally, I want to sleep more, but today is the day of departure. Lets make a carriage for travel if I want to sleep.I hope it wont shake too much.
... I has rxed until today.
After solving the hot springs, we spent a couple of days in Sakura garden.
Even I said rx. But because the Kuzuha-chan brought me around for sight seeing, I did not stay asleep every day.
It seems that Satsuki-san reported that It was a quirk of Elsee about the hot spring withered incident.
It seems that vampire called Elsee are bothered people with so many things.
Hakuens things were turned down.They are also victims, and the hot springs do not reach the base even if they do not stop flowing, which is why it is not necessary.
Including that they solved the injuries and hot springs of the herd, they are grateful to Encho.
On top of that we are benefactors even from the garden of Sakura.Because it has regained valuable tourist resources.The treatment was very good, how incredibly it was hospitable.
I also thought that I only help out a little, but it can not be seen that way.
The garden of Sakura gently deals with us is a matter of gratitude to thest, and its gratitude is about my I solved the problem a few days earlier.
What we were nning to solve from the beginning can be understood quickly considering the importance of the hot spring. Satsuki-san says that even if we leave it alone, they will still settle in three days.
In other words, what we did was a bit of favor.If they treat us three days worth of repayment, they would have fulfilled their obligation.It is not a ce for me to stay forever. Even I want such a ce quickly.
Good morning, Neguseo
Inside Sakura garden site.I came in a covered space established to connect horses.
Give a morning greetment to Neguseo, who is given a clearly better appearance than other horses and is highly treated.
Neguseo does not look surprised because I came to talk everyday. He raise up the body he was curling up,
Arge, you are early today
Well, I always sleep more.
... What is that dress?
Its new clothes
Now, I am wearing a vibrant red kimono.It is a handmade item made by Kuzuha-chan during our stay.The color is red with a purple band. It isnt too shy.
Because many people are wearing kimono in the Republic, I am wearing it from the judgment that this one is more natural than the maid clothes.
Even though I say it myself, I am totally looking like a beautiful girl, so it will be pretty eye-catching, but it will be better than maid clothes.
I stroke his ck fur in front of my eyes.Sleepy feeling, muscle hardness, and body temperature.While I felt that kind of thing, I bore him.
Good work, Neguseo. Thank you.
Mum ... what do you want, say it
No, I had you brought me here, as promised, to the outside of the kingdom
What a thing like that, do not mind, that is exactly what I promised
Yes, thank you very much.
... I can not understand the story.
Neguseo seems to be puzzled.Since he is a horse, how to make that expression is quite different from human beings, but sometimes the words can bemunicated, so even if you withdraw the blood contract, you can read emotions somehow.
I wonder if he was a bit lost.With that in mind, I decided to exin the meaning of the word.
Originally it was a promise to get out of the kingdom, so Neghese is already free.
If it is true, you can break up soon after crossing the country, but you brought me here.For that, I asked the inn to treat Neguseo with food good.
If he unravels the connected rope, he bes freedom.
In the state, he is a naked horse, it is the same as a wild horse. He will be able to pass borders without difficulty, without being suspected by anyone. I dont think people will care if the animals cross the border.
I will send you outside
Because there is a possibility that it seems like the escape of a horse, let s take him to the outside of the town properly. While I think so, Neguseo came closer to me,
Fu nya!?
He bite my hair.
It seems to be pinched by lips rather than biting.Neguseo has never done such a thing so far, as to surprise and jump out.
Neguseo left behind with screams shook his head and sniffed his nose.
Although the other party is a horse, it is embarrassing that I scream voice like a girl and he listened to it.While feeling hard to do, I send words of protest to him.
What are you doing all of sudden, Neguseo
No, you are bad now.
I ... ?
I am confused because I do not know the meaning of the returned word.I am bad, so where will I be told?
Looking again at the face of Neguseo, there is a slightly angry atmosphere. Apparently it is not a joke.
Um ... did you want a little better carrots?
Far from calm down, he was clearly more angry. To ordinary people, they can only hear Hihi ? n, but that reaches my ear with a clear denial.
He trampled the air in the morning and woke up the other horses that still sleeping.
He is sending an annoying gaze to me.Ignoring the surroundings, I will turn my eyes firmly to him.
Just a few seconds.After looking at me with all that time, Neguseo had a big sigh.
Arge ... you, you really dont understand
Like amazement, words like resignation.
Neguseo start walking.Slowly, so as to bring a blunt and entric facing towards here.
He closed the distance and he talked to me again.
Arge-san, is it annoying for me to be here?
There is not such a thing, I am saved by you.
In that case, please take me from now on
Well, but promises are already ...
Oh, I know what you want to say, so its a new promise, now please take me, until you understand why I got angry.
New promise.In that case it will be separate from what we exchanged in the past.
There is no reason to refuse.As I said, it is true that Neguseo help me a lot. If he keep helping me like this, I will owe him even more favor.
I do not know the intention of Neguseo.Knowing that, he says saying that he will take care me until I know what I do not understand.
... That, isnt it forever?
I dont abandon thinking, but if I cant find the answer he will follow me forever.
There is only a merit for me, but Neguseo has such a disadvantage.Is it really okay?
Well then Arge, where are you going next?
Ah ... Uhm, on a carriage prepared by Satsuki-san, to the capital
Well then, I suppose that I will join pulling a carriage
It is a very obedient word.When I first met, he said I will not help anyone slower than me.I wonder whether it was also a change in his mind.
Well, then ... Neguseo. I hope you continue to take care of me from now on.
Okay, leave it to me. I will take you wherever you go
Neguseo says something happily like that.Although he should have been angry until a while ago, he is a strange person, no, strange horse.I wonder if being with me is that much fun.I do not understand.
The cherry blossom petals that came hanging over us and rising to the sky. The morning air starts to have temperature little by little, and it will be felt warmer in less than an hour.
Because I am watching familiar cherry blossoms, I remember just a little old times.I repaired the disoriented silver hair by hand and I caught a petal.
If you look at it, you get a familiar smell.Why there are cherry blossoms in other worlds, it was enough nostalgia to forget such trivial things.
The name of the capital of the Republic seems to be Sakura-nomiya.
There was original sakura trees blooming, and was carried over to this town.
After letting the petals floating like ying around the fingers for a moment, I also danced. I want to see it, I will travel there.
I hope this time I can find the person who will feed me at the destination.
Tee hee hee, You looking forward to next chapter too right ?
Chapter 67
Next chapter isnt ready yet
Chapter 67: Former knight and merchants journey
... Tto
My body bounces from a big shake from the carriage.It was enough to wake me up from my sleep.
Although the highway is well maintained, it is made mainly ofpressed by soil magic.If a horse carriage passes many times, it bes distortion, and eventually it will start to have holes.
Sorry, Felnote-san. Are you okay?
Well, Im fine,
I swing my arm and repond to Zeno who is driving the carriage.There is nothing serious, as my buttocks are numb and my chest bounces. I only need to adjust the position lightly, to calm the chest that got sluggish.
By the way, we are current talking with republicannguage.I remembered everyday conversation to some extent, and now I can use it fairly well.
It is quite different from thenguage of the kingdom, and there are ces wherenguage is a bit confusing, but I am used to it.If I keep use it, I will get better.
When I remember, the confusing phrase from beforee beautiful words, so it was mean wind flow in the republicannguage.
How long will we arrive to Sakura-nomiya?
Well, I think we will arrive by nightfall.
Zeno is a Merchant. He have worked in several towns before we came here, so it takes a long time toe so far.
... Well, it will be faster than Arge.
That girl iszy and want to an easy.Even if she aim for the capital city, she will take a lot of time to sleep.
Unless she is picked up and carried by someone, she will not be ahead of me. No doubt.
Arge, are you sure shee to Sakura-nomiya?
It is quite uncertain to say here.But, perhaps Arge will aim for the capital.
Her aim is to have a three meal, sleeping and to be feeded, and it seems she dont know anything about the world.Because her power is serious deal, it will be extra bad. Someone may take advantage her.
She has such a funny goal, but there are also unexpectedly cool parts.
If she moves, she will choose ce with high possibility that there are people who will provide her.In other words, in order to raise the possibilities, she will go to many capital cities.
I have not thought how to find her, but I have asked around a lot.Zeno also told other peddlers to look for her.
She is a beautiful girl, with beautiful face and silver hair, pointed ears. A beautiful girl of absurdity.Once you have met, you can not forget her. And it will be easy to find her if she is walking in town.
It is no use trying to think about her when she was not found.So much time to reach this far.Yes, I can find her.
I will absolutely catch her.And let me tell you a true way to live.
... Ah
Whats wrong?
Just now, cherry blossom petals are falling ...
Sakura-nomiya is already close, and we are nting trees in viges and towns around here. so its no wonder why you see it here.
A small petal that fits in the palm of my hand.
When I was wondering whether or not to touch it, the carriage shook tremendously.Apparently it seems to have gotten into a hole again.
By the time I realize, fragments of flowers are already flying in the sky.
Winds scoop petals, carriage movements leave it behind.I watched the petals that could not be seen beyond the meadow.
The road maintenance is surprisingly bad, isnt it?
Since there are a lot of carriages go back and forth, this ce still far from capital. Even if we want to maintenance, it will be impossible to do immediately, maintenance itself is pretty much done by themercial guild. We dont have many earth magician to cover this far
Its true just like Zeno said.
I have passed many other peddlers and merchants as we travel.Certainly with that many carriages, the road will also damage. And we are still far from capital, we cant expect they maintain to even here. I said something foolish.
Im sorry, Zeno
No, Im the one must say sorry, that we cant go through a very pleasant road
Its not Zenos fault.
He only nce at me when we are talking. The basics of drive a carriage are he must look forward and manipte the horses.
I can see it on his back.Even from here, I can see the sign of his bitter smile.
I have been sleeping together for more than ten days already. (Withdraw symptoms ?) Unless she isnt interested in me anymore or she doesnt know how to me. That much subtlety will make me realize.
... I dont care, though.
Even though I say we should have a dinner, she doesnt have anything and just sleeping.
When I change clothes, she is still sometimes feel sorry for seeing it. So if you show your concern too, its confusing, so Im trying not to say anything.
In the carriage that shakes strongly asionally, I try to sit down but dont rx. I must prepare myself for the next vibrations, to protect my butt. And also to move as soon as there is something happen.
Because the capital is near, I see that there are no thieves and demon raids, but Im worried about meeting a big enemy. One moment distract during battle, it could be fatal.
As I prayed that there would be no trouble in our way, I was shaken by a carriage.
Sakura-nomiya is almost here.
You can check Table of Contents hereNext chapter isnt ready yet
Chapter 68
Next chapter isnt ready yet
Trantor Note:
Today picture is Oswald carry Arge in chapter 24. I found it toote.
Chapter 68: Guardian of the forest get annoyed
The morning peace was drowned out with a sharp cry.
Crying is from many birds, the only reason why they make noises is ...
... Intruder! (I felt a great disturbance in the Force forest, as if millions hundreds of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened. will happen)
The forest that I protect.When a stranger came here the birds will call me, thats what I order them.
Carrying the ax, stepping on the ground, run through the forest. Every time I run, the ground get a tremor and I feel that I flowers may get ruined, But I can not keep that in mind now.If Im not hurry, the whole forest may in danger.
Poacherse over and over again trying to steal the grace of the forest.
I only give it to people if theyre worthy enough. But of course, there a limit I can give that dont harm the forest. And Poachers are the target of hatred, they must be eliminated.
It is troublesome to do this everytime, but that is my role. And it has be much easier than before. May her force be with me. (I wonder if this is proper English but I want to use a star war refer) (original is: I can feel my body is filling with her power)
... Blood Contract that my friend gave me!
Silver hair vampire, Arge nee-san. Her contract of blood give me a strong power.
Moreover, I am not ck off.In order to ovee the problem about speed, I have repeatedly practiced and the skill of guardian of the area is also rising.
Recently, I can even use magic.Im surely growing up.
Bumooooooooo! ! !
I rush through the forest with great speed while roaring.
Now, poachers. Here I came. I came to judge you.It is a cry with that intention.
Mostly poachers has fallen to a trap set by goblins and kobolds.Recently, they are even more cooperative than before. (Its A Trap)
Run to the intruder, lead by the voice of the birds.
The other person is turning her back.Although the distance is still far, she should be able to hear my footsteps or the tremor, why doesnt she react ?Are you inviting me ?Then, Im gonna take that offer.
When I react the sufficient distance. I jump using all my power and speed. And then swing down my favourite ax with all my might. With this attack I will probably crush my opponent.
At that moment, a familiar word reached my ears, I chose to give up my weapon.
Of course, the ax still have its Inertia force flying toward her after image and hit the ground, but it does not matter.I abandoned the weapon, because it doesnt change if I have weapon or not fighting against her.
She is diappearing right now, she can strike in all directions, with barehand I may a chance to react in time. I didnt move or make any sound, try concentrate the best I can to avoid.
She appear a few meters beyond me, I finally catch a glimpse of her and fall back.It seems like I had avoided her attack by a margin.
A ghostly woman with short ck hair.I dont know her name, but I will not forget that face.
Her blurry image, her smile with the amber eyes that toy with mest time we fight, will not easy to forget.
You came again, you ... !
I angry re her, but she is still a ghost. The best I can do with all my power is avoid her attack once. There is an unpleasant feeling that she is still looking around and doesnt even care about me. Im really angry, but I will be patient.
If Im getting argry here and fight her, I will die.
Hmm, I thought you are smarter than before but it seems like you cant use it properly
Far from moving, she doesnt even show any stance. Shes just talking to me.
... what with that?
Somethings wrong.
I thought thats because her atmosphere was changed too much.
The bad feeling like when I fought with her before was gone. Compared to the other day, she is rather calm.
It seemed like she was not interested in forests and me.
She shrugs her shoulders like being amazed.Even though Im not interested in her action, I must keep watching her movements.
Isnt it obvious, I came to settle with Vampear not you
What? Vampy?
Vampear !! (Tsundere trante: You idiot, how dare you mistake her name)
Not Arge nee-san, but I could not know who she mean.It was a word that I did not remember.
I do not remember much.Yes, thats too much.I feel like heard it somewhere.Where was it .... again.
Hmm ...
............ (Tsundere trante: now you thinking ?)
Ah ...
............ (Tsundere trante: whats taking so long ?)
Hmm ...
Argento! Argento vampear !! (Tsundere trante: this is why I hate muscle brain)
Oh, ah!
I was finally able to understand it after all words were spoken.
Argento vampear.In other words, Arge nee-san.I call her as Arge nee-san, so I dont remember her family.
In the first ce, family names are not normally present in vampires. Because they was mostly born from magical beings transfrom not from their ancestor .Even if I forget it, it can not be helped.
Its useless even if you trying to hide her ... ? (Tsundere trante: because I will chase her even to the end of this world)
Her threaten words will still make me sweating, and if I look at her, she is serious.If I dont do it ording her words, battle will be inevitable.
... How do you do it?
Where is Arge nee-san now?I only know about the direction.
I heard the story that she is going to the Republic from the beginning, there is also the soul connection from the contract of blood.
To be honest, it would be pretty hard for me to get in touch with her.Even now I am not confident.
However, it isnt good to tell this woman where Arge nee-san is.I think that this woman cant win against Arge-san. But theres noway I will tell my benefactors location to a dangerous person.
It is annoying if she will meet with Arge nee-san.Nothing to settle with anymore, Arge nee-san are already won.
Come on, get Vampear here! (Tsundere trante: let me see her already, you idiot)
Vanpear this, Vampear that, so noisy.
Ah ... That person isnt here, because she isnt a dweller in this forest in the first ce
... Then, tell me where she is. (Tsundere trante: Cant be help, I will chase her myself)
Alright, yes, she take the bait well.
I tryied endureughing when look at her face and I pointed to the outside of the forest.It is not the direction Arge nee-san is.Itspletely different country.
Wait for her to turn his eyes to the direction I pointed to, and slowly tell her.
Empire, she said she will go there before leaving.
Empire, why is she in that ce ...? (Tsundere trante: Empire huh ?)
I dont know her purpose, it seemed like there was something big going on there
Purpose ... Huh, I see. I guess It wont be easy to find her ... (Tsundere trante: you think you can escape from me ?)
I try not to respond to her words, she make a funny face and show me a grudge.It is a face that seems to have asked Arge nee-sans attitude to the end.
Its my first time to do such a thing, but this woman is an opponent who I dont have to fight.It is the same as Arge nee-san, because she do not mind the value of this forest.
In that case, I will trick her go to ces where she will not be annoyed. ording to the story of the birds, the empire seems to be a country that is dested, I hope you wont be dead burning over there.
... No lies, right?
Its a person who is irrelevant to the forest and there is no point in hiding her.
Fu~un, well then, I will be going.
Flowering, her appearance is blurring.
It is the second time to see her movement, but I still can not see her. She was gone before I noticed.
The crisis has passed.Judge that and rx the power of my body.I was sweated badly and now I was cooling by the wind while sitting down on a rock near me.
Arge nee-san, Youre still doing fine, I guess
With the power of blood contract, we know each others condition. What I get from her is all about health.
Nevertheless, when I get talked about like this, I want to see her face.Is it something I can not help anyway?I hold such a feeling, but I denied it myself.
... His feet are like that.
Even now I can hardly move with that wicked woman in front me.
Arge nee-san are different. She showed off with a different level. she crushed that womans pride to the extent that she got a grudge against her.
With overpower people like that around, what kind of role will I be useful for? (Forest Vige A ?)
Breathe a sigh and watch my hands.I feel like I got stronger after training from that, but it is not enough yet.
I have to keep stronger and protect the forest.And if it possible, I want to use my power for Arge nee-san.
To that end, I will train harder
p my hands to my face.There is power.Also motivated.Then, the rest will only be polished.
Im sure I can be stronger.
Connection with that person is still living in my body.Believe that we will meet again somewhere, I raised my back.
When I notice it, the sun is already quite high.If that person sees it, she will surely just take a nap.
For me, it is a special training time.
Next chapter isnt ready yet
Trantor corner:
I use Sakuya picture because Chrome using Flowering and really high speed that nearly same as Sakuya stop time.
Chapter 69
Next chapter isnt ready yet
Today picture is a Touhous flower view party. I want this novel will end with Arge and her harem having Flower view like this.
Chapter 69: Flowers and cage.
As I have consciousness but I cant move my body, I recognizes that this is a dream.
After reincarnating in a different world, I often saw the old days as a dream.
Maybe a vampire is a good dreamer?
I know that it is a dream, so there is nothing surprising with the scenery in front of me.
Everything is ordinarily, but the room isted from the outside world.
I can never step on the other side of the ironttice, but I was only allowed to live here.That is the servant from that time.
While feeling the nostalgic air, I see the same thing as the one I am watching in my dream.
I hate it, please dont look at me too much (T.N: Tsundere Imouto / cousin)
You are also watching me, arent you?
It is a beautiful emotion act when a living person looks at the dead, but it is undesirable for the dead to look at the living when youre not my ancestor.
Oh, is that so?
Both my words and her words are decided in advance. Because this is my past.
The living being on the other side of the ironttice is existence with a track record and power to be allowed to live in the Kuon house. She is Kuon Aoba-san
In my memory, she is always wearing Japanese clothes.The fancy sleeves in which colorful flowers are drawn, its glossiness make my eyes hurt so much that I can no longer tell what color is the main.
She is wearing such a Japanese clothing that make her atmosphere like standing in the flower garden.
Therere two bells attached to her hairpin, her smooth ck hair sway just like wave everytime she move. She put a de on the flower held in her hand.
Everytime her thin finger moves, the de cut an unrequire part of flowers. Then she begin to arrange flowers.
I only see it as beautiful art and before I knew it, I keep watching her.
She put the finished work aside and smiled.
How is it. It is hard to show my art to one person.
I dont know about flower arrange, and I am a dead man, so I usually dont think my impression will have any meaning.
H. Is that so?
There is no disgust in her eyes. Shes a strange person.
Many of peoplee here seem to despise me. After looking down me, they will return.
A few of peoplee here seem to have pity on me.For some reason, they seem got hurted more than I did, and they will also return after a while.
She is neither of them.She is the only one different.
I wonder if it is an interesting thing, she visited my prison many times and she alwayse with flowers.
Herpleted work is cleaned up before it dies. Maybe thats also Aoba-sans instruction.
Then, as a dead, is there something you want?
... I prefer a little more shy, like cherry blossoms, those of that kind
What Ive said is true.I thought It would be inconvenient, but I did not mind.Because she ask my opinion.
Her work behind the ironttice is gaudy and she is gorgeous like the clothes she is wearing. She is gorgeous, eye-catching and beautiful.Even in my dream, she seemed to shine.
I am not familiar with the way, so I do not know what kind of flowers are used.Still I know that Aoba-sans work is amazing.
Otherwise she can not name herself as a person of Kuons house. I can understand it even if I dont have knowledge about flowers arrange.
Its just my preference though.
Hehe, is that so?
Her reaction is contrary to what I thought.Far from being angry, sheughed.
The bells as she walking, shees closer to the ironttice.
A little closer
I understand
I dont know her purpose, but there is no reason to refuse.I approached the ironttice.
I thought for a moment what would happen if I didnte close here, Im a dreamer.
My dreams move freely, and this is already over in the past.Even if I want to do something different from reality, it does not change the reality.
And I knew what happens after this.I dont know what to do as she takes my hands beyond the ironttice.
A small sound echoes in a quiet room. Like tongue touching.
There is no surprise. This is the second time.I was a little surprised because this time she is still here as evidence that Im not dream.
It tastes unexpected, isnt it?
I didnt think there was a hobby to kiss the dead.
As long as you are here, you are not dead.
Ha, is that so?
... Do you have experience?
As far as I remember, no-one have ever done anything like that
Hehe, that was good
She think that I was dead until a while ago, and she start to treat me like a living person abruptly.
I do not know what she is thinking. Its only a dream, but whatever, we meet again.
However, even if you dont know her feeling, I know what emotions the facial expressiones from.It was a pleasure to see from her expression at that time.Because her smile is beautiful like flowers.
You are like a bud, arent you?
Is that so?
Yeah ... what kind of flowers will you bloom into?
It withered before blooming
No, like a bud of a flower under the snow, you can surely bloom. It just isnt here, but what if somewhere else
She is getting away from me and she stands up.
I dont understand the meaning of her words and the intention of her emotions after all.Even for me at present time, I am watching the past like this now.
I would like to see you bloom
I think that it is impossible, because I can not do it from here,
Well, yeah ... but the world may change like the season ... It is around time for your feeding staff. Whats that little childs name?
Its Ryko-chan. Mizushiro Ryko
Oh, it was such a name, I will excuse myself then
Is that so? Goodbye Aoba-san
... I wille again
Feel free to
She made a smile like shes d.
Because cherry blossoms can not cut easily, lets have some sakura view, someday.
Ha, yes, if there is opportunity
Such days will nevere. Even I replied to her like that.
The (dream) world is breaking like a flower scattering, my consciousness return. The end of my dream is near.
Her smile is thest thing I saw, it have a slightly cherry blossom color.
What is the feeling that is on my face?
Its thin, moist and light warmth.The feeling like a scented remnant moves away.
Was that because my promise with her?
When I still dont have the answer, I wake up from my dream.
Next Chapter isnt ready yet.
Chapter 70
Cirno, give me new chapter
Today is a Touhou song. And character is Lily White.
Ah ... Author-sama, please. Dont use many hard words, Machine Trante make a mess. Check Japanese Original is a bunch of hard words.
Chapter 70: Capital City of Flowers
... Hmm
When I opened my eyes, there was a smell of cherry blossoms.
Something tickle on my face, I use my fingertip and pick up a petal. It seems to have been on my face while Im sleeping.
I saw the cherry blossoms from the thinly opened window and sigh.Is it because of the smell that I saw an old dream?
Good morning, Arge-san
Oh, good morning, Kuzuha-chan
I greet back to Kuzuha-chan who waving her fox ears next to me. She opens the window widely and I can see the outside.The scenery blurred by the horse carriage is peaceful, its sunny. I looked at the winds swaying the flowers
Now that we are on the carriage that Satsuki-san arranged for us.Unlike Zeno-kuns carriage, because it is for carrying people properly, it is luxurious andfortable.Although there is a shake, it doesnt matter much.
There is a proper roof, the seat is also a fluffy simr to the sofa. Satsuki-san is sitting face to face with us.As for Iris-san, she is sleeping in the coffin deposite as luggage with contents. She is sleeping on the roof.
Please do not open too much. Satsuki-san, you are weak against direct sunlight right ?
Im sorry
No, if Im careful I will be okay. Also, we are about to reach Sakura-nomiya, so I think its better to see the scenery.
Satsuki-san is smiling while saying so.
As usual, her clothes are expose and her breasts seem to burst outm, but she dont feel like she care. Doesnt she feel why nor dangerous, I think you should refrain from exposing your skin.
Well, she will be okay as long as she doesnt expose to direct sunlight. She is probably quite strong with sunlight resist as a vampire, but still it is a dangerous if her body expose to sunlight.
Well, her kimono is to tight for her so she must wear it this way to get morefortable. And I must say it suit her personality well.
We will arrive around noon, so shall we eat at first?
Is that Satsuki-sans house?
Yes, my home and workce,
What kind of work are you doing, Satsuki-san?
Yes, I run a coffee shop. (˲: Kissaten)
This is the first time we hear that from Satsuki-san. A coffee shop, right ?
But she wear Japanese clothes. It is a green kimono and isnt really shy, but it seems somewhat seductively because of her body is exposed.
When Aoba-sans kimono was glossy by itself. Satsuki-sans kimono is marvelous because of her own body and atmosphere.
Together with her long ck hair and flower hair ornament make her look really beautiful.
Her behavior make her seems restless but in fact she is a caring person.However, we can only call her as Beauty in Japanese clothes when she is standing quietly.
If she walking around the town with her gorgeous make up and her seductive exposed body, people will mistake her with a prostitute.
... isnt it a tea house?
It was Kuzuha-chan, who ask Satsuki-san the question I thought.
The meaning of the tea house and the coffee shop probably does not change very much.Both are ce we take a break and have drinks and snacks.
Just a cafe is western style, when tea shop can have a Japanese style.I also think it is a tea house just like Kuzuha-chan said.
No, no, there are plenty of teahouses in the Republic, but our house is a coffee shop, and we are the founder who brought in cakes and parfaits to Republic!
Satsuki-san waved her hands exaggeratedly to deny.
I dont know where cakes and parfaits originated in this world, but she seems to be the first to have started it in the Republic.
... It is not an unlikely story
I dont know how long is the vampires lifetime, but it is probably longer than a human.It is knowledge from the previous world, but vampires arent looking so old.
I do not know how old Satsuki-san is, so it is a mystery, but I dont think she have the same age as how she looks.
Well, how old are you, Satsuki-san ...?
Its an ETERNAL, seventeen years old ...!!
Satsuki-sans wink at me while raising her index finger to her lips. Certainly she feel like teens.Well, I know its not true.
By the way, Iris-chan is 687 years old
Wow! Iris-san is over 300 years older than my mother!
Both of you, havent you said awful things behind her back?
It seems like a girls age-rted topic is out. Because I was a man in my previous life, I dont know such a thing.While I felt something difficult to have girltalk in a carriage, I look outside once again.
There are not only cherry blossoms but also other colorful flowers in the scenery that I saw from the window.
This is a different world, but there are cherry blossoms.So the other flowers that are visible through this window are also flowers in my world as well.
If it was her, she surely knows what sort of flowers they are, she is really good at flower arrangements after all.
I ignore Satsuki-san and Kuzuha-chans exciting girltalk, I close my eyes.
It will be a while before we get to the capital.I decided to sleep a little more.
Next chapter isnt ready yet.
Chapter 71
Next chapter isnt ready yet.
Today picture is Reimu hug Yukari.
Well, you will know soon.
Hints: ck Hair girl hug an touch big breast girl.
And wee to our party, new Editor Jae.
And please tell me if anyone want to be an Editor. You dont really need to do an Editor work, get Editor status allow you to edit when you spot a typo.
Lets help out each other to get a better Trantion for this Cute Novel
This is optional but please add a (ED: ... ) when you edit something.
Chapter 71: May cafe
(: Gogatsu = May) (May is the name of cafe, I think Satsuki like this month)
Getting into Sakuranomiya was pretty easy.Or when I wake up, I was already inside.
As the capital of the Republic, I usually wondered if there was a gate C check or something, but Kuzuha-chan said its okay.
When Satsuki-san waved hand at the guard, it ended with only that.
It seems she was popupar.I wonder if she is really just the manager of a coffee shop.
Now, I arrived!
Satsuki-san is now in the usual style, attached a coffin in her waist and cover herself with a Japanese umbre.
Of course, Iris is sleeping in the coffin.The name of the coffin is Protect pretty flower.
From the name, I guess its a magic artifact.I do not know the effect, but at least it is certainly used as a shade.
... It certainly is a coffee shop, isnt it?
As soon as I got off the carriage, that building was...
Western style Building.Because there are many wooden house in the surroundings, it really stands out.
It probably also serves as a living space, because it is quiterge.It stand out from the surroundings both size and design.
However, as Iing closer I realize I was wrong.
After all, this is a different world. The surroundings isntpletely Japanese style.
The letters written on the signboard also isnt Japanese.
May Cafe. Satsuki-san strokes the big sign and read it out loud.
Satsuki-san, where can we keep Neguseo?
Please attach him to a signboard
Okay, then Neguseo, see youter
Okay, you should go
After attaching him to the signboard, I and Kuzuha-chan are following Satsuki-san.
A wonderful and entric door bell rings, letting the store know the visit.
Wow ...
This is ... a nice atmosphere
The shops decoration is beautiful. As a whole, it had a westerner feeling. Tables and floors have scents of old trees.
There is antern and a used up match box on the table but its not obsolete.
It alsobines fireces and shelves as interior decorated on the walls, which is somewhat warm atmosphere.
On the shelves were decorated with wood carving birds and dolls ying.Theres also a big old-fashioned clock.
I am back now!
Satsuki-sans energetic voice caught in the shop rather than echoing.
It was not a voice but a sound that came back.It is a footstep that is not noisy, but not calm either
A woman who appeared to pop out from the inside of the shop, probably from the living space. She wears a single white color clothes mixed with her ck hair.
She is tall but if wepare to Satsuki-san she is short, the line is thin. Especially, although it may be rude, she is t.
Her skirt has a calm color that matches the chic atmosphere of the surroundings, I think it would be an employees uniform. It shaking when the woman dive into Satsuki-sans chest.
Onee-sama, wee home!
Oou, Fumi-chan! How have you been?
Ha ha! I was able to take a rest properly!
Hugging each other intimately, the two spin around.
It is a dynamic contact that Satsuki-san spun around and the woman appear to like it.
It sounds soft, right?
Even though she struck against Satsuki-san strongly, there seemed ony just a little shock of a crash. Well, when Satsuki-san is equipped with a big and soft cushion like that.
... It is amazing, isnt it?
While were still in the garden of Sakura-zaku, I have been buried several times.
It was due to a cuddle from Satsuki-san every time, but the physicalprehension was so amazing that my facepletely sunk in each time.
Since the nose and mouth are luded, Im trying to push back reflexively.
I feel like that was a swamp than cushion. When you are buried, it seems that many people will feel bad.
No, actually, the person who is hugged in front of me have an ecstatic face.
Oh, my onee-samas tits ... after a long absence ...
Oh ... wait ... Ahem ... There are customers.
Satsuki-san, who remembered our existence in this ce, slow down the spin and let go of the girl.
The girl who was called Fumi-chan wiped the watery eyes and saw us. She seems to be not a vampire because her eyes are golden.
Oh, you are such cute customers ... First time meeting, my name is Fumitsuki Ichinose
Im Argento Vampear
My name Kuzuha
Ichinose, I was slightly surprised to hear her name.It was the same name as Satsuki-san and Iris-san, but she isnt a vampire.
However, even if they have same name, Satsuki-san and Iris-san are probably not sisters or parents.
If Ichinose is attached with a family connection, it is not strange that Fumitsuki-san says so, so I decided not to mind.
Her way of talking is premature, it is simr to Chrome-san, but unlike her that is not sticky, it is a gently impression. (T.N: Chrome, please be less Tsun or Arge wont love you. Right now, she only think you as delicious)
What happened to Shino-kun and Kuro-chan?
Both of them went to y because today is holiday. Fumi-chan thought that onee-sama and A-chan would being home soon, so I was waiting here.
Well, Fumi-chan is a nice girl, I have souvenir for you!
When Satsuki-san slips from the valley of her tits, she takes out various things, but that is just using the same Blood Bag as mine.The person who puts her hands in the valley seems to be directing herself.
Although if I dont know the trick, I will still think that it is a ridiculous volume big enough to be stored and buried.
When giving souvenir to Fumitsuki-san, Satsuki-san looks back over here.
Well, I will open the coffin for Iris-chan
Is it okay to open?
The shop is made with some seperate areas dont have sunlight like residential areas and kitchens. We will prepare for lunch after Iris-chan is out, so please wait a bit.
Waving hands with fluttering, Satsuki-san disappears to the back of the shop.
Fumitsuki-san turned to us, her skirt shaking lightly.
She is bowing with dignified.It seems that it is in ordance with the atmosphere of this shop to greet us with a smile.
Well then, allow me to guide you to your seats. And Wee to May ?
Tee hee hee, Next chapter isnt ready yet. Please be patient, okay ?
Chapter 72
Next chapter isnt ready yet
Chapter 72: A single destination
Not Edit Yet
... Its really a cafe
Mumu, were you doubting, Arge-san?
Well, if you are looking at the Onee-samas dress, most people think of a tea house than a cafe
Even the employee said that. I moved the spoon without saying anything more than that.A mountain of chicken rice with a half fried egg.It is a so-called Omurice (omelet-rice). Scrape the corner and scoop, carry it to my mouth.
Ah, its delicious.
The seasoning of chicken rice is solid, not sticky.Onions and green peppers are good in texture and arerge enough.
Egg is sweet, buttery scent covers chicken rice as it looks.
It was a perfect Omurice, except that it was written with red ketchup isBlur here and in republican words.
Its delicious!
Contrary to me who quietly eats while surprising, Kuzha was praising delicious Omurice as she eat it.
She look like a hamster than a fox, intes her cheek and her eyes are shining.Children like Omurice.
But Im dancing in my heart as well. In the kingdom we only have bread for meal and I really want to eat rice for meal but still dont have any rice yet.
Even though it is seasoned, the sweetness that springs up with texture and chewing is definitely of rice.Even though Im not say it out loud as Kuzuha-chan, but Im quite happy right now.
Satsuki-san looked at us and smiled happily.
Satsuki-san doesnt eat much because of her physique.The size of the golden mountain is a little smaller than ours, even half of it has been handed over to Kuzuha-chan.
Im happy if you eat pleasantly. Arge-chan do you like it too?
Yes, it is delicious
Even this is a cafe, but its taste is delicious as I remember.Only the character of ketchup is a bit strange. (T.N: Arge mean a cafe should have a western taste)
Thats for sure. Because it was made with a unique method by ... Iris-chan!
Eh? Satsuki-san didnt make it!
Iris-chan can make dishes served at the shop. Im in charge of regr meals and sweets at stores
Oh, I see...
Kuzuha-chan, who seemed to think that Omurice is handmade by Satsuki-san made a subtle look.
Certainly the characters written in ketchup are obviously a huge hook, like Satsuki-san, but Iris-san is like this as well.Only in this ce, the two are strangely simr.
Fumitsuki-san is looking at Satsuki-san, but how can she move the spoon and eating without even look at her hand.I guess it is usual.
Iris-san does not show up because she is a vampire.To avoid sunlight, meals should be taken in the back.
Well, Fumi-chan ... Because I will prepare for tomorrow, can you deliver this tomercial guild for a moment?
After the meal was over and the dishes were tidied by Fumitsuki-sans hand, Satsuki-san took out several sheets of paper from her valley of the chest.
From here I can not see the contents.Fumitsuki-san received it.
Is it a request for repair the highway?
Yes, from here and from Sakura-zaka, I felt some ces be bad when riding the carriage
Is that so, Onee-sama.
The road must be fix properly so the peddlers can travelfortable, and they are our materials supply, so can you ask for me, Fumi-chan?
Okay, ~leave it to me ~? (Ha~ai, makase kuda sa~a i) (TN: she talk with happy voice)
Fumitsuki-san is cheerful ept Satsuki-sans request and go to the back of store. She is preparing for going out.
There was something to worry about in the current conversation, so lets dig a little more.Thinking that way, I talk to Satsuki-san.
Well, what is amercial guild?
Union organizations that many of the peddlers are registering because they do business across countries and viges so there is much danger. That guild is where they gather for information sharing
... then, may I go together?
It reminds me of the peddler who first took care of me when I came to this world.
Zeno Kotobuki-kun.He let me ride the carriage to Arlesha, he gave me a meal during that time and also gave me clothes and money.
I promised to return it if I can someday.I was wondering what I was going to do because I do not know if I can meet again, but if there is such an organization, there is a high possibility of registering Zeno-kun too.It is worth checking.
Perfect timing, Fumi would guide you if you ask? (Satsuki)
I understand, I will ask. (Arge)
Well, Arge-san? What do you need? (Fumi)
There is a person I want to repay his favor, because he seems to be a peddler, so I wonder if I can find out where to go (Arge)
Thats important, I will also help you. (Kuzuha)
It is something unrted to Kuzuha-chan, but she seems to be full of spirit.
She is lively but not a bad child, so there is no problem.I myself have been with her forever so I am starting to feel like its natural that she ising with me.
Satsuki-san, can you please take care of Neguseo? Because we pay money including meal,
No, I dont mind, meal is my treat and I n to do so in future as well.
No, but,
Sorry! but Im telling you, Satsuki-san will not receive any money even if you are trying to refuse! Im confident with my patience. Now stop trying to be a guest and let me spoil you. You are not allow to pay until I ept
Oh, then I will not hesitate
Yes! Please let me take care of you for a while!
In this case, I feel that I will be the only one benefic. But why she looks so happy when she dont have any benefit.
However, it seems that it will be more troublesome if Im not doing as she want. So I think I will kept it in moderation.
In a sense, she is a strange person.But I will not let the other party bear the fact that they only giving things, and gain nothing will be returned. I will try return this favorter.
Thank you, Satsuki-san
Whether Fumitsuki-san will guide us or not, Im still gonna going there. Even if she doesnt guide me, I will search for ces by myself.
Promises that I will return favor someday.If I dont do this, it will keep bothering me forever.
Even though clothes and essories given by him have already been lost.
It would be nice if you meet your benefactor (Kuzuha)
I agree (Arge)
Even the one who ruined the gift from my benefactor is this girl, but she didnt have bad intention, she just misunderstood. So I will not say it.
I want to take a nap. I will try return my gratitude soon and go back for a nap.
Next chapter isnt ready yet.
Chapter 73
Next chapter isnt ready yet
Chapter 73: Commercial Guild
And Fumitsuki-san epted guiding us to themercial guild.
Id rather love to help. It is more fun to walk together than walking alone
It seems that people at this coffee shops passive skill is want to be together and helping people
On the way to themercial guild, Im looking at the town because this time Im walking I can see more than when in the carriage.
There are flowers nted here and there, and there are many Demi-human beings who go back and forth.
As expected there isnt a vampire like me because its daytime, but therere still quite a lot of races other than human beingspared with Arlesha.
The republic originally seems to have been made by many small countries gathered together, and therere so many peoplee to sightseeing. So I think thats the reason.
Excuse me
After I walked for dozens of minutes, I arrived at themercial guild.
Fumitsuki-san opens the door of the building with a dignified attitude.The building is Japanese style, it is a sliding door.
After entering, we quickly gather a lot of attention.
... It is the eye of the Appraisal.
Everyone on the surface saw us with a gaze movement like reflexively looking at the person who came in.Yes, on the surface.
If their lines of sight direct to us, I will get that feeling even if they dont mean that way. The feeling like they check my value. The eyes that I had often been looking at when still in Kuon family
Arge-san, whats wrong?
There is nothing
Its a thing I had in the past, I felt nostalgic.
It is a little different from Iris-san judging others.
She looked straight and talked direct at me, so I did not hide it.I dered it with an attitude and I showed myself. She might have been a bit like the Aoba-san.
People here dont show such a thing in a that way.
I dont think they are unpleasant.It is obvious that Im not worth that much.
I have noticed that I have changed nothingpare with before I reincarnate.Even though the race is different from the previous one, bing a girl, I still remains as before.
Kuzuha-chan is not aware of their line of sight.Instead, She is busy watching around over and over.
She isnt going away from me, but looks like she is interested, shes rocking the tail and sending her eyes to the surroundings.
Here you are
Followed by Fumitsuki-san, I headed to the back.
A counter seat like a soba shop or a sushi shop.There were men on the other side where several people sat and chatting.
A blond hair and a beard of the same color as hair around the mouth, eyes are blue.
It is a body with a lot of muscle so that it cant be thought of as a merchant, clothes are Japanese clothes.It looks a bit odd like an American mimics the boss of a gangster.
Even if he face a tall woman like Fumitsuki-san, he is still very big.I guess he is nearly two meters.Because he has a deeply carved face, he has a considerable sense of intimidation.
Fumitsuki-san had nothing to be afraid of such an opponent, she nodded once and pulled out the paper bundle from her bosom.
From my Onee-sama
Okay, lets receive it
Is it said that Satsuki-san is trusted around, receiving a name only without receiving any content checking?
I wonder who she really is. She seems a famous person that she widely known, she must be a long lived vampire.
How about thedy there?
Introduction from My Onee-sama. Looks like she has something to do with you
Nice to meet you, ... uhm ... Loose Fluffy Macho-san (դޥå礵: Yuru fuwa matcho-san)
Loose Fluffy Macho !?
Oh, was it better with Gachimuchi Loose Fluffy? (դ: Gachimuchi yuru fuwa)
Both of them are interesting, arent they?
A nickname that is hard to distinguish whether it is soft or hard
I thought that his hair was blond and loose hair and his body was muscr so I thought that it was perfect for himself.People around me shiver up and use their hand to cover their mouth, are they eating something bad?
...Im Shishizaki Kirigiri, Im doing a reception for amercial guild, so what do you want, miss?
Uhm ... Zeno-kun ... Is the person registered as Zeno Kotobuki here?
Zeno, Oh, he is our member but what did he do?
Because He helped me before, I would like to repay him however I can.
The moment I said, the surroundings be noisy.
Even when we told that Satsuki-san introduced us, it was considerably rxed, but they still looking at me as usual.
But right now, the surroundings, the peddlers are talking to themselves.I can not hear everything but I heard the conversation content from a nearby counter.
Zeno, you bastard, you are selling outrageous things
Oh, he did something to sell a favor to a beautiful girl ...
This will be a purgeter
No, I guess it would be better to have the seeds of the business negotiate to collectively summarize what he had done with the rtionship with women so far. That guy business right now is: rock salt and spices, its a lot to hold.
Geniuses ...! (T.N: poor Zeno)
The meaning of talking is unknown, but somehow they look exciting.
As they are still merchants, it seems that the loss profit is the main thing.Maybe that merchantpanion think Zeno-kun a bit strange by helping a little girl who didnt have anything useful like me.
While stroking the mustache, Shishizaki-san looking at the surrounding peddlers.Then turn his line of sight back to me and speak.
He should be in Sakura-nomiya, it is payment of dues, because there is plenty of time on the deadline, he should have been doing business here and there, Id say that he will return in a week, what should I tell him when he return.
Thank you, Im Argento vampear
Argento vanpear, not Kuon Ginji.
It is a name I have after came to this world.Recently I feel almost no difort when called.
Shishizaki-san wrote my name in the memo at hand and put it aside.After that, he will tell me if Zeno-kunes back.
He seems to be back in three days, so maybe I wille here in that day.
Well then, thank you.
Oh, leave it to me.
If youve done business, lets go get some snacks.
Well, but ... ....
Its okay. Because I cant enjoy snacks alone, please go out with me for a while
Will people at that coffee shop get poor if I dont do something about this? Even that store manager say the same thing with shop clerk.
Is that ok?
Even if you return soon, Onee-sama will not concentrate on work.
Ah, I see
Satsuki-san is certainly a person who wants toe here But she has to prepare for the shop.From tomorrow it will be undesirable for Fumitsuki-san to go out because she has to prepare for the operation of a coffee shop again.
If Fumitsuki-san didnt get caught and she doesnt care about it. Then I will wee her invite, so I decided to follow obediently.
Lets eat a snack and think about where to take a nap.
This city is full of the smell of flowers.No matter where you sleep, you ought to be able to take a napfortably.
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Chapter 74
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Today picture: Long ck Hair Girl eat Taiyaki
And Kagerou
And Eirin Princess Hold Kaguya
T.N: And my apology. I thought Fumi and Kuro were a same girl so I didnt post picturest time. But after see a certain point that rude to say about a girl, I know they are 2 different girls
Chapter 74: Incident urrence
This is delicious!
Its good to have a bowl here ... By the way, soy sauce crackers across the street are also good.
Fumitsuki-san has just worked at a cafe, you know a lot of delicious things
Hehe, well... (Fumi)
This is the Eaves edge of a Japanese confectionery store.We were rxing with a Japanese umbre bench set up for customers to sit and eat.
The snacks you eat in a rxed time are very luxurious.While looking at Kuzuha-chan and Fumitsuki-san who are excited about the topic of sweets, I bite on my Taiyaki.
... Its not too sweet, its a nice taste.
Sweet bean isnt too sweet, there is soft sweetness of flour, and bean jam is on it properly.
It is a harmonious sweetness rather than confining the beans with flour. I can see why Fumitsuki-san rmending it.
It seems that Kuzuha-chan likes it a lot, and she is getting the third one now. I only eat a little because we will have lunchter, but I should let her eat as she like.
I am pleased that you like it. Are you going to eat more? (Fumi)
Yes, I will ask for a second helping! (Kuzuha)
Woooo, Fumitsuki-san, here too! (Kuro)
Ara, kuro senpai, geez? (Fumi)
*Exited ... Hurry hurry (Wafu wafu~tsu. Hayaku hayaku)
It will note out so soon, I will give you half of mine, please wait quietly.
Wa~i, I love Fumi-chan, just like Satsuki-chan! Ah, but boobs ... not ... (Kuro)
My breasts have nothing to do with this! (Fumi)
Well, yeah ... Uhm ... well, you mentally have big tits! (Kuro)
You have not praised it at all! It is subtle whether it isforting or not! (Fumi)
Well, Fumitsuki-san, do you know that person? (Arge)
Yeah ... Thats right, why is Kuro-senpai here? (Fumi)
FumitsukiKuro Inui
After giving half the Taiyaki, Fumitsuki-san opened up his eyes wide and shouted.
This girl have long ck hair, beast ears and a tail.
Probably the same as Kuzuha-chan, Beastkin girl.I wonder if her age was about 16 years old. Her eyes is chestnut color, she is staring at the Taiyaki while waving her tail.
Um ... this person is our employee, hey, please say hello
Mugu mumu ... Wa~u? Im Kuro, Kuro Inui! Im wolfman (Jinr), nice to meet you!
Labyrinth? (Inr)
Its wolfman! (Jinr)
Even against my mistake that can be seen as a mischief, she corrected it with a big smile.
Certainly, her ears and tail are shaped like a wolf.
Kuro-sans appearance is the same Fumitsuki-san.Its a chic impression, a maid outfit.Fumitsuki is pondering, watching the skirt which shakes unexpectedly by the tail swayed.
Why are you going out with uniforms on your day off?
Fumi-chan is wearing too?
Because Fumi is working for the time being, Onee-sama came back and I was asked to deliver.
Wa fu, I see! Kuro is wearing this because I first saw it when I opened the closet!
... Well, there are lots of reserve
While signing, Fumitsuki-san nodded.Instead of being convinced, it is a response to the feeling that she decided to abandon. (T.N: just like when you facepalm)
Kuro-san is happy waving her tail and eating the half-baked Taiyaki, and moving around here as if to bounce.
In a step like a dog ying in the snow, she looks at me and Kuzuha-chan from various angles.Eventually it gave a cry of Wow
Yeah! This smell, as I remembered!
It seems that she not only looks at it but also learns the smell.
... The movement is a dog perfectly.
I maybe rude, but she is a dog rather than a wolf that I see and feel.
Kuzuha-chan, the fox should also be a canine, but Kuro is much more like a dog. She is taller than me. And she is so friendly that I might have done as much as gently stroking her head naturally.
Im a vampire named Argento Vampear. Just call me Arge.
Im Kuzuha of the fox.
You are Kuzuha-chan and Arge-chan. Wa~fu. Kuro remember it properly!
Raise her hands Kuro-san deres.
The action seems overkill, but she is a person who is straightly transmitted what she thought.Is she not aware of what I am doing in the daytime, because she is a acquaintance of Satsuki-san who is fine under the condition, or just simply isnt aware of it?
After dividing the half-tempered baked Taiyaki by a half and giving it to Kuro, Fumitsuki makes a word.
Senpai, are you busy? (Fumi)
Yeah ... I am free! Because I am free, I want somebody to care about me, Fumi-chan let y, Kuro is bored? (Kuro)
Will you please let go of me, Kuro-senpai. If you have free time please show us around the city? Because you are always taking a walk around the city, arent you good with this? (Fumi)
Wa ~fu, leave it to me! (Kuro)
Kuro-sans eyes are shining, she nods repeatedly and divides a Taiyaki into quarters only.
Fumitsuki-san, who saw the situation, gave Kuro-san thest piece.Again, it disappears into her stomach.
To think she can eat more. Shes almost like a dog.No, she is a wolf.
Kuro know well about this city! Where would you like to go? (Kuro)
Um ... Do you have a location that is just right to take a nap ... ? (Arge)
Wa~n! I know a nice ce! (Kuro)
... then I want you show me ... wait, huh? (Arge)
I tried to say I would like to ask her, but I couldnt do it.
Fast.No, it is suddenly rather than fast. She lifted my whole body in a princess hold manner.
The scenery around me is floated without understanding the situation.Another floating feeling different from lifting.
Along with a roar, Kuro was dancing in the air.Naturally, I apany her as well.
She didnt care about turning off my skirt, she didnt care why my kimono was disturbed, Kuro-san start jumping.Roughlynded on the roof of surrounding houses.
Waffu ~u! Here I go
E, wai... HI ~YAA~N~
She is faster than I can protest here, Kuro-san runs while hugging me.
Kuzuha-chan is calling me and Fumitsuki-san is Kuro-san, but Kuro-sanpletely ignored them.I mean, she was absorbed in purpose and it seems she have not heard.
A lot of people s eyes are ring at us, even so she didnt care.
Her speed is really fast.Even in her arms, I can see that her foots have a lot of power to step on.
I embrace her almost reflexively and withstand a sense of floating.
My feet and butt are visible and I feel restless. My legs have revealed to the thigh.
Hold on tight!
She talk to me but I could not afford to answer that.
She keeps holding me, flying from the roof to the roof one after another.
Jumping in the roof is what I did in Arlesha, but it is different because Im carried by her, not jumping on my own.Thats suddenly from a person I just knew the name.
Rather than being afraid, the deployment is too fast and my head can not keep up.
I felt a sense of floating a few times, I finally managed to calm down and open my eyes, I saw it.
A big building rising in the center of the city.
Like a castle in the Sengoku Period, Its rugged but clean building. There are four towers in the surroundings, each of which is connected as if it were rying the center castle.
Kuro is running in the middle, towards the castle, in a straight line.I mean, it is already before my eyes.No, is it in front of my feet?
Wooohooo! were arrived!
She let me down on the roof after shesnding.
There is no power on my legs due to the continuation of floating feeling. And I fell on my butt on the roof of the castle.There is a feeling of cool feeling.
... Youre getting a little overhead
Wa fu?
Oh, she doesnt understand at all.
Even if Iin, it seems to be ineffective, so I just saved a breath.
If you repeat breathing several times, it gradually calms down.As soon as the power return to my legs, I got up and fixed my clothes in disarray.
Ah, nice scenery.
When I stand up and look around, the scenery is high, wide and far away.
I can look around to the outer wall which is the entrance of the city, the wind that I receive is cool, the fragrance of the floweres.
When I smell the fragrance offortable flowers, I be sleepy.
Wafu wafu! I wonder how you do, did you like it?
Yes, I think its a nice ce, but is it okay to be here?
As far as you look around, this is the center of the city.When I say the center of the capital city, there is still an image that an important building is built.
Compared to the surrounding buildings, this castle is expensive, big and gorgeous.Whatever you think, isnt it an important facility here?
Wafu! Its okay! Kuro know acquaintance here!
Kuro-san is proudful hit her hand to her chest.
Satsuki-san must be widely known, so it may be relevant here.If its okay, I do not have to hold back.
I take out a nket from the blood bag andid it, then I lie down there. Yeah, not bad.
Can Kuro take a nap like you?
Yes, please.
Wa~ fu!
Waving with a tail she looked happy, Kuro-sany down next to me.
It is a messy way to forcibly, but if shes doing it for me. It is favorable.I didnt get hurt. She brought me to a ce where I could easily take a nap, so it was fine.
I was worried about Kuzuha-chan, but it would be fine if Fumitsuki-san is with her. If they try to join, the other side can follow my smell.
Because my stomach is full, consciousness sinks as soon as I close my eyes.
I have worked enough today, so lets soak in happiness that I can take a nap with a good feeling.
Today picture: Aya and Momiji
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Chapter 75
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Today picture is Yuugi Hoshiguma and Parsee Mizuhashi.
You will know the reason soon enough.
Chapter 75: Rock wall, sound of water, splendid horn
Not Edit yet
... This is ...
It was a sight that I didnt know when I awake.
It is not a wide, pleasant scenery like I saw before sleeping.Its a narrow, darkndscape.
Even in the dark, vampire eyes are can see everything perfectly. I immediately realized that the sun didnt set yet.
The stone walls was assembled around us.Theres water sound from somewhere.In other words, it is indoors and this is a rather narrow ce.
The feeling from my body touching ground is stiff and rugged, and I can not find the nket which I used before sleep
Why ...?
I tried to get up to check around a little more, but I couldnt do it.
The limbs I tried to move were heavy, making a harsh and rough sound.
As I looked at my hand, there was a hard thing connecting both wrists and ankles.
The two restraints are connected to the ground with a chain.The chain is short and I cant even stand up.
I got through the restraint because it was annoying.
Change my hands and feets to fog and escape from the shackle.
... What does this mean ?
I surely took a nap with Kuro-san at the roof of the castle.I remember that. I understand.
And when I woke up, I was connected to a chain in a iste dark room.I dont know about this.
For now, I need to get more information and I have to look for Kuro-san. First, I need to know where am I.
... Iron Grid?
What I see was a proof of familiar object.
It is an iron grid to iste the dull space and the outside world that I saw every day in my previous life.
Approaching and touching, the nostalgic coldness strokes the palm of your hand.
Is this ce a prison?
That means I was put in a prison while sleeping.
Now that Im thinking about it, the ce where we took a nap was certainly bad.
Kuro-san said that it was all right, so she probably was okay.
There is no help that I has been caught.If it is about this Iron grid, I can easily get out with changing skills, but even if I get out like that, its troublesome if they put a wanted on me for jailbreak.
I havent met Zeno yet, and I need to look for someone to feed me.Lets wait for people toe and exin circumstances. After a moment, there was a familiar voice.
Wa~ fu!
A sound resemble howling in the dark.
It was a bit hard to understand because it was echoing, but it came from the room next to where I am.
At the same time, the high-pitched sounds of iron chain broken twice.How rough.
Wa ! Why is Kuro in such a ce? He...llo, Arge-chan. (Kuro)
Here I am, Kuro-san (Arge)
Wow! Arge-chan, I wille over there right away! (Kuro)
There was a dull sound such as forcibly bending something, and then Kuro-san put her face from behind the iron grid.
I guess she just bent the iron grid of her cell.That is a ridiculous power.
Kuro grabbed the iron grid of my prison and spread it out.It male a dull noise.
All right! Kuro hase! (Kuro)
Uhm... thank you
Will this be okay.Because it is jailbreak.It is crime that we cant makes any excuse.
However, Kuro-san isnt worried at all.With good faith from her heart, her tail is waving. Look like she doesnt understand what has she been doing. But I can also feel bad about ming her. I thanked her instead.
Since it can not be helped if it bes like this, should we run away quickly?I thought about such a thing, I had new signs.
There are no footsteps, it is silent.Still I can tell from the smell that something is approaching.
The smell of blood that is neither human nor beast. Is this a sweet smell of delicious blood.
Looking through the gaps in the bent iron grid, I could see the owner of the smell.
... Its been quite a while, ki (: ki mean big)
The person who came is bigger than Satsuki-san. She is seem to be out ofmon sense or a good height. She is about two meters.
Naturally her shoulder is wide and every parts of her body is big. The same with her breasts, they are big.
Even her size was that big but there are no footsteps, is it because body handling is good.
There is no pupil.Rather, her ck hair is stretched near the nose and can not be seen. She has brown skin and she wear a ck costume, she walks in the darkness. Overall she is dark, she is a person with an impression that blends into darkness.A cloth wrapped around the neck like a muffler shakes like a tail.
... an Oni ninja? (Oni is a japanese demon)
By the time I said my impression, She is approaching before my eyes.
When I wonder whats she gonna do, she look at Kuro-san andin.
Mr. Kuro ... you, just how many times I have to tell you for stop doing this?
Wa ~fu?
Dont wafu with me! This ce is the important facility of the country, the center of Yotsuba! It is not a ce to take a nap or to y. So you cant juste in and freely to bring an outsiders! Dont you get it, please think about the trouble you cause for us!
Wa~fu, is that so?
How many have I said that to you already ?
There was a difference in size like adult and child, the big side was crying.
She seems like an acquaintance, but power rtionship is obviously leaning toward Kuro-san.It seems that she is being swayed.
... then, who is this person ... ?
Arge-chan da yo! (she is Arge-chan)
... Then, her origin, upation
Eto ... cute vampire!
There is no information that guarantee safety !
Well, Im from the Kingdom, my upation is a traveler, Im indebted to Satsuki-san and I am current lodging at her work ce.
, thank you ...
She thanked me in a half-crying voice. Her eyes are hiding, but she probably drop a tear.
... It is amazing to see her face to face.
Satsuki-san and Fumitsuki-san are also tall, but this person ispletely out-rank about the size. She is way too big.
She looks down to me and drops her shoulders in a sorry manner and rxes his mouth.Even if I can not see her eyes, I can tell that much from her face emotions.
I belong to Yotsuba Parliament, Oni banshu, Habotan. I am sorry but could you follow me?
Wa~fu! Habo-chan, Its snacks time ?
Im telling you thats not it!? (Chiga imasu kara ~tsu! ?)
It feels she waspletely yed with, but she says that he belongs to Parliament. Although She doesnt feel like one from her shape, but it seems that theres no mistake she is a civil servant.
My name has also been known, and there is no choice but to obedient follow her.
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Chapter 76
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Chapter 76: Yotsuba Council
Ha ha ha ha, Kuro-san is interesting (Kuro-san wa omoshiroi n)
Wa fu? is that so?
Oh yeah, I wonder if you follow Habotan, this fun
I do not want to know anything ...!! (Habatan)
It is a young man with long ck hairughs in awe.
His oranges eyes are out of focus, but his atmosphere when talking feels more rounded than sharp.Because the height is about the same as Fumitsuki-san, he is short for a man.
We were brought from the prison to a room with a frugal impression.
Theres only a fews furniture, one room where tables and chairs are prepared at minimum.I got the impression that it is a room for doing paper work.
This young man who talks with Kuro-san is probably the owner of this room. He must be Habotan-sans boss or an employer?
Well, then, Kuro-san, what about that girl?
Arge-chan, shes a cute vampire! (Kuro)
If so, Its okay
Please dont just Its okay like that! (Hubotan)
Though Habotan-san who protests like screaming, Kuro-san and youth man chat with each other happily.
I guess she will cry at this rate. Hoever,I wont know because her eyes are hiding even if she cries.
He seemed satisfied withughing and the young man turned his face to face here and bowed his head.
First time meeting, I am Akisame Higure a member of Yotsuba Council
Argento Vampear. Just Arge is fine
I agreed, Arge-san, I dont care about rank, family name or name of whom I like
I understand, Akisame-san
My name was called and Akisame-san nodded satisfied.
From the attitude of Habotan-san, I guess she is the boss as well.
Akisame-sama, for the highest decision body in this country to said such a thing ... ! (Habotan)
Well, is that so? (Arge)
Oh, well ... Yotsuba Council is running with four people including me, we are the government.
Wait, only four people in Yotsuba Council?
Do you think that there are quite a few people that running the country?
The Republic was originally a group of small countries gathering, the four people including me are the united ns leaders ... our tradition is kindness, were already helped each other even before we united. So theres no problem about the bnce of power
Ha, I see
Id say four people on the top seems to be a lot, since there is only one king in the kingdom or empire.
Certainly, it may be so if you say so.
When I was convinced, Akisame-san moved. He release his hand that current stroking Kuro-san who is lurking around like a puppy and walks toward me.
Anyway, anyone is guaranteed by Satsuki-san is safe, because she isnt involved with anyone she judged as dangerous.
When look at him face to face. He is short as a man, his size can mistake as young man.
And It seems he believe me because of his trust in Satsuki-san.
... Satsuki-san, you are trusted here as well.
I wonder who she really is ? Her name are well known by the council and merchant guild as well.
She is gotten more mysterious but Im thankful because I was saved by that.
Well, then, I will stop this kind of thing, for once, it is an important facility in the country (Kuro)
Well, sorry, I did not know it. (Arge)
Wa wa wa, Kuro-san brought you here without you knowing?
As I was ask, I nod in reply. Akisame-san made a smile deep as he looked at Kuro-san.
I ask you, Kuro-san. You have been caught three times this month, right? Dont you think that was too much? (Akisame)
It is a matter of concern ... Why did keep doing that!? (Habotan)
Wa~fu! I understand! I will remember it until I go to bed today! (Kuro)
Would you please, remember it forever ... Uu!! (Habotan)
M m habotan, calm down. Lets make it a little work for Kuro-san, to be reflected. (Akisame)
Wa fu ~u? work?
Akisame-san nods at Kuro-san who is still wondering.
He approached what was hung on the wall of the room.As far as I see, it looks like a map.
The map shows one big continent and the blue that will show the ocean around it.There are also some small inds around the continent, but the most prominent thing is the bignd on the center.
His hand pointed to the letter of the Yotsuba Republic written in the west of the continent. His finger slide from there and stopped at one point.
Do you know about Rencia Vige that is a bit west of Sakura-nomiya? (: Renshia) (Akisame)
I know, our shop use honey from there! (Kuro)
Yes, it is famous for the honey production area, will not you follow me for a few days to visit there? (Akisame)
Eee ... Its useless, since Satsuki is already came home, I will be working from tomorrow. (Kuro)
I see, then I should depend on Satsuki-san. (Akisame)
... Wa fu? (Kuro)
Kuro-san took a nap inside the premises, brought someone who did not know, and during this time I entered the Council you broke the prison. I want you to help me around for a while forpensation. Or Should I negotiate with Satsuki-san? (Akisame)
Wa, wa fu ~u! ? (Kuro)
For Akisame-san who speaks with a smile to thest, Kuro-san obviously was dismayed.
Kuro-san goes near Akisame-san in a panic and takes his arm.The ears and tail arepletely hanging, and the energy of the former self seems to be a lie.
No, that will a problem! Satsuki-chan is terribly frightened when she gets angry! (Kuro)
Satsuki-san is always smiling. But looks like she is scary when she gets angry.
However, since we are already done it, we cant say anything to defend.I cant do it so please stop looking at me with those puppy eyes.
Kuro-san, I will also go (Arge)
Although I did not know, it is true that I bothered them.It is awkward to go away so I will help her.
Fortunately, Zeno-kun seems to return to amercial guild in a week.It will not be a problem if I leave the capital only a couple of days.
... ... I get it.... If Arge-chanes with Kuro, I will try my best. I dont want get a snack ban. (Kuro)
Satsuki-sans anger seemed light rather than I thought.
Anyway, he got what he want.Akisame-san nods with a full smile.
Then Its decided, and therere possibilities of battle need to be taken into consideration, demons maye out in the road (Akisame)
I understand (Arge)
Well then, what about the other person? (Akisame)
One more person? (Arge)
Well, there is another intruder who was caught already ... Uh, Habotan. What kind of child is she? (Akisame)
she is a fox-type beastman with a triplet tail (Habotan)
Sorry, that child, she with me (Arge)
I wonder what is she doing, that girl.
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Chapter 77
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Chapter 77: Honey Vige Rencia
Not Edit yet
Because Arge-san was kidnapped! I decided to chase (Kuzuha)
Dont you think it wouldnt be good if you get caught? (Arge)
U~u ....
Although Im saying it like that, Kuzuha-chan is also forgiven by the council. Akisame-san say its okay ... He is a kind person.
It take a day to reach Rencia vige with Akisame-sans carriage.The members are Akisame-san, Habotan-san, Kuro-san, Kuzuha-chan, and me, five people in total.
Oni Banshu, you should stay at Sakuranomiya to maintain security and so on. (Akisame)
I cant let Akisame-sama go to visit Rencia without an escort (Habotan)
Akisame-san descends from the carriage while talking with Habotan-san.Habotan-san was out from the beginning because she was in charge of escort.
Although I seems to be count as an escort but I wonder its okay when get off carriage after Akisame-san. I also got off the carriage.
Its a small vige.There are only ten houses in the visible range.
The flower gardens are wide spread to far away, I guess they are for the bee farm honey.
The wind carry scent of sweet nectar.
Hmm... (breath sfx)
It is a nostalgic smell.Even though it should be the first time I smell this. There is a sense of security as if I know somewhere before.
When getting a strange feeling, Kuzuha-chan is standing next to me.
She sniffs the air.
Its sweet, its a nice smell,
Yeah, Its Satsuki-chans and my favorite honey. It has a nice smell today as well!
Perhaps, I can enjoy the smell as much as Kuzuha-chan andKuro-san if I close my eyes. Well, I leave the two of the sensitive to smell races enjoying and go out.Since Im count as an escort, It would be better to stay close to Akisame-san.
As I came close to his side, Akisame-san is smiling and looking around.
... He is smiling as hes looking around.
His face is still smiling but his line of sight is moving.
Even though he take it lightly, he is still a great master of the country.I cant tell what he is watching, but I can understand he must think of something.
Did you need something, Arge-san?
No, its nothing.
He suddenly talked to me and I lost it (was suprised).
I thought that he didnt see me, but it seems that it wasnt so.
This is a peaceful ce, isnt it? (Akisame)
Ah? Yes, well, it may be. (Arge)
... ?
I felt something strange because Akisame-san reacted somewhat nonchntly.
There is such an atmosphere that seems he has disappointed or something.
It seemed that it was not against me, but what would it be against ?
It seems they came
Before I can ask, Akisame-san muttered and moved his eyes. Looking to his line of sight at the same direction, I could see a girl walking in that direction.
A girl with ck hair and clear golden eyes like flower honey.
While shaking the familiar Japanese-style clothes in the Republic, she is walking here with a slow speed.
Eventually, a few steps away from Akisame-san, she bows. Her behavior was elegant, coupled with the background flower garden, she looked just like a flower fairy.
Wee, Akisame-sama (Ykoso irasshaimashita, Akisame-sama)
Yup. You look pretty good, Renge-chan. (Akisame)
Geez, Akisame-sama is unchange (Renge)
The flow of conversation is friendly, so they seem to know each other.
.......... (Arge)
... How have you been? (Akisame)
Ah, no. please dont worry (A, ie. Kinishinaide kudasai)
As I was watching this, when he called her Renge-chan, she quickly lowered her head to me. I wonder if it was due to mind?
Recently I often saw it inmercial guilds etc, so I may have been a little over sensitive.
Please, go this way
Prompted, Akisame-san and Habotan-san are walking after her.
Kuzuha-chan and Kuro-san also followed properly.
... With that big body, in silence?
Thats surprising, Habotan-sans movement.Two meters is a really tall height, but she is walking without making a sound unlike everyone else. She should be prominent, but she is not conspicuous at all.
Oniwa Banshu.I dont know the details, after all it is a secret system from the council.If she is not in sight, people may not even know that she is moving.
While admiring her, we move and is eventually guided in front of one house.Because it is a bitrger than other houses, is it like the vige head house?
Otou-sama is waiting inside (Ot-sama wa Ch de omachidesu) (Renge)
Yup. I am saved. Uhm ... May I ask Kuzuha-san and Kuro-san to guard outside? Their nose will be best suit for work. (Akisame)
Wafu, I understand!
I understand.
After talking to the pair of sharp smell beastkin, Akisame-san enters into the house ahead of the other.
... They are delicately anxious. (Arge mean Akuzuha and Kuro)
Certainly, their crisis awareness seems to be high, but it seems to me that there is a different anxious between them.I wonder if they will be okay. (Arge mean Akuzuha and Kuro)
Nheless, since today I am the guardian of Akisame-san, he doesnt bring any guard or attendant.
There are also my recovery magic if ites to injure, and as I have seen it, this is a peaceful vige.I wonder if I dont have to watch that far.
We enter the house and is guided to the back.
There was a big table where about six people could sit in ces at where we arrived, A somewhat slim person who saved mustache was sitting. (I dont know if save mustache is a proper English)
Akisame-sama, wee,e on.(Akisame-sama, ykoso irasshaimashita. Dzo)
Yup. You seems fine and healthy, vige mayor. I think that it would be better to lose weight a bit more.
Build a light word to the extent that it can be understood as a joke, Akisame-san take a seat.
As a nominal escort, I remain standing like Habotan-san.
Youe all the way from capital, please feel wee
Well, its about a day in a carriage, and this years honey is more important than that.
Oh, as expected, you understand
I eat it every year. This years fragrance is particrly good
Since the climate is calm and the flowers bloom often this year ...
Although they are talking, it is a bit boring as we are standing.
It is a story of visiting, so it may be natural that it is quite hard, but as the story that is not interesting still continues, I feel sleepy ... sleepy ...
...n nya
Should not.I waspletely dozed off for a moment.
The reason I wake up was the feeling in my right arm. Looking at the sideways, Habotan-san pinched my arm in a move that not make any sound.
Oh, no. nothing. please dont worry
Renge-san who didnt enter the talk of adults and quietly turns a strange eyes, I deviated from my role.
After that, I seemed to fall asleep on a regr basis and repeatedly walk up by Habotan-san, I continued the security work.
By the way, vige mayor, there is some trouble in the vige, right?
...... As expected, Akisame-sama. You understand well. Actually this year, honey devourers are more active than usual, I am in trouble
Un ... I see, I see, If thats the case, because we have came all the way here so lets get rid of them, both of you are okay with that?
Of course, Akisame-sama
......, yes
Im half slept, so the response was dyed.
Honey devourer?I do not know what it is, but if Akisame-san says so, we have to get rid of it.
I feel troublesome.But now I am the one who has to attend Akisame-sans visit. So Im better listen to what he said
Well then, shall we start?
Akisame-san sends me instructions as a smile.
Because I will get sleepy when standing, in some sense it might be better to do something. While thinking about such things, I nodded.
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Chapter 78
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Reminder: Kuro is friendly so you guys may think she is a doggy and forgot that she is attually a wolf.
I repeat she is a wolf because she is savage. She is friendly to human and she only behave like a doggy with human she like.
One word Savage
Ku ku ku, ... I bet some readers wanna say this word inment too. But you cant beat me, trantor.
Chapter 78: During the day of pest control
(I dont know if pest can be use for animals like bear or just insect, but it was the closest word for things that detroy farmer havest)
What kind of creatures is honey devourer? (Arge)
It is a monster resembling a bear, the staple food is honey and insects. Because it also eats bees, it is the most abominable demon for this vige specialized in honey (Akisame)
Wafu, Kuro get it! Thats is a business enemy! (Kuro)
I understand what you want to say, but its a little different. (Akisame)
Kuro-san says what she wants to say. If that demon eat honey and bees from Rencia, you can say that it was an enemy for this vige business.
However, a business enemy is a bit different, they havepetite on market, but this demon is simple robber.
Its usually not attack human, but It hate disturbing when it eat meal, its not carnivorous, but its nails and fangs are pretty sharp. (Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan exins to supplement what Akisame-san said. She is such an attentive child.
In addition, It only eat honey so its fat and meat are sweet, it is a high-grade food ingredient. (Kuzuha)
Wa~fu, let bring it home and have Iris-chan to cook it (Kuro)
Iris-san can cook something like that? (Arge)
Well, I dont know, but she probably will do something if I bring it! (Kuro)
I wonder about that (Arge)
And we keep talking with no purpose while we wait for the target demon.
Right now, we are a bit far from the flower garden to take honey.
We can guess the general direction in which the honey devourer will being from what vige leader tell us. I, Kuzuha-chan and Kuro-san are hiding in the grass that can watch the garden.
Habotan-san and Akisame-san continue to inspect Rencia, we are a group called pest control.
Wa~~fu, Im bored (Kuro)
Although we are hiding, Kuro-san is unable to calm down. She keep moving around and around, she rocks the grass. She is almost like a dog who has lost sight of a toy.
On the other hand, Kuzuha-chan is quiet. She looks as if a wolf waiting for the prey, she doesnt move or talk or make any sounds.
Kuzuha-chan, you are calm. (Arge)
When hunting, the most important is hiding your presence to observe on the surroundings (Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan seems a little shy, as shes smiling one of her tail waving.
We are already in a standby state, and we can move at any time. We only have to wait for the other party toe.
... Certainly, as Kuro says, I am bored.
Because we can not move until the other partyes, we have to wait in grass.Even though it cant be helped, keep watching is bored
Actually I am sleeping for about half the time. Kuzuha-chan is watching over, so there is no problem.
After I keep repeat sleep and awake in a few hours, we begin to chat.
Kuzuha-chan suddenly raises her face while chatting with us. Her ears is moving slightly.
They came.
With her muttering words, I will also be more concerned.Kuro-san is still as carefree as ever.
From the opposite direction to the flower garden, the honey smell and the odore.I guess it smells like beeswax.
It almost looks like a bear, or perhaps it is really a bear?
It almost is a bear.
It walks on four, the brown fur covered the whole body. If it stand up it will be nearly 3 meters tall.
It walking around and scoop honey with it sharp w from forepaw. Its eyes are bloodshot and looks like its very excited.
It isnt just a bear because it can stretch tongue like an anteater.Maybe it use that tongue to lick insects and eat honey with that tongue.
There are about 8 animals.Coming straight to flower garden.
How should I say this ... Have they been really hungry that make they are on a rampage? (Arge)
It is strange. Because honey devourer is rather go alone, they never go with a group like that, and they seems strangely excited (Kuzuha)
Wafu, I just have to catch them!! (Kuro)
Ah, wait ... Kuro-san!? (Kuzuha)
She doesnt listen to Kuzuha-chan. Kuro-san jumps out of the grass.In this case, I dont know which side is the wild animal.
Kuro-san is running in front of those honey devourers without fear of the imminent flock.
What on earth is she going to do? And It came the next moment I thought so.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!! (Warwick skill [E])
A grand scream, no, it strong enough to think that it might break the eardrum?
Violent big roar is echoing through the surroundings.
Umm ... This is a roar for hunting, a wolfkins skill to make the prey fear and stop moving ...! (Kuzuha)
Her roar seems to have echoed in the ear, and Kuzuha-chan exins it while swaying her head. Even for me, I still think that roar hurt my ears.
The surrounding grass be noisy, as the Honey devourers start gather around Kuro-san instead of escape in fear.
Wafu, what?
Kuro-san is suprised as she said in a loud voice.
The ws of the Honey devourer were swung down towards her head.
U~ wa!?
Kuro-san lowers her head in a panic.With a forward rotation, she escaped by the side of the Honey devourer un-scratched.
How can they still move ...! Usually, they will stop moving! (Kuro)
This itnt normal (Kuzuha)
Something is wrong here. The Honey devourers are excited. They dont fear Kuro-san roar and they attack in group.
I do not have time to think about the reason now.As for now, Kuro-san is still in the middle of the enemies.
As Kuzuha-chan use her skill, two of her tails is seperate from her and be two clones. Bushiha-chan and Kuzuha-chan are ready to cast the magic.
Kuro-san is still in the middle of those demons, I cant shoot the magic ...!
Well, Ill stop them, Blood Arms, ??Chain
Lightly but my fingers and let blood flow.After that I just make a chain with vampire ability as usual. If I can stop their movements, Kuzuha-chan will be easy to attack and Kuro-san can easy to escape.And that n was effective as expected.
Blood chains catch honey devourers and restrain them.
... They are still is on a rampage.
The reason is unknown, but it seems that they are still very excited. Even with the blood chain dig into their body, honey devourers still rampage and struggle.
Its not like they can break my chain, but it seems obviously abnormal.What on earth make the honey devourer angry so far?
Triple whirlwind sickle (`: Mie kamaitachi)
Kazuha chans wind magic multiply to triple flying toward Honey devourer.
The whirlwind sickle cut through its fur and muscles beneath it. Its power is strong enough to make blood burst out like raining, a bright red storm urs around Kuro-san. (I dont know if burst out is the right word, what I want is a word for blood flow out of body like when we shoot bullet)
... She (used to) shot (past tense) such a magic at me.
When we first met, I remember the fact that Kuzuha-chan shot magic at me.
If I had no magic resistance, it would have been pretty terrible.I am d that I heard Loli-gramps rmendation when I was incarnating.
Wafu, Kuzuha-chan is amazing! (Kuro)
Its still shallow ... ! (Kuzuha)
Wa fu ~u! Then Kuro will do it. !!(Kuro)
Fluttering the frills skirt, Kuro-san went against that Honey devourer. She bent her fingers gently, she put her hands like scratch on the neck of the honey devourer.
Instead of striking, there was a tearing sound. Its body and head are cleanly divided.
As a wolfkin, her Power is usually strong. (Kuzuha) (Power is skill/ability name so it must leave as Cap)
Wa~fu! I will go on and on! (Kuro)
In contrast to Kuzuha-chan who attacks with magic, Kuro-san goes by w rather than bare hands. She doesnt bother the blood getting her clothes dirty, hunt honey devourers by crushing their head with a blow or break their neck.
With less than a minute, the honey devourers were all annihted. This is almost what Kuro-san and Kuzuha-chan did.I only have an easy task of stopping movement with a chain.
The situation was strange, but they werent that much a threat (Kuzuha)
Wafu, but the people in this vige are certainly in trouble (Kuro)
Thats right. In the vige I saw that the man who try resist honey devourer seems to have trouble faced it (Arge)
Are we outside the standards? (Kuzuha)
Two beastkin and a vampire.I am given a high ability like a joke as a benefit of reincarnation, and Kuzuha-chan and Kuro-san are probably really strong among beastkin.
Rather than the demons being weak, it is better to think that their opponents was bad.
Anyway, shall we go back? (Arge)
Wafu, I understand! (Kuro)
Okay, I understand! (Kuzuha)
I apanied the two and we leave the ce.
Kuro-san came back with Honey Devourers meat and Habotan-san had a delicate face, but pest subjugation quest was sessful without any problems.
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Chapter 79
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Warning: Yandere Ahead.
Please skip the song or this chapter if your heart isnt ready.
Today rmended is a Touhou song.
A Vocal remix of ndre Scarlets theme U.N Owen was her
Trantor Note:
Reader Cyan is really sharp, he get all the hints and g that Author nning in all chapters before. Im really afraid that my bad trantion may effect it.
I n to suprise all of you but look like I fail.
And you can have your option like shes crazy, shes dangerous, ... but please dont add F***ing B**** inment , please keep it civil.
To Editor: when you edit please keep in mind that she is a Yandere, try to make her dialog as crazy as possible.
Chapter 79: Late at night
This world is cursed.
Always raining from an unexpected ce. By the time I noticed, I already gets soaked and trembles in the cold.
So I decided to stay under the rain intead of find cover. Im already soaked anyway.
That day, I got soaked and decided so.
Even so, to think that I still cant grasp it in my hands yet
Actually, now Im angry with thing isnt going as I expected.
I was overwhelmed and I was about to kill somebody.It isnt bad to color this ce with the smell of blood. But it will be a problem to do it right now, so I have to put up with it.
I touch my blonde hair and try calm my anger with its smooth feeling.
People around me got scared and kneeing while lower their heads around the chair where I sit and try ttering me. They are my ves.
Elsee-sama ...
Elsee, banzai ...
Yeah yeah. Thats right. But do not open your mouth? Especially a man (, . S ne. Demo kuchi o tojite? Tokuni otoko wa ne)
They got quiet as I said that, I can do that for the time being. Charm magic is easy to manipte, but the worst thing is I have to tell them my order every time.
When found out that my mood is bad, Bandersnatche beside me push lightly his twin head against my hand, raises a low groovy voice to calm me down.
I see, I shouldnt be upset
My n goes wrong. Im angry enough to kill everyone right now. ButI have known such a thing (Bander for a long time.So, Im fine.
However, if thing doesnt go well, I will feel disgusted.
Lets think about something else before my mood gets worse again. If I change my my n, this situation is still a good opportunity. Yes, lets think so.
The cause of my anger because she had yet arrived before me. But if they fulfill their purpose, the other side cant interfere anymore. (T.N: them mean Elsee manipted ves)
Her name is Argento Vampear, apanied by a fox girl. Hehehe Hehehe, she seems to be a cute pet. (Yandere smile)
Just thinking about the information about my bride to be will raise my mood.
Argento Vampear.My bride, with silver hair opposite to me.
Although it is rare to have a family name for a vampire, she probably is a newborn vampire who doesnt know about that.
I keep looking at the saved form record magic over and over again, and I cant keep my voice.
Its so wonderful... So wonderful!!!
She is a perfect beauty suitable for standing next to me.
I wonder how pleasant it feels if I set my fang on her snowy skin. How sweet her blood would be. How would her small mouth moan in pleasure, how her short breath wound sound to my ear. And when I suck her blood how would her sleepy eyes look at me, I wonder how pleasant and pleasant it would be.
She have not only a wonderful appearance but also an outstanding magical power. The feeling when she dispel my curse at the hot spring. I felt that way.
Id like to have a taste of her and that magical power. She is as if was born for me. All of her, I want her, I want her so much that Im shaking...(T.N: Elsee grammar is a little strange, she is a Yandere, she tend to repeat things alot. And have a taste of Arge may sound weird but I dont think it is a mistake or typo)
Hehehe Hehehe Haha Hahahaha!!
My love is overflowing, I cant stop it...
Just by imagining what I can do when I got her, my fangs and my heart were tingling with excitement.
What should I do? What should I do?How should I express my love?
To process with my n, I give an order to my ve.
You know what to do?
... ..........
Oh? ... Well, yeah, you can talk.
Yes ... Elsee-sama, I will do it as you said
Her eyes are open and can see, but there is no will in her eyes and she nodded slowly to my order.
I use charm magic to manipte her, but Im still bored.
Originally the girl in front of me was more lively, beautiful and cute.Im quite sad that I cant see such reaction anymore.
Her will is lost, she cant feel anything even when eating or drinking, she begins to walk.After all her body will be moved ording to my order, she will even sacrifice her life to fulfill my wish.
If she fulfill her purpose, I will suck all of girls including that girls blood. Because I do not need men, lets kill them all.
Well then, lets start preparing, lets make a magnificent stage to wee my bride!
Although this isnt a good ce, I will tolerance it because I will have her. I start moving my servants.
Prepare the best hospitality, and I will not allow her to escape.
There is a lot of things to do.But Im excited.
From that day on, I had been getting what I wanted and keep for myself (Elsees past that author dont reveal yet even instest chapter).Im not a deprived vampire but I continued to live unreasonable as a depriver. And I was called as the vampire princess.
Even this time, it still is the same.Whatever I want, I will get it for myself.
Even if she hate it, it is only a moment. I will take my time to make her mine, she will love me, she will not even want to leave my side anymore. There is nothing for her to do but be mine forever and ever... We will be gold and silver beautiful vampire pair, envied by everyone.
Thing doesnt go as my n but I can still do it. The process is not a problem even it take longer than I expected.What is important is the result.
If that child be mine in the end, that will be fine.
Just you wait ... No, I will pick you up, Argento Vampear! Hehehe Hehehe Haha Hahahaha... ? ?
Touching the virtual image of her, Iugh from the bottom of my heart.
The thing I want will be mine soon. Such pleasure. Im shaking... Im shaking... Its so wonderful... So wonderful!!!
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Chapter 80
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Today picture is a drunk Loli (Suika) and a Big girl (Yuugi)
Chapter 80: Senpai is entangled with Sake
(Senpai mean senior but I prefer keep senpai, Sake is japanese liquor not favor meaning)
... and so, Arge-san, because vampires live much longer than ordinary creatures ... hey, are you listening? (Satsuki)
Oh, yes ... Im still listening. I heard everything. (Arge)
Even I dont pay attention but Im really heard it (Either vampire skill or Arges ability). I can even repeat everything I heard from my memories whenever I want.
We returned from Rencia and Akisama-san allow us to go, we were returning to May cafe, which is Satsukis house.
There was a holiday board at the entrance of May. Satsuki-san is waiting outside and she take us to the residential area. And then we arrived to the living room of the residential area, Iris-san already arranged arge amount of snacks and drinks and she is drinking right now.
That means that we got caught by drunk senpais as soon as we returned.
Iris-chan, you shouldnt drink too much, even though we are blocking the light, its still daytime (Satsuki)
Satsuki, geez ... drink with me ... (Iris)
No matter how many times Iris-chan request, I will refuse it with all my might. In kingdomnguage isYankee go home
Because republic or kingdoms mixed, thenguage trantion has be strange, but Satsuki-san seems didnt drink.
Iris-san who was refused, inting her cheek gently and talking.
Geez ... I am so lonely, No body want to drink with me. (Iris)
Vampires are usually vulnerable to liquor, you know that (Satsuki)
Really? (Iris)
Well, well ...... Iris-chan is a special case, Its normal for an ordinary vampire to go down with a cup of Sake, so Arge-chan should not drink too much. (Satsuki)
The information about the reason she doesnt drink, but Satsuki-san speaks unusually seriously, so I gently nodded.
Is the vampire vulnerable to alcohol? I better remember it.
Incidentally, Kuro-san escape as soon as she returned to May.
Apparently it seemed like she knew the trouble of a drunkard.Satsuki-san has received the honey and meat properly.
Normally, Iris-san is friendly, but it seems her personality change as she get more drunk.
To be honest, I dont want tangled with Sake because it is troublesome. I want to leave and take a nap, but I dont know how I can do it, so I have no choice but to go with the flow.
Kuzuha-chan is sitting at the table with me, but she obviously doesnt pay attention to Iris-sans talking and happyly pick snacks.It seems that she has been hungry for a long time since moving from Rencia.
It cant be help because the meal while on the move was in bread that focused on preservation. Kuzuha-chan and I often eat it on our travel.
All the snacks arranged on the table are exquisite and we can eat anything.The snacks is tasty and it fits with liquor.
Kuzuha-chan is impressed and shes smiling really happy.
Satsukis dishes are really delicious!
Fu fu fu. Thats good. Oh, I rmend this, it seasoned noodles and ingredients with sweet sauce source ... Yes, it seems to be called Yakisoba, how is it Arge-chan?
Yes, its tasty.
There are some strangely familiar menus, but that is also nice.
It seems that all of this is Satsuki-san handmade, but where did she learn the recipe?
As far as you see kimono, house, etc., This world have many simrities to my former world.Were they developed naturally, or was there a person who was incarnated other than me, and that person brought it in?
Either way there is no reason to dislike this nostalgic taste. As I and Kuzuha-chan are eating,Iris-san spewed a liquor smelling sigh.
Haaa, only if Shino is here ...
Shino is ... is that person an employee?
Yeah, Shino Ichinose ... he is my butler (Хꥹ: Barisuta ; I dont know what it mean though, and in Japanese there no gender but I trante as he because he is butler), he is in charge of coffee. He said Id like to find good coffer beans, and he went out yesterday ... but he was sorry that he could not meet Arge-chan. (Iris)
Oh, is that so? (Arge)
It seems that we have bad luck.I wonder what kind of person is he.
People at this shop arent bad people, but their habit is a bit unique, so maybe the person named Shino is also like that.
By the way, I heard from the people in the Council ... you guys apanied Akisame-san and visited Rencia? (Satsuki)
Oh, yes, it was a nice ce (Arge)
Hehe, thats right, because there is good honey every year and its peaceful. Well Satsuki, I want you to make a cake with Rencias honey
Satsuki-san smiled and got up, and then the tone of the bell sounded announce we have guest.Although we already put a holiday board at the entrance, but we still have people visit and it seems that they dont have a key (Arge mean the person coiming here isnt for eating and they also arent employee).
Satsuki-san reponded to the sound which has passed through the cafe and start walking to the door.
Please wait a moment, I will go see whoing
Today is a day off, so please refuse anything other than important things, Satsuki
I know, I know, after all I have to look at themercial guilds report on the road repair that I asked to deliver the other day as well.
Satsuki-san leaves the table while waving her hands with fluttering. And then, she came back in few minutes.
Satsuki-san who came back are smiling at me.
Its a Arge-sans guest.
I see ... Thank you.
My guest?It is Zeno-kun that firstes to mind when I hear that.
There still one more day before he gets back to themercial guild, but maybe this time he get back early.If that happens, I should receive a message from themercial guild first.I didnt tell them where I am staying, but I was with Fumitsuki-san in Commercial Guild. Maybe he ask Commercial Guild ande here himself.
And I can also use this as a reason to escape from a drunkard, right? And so, I decided to meet my guest.
If they are the person I anticipate, I have to return my gratitude properly.
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Chapter 80.5
Name: Satsuki Ichinose
Race: Vampire
Body physical ability: Bnce
Blood sucking 2
Language trantion 4
Sunshine resistance 7
St. attribute tolerance 6
Magic resistance 2
Wind magic 5
Dark Magic 3
Recovery magic 2
Blood Bag 4
Blood contract 3
Atomization 4
Foodstuff appraisal 7
One word ETERNAL 17 years old! Im Satsuki the Vampire Patissier!!
The female shop owner who runs a cafe named May in Sakuranomiya, the capital of the Republic.
Even she have a magical sexy appearance, a long ck haired with red hair ornament, her personality is very cheerful and friendly.
She seems to be eternal 17 years old, but since she had been doing a shop since the time of republic founding, her actual age is definitely three figures.
All of the cake in the shop are based on her own recipe, and it is tasty enough that visitorse from everywhere even outside of the country.
She often go to search for ingredients or go on a trip for rest / sight seeing. At those time, her shop will be closed.
A rare vampire that has high sunshine resistance and abnormal status resistance. She can go outside even during the day if she avoid direct sunlight.
Food appraisal is an unusual skill that you can know details without cooking ingredients.
lvl 7, not only taste but also nutritional value, presence of toxins, optimum cooking temperature etc, she can know everything from a nce.
Vampire Argement I feel something unreasonable because the size ratio is different so far
Name: Iris Ichinose
Race: Vampire
Body Ability: Specialization of Race Characteristics. (I think this ability increase the power of Vampire passive skill)
Blood sucking 6
Blood Arms 3
Blood Boost 3
Blood Bag 5
Blood Reading 2
Atomization 3
Bat form 4
Shadowing 2
Dark Magic 3
Darkness Magic Resistance 7
Curse resistance 5
Strength 6
Smell enhancement 3
Hearing enhancement 3
Visual enhancement 3
Contracted Magic Artifact: Pretty flower Protection
One word Yare yare, I like Satsukis good-natured personality (Yare yare = oh my)
Details: Employee vampire who is in charge of light meal at May cafe of Sakuranomiya, the capital of the Republic. (wait Author, I thought she was Satsukis boss ?)
Everything about her is opposed to Satsuki. She has a slim body and short golden hair with blue flower hair ornaments.
Despite the fact that their personality is also contrast to Satsuki. They have simr love for cute girls and michief.
Skills are specialized in vampire race skills, characteristics.Especially Blood Boost is an rare skill that raise addition level to the ability of the one she gave blood.
Contracted Magic Artifact is the ultimate coffin that blocks all physical, magic, and phenomena.
However, once entering you can never go out unless someone opens it from outside.The contractors consciousness disappears while entering.
Very limit usable Magic Artifact, however, She regr use it as a means to travel together with Satsuki during the day.
She has she same surname as Satsuki Ichinose, which seems to be like a family proof for them.
It is unusual for a vampire to drink liquor, she has resistant to alcohol.However, she is slightly entangled.
Vampire Arge Comment She look like Satsukis stopper, but acttually she is selfish person that hug the one she like and dont even care about what they think (Stopper is in Katakana)
Chapter 81
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Count down: 6 more chapters and we will get what we had been waiting for, if you know what I mean.
Chapter 80: Visitors Request
It was a surprising person that visited me.
Kon... hello (in raw only have have Ko_n, I think she n to say Konbawa good evening but change to Haro Hello )
It is the person we just met yesterday, she lower her head to greet us.
Daughter of the Rencia vige chief, she was called Renge-san, right?
You are Renge-san, arent you, did you need something? (Renge)
Oh, no, I just want to talk a bit ... (Arge)
Oh my, girls talk? Well then, Satsuki-chan will withdraw to prepare tea, so I will not get in the way, and please put the tea on a suitable table (Satsuki)
Sorry, Satsuki-san (Renge)
Nooo, because you always sell us good quality honey, this is just a small return favor. Well then ? (Satsuki)
Just like she said, Satsuki-san returned to the kitchen of the shop and prepared tea before arranging it on the table, and then she returned to the residential area.
I was left with Renge-san and Kizuha-chan, who always follow me.
Renge-san has a subtle look, staring at herself reflected in tea. She seems like worry about something.
Because I am not particrly in a hurry, drink tea slowly, wait for her to talk.Satsuki s hands are amazing, this tea was so delicious.
And then, she start to talk.
Attually ... I want you to visit Rencia once more, so I came to ask. (Renge)
Once more? But were already there yesterday. (Kuzuha)
Yes ... (Renge)
When Kuzuha-chan asking, Renge-san nods with a low voice as if to be sorry.
She keeps talking while looking at me.
... Um, after Akisame and Arge-san resolve Honey devourers problem and return, we have new problem urred (Renge)
Ha, is that so? (Arge)
There was nothing to be surprised with the word she told.
Kuzuha-chan already said and I also saw how strange the behavior of the honey devourers.
It can be convinced if the abnormal behavior of the honey devourers was caused by some kind of magic and skill that can manipte living things like my blood contract.
There are thieves who aim for honey ... They magically manipted the Honey Devourers and make them rampage. And honey devourers is just a distraction for them to steal honey .... I only notice yesterday ... after you return (Renge)
Thieves ...? (Arge)
When I hear thieves, a bandit trio appear in my head, but it is probably different.
If that was Terrier Bandit Trio, they will not use trick like this to steal honey.
Or rather, those performers will proudly show up before us and pose their favourite pose while demand the honey.
But then that was a different thievess work.
Please, return to Rencia one more time ... Please help us (Renge)
Yes, I refuse (Arge)
...Eh? (Renge)
I said I refuse (Arge)
I am sorry, but I am dont want to do troublesome thing.
In the first ce why am I supposed to do such a thing? Im not a saint or a hero of juctice to help out everyone in trouble in this world.
I just came back just a while ago and I have not taken a nap yet.It is natural to refuse.
Wa... wait a minute, Arge-san !? (Kuzuha)
I think that she should ask Akisame-san about something like that, because he can move soldiers, beside the capital also have mercenary guild, right? (Arge)
... It is certainly true just like you said. (Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan who just stood up in a panic, is calming down with my words.
In other word.If problems arise, they should ask professionals or report them to the administration of their own country, there is a proper way.
Asking us such a thing even we met just yesterday.It is a pain.
Well, about that ... If I ask Akisame-sama, it will be a bigger problem. And since we are only a small vige, we cant afford to hire Lantz Knecht. (?ͥҥ: Rantsu kunehito) (Renge)
Well, but I have nothing to do with it. (Arge)
Well, ... were asking you, of course we will thank you properly ...! (Renge)
Even if you tell me that you are thankful, I dont have anything I want especially. (Renge)
... She look just like she be depressed, this girl.
Something is strange about her.
The thing itself doesnt seems to be a lie.If she rely on Akisame-san, it will be a bigger problem so she doesnt want to bother him even he will happy to help. The product value of honey may be reduced, so I can also understand that there is not much money in a small vige.
But something is wrong.
And if she want to, it is possible to rely on Satsuki-san.
It seems like they know each other, so it will be easy to depend on, Satsuki-san is a nice person, so she will not refuse such request.
It seems like she need it have to be me, she is only thinking of bringing only me by all cost.I feel such difort.
It looks serious but it looks like something is missing.
Perhaps, I should ask Akisame-sama or someone to help her.
...about that, Arge-san (Kuzuha)
what is it? (Arge)
Somehow ... she is asking you this far, I think I can help her in your ce. If I solve it soon and return, I think that I can meet with the person Arge-san waiting for (Kuzuha)
Apparently, Kuzuha-chan seems to misunderstand that I refuse to help Renge-san because I want to meet up with Zeno-kun here. Actually it is just troublesome and suspicious, but it is also troublesome to exin everything to Kuzuha-chan, so I will leave it alone.
However, it seems that Kuzuha-chan will go to Rencia even if I remain here.
I know about her high fighting power, so I do not think there is any problem if I let her go. But Renge-sans appearance and behave is really strange. No matter what troubles may be awaiting, I cant let a child go alone.I admit that Kuzha s fighting power is high, but Kuzuha-chan is naive, she will easy to be tricked. I might be overthinking things but Im worried about her.
... Well ... you said you will thank me, but what exactly is that? (Arge)
Uhm... I will repay with whatever I can do (Renge)
Well then ... uhm ... can you sell honey cheaper and give priority to this shop? (Arge)
... OK, I understand, my father would agree with that, we do not want to disgrace the vige. (Renge)
Satsuki-san so far has taken care of my lodging, meals, town guidance and much more.
The owner and the employees also said to me you dont have to worry about it. But for me it has be something that I can call as a gratitude.
She is a trading partner of Satsuki-san. Help her here also mean in-direct help Satsuki-san shop, and I can use that to return my gratitude.
Although it is troublesome and there are something strange, and I also feel uneasy to let Kuzuha-chan go alone. Kuzuha-chan is strong and I also have my cheat skills to help her out, I dont think we will have problem with just some thieves. Lets do it quickly and return.
Okay, I agree. Lets go to Rencia again(Arge)
Arge-san ...! (Kuzuha)
Oh, thank you very much!! (Renge)
Renge-san, did youe here by a horse? (Arge)
Yes, I ride the fastest one in the vige ... because Kuro-san is with you, I think that I can find you here. (Renge)
That was nice, we will also use the horse, so please lead the way. (Arge)
It was a day traveling by the carriage, but at that time it was a rather rxing journey.Perhaps it is a concern for Akisame-san.
If we ride on Neguseo, we can move much faster than the other day. If we go now, we may arrive before night falls.
One thing, I need to ask Satsuki-san leave my message formercial guild before going, is that okay, Kuzuha-chan? (Arge)
I understand! (Kuzuha)
I do not think it will take long, but there is a possibility that Zeno-kun will return early.
Satsuki-san said that she need to go tomercial guild and I let her where we are going and leave message to Zeno-kun if he return.
Fu fu fu, after all, Arge-san is kind! (Kuzuha)
... I dont think that Im kind ... (Arge)
I am not acting on behalf of Renge-san, so I feel it different from kindness.
My purpose is to say thank and repay Satsuki-san. Beside I worry about let a child like Kuzuha-chan go alone.
Because I help Renge-san for my own reasons, I think that is more like my selfishness than kindness, but Kuzuha-chan is somewhat happy.
Even if I exin, it will only ruin Kuzuha-chans mood, so I decided not to say anything.
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Chapter 82
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Today I use Kurumis picture (my most favourite Yandere) but Im notpare Elsee with Kurumi. I dont really like Elsee, she y dirty for a Yandere. By the way my favourite Tsundere is Shana and Kuudere is Tachibana Kanade.
Today rmend song is a stage OST from Touhou 13.5
Trantor Note: Count down: 5 more chapters
Chapter 82: Golden color
We arrived at Rencia.Its evening and the sun already set.
As we need to run with fast speed, I couldnt sleep on Neguseo as expected.
To be honest, Im getting sleepy, so Id like to take a good night sleep and resolve it tomorow
It is strange, isnt it? (Arge)
The vige is too quiet.
The time zone is night, a small vige as a scale.It is normal to be quiet, but this is far too quiet.
I cant feel any sound or the sign of any person.The Vige is quiet as if a ghost town. (I only know ghost town, I dont know if I can change to ghost vige)
Even I can feel the smell of sweet flowers, but it only emphasized the eeriness.
Renge-san, is this ...? (Arge)
... Im sorry ... I had to do this, it cant be help. (Renge)
... What does that mean? (Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan in her fox form that was carried by me, is suprised and ask a question, but I got some predictions. After all, I knew there was something troublesome.
Huh ... !
I held fox form Kuzuha-chan in my arms and get away from Neguseo.
Neguseo, please stay away (Arge)
I understand (Neguseo)
Because we have blood contract, my intention is transmitted without even saying.It is very convenient to have a contract at such a time.
As my words and desires, Neghese is leaving the vige. And then I release Kuzuha-chan from my arms, she quickly returned to the human figure.
Kuzuha-chan is in a state of vignce her tails and ears are standing up.It seems she finally understand that the current situation is dangerous.
...Im sorry (Renge)
Renge-san keep apologize to us.
If we look carefully. Her eyes is empty, theres no will in her honey like golden eyes.
This was more troubling than I expected.Despite all this, I must first observe carefully.
... Maybe, she is manipted by someone.
She said that honey devourers had been manipted by thieves.
So it also possible that they could manipte her and the vige as well.
However I cant understand why they make her called me here. If they can manipte the vigers at will, isnt calling us here are more dangerous for them, why have they brought us here?
In fact, when Akisame-san came to visit, she hide the existence of thieves that manipted the honey devourers.
Even I uncover what they hide, but I dont know the reason why they brought us here.
Arge-san, that girl ...
Yes, she probably is manipted, I will cure her right now
While answering Kuzuha-chan, I will hold out my hand.
It is unknown whether the curse is due to magic, but Renge-san is clearly affected by something.If I remove it, I will understand a little more.
I concentrate my magical power and prepare to use magic.
What I feel is the flow of magical power over my body. Its what Ive done it many times since I was incarnated.I can say that I am used to it.
Then I only need to speak the key words to activate.Breathe in and let the words...
You better stop it ~?
What ...!!?
Suddenly, I got chill on my spine.
My concentration scatters in an instant and cancels the magic.
The voice that stroked my ear was a terribly hot and ecstatic voice.
I turn to the direction the voice is.
And I saw a golden colour.
Good evening ~?
The golden colour is stand out in the darkness of the night, it was the colour of the twin-tails hair.
A girl with golden blonde hair colored, she has a bat-shaped hair ornament and wear a ck night dress. Her eyes are red like blood.
Sharp fangs that stick out when she smile, she has a white skin simr to vampire. Theres no mistake, the girl before me is a vampire.
She narrowed down her red eyes and gazed at me like melting.
No, her gaze is sticky rather than hot.It was a gaze that I had never felt before.
... Who is this girl.
I felt like Im in danger at the moment when I look at her eyes.
I was trembling.The air of the night be cold.
She looks like the same girl as me, it can also be said that she is beautiful girl.I think that it is a perfect beautiful golden vampire girl, in contrast to me, a silver vampire girl.
But its obvious that this girl isnt a good new.
She seems to be something more heterogeneous than I am.
Is it my instinct as a vampire or something else?I felt obvious danger and I feel like break into a cold sweat.
And the golden vampire talk to me quite happily.
If you try to forcibly dispel the curse of that child, she will die, you already saw that kind of curse, right ?
...you are?
Yes, I would like you to hear my name! Well then, listen carefully, my bride! From now on, You will call me with love all the time!
While she said things I dont understand, she turned the dress and she danced in the night.
She stepped by steps like bouncing in a good mood ande closer to my eyes.
Our height is about the same. Her eyes with the same color as mine looked at me intensely.
Elsee, thats my name.
What ...!?
What shes spoken is a familiar name.
Elsee.I heard it at Sakura-zaka, it is the name of a vampire who cursed the hot spring. SoIts her who made this troublesome situation as well.
I wonder what kind of dangerous person is she, and why is she targeting me.
It seems that she just call me as her bride, but I dont understand the meaning at all.
All I can tell is that the person in front of me is dangerous.I do not know what to do. And my body is shivering.
Unlike me who can not move, Kuzuha-chan is ready herself.
She knows what Elsee had been doing at the hot spring.And she was obviously angry about it.
Kuzuha-chan finish her preparation in a moment and be three.
Three foxes, triple fighting power. And she begin to attack from multiple directions.
Ha ha ha ...So Intensify
Her (Elsee) mouth is distorted and smeared with a smile. Atomization.The basic ability of vampire race that I know well. Her figure became fog.
Kuzuha-chan and two of Bushiha-chan lost sight of their target, they stopped the attack and looked around.
Where ...!?
Over here~?
A teasing voice echo through the dark night. That voice direction is where Renge-san is.The fog gathered, Elsee return to human form. She appears next to Renge-san.
Elsee-san who just appeared, attached her fingers cheerfully on Renge-sans cheeks who had an empty eyes.
Calm down, lets talk a little, shall we ~??
While saying that, her fingers are attached to Renge-sans neck.
Her fingers are thin but it is obvious that they have enough power to kill Renge-san.
It would be toote for me and Kuzuha-chan to do something, she emphasize it with her fingers.
... Kuzuha-chan
... Yes, I understand.
She use words invited me to talk, but in reality it is just a threat.
Renge-san isnt a bad person, and I cant take responsibility for the loss of her life.
There is nothing we can do for us now but listen to her now.
The golden vampire is burst inughter in front of us.
But next chapter isnt ready yet
Chapter 83
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Trantor Note: Countdown 3 more chapter.
Ready your heart, thing has became more crazy.
Chapter 83: Late-night marriage
Its delicious. How about you try it, too? (Elsee)
Elsee-san tilted her head as she said so. But both Kuzuha-chan and I dont even touch the tea and sweets.It is because we dont know what in it.
I am tolerant to poison and curse, but still I cant help but being wary of it.
Kuzuha-chan also doesnt feel like enjoying tea or sweets. And she keep staring at Elsee.It seems she is really angry.
... There are also cases of Cursed Hot spring.
In a town called Sakurazaka that we visited a while ago, Elsee-san hurt Hakuen males n living in the mountains, kidnap all females and children and even cursed the flow of hot springs.Kuzuha-chan was pretty angry at that time. And right now Elsee even take hostage in front of us.
Even with Kuzuha-chans Vignce and hostility. Elsee-san is keeping a cool face.Laughing as if teasing us.
Fu fu fu, You dont have to worry, I have not poisoned or cursed it. (Elsee)
Then what about the person next to you? (Arge)
Yes, I cant trust you! (Kuzuha)
These children are receable, you are special one, the one and only, I will not do such a thing
Elsee-san lightly stroked Renge-san sitting next to her when she replied.
Right now, we are sitting in vige leaders house.
When I came with Akisame-sama yesterday, its only a in and warm living room. But right now, Itspletely different.
Everything from cupboards, carpets and curtains are shy and glittery. From the outside, the appearance is just a little big wooden house, but the contents are just like in the castle. My eyes are hurt.
By chance, Ie here to get honey. I knew you were in Sakurazaka and came to Sakuranomiya ... but I lost your sign after that wolf kidnap you. (Elsee)
Did you follow me? (Arge)
Yes. I was having fun in Sakurakazaka and order my subordinate follow you from Sakura Garden (Elsee)
It seems that I was being watched for quite a long time before I meet her here.
Surely Kuzuha-chan was quite noisy in Sakura garden, so we were quite conspicuous and her subordinate can find us.
But in Sakuranomiya, when Kuro-san princess hold me and run to council headquarter, so she lost sight of me.And in Rencia, she found me again.
But why did she keep me under surveince?
When Elsee-san drink from the cup again, her golden twintails are shaking.
Her gesture of drinking tea is very elegant, and it has beauty that is iparable.
She was a beautiful girl enough to charm anyone if they dont know what she did.
Actually ... Since you were protecting the Minotaur, I had known about you since then (Elsee)
Did you mean ... that you ordered the poachers? (Arge)
I recall that the poachers attacked the forest that I stopped by for a while after leaving Arlesha. And she answered this question with a calm state.
Well, I wanted to eat it, I like the meat of Minotaur, unfortunately I did not get it ... but I found a better one so its okay (Elsee)
Smile and eyes narrowed, her gaze is directed toward me.
Due to the chill down my spine, I finally understood.
When she gazed at me a while ago, I thought it was a gaze that I had never felt before in my past life as Kuon Ginji and right now as Argento vampear.
I do not know. AndIt is natural that I dont understand.
The eyes that she saw me, it is the opposite of Kuons house.
The eyes to look at what you need, what you want to get.
Even without hiding her gaze of obsession, Elsee-san is looking at my eyes with even more difort gaze than ever.
You are really beautiful, a silver colour as if you was born for me (Elsee)
What do you mean? (Arge)
Dont be afraid, because you only have to be my bride. (Elsee)
(T.N Joke: Demon Vampire Queen Princess: Be mine, Hero...ine)
... I refuse. (Arge)
I still have no idea what she mean.
Even if she want me to be a bride, we are the same sex in the first ce.My inside is a man, but I already reincarnated as a girl, so I am proimed as same sex.
To be honest, I thought that it might be not bad for just a moment.That is why I couldnt answer immediately.
Her eyes looked at me is exactly opposite how Kuons family is, she is looking for me, she desire me as I am.
If I ept it, she may look after me forever.
In a sense, it is the purpose of my journey, to find someone acept me as who I am and look after me forever.
Even I understand it, I cant ept.
... I feel scared.
From what she had done, her tone and her attitude, I know she is a dangerous figure.
Even if I ept such an invitation, I dont know what is she gonna do. SoI refuse.
... Hehehe Hehehe Haha Hahahaha!!
Because I clearly refused, I thought that she will get angry.
But different from what I thought. Elsee-sanughed. she seems to have terribly fun.
Well, yeah, I guess so ... If not so ... It will be boring stuff
nn...! (Arge)
Okay, my bride, please react a lot, refuse, deny, resist, rampage, take it all out, let me see everything
As she said that, her red eyes are shining.
It was not only due to my fear of her gaze that I imaging thing. (Arge mean like in anime, when a stalker gaze at the target, his/her eyes will shine as a special effect) (see Trantor Corner)
Her eyes are really shining because enormous magical power flew out from the her body.
A dense magic flow as if the scenery is distorted.It feels much more dangerous than simply hostility.
Not only I but Kuzuha-chan stood up from the chair and took a distance quickly.
Hehehe, you can resist. I will not harm hostages, but if you escape, I will not guarantee about them at that time (Elsee)
The moment her words were over, the walls, furniture, tables and closets are all disappeared without a trace.
I remember this phenomenon. Or rather, I always use it.Vampires storage system skills, Bloog Bag.
However, I can not do this without touching things. I can store only one at a time with the highest skill level.
This is ... How can you ...?
I just make a spacious stage for us.
Store many objects without touching them.I do not know what kind of tricks are there, but anyway she could do it.
She does things that can not be done even by me who is reincarnated with cheat power, and shes still not done.
Elsee-san gently tough her golden hair with elegant movements.A crimson droplet like ruby spilled from the gap of the hair.
The smell that my nose smell is what I know well.It is a smell of blood.
A tear-shaped, crystallized blood is floating as if dancing in the sky. AndIt was scattered like mist in the air.
Blood cage (Elsee)
There is nothing to be surprised evenIt is an unknown word, but thats it. Because I know vampire tend to have a blood rte skills. Im looking to what will happen. Obviously, I know that something will happen.
The red mist swells up, gathers and forms shape.
It was simr to my Blood Arms, which is the skill to create weapons from blood.
But the thing appear was not a sword, a spear, a bow, or a chain that I always made.
What is this ...!? (Nande su no......!?) (Kuzuha)
... You have a bad taste (Arge)
It is an irregr creatures was shaped and roared.
A giant dog with two heads. (Bandersnatch)
Some also have feathers like eagles, like a snake-like tail and a head like a lion. (Chimera)
Some creatures look like walking lizards and also have octopus grown from their backs.
Some creatures had different right side and left side like wing sizes and lengths of legs, which made it difficult to exin.
None of these creatures have taken the same figure as other. How would I say it.It was as like she forcibly take many different part from many creatures and randomly put them together.
... Did she have skills to store living things?
Blood cage.There was no such name in the basic mastery skills that Loli-gramp show me before the incarnation.
Perhaps it is the same as Iris-sans Blood Boost, its a rare skill, or is it a hidden skill that will be avable after we fulfill the conditions.
...That is
Among the creatures that appeared in that way, there was an eye catching presence.Because I remember seeing it before.
Like a honey devourer, a creature with a physical body simr to a bear.But his arms were as big as a monkey, it was also the arms of a monkey, with white fur.
I know it from Sakurazaka, I have seen it once in a mountain where hot springs are cursed.
Kuzuha-chan who saw the same thing as me gave a suprise voice.
Arm of Hakuen ... !No way, that demon ... did you make it !?
Ha ha ha, Correct! Those children are my work, pretty pet! Now, Lets y ... and lets get married!
I dont understand the meaning, but I refuse it again.
You do not have to figure out? Because Ill make you know ...! (Elsee)
Her scary voice resound in the night.
The monsters started to move all at once.
Heree another selfish person who dont like to listen and she is really dangerous. Before anything else this is definitely the biggest threat since I was reincarnated in this world.
While feeling something disgusting, I prepare to respond to the situation in front of me.
You cant read next chapter yet
Trantor Corner: This is the special effect how stalker eyes often shine.
Chapter 84
Trantor Note: Countdown 2 more chapter.
And even I use Kurumi picture but I dontpare my Yandere goddess with Elsee.
Chapter 84: Gold and silver
Bandersnatch, take that child (Renge) because she is in the way! The other y with that little fox! (Elsee)
As Elsee-san says, those random remodeled creatures have moved.
A two-headrge dog called Bandersnatch takes Renge-san on his back and leaves that ce.Everything else was rushed to Kuzuha-chan.
Wind-san pl... (Arge)
He he he, your opponent is me ~? (Elsee)
nn ... !! (Arge)
The moment I trying to cast magic, the blonde hair shakes in front of me.
It seems that she aimed for a moment when I was distracted, and she stepped in.
I felt the danger and I jump with my super agility body ability on.As a result I was able to take a distance from Elsee-san, but I also far from Kuzuha-chan.
Dont worry, Arge-san, Im fine, I will finish this and go over there soon!
As Kuzuha-chan said, she backdown and beat rampage enemies wave at the time.
... Are they n to separate us?
Obviously intentionally, I was separated from Kuzuha-chan.
Our distance is only a few hundreds meters, so its only take a moments to meet up with Kuzuha-chan. Of course only after we break free from our enemies.
And Elsee-san speak to me with her sweet, spooky voice .
Ha ha ha ... Only two of us left now ?
Well, can I go home already?
Fu fu fu ... no good ... lets ... stay ... to... ge... ther until our breath ceased, okay ? (դ......ᡣֹޤޤǡӡޡ磿 : Fu fu......da ~ame. Koky ga tomaru made, a,-so, bi, ma, sho?)
Unfortunately it was denied.Although I have not expected her to ept it from the beginning.
Even though it is a cold night, sweat ising out.Rather than being hot or unpleasant, it is an ominous sign.
... lets calm down.
Certainly the opponent is a strong vampire.Nevertheless, I also have quite a lots of cheat skills.
Even if I avoid winning or losing, I should be able to stop her movements.
Calm down, I need to capture her and go to help Kuzuha-chan.For that, first of all, I have to concentrate on everythings before my eyes.
Try control my own breathing and calm down. Use my fangs bite lightly on my fingers let the blood flow out.
The taste of sweet blood, made me feel a little calm.
Blood Arms, ??Chain .
Change the flowing blood with vampire skills.
Blood Arms.Skill to create weapons with blood.I imagine a chain as a weapon and the skill is doing as my wish, but I guess it count as a weapon because it can be created.
The speed is slow, but it is a chain that can be remotely controlled. And I make more chains at the same time. Countless chains that I remote controled flying towards Elsee-san.
Oh, your creation speed is faster than I thought. (Elsee)
Im sorry, but I need you to be quiet. (Arge)
He he he, sorry but I already knew about it, Blood Craft, ??Chain. (Elsee)
...... !?
In a sudden, red colour was appeared in my sight.
A lot of chains of blood appeared from the ground.
Different skill from Blood Arms.But she made the same thing.
And from what I see, the opponent doesnt need blood, but the skill she use have blood so it still is a blood using skill. Did she prepare blood in the ground before hand, or she just hide the blood chains in the ground.
Shadow bind
And she continue to use magic, this time something ck appears.The shadow of Elsee-san, illuminated by the moon, changed its shape.
Several ck hands stretch like tentacles.
Obviously the those shadows are aiming at me.
Physical and magical curse, if you are binded from both, can you get out?
... This is troublesome
I only have tolerance against magic and curse.Physical attacks can only be avoided or prevented.
As a means to prevent, manipte the chains I made to block her chains.
I guess her basic ability is still high.For each of my chain canpete with three of opponents chain. But if I keep this ...
I will increase more chains (Elsee)
Well! Additional order, please! (Arge)
As the number of her chains increased ording to her word, I will also increased the number of chains.But at this rate I cant keep up because the blood consumption increases. Elsee-san in other hand is still looking fine even she use three times of my chains.
And even if our chains arepeted, but the shadows arent. Although I have resistant, it should be avoided if possible.Even if the skill of tolerance is maximum, it is confirmed in the past fight with Kuzuha-chan that Im still taken damage if it reach a certain amount of power.
Going through the forest of chains while avoiding the approaching shadow hands.It isnt difficult with my body ability super agility.
And I close the distance with my opponent and wager the chain.It is a blow for capturing purposes with remote control assistance.
Blood Craft??Mirror
Eh ...!?
The bright object appeared abruptly before my eyes and was broken with my chains.
The scattered mirror fragments sparkle and reflect the moonlight.
There is no sight of her on the other side of mirrow reflection, and the moment I realize it, her magic words reach my ear.
Shadow Bind Kaleidoscope
A lots of shadow hands jumped out of the mirrow fragments that still flying in the air.I waspletely surrounded. Even if I have my speed, I still cant avoid it.There is no gap to avoid.Even though my body is small, it is impossible to get through this.
n ... its still a little hurt
You can endure it, as expected from my bride! you are wonderful!
As I said, I dont understand what are you saying!
After a while, the binding shadows are disappearing with my magic resistance and curse resistance. Even so, the part entangled with the shadow gives something like a dull pain and I feel that the foot gets a little heavier.Again, it seems that I cantpletely defend and I was affected to some extent by the curse.
Oh, it hurts, give me a break
I cure the disturbing curse and wash it away with my magic. Each time I cure a curse several curse are activated on me. As I keep curing, all the curse werepletely disppeared.
Ha ha ha, theres still more for you, Curse Maker, ??Cage
... !?
Things like ck thorn vines are raised from the ground.
At a nce, I can tell it has strong magical power and contain curse.
Those ck thorn vines drew a gentle curve and eventually stitched together make a cage imprison me.
U, Ku~tsu ... This is also a troublesome thing ...! (Arge)
At the moment of it be a cage, my body are getting heavy all at once.
My body be heavy as if my clothes are soaked in water.
If I curse the space itself, not you, I dont think that recovery magic of your can be used. (Elsee)
... I can still get out! (Arge)
Atomization , this skill transfrom my body to mist.
It is a skill that I dont want to use much because my consciousness is scarce, but I have to get out of this cage.Nothing can be done as it is.
I can also get out by be a shadow, but the opponent can magically manipte shadows. I should avoid shadows.
So you can use all the abilities. But let me tell you a bit in this case. (Elsee)
Thin consciousness, even when the ears are gone, I can still hear Elsee-sans voice.
Your skills and physical ability, perhaps you are about 3 times stronger than mine, but you cant decide everything with it (Elsee)
I felt that the my thin consciousness was pulled.
A feeling that my consciousness bes heavy, resembles when falling asleep. But this is more violent than that.
I feels unpleasant like my conciousness was eaten.The slightly hearing sense and vision are painted ck and I cant control my body. I was hurt but my throat can hardly scream.
... Feeling bad, diggusting, creepy! (T.N: ݳ֤ݳ֤륤: Kimochi warui, kimochi warui, kimochiwarui) (They are almost the same word)
Ya~tsu...!? (......) (Arge)
I escaped from the feeling like being submerged in a swamp without a bottom, I was releasing the atomization reflexively.
It is the golden fog in front of my eyes. While my head is still hurt, but I can still guess.
This is ... (Arge)
Yeah, this is my atomization ... are you surprised? (Elsee)
The golden fog converges and builds up the shape.
It be girl with a red eyes that shakes with a fluffy dress, and the blonde dance again at night.
Blood craft,??Chain (Elsee)
Kya ...! (Arge)
I was aimed at the point where the head was still dazzling. She tied up my limbs with those chain.
And it didnt end.The chains pulled my body to her direction. She hold my binded body and cast next magic.
Blood craft,??Bed (Elsee)
At the same time as I heard that voice, theres a soft touch on my back.
It was a fluffy bed. It has a bright red sheet like blood dyed.
You didnt know? When the atomized vampires collide, their consciousness mixes. (Elsee)
You can control my consciousness ...? (Arge)
The numerical value of the skill is important, but ... if youptete with a strong will ,your weak will be drunk. Also, I lure you here without letting you rest and you are mentally tired right now. Just ording to Keikaku (Keikaku means n) (Elsee) (T.N: of course the raw dont have Keikaku doori, but I cant help it)
The word being said is simple.Because her will is stronger, my will was eaten.My will was filled with her will.
Even Im not mentally tired, theres no-one have weaker will than I am.Once you know the trick, it can be said that this is natural oue.
I can not keep my consciousness.I can not concentrate or move.
Then slowly, the golden get closer to me.
Ha ha ha ... ... I finally caught you ... Argento ... Ehe he he ha ha ha ... (Elsee)
Please wait ... lets talk ... (Arge)
Like always, I will never miss anything, because if it escapes, It will get harder to catch again ... ??Shadow Bind (Elsee)
She looks so excited and Elsee-san uses magic.
The growing shadow wraps around blood chain and bes red and ck restraint.
Its a little difference from the magic she use before. There is no pain but I cant control myself well.
It seems that I received a lot of mental damage when atomizing and fusing. my concentration is hindered.
I try to struggle to escape somehow, but I can not break it even if I put strength, I can not use change system skills.
The chains only shake a little as ifughing.
Fun time, now ... ? (Elsee)
She uses her thin nails to tear my clothes.
From its appearance it was unbelievable sharpness, the Japanese clothes presented by Kuzuha-chan were torn apart.
Chapter 85
Trantor Note: Countdown 1 more chapter. By the end of this chapter, You will be like Yugioh: Yes this is the card what I have been waiting for, I offer my monter on the field as a tribute, I call forth my summoned skull one true pair. Sadly, our enemy still in effect of swords of reveal light so you have no choice but I end my turn
Last time I skimp though google trante, it was really a lot different from what I check in raw.
Chapter 85: To suck blood
Ya...! (......)
My bare skin is exposed to the air of the night, my body trembles.
Even if I want to cover the exposed parts, the chain that binds my limbs will not allow it.Just a faint sound will echo.
Looking down at me with a gazing, Elsee-san is getting excited as she is talking.
Ha ha ha ... this pure white skin ... no-one can resist, such beautiful body ... such pleasure, so pleasure! No, no! Im looking forward to it, its time to enjoy myself now! ! (Elsee)
Hey ...!! (Arge)
Her fingers are gently crawling through my body.It was as if a handmade crafter check the product. She touch me all over my body.
Even I always want a fluffy bed to sleep, right now it looks like a soft cage to catch me, it makes me terribly uneasy.
... You are quite naive, arent you? (Elsee)
Huh...? (Arge)
Youre like a child that is puzzled by the birthday feelings, while you even have more power than me, or even more than anyone in this world (Elsee)
Say what, ... (Arge)
Still, you do not know real fear, real pleasures, real feelings. Okay, I will tell you everything~? (Elsee)
Whats the meaning ...!? (Arge)
N, chiyu () (Skin sucking sound) (Elsee)
A moist creeping feeling on my skin.
She start sucking around sometimes she licked, sometimes bited with her fang.
The cranky sounds arrived at my ear, even with all my might, the best I can do is twist my body a little.
I can only sense her smell and hear her smile because my sight is limited when I was bound.
Hi... (Arge)
It is different from when I feel bad.If I do not speak out, my head will be going crazy and I cant bear it.
Even my conciousness is low, I can sense my skins are pressed by her thin lip and slim tongue.
My sucked skin got numb and it was badly hot.
An then her fangs bite lightly on my skin.
It is rough, but my skin isnt hurt like bitten by a dog. Even it is irritated, unpleasant, and my voice is forcibly pulled out.
Wa~an, ... th...is is... !? (Wa, ~an, ...na, ni, kore ...!?) (Arge)
N ?? ...... Fu fu. Then Ill tell you what it is (Elsee)
Elsee-san isughing as she borate, she licked her lips softly.
Reflecting the moonlight, her fangs glittered. And her eyes look as if the eyes of a blood starving beast.
Ya~ ... Please stop ... (Ya~tsu... yamete kudasai ~tsu...!) (Arge)
I had a very bad feeling.Im unable to stay calm.
I knew that it was in vain but Im still shaking the chains like a scream.
Looking at me who struggle, Elsieughs happily.
Oh, yes, yes, that face! I wanted to see that face! Its cute! Its so cute! Very nice! ... Hey Argento. (Its not a mistake copy paste, she really repeat it alot) (Elsee)
Ah...! (Arge)
An ecstatic smilees down to the neck.
Even if I shake my head in eerie state, I will not able to escape and she will not let me go either.
Her fangs stabbed my skin, prate my skin and dig deeper.
Hi~, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !? (Arge)
N, chi ~yu... n ku...? (Blood sucking sound) (Elsee)
It is totally different from when shes biting me.
Bleeding doesnt involve pain, just blood flows out from my body.There is a strange feeling of relieve, yet, her stabbed fangs are terribly hot.
Ah, wa, as expected ... its delicious ... it have the best taste ever ? (A, wa, yappari, oishi ~tsu...sa ikk no aji ~tsu...?) (Elsee)
Hi, a ~aaa... (Arge)
It was much stronger than being sucked on my skin.
I hear a regr throat swallowed sound, and I realize that she was sucking my blood every time.
The sight from my eyes are getting blurred, it simultaneous be bright and dark.
My whole body is feeling numbs, and the bite portion is feeling hot.
I cant stand it and Im shaking my body.I cant afford to protest, deny or refuse, my strength is leaving my body.
Nn ji ~yuru, nn ... fu fu... nn, n, ga pu (Blood sucking sound) (Elsee)
Ya~a!? A hi aa...!! (Ya~a ~tsu! ? A hi aa~tsu...!!) (moaning) (Arge)
I could have no time to think as she keep sucking my blood, under the night sky, the unpleasant feeling made me raise my voice.
Every time I squeeze, its a sweet voice like a girl, I realize how much my current body is different from before.
Even I dont want to feel it, the unpleasant feeling is slowly eating my conciousness.
Puha ... ? ... wa, a ... as I thought, you have the best magical power! (Puha~tsu......? wa, ...... omotta tri, saik no maryoku ne!) (Elsee)
An fu~a, what ... are...? (A, n fu ~a... ma,ri ~yo... ku...?) (Arge)
Oh my (Ara), dont you know about vampiress blood-sucking? Were sucking blood to stole our opponents magical power. The vampire is a mass of magical power, so we are originally unstable, so we need regrly sucking magical power from someone to stabilize our existence ... How did you survive if you dont even know that ? (Elsee)
Hi~ya,... hi~u... (Hi ~ya~tsu... hi~u~tsu) (Arge)
I do not know what she is saying.
Even though the inside of my head is dizzy and I can still hear her words but I cant put it together.
The important part is what the vampire will give when sucking blood, when we suck blood, we often give the opponent what we thinking the most in our mind? (Elsee)
In here, is ... ? (Arge)
Yeah ... what we want to give to our opponent, is what we feel and want the most. In my case is pleasure .I make you feel pleasure and when I keep doing it, all you can think is pleasure. And soon you will devote everything to me. (Elsee)
But Im still ... (Arge)
Yeah, I already sucked your blood, and you are still depressed? (Elsee)
As she said, she use her index finger press on my lip, my body be hotter.
I dont know what she had done.And I wonder what happens if she keep it like this. My awareness is simr to when I got a cold, my breathing be faster, my body feel hot.As it is, it seems to be impossible to think anything.
You seems to be strong resist to curse and magical ... but what I give by bloodsucking is a bit different from curses ... Its such a characteristic of blood sucking ... even so you still havent yet thought about me, so this time for sure. I will make you fallen (Elsee)
Hi~ya ... I, already be... like a girl ... (Ҥ......䡢WۤȤŮӤˤʤä) (Arge)
Hehe, if you told me such a pretty thing, I will feel hot ..., Well, Isnt it time for girls to do something pleasant? (Elsee)
A, I dont want it, stop ... dont, please dont ... (A, yada, yamete... dame, damede su~tsu...) (Arge)
A ha ha ha ? Didnt I say already ? that we will y together until breathing stopped. I will make you mine right here and now. From tomorow onward, you will be my one and only cute bride, So ... ... Lets enjoy our first night? (Elsee)
Elsee-sanughs with a satisfied voice.And again, she slowly bring her face close to my neck... to suck blood again. I think so, I close my eyes as I escape from it.I think that I have no choice but endure it because resistance is futile.
Feelings like resignation and despair. Her fangs are pressed and her voice naturally leaks out from excited.
He he he, so you get it no...! (Elsee)
Her speaking is end abruptly. Elsee-san take distancefromme.
Fu ~e...? (Arge)
I can open my eyes as the weight on my body abruptly disappears.
Then, a momentter, something went just above me, where Elsee-san had been.
Elsee-san probably left me to avoid this.But what is this ... now?
Wh...at ...? (Nani, ga...) (Arge)
Arge, are you alright? (only Arge, not-san or Argento)
A dignified voice talked to me like a mistake of the fog of doubt.
I know this voice.Even though I only hear it in a few days, but I heard it a lot.
Everyday, that person is always wake me, calling me, talk to me with this voice.
I try to shake of chains as much as possible.Even though my body have no strength, I still thought that I wanted to see that person face.
Gently narrowed down, left eye of purple, right eye of gold.
Have a warm atmosphere, with brown hair side pony.
The big breasts are shaking because the breathing is rough.Im sure that you came in a hurry. (T.N: in raw all of Arge thinking dont have a she or her just that person or you, If you edit people dont change to she or her or Felnote)
Felnote-san ...? (Arge)
Just like a knight in a fairy tale that I seen a lot in books.
A nostalgic person was there for me.
Chapter 86-87
[Next]This chapter rmend song is Mamoritai that BOA sing.
The song that make me change my name from Loli Omamori / Loli Guardian (refer from Himari Omamori) to Loli Mamoritai / Want to protect Loli.
Chapter 86: Former knights heart
Felnote POV
Argento vampear is my benefactor.
A benefactor who bring back my lost sight of both eyes by a curse.
If Arge werent there, I would still be living in a peaceful but boring area at a port city Arlesha.
When she is gone, even I can still see but my world already lost its light because I cant see her anymore. I keep chasing her, the light of my life.
... I got here on time, I made it in time! (Maniatta, maniatta wa)
I was relieved that Arge was safe and I smiled.
It was just a coincidence that I came here.Its all thanks to Zeno, a peddler who traveled together with me.
After Zeno return to themercial guild earlier than nned, and he ask about Arge.Arge knew Zeno, she seems to have left a message to him.
We are in Rencia, after we knew about it, we soon ran the carriage and came here.
After arriving at the vige there was a sign of battle, Arge was pushed down, so I rush in to help her in a hurry.
... Arge, its been a long time ago (Felnote)
Felnote-san ... (Arge)
Arge is now bound on the bed.
It seems that her clothes are torn, and her skin is almost exposed.There were kiss marks around her body. There seems to be a bit of scratches on her neck which seems like a bite mark. And there is a bit of bloodshed from there.
N, ha~a... (Arge)
Her breathing is short and heavy just like she has a fever and when I look up at her eyes. They are moistened. Her red iris peculiar to the vampire is fluttering but it is different from the usual sleepy atmosphere, It seems like she feel uneasy somewhere. Her pure white chest is half exposed are full of sweat, is it from her fever. Aligned herself, Arge turned her face away from me.
Her ears be bright red, and Arge tells me with a shivering voice.
Ano ... Felnote-san ... (Arge)
What is it? (Felnote)
Please, dont look at it too much ... in such a ce ... (Arge)
Ha~ ..., Im sorry! (Felnote)
I only n to see if Arge is fine but look like Im stare at her.While reflecting on what Im just doing, I turned away from her.
Arge who is always cool and sleepy is quite mature.
More than that, shes always forgotten about my existence. (TN: like sleep without even care that her body is exposed or change clothes before Felnote)
If you look at it in a sideways eye, right now Arge is considerably embarrassed, she turn her eyes away from me and talking with a shivering voice, not the usual sleepy voice.
... She is way too cute!
I caught myself crying, I need to calm down and regted myself.
If I keep watching, I would most likely try to touch her.Thats cute girl. I want to give her ap pillow, no no ... wait, calm down.
I want to do something, but what Arge is feeling right now is different from a curse. The effect of blood sucking on the body can not be cure with recovery magic.
Fortunately, Arge has quite high magic and curse tolerance skills, so if she calm down she can escape from restraint by herself.
Now, it seems better to let her concentrate on that.So I concluded, I turned the de to golden hair vampire.
Such a ... you do such an envious thing, I will not let you do it for free! (TN = you will pay, I guess) (......wޤȤƤơǤϤޤʤ裡) (Felnote)
Did you envy? (Elsee)
... I made a mistake ... I will not let you do it for free! (Felnote)
I cant wait to enjoy more (Elsee)
Uuu, shut up! (Uuu, urusai wa yo!) (Felnote)
Hehehe, you are horrible, I am just trying to get what I want. (Elsee)
There is a problem with what you want and what I want...! (Felnote)
Even if I gaze strongly, my opponent has a cool face like toyinh with me.
A girl with golden colored twin tail with a bat-like hair ornament, she have a beautiful appearance.
But, it is an apparent story.This girl isnt a small girl like she look and of course she isnt cute (personality).
Blood Princess Elsee.Long ago, she is the vampire spreading disasters all over the world since the time even before I was born.
There were a number of serious crime that she had been doing, and sometimes she even destroyed a small country overnight.
Many bounties are hanging in the Kingdom, and in the kingdom she is designated as the top target of the subjugation.It will be so in other countries as well.
The Mercenaries Association Landsknecht also pays arge prize money, to the extent that for us to live for the rest of our whole life.
In other words, if I defeat that girl, I will get a lot of money enough for me to take care of Arge for life and inevitably we will stay together ... no no no. Thats not it.It is my purpose to properly rehabilitate Arge on the right path.To that end, we must eliminate that girl (Elsee) first.
Huh ... Are you nning to fight me? (Elsee)
Well, is that natural? (Felnote)
I only have a sword right now. This equipment isnt a good one like when I serve the Kingdom.
To be honest, my winning chance are thin.It is better to think that girl (Elsee) as a living disaster before fighting.
Still, it isnt impossible win with this sword.
This sword I got from Xeno isnt bad.I swang it several times and dismissed the threat.Both length and weight are close to those I used in active days in the Kingdom.
From your clothes, you are the knight of the kingdom, why are you here in the Republic? (Elsee)
Im not a knight, just a former knight, I am here for my personal reasons (Felnote)
... You are unreasonable, the world is so unexpected and unreasonable, I never heard that there is a supporter like you (Elsee)
Like you are the one to talk (Felnote)
Well, yeah yeah ... And the crime that robbed my enjoyment is heavy? (Elsee)
Signs swell up make my skin tingle.
Not only her battle aura but also magical power aura are enormous, they stab my skin, a bad sweat appeared on my back.
Rather than living beings, I feel like confronting the raging storm. My feets that seemed to shiver unconsciously but I can still stand firm with my will.
You seem to be acquainted with Argento, so I will not kill you, even so ... I need to make you be quiet. (Elsee)
If you can do it, try it. (Felnote)
She break into a smile just like a scythe moon, and she moved.
She made her dress flutter like a wing of a bat and flew.
I dont like battle unprepared, I dislike unexpected elements. Curse Maker,Will o wisp (Elsee)
While spinning in the air, she spoke the magic words.By the time wended on the roof of a private house, there was a ck wing on the other side.
It is the appearance of a curse that shakes like a swaying me.It looks like a bird or a bat. And It flew towards me.
I cant sh a magical power body without entities with a sword.I abandon the choice of interception and choose avoidance.
He~e, I guess you are quite talent. (Elsee)
I wont be pleased even you praise me. (Felnote)
With minimal movement, I avoid the curse without touch it.
However, even I avoid it, it doesnt end there.The wings of the curse turn direction and rush to me again as if having a will.It also change direction many times.
...I dont understand!
Continuing to avoid will consume physical strength as it is.That would only make me disadvantageous.
But if I receive a curse from the front, it is probably impossible to prevent with my tolerance.
If it is not clear, I will avoid until I have a chance.
Fu~u ...!! (Felnote)
At the moment when I exercised avoidance several times, I strongly take one step.
I start rushing to her after an evasive action.
Bloodcraft,Chain (Elsee)
Tch! Dont get in my way! (Felnote)
I swing the sword on the crimson chains that have stretched from the ground.
I hooked them rather than shing, and I throw the bundle away.
I also elerate further and leaving the curse behind.
Too bad, your tricks arent worked (Elsee)
Apologizing to the owner of an unknown house, I swung the sword.
A blow with assistance of swordsmanship skill also makes the sword pressure sharp.A shing more than the length of the de urred, and the house was cut at an angle.
You wrecked thing a lot ... You, are you really human being? As far as I can tell, its likely that you nearly reach the limits that people can reach. (Elsee)
I said that I am not happy even if I am praised. (Felnote)
While listening to the sound of copse, I aim for my opponent.Push yourself against the distance that your attacks reach.
Before the house copsed, the vampire was detached from it.Chase the blonde vampire after she steps down and kick the ground while avoiding the wings of the curse that flew from behind.
Fu fu, did you have eyes on your back? (Elsee)
I can avoid it even if I dont see it ...!! (Felnote)
It isnt a skill.The experiences of the fighting at night until now give warning to me.It is a so-called intuition. The trick is simple, use minimal movement to avoid the curse without even looking and when it change direction, I rush to attack the vampire.
In order to break down the harmful one, I further speeded up.
Arara, you are quite passionate
Fluttering her hair, the moving disasterughs.
Looking at the situation, now I am pursuing my opponent.That is the distance the sword can reach in a little while.
Still, she doesnt stop herposure smile. She step on steps as if she enjoy a dance.
Obviously, she yed with me. Instead of angry, I will be happy if she feels that way because I will have more chance to win.
And I take the invitation.
Fu fu ... Bloodcraft,Chain (Elsee)
Just waste of time! (Felnote)
Three chains appear again so as to close the eyes.
I judged that the time, and I try to hook three of them together at a time and...
... !?
I felt something wrong with my response, because I wasnt had my usual power and speed.
Even though I shed all three together, the response was much lighter than before. It look like I got abnormal status debuff, I felt it from the way I attack. I try to avoid but its already toote.
If she (Arge) were as skilled as you are, I maybe dead by now (Elsee)
Eh!? (Felnote)
Spellbinding Circle (Elsee)
As she speaks the magic words, my feets are affixed.No, It not just my feets, I cant even my fingers and neck.
I feel like being bound into the space rather than the ground.
Looking at me who was caught, Elsee looks happy.
Argentos resistance was way higher than I thought, so I afraid that you might have resistance as well. Fu fu ... but look like you arent. (Elsee)
n ... nn ... !! (Felnote)
A strong curse that seal movement, you cant even move your mouth. Its a bit difficulty to install it though? (Elsee)
Slowly, slowly, shees near me.
She put her hands on my chest, ascertained the prey she capture.
Youre pretty fleshed ... Well, you are pretty lively, arent you? I guess you will be interested to y
n...! (Felnote)
As weigh the palm of her hand touch me, I felt unpleasant.
But it isnt about being touch but unpleasant because instead of shing down the opponent that came near me, I cant even move my eyebrows.
Hehe, you dont have to worry, I will immediately release the curse, if you have no voice, its boring. (Elsee)
Elseeughs and exposing his fangs as if she had seen my discontent.
The hand which pressing on my chest was turned to the neck, it became a posture to be embraced.
I can feel her breath on my neck. And her fangs are pressing on my skin
Well then, I will unravel the curse ... will you give me a good cry? (Elsee)
I feel a sense of my flesh are plucking.
You are cocky, arent you? (Felnote)
I weed the opponent.
Dzu~... gi~,aaaaaaaaaaaaa!? (Elsee)
She screamed, pulling out her fangs and take distance from me.
Unleashed from the curse of movement seal, I stretch out my body to check if there was any hinder left.
Cure (Felnote)
The hole opened in the neck is a small scar. It can be cured with simple recovery magic.
Satisfied with my body which became normal again, I looked at the opponent.
A... aaaaaaa! ? Uuuuuu... guuuu !!! (Elsee)
She is obviously suffering while suppressing her mouth.It seems that she cant keep the bird-shaped curse.
Unlike before, she can no-longer smile because her mouth is melting, she stared at me with the eyes like burning with angry.
Contrary to before, this time I decided to make fun of her to pay back.
That was pretty good cry, want some more? (Felnote)
Aaah..., you... are ... Holy... Knight ... !? (Elsee)
As I said, Im aFormer knight. Dont make me say it over and over (Felnote)
Among the knights, theres an existence of people was good at holy magic.That is the Holy Knight. But if people only have Holy attribute, they can only be a priest. Only the knight who has achieved a certain level of both Sacred magic and Sword skill is called so.It is a past story, so I do not want to talk about it.
What I did is a very simple thing.
Its a Sacred magic, a magic that fill the Sacred Attributes inside the body.I just cast it inside of myself before we fight.
The vampire is the magical beings of the dark attribute, they are a mass of magical power that gained consciousness. They are weak with the sacred attribute.
As long as they are vampires, Holy attribute is their natural enemy even to touch.
By not casting Holy attribute on the outside my body but inside instead, I injected high concentration of magical power of holy attribute at the moment shes biting.
... It was worth it.
From the begining if I using sacred magic even a little, she will be on her guard.
Thanks to that, I decided to fightpletely different from my original battle style, but the result was a huge sess.
Burnt by the holy powers, Elsee looks at here so as to hide her mouth.
Although I sess, I do not know how much damage was done to her.Still, there is no choice to change the n, because she wont be tricked again.
Now is the time I threw away the sword.To do my original fighting way.
A holy sword that opens the way to the light (Felnote)
The magic words are spoken, it take my magic power and produce light from within me.
The holy light strongly bearing the magical power of the sacred attribute gathers in my hand and eventually forms an obvious entity.
Its a Proof of power.A favorite sword that I shook several times.
My real weapon.
Gather in my body, manifest! Materialization !!! (Felnote)
The holy be a sword of light in my hand.
The weight is as light as a feather, but the de is sharper than any sword.
A sword that cuts down obstacles and opens the way.The power born by such prayers.
Sacred Weapon, whether you are a fog or a shadow, you wont be able to escape (Felnote) (Sacred Weapon is katakana)
Nn ... Two coloured eyes, Holy knight ... You are ... Felnote Lyria ... ! (Elsee)
You remembered well the name of an antique that retired and cover in dust. (Felnote)
I mean, I am also quite famous.There are some things I can think of, but it is not something I care now.
Exposing magical powers that no longer have a meaning to hide.
From here on, it is a real game.
To Be Continued
Chapter 87: To Confront
Gu~ ... Curse de! (Elsee)
The moment Elsee speak the words, a number of ck des extended from the ground.Those things look like sharks dorsals themselves. It crackles andes straight to me.
A powerful attack containing a curse.It seems like she gave up capture me intact.
Even only your limbs are remain, I can make use of it ... I will cut you like an insect! (Elsee)
... finally, you got a little serious. (Elsee)
Hold a manifested holy swordSacred Weapon. This is a stance simr to RepublicsIai. (T.N: Iai is a sword fast draw stance)
Enchantment,Holy ... just disappear (Enchanto,"hr"... kie nasai) (Felnote)
Cast a sacred magic on the holy swordSacred Weapon and use a magic sword skill. The swinging sword scattered a bunch of light, not a sh.
And it isnt just skill I random released, it is a magic that automatically traces the curse and erases it.
It is a dexterous skill, it has favor attribute and it can erase the flocks of des.
... Its been a while that I have to go all out.
Because of create and maintain a magic weapons consume a great amount of magical power so it wasnt easy to use. And I didnt meet any opponent that I have to put all the power to this in the first ce.
But right now, I have to use it to confront the most dangerous criminal in this world. And of course I cant keep this for long, I have to defeat her before my magic power running out.
Rather than worry about it, I must concentrate to the battle right now. Chanting the prayer as I was taught in the past, I moved again to close up the distance.
Blood cage! (Elsee)
The opponent takes out the sparkle crimson gem from the bosom and strikes the ground while retreating.
... It was in the report.
When I was in the Order, I read about it in a document.
Blood Cage is a skill that Elsee is good at, and it is a rare ability among vampires that can hold living things if they approved.
Originally, due to the constraint that blood cant be mixed with blood, living things cant be confined in the blood.
But theBlood Cagecreates a special space in the blood and makes it possible to put living things in it ... I think it certainly was written like that.
Actually, this is for the first time I see it, but I shouldnt be in hurry. I must concentrate and careful to deal with the demon she summon.
It was a huge dragon that appeared from the crimson gem.
The bulky thing that appeared is having ck scales cover its body, reflecting the moonlight and staring at me with a burning eyes.It open its mouth and roaring at me.
Its slender and stretched tail is somewhat beautiful like an artwork and it sways like swimming in the night sky.
The body height is about 3 meters from my observation.It is quiterge as a dragon.
This is a child who has not yed much yet, so I will let him y with all his heart! (Elsee)
From what I saw, a Fafnir grade dragon ... To think that you can even tame big things like this (Felnote)
In rank as a dragon, it is the second from the top.Only under Yggdrasil ss.
Perhaps it was controlled by dark magic that have attractive effects, but it is quite suprise to manipte the dragon.
Usually, there are military armies under mymand to defeat it, but right now, I only have myself.
Go, Jabberwocky! (Elsee)
Gyaaaaaaa!! (dragon roaring)
I avoid by jumping behind as the nails that are swaying from above with an annoying cry. Five of its rigid nail make five clean cut on the ground with the pressure generated. I was right to avoid it.
You are naive to think that I will be knocked down by monter size! Materialization!
If the opponent is huge, then I will just create a suitable de.
With the additional magical power as fuel, the light sword stretches. (Just like Fate Illya Excalibur, see trantor corner)
Sacred Weapon is a semi-energetic body made by magical power. We can freely change both length and thickness. The only thing matter is our magic power.
Tobat all disasters, the trump cards that the past Holy Knight created.
Whether it is human type,rge type, single body, plural. With enough magical power pour in, we can finish everything in one swing.
Ultra long sword, longer than 3 meters was swung down.
The body of the dragon was divided, it was eaten by light rather than being cut with a sword.
It was manipted, it is a lot of weaker than the original dragon.It is a threat, but there is too many gap.
Next, I will sh you
Ha ha ha, I dont have anything else, but have you realized it yet? (Elsee)
Even the dragon was cut in two, but she just smiled wickedly.
Blood was blew out of the carcass of the dragon, as I remembered that it was cut, I realized my mistake.
Ha ha ha... ? Thats right, you handled him beautifully and I was saved. (Elsee)
Mushy and messy, she soak herself in blood.
Her jet ck frills be brilliant scarlet color, the opponent took a scoop and drink the blood.
Part of her face that got burned by my holy attribute has been restored. She is fluent in blood.
... I make a mistake.
The huge flesh with the corresponding blood stored.That is also a dragon. Magical power contained in blood is more than of humans.
If I kill such things and let the blood flow, they all be the food for Elsee.
In that situation, it is impossible to leave the dragon.Even though I know it, I have regret that I killed it. I shouldnt kill it, but raise the speed to avoid and kill Elsee...!
Its been hundreds of years since I was injured by a single human ... I praise you for that ... Ill admit your power. So I will be serious and crush you! Ahahahahaha! (Elsee)
In the huge blood puddle, the other party moved as if dancing.
Vampires are best to bring out magical powers in the blood. (Elsee)
I can understand without being told.
Elsees magical power is clearly be enormous.
Her enormous magical power of darkness right now enough to overturn the advantage of attributes.For example, we can stop the fire with water, but the raging me can evaporate water.
With the dragons life as a food, her magic is activated.Around Elsees feets, the red light runs, forming a magic pattern.
Twilight Zone (In Katakana) (Elsee)
The moment the word was spoken, the surrounding space changedpletely.
The air stagnates, the moon gathers a shining purple sparkle, the scenery is distorted.
My hands that hold the holy sword were trembling, It isnt because I was frightening but because I was cursed even before I can engage.
The curse that I could not prevent caught on my foot.I felt unpleasant weight as if my feet was sinked in a swam.
As long as I am in this, the power of existence like myself will increase, your power will decline. In republican way,It wasOminous time... (Elsee)
Curse on the space and everything in it, also strengthening specific attributes ...! (Felnote)
In theory, it is necessary to carefully prepare before any battle, I prepare this for Argento, but ... to think you can force me to use it. (Elsee)
Ku~ ...! (Felnote)
I knew about it, its basic to prepare before going to battle.
It is much more difficult with a enemy with a high ability, so we must deal with it carefully and n ahead while measure about our enemys abilities.
Even in this space, the power of the holy sword still be fatal to you (Felnote)
Well, well, only if you can reach me with that heavy foot. (Elsee)
Smile as to mock me, Elsee starts to concentrate magical power.
I trying to move my legs, if I can close enough to swing my holy sword, but it hurts, my feets are heavy.The other party is an advantageous space.The magical power is overflowing and the scale is more than ever.
Ha ha ha! Resistance is futile! Engulf in the darkness, Fatal bind !! (Elsee)
An enormous amount of magic develops around Elsee and rushes to my ce.
Binding is a movement sealed as usual.In other words, the opponent has changed the attack because she got the upperhand now. She is going to capture me alive to the end.
But this degree is seriously different from what I have ever had.Because the me of the curse is raging and cover everything in the sight, it is directed to one person.
... I will not give it up! Enchantment,Holy judgment! (Felnote)
Enchant the holy sword, I put my magic power and swang down my holy sword.
The magic of the light that is emitted from it erase any me or curse in contact.
However, there are too many in numbers.In a swing I can not deal with to many of them.
... If I have time to think about this, move it, swing more!
As I trying to swing the light sword again. The curse is already in my sight.To be honest I knew it was toote but I dont want to give up.
... rece (Arge)
Kya ...!? (Felnote)
I heard a nostalgic voice, and I was pulled from my back.
Suddenly I see silver hair appear as to rece me.
As expected, this is really a troublesome work. (Arge)
As she speak, the flock of curses has fallen on Arges body.
Trantor Corner:
Chapter 88
Chapter 88: Silver and Gold
The curse clings to my body.With my tolerance, movement is a little restricted (Slow debuff).
But if Felnote-san receives this kind of thing. Not just her movement is restricted, even consciousness will be reaped.
Even I still got a little fatigue from it.
Pain pain ... go away (Arge)
But I can easy solve it. No matter how many curse in my body, if I erase it with recovery magic, there will be nothing left.Haaaa, it was refreshing.
Arge ... are you okay? (Felnote)
Yes, thanks to you (Arge)
To tell the truth, I still feel very tired (mentally = want to sleep), but I have to keep it together.
Because Felnote-san is sacrificing herself to help me, I wouldnt be able to see her face danger.
Take out the substitute for torn clothes from the Blood Bag.Now that my clothes are gone, there is nothing to wear beside the maid clothes at hand.
I usually dont care about the exposure of the skin, but I want to avoid exposing the skin in front of that sticky line of sight (Elsees gaze).
...You are quick to return, Argento (Elsee)
It may be thanks to this space (Arge)
Although I felt a lot of fatigue when I got through the restraint, I felt a little better the moment I stepped in to this space follow after Felnote-san.
Probably, thanks to the red magic shining under my feet. Maybe its a gimmick that strengthens the vampires in range.
No matter how many times youe, you cant win against me, dont you get it? (Elsee)
Well, as it is, perhaps (Arge)
I just rely on my skills as it is.
Elsee-san doesnt just rely on her own power, but thinks of n and uses skills more effect than me.
In front of me right now isnt the opponent that I can win by merely using skill.
Even I understood it, I cant do it right away.
Imcking experience and knowledge.I dont think that my skills will have much effect with her no matter how strong they are.
Still, I have one thing left to try.
Felnote-san, could you please stand down? (Arge)
E!? Wait a minute! Usually, this is when we will fight together ? (Felnote)
Yes, but ... I do not know what will happen to me (Arge)
No matter the oue, I dont want my acquaintance get hurt.
There is no guarantee that what Im going to do will go well.I hope it will be useful anyway.
Seeing me prepare to battle, Elsee-san asked.
You still have some tricks that you havent use yet? (Elsee)
I do not know if it is Win or Lose (꤫ϥ졢Wˤ֤ޤɤ) (Arge) (TN: Arge mean like when catch a coin dont know it was head or tail)
I take out the katana from the blood bag.
I got it from Oswald-kun, a Minotaur that I met in the forest at the rear of the Kingdom country.
Magic Artifact, it is called a special tool that exerts its power by contracted with the owner. But its effect is still unknown.Because I stillhavent made a contract with it.
*Sha rin*, The sound when I draw the katana out of sheath is a majestic tone.
Arge, that is... why do you have that Magic Artifact!? (Felnote)
I do not know what kind of ability it is, but ... unless I have some weapon, I wont be able to defeat her. (Arge)
Felnote-san seems to be really surprised.Maybe she knows about this sword.
I think I will ask, but regrettable that I dont have time.Lets finish the contract quickly.
I do not know how to sign a contract with Magic Artifact, but I can understand it somehow. I can understand what the katana in my hand is seeking just by holding it.
I will dedicate my magical power. (Arge)
I speak the word and send my magical power to the katana.
The katana in my hand glow like being delight and a lof of images appear in my head.
... Is this the katana memory?
In my mind, someones memories came in.
Its not vivid, its only some fragment one.
A lot people cover in blood, someone else is smiling in that scene.And theres anger (mes) that evaporates even tears. Two sister des (katanas de without handle) were born and dropped on the blood pool.
...Dream of Water Lily (Arge)
At the moment I called a name that came into my mind, I felt that we (Arge and Katana) were connected perfectly.
Now, this katana, Dream of Water Lily has be mine.
The contract waspleted.
It is ironic, isnt it? (Arge)
I mutter, knowing the reason why this katana was create.
People who created this katana to eliminate things like me, demon.
The smith swing his hammer with a curse, temple the des by anger, with the hatred for demons.
He asked for revenge, so that he could kill what robbed his family, his tear are burned dry with his burning heart of hatred. The heart of suffering after the lost of a dear person.
Of the two katanas that are made up, one is now in my hand. The other one is in the hands of the vampire that the smith want to kill.
But the tools are just tools. (Arge)
Even if the smith who made this did not intend, he cant overwrite the contract of the katana in that vampire hand. The vampire he want to revenge was now using his katana.
As if the katana itself taught me, I can understand the abilityDream of Water Lily.
Fortunately, this ability would be enough topete against Elsee-san.
Because this is a de make by someone who never sleep again eversince, to cut illusions, shapeless things.
Here Ie (Arge)
My physical condition is back now. And I also get the benefits of magic pattern under my feet. I elerate and run at full speed.
What ...!!? (Elsee)
I think it will be hurt a little. (Arge)
My attack isnt to take her life. My attack isnt aim at vital position, it aims at her arm, enough to disable her.
Atomization ...! (Elsee)
It seemed that she thought that theres no other choice but to make an urgent evasion, and Elsee-san changed her body to fog.
Im looking at the golden colour fog, when I atomized it thought that it was silver colour fog different from her, well whatever. I sh the katana though the golden fog, it leave an after-glow trace. (like Rurouni Kenshin, see trantor corner)
Nn...!? (Elsee)
A scream that doesnt be voice, and Elsee-san materialize her human form.
The ck dress that she emerged was clean cut, and her pure white skin beneath it was exposed to the moonlight.
She doesnt change back. It was the attack make her materialized at the moment when she was cut.As expected this katana is sharp.
Get a surprised injured, she look at me with her crimson as shes muttering in a strange manner.
You ... hurt ... my ... atomized body ...! (Elsee)
Because this katana is a Magic Artifact with abilityDream of Water Lily. It is possible to sh things without shape (Arge)
A de that can cut any intangible thing.That is aDream of Water Lily ability.
I can cut fire, wind, curse, fog and even light.I only need to provide magical power for this katana, but it isnt a big deal because I have tremendous magical power.
A de that can cut any un-touch-able thing or any un-reach-able thing, with an eternal sleep.
Like an endless slumber, a water lily floating in a dream.
... But I feel that it is different from sleeping. Sleep is the most enjoy-able thing not a killing tools. That was my opinion though.
The smith probably saw his dream on this de.If he want to name it so, thats fine. Hold a katana with un-suit-able name (in Arge opinion) and point it toward Elsee-san.
You should back out while you still can, because this is a bad weapon for us Vampires. (Arge)
Nn ... (Elsee)
A silver hair vampire girl with maid dress pointing a katana to a blond hair vampire girl with torn ck night dress under a scarlet moon in an distored scenery. From the outside, it look like a fantasy picture. (TN @ Artist: I demand this picture)
While Im thinking about such a trivial thing, after a while, Elsee-san moved.
She dropped her shoulders and was out of power.
As expected, I cant handle it anymore. (Elsee)
... Did you give up? (Arge)
To be honest it was surprising.
Because I thought that she was a persistent person, to think she world say that she will withdraw so easily.
Elsee-san is smiling at me when Im still thinking.It is not a wicked smile like a before, but somewhat satisfying and charming.
Just change the date, the sun wille out soon, then my time is over (Elsee)
... please say again (Itte kudasai) (Arge)
Arge! she mean she will escape!? (Felnote)
Yes, perhaps, as an insurance for that, I should have taken hostages (Elsee)
Hostage ... Residents of Russia!? (Arge)
Hehe, as expected you understand me well, my bride. You know, I will not take hostage to make you surrender, but I use hostage to make you cant withdraw! (Elsee)
Elsee-san turns, turning her torn dress. She break the sparkling Crimson Gems, and it create fog.
There are people who lost consciousness that appear after the fog fade away.It is the inhabitants of this vige.
Their curse hasnt solved yet, hand them to you like that is cruel, isnt it? (ޤ⤤Ͻ⤤Ƥʤ˽֤ȡҤɤ裿) (Elsee)
There is no guarantee to solve ? (Arge)
Fu fu, you can if you do it properly, good luck... It was a good fight(Elsee)
Do you think that we trust such words? (Felnote)
Please wait, Felnote-san ... Is it true, Elsee-san? (Arge)
Yes, of course. Im quite annoyance because I cant get you, however, your resistance was very wonderful ... I wanted you more and more, Argento.Next time I will give you more honorable hospitality, lets y again! (Elsee)
Without giving us a chance to talk, after saying all that as a preliminary announcement, she changed the body to a small bat like a deformed figure, simr to her hair ornament, and flies through the night sky.
... she really ran away, was it good? (Felnote)
Perhaps, I think I will overlook this time (Arge)
I think what she said was true, because if she want, she can use hostages to make us surrender instead of hand them back to us. And she really keep her word, because I didnt withdraw so she dont harm the hostages, it would be fine to overlook her this time.Although I dont think I owe her anything.
Huh ... (Arge)
The crisis has passed.While thinking so, my body is giving out out at once.
I feel a soft feeling, support me who is about to fall down from behind.
Arge, are you Okay? (Felnote)
Felnote-san ... Sorry, but please ... (Arge)
Yeah, what do you need? (Felnote)
My friend, Kuzuha-chan ... (Arge)
Friend ... Ah, that fox ears child, she is with Zeno, she is fine. (Felnote)
Then, thats good ... Im d ... thank you very much, cushi(on) ... Felnote-san... (S,desu ka... yokatta... n ... arigatgozaimasu, kussho... ferunto,-san...) (Arge)
Wait a moment, what did you call me just now!? (Felnote)
Dangerous.I felt that the feeling on the back of my head was too muchfortable, so I almost spoke cushion.
Because I dont have any power left, I lean my body back, things of unbelievable mass wrap my head.Oh, this is a really nice pillow ...
Arge!? Hey, Arge!? (Felnote)
... Fu~nyan ... (Arge)
Do not sleep with peoples chest as a pillow !? Uhm, but Arge is smell good ... not! ... Wake up!? (Felnote)
I hear a protest like a scream, but since fatigue has alreadye to its limit, please excuse me for ignore it.
Like a water lily, I was invited by fluffy drowsiness.
I rx my mind, and I will have my dream. (basically, Arge mean she will get her nap but she want to use the name of magic artifact Dream of Water Lily)
Trantor corner
Chapter 89
Chapter 89: A merchant and a fox lolita
Zeno POV
... are you alright? (Zeno)
I called out, facing behind.
A beastkin girl with fox ears.The clothes she wear are somewhat simr to shrine maiden clothing but there are more exposures than the original one. It is a familiar costume as a republican.
She saw me and gave me an okay signal. Her small cute mouth start speaking.
Yeah, Zeno-san ... Thank you very much, Im okay. (Kuzuha)
It was good that we seemed to be in time. (Zeno)
... I wonder whats going on in this vige.
After we return to themercial guild earlier than nned, we learned that Arge-san came to this vige, we are in a hurry chasing her to Rencia.
When we came, the usual peaceful Rencia is looking like a monster nest, and right now she was fighting, Kuzuha.
We felt the situation was dangerous. So leaving the searching for Arge-san to Felnote-san, and I will help her (Kuzuha).
I managed to prevent it (your breath), you really dont like it do you ([email protected]) (Zeno, stop talking to monter, you waste me 15 minutes to firgure this out, I think it weird that you talking to Kuzuha or Felnote with this tone)
Just a short time ago, the breath of a paralysis poison released by a basilisk demon. If we inhales that, it will stop our movement.That would be fatal. Somehow I blew it off with wind magic, but the situation is very bad.
Gishiii~i...! (Monter scream)
The face of the basilisk gives an annoying groaning voice. whenever something prevented its breathing, it will make a face like that because it doesnt like that.
I have never seen this irritation in any monsters.
If you look only at the face, it is a basilisk, a lizard-type demon that lives in the desert region, but the body resembles a wolf-based demon in the forest area and its tail was smooth like an octopus with a sucker attached.
A figure that is too unbnced, like cutting (Ctrl+X) and pasting (Ctrl+V) many different monsters.
There are countless creatures that may be called monsters, not just one or two animals.
Ive already killed some of them, but there are still a lot of them.To be honest, I am short of hands (ways to attack).
No matter how many I defeat, they just keeping, ... ku~ ... get out of my way, I need to help Arge-san ...! (Kuzuha)
Dont worry, Felnote-san will do it (Zeno)
Ku ... its useless, there are too many of them! Thank you for helping me but please run away already! (Kuzuha)
Kuzuha doesnt seems to be hurt, she must be strong to battle with this many monters but she seems tired (T.N: low magical power, low MP for short). And Also when I heard the name Arge-san, if this girl is a acquaintance of that Arge-san, theres no way I gonna leave her alone.
It would be dangerous for you to use anymore magical power. Leave it to me. (Zeno)
... However, isnt this situation bad?
Even if it says that, I dont have any strong skills, after all I am a merchant. Un-like Felnote-san and Arge-san, Im not strong enough to fight.
The surrounding demons temporarily retreated because they disliked the paralysis poison, but it will be a matter of time before they attack again.
There is no other choice, I must do it now. (Zeno)
... What are you nning to do? (Kuzuha)
Uhm ... Im trying to get through like a merchant (Zeno)
Because no matter how you look at me, Im weak, even I said leave it to me. Of course,Kuzuha-chan will doubt me.
Even if I says to survive like a merchant, non-merchant people will not understand. All of our opponents are demons, they arent interested in money.
Still, I took out money from my bosom.
The coins rub against each other, and make sounds that are earful for us (merchant).
Wait ... What are you n to do with that money, they are demons !? (Kuzuha)
They arent opponents to use, arent they? (Zeno)
It is faster to do it than to exin. When we do this trick, we needrge amount of coins.
Gold, silver, copper. I throwthree kinds of coins all at once into the sky.
You are the brightness of our life. Be a glowing light. I purchase you (Zeno)
Common world currency with the name Cyril.There are certain reasons why this currency is used in all countries.
Thats because of the highly advanced anti-counterfeiting that was put in every Cyril coin.
If you give it even a little magical power, it will blink faintly.Because of such magic, this coin is used in every country.
Just shining, it is a special glow.It is a veryplicated magic that light quantity and color change in a certain time, and no-one can fake this method.
In other words, It was something like Magic Artifact.
And the Cyril coins ability isnt anti-counterfeit. The Cyril coin is an excellent magical reservoir that is not suitable for its small size.
And only merchant skill that can draws out the magical power put in the Cyril coins.
Naturally, the coin with which the magical power is drawn out bes a simple metal and loses its value as an asset.It is only when we are in a live or death situataion that we have to use this magic.
When Arge-san helped mest time, I didnt have time to use this, but this time it is different.
The magic is glowing intense light in the sky around gather arround us.
Magical power from the coins is enormous, it is also difficult to control. Even so that magical power can be bought with money.
I gather the magical power pulled out from Cyril.
Gold is the life of merchant, even so It cantpare with human life. Therefor I will use its protect this childs life ... O The wind of turning
And the magical power brought the destruction to all the enemies in the surroundings.
Demons that look like random cut and pasted of many demons.
The wind even detroy the scenery aroound us.
After passing away, we are the only ones left.
... Sign, that was my revenue. (Zeno)
I murmured, looking at the coins that lost their magical power and fell to the ground.
I used most of the profits I gained in Sakuranomiya, but it cant be helped.Lets think that it is a necessary expenses. (T.N: poor Zeno, in many senses)
Well then lets go, Arge-san is also my acquaintance (Zeno)
... you, you are the one Arge-san was looking for...?
Yeah, apparently it seems like that
Someday I will return your favor Arge-san said that to me when we broke up. (or when west met) (T.N: I dont know if I can use broke up here, they are not couple just travel together)
Attually, Im fine with that, Arge-san dont need to do anything. And then, I reached out to Kuzuha-chan.
...That is...?
Suddenly, there is something in the corner of my sight. As Im looking up, I saw something like a ck shadow flying away in the sky, lightly lit in the moon.
A bird ... No, a bat?
Zeno-san, whats wrong?
Oh no, its nothing
Although I concern, right now our first priority is meet up with Felnote-san and Arge-san.
I grabbed Kuzuha-chans hand and lead her to the carriage (Zeno n to let Kuzuha rest first).
Trantor Corner:
My bad,st time I read from google trante, I mistake Kuzuha is over power that she can perfect solo the demons army. But she only isnt get injure yet, she already tired (run out of MP). Felnote and Kazuha is still bad-ass but they dont have cheat power like Arge, theybat with willpower and tactic.
Im really suprised with this chapter, I thought Zeno was relly weak, turn out, he isnt that bad. Last time I skimp though Google Trante, I misunderstand alot.
Chapter 90
Chapter 90: A great man is troublesome
Akisames POV:
Far away, I was watching a bat flying to the moon, using a telescope.
A oni girl who is watching the same thing as myself with the naked eye sight, not with a telescope, she talks to me uneasy.
Akisame-sama, are you think it okay about that Vampire Princess? (Habotan) (meaning: Arges group already defeat that moving disaster for you)
Well, well, why not? (Akisame)
... arent you take it lightly? (Habotan)
Well, it will be a confusing story if we go out ... (Akisame)
Kingdoms knight, travelers, and peddler.In other words four outsiders saved thend of the republic.
It would be better to leave it alone than go out now and to say something.
... Especially for the peddler, it will be troubled because thing can be pushed back to me.
As I saw it, he used merchant magic.That probably scattered enough coins to buy a small house.
Commercial guild peddlers who must make a pledge not to belong to any country, and they prioritize the profit.Because they arepletely neutral, they are allowed toe and go to any country.
They are forbidden to invole in country affair (like spy and destruction activities to other countries) and they are also important existences and subtle existences that difficult for any country to opposite.
They make goods and money cirction, even the nation would hesitate to cause trouble for them.
Regardless of the reason, hes using the magic to help our country just now, talking to him right now mean a lot of trouble and work.
I was just looking at the situation, I thought it would be okay to let people clean up without putting out my hands. There shouldnt be problem with that.
However, it seems my excellent Oni wa banshu is somewhat frustrated.
If you ask, in the name of Oni wa banshu, we will dly fight for your sake even to death
Well, I want to keep our strength.
Our strength ... what do you need it for?
Nothing at the moment ... just precaution ... I worry about the movement of the empire.
The empire ... certainly, their recent movements are strange
Yeah, the empire doesnt have any move yet. They dont attack the kingdom, but they keep the state of war ... I think that there is something happen in there.
... No matter how much military power of the empire is, I think that they never win a war against the Republic and the Kingdom
I dont think so, if the empire is only as we know...
Yes.If it is the empire that I know, I dont see the situation to that extent.I dont think they can have a chance to win against two major powers.
But the empire that I knew in the past isnt supposed to have a tedious war like the information we gathered recently.
Several years ago, we had gathered the info of the kingdom and the empires war with the Oni wa Banshuswork.Obviously, the empire is behaved strange in recent years.
It looks like theyre waiting an opportunity make an eerie move.
Even if they dont start war with us yet, but when the kingdom is destroyed, it is no wonder that the empire will aim at the Republic next.
...I also consider to lend a hand to the kingdom.
But it depends on what three leader other than me in Yotsuba council. We still consider what side to take. There is royalty over there but that is not absolute reign. AndIt seems that the lord of each ce is quite favor to ally with the Kingdom.
Well, theres no harm in prepare, Habotan. Whatever may happen ...we will protect our country and its citizen
Yes, all member of Oni wa Banshu will obey you. Our life is your.
Well, it really helps. Please continue collecting information.
After showing her intention of submission, Habotan disappear in the darkness.
As usual, it is an amazing concealment ability that doesnt suit her size.
Well, I guess I should go back ... Really, thiss a troublesome world
Although this is a role that has been handed down from generation to generation, maintaining the country is quite difficult.
I only hope to spend my days in peace, but it doesnt work.
The world is always moving, and we must move along with it.
I dont think myself as a wise man, but I will do what I can do.
Because I have patriotism and something I want to protect.
I determined the future policy within myself, and I left this ce.
Chapter 90.5
Chapter 90.5 Character introduction: Argento, Zeno, Elsee
ED: Lowe
Name: Argento Vampear
Race: Vampire
Body ability: Super Agility
Blood sucking 3
Atomization 10
Bat form 10
Shadowing 10
Blood contract 10
Blood Reading 10
Blood Arms 10
Blood Bag 10
Language trantion 10
Language decipherment 10
Smell enhancement 1
Visual enhancement 1
Magical power enhancement 10
Recovery magic 10
Wind magic 1
Dark Magic 1
Fire attribute tolerance 10
Water attribute tolerance 10
Abnormal status tolerance 10
Dark attribute tolerance 10
Sunshine resistance 10
Poison resistance 10
Curse resistance 10
Magic resistance 10
Contracted Magic Artifact:
Dream of Water Lily
One word I do not want to work ...
Details: A beautiful vampire girl who got reincarnation from another world. She has long silver hair.
In her former life, she is a man.The name before reincarnation is Kuon Ginji.
She is traveling to look for a person willing to feed her three meal and let her take a nap whenever she want.
Made a contract with Magic ArtifactDream of Water Lily, It is a katana type and has the effect of cutting what cant be touched.
It is possible to cut water and wind, as well as magical power and even the terrain.
She is reincarnated in a different world and for the first time, she got friends. She also got a stalker.
Until the day, she can find someone who willing to feed her, she will continue to search.
Vampire Arges Comment So, how am I suppose toment about myself, Author ?
Name: Zeno Kotobuki
Race: Human
Body Ability: Magical Power
Style magic 3
Fire magic 2
Merchant Magic 5
Memory technique 2
Shorthand 3
Tool appraisal 5
One word: Oh, Im Zeno Kotobuki a merchant. Would you like to talk for a moment?
Details A peddler from the Republic.
He is a human when Arge save his life, he taken care of her and travel with her to Arlesha.
I feel a little bit mozzly, but he is a nice person.
He was looking for Arge with Felnote and they travel together from Kingdom to Republic.
Peddlers are those belonging tomercial guilds, they are permitted to enter and exit any country because they dont belong to any country.
Although there is no problem if they sell weapons to the country, but they are forbidden to be directly involved in countrys affair such as spy activity or destruction work.
In a sense they belong to one state mercial guild.
Therefore, although Zeno is born as a republican, he is almost never treated as a Republican (just like traveler) [ED:its more like he is treated like that cause he is a merchant its thew that merchant dont belongs to any country so they have to be neutral]
Memory technique is a skill to keep remember things in your memory. For example if you see a word once, it can help you remember precisely how to write that word even you dont know thatnguage. If your level is high enough, you can even use it to remember a whole ancient text, or a content of book that you see once.
However, his skill level is not high, he can only memorize a few things. He is mainly used it during negotiations.
Shorthand is a skill that can write letters at high-speed.If it reach a high level, you can write non-text, such as image, in other word you can draw anything at high-speed. Combine with high memory technique you can draw picture you had seen once with high speed. But with his level, he can only write letters.
Merchant magic is a special magic transmitted tomercial guild, they can use it to extract magic power from Cyril coin. Cyril coin have a lot of magic power so when use them merchants temporarily get enormous magical powers, but as a result Cyril coins will be just metal and lose it value.Literally, its a magical power of money skills. ([email protected]: can I use money here ? it seems like a modern word, should I change to gold coins instead ?)
Because of this, it is almost impossible for peddlers to use merchant magic. No merchant want to throw away a lot of money.
Vampire Arges Comment Hes a bitMuttsuribut hes a nice person, and I dont think he want to feed me. I have no ideal what Muttsuri mean, I only know a (Muttsuri + ni)
Name: Elsee
Race: Vampire
Physical Ability: Specialization of Race Characteristics
Bloodcraft 5
Blood cage 6
Blood Bag 4
Blood Reading 3
Blood contract 4
Blood sucking 7
Atomization 4
Bat form 5
Shadowing 4
Dark Magic 6
Magical power enhancement 4
Visual enhancement 3
Auditory enhancement 2
Darkness tolerance 5
Curse resistance 7
One word Now, lets enjoy and have fun, shant we?
Details: Criminal vampire was wanted all over the world.Felnote says, If I defeat her, I will not have to worry about feeding Arge for the rest of our life.
She is a young girl with golden twin tails, bat hair ornaments and her appearance are cute, but in reality she already lived for hundred years.
Personality is the type that only want to enjoy, only care about herself ... She has power but she also a clever one who n things ahead and get advantage. Just to be careful, she is the type that you dont want involve.
She like girls, she dislike men.
Although Bloodcraft resembles Blood Arms, It can only make simple tools.
Blood Cage is a rare skill that can hold living things.However, it can not be stored without the consent of the target.
She can make her own monster by partially recing the body of a demon or brainwashing using dark magic and contract skills.
I love Arge and chasing after.
Vampire Princess, she is known as one of three dangerous and unreasonable vampires.
She is good at using magic power and she often aim at her opponents weakness.
Her blood sucking skills gives pleasure, pain and heat to the partner. At level 7, she must suck a lot more blood than usual vampire but thats also make her stronger.
In the case of Elsee, her love for the same-sex is strong, so shes only giving pleasure and heat to the one she suck blood.
Because she doesnt like men, she seems to give considerable pain to the opponent when sucking blood. However since the person herself doesnt want to suck the blood of the man, the fact is unknown.
Vampire Argesment: ... that way, If I was bitten again ... Ah, nothing ... That, that person is be troublesome, isnt she?
(Anomama, mata kama re tetara...... a, nan demonai,desu...... sono, mendkusa-sna hitodesu yo ne)
As you can see, there are three Over Hundred years old Vampires but they are at best only level 7.
Felnote is only level 6 but she was a famous holy knight in this word.
Thats why Chrome has 3 level 8 skills when she is youngest of all make she is a genius. Too bad both wind, speed, curse is Arges pro.
Next chapter, we will begin with Volume 4, many new char.
Chapter 91
[Next]Baka Novel Update Bot.
Whenever Elsee chapter that have Vampire princess word. It did that again.
ED: This chappy is quite hort huh
Chapter 91: As a Vampire Princess, I will not give up
ED: Lowe
Aa, I got injured, its totally my lost. (Elsee)
While treating my own injures, Im thinking about the result.
Loss of the body and magical power isnt a big deal.Rather, my body has no wounds. The serious damage I received was my self-made monsters made by collecting materials in various ces.
Everything was rtively reasonable, and they were useful because those children always listen to what I say, but I lost all of them in this battle.
I wonder if I should be satisfied because youre still here with me, Bandersnatch
When I call his name, Bandersnatch shakes the two heads like a dog in happy.Hehe, you are a pretty cute child.
I amforted stroking his fluffy fur, and I sit on Bandersnatch.
The sun will rise soon, so we will need to rest in the appropriate shade.
Hehehe, I enjoyed myself
I touch my torn clothes.I destroyed my favorite dress and still couldnt get what I wanted, but we meet each other and I even suck her blood.
Of course, I want her to be mine forever, but unexpected events ovepped, so it cant be helped.
Unexpected strength, unexpected relief, unexpected hidden weapon.And...
Were they unexpectedly grown up?
Maybe she is too innocent, she might have been too careless.
With such unexpected events ovep, I couldnt eat herpletely. Thats a pity.But that was also interesting.
Innocent girls are also nice, but girls who have realized their charm are also very nice.
Licking the edge of my lips, I can still feel the sweetness of her blood remain.
Even just licking a little bit, the taste of dense magical powers fills my mouth more than anything I felt before.I became want to own her more and more.
Argento Vampear.I will get that silver vampire.
Even when facing my unreasonable wish, she is really beautiful when she tried to resist
This world is covered with unreasonable things.
No matter how much and how hard you try, despite what you want, there are times when your wish doesnte true.And the weaklings are crushed unreasonably.
Its horrible and unreasonable but that was thew of nature, the strongs will dominate the weaks.
If the weaks want to survive they must gain strength to resist the strongs.
If their strength isnt enough they must prepare a tactic to gain advantage.
... I, too, at that time ... No, no, Im fine. (T.N: Elsees past that even attest chapter still not reveal) [EDN: from this we can specte that she used to be weak]
It is alsomon that the past will not return.
I swallowed the meaningless thing I just remembered, and I entrusted my body to Bandersnatch.
Waving his heads and tails happily, Bandersnatch started running.
The fresh and cold night breeze had be a little warm, made me realize the harbinger of the annoying warm morning.
First, lets restore my magical power, change clothes ... and then we will prepare again.
The more I hope to resume soon, the less confident I have in my power.
In order to be perfect, it is necessary to make appropriate efforts and preparations.
And that troublesome Magic Artifact, now its even more more difficult to win against her.
As I put my hands on my mouth, the shape of my wet lips was a smile.
... Im smiling, Im ...
Notughing, Im just smiling. How strange, Im happy?
Being satisfied with that fact, I buried myself in the fur of Bandersnatch.
I will sleep a bit. Bandersnatch, please continue to hide in the shade.
Sleep is good for recovering magical power.
Lets take a nap as I cant move while the sun is out.
I close my eyes while feeling the smell of the beast and the shallow tremor.
Because Im really tired, I went into sleep without having a dream.
Chapter 92
Chapter 91: Like a flowing dream
Umm...... (Arge/Ginji)
I opened my eyes and got tickled.
The reason is simple.It is because my long ck hair hangs on my nose.
... Ryuko-chan? (Arge/Ginji)
Yes, good morning. Kuon Ginji-san
When I call the name of a girl in front of me, she reply with the smile that I can see and the voice that I can heard.
... Is it a dream again?
It is not Argento Vanpear but a memory as Kuon Ginji.I am experiencing it again as a dream.
The girl wear maid outfit that take care of me in my past life, Mizushiro Ryuko-chan.
The time is a few days after Kuon family decided Im dont have the talent to be human or to live and I was imprison here as dead. Kuon family dont need such people and they will be keep in here for the rest of their life.
She has a straight long ck haired. Real age is 20 years old but she look more like a young child than a teens girl. (Legal Loli)
I should call her as Ryuko-san, but the person herself look even younger than a child like me.
Looking at me who just wake up, Ryuko-san smiled.
I always think, you are sleep a lot, arent you, Ginji-san?
Theres nothing to do since I entered here, so I keep sleeping almost all the time. (Arge/Ginji)
... Certainly, there are few entertainment here, do you want me to bring the board game next time.
No, until then (Arge/Ginji)
Fu fu, is that so? I will get it for you ..., since its time for meal, please get up.
Thank you (Arge/Ginji)
Right now Im watching the conversation which has be past.
I already knew what she will say and my reply.
... Why do I keep dreaming of the old times?
Since I reincarnation in the different world, I have seen past as dreams many times.
As if to say that theres a meaning to trace memory, again and again, many times.
I get off the bed automatically just like I remember in my memory and advance to the table.I only can only watch.
The meal today, I handmade it by myself
As a matter of fact, I will not be able to do this so I really apprecia it (Arge/Ginji)
Ha~, is that so?
Tanako is smiling and urges me with Here you go!
Today is japanese dishes such as grilled salmon, rice balls and miso soup were lined up on the table.
To be honest, Im really appreciated that meals wille out even if I stay silent, so I decided to obediently receive it.
Im taking a seat on the other side and starting to eat, Ryuko-chan is also sat down face to face with me. She often sit down and have meal together, for some reason.
Is it tasty?
Yes, very (Arge/Ginji)
Fu fu, your girlly face doesnt change, so I dont know until you said it.
Wa, this is really delicious (Arge/Ginji)
You dont change your facial expressions at all, I only hear your pleased voice! I will not be able to judge whether it is true!
I see. Understood (Arge/Ginji)
If you want to express your happiness, please make sure your face smiled properly
Whileining about it, she seemed to be enjoying somewhat, and she begin to move her chopsticks.
I can make meal myself, but it is true that I really appreciate someone made meal for me. If meal is delicious, I will love that even more.
Life with a three meal and nap whenever I want ... this life is sofortably, isnt it? (Arge/Ginji)
Perhaps, I think thats only you say thing like that.
Is that so? (Arge/Ginji)
... There are several other rooms besides here, but only you can remain alive and sane.
Oh, look like therere other people beside me.
The Kuon family that I was born is a greatest family, you can say that all of the world is in their hands.
That is why the family is always asked for perfection, and who arent perfect will be imprisoned with failure branded.I am one of them.
People who brought to this kind of room before me probably couldnt bear. They couldnt bear the treatment and either be insane or chose death.
I do not understand that feeling.It is because it seems natural for things to be thrown away.
Throw away what you no longer need.That is what anyone is doing.
So why do not you think about the possibility of yourself being so?
Im watching it in my dream of that time, even now, after reincarnated as Argento Vampear, I still dont understand that.
The family didnt need it and we were thrown away ... is it so difficult just to ept it? (Arge/Ginji)
I think that it is impossible because it is difficult ... Thats why there is this room.
This room ...? (Arge/Ginji)
... It is supposed to be isted from the outside world and not to need it ... No matter how good this ce is, It is a ce to destroy the human heart of unnecessary Kuons member
I can understand the meaning of the word she said.Because this room is too beautiful.
When I came here, not only furnishings, but also walls, ceilings, and corners of the floor were like new items.
Yet the walls and stairs beyond iron grid are old, only the room is the new.
It gets useless every time it is used, it seems to be rebuild as new everytime, a strange atmosphere.
And Ryuko-chan keeps on speaking.
We have order to take care of anyonee here with best treatment, even so people still cant ept it, it wont take long before theyre broken ... until you appear.
... Had Ryuko-chan seen it several times? (Arge/Ginji)
... Yeah
Her expression is fluctuating, Ryuko-chan put off the chopsticks.
It was as if she lost the feeling of eating, the dream me is still moved the chopsticks.
I seemed to remember the taste neatly and unexpectedly, to the extent that I thought as nostalgic, I also felt the taste of meal.
... There are lots of servants who are afraid of you, so thats why they are used to people like me
... that, did you mind talking to me? (or Am I bother when talking to you => should I stop talking to you) (Arge/Ginji)
It will be no good, but Ginji-san dont have to do anything and they arent monitored here either.
Ryuko-chan smiles with a relieved smile like she gave up.
I didnt know how tough at that time.Even now, I am not sure what I should do in that situation, to be honest.
Still, the dream is smiling, it seemed force, I wonder if im doing bad.
The Ginji-san is a strange person
Is that so? (Arge/Ginji)
Yes, very ... So ... I dont want you try to get out of here, I want you to be alive. To keep seeing someone het broken ... I got tired.
Wishing words like praying.
What did I answer?I know that. I stillremember.
However, before I speak that word in my dreams, my consciousness came.
... I am okay, I said so.
Although It was inevitable while I was asleep, I could not keep the words I said.
I had not lived long enough, and died.
I will awake from my dream, even as a small needle sticks in my heart.
Someone is calling out to me with a name.
Which name is called, which one? (Arge still half-sleep)
Chapter 93
TN: Before you read thest part this chapter, I must say beforehand please calm down, guys
Chapter 93: From now on
...Umm (Arge)
I felt like someone was called my name, and I regain my consciousness.
Arge ... did you wake up? (Felnote)
In a familiar voice, call my name.
I could not smell somewhere like a sunny gentle smell, but I was relieved that it was strange.
If you open your eyes, that persons face ... not, therere two huge heavy items.
Op(pai) ... Felnote-san. Good morning (Arge)
Wait, just now you have said something strange (Felnote)
I think that it is due to mind (Arge)
Since the scenery which opened my eyes and jumped suddenly was the scenery, it seems like there is no point to make a mistake in saying that. Just because Felnote-san apparently had a sullen voice, I deny.
...Lap pillow, isnt it?
The soft andfore feeling in the back of my head isnt hard like ground.
There is also warmth of body temperature, so theres no doubt that this isp pillow.
Felnote-san sighs after a while.I cant see her face, but it is a grand sigh that I knows she has given up her pursuit.
... Well, forget it, I dont mind (Felnote)
Thank you. By the way, where is this? (Arge)
Its a little away from Rencia. Its troublesome to stay in those house, so I move you to this ce (Felnote)
Oh, I see (Arge)
Looking at the area around me, I could confirm that the sun is rising.It is about between morning and noon.
About that, Arge, isnt there any ce feel strange? like injuries, curses, ... I know you can cure it but you faint before you can use it and sleep all the time. (Felnote)
Yes, I think Im okay. (Arge)
Really, did that vampire do anything strange to your body? (Felnote)
Nn ...! (Arge)
I react unconsciously to the words she said, and I try to get up.
As a result, I could not get up.
There are two huge obstacles before my eyes when I try to get up...
Kya~ (Arge)
U~gu (Felnote)
Naturally, Im hit.
Unlike Satsuki-san when I collide, its soft, individual seem unexpected difference ...
Sorry, Felnote-san (Arge)
As expected it is awkward so I apologize once again.
Felnote stands up after lightly fixing her clothes. She doesnt seem angry, but she lowered her eyebrows like she feel uneasy.
Arge-san, are you okay? If there is something, you should use your own recovery magic, you are a girl, you shouldnt leave scars and curses on your body (Felnote)
U ... Yes (Arge)
Felnote-san seems to be worried, but I feel that this is not a curse or a scratch.
My skin was exposed and Elsee touched, licked all over my body, and she even sucked blood. And the embarrassed feeling when Felnote-san looked at my body.
... Im alright, so... (Arge)
The fact that it was pointed out by those who looked at my body make my cheeks getting hotter. It is enough to understand that my skin is dyed in vermilion with the fever.Because my skin is fairly white, it is very conspicuous and unbearable.
While diverting my line of sight to escape embarrassment, it was hard to say any words. (to change topic)
... I see ... if youre alright ... then thats fine... (Felnote)
Felnote-san words are unclear.Perhaps, they are for distracted.
I am sorry, though she only ask about it because she worries, but I dont feel like talking about it.
In order to change the topic, shake off embarrassment and I ask her a question.
Well, Felnote-san. Why are you in the Republic? (Arge)
... (Felnote)
Ano ... Felnote-san? (Arge)
A... what .... Arge!? (Felnote)
Her mind seems like on cloud nine just now, Felnote-san reply to me in hurry.
The reason is unknown, but it seems that she did not listen to my word to judge from the situation.
Are you okay? (Arge)
Well, yeah ... Im fine, its been a long time so I dont have any resist, the destructive force is strong (with you)! (Felnote) (Ɖߤ: Hakai-ryoku ga takakute: High destructive force)
Destructive force ...? (Arge)
Its nothing, so Arge ... well, uhm, what do you ask? (Felnote)
Oh, yes, why are you in Republic? (Arge)
Well, Im worried about so I decided toe looking for you (Felnote)
Do you ...? (Arge)
Yeah ... you are suddenly disappeared ... how can you think that Im not worried about you? (Felnote)
Her tone seems like ming me, but her face is relieved somehow.
It was doubtful thing that I get when looking at Felnote-san.
... so much for that, why bother?
Certainly, although there were reasons, I went away without saying goodbye to her.
She is worried, I also think it can be helped if she get angry.But its just that, it feels a bit overkill toe out of the country chasing after me.
Nevertheless, I didnt tell her where I would go, so I wouldnt know whether we will meet again.
I am sorry, Felnote-san (Arge)
In any case, there is no doubt that the she was worried.I think that I should apologize properly, and I lower my head.
Theres a feeling that thin and soft throbs hair.By the time I realized that it was a finger, she was poking my forhead.
I did not think she was angry or anything. Her finger that poke me were gentle, and it seemed as if a sulking child.
Dont you know its rude to leave without a word, so please never ever do it again (Felnote)
...Yes, I understand (Arge)
You better remember it because next time I will not forgive you. Dont leave me without saying anything again, promised? (Felnote)
I understand, I promise ... wait, next time? (Arge)
Because I will stay together with you again (Felnote)
... Felnote-san, do you remember my purpose? (Arge)
I am traveling in this world because my purpose is searching for a person who willing to feed me with a three meal with allow me to sleep whenever I want.
Felnote-san was quite negative about that.But she still respect my wish.
She start to make a pround pose, as if to show her big breast.Perhaps she isnt n to do such things, but the scenery in front of my eyes is quite amazing due to our height difference. (Felnote is taller than Arge more than 1 head, if she want to see Felnotes face she must face up)
I Remembered, but thats about it. You probably will not have such a opportunity easy, so you will need to live a properly life until then. I will follow up and teach youmon sense! (Felnote) (T.N: well Felnote, you will need to feed her for life, OP protag always havemon sense as a breakfast)
...Uhm... (...Eto...) (Arge)
It seems that she is always thinking ahead.
While I couldnt understand the meaning, Felnote-san proudly said to me.
Arge is too unfamiliar with me, you dont want to get involved with strange things like ast night, right? (Felnote)
... It certainly is a problem. (Arge)
Last night, Elsee-san retreated but she herself said she wont give up.
She also said she has sevant monitoring me.If she has time to prepare, she wille again.
To be honest, I will be encouraged if Felnote-san is with me when that timee.
... And it seems that she will stille even I refuse her. Beside just now, I promised her that I wont leave without say anything.
Felnote-san is strong and there is nothing to worry about traveling together.
... I understand. (Arge)
Yes, my best regards, Arge (Felnote)
When I picked up her hand, thin fingers caught me gently.
Even we have a light handshake.In a sense, it can be said that it is a pinky swear promise. When we start walking, Felnote-san said.
Arge, did you have a job with Zeno? (Felnote)
Yes, I want to thank him for his help when Ie to Alesha before ... but at that time, I was in a situation that I dont have anything to return his favor. (Arge)
Yes, I have heard. Zeno said that there is something hed like you to help when I have finished talking to you. Since hes supposed to be at the other side of the carriage, shall we go? (Felnote)
When I look at the direction she is pointed, one carriage is there.
Its big enough to understand with a nce that it was designing to draw with more than one horse.And when I look closely, I found out one of the horses is...
... Neguseo was also there.
As we understand each others situation, so he came back after I finished the battle and exined to me that Kuzuha-chan is in there. Is she in such a ce?
When I meet the his unbelievable eyes, Neguseo sprouts, and sniffs. Its seem he worry about me, its good that were safe and above all, its a very tender atmosphere.
Shall I say something? While thinking so...
There is a hentai-san here !! (Hentai-san ga imasu wa !!) (Kuzuha)
A scream of an audible voice resounded.
Chapter 94
No way, I always thought a vani yuri incest is one of the most beautiful thing in the world. I didnt realize that I already fallen to the darkside of force.
Chapter 94: To return grace
I heard a scream and as I hurry entered the carriage, I saw a pretty terrible sight.
Specifically, Kuzuha-chan used her Bushiha-chan to hold down Zeno-kun.
No matter how I see, the foxes are more like the bad ones here. Kuzuha-chans eyes are obvious angry.
Whats wrong, Kuzuha-chan, did you do something to Zeno-kun? (Arge)
Zeno ... you ... even with such a smaill child? (Felnote)
I havent done anything! Why do even you doubt me, Felnote-san !? (Zeno)
Yes, he hasnt done anything, the problem is this! (Kuzuha
Saying that, Kuzuha-chan pointed her finger to a corner of the carriage.There is a person sitting on a wooden box.
She was wearing white clothes and her whole body was carefully wrapped with cloth inside and leader belt tie outside from head to toe. (imaging like you wrap girl with cloth and tie it with leather)
Everything, from hair and eyes to ears and limbs, everything is sealed with cloth and leather belt.Besides, there are chains stick to her wrist and ankle, and ites with iron balls.
Even I cant see her face but the swelling of the chest is emphasized, so I know that person who is sitting is a girl.
Fu a fu (???)
The detained girl raised such a voice.
Thenguage trantion skills didnt work well. Her mouth must be cover with cloth or something so she cant even speak. This is shibari isnt it?
... Uhm, is this Zeno-kuns hobby? (Arge)
Theres no way I have such hobby !? (Zeno)
Since he is a disagree with what I said, once heard it, he immediately denied it.
As expected I understand that it isnt Zeno-kuns hobby, but it is a bit too much to treat his customer this way.
Far from being treated as a customer, this maybe even worse than treated a beast.
Felnote-san, who is this? (Arge)
... We pick up that person for a while beforeing to Sakuranomiya, she was about to be sold as a ve. (Felnote)
It was obvious that Felnote-san was traveled with him. And thisperson will not be able to overlook such a thing.
Even if Zeno-kun dont want to, Felnote-san will take the initiative to help her.
... It is reasonable for Kuzuha-chan to get angry. (because she mistook)
Kuzuha-chan who is keeping her foxs ears standing as to tell her anger. When we first met, she was treated like a ve, Kuzuha-chan must harbor a hostile to people who selflish takes away others freedom. She was also really angry with Elsee-san.
If that Kuzuha-chan sees such a sight, it is natural for her to get angry.
Beside, this carriage belongs to Zeno-kun, the two of them are just met.Of course, she misunderstood.
Kuzuha-chan, this isnt what Zeno-kun doing, and I dont think his hobby is keep ve (Arge)
... Is that so? (Kuzuha)
I already said that from a while ago ... (Zeno)
When I told her, Kuzuha-chan finally withdrew Bushiha-chan.
Although she is a child, she has the power of a beastkin.Zeno-kun, who was just released is suffered as he coughing, he organize his breathing and then he introduce the person who was restrained again.
As Felnote-san said a while ago, this is the one we saved ... her restraint is done by a powerful curse and cant be removed. (Zeno)
... eh, so your request is for that person? (Arge)
Yes, because thest time you said you want to repay m. So Arge-san, If possible, I would like you to help remove this restraint so we can return her (Zeno)
... You want return her? (Arge)
To be strictly captured like this so she has to be a rare race, or have a strong power. Either she is rare race or has strong power, earn her favor will help me able to purchase in dangerous cester. (Zeno)
... Well, certainly (Arge)
I see, It seems like what a merchant would think. (He invest to future business)
Zeno-kun is a peddler but I dont know if he can get any profit betting on uncertain business like that. In any case, he already asked and I also dont want to see people get rob their freedom. (T.N: Arge would hate if anyone rob her freedom to eat and sleep)
Well, for now, I will remove her from the curses. (Arge)
First of all, unless I cure her, she can not talk.Judging that, I concentrated my consciousness. And gather magical powers within my bother to my palm as I speak.
Please,e off (Arge)
If I speak the proper words for activation, the magic power will do as I want.
Magics by spell are easy to seed, and arge amount of belts that wrapped her whole body start falling one after another.
As if a pupa of a butterfly took off its shell and spread the wing, her white cloak pped.Apparently she seems to have been wrapped around her cloak.
White clothing was embroidered in ck and gold everywhere, and it seemed quite luxurious.
The chain which was restraining her limbs was also fallen down with my magic. (T.N: if a lucky pervert harem protag use this magic, everything wille off inclu her clothers)
Oh (Arge)
As everything falls down to the floor. I can finally look at her whole body.
She has long straight blond hair. Her ear are pointed.
Because she suddenly saw light, her purple eyes are filling with tears.
A beautiful face. Her brown body is totally thin and has a delicate impression.
Dark Elf ... ! (Felnote)
Not a strong power race ... but rare race came out (Zeno)
Felnote-sans surprising voice and a strangely cool voice of Zeno-kun echoed in the carriage.
A brown girl, was called as dark elf, watched the surroundings when she was wiping her tears with her fingers.
From her appearance she look like an onee-san, but the look of her eyes are as if she was a little girl (shojo).
... where is this ce? (???)
The first thing she ask when in doubt like a matter of course.
What are you saying ...? (Kuzuha)
... Zeno. Did you understand? (Felnote)
No ... Elves and dark elves usenguages ??specific to an ancient race, so I dont know it .... (Zeno)
She seems to be using quite unusualnguage, because everyone are puzzled.
In such a case, mynguage trantion skills are convenient.Any word will trante the meaning, and my word will also give meaning to her.
This is a republic (Arge)
Republic ... Republic of Yotsuba, isnt it? (???)
Yes, and we arent hostile to you (Arge)
I know ... I understand that from the warm light of your magic before. (???)
Yes, my name is Argento Vampear. You can call me Arge, nice to meet you. (Arge)
Arge-sama, right? I am Richelle Arc Valeria, Id like you to call me Richelle. (Richelle) (ꥷꥪ`?륯?ꥢ: Risheriru Aruku vu~areria)
Her gesture when she bow was elegant, I could see how well she was brought up.
And as she keep lowering her head for a while, her thin hair are falling down like a gold thread. And when she finishes bowing she continued to introduce herself while looking at me.
Valeria family is the main family from the thirty six generations, we dominate the territory. Although we are small vige on the Devil Continent (ħ: Ma tairiku), in the name of the Valeria family, I will return your gratitude ~... (Richelle)
In middle of her speak, a big noise sounded.
Its the sound of Richelles stomach herself that ruined her dignified air and her dignified words.
Ah ... this is ... (Richelle)
... As I saw it, you could not eat meal for quite a while, so why dont you have breakfast with us in the meantime? Im hungry too. (Arge)
There is a time and effort to tell Zeno the words I heard. So I invite her.
Richelle-san is shy enough to turn brown skin into vermilion and her voice cant speak properly.
Well, Im so ... sorry ... please ... (Richelle)
It seems that she was pretty embarrassed but she did not deny it, so it seems she is quite hungry.
Zeno-kun is a peddler, so you should have enough ingredients, whether for sale or eating himself.
Some words that I do not know well, such as Devil Continents, havee out, and it would be better to organize information while eating meal.
Chapter 95
[Next]I try new format colour for name of speaker.
Please tell me if its hard to readpare to before or your prefer colour.
Chapter 95: Ladys meal
... It was a treat.(Richelle) (Gochissamadeshita)
Saying that, Richelle-san elegant bow downs hers head. She told us that she was from the family named Valeria, once again, I think that she was brought up good.
Her brown long ears is shaking lightly but clearly she is in a good mood, even so she has elegant gestures.
But, when I saw her like that, the surroundings were silent.
It is not the reason like we cant understand or speak hernguage.I am in trouble with this silent and cant find words to say.
Eventually, Zeno-kun begin to murmur.
Food for three days ...(Zeno)
Richelle-san has eaten arge amount of meal by herself.
At first, everyone were eating regrly.I was also hungry. And Kuzuha-chan who used a lot of her magical power said A good way to recover magical power is properly eat meals, she was eating more than usual.
In the meantime, Richelle-sans te quickly became empty, she said while looking at Zeno.
Uhm ... May I have a substitute ...?(Richelle)
Even he is quite suprised, Zeno-kun still brought the addition immediately.That was the beginning of the tragedy.
About the third helping, Zeno began giving a substitute with wry facial expression face.
In the fifth helping, Felnote-san puts down the chopsticks with I am full just by watching. (T.N: Felnote only eat her portion and she isnt even finished her portion when Richelle already eat fifth helping)
At the eighth helping, Kuzaha-san finished eating her portion and began to look interestingly at Richelle-san who is still eating. (T.N: Kuzuha is also only eat her portion and when she finished her portion, Richelle is still eating eighth helping)
It was beyond the tenth helping and it was stupid to keep count, so I decided to look briefly.
And now, finally the meal ends, the result damage seems to be Zeno-kun so-called food for three days.I wonder where that amount of food disappeared in her slin body.
... Well, it seems like you did not eat for a long time. (Kuzuha)
Well, thats right, she hasnt eaten anything for days, it can not be helped that she eat a lot! (Zeno)
Follow-up Kuzha-chansment, Zeno-kun nodded as he gave up.
However, we already took a meal, and we also got a break, so I could go on talking.
Its troublesome, but we better talk it out soon with my interpreter skills. Thinking so, I begin to speak.
So ... about what you said, what is the Devil Continent? (Arge)
Ah ... right now, we are in the Central Continent, there are severalnd areas across the sea around it, the Devil Continent is one of them, it called the paradise of Demi Human(Richelle)
A long time ago, when the Humans are still ruling and the Demi Human dont have any rights in the Central Continent, a certain dragonkin built that ce for those who are not human beings ... I heard from my mother. (Kuzuha)
It will be a boat trip then, Zeno, can you prepare it? (Felnote)
Well ... Because the sea around the demonic continent is so rough during this time, I dont know whether there is a ce to bring out the ship ... (Zeno)
Oh, I have a ship right here.(Arge)
In response to my remarks, the gaze of all but Richelle gathered on me.
As I said, I have a ship.At the port town Arlesha, the mushroom lord who love women ... I mean, the ship that I received from Samaka-san.
The name is Pisces.It is a type of run down merchant ship that was waiting for disposal, but it is more than enough to carry five people.
It is stored all the time in the Blood Bag, but since it has not been destroyed when usedst time, it will be usable without problems.
You have a ship ... Blood bag, right? But what about those who move the ship? (Felnote)
With the skill of blood contract, I can move it by myself (Arge)
... I have forgotten, but you have tremendous skills as usual. (Felnote)
I can deliberately turn my eyes awkwardly from Felnote-san.
This gaze is also the first time in a long time, my back is a little ticklish.
For the time being, put aside the nostalgia gaze, I called Zeno.
There is a ship, if Zeno-kun want, I will put it out. (Arge)
... Is that ok? (Zeno)
Because I want to return my favor. (Arge)
Well then, please. (Zeno)
Yes, I was asked (Arge) (Ϥmޤޤ: Hai, tanoma remashita) (Shishou, help me, it sound weird somehow) (Can I change it to as you wish or something ?)
Originally I was only keeping it.Lets use it without reserve if It will help Zeno. Its what I have now, andtools are mean to be used.
The sea seems to be deste, but if Im asleeping, I wont be seasick.
It is not bad to take a nap while swaying with the waves.
Um ... Ship, what is ...?(Richelle)
It was Richelle who talked to me.
She cant understand anything other than my words.In other words, the information is fragmentary, so she doesnt know what are we talking about.
I will use the ship because we need to cross the ocean to bring you home (Arge)
... I am sorry ... I really appreciate it, I will definitely return this favor, including your help remove my curse.(Richelle)
If you want to say thank, please say it to Zeno-kun, the man over there, Im just helping you go home because I want to return his favor. (Arge)
... Still, it is Arge-sama who prepares the ship, it is reasonable for me to appreciate that if it helps me as a result (Richelle)
... Oh Well, just think as you like. (Arge)
Apparently she is strongly pushing, It seems I will not able to change her thinking.
Even if I continue to deny, because the story will not advance and it will be troublesome, I will let she think as she like.
By the way, why was you caught that way? (Arge)
... An intrudere to our territory, I tried to repel it ... but he took hostage ... and I was captured too(Richelle)
Ah, I see (Arge)
Although I was able to release the hostages and let them escape ... after that, I was severely tied up, and I couldnt help it any more.(Richelle)
So she was caught by an intruder and was helped by Zeno-kun and Felnote-san when she is about to be sold as ve.
From Zeno-kuns reaction, Dark Elf is like a rare race, so she will sell higher.
I fully understand that such a thing is wrong but this is another world.
From what Felnote-san said, the word ves naturally appeared, and there are also cases like Kuzuhas mother was killed.
I couldnt call it nice even in my former world, and this world seems to be a bit worse than my world.
Well then, the destination is the devil continent, uhm... Kuzuha-chan ...what about you? (Arge)
Of course, I will follow my friend! (Kuzuha)
Okay, Id like to thank you.(Arge)
I still do not understand the theory that shees with friends.However, Kuzuha-chan seems to be having fun and Im convinced.For her, that would be fine.
There is no reason to stop.Kuzuha-chan can make alter ego and I was saved by her with various things.
Even a small thing, I will pay for it properly the favor that I pile up.Id also like to return something in the meantime, so Id like to wee her to follow me. Beside, being with her is quite fun.
I will go back to Sakuranomiya and prepare ... especially food rtions (Zeno)
Well, I think thats good. (Arge)
Also, Arge-san ... Could you ask Richelle-san what special product of her homnd (to buy) or what is missing in her homnd (to sell) ? (Zeno)
I understand (Arge)
I nodded and responded to Zeno, who began preparing for the departure while starting to head out as a merchant.
Devil Continent, isnt it?What kind of ce is it?I am d if that was a ce easy to take a nap.
Chapter 96
[Next]Today rmend is a Touhous song
Chapter 96: With the smell of cherry blossoms
Well, Satsuki-san, thank you for your help (Arge)
It was lively and it was good time. When you came back to the Republic, pleasee to my shop by all means (Satsuki)Saying so, Satsuki-san smiles and waves her hand graciously.
After returning to Sakuranomiya for a few days to prepare for the trip, today is the day of departure.
Even though I said to prepare for the trip, I spent most of my time at Satsuki-sans shop and I was left everything to Zeno-kun.Apparently, it seems that he spent several days in stocking for the business on the Demon Continent.I should have brought the Iris-senpai, too (Fumi)
No, no, Fumi, you cant bring Iris-san, she cante out at this time. And I already greeted Iris-san properly yesterday (Arge)Right now its is morning.Unlike Satsuki-san who is a vampire who can get outside with an umbre attached and avoid direct sunlight or me who ispletely resistant to sunlight, Iris-san cante out.
She entered the coffin as usual and was carried by Satsuki-san.Wafu ... I will get lonely! (Kuro)
Kuro-san, I will definitelye back when Ie back I will visit you (Kuzuha)
Wafu! okay, Im waiting for you two like a good girl! (Kuro)
Kuro-san and Kuzuha-chan are saying gooodbye to each other.
It seems that there was something that the same beastkin felt with each other, they became good friends during the time we stay.
Thank you very much, Satsuki-san! I will make the best use of your teaching technique! (Kuzuha)
Fu fu fu ... please enjoy it (Satsuki)
... Did you learn anything, Kuzuha-chan? (Arge)
Yeah, Satsuki-san gave me a lesson about clothing making. I will repair the kimono, and please also look forward to new clothes! (Kuzuha)
By the way, most of Mays employeess clothes are handmade by Satsuki-san.
It seems that Kuzuha-chan got a lot of things, including being friends with Kuro-san.
... What kind of clothes will you make?
I will be in trouble if you give me too cute clothes.
I did not care much about such things before, but recently I feel a little restless to wear cute clothes.I wonder why.
The maid clothes that I am wearing are what I have been watching from home for a long time and I do not feel so restless because of the long skirt length.
Arge (Satsuki)
Ah ... what is it, Satsuki-san? (Arge)
Fu fu fu, here you go (Satsuki)
While Im still wondering, she surprisingly give a paper box.
People might wonder where she got it from her chest.Actually it seems like shes taking it out of the Blood Bag, the action to pull from the chest is just like a pose.
Its our cake. Todays snacks, please enjoy it with everyone (Satsuki)
Thank you (Arge)
By staying for days, I fully know the taste of Satsuki-sans cake.
It was a pleasant to the extent that our cheeks are melting.
I went to Demon Continent before, and I have many acquaintances to visit from time to time, but please be careful as that ce is quite a noisy matter. (Satsuki)
Before that, I heard that we will drop by a ce called Cyril Big Safe (Arge)
Cyril Big Safe.Since Zeno-kun seems to have a business there, he choose a route that pass though there.
Cyril is the name of the currency of this world. And what about Big Safe, is it a bank?
Im not interested in listening to details.Since we move by a carriage, I can take a nap during the way.Thats enough for me.
Okay then, have a safe trip (Satsuki)
Yes, Satsuki-san. Everyone, thank you for your help, I will be going now. (Arge)
I lower my head to say goodbye, and then start to walk away. Kuzuha-chan also finish saying her goodbye and she start walking with me. Everyones voice have a safe trip ovep from behind.
Kuzuha-chan is shaking her head, her fox ears are also swaying.
Although she is supposed to be sad when goodbye from a while ago. But Kuzuha-chan is still smiling, how strange.
He he he, I grew up, Arge-san (Kuzuha)
What? (Arge)
I have Arge-san, and right now we also have Felnote-san and everyone else, I grew up properly this time, so I wont be sad. (Kuzuha)
I noticed that after being told.
I did not say goodbye, I parted with them after saying I will be back.
A farewell using restarting words. AfterI came to this world, it was the first time.
... Satsuki-sans cake is delicious, is not it? (Kuzuha)
While I still wondering about the words I used. Kuzuha-chan is smiling and she didnt say anything else, and she grasped the hand of mine that doesnt hold the paper box.
Well, lets go Arge-san! everyone and Neguseo-san are waiting! (Kuzuha)
... Yes, I understand. (Arge)
There is no reason to avoid a hand held.Im walking side by side while holding Kuzuha-chans hand.
Looking at the other side of the road there was a big carriage, Felnote-san was descending.
Zeno-kun is still loading baggage in the carriage.It seems that Richelle-san is brushing Neguseo.
Should I call out to them? WhenI thought so, cherry blossom petals jumped into my sight.
Since both of my hands are upied, if I dont do anything to catch, the petals will stuck on my face and it will soon get pickled up by the wind.
Like the remnants of promises, the scent of cherry blossoms.
I watched the cherry blossoms fluttering.
Someday, it will be good time to remember this scent.Thinking about that, I look forward to our departure is in front of my eyes.
Authors Note (not Trantors Note)
Thanks and Good evening everyone. (ɤ⤳Фϡ礭: Dmo konbanwa, choki n gyo)
From this time, I think I should put a postcard in the best ces.
Those who are not interested, Its okay to skip through.
Well, with this, Sakuranomiya edition will end.What did you think ?
I n a shadow for a long time, and Elsee finally appeared.I feel she was more active than I nned.Specifically, in a sense, she is the one who make Arge feel shameful.
From next time, the journey will be aiming to demon continent with a new character, A Glutton Dark Elf Lady.Should we keep food?
Well once again, thank you for your continued support.
[Next]Tomorow I will be quite busy so I upload this chapter sooner than usually.I dont think I can trate another chapter tomorow.
Chapter 97
Chapter 97: Leisure break
A few days after leaving Sakuranomiya.
I was worried at a corner of the carriage.
People traveling together with me are now outside for a certain reason.
Now, I am alone, and I suffer with this kind of thing.
... Pantsu (Arge)
Mutting is the name of the thing in my hand.
It is a so-called girls underwear.It is pretty one attached with frills.
... It would be nice to have one.
I have not been worried so far but recently I think so.
In this world, Im living as a vampire girl, Argento vampear, who is reincarnated from a different world, but in my past life Im a man.
For me, attaching underwear for girls themselves is somewhat ufortable. So I never consider worn it myself.
But what happen in the other day doesnt leave my mind.
A golden vampire I met in a Rencia vige, I remember what Elsee was doing to me.
Uwa ... (Arge)
I was undressed and humiliated.
I was touched all over my body, I was kissed, and I had my blood sucked.
After that, it seems I somehow feel shameful when people look at or touch my body.
Even if I change my clothes I cant avoid people looking at me.
I think I got strange, but I will not make the same mistake again.
(T.N: go back for a while)
Ha~aa ... (Arge)
Arge-san, what are you doing? (Zeno)
wa...! (Arge)
I heard a voice from behind and I was surprised.
Looking back there is one of my travelpanions.It was Zeno-kun.
Oh, sorry, did I surprise you? (Zeno)
... No, its okay, so what do you want? (Arge)
No. we will stop and let the horse rest for a while. By the way Arge-san, Id like to ask a little ... the clothes I gave you are gone, wasnt it? (Zeno)
Ah ... Thats right. Uhm, there are various things happened. (Arge)
A set of clothes that Zeno-kun handed over to me when I firste to this world got burned by Kuzuha-chan when I met her.
I kind of regret because that robe with the hood was quite warm. So right now I cant help it but wear maid clothes that Kuzuha-chan had patched.
I prepared items of the same design, do you want to try it? (Zeno)
Huh? (Arge)
Zeno-kun pulled out the box from the corner of the carriage and handed it over to me.
When I open that box, theres aplete set of clothes that I was wearing before.
Although your clothes are cute, I thought it would be nice to have something close to everyday wear (Zeno)
... Is that ok? (Arge)
You can pay for it if you want (Zeno)
Zeno-kun smiles friendly.
Indeed, he is truly a merchant.It seems that he remember correctly that I dont like this kind of lending and borrowing.
While Im admiring his memory, Zeno-kun is still smiling.
More than that, please check the size, feel, etc. (Zeno)
I was urged, so I picked it in my hand and tried checking.
I have been incarnated in this world in only a few months, but I felt something nostalgic and warmth.
Oh, and also this, Ive prepared it. (Zeno)
... this is? (Arge)
Do you remember? Its an essory I gave you together with clothes. (Zeno)
Well ....? (Arge)
Arge LN Cover
To be honest, I dont remember at all.
In Zeno-kuns hand is a pendant that used a tear C shaped scarlet jewel.
It is an honest point that I just wore clothes that I was given, so I do not remember much of these details.Anyway the robes are warm, I remember having slept well when wrapped around.
It is a lucky charm in the kingdom. If you lose it, you will get misfortune (Zeno)
... Zeno-kun is a type that believe in that kind of thing (Arge)
The one thing that I believe the most is money, but theres no harm to have it, even if it only has a slight possibility was true. (Zeno)
Smiling somewhat self C induce, Zeno-kun hands over the pendant.
It is light, and I also didnt feel the flow of magical power in it.It is an impression that it is a very ordinary ornament.
Still, it seemed that the jewels, which are still stronger than my eyes, a deep red colour, It was very beautiful.
Thank you (Arge)
No, Im the one must say thank. Thank you for the purchase of 3 silver Cyril (Zeno)
I thought about it before, but the clothes this time seem to be really good ... did you sell it cheap? (Arge)
Its only cheap with set price, and clothes this time is better than usual even they look like simr things (Zeno)
Hmm ... is that so? (Arge)
Since I heard about Kuzuha-chan had burn the clothes before, I prepared something with high magical resistance and durable material so that it will not burn easy even it looks the same. But with that performance and the price will be more than double the previous one. (Zeno)
When Kuzuha-chan heard it, she was likely to faint.This girl, you dont have to worry about money like that.
As I am thankful that clothes are strong, take out silver coins obediently and hand it over.
And Zeno-kun lower his head and receive money.Formally, this clothes has be mine.
Um ... then I will change my clothes so, can I have you go out for a while? (Arge)
Yes, I am waiting outside, please change slowly (Zeno)
And Zeno-kun has gone away from the carriage quickly.
I left behind, and I look at clothes again.
... this skirt length, it was short (Arge)
While thinking about what I had not mind before, I take off the maid dress and begin to change the clothes.
Uu... Underwear, I need to wear it on properly. (Back to start)
Chapter 98
[Next]I think this chapter is the Prologue.
Chapter 98: Journey ahead, Harahachibunme.
(ǰ;˷Ŀ: Zento y, Harahachibunme) (From what I search in Google mean: not eat until satiety but keep moderation amount of food intake for good health and longevity.)
... I wear the long sleeve (coat) again after a long time, but as expected it is warm. (Arge)
As I wrapped myself with the ck robe, Im satisfied.
It is slightlyrger than before, but that is also good.If I use it like a sleeping bag when taking a nap, the sleeping effect is preeminent.
Unlike before, I pay the money properly this time, so I can sleep without a care.
I immediately thought about checking itsfort and Iy down.Well then, lets take a nap for a while ...
Arge? Wake up. (Felnote)
... 50 more hours ... (Arge) (Its not a mistake of five more minutes, Arge really said 50 more hours)
Thats too long!? (Felnote)
She reply with her tsukkomi like a scream. Its been a long time since I heard it. When I open my eyes and look at the voices direction, she was certainly a person I knew.
Side Pony Brown hair with two cloured eyes. And big tits with vigorous intense.Felnote-san the former knight of the Kingdom.
Felnote-san cross her hand before her chest as she looking at me. And then, she start talking again.
As usual, if I leave you alone, you will keep sleeping forever (Felnote)
E he he, I can sleep forever ... (Arge)
I have not praised you! I am not praising you at all! (Felnote)
By the way do you need something? (Arge)
Quick to change of Topic!? ... well ... Its meal time now so Im calling you over. Come on (Hora), If you donte quickly (hayaku ki nasai), that Dark Elf and Kuzuha will eat everything. (Felnote)
Okay, thank you. (Arge)
I love taking a nap, but I also love eating.
Beside I can sleep well after eating, so there is no reason to refuse.
As I went outside the carriage, daylight sunlight shone on the silver hair, shining brightly.
...It is good weather.
Originally the vampire cante out under the sun, but in my case I got cheating ability point that more than enough to max all tolerance skills when I was incarnating, so the light of the day is nothing.
It was nice to have a nap while sunbathing, so it was nice to take tolerance to the suns light.
Good morning, Arge-san (Kuzuha)
Good morning, Kuzuha-chan (Arge)
It is my friend Kuzuha-chan, who greets me while shaking her fox ears happily.
There are many things that are nostalgic, and thus we traveling together.My first friend made in a different world ... or rather, my one and only friend, I have no friends at all even in my former world.
A girl with brown skin sits beside her and politely bows herself to me. Her thin golden hair swayed for a while.
Richelieu Arc Valeria.Nickname is Richelle. She is dark elf girl, is helped up by Zeno-kun and Felnote-san.
She seems to be the dy) lords of the continent over the sea, and the purpose of our present journey is to send her back to that ce.
Richelle-san narrowed her purple eyes (close her eyes) and say her greetings to me.
Good morning, Arge-sama (Richelle)
Yes, good morning, Richelle-san (Arge)
The reason why she talks to me is because of hernguage.
I have a special skill to trante any words, and thenguage that she used is different from Kuzuha-chansnguage. Kuzuha-chan is a Republician, and Richelle-sansnguege seems to be a difficultnguage as its old spiritualnguage.
In other words, because only what I speak is tranted to hernguage, so Richelle-san can onlymunicate with me.
Because of that, this staple food dark elf often talks to me.There is no reason to refuse talking, and in some cases I will interpret for everyone.
Lets start having a meal. (Zeno)
As he said that, Zeno-kun ising over after preparing food for horses.
The carriage on which we are riding is pulled by three horses.One of them is a horse called Neguseo that I met when I was in the Kingdom.
As usual Neguseo is eating a given bait while swaying the fluffy mane like the fluffy bed.
Apparently he seems to be working well with other horses.Only for horses.
Because the power ofnguage trantion extends to animals, I can talk with him. But only me not everyone.
As he seems to be fine for the time being, I leave him alone and receive a bowl that Zeno-kun handed over.The contents were soup with plenty of vegetables.
Thank you, Zeno-kun .... So, uh, what did you want to do in ... uhm ... tail hair big safe (ë: Shirige dai kinko) (Arge)
Its Cyril big safe (: Shiriru dai kinko) (Zeno)
Ah, thats it, so how long will it take? (Arge)
With this condition, maybe we can reach it before tomorrow lunch(Zeno)
Yes, lets have a nap again after I have meal.
While soaking the dry bread in the soup, I think about that.
In the same way, Kuzuha-chan opened her mouth wa... while sinking bread in soup.
Cyril Big Safe, are they making money there? (Arge)
Yeah, its a coin-mill, built by a woman named Cyril, that unifies the worlds currencies into one type (Zeno)
Munching* ... So, She does the unification of money? (Arge)
The enchant magic used in Cyril coin cant be imitated, its quite borately. And if you draw out the magical power from Cyril coin with the merchant magic skill, it will lose the value as money ... But ... (Zeno)
For my doubts, Zeno-kun answers politely.
Zeno-kun said that he used the merchant magic skill when helping Kuzuha-chan in the honey vige Rencia.
And that cancel the forgery magic contained in money and you can use its magical power. And by doing that will make the coins lose value as money.For merchants it seems to literally cut themself down acts.
So, you have to deliver the coins that have lost their magical power to the Cyril Big Safe? (Arge)
Yes, it is such a rule with amercial guild, Sorry, I make our journey longer (Zeno)
No. Zeno-kun came to help us and I dont mind a little detour. (Arge)
Thank you (Zeno)
We confirmed the schedule and purpose for the journey, we also finished our meal.
Approximately one person is excluded.
Munching* .... (Mogumogu) (Richelle)
The Dark Elf girl is still eating.
Richelle-san shook her brown long ears and is chewing dry bread with a good-looking appearance.
... You are really eating well (Felnote)
As Felnote-san gets shocked, she (Felnote) sighs but she dont understand thenguage to talk, so Richelle-san does not know what she (Richelle) was told. She only scratched her head while eating.
As I said Please eat slowly, She took another bread.
Will we gonna have enough food ? (Arge)
I ask again (to Zeno) what I thought over and over.
Richelle-san is still eating. Sheeats too well.I do not know how she fit all the good in that stomach.
At first I thought that all the dark elves were so, but they seemed to be different.
Richelle-san says that she eats a little better than a normal one.Yeah, a little definition is different for each person.
Thanks to Arge-san, I think we can manage somehow (Zeno)
Umm ... well, if Zeno-kun says so (Arge)
Its just like what a peddler who is used to traveling said.
The skill I have, the Blood Bag is the skill to store goods.A lot of food is stored in it now.
Even Im saying that it is crammed up, but actually theres no capacity limit because of the maximum skill level.
I store at least ten people portion food for about a month.Still, if she eaten like this for every meal, I will be worried.
Thanks for your meal, it was very delicious. (Richelle)
Despite everyones concern, Richelle-san was only polite and elegantly bowed.
Authors Note (Not Trantors Note)
Its Thanksgiving.
Inst chapter I have my little announcement, I have a postcard.
This time, themissary of the reincarnation vampire has been decided.This is also thanks to everyones support.
Please support me in the future as well.
Chapter 99
Its quite a cliff hanger so prepare yourself, reader-sama-tachi (readers).
Chapter 99: Girls free preparing time
By the way, what is Richelle-sans hometown? (Arge)
It was around the sunset.I asked Richelle-san about the question I came up with.
I just have time after taking a nap and waiting for dinner.As I was the only person can talk with Richelle-san, I thought that it would be good to be a her killing time partner and decided to speak with her.
Richelle-san sitting in the corner of the carriage seemed surprised that she was talked to abruptly, as she moved her ears a lot.
Most of the living beings are sub-race ... Also called as Demi Human. The size of the continent here is smaller than the Central Continent, and those with powerpete for the territory that we can keep and wepete on a daily basis. (Richelle)
Hmm ... security seems to be bad (Arge)
Yes, shamefully, my territory has been attacked again and again ... But all my people are powerful dark elves, I think its okay ... (Richelle)
I hope they will be okay, but they must be weakened because Richelle-san isnt there.
She was caught by a ve merchant on the Demon Continent, and she was brought here to the Central Continent.Because her family is the one govern the territory, she wants to return as soon as possible.
... Uhm, my territory is rich in nature, the sun and the wind are good, we also have the blessings of the earth, its a nice ce to collect a lot of fruits. (Richelle)
Is that so? I am looking forward to going there. (Arge)
Yes, Arge-sama are my benefactor, I will do my best to wee you. (Richelle)
I dont think she need to over-do it.
It will be a while before we can reach there, but I hope to arrive early.
What is Arge-samas hometown like? (Richelle)
I was a bit lost how to respond to the question she was asking in return.
Even if she ask about my hometown, there are two kinds of my hometown.
Hometown as a Kuon Ginji before I was reincarnated.
After my reincarnation, my hometown as Argento Vampear.
Because I have two hometowns, I got lost as to which to say.
However, now I am living as Argento Vanpear.If that is the case then thetter will be correct as the answer.
The ce where I was born is the Kingdom, although it is only ruins now, I heard that it was destroyed by battle or war. (Arge)
Is that so? ... Because the vampire is a presence with high concentration magical powers, probably the magical power linger from the battle was strong and you was born from it? (Richelle)
Yes, the ce I was born is a little sad, but the kingdom itself is a nice ce. (Arge)
I recall the port city, Arlesha, where I dropped by in the kingdom.
There was a good wind on the street there, the odor of the tide was warm, the sun wasfortable.The fish is delicious, it is the center of distribution, so we can buy a lot of things.
I know that not all of the kingdom is like that. Kuzaha-chans mother was killed by Kingdoms lord, and the forest where Neguseo was living was targeted by poachers.
Still, there are lots of memories to remember.
People I met, the scenery I saw, I felt it.
The words that summarize all of them were nice ces.
... Thats right, so if you are smiling like that, surely its a nice ce. (Richelle)
... Was I smiling? (Arge)
Yes, very beautiful, like flowers bloom. (Richelle)
Well ... was that so? (Arge)
It seems that my cheeks were loose before I noticed it.
It is nice to feel that I was in such a good ce, but it is also embarrassing to point out at the same time.
While Im turning my eyes is the carriage, my eyes met with Kuzuha-chan.
Kuzaha-chan has finished eating at noon and right now she is taking a rest. She shakes her fox ears and smiles at me.
What were you talking about, Arge-san? (Kuzuha)
We are talking about the demon continent for a moment (Arge)
I am want to hear about that, what I know is only from listening my mother, but I dont know what it really is. (Kuzuha)
Where Richelle lives, it seems that nature is rich and good ce. (Arge)
Really, Im looking forward to ... (it) ! (Kuzuha) (her dialog is cut off halfway)
A talk be tense in a moment.
Kuzaha-chans fox ears and her triplet tails are stood up, it was a sign of vignce that I saw many times while traveling together.
Kuzaha-chan raise her nose to pick up scent. Then she turn her face toward and said. Her word is somewhat predictable. It was a word indicating an enemy attack.
It is a smell of blood-starving beasts, it seems they caught the smell of our dinner. (Kuzuha)
Ah... (Arge)
Such things are happen a lot when traveling and I have gotten used to it because Ive traveled several times, but it does not change my troubles.
Are they demons or a wild beasts?Either way is seriously trouble, we will bete for dinner.
Perhaps, Felnote-san and Zeno-kun who are preparing dinner outside are not yet noticed. Only beastkin like Kuzaha-chan has the most sensitive ear and nose can.Apart from attention (naive, easy to trick), I can say that she is the best for her awareness.
If she says that the enemy ising, they will definitelye.Haa~, it is troublesome.
Either way, they will cause trouble for our dinner, shall I go for a look? (Arge)
Thats right. Lets hunt quickly and add more food! (Kuzuha)
Richelle-san, Kuzaha-chan said therere the smell of the beasts, so Im going to see outside a little. (Arge)
Arge-sama, if it is that kind of thing, I wille along (Richelle)
As she heard my words, Richelle-san ask toe with us.
... This person can fight, isnt she?
I heard that the dark elves have strong magical power, and it seems that war is urring on a daily basis on the devil continent which Richelles family is governed.
Then it is reasonable to think that she can fight.It may be not a direct battle because she has the position of a lord dy), so maybe she is good at tactics ormand.
Well, its no harm to get more helping hands, so let take her along.
Well then, can we ask you to fight with us, Richelle-san? (Arge)
Yes, please leave it to me, Im also feel sorry for just eating (Richelle)
Oh, she was consciously aware of it properly.
While Im surprised with that fact, I decided to get off the carriage with the two of them.
TN: A wild X appears!
Chapter 100
Today picture:
Chapter 100: Bro
The prairie of the night was filled with cold air.Because the sun already set and the night came during the move.
The grasss scent is chilled and stronger than during the day.
I confirm Zeno-kun and Felnote-sans safety and went with three people away a little from the carriage.
If they were like what Kuzuha-chan said, they must be near here ...
I cant feel the smell of the beast, but ... Kuzuha-chan, are you sure they are really here? (Arge) (Kindly reminder Arge smell skill only lvl 1)
The beastkin is used to sniffing, it seems to be hiding well in the smell of the grass, but there is no mistake. (Kuzuha)
I see.If Kuzuha-chan is saying so, it must be no mistake.
She seems to have lived a hunting life long before she met me, and I should trust that smell ability.
Richelle-san is looking around with a wondered face.
Contrary to Kuzuha-chan who listens with vignce, she only shakes her ears like excited.
Its wolf-like demon, it is a species that makes cunning hunting, although it wasnt able to do anything on demon continent, especially in my territory. (Richelle) (Because this demon is weak)
Richelle-san, you can see it? (Arge)
Yes, because I already had them on my visual. But they arent very tasty ... (Richelle)
Richelle regretfully sighs. Her head seems to have been full of eating.
Regardless of her sign, her appearance was beautiful. Her blond hair is shaking due to the night wind and reflecting the moonlight shone well on her brown skin.If I dont know anything about her, she will be a fantastic sight to behold.
My name is Richelieu Arc Valeria, I will show you the power of the Valeria family (Richelle)
Her purple eyes narrowed down because she was concentrated.
Her small fingers move in the air and eventually protrude to the heavens. Her spreading five fingers like trying to grab the air and it is somewhat fantastic.
Because she is a race good with magical power, I thought she will use magic. However that expectation was betrayed in her next chanting.
Flowing down, O heavenly flower. Flowing Flower Comet (Richelle)
(Trantors Joke: TRACE ON)
It came at the moment her words was spoken.
It fell from the sky, like a flowing water, a bow that formed a form that looks like a meteor trajectory. (դ齵äƤΤϡˮΤ褦ˤ⡢Ǥ܉EΤ褦ˤҊե)(TN: Dont ask me to exin, I dont know how to as well)
Arge bow, which is as high as Richelle-sans height, reflects the moonlight and shines in a blue color. She gently use her fingers to grasp it, the shining curve bow look like a crescent moon.
Kuzuha-chan opened her eyes (in surprise) and talked about what it is.
Is that a Magic Artifact? (Kuzuha)
Because this child cante without calling it, I couldnt use it while still restraining ... But the restriction has disappeared already. Arge-sama, Kuzuha-sama. Because it is quite dangerous, please get down (Richelle)
As she smiling, Richelle is looking at the meadow. Is she tilted the bow a little bit to aiming?
In Richelle-san hand is a big bowFlowing Flower Comet, what it will shoot is the arrow of the essence, not normal arrow.However,Magic Artifact is a special weapon using the owners magical power. Thats why she must take her magical power in consider.
Wishless (Richelle) (ޤ: Negaimase)
(Trantors Joke: Broken Phantasm)
As her words were spoken, the Magic Artifact special ability urred.
The bowstring shines like a star in the night sky and converges on her fingertips.The golden light illuminates the blue bow.
Magical power touches my skin enough to feel even Im a little away.It is evidence that the golden arrow that appeared was definitely created by Richelles magical power.
As long as you still have magical power, it will be an arrow-unnecessary bow, right? (Arge)
Thats enough magic power. Now. Basic authority: attack! (Richelle)
The free-string bow shoot out the magical arrow.
It tore up the air in the night and the flied like a meteor.
It leave a loud wind noise and the sounds of scattered grass.And the beasts scream echoes in the night.
She hit it! (Kuzuha) (Atari mashita ~wa)
At the same time Kuzuha said that, I also sense it.Night wind brought the smell of the beasts blood to me.
It isnt necessary to shoot all of them because they arent something we can eat, the wolve are wise, they should choose to retreat with a few more shots (Richelle)
While saying with a dignified voice, Richelle-san bowed down and breathed deeply.It is a move simr to the residual heart in archery.
One more time, Wishless (Richelle)
The loud noise resounded in the night again and the stars appeared.
Richelle-sans movement is smooth and beautiful, and she keep shooting repeatedly.
By the time she finished the fourth shots and the smell of blood is filling the ce. And then she was lowering herFlowing Flower Comet.
It seems like they are retreated ... I can see the grass swaying away. (Richelle)
From what she said, It looks like Richelle-san is able to grasp the movements of the wolves visually.
Is it a race passive ability or does she have the skill of visual strengthening?Either way, she seems to have good eyes.
I am feel sorry for them, but when theres blood smell of carnivorous beast, other beasts will not be able to attack, so we can rest assured during meals
While making words, Richelle-san raised her big bow.
A bow from her hand soon be a particle light and rises to the night sky just like we
watched the stars return to the sky.
That bow usually floats in the sky ...? (Arge)
Yes, it is in the sky just like a star, it only appears when the owner calls. Of course you can also call during the day (Richelle)
... So how, how do you make contract? (Arge)
Contract with Magic Artifact is done by sending magical power to it.The other day I also experienced, I signed a contract with a katana likeDream of water Lily. But not even I can send magic power that far in the sky to contract with it.
Its an ordinary bow until we sign the contract with it, and after contracted, it hidden itself in the sky. (Richelle)
Hmm ... I see, its interesting, is not it? (Arge)
Yes, it is a good child that doesnt need to carry along (Richelle)
I see, certainly its good that it doesnt be a baggage, it is a powerful advantage to be able to summon it instantly any time.
This is probably the reason why when she first met Richelle, she waspletely sealed and dont allow even speak a word.
Lets go back then, Arge-sama, Kuzuha-sama (Richelle)
Well, it is about time, I think Felnote-san and Zeno-kun already cooked the dinner (Arge)
Yes, todays meal seems to be a field rabbit that Kuzuha-sama hunted, I am really looking forward to it (Richelle)
... She is drooling, but what is she talking about (Kuzuha)
It seems that she is looking forward to the hare rabbit that Kuzuha-chan has caught (Arge)
... Because only eight of them were hunted, I ask you please show some moderation (Kuzuha)
Normally its more than enough, but because we have Richelle-san here, so its certainly never enough.
We realized again the difference from the journey we had until now, and we returned to the coach.
After that, it goes without saying that Richelle-san had ttened all the results of Kuzuhas hunting.It was Dark Elf-san who had bad fuel consumption, who take other poeple hardwork even she also worked.
Chapter 101
Today picture
Chapter 101: Cyril Big Safe
Its big! (Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan was impressed by the size of the building.
A fox girl and I looked at a huge building standing in the meadow.
In a nutshell, it was a pyramid painted in three colors.
The three colors of copper, silver, gold from the bottom to top.It was easy to imagine this ce are conscious of Cyril, the currency of this world.
Well, they represent Copper Cyril, silver Cyril, gold Cyril, arent they? (Felnote)
But if the building stand out so much like this, isnt it targeted by thieves? (Kuzuha)
When I hear about bandits, I thought about the interesting trio acquaintance of mine, but I will keep silent.
And the peddler answers the question of the knight and the foxgirl with a smile.
The Cyril Big Safe is protected by spirit who manage it and a powerful golem, so far there hasnt been anything that seeds in defeating the safe yet. I heard that from the guilds senior, I am alsoing here for the first time ... (Zeno)
So it seems like bandits still target this ce but the security here is too good.
I thought there would be some kind of trick at the time of being built, but it seems that way.
Cyril Big Safe ... I have heard rumors, but this is my first visit. (Richelle)
Richelle-san is also excited and muttered something.
Cyril seems to be circting even at her hometown in the Demon Continent. Not just across country but also across the ocean, It seems Cyril has a big influence.
By the way, how do we enter? (Arge)
Apparently, there is no such thing as a door.The pyramid of three colors is just like apleted puzzle, theres no road or hole.
If I use my atomization skill, I may go through some gap, but it is slightly subtle as a way to enter.It is an invasion rather than a visit.
If people make coins here, there must be an entrance to carry the coins in and out...
Dont worry, we have contacted them in advance (Zeno)
At the same time Zeno-kun said so, the ground shook.
It is not irregr like an earthquake, it is a regr shaking somewhat in order.I was lost my footing and was hold by Felnote-san.
Oh, talented cushion ...! (Arge)
Where are you talking about? (Felnote)
A huge triangle moved as I tried to say that it was about her chest.
As the door opens, some parts are retracting.
When the shake ceased, there was a entrance in front of us.
The entrance is big enough for a horse-drawn carriage passes. Meanwhile Kuzuha-chan rounded her eyes.
It is amazing ... what kind of sorcery is this? (Kuzuha)
It seems that it is controlled by the machine technology. (Zeno)
A machine was a familiar, yet unfamiliar word.
...Therere machines in this world too?
This world that I was reincarnated was the level of civilization of the Middle Ages, as I had been looking around.
The streets are many stone buildings, and peoples activities are close to nature.Running is not a car but a horse carriage.
Actually, water mills and so on can be said to be machines as a definition, but when you listen to the word machine from the mouth of others in this way, there is a little difort. Because the world civilization is still under developed.
While still wondering, Im passing through a stone gate, it was illuminated by nostalgic brightness.
... This is electricity? (Arge)
Lighting the passageway from the ceiling is definitely the light of civilization.
There is no warmth like the sun, no fluctuation like a candle or amp.
This ce that is clear and bright, but its cold light shines.I think that it feels nostalgic but also uneasy.
The white, organized floor was like a hospital or ab.
It isnt surprising that not only Kuzuha-chan but also Feruno-san are curiously looking around.
... They came ... (Zeno)
Following the word of Zeno-kun, white shadows appeared from the other side of the corridor.
Cylindrical chalky bodyes with artificial light reflecting.
Golem ... it is also very borate, is not it? (Richelle)
Richelle-san is impressed by the sight of golem.
While shes still doing so, The Golem came close to us.
It is a mascot style with a height as high as the waist.On the columnar body, the head is a wide round shape like Daifuku Mochi.The feet are multiple like a spider.
The light on the head looked like the receive.
This is a rumor, Cyrils golem ... Everyone, Its okay to leave the carriage to the golem, lets go to the back, I think the spirit of the Big Safe is waiting. (Zeno)
Spirit of the Big safe ... seems to be an important existence! (Kuzuha)
Its also my first time see her, I wonder, what kind of person is she? (Zeno)
Zeno-kunughs and strokes Kuzuha-chan-head. From the outside they look like a good brother and sister, it is a fascinating sight.
And Im looking at one of the three horses pulling a horse-drawn carriage, Neguseo.As usual, Neghese blew his stomach briskly.
I will rest for a while, Arge, if you need something please call me (Neguseo)
I canmunicate with Neguseo through the effect ofnguage trantion and we also share a blood contract. Put it simple, we can tell what the other think even if we are away from each other.
I lightly stroke his ck fur and say temporary farewell greeting.
Then leave the horse-drawn carriage, and five people will go through the corridor.
With a few minutes walking, we went out to the open area.
It was a ce called a hall, a very wide hall.
The light that illuminates the ceiling is still an artificial shine, and equally brightness spreads to every corner of the hall.
I couldnt feel the smell and the wind, it was quite different from the outside world.I feel a bit uneasy as if I came to another world once more.
Arge-sama, is something wrong? (Richelle)
... No, nothing at all (Arge)
Richelle-san is worried about me, but this is a sense that only I know because I was reincarnated.There is no choice but to keep silent about it.
And I heard some slow footstep, as I look at that direction I saw a woman slowly getting down at the front staircase.
A part of that red hair woman who is slowly descend from the stair is big.
Specifically, her breasts are asrge as Felnote-san.Every time she step on the stairs, I feel like I can heard the sound of her shaking breasts.
I dont think her height or weight is that much, but her breasts are so big that there was a strange force.
The decorated luxurious cane is dazzling like a gold coin, her eyes looking at us are shining like silver coins.
... ? (???)
The moment our eyes met, I felt something wrong.
It is because her silver eyes were clearly opened.Like being surprised, like shocked, or like seeing unbelievable things.
Either way, she seemed to feel something when she saw me. Her rxed foot got faster and faster, she is like running in a hurry.
Well, It looks like she is panicked, is she alright! Should I help her? (Felnote)
If Felnote-san take her up, they (tits) will repel each other and blow away, isnt it? (Arge)
What are you talking about !? (Felnote)
That person, isnt she trying to jump to Arge-san! (Kuzuha)
Wait, thats true.
Hami~ yu!? (Ϥߤã) (big breast sfx)
At the moment I realized, she was already jump in.
Instead of being crushed, I was hugged with some incredible force.
She is as big as Felnote-san that my face is buried.My mouth and nose are obstructed by stic one, and my breath is painful.
Cant ... breath... (ϤϤؤդϤϤ) (Arge)
Im speaking some unclear words, as I push her body back.
As I push her back a little, I can see her face and there are tears in her eyes.I dont understand at all.The meaning of her action and the reason of her tears.
... Cyril! (???)
Wa! (Arge)
I was hugged again, this time she lower her body that her head was over my shoulder. I can breath this time, but I couldnt understand her action before and now she confuse me with more words.
I heard that Cyril is a name of a coin and I know that it is also the name of the person who invented it.
Cyril! Cyril came back ... I was waiting, Cyril !! I had been waiting forever ... (???)
Wait a moment, my name is not Cyril but Argento Vampear. (Arge)
I do not know the meaning, but for the time being I must fix her misunderstood.
Im not Cyril and I also dont know her.I dont know what she thought, but I dont care about what you think.
No, theres no doubt that you are Cyril! You may lost your memory, but I will not make a mistake! (???)
Memory lost...!? (Arge)
Yes, please look that way! (???)
I were released from the cushion lock and turns back to the direction indicated by her finger.
The moment I saw what was hanging on the wall behind me, I lost my words.
And that is the same for everyone sees what is on the wall. We are stop moving.Only Richelle-san doesnt understand the word, so her face doesnt change, but right now I couldnt afford to care about it.
Arge-san, this is ...! (Kuzuha)
Kuzaha-san quickly recovered from the shock, and start talking.
The painting on the wall. In the picture certainly has a familiar face, a girl is sitting on a chair and smiling.
Her Hair color is x color, her eye color is gold.But her face and the length of hair is exactly the same as me.
The name on that picture frame is not Argento Vampear
...Cyril Arcadia (Arge)
Yes, thats right! Wee back, Cyril! (???)
Again, call me with a name that isnt me. The Lady of the Cyril Big Safe is holding me from behind.
Theres someone who resembles me.I look like someone.
I still cant catch up with chain of event, but I had no choice but to deal with it.
Chapter 102
Chapter 102: She look like me
Cyril Big Safe visitors hall.
We were gathered in the big room, which was prepared for visitors.
... What does that mean? (Felnote)
Felnote-san is confused and theres no one can respond to her question. EvenI myself also dont know what just happen.
Beside, Cyril and I really look like, we only have different hair and eye color. Except clothes, our appearance was nearly identical.If I must say more different, it seems that there was a small tear in the right eye of Cyril picture.
Just like two pea in the same pod ... we can even believe that you two are twin sisters (Felnote)
I looked like the 2P color in a game (Arge) (2P stand for 2nd yer, like Mario and Luis or Fighting game when 2 yers choose same character)
Tu pi? (Felnote)
Ah ... no, its nothing. (Arge)
Dont worry about what you are just hearing.
For now let think for a moment.
It is undeniable that Cyril and I are very simr.
I and her are so alike.What is this all about? (Arge really said it twice)
An angel of God exined everything to me before reincarnating. It is natural to think all of this are what Loli-gramp doing, but ... is it really a coincidence that my body is too simr with Cyril.
Arge-san, did you have a sister? (Kuzuha)
Since vampires are naturally born from Magical power in the first ce, theres no one they can call as rtives, Kuzuha-chan (Zeno)
Ah ... thats right? (Kuzuha)
It is what Zeno-kun says.There is no blood connection between vampires.
If there was any link, it is from blood contract skill, it isnt an existence born from anyone.
Satsuki-san and Iris-san who run a coffee shop in Sakuranomiya, the capital of the Republic have imed the same surname, but that just like paper family register.
Vampires have no blood rtives.
... Either way, It looks like we cant get out of here. (Felnote)
Just as Felnote-san says, we in fact are confined here.
The manager of the Big Safe who called me Cyril has closed the entrance as she start going somewhere else.
Cyril is mean to be here, because this is Cyrils house. If you are going to leave without Cyril, I will let you go out. But Cyril s friends will wee to stay. (???)
It is aint of the manager, but I was troubled because I was not Cyril.
In order to go to the Demon Continent, we will be using a merchant ship, Pisces, which is my belongings.If everyone leave without me, they cant use the ship.
On the contrary, since I feel like I can escape by myself, I hope everyone else goes out first and we will regroupter.
... She think her lost friend hase back, right? (Arge)
But when I think about what happened to her, I honestly feel ufortable to escape silently.
Her tears and pleasing voices were definitely genuine.Even if this is a misunderstanding, I can understand that I am insensitive, that she is really pleased from the bottom of her heart.
I probably will not say something to everyone like just leave her alone because I know them well.
Especially Kuzuha-chan, she is quite mature but she will definitely rte to this girl.Because she is also losing an important person, her mother.
... Well, did we have problem? (Richelle)
The only one who did not understand. The Dark Elf girl is speaking differentnguage with us. Richelle-san.
She is scratching her cheek and moving her ears, it was a lovely gesture of a girl.
Everyone sends a gaze to such a girl, but as she doesnt know what did everyone say, her line of sight is direted to me.
Only Imunicate with her, so for now, I will exin to her.
A little problem has urred, we are trying to deal with it now. (Arge)
... I see, I understand. (Richelle)
Just a moment Richelle-san was still upset. After talking to me, shes shaking her ears and smiling at me as usual.
I had the feeling she still isnt satisfied but she give priority to us.
... Just when did thing go wrong?
It has be a situation where it is hard for me to escape and to rx.
And it seems difficult to exin the Big Safe girl in front of us.
Maybe she will change her mind after calming down a little?
As I was thinking, the door opened.It is not a persones in, but a white figure with a rounded body.It was a golem.
They carry a tray.What lies above that are colorful dishes.
Meat, fish, vegetables.There are also rice and bread.When dozens of dishes are lined up on the table, it be a gorgeous sight as if a painting on the palette.
... Well then, is this lunch? (Arge)
Well, its quite luxurious (Kuzuha)
Its extraordinary, it is ridiculous luxurious, I even attend to the party of the royal pce, it didnt even hace dishes like this (Felnote)
This will cost as much as ... our food expenses for months (Zeno)
Zeno-san, you even calcte lunch like merchant buniness... (Kuzuha)
No, I will be troubled if I get charged after this (Zeno)
Well but it seems like the manager prepare this meal for us, I guess its okay (Felnote)
But, Arge-san is not Cyril-san, if she understand it, we maybe charged. (Zeno)
Munching (Richelle)
... Youre eating it already!? (Zeno)
Mugu? (Richelle)
Richelle-san, who has no idea about our conversation, went ahead and eating.Instead, she was about to rece a second helping.
Even though she does not understand the words, she was surprised at the loud voice of Zeno-kun.Richelle-san dropped his eyes to the bowl and repeatedly watched Zeno-kun for a few times, then she start talking.
This is excellent rice cultivated on the Demon Land, it is characterized by plump cooked rice and elegant sweetness. (Richelle)
No, thats not it.
I thought that I should step in and say something, but then Richelle-san who after exined with an innocent face, she start eating again.
Everyone except Richelle-san is looking at her and and sigh.
I think it doesnt contain any poison, and it looks delicious (Arge)
It seems like everyone just gave up.It was the same as mine, it would be troublesome to step in.
I have already put my hand on it, so I think I should eat too. And just when Im still wondering.
Uhm ... What is it? (Arge)
It is a golem, it poke me lightly.
Theres scarlet light, which seems to y the role of its pupil, looked at me.
... Im sorry, look like she is calling me, I will be going for a while, I will try to exin it to her again. (Arge)
Arge-san, are you okay going alone? Maybe I ... (Zeno)
No, Zeno-kun please stay here, because that girl thinks that way is better (Arge)
She thinks of me as Cyril.To call me only means Id like to talk with Cyril alone.
Although she is misunderstanding, I can understand her feeling. For the time being let follow her. Im getting sleepy, but I decided to keep awake and follow the golem.
Chapter 103
Chapter 103: And who was there
The location for the Lord of the Big Safe was the upperyer of the pyramid as expected. After walking for a while and I finally arrived at the room.
Is it okay to enter ? (Arge)
When I asked it in front of the door, the golem just left away without saying anything.But thinking again, it couldnt respond because It didnt have a mouth.
I was left behind and I knocked the door in front of me.
And then a voice said Come in.Although it isnt a familiar voice, it is definitely a voice I just heard.
Since I got permission, I turn the doorknob and step into the room.
The room wasnt spacious, but it was clean and tidy.There arent many furniture and they are well arranged.
It is a girly room. Im looking arround the room while looking for the rooms owner, she was sitting on the bed and wave her hand to me.I will beckoning here, so I go straight on.
Uh ... how should I call you, Felnote-san-sized spirit-san (Arge)
Who!? What is it? (???)
Oh, Im sorry ... but I still dont know your name, right ... would you like it better with big breast spirit-san? (Arge) (Dai oppai seirei-san toka no kata ga yokattadesu ka?)
You are so blunt ...!? (???)
I think name that reflect your characteristics is important.My name also means silver and vampire.
If you have forgotten, I will tell you many times as you want, my name is Igu Jisuta, Im the existence that you made as a spirit of the Big Safe (Igu)
Ah ... is it so? (Arge)
As usual it seems that shepletely misunderstood that I was Cyril.
Igu Jisuta-san smiled happily and tap her thighs.It was obvious invitaion of ap pillow.
Since I was called, I obediently do as she ask, she stroked my hair with a gently hand.
Her face has a gentle smile.The more I feeling guilty, the more she felt happy.
Fu fu fu, Cyrils hair after a long absence ... (Igu)
... I am not Cyril, arent our hair and eyes color different? (Arge)
No matter that, Cyril is definitely Cyril, even if youre changed a bit. (Igu)
Why can she so confident about it?
When I still confused, she began to talk like having fun.
Even if you are a bit different, this face, the feel of the hair, the smell ... Its definitely Cyril, I was built by Cyril. So if I say that you are Cyril, you are definitely Cyril.
... I am Argento Vanpear. (Arge)
You said so because you forgot your name, but your name is Cyril, you are Cyril. (Igu)
I definitely are not Cyril.
This body, the heart, I remembered everything.
Memory living as Kuon Ginji, Memory livings as Argento Vampear are both within me properly.
And among them there is no memory as Cyril Arcadia.
... I am not Cyril. (Arge)
I keep denying but it was surpring hard.
Igu Jisuta-san who keep touching my hair with her gently hand. Her face is still smiling happy.
But in a moment. Her pupil was gently tightened.
Yeah, you forgot, but I dont force you to remember. If you live here for a while, you will remember one day. (Igu)
It is useless.This person, the story does not make sense.
I felt a little headache, would it better if Im just giving up and run away.
Fu nya... !? (Arge)
She who didnt know my feeling sudden lifted me up.
I was surprised by sudden things, but she isnt an ordinary human but a spirit.Is it natural that her power is stronger than she looks?
While I was panicking with a sudden floating feeling, I was princess carried arround the room.
Well, then lets start by looking at here for a while, little by little! Because Cyril made everything here, it may be a clue to remember! (Igu)
Eh, Wai(t a moment) ... !? (Arge) (Word was cut off halfway)
From Cyrils room, it still looks like before. Ah, that right, this room, Cyril always told me that she could want to feel a little more sense of living, so I tried arranging furniture in various ways! So, how was it ? (Igu)
Uhm ... I guess its okay (Arge)
Is that so, Im d, then lets go! (Igu)
From the bottom of her heart she feel happy, the other person keep carrying me as If I wasnt able to walk, just how long will she n to carry me.
Haa ... (Arge)
Whats wrong, Cyril. If you are tired, should we do it tomorrow? (Igu)
Ah ... no, lets go, Im fine, Igu Jisuta-san (Arge)
If you say, Cyril is my creator, my friend! (Igu)
... It seems that it is not easy to rectify the misunderstanding.
I know Cyrils presence was important for her.
However, when she call me Cyril many times, I be uneasy about myself.Im Argento Vampear. Maybe she think this body of mine is original Cyril.
There is a concept of foreign world reincarnation. So I do not think it is strange if reincarnation urs in the same world.
If Cyril is the one that is originally will be born there and what if my reincarnation take over her at that ce.
I wonder what I should say to her and what to do.
... I dont understand (Arge)
You dont know understand? Dont worry, I will guide Cyril properly! (Igu)
Ah ... Thats right, please, Igu Jisuta (Arge)
I could not deny the hands and words she gave me, and I just going with the flow.
Why should I give in to what she should say. The answer will not be found anytime soon.
Chapter 104
Have you guys ever random wandering in a RPG game ?
Or you just do main quest ?
Chapter 104: Mdy is a free one.
Richelles POV
Well, this is a library, isnt it? (Richelle)
Even if I know that theres no one nearby, Im still speak like natural.
No matter where I look, right, left, above, therere books and books everythere. There are many collections that we dont have in the Valeria familys home. This is a great library.
Excuse me (Richelle)
I lightly bow before going in the great library. As thedy of the Valeria family, I must behave properly even no one looking.
As I go through the door, the unique smell of old paper tickle the nostrils and I can feel strongly that this is the library.
For a monment I felt nostalgic, and then I heard a cute voice.
... ! (Kuzuha) (Richelle dont understand thenguage and the Author leave it nk)
Ah, uhm ... Kuzuha-sama? (Richelle)
Even I cant speak hernguage, I know the name of this lovely fox ears girl is Kuzuha-sama.Even if I dont understand the words directly, Arge-sama will tell me.
Her furs color is a mixed between golden color and tea color and it is a very beautiful hue.I want to pat her or brush her hair, but Im afraid she will put her guard against me or hate me if I carelessly touch her when we cant understand othernguage.
...! ...! (Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-sama is desperately trying to tell something to me. Her voice is soothing like a morning bird.But unfortunately I dont understand what she said.
... It is inconvenient that ournguage is different.
Thenguage used in the Republic and thenguage we, dark elves use are different.
The dark elves of the Demon continent use the ancient spiritualnguage.It is anguage used by the spiritual species that have passed away long ago, elves and dark elves have a strong connection with the spirits.
It was so long ago that I dont even know if my father, mother or even my grandparents are even born yet. Nevertheless, Elves and Dark Elves really cherish the ancient spiritualnguage, in the sense it was remind us of the spirits that no longer here.
I am proud of that as a Dark Elf but this is inconvenient.Ancient spiritualnguages ??can onlymunicate between elves or dark elves and only a few demi that know it.
We usually dont care about it that much, but it is a little painful that I cant reply or say anything to her.
Im sorry, I really dont understand it (Richelle)
Even if I know that she will not understand, but I still show my manner by answer properly.
...Only if Arge-sama is here, she can talk with both us.
Arge-sama seems to havee business and she already left.
Although she wasnt exined in detail, I can understand that there was some reason, by looking at her face.
Im bored that I dont have anyone to talk to, so Ive been exploring for a while and I keep wandering in the library.
Therere some older books are written in ancient spiritualnguages, so lets find them. It will be a good way to kill some time.
Uhm, are you reading as well, Kuzuha-sama? (Richelle)
The fox girl with a smaller body than me is checking the bookshelves right now.
And she stop at a bookshelf with titles written in anguage I cant understand.
Is it a novel or something ?
Reading books is a good thing.Even if I dont understand, I am pleased that we can share the same behavior in the same ce.
... Isnt there a guidance document or a dictionary of the republicannguage?
If we canmunicate even with only simple words, we can feel easy with each other.I dont want to keep troubling Arge-sama.
Well, for now I will pick up the readable letters in the bookshelf.
Hmmm ... Todays Recipe for grasping the heart of that person... Selecting thetest furniture... hundred wonderful word that makes a conversation with the spirit amusing... A good old ruin and an ancient Rtionships of spirits... It is misceneous (Richelle)
I was a little concerned about choosing thetest furniture
When I took the book and looked at the back cover, the age of this book was written, about 500 years ago.
It is far from the word of thetest, but this ce was built long ago.It was not surprising as these books were writing in ancient spiritualnguage.
Personally, I was interested in the epidemic five hundred years ago, but everything is too vague. Lets make sure of it by reading a lot.
And if we look at it this way, there are some tendencies among misceneous. This library really had a lot of books, it was a little fun to search for something you want.
It is a spiritual system and a life system, isnt it? (Richelle)
Im really interested in those rted to the ancient spirit, and those rted to dialogue and start a conversationwith people.And those close to life such as meals and furniture, there are a lot of book collections.
... I still want to to read book how to live with the spirit
These books were ced in close proximity.
And when Im trying to touch that book. It had the rough feel after opened numerous times and evidence of rubbing against fingers and desks.
Its not that the reader doesnt cherish these book.The feeling I have is these book were used many time that it worn out.Im a little happy that someone have the same hobby as me. And I carefully take out these books.
... ? (Richelle)
My fingers searching for books stopped in a certain ce.
It is because theres a strange feeling on my fingers.It isnt a book, it has a hard feel.
I tried to pull it out, but that book did not move.It looks like an ordinary book, but there is no doubt that something is different.
Im gently press that book down, try to move it by circle. Theres a sound of something moving a quiet room ...
... !? (Kuzuha)
It seems the bookshelf move, isnt it? (Richelle)
I dont know the meaning of Kuzuha-samas words, but I know that she was surprised.
The bookshelve keep moving, and after a while.
Several shelves has finished moving, and before our their eyes there was a road.
Hidden room ... is it abination of gears ... Well, I dont understand it (Richelle)
Because I didnt feel the flow of magical power, it isnt an old magical concealment.
Dark elves tend to have more magic and spirit than technologies such as iron and gear.Because I am the same, I cant understand what kind of mechanism it has.
Still, there is no doubt that this room is hidden for some reason.Otherwise, there is no need to hide like this.
... There is no magical residue left ... I wonder what I should do? (Richelle)
I cant feel any trap set by magic.However, if it is a simple trap, it is natural that I cant feel magical power. Im not good with searching for indoor traps.Lets light this road first, I may avoid traps if I have visual.
O magic, be a light in my fingertop and illuminates the road before me (Richelle)
I speak the magic words and create light by magical power.
The warm light illuminates the staircase-shaped aisles and the stairs in the back.
This ce is the middle level, silver, so as we go down, we will reach the lower level, copper.
Hehe, it looks like an adventurous novel, I am so excited, how about you, Kuzuha-sama? (Richelle)
...! (Kuzuha)
... I dont know the meaning of your word, but it seems you are also excited (Richelle)
Kuzuha-sama shakes her tails happy and her eyes are shining brightly as shes walking to me.
Even we couldntmunicate with each other, but I understand somehow that she is in good mood.
Well then, shall we go and explore? (Richelle)
I am concerned about involve regr citizen like Kuzuha-sama, but it cant be helped when both of us are impatient. (T.N: Lord or leader often only order soldier or his subordinate, they avoid involve citizen)
And this little adventure shouldnt have anything bad either.
Im so excited, I cant calm my heart and I stepped into the hidden way together with Kuzuha-sama.
Chapter 105
Trantors note: an onsen event.
Chapter 105: The recipient of memories
So when Cyril made this golem, she said Isnt it cute?. And I reply no matter how I look, its cute at all at that time. (Igu)
Ha, was it so? (Arge)
Yeah yeah, because they are moving with Wasa ~wasasound, the body is rounded, its a some kind of insect rather than cute, isnt it? (Igu)
Oh, I can understand it. (Arge)
When I was telling you that, you got angry with Dont you see it cute, I make a lot of legs so it can climb stair step unlike wheels (Igu)
Ah ... is it so? (Arge)
I didnt understand at that time, but when I lived with them all the time while waiting for Cyril ... they be kind of cute when I get used to them. (Igu)
So, you think they are cute now? (Arge)
I try to thrust in, but it seems she has not heard it at all.
Igu Jisuta-san from bottom of her heart, talking about Cyril.Looking at my face, she look at Cyril instead of me.
... I am getting tired, because of her one side talk.
We dont seem to be in a conversation.
Even if I say anything, the other side still treats me as Cyril.
Even she is talking to me, in fact shes only talking to Cyril, in hope that I remember the old days, but I am not Cyril.
Because she is mistaken picking up the recipient of memories, the actions of the opponent are one side.
Still, She believe that Im Cyril and she keep talking.
Oh yeah, I fix the bath, too, because it was a little narrow to get in before. Now it can take even twenty people (Igu)
Oh, is it a wide bath ...? (Arge)
I n to surprise Cyril when you are back! I guess you will be surprised as soon as you go to the back corridor, so why dont you try... (it now?) (Igu)
Her high tension was stopped suddenly.
When Im thinking what it was, Igu Jisuta-san make a cool face.
... Sorry, Cyril. A little problem has urred. (Igu)
Whats wrong? (Arge)
It ismon thing, the robbers are making noise outside. (Igu)
Robbers ... are there three of them? (Arge)
No ... No, there are a few more .... There are a lot of them, since you are gone, robbers often try to invade the Big Safe (Igu)
When I heard about robbers, I thought about a baldy, leg hair and nose hair trio, but it seems a different group.
Igu Jisuta-san took out a piece of gold coin from her pocket and threw it in the air.
And it sparking in the air.
What ...!? (Arge)
A sound gold coins can be heard, it bing the mainstream of light.
For a moment, I must close my eyes because it happen so suddenly.And after I open my eyes, a golden stick manifests in her hand.
Magic Artifact, Ringing Golden Staff, please wait here Cyril, I will be back soon (Igu)
She narrowed her silver eyes and Igu Jisuta-san start running.
I sign as Im waiting the bright redhead Spirit-san get away.
... I am tired. (Arge)
To be honest, I want to go to bed earlier and sleep now.
Every time I was called by someones name, not Arge. It make me feel ufortable just like when someone tickle your feet.This is a bad feeling.
Even if she treat me really nice but I still feed bad because I was treated as a different one.
... Shall I have a bath, then? (Arge)
I usually do everything with cleanse and go sleep.
But right now, I want to change my mood.With that in mind, I start walking in the direction she told me before.
... Ah, a good smell (Arge)
I felt a peculiar smell in front of the door of the bathroom.
It is different from the smell of ordinary hot water, it smell like iron and a sweet smell.Its the smells of hot springs.
The Republic has a lot of hot springs here and there, so maybe the bath here is one of them.
When I consented and opened the door, the smell was even stronger.A nostalgic fragrant that stimtes my nose, this will be a good way to change my mood.
Nn, sho (Arge)
I take off what Im wearing and put it on the shelf nearby.
I can cleanse even my clothes when I use recovery magic, theres no need for washing.However, it still can be wrinkled, so I put it after folding properly.
Finally, I take off my underwear and Im ready to take a bath. Because there were some towels at the entrance, I borrowed one, wrapped on my body and opened the door.
Ummm... (Arge)
The moist and warm air strokes my skin.
I step into the bath while feeling the air with the smell of hot springs.It is pleasant that the footprints are carved on the damp floor.
The bath was as wide as she said, it was arge public bath where about twenty people to thirty people could enter.
Trying the water, the temperature is warm. I use the nearby tub and pour hot water over my body. And I slowly soak in the bath.
Fu~a, ummmmn ... kimochi ... (Arge)
Because it is a temperature that doesnt feel hot, my body slowly get used to the heat.
I sink down to the shoulder in hot water, I got a gentle feeling that the muscles in my body will go loose.
Wa ... warm ... (Arge)
Well, I think its a nice temperature. (Felnote)
Fue!? (Arge)
All of sudden, I heard a familiar voice while Im rxing my mind. I was startled.
And when I open my eyes, I saw two colored eyes beyond the steam.
Eto... Felnote-san? (Arge)
I want to have first hot water so Ie in before everyone. (Felnote)
Felnote-san was soaking in hot water with her big breasts floating over there.
Her side pony tail hair are down, and I am a little surprised by her looks.
Hey, Arge, why dont you sit here? (Felnote)
She smiled as shes calling my name.
Not Cyril but Arge.I got a sense of security to be called so, I sat down next to Felnote-san.
Chapter 106
Trantors Note: Im testing trante chapter 48 Sages Pupil. It was Hell. Even I understand all the words, the grammar is still a mess. More important, I dont know/remember the name thestest trantor use.
Ah ... I want trante more Arge. Even Mira is cute but I prefer trante Arge. In 3 weeks I must change to Mira, the chapter is 3 times longer, the grammar is 3 times messier. Unless I transform myself to a Red Imouto with 3 times faster, I wont be able to release 1 chapter per day.
Chapter 106: Things that unwind in hot water
Felnote-san, so why are you here? (Arge)
Since I was bored, I thought about soaking in a bath and killing some time. When I asked the golem, they show me the way (Felnote)
Ah, I see.
They do not speak, but they seem to do guidance as long as you speak to them.
They must be programed or built that way.
Hey ... it feels good, I like this temperature. (Arge)
Yeah, I also feel like my body is warming up. (Felnote)
We sit next to each other with our shoulders touch while enjoying the hot water.
Its a little embarrassed to see each other nake body but this is a bathroom. So I shouldnt mind about it.
Im looking at Felnote-san and she were watching me. Even if we all sit down but there is a difference in height, so our lines of sight were different.
I am looking up to her face, but her eyes were looking down to my chest.
... Uhm, whats wrong ? (Arge)
Ah ... no, nothing, ... so what is it, Arge? (Felnote)
When I asked her, it seems like she wasnt pay attention. She try to answer in a hurry by a question. Was I doing something strange that make her keep staring at me ?
... Mr. Felnote, dont tell me ... (Arge)
Uhm, what? (Felnote)
Even if you keep looking at it so much, unfortunately my chest will not grow like Felnote san? (Arge)
You just said something both rude to me and yourself just now ...! (Felnote)
Hidoi ! Felnote-san is mean! Youre rich and Im poor ! Odd Eyes Boing ! (Arge)
Yeah yeah! I am bad, Im sorry, okay ? (Felnote)
By the way, why did you look at my chest? (Arge)
Please stop suddenly return to prime topic, I can not follow ... (Felnote)
I cant help it.
Her Tsukkomi and reactions are somewhat nostalgic.
Shes calling me by my name. I feel somewhat relieved with that.
After a while were looking at each other again. Our line of sight was looking at each other face properly.
... So, Arge. Whats wrong? (Felnote)
No, I feel a bit relieved. (Arge)
Relieved ...? (Felnote)
Felnote-san is as usual, And I am me. (Arge)
What is it, did something strange happen to you? (Felnote)
I do believe it (was treated as Cyril) is strange, but what I said is true, I really feel relieved when Felnote-san call my name. And then, I feel like I want to have a little mischief. I use my hands to throw hot water at Felnote, and she closed her two color eyes as she get hot water on her face.
Felnote-sanughed and epted my invitation, and she fight back. We y with hot water for a while. It seems somewhatfortable.
After y until tired, I signed. I can certainly believe who I really am. I wonder what should I say with Igu-san.
While ying my silvery hair swaying in hot water, I spoke again to Felnote-san.
... By the way, what did you do that for, Felnote-san? (Arge)
Well ... um, um, how about you? (Felnote)
No, I only look at your face because I n to talk with you a while ago. I just wonder why you keep looking at my chest, do I have something strange ? (Arge)
Ah-uhm ... about that, it is ... (Felnote)
... ? (Arge)
It is unusual for Felnote-san to behave like this, she cant even reply properly.
She is always dignified and has a solid response. Because of that I want to y with her, she is a good person.
It was unusual for Felnote-san to take an attitude that seemed confused. Have I done something wrong?
Felnote-san? If there is something you worry about, you can talk with me about it
Iming closer to her and look direct to her eyes, because our height were different, my line of sight be an upward stare as Felnote-san has a downward one.
Felnote looked more and more troubled and her face turned red.
Hey, wait, Arge, if youre approaching while staring at me like that, I will be troubled ... you see ... (Felnote)
Troubled ...? (Arge)
Thats not it, I mean differently ... Ah, the smell of Arge... (Felnote)
Odor ? ... Im not sweat that much, but was it feel weird? (Arge)
Well, it was rather good! (Felnote)
... Ano? (Arge)
Sorry, Im sorry, thats not it ... No, you dont have to worry. Ah, I already done my bath, well, if you excuse me ... (Felnote)
For some reason, Felnote-san kept her nose up as she went out of the bath.
It seems that the heat of hot water go to her brain. Even though the temperature is not hot, I think with Felnote-san, soaking a long time in hot water is strictly prohibited.
I think that I am going to enjoy hot water a little more, I sink my body into the hot water once more.
While soaking in how water again, I natural sigh with a nice feeling.
As I rx, I be drowsy, but it will be dangerous to sleep in the bath, so I will just narrowed my eyes.
Just narrowing ... only narrowing ... sleeping ... sleepy ...
Arge-san! (Kuzuha)
Fumi ~yu!? (Arge)
Suddenly I was surprised and jumped up.
Sounds of hot water were loudly echoed, and when the steam fade away.
Before my eyes was a familiar fox girl.
... Kuzuha-chan? (Arge)
Hehehe, Arge-san, its just a while ago! I got bigger and I came back! (Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan rise her nose proudly. Her tails swayed in a good mood.
... It seems to me that you still arent any bigger though (Arge)
Mu~mu! Although my height and tails are still the same, it has grown properly! (Kuzuha)
Ha, is that so? (Arge)
Kuzaha-chan is proudly said it has grown properly even the height and tails are the same.
In fact, what I said before was about her breasts, they remain small. They hasnt changed.
Still, Kuzuha-chan insists that she got bigger. Where is she talking about?
... butt? (Arge)
What are you talking about? (Kuzuha)
No, Im talking about what part of Kuzuha-chan got bigger? (Arge)
What I said is my inside! I had finished one adventure and I grew bigger (Kuzuha mean she be more mature) as I came back! (Kuzuha)
Oh, was that so? (Arge)
So it was about her grow as a person not her appearance.
When I was convinced by Kuzuha-chan words. Someone else appear from behind the steam.
It is Richelle-san, I can see water drops in her smooth brown skin even in white steam. Her purple eyes are looiking at me, her eyes was narrowed because of hot steam.
Richelle-san, who was in a state of unimpaired appearance, was doing a beautiful body bow with proportion even in ce. Her beautiful appearance can be evaluated as a model, especially one part highly emphasized when looking side by side with Kuzha.
Arge-sama, did youe here for a bath too? (Richelle)
Richelle-san, were you with Kuzuha-chan? (Arge)
Yes, even though I couldntmunicate with her, I was in her care until now. (Richelle)
Is that so? With Kuzuha-chan, right? (Arge)
Kuzuha-chan is a very caring person but she also has a carefree character.
She is still young and she should have others care for her, But to think that Richelle-san in Kuzuha-chans care .
Even Kuzuha-san is still a kid but she can be reliable sometime. Is this what she mean by grow bigger ?
When I feel convinced, Richelle-san delightful talking to me.
I have something I want to report ... after taking a bath, may I have a moment of your time? (Richelle)
I dont mind if you do it here (Arge)
No, because my family motto is we must rx when soaking hot water, not to worry about anything else (Richelle)
Indeed, it cant be helped if it is a family tradition.
Richelle-san sat down. And Kuzuha-chan is sitting next to her.
They both soak up to their shoulders in hot water and sigh at the same time.
They really look like sisters.
It seems that she was together with Kuzuha-chan to have their adventure even they cant understand othernguage. But it seems like they have be good friends.
Well were already soaking in water for a while, should we get out ? (Arge) (Ǥϕޤ: Dewa shibashi, oyu o itadakimasu ne)
Wa ... dont be like that, Arge-san (Kuzuha) (ϩ`...ߤߤޤͤ른: Wa ... shimimasu wa n, Aruje-san)
Oh, I see. Lets soaking in water for a while longer then. (Arge)
Fox ears and elf ears. I watched the briefly that the two long ears fell down.
In the warmth of hot water, the towels cover their chest unravels.
I am worried about what Richelle want to report is but for now I decided to pull out a little bit.
Authors Note: I gave the activity report on the matter oficalization.Well then.
Chapter 107
Trantors Note:
Ah... I really love to trante Arge after all. Really easy to guess who are talking.
~wa , ~no, Arge-san is Kuzuha
Arge is Felnote
Arge-sama is Richelle
Arge Chapter 107: Something was hidden deep down.
ED: Lowe
After getting out of the bath, Kuzuha-chan and Richelle-san take me to the library.
I can feel the smell of the old papers around me after getting out of hot water. It is not a bad feeling.
Even so I must ask them first
So whats wrong with this ce? (Arge)
Can you see there is a road there? (Richelle)
Richelle-san point her finger to the corner of the library.There was a gap in the bookshelf unnaturally, and the other side seemed to be a passage.
Whats going on? (Arge)
It looks like a hidden passage, Ive explored with Kuzuha-sama before. (Richelle)
Haa, I see ... Kuzuha-chan, so how do you think about that passage? (Arge)
It was serious! I have no problem with it though! (Kuzuha)
It seems that it was serious.
For the time being, I looked into the other side of the aisle.It seems dark, but it doesnt matter to me.The vampires vision can even see in the darkness.
There are signs that there are arrows stuck in the walls, holes on the floor are clear, and something just exploded.
The stairs can be seen in the back of the road, but the road lead to it was in terrible condition.
... It seems that you stepped on a lot of trap (Arge)
Yes, Richelle went ahead and started all the traps ... and I must help every single time ... It was serious. (Kuzuha)
Indeed, it certainly seems that what Kuzuha-chan said was true.
Still, from her face, I can feel that she didnt feel tired but rather had fun as Kuzuha-chan isughing.Even though she thought that it was difficult, it must be fun.
As for Richelle-chan who was on the side of being protected, she also smiles.
Kuzuha-sama has saved me from dangers many times (Richelle)
Well, I can tell just by seeing it. (Arge)
If you look at the misery of the aisle, you can predict what is mostly what happened.
But I cant see any golems, even you guys cause a lot of noises (Arge)
It seems that the golem will note near here. (Kuzuha)
... It is strange, is not it? (Richelle)
Golem should also be used for security, so it is strange to say that they didnt react with a lot of noises, especially a hidden ce that need a lot of protection like this.
Well, but if they are surrounded a room with hidden passage, it will also like announce there was some important things hidden there.
When I started walking in the hidden passage, there are a lot of dust and gunpowders smell stick to my nose.
Dust is due to this ce isnt cleaned for years, and gunpowders smell is from the explosion trap residue.
... Well, it seems like you had activated all the trap (Arge)
I wonder if it will release anymore? (Richelle)
It was innovative, wasnt it? (Kuzuha)
Id say it was more novel like ... (Felnote)
I can hear the voice of Felnote-san from the back.
It is quite narrow if we go with four people. Shall we divide in two rows? (Felnote)
Please wait a moment, Felnote-san ... so Richelle-san, what did you find ahead? (Arge)
Its a hidden room, but it was locked by magic, I thought that Arge-sama could open it. (Richelle)
...I see (Arge)
In other words, is it my responsibility to open the lock?
I feels like Im carrying a thief all-purpose tool, but I also concerned about this ce.
What kind of rtionship between me and Cyril?Perhaps I will get some hints in this ce
In order to find an answer the mystery that appeared abruptly, I started walking.
Light (Felnote)
As Felnote-sans voice echo, light appear on her fingertips.It is unnecessary for me and Kuzuha-chan, but it is certainly better to have a light because this aisle is dark.
Ignoring the burning smell of traps and going through the aisle while avoiding the difficult walking ce.
Looking into the stairs, there was also a trace of traps there as well.
Every trap have been activated, which is quite a terrible thing, but it seems we will be able to pass easy now.
Well then, shall we go? (Arge)
I said to everyone and go down the stairs.
The stairs were difficult to walk, but it wasnt long.It takes few minutes to reach the end of the step.
Before our eyes, there was a huge iron door.
I gently touch and push. The door didnt move at all, but I can felt the flow of magical power rebound.
...This is (Arge)
Certainly, this magical power has wavelength simr to Arge (Felnote)
Felnote-san, touching the door in the same way next to me as she talking.
Certainly, the quality of magical power I feel from my fingertip is the same as mine.
It feels like this ce was made for me, or rather for Cyril.
... Open sesame (Arge) (original was Please Open)
I use my magic the same way with recovery magic.
The recovery magic that I use is a powerful magic that nor only heal wounds but also curses and poisons.
And a seal is close to a curse.
And then I hear a loud noise, the magical power that covers the door scatters and disappear.I tried to push the door again, this time it opened obediently.
Dusty air escapes from the gap of the door and strokes my skin.
I stepped inside the door, and the room appear before my eyes is...
This is ... the office? (Arge)
The word leaked naturally as I evaluate this ce.
A set of tools for writing is lined up on a chic ck desk.
A stack of notes on the edge of the desk is a number of documents.
I approached and reached for a note.Even if I do not know what thenguages on the cover are, but I can understand the meaning with thenguage trantion skill.
This is a diary ... (Arge)
Arge, you can read? (Felnote)
Yes. And in this case, I think this is Cyrils diary. (Arge)
It looks like an ancient spiritualnguage, it is simple and legible. (Richelle)
Richelle get interested while looking at the diary in my hand.
The person write this diary must be Cyril.
In that case if I read this, I may know something about the connection between Cyril and me.
Arge, what will you do? (Felnote)
... I will read it. (Arge)
I understand that reading a diary of another person is never a good thing.
Still, I chose to read the diary. I will not understand anything unless I read it.
... Then, it will be bad if she (Igu)e back while you are still reading. (Felnote)
Yes, the golems will note near here, but Spirit-san wille back after she repel the thieves ... Then, she will look for Arge-sama (Richelle)
Then ... Shall we go and buy Arge-san some time? (Kuzuha)
... Im sorry and Please. (Arge)
And then Felnote-san and Kuzuha-chan leave the room with a smile.
Richelle-san is excited looking around the room. And she set her eyes on the bookshelf in the corner of the room and began to read those book.Lets leave her alone for now.
I sit on a desk that looks expensive and begin to choose from the diary stack.
I go back to the year written on the cover and decide to open it from the oldest number.
As I turning its pages, I can get the meaning even I dont know thenguage.
... !? (Arge)
Suddenly, I be sleepy like I never sleep before, my consciousness is fading and Im falling asleep
And after I wake up I saw someone who looked like me. (TN: Arges consciousness was sucked into the dream world, her body is in a sleeping state)
Chapter 108
Chapter 108: Cyrilnote
... I didnt think that there will be a day that I cane out (???)
A girl who looks exactly like me, but shes gentlyughing, unlike myself.
I know this smile.I have seen it.
A smile that thinks of someone.It was a gentle smile like Kuzuha-chans mother.
The girl is sitting on the desk. For now, I will talk to her.
Are you Cyril? (Arge) (: Shiriru)
I am Cyril, and Im not Cyril. Im a closest existence to Cyril but in the end, Im not Cyril. (???)
Well, that means you are a Tail hair-san? (Arge) (ë: Shirige-san)
How did youe up with that!? (???)
Maybe I shouldnt do that.Although I didnt understand this story, I just followed up.
Her face is distorts that looks exactly like me and she clears her throat so as to correct his mind.
Im Cyrils Note , you can call me Cyrilnote, please stop with the Tail thing. (Cyrilnote)
Okay, Cyrilnote (Arge)
When Im calling her name, Cyrilnote gave me a smile.
Her face very simr to me, but the way of talking and atmosphere ispletely different.If she says that she is the closeest existence to Cyril, then Cyril and I will be different person.
And while I still wondering, her next words confirm my thought.
Anyway, what are you doing here? you look like Cyril, but a different person (Cyrilnote)
...So after all, we are different? (Arge)
Well, you are different. Your hair and eyes dont have the same color. You dont cry like her. Your magical powers are simr, but the vector is the opposite. (Cyrilnote)
Vector ...? (Arge)
Put it simple, you are like Cyril, but thats it. (Cyril)
... Only that, whats with that? (Arge)
Its just that. If youre worried, try listening to that Dark Elfter, as it is my time now, you can only do it afterwards (Cyrilnote)
As she told me, I turn around, Richelle isnt there.
There must be some trick.However, there are still things that I am concerned about so I must ask her everything.
Looking at Cyrilnote again, she is descending from the desk.
Well, my only role is to inform those who opened Cyrils note that Cyril left behind, Cyril herself must have had a person in mind she want to open it ... that girl right now seems like blind. (Cyrilnote)
Cyrilnote seems sad as she says so.
I guess that girl she talking about is Igu Jisuta-san.
A spirit of the big safe that believes I am Cyril, she is gorgeous and stubborn.
Cyrilnote started to talk again.
Well, I can understand her feelings.The person she love is absent for centyries, and she have made coins by herself and kept counting. It cant be helped that she became like that (Cyrilnote)
Cyrilnote, have you died? (Arge)
Well, I dont know about that, I am the same as Igu Jisuta, I only know about what golems here saw and heard. But if Cyril is alive, there is no way she will not return here. (Cyrilnote)
Cyrilnote keep on talking while looking as if to check in the library.
Well, since you seem to want to know about Cyril, lets talk about her, Cyril was originally under the supervision of a certain person. That person was her master and the one she loved more than anyone. (Cyrilnote)
... (Arge)
That person said that she came from another world and she teach Cyril about the machine (Cyrilnote)
Another world ... (Arge)
I dont know if its true or not, because what Im talking about are the records that Cyril left behind. (Cyrilnote)
If that friend is really from another world, then theres no mistake about it.
I always thought the word machine was strange with this world civilization, that friend of her must be the one brought it to this world.
Cyril and her master had one dream, to unify the currency of this world, it is easy to say, but it wasnt that simple (Cyrilnote)
... that would be the case (Arge)
It is impossible to unify money into one.
No country want to change their currency to other countrys one.
And if there is only one kind of money means that the economy copses the moment that money bes worthless.
Yeah, it was not easy, but that is the only dream they share. After her masters death, Cyril never once lose her passion. She make the greatest grave for her master with knowledge from another world she once heard, the pyramid. She build this bomb to let her master have a peaceful rest and it also to realize their dream (Cyrilnote)
To that extent (Arge)
Yeah, she has that much thought. (Cyrilnote)
Thoughts, dreams, living worth.
It seems that Cyril had everything.
As I thought, she and I are different people.
She is different from someone like me that think everything is troublesome and dont want to work.
I have no passion and love like Cyril.
And then Cyril create the artificial spirit tofort her, that was Igu jisuta, imitated her best friend, Igu Jii (). (Cyrilnote)
Imitate? then Cyril is ... (Arge)
Yes, as Cyril is lonely, so she make Igu Jisuta as a recement of her close friends ... at first. (Cyrilnote)
At first? (Arge)
Yeah, Cyril was change, Igu Jisuta and Igu Jii are different. While Cyril live together with her, Cyril noticed that. (Cyrilnote)
Ah ... (Arge)
Thats why she began to see Igu Jisuta as a different friend, not Igu Jii. (Cyrilnote)
It was just like a personnel affair, but Cyrilnote is shyly smiled.
Shes turning around, holding the pen lined up on the desk, and she keeps talking.
Cyril from then respected the behavior and intentions of Igu Jisuta and made her grow up. Cyril cherish her as another important friend. (Cyrilnote)
... Cyril cherish Igu Jisuta-san ? (Arge)
I remember something simr that Igu Jisuta-san told me.
Theres no doubt that she think Cyril is important. Enough to blindly believe in that another person that look like her. She had been waiting for centuries after all.
Yes, thats right. If Cyril is still alive, theres no way she isnte back. Cyril thinks of Igu Jisuta as an important friend and also has affection for her. This ce has someone she cherish, this ce is also the ce she realize her dream. Even if she gonne die soon, she will return to her best friends grave and rest together (Cyrilnote)
... then Cyril is (Arge)
Well, she must be long dead, its already centuries and Cyril was just a human being. (Cyrilnote)
... (Arge)
You have nothing to do with her, but if you feel something for her then ... Well, will you let that idiot awake? (Cyrilnote)
Smile somewhat sad, Cyrilnote stroked my head.
Her gentle touch feel like a mean to say goodbye.
The girl with a face that looks exactly like me turned round like try to hiding her face.
Its a hassle, but Id be happy if you help her. Im a bit sad to keep watching her like this. (Cyrilnote)
I understand (Arge)
Im surprise at myself that I ept her request without thinking..
Even if help her, I will not have any benefit.Even I know that, I still ept it.
Cyrilnote after hearing my words, gently smiled.
A gentle smile when she thinks of someone, the same as I first saw.
I keeps staring at her for a while, and my shoulder was tapped.
Arge-sama, are you okay? (Richelle)
...Umm (Arge)
The moment I heard Richelle-sans voice, I found myself sleeping on the desk.
I feel like I woke up from my dream, when Im looking at Cyrils diary again, Cyrils diary have be blurred.I do not know the meaning of blurred letters.
Dream ... No, I guess it is something like a dream (Arge)
Have you fallen asleep, did I wake you up ...? Im Sorry (Richelle)
No. It was just fine. (Arge)
Its like timing was measured, perhaps Cyrilnote has done something about it.
While recalling what I was told, I ask the dark elf girl.
Richelle-san, do you think that my figure looked like someone, and did it rte to anything? (Arge)
... Rtionship, is it? (Richelle)
Richelle-san put her index finger to her cheek and gestured like pondering.
Her blonde hair are swaying as she turn back and forth. After pondering for a few minutes, she told me.
Vampires are the existence of high concentration magical power that acquired a will. In other words, if you provide an enormous magic enough to enrich the magical power in the atmosphere, the vampire will be born, with the form of most likely the owner of that magical power (Richelle)
... Well then what if I look like someone? (Arge)
The environment in which Arge-sama is born is not natural, it is artificially born. (Richelle)
... thats all? (Arge)
Yes, thats it, you will inherit to some extent the quality of magical powers like gics, but you are a different person. (Richelle)
I wish Richelle-san had told me about this sooner but Richelle knows only my words.
I didnt properly exin to her what kind of circumstances I had so far. So unless, I ask her about it, she would not tell me about it.
This is the trouble of having a differentnguage. And I understand that it cant be help.
Thend where I was born is a ce where there was a massive battle in the past.
It was a lonely ce that turned into ruins. Maybe the magic power that was once used in that ce was by Cyril. And her magical power must be strongestpare to other. And that why I have the same her magic power and appearance as her. That must be it. With that in mind, I got up from the chair.
... Well then, shall we go? (Arge)
Is it alright? (Richelle)
Yes, I already knew what I needed to know. (Arge)
Even I still havent checked everything was written here, I already know what I have to know and what I want to know.
I dont need to uncover these memories any further.
Theres someone who should know about the memories here more than me.
In order to fulfill what I promised, I left the hidden room.
Chapter 109
[Next]Today picture:Uhm, I want you to help me, is that no good after all?Uhm, I want you to help me, is that no good after all?
Arge Chapter 109: Manager of the Big safe
Haa~ ... Honestly, so persistent (Igu Jisuta)
After finishing all the battle, I looked around the burnednd and I sigh.
Cyril coins which is the only currency in the world. This is the only ce in this world can make it.
Stupid greedy people are constantly trying to upy this ce.
It is my responsibility to prevent them. Because Im the guardian spirit of this big safe.
In the first ce, if this big safe is fallen, this worlds economy will copse (Igu Jisuta)
Cyril coin is recognized as the only currency because of its safety and forgery prevention.
You need massive amount of magic power and the method that Cyril left behind to create Cyril coins. So if people want more coins, the only way they can do is attack and rob this ce.
They oftene here to attack but to think ... that they dare to get in the way of my time with Cyril who just came back ... (Igu Jisuta)
An important time with Cyril.
It is enormously unpleasant that I was robbed of it even a second.
Indeed, the bandits have done it now.The most irritate are I cant catch them or kill all of them. (T.N: maybe Cyril ask Igu not to kill, and the safe dont have prison)
At the moment they realized that it was impossible to attack, they pull out. It was such a regtion that I couldnt believe that they are a bandit group.
Why cant you see that its meaningless to attack here. You even wear those stupid bandit clothes (Igu Jisuta)
A strange bandit group led by a leader who seemed to want me to suspect that they were really a bandit.
With the thought that they will neveres again, I order the golem.
Sprinkle the salt at the entrance and also do some maintenance to the surrounding topography (Igi Jisuta)
I still remember, Cyril asked me to spread the salt long ago, a ceremonial ritual.
We should also clean up the rough terrain so that Cyril will be able to see the outside pleasantly.
Golems never talk, but theyre always faithful to my words.
In the same way, we are sharing feelings for Cyril, and we can feel the same as what we have seen and heard.
... I cant see Cyril anywhere (Igu Jisuta)
I couldnt find Cyril even I looked for her with that power. (Golems visual, just like camera)
The number of golems isrge, Cyril has established a production line that create a fixed number of Golem even if I dont do anything.
Right now Cyril is still in the big safe, even the golems are looking around everywhere but still dont know where she is...
Was she in the bathroom? (Igu Jisuta)
Theres some ce that the surveince is thin.This due to the problem of privacy.
Cyril is the one that make and design the golems not to go to those ce.
Should I wait for a while?As I thought, I went back inside the big safe.
Behind the door, I heard footstepsing toward me.
I know the the footsteps are from two people.It was just now reflected in the eyes of Golems.
I want borrow you a little, is it alright? (Felnote)
From the back of the corridor, a heterochromia woman speaks to me.Who is she again?I dont remember anyone except Cyril and of course, I dont even know the name of the fox ear girl beside her.
Originally I would like ignore them and to return to Cyril, but they are friends of Cyril.I cant turn them down.
Do you need something, customer (Igu Jisuta) (ʤˤʡ)
Id like you to guide me around here for a while, may I ask you to do that? (Felnote)
If you want, you can ask the golem, they dont say anything but they will listen to any of your request, they will take anywhere you want (Igu Jisuta)
The golems that Cyril made are truly excellent, they do most of the misceneous things.
If ites down to a fault, it cant talk.That is the only drawback, just a little, I feel lonely because I have no-one to talk with.
When I said that, the fox girle forward.
She has a brilliant golden hair, this fox ears girl.Shes looking up to me face to face and tilted her head.
I want you to give me a tour around this ce withmentary ...is that no good after all? (Kuzuha)
Hm... (Igu Jisuta)
Since we came to ce like this, it seemed like she want see how Cyril built this ce, it was such a rare chance that we visit this ce, is it no good after all? (Felnote)
Both the parent and child are asking me.
Im in trouble when they told me so far.
Commentary can not be done by golem.They cant talk, the function is missing.
I used a few seconds for thought.In order to decide what I should do and I struck the floor with my favorite cane.
Okay, let me guide you. (Igu jisuta)
This Big safe and the machines around here are Cyrils Wisdom Crystal. (ӢǤνY)
Even if youre searching the whole world, there is no other ce that can use the same Technology.
I can not exin the whole thing, such as the line producing money or the golem.Still, I can talk about the overview.
Im d that Cyrils achievements will be spread to many people.
So, you agree! Thank you very much! (Kuzuha)
Uhm, you are such an avid daughter, you are really interested in it. (Igu Jisuta)
... Just a little, she isnt my daughter (Felnote)
Hm? Is that so? (Igu Jisuta)
Because they are close with each other, I thought they were parent-child or something but look like they arent.
It isnt umon for half beastkin and a human being parent-child. Also their appearance are somewhat simr.
It seems that I will step on some mine if Im digging too much, so for now I will I apologize mildly and end it.
Cyril will alsoe out while Im guiding them, and lets quickly end the job.
Allow me to show you, customer (Igu Jisuta)
This ce is the entrance.If you guide from here to the top, it will be the shortest and best route.
If Cyrile out, I will know right away from the golems. For now I will guide the guests.
First of all, lets me guide you to the hall where we first met, that ce is where guests entertain, Cyril was thoughtful about it. (Igu Jisuta)
Yes, I didnt look around wellst time, so Im looking forward to it. (Kuzuha)
Well then, next ce is the stable, it is the ce where guest horses are connected. This ce was careful built to help the guest. Even outside light cant go through, but the stable isfortable for the horses (Igu Jisuta)
Is this ce also built by Cyril (Kuzuha)
Of course, Cyril is always attentive to our customers (Igu Jisuta)
This Big safe is of course bulit to prepare for an attack from the outside, but it is also made with consideration to thefort of the people and the guests who visit and live in.
This is an embodied example of Cyrils dream, a ce to spend a peaceful time and a house to spend time with friends.
Since Cyril was missing, there were only peddlers who used merchant magic visit this ce. But from now on, opportunities to call others will also increase.
I was able to guide them properly. But...
By the time we came to the the middle floor (silver), more time had passed than I thought.
Next ... the library is close, since most of the collections are in republican, you can read it. Sometimes it was written in ancient spiritualnguages, but those book are collect for Cyrils hobby, I dont know what it is about. (Igu Jisuta)
I was born as an artificial spirit, I grew up here and I lived here.
Thenguage Cyril taught me was republicannguage, and I dont know the ancient spiritualnguage.
Ah ... no, we dont have to go to the library, because I just visit it earlier (Kuzuha)
Oh, is that so? (Igu Jisuta)
... Yeah, I peeped in that ce while searching for you. (Kuzuha)
Um, youre only peeping in, right? Then I will show you again. (Igu Jisuta)
Wait a moment, please! (Kuzuha)
I tried to guide them, but the fox girl stop me.
Is she in a hurry, the girl seems to be restless.
Shes restless looking around as if searching for something and finally she show a relief face like just found a salvation.
O, its a toilet! (Kuzuha)
Ah, I see (Igu Jisuta)
Even after see her fidgeting but I still cant figure out something like that.
... I did not care enough.
Cyril repeatedly said that I must concern for others, but even though I was told that repeatly but I still dont remember it
I think that was because I didnt contact with other people for a long time. Even she is just a child, I have considered her like an adult, that was my mistake.
Sorry, just take your time, I will guide you again soon (Igu Jisuta)
I lower my head to apologize and I turn my feet around to run a certain ce.
Just a little, okay? (Igu Jisuta) (٤Ǥ)
At that moment, I forgot everything.
It was because I heard a voicee from the library.
[Next]Next chapter.
Something will happen. And we will need 12 chapter to resolve it.
One thing I can say is:
I love Kuzuha the most, way more than Arge.
She steal Arges spot light.
She is like a main protag in shonen manga with Arge is the main heroine.
Mile chapter 59 is 40% trante.
I hope I can finish today
and if I cant I will release it tomorow.
Chapter 110
[Next]Trantors Note:
Im sorry,st time I read from google trante and my memories was mess up.
This chapter and next chapter arent cliff hanger yet.
Please enjoy the two chapters.
Arge Chapter 110: To the direction of feelings
Cyril Big SafeCyril Big Safe C Library
... Cyril! (Igu)
She turns back to my direction and smiling.
She is still calling me by Cyril as shes running toward me.
Cyril! I searched for you everywhere! (Igu)
Shesing here while spreading out her hand as she tries to embrace me.
Since I have seen once, theres no need to hurry.
I adjusted my breath and move side way.
Wa bu~!? (Igu)
Igu Jisuta is losing her bnce and falling.
I saw some copper coins spiiled out and her red hair spreading on the floor, and I sigh.
Are you trying to bury my face in your chest chest and stop my breath again? (Arge)
Ugu ... Im sorry, Cyril (Igu)
Igu Jisuta-san rises up while holding her nose with tears in her silver eyes.
So, Cyril, where did you go? (Igu)
Sorry, Im reading books in library (Arge)
I see. That reminds me, the golems dont get close to that area (Igu)
Looks like it.
By the way, Igu Jisuta-san,
can you tell me a little more about you and me? (Arge)
Im not asking about Argento Vampear.
Cyril had told me many times before. It was about Cyril Arcadia.
But at that time, I just ignore her with a wry smile.
Ah! Thats right! Thats right!
If you hear lots of memories, it will be easier for you to remember! (Igu)
Well, I dont have such intention.
I am not Cyril, I already make sure of it.
Still, I didnt deny it and decided to listen to her memorable story.
If she is talking about Cyril, it will be the mood to tell her the truth.
Ah thats right, about the library.
Cyril hates to get disturbed so she order the golems dont go near the library and toilet (Igu)
Oh, really (Arge)
Well, I can understand about the toilet.
Even though its just golem, I cant feel calm when I see it in the toilet together with me, too.
But I dont understand about the library ... And when I ask. Cyril somewhat shy answers I want to read in quiet (Igu)
I see (Arge)
And I also know that with Cyril:
The time to read a book leisurely was different from fun ... but it wasnt boring. (Igu)
...Would you mind telling more about it? (Arge)
Of course! I will talk as much as you want! (Igu)
Igu Jisuta-san smiles joyfully and talks a lot of things.
About failure, sess, happiness and pain.
Her memories with Cyril. She was really happy when talking about it.
Different from Cyril Note that kind of sad when talking about the past, Igu Jisuta is talking like show off her precious treasure.
Igu Jisuta-san continues to speak.
Not only me but also Kuzuha-chan and Felnote-san were listening to her memories.
... Yeah ... I understand well. Thank you very much, Igu Jisuta-san (Arge)
Did you remember anything? (Igu)
No, thats not it, but Im quite exhausted today, so may I have a nap today? (Arge)
Yes, of course, in Cyril s room ... (Igu)
Well ... Because I have something to talk with these people, Im gonna sleep with them in the same room today. (Arge)
... Will youe back to me again tomorrow? (Igu)
Yes, see you tomorrow (Arge)
When she waving her hand like that, it looks like a temporary breakup with Igu Jisuta-san.
When I thought that she would return to her room in the back of the corridor, Igu Jisuta-san sudden turned around.
Oh, by the way, didnt the fox child want to find the bathroom? (Igu)
... Kuzuha-chan, you wanted to go to the bathroom? (Arge)
Oh, yeah, thats ... (Kuzuha)
Something wrong? (Igu)
No, no! Thats not it! Thank you for your guide! (Kuzuha)
Well then, Igu Jisuta-san, can you take her there first, were only talking a little (Arge)
Leave it to me, Cyril! (Igu)
She seems to be very happy to be asked, rather than by me but Cyril.
Igu Jisuta-san holds Kuzuha-chans hand, and takes her to the other side of the corridor.
... Maybe Kuzuha-chan told a lie, didnt she?
Because I was asking her to buy some time, that might be why.
Even though I was trying to searching, I had done bad things to Kuzuha-chan.
As a result, only me and Felnote left in the aisle.
And Felnote-san is the one asking first.
Arge, have you found the answer? (Felnote)
Yes, thanks to you. Felnote-san. And sorry for the trouble. (Arge)
I dont mind, she has been calling you Cyril over and over again, so I dont want to hear that name for a while. (Felnote)
After joking, Felnote-san is smiling and winking at me.
But soon after.She returned to her usual serious face,
So, what are you going to do with that girl?
Dont tell me, you n to let that girl feed me for life?
you will not say something like you gonna stay here, right? (Felnote)
Well, that is also an attractive idea, isnt it? (Arge)
Hey ... are you n to make me angry? (Felnote)
Its just a joke (Arge)
Certainly Igu Jisuta-san will feed me for life.
This ce is protected by the golems, and as long as this world still using Cyril currency Cyril I dont have to worry about work.
It is safe, food, clothing, shelter is guaranteed, and additionally, bath is wide and treatment is good.
If I am the usual, I think I will definitely ept.
But I dont choose the option to be feeded by her.
Because Im not Cyril (Arge)
No matter how good, she treat me.
Whatever she call me, I will not get lost anymore.
I am Kuon Ginji and Argent Vampear.
That person is looking for Cyril, Im not Cyril and I cant be Cyril. (Arge)
Igu Jisuta really can give out what I want. AnEternal favor.
But, the one she should give is Cyril not me. I should tell the truth that Cyril Note asks me.
I will leave here, after convincing Igu Jisuta-san, definitely (Arge)
I already made up my mind. I feel bad for Igu Jisuta-san but she must face the truth.
Can you help me? (Felnote)
In any case, you cant escort that dark elf if you dont manage this problem somehow ... By the way, where did she go? (Felnote)
There are books that she want to read, so I left her in the library for the time being (Arge)
How carefree ... I wonder if she can even have a bit of a sense of tension (Felnote)
I think that she also has something to think about (Arge)
Its true that we cant understand her personality and circumstance at first nce.
Still, Richelles uneasy face when she was talking about her hometown was real.
Richelle-san and Igu Jisuta-san
I wonder if I can help them both.
Well then, lets return to Zeno-kun. After Kuzuha-chan and Richelle-sane back. I will tell you about my n in the future again (Arge)
I made a word and stepped forward without hesitation.
Chapter 111
[Next]Trantors Note:
Another chapter that isnt cliff hanger yet.
Arge Chapter 111: One line of strategy conference
Cyril Big safe
... So that means Arge-san isnt Cyril? (Kuzuha-chan)
Thats it, so I will leave here quickly and I want to continue my journey. (Arge)
Afterpleting a brief exnation, I reply to Kuzuha-chan question to confirm.
Right now, we gather in a room like a guest room.
Everyone is sitting arround me.
I am like a central figure and feel a little uneasy. But it cant be help in this case, lets endure it because I am the center.
I agree with that, but how do you go out? (Zeno-kun)
This time, its Zeno-kun who asks the question.
I think that we need to be as peaceful as possible. I will try to convince Igu Jisuta-san. (Arge)
I am thankful, as a merchant I cant make that spirit girl my enemy (Zeno)
Well, no matter. If she doesnt let us go out silently, we have to push through by force. (Felnote)
Felnote is already considering about battle. She is checking the equipment. she draws a long sword and look at it in a rxed state.
wait, you want to forcibly get out ...? (Zeno)
Thats not the case.
I mean, its possible even that spirit girl learns that Arge and Cyril are different people, she still wont ept it and want to keep Arge as her important person recement. (Felnote)
Ah... (Zeno)
It seems to me that that spirit is trying to think Arge is her important person somewhat forcefully.
So even if you deny it with all your your might, she still wont ept it. She might even forcibly take Arge.
And when ite to that, it wont be amusing. (Felnote)
It seems she has the power to manipte the golem, so it would be hard to win against her. (Zeno)
Zeno, there is another problem ... can we get the carriage out? (Felnote)
I dont know how the golems secure the carriage ... to be on the safe side, I will try to get the carriage when you girls are talking to her. (Zeno)
I can talk with Neguseo from here, so I will inform him first. (Arge)
Neguseo has a high intelligence than a horse, he understands my words and we also have a blood contract, so I can have a conversation across the distance like a telepathy.
Im already telling him so it would be fine for now. If there is something, he should work with his own judgment.
Because I will defend Arge, I will go with you. (Felnote)
Because only Arge canmunicate with her, Richelle-san better be there, too (Zeno)
Then, Kuzuha-chan is apanying Zeno-kun. (Arge)
Please wait a moment! (Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan is raising her hand to the utmost, waited until all the gaze gathered on her, and she lowered her hand
Id like to go with Arge-san to talk with Igu Jisuta-san. (Kuzuha)
...Why? (Arge)
Because, theres something I want to talk with her (Kuzuha)
Kazuha-chan eyes is serious when she said that, it seems she has decided on something.She had the same face when she learned that she lost her mother.
I dont know what Kuzuha-chan is thinking, but it will be difficult to stop her like this.
But it wont be good to let Zeno-kun go alone.
After thinking for a while, I spoke to the person sitting next to me.
Felnote-san, can you go with Zeno-kun to get Neguseo? (Arge)
Will you be all right? (Felnote)
Yes, Kuzuha-chan has her alter ego, so she can deal with the golems (Arge)
... After securing the carriage, I will go help you immediately. (Felnote)
Yes, please, Felnote-san (Arge)
And we decided. After that I get Richelles consent
Mogu? (Richelle)
As usually, Richelle was eating.
She has cleaned up the sweets spread out on the table all by herself.
That huge amount of sweets, it fits in Richelles stomach.
How she eat is elegant, but her speed and amount is outrageous.
Even if I see it over and over, I still cant get used to it.I wonder where did she fit all of it in her stomach.
Anyway, just in time for good eyes, lets cut out a story.
Um ... Im eating it because no-one else do so, am I bothering you? (Richelle)
The Dark Elf is talking in a state where the cookie is cheeked in her mouth and tilts her head.
It seems that her brown long ears shake vertically together because she simply happy rather than following the head movement.
I want to talk to the Ower of the big safe so we will climb upward. I want you to follow me. (Arge)
Richelle noddef in return to my word.
She drinks the tea in front of herself, she takes a breath and smiling.
It is a smile that purple eyes make.
Spirit, you seemed to be lonely (Richelle)
Huh? (Arge)
There must be some people she waiting, and thats not Arge-sama, is that right? (Richelle)
... you understand well (Arge)
I can only listen to Arge-samas words as I watching the surroundings, and I thought so. (Richelle)
With a smile, Richelle-san stands up.
Overlooking the missing sweets table, she satisfied with a breath.
When she noticed that everyones eyes gathered on her, Richelle-san gave a dignified voice.
Lets go, if anything happen, I will protect you with my bow. (Richelle)
... I wonder what she is saying (Kuzuha)
It isnt about , is it? (Felnote)
It was an aristocratic feeling, but it was ruined because theck of words.
Well ... for now, Richelle-san was convinced of acting with me (Arge)
Oh, thats right ... Is she still just eating cake? (Felnote)
While everyone was talking, Richelle-san kept eating alone.
As I spread it to a tter, these sweets are the firste, first served.
Because she was eating chatterily, there is no problem.
Well then, I, Kuzuha-chan and Richelle with go talking with Igu Jisuta-san.
Zeno-kun and Felnote-san, Can ask you to secure the horse carriage (Arge)
What are you going to do? (Felnote)
Well, for now I will just ... (Arge)
When Im still talking, the door sudden opens and interupt my words.
What went into the room is shiny bodies that I got used to a bit.They are golems.
...Shall we do it tomorrow, then? (Arge)
I saw Richelle looking at the dish that was being carried and the glittering eyes, and the word to continue was decided.
Either way, I am told that we are going to sleep here today.
We can stay overnight and then move.
Its been a while since I slept in a safe ce, so it should be good for everyone.
I can sleep without worrying anytime and anywhere, but Felnote-san and Zeno-kun seem to have kept the watch every night.
Everyone didnt feel like opposing, just watching Golem lining up cooking.
...Are you still going to eat, Richelle-san? (Arge)
Arge-sama, have you decided? (Richelle)
No, I was thinking about a ck hole a bit now. (Arge)
ck hole? (Richelle)
That being said, the meals seems to be delicious
It is troublesome to exin, so I decide to make distract her with the meal.
Chapter 112
[Next]Trantors Note:
Cut scene Spend the night with Felnote unlocked
Arge Chapter 112: At midnight, only for two people
*yawn...* (Arge)
When I opened my eyes, there were artificial lights.
Just a moment, I get up while narrowing my eyes due to the brightness that makes me feel like I just returned to the former world for just a moment.
Ah ... you cant sleep as well? (Felnote)
After having finished the meal, I was really sleepy but Im also amazed that I wake up.
And looks like Felnote-san is checking the equipment.
Right now everyone is sleeping on the begs that the golems have brought.
...The time, is itte at night now?
In this big safe that is illuminated by the artificial lights and has no windows, so I dont know the sense of time at all.
Still considering that everyone is sleeping like this, probably its night-time now
Well, you should be able to sense it, its midnight right now (Felnote)
... Felnote, did you stay upte? (Arge)
I was sleeping properly, I woke up just now. (Felnote)
And then Felnotees and gives me a hand to get up.
I asked her with an upturned look.
Do you understand the time? (Arge)
Roughly, but its a biological clock trained in the knighthood, you can trust it. (Felnote)
Felnote is proudly pound her hand on her chest, and its shaking, after all it is big.
She tied her hair like usual.
Im getting of the bed while holding her hand.
What happened and do you want some tea? (Felnote)
Because there was no reason to refuse, I obediently nodded.
She guided me to the table and sits there.
Felnote-san prepares the tea, I already saw it many times in the kingdom.
Even though only a few months ago, I somehow missed it, si Im felling relieved.
...What? (Felnote)
No, I thought it was nostalgic somehow. (Arge)
Its strange right? Im also thinking like that. (Felnote)
While I was looking at the familiar sight, preparation for tea was over.It is a beautiful girl with silver hair reflected in the liquid poured into the cup.
I was invited by a scent like ck tea, it was a nostalgic taste.
This is... (Arge)
I brought it from my house because its expensive and hard to find (Felnote)
...Felnote-san, you really pursued me after me?
Yes, to have a word with someone who went out without saying goodbye. (Felnote)
That is what I heard in Sakuranomiya.I was honestly surprised that she came out of a country where she was born just for that.
Her personality is serious so I thought that she might angry. But I didnt think she would follow me even to this ce.
And, as she said, I already heard it at Sakuranomiya. So I wont ask what did she do that for anymore.What I want to ask now is different....But why? (Arge)Why for what? (Felnote)I mean, I wonder why you was chasing after me, and even leaving the country. I am d that I could meet you again, but even I didnt know where I would go. (Arge)Felnote-sans just looking at me, she closes her eyes and sighs.Well ... even you only stay with me for a while but I somewhat get used to you. To the extent that I get frustrated. (Felnote)...Thats all? (Arge)Thats not all, even so, isnt that enough (Felnote)Felnote-san sighs and tilts the cup. She breaw more tea and she stared at me.I was worried about Algiers and I was annoyed that I was left behind, that was the same as that spirit ... we were lonely (Felnote)
Ah... (Arge)
I picked you up and brought you home.
You have healed my eyes.
We were living together.
Well you were always messed up ... but still, it was really fun. (Felnote)
...Is that so (Arge)
So, I will not leave you, Ill protect you. I decided so ...
Of course, there is also a purpose to make you live a decent life. (Felnote)
After finishing the word with a smile, Felnote-san sits in the chair.
If Felnote-san herself already decided, theres no reason to stop her.
Im somewhat embarrassed with her straight line of sight and diverting my eyes, I drink tea.
And then I ced an empty cup on the table.
What is your alternative? (Felnote)
No, its okay now (Arge)
Well then, then how about here?
Felnote-san gets up from the chair andes up to me.
She pulls out her dagger and putting on her wrist.
tsu ...! (SFX)
I felt a sharp thirst at that moment, and I understand her intention.... Bloodsucking. You havent drunk for a while, have you? (Felnote)Ah... (Arge)As Felnote-san says, after drinking Iriss blood in the Republic, I havent sucked any blood until now.I dont have a blood sucking impulse yet, but the primary reason is another thing.I remember when Elsee sucked my blood in Rencia vige.Even though I want to forget about it but I still remember it until now.
Elsie said When a vampire sucks blood, the vampire will be giving to their prey what the vampire want the most
And for her, it was pleasure.
tsu ...! (SFX)
Then, what is it that I give to my partner?
Until now, there has been only one time that I suck blood.
That was in the forest of the kingdom, against a mercenary called Chrome.
At that time, the situation of Chrome was a bit strange.
Perhaps it was my blood sucking that gave her something.
Speaking of what I want, a nap and a person willing to take care of me.
How will that feeling affect the partner?
Even she only cuts lightly, theres still blooding out iof Felnote-sans wrist.
My instict is awaken. How long can I endure to put my fangs on the thin white skin in front of me?
But, if I do it, I dont know what will happen to Felnote-san.
Just as Elsee told me at that time.I do not know anything about myself.
I turned my face like escaping from the blood sucking impulse that came up.
Whats wrong? (Felnote)Im sorry, Felnote-san, can you do that just like before? (Arge)... So, you really care what that blooded princess said to you after all? (Felnote)...Yes (Arge)
Because I thought that there was no meaning to hide, I obediently answer.
In the first ce, Felnote did so when she was in the kingdom.
She cut his wrist and poured the overflowing blood into the tea cup.
It seems that she knew about it and presented her hand directly without doing so now.
Arge, you dont have to worry (Felnote)
... What is it? (Arge)
What a vampire is, I also know. Ive fought during the knighthood and sometimes get sucked directly. (Felnote)
...Really? (Arge)
I know what it is like to be directly sucked blood.
Nevertheless, I thought that I could let you drink blood, so I do it. (Felnote)
It is firm decision and trust in her eyes. I can understand that much as well.
Even if I cant read it from her eyes, I can still understand if she telling me that much.
So you dont need to worry about sucking my blood (Felnote)
Felnote-san dere with a smile without any doubt in her eyes.
I am always azy person, dont care about anything, have no presence for anything.
If she can believe like that, there is nothing I can say in return.
... You are really a stubborn person, arent you? (Arge)
Well ... I couldnt agree more. (Felnote)
Theres no hard feeling in the Felnote-sans eyes as she said so.
Its a gentle line of sight looking straight at me.
Well, Itadakimasu ne (Arge)
Pulling Felnote-sans wirst toward my face slowly and touch her skin with my fangs.
The feeling of my fangs stab her skin echoed to the back of my brain.
Chapter 113
[Next]Trantors Note:
Mua ha ha.
Arge Manga, such valuable source for image and it was official.
I can cut a lot of them and add in the novel.
I wont listen to anyin.
Arge Chapter 113: Sweet and filled Night
um, fu (Arge)
The Blood overflowing from Felnotesan injure and fills my mouth.
This is the second time that I taste blood directly like this. Which make me realize again.
Not only the blood taste but also the feeling in my fangs and lip, and the tongue on Felnotes skin and flesh.
It was veryfortable for a vampire.
The feel of soft flesh.
Dense smell of blood that have a sweet taste.
Everything about blood sucking is really great.
~um...! (Felnote)
n...!? (Arge)
My mind seemed to be drunk by blood, is pulled back by Felnotes voice.
I was able to hold my blood sucking instict but when I tried to pull back my fangs...
...Its okay, please continue (Felnote)
N, fu ~ai...... ka pu~ (Arge) (T.N: sorry but I cant trante moan*)
I followed the words whispered in my ear. And I continue sucking her blood.
I can no longer refrain my action.
When I noticed, I already clung to her and sucking blood.
The taste of blood is sweet, and it seems that every time I swallow, it will melt in the depths of my throat.
Every bite makes my body get hot and I want it even more.
I use the tip of my tongue to lick the blood on her wound.
We make a lot of noise.I think that everyone will wake up if we continue to do this, but such worry soon faded away by the taste of blood and disappeared.
Ha ... more, Felnote-san, I want more ... (Arge)
U~m ... its okay, Arge ... (Felnote)
I have a feeling like she hugged my body and stroke my head.
When Im realizing that she ept, I continue to suck blood many times over and over.
Um, chi ~yu ... ji ~yuru, a ha~tsu...... tasty, ...love I love ~this...? (Arge)
Ku, ~a... n, you can drink as much as you want, ... dont hold back ... um ... (Felnote)
She puts her fingers pass through my hair.
asionally she touches my ear, something she rub my back.
Something its tickling, but I dont hate it. Im sticking to her as I suck blood.
Wa, wa fu...... puha~ (Arge)
I felt numb in my head and I let go.
If I drink any more, It will be dangerous for Felnote-san. Even with a blurred head, I could understand it properly and stop it.
... Arge, are you okay? (Felnote)
Yes, Im sorry, Felnote-san ... (Arge)
To think I have my partner worry about me, although I was the one who should be take care of her after I suck her blood.
Im feeling a bit fever from my stomach, my body is trembling, I get sweet and numb.
Felnote-san hugs me just like that and pats my head.
The taste of blood still remaining in my mouth with saliva and I breath slowly.
... Felnote-san. Did you feel pain or something? (Arge)
Its okay, its not a big deal,pared to getting sucked blood from long time ago. (Felnote)
... When I sucked your blood, did you feel anything weird? (Arge)
The feeling given to the partner when the vampire sucks blood is what the vampire wants the most. Recalling that, I asked Felnote-san.
It wasnt bad. So please dont worry. (Felnote)
Is that so? ...Im d ... (Arge)
Felnote-san told me that I didnt give her any bad feelings.
Of course, I didnt mean to make other feeling bad, but I do not know about myself either. Im d that I didnt make her feel bad and Im happy with drinking her blood.
The feeling of sucking her blood and the feel of her body from hugging me are really nice.
Still I will not forget what I have to do.
I put my hand around her would and speak the words.
Pain, pain go away (Arge)
Even if I dont understand the concept, but I can use this magic perfectly.
Because it was a magic that I had been used many times since Im reincarnated in this world.
The spoken words gather the magical power and correctly produces the effect of the magic.
The magic lighting Felnotes skin and immediately closed the wound.
Recovery magic.
It isnt a simple healing but also have a function to help the hematopoiesis, so there is no need to worry about anemia.
Thank you, Arge (Felnote)
Im the one must say thank ... Thank you Felnote-san (Arge)
... ... I will carry you to the bed. (Felnote)
Because there was no reason to refuse, I also didnt have the energy to walk on my own, so I decided to obediently listen to her. With fluffy consciousness, my body is lifted.
She takes me to the bed in bridal carry pose like a princess and gently put me down in the soft bed. It feels good to have a hot body wrapped in cold sheets.
Im looking at Felnote from the bed and speak.
Fuu ...... Thank you, Felnote-san (Arge)
You are wee. (Felnote)
Umm...... (Arge)
The feeling of being patted is pleasant, I close my eyes in happy.
The sweet smell that tingling the sense of smell isnt from blood but the smell of Felnote-san.
We have a familiar rtionship, and this person is really kind.
If I say something wrong, I can hear a resonant reaction, I also like her attitude when she get angry at me. And she willing to risk her life in order to protect me.
Everythinges from kindness.
Reflected in my vision, her eyes for some reason arent looking at me but at random change to various ce.
Felnote-san ...? (Arge)
Ah... yes? Arge. Uhm... is it okay for me to ask something? (Felnote)
Yes ... What is it ...? (Arge)
Im sleep and want to sleep but I have enough room to answer the question.
Her cheeks are stained red and hot.Is it due to blood sucking?
Well, about that ...well, I dont mind if you refuse to listen to what I say now, but ... (Felnote)
... If its Felnote-sans request, ... I will not refuse (Arge)
Well, are you sure? (Felnote)
Yes ... Because I am indebted to you all the time ... If I can repay you somehow, I will do it ... (Arge)
Im really sleepy. But I focus on consciousness and endure falling asleep.
I have to stay awake until I finish listening at least.
What, anything ...!? (Felnote)
No, not eveything ... (Arge)
I havent said that. Even with a sleepy head, I have to deny it properly.
It will not funny if she told me You have to work seriously.
My purpose is Lifestyle that have free three meals with an afternon nap
I cant give it up and I dont want to.
Anyway, if its Felnote-sans request, even not everything, but I will do my best to fufill it (Arge)
... Are you awake right now? (Felnote)
It was an important request, so I have to stay awake (Arge)
I will be in trouble if I make a funny promise at the moment I fell asleep. There are many such scams. Felnote-san will not do such a thing, but I still need to affirm what she is saying.
I have to hear and asnwer properly.
Well, about that ... well, uhm ... (Felnote)
... ? (Arge)
Uhm, you see. While I was sleeping on the the before it was little cold and I think that we can sleep together because this bed is wide. (Felnote)
I ept (Arge)
The size of other bed is small that we can only afford to sleep with one person.
Among them, I think that my bed is exceptionally big, it must be Igu Jisuta-san doing.
In terms of my former world, my bed is a queen size bed.
And Felnote-san got closer to me. We are lying on the bed face to face, we are close enough to hear other breath.
Felnote-san ...? (Arge)
Do not you think its okay for me to sleep with you like this. Well, isnt this warm? (Felnote)
Well ... it might be so ... (Arge)
Right!? So, today with me ... (Felnote)
U~n? (Kuzuha)
...!? (Felnote)
Felnote-san words were interrupted by the voice of Kuzuha-chan.
Apparently, she wakes up when hear our talking voice.
Felnote-san leap backward and took a distance from me in an instant.
And Kuzuha-chan gets up while moving her fox ears a little bit.
U~ ... is it already morning (desu~ no)...? (Kuzuha)
Uhm not yet, Its still midnight, Kuzuha-chan, you can keep sleeping. (Arge)
N u... wa i desu~ no (Kuzuha)
After hearing my answer, Kuzuha-chan lies on the bed again. Her small body sinks into the sheet with her tails cover most of her body.
She seemed easy to fall sleep.
... I was saved by an obedient child. (Felnote)
Fue ...? (Arge)
Nothing ... Arge, please go to bed now. Because It will be bad if we wake upte tomorrow. (Felnote)
... Are you fine with the cold ...?
Yes, because I will cover my self with the sheet somehow, so alright ... Dont worry about me. (Felnte)
I dont understand well, but if she said she will be fine then I shouldnt worry about it.
I wonder about what she was going to talk about, but I felt sleepy, so I stopped worrying about it.
The feeling of satisfaction from consumed blood after a long time make sleeping desire raised. Its just like being sleepy when you get full.
Good night, Felnote-san (Arge)
After that I begin to sleep.
I thought that shes already sleeping, but Felnote-san waved her hand to me and responded.
I am satisfied with that and I close my eyes.
The warmness of the blood in my stomach make me fall asleep immediately.
Chapter 114
[Next]Trantors Note:
Prepare yourself, Readers.
We have reached the cliff and its pretty tall, we will be hanger a lot
I will stop tranting Mile for the next fews day and concentrate on Arge.
Question to readers:
Would you mind if I leave Desu~no, desu~wa in Kuzuha dialog ?
Arge Chapter 114: Promised destinations
Cyril Big Safe
... Thank for the meal C it was very delicious (Richelle) (Gochissamadeshita. Taihen oishgozaimashita)
We have be familiar with this scene in thest few days.
Richelle-san finish the moutain of foods and bows gracefully.
After waking up, everyone were having breakfast.
As we nned yesterday, I would persuade Igu Jisuta-san and left this ce.
Felnote-san is having wry with this familiar scene
Now, Im worrying about resuming the trip ... (Felnote)
To secure food, I must do my best as well... (Kuzuha)
Thank you Kuzuha-chan. We will arrive to the ocean soon so you can fish, so I think it will be a little easier. (Felnote)
... What about the day when you cant catch anything at all? (Arge)
Arge, please stop saying such scary things! (Kuzuha)
I thought it would be better to worry about the worst, but Kuzuha-chan was getting angry.Even though she isnt as much as Richelle, she still eats well, so the food situation is a serious matter.
I hope we can secure food somewhere before arriving at the sea.
However, lets concentrate on what to do now.
I have to tell Igu Jisuta-san that Im not Cyril.
It probably wont be easy. Felnote-san also worried that the other party forcibly capture me and we must fight.
Even so, Im not going to take the ce of Cyril. Im Argento Vampear. Even I also feel sorry for Igu Jisuta-san but I need to tell her that. Cyril and I are different people, even we are notpletely irrelevant. AsI promised Cyril Note.
Well then shall we go? (Arge)
I looked at the tableware and I said to everyone so.Everyone nods in my words and gets prepared.
Felnote-san is checking her sword and equipments.
Zeno-kun is correcting his clothes as well.
Kuzuha-chan strokes her tails and confirm her clothes
Meanwhile Richelle-san is...
Ah, there were some rice grains left (Richelle)
You can still eat more? (Arge)
No problem, it is called Harahachibunme (Richelle)
... that, what are you talking about? (Arge)
Its a Harahachibunme, isnt it? (Richelle)
This time it was a correct answer, so I didnt say anything.
And when Im trying to open the door.
There are some golems appearing in the corridor.They were there, as if to block the road, lining up their machines body side by side.
... What does this mean? (Kuzuha) (Kore wa, d iu koto desu~no)
Theye to pickup, arent they? (Felnote) (Omukae, to iu koto janaidesu ka?)
So they are stuffs to pick we up (Kuzuha)
At that moment, the golems moved.
It has extended the two fingers arm toward me.
It is clearly a move for the purpose of capture.
n...!!? (Arge)
I avoid the arms with reflexive movement.These arm seem to be able to stretch beyond its appearance.
Arge! (Felnote)
WindSickle (Kamai-tachi) (Kuzuha)
A lot of arms that havee closer to me are torn by sh and wind.
Kuzuha-chan and Felnote-san detroy them to protect me.
She noticed earlier than I expected ... ! (Felnote)
She might be able to hear what we talked somehow (Arge)
Like the contract of my blood, there seems to be the ability tomand the golem even if she is away, and this area is managed by Igu Jisuta-san. So, It isnt strange that she could eavesdrop somehow.
I want to reach Igu Jisuta-san and talking right now if possible.
If I get caught here, isnt it easier to meet with Igu Jisuta-san? (Arge)
Only Arge that safety is guaranteed (Felnote)
As Felnote-san says, Im the one important to Igu Jisuta-san
To be exact, Cyril Arcadia, her precious person.
And as if they can hear Felnote-sans words, a group of golems moved.Another arm appears from their body. Apparently it seems that only two arms are stored in their body.
But instead two fingers arm for capture, this arm equip with weapons.
Sword, spear, axe,sickles and hammers.
The Golemss eyes make a ferocious gleam shined the passage.
Is it a defense equipment...? (Felnote)
They dont seem to be able to talk, so it seems impossible for us to get caught peacefully after all. (Arge)
Well ... Arge-san! Lets go! (Kuzuha)
Yes, I understand. Richelle-san, we will go up while intercepting, are you okay with that? (Arge)
Leave it to me, Arge-sama (Richelle)
Kuzuha, I leave Arge and Richelle to you, please becareful (Felnote)
Yes, I will protect them properly! (Kuzuha) (E e, kichinto omamori itashimasu wa! !)
Everyone enters their battle stance and repent the golemss attack.
Kuzuha-chan changed her body immediately and began to release magic.
Felnote-san took Zeno-kun and went forward to break through the golems.
I also take out weapons from the Blood Bag.
The contracted magic artifact from the other dayDream of Water Lily.It has an ability to cut things that arent real, but even with an ordinary sword is sufficient for me to deal with Golems.
Fu~...! (Arge)
Golems arent living thing, they are machine so I dont need to hold back. It seems that they only care about me, they dont point their weapons at me but use the capture arm instead.
Im effortless avoid those attacks with my speed and cut the golem one by one.
Well then, I will also fight with you (Richelle)
Richelle-san withdrew a few steps. Perhaps that is the best position for her.
And Richelle-san slowly raise her hand to the ceiling. I can see what Richelle-san is trying to do.It is because I have already seen it the other day.
Wa ...Wait a moment, you n to call it here!? (Kuzuha) (Cho, chottomattekudasai! Koko de yobu kidesu no! ?)
Kuzuha-chan noticed Richelle-sans movements, hurriedly raise the voice to stop Richelle-san to call her bow in the aisle, but that word didnt make sense to Richelle-san because theirnguage is different. And her dignified voice echoed.
"Flowing down, O heavenly flower. Flowing Flower Comet (Richelle)
A blue meteor fell down in respond to her magic words. And for a moment, Im worried whether its all right. Prating through the ceiling violently, Richelle-sans bow represented itself before her.
Richelle-san grasps her bow and slowly looks at the enemies.
She draws the bowstring and speaks the magic word.
"Please heed my wishes" (Richelle) (ޤ: Negaimase)
The bow is shining with her singing like magic words. The bow shoots a light arrow prates through the golem.
Even after get shot, the golem still doesnt stop moving
...Oh, my attack seems to have a weak effect against Golem (Richelle)
Richelle-san saw the golem still moved after get shot, said her impressed.
Golems were certainly damaged by that attack. But It didnt stop moving. Her attack have a little affect against them. Its because Golem is a machine. Unless they receive a fatal damage, the golems will not stop.
This golem was made for battle, so it can still work if it gets a little damage.
... Richelle-san! (Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-san and her alter ego are rushing to Richelle-san who is still shocking and having a lot of weapons swinged down at her. And then, Kuzuha-chan and her alter ego block all attacks and take those golems down.
As for me, I returned to the front of the room so that I could a look at the situation.
... It seems they are safely leaving (Arge)
Felnote-san and Zeno-san have already gone! Then I can destroy them all together with my full strength! (Kuzuha) (M ferunto-san to zeno-san wa ikimashita wa! Watashi no zenryoku de, matomete hakai shimasu no!)
This is apose magic done by Kuzuha-chan and Bushiha-chan, it surely will be super effective.
If the golemss bodies wereplete destroy by wind or fire, not just a prating point attack, the golem should stop moving.
Im also trying to release some wind magic to cover Kuzuha-chan. And Richelle-san is pulling the bow again.
If that attack is not enough then I will increase it further. (Richelle)
Hah ...!? (Arge)
The light arrow which appeared this time was purple colour rather than gold.
I can hear the sounds like zap-ing. (T.N: Help, what is the electric sound SFX?)
Richelle-san narrows her eyes that have the same color as the light arrow to aim.
Please carry my will (Richelle) (\Ӥޤ: Hakobimase)
She spoke some majestic words and the light arrow was released.
The released arrow spread to countless number of light instead of flying straight.And those lights were arming at the golems. Prated by the lights, the golem body had a lot of holes.
And theres a spark from inside the hole pierced, and eventually broke. It exploded from the inside, it crumbled down to shattered pieces.
Oh ... maybe, its weak to electricity (Richelle)
Thunder magic ...!? (Kuzuha) (Kaminari no mahdesu no...!?)
Different from Richelles casual word, Kuzuha is really surprised.
Well, it is indeed magic of lightning system, I can understand the current phenomenon.
Not only that attack had prate power, it also burned the inside with electricity.
I dont know exactly what kind of technology Richelle-san used, but its a super effective attack against mechanical technology used in golem.
Machine are natural broken if it is exposed to high voltage electric.
Richelle-san, so you can use this kind of attack, too? (Arge)
Yes, Im raising the magical power and range with owner second authority, looks like it is (super) effective so what shall I do? (Richelle)
Richelle-san, please keeps using this to attack. Kuzuha-chan, if you attack, please use me magic (Arge)
As you wish, Arge-sama (Richelle) (Фޤ른: Uketamawarimashita, Aruje-sama)
Understood! (Arge) (Shchi itashimashita wa!)
Lighting and high heat are super effective against machine. I judge it like that and give instructions to the girls. Were breaking though the golem corpses that filling with burnt-off smell.
I need to meet up with Igu Jisuta and to fulfill my promise.
Trantors Note:
Most of the word in this chapter only mean effective and I cant help but change it to super effective
Chapter 115
Arge Chapter 115: The former knight frustrated
Felnotes POV
They sure arent y around ...!! (Felnote maybe) դʤ......
Clearly, they swing a flock of weapons at us without hesitation. They use capure arms against Arge and weapon arms against us.This clearly showed the will of Golems owner.
... Its not a joke!!
I dont know how strong is the spirit of the Big Safe, but I will not hand Arge over.
In the first ce, Arge and the person she is looking for are different. Although they may be simr, the person named Cyril and Arge are definitely different individuals.
... I guess she should know it, too.
Surely, she must understand somehow that Arge is a different person. But shes ignoring that and trying to make Arge her own.It isnt funny with such mess up story
It will be absurd trying to rece the one you love with someone else! (Felnote)
I dont know if she can hear these words. But even if she can hear it, she will just ignore it.
I know how sad she is, without seeing the one you love for centuries.
But there are many things that can not be reced in this world. What have been lost will not return, she have to ept it. I can see how much enjoy she is, talking about the past with important memories left behind by the one she love. And now she is about to sneak into someone else as a substitute.
Do not disturb! (Felnote)
I put the anger on the sword, I sh the golems by emotion and throw them away.
It is a nuisance that movement does not stop unless I damage them to a certain extent.
I do not understand Zeno said about Machine, but if they are not living things, I dont need to hold back.
In the past, when Im still a knight, I had battle with monster with number advantage.
In that sense, for me, Golems are only a little tougher monster group.
Zeno, over here, do you need help? (Felnote)
No, Im still fine! (Zeno)
He spoke to me with a desperate appearance, but from I have seen, he is coping with the golems attack properly.Avoid with the minimum necessary movement, in some cases intercept with a dagger or magic.
His movement is inferior to me, and the person himself probably is trying hard at his limit.Still, as he self-deres, that is still within the scope of saying Im still fine
... Im breaking through the golems group and keep shing them. Its quite dangerous for Zeno, but we must break through before more golems areing.
Rather than attack, Zeno only just protects himself to survive.
Merchant is a dangerous upation than a knight when they have bad luck.
They belong to an organization called amercial guild and are allowed to enter and exit from any country on condition that they will not work for the benefit of a particr state.
They are neutral and they dont help any country or get protect by any country.That means There is no ce to guarantee their safety
To survive, they must cross many dangerous ce. If they hire a bodyguard, they will barely get any profit. So they often travel alone to save money.
At the first time we meet, we travel together to Sakuranomiya and I protect him in his travel until we meet Arge. I know his ability and I trust his words.
If he say its okay, I dont need to worry about him and just clear the golems in the front.
Because the horses were kept at the loweryer, our destination is still far! (Felnote)
I am okay, I will not hold you back ...! (Zeno)
A good reply, shall we process ... (Felnote)
We must check the horsess safety quickly and go to help Arge.
... I dont think that they will kill the horses. They are simply try to capture Arge.
Originally, the other party isnt interested in anything but Arge.
Theres a high possibility that horses are safe, including the carriage.
It will be a pain to lose the mean to travel here.
To this mission, the dark elf which doesnt have fuel economy for long journeys, and Arge iszy to even walk, she only wants to sleep.
Most importantly, that ck horse that Arge had brought is Arges favorite.
To think someonezy as her will do thing bothersome like give him food, water and asionally brushing his fur.
The name is suck a joked name Neguseo, but It cant be help because this is Arge that we are talking about.
I do not know if she is serious or that is her intention, but she has a distinctive sense.
Anyway, I dont know if the house is aware, but Arge carefully treats Neguseo.
She will be grieved if the house die.I dont want to see Arge grieving.
Generally ... its not enough (Felnote)
It reminds me ofst night.Arge sucks my blood directly for the first time.
I was bitten in my left wrist and I still have a lingering feeling
Of course, my wound was cured by Arges recovery magic, so it feels like a mere illusion.
Still, I remember it and my heart gets excited. It was a good time for mest night.
After a long absence, I were able to touch Arge more than before.
What I felt when she sucking my blood is somewhatfortable.Feelings that makes me feel like warm in my chest, I want her to keep sucking my blood.It was painless or I should say it was great.That was such blood sucking.
I dont mind let her sucks my blood everyday. I can even say its the best.
It was a shame after that.
I wanted to pamper you more ...! (Felnote)
Felnote-san, what kind of story are you talking about ...? (Zeno)
Nothing, nevermind it! (Felnote)
It is my hearts scream that I have missed it now.
If Kuzuha didnt get up then I would be sleeping in the same bed with Arge.
Of course, I dont feel like ming Kuzuha, but I feel like I wanted to sleep with Arge a little more.
I will shake the de in order to clear up my mind.
I have no grudge against the golems, but they are the bad guys that stand in our way.
While aware of the hurdle, I elerated further.
Chapter 116
Arge Chapter 116: A ce of mistake
Cyril Big SafeCyril Big Safe C Corridor
They wont stoping ... desu no (Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan raises her voice and kicks off the nearby golem. Her beastkins leg strength blew the golem metal body away like a ball.
Fox Fire Sun Flower! (Kuzuha)
Her me magic engulfs the golems body has the shade of a flower and burn it.
More golemse closer by walking past the remnants of their fellows who were destroyed.
I think that about 200 have been destroyed ... Wind-san, please. (Arge)
I cast the wind spell against the crowd. Although the golems try to resist the wind, they mess up and got blown away.
"Please carry my will" (Richelle)
Richelle-san shot her lightning arrow the golems gathered by the wind. Countless light pierced through the flock of golemss machine bodies. And a momentter, all those golem were exploded from inside. Looking the defeat Golems and the iing Golems, Richelle-san sighs.
It is troubling that we must battle with endless things that dont fear death.
Unlike living things, it seems that theres no drop in morale due to damage (Richelle)
That point is indeed troublesome and tiresome. Golems are trying to fulfill themand from their Owner faithfully. They are machines without consciousness. They are not afraid of enemies nor mourn a fallen ally.
They keeping to fulfill the desires of the Owner of the Big Safe with no emotion, just faithfully.
They are trying to capture me and pointing their weapons Kuzuha-chan and Richelle-san. This is undoubtedly the will of Igu Jisuta, the Owner of the Big Safe.
... Why is she going to do this far?
Felnote-san was also concerned that there would be a battle, and I was also thinking about that possibility.
However, I didnt think that she will do it this far or even try to hurt Kuzuha-chan.
I understand why Cyril is important to her. Even so, this is too much.
Where are we now desu no...!? Where shall we find Igu Jisuta-san desu no!? (Kuzuha) (Ima, dono ataridesu no......!? Somosomo igujisuta-san wa, doko ni iru ndesu no! ?)
We reach the upper level already ... Maybe she is in her room (Arge)
The upperyer, her room is at the end of this vicinity. Maybe shes there.
There are also possibilities that she in Cyrils room or the factory district producing golem, but they are in the topyer of Big Safe. If the ce with high possibilities is above.Then we should go up.
The Cyril Big Safe is pyramid structure, the floor will be narrower as we going to the upperyer.
Because there are production ces nearby, the number of golems also increases.
The more we climb upwards, the more golemsing. I rush toward the golems and sh them using the magic artifact katana Dream of Water Lily
You are disturbing us... (Arge) (аħǤ: Jamad desu)
Even though I know they dont understand mynguage, I somewhat feels troublesome andining. And they just ignore it, more golems ising.
Im sorry but Im tired of seeing the same face over and over ... Fox Fire, Hsenka (Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan also seemed to be frustrated, and gradually use stronger magic.
A flock of fireballs are aiming at the golems and burns them.
Together the exploded golems from Richelle-sans lightning arrow, the aisle is full of burning smell.
Zeno-kun is gonna cry if Igu Jisuta-san require the repair expensester, including the unexpected ceiling, but now its not the case.
I shook the katana cast away a useless thought for the moment.
Both of you, how are your magic power? (Arge)
No problem, with only this amount consume, I can keep shooting for another half day (Richelle)
This much is still nothing! (Kuzuha) (ޤޤФޤ: Madamada ikemasu wa yo!)
To be honest, our group face no danger.
Kuzuha-chan can make alter ego and use strong magic, and Richelle-san also can use widespread attack (AOE) with high fire power than I thought.
I also have the cheat capacity of magic power and theres recovery magic for any urgent means. We are heading toward enemy base and Im her capture target.
Felnote-san and Zeno-kun are facing more danger than us.
Thinking of war potential, we dont have to worry about Felnote-san but Zeno-kun is a bit uneasy. I guess he isnt weak, but with a lot of enemies like this.I hope he is safe.
I also worry about Neguseo, but if he faces danger, he should get in touch with me.
I already informed him about the problem yesterday and I think hes still okay for the time being.
Go up the stairs that has be troublesome as we counting it a couple of times. More over we are running while battle with golems.
...Arge-san, that ce! Isnt it where they are building golems!? (Kuzuha) (Aruje-san, are! Gremu o tsukutte iru tokorode wa arimasen no! ?)
Im looking at the direction that Kuzuha-chan is pointing.I can see golems appearing one after the other across therge door.
... We better stop the golems production first (Arge)
There was a guide yesterday with Igu Jisuta-san over there.
It is one of the ces that she brought to, saying that I might recall if I look around.
To be honest, I cant understand the production line of Golem that Cyril built at all.
Everything from replenishment to creation of materials is automatic.
There are things that seem to be magical and there are things that are mechanically connected to them.
And from the amateurs view like me, I still know it was made with quite advanced technology.
In other words, I dont know how to operate it and if we want to stop it we have to break it.
Since it is a machine, it can not be repaired with magic after breaking.
It is honestly annoying to be attacked over and over.
I will cut off the origin of golem. Both of you, lets go (Arge)
Understood (Kuzuha) (Shchi shimashita wa!)
Understood, but its strange, is not it? (Richelle) (Uketamawarimashita. Shikashi, mydesu ne)
Richelle-san, what are you worry about? (Arge)
Richelle is thinking without stopping the movement of shooting the bow.
An arrow released with the same expression passed through the golem.
Richelle responds to my doubts while passing through the passage.
The defense of the Cyril Big Safe is so strong and famous even to the Demon Continent.
From I have heard, theres never any invasion of foreign enemies that can pass their defend.
This times we were infiltrated inside from the beginning. But ... dont you think the threat level is low? (Richelle)
... ... certainly, its a bit odd ...!! (Arge)
I felt dubious after being told that, I had a bad feeling.
I frankly obeyed the sense of crisis that came in the moment of passing through the door leading to the production site.
Im pulling both Kuzuha-chan and Richelle-san who was close at hand to the sideways.
I given up Bushiha-chan because I dont have enough hands for Kuzuha-chans alter ego.
The massively mass that cameter crushed the floor.
Kuzuha-chans alter ego was involved in it and disappeared.
Ku~...!? (Arge)
Arge-san, are you okay? (Kuzuha) (Aruje-san, daijbu desu no!?)
Yes, Im okay ... Im sorry, Kuzuha-chan, I cant help Bushiha-chan (Arge)
No, it doesnt matter ... wait, Arge-san already decided the name as Bushiha-chan...? (Kuzuha)
I think its a nice name.Because she is a part of Kuzuha-chan, she is Bushiha-chan.
My apology, Arge-sama, you have rescued me again (Richelle) (Mshiwakearimasen, Aruje-sama. Mata sukutte itadaite shimaimashita)
I dont mind, Im d that were all okay. (Arge)
I thought that it was necessary to help, Im d that we made it.
From the dust, I can see the huge sword that crushed the floor. It has a size that people can not wield at all, and it was carry by one Golem.
... Is not it too big? (Arge)
There was a gigantic golem that there was likely to be 5 meters by eye measurement.
As far as I see, it cant pass the aisle with such size. Perhaps after being built here, it would be possible to carry out by another route.
You can rest assured that I will not hit Cyril. (Igu)
... Thats not the problem here (Arge)
And she was over there riding on the head of the gigantic golem.
She narrows her eyes that have the same color as silver coin while holding a glittering cane like a gold coin.
...Igu Jisuta-san (Arge)
Y, Cyril. Will you wait for a moment. I am going to discipline the people who are nning to take Cyril away (Igu)
Even when she looks straight at me, but what Igu Jisuta calling isnt me.
That face is brilliant all the time. She doesnt doubt what she is doing.
That is why that girl is sad. Theres nobody to stop her, a lonely spirit.
To end this, I took a step forward.
Trantors Note:
I thought the Golem is about this big
Chapter 117
Arge Chapter 117: Call my name
Cyril Big SafeCyril Big Safe C Golem Factory
I say it again, Im not Cyril. (Arge)
No, theres no doubt that you are Cyril, Ive been with Cyril for a long time and Ive been watching you.
Im on your side more than anyone and know you better than anyone. (Igu)
... As expected, my voice doesnt reach her. She heard me but she isnt trying to understand. Even she looks at me, but she sees me as someone else.
She res at Kuzuha-chan and Richelle-san with a cold eyes, which is opposite to the smile for me.
Are you the one spew lies to my Cyril and treat her as a different person (Igu)
I did not do it! (Kuzuha) (Shitemasen wa yo!)
Its you, who are doing it. I had patience because Cyril seems to be enjoying, but I cant take it anymore. Stop misleading my Cyril? (Igu)
... I dont know what you are talking about, but it seems Arge-samas words doesnt transmit (Richelle)
Igu Jisuta raised the cane.Although the effect is unknown, I know that golden stick is a magic artifact.
Come Ringing golden treesI shall take my Cyril back (Igu) (Qɤ؛䡻)
As the moment she presses the cane to the head of the gigantic golem, there are alot of noisy sounds just like spreading coins on the floor. With that sounds, theres an obvious change urs. The movements of the golems have be clearer and quicker.
Did the speed go up ...! (Arge)
Gu~... their blows are also getting heavier! Beast Division,e out (Kuzuha) (Gu~tsu...... ichigeki mo omoku nattemasu wa yo! O-j bunshin, tsuika shimasu wa!!)
Well, simply, they just be quicker and stronger. Now, crush them. (Igu)
Igu Jusuta-san cast enhancement to the whole golems in this room. This golem army alone is already troublesome, now they even get strengthened. More over, not only small golems butrge golems are alsoing out.
Until now I have never allowed anyone to prate so far. The weakness of theserge golems are their size that cant pass through the passage.
But now, you are already here, I will eliminate you now and get Cyril back. (Igu)
Kokon. The cane glows in the gigantic golems head. Somesrge golems came from the door behind the room. Together with the golems were there in the beginning, their total number is 6.
Besides, there are some medium-sized golem of about 2 meters begin to appear.
Therere still more of them...!? (Kuzuha) (Mada fue masu no...!?)
They were waiting outside, they are usually used for patrol and defense. This is Cyril Big Safe true defend force. (Igu)
"Please carry my will" (Richelle)
Richelle-san, who is not familiar with thenguage, shot her lightnight without reading the air.
The lightning arrow spreading to countless light and defeated the golems.
However, it is only a small one that has been destroyed.Medium andrge golems have been struck by direct hits, still standing there.
... ... Are you satisfied? As I told you, this is the real defense force of the Cyril Big Safe (Igu)
They are still able to move ...!? (Richelle)
Richelle-san, step back! (Bushiha)
Bishiha-chan pulls Richelle-san back, as her word doesnt pass. A momentter, Arge spear stab the ground where Richelle previous at.
This time, I wont let yound a hit on us...! (Kuzuha) (Kondo wa atarimasendeshita wa yo...!)
... Again, Please carry my will" (Richelle)
Richelle-san shoot right away they avoid the golems attack. And this time, her attack silences a number of medium golems. It seems that her attacks can destroy medium golem with several direct hits.
While confirming that Kuzuha-chan and Richelle-san are safe. Im also ready my weaponDream of Water Lilyand sh the golems. Looks like I can split the armor of the reinforced golem without problems.
But this is truly ...! (Arge)
There are just too many. And not only they are also stronger and faster than before, but also the density is too thick. Even with my speed, I cant avoid all of them and attack.
Atomization...! (Arge)
Because it bes impossible to avoid alone with physical abilities, I continue to evade with vampire capabilities. But Kuzuha-chan and Richelle could not afford that, the bnce between attack and evasion came to thetter.
...Igu Jisuta-san! (Arge)
Cyril, why dont we talk somewhere else? (Igu)
... I am not Cyril! (Arge)
No, you are Cyril, because I think so. Ive been with Cyril for a long time and I have seen her forever, so I know about Cyril more than anyone else (Igu)
Its certainly so ...! (Arge)
Certainly she was made by Cyril, raised by Cyril, loved by Cyril.
Necessary, required, and stuck closer to each other.I already know it well.
Cyril Notes word, Igu Jisuta-sans words. And the two girls and traces of Cyrils left in this Big Safe. I knew that both of them are only thinking about someone else.
I cant do such a thing, and no one can do such a thing. I do not know how to think of someone and I dont think that there will be a person who only thinks of me. (T.N: You can say that again, Arge ^_^)
Im still looking for a person to support me, but its still hard to find such person.
I need to tell her everything properly.
If you are really so, youll understand, Igu Jisuta-san! (Arge)
... What are you talking about? (Igu)
I close my eyes, take a deep breath, I need some more words to those who dont understand my intention. I opened my eyes and rush to the golems in front of Igu Jisuta-san to attack. I clear up a lot of the machine arms and speak out loud.
You taught me a lot of things! (Arge)
Oh, yes, because its you that my memories is back, I can talk a lot about everything I can remember everywhere. (Igu)
Then why dont you try to understand that I am a different person ...? (Arge)
Because you are Cyril, arent you? (Igu)
No, Im not. Certainly Cyrils left behind magical power is what gave birth to me but...! (Arge)
You are Cyril! You finally came back to me! I will protect you this time! (Igu)
I can understand your feelings ... but ... dont impose your past impotence on me! (Arge)
I go ahead and sh more iing golems again. When their number be to many, I step back each time and go forward again. Theres also a choice but to obediently get caught and get taken to the Igu Jisuta-san.
However, I dont want to give up. Thats just like I admit Im Cyril.
I can not give up that I am a different person from Cyril Arcadia.
I have to go to her with my will and deny it.
... Theres a person who will be call with that name (Arge)
Cyril ...? (Igu)
Wrong (Arge)
I was about to lose sight of who I am before. Even now, I dont know how to define myself. I am a failure as person in my previous world, and even if I reincarnated in this world, nothing has changed.
I cant do a given role. Im lost, I dont know what to do but I am still alive.
I have someone who will call my name now.
I am ... Argento Vampear! (Arge)
Its a name that I thought of myself, even so.
If the surroundings call me so, it is certainly worth it.
To the extent, that I will not rece with the name of a person I never met before.
Chapter 118
Arge Chapter 118: The cutting edge of losers
How do you see Cyril? (Arge)
What...!? (Igu)
Cyril, the one you told me about, is a much better person than I even we may have the same appearance! (Arge)
...!? (Igu)
Cyril is obviously smarter than me, she is gracious, she can worry about others, she get up early in the morning and she will not go to sleep too much!
I am not that kind of person, I want to go to bed at least 30 hours a day! (Arge) (T.N: Anyone rememberzy dungeon master want to sleep how many hours a day ?)
I thought that Im only a bit different frompare to her, but thats it.
Cyril Arcadia and Argento Vampear are not the same person.On the contrary we hardly seems to be simr.
Our face may be simr.But its only that degree.
I am not good with machine and I cant do it. I cant have a gentle smile thought of someone else as the drawing portrait and I also dont love writing a note.
It seems strange that you think we are the same by merely saying that our faces are simr ... (Arge)
But, I am ... (Igu)
If Cyril is important, why are you filling up her memories with lies and trying rece it ...? (Arge)
n...! (Igu)
The face of Igu Jisuta-san was obviously distorted.It looks like she feels painful somewhere.... After all, did she really not understand?
In truth, she must realize it somehow.
She knows about Cyril more than anyone else.Because she was created by Cyril, raised and lived together.
In fact, she should know the difference between me and Cyril more than anyone else.
Even so, she is trying to believe that I am her important person.
You shouldnt paint your important with a lie (Arge)
No, thats not true! Cyril is here, in front of me! (Igu)
If you forget about Cyril, she will really be gone forever ...! (Arge)
Her memories are going to be updated.Even though it were the memorie she cherished, it would gradually rece by new memories.
It is the same as my dream of the old times.Even though I feel nostalgic, its not the present. While I am calling as Argento Vampear, I sometimes feel like forgetting the name Kuon Ginji.
If she lives with only lies and updating that memories.
Someday, the important memories she spends with real Cyril will be forgotten.
I thought that was something she shouldnt do because I know how much she love and care about Cyril.
Even if she hate to face the truth in front of her and is trying not to listen by waving her head like a child.
I, I am ... Cyril ...! (Igu) (Wa, watashi wa...... Shiriru o......!)
Igu Jisuta, you shouldnt ... (Arge) (Ӝp˨DD: Igujisuta, kagen ni
... shouldnt do something like this !! (Kuzuha) DDӜpˣ ʤ!!: kagenni! Shina-sa ai!!
There was a voice crying out earlier than what I was trying to say. That was Kuzuha-chans voice.
Because her voice was so loud that Igu Jisuta-san and the gigantic golem also stopped moving.
Her fox ears and tail are standing up. She looks up at the golem, pointing her finger at Igu Jisuta-san.
Which remind me, Kuzuha-chan said that there was something she wants to say to Igu Jisuta.Perhaps now is that time.
From a while ago, I n to turn a deaf ear to your story but I must say its too narrow! (Kuzuha) (Sakki kara shirirushiriru to, kagenni mimi ni tako ga dekimasu wa! Ohanashi no haba ga sema sugimasu!)
What with you, suddenly... !? (Igu) ʡʤʤ!?: Na,na nda, ikinari!?
Im not suddenly! My name is Kuzuha! (Kuzuha) (Ikinari, de wa arimasen! Watashi no namae ha kuzuha desu no!)
No, in what sense (you said my story is narrow) ...!? (Igu) 䤽ζǤ...
And you are Igu Jisuta, and this girl is Argento-san! (Kuzuha) ƤʤϥǡˤΤϥ른ȤǤΣ: Soshite anata wa igujisuta-san de, sochira ni iru no wa arujento-sandesu no!
n ... ! (Igu)
I dont know what kind of person Cyril was, and I dont know whether she is still alive until now! But, ... (Kuzuha) (kagen ni, wakattara ddesu no! Shiriru-san ga donna hitodatta ka wa shirimasenshi, ima ikite iru kamo shirimasen! Demo, de mo~...!)
Kuzuha-chan looks straight at Igu Jisuta-sam as she will say something important.
Her straightness makes Igu Jisuta-san looks frightened to look back.
Do not rece Arge-san with a stranger ...! (Kuzuha) (Aruje-san o, tanin ni shinaide kudasai...!)
U ... Urusai! Urusai! Urusai ...! (Igu) (As Shanas fan I will not give up this chance, sorry to readers in advance)
Igu Jisuta shakes her redhead and cries and she waves the golden stick and res at Kuzuha-chan.
Do not disturb me and Cyril, crush her, golem! (Igu)
With just that simplemand, the machine followed it.
The Gigantic golem which Igu Jisuta-san rides on, approaching Kuzuha-chan by moving its legs.The body of the golem exceeding 5 meters approachs Kuzuha-chan in just a moment.
It doesnt have a weapon, but with it Gigantic arms, ording to the word crush, simple swing down to the small Fox.
Kuzuha-chan ...! (Arge)
N ... Beast Division! (Kuzuha)
In response to Kuzuhas voice, two Bushiha-chan gathered.
Instead of avoid, Kuzuha-chan receives the golems arms with the power of three people.
... .... Aaaaa ......! (Kuzuha + 2 Bushiha)
Despite being a child, she has the strength of a beastkin. But the golem power is too much even with three girls. Kuzuha-chans obviously groaned in agony.
... Kuzuha-chan! (Arge)
Kuzuha-sama! (Richelle)
Donte! (Kuzuha) (Ugoku n)
I trying to help Kuzuha-chan, so is Richelle-san.
I wanted to help Kuzuha-chan, but I called her name even I know its impossible even if I wanted to help.
Ku~... Igu Jisuta! please stop it...! (Arge) (Ku~tsu...... Igujisuta! Tomete kudasai......!)
Well, Cyril! You are bad one, ept it ...! Im tired of being deceived and mislead! (Igu)
Her tears keep falling as she speaks. Her silver eyes keep looking at me as she cries.
She seems like a child waiting for the return of her parents.
Because she kept waiting forever, for Cyril, her important person.
I have been waiting here forever! She promises me, promise toe back with me!
I have kept defense this ce as I promise, I cant go looking for Cyril, for years, many years ...! (Igu)
Igu Jisuta, you are ... (Arge)
I am stuck in words.I dont know what to say.I can understand her feelings, waiting for a long time.
I hesitated to make a further denial here now.I didnt even know about myself, I thought that I have to do something now or.
Indefinitely, I wille back ... I stay at this ce, okay! Because I am ... (Arge) (kagen ni, kaette kite kuretatte...... sukuwa retatte, darou! ? Datte watashi wa)
Stop joking around, she is not ...!! (Kuzuha) (Fuzakeru n ja, arimasen wa yo...)
When I tried to say to Igu Jisuta, I certainly heard her voice shouted out loud.
It was Kuzuha-chans voice, who seemed to be about to copse at the moment.
She is desperately trying to push Golems arms with her alter ego. She cant afford to talk.Still she looks up tightly and speaks a word to Igu Jisuta.
There is person, no matter how much you want to return ... will nevere back ...! (Kuzuha) (Dore dake nozonde mo~tsu...... kaettekonai hito, datte, iru n desu no yo)
Kuzuha-chan speaks in a spicy voice isnt to prevent attacks.
She is the same as Igu Jisuta, waiting for her mothers return.
There are a difference in years.Even their births and races are different.
Still, Kuzuha-chan felt something close to Igu Jisuta.
That is why she followed us and now she spoken the words she wanted to say.
Persistent girl! Your power cant reach me and Cyril golem! Give it up already ... or I will crush you! (Igu)
Then ... what ...? (Kuzuha) (ä......ɤäƤǤΣ: Dattara......-dshi tatte iu ndesu no!)
What ...!? (Igu)
Dont you get it ... Give up? Such a thing... Such a thing, ha~h ... ... I do not want to give up anymore ...! (Kuzuha) (Todokanai ~tsu, kara...... akirameru ndesu no! ? Sonna no wa...... sonna no, ha~tsu...... m, iyana ndesu no......!!)
You ... why are you going so far ...? (Igu)
Im the same as you, ... Its because I regret having given up ... ! (Kuzuha) (Anata to onaji, de ~e...... akirameta koto o, kkai shite irukara ~tsu......desu wa! )
I can hear the sound of Kuzuha-chan grind her teeths
Gu~u~u ... Ah~hhh. I dont want to give up ... anymore. ... Gu~u, thinking back ... I also want to give up ... at that time, I want to stop! ... many times, ... I thought so ... many time, ... you get it too, dont you? (Kuzuha) (Gu, ~u~u...... a, asoko de akiramenakereba, motto, gu~...... kangaete, ireba tte...... a no toki, tomete itara tte......! Takusan, taku,-san ~... kangaemasu wa~...! Anata datte,-s,deshou ~...!?)
That is... (Igu) (: So,re wa)
Still ... who is gone, will note back ...! (Kuzuha) (Ǥ......ʤʤäˤϡäƤʤǤΤ...: Sorede mo~... inaku natta hito wa, modottekonai ndesu no~)
A, ~...! (Igu) ()
I can heal my loneliness with someone else, even I can fill it ... but ... it will just someone else will take the ce of the one you waiting ... By no mean ... Absolutely, I can not ...! (Kuzuha) (Sabishisa o, dare ka to yorisotte, umeru koto wa dekimasu ~... keredo! ! Darekaga dareka no kawari ni naru koto wa...... zettaini...... zettai, ni ~i... dekinai n desu no! ! !)
Im always thinking Kuzuha is cheerful.
Because she is a child, she has ovee her sadness properly.
But the truth is shes still hurting until now because her mothers death and shes still try tough a lot. She has not told me anything.I thought that she was okay, and also thought I have no right to ask.
But right now, Kuzuha-chan said everything because those words are necessary for the current Igu Jisuta.
Arge-san isnt a substitute for someone ... for you nor Cyril-san ... and as for me ... I want her, not as a recement ... but my friend as she is! (Arge) Aruje-san wa, dareka no kawari janai ... anata ni totte no, Shiriru-san ... soreto, onajide... watashi ni totte... tai, setsuna... o tomodachi,na n desu no~)
Thats ... but ... (Igu)
What you are doing is bad ... so stop doing this! (Kuzuha) (ӜpˡʤΤ......ֹʤ: kagen ni, amaeru no wa...... tome nasai)
Well, this is ...! (Richelle) (á...!?:~Tsu, koreha...!? )
Richelles surprising voice echoes.I was also surprised, probably the same thing.
If Kuzuha-chan uses her alter ego, the number of her tails will decrease.And right now she already uses 2 of her clones.Still, right now in Kuzuha-chans body theres another tail left.
Before we knew it.Her tail grew up to respond to the feelings of Kuzha.
If my current power isnt enough, then how about with this ...? Beast Devision Golden thread plum (Kuzuha) (Tarinainara, kore de ddesu no......!? O-j bunshin Kinshiume)
The words sounded, and the fourth clone Bushiha-chan appeared.
Naturally, her power to push back the golem will increase if the number of alter ego increase.
The power bnce was tilted towards Kuzha.
Ku~ ... Ooo~... !? (Igu)
My precious friend ... I will not let you take her away! (Kuzuha) (⤦˽δФˤ......Z碌ޤ: M, watashi no taisetsunahito wa...... ubawa semasen)
The four girls push back the golem arms. After they got a little advantage, they fall back to take some distance. The girls hold hands in the air and concentrate magical powers.
One monstrous movement that four girls do.
Perfectly controlled movements that can only be used by alter ego.
Please stop that distortion!Quadruple disaster (Kuzuha) (ߤϤʤ ص: Sono yugami o, tachi nasai! Shi-j wazawai itachi )
With her words and the magic were released.
The wind magic with quadruple power tear up the air and flying at the Gigantic Golem.
The huge steel golem body get shed all over and crumpled.
Perhaps it was in the calction.Kuzaha-chanpletely destroyed the golem without any scratches on Igu Jisuta.
This is my ... right now! This is my best power! (Kuzuha) (Kore ga watashi no...... ima no! Zenryokudesu no!)
... It was perfect that you even calcted Igu Jisuta falls. (Arge)
...Ah (Kuzuha)
Well, it seems that she had not thought so far, so I used my full speed to help.
Because Igu Jisuta can no longermand, all golems had stopped their movements.
Chapter 119
[Next]This arc will have 3 more chapters 119,120 and 121. ETA is Saturday.
After done with this arc, we still dont have enough raw chapters for a new Arc.
I will stop trante Arge for about 1 months or more (Author release this novel on weekly or slower). I dont want to trante half way and grind my teeths with Cliff Hanger.
Next, I will at least release a few chapters of Mira, Manowa, Swordsaint, Asley. I cant promise it daily like Arge or Mile because they are 3000 words+ (3 times longer) and harder to trante than Arge and Mile.
About half August, I will start tranting until chapter 129 of Miles Novel daily. To be done with Ancient Dragon Arc and re-union with Marce trio arc.
Thats the n.
By the way, I have a good new. Rising The Dead n to re-trante Mile again from where they left. We can read a proper trante of Average Mile again.
I knew My trantion isnt good, its only average value of a proper trantion and machine trantion.
This is 100% shounen battle.
After defeat the enemy, save the enemy (both the heart and the body).
Our enemy be friend (in this case, fall in love with you)
Arge Chapter 119: Nice to meet you
Cyril Big Safe C Golem Factory
It is easy for this body to avoid the fragments of golem that falling apart.
With my Body ability isSuper Agility, my speed parameter is maximum.
This Super Agility is not simply just my movement speed, but everything concerning speed, including dynamic vision and reflexes, attack speed.
The Gigantic Golem is still crumbling, its fragments and Igu Jisuta caught by gravity and are falling to the floor.
When I concentrated my mind, everything just looks like slow-motion video.
I run with full speed that even leave behind an after-imagine
Igu Jisuta ...! (Arge)
Ah... (Igu)
I can see her mouth tries to say Cyril, but she didnt make a word.
Even she sees me as Cyril or as Argento, I want to save her.
Arge-san ...! (Kuzuha)
Arge-sama ...! (Richelle)
They call my name, Their voice tells me that I am me.
Even if I dont know how I will live, but right now Im Argento Vampear.
I will not lose ...! (Arge)
For me, for Igu Jisuta, forCyril that still exists inside of her. In order not to lose, I embraced her.
Because of my vampire body, I can run while supporting the load of another person.
Im running while embracing Igu Jisuta and avoiding all falling rubble and golems fragments.
Yoisho tto ...! (Arge) (T.N: I dont know an English word for this, it was something like alright or here we go)
Avoid all falling rubbles and return to Kuzuha-chan and Richelle-san.
Since the golems have stopped moving, there is no refrain. Igu Jisutas turn her face looking at me in my arms. She doesnt call me by Cyril name but asking me because she still doesnt know.
...You are (Igu)
Argento, Argento Vampear (Arge)
... Argento (Igu)
Yeah. Nice to meet you (Arge)
Cyril is ... not you, right (Igu)
Well, I dont know whether Cyril is still alive or not, Cyril may be the reason why I was born, but I am Argento, not Cyril (Arge)
I make a clear denial and let her go down to the ground.
Igu Jisuta was steadily looking at me. She wasnt looking at the shadow of Cyril-san. She was definitely looking me and heard my words properly.
Finally, we were able to meet.
... Yeah, thats right, isnt it? (Igu)
Did you understand? (Arge)
Yes, I understand ... Im sorry. Argento (Igu)
She is stroking my hair. Her hand gesture is gentle and because she feels apologetic, she also tends to hold back. I feltfortable with her stroking me hair and I began to speak.
... Vampires are born by magical power (Arge)
...Yes (Igu)
Do you recognize a ce name Antares?
... Cyrilsst letter was sent from there (Igu)
Antares is the name of the ruin city I was reincarnated in. The ce where I arrived soon after my reincarnation.
I heard from everyone that ce was ruined from long time ago and it was due to arge battle.
I dont know why it happened.Still, it is certainly Cyril is the reason I was born in this way.
I think that the magical power left by Cyril gave birth to me, but thats all. (Arge)
... Thats it, only that (Igu)
Yeah, thats why Im not the one you have been looking for all the time (Arge)
You are you, not Cyril. Your name is Argento, a different person from her that still alive. (Igu)
We exchange words to confirm each others recognition.
I still know she keeps waiting, thinking and cherish Cyril.
Waiting for centyries, there are many things to cry.
Nevertheless, I wonder why she kept thinking about meeting Cyril someday.
She has been keeping this Big Safe, the ce to return, so that her loved one mighte back.
Im sure you will be saved. You have been doing it for a long time already.
Still, her salvation isnt me.I can not be salvation and I should not be.
Igu Jisuta stops speaking and hide her face behind her red hair.I guess she doesnt want me to see it. It will takes time.So, I decided to wait.
She raised her face again after a while. She bents over her back to align our eyes equal.
... Thank you, Argento (Igu)
Theres nothing to thank for, Im sorry that I cant be your salvation (Arge)
Because, if you do that, I will lose another important thing (Igu)
Certainly, If I do that, you will forget your memories about the real Cyril (Arge)
That way of saying, so she can finally see it.It will be a story about updating memories.
If I epted it, she was going to fill the memories she has built up with Cyril with memories of imitation.
If the words of thank you with that intention, I wanted to ept obediently.
I already get it, but it isnt so... (Igu)
Fu~ ni ~yu? (Arge)
... Oh, I cant stand it !! (Igu)
Fu~ gyu!? (Arge)
I was hugged by Igu Jisuta with an over excited expression.
My face was pressed against her chest, its soft so I dont feel pain but I cant breathe.
Her breasts are as big as Felnote-san that cover my mouth and nose.
Fu~, gu~, u!? (Arge) (դáá!?)
Ah ... so cute! Cyril-look-alike little sister! (Igu)
Fumo umo ~!? (Arge)
Because both you and me were born out of Cyrils magical power. I am an artificial spirit that born before you, a big sister!
You are my sister! You are just so cute! (Igu)
... Have you made such a conclusion?
As expected, I could not predict this persons action
I didnt think that she would interpret it this way.
I was buried on soft thing that is cover my whole face. I struggle to push her back somehow. However, there is a difference in height, and it will be dangerous if I push her with the vampires power. Even so, this is unbearable.
Mu, gu~u... (Arge)
I was getting worse while I was wondering what I should do..
If my cause of death after carefully incarnating, I somewhat feel sorry for Loli-gramp who took charge of me ... Uhm, Im losing ... consciousness ...
Please stop bothering her C desu~no! (Kuzuha)
Puha~!? (Arge)
Four small fox girls pulled me off from Igu Jisuta.
Delicious air after a long time.The fragrance of Igu Jisuta sweetly touches the sense of smell and goes through.
What would you if you kill Arge-san C desu~no! Think about the size of your chest before doing it C desu~no! (Kuzuha)
Sorry, she is just ... too cute (Igu)
Kuzaha-chan threatens Igu Jisuta with her ears and tail and hair standing up.
Because the four of Kuzuha-chan also hug me to cover me from Igu Jisuta, Kuzuhas chests are pressing to my face this time, but this one is modest.
I understand that Arge-san certainly is cute, ... rather I understand it well, but you should be a little more ...!? (Kuzuha) (Mattaku, Aruje-san ga kawa no wa wakarimasukedo, mushiro wakarimasukedo, msukoshi k...... arudeshou)
Kuzuha-chan, will you calm down a little? (Arge)
She is a bit excited and her vocabry is lost.
Also, it is a little hot when four girls keep hugging me.
With a light push, four Kuzuha-chans left.Haa, it was painful.
For now, let me breath the air and calm down.
The Battle is over and Igu Jisuta is persuaded.
There is nothing to be hurry.
Lets talk various things for the time being, this time to get to know each other (Arge)
... Uhm, thats right. (Igu)
Well, thank you, Igu Jisuta-san (Arge)
The same for you, Argento (Igu) (餳른: Kochira koso, arujento)
The feeling when our hand touching is gentle and soft.
Finally, she got time to talk in order to know each other. She decided Im somewhat like her sister, she will take time and effort.
Unlike Kuon Ginji, a spirit of a lonely man who is notpleted at all by himself.
...? Whats wrong? (Igu)
No, nothing at all (Arge)
However, I dont dislike it.
At least I think so.
Chapter 120
[Next]Trantors Note:
Imouto = little sister
Ane-san = big sister
Hahaue = esteemed mother
Arge Chapter 120: Itte kimasu (We are leaving)
Cyril Big Safe C Desert Land
The sky is clear blue and sunny
While thinking that it will be good for an afternoon nap, Im calling the red hair spirit girl.
Igu Jisuta. Is it really okay? (Arge)
Of course it is! (Igu)
Igu Jisuta proudly raises her chest as she says that. Behind her is arge amount of food.
There are no meat, mainly vegetables and cereals, I am d that there is also bread.
The day after we solved the misunderstandings and knew more about each other. I decided to start travel again.
Igu Jisuta told me that we can take our time even so I have to escort Richelle-san.I cant afford to rx here forever.
I stored her prepared food in my blood bag and I bowed to her.
Thank you very much, Igu Jisuta (Arge)
E he he, my lovely Imouto will be on a journey, so of course I will prepare at least this much (Igu)
Igu Jisuta caresses my head as she says that.
My soul from previous life is a man but my body right now is a girl. Even if she treat me like a little sister, it isnt wrong.
... Argento (Igu)
Oh, yes, what is it? (Arge)
Antares city was already destroyed, It cant be called as a home, so you can think this ce as your home (Igu)
...Uhm (Arge)
If you need anything you cane back anytime, thats it. (Igu)
ce that Argento Vampear cane back, not Kuons house. Its not where I born, but I dont mind returning here.
...Thank you (Arge)
I understand the meaning her words, it makes me quite ticklish.
Still, I know that it isnt a bad feeling. So I epted that feeling.
Thats why, everyone, please take care of my cute Imouto properly (Igu)
... I will protect her even if you dont ask. But suddenly behave like Arges ane-san with that smug face make me quite angry. (Felnote)
Mu, whats this Felnote-kun. If you dont like it, how about I left this Cyril Big Safe alone and follow you guys? (Igu)
Whats about your official business ...! (Felnote)
She is probably serious but this ce supporting the entire world economy. It will be a lot of trouble for the whole world.
Zeno-kun face has be blue so we better stop it before he faints.
Igu Jisuta, please dont say something so unreasonable. Everyone will help me and I can protect myself too (Arge)
Muu, but ... but. Only if I dont have this role I will follow.
Then how about bring 30rge golems as your body guards? (Igu)
Stop it (Arge)
I can store them in my Blood Bag, but their excessive strength is too overpower.
What does she think we fight against that need thirty of such massive weapons to protect.
Gu~nu~nu..., but looks ... Kuzuha-kun said it herself! I dont want to regretter! (Igu)
Its okay, our most serious problem about food is already solved (Arge)
Richelle-sans meal is the biggest problem in this trip, so Im thankful that she solve it for us.
However, it seems that Igu Jisuta is not convinced. But after a while she gives up.
Mu~mu~mu ... Everyone, I will say it again, please protect my precious Imouto neatly! (Igu)
Arge-sama, what does the Spirit get angry for? (Richelle)
She told us be careful not eating too much (Arge)
As it became a little troublesome, I change the trantion.
Igu Jistusa had behave strange or she seemd to be overprotective since yesterday. Even I got used to it but I was a bit tired.
I think she is very gentle, but she is excessive in many ways.
I wonder why she was like this though, didnt she get tired?
In any case, I cant stay here forever.
She told me that it is okay to return and I am going to do it, but now I have something to do.
Because I promised to escort Richelle-san to her hometown in the Demon Continent.
Well then, Igu Jisuta ... uhm ... (Arge)
Well, Itte kimasucould you say that? (Igu)
Uhm ... Itte kimasu (Arge) (We are leaving)
Um. Itte rasshai (Igu) (Have a good trip)
I am not going to say Sayonara
I also said that to Satsuki-san, but this time is definitely a different word from that time.
I got a home to return someday, I mean words like that.
Im still puzzled to be treated like that, she called me her Imouto.
Still, I didnt want to deny it.
Well, I pray for the safety of your journey.
And I will be happy if you send me letter sometimes. So I can know about your safety every now and then (Igu)
...I understand (Arge)
I never used a mail-order shop in this world.
In the first ce, I do not know what kind of letter is being conveyed.
Well, I can ask Felnote-santer.
I think its troublesome, but I also like to know, so I think that I can do it asionally.
For this lonely girl.
I respond to her by waving my hands, and I get on the carriage.
Felnote-san and Richelle-san also get in the carriage.
Only Zeno-kun is sitting outside to move the carriage.
Is it alright C desu ~no? (Kuzuha)
Yes, I have finished my greeting properly, It will be nice if you greet her, too, Kuzuha-chan (Arge)
Kuzuha-chan who always properly goodbye in such case, didnte out this time. She smiles and ask a question with a strange feeling.
Im not good with something like parting with a family member (Kuzuha) (Ȥ΄eǤΡˮΤҰĺȤΤǤ: Kazoku to no wakaredesu mono. Mizu o sasu no wa yabo, to iu monodesu wa)
... Was that something like that? (Arge)
Now Arge-san is her Imouto, so Im her imoutos friend. I already promise and talk with her yesterday, so I am fine. (Kuzuha) (Kondo wa Aruje-san wa imto to shite, soshite watashi wa imto-san no o tomodachi to shite. Kangei shite kureru to, kin yakusoku shite kudasaimashita. Dakara, watashi wa ndesu no yo)
I sit down next to Kuzuha-chan who is happy to talk.
There is no point. Because the carriage is wide, there is no need to do so.
I just wanted to do that.No meaning behind it.
... Arge-san (Kuzuha)
Yes, Kuzuha-chan? (Arge)
Thank you very much (Kuzuha) (Arigatgozaimasu)
Fu~e? (Arge)
I was puzzled for a while. I did not know what she thanks me for.
Perhaps I make quite a stupid face.Kuzuhaughed and her fox ears were trembling.
For staying by my side when I lost my hahaue (Kuzuha)
... But I just stay there? (Arge)
I didnt call out to Kuzuha-chan, who was mourning her mothers death at that time.
I didnt know what to do, I couldnt even call out and touch her tofort her.
I was just stay there by her side till she stopped crying.
But Im really d with that (Kuzuha) (Sorede yokatta ndesu no yo)
Really? (Arge)
Because you are there, my loneliness has been filled in.
If Arge-san isnt there at that time, I wont be easy to get over my sadness ...
And yesterday, I would not be able to reach Igu Jisuta-san (Kuzuha) (Datte, sorede watashi no sabishisa wa umatta ndesu no. Ano Toki Aruje-san ga inakereba, kitto...... kin, igujisuta-san ni o sekky nante, dekimasendeshita wa)
Kuzuha-chan somewhat shyly smiles.
Certainly, If we didnt meet that day, perhaps Kuzaha-chan may be like Igu Jisuta.
If you say thanks in that sense, I can be satisfied. What I did is not a big deal, but if that helping her.
... then, you are wee. (Arge)
I thought that I could obediently say so.
... So when Arge-san face any hardship, Ill be with you by all means (Kuzuha) (Dakara Aruje-san ga tsurai toki wa, kitto watashi ga soba ni imasu wa)
Is that so? (Arge)
Yes, because for me ... Arge-san has be an irreceable person ... (Kuzuha) (. Datte, watashi ni totte wa...... Aruje-san wa m, kakegae no nai hitona ndesu mono)
My heart feels wonderful and warm with Kuzuha-chans words.
I dont know well what this feeling that springs up in my heart is.
Still this feeling makes me realize that I can feel the warmth of my heart.
So for now, lets follow the feelings I have.
...Thank you (Arge) (T.N: I cant find any good picture for this so I choose a picture from same artist)
............ (Kuzuha)
Whats wrong, Kuzuha-chan?
Ah, no, about how youugh just now, can you do it again!? (Kuzuha) (A, ie, sono, i, ima no warai-kata, mikkai yatte itadakemasu no!?)
... I wasughing? I didnt n to do that ... (Arge)
That was really pretty! So please once more! Smile again! (Kuzuha)
Although Kuzuha-chan asks me to do it, Im in trouble even if she suddenly asks.
Originally, I was not even conscious of beingughing.
Er ... like this?
Uhm, this is cute, too but its a bit different ...! (Kuzuha)
And, I was practising smile for a while with Kuzuha-chan, I dont know why she had such high tension for this.
The goal of our journey is still far away, I dont really know what my friends are but Im very confused. I even suddenly have a big sister.
Still, my chest somehow feels warmth.
Chapter 121
Arge Chapter 121: Memories and future
Cyril Note Room
... I did not know that such a ce exists (Igu)
I managed this ce as the spirit of the Big Safe from the day Cyril was gone, but I didnt know that there was a hidden passage.
Walk slowly at where I dont know, located in a corner of library facilities.
There are traces of destruction by traps here and there, so Cyril wanted to hide something here.
It isnt easy to uncover family secrets, but the oneing here is also a family member in the first ce.
Argento Vampear.My Imouto born out of Cyrils magical power.
I am walking to this ce now because She told me to visit here.
Follow the trace of the trap which has been stepped out and get off the stairs to the lower level.
The stairs ended faster than I thought and theres a iron door in front of me.
... I will enter, Cyril (Igu)
Even Cyril isnt here, Im still calling her name as I open the door.
At the first sight of this ce, I feel relief. Color of furniture, how to arrange books.
This ce was definitely created by Cyrils character.
On the desk in the middle of a calm room like a study, there were a lot of things that look like diary.
Argento told me to read this.
But isnt this ancient spiritualnguage? (Igu)
The letters written on the front page are Cyril letters.I understand that, but I cant read the ancient spiritualnguage.
Ancient spiritualnguages ??is a fairly oldnguage, which is almost ruined now.
There are no-one else using it beside ancient dragons, spirits and dark elves.
Because what I learned from Cyril are republican that easier to use, I dont know thisnguage.
Still I was told to open it, I sit in a chair and try to open it slowly.
The feeling of paper is pleasant to the hands, and the turning sound echoes in the room.
I close my eyes for a little to feel the scent of the paper.
Yo~, baka yarou (Cyril Note)
... !? (Igu)
She suddenly appeared before me, a face I knew.
This is definitely the face I knew, Im familiar with how she raises one hand or her tone.
Cyril ... !? (Igu)
Point rededuction!! (Cyril Note)
Aida ~!? (Igu)
At the moment she said so, she hand-chops me.
Thats hurts, Cyril! (Igu) (I, itaiyo Shiriru!?)
Im not Cyril (Cyril Note) (Shiriru janai tte no)
Look alike? (Igu)
Thats right, because there are three people in the world that are simr. (Cyril Note)
Even from head to toes she is simr to Cyril, But it seems like she isnt Cyril.
I have mistaken her for Cyril just like Argento, but this time I must properly talk to her.
Because this girl herself said that, so she also isnt Cyril.
And Argento told me toe here, is she a reason?
Nice to meet you, Igu Jisuta ... I am Cyril Note, an artificial spirit who has purpose to keep the Cyril memory in here (Cyril Note)
... Ah, you are the same as me (Igu)
Well, consider the time I was built, I should be your Imouto (Cyril Note)
Her voice and tone are simr to Cyril, but I understand that she is different if I listen carefully.
Same as Argento. She is simr to Cyril, but she is someone else.
Well then, lets talk about it slowly.
Cyril left here some words and memories for you (Cyril Note)
Is it good? (Igu)
I was here to tell you about this when Cyril cant return anymore. It was neither good nor bad (Cyril)
... Then, after you tell me everything, can you leave this ce? (Igu)
...why? (Cyril)
Because I had a good time, its natural that I want to be with you (Igu)
Both circumstances that she is here and why I am here are clear.
And if her role is over now, then she should be free.
Sorry, Cyril Note (Igu)
Why are you apologizing? (Cyril Note)
I think that you must have been lonely (Igu)
If I noticed this ce sooner, she shouldnt be here all the time.
Just like I was waiting for Cyril, she was also waiting for me here.
To think that I kept her waiting this long.It cant be helped that I feel guilty.
I am not Cyril (Cyril Note)
But you are still like my Imouto (Igu)
... Was that so? (Cyril Note)
She is wondering with what I said. It seems she finds it strange.
She looks just like Cyril when she doesnt know what to do or say.
Cyril taught me a lot of important things ... This time I am going to do so.
I wonder how should I teach her.
To this new Imouto who has lived only with her role and knows nothing else.
Anyway, can you stop calling yourself Cyril Note? Its like a role rather than a name (Igu)
... How can we name? (Cyril Note)
We should be considering that from now on (Igu)
I think that everything will be okay.
I didnt give up that Cyril wille back someday.I believed that she was still alive. So I waited for her ever since.
However, right now I have something else that Im looking forward to.
There is a person who says that she will return. And a person that I want to teach a lot of important things.
I am not alone anymore.
There are lots of time, so lets talk, not just about memories in the past, but also the present, the future. Not only about Cyril but also about you and me. (Igu)
... I got it. (Cyril Note)
When I grasp her hand and I realize that she was acting like Cyril
Im sure she thinks that theres no choice but to imitate Cyril because she was never outside of this room.
The most important to me that you are here and I think thats good enough and I firmly grab my Imoutos hand.
Authors Note:
With this chapter, Cyril Big Safe edition epilogue, we finished with this arc.
Arge, Kuzuha, Igu Jisuta. Theyre all still im-mature but they finally realize their feeling. The feeling that no-one can rece anyone else.
I hope you will cherish something important to you that is hard to rece.
Well then, thank you for your support and see you in the next story.
Trantors Note:
With this chapter we done with this arc.
Next arc still isnt finish release yet. And I wont trante halfway.
From tomorow I will trante Mira, Minowa, Asley, Sword Saint.
Chapter 122
Arge Chapter 122: To the Ocean
Its fine fine weather today, Arge(Felnote)
The person next to me says so as she crosses her arms, and her plump breasts are swaying softly in ordance with her movement.
Its amazing whenever I see it. I wonder if she doesnt fell heavy.
Thats true, Felnote-san(Arge)
I agreed because I was spoken to, so I will nod to her.
And beyond my line of sight, the morning sun start rising from the sea, I take a deep breath.
I can smell the salt contained in the inhaling air, It will be nice to sleep at this ce. I cant help it, after all Im sleepy.
I want to take a nap today as well.
It has been months since I was incarnated with cheat skills as a silver-haired vampire girl in the other world, Argent Vampear.
My journey is still continuing.
My goal of getting a three meal per day and freely nap anytime I want was on hold at the moment. Im traveling to take the gluttondy back to her hometown.
I want to finish it quickly and get back to my original goal.
Even I was incarnated as a vampire but I have sunlight tolerance skill max level, so I wont get hurt even when I exposed to sunlight.
The morning sun is just dazzling and pleasant. Im wiping my tears from sleepy.
As I was dumbfounded, the girl next to me spoke.
So, we will go with the sea route from here ... but is it okay, Arge?(Felnote)
Yes, I dont think there will be any problem ... Fu~a~h ... Excuse me(Arge)
You feel sleepy as usual ...(Felnote)
If I dont sleep 30 hours per day, I will be sleepy(Arge)
That..., how can that be possible?(Felnote)
She red at me. I wonder why.
Look, you should take the ship out quickly, we probably came straight to the sea without leaving the port city(Felnote)
Ha~, I understand(Arge)
What she said is right, I obediently stepped forward one step withoutining.
If I step forward one more step, I will fall to the sea. I stand on the cliffs and release what is stored in my body.
Pleasee out(Arge)
Blood box. It is the skill to store goods by melting its existence in my own blood. (T.N: I change from Blood bag to blood box)
With that skill, I took out therge merchant ship from my body.
The mass that appeared abruptly, got caught by gravity and dropped to the sea. It hits the sea and scatters salty ssh.
The name of this merchant ship is Pisces. It was given to me from the lord, a mushroom-like lord in a port town called Arlesha.
Ha~a ... you skill is really useful, isnt it?(Felnote)
Even it jus a normal ship but this ship is strengthened with my blood contract, so I think we can sail even in a rough sea(Arge)
I just need to shake my finger lightly and Pisces will move as my will.
I can manipte those have blood contract with to a certain extent.
Because, it somewhat takes away the will of living things, I hesitate to use it.
But if it is an inorganic material like a ship, this is simply convenient.
Well then, it will be boat trip from here(Arge)
Is it really okay? ... Isnt something like ship need many seafarers to move?
Although I have also got on ship a lot in the past, marine navigation isnt my forte(Felnote)
It connect with me through blood contract, I can move it freely even we dont have any sailors.
If I give the ship the direction, we can arrive even if Im sleeping(Arge)
... As I said, arent you sleeping too much already?(Felnote)
... Well, shall we call everyone?(Arge)
Wait a minute Arge! You ignore my question on purpose, dont you?(Felnote)
Although I can hear it properly, I disregard it because I cant reply. So I decide to call my travelpanion.
Kuzuha-chan, Im ready, please bring our luggage in(Arge)
Understood ~wa!(Kuzuha)
This fox girl is Kuzuha, she is my friend. A cheerful and ecstatical fox girl.
As she recently grew up with the event at the Cyril Big Sage, and increased the number of tails from 3 to 4.
Beast DivisionBunshin Fox!(Kuzuha)
By giving magical power to her each tail, she can create an alter ego. The fox girl increased her number and quickly began to carry baggage from the carriage.
Well then, Ill connect the horse. Please leave Neguseo to me(Zeno)
Yes, please, Zeno-kun(Arge)
This man is a human merchant, he starts to do his job with a smile. His name is Zeno Kotobuki.
He is, well as it were, a so-called benefactor who gave me food and clothes when I was newly born. Thats why I am going to cross the sea in order to return my gratitude.
The ck haired horse climb to the boat obediently with Zeno, his name is Neguseo. He is apanion of my journey, as the name suggests he has a fluffy mane that make me feel sleepy as a trademark.
I do not think I will be in the ocean. Lets take it slowly(Neguseo)
Please take care of other horses, Neguseo(Arge)
Well, leave it to me(Neguseo)
Because I can talk him with thenguage trantion skills, we can easymunicate with each other.
When we arrive at our destination, the Demon Continent, we will need to rely on horses from there. So we must let him and other horses take a good rest for now.
Felnote-san seems to help mount the horse on the ship, so she moves away from me.
I am free until we get ready, so I decided to look at others at work.
So, we will go with this ship, ... Arge-sama, is this your first time travel by ship?(Richelle)
Another person is talking to me.
Stands next to me, a dark elf with a brown skin bows her head down as she talks.
As she moved, she swayed her golden hair with thin pigment in the ocean breeze, shook her long ears a bit and she looked into my eyes. Her purple eyes are shaking pleasantly, perhaps she took interested.
Richelieire Arc Valeria. She seems to be a nobledy from Demon Continent.
This trips purpose is helping Zeno deliver her back to her hometown.
She is using a confusingnguage called ancient spiritualnguage, thats why she can only speak to other with me as a trantor. Because she can notmunicate with others, I was forced to help with work, so I guess us both were free.
...Well, this is my first time(Arge)
After thinking for a while, I answer her question.
Before re-incarnating, I have experiences it several times, but this is the first time in this world.
It is the second time to ride the Pisces, but that time was an emergency, not even a distance to say a journey.
A full-fledged boat trip will be the first time after reincarnated in this body.
How about Richelle?(Arge)
Well ... well, I know the ship itself, but that was when I was carried out of the devil continent ... as a ve. I could not anything.
Ah, but I know the direction, I remember the map to a certain extent, so I know the current position(Richelle)
Richelle-san has a delicate face, but theres no need to fidget.
The reason why she was carried out of the devil continent is to help her people.
After that, it seems that Zeno and Felnote saved her in the ce that she was about to be sold as a ve.
No matter how you think about it, it is hard to say that its a good memory, so it is unlikely for her to recall it.
Voyage ...(Arge)
In any case, anything other than a different world cruise will be like that. I hope troubles do not happen.
While thinking about my future trip, I decided to close my eyes for a while.
Chapter 123
[Next]Did you read Kaoru Manga and yet ?
Arge Chapter 123: Vampires journey to the ocean
... and it was already a g just like I thought at that time(Arge)
What do you mean, Arge-san?(Kuzuha)
No, please dont mind it, Kuzuha-chan, Im just thinking about the spirit(Arge)
As I sighing I resume work.
We are cooking a meal right now. And What Im making is an easily digested meal, I cook rice with a lot of water. A so-called porridge.
Actually, I want to leave the cooking to others, but there are some reasons for this.
I didnt expect that everyone except us are bedridden with seasick...(Arge)
As soon as I spoke the words, the ship sudden shaked and I lost my bnce.
If this isnd, I can easy fix my posture, but right now Im standing in a shaking ship while holding the pot. And then I was hugged by Kuzuha-chan from behind when I about to fall.
Uhm... are you okay, Arge-san?(Kuzuha)
Ah, a very modest cushion ...!(Arge)
Uhm...what are you talking about?(Kuzuha)
Even though I thought about breasts, I wouldnt have to answer.
While appreciating the slight softness, I get away from Kuzuha-chan.
... It shakes a bit.
Im not talking about breasts. It is about a ship.
I heard from Zeno-kun that the sea is quite rough at this time of year, apparently it seemed to be right.
Felnote-san, Zeno-kun, and Richelle-san too. At first, when we sail the ship, they were still fine because the sea wasnt so rough, but as soon as the ship started shaking, they were bedridden from seasick and couldnt move.
I can also use healing magic to cure seasick, but as soon as I cure them, the start to get seasick again, so the three of them have rested in their room.
At first Felnote-san recover motion sickness with her own recovery magic, but she couldnt keep up for long and went down.
Neguseo wasnt doing much better, and he also lied down.
As for me, this body of mine seems to be strong against seasick but Im still bothered with the shaking, but there wasnt any particr problem.
Kuzuha-chan also seems to be bothered by the shaking, but she doesnt seem to be seasick.
I was saved because Kuzuha-chan can still move(Arge)
Is that so?(Kuzuha)
Well, it will be too annoying if I can the only one can move, and after arriving in Demon Continent, I dont want to move for a while(Arge)
Arge-san is troublesome, arent you?(Kuzuha)
I already was,
I cant help but beingzy and troublesome,
I am just like dust that umtes in a windows corner(Arge)
I didnt say that such!(Kuzuha)
Anyway, I was saved because Kuzuha-chan was here with me. Thank you(Arge)
...Eee, well, you are wee(Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan replied as she closed her fox eyes. Apparently it seems she gave up Tsukkomi. And then she opened her eyes again and looked at me carefully from head to toe.
By the way, Arge-san, this clothes suit you(Kuzuha)
After being told, I will look at my body again.
Because I was reincarnated as a girl, my body have be even more delicate than my previous lifes body which was already slender.
And when Im looking at the mirror on the side, I see a beautiful girl with silver hair. On Earth, the vampire doesnt appear in the mirror, but the vampire in this world seems to be slightly different.
The beautiful girl usually wears a robe I mean Right now, Im wearing something like work clothes that was based on white.
It is called the so-called cooking clothing. In my previous life, the servants in my family were wearing it for a long time, so just like a maid outfit that somewhat familiar to me.
Kuzuha-chan has a making clothes hobby, this is a new work that she just made recently. Because the ship keeps swaying, I need wear it which is an easy to move around clothes.
This is cooking clothes, isnt it?(Arge)
Kuzuha-chan nodded and replied.
Yes. Its an ideal clothes for working women,
It ismon in the Republic!
Ah, it is matching clothes with me... and I, Id like to have Arge-san to wear it and make Miso soup with me everyday...(Kuzuha)
Ha, its rather troublesome. Id like someone to make miso soup for me everyday instead(Arge)
No, It would be better if I have someone who can make 3 meals a day instead of miso soup, and even better if that person let me sleep for 30 hours every day, I will be happily getting fed up after this trip is over.
Haa~, I wonder if I can somehow get such a convenient parasite subject... a kind person.
Well, It isnt an embarrassing clotes, and I dont feel bad by being praised, so I will ept it obediently.
It also suits Kuzuha-chan as well(Arge)
E~he~he, we are the same(Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan is also wearing cooking clothes just like me.
Two girl with the same clothes are cooking together. The two of us look pretty young as well, so from the side this will look like an elementary school cooking practice or something.
And Kuzuha-chan is like remember something, she says as she prepares meals.
Saying this isnt right...
But thanks to Richelle-san gets seasick, we dont have to worry about the ingredients(Kuzuha)
Well ... I am also worried, but I think that it is a good thing to have Richelle-sans appetite suppressed(Arge)
Richelle who was alone consuming food as much as ten people, but she gets quiet after get seasick.
It seems that she cant exercise her usual action ability when stay in the cabin.
Even I want to bring her back to her hometown as soon as possible but right now we travel by ship, theres nothing I can do beside leave the ship automatic move itself.
I went to see her condition a little while ago, but she was feeling bad ... it seems she can eat only 5 bowl of rice(Arge)
That..., are you sure she really doesnt have an appetite?(Kuzuha)
Well ... but what if youpare with her usual?(Arge)
I cant say anything past that ...(Kuzuha)
While watching I make rice porridge inrge sized pot, Kuzuha-chan sighs.
Because we cant eat this much, we feel like throw up, Glutton is scary.
Chapter 124
Arge Chapter 124: The Ocean is Big and Wide.
... I got tired of the scenery (Arge)
I looked towards the sky and said those words.
There are only two colors, blue of the sky and white of the cloud reflected in my view distorted by the tears.
I stay at the front of the ship that is called the bow, staring at the ocean.
The demon continent is still far away (Arge)
I still cant see the demon continent where we are aiming at the horizon lies ahead of me.
I dont know our exact speed, but because the sea is rough, the speed of the Pisces boat is slower than I expected. Pisces, the name is such a lie.
It seems that it was an old merchant ship. And although it is strengthening with my blood contract but I cant be sure it can endure the seas harsh condition.
I dont know how to repair a ship, so I just pray that it will not break.
... Worst case, if this ship breaks down, I guess I have to do something.
Give up some baggage, make chains with Blood Arms and tie everyone together, transform to a bat and fly.
Its nothing but troublesome even just thinking, but I must make sure all members can survive even in the worst situation.
Arge... (Felnote)
Oh, Felnote-san, are you okay? (Arge)
Well, somehow ... but I have no magical power left to recover myself anymore ... (Felnote)
Odd Eye Big Chests knight came. No, she is a former knight.
Felnote-san is obviously in a bad condition, but she can still move her body andes to my side.
U~, the wind feels good ... (Felnote)
Apparently it seems that she came out to have some fresh air.
Its a good thing if she can move from the cabin, it will be a change of pace.
But then before I notice, Felnote-san tripped and rolled on the floor.
Where are her usual dignified atmosphere? She is totally weak.
Haah ... to think I end of in this situation ... when I got on the ship before, it wasnt so bad ... (Felnote)
Zeno-kun said, it seems to be stormy during this time, perhaps the weather will remain like this.
...Okay, how are you feeling now? (Arge)
It will soon lost its effect, but I think that I can keep it for a while, and cast recovery magic. My magic this time is something like wind spreads like wrapping around the whole ship.
Recovery magic wave. It slowly envelopes the entire ship, healing not only for Felnote-san, but also for Zeno-kun, Richelle-san and Neguseo that are in the cabin. Even its only temporally but it will be of help to everyone. Felnote-san can also save some of her recovery magic.
How is it, Felnote-san? Did you feel better? (Arge)
Yes, Im feeling better ... but, are you okay, Arge? I mean the consumption of magical power ... (Felnote)
My Magical Power will recover soon and I will be fine if I only do it asionally (Arge)
... In that case, I will obediently ept your kindness (Felnote)
As Felnote-san says so, she lower her head to me.
... Well, Im somewhat happy that shee along, regardless of whether she is strong or weak on a ship...
Sometimes arger wave hits the ship, and the ssh of wave hits our face. The sight is shaken roughly up and down, left and right, it is troublesome to walk in this condition.
Arge seems to be fine ..." (Felnote)
Well, the vampire may be strong with this (Arge)
I will also get seasick if I stay on a shaken ship like this in my former life, then isnt this a characteristic of vampire race?
Anyway, its a good thing that I dont get seasick. I must say thank to Loli-Gramp who is responsible for reincarnating me as a vampire.
I think that this situation will continue for a few more days, so I think you should better be prepared. (Arge)
I am sorry but I cant help it ... (Felnote)
No, dont worry, let me help until we returning to thend. For now, please rest. (Arge)
If we return tond, Felnote-san will be able to move as usual.
Everyone had worked hard so far, so asionally there may be times like this.
I am azy fellow, who is troublesome and has no motivation, a useless vampire, but I also would like to help the people Im in debt to when they get tired or sick.
When thinking about such thing, I look at the sea again. It is troublesome to return to the cabin while the ship is shaking like this, I cant even take a nap in this...
CHuh? (Arge)
The unchanged scenery that I keep seeing for all day has suddenly changed.
Despite the sea was rough, the sight before the eyes was sunny with clear sky, but right now, it got dark in a blink.
The darkness was caused by things that originated from the sea, not clouds.
Mist ... why did ite from all of sudden? (Felnote)
As Felnote-san asks that question, our visual is covering with the mist.
And just in few minutes, the dense fog be thick enough that I can barely see anything a few metters arround me.
... It get stuck in my skin (Arge)
The fog covers the area and takes away our visual, stick to us.
Well, sometimes mist urs in the ocean,
Warm, moist air is cooled with the cold water of the sea,
It is a phenomenon that water vapor in the air bes visible as waterdrop.
In other words the water drop that touch our skin must feel cold. However it isnt, I dont feel cold when touching the water drop.
Perhaps Felnote-san is the same. She narrows her Heterochromia Iridium eyes in alert, and keeps watching the surroundings.
Arge, this fog is strange (Felnote)
This is ... Magical ... ? (Arge)
I can sense that magical power, which has been felt many times after reincarnating in this world.
There is danger in the ocean. Thats what I saw at the port town Arlesha. This is a fantasy sword and magic world, that means that there will be fantasy world danger as well.
And then there was a certain change as I looked around.
Something ...ing!? (Arge)
On the bow side, there is a shadow behind the fog.
The shadow is slowly approaching us and it gets darker and darker.
...what? (Felnote)
The moment that Felnote-san muttered. Our feet swayed greatly.
Hi~ya ...!? (Arge)
It was not a shake like when hitting a big wave.
From the sound, it was more like a bunch of things with clear mass, not water.
I ran into a shallow ...! (Arge)
No ...its different, Arge! (Felnote)
...!? (Arge)
Theres... something below us!!! (Felnote)
Just when Felnote-san said that, Pisces made a noisy sound andpletely stopped moving.
Even if I try to operate by blood contract, it cant move. Clearly something obstructs the movement of the ship.
Wh, is this ...!? (Arge)
Well, you dont have to rush.
You have entered my area, why dont you just take an easy? (???) (T.N: This girl call herself Wa ga, a proud way of a girl calling herself, just like Megumin)
Whos there! Show yourself ...!! (Felnote)
Felnote-san raise her voice against the womans voice that sudden talking to us.
Just like Felnote-san who took off her sword and entered into a full-battle situation, I also prepared for what could happen.
In the worst case, I will give up Pisces and carry everyone. This ce is still just just half-way to our goal.
However, at for now, we still dont know if the girl who spoke those word is our enemy yet.
For now, we should try talking first.
Theres no doubt that Piscess movement is hindered, but there is room to talk.
I spoke to her slowly, the direction is towards the shadow.
... who, who are you? (Arge)
Hm? Me? How should I say it...
Well, Letse and see me in person yourself.
Wee, customers. Allow me to guide you (???)
Guidance ... arent you mistake with abduction or capture? (Arge)
Ho ho... If its really so ... I can just crush this ship. As I saw, there seems to be some other life on this ship (???)
Mishiri* (SFX)
And the hull makes a bad sound.
Apparently, this girl isnt someone we should fight, but she doesnt seems to be friendly either.
... How about you, Felnote-san? (Arge)
... I do not know her identity, we cant hardly fighting in a difficult-to-move environment like in this ship with opponent who can easy break the ship, let alone being thrown to the sea (Felnote)
Look like we have no room for selection, havent we? (Arge)
There are Kuzuha-chan and other in the ship. I cant afford to put everyone in danger by make the unknown girl in a bad mood.
Her identity is unknown, but if she wants to give a guidance, then at least our safety is guaranteed during that time.
... please give us a guide (Arge)
Ku fu fu, a good reply. Wait a moment ...
Embrace in my arms (???)
Just when she said those words, the Pisces was wrapped in huge foam.
Water magic ... and even a tatical scale one!? (Felnote)
You guys, you cant breathe in the water.
My territory is the ocean floor, so you cant reach there unless I protect you like this (???)
... Just who you really are (Felnote)
Im the ocean demon. Our race is the so-called fishman. I will tell you my name when we meet (???)
As she talking, the Pisces slowly sinks into the sea. Apparently we are heading to the ocean floor.
The area of ??the ocean demon. What kind of ce is it?
In the first ce, what kind of business do she call us to this ce for?
Cyril Big Safe is a business of Zeno-kun, and also had a connection to me.
However, this development ispletely irregr. It is an un-nned detour.
We have been taken to the bottom of the ocean. And the magic that protects us can be lifted with that girls mood. I dont even want think about what will happen.
... It was a troublesome thing (Arge)
Even while saying, our sight slowly dragged into the water bottom.
At least it will be okay if our partners business isnt something annoying.
Chapter 125
Arge Chaper 125: To the bottom of the Ocean
As the ship waspletely sunk into the ocean, the first thing I saw was a group of fish.
The group of fish that looked like goblin, passed through while avoiding the bubble wrap around the Pisces.
Looking up at the top, I could see the light from the surface slowly faded away.
... for the time being, we seem to be fine (Felnote)
Yes, we can breathe. For now, we should confirm her intention first (Arge)
Arge-san, Felnote-san, what is this!? (Kuzuha)
The other twos condition must be better after I cast the healing wind magic, thats why Kuzuha-chan who have taken care of them can afford toe out of the cabin.
Kuzuha-chan ... Uhm ... a little problem has urred (Arge)
Yes, I can tell by looking ... but is everything okay? (Kuzuha)
This is the work of a girl calling herself a Ocean Demon, ... for some reason she wanted us toe visit (Arge)
...Ocean demon? Their ancestors were creatures living in the ocean like octopuses, squids, etc.
One of their race is mermaid. They are also beastkin like us but they are a diverse tribe that live under the ocean
And while Kuzha exins, the Pisces is dragged into the ocean floor.
I dont know how she is doing this, but for now, its more important to grasp the situation.
Looking back at the scenery from the edge of the ship again, the view that spreads is the bluendscape.
Thendscape itself in the sea is transparent, but the ocean current is intense.
Pisces isnt affected since it was wrapped in foam, but it seems to be quite severe in terms of the environment.At least I dont think I would like to go outside of the foam.
... we also have to exin to Zeno-kun and others as well, even there are many things that we dont understand either (Felnote)
Well, because only I can speak with Richelle-san, Ill exin to herter, their seasick should be cured with my magic just a while ago (Arge)
What happened!? (Zeno)
Oh, speaking of devil (Arge)
Zeno-kun came along with Richelle-san.
Just a good timing, I can exin the situation easily, and I can alsomunicate with Neguseo through blood contracts telepath.
Richelle-san understood the circumstances just by looking, and she spoke.
Ocean Demon ... I heard that they are living under the ocean arround Demon Continent. And there wa a Sea Queen that oversee the ocean (Richelle)
Queen of the Ocean Demon? (Arge)
Yes. But she must have a reason to catch us alive rather than sinking the ship without question.
... This ce is ceratainly close to the demon continent, at least its a good news (Richelle)
Richelle-san says so as she smiles.
It is a smile like usual, but even as insensitive as I am, I still find it akward to smile at time like this.
However, the purpose of this journey is taking her back to her hometown. It cant be help that she somewhat happy that shees closer to her homnd.
But then maybe she just grasp the situation somehow.Richelle-san shakes her golden hair and lowers hers head. She must feel regret.
Maybe the Queen just wants to have an important talk with Arge-sama. So you dont really need to worry. For now we should talking with the Queen first (Richelle)
... Well ... I dont know what her purpose, but lets get it done and return quickly (Arge)
... Look like we about to reach the bottom of the ocean (Felnote)
As Felnote-san say so words, everyone gazes at the bottom of the sea.
Thendscape we saw at the bottom of the ocean.
A flock of regrly arranged roofs on an organized stone road.
Algae are clearly and intentionally nted on the ends of the road, and thendscape is directed by flickering in a swaying manner.
Many of the people going and leaving have scales throughout the body and lower body like squid.Perhaps they are ocean demons.
Unlike the ground, in the ocean, people both walking along the road and swimming in the water. And whate to our eyes is indeed a town, and it is clearly well maintained and established.
Zeno-kun stays next to me, opens his mouth wide with eyes like seeing unbelievable things.
Townscape ... In such a deep sea ... (Zeno)
I heard that there is a queen of the ocean demon that really good with magic, but to think she can make a town like this... (Kuzuha)
Anyway, the end hase into view (Felnote)
The fact that we can see the cityscape means that this is the bottom of the ocean.
As evidence, the Pisces has begun to slow down the descent speed.
How that, customers, what do you think about this city of mine? (Queen)
Unexpectedly, we was called from behind.
We were entranced looking at the state of the town, I didnt notice her approaching and it seems that everyone was the same, all of us turn around in a panic.
From what she said, it was as if she was there from the beginning.
A girl with blue skin stood before the steering wheel.
This girls face looks a little older than me. And even she has blue skin but she has 2 legs, she looks almost the same as a human being, she has Purple Wavy hair and golden eyes.
The girl swam around and touched the ship. Her legs wave like fish fin, and she swam at the edge. As sheughed, she exposed a sharp pointed fang like a shark and nodded many times.
Ho ho ho, this is interesting, this is the first time I see a ship in unbroken state (Queen)
You are ... Uhm, the one talking to us earlier (Arge)
An familiar voice that seems to have fun.It definitely belonged to the Queen of the Ocean Demon race who invited us to the bottom of the sea.
However this girl is too small to be named the Queen, she only has modest breasts suited to her body.
Yeah, Im Kutira! The Queen who oversee this undersea city! Wee customer, you can rx (Kutira)
*Bumped* SFX
As she busy talking while swimming, the back of her head hits the steering wheel.
Maybe because she is in the bubble right now,The blowing sound heavily.
She bumped her head... (Felnote)
She really bumped her head ... (Kuzuha)
Yes, she certainly bumped her head ... (Zeno)
... Uhm, Arge-sama, do you think she is okay? (Richelle)
Uhm ... are you okay? (Arge)
It was pretty heavy sound, and she remained in the bumped state, so I couldnt tell if she was ok.
Fu e... (Queen)
A faint, breath-taking word leaked out. There was some tear floating on her golden eyes, she turned the palm of her hand to us.
This time isnt count (Kutira)
Huh? (Arge)
This time isnt count, customers didnt see anything, right? (Kutira)
... Well, then, please do it again (Arge)
As I say so, the girl nods.
She steps one step forward and checks the distance with the steering wheel behind several times. Also check her appearance, arranges the hair with her hand, and wipes off the tears in her eyes.
She cleared her throat, and she talked again.
Fu wa wa wa!
You have done well,ing to our ocean floor city, customers
Im a Queen of the Ocean Demon, Kutira. Allow me will wee you! (Kutira)
Ahaha ... thank you (Arge)
Even I dont understand well but it was toote to fix her entrance now.
Chapter 126
Arge Chapter 126: Vampire and the sorry Queen
... for now, I understand that you govern the town (Arge)
She had said various things and h h h, but I can only understand that much.
Even the girl in front of me was somewhat clumsy, but it was definitely her voice and tone that I heard from a while ago.
Above all, when Im looking at this girl, I can clearly see her magical power and read the smell of her blood.
Even she looks like young girl, but her ability from blood reading is rather high.
Even with only the magical power stinging on my skin could also tell that she is a very strong demon.
It would be better if we dont ruin her mood.
Beside, it was her magic that help us breathe in the deep ocean.
Felnote-san and others may think so as well, because we arent moving.
Because the awkward moment before, its hard to start the conversation.
I dont know whether she understands that we feel troublesome, but she starts talking with us.
Well, Im the queen who rule this territory, we are the ocean demons, beastkin aquatic system.
We also ept some wild monsters from aquatic system like us (Kutira)
Aquatic system ... do you mean like the huge squid? (Arge)
Mu~ that stupid Abyss Call? We wont ept something without brain.
Well, Its important to choose the proper citizen... (Kutira)
The quuen start referring to her rule,... uhm when will she get to the main point.
If she forgets, then I need to tell her clearly.
We are still in the middle of our journey, and we are already quite close to where we should go. I want to avoid irregr events as much as possible.
Well then, the queen of that undersea city C (Arge)
C you can call me Kutira-chan (Kutira)
... Does Kut need anything from us? As I saw, consider the environment of this town, we cant be its inhabotants (Arge)
Easy, I was interested in you.
There is no one that crosses our territory during this time that the sea be rough. So there must be a reason (Kutira)
... Because I promised to help the Dark Elf over there return to her hometown (Arge)
Well, indeed, The dark elves certainly live in the hintend of the demon continent. But I have never seen any of them in person! Wa~, its a dark elf! (Kutira)
When she said half-way, she had a bright face like a child as she came close to Richelle-chan.
Kutira-chan started looking at Richelle-sans thin blond hair, touching her brown long ears, and making movements to ascertain everywhere. Her golden eyes are sparking from curiosity.
Naturally, Richelle-san is troubled when Kutira-chan doing whatever she likes.
About this ... Arge-sama, what is this girl ...? Aaa, dont touch me there ...!! (Richelle)
Oh, This is an interesting clothes! Show me more! (Kutira)
Well ... Richelle-san, it seems that she has never seen dark elves before. Please keep it for a while (Arge)
Wow, this girl is a fox! I must have a closer look! (Kutira)
Oh, a fellowshiping...!! (Kuzuha)
Unlike usual, this time, Kuzuha-chan was attacked by an opponent with sparking golden eyes.
She grabbed the quadruple tails, pulled the ears, observed clothes that look like mini skirt, shrine maiden.Because Kuzuha-chan has a principle that doesnt wear pants, this is dangerous.Oh, Zeno-kun already looks away .
Despite the resistance, Kutira was satisfied with the two observations, this time she turned to human being.
Ho ho. Thats the first time I see a living human ...
Wow, breasts.
Let me see it closer (Kurita)
Stop calling me with that one word! (Felnote)
Looks like Felnote-san gets used to it, even with one word breast, she knows Kutira talking about her.
Huh, this is amazing ... how can I say this ... Its heavy and soft like a huge sea slug! (Kurita)
Cant you express it a bit better, this ocean demon lolita...! (Felnote) (Loli in Katakana)
Felnote-san is quite mad at Kurita-chan that touched and lifted her chests, but when she protests, she considers something and stop. As expected, it isnt good to get angry or say anything. That was rather adult correspondence.
And then Kurita-chan looked at the Zeno-kun from the top to the bottom. After satisfy she changed to me.
She looks at me with eyes full of curious.It is a different type from Kuzuha-chan and Richelle-san, just like a small child discover something and have sparkling eyes.
Well, the customer is neither a human nor a just a demi, and have you connected with this ship by magic? (Kurita)
Well, ... I am a vampire (Arge)
Vampire! Ho ho! Amazing (Kurita)
Just like what she did with other people, she also looked into my face and touching.
Hie ... ! (Arge)
Her fingers touch my silver hair and then touch my ears without hesitation.
Im surprised and ticklish because she touch me so suddenly.
Looks like I be more sensitive after get a girl body, I often raise a voice by being touched.
I felt a sense of shame because make such a voice, and in a hurry I close my mouth.
Oh, you have cute voice! Adorable! Very nice! (Kutira)
...Thanks (Arge)
Im getting praise for an embarrassing voice, and I have a subtle feeling.
And then Kutira-chan touchs my face.With a rather unfamiliar touching method, she also pulls my mouth and looks at my fangs.
Fu~ uhm ... tell me about thing I dont know.
You can tell me about a lot of things, cant you? (Kutira)
Then why dont you tell us about what you are interested in! (Arge) (T.N: I think Arge asks about what topic?)
The eyes of theughing girl in front of me are pure.
I was troubled, she was terribly selfish and annoying.
We will have a problem if we dont have to return to our journey soon, so its also hard to say honest words.
I wonder what withs this situation.
Chapter 127
[Next]Trantors Note:
Kutira speaks some kind of oldnguage so I change it to Shakespearean.
* Thou = You, When "you" is the subject of the sentence.
* Thee = You, When "you" is the object of the sentence.
* Thy = Your, Possessive form of you. Commonly used before a noun that begins with a consonant/consonant sound (like the article, "a")
* Thine = Your, Possessive form of you. Commonly used before a noun that begins with vowel/vowel sound (like the article, "an"). Also used when indicating that something is "absolute and understood".
* Ye = You, Plural form of "you" when addressing a group of people.
Arge Chapter 127: A Tour under the ocean
Anyway, we have to go to the Demon Continent, it will be great if we can go earlier... (Arge)
Well, dont say it like that. I will let ye go sooner orter.
Anyway, ye cant get out of this undersea city unless ye have my permission (Kutira)
... are you imprisoning us? (Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan frowns her eyebrows andins.
Apparently, Kutira-chan is talking in republguage, which is the familiarnguage with everyone beside Richelle-san.
Even though Kuzuha-chan tries to hide the distruct feelings, the little queen has a cool face.
Imprisoning is a rude way of speaking when Im only trying to entertain customers (Kutira)
Even those customers are someone you forcibly brought over ...? (Kuzuha)
The customers had decided by theirself! I only invited ye! (Kutira)
I dont really understand her intention, but look like the little queen doesnt seem to let us go yet.
Kuzuha-chan, lets calm down a little (Arge)
For the time being, I must calm Kuzuha-chan down.
Even if we want toin, the fact that right now, Kutira-chans bubble magic is protecting us is true.
No matter how hard and robust the vampire is, I dont want to test whether I can withstand the water pressure of the deep sea, and even if I live, I still may get suffocate before I return to the surface.
Beside, I definitely cant protect Felnote-san or Zeno-kun who are only human beings.
So did you mean after we receive your hospitality, you will let us return? (Arge)
Fu fu, dont be so hasty. If ye see my town, ye will definitely like it, maybe to the point ye dont want to go home anymore (Kutira)
...You are pretty confident (Arge)
Of course! This one is perfect! The city that I make is also perfect! (Kutira)
But A perfect person wont forget the steering wheel behind her back and will not get hit in the back of her head while busy talking. I thought so but I kept silent about it.
And when Im still thinking about what to do, Zeno-kun steps one step forward.
About that, your majesty (my Queen), I want to know more about the value of this town (Zeno)
Umu, thou understand fast, thats about it! (Kutira)
But, your majesty (my Queen), your story is a little confuse, would you mind telling me more about it? (Zeno)
Umu ... it certainly might be so, okay I will tell thee! (Kutira)
Zeno-kun quietly bowed to the queen, and then turned to me.
I think right now, it would be better to ask what she has on her mind (Zeno)
... Zeno-kun, are you also thinking about something? (Arge)
This opponent ... I mean, Queen Kutira is interested in us and is about to show us something here as well. That means she want to negotiate with us somehow (Zeno)
You really thought like a merchant ... But is it alright, Zeno? She doesnt look like someone who listens (Felnote)
Well, its true that the queen might be selfish but thats somewhatmon thing.
Right now, we still dont know what is she seeking.
But just as she says, we may find out more by walking around this town (Zeno)
... walking around this town, isnt it? (Kuzuha)
Yes. We can not negotiate if we dont know anything about each other.
The queen said that she just wanted to invite us here.
It is a selfish argument, but we are already in this game, so lets get on with it for now (Zeno)
... In this case, at least everyone will be safe and, wont we? (Arge)
Yes, and this is our advantage (Zeno)
Zeno-kun is a merchant.Although he is still young, but he has experienced a number of trips and gotten a lot of negotiations so far.
He is used to traveling, and in the first ce, the merchant profession in this different world is a pretty dangerous category. So it will be okay if we leave it to Zeno-kun.
Above all, only Zeno-kun is able to negotiate calmly with the queen.
Felnote-san is gentle but straight, and she isnt good at negotiate na matter how you look at it.
Kuzuha-chan is pure and not suitable for negotiation, Richelle-san cant even talk with the queen, let alone negotiation.
Dont bother with me, negotiating isnt my force in the first ce.
Well, uh ... Thats what I said.
But since the Queen seems pure, I hope I wont do something wrong (Zeno)
Zeno-kun, himself also said such things with a wry smile, as expected of a merchant, he considers a lot of possibilities.
... Well then, shall we stay here for a while, I will tell this to Richelle-san (Arge)
If you please, Arge. I will try to put together the story as soon as possible (Zeno)
Okay, so Ill leave that to Zeno-kun (Arge)
And then Zeno-kun smiles and he gently adjusts the clothes he wears and walks toward Kutira-chan.
I dont know how long will we have to stay, but Zeno-kun will be able to talk properly.
For now we should get food and shelter here during that period.
As for me, despite me exining to Richelle-san, but she doesnt understand it like usual. And I thought about the future
How long it will take until we have a talk with the queen, but we are free in the meantime.
I am concerned about Richelle-san, but we cant do anything unless Kutira-chan let us go.
Somewhere, I wish I had a ce to take a nap peacefully.
Chapter 128
Arge Chapter 128: Rxing at the Underwater City
... Wa ~pu(Arge)
I used my fang on the side to bite on a fresh grilled fish without refraining.
I could feel the sweetness of the oil melted out from grilling on the tongue, it feels so nice.
This fish looked like a saury, but its taste resembled a sea bream. To be honest, it was very tasty.
As I finished the grilled fish, I licked the oil and flesh of fish on the edge of my lip. Its delicious.
The body of the exquisite grilled fish is dark, it tastes great every time I chew on it.
... Its really delicious! (Arge)
Im d to hear so, customer. Do you want some more?(Octapus man)
Yeah, thank you ... but its strange, how can you grill fish in a submarine city?(Arge)
This ce is a special space that Kutira-sama made with magic. Any creature can breath in this ce, not only the ocean demons, beside you can even use fire. Even we are in the water but it also seems like we arent in the water as well ... Im just the owner of a standing shop, I dont understand details!(Octapus man)
The owner in front me me is a Ocean demon, who looks like an octapus. He opened his big mouth andughed. From the voice and tension, this one must be a man.
Several days have passed since I came to this underwater city, which is the area of ??the Ocean demon. Even though I said a few days, but the light didnt reach this ce, so I couldnt be sure.
The state of the town was really peaceful and well managed.
It is a mixed group of various type of Ocean demon, but they didnt quarrel and rather live peacefully together. As I was walking around in the town, I could see the scene of them talking with each other. And I could see a something that can be called a horse carriage ... It wasplicate, but you could call it a carriage with demons simr to big seahorses were pulling it.
There were some luminescing insects in street lights that set up around the town. The street lights here didnt use me or magic but the gentle light emitted by living things, they were illuminating the whole city. They seems to be a creature derived from the deep ocean called sea firefly.
I ate and tasted the grilled fish slowly while watching the streets. I left the bone and tail, passed on to the shopkeeper the part I couldnt eat and I started to walk.
Because I was in the water, the weight of the foot to step on is different from the ground. At first I was perplexed by a clinging sensation, but it would be a little fun once I got used to it. It was as if I was in a low gravity space
If I stepped forward with a little force, I would start floating. My body fleat like escaping from gravity. I could jump over from building to building even without my power.
... Its a little fun but I am in trouble(Arge)
I used my hands to hold down the skirt so it wouldnt soar, Inded and started walking around the town again.
A silver haired customer, hello!(???)
Eh, Hello(Arge)
Customer, did you try to find something?(???)
I want to find ce where I can take a nap(Arge)
Even I was just walking, I could hear the calls from here and there. It was invitations.
Far from being wary, every was quite friendly. And if I wanted something like before, you could shop with Cyril coins.
The townscape is in ce, theirnguage is republican, the currency system are used by all residents, it is peaceful.
However, as Im walking in the streets, I often gets a mysterious feeling.
... I feel like I saw it somewhere before.
I am walking and I have a de-ja-vu feeling. It feels like a scenery I have seen before.
Of course, I havent seen such a scenery after being born in this world, nor have I seen it in the previous life. This is definitely my first experience to walk in an underwater city.
But why did I feel this way? It felt like a nostalgic feeling, a strange feeling.
When I inhaled deeply, I could feel the scent of the tide. It is a strange feeling to breathe seawater, but the rich fragrance that touches the sense of smell is definitely of the sea.
Even I feels bad about the mysterious feeling from my memory, but the people here are gentle, so I dont dislike this town itself. Rather, its easy to take a nap, so I think Id like thisfortable ce.
This is a mysterious ce that theres no concept of morning and evening, or time feeling, but it isnt a bad ce.
Ah, Felnote-san (Arge)
I heard the voice from an acquaintance when I was deep in thought.
Felnote-san was just like me, she didnt walk on the road but she swam underwater.
As she swam, her brown side tail waved like a fishs tail. Shended next to me. Her big chest with overwhelming presence in the water shook like defy gravity.
Oh,... its shaking ...(Arge)
Ah, thats right ... my hair shakes because the water current but they also shake witht the wind, too(Felnote)
Although what I talked wasnt about hair, but I decided to keep silent. I felt like she would angry when I corrected it.
Fu fu, I see ... So Arge begins to notice about that sort of thing ... its a nice thing. Well, you are a girl(Felnote)
I dont really understand, but I know that I shouldnt correct Felnote-san.
Anyway, she came to me, so there must be something she need me for. So lets ask her.
By the way, Felnote-san, do you need something?(Arge)
No, I dont really have anything particr in mind, but ... Ah, thats right, this is it(Felnote)
Saying that, Felnote-san handed out something.
It was a seaweed that resembled a small muscat, swayed with the ocean current like a gentle wind.
I do not know the name in other world, but when I apply it to my skill, it was a memorable one.
Sea grapes......(Arge)
Oh, you knew about it? It seems like its growing around here, and I think that Arge would like it because it is delicious(Felnote)
Apparently I was sessful to call out the name with the effect ofnguage trantion skill.
I took the grapes and put it, the texture is pleasant. Because the taste of the fish that still remained in my mouth, the fruit refreshing the taste on my mouth made it felt even better.
This is a nice ce, isnt it?(Felnote)
Do you think so, Felnote-san?(Arge)
Yes, it is peaceful, it is well maintained as a town, the difference between rich and poor is also in an aceptable range, and therere no orphans ...
To be honest, there were many dangerous demons in the deep sea, and I thought that this ce would be more rough(Felnote)
Felnote-san seemed to have the same opinion me, and he looked closely at the surroundings.
There is such a solid city in the bottom of the ocean ... that I dont know about.
And to think that I said I would teach you themon sense and everything about this world. This world is wide world. This is the first time I see this ce and Im happy, to be honest(Felnote)
A small fish swam next to Felnote-san who made an adorable voices.
Yes, I can feel the smell, I can breathe, and I can the sight. It isfortable to have the ocean current strokes the skin like the wind flows.
As Felnote-san said, this is the first time I see this ce.
But I wonder why I remember this feeling.
Whats wrong, Arge?(Felnote)
... No, there is nothing wrong(Arge)
Even I had an unexined feeling, I didnt tell it to Felnote-san. If this feeling was somehow rted to my previous life, I couldnt say it to her.
At least, it would be better to keep it silent until I know the identity of this strange feeling.
Chapter 129
Arge Chapter 129: Fox girl is swimming
I was going to kick the water and moving.
My speed ??was still high, but it wasnt as fast as to run on the ground.
Because this is underwater, and Im the beastkin that live on the ground.
Beast Division, Twin Leaf!(Kuzuha)
I poured magic power on one of the four tails to create an alter ego.
The magical power given to the created alter ego is minimal, it would disappear in just a short time.
But that short time was still enough for me. I kicked the alter ego and it also gave me a push.
...Because I dont have a proper foothold, thats why I made it!
Creative idea is important.
I am a fox beastkin. By manipting the alter ego, I could do something I couldnt do by myself.
With a push, I elerated the swimming speed underwater, leaving behind the alter ego to dissolve in water. I traveled through the water, not the ground, like cutting the ocean water instead of the air.
Even the water is heavier than air, but I can travel with fast speed. I am a hunter.
I grabbed you ...!!(Kuzuha)
I traveled in the water with speed exceeding the targets speed, and I used my to grab it.
Although the prey in my hand tried to resist, but it has been caught already, so it was just some useless resistance. As I pressed my sharp nails which is the feature of a beastkin into it, and then it got quiet.
... Compare with wind magic, this one is more beautiful, isnt it?(Kuzuha)
I have confirmed that magic can be used even in water.
Despite being in the water, with the power of Kutira-san who is the queen of Ocean Demon, I can speak even underwater. If I can speak, then I can use magic.
I can use not only wind but also fire magic. It is also possible for people to breathe. This space can only be called marvelous.
Large-scale water magic ...? or Magic Artifacts effect?(Kuzuha)
Either way, it will be a lot of effort to deal with this magnitude of power. Kutira-san may beparable to my mother about magical power.
I had spent a few days in this city. No matter where I walk, its peaceful,
This city is well function, that will not lose to any major cities in the Republic like Sakura-zaka or Sakura-nomiya.
There are a lot of people walking on the ground or swim in the water, and all of them are Ocean Demons.
Firefly, Wildfire(Kuzuha)
I cast the Fire Attribution Magic that already reduced power within my palm instead of releasing it. Although this is azy type of cooking but this fish can simply cook by adding fire magic to it.
Because it wasnt a big fish, I just need to keep the fire magic for a little while. And then the fish was cooked.
The cooked fish spead a good smell underwater, and my stomach reacted as I smelled it.
... I cooked it, Richelle-san(Kuzuha)
I endured my hunger from my stomach and I threw the freshly cooked fish to Richelle-san.
The grilled fish swam at a rxed speed in the water rather than in the air, and eventually was received on Richelle-sans brown fingers.
(?F?F?) (Richelle) (T.N: instead of *** I choose to use Emoji)
Perhaps that was the words of appreciation. Richelle-san elegantly bowed her head toward me, and then she began to eat the grilled fish.
Richelle-san tasted the grilled fish slowly and made a happy face, honestly I was a little enviable, but I endured it. Well, lets catch the next one.
I wonder how long will we stay here ...?(Kuzuha)
To be honest, I love this underwater city and the towns streets.
I can swim and walk, and security isnt bad either. People I met were also kind and fun. We can eat all kind of the seafood.
Still, we should not stay here.
Richelle-san was eating fish happily now, but I knew that she wasnt really so.
...She seemed to be somewhat lonely.
I could understand it even if I didnt understand her words.
There were people she wanted to see but she couldnt go and met them. That frustration of is almost the same as mine. Even if I didnt hear the words, I could understand by atmosphere and expression.
Thats why I wanted to help her return as soon as possible. And if that feeling would go off even a little, I was willing to let to her eat as much fish as possible.
Rather than worry, I should do what I can do right now, shouldnt I?(Kuzuha)
Although I didnt know, but for some reason, Kutira-san invited us as a guest to this city and wouldnt let us go.
As for that problem, Zeno-san who is negotiator will handle it, so I only have to wait.
I wish I could do something to help, but the most I could do is helping with Richelle-sans anxiety.
(?_-? ) (Richelle)
Ah ... no, , you do not have to worry, I will get the next one!(Kuzuha)
I guess I had a difficult face without realized. That was why Richelle-san looked into me with anxious face.
Even if I didnt understand her words, but some of our feeling transmitted. Not only I but Richelle-san was the same.
I responded with a smile as not to disturb her and then I kicked the stone floor to hunt fish again.
Chapter 130
Trantors Note:
Right now Mile is in world-building and filled-in chapters. It will be too long to reach interesting chapter again.
Thats why I will trante Arge for now. Have to share some love for Arge.
After Arge I will start trante Mira.
Arge Chapter 130: Merchant and Vampire
(This Chapter is Zenos POV)
Im floating.
This is underwater but not underwater at the same time.
I had heard from the Queen, this is a special space prepared to deal with both air breathing and underwater breathing demons.
You can swim and float like in the water, walk like in thend.
Right now Im floating with my body sideways.
In a stream like a cradle caused by ocean current, I think.
...... Its a nice ce.
The improvement of living is adequate, the security is good, I can see the people here is living happy.
The first thing I saw at this town was the road.
Although this most of people here are marine demons that dont need walking, but there are solid roads in this undersea city. Its a well maintained ce.
I can tell how high-tech this town is, as well as how amazing the Queen is.
The security is also good, there are always marine soldiers patrol around the city to protect the city from monsters.
As I felt the scent of the tide mixed in the ocean current instead of the wind, I opened my eyes.
What is the queen seeking ...?(Zeno)
I dont know whats her purpose.
This city had no w and its peaceful.
It can self-prodived sufficiency food.
Because its built under the sea, people here dont have to worry about fish.
It had no connection with the outside world because it was built in the ocean floor but it had no problem.
Economy, food and defense can all be handled in one country. What did this call again...
Uhm ... Arco ... something?(Zeno)
Yes, thats right(Zeno)
It was aplete environmental city, wasnt it? Where all production and consumption arepleted within one city function.
In other words, it is a ce where residents can live without exchange with other nations.
... you know a lot, Arge-san(Zeno)
The silver hair beautiful vampire was swimming towards me.
Argento Vampear. A absolutely beautiful girl that have a magical pleasant atmosphere.
She shook her silver hair and clothing edges like a tail of a fish andnded.
Apparently, she seems to have been swimming until now.
Even if this is the bottom of the ocean, her sight is still dazzling that my eyes got fixed on her thin white feet.
Arge-san still had the sleepy eyes like usual. And Then she said to me.
I used to see it in SF movies(Arge)
Oh, no, its nothing, never mind(Arge)
Arge-san shaked her head as she told me so.
asionally, she has such a time.
It was as if she had a lot of knowledge, and sometimes she careless said unknown words.
Why did she know such a thing, what is the meaning of that word?
Im interested as a merchant and individual, but Im not willing to pursue it.
She is my benefactor. Thats enough reason to respect her private.
Because Im a merchant, I know the value of Credit and Trust
Do you want some, Zeno-kun?(Arge)
Arge-san casually talked to me as she throwed something toward me.
Because this isntnd but under the sea, the throwing item will float slowly in the water and easy to catch. It was some seaweed simr to grapes.
Ocean grape ... Thank you very much, its fairly good(Zeno)
I appreciate her kindness and enjoy the ocean grape.
... Is that so? (T.N: Maybe Arge, it was a text not a dialog so I cant be sure)
I responded to Arge-san, the situation was fairly good.
I have learned quite a bit about this city and Im surprised at the high degree ofpletion.
Due to the nature of the bottom of the ocean, the material is very fresh, as a merchant Im quite attractive to this city.
But thats it.
As long as I still didnt know why the queen was inviting us as a guest, I cant made a deal with her.
Hmm, Arcology..., I feel a bit different.
It seems that the food for people here are fish and defeated monsters that attacking this city.
Goods, coins and the like were recovered from sunken ships and were circting(Arge)
Its just as Arge-san says ... That is just picking up, thats why this city doesnt need to exchange with the outside.
As a result, the ocean demons here dont need to attack human being. In that sense, they are also peacefully demon?(Zeno)
As Arge-san said, it was like human using rain water that hase down from the sky. They were just using the dropped item, it was different from exchange.
Many of the Sea demons disliked human beings because human ruined the sea, but that wasnt the case either. The demons here were rather weing us as guests.
There was no need for friendship or hostile.
I mean, I dont the reason the queen inviting us like this and showing hospitality. That is the hardest to understand point.
And the Queen still didnt say anything to us from that day.
We still dont know what was the Queen thinking, right?(Arge)
Arge-san must be thinking about the same thing as me, is that why shee to me. Otherwise she will not ask me about this.
Originally for Arge-san, this trip wasnt on schedule.
But she said that she was indebted to me and wanted to help me. Therefore, I would like to finish this trip earlier because I wouldnt want to bother too much.
... ... It has be something difficult(Arge)
Oh well, lets go to the queen and talk to her then(Arge)
As soon as she said that, Arge-san grabbed my hand.
It was a brief moment that I got frustrated. She instantly kicked the ground and floated. Naturally I was pulling along, too.
Is it the big house in the center?(Arge)
Ah, yes...(Zeno)
Can you swim?(Zeno)
Arge-san pulled as she said that.
Her silvery hair swayed fantastically in the sea.
It was as if she was a fairy. Her hand that held me was warmth nice, it conveyed her presence.
Her eyes werent sleepy like usual, it was beautiful that make me blinked.
Whats wrong, Zeno-kun?(Arge)
Oh, oh, no ... nothing.(Zeno)
I couldnt say how I was fascinated.
I spent my time thinking that it was like a dream, the time before we arrived at the queens mansion.
I have to calm my floating heart before meeting the Queen.
Chapter 131
Arge Chapter 131: What the Queen wants
(This chapter is back to Arges POV)
Uhmm ... this is a big residence.(Arge)
Its the mansion where the Queen lived, a luxurious building.
I dont know how much artistic value the images and vases ced here and there are, but its all beautifully polished.
Perhaps most of them were recovered from a sunken ship or the like.
There are marine demon servantsing back and forth.
A maid has eight legs like octopus, uses multiple legs to wipe several windows at once.
Im amazed with the sight as we are walking pass the servants and go further in.
From what I heard at the entrance, Kutira-chan seems to be in the back of the mansion.
A mansion? Whats a mysterious ce!(Arge)
Yes, when we are talking about a queen ... I think it should be a castle(Zeno)
It seems Zeno-kun read my intention from my question and replied so.
The mansion that we are walking, rather than a castle...
This ce isnt a castle, there arent enough soldiers, theres no assistant like the minister. It isnt so wide as well, it seems like a residence of a lord rather than a queen(Zeno)
Well, the nationalnd isnt wide in the first ce.
No matter how strong the queen is, theres a limit of what she could do, may be thats the reason ...
Ah,... we have arrived, Zeno-kun(Arge)
It was a big iron door at the end of the mansion.
I recalled the seal door at Cyril Big Safe but it doesnt feel like a magical thing.
We already knock, so we can go in, right?(Arge)
Maybe we should go in after waiting for a while?(Zeno)
The iron door, it was quite thick, we nned to go in but I decided to go knock first.
After Knocking on the door twice, and confirm that theres no reply, I gently pushed the door open.
The inside is a girls-like room. Furniture items and the like have a sense of quality, the bed with a canopy, a bookshelf that isrge enough to reach the ceiling and so on. The furnitures here were probably the best item they picked up.
Looking around in the room, and the target person was there.
Blue skin and purple hair. Magical power overflowing from that small body.
Kutira-chan, the queen of the undersea city.
Kutira-chan turned her back on us and she hasnt noticed that we entered yet. She arranged a lot of clothes in the bed and choosing over and over again.
Fufu...this look nice.
I am perfect today as well...
U...fufu, the customers will surely bow down to the wonderfulness!(Kutira)
Ah, were you trying toe see us?(Arge)
Fufufu, thats right.
Actually, I thought about going to see them everyday, however I felt that my appearance isnt perfect at all... I needed time to fix it.
Ah, my hair bangs are a little off today...!?
Not good, I cant go amd see the guests with this ...(Kutira)
Oh, so Kutira-chan is a perfectionist, right?(Arge)
Of course I am!
I am the queen of marine demons!
I must always be perfect! Otherwise, I cant lead and protect everyone!
The ocean is harsh, the weak are quickly discarded.
In that harsh world, I must maintain the city andws so that people canugh happily together.
Perfect is a matter of course ...
Ehhh... from when?(Kutira)
About a while ago! So, you didnt notice?(Arge)
I never thought that she didnt notice us even when I spoke to her.
She seems to be really surprised with her purple hair floating around.
They are fairly thick, and perhaps that hair is different from that of a human being, and its move somewhat like a tentacle of sea anemone.
...wait, ...again(Kutira)
Again, right?(Arge)
Good, so... once again!(Kutira)
She even said it twice and I decided to wait.
Kutira-chan reconfirmed her appearance and coughed once.
She probably wanted to have dignity, she put on the air and said.
Wee to my mansion! This is the center of the ocean floor city and where the queen live! You dont need to worry about etiquette here!(Kutira)
Haa, aa, thank you(Arge)
It would be better if I yed along here so I decided to thank her for now.
Kutira-chan seems to be satisfied with my reaction and nodded many times.
Zeno-kun was cutting in because he thought that was a good timing.
My queen, we had stayed in this town for a few days, and I think its a nice ce(Zeno)
Hoo! Is that true?(Kutira)
Yes, this town has been well maintained for the residents to live in. You also culture the surroundings as well, the crops are also delicious and I think that the amount of marine products is also great(Zeno)
Ho ho ... Thats right, if I develop the city a little more, we can even grow fish in this city as well(Kutira)
Is it aquaculture?(Arge)
Umu, thats it! If we can raise the production rate. Our soldiers wont need to go hunting. Easier work and less danger(Kutira)
When I asked her, Kutira-chan smiled at once and affirmed it.
... She is really thinking ahead for the city.
Although I dont know her actual age, she looks young no matter how I see her, and I also had the impression that she tried to show up.
But she certainly is the ruler of this city, she thinks about policy properly and working hard for it.
I can see it as Im walking around this city, people never stop smiling, well-maintained townscape. Its certainly happening because she wanted it.
Its her pride and its important to her as well. Otherwise, she wont have fun from the bottom of her heart like this.
... Kutira-chan, please tell me one thing(Arge)
Not yet, I want you to tell me first(Kutira)
Why did you invite us? Before I could ask her that, she took the initiative.
Kutira-chan has a serious expression, unlike before.
Her cheerful girl just now disappeared and she firmly looked at me.
She is definitely a queen. Her loose atmosphere before looks like just a lie.
You wanted to know why did I invite you to my city, right? However, before that I needed to ask my guests(Kutira)
What do you want to hear?(Arge)
Well, how about the town that I made?(Kutira)
It is the same opinion that Zeno-kun said.
Personally Im happy that this ce has a little sense of time, I think that it is a nice ce to take a nap(Arge)
Hehehe, to take a nap. I heard that silver guest like to sleep, and it seems to be true(Kutira)
Yes, because its the most important thing for me(Arge)
My purpose of reincarnating is to have 3 meal per day and nap whenever I want
In other words, thefort of a nap is more important than anything else.
If I apply it, I can evaluate that this town that sleeping like a water bed is a nice ce at all times.
Kutira-chan nodded satisfiedly listening to my evaluation.
Okay guest, let me ask another question ...
Does this city seem to be made by humans?(Kutira)
An unexpected question came up.
Chapter 132
Arge Chapter 132: The ce of hope
It was a bit unexpected, so I raised my surprised voice.
Kutira-chan wondered rather than nodded. I guessed she understand that we didnt get the question she just asked.
Well, just a moment, I will give more detail for that question!(Kutira)
Kutira-chan dered so and shook his fingers.
She seems about to say the magic word that is necessary to activate magic.
Dancing with the flow of water!(Kutira)
Her voice resounded in the water, and something happened.
The flow of water started to drift with clear intention.
The directional ocean current floats many books arranged on the bookshelf in the room and carries it before Kutira-chan.
Thenguage in those books are in different worldnguages ??and cant be read as it is.
However, the meaning of all of them can be deciphered by the effect ofnguage trantion.
Are these...?(Arge)
It was all kinds of books.
There were manynguage: the empire, the republic, the kingdom, and even somenguages ??that I havent seen yet.
But there seem to be no ancient spiritualnguage.
Those books are obviously old, probably due to seawater. It is regretful.
In other words, the books here were sunk in the ocean long before this undersea city was built.
So many books...(Arge)
Yes, I have studied, learned, and dreamed, how great was it if I could manage a city just like the world on the ground(Kutira)
Kutira-chan, are you ... trying to reproduce the outside worlds city?(Arge)
Well ... Youre right!(Kutira)
As I heard that, I finally realized the identity of my difortable.
The feeling of ipatibility that I had all the time.
It was because this city is too close to that of a human being.
There are many kinds of marine demons with different breathing type, the number of feet is also different. Some are good at swimming, some arent, some are carnivorous and some are herbivorous.
For a city with so many diverse tribes live,It is too neat
It was as if someone decided this from the beginning, the houses were made the same, the width of the road was exactly the same.
Its an undersea city like a whole castle city on the ground.
However the ce that Kutira-chan live is a mansion rather than a castle.
I wanted to create it. A ce where I can afford a great deal for those who live on the seabed. Therefore I read innumerable books and fish them and apply what I thought was good from there to this city(Kutira)
In other words, the reason you invited us...(Arge)
Yes, I wanted to ask if this city is really going with the right direction(Kutira)
Its like a little child boasting a sand castle made by herself.
Kutira-chan narrowed her golden eyes andughed proudly.
And I also wanted to know if it was any good to have an exchange with the other countries on the ground(Kutira)
Exchange, is it?(Arge)
That was a surprising word.
Because this town couldplete self-resupply.
Theres no need to exchange anything, its peaceful andplete.
Aplete environmental city in the deep sea.
There maybe some foreign enemies or problems, but theres still no need to have exchanges with the outside.
Queen, I dont think theres any need for exchange here(Zeno)
Yes, just like Zeno-kun said. Which is why we dont understand the reason we invited us.
Reason why she brought something she doesnt need.
We were at a loss because Zeno and I couldnt understand it.
Kutira-chan looked at us with her the golden eyes.
Its very pure, like an amber swaying between waves.
She told us a small question with that innocent gaze.
We dont have to exchange? Who decided that we shouldnt exchange?(Kutira)
I just want to do it.
I want to see more things than to live quietly in this bottom sea.
I want to know more. I wont get it from a wet and dirty book, its better to see with my own eyes(Kutira)
Kutira-chan ... Do you really want to do that?(Arge)
Well, I cant say that its good for my people ...
but still, I want someone to know about this country,
I want it was known somewhere else not just here
Theres a ce that people I can live, calmly, richly, freely, even at the bottom of the ocean(Kutira)
It wasnt necessity but rather what she wanted.
She is surely longing for the outside world. Just like me was imprisoned.
Thats why this city was built. For her own wish.
Just like I am searching for a ce where I can take a nap. The ce that I want.
... It was easy.
Whether it is necessary or not, others cant decide for us.
Zeno-kun must be the same, just like Felnote-san, Kuzuha-chan and Richelle-san.
Just as much how dangerous keep traveling and working as a merchant.
Chasing a vampire who just lived together for a while, and she needed to leave her birthce.
Calling with someone she just met for a moment as her friend,ing all the way this that one so that she can be by her side.
Even if she abandons the position of a lord, she still want to protect her people.
No matter anyone say, I just want to live idly.
Everyone decides by themselves whether it is necessary or not.
... Then there will be a better way to do it.
This is just confinement like Kuzuha-chan said(Arge)
Mum ... It certainly is. However, its unusual for ship to in this area.
Therefore, I wanted to talk.
I wanted you to see it. I wanted you to know(Kutira)
We were ... intersecting?(Arge)
Yes, thats right(Kutira)
Its a simple hope that we acknowledge her city values.
She has done so far for that reason. I guess that was enough.
Then, what we can do right now is decided.
Fortunately, we have one excellent merchant.
Zeno-kun, how do you think?(Arge)
The items here are amazing, it will be easy to find trading partner, so ... lets go with the negotiations, My queen(Zeno)
Umu ...?(Kutira)
I am a peddler, and now there are some things that Im pleased with in this city.
But this city, you can say that its already a country.
There is a rule that pedder cant involve with countrys matter.
So, Im only dealing with private goods ...(Zeno)
Then Zeno-kun looked at me here. I knew what he expected from me.
Zeno-kun and I had been talking about what happened after we parted way in Arlesha.
We talked to each other about what kind of journey he had traveled with Felnote-san or what kind of journey I had with Kuzuha-chan and Neguseo.
So, of course he knew that I was in contact with the lord of the port town Arlesha and 1 of the leaders in the republic.
... Okay, I get it ...
I think I will go back there again anyway.
I will tell the great person in the republic at that time.
I think that that Samaka, the lord of the port town will be pleased as well(Arge)
Is that true?(Kutira)
Well, for the time being, I would like to know the location of this city on the map, and a letter ...I wonder if thats enough, Zeno-kun(Arge)
Yes, I think thats fine.
But since the area around here is rough, if only we could have the territory that closer the continent instead...(Zeno)
Umu, its alright! In that case, I can just move my country!(Kutira)
Eh, you can !?(Zeno)
Of course, who do think I am.
For now, lets write the nned location of the move on the map and write a greeting!(Kutira)
Kutira-chan headed to the desk, taking out the paper and the pen and continuing to write words.
I thought that it wasnt nice to check the contents so I left it to Kutira-chan and talked to Zeno-kun secretly.
Is this really okay?(Arge)
I think that problems such as territorial waters will urs.
But that is the countrys matter.
Above all, there are so many rich seabed, however only marine demons can cross and live in such dangerous ce of the sea.
Sometimes it is felt as a wonder ...(Zeno)
Do you think its good enough?(Arge)
Thats what I like to be left alone(Zeno)
... is that a good thing?
Well, at least, you wont be fooled with that personality(Arge)
Well, at that time I will just say that I dont know enough.
I will make various lists for business negotiations, so I dont even know what will work.
I want to get it while I can receive it, I am d if Im sess(Zeno)
Indeed, he is sharp. Although he is normally gently, hoever Zeno-kun is an innate merchant after all.
I saw Zeno-kun took out his memo and started writing.
I sigh.
I dont think that he would take on troublesome things.
Kutira-chans hope is quite simple to fulfill as well.
Was I nning to go back to Arlesha and the Republic again?
Just, why.
For some reason, I felt that I would visit that ce again anytime soon.
I couldnt understand why did I have that feelings (Authors g), and I was sighing again.
Chapter 133
Arge Chapter 133: Female lover and the king ...
(This Chapter is Samakas POV)
...Samaka, raise your head(King)
I followed the wordsing down from above and raised my head, it was the king of this kingdom.
Right now, Im having an audience with the king in the King chamber of the Royal Castle. This city is the capital of this kingdom, Pleiades.
By the way, even I govern Arlesha, the port town that is an important base of trade, but its also just a countryside town.
Its unusual for a countryside lord like me to have a private audience with the king.
Well, as usual you still have the face of a womanizer, how many wives are there now?(King)
I have taken the 40th person this time(Samaka)
It must be tough(King)
The king wasughing as he said that, he had a neutral beauty.
The short golden hair is dazzling like a crown, and the deep blue eyes are gentle like a night sky.
The king had a beautiful face like a woman in male dressed, he gently narrowed his night sky blue eyes.
Well then, Samaka, will you let me hear your thoughts on the person who is called the angel of the sea breeze in the report. The so-called silver hairs beautiful girl mage(King)
I felt something exceptional in the words he told me, but he never put it on the face.
Argento Vampear. The silver hair vampire, who stayed in port town Arlesha for a while.
Her recovery magic that has an effect that can be called a miracle, rumors spread in a blink of an eye, and I also moved on that matter.
If she followed a lord it would be a great benefit, thats why I couldnt ignore her.
As a result, I respected her intention.
I refrained from reporting about her, the beautiful girl that doing her best to follow her will.
However It was said nothing can stop persons mouth.
Since it had became a rumor once, I thought that her news would be heard sooner orter.
But I didnt expect to be called up to the Royal Castle and have a private audience with the king himself.
I dont know well about that matter.
I thought I was going to investigate, but at that time, a big monter threat came and I had to deal with it to protect my citizen(Samaka)
As if to examine these words, the king crossed his arms.
It was only a moment when I thought about it. Instead of thinking, the king seems like understanding the meaning of the word.
Good, Samaka ... Well, it cant be, I will forgive you, beside, I like your guts(King)
Yes... Thank you very much(Samaka)
From his word of forgiveness, he probably found out that I was hiding something about Argento.
But the king allowed me to do so. Of course there was no solid evidence, but that showed the size of his vessel.
Some lords might think that as naive, and some lords might think those words as a hidden meaning, but I personally felt charm in how the king saying it like that.
Although enemies are rugged everywhere, he didnt forget to show a kind heart to the others. Be it enemies or friends, he will deal with them all ordingly, he have enough vessels to reign.
I have no doubt that he will be the best king in the history of the kingdom.
And then the king cleared his throat and nced to me.
The topic changed. I felt so and I kneeled again.
I had small sigh with confidence that the matter of Argento has finished safely that invisible to the king.
By the way, there is something I want to ask you, Samaka-san.
I anticipate you as a man, this is outside of Arlesha, your jurisdiction of work ...(King)
This is absolutely unusual, for the king to ask me about things other than work.
He is 1 year younger than me, but he grew up in a more advanced environment than mine.
He was born to be king and he himself grew up in response to that expectation, so to speak, he is superior to me in all aspects.
This is the first time that he asked me personal questions.
... I must respond seriously.
Perhaps this private audience was established for that purpose.
Theres no royal guards or anyone else here. But the king cant possibly to have a private talk with a local lord.
In other words, the King has made this ce by trusting me.
Thats why I must answer firmly to show my loyalty.
I will do my best to respond(Samaka)
Well, Samaka-san, I will ask you one question... How do you like love?(King)
... Eeeh...!?(Samaka)
I was dumbfound with the unexpected words.
But then again the king was still looking at me with a serious eyes.
Recently, the movement of the empire is restless.
I dont know whether we can win this war or not.
A war that keeps on fighting with the dreadfulness.
But it is ... It seems that we are measuring the time of death(King)
... ...!(Samaka)
Its a gap that can be happned between countries. Even I dont know what will happen, how long will this statest, what the empire will do
... so, I must also think about it(King)
I see, he wanted to experience love.
Although the king is still young, the king is supposed to have such a partner already. No, even if he isnt the king, any people would also like to have partner.
However, he is a person who gives priority to the public rather than himself. I knww that there are many worried voices from the ministers.
Although this is obligation, it will be a good to let him to know about love as well.
The king is definitely superior to me, but theres thing still he must rely on someone other than his ministers.
Well ... What kind ofdy does my king like? The face, the size and character of the chest, etc.(Samaka)
Mum, even if you tell me so ... As for me, women are just women, but ...(King)
It seems to be more serious than I thought.
He doesnt know love yet. In the first ce, I have never seen he was with anydy.
If so, I must change the way of asking.
Thinking so, I use the examining kind of words.
Then, as apanion ... what kind of woman do you think is suitable as a queen?(Samaka)
Oh yes ... Always thinking about the people, being kind hearted, good at cooking, sitting next to me, not bored, intelligent, also have the character as a mother ...(King)
The order has increased suddenly ...!(Samaka)
Hmm, was that so?(King)
Its impolite to say this to the king, but I found that the ideal value was quite high.
Like this, kings love is going to be difficult. What should I do?
... *giggle*(???)
I was troubled and a voice caught me abruptly.
It is different from the dignified voice the king has. It was like a blooming flower, a full of charming voice.
It was all in a brief moment. Before I knew it, she wasughing cheerfully, next to me.
The two bells hanging on her ck hair shake with a dull sharp sound in ordance with the smile.
My king is thinking a bit too hard. Love is something that you are naturally falling to, just like flower fruits...(???)
Her skin had a cranky appearance green.
There are countless flowers blooming around her body with vividly colours like wild grass. She is gorgeous as flower.
Like a butterfly invited by a flower, I fascinatedly blinked.
Alraune... !?(Samaka)
... Its a bad habit to cut in. Im talking with Samaka right now(King)
Tee hee hee, I am sorry my King, but is there a need of permission for flowers to bloom?(???)
...well, I forgive you...
Samaka, let me introduce to you, this is the queen of Alraune, who made a cooperative rtionship with our kingdom a while ago(King)
Queen of Alraune ...?(Samaka)
A beautiful woman with green skin, said to be the queen, bowed elegantly.
The fragrance of the flowers that is reluctant only by that gesture bes thicker, my head feels like getting hazy.
The forest in the western part of the kingdom, Samaka, tell me what do you know about it(King)
The western part of the kingdom ... that ce is supposed to be where plenty of evil demons ...?!(Samaka)
Yes, as the one defeated all demons there, right now Im the one ruling that ce(Queen Alraune)
What ...!!?(Samaka)
She was smiling lightly and spoke some words that made me shudder.
The area that was called the devil forest in the western part of the kingdom. It is and that need strong defensive. As its an danger zone where magical power was abnormally high, many powerful demons inhabited.
Although its on the territory map of the kingdom, its also an undevelopednd.
She is governing it now. That means she did it with her own abilities.
This time I decided to join the kingdom side as a cooperator to deal with the empire. With the condition that our forest will be independent as a nation with the name Sherwood(Queen Alraune)
... I see. My name is Samaka Swaro, I govern the port town Arlesha that was entrusted by the king(Samaka)
Then she took one step back while keeping her head down to the king.
The king didnt not say anything to her beside forgiving her behavior.
Suddenly appearing in front of the kings eyes and being rude to cut in halfway, which mean she is in a position that she can be forgiven.
More than anything, she used the word to be independent as a nationjust now.
Then, the king had judged to have cooperative rtionship with her.
Didnt that mean the king trust her a lot.
And then the king is still wary of the Empires movement.
Port town ... Well, thats nice ...
So, Samaka-san, can I ask you a favor?(Queen Alraune)
...What will it be(Samaka)
Next time, will you give flowers and seed of fruits that arent from the Kingdom, I want to see what kind of flowers will bloom(Queen Alraune)
She looks different from the former magical appearance, just like a young girl (Shoujo), the queen of Alraune smiled. Her smile is cute and beautiful. Her feeling of loving flowers is genuine.
If you are a man, you should respond to that. So I think, but this is this and that is that, working with self-interests would be another problem.
Well, then excuse me for asking back from the evil forest ... I would like to have sherwood derived fruits etc.
I will make it a profit for the kingdom(Samaka)
Umu, a shy person ... fu fu, just like a flower blooming from the gaps of stone. That would be nice(Queen Alraune)
Smiling with doesnt seems to care face, sheughed as the bells ringed ording to.
Oh, I havent introduced myself yet ... I am ... ah, please forget it.
My name is , Im but one flower with its name only(Aoba)
Queen of Alraune, Aoba?
Its a beautifuldys name. I should remember it, theres no loss.
Chapter 134
Arge Chapter 134: Waiting for dreams
(This Chapter is Arges POV)
Well then, have a safe trip(Kutira)
Kutira-chan shook my hand with stronger power than when we first met.
Right now we are on Pisces. Others are lining up on the ship and facing her.
Well then, My Queen, next time I will pick something that matches your expectation(Zeno)
Well! The books that Zeno-kun had and the tools of other countries were very interesting! If you bring me more, Im willing to buy them all!(Kutira)
The negotiations between Zeno-kun and Kutira-chan seemed to be good, Kutira-chan is in a good mood.
As I look at Zeno-kuns honky face, I figure it would probably be nice deal, but I will keep silent about it. If both side are convinced with each other, it will not be a fraud.
Hey Arge, I didnt do anything this time ...(Felnote)
Well, uhm ... but I think its better if we dont have to fight(Arge)
Surely it is, but ...(Felnote)
It seems Felnote-san was rxed in the town while we gathered up business talks and letters.
Kuzuha-chan seems to get along well with the children of the marine demons, if we look from the ships edge, we can see they are waving at the submarine city just below. They are probably seeing her off.
Well, if you have exchanges with the kingdom, normally I may be able to help with the negotitaion. However, I already retired(Felnote)
I wonder if she felt she wasnt useful. Felnote-san said so and had a big sign.
Originally, she was a knight captain of the kingdom. And it seems that she was quite a celebrity, so it would be true that she might be able to help with the negotiation.
No, acutally theres something that I need Felnote-sans help, may you pass the letter to Samaka-san
I do not like that you involve that stallion ...!(Felnote) (T.N: I dont make a mistake, Felnote call Samaka stallion)
... Felnote-san, do you dislike Samaka-san?(Arge)
It is natural, do you know how many times have I been struggling with that stallion...!(Arge)
From how Felnote-san talked, she might have gone through a lot of hardship, so I should stop pursuing.
Well, she is a very serious person, while Samaka-san is someone who fond of love, so theirpatibility maybe bad.
When I took a nce at Richelle-san, she looked up at the top of the sky C exactly the direction of the sea level.
Because the demonic continent is near, I wonder if she is worried about that.
I also talk to her about exchanges with undersea City.
However, Dark Elf was a tribe who lives in the forest, and it seems that she didnt want to make such extensive exchanges.
Well then shall we go?(Arge)
Well, as Arge-san holding the letter now, I will appoint you as a goodwill ambassador for us from now!(Kutira)
Eh, thank you, I guess(Arge)
I was appointed before I knew it.
When saying goodwill ambassador, its a job title for externally exchanging.
In this case, it would have been appointed from the role of delivering a letter for interaction with other countries.
Or Is that title the painful one? But she was talking about the letter just now. So, I dont have to worry, right?
... Ah, thats right(Arge)
Umu, whats wrong?(Kutira)
No, I mean do you have the name of this city?(Arge)
I remembered with the word title, but I dont know the name of this city yet.
That is also important when delivering letters.
I gave you a ce to move the city on the map, but it is hard to call because there is no name.
Kutti put her hands on his chin and made a slight way of thinking.
It seems like this city doesnt have a name.
As expected, Kutira-chan had a troubled face.
Well, I forgot to mention that, goodwill ambassador, I will leave the naming to you(Kutira)
... Is that okay?(Arge)
I honestly ask you for something that is not ashamed to showing the outside world(Kutira)
It is a fluffy order, but thanks to it, it made me feel hard to name it sloppy like usual. (T.N: Arge knew?)
It should be properly named because it will be established in this world, so I needed to becareful a little. (T.N: just a little?)
Well, how about Rlyeh?(Arge)
Thats the name of the undersea city that came out my mind, I had read from a certain novel.
I dont change what is right, it will be much better than I name.
At least, it should be much better than the country of marine productsthat I thought of at the moment.
Kutira-chan seemed to love the name I gave, her eyes became like a crescent moon floating on the bottom of the ocean.
...Its a good name ...well then, lets pray for the safety of the trip(Kutira)
When Kutira-chan said so, she began to concentrate her magical power.
The enormous magical power is filled in the sea, its ticklishing my skin.
Even if she dont use it to attack, the density of magic itself has enough pressure.
... This girl, her magical power is outrageous.
I cant tell if her Magical Enhancement Skill 10, but I feel that she has a quite unusual ability.
Oh ocean current, ocean tides and sea wind.
By my name as the marine demon queen, Kutira, I order you(Kutira)
The words involve magical power and resonate in the sea.
The sound of the magic, *Kiin* , stimted the auditory sense many times.
And the magic waspleted.
Fulfill my dream with this ship(Kutira)
And a forced force wraps the ship which we are riding on, Pisces like a foam.
Its simr to the spell inviting us to this deep ocean, but its power is another level.
Instead of confinement and dragging us down here, I feel gentle enchantment enveloping in the sea.
Is this...?(Arge)
With the power of the ocean demon queen like me, its even possible for traveling under the sea.
With is this magic, I guarantee afortable voyage!(Kutira)
Thats why it doesnt shake! Isnt this amazing?(Felnote)
U fu fu, you can praise me more, guest with tits(Kutira)
I want to retort to that guest of tits way of calling, but its certainly amazing!(Felnote)
It seems that Felnote-san, who is weak with traveling, is also very impressed.
Although I and Kuzuha-chan dont have a problem, Felnote-san are delighted, now that we are free from the rough sea.
Its a pleasure if it improves ourforable. I also dont need to work.
Protection of the Ocean Demon Queen.
With this, we would reach the Demon Continent faster, Im thankful for that.
Well then, the destination is the Demon Continent?(Kutira)
Oh, yes, thats right, because we have to send Richelle-san back to her hometown first. After that, I think we will return to the Republic, maybe I will hand over the letter by then(Arge)
U fu fu ...Okay then ...
because the distance isnt so far ... make adjustment of the output ...
Well, I should also protect the hull ...(Kutira)
Kutira-chan looks at a certain direction, muttering something.
While thinking so, it seemed that she decided something and hit her palm.
Lets send you near that(Kutira)
Oh, are you sure?(Arge)
Well, I dont mind, I also want you to finish your previous appointment earlier(Kutira)
I am grateful for the offer.
There were also many monsters in the ocean, and there were often times when we had to deal with it, so it would be encouraging andfortable if the ocean demon queen can keep them at bay.
In other words, because its an all-you-can-eat, Im very thankful...
I felt disturbing signs when I was about to fell delight with the help.
The sense of stinging on the skin is definitely the same quality as I felt before.
And that is the magical power of the Queen in front of us.
Dont talk to me right now, I need to concentrate(Kutira)
... Why do you need to concentrate?(Arge)
Well, I will carry this ship to the demon continent(Kutira)
Wait a moment! You mean...(Arge)
Oh... ocean flow turn that ship into a fist for a moment(Kutira)
Not good ... everyone, hang on tight!(Arge)
I felt restless from the chant and threw words to everyone.
Felnote-san was quickly responding and gripped a nearby pir with immediate action. Zeno-kun nearby was also doing the same.
Kuzuha-chan used her alter ego and fixed herself at the edge of the ship with the vagrant Richelle-san.
I had spare time doing it even when I spoke by using the speed specialization capabilities, cling to handrail.
And the magic invoked.
Come now, go straight to the demon continent! Torrent!!(Kutira)
*Zun*, and the floor swaying.
Batting by magic, perhaps using seawater.
There was a fluffy weightless in a moment, just like the ship was blown away.
The Pisces have a protection magic that made it didnt break, it cut through.
The power seemsing from below and behind the ship, not from beneath, and it made the ship moving forward while start rising.
Uu... Theres no reason to guide us like this!(Felnote)
Felnote-san, becareful, or you will bite your tongue ...!!(Arge)
She seemd angry, so I told her beware for the moment.
Certainly, as she says, this is an injection rather than a guide.
But as we were already on it, might as well going with the flow.
Its not rxing when going through the ocean floor at high speed.
As the ship goes, its cutting the ocean and heading to the Demon Continent.
And it made a loud sound bam, and pierced through the surface of the sea (like a donphin jumping or a torpedo)
Authors Note:
With this chapter the underwater edition will be finished.
So, how was it?
This time the theme is as it is
Well, it have such feeling.
This time it ended rtively quickly, but the meaning of the morning stone was strong, including the appearance of other girls.
Just who in the world that you love to dream about?
Well, from next time I think I will start with Demon continent.
Thank you very much for your support.
Chapter 135
Trantors Note: I will use Blood Box (from Item Box) instead of Blood Bag from now on. It wasnt much different
Arge Chapter 134: Pisces, going through the sky
(This Chapter is Arges POV)
Kyaa ...(Arge)
The Pisces passed through the sea and flying for a while.
Eventually, it was pulled by gravity and started dropping altitude, and it skipped on the sea surface like a skipping stone.
While I was crying a cute scream, the Pisques bounced back many times on the sea.
The floor keeps jumping and falling hits the ass many times, it hurts.
... Ugu(Fenote)
Felnote-san, are you okay ...?(Arge)
Theres no point in protecting the voyage now, isnt it?(Felnote)
While we are saying so, the ship keeps sliding roughly in the sky instead of the sea.
Moving this way might be a lot faster than moving the sea, but it was really hurt.
I was worried and I took contact with Neguseo in the ship. Even the horses seemed pretty tough and they told they okay however it would be better to go checking the situationter. In this situation, the cabin must be quite a mess.
...!? Arge-sama, I can see the Demon Continent!(Richelle)
... is that?(Arge)
I could see thend beyond the horizon.
In the direction the elfs brown finger was pointing to.
Arge-san, this is...(Kuzuha)
We only have a big momentary left, right?(Arge)
As Kuzuha-chan concerned, the momentum of the Pisces doesnt seems to slow down.
Kutira-chan must have calcted the distance and power roughly, so its no wonder if shes wrong.
With this momentum, we would crash to thend.
... It cant be helped(Arge)
We will crash to thend unless I do something.
Concentrate magical power on the palm and prepare for magic casting.
All magic that I can use is simple except for recovery magic. The kinds of magic are also limited, unlike Kuzuha-chan and Kutira-chan.
Still, I have enormous magical power, I can make use simeple magic in arge scale.
Wind-san, Please(Arge)
I spoke a key word to activate magic.
Wind magic level 1. With the magical effect of raising the wind to stop the momentum of the ship.
While doing so, thend is about to be seen. Although Im trying killing momentum but I didnt make it in time.
Uu ... I think we will crash, better prepare for the impact(Arge)
Arge-san, let me help!(Kuzuha)
Please, Kuzuha-chan(Arge)
Kuzuha-chan uses the magic and creates 3 copy of her, the 3 run to the bow, jump off.
And I can feel clearly theres a shock of hitting something, and the ship stoppedpletely.
Bushiha-chans ...have disappeared(Arge)
Although they certainly disappeared, I can produce them any number of times, you dont have to worry(Kuzuha)
The person herself said so, but since Bushiha-chans have Kuzuha-chans appearance, it was a bit painful to see them disappear.
However, Im d that travelpanions and means of transportation was both safe.
Its of course a pleasure to have all the peoplended without hurting, and I will also use the Pisces to return from the demon continentter.
We are alreadynding, after preparing everything, I will put it in a Blood Box.
Although the ship was protected by spell, it seemed to be pretty terrible(Arge)
Yes ... at least let us prepare ourselves a little ... Uu, cure ...(Felnote)
Felnote-san seems to be considerably drunk (sea sick) now, and she is treating herself with recovery magic.
Since Zeno-kun and Richelle-san are also get sicked, I used arge scale recovery magic there, and Felnote-san have a sigh of relief.
Lets start with sorting out what was on the ship ... Horses are also anxious(Zeno)
Well, Richelle-san, where in the Maori is here?(Arge)
Please lie down!(Kuzuha)
In response to Kuzuha-chans voice, everyone lie down.
Something is flying to where my head was until a moment ago.
*Byi~n* It stuck the wooden floor, it was like a thin pile.
It simrs torge nail, perhaps it is supposed to be a throwing weapon.
... on the top!?(Felnote)
Follow Felnote-sans voice, everyone looks at the top, the opponent who attacked just now was there. I dont know how she climb there but she was standing on the mast of the Pisces.
It was a tall woman with short cut golden hair.
She wore a ck office clothing, simr to a suit in my world, long sleeves with long pants, the clothes is tightly fitted to her whole body. She also wore gloves, there was very little exposure.
Clothes that have a chic and tight impression.
But right there, the breasts that were so big as to be beyond Mr. Felo notes seemed to be cramped.
Her eyes that look like pure balls are narrowed down and stared at me.
Her words seems polite, but it was a cold sounding voice.
Oh, I thought I waspletely hidden from the blind spot ... How could you react and even with that speed?
And that beastkin seems to have better perception than I thought?(Cold Voice ck Office Lady)
Who are you ... ?(Arge)
That would be my line, ... Who are you, how dare you step on mynd without permission?(Cold Voice ck Office Lady)
Even you say that we stepped on yournd but it was inevitable(Arge)
Is that so.
Even if thats true, your identity as uninvited guests have not changed.
Also, you are a vampire no matter how I look at you.
A unknown vampire walking under the sun is nothing but a danger(Cold Voice ck Office Lady)
I heard that Demon Continent is a rather barbarousnd but I didnt think there was anything like a sudden attack out of nowhere.
However, this will be bad if the situation remains like this.
The opponent is fixing her gloves. It was like preparations before fighting.
I didnt want to fight so I must at least try talking somehow. And I continued...
Uhm, sorry, can I have time to exin a bit, uhmm ...... Suit-tits-san(Arge)
Suit-tits ...!?(Cold Voice ck Office Lady)
Ah, Im sorry, do you prefer tits-suit-san instead?(Arge)
I am receiving a great discrimination remark, is that okay to kill already ...?(Cold Voice ck Office Lady)
Oh, I dont really understand, but she seems to be very angry. I wonder why.
... Ah, ... that ... are you Isabe ...?(Rechelle)
Richelle raised her voice talking when the opponent was gathering magical powers.
Do you know her, Richelle-san?(Arge)
Yes, she is the secretary of my uncle ... She is a humandy, who is unusual to be on the Demon Continent(Richelle)
As Richelle-san said so, the other party seems to have noticed Richelle-san as well.
She be wondering instead of her previous murder intent.
... I heard that Richelle-san had disappeared, why are you here?(Isabe)
Ah, about that ... I was taken away by the human who invade ournd and took out of the continent. These people have saved me and brought me to the Demon Continent(Richelle)
Isabe-san seems to be able to speak quite a lot ofnguage, unlike Kuzuha-chan and Richelle-san just know a singlenguage. Or, just like me, she may have decent level trantion skills.
Isabe gently tampered her hair with his right hand while wearing gloves, and made a thought face. After thinking for a while, she spoke.
In that case, I have to report to my Danna-sama(Isabe)
(T.N: Danna-sama can be used for both Master and Husband, because this will be a joketer so I wont trante to English and lose the joke)
... Uh, so we dont need to fight, right?(Arge)
Yeah, because you seem have no intention to fight, I will temporarily hold on you for now. Wee to the Demon continent(Isabe)
Anyway, Im relieved because it seems that I do not have to fight.
I hope that I can bring Richelle-san back safely without such a troublesome thing.
Chapter 136
Arge Chapter 136: Lord of the Crimson Sky
(This Chapter is Arges POV)
... It must be hard, Richelle(Uncle)
Yes, but these people have saved me. My uncle (Oji-sama), you dont have to worry(Richelle)
No, it was rather bad. I couldnt believe that they were that strong. I couldnt do much.
When I received reports from Valerias territory, I had sent some of my soldiers to some of those areas to help them.
I also tried to speak to an acquaintance of mine who was in the main continent to search for you...however(Uncle)
No! Its already too good! Thank you very much, my uncle!(Richelle)
As Richelle-san said so, she lowered her head to a young man in front of me. He seems to be the lord and is quite closer to Richelle-san.
Right now, we are in a castle. Guiding by Isabe-san, we came from the coast to a small town.
Or I should say a small castle town with the castle in the center.
And then we were brought to the big room with throne and had an audience with the lord here.
The young man sitting on the throne has ck hair. And his eyes are obviously the same kind as me, which is a proof of him is a vampire. He looks too young to be called uncle, but since he is a vampire, his real age probably is considerable high.
This room has no window, its probably built like that in order to block all sunlight.
Then The young man sat on the throne looked at us and said.
It looks like Richelle has been in your care, guests, whats your name?(Uncle)
Im Argento Vampear, this is my friend Kuzuha-chan, merchant Zeno-kun, and uhm...Zeno-kuns escort, Felnote-san(Arge)
Wait, why did you only introduce me with wrong info?(Felnote)
Sorry, I feel like I should do it ...(Arge)
Stop saying that with such a serious face!(Felnote)
Hahaha, funny people(Uncle)
Uhm, Felnote-san, Im sorry(Arge)
I feel that my dignity has been consumed considerably as a price ...!(Felnote)
Afterughing all the way, the young man jumps from the throne and shaking the end of his cloak.
He came in a rxed manner, he nodded once, then spoke.
Im Mutsuki, I rules over thisnd(Mutsuki)
Mutsuki ... Lord of the Crimson sky!?(Zeno)
Do you know him, Zeno-kun?(Arge)
Ehh, yes ...he is one of the 3 powerful vampires, the Crimson Lord(Zeno)
In other words, he is a living disaster, the same as Elsee.
He is also a out of normal vampire.
I also have heard of him before(Felnote)
Haha, its quite a ttery to be treated the same as that golden wagamama princess(Mutsuki)
With a light tone, Mutsuki-sanughed.
Vampire Elsee, that we met in the Republic, so he is as strong as that golden vampire. It means that he also has the ability topete or overwhelm me who reincarnate with cheat ability.
However, Mutsuki-san doesnt seems to be bad as I felt from Elsee-san. He has gentle and soft facial expression that make people feel secure.
Beside, if you say about out of standard, the silver hair girl before is even more than me. No vampire in history could possible to do that.
At best, vampire must use an umbre, and she is also an acquaintance of mine.
There are some vampires that can resist against sunlight, but no-one can walk in direct sunlight(Mutsuki)
Eh, is that acquaintance that you are talking about Satsuki-san?(Arge)
You know Satsuki?(Mutsuki)
She is a strange vampire running a coffee shop that I met in the Republic.
Satsuki-san isnt as good as me but she also has sunshine and can act even during the day if she has a parasol.
I knew that her connection is wide, but I didnt think she has acquaintances in the demon continent as well.
Well, Im convinced that Satsuki-san would take a like if you are cute, because she has a soft spot for cute young girls(Mutsuki)
I remembered the days when I was in the Republic and my face became a little hotter.
It is true that Satsuki-san helped me a lot, but there were things like dressing me up or have me helping the shop.
Sometimes, I feel pretty embarrassed.
Isabe also frown with a sullen face, did she also turned her eyes away feeling embarrassed, did she also have history with Satsuki-san?
... Mutsuki-kun, are you cheating on me?(Isabe)
Why did you think like that? Its different!(Mutsuki)
Well, I agree. I was a little short-circuited now.
So lets rephrased it.
Its nice to have a glimpse of a strange woman in front of me,
I will have a talk with youter(Isabe)
Why would you rephrase to make it worse!? I told you its different!(Mutsuki)
Apparently Mutsuki-san and Isabe-san seem to have such a rtionship. Then was that danna-sama stand for husband instead of master?
Oh, when Matsuki hastily denied, Isabe was somewhat happy but not express in her words.
Theres no choice, lets discuss about this matter again(Isabe)
If you like us to talk and how about lowering the fist you held?(Mutsuki)
What did you mean by that? Exin right away(Isabe)
Oh, you ought to forget that Im your boss once in a while ... Oh, well(Mutsuki)
From how I watching it, this must be their usual tension. The evidence is that Richelle-san isughing.
Mutsuki san sighed several times to arrange the tension that was destroyed and turned to us again.
I understand the circumstances and I also know that Richelle wants to return soon, but right now, theres a little problem(Mutsuki)
Yes, right now we are in a bit of wartime, as the enemy army will attack us at this today, please wait until that is over(Mutsuki)
It is no wonder that Felnote-san are surprised. In fact, Kuzuha-chan, Zeno-kun and I were also surprised.
Because the word that was said lightly is a heavy thing war will start soon
Well, this is already the capital! Is it okay?(Zeno)
Because this is just a small territory even if you say the capital, if they feel like attacking us, they coulde here from the neighboringnd on the same day(Mutsuki)
But the state of the town, it was pretty peaceful...(Zeno)
Just as Zeno-kun said. We went through the castle town before we came here, but the state of the town was peaceful itself.
Nobody was preparing for the war, nor did he seem to be pessimistic about trying to escape.
I can not believe it even if I was told that war is about to start.
Because Mitsuki-kun is here, but its about toe to a halt ...(Isabe)
Before Isabe-san finished speaking, the ground swayed greatly.
Its different from an earthquake. Its not continuous, just once, it was just a shake.
Daytime has passed and the barrier has been lifted(Mutsuki)
The barrier is....?(Arge)
During the day, I maintained a barrier so that no-one cane without my permission. Now that theres no barrier, the other party cane. I mean that they already waited before the barrier(Mutsuki)
Well, let me give out an evacuation direction, I dont think that it is necessary, but better safe than sorry(Isabe)
I see, Isabe, would you please?(Mutsuki)
As always, I dont mind about it, but theres only one thing(Isabe)
What is it?(Mutsuki)
Todays meal is a favorite hamburger steak for Mutsuki-kun, so pleasee back as soon as possible(Isabe)
Well thats Okay. I will finish this quickly and help you make it(Mutsuki)
Bowing to Mutsuki-san who smiles with a vampires fang showing hersily, Isabe leaves to somewhere.
Mutsuki spoke to us while doing something like a light flexible movement.
What do you want do? Well, I dont think I need help anyway(Mutsuki)
You dont need help...?(Arge)
I am going to clean this up alone(Mutsuki)
Mutsukis faceughing as if saying he is full of confidence and reminiscent of Elsee a little bit.
He has power. It was a ferocious smile that I could see the conviction.
Chapter 137
[Next]T.N: I finished it faster than I thought.
Next chapter will be a Mitsuha Manga Chapter
ETA: 2-4 days.
Arge Chapter 137: The Lord of Front-line
...So, in the end, we also came along(Arge)
Yes, we already went through all kinf od trouble to get here so far(Felnote)
What Felnote-san said was reasonable.
The purpose of our trip is to send Richelle-san safely back to her territory.
For that reason we came to the Demon Continent.
If anything happened to her, all our hardships would be for nothing, like water bubbles.
Thats why all members included Zeno-kun came with Mutsuki-san outside the castletown.
Zeno-kun said that when the battle started, he will evacuate with a horse in the castle town.
For now, I will be sleeping over there(Zeno)
To be honest, Zeno-kun is in a quite envious situation.
I also wanted to sleep like that until the battle ended.
Even if I wanted toin, but Kuzuha-chan told me.
Arge-san is reliable when we get hurt, so, it cant be help(Kuzuha)
Just as Kuzuha-chan said, my recovery magic is powerful enough to cure any kind of wound beside death.
I knew the reason why I muste along but that troublesome things is still troublesome after all.
Anyway ... Are you really nning to fight alone?(Arge)
The king himself goes to the front-line and fight the enemies alone... Dont you have any other way?(Felnote)
Its not that I dont have, but I could do it alone. Im saving other peoples strength into other jobs(Mutsuki)
... Well, I want to see the power of the Lord of the Crimson Sky from the rumors as well(Felnote)
As she said that, Felnote-san turned her sight from Mutsuki-san to the front.
She was looking at a vast grasnd that spreading far away.
There are many short grasses, its almost no obstacles at all.
Its a ce suitable for deploying arge army, and we were just waiting for enemy arrival with 5 peoples.
My uncle, look like they came(Richelle)
Right after Richelle-san with excellent visual reaction reported so.
There are countless number of shadows appeared from behind the grasnd.
They are all 2 meters to 3 meters tall, a flock of giants.
Their silhouette is close to humans, but their size is big.
They have a uniform ck double horn, their faces are big, and from their muscr body, we can see their power is overwhelming.
They are really big, arent they?(Kuzuha)
While Kuzuha is muttering, the number of shadow increases.
In a blink of an eye, the grass was filled with those ck shadows.
All of the demons are armed with swords and bows, wearing armor on their bodies.
Their weapons made to match their body size, which suited for killing.
They arranged their formation and stopped moving.
It seems like they were nning to stop there from the beginning.
About 2 hundreds ..., right ?(Arge)
Arge-sama. To be precise, they are about 253 peoples in total(Richelle)
It doesnt matter even 2 hundreds or 3 hundreds ... Well then...(Mutsuki)
With light tone, Mitsuki-san came to the front.
He casually looked over the flock of demons.
Do you guys really to do it?
If you change your mind and turn back now like the former chieftain, I will spare you all(Mutsuki)
BRING IT ON!!!(Demon)
An answer with a loud voice came back to the question of Mutsuki-san.
Just like Mutsuki-san, one of the demon stepped forward from the demon group, its the biggest demon from the group.
Perhaps this is a fight to regain honor.
The other demons also cried loudly as if to cheer him.
Im not a weaking and coward like the former chieftain!
Because Im now the chieftain, I wont tolerate the humility any longer!!
Our demon n will conquer your n and in the end I will control the whole Demon continent!(Demon)
Hmmm ... I see(Mutsuki)
Whats with that I see,... are you looking on me!(Demon)
The demon seems to be frustrating with Mutsuki-sans attitude.
His have distorted and became scary, the demon chieftain roared with his voice.
Meanwhile Mutsuki-san just shrugged his shoulders with a cool face.
Such a line, I already heard about 500 times while I live on the demon continent.
You are such a fool to live with your dream, look at the reality a little.
Just like your father, the former chieftain...(Mutsuki)
...kill you!!(Demon Chief)
The demon was moving before Mutsuki-san finished speaking.
The demon moved so fast for a body that big.
As he got closer to Mitsuki-san in a moment.
He swung down his big sword at Mutsuki-san head.
Even I called it a sword, it has the thickness and length as much as human being, it has the power of an iron mass rather than the sharpness of a de.
My father and you are already relic of old age!
I will show you now!(Demon chief)
Mitsuki-san... !?(Kuzuha)
Oh, dont worry, Kuzuha-chan. Its okay(Mutsuki)
Mutsuki-san calmly reassured Kuzuha-chan as he looked at the Demon chief.
At that moment, the sword was already swung down.
Zueeeeeeeeii!!!(Demon Chief)
There was no sound of the sword hit the meat.
There was only the heavy sound of it got blocked by something, the force was strong enough to cause a shock wave around it.
I wonder even the body will remain if anyone got hit directly.
But even that tremendous...
Gii~...!?(Demon Chief)
Well, is this all?(Mutsuki)
Mutsuki-san stopped it with one finger. How average (unusual).
Wh... at ...is ...this(Felnote)
Felnote-san was so surprised that she spoke like a broken recorder.
Kuzuha-chan was also surprised.
The attack of the demon chief was definitely strong enough that could be called a deathblow.
You cant survive if you get hit by it, and even if you can take it, its impossible toe out unscrathed.
Its impossible, he shouldnt have anything outside of vampire standard that even Elsie didnt have.
It looks like his fingertip that blocked the sword was glowing.
You are certainly stronger than the previous chieftain.
Your weapon, attack, speed, and robustness are also better.
I admited, you guys are much stronger than the previous demons(Mutsuki)
What, what are you saying ...?(Demon Chief)
But it seems like you didnt listen to your father story.
Havent ever asked your father?
Why didnt your father say stupid thing like conquer the Demon Continent?(Mutsuki)
The reason why my skin was tingling was because there was strong magical power leaked from Mutsuki.
His atmosphere which wasughing with a light tone, had changed.
The overflowing magical power wasnt from casting a magic but was draining into him instead.
The surrounding air changed, and the earth felt like magic pulse.
This feeling ... No way...(Kuzuha)
...This earth itself... is his Magic Artifact...!?(Arge)
Thats how it is. Hey everyone, look at the the moon(Mutsuki)
Heard his word, everyone looked up at the sky.
The moon floating in the sky became as red as blood, a scarlet moon.
The scarlet moonlight illuminating the earth made a menace atmosphere.
Its also a fantastic and dazzling sight, Mutski-san started exposing his vampires unique fang andughed fiercely.
Come,The Scarlet Moon Garden
Bow before me, intruders, this is my country(Mutsuki)
With my dynamic vision, I could see Mutsuki-san moved, but in fact he was moving even faster than demon chief could react.
He thrusted his 5 fingers straight into armor and crushes it in an instant.
A shock wave that exceeding the one from the big sword swung, and the demon chief was blown away like a tree leaf.
Because you are kind of strong, I will allow you to leave(Mutsuki)
...Mitsuki-san, just now ...(Arge)
Its my Magic Artifact The Scarlet Moon Garden
Its effect is simple.
It add all the status of everyone other than my enemies within range to me(Mutsuki)
Wa ... isnt that too convenience!?(Arge)
The effect range is decided beforehand, its the ground itself.
But of course, it only works in my territory.
Thats why, as long as I have a lot of strong people in my territory.
I will not be defeated(Mutsuki)
He has a light tone he deres that, just states the fact.
And then Mutsuki-san stared at the army of demons.
The demon army seems frightening.
You are strong. With your strength, you may be able to fight well.
If you are not satisfied with this... any demon who believe in their strength, just like that chieftain. Justing forward, I will take you all(Mutsuki)
There was no one dare to respond.
It was obvious at that point that the victory and defeat waspletely decided.
Chapter 138
[Next]T.N: Some people might find it annoying but I will use ( ) to add the romanji word. Which English cant exin good the Japanese word.
You can just skip all the words in ( )
Arge Novel Chapter 138: To the ce where Dark Elves live
A few days after the invasion of the demon, we moved to the Dark Elves territory.
Isabe-san apanied us as an escort and guidance. With her help we should be able to arrive earlier.
If you go ahead from here, it will be the territory of the dark elves.
Richelle-san should be able to guide you from here(Isabe)
Isabe pointed to the entrance of the forest.
Although I called it a forest, its not like the forest in the kingdom, but rather closer to a tropical rainforest.
The nts haverge leaves, and there are many types have elongate cranes and ivies.
The forest seems to be humid and hot.
Thank you very much, Isabe-san(Arge)
No, its an instruction from Mutsuki-kun.
By the way, when you leave the Devil Continent, pleasee to our twrritory again.
We will clear the coach to make it safe to sail.
And Mutsuki-kun said that he would like to do some personal transactions with Zeno-san as well(Isabe)
Okay, I understand. I will appreciate it if there is a business negotiation(Zeno)
I knew the Devil Continent was rather dangerous, so I would appreciate it if you can help us leave safely.
As for Zeno-kun, He appreciated that there is opportunity for negotiations, so it seems like he woulde back here again.
... About that, Isabe-san, arent you hot (~desu no)?(Kuzuha)
Yes, I am used to it(Isabe)
Isabe-san responded to Kuzuha-chans question with a light tone.
Well, Isabe-sans clothes is certainly low exposure.
She also wore gloves, so her skin was only visible from the neck upwards.
Isabe-san said that she was used to it, but being ustomed and hot are different matter.
Yes, there was sweat on her forehead.
...maybe because Isabe-san didnt want to show her skin?([email protected])
Well, she probably doesnt want to show off her skin to anyone other than my lord uncle...(Richelle)
Richelle-san, theres no such thing. Please dont tell such a lie to little girls(Isabe)
I tried asking the person had long rtionship with Isabe-san if she knew about it, but looks like Isabe-san overheard my question.
She shook her head with a Yare yare feeling, and stopped walking.
The guidance is over, or so it seems. (T.N: Yare yare mean like oh dear)
Well then you should be okay from here, I have to go back soon because we still have the post-war problems to deal with(Isabe)
... But wasnt Mutsuki-san repelled the enemies easily, you still have to deal with post-war?(Arge)
Reconstruction isnt the only post-war problem ...
Those idiots ... excuse me.
Because we have to deal with stupid politicals from those rotten fellows ...(Isabe)
Why do you rephrase with more severenguage...!(Arge)
Its my natural personality, because I thought honesty is a virtue(Isabe)
It seems like Isabe-san has a pretty straight forward character, although she usually used polite words.
And then, Isabe-san sighed, her big chests shook along with her bodys movement. And She kept on talking.
In the Demon Continent, although its a ce where the strongs will be dominated the weaks, but it isnt just awless zone that solves everything with force.
There are still countries that have cooperative rtionships, such as Richelle-sans Dark Elf territory and our country. As we traded, both of us will benefit with money, food, etc(Isabe)
I see...(Arge)
But, if I leave it to Mutski-kun, that person tends to be lukewarm about everything, saying something likeIt cant be help (shgan n)
If we dont firmly deal with those demons and make them remember, they will keeping again. Just like this time, an idiot came for invasion(Isabe)
Well then...(Isabe)
And as she said that farewell word, Isabe-san went back.
She is rather a refreshing person, but I could feel she really care about Mutsuki-san.
We waited there until went away, and returned to move into the forest with Richelle-san as guide.
There is no road in this forest.
So for now, I stored the the horse-drawn carriage in my Blood Box, and asked Zeno-kun to lead the horses.
Oh, isnt this too hot (Desu wa ne)
My ears and tail feeling like crying (masu wa)...(Kuzuha)
As we entered the forest, Kuzuha-chan was sucking.
At the entrance of the forest, we already felt the heat and moisture.
But as we entered, it became more difortable.
The moist air sticks to the skin, and the high temperature make us feeling bad.
And It seems to be worse for Kuzuha-chan, as she has parts covered with hair: animal tails and animal ears.
Its rather humid and high temperature(Arge)
However, there are hot springs in my territory,
Please be patience until we get that(Richelle)
Kuzuha-chan, it seems like you can take a bath if we reach the territory(Arge)
I see (desu no)
... I already catch my breath (mono ne)
I will do my best (masu wa)(Kuzuha)
I can clear sweat and dirt with my recovery magic, but its only make our bodies clean.
Soaking into the bath would make you feel better, so Kuzuha-chan might love to take a bath soon.
As we moved on the bad road jungle, we were continously wiping sweat on our skin.
Maybe she concerned about local peoples, thats why Richelle-san seems trying to advance quickly.
Hey, are we really moving?
It seems like the scenery doesnt change so much...(Felnote)
Richelle-san, is this the right way?(Arge)
Yes, because you are familiar with it, please rest assured(Richelle)
It seems to be okay(Arge)
Felnote-san asked anxiously, so I asked and tranted it for her.
In fact, I dont even know that she was worried.
Well, it really cant be help.
It is the same as when Richelle-san was taken away from the Devil Continent and was taken in the Republic.
In the Republic, Richelle-san is a foreigner without knowing anything about thend nornguage.
And on this Devil continent, we are also in the same position as her back then.
Just like Richelle-chan did in the Republic, the only thing we can do right now is believe in her guidance.
And we followed after Richelle-san, her brown back and golden hair shaked as she moved.
Sometimes as I walked, I was getting sleepy and yawned.
And finally, we reached an open ce.
... Aah ... Aah
I finally went back to home(Richelle)
Because Richelle-san stood before me when she muttered those word, so I didnt know her expression.
However, I could understand that her emotions are swaying from her trembling voice.
There seems to a settlement a little far away from here.
All the houses lining up are made of nts, the dark elves with brown skins went back and forth.
And there is a house bigger than other houses in the center of the settelement. Is it Richelle-sans house?
Everyone. (Minna-sama)
Thank you very much.
This is my ... this is the territory of the Valeria family(Richelle)
There are tears floating in her eyes when she turned around to say that.
A transparent drop fell down on thend, like telling the end of the trip.
Chapter 139
[Next]Even readersins, I still want to add Arges picture to show up her emo.
Right now, I only add Arges picutre, but hehold,ter when I have more Kuzuhas picture from manga, I will add as well.
Arge Novel Chapter 139: Heal the tiredness of travel
U, Im d, Im so d, (ojou-sama) Mdy, ... Roro was so worried ...(Roro)
Sorry to make you worried, Roro.
Thank you. While I was away, you have protected the territory well(Richelle)
There is no such thing! I depend solely on the messengers sent by Mutsuki-sama,
... Roro was just doing what I could do for!(Roro)
I see. But besides my lord uncle, I must show my gratitude to you as well(Richelle)
Uuu, ...Thank you very much... Mdyes back now.
Roro is, Roro is ... Fu~e~e~e~e~e~hee (cry)!
Im so d that I shed tear for the first time in a while!(Roro)
As she shedded tears from her golden eyes, a dark elf maid girl washed carefully the back of Richelle-san.
Roro, from her appearance, she seems to be a little older than me and Kuzuha-chan, but as she is a dark elf, I dont know her real age.
From how Richelle-san and Roro-san talk, they seems to have close rtionship, with trust and understanding.
As thedy (lord) Richelle-san returned, as a matter of course, the territory made a fuss and we was treated as heroes who protected the lords and brought her home.
As for now, we enjoy ourselves in the publicbath.
Wa~fuu ... Im be alive again (~masu wa ne e)...Kuzuha)
As Kuzuha-chan had a big sign of relief, she submerged her body herself deeply into a bathtub.
We were rxing at a big public bath in Richelle-sans mansion, it was big enought for like 10 peoples.
Although its not as big as the Cyril Big Safe, its still quiterge, and it feels good to fully extend your legs.
While rxing, I can feel the flow of hot water caused by Kuzuha-chans tail.
And Richelle-san whose body was cleaned,es into the bathtub.
After seeing Richelle-san soaked in hot water, the maid girl bowed deeply to us.
Thank you, everyone (minna-sama)
Thank you for taking Mdy home safely so...
... Roro is really, really appreciate!
Thank you so much!
If you want, I willing to lick your shoes...(Roro)
I dont need you licking, its okay (ii wa yo)!(Kuzuha)
Then where should Roro lick?(Roro)
Why did you fix on licking...!?(Felnote? / Arge?) (T.N: only know its not Kuzuha)
Richelle-san is also somewhat like that, Roro-san also has an unique tension.
Perhaps, the characteristic of Dark Elf is my pace
And then Roro-san tried to sayI am sorry
She lifted the edge of the skirt and lowered her head again. Her purple hair were shaking ording to her movement.
I am sorry for theter introduction.
My name is Ronja Theorora!
Please feel free to call me Roro!
Im Mdys caretaker, and my trantion skill is also high, so I also help out with negotiation!(Roro)
It seems that because of the effect of trantion skill, Roro-san could talk with Felnote-san and everyone without me as interpreter.
And Felnote-san began introducing everyone as a reply.
My name is Felnote Lyria
This girl is Argento Vampear.
The other girl is Kuzuha.
And the one waiting for the bath outside is Zeno Kotobuki(Felnote)
Felnote-san, why did you not introduce Zeno-kun strangely (like me) ...?!(Arge)
Im not the same as you ...!?(Felnote)
I thought that it might be a nice trend, but I got scolded instead.
Felnote-san had a big sigh and sank deep into the bathtub.
Her big chest floated clearly and remarkable.
Yes, I understand. Because I have trantion skills.
Please feel free to call Roro if you are having trouble talking in the territory!
Mdy, Roro will go preparing the feast now!(Roro)
I will ask of you, Roro(Richelle)
Leave it to me, Mdy! Roro will do it perfectly!(Roro)
Roro-san went out of the bathroom in a high spirit state.
After looking at the situation, Richelle slowly lowered his head to us.
Thank you very much, everyone. (Minna-sama)
For helping me returning to the the territory, I didnt think that I would able to see with the citizens, including Roro again.
All of you, please be at ease in my estate and we will always wee you.
So if you need anything please ask without hesitation(Richelle)
Arge-san, what is she saying (~desu no)?(Kuzuha)
She thanks us for helping, and tell us... to enjoy our stay here... slowly...(Arge)
Its a rough trantion, but its okay because the meaning is still tranted.
Slowly, right?
Certainly, its not bad to take a break for a while(Felnote)
Felnote-san said so while making some flexible movements in the bathtub.
The purpose of this trip is the end at this ce.
There are other ces where we stayed with unavoidable circumstances, but this ce is different.
This is the ce we aimed, theres no need to hurry up and go on a journey again.
And some of us have achived some purpose whening to the territory of Valeria.
Richelle-san returned to rule as thedy (lord), and Zeno-kun got a new business partner called Kutira. Perhaps he may have a business talk with Mitsuki-san, too.
What will Arge do from now?(Felnote)
I raised my voice because I was surprised when I was asked simr to what I was thinking.
Felnote-san narrowed her 2 colours eyes as sheughing and continued asking...
Would you like to find someone in the Devil continent tofeed you 3 meals, together with an afternoon nap?(Felnote)
... No, I dont think I will look for that people on the Devil Continent(Arge)
To be honest, the security is too bad.
Its true that there are plentiful of monsters and dangerous people in this world,
and it is true that the danger level is higher than the world I was in,
but the devil continent would be the most dangerous area among them.
We might suddenly get attacked, and the battle might be urring on a daily basis just like wartime.
Well, once you return to the Republic.
No matter what you do or where you go, I shall go out with you(Felnote)
Is Felnote-san following me?(Arge)
It will be natural.
You should understand that there isnt such a convenient person for you to find.
A honest person ... a hosnest Vampire?
Anyway, I can tell you aboutmon sense to live properly(Felnote)
As Felnote-san says so, she deeply sinks her body into the bathtub.
The tworge chunks floating with plums are impressive.
Apparently she will continue toe with me on my journey.
Kuzuha-chan also probably will do so, so it will be a three-person journey from here.
Felnote-san is used to traveling.
And although Kuzuha-chan eats well, but she is good at hunting, she could get her own food and work diligent.
The next journey wont be bored with those two apanying me.
... next journey, right?(Arge)
Arge-san, Whats the matter (~desu no)?(Kuzuha)
No, its nothing, Kuzuha-chan.
Shall we take it easy for a while then?(Arge)
Just now, I am surprised even by myself.
I felt this trip was such a pain (troublesome), it was tired to finish this trip.
And then, somehow I thought it was a little fun to start a new journey.
Even though I still dont decide it yet, but it should be pleasant to do it.
Even though the next journey is to find my parasitic person again, it should be supposed to be a troublesome thing.
But I wonder why I thought such a thing would be a little fun.
Like a puzzle, surprised, mysterious feelings.
I did not know how to express this feeling, and I could only shake my head to the friend who looked at me with a strange face.
Chapter 140
I just want to make one thing clear, that Estelion is in no way rted to the current TL, which Loli o Mamoritai/Secret Imouto.
The Vampire Enjoys Lazing Around
"Arge, how long are you gonna stay in bed for!!"
First thing in the morning, my hammock was turned over and I was thrown onto the ground.
The floor,prised of nts, was cool and pleasant, and it had a different charm to the hammock. It was fine to fall asleep just like that for the second time, but I was forcibly pulled up before I was able to fall back sleep.
"Uh...? Good morning, Fellnote."
"You mean good evening. Its already way past noon."
"Ah...Its still morning for me, so its okay."
"Its far from okay ording to the societys standard!"
She was absolutely right but since I had no intention to conform to the society, I couldnt care less.
A few days had passed since we arrived in the Dark Elves territory.
Richelle told me I could stay here as long as I liked, so I took up her offer and let her spoil me.
Anyhow, the ce was veryfortable. It was well maintained with a low humidity. This made it very pleasant, contrasting the jungle around them.
Furthermore, the bedding provided were hammocks. The smooth swaying they provided felt very pleasant, yet dangerous since it felt like I could stay sleeping forever.
A lot of the food were sourced directly from the nature around me and, on top of them being delicious, I didnt have to do anything to keep theming.
Three meals a day with an afternoon nap, and they even served me snacks whenever I asked for them. It was truly definedfort. This might have actually been the sanctuary I was searching for this whole time.
I was aware that the demon continent was a dangerous ce, but neither incidents nor attacks have urred as of yet. At times, messenger-like people came to visit from Mutsukis country. But, Richelle was the Lord of the territory so it was her job to deal with them. In the end, I paid them no attention and continued toze around all day everyday.
It seemed that Zeno-kun was profiting from not only Mutsukis, but also the Dark Elves region, leaving him busy with work everyday.
"Good grief! Every single day. Pull yourself together, will you? How much will you continue toze around?"
"I want to sleep 30 hours a day, so I strive to be aszy as possible."
"Dont say something so ridiculous while looking so serious!"
I remembered having a simr conversation back when we were living together with Alresha.
As I reminisced about the past, I put on my cloak. At the same time, Fellnote startedbing my hair with a woodenb with an exasperated look.
While feeling the soft boobs touching my back, I gave her my gratitude.
"Thank you, Fellnote."
"Dont mind it, Ive already gotten used to it...But Arge, Im sure you understand but we cant possibly stay here forever."
"Fair enough."
"At least it doesnt seem any problems have urred but there was that incident where the Lord of this ce, Rishelle, was kidnapped. Theres bound to be wars, happening on a regr basis. Didnt you say that you cant achieve your dream in a ce like this?"
"Fair enough..."
"This ce is certainlyfortable, but Im sure that Richelle will someday find it annoying if you continue to stay here whilezing around all the time."
"You might be right..."
"Arge, are you listening to me?"
"Fair enough..."
"Shall I take care of you from now on?"
"Eh! Is that fine!? Please do!!"
"Dont only listen when its convenient for you!!"
Fellnote hit my head hard, to the point where you could actually hear the sound effect. It hurt quite a bit.
When I rubbed my head with teary eyes, Fellnote sigh deeply and her chest shook. Her heterochromatic eyes gleamed with disappointment.
"Both Zeno and Rishelle are already properly working, and Kuzuha is helping out with hunting. Pull yourself together Arge. Why dont you think of a way you can be useful?"
"Youre right. Ill start thinking about it tomorrow."
"Yo-you! I swear!"
It seemed like she was going to get really angry if I said anymore, so I decided to leave the room I was allocated to.
I could hear voices telling me to stop from behind but Id been lectured enough at that point, so I decided to save it for tomorrow.
Lets look for a cozy ce for an afternoon nap.
It was a small settlement but there were, unexpectedly, tons of good napping spots around. There were a few ces which looked like the scenes from The Path of the Wind and seemed veryfortable to sleep on. (TL: The Path of the WindKaze no Toorimichi by Ghibli).
It had only been a few days since I came to this territory, but this was how Id been spending my days recently. Fellnote getting angry at me, and me running away to take a nap after getting lectured.
I understand that what she was saying was reasonable, but it was morefortable for me this way so theres no helping it.
This ce was so cozy that it made lose all the will I had to leave. Rather, I ended up realising that, if possible, I wanted to keep being taken care of here.
When I looked up, I could see the sunlight filtering through gaps between the trees. The gentle breeze caressing my skin felt pleasant as it swayed my silver hair. Yeah. It was the ideal weather for a perfect nap today as well.
Having taken Rishelle back home to the territory, I was basically seen as their saviour. People started conversations with me when I walked by. While dealing with that, I responded to them ordingly while looking for a ce to nap today.
After walking for a short while I arrived at one of my favourite nap spots, located on a small hill.
"Ah, its Lady Arge."
"Rishelle? What are you doing here?"
Sitting on the grass on the top of the hill was a familiar face.
It was Rishelle, the lord who governed this territory.
Her dark brown ears twitched and made she a gesture with her hand. It looked like she was beckoning me closer.
She seemed to be calling me so I obediently drew close, and she gently tapped the grass next to her. If I epted her offer, we would naturally be sitting next to each other in the nature.Ah, the breeze feels good.
This was the ce that I had been using for my naps for the past few days, indeed a pleasant spot.
The blowing wind was a bit humid but the sweet scent of the fruits growing nearby made it feel extremely pleasant.
This feeling made me close my eyelids, lulling me to sleep .
"Lady Arge, you look sleepy."
"Youre right. I generally always feel sleepy. And today Ive only, lets see...Ive only slept for about 15 hours today."
"Isnt that long enough?"
"Its different for every person. Its just like how you eat slightly more than most people."
She nodded her head vigorously. It was good as long as she understood.
As I swayed my head, about to doze off, I was abruptly pulled closer.
Before I knew it, my head was on herp.
When I looked above me, I saw a bulge that was not as big as Fellnotes yet still firm, apanied with a gentle smile.
The sunlight filtering through the gaps of her pale golden hair felt warm.
"If youre fine with myp, then please use it. Um...I think its better than sleeping on the ground."
"Youre right. Then, please."
Richelle smiled happily while being slightly embarrassed.
I could feel my silver hair being caressed. The gentle touch on my head felt pleasant.
After closing my eyes, drowsiness overtook me and I drifted to sleep.
"Its okay to sleep, just like this. Ill wake you up before dinnertime."
"Really...then, Ill take you up on that...yawn..."
"If you wished for it, Lady Arge...forever..."
I understood that she was whispering something to me, but my thoughts went dark before I could understand what she saw saying.
I dozed off. Drifting into dream, separating from reality.
Slowly, but surely, my consciousness faded away..
PS. Just in case you didnt read,
Chapter 141
Arge Chapter 141: Rxing with my friend
Arge-san, Its nice weather (~desu wa ne e)(Kuzuha)
Isnt that right, Kuzuha-chan
It was quite a while since we first stayed in the Dark elf territory.
It was probably about 15 days.
As I slept most of the time. I dont know the exact time, but if I count the times Felnote-san came to wake me, it would be about that number.
While recalling how Felnote-sans angry reactions this morning, I was lying down side by side with Kuzuha-chan.
The surroundings are like aspects of the jungle, but its well maintained because its close to the vige. I can feel the sunlight on my cheeks.
My silver hair reflected sunlight, and shining glitteringly. Then Kuzuha-chan talked to me.
Somehow, its been a long time since we have such a rxing time (~desu wa ne)(Kuzuha)
Isnt that right? It has been a while since Sakuranomiya?(Arge)
Yeah, because the goal of the trip is reaching the Devil Continent as soon as possible for Richelle-san. So, we dont have leisure time to rx (~deshita mono)(Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan is a serious child, she knows how hurt it is to lose someone important.
Thats why she was really angry about Richelle-sans circumstance, was kidnaped from the territory
and she did the utmost she could do for Richelle-san until we reached here.
Kuzuha-chan was quite a hard worker, she hunted food for the glutton Dark elf, or taken care of Richelle-san withoutining.
Now that its over, I guess Kuzuha-chan must be relieved.
It seems like she was helping the work of the territory, but she still spent with me like this.
Because she didnt disturb my nap, so, I really like staying with Kuzuha-chan.
As for today, we take a nap together.
Thinking that way, its been a long time since I can rx, too.
Such a thing isnt bad(Neguseou)
I heard an astringent voice from the opposite direction from Kuzuha-chan.
As I turned around, the horse with glossy ck fur is walking on wild grass toward me.
Neguseou-san, are you saying something (~imasu no)?(Kuzuha)
He seems to be d because its been a while since he has leisure time to rx(Arge)
Because Neguseou has the skills ofnguage trantion, he can understand the meaning of Kuzuha-chans words properly.
Unfortunately, it seems that his skill level isnt so high, so he himself cantmunicate with Kuzuha-chan.
Fu fu..., talking like this remind me of the time back there when we started traveling together (~desu wa ne)(Kuzuha)
Yes, a few days after we met Kuzuha-chan, we were traveling with this member.
Neguseou is the mean to travel, and Kuzuha-chan, my first friend.
After that, there were other peoples since we met Satsuki-san in Sakurazaka,
However, in the sense, three of us are the longest traveling member.
Yeah, Kuzuha-chan was a ming buddy when we first met you ...(Arge)
Oh, I thought that I might get burned, too(Neguseou)
Somehow, it seems like Neguseou-san has a trouble face (~masu wa ne)
Did he just remember about it (~desu no ne)!
But that was already a story of the past (~idesu no yo)(Kuzuha)
Thanks to that, you got me naked for a while. I fell ashamed when I think about it now.
By the way, Neguseou also caused trouble back then, he saidI dont want listening to someone slower than me(Arge)
Neguseou-san, he seems to have high pride (~desu mono ne)
...Somehow, I can understand that (~ wakari masu wa)(Kuzuha)
... I was still youth back then(Neguseou)
I felt that it wasnt that long, can we call people from a few months ago as young people?
But I stopped asking because the principal wanted to say so.
When I looked back, it felt nostalgic somehow, it was fun.
Several months after reincarnating.
The concept of moon probably doesnt apply to this world, but a long time passed.
It can be said that it is just a brief timepared to my previous life,
but there are many events that remain strongly in my mind than the memories of the previous life:
Helping the merchant from a bandit trio with stupid tension.
Living with a big chest and gentle former knight
Getting involved with ady-lover.
Getting acquainted with a serious guardian of the forest, chasing the prideful horse. (T.N: T_T , Arge forgot her first time with the Tsundere Chrom Crime)
Clothes got burn at the encounter with the fox girl.
Was liked by the a strange person carrying a coffin
Was forced married by the golden vampire.
Helping the Dark Elf Lady to return to her homnd.
Was misunderstood by the spirit of Cyril Big Safe as her master, and eventually became her imouto instead.
Was appointed as an ambassador of goodwill for the undersea city
Andstly, was threw weapon at when arrived at the Devil continent.
... Looking back, I felt like I really did have a lot of experiences.
I intended to spend most of time to sleep, but there are many things I can remember.
When I was reincarnated in this world, Loli-gramp-san was telling me something like my soul doesnt suit with that world
If so, now that I can smile with nature, does this mean This world suits me?
Back then, I thought it was impossible when I was incarnated, but what she said to me wasnt a mistake.
Arge-san, whats the matter (~ndesu no)?(Kuzuha)
Oh, nothing.
I just remembered a little bit ...
... About when I was born(Arge)
Oh, Id love to hear it (~desu wa)
Because this is a good opportunity, would you please let me hear it(~i masen)?
I want to know more about when you first met Felnote-san (~i desu no)!
I do not mind, I will keep youpany until I get sleepy
Kuzuha-chan is shaking her tails dly and looking at me.
Unlike when I take a nap, because I must stay awake while keep talking with her, Im aware of the slow flow of time.
Time is slow.
asionally, it isnt bad to talk about memories.
While thinking such a thing, I keep telling Kuzuha-chan about my memories.
Chapter 142
As readers suggest, I will speed up Mira trantion a little to draw people attention back.
From today, I will trante Mile and Arge daily, (Main-trantion-project)
With the time I have left on each day I will use it to trante Mira. (Side-trantion-project)
It might take 1 weeks+ for 1 chapter of Mira (because I only use my spare time) but at least we will have Mira on the regr schedule and we wont be bored with Mile or Arge daily dose.
As more Kaoru and Cathy, maybe I will release their 1 ARC worth chapters in Late August or September. (Because Mile and Arge will take more than 1 months / about 50 chapters)
Arge 142: How to handle important thing
With breath-taking words, the arrows are released.
The arrow generated by the magical power scattered the grass and flew exactly to the target.
As I thought. Hunting at the ce where I used to is the best(Richelle)
Is that so?(Arge)
Because I know about the flow of air, the wind, the movement of prey and topography(Richelle)
Richelle-san is gently smiling as she exins it to me. The bow she held namedComet Flow Judgment
a Special Magic Artifact with the power to refine the owners magical power to arrows.
It has a wonderful design, its beautiful enough to draw your eyes in, I also want to touch it a bit.
But of course, asking that will be an obstacle to the hunting, so I leave my curiosity aside.
Richelle-san asked me to help her hunt because Felnote was angry staring at me so she decided to give me a helping hand.
The help is simply storing fruits that everyone gathered in my blood box.
Most work is done by Richelle-san and about 10 dark elves going together with her.
Even today, the prey deer which Richelle-san hunted was dismantled by a few Dark Elf men.
The rest of the dark elves were moving around this hunting area, looking for other prey, harvesting nuts fruits.
While looking at such a scenery gently, I have a word with Richelle-san.
I dont think you need my help in this situation(Arge)
Yeah ... thats right. I only bring Arge-sama along today for my selfishness(Richelle)
Haa... selfishness?(Arge)
With a big smile, Richelle-sans long moved a bit.
She looks kind of happy.
I dont know what makes her feel d about this kind of trouble,
but Im happy that Richelle-san was delighted.
And as we chat with each other, Richelle-san continue to shoot more prey in between.
Perhaps this will umte oue for the meal today.
Is this okay ...?(Dark Elf 1)
No, Mdy already came back, we need more(Dark Elf 2)
Well so ... Should we thank the grace of the forest and continue?(Dark Elf 3)
Thats right.
The forest often takes care of the appetite of Mdy.
Blessing of the forest ...(Dark Elf 4)
It seems that nearly everyone who was in the hunt agreed. The abnormal appetite was not unique to dark elves but was the character of individual Richelle-san.
Arge-sama, how are you doing?(Richelle)
No, I was thinking a bit about the magnificence of the grace of the forest now(Arge)
Was it true?
Certainly, we always have to be thankful every time. Everyone, I and Arge-sama will move to the west a little more.
Ill leave the rest in your hands(Richelle)
Is that okay, Mdy?(Dark Elf)
Lets finish earlier. If we can finish early,
it means that everyones break time will increase...
There are deep forests around this area.
And even though there are no intruders, but remember always going as group(Richelle)
Yes! Mdy!(Dark Elf)
Richelle-san gave the words, and the Dark Elves followed it quickly.
In this way, I realized that Richelle-san was also thedy (lord) of thisnd.
She is respected by the people.
She is a respectable lord who has ovee several difficulties.
Richelle-san gave out the order with a dignified atmosphere just like when she shot her bow in our journey.
Even she usually has a gentle impression.
It was also fresh to see that she was instructing so many people in this manner.
After confirming that all the members of hunt already away from the sight.
She smiles like usual and turned towards me.
Well then, Arge-sama, here, please be careful of your feet(Richelle)
Thank you, Richelle-san, but is it okay for you and me not helping with disassembling meat at all?(Arge)
Yes, we can leave it to everyone. Rather, I would like to have a walk with Arge-sama(Richelle)
Somehow, Richelle is smiling happily and she goes ahead to guide me.
The forest still has a lot of humidity, and as for me who wears a robe, I sweat a lot.
But its not that unpleasant, is it because of this ce close to the vige?
Its not hard walking on foot, I can keep doing it in a rxed way, theres even a margin to enjoy the scenery.
Time flows slowly.
And as I walked while feeling the scenery in the vicinity, Richelle-san called out to me.
Isnt this forest a nice ce. Please dont mind and do as you like(Richelle)
Haa, thank you...(Arge)
To be honest, the treatment here is veryfortable
If I was told that I could do it as I like for a long time, I would stay here forever.
So, would Felnote-san make a confusing face again?
... Its a little troubling.
Felnote-san always has angry faces, but she is basically a serious person.
If I start ying around, she will try to stop me.
Of course, I wasnt able to get over my troublesome personality that easily,
but wont I make Felnote-san angry a lot for keep doing that way?
That will be a big problem.
Because it seems to be long-talking.
Arge-sama? You have a difficult face ...(Richelle)
Oh, Im sorry ...
If I stayed here forever, Felnote-san might be angry,
I wonder if she is going to ept it(Arge)
Hehe, you are good friends, arent you?(Richelle)
... do you think so?(Arge)
I couldnt respond immediately to the evaluation that we are on good terms.
I think that it isnt as if our rtionship is bad.
I had lived in the same house for a while with Felnote-san and she was often angry during that time,
but I didnt hate living in such environment.
Of course, I was with her because I dont dislike her.
I do not think we are on bad terms, but isnt she getting angry often?(Arge)
Thats because Felnote-sama thinks for Arge-sama(Richelle)
... Is it something like that?(Arge)
Richelle-san looked surprised for a moment with my words and she has gesture like thinking for a while.
It seems like she is looking for words to say.
And after a while, Richelle-san starts talking slowly.
Arge-sama is the vampire, I mean, you should be an existence that worshiped by the Dark Elf because we have the same characteristics as the Holy Spirit(Richelle)
Haa, it seems so(Arge)
As far as I heard, the vampire of this world seems to have the magical power of the dark attribute.
Igu Jisuta-san also said that Im the same existence because I have a simr spirit characteristic.
Its not wrong that Richelle-sans evaluation that the vampire with the same spirit characteristic.
Yes. I mean...
Because Arge-sama is an individual being, so you might not understand it.
But human being and dark elves.
They make children, leave behind the character of their race.
asionally, even parents were also angry with their child, people might be angry with their important person.
Thats what I want to tell you(Richelle)
...Is it something like that?(Arge)
To be precise, what Richelle-san says is a little mistake.
I am a human being.
In other words, as she says, I was a type of race that makes a child and leave behind the character of my race.
... My house was different.
There was nothing like that at the house of Kuon.
Treasure the excellent talent and discard the ineligible.
And it wasmon sense for me until now...
I see... in other words, Felnote-san is angry just because she thinks of me(Arge)
Yes, so Felnote-sama really cherish Arge-sama a lot(Richelle)
She was always angry, and I thought it was because she was pissed off(Arge)
Well, that ... perhaps she is also a little bit angry...(Richelle)
Oh, as expected, she is really angry even its just a little bit.
Ahem... anyway, there are various ways to show love, Arge-sama(Richelle)
Well, since my acquaintance also has thirty or forty wives, I understand sort of such things.(Arge)
... that is probably not amon human being, but a rather special kind of...(Richelle)
No, it is a mushroom among humans(Arge)
Mushroom among humans ......!?(Richelle)
Richelle-san had a great face as she shocked and we couldnt continue if she didnt say a word.
Richelle-san slowly shook her head after a while.
No, its good, I was a little surprised...
Anyway, Arge-sama, it would be nice if you could understand(Richelle)
Yes, I understand.
Thank you, Richelle-san(Arge)
I wonder why Richelle-san cared for me of this.
She was relieved to hear my reply, Richelle-san breathed out and nodded.
When I couldnt remove my line of sight from her smiling face with her golden hair swaying, she took my hand.
I can walk in this forest, theres no need to hold hand here, is there?
Even I thought so, I dont mind holding hand with her.
... By the way, Arge-sama.
From time to time, I personally would like to thank you(Richelle)
Thank you? But I think you already did it though...(Arge)
That is almost what people in my territory do.
Apart from that, I wonder if anything I can do for you(Richelle)
Well, ... even if you told me so, I particrly dont need anything right now.
Rather, Id say that every day is happy with maintaining the status quo ...(Arge)
Also, Felnote-san is angry, but in fact, I am satisfied with the current situation.
I understand that the Demon Continent is a dangerous ce,
but its true that the treatment in the Dark Elf territory is terribly cozy and difficult to leave.
Indeed, if this is a peacefulnd, I want to settle down like this.
However, Richelle-san seems to be unconvinced by that.
Richelle-sans brows shifted as she thought for about a few seconds.
And then, she has a bright face again.
Well then, please take this from me(Richelle)
Take, Naturally.
Richelle-sanes closer to my bosom.
The fragrancees to my nose just like by being brought near the wine,
Sweet and gentle smell like fruit.
Above all,
I strongly feel the smell that I didnt normally conscious about because we are at close range now.
As a vampire, its what I ask without question. Something I cant help but seek.
That is... the smell of Richelle-sans blood.
Chapter 143
[Next]Mira is about 30% tranted.
Arge Chapter 143: What can be dedicated
I thought that the blood of the Dark Elf which is abundant in magic is very attractive to the vampire.
Arge-sama... How about you?(Richelle)
Well, u... gu ...(Arge)
I was surprised by the sudden event,
but honestly, it was an attractive proposal.
The reason why vampires suck blood because they are seeking the opponents magical power.
Therefore, depending on the quality of magical power, the taste of blood is different for individuals.
Just as Richelle-san says, her dark elf blood is abundant of magical power, it will surely be delicious.
I swallow me overflowing saliva when I think about it.
Richelle-san thought that I would deny, so she lowered her eyebrows dejected.
Is it no good?(Richelle)
No... as a matter of fact, Im happy with that but uhm...(Arge)
I knew what vampire blood sucking is like. And I saw Arge-sama getting blood from Felnote-sama(Richelle)
...that is(Arge)
Since leaving the Cyril Big Safe, Felnote-san gave me blood every day, just like while we were living in Arlesha.
However, today I was helping Richelle-san from the morning, so I have not received blood yet.
Saying I dont want it is just a lie.
For a vampire, my impulse and desire for bloodsucking are quite small, but I still have to drink regrly, so I always try to do it whenever I can.
Just looking at her Dark elf peculiar dark-colored slender neck
How good will it feel when I put my fangs into that fancy skin to drink blood?
How does it taste?
I could feel a tinge feeling in my fangs every time Richelle-san came near and I stepped back each time.
And then Richelle-san came near me again each time.
After I was repeating it several times, I could feel the hard tree on my back.
Arge-sama ... Is it impossible for me?(Richelle)
No, thats not what I mean ...(Arge)
There will be a sense of repulsion in the act of biting and sucking blood directly.
I met the Blood Princess in the Republic, she said that when vampires pierced their fangs directly and sucked blood, the vampires would give their opponent the most desired feeling.
In other words, it means that you may rewrite your opponents heart.
Of course, I dont dislike Richelle-san.
I dont dislike her, but I can not tell what kind of change will happen to Richelle-sans feelings as I bit her.
...Are you worried about what will happen as a result of biting?(Richelle)
Richelle-san probably knows more about vampires than me.
Its natural when she taught me about how the vampire was born and about the vampires figure.
I felt that there was no meaning to hide, I obediently nodded to her question.
Richelle-san smiled happily as she heard my affirmation.
Her hands are gently stretched out like wrapping around my cheeks.
The touching fingers were warm and conveyed her body temperature.
... Richelle-san?(Arge)
I am not worried, as Arge-sama is gentle with everyone
Having you sucked my blood ... will not be a bad thing(Richelle)
... is that so?(Arge)
I wonder if anyone is concerned about the feeling of uneasiness like tightening my chest now.
I dont understand.
I have never worried about someone until now, I dont know what this feeling is.
Even so, if this feeling is really for someone.
... How uneasy was it?
I remember it from a long time ago.
Certainly, they were looking at me with anxious faces.
Hanako-san and Aoba-san.
They certainly were worried about me.
Ah ... no, its nothing(Arge)
I should not do it. I remembered the old memories even I was talking with Richelle-san right now.
Richelle-san held my hand and put it on her neck.
Its a bit sweaty and has a moist feeling.
Her body temperature is low but it seems that she is sweating because of humidity and exercise by hunting.
Would you please drink my blood, because this is my only way to thank you that I can do(Richelle)
...I understand, excuse me then(Arge)
Her purple eyes looked straight at me, there was no hesitation.
Even if I can address that feeling, I will not be able to respond well. However, its not the ufortable feeling.
Most importantly, its true that Im interested in tasting Richelle-sans blood.
Slowly leaning at her neck, the smell of sweat mixed with the smell of blood.
I have olfaction skill, I was aware of this smell several times in my journey, it was the smell that I found fancy.
... Arge-sama, because Im sweaty, please dont sniff too much...(Richelle)
Its all right ... you smell really nice...(Arge)
The more I sniff, the more vigorous my voicees out.
Just like the bee invited by honey, I sucked on Richelle-sans neck.
Richelle-san raised her voice as I bit my fangs on her soft skin.
uu.. aah... uu...(Richelle)
Its... alright..., Im... still okay... as it is ...(Richelle)
At the moment my fangs stabbed on her flesh, I heard her groaning, moaning, but Richelle-san herself said she was okay so I decided to continue.
As my fangs stabbed deeper, her blood overflows in my mouth, I can feel heat in my tongue, my body was numb.
... Its different.
Is this the difference in the quality of magical power or a difference in races?
Richelle-sans blood was very hot.
The taste is sweet honey.
And when I swallowed, my body became enormously hot from the stomach.
I can feel my body heating up like burning.
Instead of quenching my bloodthirsty, I wanted more, And I sucked up with a nasty sound.
...Uhm... well... ku...(Arge)
Wa, ku~u...... hi ~a~(Richelle)
umm... Richelle-sans blood... uhm... tasty ...?(Arge)
Hi ~ya~u...... wa, wai... more, please do ...(Richelle)
Once I sucked on, my head could no longer have patience.
I would seek more blood even if Richelle-san didnt urge me.
I put my tongue on the wound
Richelle-sans neck is trembling, and her blood fills my mouth each time.
Its irresistiblyfortable, I want more.
Every time I gulp it down, I feel a warmth and rxing feeling, I cant stop.
I dont want to stop.
Wa fu, fu~a...a... ha~a...tasty oh...(Arge)
Ah, ah, Arge-sama..., Arge...sama ...(Richelle)
... Richelle-san ... please, more ... more...(Arge)
As I gulped, I felt her stroke on my hair.
By the way, Felnote-san did this as well.
I recalled it just now but itsted only for a moment.
I was forced to forget it, after being plucked by the pleasure of bloodsucking.
Ha~a... n, chi~yu~u...more... a ha~a...?(Arge)
I think that manners are bad manners, but right now Im not pay something like that any mind.
This melting feeling, I want to taste more of it, all of it.
I do not care about the sweat on our body, I repeated sucking blood from Richelle-sans neck many times.
I plucked blood and drank all the warmth given.
Umm... Ahhh ... fu~a ...(Richelle)
Oh ...no... not good... Pain pain go away...(Arge)
I shouldnt.
I was out of my mind and I waste to notice that Richelle-sans reaction was weakened.
I quickly licked her wound and used recovery magic.
The gentle light wraps Richelle-san for a moment and disappears.
The magical light swept away the smell of the flowing blood and the scent of the sweat and quickly closed her wounds.
I went overboard but my recovery magic had the blood restoring effect, so she should recover soon.
Um ... Im sorry, Richelle-san, well, I got hooked ...(Arge)
... Its okay, Im honored if you liked my blood so much.(Richelle)
Richelle-san smiled for me, although she looked somewhat tired.
It seems that she doesnt have any power yet, so I support her leaning on the tree.
Eventually, when her breathing gently returned, Richelle-san traced her neck with a finger and smiled.
It was good ... Arge-sama, please be relieved...(Richelle)
Yes, about that ... Thank you very much.
It was very tasty.(Arge)
I think that I am undignified until the end because I was sipping blood as I say that,
But it was very valuable that I must do so, but its still embarrassing things.
No, of course, it was true that I was pleased.
I realized that the heat of my cheeks was rising because I was told that I wanted to suck blood, but I didnt deny it because it was the truth.
Richelle-san gently looked at me and it made me feel relieved from the bottom of my heart.
Uhm, Richelle-san. Do you feel weird or anything on your body?(Arge)
... Its okay ... It was my first-time got bloodsucking ...
And While Arge-sama was sucking my blood, somehow, I feel relieved ...
It was a fluffy feeling(Richelle)
... If thats the case then Im d(Arge)
She doesnt feel pain or suffering means that I didnt give her bad feelings.
But that wasnt what bothered me.
Did I want to feel relieved when I was asking Richelle-san?
Or, did I feel like wanting to be nourished?
If you feel like it, no matter how many times you suck my blood, I dont mind.
Whenever Alge-sama wishes, please tell me(Richelle)
... Next time, could you give me blood with a tea cup or something else?(Arge)
Although I thought that it was luxurious and although Richelle-san didnt mind it.
It is nice when she gives me blood but it may have something to do with Richelle-san.
And even if she smiles like this, doing it every time might make her feel disturbed someday.
I know that Im a vampire and I regrly need blood intake, but I dont want to suck someones life or paint my heart.
As usual, I feel doubtful in my mind, but that is really what I feel.
... okay, Im aware, only when Arge-sama wants to suck(Richelle)
Richelle-san smiled at me with her beautiful purple eyes and acknowledged it.
I have always relied on Felnote-san, and now it seemed that the number of people who could give me blood increased.
Conversely, that means that it will be harder to leave thisnd.
Sometimes, I started to think that I could stay here forever.
Chapter 144
[Next]T.N: Roro has a habit of speaking in 3rd POV calling herself with Roro.
Arge 144: For the burning heart
Arge-sama, good morning! (Roro)
...... Uhm, good morning. Roro-san(Arge)
While I was surprised because it was different from how I normally woke up,
I returned the greeting to the other person who came to wake me up.
Basically, I have always slept until someone woke me up in the morning,
But its rather unexpected that Roro-san came to wake me up instead of Felnote-san or Kuzuha-chan.
Roro-san looked at me, nodded as she opened the curtain of the room.
When she opened the window, thefortable air in the morning mixed the interior.
Her dark elfs peculiar ears were moving as Roro-san turned around and smiled at me.
Its fine today. Perfect weather for Roro to work hard today as well!(Roro)
Ha, it seems so(Arge)
While replying appropriately to Roro-sans bright mood, I get off the hammock.
The feeling of the wood is cool, it feels good on bare feet.
Im still somewhat sleepy and drowsy, and then a cheerful voice ringing in my ears.
This day is perfect forundry!
Now, Arge-sama! With that in mind, give your clothes to Roro!
Roro knows it! Arge-sama has been wearing the same clothes since you came here!(Roro)
To the extent that I can hear such a sound effect as well, Roro-san points her hand to me.
Her tongue doesnt change like me, she looks like just a child all along.
Her maid clothes look rather like a game of some kind or a curtain exhibition rather than a work clothes.
However, since her race is a dark elf, her age is probably beyond appearance.
Thats why I cant call her with -chan but with a -san
Uh ... Roro-san, actually, I do not have to change clothes(Arge)
Thats not a good thing!
If you are wearing the same clothes every day, it will definitely get filthy!
I havent noticed it until now, but I have to take care of it properly now that I notice it!(Roro)
You did not notice ...(Arge)
If you think about it, today is a good day,undry will be finished soon!
Oh, its the kinds of cotton in the Republic!!(Roro)
She wasnt wrong, Id say she was an honest person.
Say also as an obedient person.
Roro-san already secured a robe that I took off when going to bed and left on the floor.
And this time she was getting close to robbing me of my inner-wear as well.
While dodging from right to left, I talked to her.
No, it is really okay.
I can do it neatly(Arge)
Even if you are careful not to get dirty, body dirt and sweat will still soak into your clothes!(Roro)
And, thats why ...
geez, its too much troublesome ... be neatly(Arge)
It would be troublesome to make her understand with words, so, I decided to her directly.
Thinking like that I used magic.
A fresh wind came with the magical power shook the edge of Roro-sans skirt.
What ...!!?(Roro)
Roro-sans golden eyes are opened wide with surprise.
Yes, just now is my high recovery magic ...!(Arge)
Yes, if you can use this, theres no need to do theundry(Roro)
High-level recovery magic can even clear the dirt, impurities of the body and the clothes wearing on the body as well.
Only until recently, I knew how unusual that I could use this with no chant.
Mdy has told that Arge-sama was a terrific person, but I thought that you only have a high level of trantion skills...
I didnt think you are a great magician like this ...
Roro was...Roro was impressed...!(Roro)
Uhm, thanks for that(Arge)
But ...but then whose clothes am I supposed to wash now...?(Roro)
No, shouldnt you be pleased that your work has decreased ...?(Arge)
What are you talking about?
The Maids job is helping the master ...and doing whatever you can for your master!
Thats how a maid doing their job!
The maid whose work is gone is like just a cake without strawberry or cheery on top!!!(Roro)
Eh... uhm(Arge)
Even if she wasnt happy when she lost her job, I wouldnt give up to take off this clothes.
However, it seems like I have stepped on some troublesomendmines with it.
Anyway, as Maid who was told to follow and help Arge-sama today,
Roro will not leave Arge-samas side until I get a job!(Roro)
Is that the order from Richelle-san?(Arge)
Yes, today Mdy, Kuzuha-sama, and Felnote-sama are doing their work in the territory so Roro-san will take care of Arge-sama!(Roro)
Indeed, this would be a pain.
I remembered when I wasnt in this world yet.
As Kuon Ginshi, when I was living on Earth.
Roro-san was just like Ryuuko-chan who was my caretaker.
A type of person who is eager to work.
In other words, she is a good worker,
but these types are somewhat annoying because they are always trying to find some work even if theres no business here, or feeling uneasy without working.
Uh ... Roro-san, then could you make the breakfast for me(Arge)
Im already prepared(Roro)
... cleaning the room(Arge)
I am cleaning the inside of the mansion in the morning, noob and night as a daily routine(Roro)
... Washing clothes of people other than me(Arge)
Of course, Im already done with that(Roro)
Whats with this girl, such amazing ability.
Although she looks like a child, but she seems quite capable as a maid.
Apparently, Roro-san is the only servant working in this mansion.
In other words, she alone has to do all the misceneous works of this hall.
Now, Arge-sama! Roro is always ready for preparation!
If you wish, I will lick your shoes and something!(Roro)
No, you do not have to lick my shoes.(Arge)
Then whose shoes should Roro lick...!?(Roro)
Why do you want to lick it ...?(Arge)
By the way, I remebered I had exchanged words with Felnote-san in simr manner, I wonder if Roro-san did this on purpose?
Ah ... then, may I ask you for the meal?
In the meantime, I will think of a request or something(Arge)
Yes! Then I will show you to the table!(Roro)
Roro-san urges me as she shakes her long ears like the dogs tail.
It is easy to say that she doesnt have to do anything, but I cant say it.
Her smile had a lot of pressure.
She is really someone who wont feelfortable with her hands free.
Chapter 145
[Next]T.N: Cliff-Hanger-sama ising. He took not only this Arc but the next Arc as well.
After 10 chapters we will end this ARC in Cliffhanger style.
Sorry for the dy, my inte had a problem with upload
Arge 145: The Pitfall of life design
Arge-san, here I go (ikimasu~wa~yo)(Bushiha)
Yes, please, Bushiha-chan(Arge)
After confirming with each other, we start working.
Bushiha-chan climbed a tree and collected fruits.
And then she drops it to me who is on the ground and I am storing all of it in the Blood-Box.
Haa~, it is bothersome ...
...i want to sleep...
We only need to this and we will finish todays work (~desu~no)
Lets do our best, Arge-san(Kuzuha)
I see... Haa~ ...(Arge)
I got encouraged by Kuzuha-chan who stays next to me, for now, I will do my job.
Todays I went outside the territory with Kuzuha-chan and was helping with collecting food ingredients.
They also nted fruits and crops in the dark elf territory, even so,
its still troublesome to collect fruits with human hands.
Of course, I also think its as troublesome, but it cant be helped because I dont want to make Felnote-san angrier.
... The job itself is easy.
Because Kuzuha-chan can use Alter Ego, the work itself is easy.
Rather, mostly I only work as luggage holding.
Im storing everything that Bushiha-chan has harvested in the Blood-Box.
Because Kuzuha-chan, the main body also leaves work to Bushiha-chan, she also feels rxed. So, todays work seems to be rather rxed.
Although I can see animals and monsters from time to time, however, most of them will just escape from us, and the ones that wont escape will be hurt because Kuzuha-chan can lightly drive them away.
Its an easy task if you look at how we work, but walking in this tropicalized forest is really troublesome.
Although the living condition of the territory is maintained considerably, once we go out of the territory, the high temperature and humidity will make our clothes stick.
Its not a high heat that makes us thirsty and dry, but rather a unique ufortable feeling that deprives our motivation.
It is troublesome to walk on the ground, and I want to return early.
And I want to sleep for 30 hours.
Its really hot, isnt it (desu~wa~ne)...?(Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan seems not good in this heat.
Well, her ears and tails are sticking and hot (T.N: fur), Kuzuha-chan may not fit for the climatic of thisnd.
It seems like she is trying to escape from humidity even a little by shaking her shrine maiden skirt.
Even I thought that her drooping ears are cute, but I wanted to cheer her up.
Lets go to the onsen and enjoy it slowly when this work is over(Arge)
Thats right. (Sou~desu~wa~ne)
Having a bath after finishing our work should surely feelfortable(~desu~wa)!(Kuzuha)
Did Kuzuha-chan got motivated somehow?
And Kuzuha-chan keeps giving instructions to Bushiha-chan.
As for Bushiha-chans thoughts, physical abilities, usable skills.
Because she is an altruistic cheat that is identical to the main body, she can easily clear the jobs given by Kuzuha-chan.
The other day, in the Cyril Big Safe, the number of Bushiha-chan that can be divided has increased, so the work speed has improved considerably. I stored arge number of ingredients in the Blood-Box.
It will be lunch noon (desu~wa~ne)
Shall we have a break(Kuzuha)
Well, we just got lots of it, so shall we have it for lunch?(Arge)
Because she is a beastkin, Kuzuha-chans biological clock is pretty urate.
I really appreciated that we could have a break more than anything, so I obediently nodded with her proposal.
In order to escape from the heat even a little, we sit down on the shade of the trees nearby. We are sitting side by side with the root of the tree exposed from the ground as a bench.
We chat for a while eating the fresh fruits among the ingredients we collected.
Kuzuha-chans beast-division skill is convenient, isnt it?(Arge)
Well, most of beastkin of the fox family can use beast-division.
But my Alter Ego is learned from my esteemed mother. Its rather specialpared with other beastkins skill.
They mostly cant make an alter ego with the same abilities as themselves(Kuzuha)
It seems that its quite extraordinary to create an Alter Ego of that level.
And some Kuzuha-chan who proudly put out her chests which are almost nothing.
Division skill. As expected. So, people cant make it unless they are a beastkin, right?(Arge)
No, you can do it in a variety of ways (~koto wa ~deki ~masu ~wa)
Like Onmyou-jutsu that using paper as the medium...
As the substitute for my separated tail in my Alter Ego, to put magical power in.
But that technique was called as Shikigami rather than Alter Ego(Kuzuha)
... Can a vampire make the copy like Alter Ego?(Arge)
Arge-san, you seem to use a lot of effort for this, right (shite ~masu ~wa ~ne)...?(Kuzuha)
I couldnt deny it because it was true.
Because this is a clone skill, it would be very useful if I could use it.
When I looked at Kuzuha-chans Alter Ego before, I thought that we must be beastkin to use it, not a vampire.
Loli-gramps, please give me a little more exnation.
I have never heard that vampires use alter ego ...
... it was said that they could control anything with blood contracts, it seems to be the mostmon(Kuzuha)
Is that so......(Arge)
You seem to have a disappointed face...!(Kuzuha)
No, I thought it would be nice if I could do it as well ......
Well, there are times when I really sleep so bad that I dont want to move. Or maybe everyday(Arge)
Kuzuha-chan was thinking something after surprising for half a second.
Did I say something strange?
Ahem..., thats not good (~ari ~masen ~no)
... But even if you cant use clone skill,
whenever you need to do anything (~wa)
I can help you do it (~ari ~masu ~wa)(Kuzuha)
Im appreciated that, but...(Arge)
Yes, I feel sorry to have Kuzuha-chan do a lot of works every time, and then I also cant rx when Kuzuha-chan isnt here.
On this journey, I have confirmed that Bushiha-chan, once created, will operate even if the main body is sleeping until the magical power given to the main body runs out.
To be honest its quite enviable.
I wonder if I can use a skill like that.
Uhm... Arge-san, is it good (~desu ~no)?(Kuzuha)
Oh, yes, what is it?(Arge)
I was called out to where I was in the middle of thinking.
Although Kuzuha-chans atmosphere was a little hesitant for a moment.
She looked at me and continued.
Arge-san, basically, you think Alter Ego is useful, you want to let Alter Ego do it instead of moving by yourself(Kuzuha)
Yes, thats right, Kuzuha-chans beast-division is pretty precise, they can move on their own. Isnt that so?
Is there something wrong with it?(Arge)
Thats true (~desu ~no)
The problem is, even they can work by themselves,
but they dont have more intelligence or thought different than the main body (~koto ~wa ~ari ~masen ~no ~yo)(Kuzuha)
Well, was that so?(Arge)
The Alter Ego created with clone type skill is an Alter Ego or a copy of the user.
Just like things that appear in the mirror, it may look the same as the real thing, but its never more beautiful than the genuine.
Thats what Kuzuha-chan is saying.
So whats wrong with that?(Arge)
Well, thats why ...That one ...(Kuzuha)
... ...?(Arge)
Because Arge-sans Alter Ego will have the same thought as Arge-san
Wont they find things troublesome like Arge-san...(desu ~wa ~yo)?(Kuzuha)
As expected, you didnt think about that (~deshita ~no ~ne) ....(Kuzuha)
Because my Alter Ego has the same thought as me, for sure it will find anything troublesome as much as me.
So it will be a pain in the eyes just by watching it(Arge)
I have not said that ... ...!(Kuzuha)
I finally realized what Kuzuha-chan wanted to tell me.
If an Alter Ego has the same thought as mine, morezy vampires will be mass produced rather than just me.
Of course, it will not be useful.
Rather, every one of them will fall asleep on the spot and start taking a nap for 30 hours a day.
It seems better to give up trying to get an easy life by Alter Ego(Arge)
Yes, I think thats fine (~masu ~wa)......(Kuzuha)
I was thinking of using it in case I couldnt find anyone to take care of me in the end, but there was no choice.
As I expected, I need someone to support me.
Haha, I wish that anyone can feed me.
...Ah, it has been a while for us to take a break (~narimasu ~wa ~ne)
After gathering a little more ingredients, we will return to the territory(Kuzuha)
Well, I want to return by the evening...
When Kuzuha-chan stood up and said that to me, I noticed an unpleasant smell.
Its a smell that makes me frown my face.
It was a smell that shouldnt be existed, or rather than impossible to appear here.
I know this smell. But it cant be here. I think so.
... Arge-san, do you notice a strange smell (~shimasen ~no)?(Kuzuha)
I know. This is the smell of iron...(Arge)
I can smell it.
But when I try to speak, theres a big shock.
It was kind of like something hit the ground strongly, and it was continuous, not just once.
I can understand from the feeling on the sole of the foot. Its obviously not something that urred naturally. And I feel a bad feeling about this.
More than anything, the smell that drifted here after the impact was a problem.
Kuzuha-chan-chan, this is ...(Arge)
... Yeah, I got it, this is a smell of fire(Kuzuha)
A unique scent when nts got burned and ash scattered.
And theres no need to urge either, we both are running as fast as possible back to the territory.
Chapter 146
Arge Chapter 146: The truth is always
What... does this mean ...!?(Arge)
Even though I said that I understood it well.
Because it was what I knew from the beginning.
The Demon Continent is a dangerous ce, a ce where conflict may easy ur
I knew about it before I came here and saw it with my own eyes when I was at Mitsuki-sans ce.
Thats why I should have expected the mes, screams, and resentment in front of me.
Because, above all, the fact that Richelle-san was kidnapped from this territory in the past already proved it.
I was just looking away from the reality.
It was blind with the coziness, and it came while we were grueling.
Its just that.
As I ran to this ce, I saw a familiar face in the past few days.
It was Roro-san, the maid at Richelle-sans mansion.
Pain Pain fly away(Arge)
Seeing how Roro-san seems to be hurt from her face, I activate recovery magic.
The wave of recovery is flowing like the wind and heal her body in a blink of an eye.
I didnt know how she was hurt, by magical or something to do with this fire,
so I decided to heal her without fault, my recovery magic can heal anything.
Even though I already cured her, Roro-san has fainted on my arms, she must be mentally tired.
She was breathing like sleeping on my arms.
...It is most correct to think that this is a raid(Arge)
If I listen carefully, I can hear a crying sound, mixed with the sounds burning the forest and the sounds of copsing houses.
The irregr high-pitched wave is clearly the sound that someone crosses the des.
The crushing sound is intended to destroy something,
and the sound of the wind is from flying arrows are cutting through the sky.
Obviously, there are many battles in this ce.
And I have not heard of the story that the territory of Dark Elves has dered war anywhere.
In the first ce, Richelle-san seems to be moderate among the lords of this Demon Continent
Theres no way she dered war against anyone.
This is a raid. It is also a kind of assault.
Are you alright, Arge!!(Neguseou)
Neguseou, take Roro-san to a safe ce(Arge)
I have been calling Neguseou with telepathy from our blood contract, and he has arrived.
And now, I tried to put Roro-san on his back.
Neguseou seemed to understand my intention instantly and responds by bending his body.
Evacuate the injured person as a top priority.
Neguseou, do you understand the situation?(Arge)
I do not know. Well... but, they fell from the skyas they came. Be careful, Arge!(Neguseou)
I dont know if that information will be useful or anything.
And Neguseou carried Roro-san out without a big deal.
His legs are quick.
He is qualified to move those who need evacuation to a safe ce.
Arge, we are ...(Kuzuha)
... lets stop this madness(Arge)
Even I surprised at myself, that I casually said such words.
I dont think that its troublesome at all, and I dont feel sleepy either.
I dont have enough time to think and understand the meaning of the word Negseou said,
but nothing will not start unless we move anyway, or this madness wont end.
I got it! I will hand it! Beast Division Hypericum Patulum(Kuzuha)
(T.N: Kuzuha used a flower name for her skill)
It seems like Kuzuha-chan also couldnt overlook this or so I thought.
Just like she expected my reply from the beginning, she immediately created 3 Alter Ego.
The Alter Ego appeared with her Division skill has the same ability as Kuzuha-chan, and the same thought.
There was no need to issue instructions, the group of foxes came running in four directions.
While watching the fox ear and tail girls in red and white clothes ran away, I spoke soliloquy.
This smell ... It is not a magical me ...(Arge)
I can be certain about this.
This fire wasnt caused by magic.
I dont feel the waves of magical power and theres a smell of anything else.
This is a smell that I know.
And its a stinky smell here.
No, there may be...
But, in this magical world, is there a human being who could think of such a thing?
There may be. No, but...
I have a bad feeling about the ipatibility and a sense of crisis.
I feel ufortable and unpleasant feeling in situations that I dont understand yet.
And a shadow fell over my head.
Wha ...!!?(Arge)
Because I have the super agility skill that I was able to react.
This skill affects everything about speed, including even the reflexes. And I take a quick move as I got a sense of crisis.
I saw a huge iron gob dumped in the ce where I was standing.
And now I can feel the shock from that thing.
I missed!(???)
It cannot be helped, I dont want to have more trouble(???)
uu ... Oh the Wind!(Arge)
At that moment, I realized there were for two people talking.
They started attacking.
And then I point my hand in the direction I heard the voice, speak the magic word.
The magic that helped me quite often.
And then a strong wind urred from the air, it blew away the flying arrow.
You must be kidding,
She can also react to it...!?(???)
However, this is the end...!(???)
...!! Ei!!(???)
From the third persons voice, he didnt seem to be surprised.
I called force to the Japanese sword from the blood box, Suiren
The sword that I used to fight Elsee, and used it to block the weapon that man swung down.
*Gin* (SFX)
Theres a strong shock, and each weapon is repent back.
Even though my arm is numb due to shock, my body is dirty with dust, I was still standing firm.
And three men posed with their weapons on the background of the burning territory.
The first man who struck me with the giant metal arm.
The second man is slender four-eyes, holding a bow has already attached the next arrow.
The third man is a little smallpared with the two, he looks at the sword in his hand and talks.
Children with power, arent you?
You are not a dark elf.
And those Scarlet Eyes ... are you a vampire?
Why there is a vampire in the dark elf territory?
Its still the daytime(3rd man)
... The same goes for you,
Although you are human beings,
What are you doing to in the dark elf territory?(Arge)
Dont you already know(3rd Man)
*Kuku*Heughed as if he found it amused and holding down his de.
As if responding to him, the other two also begin to ready their weapons.
And they attacked for the second time.
At the moment I thought so, the 3rd man kicked the ground and flying at me.
In order to hunt, of course...!(3rd Man)
He released countless shing leaving behind the sound that splits the wind.
He was obviously aiming at my arms and legs.
In other words, although its not a vital point, those attacks can disable me.
While parrying countless numbers of shing, I chose to retreat.
And from the back of the person holding the sword, arrows fly one after another.
You wont get away, we havent done yet, enjoy it slowly ...!(2nd Man)
When I tried to block the flying arrows and tried to take some distance, the 1st Man swung his weapon at me.
...Hm... Its hard!
Well, I should expect this when fighting many at once.
However, I remembered this kind of fight before.
Even though these mens ability is higher and their cooperation is better. It can be said as the Trinity.
The attacks that drive their opponent bybining the difference between each weapon. Its kinda familiar to me.
Oh the wind,... please!(Arge)
Chii~...!?(1st Man)
Uo~!?(3rd Man)
I cast wind magic toward them while stepping back to take some distances.
The two melee men were blown away instantly returned from their positions.
As I confirmed that there was no other arrow flying my way, I asked a question.
Perhaps you three have some rtionship with an amazing trio performer?(Arge)
...... Hey Shiba. What is she talking about?(Akita)
Dont use yourmon sense with something like a vampire, Akita.
Especially when she may be as strong as that d ck Countor Elsee Golden Princess
All your arrows are missing, Spitz(Shiba)
Its not a problem.
If we bring back a good vampire, our father will be pleased...
...I am also happy.
Im so happy that my sses are about to fall(Spitz)
Shiba Inu, Akita dog, and Japan Spitz have such conversation.
I was convinced now that I heard the three names that only sound like jokes.
It was that same as the Terrier Bandit Trio I met for the first time when I came to this different world. Terrier, Dachs, and Chihuahua.
I thought that their name was coincidentally the same name as a small breed dog of my world
But what if that isnt just a coincidence.
Just like Cyril-san, who unified the currency system of this world, from the story I heard, she was a reincarnation from the same world as I am.
I was not the only one who was reincarnated in this world.
So, if there were other reincarnating people, and somehow that person used the dogs name on people, it wasnt surprised.
And if its really so, everything will be connected.
Their names and the origin of this chemistry fire.
The smells mixed in this me is definitely not magicalbut oil
In this magical world where people can use magic, only the idea of a different world, that leads to the scientific idea of oiling and arson.
If so...(Arge)
Do you have time to afford thinking, Silver color(Shiba)
...... !?(Arge)
At the moment I was deep in thinking, my enemy attacked.
Its not that I let my guard down.
However, at the moment when I confirmed the existence of a different world, for a moment, I forgot about the opponents in front of me.
And he released an attack with no gap.
I waste to avoid or intercept.
In the slow-moving scenery, I was ready to take the attack.
- What are you doing?(Female)
...get cut.
At the moment I thought so, an unexpected voice came from behind.
*Gin (SFX)*
And the shrill sounds resonate in hot air.
Chapter 147
Arge Chapter 147: Two Silver
... Indeed, thinking during a battle is strange... You are amateur(Isabe)
The unexpected person who blocked Shibas sword is Isabe-san.
She protected me by standing in between me and Shiba.
Isabe-san used two of her fingers sandwiching and stopping Shibas sword.
As he saw a cool appearance Isabe-san, his eyes were opened wide in surprise.
What... are you?(Shiba)
Haa~ What are you?
This insolent ...
Ah, no... I cant use such filthy words.
I will rephrase.
... What is it? These dirty dogs?
You make me ufortable, so please stop your breath now or explode(Isabe)
Its some terrible rephrase...!!(Shiba)
Coming out of nowhere suddenly and getting in our way... Die, woman!!(Akita)
The man named Akita swung down his big hammer to Isabe-sans head.
Fuu~...there is no problem(Isabe)
As I nned to move and help Isabe-san, she lightly waved her hand.
Its not a movement to deny my assistant, but a movement to intercept the opponents attack.
But she doesnt have any weapons.
Theres no way a normal person can catch the big iron hammer that can easily crush the human head.
Even so, Isabe-san seems to be confident.
Or rather, she is even smiling.
And when the big hammer was swung down.
... ....(Akita)
Oh, whats wrong? Didnt you try to kill me?(Isabe)
Everyone in this ce other than Isabe-san was surprised.
The big hammer certainly hits her hand, but theres not even a scratch, she doesnt even break a sweat.
But I did hear a shrill sound like metal sh and feel the shock.
As I saw that scene, I was reminded of the fight the other day and I started talking.
...So, its not just Mutsuki-san, but also Isabe-san, too?(Arge)
Mutsuki-kun is level-headed, I am more... physical... Yotto(Isabe)
Saying so with a light tone, Isabe-san waved both her hands and deflect both weapons.
Even thought Isabe-san is tall but she has the woman body.
Her arms are thin, which dont seem to be powerful.
But, the power she demonstrated is way stronger than any man.
...Because I have a womans body, so, I dont want to show this to people too much(Isabe)
Muttering like its troublesome, Isabe-san tore the arm part of her suit and her gloves.
Isabe, that ... ....(Arge)
From the elbow of her exposed arm, it wasnt her normal skin. But a brilliant sparkle, silver arm.
It should be heterogeneous to have silver fingers, but its moving rather smooth.
The reason why she always wore a long sleeve and didnt remove the gloves was that she didnt want to expose that shining silver arm except when it was necessary.
Isabe-san looked somewhat sad about her silver arm illuminated by the flickering mes and said.
Magic Artifact, Silver cross
Although its clunky, its the result I chose for the desire to protect something important to me(Isabe)
Changing her own arm to a Magic Artifact, this woman...!?(Shiba?)
If you already understand it, I dont need to talk with words then(Isabe)
As Isabe-san says so, she lowers her hips.
Toshukken (empty-handed)
No, even though she is empty-hand, her hand still has clear silver sparkle.
Using the same stance as Mutsuki-san.
Perhaps one of them taught the other person how to fight.
My prayers, my wishes, my hopes, respond to all despair and desire...
The abominable silver arm! Agate Ram!(Isabe)
Along with the magic words,
A wave of magical power urred.
The silver arm glows brighter and starts to blow hot air that I can feel even from behind.
Its probably the reinforcing magic system.
In other words, Isabe-san has switched to battle mode.
My silver crossis made of monsters material that good to conduct magical power, so it doubles the effect of the reinforcing magic system ...
Well, although its a simple ability, it can be handled easily(Isabe)
I will earn time for you to extinguish the fire,
I will also try to knock out those damn men if possible.
Alge-san, you can go(Isabe)
...Yes, Im okay.
Sorry for the trouble, Isabe-san. You helped again(Arge)
We also have a friendly rtionship with Valeria territory.
I just happened to be here when this ce was in a raid,
It was a coincidence because I brought a letter from Mutsuki-kun...
...However, now that Im here, I cant let it goes wasted(Isabe)
She cant let it goes wasted. Is it?
For me, thats also true.
I came here and made many memories in this ce.
I remember all the people who wereughing with me until this morning.
I want to see this area again, I remember Richelle-san who shed tears with a desire to return home.
I certainly remember the nice time I spent and the nice sleep I had in this territory.
We cant let it goes wasted, isnt it?(Arge)
Although I can leave it alone. But I dont want to let it goes wasted anymore.
It has be impossible.
This was troublesome that I had encountered because I was idle, but I didnt want to escape like I did before.
I look straight at the men.
The three were already fixed their stance and readying their weapons.
As usual, the number is disadvantageous.
As usual, the number is disadvantageous. Besides, theirbination is good as well.
Still, I dont want to retreat.
Even with the same cold and hard feeling of the de in my hand,
I can feel the affirming my heart has changed.
Its full of things I dont understand,
I still dont know well the existence of other world people except me.
However, right now, I understand there is something I want to protect.
Chapter 148
[Next]T.N: Arge sure took her time too long to get serious.
Its been so long, so I forgot we were still on the chapter where Arge is sleeping around in a fight (I read the raw far ahead). Its kinda boring that I almost fell asleep.
Must do my best until... Arge gets serious... just 7 more chapters
I can understand why many readers were frustrated.
Arge Chapter 148: The Memory of Kuon Household
...we just need to bring back the vampire, we can cut the limbs or deal with the other one as we want(Shiba)
I understand...!(Spitz)
Next time, I will break your head...!(Akita)
Shiba swings his sword and gives out instructions.
Perhaps he is the leader.
The other two moved instantly as they heard his words.
They must understand each other well to fight with only a few words exchanged.
Are they the same as Terriers Trio?
The familiar Japanese dogs name.
The teamwork of three kinds of weaponspensating for others weak points.
With many things inmon like this, they must be rted somehow.
But right now, I dont have time to think about it.
Im sorry for exposing the gap again.
I parry all arrows that flying my way. To think he can shoot this urate, perhaps there is a correction by skill or magic, but still, it isnt a speed that hard to deal with if I concentrate.
It seems like they use the same type of tactic again, Shiba runs to attack me while shouting.
Because I dont distract this time, I can see everything clearly.
And I casually avoid his attack and I deliberate evade at hairbreadth.
His attack leaves a small cut on my hand, and a little of my blood blurs out.
It doesnt hurt.
Blood Arms, Chain(Arge)
I have used this once when fighting Terrier Bandit Trio.
Let the weapon of my opponent cut lightly on my hand, and create the blood arms from it.
The flowing blood can change to anything I want with just one magic word.
And from my hand, a scarlet chain was created.
Damn it, this vampire is a troublesome opponent! Spitz!(Shiba)
Yes, yes, you are harsh(Spitz)
While clicking his tongue, Shiba asked for Spitzs help as he tried intercepting the chain.
Spitz shot his arrows to help Shiba.
Akita has been busy from a while ago.
I will deal with the big man(Isabe)
I believe in Isabes words from nearby and dont pay attention to Akita.
I can hear battle sounds from afar as well, its not only Isabe and Akita are fighting.
Felnote-san, Richelle-san, and Kuzuha-chan are fighting to defend thisnd.
Moreover, the dark elves are also fighting to defend their ownnd.
As Isabe-san deals with one of the opponents, I can concentrate on the other two.
Since Spitz now needs to support two people at the same time, his number of arrows shot has lessened than before.
And with just this, theres no way they can do anything against my speed.
And it seems that he realizes that as well.
Shiba said curse words without hiding his anger.
Damn, it became troublesome...!(Shiba)
He steps ahead again.
His movement is fast and his attacks that based on his movements are also fast.
Although his blow strikes are light, he attacks non-stop.
However, a speed-oriented battle is also my force.
My passive specified status when I reincarnated on this body is supper agility
Theres no kind of speed that I cant keep up with.
Moreover, right now, I have Isabe-sans support, I have more room to afford.
...After all, those men dont aim for my vital points.
None of their attacks are fatal.
Thats why its easy to predict.
In addition, I dont find them bare-hand, I also wield my katana.
Of course, it doesnt use to rob the opponents life.
I dont want to kill anyone or rob a life, and more than anything, there are many things I have to ask these men.
And just like that, I move around to avoid getting hit even its not the vital point.
The sound of swords shing continues to resound.
And the man starts talking in between of their attacks.
Without three of us as usual, we cant deal with this vampire in this situation ...!(Shiba)
It seems that you are familiar with vampires(Arge)
Oh yeah thats right. Our work was to deal with vampires all the time(Shiba)
I was thinking about one possibility from the conversation up until now from the gap of his attack.
The word hunting
The conversation about Their Father will be pleased
And most of all, its a method of attacking by arson, as if smashing out residents.
Their purpose is to capture alive, alive.
To capture ...vampire, dark elves...
What do you n to do ...?(Arge)
I dont know such a thing, I just capture them because our father told us to bring them(Shiba)
He answers it right away, it seems like the other party is serious.
In other words, for them, it really is just that.
They dont care about the reason. They capture people alive, just because they were told so.
The moment I understood it, I remind of something back there.
I thought that they looked like Terrier Bandit Trio and they would be rted.
But theres one thing that is definitely different between Terrier Bandit Trio and these three.
Terrier Bandit Trio was bluntly stupid but had firm own will.
But I cant feel it from these three.
They speak like faithful dogs, it sounds good, but their eyes have no living intention.
Its empty and its indifferent.
Its as if I see myself when I was at Kouns house.
Well ... I wont let you!(Arge)
I wonder why.
I have seen the same thing as myself before, but my heart tangles somehow.
It feels like Im seeing something I dont want to see.
I shook off the feeling from the back of my heart and ready my de.
Chapter 149
[Next]This chapter in Isabes POV
Arge Manga Chapter 149: Shaking Silver
As I attack with my Silver Arm, my swaying blonde hair is hinder my view.
Should I cut my hair shorter?
No, if I shorten it too much, Mutsuki-kun will feel lonely so lets stop it.
And then, I decide to leave it alone and concentrate on attacking.
The man is kinda big and his weapon mainly uses raw power to crush the enemy.
I can intercept it, however, the shock from it might affect the house in the surrounding, its troublesome.
Thisnd is thend that the dark elves have maintained since the ancient times.
If thisnd is somehow destroyed, in the post-war, Mutsuki-kun will help with the reconstruction even though it will affect the countrys wallet.
Indeed, my boss is full of troubles, he likes it.
He really likes to do it.
Thats why I want to do something so that my stupid Mutsuki-kun doesnt have to struggleter.
Anyway, do you like to suffer as much as possible, vomit blood and then die?
Like with poison etc. I will prepare right away(Isabe)
This stupid woman...!(Akita)
Calling other people as stupid at the first time meeting, such a rude garbage(Isabe)
Say what!? Can you look into the mirror ...?(Akita)
I have been checking every day to get Mutsuki-kunspliments. Whats about it?
In any case, it seems like he is angry somehow.
It seems like he increases his rate of attack. The man over there also is also timing his arrows to support.
While dealing with their attack with my arm, I also dont forget to counter.
But they arent hasty, they patiently keep attacking to find the gap in my defense.
...And although they have a linkage, they are strangely amateurs.
How can I say this, their cooperation is admirable.
Shooting arrows against enemies from the back of the allies.
Both the vanguard and the rearguard must be skillful in timing the attacks and have a mutual understanding so that they canmunicate without saying anything.
However, contrary to their skill, their movement is too honest.
Normally, for a group to reach that mutual understanding, they must spend a great deal of practicing to that extent.
But they are so stupid, they use the same method over and over again.
Even though they have great cooperation, but they dont have the wit.
They are just like some children who learned how to fight just a little while ago.
Arge can also easily deal with their attack but they still repeatedly attack just like that.
Honestly evaluate, There is no trick/art
... Are you really a soldier?(Isabe)
What does that mean...?(Spitz?)
Ah, no. if you dont know, thats fine.
To be honest, I dont care(Isabe)
Most of my spoken questions are soliloquy, it doesnt mean to get the answer from them.
Well, I dont care about it anyway.
I concentrate my power on my Silver Arm, ready for the next attack.
Even though that big man can take my blow, he is still staggered.
Then, if I strengthened my attack with magic, I can blow him away.
Gu~o... !?(Akita)
When we stand on different ces, iprehension bound to happen(Isabelle)
Each person has his own reason and decides where he is.
There should be some reason for the precision of their coboration and their low wits.
... I have a reason, too.
From below my elbow, my arm was no longer a human arm.
I looked at my Silver Arms.
Silver cross
I got it with my own selfish, Silver power.
But I made a terrible misunderstanding on how to use it in the past.
My Silver Arm is an Artifact that easy to strengthen with magical power.
Thats the characteristic of the rare species of the slime that prefers magical powers, which was used as the material for silver cross
However, it caused a sense of hunger that I couldnt bear.
My mind was swallowed by the urge, and I stop at nothing unless I get more magical power, more blood to satisfy my Silver Arm.
Its just like a vampire dominated by his blood-sucking impulse.
As a result, I couldnt protect my important thing at all.
With my Silver Arm on a rampage, I broke everything that I supposed to protect.
In my desire to want power, everything that was supposed to be my important thing was crushed to nothing.
But, there was someone who stopped me, who lost everything on a rampage like that and hugged me.
He told me to live, to continue to reflect on that regret and mistake.
There was such a man who told the strict and gentle words.
I dont think that I am right, but whether I am right or wrong.
I decided this time that I would not mistake what I should protect(Isabe)
I lower my posture and ready to make an initial movement.
I only use this speaking asionally, it sounds good and it fits me.
Most importantly, this speaking is taught by an important person.
Just saying this makes me remember that persons back.
With that alone, the inside of my heart is clearing up.
Its not something nice like a martial artist clear his mind.
I just need to remind of him, the driving force that makes me do my best.
After all, we will end everything like a fist fighter.
One attack will decide who will win, thats it.
And I ... Im not going to lose...(Isabe)
At that moment, I step forward while looking at the opponent setting his position.
I kick the ground and rush to the target.
Blocking the arrow that was aimed at me to intercept and rush the big man.
(Heree the) Punching...!(Isabe)
Even if I can not carry everything on my back like him.
My hateful Silver Arm, that I dont n to use again if it can somehow ease his sorrow.
Im willing to face my regret in the past and use it again.
If you think you can stop it, just try...!(Isabe)
Without hesitation, I give a straight punch.
With such straight attack, my opponent can easily defend him in time.
And as I expected, the big man holds his big hammer in front of him like a shield and takes my fist head-on.
I stopped it... this damn woman!(Akita)
No, I stopped just now(Isabe)
...Because its gonna hurt, try not to die(Isabe)
Silver Crossresponds to magical power and amplifies the flowed magical power.
That means it didnt only strengthen my physical attack power like my punches, but also my magical attacks.
At this zero distance. While my opponent is in the defensive stance. I spoke the next word.
Heed my word, eat your prey... Darkness Magic Fist, Luceid(Isabe)
(T.N: so Chuuni, a Mechanic Arm with a magic of Darkness that can control your heart and a dark history)
The magic of darkness in my Silver Arm certainly heard my words.
The dark-colored fire with a beast shape rushing to the enemy, trying to eat every part of his weapon.
What... Guaaaa~!?(Akita)
The magic of the darkness is persistent.
Once it targets anything, it will chase the enemy to the end of the world.
However, its difficult to handle just it will finish its work without fail.
Without question, the big man throws away his weapons, rolling on the floor.
Of course, theres he can dispel my darkness magic with just that.
Its a dark me of a curse.
Theres no escape other than using holy recovery magic.
But I will not kill him until he talks about the mastermind of this stupidity.
He will keep suffering until then.
Well, Im done with this one. Next(Isabe)
Should I help Arge to defeat the swordsman, or should I take down the archer?
As I thought of choosing which one, I felt the air shake.
Chapter 149.5
Name: Richelle Arc Valeria
Race: Dark Elf
Physical ability: Bnce
Visual Enhancement 6
Magical Enhancement 2
Thunder Magic 3
Light Magic 1
Dark Magic 1
Archery 4
Natural sensation 2
Food appraisal 2
Contracted Magic Artifact
Comet Flow
One word from Richelle:
I will make an effort not to be ashamed of the Valeria family as the 36th generations head
A dark elf woman. 73 years old, quite young as a dark elf.
Specifically, its aboutte teens for human beings.
She is the 36th generations of the Valeria family and is in a position to rule the Valeria territory behind the forest area of ??the Demon Continent.
It is called ady from the people and is loved. Nickname is Richel
Appearance: smooth long golden hair, brown skin peculiar to dark elves.
Have the same purple eyes as the thunder magic she is good at.
Personality is rather rxing, eating a lot.
Even though she is skillful but it seems that she is simply a food fighter.
The dark elves of the Valerian territory use confusing words called ancient spiritualnguages, and there are few people that can talk to the dark elf species on the devil continent.
She lives in the back of the forest. Its a rtively peaceful and hidden life in the Demon Continent.
Skill natural sensation is an unusual skill to grasp the surrounding wind, pressure, weather and road conditions.
If the skill is a little bit higher, she can grasp the weather, the change of wind flow beforehand.
But her skill value is 2, she can use it with max effect in hernds forest.
Excellent with bow skills, as well as work as a lord, of course, the hunting arm is also a top ss skill in the province.
Arrows released byposing with Visual Enhancement and natural sensation precisely pierce targeted things.
The level of Visual Enhancement skill is quite high.
If she concentrates, she can even visualize the flow of magical power, a slight atmospheric movement.
But since the person herself is quite rxed, she can only notice after stepping on an approximate trap.
Her physical ability is Bnce
But she is rather quick, it also affects her shooting while moving.
Thunder magic is a rare skill in this world, the same goes for the users.
Comet Flow is her non-portable rarity contacted Magic Artifact.
As usual, it blinks like a star in the sky and wille to her hand when she calls its name.
Thats why its impossible to use it unless she can speak, the enemies can seal it when they gag her mouth.
After the death of the contractor, it will remain on the ground until the next contractor appears.
As long as the contractor still has magical power remain, it can shoot infinite magical arrows, it can create magical arrows even without magic sword skill.
Its thepatible Magical artifact for Richelle
Vampire Comment
Arge: Her breasts are surprisingly great... ah, her blood has awesome taste as well
Name: Mutsuki
Race: vampire
Physical ability: strength
Muscle enhancement 3
Speed ??enhancement 3
Magical Sword 2
Blood sucking 8
Blood contract 7
Atomization 2
Shadowing 5
Shadow movement 4
Language trantion 6
Contracted Magic Artifact
Scarlet Moon Garden
One word from Mutsuki
Hmm? Whats wrong? Is there a problem?
A vampire ruling over a certain territory of the demon continent.
He is named Red out of Gold , ck , Red which is said to be the most powerful three among vampires.
By the way, Elsee is Gold
He mostly lives on the demon continent. His influence seems a bit small among the three.
His territory isntrge.
Its only his castle, castle town, small viges around it.
As a whole, its a rather small household.
However, his fighting power is the highest in the Demon Continent.
The residents of thest generation in demon continent never pick a fight with him.
He looks like a juvenile with a characteristic ck, smart, but he is quite old on the demon continent.
It seems that he also met Satsuki.
Richelle called him as Uncleso his actual age would be considerable.
Because his personality is slightly naive, some people might underestimate him in a sense, but he also has many friends.
He is moderate, quite rare in the Demon Continent.
People loved him with that character, and his interaction with Isabe, his secretary is a specialty among the people.
Contracted Magic Artifact Scarlet Moon Garden
During the day, he can create a barrier/space that will allow him or anything he wants to enter,
During the night, he will gain a portion of all adversaries parameters in the affected area of his Magic Artifact.
Its probably one of the most powerful Artifacts in this world, but its effective range is only a part of the Demon Continent, mostly can cover his territory.
In addition, the color of the moon will be red within range of the Artifact.
Because of its nature, its the strongest defense Artifact.
However, it also has a weakness that the contractor cant move outside the affected area.
Although he is still quite strong even without the Magic Artifact, his fighting power is falling down considerably outside his territory.
Shadow movement is the advanced skill of shadowing
By cing his shadow in several ces, he can move there instantly like waypoint.
Its quite powerful, its almost impossible for him to die because he can freely go anywhere he ced his shadows. But because of the nature of the Lord, he cant freely use it to leave hisnd.
This skill is exclusively used to go to the republic in a certain coffee shop...
Even though he has magic sword skill, but he himself cant use any magic.
Therefore, Magic Sword skill is used only to put magical power on fists.
That is... a muscle brain vampire.
Language trantion skill is rather high.
He can understand the words of animals to some extent.
Also, his blood sucking skill is abnormally high,
So, he has quite a lot of bloodsucking impulses.
The man who sucks every day is happy.
Actually, he seems to have better cooking skill than Isabe.
Vampire Arges Comment
Arge He is as good as Elsee-san, he might be a bit scary... right?
Name: Isabe
Race: human
Physical ability: Bnce
Visual enhancement 2
Strength enhancement 2
Speed ??enhancement 2
Magic Enhancement 2
Dark Magic 4
Magical Sword 4
Blood follower 5
Language trantion 7
Contracted Magic Artifact
Silver cross
One word from Isabe
Haa~, Especially nothing...
Secretary of Mutsuki.
Although she is a human being, she has a long-lived life.
Her family name is unknown because she doesnt tell it.
Her breasts as good as Felnote, and she is tall as a woman.
She always wears a secretary suit and white gloves, with no skin exposure at all.
She has golden short hair and green eyes.
Personality: honest. In other words, she is frank.
She has a habit as secretary that rephrases words worse with poisonous tongue.
As a secretary, she is quite capable, especially when negotiating with her weak lord.
Her husband seems to be the victim of her terrible eyes.
She has no mercy even for her lord husband with her poisonous tongue, but its probably because of love that she has a distinction between public and private.
However, she is a troublesome secretary because she will deny it when it is pointed out by others. (T.N: Unlike Typical Tsundere, she is the troublesome type of Tsundere that I dont like)
Language trantion skill is high, she canmunicate with animals to some extent, and she also likes quite a lot of animals.
Blood follower is the skill acquired by serving under a blood contract for a long time.
It raises the effect of strengthening by blood contract.
Her status is very high and bnced.
Her fighting power is extremely high among humans.
Contracted Magic Artifact Silver Cross
Silver Cross is made of a rare slime-type demon that prefers magical powers.
It can change in any form.
Isabe joins it to her body and uses it by taking the shape of the fist.
In order to be tied stronger, her original arm was cut off and reced with it.
Attached the Artifact directly makes her body stronger but can also affect her mind as well.
She went berserk once.
As a result, Mutsuki stopped her at that time and they were together till now.
In private life, she is a good wife who did all the housework.
Vampire Comment
Arge She is a shy woman. Maybe she is Tsundere...
What is it, Isabe-san, you have such scary eyes
Name: Ronja Theorora
Race: Dark Elf
Physical ability: Agility
Language trantion 4
Speed ??reading 3
One word
About Roro, Please call me with Roro!
The only maid of the Valeria family.
Brown Elven maid.
Nickname Roro
Although the territory is small, she seems to be talented to take care of the mansion alone.
In fact, she can cook enough to satisfy Richelles stomach, and clean the whole residence.
Speed ??reading is a rare skill even though its in, thanks to that, she is a considerable reader and diligent.
Because her reading speed is fast, she can finish a simple document just by looking when cleaning.
She doesnt have other skills, she isnt reliable as a battle staff.
Even as an elf, she is also bad with bow and magic.
However, she isnt ipetent.
She can do almost all office work with Mutsuki while Richelle was not there.
Her height is short, just like a child from the outside, the same as Arge and Kuzuha, but in reality, she is 191 years old, she is a fine adult in human conversion.
Vampire Comment
Arge: Oh, so she is that much older!?
Name: ??? Amabashi Miko
Race: former human (Spiritual body)
Physical ability: None (Spiritual body)
Manage of reincarnation
One word
No way, there is a visitoring to this ce...
The Divine staff of God, who takes care of reincarnation.
She was a former human shrine maiden, who served God, dedicated as a priestess before life.
She was given a duty as a priestess in charge of incarnation after death.
By the way, the reason for death is human offering to God.
In a sense, its correct.
Amabashi Miko is the name of her past life, which is meaningless now, but she told Arge without hesitation because she didnt like to be called Loli Gramp-san every time.
She speaks about taking a figure of a young girl in her past life because its easy to move.
But it seems that her proportion wont change much even when she bes an adult.
She cant get out of the reincarnation room because of her duty as a reincarnation shrine maiden.
But she seems to be enjoying the current situation, trying out various dimension items and tasting sweets.
Also, it seems that she will be rewarded for her work, actively investigating the incarnation.
Although it looks like a Japanese system, it is a type that unexpectedly uses horizontal letters.
Vampire Comment
Arge I meet her for the second time, but she seems to be fine.
Anyway, that fluffy bed in that room, too regrettable...
Chapter 150
Arge Chapter 150: The supposed furthest thing, yet the closest thing
It came when I prolonged the battle.
A strange sensation as if the air is trembling.
And the moment it happened, Shiba jumped back to take some distance.
Spitz, the sign came! Lift Akita!(Shiba)
I know. Hey, stop sleeping forever ... Go, Magic Arrow!(Spitz)
As he heard Shibas words, Spitz released a magic arrow.
The arrownded at the feet of Akita and disappeared as if it melted in the air.
And at that moment, the ck me wrapped Akitas body disappeared.
Hoo... there was a healer?(Isabe)
While Isabe-san was surprised, Akita got up and jumped back, took the same distance as Shiba.
There must be something going on that makes them fall back.
Isabe-san also thought ominously and didnt step right on,
But we still stayed as close as possible to our opponents.
... Silver color.
Although you are a valuable subject for our father.
The time has run out(Shiba)
Timeout ...?(Arge)
We got enough and thats it(Spitz)
Spitz grins and fixes his sses.
They got enough.
That meant that they had caught a lot of dark elves alive.
Uuu... you guys ...!!(Arge)
This is also work.
I dont say I dont feel bad at all...
Well, but we still did it anyway(Shiba)
Hey Shiba, Im sorry that I cant hit that blond woman...(Akita)
Akita, its our fathers instructions(Shiba)
Shiba cut Akitas word when he tried to express his opinion.
The vibrations of the air became bigger, I can even hear the noise.
What is this vibration? I have felt it for a while...(Arge)
If you want to know, look up at the sky. It just lifted the stealth(Shiba)
Needless to say, I was looking up at the top.
Because it was what I knew. I have suspected there was something.
The territory of the Dark Elf is deep in the forest on the Demonic Continent.
It was impossible for many humans to appear suddenly in such a ce.
Which means they must use something abnormal.
I looked up at it, the thing floating in the sky, and I murmured.
The smell of iron ... as expected, an airship...(Arge)
Before this uproar, I and Kuzuha-chan had spotted this bad smell.
From the narrow spaces of trees, a huge shadow made bybining countless steel tes was flying in the sky.
There shouldnt be such technology in this world.
Because even in this world, there wasnt even a car yet.
They can make something like this big with iron flying in the sky ...?(Arge)
Yeah, thats right!
With the brain of our father, creating something can fly in the sky is nothing!(Shiba)
Shiba seemed to be proud of it.
But I wasnt that shock about the existence of an airship.
Not just surprising, even my voice is trembling.
No, its not just my voice.
My whole body is trembling, even standing up has be difficult.
(T.N: I always hate this kind of development)
I know that. I know it from the time I was born.
I lived with it all the time, forever until I die.
Impossible. But, I wont make a mistake about it.
I knew it was shaped like a flower.
I was taught that it used the Laurel flower that was attached with wise, prosperity and glory that wouldnt end forever.
What I was looking at all the time.
And what I am looking up right now.
It was undeniable the family crest of the Kuon family.
Why... why is there such a thing here...?
Kuon familys crest?(Arge)
It seems like you are more dangerous than we thought(Shiba)
Shiba stared at me with sharp eyes.
Kuon... Although I havent even said a word about it, you know the name Kuon
Its just like our fathers demand.
Cant capture a promising vampire like you is really regrettable...
No,... you are more important than that(Shiba)
......What do you mean?(Arge)
Its alright. Because you dont have to worry about such a thing anymore(Shiba)
... please wait!
So that crest is really Kuon...(Arge)
I couldnt finish my question.
The airship that appeared in the sky lowered its altitude and continuously sent intense wind and vibration.
At the center of the wind, Shibas trio held the wire from the airship and was pulled up.
Well then, I will excuse myself(Shiba)
Wait, wait... these doggies!(Arge)
Theres no such enemy, who wait after being told to wait.
The wire was pulled up and the three dogs rose to the airship.
Chapter 151
Arge Chapter 151: Silver Color raised to the sky and fallen
...what does this mean...?(Arge)
I repeat that question many times while looking up the airship going away with increasing altitude.
Even though I knew that no one could answer the question, I still said that question.
... That was the Kuon family crest.
A crest of Kuon family with a Laurel as a motif.
I wont make a mistake about that.
Because I lived in that house since I was born.
I was born there, was abandoned as unqualified, died in my asleep and disappeared like a dream.
It was before I became Argento Vampear.
It is impossible for me as Kuon Ginji to mistake that emblem.
Arge-san, do you know about that?(Isabe)
... No, I dont understand about it either(Arge)
I do not understand.
That is not a lie.
I know about that.
That family crest might be the work of reincarnations other than me.
I have also guessed about that when meeting the Shibas Trio, no, the Terrier Trio Bandit.
But I do not know the details.
I wonder if it was really someone came from in that world, the Kuon family.
I thought if I answered that I dont know, Isabe-san wont be satisfied.
Thats why I had no choice but to answer that I dont understand.
But right now, I have a terrible anxiety in my heart.
The words that Shiba said when he left still resounds in my head.
You do not have to worry about such a thing anymore
That word is totally meant that I will never get involved in that crest again.
And it doesnt mean that the airship will raise its altitude and disappear beyond the sky.
Richelle-chan seems to be panic as she runs to me.
Her clothes are in disorder and tattered. It was probably because of fighting.
Then Kuzuha-chan and Felnote-san also came to this ce after Richelle-chan.
Everyone was safe, is not it?(Arge)
Somehow ...
... Zeno brought some soldiers from Mutsukis territory to help us,
The firefighting activity is also going well(Felnote)
... but, a lot of dark elves have been taken away...(Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan holds her small fist and seems to be flustered.
Although they are also good at fighting. It was a sudden raid and the ones who attacked were advantaged.
Just like I fought with the Shibas Trio.
...If I shoot down that iron chunk...(Richelle)
Please wait, Richelle-san, it is dangerous to shoot that one down(Arge)
I try to stop Richelle-san, who seems to be very angry and about to act hastily.
But I guess she knows that as well.
What will happen when shooting down an object with that mass to her territory?
If thing goes wrong, her people, those who have been taken away, will end up in no avail.
For Richelle-san, this must be very unpleasant.
In the first ce, she is a person who willing to sacrifice herself to protect her own people.
She must be frustrated with the fact that she couldnt protect her people.
But what is that kind of thing?
I have never seen nor heard about it before...
...Such a big iron vehicle,
How can it fly like that ...
Felnote-san, whats wrong?(Arge)
There is something moving...!?(Felnote)
As I look at the ce which Felnote-san points to.
The lower part of the airship that was far away above the sky opened its hatch.
And then, something was dropped from it.
Well... Im sorry, everyone!(Arge)
Arge-san... !?(Kuzuha)
The moment I saw that something dropped, I moved immediately.
Growing a bat wing from the back and flying.
It was a technique from bat form skill.
I unconsciously do what I didnt test from a long time ago, and I flew to the sky.
And I elerate my speed as fast as possible.
As expected... after all ...!!(Arge)
I flew as fast as possible and nearly caught up with the airship.
The thing that has been dropped down is as expected.
A ck thing which reflects sunlight,
In the beautiful sky of this world, its an absurd and venomously abnormal thing.
This thing will definitely demonstrate its evil power at the moment of touching the ground,
Something cant exist in this world where magic is the mainstream,
weapon ofrge-scale destruction by technology.
And when Ie near, I feel unpleasant signs on my skin.
The sign of a curse that I felt several times aftering to this world.
... It may be dangerous to put it in my Blood Box or try to dispel it...(Arge)
If this is some kind of curse, it might be dangerous to put it in a blood box, which is a skill to melt thing in my blood.
Even though my curse resistance is high, its already proven not invincible.
Its also possible that another curse will ur after I dispel the first curse, just like Elsee used to do.
Apparently, this curse seems quiteplicated, and the disgusting signs are stretched just like a spider web on the surface of the bomb.
It is impossible to overlook this bomb as it will fall to the ground as it is.
I do not know how big an explosion will ur, but with the bomb as big as my body.
There should be considerable power.
It is obvious that everyone on the ground is in danger if it falls like this.
I cant leave it alone.
While Im still thinking, the dropped bomb is pulled by gravity and falls straight to the ground.
Judging that there is no time to think, I decided to do it.
Eii... !!(Arge)
I did it even though I dont want to decide anything big.
Even though I do not want to die.
Even though I dont want to get hurt, I dont want to have trouble.
But, I dont think I want to run away from this
It is impossible to forsake Kuzaha-chans group.
There were many kinds of bombs.
This bomb is probably a detonation with a shock of falling, which means it will not explode by vibrations due to air resistance while falling.
If so, it will not explode when I touch it.
Take this...!(Arge)
I was surprisingly desperate and I elerated while holding with a bomb.
I spread and swing my bat wings with full strength, trying to leave the Dark Elf territory as far as possible.
... This is the fate that I brought.
From what Shiba said, this bomb was probably dropped to erase my existence.
It seems that a Reincation of Kuons house was wary of simr existence and was giving instructions.
In other words, without me, they might never drop this bomb in the Dark Elf territory.
People might have been kidnapped away, but it would end with jus that.
It might be my fault that this kind of thing has been used.
Thats why I have to do it.
For Richelle-san, for my friends who took care of me. I must make sure that no harm wille to people who have be my deal travelpanions.
Because this isnt a problem of this world.
I do not want to involve them in the troubles brought by peopleing from my world, from Kuons family.
As I was thinking, the scenery flowed steadily, and thend under me seems to be changed from continent to ocean.
As I alreadye this far, this bomb might not cause harm to everyone anymore.
From the inside of the bomb, which I do not want to hold anymore, there is a sound just like a clock.
Perhaps it will explode not only by the impact but also by time.
... Sorry(Arge)
When I fly away, I remember saying words of apology to everyone.
That word was talking with nature.
What was that for?
At the moment I thought of such a thing, my sight stained with white light.
There is no sound and there is no scenery.
At the moment, I realized that it was the explosions time limit, and I lost my consciousness.
Chapter 152
Chapter 152
First of all, I was surprised that I could open my eyes again .
I was... in the territory of Richelle-san... holding a bomb...(Arge)
As I remember slowly, my memoryes out clearly and steadily .
Shaking my head and shaking my silver hair, apparently, I was asleep in a bed .
Looking at the surroundings, it was a white familiar scenery .
An... whit~miliar ceiling...(Arge)
You wake up, atst, this Bakatare (Idiot Sauce)(???)
I heard it, a familiar and very nostalgic voice .
Yes . An unforgettable voice .
I have only been surprised a lot today .
I met three people who closely resembled the Terrier Trio, witnessed the technology close to my original world, and saw the family crest of Kuon family .
I thought that I couldnt be surprised anymore, but it seemed like that the prediction was wrong .
...Loli Gramp-san(Arge)
As I call out a nostalgic name and looking back in the direction of the voice .
This time, she isnt just a voice but a certain entity .
That way of calling is still dissatisfied as usual...
Well... you just got up anyway . So, its fine(Loli)
Loli Gramp-san said with a shaky voice, her voice seems to be in a good mood .
Her yellow eyes are narrow a little, her face seems to be happy somehow .
Her clothes are close to Kimono, but from the waist downwards is a quite short skirt, her slim thighs were exposed .
Her tied ck hair is really long and its swaying with her movement .
The shape of the eyebrow is distinctive but adorable .
When I was incarnated, she was just a voice, but somehow Loli Gramp-san has an entity now .
Loli Gramp-san... So ... You are really a Loli, arent you?(Arge)
Its cant be helped .
I am just taking the figure of the age when I was the easiest to move!
After five more years, I will get a little bigger!(Loli)
How big you will be?(Arge)
...about 3 more centimeters...(Loli)
It didnt change much .
In other words, Loli Gramp-san-san seems to be really a Legal Loli (will remain as a Loli)
By the way, Loli Gramp-san, am I dead again?(Arge)
From this situation, its the first thing I can think of .
I met her in this pure white space, the so-called rehabilitation room .
I heard from Loli Gramp-san that this is room to do procedures when a deceased person reincarnated .
Loli Gramp-sans work is a process of reincarnation .
Now that I meet her again like this, I wonder if I have to reincarnate again somewhere .
Or if the reincarnated person dies, we must visit here again and pay some price?
I dont know how strong the bomb was, but I was at the center of the explosion, I was as well as dead .
Idiot, try looking at your feet(Loli)
Listening to her words, in order to see my feet, I turn over the sheets .
The part which was hiding in the shadow of the sheet .
My pure white and smooth, vampire feet . It was very different from usual appearance .
After bing Argento Vampear, even though it was a short time, I have remembered how my vampire legs are .
There is certainly a ticklish feel when I touch it, and I can move it like I will .
But, my legs were certainly seen through to the other side .
It was translucent .
Uwa, what is this?(Arge)
This is the space between the world where God lives and the rest of the world .
Originally this is iprehensible to exist, without the permission of the gods(Loli)
What does that mean?(Arge)
I have permission from the gods with my authority and have maintained it . But you cant stay here for a long time because it will disappear soon(Loli)
I see .
Apparently, this is a big bed, but it seems that it cant be used for a nap .
And then Loli Gramp-san sits on my side and speaks with a serious face .
You suddenly have fallen here . Now, you have to talk about what happened in the world over there (T . N: Loli doesnt want to read the thick report book again)(Loli)
...I understand(Arge)
I obediently nodded and told her everything .
The territory of Dark Elf was attacked, I saw an airship with my family crest .
And I tried to move the bomb which was dropped from the airship even a bit further from there, and I was wrapped in light, lost consciousness .
While understanding that there is no time, we talked to each other firmly to gain mutual understanding .
At the end of the story, Loli Gramp-san nodded .
...... I see I see(Loli)
Loli Gramp-san, do not you know anything?(Arge)
... The reincarnate from Kuons family,
From my jurisdiction, its only you(Loli)
However, there are other shrine maidens who are in charge of incarnation besides myself, they might have incarnated someone else(Loli)
Is that so...?(Arge)
Well, then, its not strange if Loli Gramp-san doesnt know?
I was wondering if I could get a small clue about this situation, but it seems that its not as expected .
... I can do the examination, but its forbidden to teach the content of the database for personal affairs(Loli)
As expected . You are just like the Office Ladies at work...(Arge)
Dont call me Office Lady...
...But that fact that you havee this time is very irregr even from the gods(Loli)
Yes, thats why as a special case, Im listening to your circumstances and maintaining this ce for you(Loli)
Although her words areplicated, I understand that this situation is unexpected even by Gods who manage things like reincarnation .
Because I wasnt doing anything, perhaps there was something special made on that bomb .
There was a clear sign of a foreign curse on the surface of that bomb .
In other words, it wasnt a weapon born of simple science but also had some magical power .
It would not be strange even if that curse might even blow off the continent rather than a simple explosion .
... Then, after this . Can you return me to the normal world?(Arge)
This was neither you nor I nor Gods intention .
I already heard enough of what I need so I will return you soon(Loli)
As Loli Gramp-san says so, she used her index finger, shook something like a baton .
After a loud noise, and the bed in which I wasying my body has disappeared .
Although I was surprised for a moment, the fall was surprisingly light .
While the edge of my skirt fluttered swiftly, Inded with both feet without any hardship .
Apparently, it seems that I can put my feet on the ground even though it was translucent .
Loli Gramp-san gently looked at me from head to toe and nodded .
You seem to have gotten used to that body(Loli)
Yeah, it was very good . And with that much time has passed...(Arge)
When I was reincarnating, I always felt less interested than usual, or the empty feeling around the crotch mainly because I became a woman, but recently I got used to it .
It has be more natural to think that I was Argento Vampear .
It doesnt mean that I forgot myself as Kuon Ginji though .
I think Loli Gramp-san is the same .
She was a human before became the person in charge of reincarnation like now .
So, do you think its good you were incarnated in this world?(Loli)
I still dont know if my soul fits or not, but there were quite a few pleasant and memorable things(Arge)
Honestly, I dont know if I can say that Im good with this reincarnation .
However, after the reincarnation, I have not much time to sleep .
Rather than barely being able to remember anyone as a human being Kuon Ginji, who has lived for nearly two decades . There are a lot of memorable people who I can remember as the vampire called Argento Vampear, who lived for only a few months, and its vivid .
The only vivid thing that I can recall as Kuon Ginji is about the event that I sometimes see as a dream .
I see .
If that is the case then I guess its worth(Loli)
Loli Gramp-san held my hands and nodding in satisfied .
Her hands are cold, theres no heat .
Its almost like a vampire or a dead man .
Loli Gramp-sans hand is cold, isnt it?(Arge)
Well, it may be true, I have not set my body temperature ...(Loli)
I had heard the word settingbefore . In this world, Loli Gramp-san can control a lot of things .
And she talked about it earlier I was only taking the figure from the time when I was the easiest to move
And from how I saw it, it seems that furniture can be put in and out freely, so perhaps this world may be quitefortable .
Loli Gramp-san, can I have a great fluffy bed before I return to the original world for a moment?
If possible, I wonder if I can lower the temperature...(Arge)
You are going to take a nap until everything is broken down!?
Stop it, you big idiot!(Loli)
Unfortunately, she was very angry .
I thought that I could finally sleep in a luxury bed after a long time .
Honestly, something never changes(Loli)
Pardon me, my sex has changed(Arge)
...Well well, I get it . Let me end up with one more thing(Loli)
Yes, what is it?(Arge)
... Amabashi Miko . Thats my name . Stop calling me Loli Gramp forever(Miko)
...Miko-san, right?(Arge)
Well, its already a name that has be meaningless in this world or in my world ... yet, its still better than Loli Gramp(Miko)
Somewhat sullen, Loli Gramp-san, No..., Miko-san taught me her name .
Even though this is our second encounter, I feel like we have been acquaintances for a long time .
Being acquainted with her name makes me feel happy somehow .
While I was chewing on the name I was given, I gradually became distant .
Apparently, it seems to be about time .
Miko, I am...(Arge)
Thinking on your own, its the reincarnations purpose .
Your power was given for that .
If you find something you wish, do it(Miko)
...I see(Arge)
Its mean a lot to me even though its the same words that I first heard when I was incarnating .
At the same time recalling the nostalgic words, my body is enveloped in light .
...as usual, you have the atmosphere like Yes, I said it(Arge)
So, you had heard it from thest time(Miko)
Even I was unmotived, it still remained in my head .
While I was relieving somehow in my mind about that, my consciousness faded .
Chapter 153
[Next]T.N: Guys, what should I do?
I cant shake the urge to brag about Taru in chapter 180+ about dolls (which mean 170 more chapter) Read 100+ for 2 days straight is such a bliss.
Even if I trante with my hardest, it still takes 1 year to reach there.
Arge 153: Restart
When I first felt my consciousness came back, I had a unique floating feeling.
Its somewhat simr to the reincarnation ce. However, its not a soft awakening, but a sudden floating feeling.
And it wasnt just an illusion, it was clear.
Apparently, I seem to have been literally thrown out of that world.
My floating body eventually caught by gravity.
Falling to the ground with a roughnding.
The impact against the hard stuff strongly hits my buttocks.
And I gave out pretty cute voice un-intently.
Thest time I opened my eyes as naturally as I woke up from sleep, but this time, I was roughly thrown out instead of reincarnation.
Ao...uu... Loli Gramp-san, no..., Miko-san, isnt this too rough ...?(Arge)
I returned to the original world, so she cant hear Iin anymore.
However, its kinda hurt so I stillin while rubbing my buttocks. As I touch the ground with fingers, there was a hard and cold feel.
...A wooden table?(Arge)
I felt the ground where Ind is kinda smooth and took a look. Indeed, it was a wooden table.
Apparently, it seemed pretty sophisticated and the surface was shining brightly.
As I Looking around, the furniture is gorgeous and the ceiling is high.
I was wondering whether I have returned to the original ce, that is, either over the sea where I bomb exploded or the ruins of Antares, the starting point when I was incarnated, but both of them seem not to be the case.
This ce isnt over the sea.
And the ruin isnt gorgeous like this. I didnt remember that I could find a good ce to nap there.
Well ....?(Arge)
Forgetting the painful butt, I check this ce.
Because the furniture is so gorgeous, I also thought that it was Richelle-sans mansion for a moment, but I feel that this ce is a bit different from Richelle-sans hobby.
She is indeed in the lord of and, but she doesnt have adult hobbies like this.
At least, I dont think there is any golden jar decorating in her room.
... this ce maybe...(Arge)
It is well-organized, Although it is luxurious, I cant understand the owners sense of taste, but its not the kind of atmosphere that I hate.
Most of all, I remember this unique smell of this ce.
And the gentle tide scent shows that this ce is close to the sea.
The thing I remember is the warm smiles of the city people.
Theughter of a certain living person.
And although he is a weirdo but a gentle lord.
This is the beginning ce of my journey in a sense.
Port town Arlesha.
No doubt.
This is the town where I was able to settle down for the first time.
If so, this ce...
...Argento!?(Mushroom Lord)
Oh, Arge-san... Why are you in such a ce?(Pink Hair Maid)
... surprised(Twin Tails Escort)
Oh, Mushroom... Samaka-san, Maid-san, and Escort-san(Arge)
...Just now, did you mistake again how to call people?(Samaka)
Its just what you are thinking, its just your imagination.(Arge)
It seems like he doesnt want to be called a mushroom, but it cant be helped because his hairstyle is like a mushroom.
As usual, he wore shy costumes, but his fashion sense is just weird.
And with that fact, surely the person in front of me is that Samaka-san, the lord of Arlesha.
Apparently, I didnt return on Demon Continent but have been returned to the port town Arlesha.
Also somehow, I went to the lord, Samakas residence.
By the way my name is Eldera(Eldera)
Ah, yes. Thank(Arge)
Because we greeted each other, I lowered my head to them.
Remain smiling happily, pink hair maid is Eldera-san, the escort guard girl seems to be called Yuzuriha.
Uhm... Well well, anyway, dont sit on such a ce forever(Samaka)
Oh, yes(Arge)
Samaka-san gives his hand to me, while still looking somwhat confused.
He gently grasps my hand and takes me down from the table.
... As usual, he is a gentleman.
Aside from his looks and tension, Samaka-san is basically a gentleman.
He is still looking my body from head to toe, to confirm whether I am injured.
As he satisfied alone, he held a sigh while holding my hand
Still as beautiful as ever... How about it, Argento? Be my wife?(Samaka)
NO...Im sorry but I refuse(Arge)
......I see(Samaka)
In just a moment, he became rather disappointingly disgusted.
I dont care about this person.
Samaka-sama, even in this emergency, you are still the same as usual(Eldera)
Truly Erotic Mushroom Lord(Yuzuriha)
You guys are as merciless as ever ...
It is not true that I want to hear it now,
So, Argento, why are you here ...?(Samaka)
Well, there are a couple of things ...(Arge)
I cant feel the sign of using transposition magic...?
Either way, right now Alesha is...(Eldera?)
The ground was trembling before the sentence was finished.
The shaking wasnt from the ground but from a big shock urring in the distance.
And such tremors are urring once, its repeated about three times, and the dust falls from the ceiling.
Samaka-san covered me with his cloak and protected me from the dust.
He tells me after confirming that the shake ends.
...as you can see, we are in an emergency, I would like to have you quietly wait here if possible, but it seems I cant do that anyway(Samaka)
...Were you attacked by monsters again?(Arge)
Hearing Samakas words, I remembered the past.
The reason why I was leaving this town was that a huge monster attacked from the sea.
That was a pretty huge squid invasion. Is this time the same?
No, this time again is something else... Specifically, its the pirate(Samaka)
Pirates ... are there such things too?(Arge)
And in a sense, they much worse than monsters,
because they are skillful pirates, who have more control over their armies ...(Samaka)
Is that something ...?(Arge)
And again, the impact is shaking again.
The other party seems to be the pirates, is this a shelling or something?
Given the level of civilization in this world, armed ships can be loaded with cannons.
Or is it damage by some magic?
...... I can not calm down and talk right now(Arge)
There are many things I want to tell him, but we cant talk in this situation.
Most importantly, this is a town that I have helped protecting once.
There are also many memories.
I can still remember a lot of things just by closing my eyes.
Wait, Argento, now is ...!!(Samaka)
I have something Id like to talkter, so I will help you clean up as soon as possible.(Arge)
I worried about Kuzuha-chans group, but I will do itter.
The bomb was detonated far away, they should be safe.
There are countless things that I dont know, but if the Kuons house is involved in it, I think I have to know.
For now, I will deal with the problem in front of me.
Ha, its troublesome ... ....(Arge)
I want to finish everything quickly, I want to take a nap with an ease feeling.
(T.N: time for Arge to get serious. Over Power)
Chapter 154
[Next]T.N: Kuzuha must be born in a wrong series.
She is not only cute BUT ALSO cool like Shounen battle manga main character
Arge Chapter 154: My precious friend
Arge-san flew away flew towards the sea with something dropped from the flying iron mass.
With a serious look that I have never seen before, Arge-san flew away from us.
My silver hair friend went far away, became as small as a point and...
A nk sh appears in the faraway sky where Arge-san is.
Its as bright as the sun has fallen.
An intense shock and explosion crush my ears as I try to look at the light.
I cant even hear my voice calling my important friends name.
When the light disappears, there was only a sky with no clouds remaining.
It was as if my important friend wasnt there from the beginning, it was a ridiculous scene.
When my hearing came back, the only thing that echoed was the sound of the wind including the spark.
No way, its a lie, isnt it ...?(Felnote)
Oh, ah... aaaaaaaaaaah... Arge-sama... my people, everyone...(Richelle)
Felnote-san has a stunning voice. Richelle-san cries out.
For a while, I feel like my feet are shaking.
I dont know what that is.
Is that explosion due to some kind of magic? Or a magic artifact?
It doesnt matter. Anything is okay.
All I knew was that Arge-san was swallowed by that light and disappeared.
Arge-san... death...(Isabe)
Theres no way its true!!!(Kuzuha)
I denied strongly the words from Isabe-san.
Of course, I have no proof for what I said just now.
I dont know whether she is alive, safe or dead in the first ce.
But he is different.
Im sure he will understand.
Because he is deeply connected to Arge-san more than any of us.
And his footstep ising here must be because he knows Arge-san is alive.
Even though only Arge-san can understand his words, but Im sure he is feeling the same as me.
I jumped on the ck horse which came running through the burned field without hesitation and gripped the reins.
To Arge-san...!(Kuzuha)
Im sorry, Felnote-san! I cant wait!(Kuzuha)
Im sure you can borrow a ship if you go to Mutsuki-sans ce.
There is also a way to let Neguseou-san guide all of us to Arge-san.
But how long will it take to rebuild this territory and prepare the ship?
I dont think I would like to wait for it.
Because Arge might have been hurt somewhere.
Or perhaps that explosion has blown her to somewhere I dont know.
Im sorry that I dont have time to wait...
Please, Neguseou-san!!(Kuzuha)
As I hold steady on the reins, Neguseou-san raises his speed up clearly.
Neguseou-san is linked with Arge-san by soul and body with the skill blood contract.
That tie is so strong that they can understand each others state even if they are away.
Thats why he can surely sense Arge-sans direction.
In other words, Arge-san isnt dead at least.
If so, thats fine.
Im not afraid just because thendscape is flowing so fast, as I know Im on my way to my important friend.
Beyond the forest, past the hill, pass through the grasnds, and pass the cliffs in front of us.
What lies ahead is the horizontal line.
Dont get in our way...!
Neguseou-san! Please speed up!(Kuzuha)
Hearing my words, Neguseou-san obeyed and elerated without stopping, he flew off the cliff.
Of course, we are far from the shore of the main continent.
No matter how excellent he is, it is impossible for Neguseou-san to jump to the far side of the horizon.
Neither I nor Neguseou-san has wings.
We cant fly like Arge-san.
What I can do is simple.
Reject anything that hinders our path!
Absolute wind!!(Kuzuha)
Just as my magical word, the spell certainly demonstrates its power.
I hinder the sinking in the water a little with the force of the wind. Thats it.
However,bined with the speed of Neguseou-san.
He takes the next step before sinking into the sea. As a result, we never sink.
With a rather rough running method, we will consume both physical strength and magical power violently, but in this case, we can cross the sea several times faster than the ship.
I can still afford for now, but will I be able to cross the sea?
... There is no time to think about such a thing!
I dont even have to think about whether I can cross over.
As my important friend is in the direction we are headed to, we are going to cross it.
I am determined so and lower my position.
Its to lower the resistance of the wind.
It is the basic attitude of a beast to lower himself and run.
Even as soon as possible, I rushed to my precious friend.
For that, I do whatever I can.
Never again... I willete... to my important person!(Kuzuha)
I grasped the reins firmly, I concentrated to cope with Neguseou-san and using my magical power with full power.
For my irreceable friend, who is my important thing in this world.
I can do all I can now do.
This time in order not to lose my important thing again.
T.N: Dear readers, do you want me to trante the Extra Cob Chapters first or at least trante till the end of the cliff first?
The author really ENDS this Arc at this chapter, I was so frustratedst time and when the Author release chapters again, it was Extra Cob Chapters...
I felt like being trolled so hard.
Chapter 155
Arge Chapter 155: Dancing with the Sea Breeze
Port town Arlesha has changed to a battlefield.
The peaceful and vibrant town in my memory is now filled with battle and anger.
A properly armed group who seem to be the Lords army of this town, Samaka-sans soldier.
And a group of rough body men isughing as they attack other people.
And those who can not fight escape ording to the guidance of the soldiers.
The cannonball flew over from the sea, blew down some houses, sometimes it blew people flying up.
There was no longer gentle scenery I saw recently after reincarnated as a vampire.
Uuu... Blood Arm Chain(Arge)
I moved to collect the persons who blew off by the cannon shell.
Blood Arm
Its a vampires skill to turn blood into a weapon.
With the blooding out by biting on my fingertip, ignores the original mass and turns into a chain.
I rolled up the blew away humans and put them on the ground.
What ... is that!?(Man)
Oh, you are the silver...!(Man)
Okay, Pain pain fly away(Arge)
My Blood Arm Chains caught everyone, pirates, soldiers or residents and I properly healed them.
And I only released the soldiers and residents from the chains.
I will help you now, please tell me the situation(Arge)
Yes,... Uhm... The pirates attacked the town, there are a lot of enemies... they were alreadynding on the town...(Soldier)
Okay, I understand.
I will go and capture them all.
And please bring the injured to this ce, I will heal them(Arge)
I put down the soldiers and I instructed them right away.
And even though I told them to bring the injured, but I dont feel like staying still.
It is more efficient to get the soldiers to bring the injured to a fixed ce.
Thank you for your help again.(Soldier)
The sound of the battle is still very intensifying.
I create more chains to capture any pirates in sight.
How to deal/punish with themter is Samaka-sans job.
I can just do it if I can finish this stupidity as soon as possible.
Pain pain go away(Arge)
While passing through many people in the way, I recover the injured people at random.
Of course, not only the soldiers, residents but also the caught pirates.
...I do not like this.
I felt my heart roars with high speed.
The peaceful port town that was in memory was now changed.
The scent of the tide is drowned by the smell of fire and blood.
Smile andughter are overwritten by pain and scream.
The only thing that does not change is only the sea breeze.
What... are you!?(Pirate)
Silver hair... Its the Goddess of the sea breeze...!(Soldier or Resident)
Im passing through(Arge)
Its really bothersome.
Why am I supposed to do this?
I elerated further so that I could overwhelm the difort with the sea breeze.
I want to finish this troublesome thing even a second sooner.
Im sick of screams, anger, cannon shell and corruption sounds.
The sea breeze is gentle here, everyone isughing, it is best for a nap.
Most importantly, this town is where there is a house of the former knight who picked up me.
I feel sick because its broking without permission unreasonably.
...It is harsh(Arge)
I rushed up the walls of the house, speed up, speed up more to get rid of the riot around as I came up to the port.
When I run with high speed, I can climb up the wall before gravity catches me.
And as Im on the roof.
From the sea, a bombardment, which is the identity of the harassment, was just fired from an armed ship.
Oh the wind, please stop it(Arge)
An intense wind forcibly stopped a myriad of ammunition flying.
Before hitting the harbor, metal clumps are forcibly stopped.
And I speak an extra word before they fell.
Blood Arms Chain(Arge)
The shells are just some simple iron block, it will not explode.
So, its okay to catch them with my chains.
Objects created with Blood Arms can be moved freely by me.
The new chains caught and lifted the shell that was about to fall into the ground.
From a little while ago... You are annoying(Arge)
I am short of blood.
I judged so and bit on the other hand without hesitation, to bring out more blood.
Please extend(Arge)
ording to the word, the chains which held the cannon shell were extended even further.
And the chains reach above the flock of pirate ships with skull g.
...Please be quiet(Arge)
I hit it from above with the chains and cannon shell like Wrecking ball
All of the vessels were destroyed from the upper to the bottom. They became scattered wood chips and sunk.
I can see that several people jump into the sea.
If this keeps up, they might get caught in a sinking ship and sink.
Ah, its troublesome...(Arge)
In order to deal with this trouble, I didnt hesitate.
I bit my wrist again. And this time, its not a small ce like a fingertip but my palm, so that I can shed enough blood.
For a moment, my head was spinning. But I must finish this trouble soon.
Blood Arm Additional creation, catch them all(Arge)
This time I created thergest amount of chains to catch everyone drowned in sight.
Because I got everyone in sight, its possible to move to catch them with my Blood Arm to some extent automatically.
As I spoke catch in it, the chains will definitely do it as I said.
Pirates were pulled up from the sea one after another and were put on the harbor with the ties of the chains.
Pain Pain Go Away(Arge)
Some people are drowning and others are injured, so I recover them all in sight.
Whatever happens to the pirates in the future, it would be better to cure them of their suffering now.
Its not my job to judge and I dont want such responsibility.
Uuu... Pain... Pain Go away...(Arge)
I didnt use much magical power, but I had shed a lot of blood.
For now, Its better to close the wound on my hand.
Thought so, I also use recovery magic for myself.
Recovery magic also has the effect of helping the body build blood.
It would be better than nothing.
Okay... Next...(Arge)
Stop, Argento!(Samaka)
... Samaka...san ...?(Arge)
The moment I called his name, he pulled my hand strongly.
Lord of port town Arlesha, Samaka Suwaro.
He doesnt have his usual gentleman attitude which fawns over girls.
He is looking at this with a serious expression.
Dont be unreasonable ...!!(Samaka)
... Im not doing something unreasonable. The vampire body is sturdy(Arge)
The body of a vampire is more robust than a human being.
In addition, I have the physical ability super agility
I also got a lot of cheat ability when I was reincarnating.
The only Im worrying right now is the result of shedding blood myself to use many Blood Arm
In other words,
It doesnt really matter ...(Arge)
It doesnt matter, you say! Dont do things you dont usually do, its not like you!(Samaka)
I was retorted unexpectedly, and I opened my eyes wide.
Am I...?(Arge)
You are over-impatient ...
Calm down, Argento ... you are a kind woman, but you would not throw yourself in that way(Samaka)
The wound on my hand is gone.
Because it was cured with my recovery magic.
However, my flowing blood certainly remains as a loss.
...I see(Arge)
I mostly cared about myself.
Rather, I wanted to find someone who fed me three meals a day, give me the freedom to take a nap anytime.
Im inherently troublesome, a musky. To get serious like this, to hurry finding a solution until worn me out, its not me at all.
I even wasnt serious even years after years under the cruel treatment of Kuon house.
Even Samaka-san who has only met me once also told It wasnt like me
Sorry, Samaka-san, I think I wasnt as usual for a while(Arge)
As long as you understand.
...Actually, well done.
You already submerge the ship, the pirates can no longer withdraw or have the mean to attack the town.
We will win easily from here(Samaka)
Samaka-sanughed and released my hand.
He mushroom hair is still disturbing, but he seems to be determined.
I spread his hand to the front.
I cant let the guests work alone for my problem.
Lets clean up this up quickly!(Samaka)
It is a gag-like gesture I saw somewhere, but its still somewhat cool.
With that word, his surrounding air changes, he is definitely a good lord.
He can definitely protect this town with his hands just like I thought when you came to Arlesha for the first time.
Thats why I will act as usual as well.
Haa, its troublesome, lets finish this early(Arge)
The silver hair loli vampire who thinks about nothing but sleep, always frowning with a sleepy face with a troublesome task.
Lets stay here as Argento Vampir.
Chapter 156
Arge 156: Connection
Well, then, everyone, we will reorganize.
What we need to do basically dont change.
Evacuate the inhabitants and crush the pirates.
There are no more artillery blows from the pirate.
Above all, here is the goddess of victory called the goddess of the sea breeze.
Locate all injured and bring them to her!(Samaka)
My Lord, whats about division troop?(Soldiers)
We will reorganize and rearrange them, bnce it from here to the edge of the town.
Do not miss any residents, do not let any pirate escape!
In the presence of the king, any blunder wont be forgiven!(Samaka)
Samaka, what about me?(Yuzuriha)
Yuzuriha can move freely, that would be better.
I can handle it myself, escorting me is unnecessary(Samaka)
I understood, I will go.(Yuzuriha)
Samaka-sama, what shall I do?(Eldera)
Eldera as usual, stay by my side(Samaka)
Samaka-san speaks instructions one after another and organizes the soldiers.
Because there are no more artillery bombs from the ocean, people move as instructed without difficult.
The soldiers are ready to embark on a pirate sweep.
I have sunk down the ships which the pirates might use to escape, so, this is as good as a winning battle.
As Samaka-san says, this is like a cleaning match.
If wepletely destroy or capture the remaining pirate, this fuss will end.
Yes, pain pain, go away(Arge)
Meanwhile, my job is easy, just curing the injured.
The max level recovery magic obtained when I reincarnated.
A ridiculous healing effect that cures any kinds of injury, illness or curse.
... This is the first time I see it with my own eyes. Its amazing(Samaka)
Thank you for that ... ... Fuwaa(Arge)
As Samaka-san gave out an admired voice, I responded appropriately.
Ive already calmed down now, the unpleasantness from before haspletely disappeared.
I have done something that isnt me at all.
The recapturing of the troops will end soon, sweeping will start with the center point at this ce, where I y the recovery role.
Samaka, Eldera, and some soldiers as a minimal escort are also here.
Ordinary citizens withoutbat skills are instructed by the soldiers to a safe ce.
...... I think that its quite amazing that this fuss can be done quickly(Arge)
Well, because our soldiers are all excellent(Samaka)
He seems to be happy to be praised. Samaka-san has a doya-face.
As usual, his strange clothes, above a mushroom-cut hairstyle make him funny no matter what he does.
But he seems to be happy, so lets leave it alone.
As ever, Samaka-samas doya-face isnt cool at all but rather cute instead(Eldera)
... Eldera, have not you forgotten that you are my wife?(Samaka)
Between public and private, right now its public, so there is no joke...(Eldera)
Oh, she is pretty good. Eldera-san seems to be one of 30 or 40 wives.
Samaka-san seems like giving up and keep speaking instructions without minding it.
Looking at the situation, Eldera-san is smiling.
Well, regardless of the texture of his face, I think that its cool and cheap to summarize though(Eldera)
Wouldnt it be better to say it in front of himself ...?(Arge)
Iya~a~, but that is private between public and private of me~?(Eldera)
She replied in a roundabout way, I just obediently nodded as I heard it.
When looking at the surroundings, most people are expressing relief.
After all, the existence of the lord called Samaka would be big.
I think he is a strange person, even his people might think the same, and in fact, he is a womanizer with dozens of wives.
But he must be a good andpetent lord to be loved so much by his people, subordinates to be called so casually.
And because he is responsible for an important base of the port town, he is definitely qualified.
Right after I understood thepetence of Samaka-san, a shock took ce.
It was a sound of an explosion, the sound of a raid.
There were five pirates, who blew off the soldiers of the few escorts left and appeared from behind the alley.
Oh, they are still here, so close to us~(Eldera)
Contrary to Eldera-sans casual word, the pirates stared at us and pulled out their weapons.
Samaka-san calmly spoke a word to them.
Hmmm... It got ruined, so you are in such a ce?
How about you, guys?
If you silently surrender, I will give a generous treatment(Samaka)
Why the hell would we surrender?(Pirates)
...then it will be a little rough.
Everyone, stand back(Samaka)
Its a surprising instruction.
And ording to the instructions, the soldiers fall back.
Even though its the order from the lord, the soldiers left the lord to deal with the pirates?
Samaka-san ... ...?(Arge)
Argento, can you cure my subordinates who have been injured just now...
Now, pirates, its unpleasant if I let you hurt my subordinates any longer, so, you are going down(Samaka)
Isnt it stupid that the lord to appear before?(Pirate)
Attack him, you can injure him but dont kill him, we will take him a hostage!(Pirate)
Do it, you guys!
If we can catch him, we can get through here!(Pirate)
The pirates are right.
For the pirates who lost the ships which are means to escape, capturing Samaka will guarantee their safety to escape.
Samaka-san may do this knowing the aim of the opponent.
If he does it like this, his men will not get hurt.
It might be a foolish choice, but he seems to be confident.
Eldera-san, is Samaka-san strong?(Arge)
If its normal, I can understand the strength to some extent by the effect of Blood Reading.
From the odor of the blood, I can predict the approximate ability.
However, in the case of Samaka-san, the smell of perfume that he uses is too strong, its hard to understand his strength.
Eldera-san smiled with my words.
Samaka-san isnt that strong, but we are strong so its okay~(Eldera)
Samaka took out a small box slowly from his pocket as I was dumbfounded.
The box was small enough to fit in the palm of his hand.
He opens the box slowly.
Well then, shall we start?(Samaka)
What was taken out of the box is... a ring? And Samaka-san wears it.
It fitsfortably on his left ring finger.
It has the white silver color and it looks the same as the wedding ring in my world.
The pirates came to Samaka-san who finished wearing his ring with rxed movement.
You must die...!(Pirate)
If I die, I cant be a hostage... Eldera(Samaka)
Samaka-san calls out the name of the pink hair twin tails woman.
But his word wasnt direct to the girl next to me, it was just like a monologue.
And Samaka-sans movements changed clearly.
Ku... !?(Pirate)
Its the pirates who were suffering.
Samaka-san closed the distance to the pirates in instant, pulled out his sword and shed them down.
His movement is at a speed at which cant be performed normally.
Even though I had the dynamic vision, it was speed enough to be called fast.
Dorisetta, please(Samaka)
This is the name of someone I dont know.
While calling our that name, Samaka-san changed his battle movements.
He pulled knives from his bosom and throw it without hesitation.
The knives pierced the right thighs of the pirates.
Samaka-san didnt even look at the direction of the daggers he threw.
Heard the pirates moan, he swung his sword to the pirate who was still standing near his side.
Despite avoiding their vital points, he surely disabled the opponents.
Three people in this ... ... troublesome
Jirufi, mislead(Samaka)
Shake his left hand with the ring, Samaka speaks the words.
I can feel the flow of magical power.
... Its the magic of the dark attribute.
I can understand the quality of the magic from the feeling on my skin.
The magic used by Samaka is a dark attribute.
And I could understand the effect as soon as I saw it.
The pirates start attacking each other with their weapons.
Judging from the word mislead, Samaka must have used magic to show hallucinations.
... I caught them now.
Im sorry but can I ask you to treat those wounds?
I will do the captive here.
Do not waste your blood(Samaka)
Well, it doesnt matter... Samaka-san, Just now you use a Magic Artifact, isnt it?(Samaka)
Certainly, this Inseparable Circle Ring is a magical artifact.
Unfortunately, the original me is a mediocre man.
I must fight with my wives help(Samaka)
The Inseparable Circle Ring has the effect of allowing you to use the skills of the person who got the consent.
However, the said person will lose all skills(Eldera)
Yes, bing a Samakas wife means to be a simple woman~(Eldera)
Eldera-san says the word with a light tone.
But, in fact, its not a light thing.
In this world, the skill level status, the rough skill is managed.
Every technique, from magic, swordsmanship, throwing, and appraisal, is within the framework of skills.
Samaka-sans Magic Artifact has the effect to inherit all of that skill of the consented partner.
Although it can not be done without consent, its a ridiculous effect in every sense.
If Samaka-san wants, he can get infinite skills as well.
And his wives who hand over their skills will be a person with no capacity in this world.
Thoughts and ability (battle experience) arent influenced by skill, but it will still be quite scary effect.
... Samaka-san was the one who gathered us, so we are all together like this ~(Eldera)
......Is that so(Arge)
Eldera is smiling as she answers so.
For her and other wives, Samaka-san is trustworthy enough to pass all their abilities to him.
Well, he truly loves and cares for his wives, dozens of people, seriously.
And his feeling must be transmitted to his wives.
Otherwise, they will not give him their skills.
... He is a fine person. Pain pain, go away(Arge)
I gently nodded as I healed the captured pirates and the injured soldiers.
After all, Samaka-san might be a womanizer pervert but he is a fine person.
How is it, Argento? Are you falling in love with me now?(Samaka)
Ah, it never crossed my mind, so, NO(Arge)
... I see(Samaka)
Too bad, I was actually fond of girls.
Chapter 157
Arge Chapter 157: The idea at thest minute
Samakasmand is precise. Almost all of the Pirates got caught.
I was honestly surprised with his Magic Artifact, but still, the most amazing thing about Samaka-san would be his capable andpetent.
It was a hard work. Now, we only need to go into post-war processing.
First of all, givepensation to the people who have lost their homes first.
Lets start with the removal of rubble while summarizing the areas that need repair.
As for the Pirates, we will decide their sins one by er, lock them all in the prisons(Samaka)
Samaka-sama~ Should I leave the injured to Arge-sama?(Eldera)
... May I ask of you, Argento?(Samaka)
I will do it, but I can not cure the dead, so please give priority to those who are about to die(Arge)
It was something that I did from the very beginning.
It is awkward, but I will do that much.
It would be weird to stop halfway.
Ah, I see... thats right,
You are very helpful as here...
...No, well,
Its no use crying over spilled milk now?(Samaka)
...!? Whats happen?(Arge)
Somehow Samaka-san seems flustered.
He had a bit of a sense of incongruity in reaction.
No ... what to say. Well... its very hard to say...(Samaka)
Samaka, have you done it?(???)
A moment.
The air changed as soon as I heard the voice said so.
The dignified voice stopped even the sounds and conversations of people moving around here for reconstruction.
As I turned around to look at the Lord of the voice.
He has golden hair, the glows of the gold shaking in the sea breeze and taking the sun was as beautiful as a crown.
His pale eyes are gentle, but it seems to suck you in if you keep looking.
The face was well in order.
Though he looks refreshing as a whole.
From what he is wearing, I can clearly see the quality, he isnt just a simple person.
Your Majesty!(Samaka)
More than anything, Samaka is instantly kneeling and says dignified words with respect show who he was.
... Oh, I guess he has said that before.
Surely, Samaka-san said before In the presence of the king
I simply thought that he wanted to say that this port-town was thend of the king to raise morale.
Apparently, the king was reallying.
The person who was called the king, watching usfortably.
... Are you the Angel of the sea breeze?(King)
I dont like that name though...(Arge)
... Genius Magical Girl Vampy?(King)
And, that one is what I dont allow even more.(Arge)
I wonder what he is saying with a serious look, this person.
Perhaps he is a bit natural.
When I was thinking about such a thing, he tilted his head.
Was I wrong ...?(King)
Ah, uhm...(Arge)
I was troubled, it was a bit hard to y.
Well, its enough to forget strange nicknames.
From the talk, he seems to know what kind of person I am.
I used to be in Arlesha, using recovery magic, and what I have been doing now.
As Samaka-san told me before, my recovery magic is on demand.
So, if the king thinks that, he mighte directly to catch me. He doesnt seem to be eager about it though.
... Thats fine. The important thing is the power you used just now.(King)
However, it doesnt mean that he will leave me alone as it is.
The opponents tension is unique, perhaps its his personality or just natural.
I dont know the situation.
The others eyes are obviously aimed at me.
I can not leave my ce silently and I cant run away as well.
Samaka-san doesnt even say anything. I cant expect a helping boat here.
He also has a position.
It ismonce that he cant do careless things.
Where do youe from?
What is your purpose being here?
That power alone can be either a goddess or a demoness depending on how you handle it(King)
As I thought about what happened, there was something I came up with.
My Blood box has an effect of storing goods by dissolving the existence itself in the blood flowing through my body.
From that storage skill, I took out a letter and handed it.
The word to say is one.
I breathed lightly and spoke the words.
I am a goodwill ambassador(Arge)
... ...?(King)
Im the goodwill ambassador who brought a letter from Queen Kutira who ruled the ocean floor city Rlyeh(Arge)
There was no lie in what I said.
I raised the letter that Kutira handed over to me,
I decided to call myself the ambassador of goodwill.
It seems funny but it will be much better than being detained
Since the harbor town Arlesha is a town that faces the ocean, I thought that as a civic city, I should bring a letter here first, so I brought it.(Arge)
......I see(King)
The eyes of the king were deep and seemed to see through here.
Eventually, he nods slowly and speaks.
This is the first time I hear such name, but I dont see any lie.
I will confirm the letter and show you hospitality.
My name is Subaru, Subaru Pleiades...
The current king of Pleiades Kingdom(King)
Chapter 158
Arge Chapter 158: Guide destination
Fuwa ...(Arge)
Unconsciousness, I raised an admired voice with the amazing sight.
The view from the window was amazing.
After handing the letter from Kutira, I was officially epted as a goodwill ambassador after Samaka-san checked the letter.
I was invited to the capital city of Subaru Kingdom on a fine carriage dedicated for Subaru and spent a couple of days traveling.
To be honest, I still pretty much concerned about Kuzuha-chans group, but with this unexpected situation, I had no choice but to ride with it.
This is the capital of our country, Alkione, goodwill ambassador(Subaru)
Samaka-san sitting next to me exins it as supplementing.
The townscape of the capital was quite different from Arlesha in the atmosphere.
Arlesha, a port town which is the center of trade, was full of lively and salty winds.
However, in this city, there is a smell of calm and well-bnced stones.
Although it is certain that both are prosperous, for the capital, as a matter of fact, all the people here are well-dressed and dignified.
The arrangement of the roads and the houses are also orderly, and I feel at ease somehow.
...As expected of the capital, the cityscape is really beautiful!(Arge)
Well, since my grandfathers grandfathers time and also my grandfathers grandfathers grandfathers time, we have never allowed any foreign enemies invade us...
It seems that the other generation was under wartime with the empire, but the empires de had never reached this ce(Subaru)
As expected to be the center of a major power, the defense seems to be quite sturdy.
As Im admiring the well-organized townscape, the horse-drawn carriage advances.
Passengers deeply lower their heads towards the carriage, make me realize the reign of Subaru-san.
The coach went on while he was dazzling and eventually reached the royal castle.
Well, allow me to guide you inside of the castle directly(Subaru)
......thank you very much(Arge)
I obediently express my gratitude with a soft smile and nod.
From the story I heard from Samaka-san, I thought the Subaru-san was more cold, sharp and selfish.
However, he actually talked gently, he smelled nice, better than I thought, or rather he looked charming with natural blurring.
However, I didnt forget about the change in the atmosphere when I met him in Arlesha.
He seems not to be a cold person, but as a matter of fact, he probably thinks of reign.
Thats why he was able to hold a strong person like Samaka-san as a subordinate.
Samaka-san, you are the lord of Arlesha and the queen this time has a capital at the bottom of the ocean... I will leave it to you(Subaru)
Please leave it to me, I will write a reply letter as soon as possible(Samaka)
Prepare a seal and wait for it.
Leave the exnation to others in the castle to me(Subaru)
Yes, your majesty...!(Samaka)
Although Samaka-san wasnt even in battle, he was replied with respect and serious to Subaru-san. And I was reminded of our conversation that he was loyal and respect Subaru-san.
While thinking, I followed Subaru and got off the carriage.
As a matter of course, many people gathered to wee him back, but the Subaru-san treated it lightly and he went into his Castle with only me in the name of guiding the guest.
As expected the ministers and the maids are too noisy...
They are noisy even when I returned from the inspection(Subaru)
You are loved(Arge)
Because this is the resting ce for Subaru, I cant sleep with confidence unless Im loved(Subaru)
I think that is really important(Arge)
There is a danger of assassination etc. after all Subaru is a King. And its important that the surrounding subordinates are reliable partners.
As I was convinced, Subaru made a difficult face.
Well ... Well, recently a little, due to a certain flower I cannot be careless(Subaru)
... you dont need to worry about it, goodwill ambassador... lets stay silent(Subaru)
Perhaps he was not honest when he said it was nothing.
If I dont feel like Subaru wants to talk about it, so, I will not ask for it because its bad to pry.
Well, then goodwill ambassador ......(Subaru)
Well, that way of calling is a bit ufortable, can you call me by name?(Arge)
... Argento, is it okay?(Subaru)
Well, its better than Vanpyr-chan, I dont mind if you call me Arge(Arge)
Lets go well, allow me to guide you, Arge(Subaru)
Its ufortable to be called with a title that I just thought of, as Im not used to it.
I appreciate that he ept it and decide to let the Subaru guide me.
Its quite luxurious as a guide but considers the situation I will just ept it.
The Castle was wide and it took a considerable amount of time to guide.
It was such a construction of a medieval castle
It wasnt a boring time because I was able to look around in the mood like being in sightseeing.
...Ahuu(Arges yawn)
Mmm, are you sleepy, Arge?(Subaru)
Oh, Im sorry... I am sleepy because I have not slept for 30 hours today(Arge)
not yet(Arge)
Unfortunately, there isnt a day with 30 hours, so its a goal I could never do.
Subaru-san had a subtle face to my words and eventually nodded as he thought of something.
I will allow it, you cane here(Subaru)
While I did not understand the trantion, my hand was held.
He held my hand gently, his fingers were rather soft as if they were of a woman, despite his neutral appearance.
As I was surprised by such a feeling, I was pulled by the Subaru.
He leads me to the inside of an unknown building that he didnt exin in the guide yet.
And then Subaru stopped in front of a room.
This is my bedroom, we still have time until the dinner, so its better for you to have a rest(Subaru)
...... Uhm, is that okay?(Arge)
Subarus room is his private space.
Since he should be quite busy as he is the king. It should be the only space where he can calm down, and although I have spent a couple of days with him on the horse carriage, I am just an acquaintance.
Was it good that I could freely use his bedroom?
If I let the goodwill ambassador get tired with proper rest, I cant be hospitable(Subaru)
Subaru-san said that with a refreshing tone and he opened the door, invited me in.
The room is really the room of the person who rules a country, interior good quality could be seen as the first-ss items.
Since I often saw it when I was at Kuons house, I can tell at a nce whether its a luxury item if its about beds and beddings.
This room is definitely the room that Subaru wants to sleep in.
I will lend you a bed, do not hesitate to sleep(Subaru)
Well ... well then, I will take up on your offer...(Arge)
Even me, who always wishes to take a nap, still know to withhold in this situation, but Subaru himself doesnt seem to care at all.
I think that it might be rude to refuse, so I decide to jump (metaphor) into the guided bed.
Fu~a ... Oh, how great, its pleasant...(Arge)
Of course its the Kings bed after all(Subaru)
Its been a long time that I could have such a fluffy bed. Thest time may have been when I was still in Kuons house.
Not only they have the fancy appearance, the sheets, the beds are also very soft, its embracing me as I rx on it.
Ipletely forgot to refrain and tried it out. I could feel the fragrance of the sun on the bed.
Oh... such warmth... In the future like this, I want to sleep every day in such a fluffy bed...(Arge)
I want to be fed on the bedside three meals a day...
I would rather sleep here forever...Fue ...(Arge)
It may have been because of various things happen that make me tired.
In a blink of an eye, my consciousness fades.
Chapter 159
[Next] [Next]
Arge Chapter 159: Too expensive
I was surprised and woke up because some thoughts came to my head.
Of course, it doesnt mean that I received strange radio waves.
Ites from a skill which has my consent, the blood contract.
Its like a telepathy which ising through the connection of our souls.
... Its from Negseou.
He is apanion of my journey and my sleepy mane while traveling. Its Neuseous charm point.
I have a blood contract with him so we canmunicate with each other even if we are far away.
Thats how the thoughting to my head.
While I am still a little puzzled by my waking up, I tell him about my recent situation.
Because I was absent-minded, Ipletely forgot that there are such means ofmunication.
ording to the thought returned, Neguseou doesnt seem to have much time.
Apparently, he has run across the sea with Kuzuha-chan back from Demon Continent.
Because he needed to concentrate on it, he could only contact me after they reach thend.
He seems to be upset...(Arge)
Even its not impossible for Negseou whose status is strengthened by my blood contract and Kuzuha-chan, the high magical power beastkin.
However, running across the sea is out ofmon sense.
Furthermore, from what was told, both of them have crossed the sea with little rest.
Especially Negseou who was running, he must have been insomnia.
Now that they have crossed over the ocean already, they said that they going to pursue after they rest a little.
They went through so much trouble, it would be better to apologize when we met.
Because I know why they have done so far.
As we could grasp each others circumstances, as long as we are connected by the blood contract, we dont have to tell each other which direction we are in.
Although I want to move as well, I cant move from here until I can make a connection with the Pleiades Kingdom as a goodwill ambassador.
Im also worried about Felnote-san, but I somehow happy that Kuzuha-chan and Neguseou-san areing.
Um... fua...(Arge)
After done talking with my thoughts, I woke up.
Theres no window in the room, but its probably night-time depending on how cold the air is.
I remembered the King said to wake me up during the meal time, but maybe I felt sofortable when sleeping, he decided to leave me alone.
Somehow my hand touched something as I tried to get up.
... Funi~yu?(Arge)
If I must use a word to express, it must be something like that.
Even I was still half-sleep, my mind was concentrated on my fingers which could feel the soft and warm feeling.
When I looked at that direction, there was the sleeping face I saw for thest few days.
Eh ...the King?(Arge)
Its the king of this country.
He is regrly breathing, and he seems to feel veryfortable.
He closes his eyes with a gentle face.
The king is asleep in the same bed as me.
Thats right. Originally this bed is his.
He doesnt care about me who is only borrowing, I think its natural to sleep here when he felt sleepy.
... It seems to be quite soft and nice...(Arge)
The part I touch is his chest.
What I feel on my fingers is obviously soft and nice even it was supposed to be a males chest.
I forgot to take my hand off his chest as I was lost in thought...
And the other person opens his eyes...
By the time I retracted my hand in a hurry, the king rubbed his eyes and looked at me.
Ah, yes ...about that, Im sorry(Arge)
As he called my name with a dignified voice, I apologized while sitting on the bed.
Its true that he has a neutral face and I suspected his gender from the touch of his body but anyway, it would have been rude to touch the sleeping partner.
At first, its a coincidence, but from then, I didnt take my hand back.
Theres no use making excuse now, I should apologize obediently.
Im not angry, rather I got one question to ask of you(Subaru)
What is it...?(Arge)
Arge. Lets get married(Subaru)
Is it fundamental that people in the kingdom get married that easily?
Chapter 160
Arge 160: What cannot be done by just letting it flow in hot water
...and, as you can see, even though I have imed the king title, but my body itself is a woman(Subaru)
Ha, that sounds right(Arge)
The king stretches his chest while the steam drifts.
He figure which exposed the whole body was certainly of a woman.
Because it will be rude to keep staring at him so I choose to talk instead.
(T.N: I dont make a mistake here, Arge doesnt fix he to she and him to her yet)
Your Majesty is...(Arge)
You may call me by name, I will allow you(Subaru)
...Why did Subaru-san keep silent about being a woman?(Arge)
The reasons are external political and moody.
To be precise, because I was brought up as a man because of external reasons, I just feel like a man as moody(Subaru)
He talks so ... No, she talks so.
I can feel sadness from her tone and it seems to be true.
In other words, she was treated as a man for the appearance as her country, and she recognized that it as natural.
Thats how it was.
I was asked to marry naturally at the Kings bed but I was stuck for a reply.
I couldnt think of an answer so suddenly.
Then Subaru-san has forced me to the bath when I was lost in thought, and now we were talking as we both sank our bodies in the hot water.
Its only a handful of kingdoms who knows this.
It will nice if you ept it(Subaru)
Im sorry, but its something I was really concerned about(Arge)
I dont care, I will allow it.
Lets talk about that againter...
But, please give it some thoughts(Subaru)
Well, ugu...(Arge)
I can understand from her your eyes that she is serious, its not a joke.
Although I dont understand the meaning of her exnation, I understand that her word is honest.
Lets calm down a bit(Arge)
I have been always calm(Subaru)
I want time to settle down myself. Please tell me a bit about it(Arge)
... Good. I am nning to be a sincere husband. You are allowed to ask questions(Subaru)
She was aggressive, kind of differentpared to Samaka-san.
Even though I am a little bit amazed, I talk to her to understand more about the situation.
First of all, its a major premise... Why did you tell me to get married?(Arge)
Well ...Because I am studying the color of love now(Subaru)
Do you marry suddenly at the study stage ...?(Arge)
Wouldnt it be too much to leave the process?
Although I wanted to tsukkomi in, I should collect more information so I decided to continue listening.
I heard something about Samaka, people in the castle, my acquaintance Aune, something about the color of love, and I also heard from Arge today(Subaru)
...Ugu, did I say such a thing?(Arge)
Didnt you say that you want to be married to someone who embraces you with as much love as the bed does?(Subaru)
As I was told, I remembered I did say that.
But I mean to y it safe or something like that.
When I remembered vaguely, Subaru-san nodded in a good mood.
I tried sleeping next to you like the trial.
I felt veryfortable and I realized that was because Arge is a woman as well.
It will be quicker to get you into my family.
And you are a goodwill ambassador from a country rich in resources, marriage is a good thing to do outside as a proof of mutual friendship, more than that you are someone who was called the angel of the sea breeze.
It will be greatly beneficial to my country(Subaru)
Uhm, whats wrong?(Subaru)
... I thought that you got ahead of yourself (metaphor), but now that I heard from you, Im surprised that you think carefully about it(Arge)
As she heard my impressions, Subaru-san sank into hot water...
Her golden hair is spreading in the hot water.
She is like in the midst of swimming.
And then she is sitting as if its next to nature.
Her eyes that stared at me were deep enough to think that I could be sucked in.
Indeed, I might be going ahead a little bit, but I asked after thinking deeply within myself(Subaru)
Her facial expression shows that she is serious, theres no lie.
Perhaps she is thinking much more quickly than a man.
She might be able to process countless troubles down to the answer at high speed.
It seems like she is the people who can draw answers suddenly from the point of view.
However, in reality, she reaches a conclusion after thinking firmly in her head about it.
So thats why I can prepare for a wedding even tomorrow(Subaru)
Wait a minute, its too early to count the chicks (metaphor)...(Arge)
I am in a big trouble now. Lets calm down a little.
As I rxed a bit, Subaru-san also returned talking.
Uhm... no good?(Subaru)
No good, I guess... Uhm...(Arge)
I am not proud, but I am the king of this country.
As the king of this country, I have power.
Theres a problem under the wartime, but I nned to end this war soon in the future.
With a Royal wedding, I think it is quite nice to calm the citizen(Subaru)
... There are many things I have to do.
I want to have 3 meals a day and nap anytime I want(Arge)
...Hmm... Indeed, it might be a bit difficult in the position of a queen...(Subaru)
As Samaka-san told me, I knew the benefit of my existence to the country and it seems that Subaru-san intended to use it exactly.
But she doesnt hide such a calction, she doesnt seem to be a bad person.
She is loved by her people and subordinates, and even if she hides the fact of being a woman, its no doubt that Subaru-san is a good king.
However, no matter how good she is, her way of thinking will fall out of my purpose.
My purpose is to have an easy life with 3 meals a day and sleep anytime.
Now that I have be a vampire, it might be better if I add blood supply there too.
It is true that Subaru has financial strength, power, family structure and so on.
But if I must work hard every day for that, I have no choice but to say no.
... giggle(???)
Suddenly, I heard something.
It was a womansughing together with a tolling bell, it was a somewhat familiar sound.
The girl reflected from the hot water has green skin.
Her skin color isnt of a human being, that alone enough to announce the girl in front of me is a demi-human.
Subaru-san opened her mouth with a keen eye on the person who appeared.
... Did youe to assassinate me again in the middle of a hot water bath?(Subaru)
No way, I came just because the king made me happy.
I was just also worried.
And as I said it before...
For the flowers to bloom, is there a need for permission?(Aune)
...I allow it, you knew about it when we met already.
And we arent in a rtionship that you need to hide(Subaru)
Tee Hee hee... Thank you(Aune)
The girl closes her red eyes as she smiles and bows her head to Subaru-san.
With that action, the two bells tied to her ck hair y a sound, *Chirin*
Her green skin was decorated with countless flowers as if it were a gorgeous garment.
At that moment, my eyes were glued on her.
Because I saw something terribly nostalgic in that figure.
The girl who smiled at me from the back of the iron cell.
Even for someone who considered dead like me, I was able to live.
A warm feeling left in my palm.
The flower girl who promised to have cherry blossom flower view with me someday.
Allow me to introduce, Arge.
This is the Queen of Sherwood, which is in an alliance with my country... Aune Aoba(Subaru)
The name Aoba that should have been left in Kuons family cell.
I didnt think I can listen again.
Chapter 161
[Next]Щ ( b-b) 1 table
Щ Щ ( b-b) 2 tables
Щ Щ Щ ( b-b) 3 tables
I hope this is enough tables for readers.
Arge Chapter 161: What sinks in hot water
...Nice to meet you, Aoba-san. My name is Argento Vampyr(Arge)
Even though I thought of various things, I chose not to change my expression at all.
Thats my strength.
Without moving my eyebrows and say hello with my usual sleepy voice.
I didnt expect that the skill I had learned to calm the crying girl during the time I was living in prison would be useful like this.
My performance was perfect as usual. Or so I think.
My facial expressions didnt move at all even when I was talking.
Because this is my unique skill, I have confidence in it.
And somehow she was staring at me so intense right now.
...Its Aoba-san, isnt it?
Her appearance has changed drastically, the colors of her skin and eyes are not of a human being in the first ce.
I dont think I can be wrong about the girl in front of me is my acquaintance before I was incarnated.
The color of her hair is still the same, and her trademark bell is still attached.
And just like her shy kimono, her body is colored with the myriad of flowers and the atmosphere is the same.
She had a somewhat fascinating charm because she became a race named Aune.
As she gazes at me she sprinkles a magical atmosphere and somewhat sweet smell more than before.
Human beings at the house of Kuon are somewhat extraordinary in something.
And Aoba-san had passed through the talent of flower arrangement.
She always has it with her.
It wouldnt be strange for her to be reincarnated in a nt family race called Aune.
Or rather, it feels more like Aoba-san.
However, I do not know how she was incarnated.
ording to Miko-san, reincarnation seems to be kind of apology, given to the person after their death at a world which their soul didnt match.
Unlike me, she was admitted into the house of Kuon.
Nevertheless, I wonder if the original world and her soul didnt match.
...as if, people like you are such a bud(Aoba)
I was replied with the same words as I was told before.
Whether its due to the flower blooming like decorating her body, the bath is full of sweet smell.
Whilepassionate to the smell touching my nose, I was like mixed with nature.
...the talk was disturbed.
Arge, take your time leisurely.
We will talk about it againter(Subaru)
...you didnt give up(Arge)
Im not lying. Please think about it seriously. But I apologize for being hasty.
Aoba, Arge is the goodwill ambassador from another country, I will ask you to treat her politely(Subaru)
Yes, my king... I will politely treat her like a flower...(Aoba)
Aoba-san bowed and waved her hand to Subaru-san who went out off the bath.
We were left behind and we started looking at each other...
long time no see, Ginshi-san(Aoba)
Isnt it too early?
Oh my, Gin-shi-san. Geez... Gin-shi-san.
Gin~ shi~ san~(Aoba)
... Aoba-san, its been a long time(Arge)
Ah ha. As expected, its really Gin~shi-san(Aoba)
Thats right, but... well, I am now calling Arge, so Id appreciate it if you can call me so if possible(Arge)
The name Ginshi is certainly my name, but I am now calling Argento Vampyr after reincarnated.
(T.N: Ginhere means Silver, and Arge use Argentowhich also means Silver)
Above all, my body is now of a girl, so when I was called by the name of a man.
I have a subtle feeling.
Aoba-san nodded while narrowed her eyes in a good spirit.
Whether she feltfortable with my reaction or her expectation was spotted on.
Huhu, I understand, Arge-san, you are pretty cute...(Aoba)
Well... (FYI) this appearance wasnt set by me so I dont care too much...(Arge)
... as usual, you are still like a bud before blooming(Aoba)
I dont understand well, but I think I was told the same thing before incarnating. It seems such an evaluation is good in her sense.
Aoba-sanughed, the bells on her head ringed and she sat down next to me.
As she was sitting, she kept her head on my shoulder without breaking a smile.
Anyway, the days that I can sit next to you are also worthwhile for me.
After the snow melting, its a pleasure that the nts in a long wait for spring spread its bud(Aoba)
Yes... Do you remember?
Before you were taken to the cell of Kuon, I have sometimes sat up next to you(Aoba)
...There was such a thing, too(Arge)
The house Kuon, our predecessor, will not recognize useless things.
If someone was judged that he isnt necessary for the house, that person is deemed to be dead, and it gets buried.
And I am the man who was made to be a dead man under the brand name of being useless.
Aoba-san came to see me again and again after that.
Even before that, she was talking to me quite often.
...Thats nostalgic(Aoba)
For some reason, I didnt dislike such words leaking out from her naturally.
Its strange. When I saw Kuons family crest before, I was terribly upset.
However, right now, even though she is next to me, its the same as being a stakeholder in Kuon family, but I feel relieved.
... Although you are still a bud, you got softer than before(Aoba)
Is that so......?(Arge)
Yes. You seem to be much more natural than how you used to be.
It seems that my feeling when I thought that If you arent here, you will bloom somewhere elseback in that world wasnt a mistake(Aoba)
Certainly, I dont think my soul suits in that world.
However, why is Aoba-san also reincarnated...?(Arge)
Easy thing.
I also didnt match the soil and water of that world, thats the only story(Aoba)
... At least, I didnt see it like that(Arge)
The condition to reincarnate is that the said persons soul does not match the world.
In that words, Aoba-san who was recognized as a human being of Kuons house, who is excellent in flower arrangement.
Her soul still wasntpatible with that world.
Aoba-sans word made me think again about it.
Then a sound like a bell tolls in the bathroom and its sucked into the steam.
In response to the sound which disappeared into the moist silence, the response came.
...Because, it cant it be helped(Aoba)
Her appearance of inting the cheeks and puffs seemed to be a girl who was reluctant.
Its different from her cool beauty imagine which always wore luxurious kimonos
A world in which someone who made an important appointment with me disappears...
A world where bud which I wanted to see blossoming someday is withered...
for me its not worth anything(Aoba)
So I broke up with that world because my life is worthless(Aoba)
If I understood right from her words, Aoba-san seemed to have cut off her own life.
And the reason was that she couldnt fulfill our appointment to view flower one day.
With such a small promise to go to see the cherry blossoms together.
... Please dont look like that.
Because right now, neither of us is dead and neither of us is living beings(Aoba)
But... because of such a small thing...(Arge)
... as usual, you are as dull as a bud(Aoba)
At that moment, the other side became more and more swollen, my leg was pulled and I fell down on the bath.
Although I didnt get drowned, I was now in a lower position.
When I looked at my feet, there was a green rounded thing there.
An ivy ...?(Arge)
Im an Aune now. Its easy as there are flowers.
Although, I dont have any other features(Aoba)
Ah..., Aoba-san...?(Arge)
And then she came on top of me who was cover with hot water.
Her eyes which are staring at me are burning red.
Her green cheeks were dyed in Vermillion, and Aoba-san talked to me.
Apparently, it seems you wont understand unless I say it seriously.
So I will tell you... from a long time ago... since we were in that world...(Anata no Koto ga [suki?]) about you, I have been always in [love with you?]...(Aoba)
... ...?(Arge)
As she talked, Aoba-san stopped halfway and copsed.
I reflectively hug her body, which is really hot.
Maybe because she is an Aune?(Arge)
Aune is, in fact, a nt family.
There is no wonder if she was weak against high fever.
Well, I wonder why she came in a bath, but she was originally a human being.
She probably came in with the intention like in her previous life, and she burned out suicide.
I am curious about what she was about to say, but right now its not the case that you I should care about.
Even if I apply recovery magic here, when she stays at the same ce, she will soon copse again.
I picked her up and decided to leave the bath.
Aoba-san in my arms is really light, she is almost like a circle of flowers.
Chapter 162
Arge Chapter 162: Something I dont see for a long time.
I showed an embarrassing sight(Aoba)
Kings Castle garden.
In a ce where we can feel the night wind, Aoba-san lowered her head.
No, I was a little surprised, but I d that you are okay(Arge)
After bringing her out of the bath and adjusting her physical condition with recovery magic.
I was invited by Aoba-san for a walk in the evening.
For now, I am the goodwill ambassador from Rlyeh so I can go sightseeing freely.
And I can not afford to sleep after all that.
In the first ce, the current time is midnight.
In other words, I have no particr ns and theres no reason to refuse so we went for a walk.
...but still, I cant shake off the habit of human beings.
... Alraune is weak to the heat ... I never knew it(Aoba)
Aoba seems to be shy as she says that.
I think that she was trying to say something to me in the bath a while ago but I wasnt able to listen to it.
However, at least for me, I somewhat understand that our small promise is very important to her.
Sorry, Aoba-san, I promised and I couldnt fulfill it(Arge)
I apologize obediently and lower my head.
It was a small thing for me, but for Aoba-san, that promise had a big meaning.
To the point that she can end her life.
If so, I think I should apologize.
Although it wasnt what I wanted, I couldnt do it otherwise at the house of Kuon.
And I had slept forever.
I couldnt tell anyone goodbye and left that world in my sleep.
That is now, its very strange that we can talk in this way.
Still, we are now facing each other.
I can apologize for the promise Ive put to the past where I cant return anymore.
It seemed like precious things.
... I do not mind, because we could meet again.
You have been looking like a flower much more than in those days.
The scenery I wanted to see is now... surely here(Aoba)
......Thank you(Arge)
But, its no use...
When we are facing each other this way, my selfish self wille out.
A bad mind will sprout(Aoba)
Bad..., heart...? is that so...?(Arge)
Because, during that time, flowers were blooming somewhere not in this world and I wanted you to see it...
...But what I care right now is just that you are in front of me.
I want to see you closer. Its such a feeling...(Aoba)
... Aoba san(Arge)
She seems to be reluctant as she tries to express her feelings and I get closer to her next to nature.
My outstretched hand touches the flower blooming on her shoulder.
Did she have such a feeling? Somehow I have a tickling mood.
The words that I said naturally were the feelings from my own heart.
Actually, I dont think its strange.
If one hope is fulfilled, we will hope for the next one.
I think that having a lot of goals and doing what we want to do isnt a bad thing(Arge)
... Ginshi-san(Aoba)
Its Arge, Argento Vampyr, I like the name better now(Arge)
Even with acquaintances from long ago, I dont want to be called with my old name.
After all, I wasnt fit in that world.
And right now, I feelfortable to be here as Argento Vampyr.
However, the fact that I had the name Kuon Ginshi is also an undeniable fact.
It is also a past that I cant throw away.
And the person who knows about that past is in front of me right now.
If so, Im sure I should fulfill the promise I had left on that day.
... Aoba-san ... I know it waste, but lets go and see the (Sakura Hanami) cherry-blossom viewing ...
I know a good ce, the ce where cherry blossoms bloom beautifully Sakuranomiya(Arge)
Sakuranomiya... Its the capital of the Republic, I have heard of it(Aoba)
Yes, I came to this world, I saw many things, I met many people ...
I was able to make even many beautiful memories different than my past(Arge)
The people who I met after reincarnating and the ce I dropped in were carved into my memories so vividly that they could remember vividly.
My goal was still to have three meals a day and nap anytime.
And sometimes, there were times when I faced a lot of problems, but there were lots of fun things as well.
If you listen to it, I think Aoba-san will change your feeling about me as a bud(Arge)
... you also grew greedy.(Aoba)
That may be the case(Arge)
We smile naturally at each other and that voice disappears in the night sky.
We werefortable even our body after soaking in hot water was getting cold, we faced each other.
Im sure that we exchange words more naturally than when I was at the Kuon family.
I think so.
... ...?(Arge)
Thats why my sense of smell reacted sensitively to something disturbed that pleasure.
The smell I felt was obviously unpleasant and I remembered it well.
It irritates my nose to pierce, a cold smell.
Its the smell of machine and oil in Richelles territory.
The moment I realized it, I was looking up at the sky.
Arge-san, whats the matter?(Aoba)
... There is something I have to say to Aoba-san(Arge)
...It seems that we are not the only from Kuon family in this world(Arge)
It came at the moment I spoke that word.
Something came down from the sky, apanied by a sound that cuts the atmosphere.
And the hit of the blow destroyed the silence of the night.
Chapter 163
Maybe I stop trante for so long that readers forget:
1, Aoba is the queen of Sherwood, a forest in the Kingdom. She allied with Subaru in exchange for her forest to be independence.
2, 3 Japanese doggies Shiba, Akita Spitz said their master is Father = Male (T.N: Oh, how I hate him but Its Arge, she might not kill him again like other hateful characters)
3, Aoba thought Kuon family and her life in the Earth is worthless. Why bother to work for some worthless thing.
And Most important is what she said about Kuon family in this chapter.
Arge Chapter 163: Hatredes from the sky
The scenery I saw in royal castle garden was trampled, its a raid.
What suddenly fell from the sky was something different from what I saw in the Dark Elf territory.
Just as Aoba-san says.
It was huge coffins made of some kind of metal.
An innumerable coffin destroyed the house and part of the wall of the royal castle just by falling.
Then the lid of the coffins open and the onesing out of it started attacking the inhabitants of the castle city without mercy.
No way... Vampires?(Arge)
The Raiders are just like me, have pure white skin and long ears.
There were certainly the sharp, pointed fangs in their mouths that attacked people in the castle town and set their fangs on their neck.
Their crimson eyes dwell much more crazy light than mine and they move into the night town.
Their number was countless, and it was a size that could be called an army.
The castle city had be a terrible fuss because of the sudden attacks of obviously dangerous creatures.
The city can not even prepare for a counterattack, people are attacked and got blood sucked.
I was reminded of the other day and I got a cold choking.
On Demon Continent, the raiders who attacked the settlements of the Dark Elves in theirnd ruled by Richelle-san.
And before that, the dog-named three were talking about things about vampires and wanted to catch me alive at first.
There must be a rtionship between the vampires who have lost their sanity in front of us and those who came to dark elf hunting.
Above all, the emblem on the open coffin was undoubtedly a family crest of Kuon family.
Laurel flower family crest...
It certainly means we will see such an abominable thing in this world...(Aoba)
... I am in a friendly rtionship with the Kingdom of Pleiades as Queen Alraune, I will not overlook the crisis of my friend(Aoba)
Aoba-san said in a dignified voice and readied forbat.
From the magical power that I felt in my skin, I could understand that she was out of themon.
As Aoba is also a reincarnate, it seems that she was given great power just like me.
I love Laurel flower.
But I didnt want to see that crest ever again.
It was like a sin that exposed to me...
No matter how many I break it, it will not be enough...(Aoba)
Lighted by the light of the moon, the petals coloring her body shake.
Aoba-san stretched out her hand with a rxed movement and shake it casually.
At the moment the bell on her head rings *chirin*, her myriad ivy spread from her wrist and captured the vampires.
I hear that vampires are racially rugged, Im going to destroy rather than kill...(Aoba)
Aoba-san exerted his strength with full power.
The captured vampires are swayed by the ivy and are beaten up to the stone floor, made a dull sound under the night sky.
No matter how rugged vampires are.
If they got beaten repeatedly many times, there would get damaged.
However, vampires have something to escape the physical capturing.
Aoba-san, some vampires can be fog...!(Arge)
... It seems like that...
There were some missed sensations.
Okay, Arge-san, please close your nose for a moment(Aoba)
Aoba-san doesnt seem to care and changes her method.
A dense scent rose from Aoba-sans flowers with a sound like spraying.
As I heard her warning, I blocked my nose in a hurry.
The vampires who became the mist to escape the ivy restraint reveal their shape and falling to the ground.
Looking at the situation, Aoba-san nodded in satisfaction.
They seem to have a good nose. But Im good at dealing with scents as well(Aoba)
Aoba-san, just now you are...(Arge)
Its a magic flower...
A powerful flower scent among the flowers blooming in this world.
The effect is different depending on the type, but this time the flower scent will make people lost conscious just by sniffing...(Aoba)
... Alraune is amazing, right?(Arge)
I havee to this world for a few months, I had met several races, but this is the first time I saw nt people.
Aoba-san used the style of fighting of the race called Aune with flowers and ivy is bing after she reincarnated.
She probably chose it herself.
For reincarnation, you will be given a second chance.
In addition to me, Miko-san told me that even she didnt know the details but there was someone else did the reincarnation from another person of Kuon.
Aoba-san is probably a reincarnation from that jurisdiction.
Its indeed amazing.
You can praise me.
Or rather, please praise me.
Flowers are nothing but love, right?(Aoba)
Well ... its terrifying, as expected of Aoba-san(Arge)
Tee hee hee... ?(Aoba)
Aoba-san smiles in a good mood, the flowers that color her body are swaying.
Meanwhile, her hand that maniptes the ivy has not been loosened.
She was d because she was praised but she didnt forget to keep flowers in front of us.
While Aoba-san was dealing with vampires, the army of the Kingdom seemed to regain control, and the battle began at various ces.
After all, this is the capital of the country. The soldiers must be excellent as well.
Anyway ... is this raid ...?(Arge)
I guess from the empire. The only country has a hostile rtionship with the Kingdom.
And only the Empire that doesnt care a thing about fighting in the capital like this(Aoba)
...That means there is a person of Kuon family in the empire, isnt it?(Arge)
Unfortunately, it seems to be like that...
Haa~, they only just bring shame wherever they go...(Aoba)
Putting her palm on her temple, Aoba-san talks with a tired voice.
Her sigh is rather heavy.
Its rather surprising.
Aoba-san is someone who had a proper ce in the Kuon family.
For her to think about Kuon family like this.
...Whats wrong?(Aoba)
No, it is kind of surprising that Aoba-san says bad things about Kuon family(Arge)
As I mentioned earlier, its a rotten family that has made up a world judging you as worthless.
Even I used to have a consciousness that I was indebted and I didnt want to be worthless... but I didnt like it at all(Aoba)
Is that so...?(Arge)
Well, at least the value of the flowers is different depending on the viewer.
I like any kind of flower...
The Kuon family might have their own sense of value that doesnt want to decorate a bud like when you are still alive.
However, Im allowed things such as cutting beautiful flowers like this.
It can be said to be nonsense.
That artistry doesnt sit well with me(Aoba)
Aoba-san grips her fingers as she says so.
...So, she can have such a face.
She was calmer than when she was in Kuon family and she was still able to tell a joke.
She now seems to be a little childish than that, but she still looks fun.
She was sorry to know that our appointment wasnt fulfilled, even when she was doing well with the Kuon family.
Is that her reason for her reincarnation?
...Its noisy!(Subaru)
Oh, your majesty(Aoba)
I dont think that it will be such a thing.
That is our hostile country... and an engineer from the empire...
They have that crest carved into their own weapon(Subaru)
Ah, as expected...(Arge)
We heard the words from the king as she pointed to the Kuon family crest and we fully understood.
Its nothing but a show of power of that crest.
In other words, the empire really has a stakeholder of Kuon family.
No, he is rather a formal official, right?
You could say that they used reinforced vampire soldiers, deprive their own will and raised their abilities...(Arge)
It is better to investigate the detailster.
This is the first time for our country to be attacked in the capital, which is a stain, a humiliation.
Where did theye from?(Subaru)
Subaru-san, uhm... maybe they areing from the sky(Arge)
Excuse me...? It looks like nothing(Subaru)
As the king says, there is only a night sky.
But I already know.
This is probably Technique from our worldbined with this world.
Airship and stealth.
Its not only science but also magic. Its probably made using technology like the Magic Artifact in this world.
They have dropped the coffins to this ce in a state that we cant see with our naked eyes(Arge)
I also saw that from, my king. What she said is correct(Aoba)
... Its troublesome, but... if its really there, I can still shoot it down(Subaru)
Subaru-san said that and then she pulled out the sword in her waist.
The de which exposed to the night wind has indigo color and several stamped markings.
A beautiful sword that seems to be used in ceremonial.
As Subaru-san points it to heaven, she speaks.
I will show you the stars(Subaru)
Just as her king title, her words are dignified.
That voice passed through the night sky and shook the stars.
The glow of the sword became brighter.
Subaru-san, that sword...(Arge)
Magic Artifact, King castles Star Sword
Arge, dont get away from my side(Subaru)
My shoulder was abruptly hugged by Subaru-sans other, and my voice leaked out unintentionally.
Without looking at me, the king after closing her distance looked up to heaven.
My memory is perfect, I remember everyone in my territory.
The only friendly vampire is Arge.
Everything in the sky is my enemies(Subaru)
Eh..., is that so?(Arge)
Hmm, those smugglers are spread everywhere...
I just need to remember my men. My guardian sword will not attack them.
For now, my target is all the vampires outside my arm and the entire sky!!(Subaru)
The shining of the sword has increased even more, and the stars in the sky have shone as if to respond to it.
I remember this feeling.
The magical power that I feel on my skin is as if the atmosphere itself is trying to use magic.
And its not the evil magical power.
It seems like the power handled by Mutsuki-san, the vampire lord on the Demon Continent.
Outside of the standard, his Magic Artifact is the earth itself.
What I feel now is close to it.
A sword of absolute monarchy that converges the light of the star and judges everything.
No one allows bringing harm in my castle and city(Subaru)
Well, it seems better to face down,... I feel a terrify magical power(Arge)
You should do that, too Aoba
... The judgment of the stars!
Let the foolish know the majesty of the king!(Subaru)
Subaru swung the sword from a high degree down.
A sword swung vertically to the stone pavement and makes a shrill sound.
And indeed the judgment was handed down.
Several lights fall down from the sky, prating the vampires on the ground.
The vampires who were hit by the light turned to ash in an instant.
In other words, those lights have the Holy attribute, the same as Felnote-san.
The Light urately prated only the enemy army.
Although they may destroy walls, they all attack the enemy and dont harm the people of the capital at all.
The range is restricted to my castle and the city, its a defensive weapon...
Indeed, it was just like Arge said, they are in the sky(Subaru)
Even while Subarus voice was echoing, the judgment from heaven didnt stop.
The light of the star tore away the sky and crushed the huge shadow that was hiding its figure in the sky.
It seems that stealth function was also removed by being destroyed.
A huge lump of iron revealed its appearance in the starry sky.
I praise you for having hidden well without dirtying the starry sky with an uncanny figure.
But the sky is one with the stars
This royal castle is the ce where I can always see the stars.
In other words, this night sky means there are more of you in hiding.
Just stay there, I will show you, not a rain of blessing but punishment for a sin that has caused disaster in my country...
After exposing the stealth, Subaru-sans aim was more urate.
The light of the star was no longer hit the airship randomly but hit it from all directions.
Finally, the airships hull bulged and exploded in the sky.
The shards will be dangerous, dont you think?(Aoba)
Aoba-san started moving to stop to the fragment from the airship that was exploded and caught by gravity.
We know about the technology of an airship.
We know that things that are used are probably minerals such as iron and it is dangerous if the debris falls to the ground.
Out of nowhere, no, perhaps it was hidden in her body, Aoba took out the flower seeds.
Bloom as my will(Aoba)
As the words were spun, the seeds from her palm grew instantaneously.
The budding nt stretches the ivy and bes like Aoba-san additional limb.
Numerous ivy response to the falling fragments and catch them before the debris is hit on the ground.
Her behavior was calm and it made me feel like she is used to it.
Aoba-san seems to be ustomed to using Ivy(Arge)
Since I came to this world, I had faced dangerous several.
As the result, I get used to it, its the same as flower arrangement, I need to cut waste(Aoba)
Haa ... is it so?(Arge)
Aoba who speaks like its nothing, but to be honest its abnormal.
At the Kuon family, we were all given some swordsmanship, etc, but the house only cared about the best talent.
As my memory served, Aoba-san had been recognized as a genius for Flower Arrange since the young age.
So she should have spent time only on the flower arrangement, her originalbat capability should be low.
I wonder if Aoba-san, who can perform her battle skill as if its nothing, is also one of the high talents as a human being of Kuon house.
It just means that things are different...(Arge)
Unlike me, who only get the ability after reincarnated.
Aoba-san was so talented that she was originally recognized by the Kuon house.
The cheat is different in the failing person and the outstanding girl.
It would be better to not make her an enemy.
While idly considering such a thing, I was following the movement of Aoba-san.
Chapter 164
Arge Chapter 164: The night sky has ended
In the castle town which people have been working all night, there were still traces of battle remaining.
Subaru-sans Magic Artifact King Castle Star Sword has dealt with all invaders without harming her people.
However, the impact of the falling coffins and the scratches due to the previous battle were certainly there.
While looking at the reconstruction work in a rxed manner, Subaru-san started talking.
Hmm, for the capital to be attacked like this...
It was such a provocative action(Subaru)
Is that so?(Arge)
We have been in the state of war for a long time.
But we were gathering information about our military and red at each other.
This Star Sword has been transmitted by my royal family for generations.
Even the enemy should have known about its power.
They should know that they wouldnt get anywhere by sending those Mystery vampires.
...But they did, it was just like saying You can always kill them(Subaru)
Haa, I see(Arge)
I do not know what countrys abdominal arts are, but I can understand a bit if Subaru-san exins so.
In other words, yesterday is just a matter of greeting, they are not even serious yet.
They were looking down on us...(Subaru)
Well then, my King. Is that also including me?(Aoba)
Of course, just as they wish, we will start a total war...
And you will be helping us, Queen of Sherwood(Subaru)
Of course, there is a delicious condition that mynd will be independent as well.
Its hard to handle Sherwoods creature because they are non-human, but lets keep it.
Because we are not good at weapons, please use it as you see fit(Aoba)
... Mu?
... Wait, Aoba.
Are you not going tomand?(Subaru)
Even though Subaru-san is surprised, Aoba-san just calmly nods.
Of course.
I am just a flower.
Ann this is a really really serious war...(Aoba)
...Are you really nning to do something else?(Subaru)
Oh my, isnt that fine?(Aoba)
Aoba-san smiled and licked her tongue. The king breathed a heavy sigh.
Apparently, it seems that Subaru-san has been already through a lot with Aoba-san.
From what Aoba-san told mest night, she seems to be in the position of the Queen who governs the forest called Sherwood now.
She was promised to acquire the independent state for her forest, in exchange she would cooperate with Subaru-san.
She was calm when she was in Kuon family or rather she was quiet...
Well, look like human beingof the Kuon family still couldnt be true with themselves.
At ease, my king.
Im not doing anything without thought.
I am but a flower, a nice flower.
So, dont you like a bouquet of flowers as the proof of our friendship?(Aoba)
... speak briefly, your words are sometimes too far around(Subaru)
Let us enter the empire and bring down the emperor over there, so the war will end easily(Aoba)
Excuse me, Aoba-san, are you saying now?(Arge)
Yes, I said so(Aoba)
...And was it just me or I really heard us?(Arge)
Of course, if there is only one flower, I cant say it as a bouquet(Aoba)
How can she say such a thing suddenly with a straight face?
This is a new beginning for me.
My purpose is to take a nap and have an easy life, so I dont want to go to war withcency or something.
Perhaps it was showing on my face or something.
Aoba-san gently came closer to me.
Gin... Arge-san.
There is no doubt that there are people of Kuon in the empire.
Its a nuisance from our original world, we should clean up(Aoba)
I am afraid of that kind of trouble.
I want to sleep gently and I want to live quietly...(Arge)
A while back, I was driven by a strange feeling of frustration, but my basic policy is this.
Therefore, I dont want to engage in the act of war in the first ce, so, I am honestly reluctant to be told to participate honestly.
Moreover, that role is like an assassin, its a forced military that cannot expect prompt support.
Could you still be able to say such a thing if the world became rough?
Besides, I am trying to develop a country called Sherwood.
The reason why I want to live and enjoy flowers(Aoba)
... that(Arge)
If we end up this battle, how about I let Arge-san taking a leisurely life in my forest?(Aoba)
What shall I do, its a nice deal.
It overturned my thoughts of a few seconds ago.
In other words, if I help Aoba-san clear up this work.
I can ask her to provide me with a rxing life.
It depends on the position of the forest, but the nature of this world is beautiful, there are many good ces to take a nap.
If I have fruit etc., I will not be bothered by meals.
If I can be rxed there, its just like that my hope bes true.
Apparently, right now you are a vampire, the race wants blood.
If you are okay with Alraunes one, I will provide it(Aoba)
...Is that ok?(Arge)
It may be closer to sap or honey than blood though(Aoba)
This worlds vampire drinks blood because they are seeking their opponents magical power.
In other words, if there is magical power flowing, whether its an Aune or a human, any kind of blood is irrelevant.
Besides, you know it, right?
Theres a single man of Kuon family on the other side.
So, this is a calction that two of us can win(Aoba)
...Im not a human of Kuon family(Arge)
Kuon family doesnt admit what isnt excellent.
And I wasnt excellent.
In other words, Im not a human being.
Im dead, unnecessary and trashed.
Aoba-san should be knowing this as well.
No, you were surely a human of Kuon.
You just happened to be broken before flowering(Aoba)
... I think you buy (metaphor) me too high(Arge)
Somehow, for a long time, she has always looked straight at me.
She gave me flowers while everyone diverted their eyes, the eyes that looked at dirty things, and the eyes ofpassion.
Hanako was also watching me firmly, but she is a maid, not a man of Kuon.
Im a Kuons human being, she was talking seriously about me.
...Kuon, isnt it?(Arge)
The name I got on my previous life.
Kuon Ginshi, my past self.
Even though sometimes I dreamed about it, I thought that I would not hear it anymore.
I never thought that I would listen to it again.
Mu, is that a secret story? Could you fill me in?(Subaru)
No, its not even a secret ... but ...(Arge)
Subaru-san isnt a stakeholder in Kuon family.
Its a story of another world in the first ce, so I dont speak.
She will not understand anything rather than a secret story.
...Hmm, thats it.
You want to finish my work as my wife?(Subaru)
The story suddenly flew away to another direction(Arge)
Hoo..., just a moment. What does a wife mean?(Aoba)
Ah, somehow I think you make a terrible misunderstanding(Arge)
I had a feeling that it would be troublesome to process the bomb dropped by the king with a natural feeling.
In fact, it was a troublesome talk.
Its simple. We will get married(Subaru)
Will get married? Hee... Just what does this mean?(Aoba)
Eh, well ... it will be like that for the time being(Arge)
...Hoo... I dont understand for a moment... would you please exin it properly?(Aoba)
Somehow, Aoba-san is so scary.
Even though her face isughing, I feel a bottomless signature from behind.
Or, obviously ivy squirts.
Hm, its what it means...
In brief summary, her existence will be of great benefit(Subaru)
...A flower is a thing to love, my King... Do you intend to use Gin... Arge-san like a tool?(Aoba)
No, before that. I already fell in love the benefit is simply just a bonus(Subaru)
Its still the first day you meet...!(Aoba)
Its strange.
It was you who told you that love is a falling thing, it will naturally happen(Subaru)
Ugu... that.
Its hard to get angry when you say so...(Aoba)
It seems that Aoba-san also part of the reason why Subaru-san came to the conclusion that she is going to get married to me.
Come to think of it, so, its our Alraune-san who said what.
When I was pondering, my body was pulled by her.
I have no time to react with the sudden event and I was hugged by Aoba-san.
Her body pressed against me, it was tender, just like a nt.
The fluffy and scents belong to the flowers that color her body.
It wasplicated and badly sweet. Its somewhat nostalgic, I guess because its Aoba-sans smell.
...Anyway, my king, I will go with this person to the empire.
Arge-san is also fine with it, RIGHT?(Aoba)
Why did you need to embrace me when you talked?
I had my doubt, but I decided to quit because pursuing it seems to be scary.
As usual her tentacles... I mean the ivy is swaying and Aobas eyes are clearly angry.
Look at her in the hugged state, I talk.
...I dont want to kill people, to be honest(Arge)
Its not like we need to assassinate. We only need to suppress him... and... have some talk, right?(Aoba)
...Yes, I understand(Arge)
There is still something disturbing in my heart.
However, its true that Im concerned about the person of Kuon family in the Empire.
I still dont know well the word make your own thought from Miko-san.
Still, right now, in order to solve this question, it seemed that the choice of staying with Aoba-san was right.
... Is it really good?
Its not an assassination.
But you still have to get on enemy territory with a small number, you cant afford to get local support(Subaru)
I do not mind... And my king, have you not expected it in the first ce?(Aoba)
...You mean even if you fail, our troops will not be reduced?(Subaru)
The strategy Aoba-san thought of has a little disadvantage to the Kingdom.
Investment and talent are unnecessary and it doesnt hurt or itch at the point of failure.
Subaru-san thinks about it and understands that much.
She is just asking if its really good.
After all, her essence is a nice and kind person.
Maybe Aoba-san also likes Subaru-san quite a bit.
Although both of them are realists, they are very simr in their honesty.
That is why the two of them cooperated.
Fufufu. Thats what I wanted.
Because the harsh environment makes the flowers blooming more pretty(Aoba)
In Aoba-sans arms whough with plenty of confidence, I quietly sighed.
I want to take a nap and live afy life, but now I have to do some infiltration with my acquaintance from the previous life.
The future trip seems to be tough.
Chapter 165
Arge Chapter 165: The Living and the Living.
Well, although there are stories to umte, lets first confirm the journey(Aoba)
I agree(Arge)
Of course, it will be about each others previous life.
Aoba-san and I have been acquaintances from our previous life.
And we know each other pretty well.
Theres not much to be able to talk about.
As I understand that, I obediently nod to her and give priority to what I have to think about now.
If we want to talk about out memories, we can do as much as we can while traveling.
We are now on an evening walk at the Kings garden.
While looking at the flowers bathed in sunlight as the sun rose, we decided to discuss about the future n.
First of all is the route.
We will enter the Republic and then we will enter the empire from there.
Its dangerous to go from the Kingdom anyway(Aoba)
Well, the Kingdom is at war with the Empire...(Arge)
Of the countries on this continent, the biggest are the three countries.
They are called the Kingdom, the Empire and the Republic respectively.
The Kingdom and the Empire are hostile against each other but the Republic isnt.
In other words, its easy to move from the Republic to the Empire, no matter what you think.
I have been to the Republic once,
Although its not like I have good intuition aboutnd. But I can honestly agree with that opinion.
As a matter of journeys, like meals, etc. just leave it all to me.
Even though it will just be nts and fruits, but as a queen of Alraune, I can promise a journey without worry about food(Aoba)
I see. Speaking of which, even inst night battle, you have grown flowers and ivy from seeds in an instant(Arge)
Yes... Thats my skill...
It gives a high concentration of nutrients generated inside the body and alsobines magical power to make it possible to grow at a high speed...
It is a rare skill.... even in the Alraune system(Aoba)
...As expected, its that, right?(Arge)
Yes, I think its mutual.
So Id like to check skills etc. if you do not mind... So?(Aoba)
Okay, well, theres nothing to hide(Arge)
Even in our previous life, we are quite close.
I know literally what kind of person Aoba is from before I was born here.
Even if I told all of the skills I have, there would be no problem.
So I concluded and I decided to exin to her what I could do.
Of course, Aoba-san also gave me a detailed exnation of the skills she had.
The storage skill is useful, it seems convenient to be able to freely create weapons even if it consumes blood(Aoba)
In fact, storage is pretty handy...
And then again, I also have a Magic Artifact.
It has a spiritual effect of shing things that dont have a shape...
Its highly effective for opponents like vampires or demons(Arge)
Its reliable, I basically use physical attacks.
But if I want, I can make a fake hand that uses magical flora(Aoba)
As there is a possibility that other vampires wille at us as enemies, I think Suiren will be a reliable weapon.
The fact that the attack on the Kingdoms capitalst night.
Even though it might just be a provocation, but it doesnt change the fact that the Empire must have a lot of Vampires at their disposal.
Given the fact that stronger opponents might emerge from now on, its the best weapon ever.
Then, as we were checking each others ability, someone with swaying golden hair appeared.
Its Subaru-san, the King of the Kingdom. She walks to us with a dignified appearance.
Aoba, as you said, I have prepared the horse(Subaru)
Thank you, my King(Aoba)
Good, but... do you only need the horse?(Subaru)
Most things could be managed by our skills that each other has, so the horse will be sufficient(Aoba)
The food can be solved by Aoba-san and I can store the baggage.
As Aoba says, as long as we have a horse, we can go out without problems.
I feel bad that its not Neguseou, but if its the horse prepared by the King, it will surely be a good one.
...I have mixed feeling to let someone on the other side of a goodwill ambassador do something like an assassin and I also nned to marry(Subaru)
Even though I said Im a goodwill ambassador, it was just a promise to deliver a letter with Queen Kutira.
I will leave that matter regarding that to Samaka-san...
And about the marriage... Im sorry(Arge)
Actually, it is hard to understand the difficulty for rtionships between countries.
The position and letter of goodwill ambassador were passed only by progression.
As for the marriage, I still cant receive it because it doesnt match my wishes.
In response to my apology, Subaru-san rxed nods.
Good, I ept it.
Broken love is also the best part of love...
It was written in a romance novel I borrowed from Samaka yesterday(Subaru)
Haahaa... please do your best(Arge)
Its said that the kings prospect of looking for a marriage partner is hard toe by.
I guess it is probably due to the natural persons principal.
Regarding color love, Im also a single that has been imprisoned without experieced love, so I cant give advice in particr.
After considering, I decided to talk about another topic.
Well, Subaru-san, apart from that story, Id like to ask one favor(Arge)
...I allow it. You can talk, Arge(Subaru)
Well... Its about someone I know, although its a monster.
He is the guardian of the forest and it seems that the poachers are often targeting him and forest animals
So, I wonder if you could do something about it(Arge)
... Is this favor as a reward for going to the empire?(Subaru)
Yes, once we are done with Empire though
I will write the position of the forest on a mapter(Arge)
The forest that Im talking about is the ce I dropped in before I left this country.
Oswald-kun, the Minotaurus that protects the forest that I dont know the name.
Its rich in nature, therefore its often targeted by poachers seeking rare medicinal herbs and the like.
I dont particrly need anything as a reward.
But Oswald-kun lives in the territory of the Kingdom.
In other words, if the King gives her support, the attacks of poachers may be less.
You dont have any desire? As expected from someone who was called an Angel(Subara)
No, Id like to hold back about it for a moment...
Well, that ce is where I got indebted so I would like to ask you if possible(Arge)
If you want it, I will do it as a reward.
Strengthen the monitoring of the fishery products, make a tadpole, increase penalties, is it eptable for the time being?(Subaru)
Thank you very much(Arge)
Because I think that it is a sufficient response, I obediently lower my head and say thanks.
After that, Subaru-san left the garden to prepare a map.
The garden again only has me and Aoba-san.
The gentle wind blows, mixes the fragrance of the flower.
When I narrowed my eyes tofort, the sound of a bell echoed.
Tee Hee hee(Aoba)
Whats wrong?(Arge)
No, I am considering the unclear future
Well... Im looking forward to going to the Republic...(Aoba)
...Well, and it was also about our promise(Arge)
It is said that cherry blossoms bloom all year round in the capital called Sakuranomiya...
Its a little lonely that there is no seasonal feeling, but its nice to see it anytime(Aoba)
A soft smile is floating on Aoba-sans face as she is speaking so.
Sheughed at the flowers that bloomed in her own body.
She looked much more pretty than when she was in Kuon family.
...about that, Arge(Aoba)
Yes, what do you want?(Arge)
... Can I hold your hand?(Aoba)
...here you go?(Arge)
(T.N: So lewd, how can they hold hands just like that)
It was quite simple when I thought about what was going on.
And since I have no reason to refuse, I spread my hand obediently.
It is much smaller and smoother hand than when I was Kuon Ginshi.
And the hand that I hold isnt the one of Kuon Aoba, but of Alraune Aoba, whose skin color different from human.
Still, the warmth that I could touch was simr to the hand stretched from the other side of the iron cell on that day.
Rather than touching each other as the living and the dead...
Oh, nostalgic... and its a pleasant thing...(Aoba)
...Well ... we both have changed a little bit from that time...
But we are able to live at the same time as this again(Arge)
Yes... Yeah... That was what I wanted... more than anything else(Aoba)
The transparent thing spilling out of her eyes was evidence of her emotion.
I think that its very beautiful
I close my eyes.
Theres nothing like tears overflowing in the same way from my eyes, but still, I was very happy.
On that day, I epted that hand without any words
And now, I ept that hand with something can be mentioned with words.
Chapter 166
[Next]T.N: Its not Arges turn yet (after Miles ARC).
I just released 1 chapter once in a while to avoid people steal it like Mile.
And for Arge Novels readers as well.
Arge Chapter 166: The city of Sakura flower again
Ginji... no, Arge-san. I knew you can sleep well.
However, I have never thought that you could sleep well while riding a horse(Aoba)
Sleeping anywhere is my special skill(Arge)
Even though Aoba-san was amazed about it and raised her voice but for me, its normal.
The two-people trip with Aoba-san was morefortable than I thought.
Especially the special ability of Alraune is surprisingly convenient.
When it rains, she can shelter from the rain with big leaves like in a movie.
When we sleep at night, she can make something like a house with woven ivy.
I was able to rx and sleep at a leisurely pace.
The ivy which she knits up to sleep is almost as good as a residential space.
It was very convenient to avoid monsters and animals attacking.
We spent a few days moving.
During the meantime, I contacted Neguseou about our meeting destination, reported Oswald about the promise with the king.
And I also had some old talks about flowers Aoba-san.
It wasnt a boring trip.
Nevertheless, I was getting sleepy all the time when I was in the sunlight.
So, I often took a nap while riding the horse...
Unless I sleep 30 hours a day, I wont feel so good(Arge)
Although I had already put Tsukkomi to that in our past life, its also impossible with thew of the world(Aoba)
I have also been sleeping through my whole life in my previous life.
I was dead half-way but I didnt mind.
And right now, I dont have anything to do anyway, I can just sleep.
Here we are...
Sakuranomiya, it has been a long time(Arge)
The first time I came here was January.
Or was it February?
However, I came here by carriage at that time.
By the time I woke up, it was quite dark, it felt like this is the first time I came here.
But it seems nostalgic with the row of travelers lined up before the gate checking point.
Since I was sleeping at the carriage at that time, I didnt know what kind of inspections we needed before entering the capital.
Perhaps they needed to check whether we have dangerous or banning goods etc.
If we have the Kings certificate, we can easily pass these checkpoint.
Like Hey move aside, we have the Shoguns crest... or something like that(Aoba)
For now, we are supposed to be some individuals who arent rted to the kingdom(Arge)
Even if something happens, we wont receive any support from the kingdom.
Which means we must pass without exposing our identity.
Even if we dont n to kill the Emperor, our job is pretty the same thing as assassins.
Knowing the truth would leave a bad impression on us.
Government is so hard.
Even though Im the queen of Sherwood, but mynd wasnt recognized as a country yet.
If I announce myself here, they may see me as a suspicious person...
Well, then let us wait for the flowers to open, shall we get loose?(Aoba)
As Aoba said that, she crossed her arm and took a waiting posture.
All of her movement is beautiful, she is also spreading sweet smell. And as the matter of course, we gather attention.
Everyone, especially men, was staring at us.
... Aoba is really beautiful and my body is also of a beautiful girl.
It cant be helped that everyone is looking at us.
Besides, Aoba-san has a sweet smell as if a flower garden
As much as to say that she would lure insects in.
...Wafu~ Wahufu~...
Hmmmm~ ... Onee-san, you smell nice!(A certain werewolf girl)
Oh, you are such a nice child to praise the smell of the flower.
So, who are you?(Aoba)
When I was thinking so, a dog-person came near me.
No, not exactly a dog, but a wolf.
Her ears move with *Pikopiko*, its is definitely the one of a beastkin.
She has a lovely figure and she looks somewhat familiar when she shakes her hair...
I remember...
Wafu~! Ah, Arge-chan!(Kuro)
Werewolf, Kuro Inui-san
The female employee of Mei coffee shop, who once took care of me in Sakuranomiya.
As usual, Kuro-san sniffs around and behaves like a dog even though she is a wolf.
Its a bit embarrassing, but its hard to refuse because she doesnt have bad intention.
Although we had a long journey, our body is clean by magic every time, so I dont think it will smell.
U~n (yes), you smell nice as ever!(Kuro)
Hahaa, thank you(Arge)
Onee-san smells nice just like flowers.
Amazing. It looks like your head is a flower garden!(Kuro)
... Indeed, there are flowers blooming on Aoba-sans head.
But didnt what you just said have a different meaning?(Arge)
It has been a while since Ist saw here, Kuro-san is still my pace as usual
This is the first time Kuro meets Aoba-san, she is circling around and checking for Aoba-sans smell.
Is she actually a god instead of a wolf...?
....Uhm, Arge-san.
Are you acquainted with this... how can I say this... an energetic dog?(Aoba)
Ah, as expected, Aoba treated Kuro-san as a dog...
Ah... there were various things happened and I have been in her care before.(Arge)
Oh yes. Like we were locked up in prison together(Kuro)
A great and innovative exnation...
Or rather Arge-san, were you locked in the prison again?(Aoba)
It was the information that was hard to correct because it wasnt wrong.
And it was mostly Kuro-sans fault that I was locked in prison.
Anyways, after knowing Kuro-san is an acquaintance, Aoba-san told that its okay without pursuit further.
Aoba-sans confused face returned to normal and heaved a sigh.
Well, now that you meet your acquaintance, its fine to talk for a while.
There is still time before the row of checking moves(Aoba)
Thats right,
Kuro is too busy that Kuro may die...
You can also climb the wall if you are seriously in a hurry.
But you are better not to do that or you will make others angry.
I dont want her to confiscate my sweet portion again(Kuro)
You are worrying about the sweets rather than the rule...?(Aoba)
She must be talking about sweets from Satsuki-san, the manager of Mei coffee shop.
For Kuro-san, its no doubt that sweet is a serious problem.
... By the way, why is Kuro-san here?(Arge)
Uu, I was going up for a walk because the tension was too high. (tension in EN)
I have jumped over the wall.
But then I thought I should behave by returning through the gate on the way home(Kuro)
...Arge, just as I thought, this girl is actually a little dog, isnt she?(Aoba)
I thought that no one would get hurt if I remained silent, so I didnt say anything.
Chapter 167
Arge Chapter 167: Satsukis Storm
I got in Sakura Nomiya again after a long time, it was filled with the nostalgic fragrance of flowers.
As Kuro-san was there with us, we crossed the checkpoint easily.
As the gatekeeper saw Kuro-sans face, he said again!?. I guess this is the usual thing.
By the time we get in, the sun is already set. However, the street lights are bright, they illuminate the night road.
Above all, The Sakura petals are illuminated in pink light,
Its a beautiful sight to behold.
...It is a nice scent. As expected from the Sakura(Aoba)
So saying, Aoba-san inhales deeply.
She closed eyes very happy with a smile.
The metropolis filled with the fragrance of flowers, as usual, there are many foreign races.
It is fun to watch the lively townscapes but if you dont pay attention you may go astray.
After enjoying the fragrance of the flower plenty of time, Aoba-san looked at me.
Well then, lets first go to see Arges acquaintances, because greetings are important.(Aoba)
I agree.
I also want to see them for a long time.
Kuro-san, may I ask you for a guide?(Arge)
Of course ~n ~dayo! ~Wafu.
Here, here, over here ~n ~dayo!(Kuro)
Following Kuro-sans guidance, we lead the horse to the Satsuki coffee shop.
This coffee shop managed by the vampire with the same name Satsuki.
I have been in their care before so I would like to say a greeting.
And if Satsuki-san is familiar with the way to go to the empire, we may ask her good information. She seems to have a wide connection.
Above all, to the extent that I can confidently introduce to Aoba-san, that Satsukis cake is delicious.
It was a good walk.
We arrived ~n ~dayo.
The shop is already closed today, so dont hesitate!(Kuro)
Well then, excuse me(Arge)
After connecting the horse to the store, we went into the shop through the door.
I can hear the doorbell echoed.
The interior, that I didnt see for several months, has a calm atmosphere just like before.
The lights are limp because the business hour is over,
Store interior is rather dark but its filled with relieved air somehow.
Wafu~! Im home ~dayo!!(Kuro)
In return for Kuro-sans vigorous voice is the sound of footsteps.
The footsteps are rather fast, which means someone is heading here in a hurry.
And a nostalgic face appeared from behind the store.
Tch, please let go of me!
I will never wear such things ...! ?(Isabe)
Just a little!
I have prepared them beforehand!
Hey, Isabe-san, dont you look forward to it?
As the maker, Satsuki-chan guarantees it!(Satsuki) (T.N: Satsuki calls herself as 3rd POV Satsuki-chan)
How did you know to prepare them beforehand...?!(Isabe)
A nostalgic face was the one that I have anticipated and the one that I havent anticipated.
Thedy who is wearing Japanese clothes out of the two is Satsuki Ichinose, the master of this shop.
She is the shopkeeper, so of course, I have expected to see her face.
However, I didnt expect to see Isabe-san here.
She was supposed to live in a ce called Demon Continent far away from here.
Yes, as usual, Isabe-san is obstinate.
Im telling you are going to look nice in it...
Satsuki-chan is sad!
Its shock in the kingdomnguage(Satsuki)
Theres no such thing...!(Isabe)
From their conversation, it seems like Satsuki-san wants Isabe-san to wear new clothes, which is one of Satsuki-sans hobbies.
Isabe-san doesnt want to wear it so she tries to escape.
Both of them are tall and have big boobs.
When such two were tangled up, various forces are wonderfully shing with each other.
Or rather, Satsuki-sans figure is really dangerous in Japanese clothes.
...Dai Oppai Obake (Big breast Monster War?(Aoba)
Oops, just now Satsuki-chan heard a very frightening impression of this year ...(Satsuki)
As a result of Aoba-sans murmuring her thought, Satsuki-san noticed us.
At first, she was stunned for a moment when she noticed us.
And In the next moment, she instant-jump at me...
Arge-chan! Long time no see!(Satsuki)
I was buried in her chest faster than I expected.
Satsukis hug blocks my visibilitypletely.
Her voice that came down from above seemed really happy from her heart.
Iyaa, Im d that youe back again like you promised!
I also thought that you are alive. As expected you are still fine, arent you?(Satsuki)
Fugu~u, u~gu~gu(Arge)
Oh, but are you really all right?
Did your skin be rough on a long trip,
Or did you get tricked by a suspicious person?(Satsuki)
U gu~tsu, sa~ fu~ hi~ han~, ugu~gu...(Arge)
...Ara? Im sorry.
Its my usual habit(Satsuki)
Satsuki-san seemed to notice my intention from my groaning voice and she released me.
...As ever, its amazing sticity. While breath in the fresh air, I think so.
I was buried several times before, Satsuki-sans breasts are tremendously soft.
When she hugged me, it was just like sinking into a marsh.
Ehm... Long time no see, Satsuki-san(Arge)
Yes, its been a long time.
You seem to be fine, but... to think you bring in another beauty again!
No, more than that she is an Alraune!
Nice to meet you, the eternal seventeen years old Satsuki, the manager of this shop!(Satsuki)
Ah, yes, likewise... my name is Aoba(Aoba)
Aoba-san seems to be confused, but its normal for Satsuki-san to be in high tension.
Lets get used to it.
Actually, Im more concerned about Isabe-san, who is having a relieved face from the back of the shop.
By the way, why is Isabe-san here?(Arge)
...I just followed my boss.(Isabe)
Your boss? So that means...(Arge)
Yes, Im also here(Mutsuki)
At the moment I heard his name and wondered about it, his voice replied from the back.
And from there, the Vampire King who rules over one of the territory of the Demon Continent came out.
Its Mutsuki-san.
Because the sun already set, Mutsuki could walk aroundfortably.
When I look at him, he raises one hand and greets me.
Yo, Arge. You can save the trouble of searching for you(Mutsuki)
Searching...? Do you mean Richelle-sans group...?(Arge)
The fox girl crossed the ocean and came here directly...
...Richelle also wanted to help with the search,
But she needed to help with the restore of hernd first,
As for the rest, they didnt have a ship ready yet...
well, thats about it.
But it seems you are Alright(Mutsuki)
Heughs and his fangs are showing. It was the same when he was at the demon continent.
Somehow I found it reliable and I smile from relieving.
Chapter 168
By the way, I retrante the Novel from chapter 79 to chapter 83 together with the Manga Chapter 20.
Somehow Novel Update didnt ept this as Novels release.
Arge 168: Midnight Gathering
I see, with the Shadow Moving Skill, Mutsuki-san hase here from the Demon Continent(Arge)
After (saving) setting my own shadow on a certain spot, I can move back there at any time... Well, its like simple transfer magic.
But I cant move back to the ce I visit before unless I set it.
This is a familiar shop from a long time ago.
I oftene at the end of work(Mutsuki)
After a brief exnation, Mutsuki-san drinks his teacup.
I wondered how he moved when theres a considerable distance from the Demon continent. It seems to be due to the effects of his Skill.
From his exnation, ot seems like he cant use it unless he (saves) set the visited location once.
It seems like the warp magic in RPG.
If I use this, I might take your friends here,
but... I have to remember their shadows first...
Its troublesome. Well, you know, its all about understanding the quality of existence(Mutsuki)
In a nutshell, it takes a long time to issue a pass card... is it like something?(Arge)
Thats right.
Well, how about you stay here for a while?
Under such circumstances, it would be better to have more power?
If you can wait, I will bring them here(Mutsuki)
As Mutsuki-san has grasped the situation after we exined somehow, even though he said its bothersome, he was still willing to cooperate.
Just like before, he is a caring person.
Of course, if its possible, I want to meet Felnote-san, Kuzuha-chan and Neguseo are alsoing here.
And I suggested it to Aoba-san.
... So I would like to stay here for a while, do you mind?(Arge)
Yes, it will be helpful to increase the number of peopleing(Aoba)
Aoba-san gave her approval. So, we will stay a few days in the Republic.
At the end of the talk, I start eating Satsuki-sans cheesecake, the fluffy sweetness and softness spread in my mouth.
Since the said person has gone to the back with Kuro-san, Im somewhat sorry that I cant say that its delicious directly to her. The cakes in this shop are really tasty.
... Fufu(Aoba)
Whats wrong, Aoba-san?(Arge)
Nothing. It seems like your food preferences dont change(Aoba)
Oh ... it may be so(Arge)
I have always liked cheese-based cakes.
It seems that Aoba-san smiles now because she remembered the old days.
There was no one in this world could share that kind of memory,
because it wasnt even 1 year since I was reincarnated.
While I feel something nostalgic, I taste another bite of Satsuki-sans cake.
But this cake is really delicious.
The maker understands the taste of the ingredients well and makes an optimal bnce.
Just like this kind of taste(Aoba)
It was good. I rmend it.(Arge)
The cakes are really delicious.
I have been eating it for a long time ...
Its amazing how I wont get tired of it after eating for years(Mutsuki)
Mutsuki-san said so while taking another bite from his cake.
He and Satsuki-san seem to know each other from a long time ago.
Because they are long-lived race, they might be acquaintance for hundreds of years.
... By the way, Mutsuki-kun, is it all right now?(Isabe)
Hmm, whats wrong, Isabe?(Mutsuki)
Dont whats wrong me, you know what I want to say...!(Isabe)
In response to Isabe-san who had been silent up until now, Mutsuki-san gave a clear reply.
What Isabe-san wanted to say was understood not only by Mutsuki-san but everyone in this ce.
That is, I want to change clothes
Anyway, she isnt wearing her usual suit, but wearing a frilly dress.
Specifically, its a dress with a design simr to a maid dress that is the work clothes of this coffee shop.
There isnt much exposure, but its very cute.
Dressing like that makes Isabe shaking with her red blushing face.
It stands out more than her usual suit-like appearance.
Why do I have to do this .........?(Isabe)
Originally this was what Satsuki-san tried to put on Isabe-san before we came.
Even though Isabe had kept trying to refuse, Mutsuki-san gave his approval and she must obey.
You should wear it. You look good, no, you look great in that(Mutsuki)
Thats why Satsuki-san has been on fire again.
As a result, Isabe-san, who has already been shivering due to shame, became more unstable with Mutsuki-sanspliments.
Well, isnt it fine as long as you look great?(Mutsuki)
Thinking of my age, please. Its unreasonable! In the first ce, my arm...(Isabe)
As for your arm, you are wearing gloves with long sleeve, so people cant look at it.
And even though Isabe is beautiful, but I think you look great in such cute clothes, too(Mutsuki)
Cute (Kawaii)...!?(Isabe)
Hearing Mutsuki-san calls her cute, Isabe-sans cheek became even redder.
In the first ce, you care too much about your arm.
There are other ces to make others focus.
Just like your beautiful face, or your cute personality.
I think youd better dress up more.
Seeing you dress up like this make me happy...
Thats hurt!?
Its hurt, I said!?
Stop hitting me!(Mutsuki)
Take this! You...you!
Honestly!! Enough already!!(Isabe)
Mutsuki-san left the table as the blushing Isabe-san kept hitting on him.
Seeing these twos quarrel, Aoba-san exhaled a sigh.
This is lovey-dovey, isnt it?(Aoba)
There is no such thing ...!(Isabe)
No, it doesnt look like you are just friends by any means.
Even with how insensitive I am, I can understand that much.
Isabe-san and Mutsuki-san are a pair.
And its not friendship, but a rtionship between men and women.
In fact, even when Isabe-san is scolding Mutsuki, her cheeks are blushing and her mouth is loosening.
She must be d to be praised by her beloved person.
The striking sound is heavy, but she cant hide her feeling with that.
Anyway, I will change clothes! Because I hit my limit!(Isabe)
Isabe-san tried to show intimidation as she said that and when to the back.
After seeing off Isabe-san in satisfaction, Mutsuki-san turned his face to us.
First of all, I understand the circumstances roughly.
Leave the matter of your friends to me.
I will bring them here as soon as possible(Mutsuki)
Thank you, Mutsuki-san(Arge)
Dont worry about it.
Or rather, Im grateful that you have protected not only Richelle but also the Dark Elven territory.
I also think that it was good that you protected them. Even though I have a long rtionship with them, I couldnte to help them in time.
Just thinking of this as I return the favor(Mutsuki)
It seems that he doesnt mind lowering his head, Mutsuki-san bowed to me to show his gratitude.
It was a natural action so I epted it without remorse and Mutsuki-san showed a reliable smile.
He must have a good face if there is no mark on it.
As ever, Mutsuki is the type that shoulders everything on his back(Iris)
Oh ... Iris. It cant be helped, its my natural(Mutsuki)
Well, as usual.(Iris)
The blond vampire hugs Mutsuki-san from behind as she is hanging on his neck.
Iris Ichinose, Satsukis partner, the vampire in charge of snacks at Satsuki Cafe.
She cante out while the sun is still out, but she can move freely as its night right now.
It seems that she has overheard our talking.
Well, thats the good part of Mutsuki-kun but there is also bad part, too(Satsuki)
Right? Thats how Mutsuki-kun is(Fumitsuki? or Iris?)
Satsuki... Fumitsuki. You also came?(Mutsuki)
Yes~s. Arge ising so I want to say hi...
Its been a while, Arge. Please enjoy your stay(Fumitsuki)
Ah yes, its been a long time(Arge)
In response to my reply, she smiled back at me.
Fumitsuki-san, just like Kuro-san, she is the waitress at Satsuki Cafe.
She has ck hair and a bunch of white hair.
Oh, what happened to Isabe? I think she went to the back(Mutsuki)
She was half crying I will change my clothes
So, I lend her the changing room to change clothes(Satsuki)
Yeah, then I will return when Isabe returns.
Can I have some cake to bring home?(Mutsuki)
Even you are also addicted to it. Fumitsuki-chan, please(Satsuki)
Yes, yes. Thank you for your patronage?
So then Mutsuki-kun, I will see youter.
I need to say hello to other customers(Iris)
Mutsuki-san said that he knew this shop from the old time, but I think he has a fairly long rtionship with Iris.
Although the behavior of people in the shop was somewhat loosened, Mutsuki-san was just responding like normal.
After finishing talking, Iris-san released Mutsuki-sans neck and descended on the floor.
She had a cute smile as a mischievous girl.
Arge, long time no see(Iris)
Yes. Long time no see, Iris-san(Arge)
It seems like you bring a friend that I havent seen before...
Um... I see. she doesnt look like bad people.
Nice to meet you, Im Iris Ichinose(Iris)
My name is Aoba. Nice to meet you(Aoba)
I greet Satsuki-san while Iris-san and Aoba-san are greeting each other.
Satsuki-san. Excuse me, is it fine to talk?(Arge)
Yes, what is it?(Satsuki)
I have something I want to ask youter, so...(Arge)
Okay, I will listen to itter.
By the way, its ratherte already.
Both of you need a ce to stay.
I will lend you the room as you like(Satsuki)
Sorry and please(Arge)
You dont have to apologize!
There are plenty of rooms avable!(Satsuki)
With the same tension, as usual, Satsuki-san epts us easily.
I felt nostalgic and thankful, and I bowed down to her.
Chapter 169
Arge Chapter 169: The Goal of the Promise
Sakura Flower reminds me of many things.
The same applies to Japan, the country where I lived in my previous life, and I also remember the promises I made with Aoba-san.
I closed my eyes for a while and wrapped myself in the nostalgic scent.
...Sakura Nomiya was really great like people said(Aoba)
The one who raised the admiration voice is Aoba-san, who I was finally able to meet again.
... Its strange.
I didnt think that I could meet the acquaintances of my previous life again after I was reborn.
Our bodies have changed but there is something that doesnt change.
The promise we made was one of them.
Uhmm... Satsuki-san rmends this ce(Arge)
The scenery in front of our eyes is dying in the color of Sakura Petals.
The fluttering flower snowstorm is so beautiful.
We decided our future n at Satsuki Cafest night. After asking Satsuki-san about Sakura Flower View Spot, we came to this spot as soon as it was bright.
In order to fulfill the promise we made.
As I look around, many people are looking at Sakura Flower in the same way. Some of them wanted to enjoy tea and liquor under the Sakura trees.
It looks like Japan...(Arge)
Arge-san as well, do you feel nostalgic?(Aoba)
Yeah. For me, its been a few years since I have had a Hanami (Flower view)(Arge)
Long before I was reincarnated into this world, even before I was locked down.
It was a really long time since I have a chance to see outside again.
The area around here looks good(Aoba)
Is that so? (Arge)
Yes, Im confident in Flower Viewing(Aoba)
Thats what Aoba-san said, who was the genius of Flower Arrange at Kuon house. So it must be true.
She beckoned me with *koikoi* and I obediently went to her side.
By the time I came next to her, Aoba-san had already sat on the ground.
I sat near her and looking up, the sky was covered with The Sakura canopy.
Beautiful. I think so honestly.
The fluttering petals fall on the blue sky.
I reach out to a gentle smell that touches my soul.
A whistling wind blew off the petals on my cheek.
I remember, you told me Flowers are great but I prefer Sakura Flower(Aoba)
... there was that too(Arge)
Certainly, it was about when Aoba-san asked me about my impressions of her Flower Arrange when I was alive. Although I didntin about her flower works, I said that I prefer Sakura Flower.
Of course, I didnt say that Aoba-sans work was bad.
Simply, its a matter of my preference.
...Im d(Aoba)
Its not the Flower Arrange...
But the two of us could watch the Flower you wanted to see like this(Aoba)
......Is that so?(Arge)
Aoba-sanughs happily from the bottom of her heart, I could only vaguely reply to her.
To me, it was a small promise to me and I mentioned my preferences.
I didnt really care for it. Its a promise that I have forgotten until I dreamed about it again.
However, Aoba-san kept thinking about it all the time, even after she died. And now she smiled from the bottom of her heart right next to me.
I wonder what is this feeling?
Somehow it feels great and bad at the same time, such a strange feeling.
Its kind of itchy, embarrassing, but I dont hate it.
My fingers cross and I dont know how to exin.
Fu fu. As expected, you are still Ginshi-san(Aoba)
The face when you dont know how to do it is still the same.(Aoba)
...Is that so?(Arge)
I have been incarnated.
My face and even gender have changed, but my soul hasnt changed.
So, it might be just like Aoba-san says. I wonder if even my way of making facial expressions still hasnt changed.
However, its a bit embarrassing to be watched so closely, even at such ces.
I turned my face away from the heat of my cheeks and I felt the smell of Sakura Flower.
Uhm... thats right, I made a lunch box (Bento)(Arge)
I think its a little painful escape. But I should be okay because its before noon.
The lunch box that I have prepared from the early morning.
Speaking of Sakura Flower View, food and snacks are also important.
I took Satsuki-sans cake as snacks, but I made the meal.
Getting up early was a hassle and the light was out when I was cooking but I think the taste should be fine.
Its a coffee shop. The kitchen is quite solid and the materials are good.
I tried making Japanese food because its nonstalgic(Arge)
The contents of my lunch box are Japanese food, the menu centers on vegetables including spinach. Its familiar to Japanese servants.
There are a lot of vegetables with simmering chicken like Chikuzeni.
As I remember, you liked vegetables, right Aoba-san?(Arge)
Oh, you remember it.(Aoba)
Aoba-san was not vegetarian but I remembered that she liked vegetables more than meat. After being put in jail, I didnt have a chance to have a meal with her anymore, so I wasnt really confident but it seemed like I wasnt wrong.
Aoba-san received my lunch box from my hands.
Well then, Itadakimasu(Aoba)
Aoba-san gratefully and elegantly tasted the food.
Uhm... its delicious(Aoba)
Ah, Im d. I wasnt very confident.(Arge)
... Are you not confident with this?(Aoba)
Well,pared to the food from Kuon Familys chefs, what can you expect(Arge)
I learn cooking after being regarded as unnecessary thing for Kuon Family and having nothing to do behind the iron grids. In other words, its the skill acquired by killing time, so its only an amateur skill.
The Kuon house always had talented cooks and they could eat all kind of dishes from all over the world. Compared to those people, I think that my cooking is just child-y.
Fuu ... Arge-sans hurdle is too high(Aoba)
How so?(Arge)
The level of Kuon Family is indeed abnormal.
However, in Arge-sans case, I was the only one who could see your worth...
You were only confused because you were rejected by them,
I understand your feeling ...
But I think you should be kind to yourself a little more(Aoba)
I thought I was sweet enough for myself, though(Arge)
My goal after being reborn is to have someone feed me three meals and can take a nap anytime
Its quite a selfish setting and sweet setting.
However, it doesnt seem to be what Aoba-san wanted to say. Aoba-san shook her head to deny, but she didnt say any more about it. Is that the reason why she described me as a bud?
I wondered about it, but I didnt ask any further. Or rather, I couldnt hear.
In the first ce, the Kuon Family couldnt do this to me(Aoba)
Aoba-san took my hand and put on her cheek.
The feeling of my fingers touching her cheek was warm.
Alraune has no heartbeat... but if their heart gets warm, it will heat up in this way(Aoba)
Yes. Thats right.
A simple dish cant satisfy my heart. No matter how delicious it is, it wont be enough.
It was because you were the one who made it. Im really d(Aoba)
Aoba-san smiled with a loose cheek. She is really pretty as if the flower is blooming.
As for me, I felt bad to give her this Bento because I thought it was nothingpared to the cook in Kuon Family.
Aoba-san simply denied that and told me that this Bento is better.
...I feel awkward.
This time I made this Bento while thinking it was bothersome. I thought it was rather bad.
But right now, I have an unnatural feeling that is somewhat awkward and itching.
However, I dont hate it.
... Lets eat before it gets buried in the Sakura Petals(Arge)
Yes, yes. Arge-san. Thank you for your Bento(Aoba)
... youre wee(Arge)
I respond to Aoba-sans gratitude.
I dont understand the taste of my Bento well because of the smell of the Sakura Flower and my embarrassment.
Chapter 170
[Next]T.N: Manga is both long and skipping too much. Manga Chapter 21 and 3 of Novel Chapters are almost done.
Arge Chapter 170: The Vampire doesnt want to work at all
First thing in the morning.
After having a conversation, I took a break.
Even though I said conversation, it was just the thought transmitted via blood contract skill. I was talking with my favorite horse, Neguseou.
I told him that I was waiting at Satsuki-sans cafe in the republic and he acknowledged it.
As I waited in a safe ce, I told him that they should be at ease whileing here.
Even though they could use convenient magic, they were forced to cross the sea, so both Kuzuha-chan and Negseou should be quite tired.
First of all, I want them to take better care of themselves.
It will take a few days for Mutsuki-san to bring Felnote-sans group here, so theres no need to rush.
Well, I got in touch. I will take a break and sleep...(Arge)
Did you think I would let you do it? Arge-chan, secured!(Satsuki)
After finishing themunication, when I tried to go to bed, the door of the room was forcibly opened.
Its Satsuki-san, the manager of Satsuki Cafe. Even though she is a vampire, she is still in high tension in the morning. She quickly moved to my bed and showed me...
Yes, this is Arge-chans uniform. You will change into it right away(Satsuki)
As its not a busy time yet, so, please change your clothes right away.
Oh, dont worry about me, you may think of me as thendscape.
NOW, change your clothes(Satsuki)
...Its no good unless I wear this?(Arge)
Satsuki-san has prepared a Satsuki Cafes uniform.
It also fits my size exactly.
I have been helping the store before, it seems she kept the clothes at that time on purpose.
In other words, she would like me to help the shop.
Dressed in a cute, girly fashion.
Of course!
Please take a look at this Frill!
This Skirt!
This Chest!
Which will be a perfect match for my shop. So perfect.
Isnt it amazing?
The person who thought of this is a genius!?
And thats me!(Satsuki)
Ah, no. Uhm... thats not the case ...(Arge)
I wanted to say that it was embarrassing, but it seems that I didnt get through.
No, isnt she well understood and ignored?
Of course, I can choose to refuse. But since I have been indebted to Satsuki-san, its hard to refuse.
Anyway, I can sleep in this room because she allows it.
When I wondered what I should do, the number of visitors increased.
Arge-san? It seems quite noisy...(Aoba)
Oh my, isnt that Aoba-san? Good morning(Satsuki)
Satsuki-san ... why are you here?(Aoba)
Fufu... wherever theres a cute little girl, theres Satsuki-chan...(Satsuki)
Satsuki-san folded her arms and lifted her tits with a smug face, but I just didnt understand what she meant.
Roughly speaking, Im trying to dress Arge-chan in pretty clothes(Satsuki)
I will help. No, Please let me help by all means.(Aoba)
Somehow Aoba became an enemy.
She stretched her ivy and grabbed my leg.
Of course, I did not intend to run away from the beginning, but with this, I cant move anymore.
Uhm... Aoba-san ...?(Arge)
Im sorry, but I can not suppress my curiosity...
... ah ah ... how cute a flower of shame blooms ... fufufu ...(Aoba)
Aoba-san looks like in a trance and she ising to my bed.
Of course, with physical restraint like this, I can escape with atomize skill.
But in that case, I will be chasing right after.
Fu ...your cute figure,
Wont you please show me ...?(Satsuki)
Well, are you ready?
Did you pray to Amitabha?
Pray to God?
Are you ready to be shivering and embarrassed in the corner of the room?(Aoba)
Yaa... both of you, please wait for a moment ... Hi~ni~ya~aaaa~!?(Arge)
I tried to beg, but it never happened.
I leak out a cute scream, which is still unfamiliar with my own mouth, in the room.
Chapter 171
Arge Chapter 171: Working Time
Satsuki Cafe is a cafe run by Satsuki-san.
The shop has a chic atmosphere and a wide variety of snacks as well as cakes. All of them are delicious.
The restaurants reputation is very good. Kuro-san and Fumitsuki-san, who are in charge of the waitress, are always moving fast and are dealing with customers in time.
I also helped the store thest time I was indebted, but I remember it was way busier.
Thest time, Kuzuha-chan must make full use of her Bushiha-chan in order to serve customers in time.
Today I also worked together with Fumitsuki-san and Kuro-san.
But its rather easy today, we can afford to have free time.
I am walking along the hallway and I cant help getting peoples attention.
Because my appearance is a beautiful girl now.
My waitress work today isto get a look
I have to look fashionable in order to be seen as a thing to decorate the shop.
The frills, the swaying skirt and the gaze of everyone concentrated on me is very embarrassing.
Im seriously aware that I am a girl.
Not only that, today theres a bonus, my old acquaintance.
I cant be more ashamed.
Oh, Aoba-san, I dont just look at me, order something...(Arge)
Eh? Wait a minute. I knew what I wanted to order a moment ago, but now, I... forget?(Aoba)
While saying all that, Aoba-sans eyes arent looking at the menu but at me.
She stares at me from head to toe, from frills to the skirt, etc.
In that case, I would like to do itter, but my escape route has been cut off in the first ce. Aoba-sans thin ivy is firmly wrapped around my ankle.
Arge, its almost time to settle down. So you can take your time to get your friends order(Fumitsuki)
Oh, thank you, Fumitsuki-san(Arge)
Fumitsuki-san told me so out of concern, but that meant I had no more reason to run away.
Uhm ...thats why Aoba-san. If you decide, please order(Arge)
I understand.
Ah but...
When your work is over, you will change your clothes, right?(Aoba)
...Of course(Arge)
Its not the clothes that Kuzuha-chan sew, nor its the everyday clothes given by Zeno-kun.
Id say its the work clothes.
For me, who dont want to work, I dont want to wear it all the time. And more than anything, its so embarrassed to let see me wearing this.
Not to mention, the person who looks at me right now knows about me from my previous life.
I would sleep in it if I was too tired to take it off, but I would like to change my clothes if I can afford it.
Aoba-san smiled and released more words without mercy.
But let me see it closely a little longer(Aoba)
Because Alge-san looks really good in it.
This is the world without photos. So, please show me carefully until its properly engraved in my memory.(Aoba)
Ugu u...(Arge)
I was troubled.
Somehow today, Aoba-san is quite mean.
Aoba-san... dont bully me too much... because Im really embarrassed...(Arge)
Im cute ... NOT.
Most of all, Aoba-san should know, I am ...(Arge)
Dont worry, I have always thought you were pretty cute(Aoba)
Thats why Im not happy ...(Arge)
The fact that she considered me as cute even when I was a man was really shocked.
In my previous life, I was slender, with pale skin that wont lose to vampires,
I couldnt say that is a masculine body, but I dont think it was cute either.
Im not a fool. No, Im really d.
Because the person who was originally cute wears new cute clothes.
In a familiar and lovely scenery, just like a new flower that I dont know,
Thats a great thing, right?(Aoba)
...Im not sure about that(Arge)
You dont have to understand. So can please show me more of that?
Your red face is also very nice.(Aoba)
I dont understand Aoba-sans points well but she seems to be truly entertaining. To think the girl who treated me kindly during our move has be so mean.
Chapter 172
Arge Chapter 172: Familys Introduction
Fu~fu~fu~... It looks like you have an interesting trip.(Iris)
Well, yes. I didnt get bored.(Arge)
Well, thats good. Its important not to be bored, for longevity?(Iris)
The Golden Hair Vampire wasughing happily when she heard about my journey so far.
She has the appearance of a young girl, her name is Iris-san.
She is in charge of snacks at Satsuki Cafe andpared to me, she is hundreds of years of senior.
She is a standard vampire, she can only move freely around the night and she sleeps in the coffin during the daytime or works in a residential area, the kitchen. The ce which is designed to be out of sunlight.
Its night right now and the employees are at leisure.
After dinner, Iris-san came to my room saying that she wanted to hear about my trip.
She listens to me happily while she leans toward me.
umm... Puha. Arge, do you drink?(Iris)
Oh, I will hold back on that(Arge)
Satsuki-san told me that most vampires arent good at drinking. Only someone like Iris-san can drink it normally.
Ive never tried it, but Im afraid that I will get drunk and bother everyone, so I declined.
Fu~n, I see. Well, thats fine.
Because vampires basically dont drink alcohol(Iris)
Im sorry(Arge)
Its fine.
If its drinker partner, I have Shino. But she hasnte back for a while.(Iris)
Shino-san, your barista...(Arge)
She is in charge of coffee.
She was looking for good beans and has gone out ever since.
Its okay because we can serve basic drinks.(Iris)
Iris-san isughing and when I look at it, her cup is empty.
As I see that, I think I should at least pour the liquor for her. The sweet smell of liquor is tickling my nose.
Fu~ fu~, thank you.
I also would like to have a cute girl like you as my partner, it would be nice(Iris)
Are you like that? (Swing that way)(Arge)
For us vampire, gender has nothing to do with it.
We have a psychic body or a magical body from the beginning.
Most of the things we like are hearts and magic. There are many individuals who dont care about gender.(Iris)
...It looks like so(Arge)
I remembered about another Golden Vampire different from Iris-san, who I met in the honey vige.
Her name is Elsee, she is the same as Mutsuki-san, and seems to be one of the vampires who are said to be particrly powerful in this world.
We met and she has proposed to me.
No, more like she forced herself on me, saying that gender doesnt matter.
I am a partner in many ways with Satsuki too(Iris)
... yes. Even I also know that if I look at it(Arge)
This ce... Satsuki Cafe. Satsuki made it for me.
She hoped I can enjoy the scenery of each passing day.
The days without anything besides the sweet daily life(Iris)
that is......(Arge)
Yes, its a long-lived life.
There are a lot of things I have to do with everyone.
Im going to feel like Ill be left all the way, as everyone gets older and disappears beautifully.
Yes, thats right, Satsuki has made this kind of ce so that it can be epted a little bit(Iris)
Iris-san speaks happily from the bottom of her heart as she narrows her eyes.
Her cheeks are red and its probably not just because of alcohol.
Its been a long time ago that I was immersed in the story.
Iris-san opened her red eyes, the same as mine and she stared at me.
So I think its fine for Arge to ask your friend a little more(Iris)
Eh ...?(Arge)
I was a little surprised by her words.
Iris-sanughs and exins more.
I dont know whether you want to be sweet or not.
But I understand that you are holding back.
You are thinking its annoying if someone is giving up,
So you are looking for someone who can be endlessly sweet to you(Iris)
...What, whats with that?(Arge)
I want to find someone, who willing to feed me with three meals and anytime nap.
Theres no lie and Im traveling just for that.
But its also very bad at be in someone elses debt.
I have vaguely understood that the two feelings are contradictory.
But either of them is my true intention.
Yup. Kuzuha, Felnote, Zeno, and that Aoba girl, I think everyone will surely love you.
So, even if you cant take care of everything, its okay to ask more from them(Iris)
Oh, I think I talk like a grandma now, so you only need to listen half of the story. Anyway, its drunken joke(Iris)
No, thank you very much(Arge)
Its true that she is drunk, and its no mistake that Iris is older from me.
Still, I know how serious she is from her eyes being directed at me.
Even if it seems to be bothersome, its something she wants to say.
Surely its advice, preaching, and a bit of her own story.
I will listen and remember, there is no loss.
Thats how I feel.
Well, then. For my poor and sweet junior, I will give you another(Iris)
Although you refused alcohol... isnt it hard to refuse this?(Iris)
Iris-san smiles and brings her face very close to me.
The smell of liquor is sprayed.
Her soft finger rubbed my cheek and touched my lips.
Blood. By all means, you havent taken it at all recently, right? (Iris)
As Iris-san says, I havent taken blood since I got from Richelle in the Dark Elves territory.
Richelles blood contained quite a good quality of magic, so my blood impulse still didnte out. But there were a few times in our trip, Aoba-sans neck looked delicious to me.
To that extent, its thrist
I thought that no one has noticed, but Iris is a vampire so she understands.
We are vampires.
Drinking blood is to take the magic of others to stabilize our own existence...
in order to prevent our magic goes out of control.
It isnt necessary blood. It doesnt matter if its sweat or whatever...
Anyway, if we dont have someones magic in our body, we will die. Our existence itself depends on someone(Iris)
... I learned it a little while ago. Its not a simple thirst matter(Arge)
Yeah, though, you keep silent without relying on others to do something as important as your life.
At that point, youre over-restrained.(Iris)
Laughing like she saw something nostalgic, Iris-san rubbed on me.
The sweet smell of liquor and her smell.
Even though Im not drinking it, Im getting drunk.
Hmm... Hey,e on?(Iris)
Come on, you say ...(Arge)
Isnt it hard to rely on that girl?
In that case, I, as your friend, older one and senior can help you(Iris)
Its hard to rely on... she is an old acquaintance... its somewhat embarrassing...(Arge)
We know each other since I was human.
Thats why asking Aoba-san to get some blood is weird somehow.
She will not refuse.
Rather, before we started this journey, she suggested it herself.
Even on our journey until we arrived at Sakura Nomiya, she asked me many times but I said I didnt have to drink blood.
So this is a problem of my feelings.
I endure it to the veryst minute and try to drink blood only when the other person says strongly.
I dont know if that is too modest or not.
Hmm, thats right, Ill have to do something about it
...Hey, isnt it fine?(Iris)
When she said its fine and hugged me like this.
It became difficult to endure.
I put my fang on her slender neck and Iris-san epted without struggling.
Im sure she is getting used to doing it with Satsuki.
They might even do it on a daily basis whenever they meet each other.
Um ... Ah ha, how gently... Hey, isnt this your second time?
Its okay, so dont hold back ...(Iris)
As Iris says, its the second time I drink her blood.
At that time, I was drunk like a surprise, but this time, its different.
We agree with each other and extend to the act of blood absorption.
Her blood was hot and crunchy like a mass of heat.
I lick it so that it melts slowly, squeaks my throat and I taste her blood.
Bad sounds of manners echo in the room, but I dont care anymore.
I was swept away by the sweetness of the blood and I forgot about everything.
Ah~ Fu~n... delicious ...(Arge)
Ah...Yes Yes.
You can be honest...
... um ... good,
Good girl...?(Iris)
Iris-san seems to have plenty of room, as expected, she might be used to being sucked.
Im putting my mouth on the girls neck, whose appearance looks no different from me.
I think Im a little embarrassed as usual, but now Im just doing it.
Umm, Chi~yu...
...Ji ~yururu~...
...Pua ...
... Iris-san...(Arge)
Its alright, its alright...
You will need some more... I will be patient... until you are full.....(Iris)
The feeling of her fingers brushed my hair was nice, I clung to her in need for more blood.
My stomach is filled with hot fluid and a sweet sensation spreads throughout the body.
Puhaa ...(Arge)
As I escape from the heat and let go, cold air passes to my chest.
Sweats floated all over my body while I was absorbed in blood sucking.
Wa~...fu~i..., Pain pain go away...(Arge)
My head isnt clear but I can still speak words to trigger magic.
The magic effect activates and her necks bite mark is closed.
Ah, you dont have to bother ... because I also like pains.(Iris)
But I care ...(Arge)
Um ...I see. Fu~ fu~, Arge, you seem to be sleepy already.
Its good to sleep as you are...(Iris)
I lean myself to Iris-san, who looked happy, and I closed my eyes.
For a while, I wont be bothered with blood-feeding impulse.
My mind slowly fell into thea, thinking dimly that I was told that my friends would also ept it.
[Next]Winning word is Arge Arge
Just Arge is disqualified.
Chapter 173
[Next]To August 31st.
Mile: 2 chapters left
Mira: 2 chapters left
Taru: 2 chapters left
Cathia: 2 chapters left
Arge: must finish the current Arc at all cost. 18 => 17 Chapters left (Chapter 174-190)
After Arges Arc => Cathias turn (10 chapters in total - 3)
After Cathias turn => Miles turn (20-30 chapters)
Arge Chapter 173: Late Nights Secret Talks
...Dont you think you are worried too much, Aoba?(Iris)
I was surprised when she told me so as we passed each other in the corridor.
Alraune in this world doesnt sleep.
Just as flowers are always in bloom, they are a race without the need for sleep.
Thats why for me the evening time is spare time, taking a walk or taking a moonlight bath and killing time.
Looking at the sleeping face of my favorite person has recently been added as one of the best killing time.
Of course, my favorite person is Ginshi-san.
He is now known as Argent Vampyr...No, she is also...
As I remembered what this person was doing with Arge, I tried to make an excuse.
Actually, I didnt try to peek...
I heard someones voice in Arge-sans room...
I just nned to ask what you were talking about...
I didnt expect that she was sucking your blood...(Aoba)
Kusu~ ...Aoba no hi(Iris)
Eh... I wasnt doing any hi things ...!?(Aoba)
Un (yeah), Arge was just sucking my blood.
But... you saw us and you got excited!(Iris)
......that is(Aoba)
It would be a lie if I said I didnt.
Arge-san clings to Iris-san is really cute. I was really jealous that Arge-san didnt do that to me. Besides, I was afraid so I didnt say anything.
I left the ce, fleeing and came back after calming down from on a moonwalk.
To think I met Iris-san before returning to my room and was confined like this.
...You noticed? Was that why you did something like that?(Aoba)
You were peeping on us, you should better apologize instead of showing up.
In addition..., I thought it was better for you to know properly.(Iris)
Thats what it means to associate with a Vampire.
Even Alraune doesnt have blood but if you let Arge suck your fluid,
She can stabilize her body.
Because that child just tends to hold back too much...
If you can, I want you to forcefully do it(Iris)
... Thats right, but...(Aoba)
Kusu~ You arent convinced. Jealousy?(Iris)
...You should know that nheless. Even though you know that, why do you say it to me ?(Aoba)
While I was angry and said all that, Iris-san returned with a smile.
I heard that the life-span of a vampire is really long. Especially, Iris-san seems to have lived for hundreds of years.
Even though her appearance looks like a Loli (little girl), she has the eyes which can see through everything.
...As expected, I cant hide from her.
She looks like a little girl, but in fact, she is older than my grandmother, a feeling that cant put it into words.
Although there were some troubles in Kuons family, there wasnt this type of people.
Kuons family members are basically not interested in others and they never try to get involved in this way.
I know that I cant win no matter how hard I try (argue). So, I end up talking by exhaling sighs.
... I apologize for being angry(Aoba)
Actually, you arent really angry.
Dont you think its nice that you look at us?
So that you can understand a little about what does it mean to associate with Arge.(Iris)
I agree... (Aoba)
Being a vampire means you have to give her blood.
If you dont, the vampire will disappear.
It would be worse than being reincarnating into something that isnt human.
In fact, I have also changed a lot because I was reborn as Alraune.
The light of the sun has be pleasant than ever before, clear water has be absolutely delicious.
It can be said that they are the most important parts.
Recently, I also found a weakness that I cant soak in hot water for a long time.
... It will be difficult.
Arge-san is the favorite person in my previous life.
She was treated as a failure of Kuons family and was discarded.
Contrary to the height of her abilities, her self-assessment is unusually low.
She didnt care much even with such a big event in her previous life.
Her self-rating which was originally low was lower even further.
She had been living thinking that she wasnt necessary since she was a he
With such personality, it seems like Arge-san cant rely on others well.
As expected even its me, is it better to force her to drink my fluid against her will?(Aoba)
If she has withdrawn symptom, I think it would be better to do it that way.
She should be satisfied today but...
She will really disappear if she doesnt drink blood for a long time.
I dont want to see my friend disappear... anymore(Iris)
With a slightly sad face, Iris disappeared into the back of the corridor.
Surely, there is no lie in what she says.
Even if it was just blood-sucking, she might have been intentionally shown it to me.
In order to know what kind of vampire creature is and what I have to do.
... Someday, will there be a day that I will let Arge suck on my fluid?(Aoba)
I felt that my heart bounced when I gently stroke my neck.
Well, I realize that my cheeks are hot.
Arge and Iris blood-sucking was so intense, passionate and sweet as if they were lovers.
Just by imaging how I would do it with Arge-san, my body temperature raised.
I have my own expectation
I was unable to sleep anymore. And until the sun came up, I was overwhelmed by the embarrassment.
Chapter 174
[Next]To August 31st.
Mile: 2 chapters left
Mira: 2 chapters left
Taru: 2 chapters left
Cathia: 2 chapters left
Arge: must finish the current Arc at all cost. 17 => 16 Chapters left (Chapter 175-190)
After Arges Arc => Cathias turn (10 chapters in total - 3)
After Cathias turn => Miles turn (20-30 chapters)
Arge Chapter 174: Break time after closing
Uu, so tired ...(Arge)
Im inside the store after closing.
When theres no more customer, Im standing next to the table and sigh
Im okay with helping out because Im indebted to Satsuki-san but...
Im not good with pasting a smile on my face to serve guests.
Besides, its not good to work dressed in girl clothes.
Frankly speaking, I feel ashamed.
We are cleaning the store after the working hour is over.
Whates into the store from the window is moonlight instead of sunlight.
The moonlight on my body and the cold feel of the table are pleasant.
I just want to sleep as it is.
Thank you very much~
Alge is helping me out there (wa~a)(Fumitsuki)
While saying so, Fumitsuki-san gives me a cup of tea with a smile.
When I looked into it, the sweet and bitter smell tickled my nose.
This is probably Cafe Au Lait.
Yes, any warm drink is wee (douzo)(Arge)
Haa (Yes), a warm drink ising (doumo)(Fumitsuki)
As I was prompted, when I take a look at it, the unique aroma of coffee spreads softly.
The feeling on my tongue is: the sweetness of sugar and milk is stronger than the bitter taste of coffee beans.
Its a fairly sweet distribution, but delicious.
Having sugar really feels great on my tired body.
Fumitsuki-san sat down with the cup of the same thing as mine.
One cup afterbor is really nice...
Even though, Im not as good as Shino-senpai,(Fumitsuki)
Satsuki cafes barista isnt it?(Arge)
Yes, she is in charge of drinks.
We can do basic things, but...
Well, Im not really good at that(Fumitsuki)
I think the Cafe Au Lait I received is delicious enough, but Fumitsuki-san seems to be unconvinced.
Fumitsuki-san drank the contents of her cup and made a subtle face.
Its not bad but...(Fumitsuki)
Its delicious(Arge)
Thank you. Arge is a good girl.
Well, but I can not help thinking about peoples reaction who arent(Fumitsuki)
Im not trying tofort her, its really delicious. Well, Ive never drunk coffee from the person named Shino, so I cant reallypare.
Fumitsuki-san convinced herself to be inferior and talked again.
It seems that she is an old friend of Onee-sama and Ai-chan...
And she seems to be more of a nomad than Onee-sama.(Fumitsuki)
Onee-sama is Satsuki-san, and Ai-chan is Iris-san. (Iris is pronoun as Airisu, hence her nickname is Ai-chan)
She is an old acquaintance of the vampires.
In some cases, she might be hundreds of years.
When they talk about having such a long historical rtionship, it must be a couple of decades.
As I recalled, did you say that she went on a journey to look for good coffee beans?(Arge)
She usually came back with some unknown souvenirs though.
She has never found so much coffee beans.(Fumitsuki)
Guessing from the story, she somehow looks like a funny person.
The staff members of this coffee shop are just as funny as they are, so Im convinced.
Arge, did you think something rude just now?(Fumitsuki)
No, I dont. Its true, its really true(Arge)
Thats fine though ...
We are about to have dinner after a while,
Lets enjoy the drink slowly until then(Fumitsuki)
Thats right.
Indeed, todays meal is fish fry...(Arge)
*Kachin* (SFX)
A cool little doorbell echoed inside the store.
The working time is only daytime, if the guestse at that time, we will stand up and serve them.
But the store is already closed now,
In other words, we wont say a wee but an apology and send them back.
Ah, Im sorry.
We are already closed for today...
Eh, Shino-Senpai!?(Fumitsuki)
When Fumitsuki-san tried to send the guest back, she was suprised and called the name of the person who came in just now.
I know. Because Im also working here(Shino)
The woman came into the store while casually waving hands at Fumitsuki-san
She is nearly 180 cm tall and looks like a butler.
She isnt like Satsuki, but she acts like the owner (EN)
She has short ck hair, brown eyes. She seems to be light-hearted and strong-willed.
She was walking in a rxed mood, ying with the pipe with her right hand.
Shino-senpai, wee back... HEY, cigarettes are not good?(Fumitsuki)
Dont be like that, Fumitsuki.
Isnt it okay because I dont light it up yet?(Shino)
Lightly dismiss Fumitsuki-sans rebut, Shino-san shook the pipe.
Just like she said, she had no intention to light it.
Then she looked over to my direction.
Hmm? Did you increase the number of employees of Satsuki Store?(Shino)
Ah, thats wrong. That girl is just helping out(Fumitsuki)
First time meeting (Hajimemashite), my name is Argent Vampyr.
Its rather long so Im fine with just Arge(Arge)
Ah, Arge, isnt it? Satsuki told me about you before?(Shino)
It seems that Satsuki-san has talked about me.
Shino-san looked at me as if being convinced
Well then, once again.
First time meeting. Im Shino Ichinose, an employee of this store.(Shino)
Yes, I heard about you from Satsuki-san(Arge)
Mm, its good that you catch on quickly.
Best regard (Yoroshiku)(Shino)
As Shino-san smiled, she held out her hand which doesnt hold the cigarettes pipe to me.
When I held on her hand, she shook my hand somewhat strong.
In terms of attitude and appearance, she seems to be a male or a tomboy character.
Thats right, Shino-Senpai.
Did you find the beans that are covered in sses?(Fumitsuki)
But I bought some souvenirs this time too.
Because the luggage is on the back,
Ill give youter.(Shino)
...I can hope to get something useful or cute, right?(Fumitsuki)
Is it cute, you ask?
Well, was it okay to give you an object that I got from a mysterious tribe when I stepped foot into a somewhat unexplorednd?
Its cute though,
It makes a strange voice asionally in the middle of the night(Shino)
I dont need it, or rather throw it away immediately!(Fumitsuki)
She was a funny person as expected.
After all, this person is an old friend of Satsuki-san.
Shino-sanughed in response to Fumitsuki-sans reaction, and she took my cup
Ah, that ......(Arge)
Whats the big deal? We are all women.(Shino)
Shino-san stopped me from talking halfway and swallowed up the contents of the cup in one go.
Mmm~... Isnt the temperature control so sweet?(Shino)
(Sasuga) As expected, I cant make the same as Shino-senpai.
Shino-senpai, I will not work in earnest if I can?
I mean, Shino-senpai, can you return to work? I cant fill in your work properly(Fumitsuki)
Thats wrong.
Well then, Arge. As an apology, I will make you another cup.(Shino)
Uhm, thank you very much.(Arge)
*No problem*
Shino-san smiled and went to the back of the store.
As if pulled by the string, Iris-san showed up at the right time.
Ah, Shino. Youe back?(Iris)
Ooh, Iris. Im back. You seem to be fine(Shino)
Un, have you been well, Shino?
Can you tell us about your journey again?(Iris)
OH. Ill tell to you after I brew the coffee. Can you call Satsuki, too?
First of all, I meet the mysterious battle tribes and then I meet with the Republics Prince...(Shino)
You will eventually connect to the story that you got that object, right?(Fumitsuki)
It seems like she is looking forward to traveling even more than me, so Im also looking forward to hearing her tale a bit.
After that, Satsuki-san, Aoba-san, Kuro-san also came and listened to the story of the trip while drinking Shino-sans coffee.
Her coffee was really delicious and I had an unexpectedly enjoyable evening tea party.
Chapter 175
T.N: After considerating, I realized it was way too many trantions to do in too little time. So I will count to the end of September instead.
To September 30th.
Random manga trantions release.
Mile: 2+5= 7 chapters left
Mira: 2+1= 3 chapters left
Taru: 2+1= 3 chapters left (might consider to release more if I can finish my schedule)
Cathia: 2+1= 3 chapters left
Arge: must finish the current Arc at all cost. 16 => 15 Chapters left (Chapter 176-190)
After Arges Arc => Cathias Arc (10 chapters in total - 2 already released chapters)
After Cathias turn => Miles turn (20-30 chapters)
Arge Chapter 175: Where the Smoke rises
Fu~n... then, you really dont want to be an employee(Shino)
Uhmm, yes. Because Im indebted to Satsuki-san, I will help out but its only that.(Arge)
I see. Too bad, and I thought that I would get another Imouto (little sister)...(Shino)
Perhaps, that might be her true feeling. Shino-san exhaled smoke as she replied so.
She just came back to Satsuki Cafe and seemed to be interested in us, who are the volunteers. And today, she invited us to her room to have a private talk.
Her room is not so organized, theundry is left as it is
I have the impression that her character is quite visible.
The unknown objects ced around here are probably souvenirs of the trip.
When I and Aoba-san faced Shino-san, I felt the smell of cigarettes.
Aoba, right?... How about you?(Shino)
I have reigned as a queen. As for Arge-san, she belonged to me(Aoba)
(T.N: Raw is Arge was reserved for me but I thought this way sounds better)
Aoba-san pulled me into her arms with her ivy.
Aoba, another reincarnator, was originally my rtives and she was very concerned about me.
She said that she will take care of me when everything is over. In fact, that must be true.
Fu~n... very well then,
It seems there is no space for us to enter.
In that case, while youre here just take it easy with us.
Other people will be happy and Im d, too(Shino)
Shino-san smiled while smoking her cigarettes pipe.
The swaying smoke seemed to represent her upset mood.
Then, Shino-san talked to us while watching the smoke rising to the ceiling.
Ah, the cigarette smoke is bad but I guarantee the taste of the drink, so please drink.(Shino)
Yes, Itadakimasu (Bon appetit)(Arge)
I sipped on the drink, it had a sweet taste and a deep vor.
...... Milk tea, isnt it?(Arge)
I have good milk and tea leaves.
Im confident in drinks other than coffee, you know?
I have sugar over there, you can adjust the taste to your liking.(Shino)
Its certainly delicious as she says.
While the sweetness and mellowness of the milk bring out the aroma of the tea leaves, the astringency is suppressed.
It is easy to drink without sugar.
You need to be considerably skillful to produce a drink with such taste.
You must be very careful about temperature control, extraction time, tea and milk distribution.
...such fine details work(Aoba)
Even Im kind of indifferent. I still help Satsuki out with the stores work(Shino)
While Shino-sanughs with Aoba-sans replies, Aoba-san sips on her cup.
This drifting fragrant aroma. Its coffee.
Hmm, Mine is also delicious/tasty/sweet (umai)(Aoba)
The drink that Shino-san prepared is always delicious.(Arge)
Oh, Im d. If you like, you can always...(Shino)
~Wafu! theres a nice smell (~n ~da~yo)!(Kuro)
The door was opened without knocking.
It was Kuro-san, an employee of this shop with the Mofumofu ears and tail, she has entered the room energetically.
As Kuro-sanes in, she starts moving her nose to check the smell of the surroundings.
There are no sweets!(Kuro)
What is the premise ...?(Aoba)
Because, if you have tea, there should be sweets as well, right?(Kuro)
Aoba-san put Tsukkomi, but Kuro-san looked strange.
Apparently, she thought, when there is tea, there should be sweets as well.
In other words, did shee for snacks?
Kuro-san doesnt seem to be particrly concerned about the subtle sight directed at her, *~Wa~fu* and she runs to Shino-san.
Shino-kun, want to y with me?
Do you want to ~wafu ~wafu with Kuro?(Kuro)
Hoi Hoi (Yes yes), Here you go(Shino)
With a sweet voice, Kuro-san jumps and uses Shino-sansp pillow.
Patting Kuro-sans head like a dog, Shino-san talked while exhaling smoke.
If you want cakes that much, you should ask Satsuki.(Shino)
You called?(Satsuki)
Ah, Satsuki-san(Arge?)
Satsuki-san came in from the open door.
The door was open and I heard Kuro-chans voice, so I thought you were talking about something.
Aoba-san and Arge-chan are also here.(Satsuki)
Satsuki, sorry for the bother but can you bring me some cakes?
This doggy seems to be hungry(Shino)
Yes yes,
Well then, Ill bring you a prototype I just baked(Satsuki)
Replied lightly to Shino-sans words, Satsuki-san collected theundry scattered in the room.
It seems like she nned to collect it in the first ce.
If I leave Shino-kun alone, the room will be a mess immediately(Satsuki)
My bad, Satsuki(Shino)
If you think so, I want you to remember to put out theundry or clean up a bit.(Satsuki)
Whileining, Satsukis face shows no unpleasant, but rather a smile.
I heard that they have a long rtionship, so I guess that they are used to each other as usual.
By the way... somehow, arent there more strange objects again?(Satsuki)
Ah, I talked about it a while back.
Thises from a mysterious tribe and a strange voice sometimeses out at night.
It was enshrined in the depths of the ruins, I do not know well,
It is a sculpture that changes its expression asionally(Shino)
...Somehow it looks dangerous, please throw it away soon if anything happens, okay?(Satsuki)
(Sasuga ni) As expected, theres really something.
I can rest assured that there is nothing, for now, (Shino)
I think its already strange enough when the design changes and the strange voice...(Satsuki)
Even she said all that, Satsuki-san didnt tell Shino-san to throw it away immediately.
I felt something like the tea ceremony is about to begin, Shino-san stands up in a rxed manner
Well then, do you have extra drinks?
Kuro is hot milk and Satsuki is green tea, right?(Shino)
Yes, please, Shino-kun(Satsuki)
~Wafu! Id like more sugar (~n ~da~yo)!(Kuro)
Hoi Hoi (Yes yes)(Shino)
Shino-san went out to make drinks while smoking the pipe.
The leisurely time seems tost for a while.
Chapter 176
[Next]To September 30th.
Random manga trantions release.
Mile: 7 chapters left
Mira: 3 chapters left
Taru: 3 chapters left (might consider releasing more if I can finish my schedule)
Cathia: 3 chapters left
Arge: must finish the current Arc at all cost. 15 => 14 Chapters left (Chapter 177-190)
After Arges Arc => Cathias Arc (10 chapters in total - 2 already released chapters)
After Cathias turn => Miles turn (20-30 chapters)
Arge Chapter 176: In a slumber with you
My consciousness was loose and seemed like floating on the water.
Im not dreaming.
About half is conscious, so to speak, its a state of slumber.
n~nyu... ?(Arge)
I really like this time.
The fluffy consciousness seems to be lying on a cloud and feels good, and above all, its good to be able to notice the nice feeling of sleeping.
I think it is a very luxurious use of time to fill myself in the bed.
Ehehe ... thirty more hours ...(Arge)
I think its a bit oversleeping(Aoba)
When I heard the voice other than myself, I opened my eyes and I saw her face.
Alraune girl with green skin, Aoba-san, a friend of my previous life.
Although her appearance has changed a lot, her mood and face expression are still that of Aoba-san, who I know a lot.
She looks into my drowning face like always.
...When I look at you like this, you are indeed Ginshi-san.
You have the face that looks veryfortable when sleeping(Aoba)
Thats right.
I also think I have a stupid sleeping face that seems like I dont think about anything.(Arge)
No, I havent said that much...(Aoba)
umm... is that so...(Arge)
While being aware that I cant make a decent conversation in my sleepy state,
I didnt want to get out of my slumber.
Because I feel so good.
The boundaries between sleep and awakening are vague, terrifyfortable and hard to let go.
When I grasp the sheets tightly, I will feel strangely relieved.
In a time like this, I want to sleep like drowning.
~Ni ~yufufu... Bed-chan...(Arge)
Gin... Arge-san.
Ie to visit you, dont you feel bad neglecting me?(Aoba)
umm...then Aoba-san, do you want to sleep together...?(Arge)
Though it was just a casual word, Aoba reacted more than expected.
Eh, ah, that is...
is that okay!?
I... its my first time!?(Aoba)
Ah, you dont want to sleep with people next to you?
Its okay.
I (Boku), Im not that bad at sleeping...(Arge)
She thinks I might put her away when its hot or I have a bad sleeping habit.
But I feel confident that I wont do that.
Now that we are both girls, its not strange to sleep in the same futon.
I mean, I prefer to sleep with her because its troublesome to wake up and treat her like a guest.
It was such some casual invitation but Aoba-san seems to be taken aback.
I think she said she isnt good at it.
Please dont mind if you dislike it ...(Arge)
Theres no way I dislike it! Absolutely!(Aoba)
Haa~...then,e in...(Arge)
While maintaining half of my consciousness, I turned over the bedsheets and beckoned her
After a while, Aoba-san slowlyes into my futon.
Aah, the cool temperature and the smell of sweet flowers.
umm... cool...(Arge)
Ah, uu~u...
Are... you... okay...?(Aoba)
Its okay
Because Aoba-san feels really nice...(Arge)
I might hug her instinctively.
Im rather surprised that I have such a feeling when Im half-sleep.
I dig my own grave.
(Yappari) As expected, Bed-chan is really warm andfortable...
~ni ~yufufu, its the best.(Arge)
I... I see.
I thought its rather hot(Aoba)
Aoba-san was reincarnated as Alraune, she is very weak to the heat.
Even a cool sleep for me may not be tolerable for her.
Shall we create a little more gap then...?(Arge)
No, no!
Its okay!
Rather, please leave it as it is!(Aoba)
I tried to resolve things with my drowning head, but I received a reply that she didnt need it.
The other day, she wasnt careful and was about to fall over in the bath. But it should be safe if she said she was alright.
Above all, my consciousness is at its limit.
In the warmth fluffy bed and Aoba-sansfortable coolness body in my grasp.
If its hot, I can bring Aoba-sans body closer to me, and if it gets cold, I can make a little gap.
N~yufu... Goodnight...(Arge)
My consciousness fades again.
It didnt take long for me to get back in my dream.
Chapter 177
To September 30th.
Random manga trantions release.
Mile: 7 chapters left
Mira: 3 chapters left
Taru: 3 chapters left (might consider releasing more if I can finish my schedule)
Cathia: 3 chapters left
Arge: must finish the current Arc at all cost. 14 => 13 Chapters left (Chapter 178-190)
After Arges Arc => Cathias Arc (10 chapters in total - 2 already released chapters)
After Cathias turn => Miles turn (20-30 chapters)
Arge Chapter 177: Crazy Heart
...I cant sleep!!
I hold it in my heart instead of crying out.
Alraune is a race that doesnt need to sleep.
However, even if I became another race that can sleep, it would have been impossible to go to bed in this situation.
Ginshi-san is sleeping right in front of my eyes.
Under such circumstances, I can not sleep.
Just like me, who was reincarnated as Alraune, Ginshi-san was reincarnated as a Vampire.
Besides, he is now living in this world as a girl, which makes its more right to call him as shenow.
Now she has a different face, different voice, and different gender.
But she has the same look, the same atmosphere, and the same heart as Ginshi-san.
She is too defenseless ...(Aoba)
Im really happy to be so close to her so that I can easily watch or touch her sleeping face.
While exhaling, I remembered the time when I was about to be incarnated.
At that time I was against the angel of the reincarnation.
Because my feelings will nevere true,
Its meaningless to do something like reincarnation(Aoba)
Thats why I refused to be reincarnated.
At that time, the angel in charge of reincarnation just smiled a little and forced me into a reincarnation.
At that time, the angel would have already known.
That there is Ginshi-san in this world.
I didnt know it and I had no idea what to do when I was incarcerated. I didnt have the vigor to live seriously, I wanted a space that could just love flowers without being disturbed by anyone.
So I chose the option of ruling a territory and staying there.
Its no good, right...(Aoba)
When I already gave up, I met my beloved person once more.
It was such a miracle that dead flowers would bloom again and it meant a lot to me.
I was like a fool, who has aged and fell in love with a younger rtive. But for me, he was my loved one.
Ginji-san, I ... I couldnt stay by your side when you died.(Aoba)
In the first ce, he was already judged to be unnecessary by the family.
So, even when he died, h funeral was held secretly without anyone knowing.
I knew his death only after everything had gone and his prison cell had be empty.
I told you that I wille to have flower view with you again and that again didnte, Forever...!(Aoba)
When I remember it, I was so frustrated that my tears are about toe out.
Instead of fulfilling my promise with him, I couldnt even say goodbye. And his life as Ginshi-san lost in the dark world.
I was thinking of helping him to get out someday and I did the trick little by little for that purpose but it ended before I could do it. I couldnt even know it.
Such a world. There was no way I could stay in a world where I couldnt save the one I fell in love with.
Your face has changed, but you dont look like a different person ...(Aoba)
You are my loved one.
Even if your face has changed, you have a voice I have never heard, you have a different gender, Even if you have been reborn to something other than a vampire.
Even without a heart, the feeling inside my chest will never change.
This love of the heart cant disappear.
...you slept defenselessly(Aoba)
She is just moaning (sleep talking) without knowing anything.
She slept sofortably.
Its a situation that I cant be helped but remind of the past,
My love is much bigger than that, my face starts to get burnt.
I want to live without being disturbed by anyone, being wrapped in a flower with her as it is.
I am so upset that I am likely to follow such feelings.
I wanted to see her again.
I had wished that he was all right and shed tears. In the end, I shed her blood and abandoned my life.
However, even when I meet her again, my heart only screams selfish things.
It makes such a noise when I want to be closer to this person.
What a confused woman I am.
... Im d I didnt have a heart(Aoba)
Alraune doesnt have a viscera and this body has sweet nectar instead of blood.
So my heart doesnt beat.
If it was, it might have been bursting by this time.
Thats why I was d to share a bed with Ginshi-san.
Still, I can feel that my body temperature is clearly rising.
Its because my sweet nectar is moving around my body at high speed with my excitement.
I love you so much, I wont let you go this time ...(Aoba)
Even though I realized that I was selfish, I didnt want to stop it.
I gave up once but she is so close to me now.
I dont even hide my feelings that I would never want to lose him again and I cuddle on him.
... Someday, Ill make your heart beating like crazy so that you wont be able to sleep like this(Aoba)
I closed my eyes saying those words in a situation where only I was thrilled.
I have be a race that no longer need to sleep.
But when I kept looking at her face like this, it seems like I became more and more selfish.
Just like the loved one who is immersed in her sweet time,
For now, I will just be quiet like a flower next to her.
Chapter 178
[Next]To September 30th.
Random manga trantions release. (Full chapter of Kaoru is under tranting, 33 pages)
Mira: 2 chapters left
Taru: 0 chapters left
Arge: 13 => 12 Chapters left (Chapter 179-190)
After Arges Arc => Cathias Arc. 8 Chapters left
After Cathias turn => Miles turn. 15 chapters (from chapter 312 to chapter 326) (Must wait after Arge and Cathia ARC)
T.N: This series of cliff is rather long, thats why we will marathon.
Arge Chapter 178: Daily Career
The night is the time for vampires, but for me, its always the sleepy time.
In the first ce, for me who was a human before reincarnation, the night is nothing but sleeping time.
Still, there are times when I suddenly wake up in the middle of the night.
I usually ignore it and sleep, but because I am thirsty, I decided to go to the kitchen to drink water.
Ah ... Satsuki-san(Arge)
Ara~ ara~, its unusual for Arge-chan toe out at this time(Satsuki)
Satsuki-san, thendlord of this house, was doing some work in the kitchen as I walked in.
The sweet smell drifts from butter, cream, and chocte. And there are already many cakes on the desk.
...Hey, you are still wearing work clothes?(Satsuki)
Im sorry. I didnt change clothes(Arge)
Today, I was helping Satsuki Cafe, so I didnt wear my usual robe but the uniform in a coffee shop simr to maid clothes.
I fell asleep immediately after work without changing clothes. Well, Im not in front of the customers, so Im not embarrassed.
Im just thinking about a new cake. Im sorry for being a little messy.(Satsuki)
From a number of utensils and bowls scattered throughout the kitchen, you can see that there was a lot of trial and error.
Satsuki-san invited me happily as usual, though I think I might be in the way.
Did youe to drink tea?(Satsuki)
Ah no, Im okay with water...(Arge)
Ill bring warm tea because it seems to be a lot of fun. Just take your time and rx, okay?) (Satsuki)
...Is that okay?(Arge)
Ahaha. It will be boiled in a moment. Satsuki-chan is going to take a break in the first ce, so dont worry(Satsuki)
(T.N: Satsuki calls herself as Satsuki-chan like a 3rd person)
Then, Satsuki-san started preparing a cup of tea.
Its an unexpected tea party at night, but her cake is delicious, so I will happily ept it.
While sitting in the seat and waiting, I drank the warm tea.
After thanking her properly, there was a fruity sweet smell tickled my sense of smell.
Umm, its a sight for sore eyes...
...Ah, thats right. What cake do you like? Please help yourself
Id be happy if you could give me your impressions(Satsuki)
Well, I wont hesitate then(Arge)
I took a bite of a chocte cake.
...Oh, a bit bitter.
I think it will sweet because its chocte, but theres a bitter taste on my tongue.
The bitterness enhances the scent and the sweetness of the dough unravels through the throat.
All that remained was a little sweet scent.
...Bitter but refreshing and delicious(Arge)
Oh, thats good. Its the cake for customers who like the smell of chocte but dont like being too sweet(Satsuki)
I think its good! Its really delicious(Arge)
The gentle sweetness of the dough is to make sure that the bitterness isnt hard to swallow. I can see Satsuki-sans thoughts.
Satsuki-sanughed innocently like a little girl, I wonder if she was happy with my words.
thats a relief. I am d that you are pleased ?(Satsuki)
...... Satsuki-san, have you been doing this for a long time?(Arge)
Oh, yes. Thats right.
But Satsuki-san is an eternal 17-year-old,
It hasnt been that long?(Satsuki)
Uhmm... is that so?(Arge)
She is actually a vampire, so she must have lived for hundreds of years.
...Well, certainly, it mist have be a little longer.
But it was an appointment with Iris-chan and other people.(Satsuki)
Some kind of promise?(Arge)
Satsuki-sans eyes seemed to have a mix of emotions.
Her were narrowed in a nostalgia look like they were crying now and I unintentionally stared at her eyes.
Satsuki-san spoke without a change in her eyes.
In the beginning, I didnt want to make Iris lonely.
No one will ever be there for her, I didnt want her to be engulfed in sorrows(Satsuki)
I just didnt want Iris-chan to say something like If everyone goes away and I get used to not having anyone, theres no need to worry about getting lonely(Satsuki)
I also have heard the same from Iris-san.
I certainly heard that Satsuki-san has built this cafe for Iris-san.
So I built this shop... We kept having a lot of customers
Over time, the number of employees has also increased...
In the meantime, the number of promises has increased.(Satsuki)
Surely, she must have been talking about those who have passed away.
Satsuki-san, the longevity vampire race must have been living for a long time and has met a lot of people.
And Satsuki-san seemed to remember each of them.
People I knew from when they were young until their hips bent.
People who went to visit us all the time.
There were people who became our shops regr, then they visited again as parents, and then as grandparents.
There were also people who jealous of us for a long time ago.
Some people came only once.(Satsuki)
............ (Arge)
Among them, I was looking forward to meet people who love this ce for the delicious cake and those who have told me that they want to be there all the time. (Satsuki)
... This is a good shop(Arge)
Thank you, Fu~fu~. So I want to protect her here. As long as this shop is still working(Satsuki)
To conclude, Satsuki-san begins eating one of the cakes she made.
Oh, its delicious. As expected of me. But cant I get a better method to cut costs a little more? My basic policy is to make it easy to eat as it is... Gu~nu~nu... I also want to improve the taste a little more ...(Satsuki)
Mei is a flourishing store, but as long as its a store, theres a problem with profits. It is natural that the ck is better than the red.
Satsuki-san wrinkled her face while eating her own cake. While repeatedly pondering and having a troubled face, she finished the cake and started cleaning the table.
I would like to give more reference to product development.
I would like to sleep as soon as I get a cup of tea, but I seemed unable to do that.
Above all, Satsuki-sans cake is very delicious even in the prototype.
When its gottente, the cakes on the table were already tidy.
Im sorry for keeping you here in the middle of the night.(Satsuki)
No, its fine because its delicious.(Arge)
Even if you say that, its only a prototype. Because Arge-chan will be going as soon as you meet the others, I should finish it soon to give you a good memory (Satsuki)
......I wille again (Arge)
To Satsuki-san, who was smiling happily, I made the promise naturally.
If I think about the future, it will be rather depressing. We probably have to fight. And if people in Kuon house are involved, I feel that it will not end easily.
Thats why I think I need some fun.
The Satsuki Cafe is a bit strange and noisy, but the food, cakes, and drinks are delicious. Besides, theres an atmosphere that makes me feel at ease.
This shop deserves plenty of praise.
Hehe, Im happy. The new promise has been increased. Just leave the cleanup for Satsuki-chan, you can go sleeping, Arge-Chan(Satsuki)
Yes, thank you for your treats and...(Arge)
good night, the word that I nned to said was disturbed...
By a much louder roar destroyed the gentle night.
...Earthquake... !?(Satsuki)
No, this is... but why... !?(Arge)
Satsuki-san lost her bnce and fell. I took Satsuki-san hand and helped her get up while answering her question.
Its a sound of destruction from afar. I was beginning to get used to the unpleasant sound.
Chapter 179
The Reincarnated Vampire Wants an Afternoon Nap 179
Sakura no Miya, Again
"Ginji...I mean, Arge, I knew that you sleep a lot. But I didnt think you would fall into such a deep sleep while riding on a horse."
"Being able to sleep anywhere is a skill of mine."
Half-closed eyes and a deeply exasperated voice were directed towards me, but it was just business as usual for me.
This journey with Aoba was surprisinglyfortable.
The Alraune special ability was almost shockingly useful. You could hide from the rain under a giant leaf as they do in the movies. And at night, you could make a house-like structure with woven vines, allowing you a rxing space to rest and sleep in.
The sleeping spaces she made with the vines were practically houses, and it was very convenient to not have to keep a fire up to scare monsters or animals, which meant that no one had to stay awake and tend to it.
While we spent several days traveling, I was able to tell Neguseo about where we were going, report to Oswald about the promise with the king, and talk about old times with Aoba, and so it was hardly boring for me.
Still, being under the warm sun just makes you sleepy. And so I would often end up taking a nap while riding the horse...
"After all, I dont feel great unless Ive slept for 30 hours a day."
"I think I pointed this out in the past life, but isnt that impossible ording to thews of the world...?"
I ignored the question back then, and Ill ignore it now.
Squinting eyes are directed towards me, but I dont mind. I was drowsy, and that could not be helped.
"Now...its been a while since Ive been to Sakura no Miya."
In fact, it was only 1 or 2 months. But so much had happened from the beginning, that it felt like it was much longer.
It almost felt nostalgic lining up for inspection before entering the capital.
I was sleeping in a carriage during that time, so I dont even know what kind of inspection is required before entering. Its probably just to check to make sure you dont have any dangerous objects or poached items.
"It would be so much easier to pass these inspections if you had a certificate from the king...you know, like a generals emblem. Like, get out of my way."
"Well, position-wise, were not supposed to have anything to do with the kingdom."
We were not able to ept any great support from the kingdom so that we could act like we didnt know anything if something were to happen.
Even if we werent going tomit murder, what we were doing was the same thing as an assassin. Externally, it didnt give a good impression. Politics can be difficult.
"Queen of Sherwood or not, they have not even epted it as a country, and so we will look suspicious... So, we should just take it slow, as if we were waiting for a flower to blossom."
So saying, Aoba folded her arms as if waiting patiently.
Each of her movements was beautiful, and they also spread out a sweet smell, making it difficult for her to not draw attention. Especially from men, their gazes were all turning in her direction.
...Aoba is a beautiful woman, and I am a beautiful girl.
In terms of appearances, it could not be helped that we drew attention. Especially since Aoba exuded a sweet smell, as if she hade out of a field of flowers. It was like she was trying to attract the wrong kind of people.
"...Sniff, sniff....sniff... Hey,dy. That smells nice!"
"Oh, you are praising my smell? How kind. Who are you?"
I had thought such things, but what she ended up attracting was a dog.
No, it wasnt a dog, it was a wolf. The twitching ears were unmistakable as that of a beastkin.
There was something familiar about the cute, easy-going way she moved her hair and frills.
"Wuff? Ah, its Arge!"
Kuro Inui, the werewolf.
She was one of the employees at Cafe May, that helped me while I was here.
As always, her movements were closer to a dog than a wolf, and she pointed her nose at me and sniffed without restraint.
It was a little embarrassing, but I could see that there was no malice behind it, and so it was hard to refuse her.
And even though we were traveling, my body was kept clean through magic, so I didnt think I smelled bad.
"Hmm, you smell good as always!"
"Oh, thanks."
"Thatdy over there also smells like nice flowers. Her head must be full of nothing but flowers!!"
"...Well, I guess she does in a way, but doesnt it sound a little rude when you put it like that?"
I say just to see how she reacts, but she doesnt seem to notice. Aoba must have looked very interesting to her because she continued to circle her and sniff. Really, this behavior was closer to a dog than a wolf...?
"...Uh, Arge. Is she a friend of yours...this uh...energetic doggy."
Ohh, even Aoba saw her as a dog.
"Ah...well, she helped me out in the past."
"Yes, yes. We were both thrown into jail together."
"Thats quite an exnation...But Arge, you found yourself in prison again?"
It wasnt exactly wrong, so I couldnt deny it. However, I do remember it being mostly Kuros fault that we were put in there.
In any case, she was an acquaintance, and Aoba seemed to have at least realized that there was no need to be cautious. Her troubled expression returned to normal, and she sighed in relief.
"It is good that you were able to meet a friend. Because it looks like it will take a while for this inspection line to move."
"Exactly. Im so bored that I could die... I could probably climb the walls if I tried hard enough, but I wont, because Ill get in trouble again. I dont want them to take my snacks again."
"Im surprised that thats all they do to you..."
That was just how kind Satsuki was, and how May operated.
Though, I guess it was also true that missing your snack was a huge problem for Kuro.
"...By the way, what are you doing here, Kuro? Shopping for supplies?"
"Nope. I was going on a walk, and I got so excited that I jumped over the wall. But I thought I should at least return in the normal way, for good manners."
"...Arge. Is this doggy, um, a little you-know-what?"
I thought it would be better to keep silent on this one, and so I did.
Chapter 180
The Reincarnated Vampire Wants an Afternoon Nap 180
Satsuki Storm
It had been some time since Ist stepped foot into Sakura no Miya, and the ce was filled with the nostalgic smell of flowers.
Since Kuro was with us, we were able to pass inspections quickly. The gatekeeper had seen Kuros face and said, Again, eh?, so it seemed like this was a usual urrence.
The sun had gone down by the time we entered, but the city was brightly lit withnterns, which gave the night streets a soft glow. But more than anything, the gentle lights shining on the cherry blossom petals was breathtakingly beautiful.
"...It smells nice. Cherry blossoms really are the best."
Aoba said as she took in a deep breath. Her eyes smiled and she looked so very happy.
This capital that was filled with the scent of flowers, was always busy with a diverse range of racesing and going. It was fun seeing such a lively city, but you would get lost if you werent careful.
Aoba took her time enjoying the smell of the flowers, before she looked back at me.
"Well then, we must first go and meet the people that you know. It is import to go and say hello."
"Thats true. I would like to see them again as well. Kuro, could you take us to them?"
"Of course I can! Wuff, here, here. Over here!"
We followed Kuro as we pulled our horses in the direction of a certain cafe.
It was a cafe called May and was run by someone called Satsuki, who was a vampire like me.
They had helped me out when I was here before, so saying hello was the least I could do. And Satsuki would know a lot about the road to the Empire, so we might hear something useful. She had a surprisingly vast pool of acquaintances.
But more than that, the reason that I can proudly introduce people to them after not seeing them for so long, is because Mays cakes are delicious.
"Wuff. What a good walk. Here we are. The ce is already closed, soe on right in!"
"Well, if you insist."
We tied the horses up in front of the cafe and walked through the door. The pleasant jingling of a bell sounded as we entered.
It had been months since Ist came here, but it greeted us with the same rxed atmosphere as before. As they were closed, the lights were dimmed, but it added a sense of security.
"Wuff! Were back!!"
Kuros energetic voice faded away, then footsteps could be hearding back. The loud sounds were evidence that someone was rushing towards us.
And then a familiar face appeared from the back.
"Tsk, let me go already! I will never wear such a thing...!?"
"Just a little! Just the tip! Come on, Isabe, it will surely look good on you! As the creator, I am sure of it!"
"What do you even mean by the tip of the clothes...!?"
I had been expecting to see one of those familiar faces, but the other was entirely unexpected.
The two came out from the back as if they were in a struggle. The one who was wearing traditional Japanese clothes was the owner of this ce, Satsuki Ichinose. She was the one that I had been expecting to see.
It was Isabe who surprised me. She was supposed to be living in a faraway ce called the Demon Continent.
"Ohh, you are as stubborn as ever, Isabe. Im telling you that it will look good on you... This is making me very sad! Here, they would say, I am in shock!"
"That is not even true...!"
Judging by what I heard, it seemed like Satsuki had made some new clothes as part of her hobby, and she wanted Isabe to wear it.
But Isabe did not want to wear it and was trying to run away.
Both of them were tall and hadrge breasts. And so there was something very impactful about the way they struggled with one another. Especially since Satsukis clothes were opening and loosening.
"...Is this the Big Titty Monster War?"
"Woah...I just heard the most dishonorable opinion about me...!?"
I identally said what I was thinking, and so Satsuki noticed us.
Her eyes widened for just a second. And in the next, she came dashing towards me...
"Arge!! Its been so long!"
I was buried in her breasts much faster than I thought I would be.
Her tight embrace blocked my visionpletely. But the voice that rained down on me was genuinely happy.
"Oh, I am so happy that you visited again, just as you promised! I knew that you were alive, but you also seem to be healthy!"
"Mmmmph, gguuuguu..."
"Ahh, but are you really alright!? Maybe your skin has be dry from traveling, or some weirdo has tried something inappropriate!?"
"Ughh, waphanh, ugogg..."
"...Huh? Oh, sorry about that. I sometimes forget myself."
I managed to let out a cry of protest, and Satsuki finally realized what I wanted and released me.
...She was as bouncy as ever.
As I took in a breath of fresh air, I started to think.
She had buried my face many times before, and those breasts were always so soft. You would sink into them as if you were in a swamp.
"Uhh...its nice to see you again, Satsuki."
"Yes, it has been a while. I am d that you are well... Oh, and you brought such a beautiful woman with you! And an Alraune, how unusual! Nice to meet you, I am the eternally seventeen-year-old and owner of this cafe, Satsuki!"
"Ah, hah, yes. Uh...I am Aoba."
Aoba looked quite bewildered, but this energy was business as usual for Satsuki. She would have to get used to it.
But what I was really curious about, was the women in the back who looked very relieved. Isabe.
"By the way, what are you doing here, Isabe?"
"...I just came here with my superior."
"Superior, does that mean..."
"Yes. I am here too."
Just as I thought of the name, the voice sounded.
The person that came out from the living space in the back of the cafe, was none other then the vampire king who ruled one of thends of the Demon Continent. Mutsuki.
As the sun was down, Mutsuki was able to leisurely walk out. He came right up to us and casually raised one hand.
"Hey, Arge. You saved them the trouble of looking for you."
"Look for...do you mean Richelle?"
"Yes. The fox girl apparently already left...but Richelle and the others said they were going to look for you. Though, there is still a lot of restoration work, so the boats have not been prepared...but you, know. As long as everything ends well."
He grinned and showed his fangs. Just like he did when I met him on the Demon Continent.
It was a smile that made you feel safe. Like you could rely on him.
Chapter 181
[Previous] [Next]To September 30th.
Random manga trantions release. (Full chapter of Kaoru is under tranting, 33 pages)
Mira: 2 chapters left
Taru: 0 chapters left
Arge: 10 => 9 Chapters left (Chapter 182-190)
After Arges Arc => Cathias Arc. 8 Chapters left
After Cathias turn => Miles turn. 15 chapters (from chapter 312 to chapter 326) (Must wait after Arge and Cathia ARC)
I have beente to pick up some cute Loli..., ahem, series like and
Arge Chapter 181: Encore Dance (EN)
I wonder if Satsuki-sans group is okay ...? (Arge)
Youd better concentrate now, Arge-san (Aoba)
... That s right (Arge)
Im worried about everyone in Satsuki Cafe, but its also important to concentrate on the fight in the front.
We have already defeated over 30 vampires.
I heard that it s a rare race. If they could gather all this, the hound unit led by Shiba-san is also a serious threat.
However, as I saw Aoba-sans ivy captured some enemies, my consciousness shifted on the vampires.
Twisting my body to avoid the approaching me magic.
Well, with my magic resistance, it will be lukewarm, but the uniform will be burned in that case.
I shook the de, shed the vampire who could use magic even if he had lost his ego.
...Fuu~ (Arge)
Arge-san, long time no see (Oni Ninja Girl)
Ah... (Arge)
From the other side of the vampire, a face that I knew appeared from the shadow.
Uhm... you must be Habotan-san, right? (Arge)
Yes. Im Habotan, Akisame-samas private soldiers at the Yotsuba Parliament. (Habotan)
After affirming my question, she repeated her name and deeply bowed her head.
She was tall and dressed in a ninja costume in Japan, and had a horn on her head.
It seems to be a race with excellent physical abilities called Oni
The fact that she, the private ninja serves a house named Higure, one of the four families that are governing the politics of the republic, ising here, means that the republic is moving as well.
Are the Congress already moving? (Arge)
Yes. As expected the enemies made quite a mess in the city...
All four families are busy dealing with the problem in various ces.
Im acquainted with you, so Ie here to inform you (Habotan)
I think they are the empires soldiers (Arge)
Our lord also had the same opinion. However, we must defend the city first, even if this conflict bes war or not (Habotan)
As usual, Axame-san is moving fast.
He is always brilliant and seems to be a yful person, but he is definitely a clever person.
Arge-san and your travelingpany, may I ask for your help? (Habotan)
Yes. Because I cant just leave things like this.
I have a weapon that works well against vampires. I think it will be useful (Arge)
...You have my gratitude. Well then... I will also start working here (Habotan)
With her head bowed down deeply, Habotan-san disappears as if melting in the shadow of night.
Is that the power of skill or is it just pure technique?
In any case, she is a great user.
Hmm, Ninja and Sakura flower. Its like a Japanese movie. (Aoba)
Maybe that kind of thing has been brought from our world. (Arge)
After a little chat, we resume defense again.
Aoba-san supports me with ivy, its quite mobile. Her ivy lures the enemies as if guiding me with a Suiren effective against vampires. And in some cases, her ivy prevents the enemies magic and attacks.
I will let something hurt you again (Aoba)
Actually, I havent been hurt (physical) since I was born in Kuon family! (Arge)
Its inevitable that I was no longer needed at Kuon family.
Because I couldnt meet my familys expectations.
The slow time that passed by in the closed world was like the sleep time to me and then my curtain of life was closed.
However, now that I have been reincarnated in this world, I get annoying from the bottom of my heart with them.
I have gotten new friends and being indebted to the people who live in this world.
Its more annoying and disgusting... (Arge)
To see the people who helped me getting hurt makes my heart feel terrible.
Moreover, the fact that the cause is from the Kuon family is further increasing my unpleasantness.
I cant sleep at all ...! (Arge)
I cant even control my heart, but I understand only one thing.
Unless I get rid of this frustration, I cant take a nap with peace of mind.
Troublesome things must be done quickly. (Arge)
Yes. I think so. I hate troublesome things as well (Sadism Voice)
E...! (Arge)
The unpleasantness in my heart suddenly got cold.
I forgot to move my body for a moment, in a disgusting sensation that I couldpare with being shot from behind.
That voice tickled my ears and gave me goosebumps.
My body starts breaking cold sweat and Im getting thirsty.
My whole body tells me to escape from the danger.
She looked like a beautiful girl, the same as me.
Her hair color is golden, and the red eyes indicate she is my family (race).
The same as Iris-san.
However, from her, there is no fragment of the bright atmosphere like from Iris-san.
I feel the insidiousness and the neatness.
She suddenly appeared on an unknown private house and was clearly focusing at me.
...... Ahaha ? (Elise)
The golden vampireughs as tearing the moon.
Her white fangs are peaking out and her red eyes are looking down at me.
It has been a long time, Argento (Elsie)
Elsie~ san~... (Arge)
Ara~, you remembered me. Im happy, Im so happy (Elsie)
She made words as if singing and looked really happy.
Elsie-san, the golden vampire.
Like Mutsuki-san, she is one of the three powerful vampires.
Fu~fu~, you wear a maid outfit today?
You dressed so cutely.
I wonder if you finally have the awareness of a wonderful girl? (Elsie)
Uu......! (Arge)
*giggle* (Kusukusu)... then,
Its worth that I taught some good feelings... (Elsie)
Ah, uu... (Arge)
My face got hot with her spoken words.
I was reminded of what she did to me when we first met.
It was pushed down on the bed, my whole body was licked so that I was moaning in a cute voice, my blood was sucked, and my ear was beaten.
Uu...! (Arge)
My whole body trembles and my legs dont move.
I think I have to run away with my head, but my body reacts as if I remember what she did.
Aha... such a nice face.
It looks like Ivee to like it a lot. Well then, shall we be one again tonight? (Elsie)
Ah ...... (Arge)
When I realized it, her figure has be a shadow and appears in front of me in an instant.
The legs didnt move like I thought and I have immediately pressed against the wall of the private house.
Elsie-san put her hand down and touches Satsuki Cafes uniform (the skirt).
I thought that she would tear it apart like before, but she just stroked my skin under my uniform.
Hi~u~... (Arge)
Fu~fu~, good reaction.
So, you wear underwear today?
In that case, it will be fun to take it off. (Elsie)
No, stop... (Arge)
I dont think its good to let her fingers crawl on my body as she likes.
But I cant move.
When she is staring at me, my body is solidified and my intention is deprived.
Now, Argento. You will be mine today... (Elsie)
Get your hand off (my girl)... !! (Aoba)
(T.N: Aoba doesnt finish her word yet but it must be so)
Aoba-sans voice pulled me back to sanity.
My body was already wrapped around her ivy and was pulled to her side.
Are you okay, Arge-san !? (Aoba)
Ye, yes... Thank you very much, Aoba-san (Arge)
...... Your friends still love to disturb people (Elsie)
Her voice doesnt seem to hate, it feels like more like she is enjoying the situation.
Perhaps for Elsie-san, she just thinks that the number of cute objects has increased.
She is such a person.
She is honest with her desires and never hides.
...... Why are you here? (Arge)
Ara~, of course, its because you have been here once. Isnt it obvious that I should monitor this ce? (Elsie)
Uu...! (Arge)
Thats it. This person has already caught me once.
I rejected her at that time but she didnt give up.
In that case, she would probably keep a watchful eye on the ce I have visited.
Actually, I need a little more time.
I was thinking of getting ready to get you ...
Somehow, the capital itself seems is in dismay, so I decided to get on it (Elsie)
As expected, Elsie-san has nothing to do with the empire,
She seems to be here with her own will
The appearance of her, who has enough power to be treated as a third power alone, was nothing but the worst.
Besides, her aim is clearly me.
*giggle* (Kusukusu) (Elsie)
Elsie-san giggles when she looks at me with her hot eyes, unlike me who breaks in cold sweats.
At the same time, her magical power started growing, indicated that she was motivated.
[Previous] [Next]
Chapter 182
[Next]To September 30th.
Random manga trantions release. (Full chapter of Kaoru is under tranting, 33 pages)
Mira: 2 chapters left
Taru: 0 chapters left
Arge: 9 => 8 Chapters left (Chapter 183-190)
After Arges Arc => Cathias Arc. 8 Chapters left
After Cathias turn => Miles turn. 15 chapters (from chapter 312 to chapter 326) (Must wait after Arge and Cathia ARC)
Arge Chapter 182: The Disaster Bringer
Ara~? (Elsie)
It wasnt just us who responded to Elsie-sans magical power.
Probably because of her powerful emitting magical power, the mindless vampires recognized her as a threat beyond us.
They rushed to attack Elsie-san.
Curse de (Elsie)
Without chanting, Elsie-san cast magic.
Countless swords appear from the ground, simr to thorns.
They urately prated countless vampires.
Its probably magic des with a powerful curse.
The vampires cant atomize to escape and they are all skewered.
Man is disturbing (Elsie)
Elsie-san shook her fingers annoyingly.
Countless of fluid was sprit out as if dyeing the moon in red.
They are all blood from vampire men.
As for girls... Im a little busy now.
Maybe I should suck your bloodter.
Restrain, Shadow Bind (Elsie)
Her words resonated and the remaining vampire girls stopped moving.
Even in the battle situation, she doesnt change anything.
She stays true to her desires.
Powerful enough to be said to be a living disaster and self-consciousness with no fine consideration for others.
Herughter resounds and passes through the night sky.
She is the biggest threat now. She could twist all of her enemies in an instant.
...Aoba-san. Lets escape and leave Sakuranomiya.
Her aim is me (Arge)
...... I understand (Aoba)
Aoba-san nods to my words.
Aoba-san must somehow feel the danger level of the other party.
Not only she has unfathomable power but she also has the skill to store living creatures. With that power, she can summon her monsters anywhere.
Although there may be a limit to the number, she can at least bring out an army like before.
However, Elsie-sans purpose is clear. She said before that she would make me her bride and didnt give up on it.
So if I could get out of Sakuranomiya, she would chase after me and no one will be inconvenienced.
On the other hand, I can go all out against her without worrying about our surroundings.
Now... Well then, this time, until we stop breathing, S~H~A~L~L W~E P~L~A~Y? (Elsie)
I refuse...! (Arge)
Relying on my agility skill, I started running while bridal carrying Aoba-san.
I cant run with my usual speed because of the obstacles on the road from the destroyed building while bridal carrying someone. And my bnce is also poor due to our height difference.
But right now, I have to leave this ce.
...Good reaction. Well then, shall we go, Bandersnatch (Elsie)
There was a sign that something moved behind.
Perhaps she summoned a handmade monster and rode on it.
The signs and smells that chasing us are fast. Our distance seems to be gradually narrowed.
The name Bander Snatch is somewhat familiar.
It must have been the monster that looked like a big dog with two heads.
Blooming as my will, my magic flower (Aoba)
Aoba-san threw countless flower seeds at the opponent.
I dont see it because I dont have time to worry about the situation behind it, but it seems Aoba-san is trying to stop the chasers.
Its a carnivorous ferocious thing.
If you ask how effective it is...
Well, as far as I can see, it seems not so much (Aoba)
We should hurry...! (Arge)
Even though its not very effective, thats enough for now.
A HA HA HA! Chasing is fun, Argento! Curse Maker, "Will O Wisp"! (Elsie)
(T.N: After a while, I finally know who Elsie reminds me of
She isughing with the voice that seems to have fun from the bottom of her heart. And at the same time, sinister words are spoken.
The sound of the wind breaking down clearly showed that something was released toward us.
Arge-san, itsing from the right! (Aoba)
Uu...! (Arge)
By following Aoba-sans voice from behind, I avoided it.
It was a curse lump that looked like a bird, it flew around with its body.
The cursed bird turns over as if it had a will of its own.
Apparently, it seems to be a type of magic that automatically tracks the target.
Did it chase after us until it hit?! (Aoba)
Ah geez, how troublesome (mendkusai)...! (Arge)
It wont have much of an effect on my body with my curse resist but my feet will stop.
Then we will be caught up.
I can cut the curse with "Suiren" but I cant do that while bridal carrying Aoba-san.
Aoba-san, can you do somehow ...!? (Arge)
Yes, I might be able to! But wouldnt it be better to hit it!? (Aoba)
Aoba-san extended the ivy from her arm and handled it.
Tee ...! (Aoba)
I thought she was going to hit the curse with her ivy but she wasnt.
She grabbed a vampire woman who had fallen due to Elsie-sans curse
and bumped it to the "Will O Wisp".
Bikun~ (SFX) The mindless vampire shook her bound body without screaming.
Okay. I guess! (Aoba)
Is that okay? How you defend it is...
...a little tooplicated (Arge)
Its okay. Because those vampires are already dead anyway! (Aoba)
Surely, Ive been cutting them up so far, but I wonder if this method is a bit too much.
That being said, its no doubt that we cant choose a method.
Because our opponents attack has surely disturbed our speed.
Arge-san, have you decided how to climb Sakuranomiyas wall? (Aoba)
Ill fly forcibly with my wind magic (Arge)
...Arge-san, you relied on your skill too much (Aoba)
Aoba-san half-closed eye in my arms as if Tsukkomi to me.
Well, its because I cant think of anything else.
Lets do this without doing anything wild (Aoba)
Even though she said so, it was her good point to lend a hand no matter the situation.
The ivy grows in front of me and assembles into a shape like a staircase.
The destination is straight up to the top of the outer wall.
How convenient, Aoba-san ivy... (Arge)
Actually I use a lot of nutrients, so I want to replenish itter (Aoba)
I will treat you delicious cakes after we are done! (Arge)
I elerated as I said that.
Speed up and rush toward the outside of Sakuranomiya.
I still dont have any n after getting out but much better than fighting inside the city.
Even so,
That blonde Loli vampire...
It seems she has strangely high magic power (Aoba)
She might be a little strange, but the problem is I have been haunted... (Arge)
What a horrible thing you say about me (Elsie)
.........!? (Arge)
Do you want me to say it more romantic or shouting out about love? (Elsie)
The one who breaks in between our talk is the person we should have been escaped from.
The golden hair vampire girlughs on the back of a giant double-headed dog.
Why ...!? (Arge)
You shouldnt take your eyes off me, you know?
There are so many ways to close the distance.
For example... moving from shadow to shadow (Elsie)
While politely exining, she runs in parallel with a smile.
I should be quicker in the original situation, but in this situation, Bandersnatch caught up to us by our side.
Tch...! (Arge)
Yes, you are slow. Bandersnatch, Crush (Elsie)
Ga~u~u!!!! (Banderstach)
Before Aoba-san moved to intercept,
Bandersnatchs forefoot broke the ivy stairs.
The foothold under my foot disappeared and we were thrown into the air.
The floating sensation changed to a falling sensation in an instant, and gravity drew us to the ground.
... Aoba-san! (Arge)
Extends ivy! (Aoba)
Thats not necessary (~arimasen wa)! (Kuzuha)
When I tried to respond in the middle of the air, I heard a nostalgic voice.
The smell of the girl I knew well was fragrant softly during the war.
The two girls jumped up and carried us like scooping us up.
Kuzuha-chan ...... !? (Arge)
This time, I was in time for my important person! (Kuzuha)
A cheerful voice lit through the darkness of the night.
Chapter 183
[Next]To September 30th.
Random manga trantions release. (Full chapter of Kaoru is under tranting, 33 pages)
Mira: 2 chapters left
Taru: 0 chapters left
Arge: 8 => 7 Chapters left (Chapter 184-190)
After Arges Arc => Cathias Arc. 8 Chapters left
After Cathias turn => Miles turn. 15 chapters (from chapter 312 to chapter 326) (Must wait after Arge and Cathia ARC)
Arge Chapter 183: Something must not be lost
Heave-ho (Yoissho)! (Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-channded with a shout of enthusiasm.
My goal of leaving the city couldnt be achieved, but at least everyone was intact.
Its still eptable.
Are you okay (~desu no), Arge-san? (Kuzuha)
Yes, its all thanks to you (Arge)
Im sure I might manage to do it myself but it was true that I was saved.
Above all, the fact that I felt relieved because she came.
Kuzuha-chan tried to make sure that everything is okay and touched all over my body.
There seems to be no injuries (~desu wa ne)... Im d (Yokatta~ desu no) (Kuzuha)
Her words are gently and Kuzuha-chan has a relief expression.
The clothes she wears are clearly tattered, her hair and skin are rough, and her tail is shattered.
To be honest, she looks much more worrisome than me.
Surely, she has traveled a really long way with Neguseo.
Still, all Kuzuha-chan shows me isnt the tired expression but a gentle smile.
Be beautiful (Arge)
I decided to use magic on her first.
The high-level recovery magic that cleans not only the wounds but even the dirt has demonstrated the effect I wanted.
My magical power surrounds Kuzuha-chans body and cleans all the dirt from her journey.
Her skin regained its luster. The holes on her clothes didnt mend but the stains were removed. Her tail became smooth as if it had been washed.
After sniffing her body, Kuzuha-chan bowed lightly to me.
Thank you very much (Arigatgozaimasu ~wa)
To be honest, I also think it was little unbing as a girl (~desu no) (Kuzuha)
No, it was because you rushed here in a hurry for my sake(Arge)
Its natural because we are friends (~desu wa).
But... you cant do this to me without hesitation (Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan reached out to me and shifted to a hug.
I epted without hesitation and the soft touch was firmly pressed.
Im so worried, Arge-san... (Kuzuha)
...I m sorry and thank you (Arge)
When I put my arm over, Kuzuha-chans body was trembling.
Tears spilled from her eyes wetting her cheeks.
...She was upset.
Back then at the dark elf vige, I left everyone and flew away alone.
I couldnt imagine what Kuzuha-chan thought about it but she was so upset that she shed tears.
Because Im her important friend.
Arge-san, is that child...? (Aoba)
She is my friend. The one I told you before (Arge)
I introduce her to Aoba-san, who was picked up by Bushiha-chan.
The word friend has be much more straightforward than before.
...Twins (Futago-san)? (Aoba)
Thats my Alter Ego, dont you know (~desu no yo)? (Kuzuha)
I see, you have interesting skills.
Nice to meet you, my name is Aoba, an Alraune (Aoba)
Fox Beastkin, Kuzuha (~desu no)
Nice to meet you...
And it looks like we cant take it easy yet (Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan turns her gaze without wiping tears.
The opponent looked at us whileughing without hiding their fangs. Her golden hair is swaying with the wind.
Naturally, she was also intact.
The fox child is also here. I hadnt seen it for the past few days so I thought it wasnt (Elsie)
I have been running from the Demon Continent! (Kuzuha)
...Well, isnt that amazing? It looks pretty good as a pet (Elsie)
Elsie-san, this is my friend, not a pet (Arge)
Elsie-san smiled joyfully as I denied her words.
Argento, did you be much more willing?
Well then, Ill test your strength (Elsie)
After getting off Bander snatch, Elsie-san scoops up her hair.
The Blood colored gems spill out from the gaps of her golden gold.
Parin~ parin~ (SFX)
The blood jewels which dropped on the stone path shattered.
Reflecting the moonlight, the mysterious light is scattered.
Blood cage (Elsie)
And with Elsies words.
Monsters appeared from the broken jewels ignoring their masses different in appearance and cried.
The monsters that Elsie-san created.
Chimeras made bybining various creature parts.
... Isnt it too unreasonable, that ability? (Aoba)
Ara~, but its not unreasonable for me.
This is for what I want the most. (Elsie)
Elsie-san smiles and replies to Aoba-san with a cool face.
What she wants is definitely me.
Her feverish gaze is clearly fixed at me, I unconsciously took one step back.
Although its not killing intent, it feels as if it is entangled in a snake.
There is a sense of tension that cannot bepared to when Im dealing with vampire soldiers until now.
Kuzuha-chan, Neguseo is ......(Arge)
Because they are too truly dangerous, I asked him to stay outside and I entered the city alone(Kuzuha)
I understand. In that case...(Arge)
Guha~!? (Shiba)
...!? (Arge)
At the moment I thought the battle would start, something came like splitting between us.
It was a familiar face that was clearly blowing-away form.
Shiba-san ...... (Arge)
Are you okay, Shiba !? (other 2)
The other two came chasing after Shiba-san who blew away to help him.
Looking at the direction they came, there were people as expected.
Satsuki-san! (Arge)
Everyone-san was safe. Im d.
Oya, Kuzuha-chan is also here (Satsuki)
Its been a long time, Satsuki-san (Kuzuha)
Satsuki-san waving his hand with her usual tension and everyone else wasnt injured at all.
Kuro-san and Fumitsuki-san arent there but they probably have some different works to do.
When I was relieved that everyone was unharmed, Shiba-san started getting up and shook his head.
Damn it... I didnt hear about this ... (Akita)
Everything is unexpected (Spitz)
Can you expect some Cafes Clerks to be so strong...! (Shiba)
While Shiba-sans group is groaning, Satsuki-san shows a cool face.
I dont know how strong Satsuki Cafes employees are.
Rather than fighting, I was more impressive that they are still acting like the clerks at a coffee shop.
However, its true that Shiba-sans group isnt weak.
Rather, its clear that they got some kind of reinforcement which gave them the power beyond normal humans.
Satsuki Safes members must much stronger than they look because they arepletely unharmed.
So, are you still going to continue?
Im tired of this too. (Iris)
Shiba-san, who heard Iris-sans words, nced at Elsie-san and had a face like eating a bitter worm.
...Its aplete failure, not to mention the golden princess is here as well...
Im sorry. God Father. (Oyaji-dono)
...Spitz, give everyone the withdrawal instruction!
Get out of here and run away!!(Shiba)
...It cant be helped.
To be honest. This time I misjudge our strength (Spitz)
Spitz-san answered so and released an arrow from his bow.
The released arrow was not aimed at anyone but flew up in the sky.
After reaching a certain distance, it emits an intense red light and dyeing the color of the night.
It was just like a re bullet.
Lets give them a souvenir before retreating.
Dont you dare think you are already winning?(Shiba)
Shiba put theirst words before running away.
Their legs are fast and it seems difficult to follow.
In the first ce, I dont think I can do it with Elsie-san here.
Perhaps other hunting units and vampire soldiers have also retreated.
Spitz-sans re should have conveyed that intent.
...Fu~u~n. Humans also use interesting toys. (Elsie)
Conversely, all that remains is her and her attitude.
Elsie-san looks up at the sky with an impressive face.
There was a huge shadow that appeared in front of her.
A lump of iron... is flying...? (Shino? Kuro?)
...Its an airship (Arge)
Is it a flying ship? Humans made something usual again (Iris?)
Satsuki Cafes employees looked up at the ship in the sky with a surprise.
It wasnt that rare in our world, but when its in a different world where magic is more advanced than technology, it must look really strange.
I feel uneasy about the word souvenir as I watch the airship.
It was not the bomb that was concerned.
...!? (Arge)
Something has fallen, it looks like the coffin wich trapped the vampires at first nce.
Kuon family crest is also designed on the surface of that cage which made of some kind of alloy.
...Arge-san. Thats ... (Aoba)
I know. Somehow... its different from the others (Arge)
I respond to Aoba-san while observing the coffin-like thing.
The lit is still closed.
However, the magical power pierced my skin conveys a clear danger to me.
Kuzuha-chan is also in the fighting stance with her tail hair upside down.
A man with a ghostly atmosphere appeared from a coffin that opened with a heavy sound.
He looked like a dead man. His Aura is Redder than Crimson.
His obviously uncleaned ck hair is swaying and darkness seems to blur.
He is tall and wears like a rag to promote his ghostly impression.
From his appearance alone, it feels like he would go down with a hit.
Nevertheless, his leaking magical power was clearly alien and abnormal.
...who disturbs my slumber? (???)
His spoken word is faint and difficult to hear but I can still understand.
It was the word with a will, not like the mindless vampire soldiers we had fought so far.
Is he notpletely deprived of intentions...? (Aoba)
The opponent doesnt respond to Aoba-sans questions.
Just swaying with the breeze, looking at the surroundings in a rxed manner.
There was something that moved before his ring eyes stopped.
It is the existence that should have watched the situation move until now.
A golden vampire with several chimeras.
...E-A-R-L! (Elsie)
Her bloody eyes had a clear hatred and anger.
And countless of curses des flew toward him.
Chapter 184
[Next]To September 30th.
Random manga trantions release. (Full chapter of Kaoru is under tranting, 33 pages)
Mira: 2 chapters left
Taru: 0 chapters left
Arge: 5 => 6 Chapters left (Chapter 185-190)
After Arges Arc => Cathias Arc. 8 Chapters left
After Cathias turn => Miles turn. 15 chapters (from chapter 312 to chapter 326) (Must wait after Arge and Cathia ARC)
Arge Chapter 184: ck Earl
...Oh, I see (Earl)
Those words, It was too out of ce for a person under attack.
He just said that without anxious.
It was just some words when he realized things.
Curse de!! (Elsie)
It seems like you hate me (Earl)
He just casually said those words even though he was pierced by many cursed des.
On the other side, Elsie-san was ring strongly with her red eyes that she might kill somebody with her gaze alone.
The margin of power that she showed up is fine.
But she had the eyes that lost reason, she was dominated by anger and hatred.
Hate? You said Hate!?
Do you think it was something of that level?!
I will make that not even one of the pieces of your meat or magical power remain!! (Elsie)
In response to Elsie-sans heart, the Chimeras started flooding the Earl.
Every monster attacked in order topletely crush his body, which was already prated by countless of curse des.
Some spit mes, some m their arms, and others spit the wind des.
The excessive firepower for a single target clearly showed Elsie-sans hatred.
Its a shame (Earl)
Thats why its strange to hear his voice.
It should be impossible to move with the power of a curse.
And with countless attacks from Elsies monsters, it wouldnt be strange if not even a piece of meat remained like Elsie-san said.
However, his voice certainly resounded without any feelings of reverence.
It reached everyones ears.
The Curse de should be like this... Curse de (Earl)
Uu...Avoid!! (Elsie)
The magic word was spoken and ended in an instant.
Countless des are released from the Earls body.
They all stabbed the Chimeras precisely and skewed them.
Only Elsie-san and Bandersnatch who could react to his masters words in time escape.
...... Thorn (Earl)
Right after that, the additional magic words echoed in the sky, the thorn garden was created.
The thorn garden covered the Chimeras created by Elsie-san as if swallow them.
This is probably due to the magic used by the opponent.
And that magic doesnt end there, both the Curse des and Thornpletely destroy the opponent from the inside.
Something like this, Golden (Earl)
The opponent talked somewhat boring without any wounds on his body, although he should have received a number of attacks.
There was no pretending nor defense action, he was just taking it silently and didnt get any wounds.
It was an overwhelming power.
A mass of violent magical power that could destroy one army by itself from Elsie-san and her monsters.
It was clearly an existence worthy of calling a disaster.
...ck Earl. One of the non-standard vampires (Iris)
The words Iris-san said indicate the existence that I have been heard several times.
Among the vampires in this world, there are three vampires with unusual power.
Elsie-san, the golden princess.
Mutsuki-san, the crimson lord.
He must be thest of the three.
His figure like wearing a ck robe and walking in the darkness is certainly suitable for calling him ck.
Ah...u... (Elsie)
Elsie-san was clearly at a disadvantage in the current situation, although they were three people of the same rank.
Elsie-san was trembling as if her hatred from before was just a lie.
She looked like a helpless girl who saw her important things got destroyed in front of her.
...Repeat, Vampire Princess. It would be useless if all you loved was butterflies and flowers. (Earl)
NO, NO... (Elsie)
You are not good at fighting.
You knew it yourself.
You tried to trick and raise yourself to the extent that you could be called a disaster.
But just admit it.
You are the weakest, just a cunning princess, who dares to call yourself one of three pirs (Earl)
STOP... (Elsie)
Therefore, just say it.
Even your eyes ruled by hatred, with just simple power inparison ...
I can never beat me.
You are the same at that time...
You are called a princess because you are nothing but a weakling (Earl)
SHUT UP... (Elsie)
Elsie-san shouted, exploding emotions.
Her crafted magical powers appear to be running out of control.
No, in fact, shespletely lost herself.
There must have been something in the past.
Maybe he is the reason why Elsie-san hates men.
Elsie-san, who became half-crazy, still used powerful magic.
It was clear that the power of darkness, much stronger than what she had released against Felnote-san in the past and was powerful enough to harm me even with my resistance.
I will destroy you!
Catastrophe......!! (Elsie)
(T.N: Ah, I wonder where is the reader CAT-astrophe now)
The magic was powerful enough to call it a disaster.
The vortex of destruction that smashed all the surrounding buildings together was released to destroy the target.
Disaster (Earl)
The returned from the Earl was no longer sounding like a prayer or a word without emotion.
The magic released by the Earl was simr to Elsie-san.
Two destructive forces that make a whirl collide from the front.
Ill teach you again just like that day.
Unreasonable is something like this (Earl)
Uu... AAAAAaaaaaa! ! ! (Elsie)
An unreasonable vortex swallowed the goldens cry.
@siikhna: I told you, you got Arge and Elsies role reversed.
Time to conquer Elsie with Arges unique *censor*
Chapter 185
[Next]To September 30th.
Random manga trantions release. (Full chapter of Kaoru is under tranting, 33 pages)
Mira: 2 chapters left
Taru: 0 chapters left
Arge: 6 => 5 Chapters left (Chapter 186-190)
After Arges Arc => Cathias Arc. 8 Chapters left
After Cathias turn => Miles turn. 15 chapters (from chapter 312 to chapter 326) (Must wait after Arge and Cathia ARC)
Arge Chapter 185: Something Hollow
Uu... Its messy (desu~ no)... (Kuzuha)
As Kuzuha-chan spoke, it was an unreasonable and messy mass over Elsie-san.
What remains after the destruction vortex has passed is a mountain of rubble and silence.
The moonlight just lit the swallowed cry as ifughing.
Is this the end... No... (Earl)
The Earl gently denied the words he spoke.
Ahead of his line of sight is a pile of debris from crushed structures.
And something is crawling out of it.
Gu, u ... (Bandersnatch)
Bandersnatch groans as its crawling out of the debris.
Beside it was Elsie-san, who waspletely unconscious.
If she hasnt disappeared, she should be alive.
Did you protect your master? Good servant, Distorted Life (Earl)
His word sounded somewhat happily.
From everything the Earl has spoken so far, it was the only moment I felt a little emotion from him.
But thats it. (Earl)
Uu...! (Arge)
Arge-san! (Aoba)
Tail Beast Alter Ego, Golden Thread Prunus mume! ! (Kuzuha)
I was moving at the moment the Earl turned his palm toward Elsie-san.
My destination is the front of the two of them.
Bander Snatch and Elsie-san will not be able to escape in their current condition.
Thankfully, Kuzuha-chan and her Alter Ego, and Aoba-san also followed me.
Disaster (Earl)
Cut it off, "Quadruple Disaster Weasel" (Shij Magai-Tachi)!! (Kuzuha + 3 Alter Ego)
Block it, my ivy!! (Aoba)
Kuzuha-chans squad Quadruple Magic used as a counter is swallowed by That ck mans magic vortex of destruction in an instant.
The wall that Aoba-san created by weaving ivy, which was several times thicker than usual also shattered like nothing.
Still, his magic was cut down a little power. Im thankful.
I overtake Kuzuha-chan and raise my voice.
Please go down...!! (Arge)
(T.N: Arge talks in politenguage. Normally it should be I will take you down)
There arent many things I can do against the disaster power that is still raging.
I shed my "Suiren", which has be somewhat familiar to my hand to the extent that it can be said to be my beloved sword, toward the approaching vortex.
The de sharpened to cut the shapeless thing correctly showed its power against the magic of darkness.
Still, I cant sh itpletely, and the magical remnants that flew like a ssh are eroding my body.
Uaaaaa~! (Arge)
I dont know why I do this.
Elsie-san honestly has been doing many terrible things. I cant sympathize with her way of life and I dont want to be involved with her many times.
Still, when I thought her life was going to be robbed in front of my eyes, I was moving.
For whatever the reason, the opponent emerged from the Coffin-like thing which has the Kuon family crest on it. Although it seems like he still hasntpletely lost his mind, theres no doubt that he has some rtionship with the Kuon Familys reincarnation.
I wont allow any more life to be robbed from the Kuon Family...!! (Arge)
I didnt understand the meaning of the words I cried.
In the first ce, wasnt I convinced that I was thrown away and had nothing to do with Kuon Family.
So, I wasnt robbed of anything, was I?
Then, why should I feel so impatient now?
I had to protect them.
I couldnt understand the true character of my frustration but I surpassed my opponents magic.
Uu... Pain, Pain, Go away!! (Arge)
The magic I cast isnt only to heal myself and Kuzuha-chan but also to heal Bandersnatch and Elsie-san behind.
Healing magic will surely mend and erase our wounds.
Even though its only a moment of battle, I have received a powerful curse and some wounds, so I cant help it.
Concentrating on my consciousness, I set up my sword.
Gu ... (Bandersnatch)
Flee with your master. As far as possible (Arge)
There was a sign that something moved behind, so it probably started escaping.
I cant afford to look back, but I can understand because their smell is going further away.
The Earl looked at me in an atmosphere that he wasnt interested in blocking their escape.
Uu...... (Arge?)
His eyes as if were removed from the abyss, it changed to crimson light
The brilliance was so deep and cloudy that I couldnt imagine that was the eyes of the same race.
Are you okay, Arge-san?! (Aoba)
Yes, somehow ... (Arge)
I replied to Aoba-san who ran up to me but I couldnt move.
If I moved even a little, I would be dragged into that pupil.
Such an unpleasant sensation tied my feet.
...Smell (Earl)
Eh ...? (Arge)
You... somehow smell... like that boy (Earl)
I dont understand the meaning of his words.
Its because I cant read the emotions from his eyes.
Still, theres no doubt that he showed some interests in me.
Otherwise, he wont talk to me.
Im the Void (T.N: Raw means like Empty but I prefer the word Void (Earl)
Void...? (Arge)
Im no longer the Void.
Im not a disaster, just some magical power.
Neither good nor bad, just a block of magical power.
You are very simr to those who use that power (Earl)
That is ... (Arge)
Look at that ss. Its reflected (Earl)
At the end of the direction he pointed to, there was a ss shattered by magic.
Probably it was in some private house.
It was only for a moment that I saw the reflected of the destroyedndscape and me.
At the next moment, what has been reflected is distorted rapidly, and something else appears.
this is......!? (Arge)
A boy with lustrous ck hair appeared in the mirror.
His opened eyes are golden and dazzling as if they were burned.
He shook his head loosely and opened his mouth.
Nice to meet you, Everyone (Shouta)
The boys voice resonated directly in our head, not from the mirror.
Its not our ear but our head and spirit understand his words.
It may be some sort of magic, including the appearance in the mirror, or the power of artifacts.
This picture is reflected on everything on the surface of the water, mirrors, ss... this word of mine speaks to everything.
And it allows me to speak to you unterally (Shouta)
(T.N: I hate this Man in Shouta clothes)
The narrative is quiet, but there is an atmosphere that doesnt let you retort.
The words that resonated were so heavy that I couldnt imagine it came from a boy.
Im Kurogane (ck Steel). Kurogane Kuon.
You dont have to remember. Im just an engineer (Kurogane)
Kuon...! (Arge)
The words he said was certainly Kuon.
Something is stroking my skin.
Even if I dont know why but its enough to clearly understand that its unpleasant that my body reacts.
Let me tell you the words of my Lady.
The Emperess and my boss, Brute-sama.
Yeah, she is busy and Im acting as a substitute(Kurogane)
(T.N: How uracy. Such a fitting name for this girl. I hate her even more than the Shouta)
He spreads his hands saying that and looks like having fun.
The edge of his mouth is lifted and his golden eyes shine brightly.
Even his figure that behaves like adjusting the throat seems to be somehow yful, exaggerated, and fun.
And he started speaking the word that he was a substitute.
The empire has umted enough power. I got tired of ying with the kingdom.
So the empire deres war on everything (Kurogane)
......!? (Arge)
Not only the Republic and the Kingdom. Even other small countries, small viges.
The empire will reach for every country, every race, every existence.
Eventually, we reach out to the sea, to the Demon Continent, and to other inds. Obey us or die, choose the one you like (Kurogane)
... Do you intend to conquer the world? (Satsuki)
Satsuki-sans angry words have not reached the other party.
A boy named Kurogane sighed to show that his speech had ended and shook his hand gently.
Thats why now the Empire is hostile to all nations and organizations.
Whether its the Kingdom, the Republic, the Commercial guild, or the Vault (Kurogane)
Even Cyril vault...!? (Arge?)
Cyril coins are the only currency on this continent.
The Cyril Bank, which manages it, is deeply involved in the finances of everyone in the world and the country.
And they will even attack the Vault if she doesnt follow them.
This is the end of the message from Brute-sama... the Emperess.
And for me, I can finally decide my value. (Kurogane)
You are ... (Arge)
The Imperial army is built with my skills.
I am confident that I will lose to no one. If you think you can crush it, try crushing it.
I look forward to seeing people in this world satisfy me... (Kurogane)
Bowing his head a little, the boys figure disappears from the mirror.
No one could move, the silence came around.
...A Kuon person.
He called himself Kuon and used the word "this world". Above all, his eyes had the strength of the will and resolve even it was unreasonable.
Its different from a strange one like Aoba-san and a defective one like me.
That person is definitely a person who grew up correctly in Kuon family.
As a member of Kuon family, he was brought up as a matter of course to be the best person in the world.
Why did such a persone to this world ... (Aoba)
Aoba-san said so with a trembling voice.
Thats right. Certainly that person is a member of Kuon family.
Even now, after reincarnation, he still follows the framework that the presence of Kuon family will dominate the world.
If the reincarnation condition is that the soul doesnt mesh with the world, then that person cannot be a reincarnation.
So why is he there?
But no one can answer those questions.
The night breeze blows as if ridicule this iprehension, and it flows without any answers.
...Did the dogs retreat? Then Ill go back. (Earl)
Wait... (Arge)
...Is there a need for me to wait? (Earl)
Uuu...... (Arge)
The ck person had his eyes closed without any feeling and clogged my words.
Elsie-san had the power to win against me, a reincarnated person who had cheat ability.
But this man, he a force with a power which can even overwhelm her.
A monster with a higherbat power than Elsie-san.
Even if you asked me if I can win with such a thing, I cant answer it.
...Aint you empty? (Earl)
Eh ...? (Arge)
I dare to say, your condition at best only has one fragment left.
Do not follow me, do not follow that man.
Just run away to the end of the earth.
Otherwise... youll just be emptied just like me (Earl)
That ...! (Arge)
Then his figure blurs and disappears as it melts into the darkness.
Probably I couldnt follow his departure from the front using the shadowing skill.
I stood up without being able to do anything with the other party leaving the scars of destruction.
Then... what is different from that time ...? (Arge)
I dont know even why I ask this question. And my eyes are getting darker.
I wasnt able to judge whether I lost my consciousness from fatigue or sleepiness.
Chapter 186
[Next]To September 30th.
Random manga trantions release. (Full chapter of Kaoru is under tranting, 33 pages)
Mira: 2 chapters left
Taru: 0 chapters left
Arge: 5 => 4 Chapters left (Chapter 187-190)
After Arges Arc => Cathias Arc. 8 Chapters left
After Cathias turn => Miles turn. 15 chapters (from chapter 312 to chapter 326) (Must wait after Arge and Cathia ARC)
Arge Chapter 186: Will of Iron and Blood
(T.N: Kurogane means steel and Brute pronouns the same blood. Author ys on their name as Iron and Blood) (T.N: Kuroganes POV)
Hahh ... Im so nervous, geez (Kurogane)
I turn back, exhaling.
The woman sitting on the throne, with her gaze on me, ps her hand,
It was a pretty good speech, Kurogane (Brute)
Empress, Im just an engineer, so I dont like this(Kurogane)
Sheughed and shrugged when I protested.
The empressughs violently. Her red hair like blood is a coincidence, but in the world where I was originally, she has the name Brute with the same pronoun as "blood"
Sounds quite heavy for a woman, but it looks good on her.
In fact, the main path of her empire is covered with blood.
Im not good at what you make.
I dont know at all even if you told me about Kamera... or Televi...
When I touch it, it will break immediately (Brute)
Yes yes. I knew it really well when you always tried to fix the error with chops (Kurogane)
Error? (Brute)
Ah, fine fine. I dont want to repeat it again (Kurogane)
The action of tilting her head is like a girl and its a bit different from the image of the Empress who climbed to this spot with the path of blood.
She is interested in everything but she doesnt bother to understand any of it.
It seems like the kings vessel () doesnt care about the details and it doesnt reduce my hardship.
...Im not suitable to be a leader as well.
I know myself the best.
I cant lead people. Im just an engineer.
Im not interested in thecking parts of the others.
Ive gically manipted a unit, I dont feel any excitement when I see hounds that should be called my children.
At best, I am only worried about the battle as a result.
I can only handle human life as numbers and objects and I definitely dont have the general or kings vessel.
By the way, how many hounds died in the Republic? (Brute)
The reports are stilling but they shouldnt be worn out yet.
They were really quick to escape with the re signal and the Earl (Kurogane)
I see. Then give praise to the rest and build a grave for the dead.
Dont hesitate (Brute)
Everyone will be pleased and look forward to work harder (Kurogane)
Yes, I dont have the spirituality to take care of life created like this.
The only thing that gave hearts to the hounds was an experimental measure because when the numbers declined, I expected more results from their anger and sadness.
I dont have such a thing, but I know it can have a big impact on those who have been killed.
The creation of a hound unit was nothing more than collecting data for it.
Fuu...... (Kurogane)
They worked more than I thought and contributed greatly to the production of the brainwash vampire.
Thats the only thing for me.
Even though many sacrifices were made, I finally got the ck Earl in our hand.
Im d that the tool I made was useful.
The hound unit seems to be worshipping me as their creator but it has nothing to do with the oue. Well, it will be connected directly to their motivation so theres no need to stop it.
Its true that my attitude has created a few aliens but I do not intend to stop it.
Im not interested in tools that can no longer be used.
Now... to determine my value (Kurogane)
My value of being an engineer.
This world is far behind the one I lived in.
Because of the existence of magic, technological progress was slow.
But minerals and the worldsw are almost unchanged.
In other words, it was possible to discover scientific reactions and create technical things.
Incorporating unique technologies in this world such as artifacts. I even made tools such as airships.
The knowledge and skills I had before reincarnation enabled me to bring many technologies to this world.
Its like moving the hands of the original clock but it doesnt matter.
I didnt know about others but I will define my value in this world.
I will use whatever I can for that.
In that respect, I and she are inmon.
We didnt choose any means for the purpose so we joined our hands.
Lets try to conquer this world.
Im looking forward to it. (Brute)
I want to meet that expectation (Kurogane)
I will twist all enemies as she wishes.
Thats the value I set in this world and I cant give it away to anyone.
As a member of Kuon, I will go above everyone.
Thats my philosophy that doesnt change even in another world.
Lets conquer this world like the promise I have with you that day (Kurogane)
You dont need to repeat too much until its done (Brute)
Its time to set the value (Kurogane)
What is the value of this different world?
What is the value of the Empress dream?
How much is my reincarnation value?
I will try my best to decide everything.
I reincarnated here because I wanted to make my wishe true.
(Trantors RANT: please skip this part, I just want to scream this frustration out loud)
(I hate this Shouta but at least I understand well why he became like this. Its somewhat logically. He is a hateful character but he was still well-built.
But I hate this girl even more. Her character and personality were poor-built.
OH, COME ON, Just because she doesnt have any skill and was born as a poor Orphan, she wanted to crush everyone, dye her path with blood to be an Empress? Just how many people live in Hell out there? She may not have any skill and was poor but if you ask me, Id say She was born a WINNER to have a childhood friend who grants her any wish and she became that TWISTED.
When I read this chapter at first, I thought she still has her humanity)
Chapter 187
[Next]To September 30th.
Random manga trantions release. (Full chapter of Kaoru is under tranting, 33 pages)
Mira: 2 chapters left
Taru: 0 chapters left
Arge: 4 => 3 Chapters left (Chapter 178-190)
After Arges Arc => Cathias Arc. 8 Chapters left
After Cathias turn => Miles turn. 15 chapters (from chapter 312 to chapter 326) (Must wait after Arge and Cathia ARC)
Arge Chapter 187: Tear of Awakening
When I opened my eyes, there was a ceiling.
The familiar scenery is from the room assigned to me in Satsuki Cafes residence.
Uhmm...... (Arge)
Arge-san!! (Kuzuha)
Waa (Arge)
As soon as I woke up, someone called my name with a familiar voice.
Its the Fox Loli with her eyes full of tears, my first friend of this world, Kuzuha-chan.
You woke up ...! (Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan jumped and hugged me.
I asked her as she hugged me.
Uhm... how long have I slept? (Arge)
6 hours. But it seemed you sleep much deeper than usual ... (Kuzuha)
6 hours is normal for a nap but she must be worried a lot with how I lost consciousness.
I have slept deeply without dreaming, or rather I seemed to have fainted.
Sorry, I made you worry (Arge)
I was on time.
Because it was on time... Im d...
I didnt make a mistake like with my mother...! (Kuzuha)
It was a little painful when she kept hugging me strongly like this but I didnt want to refuse.
When her mother lost her life, she couldnte to help. She always keeps it in her heart.
After I disappeared in the Dark Elf Vige, she worked hard with Neguseou to catch up with me.
Because Kuzuha-chan was there to help me out, I was saved (Arge)
Because she hurried to help me, I could prevent the magic of the ck Earl.
I dont know what would happen without her. Thanks to her, I could protect Elsie-san thest time.
The past will not disappear. Kuzuha-chan will continue to regret her mothers death.
But today she came to help me. She didnt have to regret this time.
I gently hugged her back as I felt the warmth of her body again.
Umm~... Gusu~... Uhm... (Kuzuha)
Umm... (Arge)
It feels good when I put her finger through her hair.
I stroked her head as I hugged her trembling body.
I dont know if this has anything to do with being a friend, but still...
I just want to keep doing this for a moment.
...Are you done? (Elsie)
!? (Arge)
If you look surprised like that, I will feel hurt. (Elsie)
Of course, someone unusual was sitting there.
It was a known face that shook her golden hair andughed. Moreover, I know her in a bad way.
Elsie-san......!? (Arge)
Fufu, good morning Argento (Elsie)
Elsie-san shakes a ss in her hand, smiling gracefully. Its not hard to imagine what the red liquid is inside.
Kuzuha-chan intimidated and threatened against Elsie-san.
I tell you now, I wont let you do mean thing to Arge-san! (Kuzuha)
Ara, aint you a cute little guardian? Want to join me and do it together with Argento? (Elsie)
Elsie-san, dont tell Kuzuha-chan anything strange (Kuzuha)
Ara, something strange you said...
Argento, what did you imagine? (Elsie)
Uu... what do youe here for? (Arge)
I speak to Elsie-san while closing Kuzuha-chans ears so that she doesnt hear bad words.
Elsie-san tilts her cup with a sly smile as she ys with my words. She squeezed her throat and emptied the ss, and gently wiped the red remaining on her lips,
Just a little... (Elsie)
...Are you alright, Arge-san?! (Aoba)
At the moment Elsie-san tried to speak, the room door was force-opened wildly.
Aoba-san entered with heavy breathing, she stretched her ivy and tying Elsie-san up.
Haa... haa... I wont let you do anything strange...! (Aoba)
Ara~ ara~, its fine. You can slowly bring the water in (Elsie)
Elsie-san doesnt have any change in her expression against Aoba-san who looks impatient.
She casually smiles and uses her atomization skill to get out of the restrain.
In contrast to Aoba-san who bites her teeth, Elsie-san talks confidently.
Hey, didnt you bring it for Argento? (Elsie)
...I will not forgive you if you dare to do anything strange(Aoba)
While threatening Elsie-san, Aoba-san gives me a ss of water.
Ah... Thank you, Aoba-San (Arge)
No, no. I just had some free time to kill (Aoba)
That girl, she has prepared cold water for you many times,
She was worried about you when preparing your bed, you know? (Elsie)
Dont say extra things! (Aoba)
Aoba-san handed over the ss of water, I picked it up and drank it, the coolfort passed through my throat.
I dont know if I slept due to losing consciousness or fainted, but I was able to calm down a little.
After breathing in the smell of the room I was used to, I looked at Elsie-san again.
So, uhm... what do youe here for again? (Arge)
I want to talk, but I prefer no to have these two here (Elsie)
Stop joking... (Aoba)
...Aoba-san. I ask you, please let me talk to her for a moment? Well... I can do self-defense. (Arge)
But Arge-san... Isnt this person dangerous? (Aoba)
Its okay. I ask you the same, Kuzuha-chan (Arge)
...If theres anything, please call me right away. Absolutely (Kuzuha)
When I asked the two sincerely, they went out with unsatisfactory faces
After that, only the silence remained. But from the scented, I could see that the two were ready outside. They woulde back right away if anything happened.
...Now that we are alone like you ask, can you start talking? (Arge)
I dont mind but its a mood problem (Elsie)
Because she still doesnt sort out her feeling, she doesnt want to talk yet, such a selfish (Wagamama) person. But Elsie-san has enough power to force her way through.
Thats why I wonder what was the reason she is in this ce now. Neither Kuzuha-chan nor Aoba-san could suppress her.
The only reason why no fight is breaking out and no blood is flowing right now is that Elsie-san herself doesnt feel that way. So I decided it was okay, but on the other hand, I dont know what to do at the moment when she was offended.
I was strongly aware that she wouldnt be a dangerous person at the moment, I got off the bed and faced her.
Chapter 188
[Next]To September 30th.
Random manga trantions release. (Full chapter of Kaoru is under tranting, 33 pages)
Mira: 2 chapters left
Taru: 0 chapters left
Arge: 3 => 2 Chapters left (Chapter 189-190)
After Arges Arc => Cathias Arc. 8 Chapters left
After Cathias turn => Miles turn. 15 chapters (from chapter 312 to chapter 326) (Must wait after Arge and Cathia ARC)
Arge Chapter 188: Non-ovep Holding Hands.
Uhm... (Arge)
First of all, thank you. I heard from Bandersnatch that you protected me (Elsie)
No, that was...
Somehow, my body just moved on its own (Arge)
But that was for my sake,
I just wanted to say...
Oh, well...
Anyway, I was saved (Elsie)
Um ...you are wee (Arge)
I didnt think I would be thanked. For the time being, I received her grateful word.
Elsie-san... that ragged-emptiness-san... (Arge)
Ragged emptiness!? (Elsie)
Oh, sorry. That ck ragged person. ck Earl or something? (Arge)
Not good, I suddenly gave it a proper nickname in my usual way. Because he was dressed like a rag, he was also noisy and empty.
...Ahaa (Elsie)
I was surprised. Elsie-sans reaction was different from what I expected.
She was surprised by my evaluation andughed.
Against that Earl. And you call him that way (Elsie)
Uh, I m sorry. Its somewhat natural... (Arge)
...No, its good. I felt calm a little. Fu~fu~, youre good at relieving tension, Argento (Elsie)
And Elsie-san smiles softly.
It was a kind smile that I had never seen before.
I was surprised that she could make such a face, but I decided to continue talking for the time being.
Elsie-san. Was there something with that person...? (Arge)
... Yes, It was a shameful disy. As you think. I was robbed of something important by that man (Elsie)
Elsie-san tells me that he has a calm voice but the burning emotion in her eyes tells otherwise.
Its powerful but different from the obsession with me. I dont understand it well but I feel its a strong hatred that seems to keep burning.
The world is full of unreasonableness. So, in order to not getting robbed, I chose to be the robbing one. But... no matter how far I go, unreasonableness still appears. (Elsie)
Thats ... (Arge)
The word unreasonable resonated with me.
By reincarnation, I thought I was no longer involved with the house of Kuon.
Even so, even in the different world where I reincarnated, I was involved with the Kuon house. It wasnt just the person who denies the house like Aoba-san, but also the person who haspletely dyed the world in the way of Kuon family.
It feels as if I cant escape from the past.
Elsie-san keeps speaking in the heavy air that makes even her breathing sounds loud.
What are you going to do now? (Elsie)
I will go to the empire (Arge)
Ara~, whats a surprise. I thought you wouldnt bother to save the world (Elsie)
Thats not my intention (Arge)
The denial was clearly spoken from the bottom of my heart.
I have no intention of saving the world. Such a thing will be done by a more noble person.
I was just trying to live just for my own wishes and for my own sake.
So going to the empire is also for a simple reason. I dont care about the world, its just one thing.
I have something I want to know. I feel like I have to ask why and get the answer (Arge)
The emblem of the Kuon family that I saw in the Dark Elf vige that day.
Ive never forgotten that crest since I saw it.
Even after reincarnation, I still want to ask that person who holds that crest.
Reincarnation doesnt change the soul. So their way of life cannot be changed. Still.
What is the meaning of living as a Kuon family member in this world?
... I want to know (Arge)
If that is the right way of life.
My value may still be missing even after reincarnation.
...So. You dont want to admit unreasonableness. (Elsie)
I dont know if its reasonable or unreasonable. I dont know anything to the extent that I cant judge it (Arge)
... You really feel like you were just born (Elsie)
Once again, Elsie-san looked at me with a soft smile.
Her eyes arent filled with lust or hatred but kindness. It was only a moment, and she immediately returned to normalughter.
Im going to the Empire too. This time, in order to break my unreasonableness (Elsie)
Uhm... together? (Arge)
No way. I need to be prepared after getting crushed so much. And I cant move under the sun. In the first ce, your friend will not forgive me (Elsie)
...Well, Kuzuha-chan will absolutely hate you (Arge)
Right? And... did you really think I give up about you? (Elsie)
Ah ...... (Arge)
I cant move when she lifts my chin.
I thought she was going to suck my blood again and wanted to make a loud call for help, but it was different.
Chu (Elsie)
Nni~yu!? (Arge)
Short. It was just a momentary kiss.
My eyes are wide-opened for her touch that left a faint feeling on my lips.
Eh... Ah... Eh? (Arge)
*Giggle* (Kusukusu)... I saw a nice embarrassed face. It was good for today (Elsie)
Ah...uu (Arge)
I can see that my body temperature has risen so much.
Although this is sudden, she said she wanted to make me her bride. In other words, her current kiss is... to make love but to hold dear.
Dont worry. I will be there when you go to the empire. Anyway, its a battle for each others purpose... Ill do my best to help create confusion. Well, is this a promise? (Elsie)
Ah, yes. Thank you very much? (Arge)
Fu~fu~, you are wee. Well... Ill be in the shadows and go out at night. As expected, I should leave the way that doesnt bother other people (Elsie)
Elsie-san disappears after saying what she wants to say.
I think I understand a little but I still dont want this opinion. The golden vampire who is selfish and in a sense straighter than anyone else.
Still, she gave me the word promise.
......Thank you very much(Arge)
In the room where no one remained, I spoke my thanks again.
Even if its quiet, she must be listening.
Im sure that its okay for now. Even if I dont understand everything, I know that we want to go to the same ce.
Chapter 189
[Next]To September 30th.
Random manga trantions release. (Full chapter of Kaoru is under tranting, 33 pages)
Mira: 2 chapters left
Taru: 0 chapters left
Arge: 2 => 1 Chapters left (Chapter 190)
After Arges Arc => Cathias Arc. 8 Chapters left
After Cathias turn => Miles turn. 15 chapters (from chapter 312 to chapter 326) (Must wait after Arge and Cathia ARC)
Arge Chapter 189: Promise, Once again
Mu ...... (Aoba)
A...Aoba-san. As expected (Yappari), you were listening(Arge)
I called out to Aoba-san, who entered the room where only silence remained without knocking.
Aoba-san looked at me with a curled face.
Did she return? (Aoba)
I dont think she returns but at least she will note out (Arge)
Its about Elsie-san, so its not strange if she monitors me from somewhere,
But for the time being, she disappeared.
At least she isnt hostile and she will cooperate with me, so she wont try to fight us unnecessarily.
She should not. Maybe? probably? I hope she wont because its annoying.
Honestly... whats with that person? (Aoba)
We have been through various things. She can be called a bad acquaintance.
But for the time being, she seems to have another purpose (Elsie)
...Only for now? Well, its okay, I guess (Aoba)
Aoba-san sighed and was approaching me.
She stretched her hand to my cheek. The feeling of being stroked is kind and I can see well that she was worried about me.
I dont want you to overdo it for others (Aoba)
Im not going to overdo it ... (Arge)
Liar. Ginshi-san has been doing so. You immediately pushed yourself in danger and even doing something impossible (Aoba)
Aoba-San. Just now, you... (Arge)
If you asked about that fox child, she went to Satsuki-sans ce. Because you woke up, she wanted to tell them so and also just in case she might call them for back up...
For now, when its only us, please let me call you Ginshi-san (Aoba)
When I saw Aoba-sans face that seemed to cry, I no longer wanted to refuse.
After asking politely, Aoba-san hugged me.
Rather than jumping like Kuzuha-chan, Aoba-san gently pulled my body into her arms so that I can adjust the temperature.
(T.N: In case you forgot, Aoba is now a nt girl, her body heat is low/cold)
... I was able to protect you this time (Aoba)
... Eh? (Arge)
Back then in Kuon house, I couldnt stop you from being locked up. I couldnt rescue you. But this time... I was able to protect you (Aoba)
Ah ... (Arge)
Her words were trembling, her body temperature was cold, but the touch on my face was warm.
... Aoba-san was also.
Just as Kuzuha-chan regrets about her mother, Aoba-san must have regretted about me.
Even if it was the intention of the Kuon house and something that she couldnt stop, it would have been hard for Aoba-san.
Because it was so hard on her when she knew I was gone, she cut off her life.
At that time, when I jumped out to protect Elsie-san, both Aoba-san and Kuzuha-chan came to assist me right away because they both still have their regret.
Promise... promise me that this time you will never go away... (Aoba)
...Promise, right? (Arge)
For me, who once missed our promise to view flowers in ourst life,
Aoba tried to make a promise again.
Can I keep the promise this time? I dont have any confidence but I dont want to die twice.
......I understand. I promise(Arge)
I dont know if I can keep it but I wanted to respond to her flowed tears.
Even I dont even understand my own heart, I know the meaning of her tears. Its spilled because its full of emotions.
I want to pinch our little finger, I can understand the warmth of my feelings.
Absolutely... Its our absolute promise, understand? (Aoba)
...Yes, its a promise (Arge)
When it s all over, lets live in my forest. Okay? (Aoba)
... Im looking forward to it (Arge)
I whispered my answer to Aoba-san, who talked to me without wiping her tears.
Could you not let this person cry again this time?
I still dont know the answer.
Chapter 190
[Next]To September 30th.
Random manga trantions release. (Full chapter of Kaoru is under tranting, 33 pages)
Mira: 2 chapters left
Taru: 0 chapters left
Arge: 1 => 0 Chapters left
Cathias Arc: 8 Chapters left (marathon now)
After Cathias turn => Miles turn. 15 chapters (from chapter 312 to chapter 326) (Must wait after Cathia ARC)
Arge Chapter 190: To the destination of the promise
......Fuu~ (Elsie)
Afterpleting blood-sucking, I exhale.
The one I sucked blood was the female vampire, who has be a mindless servant by the hands of the empire just like the Earl. Stocking some of them is useful.
Blood Reading (Elsie)
I sucked her blood wasnt just for recovery.
Blood Reading, a skill that pulls memories from the other persons blood. At my skill level, I can get a glimpse of her memories from thest few days.
This is... a big crystal tube... strange liquid... tentacles...? (Elsie)
The image I saw was something I didnt understand.
I dont know how to express it in words. Its just like arge crystal tube, it is filled with a mysteriously colored liquid.
Theyid out in a row of towers, countless of them were floated connected to something like a silver tube.
And among them, I spotted the figure of the Count, the source of my hatred...
...!! (Elsie)
I tolerate my urge to shoot magic from hatred.
Dont, dont do it. Im still in the building where Argento is indebted.
Its the space for storage in the attic. In a ce that could never be said to berge, I applied self-control and exhaled.
... Thank you, Bandersnatch (Elsie)
He looked up to me with anxiety. I thanked him for letting me rub his fur to calm my anger.
... I only have this child left.
The Chimeras I made were also killed by the Earl, except for Bandersnatch.
My wounds somewhat healed but the magic that I had umted was greatly shaved.
By the time Argento reaches the imperial capital, I still will not be able to replenish my full strength.
I have no choice but to scrape the materials left in some ces and prepare as much as I can.
...promise, isnt it? (Elsie)
When I repeated the word I said to Argento in my mouth again, I was surprised with myself.
Its been a few hundreds of years since Ist promised (Elsie)
The face of my most important person appears from my memory appeared for a moment and vanished.
I wonder how many promises I had made and fulfilled with her.
...But I couldnt keep the most important promise with her(Elsie)
I promised to protect her and I couldnt do it.
I was robbed of my important person in the most unreasonable way by the ck Earl.
So, I became unreasonable myself. In order not to be robbed, I decided to rob.
But there are still things I cant leave behind.
The face of my most important "friend" whoughed and confronted before any unreasonableness.
Thats why I like things that are strong enough to resist. If she is as beautiful as Argento, it will be even better. Still... that girl is nice. She really is.
... fufufu (Elsie)
I lost my most important friend in his hands.
Thats why I hate men.
I think that I have be distorted that I only like to enjoy with girls now.
But I dont feel like stopping it.
Next time is... I will break it next time... This time, I will take everything away from you... Earl (Elsie)
I couldnt keep my promise that day but Im looking forward to my current promise.
Breaking the past unreasonableness, this time I will be the side to rob in a true sense.
Im no longer a weak princess like that time.
Ill sleep until night, Bandersnatch. Wake me up when the sun goes down (Elsie)
As I stroke his fur, Bandersnatchy down in front of my eyes to sleep as well.
...I know it. As expected, the floor is a bit hard here!(Elsie)
Im borrowing this ce with care. But its dusty and cramped.
If it was the normal me, I would just suck the blood of the employees of this store and made them my followers.
However... that would be a problem (Elsie)
Aside from my weakening condition, this coffee shop employees seem to have a strangely strong power.
To be honest, I think its a shame because there are many favorite children, but I will put up with it.
...promise, isnt it? (Elsie)
After reciting the words that I used for the first time in a long time, I decided to fall asleep with the Bandersnatch.
That day, the feeling that had been smoldering in my heart since my most important person was taken away from me,
I wonder where did it go?
I still dont know the answer.
(T.N: I know a lot of readers would not forgive Elsie.
Dont worry, everyone in this world includes Arge didnt forgive Elsie even until thest chapter.
Arge just doesnt hostile against Elsie, she doesnt like Elsie.
But Elsie is needed. To fight against that Earl. The strongest of this world. That fight is the craziest and most epic battle.
I repeat. Arge stood no chance against him. Quit saying things like Arge should open her eyes and start to act. She already shed countess of mindless vampire soldiers. She just isnt good at fighting.
Her skill is level 10, the strongest of this world. Yes. But skills dont decide everything.
Just like Shino has no skill/ability but she could solo with 3 hounds, who have their abilities modified to the limit of humans
Give a child a max level character in a fighting game against a level 1 controlled by the world champion yer to see who win. The level 1 character controlled by world champion yer sure can PERFECT block all hit and counter with -1HP each hit until the child with max level character running out of HP)
Chapter 191
Yup, Yup.
My English is good enough to REWRITE the sentence with the same meaning now.
Arge Chapter 191: Wake up with a nostalgic voice
I regained a little awareness as I was waking up, its fluffy andfortable.
This slumber time is one of the times I feel relieved.
Nmm~...Nyuffu, a little more(Arge)
DDWake up!!(nostalgic voice)
With a yelling voice, I was dragged down from the futon.
Surprisingly, when I stood up, the person who held the sheet in her hand was a familiar person.
Felnote-san...? (Arge)
Yes, thats right. Honestly, you are stillzy as usual...(Felnote)
Felnote-san, my former housemate,ined to me so with troubled eyes.
Uhm... Ah. Maybe Mutsuki-san...(Arge)
Thats right. He finished his preparation and he took us here... We had been worried ever since, you know?(Felnote)
Back then, at the ce called the Demon Continent, I got separated from everyone without a word. I thought it was dangerous to everyone so I acted.
As a result, I survived, came here and had a new trip with Aoba-san, my acquaintance before reincarnation. Mutsuki-san, the lord of the Demon Continent, promised to bring everyone here and he has been working on it.
The fact that Felnote-san is now in front of my eys is probably because Mutsuki-san has brought her here.
...Im sorry, Felnote-san. I have gone without saying anything(Arge)
...I know it was an emergency at that time. But I think it would be nice to exin a little more(Felnote)
In response to my apology, Felnote-san told me without hiding her unsettled feeling.
Actually, the fact that Im still alive is like a coincidence. That moment could be an eternal parting. It is natural that she gets angry.
...Im really worried... A lot... Stupid (Baka)(Felnote)
Felnote-san hugged me as she said that. She must have been really upset enough to do that.
I can see that Felnote-sans body is trembling. She didnt shed tears but I understood that I made her worry a lot.
This time you must properly exin(Felnote)
...Yes. I understand(Arge)
Hmm. Well, then its okay. Im sure you have been told (scold?) a lot by Kuzuha as well(Felnote)
She was crying rather than being angry...(Arge)
Thats natural. Please take care of your friends(Felnote)
Felnote-san was already smiling happily, though she hit me on the forehead.
While Im holding my head, she holds out her hand to me.
Lets go then? I want to hear the story so far.(Felnote)
I understand(Arge)
Somehow, my feeling of wanting to keep sleeping has disappeared a little.
A few months after reborn as a vampire girl, Argento Vampyr, my feeling has changed.
It has be a little confusing.
Chapter 192
[Next]Counting changed to December 31st.
Miles turn. 15 chapters left (Next Arc)
Cathias Arc: 14 Chapters (This Arc and next Arc)
Taru: 5 chapters
Arge: 29 => 28 Chapters (2 Arcs)
Mira: 5 chapters
Arge Chapter 192: Resume after meeting
......I see(Felnote)
After listening to my story, Felnote-san nodded.
A few days after the imperial attack. As originally promised, Mutsuki-san brought everyone here.
We were discussing with my travelingpanion, arge number of people, including Akisame-san, the politician of the Republic, and his follower, Habotan-san.
Traveling merchant Zeno-kun talks with a troubled face.
That deration of war reached the Demon Continent(Zeno)
Deration of war on virtually all the world made by Kurogane-san, a reincarnator in the empire.
For me as a reincarnation from the same Kuon house, it was terrible and annoying.
It seems that I have to rest a little to rx or take a nap.
They are willing to attack themercial guilds and Cyril Bank, which means they dont even care about the economy. Its essentially like killing indiscriminately(Zeno)
Since he said he wont kill anyone other than who opposes them, which means he is going to make new money and economic system(Akisame)
That would be terribly troublesome for me as a merchant ...(Zeno)
Ah. I think its fine to say it now(Akisame)
Akisame-san raised his hand in a light tone without breaking his usual smile.
Its the information I got.
Apparently, the Imperial Invasion has already begun.
In thest few days, it seems that several tribes and small countries around the empire have been destroyed.
The borders of the kingdom and the republic have already been broken.
In short, the border between the countries is gone.
Habotan, report(Akisame)
Imperial forces seem only taking things (Rob) if the people dont resist to the empire,
but those who oppose are mercilessly killed as if they were showing off.
The Republics army was also...
honestly, the results arent very good(Habotan)
...Uhm, is it okay to discuss this to us, outsiders?(Felnote)
We already form the joint-front with the kingdom, so theres no need to worry. Oh Odd-Eye Holy Knight(Akisame)
...Former! Theres nothing I can say about this situation(Felnote)
Felnote-san has a frightening face when Akisames-san brought up her own title, but she didntpletely deny it.
She turned her eyes in a different direction and asked.
So... Arge has received a request from His Majesty...
Ah, uh ...
Im sorry, its my old habit...
Whenever his Majesty is involved, Im a little worked-up(Felnote)
Ah, no. It s okay. As Felnote-san says, I and Aoba-san were asked by the king(Arge)
Yes. Gin... Arge-san and I were told to get to the capital of the Empire and deal with the Emperor.(Aoba)
... Isnt that a forced assassin job?(Felnote)
Felnote-san awkwardly looks at Aoba-san.
As usual, Aoba-san didnt break her smile, the bell on her head ringed as she smiled.
Although its just an emerging country, as the Queen of Alraune, we have a cooperative rtionship with the Kingdom.
Arge-san was an old acquaintance who helped me.
Aint that right, Arge-san?(Aoba)
Uh, yes. Thats how it is(Arge)
Since old acquaintances are not wrong evaluations, I dont have anything to object.
Even if it was a long time ago, even before our reincarnation. But if I start to talk about it now, it will be confusing, so I will keep it quiet about it.
I understand the circumstances, but thats why its dangerous...(Felnote)
*Ara*, if you think so, it would be helpful if you woulde along.
You look like someone with a name (famous?)(Aoba)
Ill do that even if you dont tell me.
Even if Im not a mandate from his majesty, but when my kingdom has given this girl a role (request), its natural for me to protect her.
Personally, I decided to take care of that...(Felnote)
Then, I will write about it in a letter sending to the Kingdom.
Habotan, prepare the document.(Akisame)
Akisame-sama, please do it yourself ...(Habotan)
I was thinking about Elsie-san as I watched the conversation progress.
......It seems better not to say.
Elsie-san, the so-called living disaster golden vampire.
She promised to cooperate, but it seemed more like for her own purpose, more than anything else.
Felnote-san was so angry, I shouldnt mention her name.
Uhm, Arge-sama. Is it okay to continue the story?(Richelle)
Ah, yes. No problem(Arge)
Is that so? Then its good...(Richelle)
The only dark elf, Richelle-san, who doesnt understand thenguage, seems a little anxious.
For her, who speaks the ancient spiritualnguage, the meeting, that is taking ce right now, is iprehensible.
This discussion is also important for her because the Dark Elves have been taken away by the Empire. However, she must have felt uneasy because she couldnt understand our words.
I think the Republic will have amon front with the Kingdom.
It hasnt been officially decided yet, but the four great families and I agree with it.
The kingdom also gave their approval(Akisame)
So, it seems easy to take advantage of the confusion and go to the Imperial capital.
Please tell the king that we will continue to work(Aoba)
After hearing Aoba-san, Akisame-san whispers in a light tone and writes something on the note at hand.
Then, a person suddenly appeared to take the note in that gap time of discussions.
Yes, yes. For the time when we have difficult talks, wed better have some sweets. Everyone, please have some(Satsuki)
Satsuki-san brings the cake and tea for everyone while saying that with a smile as usual.
I felt that the refreshing scent of tea and the sweet smell of freshly baked cakes eased the tension a little.
Thank you, Satsuki-san. Im sorry for borrowing your ce(Akisame)
No, theres no need to refrain. I was the one who changed Akisame-kuns diapers after all(Satsuki)
Satsuki-san, how many decades did you think it was. Talking about it now is...(Akisame)
Excuse me, Satsuki-san. Can you tell me more about that storyter ...(Habotan)
Unn~, Habotan should calm down a bit(Satsuki)
Satsuki-san smiles and puts a cake set in front of everyone.
I say it once.
Our employees will help with recovery and self-defense.
But the war is off-limit, get it?(Satsuki)
To be honest. I hope Satsuki-san would help us about it as well(Akisame)
Its nonsense is to bring weapons to the clerk of the coffee shop.
Each of them has a role.
Above all, I dont want my employees to do anything dangerous as much as possible(Satsuki)
Although I didnt watch directly at the battle of the other day, Satsukis employees were chasing away the leaders of the hound unit.
Its not unreasonable that Akisame-san wants some help, but Satsuki-san doesnt seem to give in.
Now, shall we take a break? Come on, have a cup of tea while its still warm(Satsuki)
Thank you, Satsuki-san(Arge)
I tilt the cup after saying thanks to Satsuki-san. Im thirsty more than I thought.
I understand that this is an important story, but I dont like this serious atmosphere.
I want to end early and take a nap slowly.
Dont worry, Shironeko.
In the worst case that no-one takes over Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear, I can slowly trante it in Q1 2019. (I Still prefer another trantor to pick it though, for faster release speed)
As I said, right now Im working with 3 months schedule.
Besides, Arge and Cathia Web Novels are already finished, after theirst chapter, I can take over 2 more series.
Chapter 193
[Next]Counting changed to December 31st.
Miles turn. 15 chapters left (Next Arc)
Cathias Arc: 14 Chapters (This Arc and next Arc)
Taru: 5 chapters
Arge: 28 => 27 Chapters (2 Arcs)
Mira: 5 chapters
Arge Chapter 193: Things that are tied even if they are separated
(T.N: Now that I think about it. Igu Jitsuta from Katakana is weird for a name. I will change Jitsuta to zista, Iguzista, I thought theres a kind of simr word iGuzzini)
Okay... Something like this(Zeno)
Zeno-kun, the traveling merchant had a satisfying sigh of relief.
When he confirmed that he had loaded thest package into the carriage, he looked back to me.
This is enough to prepare for the trip. Arge-san will store everything other than meat(Zeno)
Yes, this side is also finished(Arge)
As a vampire, I have the storage, blood-box that cant store anything that contains blood.
Therefore, meat is inevitably carried by the carriage.
I can hunt and now I have Aoba-san, so I think the food situation has be quite easy, but it wont hurt to be prepared.
I stored everything without blood and sighed.
Its such a handy ability(Zeno)
Hahaha, its so enviable for a merchant. Its just like a dream that you can carry infinite of products(Not sure who)
You can use it while we are traveling together(Zeno)
Zeno-kun is the first one I met when I came to this world, I was in his care. We rode the same carriage together twice already.
This is my third trip with him. I was helped a lot by his knowledge as a peddler and his caring personality.
...Thats about it, Arge-san(Zeno)
Whats wrong?(Arge)
I cant follow you to the empire(Zeno)
......Is that so?(Arge)
Well, thats true.
We will definitely have a big battle at the Empire.
Its different from a leisurely trip or a transportation trip like before.
For a merchant like Zeno-kun, the fight isnt what he wants.
I cant forge him to go with me.
Well, Zeno is a merchant-san. Its dangerous, so I think its better(Arge)
Ah... uhm, thats not the case.
I will follow until we reach the mountains.
I will at least follow for a few days(Zeno)
They seemed to target the Commerce Guild, I nned to visit the Cyril Bank.
I want to do what I can do(Zeno)
......Is that so?(Arge)
I seemed to have misunderstood him a little.
I thought I should apologize for the misunderstanding, but before I could, Zeno-kun smiled.
I dont know how it will happen, but Im sure it will be helpful Arge-san.
Please leave it to me(Zeno)
...I dont have money, you know?(Arge)
Its a credit purchase.
Money is important but I intend to search and understand what is more important than that.
For me, Arge-san is a friend I want to help(Zeno)
Is that so? Then please...(Arge)
Yes, leave it to me.
I promise that it will be useful for Arge-san(Zeno)
In the past, I thought that I wouldnt want to take care of someone without any consideration.
I am sure that thanks to the words Iris-san told me, I can speak the word "Please" honestly.
I dont know how much meaning this word has.
However, Zeno-kun seemed to be smiling honestly that he wanted me to rely on him.
Incidentally, when you are given a lot, you must pay handsomely as well.(Zeno)
(T.N: I dont know any English proverb for this)
It was just Zeno-kun... Is that a promise again?(Arge)
Yes, its the same as when we parted.(Zeno)
At the port town Arlesha, I promised that I would return his favor when we met again.
Then we met again in the Republic, traveled together.
And now just like this, he tried to make another promise again.
Ah, if you are going to the Cyril Bank, I would like to write a letter to Iguzista...(Arge)
I understand. Ill definitely give it to the main bank(Zeno)
Thank you, Zeno-kun(Arge)
My connections growrger in time,pared to when I was in Kuon Family,
I am involved with many people now.
With that in mind, I made a new promise with Zeno-kun.
He will surely fulfill his promise. I think so.
Chapter 194
[Next]Counting changed to March 31st, 2020. Sorry but Im alreadyte with the schedule of December 31st, 2019. This time, I make a more loosen schedule so that I may catch up.
Miles turn. 15+30=45 chapters. We will see someone we want to see.
Cathias Arc: 14+10=24 chapters
Taru: 5+3=8 chapters
Arge: 27 => 26+20=46 Chapters
Mira: 5+3=8 chapters
Arge Chapter 194: Towards the empire
Well then... uhm... thank you very much, everyone.(Arge)
Its finally the day we depart from Satsuki Cafe, we will be heading to the Empire.
After packing up my room, we had a final greeting to Satsuki Cafe employees.
No no! It was a fun time, Arge-chan.
Pleasee and visit us again!
Yes, this is a souvenir cake!(Satsuki)
Wa... Thank you very much(Arge)
Satsuki-san handed arge number of boxes over to me and I stored them in my Blood Box.
Blood box, the skill that dissolves things in my own blood, also has the effect of preventing the stored items from decaying. In other words, we could eat leisurely between trips.
I wille again. Surely(Arge)
Fufu, Im looking forward to it... There are some people I know in the empire... I think
Ginka-chan will help you (Satsuki)
Yeah. She is a very nice child. If you meet, please send my regards (Satsuki)
The Gin in her name is catching me off guard.
However, Satsuki-sans acquaintance isnt a bad person. Id better remember her name.
I think it will be tough. But Arge-chan, you must have something in mind, right?(Satsuki)
Yeah. I sometimes think that I have to settle down things once and for all(Arge)
I thought I was no longer rted to Kuon family because I have been reincarnated and came to another world.
However, in fact, the reincarnations who came to this world werent only me, but another two Kuon family members.
One of them, Aoba-san is bowing down to Satsuki-san as her trademark bell rings.
Satsuki-san, thank you for your support(Aoba)
No no, dont worry! Aoba-san as well, pleasee again for sure!(Satsuki)
Yeah. I also like the cake here and I want toe again(Aoba)
Aoba-sanughs carefreely, her face is much softer than when she was in the Kuon family.
When I met her before, I was somewhat worried about her reincarnation. But now I understand why Aoba-san was chosen as a reincarnation.
Whats wrong, Arge-san?
Is there something on my face?(Aoba)
Thats right, there are bells and flowers(Arge)
Fu fu, thats right.
You can look more.
See, you are wee to look anywhere other than my face.
Because flowers are something to be admired.(Aoba)
Somehow she is in a good mood, Aoba-san turns around on the spot.
The flowers that decorated on her green skin swayed and had a sweet scent.
Wafu, Arge-chan, I want you toe again!(Kuro)
Yes, I wille to y again(Arge)
Later. Im waiting for you with delicious treats(Shino)
Yes, Shino-san (Arge)
Pleasee and see me again.
Do not overdo it,
Good luck(Fumitsuki)
Thank you, Fumitsuki-san (Arge)
Satsuki Cafes employees also said their farewell.
Its not just me, Felnote-san, Kuzuha-chan, Aoba-san, and Richelle-san also said their farewell.
I walked up to those who were a little further away and called out
Thank you very much, Iris-san(Arge)
...Do you remember what I taught you?(Iris)
... I dont understand it yet. But I remember(Arge)
Un~ I see. ... Do not overdo it, okay?(Iris)
Ah ...(Arge)
When she hugs me, I have a tightened feeling in my chest.
...The people Im grateful to have increased.
In the meantime, I was surrounded by many such people
They shed tears for me, shed blood for me, and take care of me.
It was a feeling that I didnt have when I was in the Kuon family. No, its a feeling I didnt know.
In my memory, I clearly recall the face of Aoba-san and Ryuko-chan who took care of me.
Since then, there was certainly someone who thought well of me, but I left that world without realizing it.
...Thank you(Arge)
Can I ept this appreciation this time?
I dont know yet, but if I can do it someday, will I repay them a little?
Somehow Iris-san has a Onee-sans figure(Arge)
In fact, I live longer than you (Iris)
Arge-san, aint I more of a Onee-sans figure?!(Aoba)
What are you fighting, Aoba...(Felnote)
Felnote-san has a slightly wry face, but just as she says, Aoba-san is a frame of rtive onee-chan, so I dont feel it is wrong.
...It cant be helped.
She felt somewhat unsatisfied, so, lets give her a little service.
So I left Iris-san. Turn around and came to Aoba-san.
Our height difference is obvious, and clearly, I am looking up at Aoba-san.
Paste the whole business smile to Aoba-san, who looks down on me with her cute face.
Aoba One-chan?(Arge)
Somehow, Aoba-san copsed.
I was just trying to meet her expectations, but what happened?
Ah ... Uhm, Aoba-san?(Arge)
Why isnt there a recorder in this world...
Ah, but if you can repeat it endlessly...
...I dont really understand. But we shouldnt let everyone wait for the departure, right?(Arge)
I feel like Arge-chan has be a weapon now...(Iris?)
Eh? Am I the bad one just now?
Chapter 195-199
Arge Chapter 195: Unnned Incident
Oh ... the road is rough(Arge)
I raised my voice as my butt was rocked up with the Carriages irregr shaking.
When I looked out of the carriage, Felnote-san nced at me while holding the reins of the horse.
The road seems to be rough due to the war(Felnote)
Deration of war all over the world by a great nation called the Empire.
As a result, there are many disputes now.
In that empire, there may be a reincarnation from the Kuon house other than me and Aoba-san.
Well, because there are no borders anymore, going to the empire itself will go smoothly ...(Felnote)
Arge? Whats wrong?(Felnote)
Ah ... no, its nothing(Arge)
I replied to Felnote-san as she worriedly asked me.
One thing to think about.
The world that I lived in the past.
When I was called Kuon Ginshi.
...Kuon, right?(Arge)
Kuons house was a house that didnt ept anything that wasnt excellent.
The condition of reincarnation is that the quality of the soul doesnt match the original world.
I didnt meet the requirements for Kuon in the first ce. And although Aoba-san was recognized as capable, she seemed to have a strong difort in the Kuon house.
...but that person looked different.
I remember again that he was called Kuon.
That unmixed, truly sounds like a person in Kuon house.
Show his excellence, take pride in value, and define it.
That was the Kuon familys reason in the world I was in.
More than Aoba-san, I dont know why he reincarnates.
At the same time, it is unclear why he continued how he has lived until he came to another world.
Thinking was interrupted by the tremendous shaking.
When I was pondering, Felnote-san pulled the reins and stopped the horse.
Felnote-san? What happened?(Arge)
...There are people fallen on the ground(Felnote)
As soon as she told me, Felnote-san jumped off the carriage.
In the direction where she jumped, there were certainly two things that seemed to be humans fallen on the street.
Arge-san, what happened (dka~ shita~n~ desu no)?(Kuzuha)
I dont know, but there seems to be something(Arge)
Along with Kuzuha-chan, I got off the carriage and headed for it.
I dont know what happened, but if they are injured, Im in charge.
Felnote-san can do it if its just some simple injury. But if the wound is deep or strong poison or illness, I will need to use my recovery magic.
... Arge-san. I remember this smell(Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan, who runs side by side with me, said that. And I concentrated on my sense of smell.
For her, who was living with her mother, most of her acquaintances except me came from meeting me.
In other words, most of the acquaintances of Kuzuha-chan are acquaintances for me.
Ill speed up to see who is stuck in memory. Kuzuha-chan elerates in the same way.
Felnote-san looks back to us when we get close,
Even if they arent at risk of death right away, but both are deeply wounded. Can you help me?(Felnote)
... Yes, I understand. They are my acquaintances. I will help(Arge)
The faces of the two who were unconscious were certainly familiar.
... The two are acquaintances you know(Felnote)
Its the veteran (EN)!(Arge)
Eh, ah, is that so...?(Felnote)
Dach-chan and Chihuahua-chan.
Looking at the two with the same name as the small dog, I somehow foresee the trouble.
Arge Chapter 196: Lacking one person
Speaking of which, they are travel performers(Arge)
Who are the travel performers, HEEYYYYYYY?!(Dach + Chihuahua)
... to me, they look like wanted bandits(Felnote)
Ah, Dach-chan, Chihuahua-chan, this person is Felnote-san, and she seems to be a former Kingdom captain knight(Arge)
Nice to meet you, we are travel performers(Dach + Chihuahua)
Their hands and reply were returned with tremendous momentum.
...why did both of you respond differently from when I said?(Arge)
You Idiot, when you talked about Felnote, its the knight whos called the strongest in the Kingdom and is currently half-retired!(Dach)
Yes, she destroyed one mountain with her light sword, defeated a group of dragons by herself.
She is not the ones we dare to oppose even one word!(Chihuahua)
I wonder if you can stop talking about the old days...? Im embarrassed...(Felnote)
Perhaps it was true because she didnt deny it.
After all, Felnote-san seems to be quite a celebrity.
Felnote-san narrowed her two-colored eyes and made a sober look, but she didnt pursue anymore because the men knew me.
...Now, what is it?
There were various Terrier bandits.
At first I thought it was a coincidence, but it may be different.
I wonder if I should ask how there are only two of them now. The leader Terrier-chan is missing.
By the way, where did Terrier-chan go?(Arge)
Huh, who would tell you that!(Chihuahua)
Mister Entertainer, its been a long time! (Ohisashiburi~ desu~ no~ ne!)
Are you hungry? (wa~ arimasen~ no?)
Do you want to eat meals? (Gohan, tabe~ masu~ no?)(Kuzuha)
Ugu ...(Chihuahua)
Chihuahua-chan looked a bit confused about Kuzuha-chans innocent aura.
Aoba-san and Richelle-san have never seen them before.
Arge-san. Are you really acquainted?(Aoba)
Yes, well... Because they are the first person I met in this world(Arge)
Oh, I see ... did they do anything?(Aoba)
Aoba-san looked at me with a subtle face, but I didnt remember anything so I didnt say anything.
If you look at the two again, they seem to keep vignce to this ce and arent at ease. They solidified in the corner of the cargo and sent a strong gaze towards me.
The injury treatment was straightforward, but it seems that more words and time are needed for them to be more honest.
Well, let the past go away like the water under the bridge and get along(Arge)
You, your mouth...!(Chihuahua)
Are you hungry as Kuzuha-chan said? Im going to cook soon, so lets talk slowly(Arge)
Make a smile as much as possible and encourage them with a calm voice.
Even though there are various kinds of things, I cant feel like messing around with the two who have clearlycked their leader.
... What should we do, Dach?(Chihuahua)
What should you do ...(Dach)
I wonder if you are angry...(Arge)
Well, Im angry but doesnt it better to do it now...?(Chihuahua)
Apparently, there was some convincing among the two.
Chihuahua-chan and Dach-chan looked at me and bowed down at the same time.
We ask with shame(Chihuahua)
Help us out(Dach)
... For now, lets have a meal(Arge)
Apparently, the Terrier bandit is more troublesome than I thought.
Arge Chapter 197: Lost Puppies
...... What happened to Terrier-chan? (Arge)
... Originally, we did not intend to return to the Empire. However, since the empires deration of war, the boss is little off and there are a lot from the sky above.(Chihuahua)
Oh, as expected, Terrier-chans group is Imperial...(Arge)
If you know then its easier to talk. We dont want to return to the empire but that would be the same(Dach)
Hearing these twos words, I turned doubt into conviction.
Three bandits who I met when I was just reincarnated. Terrier, Chihuahua, Dax.
Their names werent identally taken from the dogs name by reincarnations from the same world as me.
... From the beginning, I wasnt far from the Kuon family.
I thought I was reincarnated and no longer rted to that family.
However, even those who I met for the first time after reincarnation were also involved in the Kuon family.
Losing past lives does not mean I have lost memories of the past.
No matter how far you go, the old thing will not be lost(Arge)
...Ah, It might be so(Chihuahua)
Please do not worry. Im just talking to myself just now(Arge)
I shook my head and I once again spoke to them.
What happened to Terrier-chan?(Arge)
...We are bandits. There are times we ovep(Chihuahua)
In other words, did you aim for simr prey?(Arge)
Ah. The thing was... for us to escape... he got caught ... damn it!(Chihuahua)
......So thats how it is(Arge)
In other words, did Terrier-chan take on the role of a decoy for them?
... even they are subordinates.
I thought each time we met, but they are good friends.
They didnt like to be the private soldiers created by Kuon and that may be the reason they left Kurogane-san.
Instead of bing the hunting squad created by Kurogane-san, they could have a clear will, in short, a kind of heart.
...Everyone. Id like to take a short trip, is it okay?(Arge)
With nature, I said so.
I dont mind! (Kamaimasen~ wa~ yo!)
Im not sure, but if Arge-san wants to go, Ill follow you! (watashi~ wa tsuiteiki~ masu~wa!)(Kuzuha)
...Although I dont understand well, however, I will help Arge-sama(Richelle)
Im not sure, but if Arge-san wants to do that, its fine(Aoba)
Kuzuha-chan, Richelle-san, and Aoba-san nod lightly.
Felnote-san looked at us for a while, closed her odd eyes slightly. Eventually sighed as if she was somehow given up.
...I dont really think they are entertainers, though(Felnote)
Is it not okay?(Arge)
Im no longer the Kings servant.
Im not that hard on my head.
But if I think they are dangerous...(Felnote)
At that time, I take responsibility(Arge)
...Its unusual for Arge to say that much(Felnote)
Whew, and once again a big sigh, Felnote-san shook her head.
Right on. If you say that far, lets take a short detour(Felnote)
Arge Chapter 198: In the Darkness
(Terriers POV)
...so, you have no intention of calling yourrade?(Woman)
An unpleasant voice resounded in the dark.
The voice belongs to a woman, and she feels good that she is dominant. To be clear, I feel nauseous.
I want to jump right away and kill her but I cant do it when Im tied to a chain.
Terrier bandits...
It seems like you have been rampant recently, but youre out of luck.
No way, to think you are trying to steal the prey that I am aiming for.
And with only three people!(Woman)
... I dont like walking in bunch *Zoro Zoro* like you(Terrier)
Even in the dark, my eyes clearly show the opponents face.
Looking down on me with plenty of room, wearing a luxurious dress in spite of a bandit,
Rolled up hair,
At first nce, people might mistake her as a noblewoman.
In short, its a stupid dressed up,
Always a respectable female bandit.
And she is famous for having dozens of subordinates.
Fu~un... well, feel like swear loyal to me too?(Woman)
Then how about I think of you like my subordinates who have been following me until now?
I was just looking for a force to attack Cyril again.(Woman)
The Cyril Bank is a money factory that governs the worlds economy.
...... Is she going to that ce?
She might have some ability and power, but its still a big hurdle.
Either way, there is only one answer.
But I refuse(Terrier)
...Oh my, an immediate answer?(Woman)
If you want a dog, hit others. Damn woman(Terrier)
I cursed instead of words of loyal.
As I stared, the opponent grumpily lifted her eyebrows.
...then, with my magical Artifacts, will you obey?(Woman)
I felt like my body temperature had risen.
The reason is the scent rising from the other party.
A sweet smell that melts your brain
The sense of smell is poisoned in a way that destroys my thoughts.
Obey me, Sinking Dream Recruitment(Woman)
The smell filled in the darkness inevitably sharpens this reason.
The scent is emitted from the dress worn by the woman in front of me.
D...A...M...N... I...T(Terrier)
A spiritual maniption magical tool (artifact) that captures the heart and drags you into the abyss.
Despite being ufortable, the sweetness slowly erodes the soul.
High curse resistance, strong will...
It may take some time... huh, how long will you keep it?
Or did you love me already?(Woman)
...Damn, go to hell(Terrier)
(T.N: Swear words but I make it lighter)
I turned to the one who said the sick thing and cursed her with swear words.
Arge Chapter 199: Puppies rescue operation
Haa~. Is that the destination?(Arge)
Ouu~. That womans roost(Chihuahua)
Ah, so, shes a woman. The Bandit Commander(Arge)
Ah. Its a weird person dressed up in a strange style, but shes famous for being bandits.(Chihuahua)
Strange appearance ...?(Arge)
Well, not as much as you, slut(Chihuahua)
Geez, rude. Im wearing properly now(Arge)
I know this is a stupid chat but theres room to have a light joke.
Now we hide in the bushes, scouting the bandits hideout.
A splendid fort ... a little bit old(Arge)
It was used in the Unification War a long time ago when the republic was not yet unified(Felnote)
Felnote-san, Miss Know-It-All(Arge)
I just saw the material and the sketch. Maybe just that(Felnote)
I think you are great to remember that...
well, it seems easy to attack.
Its almost like a withering flower.
A lot of people are gathering but full of holes(Aoba)
As Aoba-san said, the fort visible in the distance is clearly aging.
The atmosphere was like if one of the earthquakes happened, it would easily copse.
A number of armed humans are roaming around Fort.
Its a great number ...(Arge)
Be careful, that woman gathers a lot of fodders. They will all give up their lives for the leader(Chihuahua)
...Even though its a band of bandits, it looks like they are very solid(Arge)
Terrier-chans group are good friends with each other, but their general image is a group of crude people.
Therger the scale, the more likely it is that there will be some dispute and frustration. This is especially true if you are originally brutal.
When Im tilting my head, wondering, Dach-chan said.
Curse, isnt it... (Noroi~...desu no?)(Kuzuha)
Ah. That woman... used the power of the Artifact to brainwash, degrades and fascinates people... even though she bought it from a stranger(Dach)
I have seen a lot of artifacts, but its the first time I heard about the one that manipted the hearts of others.
If so, Terrier-chan is now...(Arge)
I wonder if she can do it so soon.
But... no matter how strong the boss can resist curse, there will be a limit(Chihuahua)
So it seems wed better hurry.
But what shall we do...
As expected, arent they too many?(Arge)
Then, first make a gap with my bomb...(Dach)
Intercepting Dach-chans proposal, Felnote-san said.
Are you guys out of your mind? What if they take your leader hostage?
Be quiet here(Felnote)
You are used to this, Felnote-san(Arge)
I used to have done these kinds a lot in the past...(Felnote)
If she doesnt want to be asked, Id better leave this topic alone.
For the time being, I thought what Felnote-san said was true. Dach-chan and Chihuahua-chan also calmed down.
Uhm, then it means we will capture that fort with these members...
Is that right?(Kuzuha)
Yes, thats right. I guess its an easy victory... even without a strategy...(Felnote)
Let me take care of that! (Makasete Kudasai!)
Alright then, lets go! (Soredewa, Ittekimasu wa ne!)(Kuzuha)
Eh, wait, Kuzuha!? Im still thinking... Ah geez!!(Felnote)
It seemed that the story was over, and Kuzuha-chan made an energetic charge.
The beast girl runs as if she had left her fox hair and tail behind.
Ill go without killing you. Tail Beast Alter Ego, Kinshibai (Golden Thread Plum)!(Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan recites the usual words and her tail separates.
The detached tail quickly increases its mass, changes shape, and eventually transforms into the exact same form as Kuzuha-chan.
Skills that create an identical figure and ability, Alter Ego. Tail Beast Alter Ego, a skill Kuzuha-chan is good at.
What, whats that?! children!?(Bandit)
Beastmans kids! Where did theye from?!(Bandit)
Ready or not, here I go. (Ikkimasu wa yo~!!)(Kuzuha)
To rescue the entertainer in pinch, Kuzuha-chan seemed to be energic, and immediately began a big fight with guard bandits.
Uhm..., can I also attack already?(Richelle)
Oh... then can you please, Richelle-san(Arge)
Yes. Well then, here I go(Richelle)
With a smile, Richelle-san came forward.
I dont need to stop because I feel like its going to be messed up.
Felnote-san also pinches her temple but doesnt seem to be serious about stopping them.
Let the water flow, Oh heavenly flower. Rakka Ryuusui (Fallen Flow Comet)(Richelle)
In response to her words, a star-shaped arrow falling from the heavens.
The light-colored bow flowed, which makes the dark elfs brown skin more shining, looked stunned with Richelle-san.
As my wish (Negaimase)(Richelle)
Richelle pulled the bow with a smooth and somehow majestic action. The bow absorbs the magic of Richelle-san and formed a single arrow.
Richelle-san breathes deeply, holds her breath, and keeps her back straight
She exhales and released her fingertips.
The arrow fired, flying like aet, with a shining tail.
Richelle-san didnt aim at people but at the walls of the ruined fort.
Rather than a piercing, it made a crushing sound.
Whats that?! Explosion!?(Bandit)
Huh ... I thought it was brittle,
It was a jackpot(Richelle)
While exhaling and bowing down, Richelle-san speaks happily.
The forts wall, which received the arrow she released, blew off and apparently copsed. Screams naturally ur, and the area around the fort suddenly bes noisy.
As a result, the patrols were distracted by both Kuzuha-chans Alter Ego and Richelles arrow.
Yes, I tied them properly~(Aoba)
The bandits were caught in a group of ivy growing from the ground under their feet.
Those who managed to escape from it get caught by Kuzuha-chan and reap their consciousness by magical attacks.
The roost of the rogue, who had aid-back atmosphere, was now much more dramatic than the previous one.
...Its a mess, after all. Before going to the empire, I cant help but count on it(Felnote)
Felnote-san sighs as if she was stunned while pulling out her sword.
She doesnt seem to be serious, and she can easily take steps. Rather, she almost always wants to rely on Kuzuha-chan and Aoba-san.
...She is really a military ss.
Richelle-sans urate shooting, multi-stage attack by Kuzuha-chans Alter ego, and the ability to use Aoba-sans nts.
Felnote-san is also a strong person who was once called the strongest knight in the Kingdom.
Im a vampire who has cheat ability from Loli-Gramp-God, and I can only say that this was bad.
I nced at the two puppies behind, with their open mouths unobstructed, so I decided to work a bit.
Yes. Return to your sanity(Arge)
Even if my opponent is bad (strong), my cheat is really the worst nemesis.
My recovery magic skill level is 10. The greatest healing power in the world, and the healing power that no one else can possibly use.
That power even removes the curse of the artifact.
If this base is the result of manipting the mind with a curse, I use recovery magic, and that alone causes catastrophic confusion.
Haa~... where... is this...?!(Bandit)
Wha... what am I doing...?!(Bandit)
As expected, the bandits, who were bound by Aoba-san, have regained their sanity. No, maybe they werent even bandits.
Well then, Ill help Terrier-chan(Arge)
Oh, what in the world are you...(Chihuahua)
Uhm ... just a free person(Arge)
Its difficult to describe us in a single word for a variety of reasons.
The tea was muddy with appropriate words, and I slowly came forward.
After a while, the result will be settled. Let prepare to use recovery spells to save each and every one of these bandits.
Fuwa~a... I want to finish it early and take a nap ...(Arge)
There will be a lot of things to do but I look up at the sky was as usual.
Chapter 200-202
Arge Chapter 200: Reunion after a long time
As expected, the inside of the fort was terrible.
Anyway, after being released from brainwashing and waking up, its a mess.
Waking up with iprehension, they dont even know who are the people around them.
Theres no counterattack in this situation. Its just one-sided neutralization taking ce inside the fort.
Its rather difficult to say not to kill. But in such a domination battle...(Felnote)
Thats the situation and the difference in ability ... Blood Arm, Chain(Arge)
Next to Felnote-san who armed with a light-magic sword, I leisurely walk through the fort, tying up the bandits with my vampire abilities.
Well, I have to do this.
Im going to fight the empire anyway(Arge)
On the contrary, I think its safe ...
At least we are not fighting against the whole army, I think we will only fight the elite(Aoba)
Thats right.
The empire is long and under the emperors dictatorship ...
There are rebels in various ces,
I think its not impossible to get rid of confusion(Felnote)
We were upying the fort, talking about our uing ns during the war.
...... To be honest, we can afford a lot.
I knew, but recently I was forgotten because the battle was a bit hard.
I have a fairly cheat ability, but all of my travelpanions are extraordinarily powerful.
Well then ... Terrier-chan is...(Arge)
Arge-san, I smell it from here! (Kuzuha)
Thank you, Kuzuha-chan(Arge)
The beastkins nose is more reliable than me, a vampire.
ording to Kuzuha-chans guide, while appropriately repelling the bandits,
We eventually descended underground.
Anyway... Arent we told you to wait?(Aoba)
As expected, when something like this happens, we dont care about anything(Chihuahua)
Chihuahua-chan answers Aoba-sans question bluntly.
Eventually, the two members of the Terrier Bandit were following us.
We are more than enough to deal with this, but Terrier-chan is an important boss for them. It would be impossible for them to wait.
There is also underground in this fort
Maybe its a Siege castle.
Probably to keep the prisoners.
The top was also wide,
When the Republic was not united, it was a fairlyrge fort
The stairs swayed by the light of themp fluttered in an old atmosphere, in contrast to artificial brightness.
As we step down further, the darkness engulfed us.
There was no light at the end of the stairs, and it waspletely dark.
... I can still see(Arge)
Its really dark. Light(Felnote)
A small glow shines on her fingertips as Felnote-san chanted.
Eventually, the light left her fingertips, drifting in the air fluttering like sparkling snow, illuminating the road.
Ah...(Woman Voice)
A feeling simr to the sound hit my ear.
Its a reverberating voice,
Sounded like a female scream.
I heard something. Lets go(Arge)
The smell is right there!(Kuzuha)
If Kuzuha-chans nose is responding in the same direction, that would be the case.
Watching for the assault from the shadows, but rushing through, we found our target.
Who the hell allow you to call me with -chan!
This slut!!(Terrier)
Uwa, Somehow I feel relieved that he retorts as expected(Arge)
Terrier-chan baring his fangs and yelling fiercely in front of a woman.
Perhaps this woman is the leader of the bandits Dach-chan and Chihuahua-chan talked about.
The dress was too gorgeous to be a bandit, its like a dance party dress. Its still dazzling in the darkness of the basement, but somehow unbnced.
Mugu, mugu~gugu gu~u!(Woman)
Ahh? Shut up or I break your neck!(Terrier)
U, gu......(Woman)
The woman in the dress with her mouth held down seems wanting to say something, but when Terrier-chan nces at her, she silently obeys.
You are safe, entertainer-san!(Kuzuha)
Who is an entertainer? Hey! Stop joking with that misunderstand!!(Terrier)
Now now, Terrier-chan, calm down(Arge)
Whose fault is it?(Terrier)
Since its already the past, its troublesome to exin.
Arge Chapter 201: Stray Dogs Honor
... Well, we ended of destroying one famous bandit(Felnote)
Is she famous? uhm... Floating dress-san(Arge)
Ah, sorry. Was Floating princess-san better? (Arge)
She tried to say something but I didnt know what she wanted to tell because her mouth was blocked.
Felnote-san said something while looking at the woman with some sad eyes, like seeing a fellow victim.
Ill tell you for a moment, the bandits name is Amano Kuyuri...
She wore the dress-type artifact, which is powerful and famous.
Certainly, she was supposed to attack Cyril Bank recently, I remembered seeing in the newspaper.(Felnote)
Eh, at that ce?(Arge)
Fortunately, she seemed to have turned away.
Recently, he tried to attack again many times, just like when we visited(Felnote)
The Cyril Bank is where we visited before we went to the Demon Continent.
Ig Jista (: Igu Jisuta), the keeper spirit of the vault mistook me as her esteemed mother (ĸH: Hahaoya), Cyril. We have stayed there for a while.
(T.N: took me years but Im finally able to name her now. Both Ig and Jista are actually words unlike Igu and Jisuta)
Speaking of which, at that time, I think she said some bandits were attacking or something...(Arge)
In other words, at that time, the bandit Ig Jista talked about was this bandit group.
It seems that I was involved with a person rted to my older sister,
I thought the world was surprisingly small
...So, why are you here?!(Terrier)
Uhm, they asked me to help(Arge)
Sorry, I guess!(Chihuahua)
We are worried...(Dach)
Despite his tongue toward me, Terrier-chan meets up with his two men.
Im not thanking you. Is that good?(Terrier)
No problem. I dont think its bad to help Terrier-chan(Arge)
To my end, I just wanted to help, even if Terrier-chan didnt ask for it.
Rather, I wouldnt want to force him to say thank when he was unwilling.
Are you injured?(Arge)
No injuries. I was almost brainwashed... but that must be your work(Terrier)
Yes. Healing magic has lifted all curses in the fort.(Arge)
Tch... You are still messing around, slut...(Terrier)
As I said, Im not a slut(Arge)
I tried to correct it, but Terrier-chan just sighed, didnt pursue further.
Mister (-san) Entertainer, its been a long time!(Kuzuha)
As I said! Im not an entertainer!(Terrier)
Yes, you look like a bandit. This time, for Arges sale, I will act like I dont see anything(Felnote)
... What is Odd-Eyes Great (-sama) Holy Knight doing here?(Terrier)
Please dont ask... because its hard to exin myself(Felnote)
At first nce, Terrier-chan seems to have identified Felnote-san.
Indeed, he was a leader, he must have better knowledge than his men.
Im sorry, I have a little bit of history with them...
I mean, could you give us some time alone?(Arge)
Is that okay, Arge-san?(Aoba)
Because they are the oldest acquaintance after I was born in this world(Arge)
Zeno-kun might have been attacked, but everyone doesnt know the encounter between me and the bandits.
The adult pair Aoba-san and Felnote-san showed some disappointment, but ultimately let them go.
After seeing everyone leaving, I turned again to Terrier-chan,
Well then...(Arge)
...what is it, slut?(Terrier)
No, I just want to ask.
...About the Kuon, I guess(Arge)
Before I finished, the silver shed.
Gently catching the knife aiming for my neck and holding it in a little distance.
I know he isnt serious. I just responded reflexively.
...I guess its really there (with your reaction)(Arge)
Why did you know about that? Are you a pursuer?(Terrier)
Terrier-chan is clearly in a cautious atmosphere.
As expected, they were really rted to Kuon, and on top of that, they arent any more now.
No. However, Im also a person involved in Kuon... Im not that s ally(Arge)
... something like the (Oyaji) old mans experiment?(Terrier)
...Something like that(Arge)
Its actually different, but if I want to exin it properly, I will have to talk about reincarnation, so lets talk appropriately.
In the sense of Kuons failure, the term experimental body is probably not so wrong.
...Haa~. The world is small. That edge at that time would be connected like this(Terrier)
Yes. Im surprised too(Arge)
...... Did youe to see him?(Terrier)
Well, thats the case, but simply... letting go of your acquaintance would make it difficult to wake up during a nap.(Arge)
When I told him the honest reason, the opponent lost his guard. As expected, each of their reaction is entertaining and interesting.
Terrier-chan seemed to be serious, even though he looked a little stunned. He looked at me in the first half and spun his words.
... We are abat unit created by our (Oyaji) old man. Hound dog unit(Terrier)
Yes. I heard from the so-called Shiba-san(Arge)
Shiba... so he is still alive(Terrier)
It was only for a moment that his eyes narrowed like nostalgia.
In a blink of time, Terrier-chan returns to his usual, somewhat grumpy face.
I dont want to be kept like a dog(Terrier)
The strong words spoke, suggesting that Terrier-chan is serious.
Dach-chan and Chihuahua-chan also have an atmosphere that they can clearly remember something bad.
Not a good memory for them. Thats what it is.
Stray dogs are better. Our lives wont get thrown away for someones sake. We can use our own life. Our lives are ours(Terrier)
......Is that so(Arge)
For some reason. When I met them, I was relieved to see them.
Even now. Knowing their circumstances, their connection with Kuon, nevertheless, I look at them and Im relieved somewhere.
The appearance that clearlymunicates his intentions while interacting with the ce called Kuon seems somewhat dazzling.
I understand. Okay then, I will be going now!(Arge)
... what are you going to do?(Terrier)
Go to the Empire. I want to go and settle once and for all.(Arge)
The words that had been lost until now came out of my mouth naturally.
I dont need to know the reason, I have to go, thats not the end.
I have to meet that person, Kurogane-san and decide on a ce called Kuon.
I said it aloud something in my heart more than I expected.
Im convinced that theres nothing more. I could hear what I needed to hear.
Then Terrier-chan, Dach-chan, Chihuahua-chan. Ill go.(Arge)
? Whats happening?(Arge)
...The empire soldiers wander about here.
If you go into the territory and go deep, you will be fine to some extent, but the border...
No, there are many battles near the former border(Terrier)
Haa~, is that right?(Arge)
With the war beginning, borders are no longer meaningful.
Nevertheless, this area is the border. Inevitably, the number of regions where the Republic and the empire are in conflict will increase.
We nned to avoid it as much as possible and headed for the empire.
Ill do it with minimum conflict, but Ill do something if I get caught(Arge)
In other words, you dont have a n. Cant be helped (Shikatan na)(Terrier)
Hey, you two(Terrier)
Hei! I guess!!(Chihuahua)
Oi! I guess!!(Dach)
From there, it was a familiar flow.
Kusarigama user, Chihuahua!(Chihuahua)
Bomb Dach!(Dach)
Throwing knife Terrier!(Terrier)
The three of us, Terrier bandits!!(Terrier bandit)
Entertainers as usual...!(Arge)
Hey, who are the entertainers?!!!(Terrier bandit)
I feel like this is always the flow. The three of them posed and tsukkomi at the same time. They are really Nakamas.
Terrier-chan red at me, had a big sigh, and turned his back on me.
Just go. We will work around here from now(Terrier)
Um, is that... you tried to earn time for us?(Arge)
Dont get me wrong.
This woman who was tied and rolling here is also a criminal in the empire.
If we rampaged here, the empire or the republic will notice and catch her.
And we originally wanted to do something evil here.
Get it, dont get me wrong(Terrier)
Remind me twice... such a tsundere entertainer...(Arge)
You are really such a pain, can you be good for once...
Anyways, thats how it is.
If you want to go to the empire, go on your own! Got it? (Terrier)
... Thank you, Terrier-chan(Arge)
And the sword you have. As you may know, there is a sister sword.
One of them is in the empire as far as I know.
Youd better be careful(Terrier)
Yes, thank you. Please take care of yourself as well, Terrier-chans trio(Arge)
Tch... Lets go, you guys(Terrier)
He doesnt show to be grateful, Terrier-chan turns around with a grumpy mood. He has nothing else to talk about, thats it.
Dach-chan and Chihuahua-chan walked towards me and bowed deeply before parting.
...Slut. Thank.(Dach)
Thank you for helping us, Slut(Chihuahua)
Dont worry about it.
I just didnt want to leave you alone.
And Im not a slut.
... My name is Argent Vampyr.
I have nothing to do with Kuon, just a vampire(Arge)
I dont know how many times it will be, but maybe they wont call my name.
To them, I am a slut and to me they are entertainers. It doesnt matter if Im involved with the Kuon or not. I think so.
I sighed looking at Terrier bandits leaving while dragging the female bandit.
Will we meet somewhere?(Arge?)
At that time, everything is over and can we talk a little more leisurely?
I cant say more about that,
I hope at that time, I can get someone to feed me three meals, giving me snacks, bloodsucking, and I can take a nap anytime(Arge)
You still dont give up on that(Felnote)
Ah, Felnote-san(Arge)
Probably she pretended to be away and watching us nearby.
Felnote-san looked at me with a slightly stunned face but it seemed like she didnt hear much about Terrier-chan.
...Are you done talking, Arge?(Felnote)
Yes. Enough. Lets go, Felnote-san.
It seems they will attract the eyes of the empire a little bit from now on(Arge)
...The Terrier Bandit is a skillful bandit group who is making a lot of noise around the world with just three people(Felnote)
That is an entertainer group with such a setting(Arge)
After seeing those pose, I think I can agree with that...(Felnote)
While Felnote-san still has a subtle face, we return to the carriage.
It looks like the future is going to be a long way but from here it seems a bit easier.
Arge Chapter 202: Inside the Empire
When I opened my eyes, the cold air told me its night-time.
Immediately after parting with Terrier-chan, I fell asleep in the carriage.
If theres anything, everyone will take me up, even without me, we can break into the territory of the Empire without any problems.
No carriage shaking. In other words, is it a free day today?
When I got up, I saw everyone except Aoba-san sleeping on a nket.
...so, Aoba-san is having the night-shift now(Arge)
When I got off the carriage, I found someone I expected.
Oh, Gin... Arge-san. Good morning(Aoba)
You must be tired, Aoba-san. So, Neguseou was also awake.(Arge)
Ah, we were talking(Aoba)
...Aoba-san, do you understand Neguseous words?(Arge)
I also have anguage trantion that can speak with animals.
I wouldnt be able to be the forest queen without it, you know?(Aoba)
Thats true.
In other words, for Neguseou, is Aoba-san the person who speaks hisnguage other than me?
What were you talking about?(Arge)
Its your hardship story(Aoba)
Mine......? (Arge)
Yes. Arge-sans story(Aoba)
Haa, I dont understand, but if you have fun then its good(Arge)
Its good to have amon topic. Both of us seemed to be having some fun, so we stopped prying.
I somehow sat down beside them, breathing the smell of the nts that became cold at night. Neguseou and Aoba-san didnt say anything, so we lined up naturally.
Aoba-san doesnt sleep? (Arge)
Actually Alraune never sleeps(Aoba)
I was surprised.
Until now I had traveled with Aoba-san, she had always prepared a bed of grass and a space with a roof at night.
If Alraune didnt sleep, she did all that for me alone.
Maybe all the time, you made bedding or something... Is it for me alone?(Arge)
Hey, thats how it is.
You are kind but insensitive.
Did you finally notice it?(Aoba)
Yes, Arge. I think you should pay a bit more attention to it(Neguseou)
U ......(Arge)
Somehow, I cant say anything back to them.
Well, thats how it is.
Just like that, I always take the night shift.
Or rather, you didnt notice it until today,
Every night, you were sleeping soundly, Arge-san(Aoba)
Um, sorry ...(Arge)
I apologized because I thought it was toote to notice. Aoba-san smiles with a feeling that she doesnt mind.
Thank you rather than apologize. A thank you is better(Aoba)
......Thank you(Arge)
Yes, youre wee(Aoba)
Im not sure, but Aoba-san looks happy.
Neguseou, next to her, nodded and exhaled satisfactorily. Aoba-san and Neguseou seemed to be getting along before I knew it.
Well, Im rxing with another horse, so please call me if you need anything(Neguseou)
Are you going already?(Arge)
...Aoba, are you okay? This one is pretty insensitive.(Neguseou)
Well, these are weaknesses ...(Aoba)
Weakness......? (Arge)
Nothing. I hope you can talk casually(Neguseou)
He breathed out of his nose and Neguseou left.
... Did I miss something?(Arge)
Ah... no, its just as usual(Aoba)
Sure, Im always stupid, just sleeping, and like a useless figurine.(Arge)
I havent said that!?(Aoba)
Aoba-san deliberately coughed and she looked at me again.
Apparently, she is going to change the topic.
But it was surprisingly easy toe to the empire.
If we havee back here, it seemed unlikely that we will be attacked by imperial soldiers.(Aoba)
Thanks to Terrier-chans Trio(Arge)
We entered the territory without any problems because of the help of the Terrier bandits.
Of course, they didnt help me directly, but they caught the attention of the Imperial soldiers, so we could get in without fighting.
Its not how we know.
They dont control people with numbers, Its ambiguous to have or not have an ID(Aoba)
Thats right... Im d it s like this(Arge)
This would not have happened if personal information had been properly managed, as in our world.
The area is still under development, or the technology brought by Kurogane-san is probably leaning towards something that can be used for war.
At Kuons house, he seems to be strong in military knowledge.
Im not familiar with the name Kurogane,
In the first ce, I only remember a few people other than Arge-san(Aoba)
Thats because Arge-san is my...
Eh... Uhm, because you are an important person!
Look, you always gave impressions to my live flowers!(Aoba)
Haa, is that so?(Arge)
Aoba-sans face somehow became red as she tried to exin.
The night air feels cold to me, but it may still be hot for heat-sensitive Alraune.
Rather than that! Arge-san! ording to Felnote-san, we are going to shop in a town of moderate size tomorrow, so Im looking forward to it!(Aoba)
Ah, is that so?(Arge)
Yes, she seems to know a lot about the empires geography... so, and if you are okay with... well, why dont we go shopping together?(Aoba)
...... I think Kuzuha-chan is more suitable than me for shopping(Arge)
I may hold a lot of travel luggage, but my blood box cant hold meats.
There may be other details that we needed while traveling.
Its Felnote-san, so maybe she is thinking about collecting information.
Either way, I think it would be more advantageous for someone who can do several jobs alone, like Kuzuha-chan.
Uh, no, its... hey, sometimes Arge-san also need to work as well, right?(Aoba)
...It s hard to say otherwise(Arge)
In fact, I have been rxing too much while traveling.
Most of the time Im just sleeping and I dont even cook when we travel. I dont even take a night shift, Im pretty sloppy.
So honestly, its hard to refuse to work sometimes.
I get it. Lets go shopping together tomorrow(Arge)
Yatta (Hooray)......! (Aoba)
...... are you so happy? (Arge)
Eh, um, about that..., sometimes, isnt it good to take a break?
I have been in the forest almost all the time since I was reborn!(Aoba)
Ah, I understand that kind of feeling(Arge)
I think Kuzuha-chan is more suitable, but vampires are also stronger. Carrying luggage would be more than useful.
Anything other than meat, I can store anything in my blood box. Its not bad to go out sometimes.
Chapter 203-207
Arge Chapter 203: Back street flower
...Why does this happen?(Aoba)
Whats wrong, Aoba?(Arge)
No, nothing.
To go shopping, Its correct to have people with geography apany.
Yes, Im not depressed.
Im not.(Aoba)
For some reason, Aoba-san was muttering, but the shopping itself was going well.
The town we dropped in was fairlyrge. Aoba and I havenguage trantion skills, so we can talk without any problems. Felnote-san seems to understand thenguage of the empire to some extent.
Im quite surprised that Felnote-san can speak thenguage of the empire(Arge)
Because I need to read the code of the hostile country(Felnote)
Although she talks with a casual tone, Felnote-sans expression is serious.
Now she is wearing her robe deep, hiding her bicolor eyes from her surroundings.
The unique trait from the former Kingdom knight.
Her face is famous and will be a source of confusion.
Why did youe shopping with us in the first ce?
You know your reputation, right?
Isnt it okay to just give us the map?(Arge)
I know my reputation around here.
But go shopping isnt my only purpose(Felnote)
Maybe, youe to collect information?(Arge)
...Well, close but thats not my intention(Felnote)
While watching Felnote-san muttering, I chew the skewers I bought at the stall.
Fresh fish skewers have a good aroma and a refreshing taste.
Lets buy some for Kuzuha-chans group on the way home.
...Hey, Arge. You are too carefree... When did you buy something like that while we go shopping?(Felnote)
un~gu, is that so?
I bought this a while ago, from a store just before we entered the alley...
It was delicious, Ill give others as a giftter(Arge)
... I think you were somewhat awkward when we first met but you seemed to have gotten used to traveling(Felnote)
I tilted my head to Felnote-san, who seemed to be happy somehow.
Haa~. I dont think I change that much(Arge)
Its not a bad thing.
...At least, its big progress that you no longer walk or sleep around naked.(Felnote)
Please tell me in detail!(Aoba)
Uh, Aoba?
I dont want to stand out as much as possible, can you lower your voice?(Felnote)
Felnote-san walks away to avoid crowds, trying to calm Aoba-san who heated up for some reason.
Naturally, we would follow her, so we slowly left the streets.
Our luggage is stored in my blood box, and Aoba-san can collect the meat with her ivy, so her steps are light.
While feeling that the traffic gradually decreases,
I asked Felnote-san in a voice as quiet as possible.
Uhm, how far are we going?(Arge)
...Of the Republic. I was told by that Giddy person.(Felnote)
Akisame-san, right?(Arge)
Akisame-san is the Republics politician, who belongs to Yotsuba Assembly.
He was always smiling and I couldnt read him at all, but I was impressed by his astute.
Apparently, Akisame-san has told Felnote-san something.
...The empire is overbearing.
The country looks calm, but taxes are heavy, recruitment for the war is endless.
Many people are dissatisfied with the devastatingnd.
Now that he has dered to be the enemy of the world(Felnote)
...Isnt that right(Arge)
Thats why we will contact the Rebellion(Felnote)
Rebellion... isnt it(Arge)
Certainly, when I helped Terrier-chan, I have heard that name.
Felnote-san nods and continues.
Yes, they have been there for a long time.
Their scale wasnt that big, but...
If things get worse so far, they will have to move.
Anyway, as the empire has dered war, their name will rise immediately(Felnote)
In other words, the very first flower that fought against the unjust enviroment(Aoba)
Yes... Look(Felnote)
Felnote-san pointed not by her finger but her gaze, to the further inside the back alley.
Apparently, There are some shabby figures.
No matter how we saw it, there are so many skinny people, who worry about what to eat instead of worrying about their clothes.
Both old and young. This is no doubt a slum.
The town is still big, so the main street is neat.
But if you go off the road even a little ...(Arge)
With the heavy tax, life difficulties such as conscription,
Many orphans were born. It means they have no home(Felnote)
Aoba waved her hand while sighing.
The vine and the ivy grow to the back of the alley.
The people were shaking but they didnt escape.
Next thing they saw... Many flowers bloom on the growing ivy, which eventually bears fruit.
Lots of fruit grew in front of homeless people.
If you are hungry, you cant afford to ?njoy flowers.
Take it(Aoba)
Aoba-sans words resonate, and people peel away the fruits in a calm manner.
The back alley, which smells dusty and dirty, was wrapped in a sweet scent.
...we should avoid standing out though(Felnote)
People are not people unless they are treated like humans.
I will not overlook it.
This is my belief(Aoba)
...Maybe its okay with this much.
Im sorry, Aoba(Felnote)
No, the same to you. Im sorry, Felnote-san(Aoba)
I dont mind. Please follow me, Im leading the way(Felnote)
I thought it would be a fight, but Aoba-san and Felnote-san seemed to agree with each other.
Aoba-san walks gently, waving her hand to the inhabitants behind the alley.
It means that we will not give more than necessary.
Well, ording to the information purchased in advance, it is around here ...(Felnote)
...You are too careless!(A certain tsundere girl)
It was only for a moment that I listened to strange words with my ears.
In less than a blink, it came.
There are no footsteps, no sign, but the shadow, that suddenly appears, has already put her hand on Aoba-sans neck from behind,
If you sniff this out this much, you should be a little more careful(A certain tsundere girl)
Tch... Aoba!?(Felnote)
Oo~tto (not so fast), dont you dare move.
I can take this womans neck faster than you pull your sword, no, faster than your fingertips move.(A certain tsundere girl)
Felnote-san followed the girls demand and let go of her sword.
The girl saw that situationughed *Ninmari* (proudlyugh satisfactory)
...Yes, I caught you again(Arge)
Wha!?(A certain tsundere girl)
In an instant, I moved.
Grasping the girls hands and pull her off Aoba-san.
When ites to speed, I wont lose to anybody.
The reason resides in this body extreme swiftness skill.
In addition, as a vampire, I wont miss the smell of blood drifting behind the alley.
The smell of stained blood has be so old that it can no longer be removed.
It was such a strong presence that I could detect without sound.
And above all, I still dont forget the smell of this girl.
...Its been a long time, Chrome-chan(Arge)
Ha... Vam... Vampyr(Chrome)
Yes, the girl I once met in the forest
Chrome-chan was looking at me with startling eyes.
Arge Chapter 204: The wind of reunion blows
The caught Chrome-chan started to move unexpectedly.
She wildly pushed my hands away and kept a distance.
... Did you remember what I previously did to her?
Thest time I fought with Chrome-chan, I also grabbed both her hands and tied her up with a chain of Bloodarms.
Being so desperate means that she is on alert.
Short ck hair, amber eyes.
And a bracelet that is an artifact.
Certainly, its Chrome-chan, who I have fought in the past.
Chrome ... you mean Curse Wind Chrome?(Felnote)
Did you know her, Felnote-san?(Arge)
A so-called dangerous person who does not register with the Landsknecht Society and is hunting mercenary in the shadow.
She is also wanted.(Felnote)
Chrome-chan was surprisingly famous(Arge)
Apparently, wasnt this exactly what she said when we before?
Speaking of which, I met many old acquaintances recently.
Why is Chrome-chan here?(Arge)
Seriously!? I have been following you ever since!
I heard from that huge cow that you went to the empire!(Chrome)
The big cow is probably Oswald-kun.
Perhaps after I left the forest, Chrome-chan returned for revenge.
And Oswald might have told a lie that I came to the empire to trick Chrome-chan.
In the end, I did go to the empire, so it felt like truth from a lie. Anyway, we encountered a troublesome partner.
Vampyr... I have been waiting here for 100 years!!
This time, I will settle it~...(Chrome)
~stop it, Chrome!(Girl)
The moment when Chrome-chan was about to jump at me, someone called out to her and she stopped.
From the back of the alley, the said girl slowly appeared.
... A dark elf?(Arge)
To be precisely, half dark elf and half human(Girl)
The said girl has short, trimmed, silver hair.
Her dark skin is from the dark elf but her ears are even longer and extend sidewayspared to Richelle-san.
Her golden eyes and silver hair are brilliant on her ck skin.
Ears longer than normal elves... thats the Half-elf features(Felnote)
You know well (Yoku Gozonjida), Origin Odd-eyes Hijiri Kishi-dono (Heterochromia Holy Knight)(Girl)
...I dont want to be called by my old name, but its okay for now.
Are you the rebellions leader?(Felnote)
... Ah. The name is Ginka Miyama.(Ginka)
Eh, Ginka, isnt it? Do you know Satsuki-san?(Arge)
Silver hair vampire...
You are the one Satsuki-san and Chrome were talking about...
Argent Vampyr, right?
You really have silver hair, just like me(Ginka)
Then the person named Ginkaes touching my hair.
Rather than being reserved, its very natural, like touching the branches of the trees.
It looks like there is no front and back.
She is still taller than Felnote-san, and despite being a half-elf, she felt sleek. Only her chest is quiterge.
Although her expression is light, his golden eyes show interesting and her emotions seem rather rich.
Isnt she a nice girl?
What are you so angry about, Chrome?(Ginka)
She was faster than me and she also sucked my blood!
I wont forgive her!!(Chrome)
In fact, just earlier, she was also faster than Chrome(Ginka)
Chrome-chan started blowing out some murderous intentions,
Ginka turns toward me with a light touch.
And also the introduction of Satsuki-san.
What do you need from us that youe to our rebellion base?(Ginka)
I knew the name spoken in her casual tone.
...But Satsuki-san too?
I knew that Akisame-san was a big shot but it seems like Satsuki-san wasnt inferior.
Satsuki-san told us Ginkas name before we left.
Felnote-san faced Ginka-san with a serious face and talked.
We need your help to siege the Imperial City(Felnote)
... Its a straight ball(Ginka)
I cant help but say it that way(Felnote)
Did she think so?
Ginka-san was silent.
After thinking for a while, the half-elf talked.
Shion. What do you think?(Ginka)
Hai~hai~, did you call me, Ginka-san?(Shion)
As soon as the reply came, a figure appeared on Ginkas shoulder.
Appearing abruptly and floating like a fluffy ghost, looked like a loli.
Long, green hair and blue eyes swaying happily.
She was symmetrically expressive and a baby-faced girl.
Spirit...! ?(Aoba)
To be exact, an artificial spirit, Alraune nee-san.
Im now called Shion Kazane(Shion)
While responding to Aobas words in a light tone, the spirit named Shion moves like a floating cloth and holds on Ginka-sans arm.
Shion thinks they are interesting.
Especially that silver girl and that Alraune nee-san...
They smell nostalgic.
The smelles from far away.(Shions talk in 3rd POV)
... If Shion says so, then lets invite them to the rebellions highout.
I will listen to a detailed story before considering whether to cooperate(Ginka)
Ehehe ~
As expected of Ginka-san, you understand the story.
I love you?(Shion)
U~n... I also love Shion(Ginka)
...Uhm (e~to)
Dont worry, theyre always like this(Chrome)
Chrome-chan looking somewhat sparse,
Ginka and Sion have entered their own world and leaving while we dont understand the meaning.
Is the rebel really ok with the leader in this tension?
Arge Chapter 205: Surprisinglyfortable
Ginka-sans group guided us to the Rebellions hideout surprisingly easy.
Of course, thats probably because Akisame-san and Satsuki-san have talked in advance. We also have the Kingdom former-knight Felnote-san with us.
The Rebellions hideout was not far from town.
The base, which was built to hide in the Sanin (*), is protected by magical barriers, so it can only be found by members of the Rebellion.
(T.N: *shelter in the mountains)
Its surprisingly lively(Aoba? Arge?)
We left the town, got on the carriage and was guided by Ginka-sans group then entered the base.
The people thate and go are lively, each busy but happy.
The Rebellion was in a lively mood so as not to lose the vibrancy of the town we just dropped in.
Theres nothing wrong withughing because we dont know if we can tomorrow(Ginka)
Thats important.
Being human, That is Ginka-sans...
No, this is our basic policy(Shion)
...To be honest, its very positive.
Its much better than the back alley(Aoba)
Aoba-san sighs as if feeling relieved somehow.
Kuzuha-chan seems excited looking around here and there, her fox-colored tail fluttering.
Richelle-san is somewhat fidgeting, maybe because of Ginka-san, a half-rtive of her.
Chrome-chan keeps ring at me, maybe this is the bad impression from thest time. Cant be helped.
For now, lets talk while taking a bath(Ginka)
There is a bath!?(Kuzuha)
It is a natural thing that I found by ident.
Thanks to it, we increase our military morale(Ginka)
Everyone likes it.
Does Chrome-chan alsoe in?(Shion)
... Im fine without it.
Please go ahead(Chrome)
Shion invited but Chrome-chan refused it with *Pui* and left.
......I wonder if she hates me.
When we first met, I was moving faster than Chrome-chan, I also sucked her blood.
For her, who valued speed more than anything else, it seemed to be nothing but humiliation.
Arge-san, hurry, lets go!(Kuzuha)
Oh, yes. I understand, Kuzuha-chan(Arge)
Called by Kuzuha-chan who likes hot springs, I return to the group.
I wish I had the opportunity to talk with herter, but is it difficult?
Following Ginkas guidance, we walk towards the hot springs.
The hot spring was smelled of sulfur.
Fuwa~a ... its wide!(Kuzuha)
Men and women are properly separated, so you can enter without worry(Ginka)
Well then, I will take your words for it then (~kashira)(Kuzuha? Arge?)
Despite my cleansing routine with my recovery magic, thefort of a bath is another thing.
Everyone takes off their clothes in a state of excitement,
I also remove my clothes trying not to look at everyone as much as possible.
While doing so, I noticed a strange gaze.
What happened, everyone?
What are you staring at(Arge)
Oh, no, its nothing ~arimasen wa.
Please continue ~desu no(Kuzuha)
Yes. Hey. Arge-san, one more please!(Aoba)
... but I dont think theres anything interesting about it(Arge)
For some reason, everyone is looking at me.
I dont think it would be interesting to see me naked.
In the first ce, Im ashamed if they stare so much.
Did everyone look like this before?
Fumu... you are beautiful, Arge(Ginka)
I was told that I was beautiful and found that my cheeks were hot.
I know that my appearance has changed through reincarnation and looks like a beautiful girl.
I know, but now that Ive been thrown (a straight ball) from the front, my body temperature has risen.
Ah... bad Ginka-san. No cheating(Shion)
Dont worry, Shion is the most beautiful.
As for you are my princess(Ginka)
Ehehe, I love Ginka-san ~ ?(Shion)
After saying what she wants to say, Ginka-san goes into the hot spring with Shion-san.
Somehow ufortable silence came, I forgot that everyone was looking at me undressing in the same way,
... Ah, please dont look too much.
Lets hurry up and take a bath(Arge)
Kawa~...(Aoba + Kuzuha + Felnote)
Somehow, everyone crouched holding their face down.
I didnt understand the meaning, but as a result, they looked away from me, so I decided to get away and stay in the bathtub.
Arge Chapter 206: Steams Conference hall
Wa fu ~u...(Arge)
The warm temperature of the hot water relieves the embarrassment just now a little.
When I was just reincarnated, I thought that taking a bath would be tedious because I could clean myself with recovery magic, but recently I havee to like thefort of bathing quite a bit.
So, will the rebellion eventually cooperate?(Felnote?)
First, let me hear your n.
If I think the sess rate is low, I will refuse(Ginka)
...Did you take us to your base for that reason?(Felnote?)
No such thing, I dont think you will leak our information to the empire just because we refuse your request.(Ginka)
Ginka-san responds while ying with Shion-sans hair floating in the bathtub.
...... Because each others goal.
Even if we cant cooperate, its clear that our goal is the Imperial City.
If so, we should be invible to each other and their bases would not be leaked.
...So, you didnt bring us here because you were spoiled by that spirit child.
I was a little relieved(Aoba)
Dont worry.
Thats only about 80% of the reason(Ginka)
Im suddenly getting worried ...!(Aoba)
It seems like that spirit girl was more important for Ginka.
Youre on good terms ...(Aoba)
Of course. Ginka-san is my prince after all(Shion)
Yup. Shion is my beloved princess(Ginka)
The two snug into each other, make sure that they feel each others skin,
Anyway, its love.
At first nce, they look like women, but when I look closely, Shion has Nothing.
...So what is her gender?
Vampires are also close to spirits,
But I dont know much about other spirits.
She called herself an artificial spirit. Was she the same as Exista, created by someone?
In the process, gender was deemed unnecessary.
Is it something like that?
But as long as she was called princesses, she should be treated like a girl...
Arge-san, that person ...(Aoba)
Yes, Im a little worried(Arge)
She points to me and Aoba-san and says I came from Kudou (h: eternity)
The pronunciation is different with Kuon.
I guess Aoba-san also caught in that area.
I wonder if this girl is also a former official of Kuon
Wa~fu~u, it feels good ...(Richelle)
However, Richelle-san, who doesnt understand the situation, seems to be enjoying the hot water.
Well, I can tell her the difficult partter, no need to worry.
So, specifically, how do you n to siege it?(Ginka)
Now the Imperial soldiers are traveling all over the ce, isnt it?(Felnote)
They are in the surrounding areas. Well, its true that they dont stay in the Imperial City.
However, Vampire soldiers are packed day and night with their direct control unit, the hounds(Ginka)
Daytime should be thinner, right?(Felnote)
... the empire is always night(Ginka)
Always night ...?(Kuzuha)
Shion-san nodded to Kuzuha-chan.
Thats the effect of magical artifacts.
There is always the same state as the full moon(Shion)
... That means there are always vampire soldiers(Felnote)
Felnote-san sighed as she heard it.
The chest shakes by itself, the volume is still amazing as always.
Then it seems difficult from the sea as well.
The empire also faces the sea, so I thought aboutnding by ship(Felnote)
Vampires can fly in the sky, so they can literal attack anywhere(Ginka)
...Still, I want the rebellion to help(Felnote)
It will be a problem if you cant siege the Imperial City in one rebellion operation.
Because the exhaustion war is disadvantageous(Ginka)
I dont know how big the rebels are, but the Empire will be higher in number and quality.
The empire should have enough supplies for war in many years, and above all, there is a technician from Kuons house.
In that case, its the same. As you can see, this is all we have(Felnote)
Does the situation match?(Ginka)
If you are unsure, can you try it?(Felnote)
... Thats right. It wouldnt be so bad(Ginka)
They are adults (ͬʿ) sometimes, their talks go fast.
Felnote-san and Ginka-san leave the bathtub.
Shion, you can take your time and enjoy it, there is workter(Ginka)
Yes. Ill goter, Ginka-san!(Shion)
Arges group as well, please rx. I will do it over there(Felnote)
Yes, Felnote-san. Best regards (Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu)(Arge)
The two went out of the bath in a rxed manner.
Fu~ fu~ fu, they are both too serious, dont you agree?(Shion)
Enjoying the situation, Shion-san smirks.
Arge Chapter 207: Identity
Fu fu fu(Shion)
Whileughing happily, Shion-san floats.
Floating like steam, and flying toward me.
There is a fragrant sweet scent, is it her?
Shion-san is approaching me, face to face and smirks...
Fu Fu,
The more I hear, the more interesting it is
The soul tone ...(Shion)
Tone ...?(Arge)
I will invite you a little(Shion)
*Kin* there is a high sound like hitting the metal.
At that moment, everything stopped.
Taru Rem snaps finger
Kuzuha-chan, ying in the bath, Richel enjoying the temperature, and even the hot water ssh, everything stopped.
It is me and Aoba who are moving.
Perhaps Shion-san is the culprit behind this phenomenon.
This is......(Arge)
Shions special personal space.
I can only open it in a limited ce.
Your body doesnt suit for hot water, is it okay for Alraune nee-san to take a long bath?(Shion)
I remember something simr at the Cyril Bank.
It may be due to some skill or magic, but it is amazing that its possible to create a space where time stops, although it is limited.
... So, why did you only call me and Arge-san, was it because of the Kuon?(Aoba)
Fu~fu, as expected, you understand that.
Kuon onee-san...
And is that person an Onii-san?
The color of her soul is close to that of a man(Shion)
...You understand that much?(Arge)
To be honest, I was surprised.
As if she knew from the beginning, Shion-san has been talking about us easily.
Dont tell me, you are a reincarnator...?(Arge)
Shion is an artificial spirit.
A biological weapon built by Otou-san... no, Kurogane Kuon(Shion)
Biological weapons ...! ?(Arge)
The bomb was dropped with a cool face.
Shion-san was satisfied with this surprised face,ughing *fu~fu* lightly
Well, to put it inly, Im a living weapon for war(Shion)
Weapons ... Such a cute child?(Arge)
Otou-sans mind only cares about creating weapons by humans.
The hunting dog squad and I are the experimental bodies, the so-called test cases.
It seems that this figure was also cutely designed to show a good spirit.(Shion)
Loosely, without breaking her smile, Shion-san said.
...... Is that it?
Shion-san knew about Kuon because she was built by the Kuon.
But why do you go with the Rebellion then...?(Arge)
Otou-san has determined that his research has shown some hinders in war if the test subjects still have a mind.
Thats why he brainwashed low spirit vampires and created new soldiers(Shion)
... If he doesnt need something, thats usually the case(Arge)
Yes, thats it.
Ginka-san saved me, who was about to be disposed of, partly because I was rebellious.
So Ginka-san is my prince ...(Shion)
She probably remembered that time.
Shion-san blushed, holding her cheeks, like a dreaming maiden.
...Was that so?(Arge)
The reason that Shion could recognize you was because I was given that kind of eye by Otou-sama.
Eyes to see the tone of the soul ...
Someday, another reincarnator, maybe even a reincarnator from his family might appear,
So Otou-san was always on guard(Shion)
The hounds didnt seem to have been informed of the Reincarnator, but Shion-san did.
Perhaps she was created tobat the Reincarcerator.
Given that ability as a weapon.
Well, now Shion isnt Otou-sans weapon, but a member of the Rebellion.
If you are Reincarnators from the Kuon, who Otou-san considers dangerous, you should definitely be helpful against him(Shion)
... In that sense, our interests are the same.
Because we both know about the Kuon(Aoba)
As Aoba says, we know each other.
Thats why if we want her help, we should cooperate.
Only a few people can talk about reincarnation.
It was a pleasure to have more friends who knew about this situation.
... In that case, we have to convince each other(Aoba)
My Ginka-san is strong, you know.
Well, even if you lose, Ill be here to help you(Shion)
... Are you in the mood for a show?(Aoba)
Fufu, do you want to get serious then?(Shion)
... It s not a favorite thing. Im told to take care of it.
Because flowers always choose how to bloom(Aoba)
Eh Eh (A~re a~re), isnt the atmosphere getting worse?
Chapter 208
Chapter 208
Arge Chapter 208: The ce of people who hate losing.
We got out of the bath,
I was taken to the training ground.
The training ground was outdoors, and there were not many shields, etc., in anticipation of damage caused by magic.
Isnt everyone strangely excited?(Arge)
Everyone loves entertainment, just looking Ginka fights will raise their morale.(Shion)
So thats it.
In other words, is this enthusiasm a proof that the leader of the rebels is someone people look up to?
Well then, I will move to Ginka-sans side.(Shion)
Softly emerged, Shion-san moved to the side of Ginka-san.
Naturally, she got a princess hug.
So what about the rules?
Even if you say that you show your power is it a simted battle?(Felnote)
I intend to do that.
Im from the house of Samurai.
Personally, I am also interested in the power of the Oddeye Holy Knight.(Ginka)
The FORMER Holy Knight.
I hope you dont expect too much.
And Im going to see what the house called Miyama made of.(Felnote)
Apparently, they seem to already know each other even without the introduction.
Ginka-san nced at us and spoke.
What will those girls do?(Ginka)
Just you and I arent enough?(Felnote)
From what Felnote-san said, it was implied that we shouldnt fight.
I think she cares about this younger person.
After she was told so, Ginka-san was wondering for a while and Shion made a whirring noise there.
Then Ginka-san shook her silver hair and nodded.
We will fight together, so I would like to have Alraunedy there join in.(Ginka)
Ah, is that so? Aoba, is it okay?(Felnote)
Yes, it doesnt matter.
Because I wanted a little work-out, too(Aoba)
In response to Felnote-san, Aoba-san stepped ahead.
I wasnt asked, so let me rx for now.
Id like to end it without fatal injuries so that we can heal itter.(Felnote)
Yes. I mean, I wouldnt ept it without Arge here.
We cant afford to get severely injured before the big battle.(Aoba)
As expected of Felnote-san, a calm and wise opinion.
Then I will be sleeping, please wake me up when youre done(Arge)
If something goes wrong, we will be in trouble, so take a look closerly.(Felnote)
Uu, its a hassle(Arge)
Im not interested in this kind of development, or to be honest, I dont think Im suitable.
From the conversation mentioned earlier, I know that we could eventually cooperate with the rebels. I dont think this is necessary.
Theres no killing but theres no need to hold back either, Aoba(Felnote)
Of course, I think I will get along (Compatibility) with you just fine. (Aoba)
Certainly, as Aoba-san said, thepatibility of the two is not bad.
Alraune, who has high support power with ivy and magic flowers, and Felnote-san, a former Holy Knight who has high offensive power.
Its an emergencybination, but from my point of view, the fighting seems to be easy.
What do you do with weapons?
Do you want to use a wooden sword?(Felnote?)
You cant be serious.
Im just not going for a kill but we are seriouse, Shion(Ginka)
Yes. Ginka-san(Shion)
Upon hearing her name called, Shion snuggled to Ginka-san
An artificial spirit with pure white skin and a brown half-elf.
The two with a vivid contrast held their hands together in a very natural way, as if they were born that way.
Connect (ess)(Ginka + Shion)
Two voices echo at the same time.
At the same time, a huge amount of light was emitted and swallowed the surroundings.
During the time I narrowed my eyes due to the sh.
The two of them were transforming.
Hard, ck, and sharp.
An armored figure that covered the whole body just like a crustacean or an insect.
The silver color melt and became like the mane on the head.
*Hi~in*, with a high-pitched sound, a golden light shined on her head.
Reinforced clothes! ?(Arge? Aoba?)
She looks like a sci-fi hero or a science fiction robot.
The half-elf and the artificial spirit have transformed (fusion) into one figure.
Softly floating on her shoulder was a palm-sized Shion-san, which was deformed to SD size.
An artificial spirit that resembles a Magic Artifact created using the remains of a Yggdrasil-ss ck dragon.
Thats me. Please call this form Mini Shion.(Shion)
The name of this armor is Obsidian
And its power is I will show you now.(Ginka)
Now, if you can ovee it, try it!!(Ginka+Shion)
Fight together.
It literally meant that the two became one.
As they became one, cheers raised from the surroundings.
Which means they arent just simplybining their fighting power(Aoba?)
Its so cool (Kakkoii~desu~no~ne!)(Kuzuha)
That figure is quite eye-catching, Kuzuha-chans tension is raising.
I seems like their united form is a symbol of hope for the rebels.
Is it a fusion of machine and life?
Mixing with the technology of this world, the Magic Artifact, a weapon created by the Kuon engineer.
I can see mechanical parts here and there,
It means that the technology of our world is used as an application there.
Felnote-san pulled out her sword and Aoba-san stood up like they are ready.
Shall we go, Aoba(Felnote)
it seems to be a bad match for me so I will handle the support.(Aoba)
The tension is melting into the air and everyone takes a breather.
Theres no signal of start, Felnote-san stepped in first.
Chapter 209
Chapter 209
Arge Chapter 209: Get Over The Barrier!
Oh, thats fast (Hayaidesu ne)...(Richelle)
Watching the stepping speed, Richelle-san gave admiring praise.
Its not as difficult to follow as Chrome-chan, but Felnote-san is so fast you cant even imagine.
I can follow her movement and all.
But if its an average opponent, he will be struck down easily.
I will take your arm, be prepared...(Felnote)
I can cure herter but thats terrible words.
Her sword shed even faster than her step, you can only hear the wind after that.
She really aimed for the arm like she said, a single shot to score the win without prolonging the battle.
I dont mind. Try to get it if you can(Ginka)
Ginka-san lightly caught the sword.
The Felnote-san sh was stopped by sandwiching with two fingers without using any weapons.
However, without getting surprised Felnote-san stepped forward and kicked.
Even if she was blown away by the front kick, Ginka-sannded lightly without breaking her posture.
...Its hard. My toes hurt(Felnote)
Instead of making those muddy movementse at me for real, Former Knight(Ginka)
My bad.
I was very familiar with organization.(Felnote)
By the way, dont you forget me?(Aoba)
Aoba-san extended the ivy aiming to restrict Ginka-sans movement from afar.
The ivy grew quickly and tied the armored Ginka-san.
Got you...(Aoba)
...Too bad, it isnt(Shion)
The ivy that binds Ginka-san is burned by the ck me and she is released.
Using her fingers to remove the ashed ivy, Ginka tells her impression with a surprised voice.
I thought I could get out with my strength, but its surprisingly hard(Ginka)
Ginka-san, the two are apparently one-man-army ss.
Please be serious(Shion)
If Shion says so(Ginka)
Then, as Ginka-san lowers her body, from her back, the me haze shimmered.
At the moment when I felt the presence of heat on the back, Ginka-san sh-stepped in.
uu... EEI!!(Felnote)
Did Felnote-san also sense danger? She was already prepared to intercept.
*Gin* there is a shy sound, then the sword and armor collide.
The impact was so great that Felnote-san was pushed with dust and smoke, but she took it firmly.
Impressive, my attack just now isparable to a dragon charge.(Ginka)
Ku~, this...
I would be dead right now if it hit me!!(Felnote)
...Since Shion told me to be serious about it(Ginka)
EEI, this stupid couple (Baka couple)(Felnote)
Felnote-san finally said what I have thought until now but didnt say.
At the same time, she probably didnt think she could win just like that.
Felnote-san leaped back with a stronger will in his two-colored eyes.
Be prepared to lose one arm for real...!
O holy sword that opens its way of light...(Felnote)
Chanting words echo.
This is the chant I heard in the Republic when she was serious.
Its not a physical sword, but a light sword made from the holy magical power.
Gather around my body and manifest! Materialization(EN)!!(Felnote)
At the moment she spoke her activation word, the sword of light was manifested in Felnote-sans hand.
A magical sword refined by light magic shining as bright as the sun.
As the rebels saw it, they were all astonished and raised their voice.
It seems like she is the center of attention now.
...Is this the infamous true sword of the Odd-eyes Holy Knight, which was said to be able to sh mountain?(Ginka)
Its an old story(Felnote)
Then, how about try it now?(Ginka)
You will have a taste of it soon(Felnote)
*Bum*, it was a dull sound.
Ginka-sans hands glow red and ck.
It became a sword of light and a jet-ck sword just like her armor.
I also can converge a magical power sword!(Ginka)
A magical sword with no casting... !?(Felnote)
Because Shion can control all magic!
Ginka-san... Please go as hard as you can!(Shion)
(T.N: she talks in 3rd POV)
Roger that. I, Miyama familys first child, Ginka. I will go with my full power... !!(Ginka)
As she said that, she sh-stepped in.
Countless sounds intersect.
I can see it all with my eyes, but I dont understand what kind of technique it is.
...Fast and Furious! (T.N: raw is fast and deadly)
Rather than relentlessly swinging the swords around with power and speed, every shot has no waste.
Its a deadly move, but each attack will definitely connect to the next attack.
The shes are innumerable and have no sight of stopping.
It was obvious that Ginka-san who used 2 swords should have the upper hand but Felnote-san was surprisingly calm and parried all attacks with her sword.
The collision of swords is uninterrupted,
The lines of the two-colored swords are intertwined as if two snakes bite each other.
Its amazing, isnt it (Suggoidesu wa ne)...(Aoba? Kuzuha?)
So she has the technique to handle two magical swords at the same time.
However, Felnote-san can fight on even ground with one sword...(Arge? Aoba?)
It was an advanced battle to the extent that Aoba-san was in trouble.
Well, its obvious. Aoba-san was originally a cultural person who wasnt good at fighting.
No matter how much cheat ability we have, its not possible to interrupt the technique exchange that not even Kuon Family warriors can reach.
I will try to support you however I can that not to get in your way...!(Aoba)
Even so, they still fight together.
As expected of Aoba-san, who is caring and has a strong sense of responsibility.
Aoba-san picked the seed in her finger and threw it.
The seeds scattered on the ground sprout at high speed, and a flock of flowers blooms.
The scent was fluffy and sweet that my brain seemed to melt.
Whats this... !?(Ginka)
It has a sweet scent that can cause concentration problems for races with a strong sense of smell, such as elves and vampires.
However, for human, its just a rxing scent(Aoba)
Cheap trick...!(Ginka)
Ginka-san, concentrates to your front!!(Shion)
Here you go... the real battle starts now(Aoba)
As Aoba-san shook her arm, the petals shone.
In a battlefield that looks like a golden garden, the movement of Felnote-san certainly changespared to before.
My body is light... its full of power!(Felnote)
It is a blessing made by my special magic flower.
It will decrease the movement of the opponent and increase the movement of allies!(Aoba)
Is this the barrier effect that Elsie-san used before?
When I was pondering, the flow turned to white.
The thickness of Felnote-sans sword increases, she can easily block the attacks from Ginka-san.
The tide has turned, and this time Ginka-san must take defensive.
Its the assistance different from us...(Ginka)
But... but..., their teamwork is better than Shion(Shions 3rd POV)
Ah. Lets go, Shion!!(Ginka)
With a full sound, Felnote-san was pushed back.
Ginka-san, after forcibly created the distance, she flew with the Mini-Shion-san on her shoulder.
She flew to the sky with the wings spread from the back of the Obsidian Armor.
You can fly with that weight...! ?(Felnote)
It was made with the material from the top dragon, Yggdrasil ss.
Making people fly is an easy task.(Shion)
Magical power convergence sword, release (dismiss/cancel).
Magical power convergence gun, activate!(Ginka)
U... this is bad, isnt it (mazuidesu~ne)(Aoba)
No matter how you look, it was clear that something bad would happen.
The ck armor that released the two magical power swords has widened its wings on the back.
...ck Angel (Kuroi tenshi)...(Felnote)
A straightforward impression.
With such a presence and some solemn sign, Obsidian stands in the sky.
An armored angel with her ck wings shines fiercely.
The magical power seems to be increased and shakes the surrounding air.
Even when Im watching from a distance, I feel appalling pressure.
The cannon was created with both arms joined.
The ck light converges as if to swallow the light.
Wait, arent you too serious!?
Thats a dragons breath!?(Felnote)
It is a set-up armament that converges energy and erases the opponent ...!(Ginka)
Where did the part not going for a kill go...?(Felnote)
If you cant stand this, you can never conquer the empire!(Ginka)
Felnote-san stops moving in response to those words.
This magical artifact is life-growth armor created by an empire engineer!
Your opponent is a country that deems it unnecessary!
Thats why...(Shion)
If you cant ovee this, you cant defeat the empire!(Ginka)
... Great!
Aoba, please help!!(Felnote)
Yes, this is the fight that we cant run away from(Aoba)
In that case, show us(Ginka+Shion)
The energy from the turret has be enormous, it was clearly saturated.
Saying erase the opponent isnt a lie.
If you cant prevent it, it will be serious.
I was wondering if I should stop, but Aoba-san was looking at me and shook her head.
...Leave it to us, was it what she meant?
With my magic, any wound can be cured unless its immediate death. If Aoba-san decides so, Ill quietly watch it.
I calm myself and prepare to use the recovery magic anytime.
Magical Convergence Gun... Shoot!!(Ginka)
A ck-light fell from the heavens on the ground like judgment.
Felnote-san, concentrate!(Aoba)
I entrust it to you(Felnote)
Protect her, Ivy barrier(Aoba)
In response to Aoba-sans words, arge amount of ivy popped out of the ground, they knitted themselves and formed 6 barriers.
Perhaps she was preparing from the beginning.
She sowed the seeds of magic flowers on the ground and raised them.
The first, the second then the third thick nt barrier was destroyed by the cklight.
Ku~, the momentum...
It doesnt stop as I expected... I need more and quick!(Aoba)
Felnote-san exhales deeply, without looking at Aoba-san who is trying to increase ivy with sweat on her forehead.
Perhaps she concentrates her mind and his magic.
Thats also the purpose of Aoba-san.
The barriers of the ivy copse one after another, like the flowers that are scattered in vain.
The fifth barrier had already been destroyed and there was only the sixth barrier left.
Every time it breaks a barrier, the ck magical light is weakened.
However, it is too powerful.
Even if it was weakened by all the barriers, its inevitable that the two would still be seriously injured.
Ku~... 7th Barrier! This is my limit! Not yet?(Aoba)
...Okay! I got enough magic! Get back, Aoba!!(Felnote)
At the moment Felnote-san said so, Aoba-san got away.
The six barrier has been destroyed and the 7th emergency barrier began to copse.
Is it harder than a mountain? Ill give it a try(Felnote)
Felnote-san, with her light sword resting on his hips, had a calm atmosphere that made it unfit for this situation.
Regardless of the rampage of the breaking barrier, she said in loud voice firmly.
O Holy Light. Bestowed yourself into the sword in my unworthy hands!
Heed my wish, heed my will!
Respond to my soul.
Let the fools who stand before us be destroyed.
(T.N: Yup, my Chuuni has leveled up, I can trante chuunis dialog equivalent to the raw)
The quality of the magical power in her sword of light increases with each chant.
Holy sword.
Felnote-san has an enormous amount of magical power to call it.
Illuminate!! HOLY BLAZE!!(Felnote)
Felnote-san swung it and unleashed it up to the sky.
The wave of Holy light hit the cklight the moment it broke the 7th barrier.
Ku~... This is...!!(Ginka)
As expected, its harder than a mountain...
But... Im not alone!!(Felnote)
Aoba-san made the barriers to block and weaken its power and at the time gaining time for Felnote-san to prepare.
And this is the result.
The ck-and-white collision was too great that it was difficult to open your eyes, but everyone was still trying to watch it.
The white one is...
Felnote-sama is winning(Richelle)
At the moment Richelle-san said so, the bnce of power changed.
The immense white began to push back the immense ck.
...Shion! Full defense!!(Ginka)
At the moment Ginka-san said that Felnote-sans Holy light pierced the ck light
Ginka-san twisted herself in the air and mmed her fist at the Holy light.
cklight and White light collided again. But this time the cklight is winning.
Breakthrough the white light, the ck Light is falling.
~tto (oops)......!(Felnote)
Felnote-san released her holy and stepped back.
A momentter, the ck Armornded.
Shocks and dust flew up, and the earth was trembling.
Ginka-san sighs while wiping the soil that dirtied her body.
It was really dangerous just now(Ginka)
Ginka-san, didnt you say full-defense?(Shion)
Even if I received it as it was, I would be shot down from the sky.
Rather than that, I thought it would be cool to hit it with full-defense.(Ginka)
No way... The brain muscle Ginka-san is also wonderful......(Shion)
...I wonder is it okay to flirt like that?(Felnote)
Felnote-san had a slightly tired face and said that.
Competing with each other, and both are intact.
Ginka-san nodded as she confirmed it.
It was a good showdown.
Former Holy Knight (Kishi-dono)(Ginka)
So, do you still want to continue?(Felnote)
...No. Its enough.
Lets have a serious talk about the operation this time(Ginka)
ck Armor bes particles of light and scatters in the sky. It was split into two, and Ginka-san and Shion-san returned to their original form.
People started cheering after the simted battlefield and I gently sighed.
For the time being, Im d neither of them seemed to be injured.(Arge)
...Me too, I have to be stronger ~wa ~ne(Kuzuha)
Ah no. Its nothing (Nan Demo Arimasen ~wa), Arge-san(Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan was smiling somewhat lonely next to me.
Chapter 210
Chapter 210
Arge Chapter 210: ce to fight
My stomach hurts .
The crimping pain was so severe that breakfast seemed toe out .
...Ah, I wish Arge-san would be there at this time .
With her magic, this stomach ache can be quickly healed .
More specifically, I am motivated just because she is there .
Because she is such a beautiful girl .
However, it was I myself who decided to break up with her .
Even if I ask for someone who is not there, no salvation wille down .
Fu~mu . Samaka . This tea is delicious(Pleiades)
Your majesty .
Its a Republic special grade . The highest level of hospitality . (Samaka)
So, this is tea!
I know these leaves! Because I read it in a book!
Go~ku (gulp*) Nice!!(Kutira)
It seems like you liked it . (Zeno)
Dont let it show in my face, I put amercial smile on my face and bowed deeply .
The three people in front of me right now are
Samaka-sama, the lord of Arlesha .
Kutira, the queen of the monster submarine city .
And the ruler of Kingdom, King Pleiades .
To think I, Zeno Kotobuki, as an average merchant would have a meeting with the 3 of top VIPs .
And then, the merchant over there .
What is the purpose of this meeting?(Pleiades)
The king, who should have been enjoying the tea for a few seconds, turns his sharp eyes toward me .
... thats quick!
As expected, the king of one country .
She went straight to the point .
Meanwhile, from a nce at the Ocean Demon Queen, she is still curious about the tea and while the lord of Arlesha exins it to her in a gentle manner .
How carefree .
About that, I actually have called for 2 more people...(Zeno)
In other words, please wait for more, you know how to spend the time of a King . (Pleiades)
Uu... Im sorry(Zeno)
...Good .
I will allow it .
For the sake of none other than Arge . (Pleiades)
Thank you very much(Zeno)
Before Arge-san departs, the circumstances so far have been exined out .
That is why I was able to invite them here .
Iyaa, I like this .
Our meeting ce .
Outsiders cante to this ce though . (Akisame)
One of the people I was waiting for enters the room casually and takes a seat .
One of the chief executives of the Republic of Yotsuba Congress, Akisame Higure . He is apanied by the demon servant .
It has a good atmosphere .
I dont hate the unique atmosphere of the Republic .
But I have some public affairs, so I cant go there easily . (Samaka)
Im happy too!
Thend is interesting!
I have to buy souvenirs for the people of my country!(Kutira)
Ahhh .
Thats good .
Ill show you a good souvenir shopter, Ocean Demon Queen(Akisame)
Unlike me, whose stomach is in pain due to pressure, the three people talk casually .
Ah, I envy the carefree people .
After all the greetings, Akisame gazes at me .
Of course, the other threes eyes are also on me .
Well then, average merchant young man (shnin-kun) .
I want to hear why you set the stage so far .
You went so far as getting the permission of the Commercial Guild Chief . (Akisame)
...Yes, thats right(Zeno)
This situation should never happen .
Merchants are not allowed to interfere with any country .
Even if you can do transactions between individuals, its illegal to be involved in politics
Thats the basic rule . I have asked over and over until the Chief agreed and arranged this .
Before that, theres still another actor (person)(Zeno)
Perhaps you talk about me, shnin-kun(Exista)
A dignified voice echoed in the hall .
It was a woman with red hair and a strong will in her eyes that appeared to catch the eyes of everyone .
Thank you foring, Lord of the Great Vault(Zeno)
The administrator of Cyril Great Vault, Artificial spirit Exista .
Now all the actors are in ce .
When I lower my head and am about to start, Exista-san shakes her head .
No, no .
Its been a while since I was out .
It feels good .
I also wanted this child to experience travel .
Hey now, can youe out(Exista)
Ah, um...(Cyril Note / Shirley)
Everyone gasped at the person who came out .
Ms . goodwill ambassador (Shinzen Taishi-dono)!?(Pleiades)
Their names are different, but their feelings are pretty much the same .
A girl who resembles our silver-haired vampire, even her yawn .
And I knew who she is .
Cyril Arcadia ...?(Zeno)
A woman named Cyril, who founded the big safe .
I know that Arge-san was born from her magical power .
Exista-san shook her head, denying all the names which everyone called out .
No, this kid is neither Arge nor Cyril .
She is I and Arges Kawaii Imouto (cute little sister) .
Come on, greet everyone will you?(Exista)
...Im Shirley, best regards...(Cyril Note / Shirley)
Shirley, your personality has changed a lot...
Beforeing, you were so happy thinking you might be able to meet Arge-onee-chan . (Exista)
But... onee-chan, there are only people I dont know here...
Uu, I want to see Arge-onee-chan...(Cyril Note / Shirley)
Somehow, she has a cat-like attitude .
Certainly, she is was very different from Arge-san .
However, her face is exactly the same .
When I was told that she is Arge-sans Imouto (little sister), I was very convinced .
I was surprised that she had an Imouto (little sister)(Samaka)
I, Arge, and she were all born from Cyrils magic .
Thats why were sisters(Exista)
Exista-san briefly exined to the Lord who was surprised .
Of course, that was the first time I heard that, so I was quite surprised as well .
Mymercial smile has copsed a little .
U, uhm... sorry .
Arge-san is not here(Zeno)
No, uhm... can meet!
I think we can meet her!
We are going to do that!
I also keep in touch by letters with her!
Thats why please dont cry!?(Zeno)
Its really hard seeing an acquaintances face got sad .
I managed to calm her down and then I looked around at everyone again .
By the way, I think that there are many people first time meeting, so...
Lets start by introducing ourselves .
I am Zeno Kotobuki .
Im a peddler you can find anywhere...
Thank you foring here today . (Zeno)
Akisame Higure . This girl is my servant, Habotan .
One of the four families in charge of the Republics political affairs, the Yotsuba Parliament(Akisame)
Im the King of the Kingdom . And thats it . (Pleiades)
The Kings retainer and also the lord of Arlesha, Samaka Suwal . (Samaka)
Your truly (Warawa) is the queen of Ocean Demon City, Kutira(Kutira)
Exista .
The master of Cyril Great Vault(Exista)
...Shirley . Exista-onee-chan and Arge-onee-chans imouto...(Shirley)
What a group of people .
The top brass of countries, manager of the worlds economy .
Yes, for the sake of one person .
Argento Vampyr .
Using her name and sending out invitations .
These VIPs areing all the way to this ce .
These people have their own political position, normally they wouldnte here .
Its all thanks to Arge-san that I was able to have this meeting .
She always said she wasnt worth it, but I dont think so .
At least this many great people are here because of her .
I exhale and think about what I should say .
...Im clumsy, but I dont want to end there .
The ce the Arge-sans group is traveling to is definitely where the battle will take ce .
I am a peddler . Im not as good at fighting like Felnote-san .
The members of that trip are one-man-army,
No, its not an exaggeration to say they are as powerful as one country .
Only I am different .
Im a merchant forever and can only do self-defense .
But thats not enough anymore . Things have be so big .
Thats why I didnt travel with them .
I thought that what we needed from this point onward was purebat strength, not travel knowledge .
...Then, lets go to the main subject . (Zeno)
So, here it is .
This meeting ce is the battlefield for me .
I might be able to do so with the ability to talk with my mouth .
I have lived as a peddler until now .
Here I stand .
Even if I cant fight I will do what I can do to help Arge-san .
I take a light breath and remembering Arge-sans face .
Somehow, it calms me down .
These VIPs also gathered after hearing Arge-sans name .
She connected us all .
So surely, they will hear me out if they know its for her .
However, just having them listen is not enough .
After hearing, they will think about the advantages and disadvantages for themselves .
They are the top brass, who move the country, they have their beliefs and positions to consider .
At least, thats not the case for the Lord of Cyril Great Vault .
...This is the biggest job ever .
Thats why what I need to do is predetermined .
Just like a merchant, I must have their curiosity and then their attention
Would you like to buy the future?(Zeno)
Thats how I said my first words .
Lets start the business talk .
Chapter 211
Chapter 211
Arge Chapter 211: Each persons trouble
...Its really nice to be able to eat Satsuki-sans cake at this time . (Ginka)
I think Satsuki-san handed me the cakes in anticipation of this . (Arge)
We are having tea indoor while facing each other .
Ginka-san, Shion-san, and me .
After being invited to the afternoon tea, I decided to use the cake that I had received from Satsuki-san and stored in the Blood Box .
Hmm... this is delicious!
What is this!(Shion)
Shion . Its a cake
The sweets that my acquaintance makes... someday, Ill take you there too(Ginka)
Ehehe, then after everything is over .
Im looking forward to it!(Shion)
What Shion-san was happily eating was the chocte cake .
Ive eaten it once, its very moist and sweet .
... As expected, she doesnt know much about that .
An artificial spirit created as a weapon by a reincarnated person from the Kuon family . That is Shion-san .
Pretty much everything she sees is the first experience for her .
...To be honest, its been very helpful to have you girls(Ginka)
...Ha~a, thank you(Arge)
Ginka-san thankfully bowed to me and I felt a little embarrassed .
I felt a little difficult to deal with this silver hair half-elf .
...Well, I know what she meant .
Acting together with the Rebels and taking down the Imperial City at once .
After everything was decided, we had a preparation period .
Of course, it means to readjust your strength and to act moderately in order not to be found by the empire .
The rebels are responsible for the activities at the front (Bait) .
Ginka-sans group will act as a trump card .
Of course, its something that I also want .
Since its possible to press the most troublesome part to others, I really very wee it .
However, I also thought my part isnt enough, so I decided to help a little .
I never thought you could use such great recovery magic(Ginka)
I can heal anyone as long as they arent dead .
If everyone cane home properly then it will be great . (Arge)
Some of them are ready to die for the great cause, Arge-chan .
Thank you for helping me out there . (Ginka)
......It looks like so(Arge)
At first, I was surprised when they took me to the ce where the injured people were gathered .
People were cursed, wounded, ill, etc . It was a terrible situation and they seemed unable to heal properly .
As they were all gathered, I healed them all together . Everyone was surprised .
And now, many people treat you like an Angel on the battlefield . (Ginka)
Im a bit reluctance though...(Arge)
Samaka-san once told me about this bing a tool of war thing .
Even though I refused the King, I have gone and done it myself .
But I couldnt just ignore them .
I couldnt bear looking at everyones face twisted in pain and their moan . I thought I should do something .
In addition, I think other people are more helpful(Arge)
Aoba-san is contributing by supplementing food and herbs with her ability .
She products fruits, vegetables, then distribute to those who lost their ces due to the war and somewhat satisfy their hunger .
Some people also start to join rebellions . Its not aplete charity, though .
She can grow both medicinal herbs and poisonous nts .
Aoba-san seems to be useful in many ways .
Felnote-san and Richelle-san are mainlybat instruction .
Some people in the Rebels can speak ancient spiritualnguages, and it seems that they have no problemmunicating with Richelle-san .
Felnote-san is pretty much a celebrity . It seems that there are quite a lot of people want her to teach them about sword skill .
Kuzuha-chan used her ability to the fullest, such as hunting and carrying goods, etc .
Meanwhile, Im only good at getting sleepy(Arge)
Unlike me, who just want to take a nap after doing something .
Everyone else is trying to help out as much as they can .
Compared to all of them, what Im doing is insignificant .
There are no such things . (Ginka)
Thats not true(Shion)
The two shouted a clear denial and Im confused .
Looking at me with my eyes opened in surprise, the two smiled softly .
You dont have topare with anyone .
You are you . And you are already helping people properly .
Above all... you say youre getting sleepy, but if something happens, youll always wake up(Ginka)
Thats just... I cant sleep if the surroundings are noisy(Arge)
And also, youre worried about others . Arge-chan is a caring child(Shion)
Uhm... yes, is that so? Im not sure(Arge)
I remember Ryuko-chan who was taking care of me in the ce where I used to live on Earth .
Their personalities arepletely different, but she and these two always gave me a straightforward and positive answer no matter how much I deny myself .
Satsuki-san and Kuzuha-chan are also the same .
Everybody tells me that Im a good person and they need me .
I didnt think about it in the previous life,
But now, receiving positive andplimenting like this is embarrassed .
As if running away, I talked .
...Its about someone else but you two say it quite confidently . (Arge)
Because thats you who I believe .
No matter how you think of yourself, I still consider you a good person .
Thats why... Thank you, Arge(Ginka)
Yes .
Thank you, Arge-chan .
Really, I was able to meet people with good color(Shion)
U... than... thank you(Arge)
I dont think I hate it, but when they are talking like, my pace got disturbed .
If Im in trouble with how to reply, Ginka-san speaks while looking down at her teacup .
And because I am the same(Ginka)
No matter how beautiful or justice words I say after all my skills are just for murder .
Miyamas house is an old samurai lineage in the Republic, some of my n have served in the Yotsuba Parliament(Ginka)
I thought that she might be from the republic, the ce with many simr words to the Earth how her name sounds like a Japanese name . And it seems to be correct .
Ginka-san continues to speak while eating the cheesecake .
I didnt regret learning those skills . But I could only see the technique as a killing method .
Thats why I refused to use that power . And then I wandered around... until I met Shion . (Ginka)
Me too, I didnt know how to live .
I was born as a weapon, but I didnt want to kill anyone...
But my father told me that I was born for that purpose(Shion)
Everyone called me either a sword or a murder tool and only Shion called me her prince(Ginka)
Everyone called me a weapon but Ginka-san called me her princess(Shion)
Im not the only one who hates their own selves .
They told me so as they looking me and nodded .
I dont care if I cant define myself(Ginka)
However, she said that my existence is salvation even if I didnt recognize it myself... I think you will realize it someday(Shion)
After all, my skill is a means to that end, the power to stop the Empire .
If I dont keep the empire quiet, Shion wont feel relieved . (Ginka)
Laughing selfishly, Ginka-san cuts the cake and puts it on Shion-sans te .
Shion-san also cut half of her cake and handed it to Ginka-sans te .
When we get sick and when we are healthy(Shion)
Negative and positive, pain and joy(Ginka)
By sharing everything in this way, we are alive(Shion)
Thats what we decided that day .
We did everything with the two of us(Ginka)
...Is that so(Arge)
Somehow, I could feel the depth of the connection between the two .
Attract to each other, the two held hands .
They have told me much secret information they couldnt tell people about .
They may have decided to use everything .
From how they told me, Shion-san and Ginka-san must feel disturbed with their power .
But they dont care if its right or wrong, they are just doing this for each other .
...Arge-chan too .
If you dont recognize yourself, first believe in everyone who acknowledges you . (Shion)
I was told something simr(Arge)
Iris, an employee of the coffee shop Satsuki and my senior vampire .
To her advice that I could rely on others, I dont think I can respond with pride .
Even so, when I watched Ginka-san and Shion-san, I felt I could understand the meaning of relying on someone .
Chapter 212
Chapter 212
Arge Chapter 212: My Friend (EN)
I caught a lot of birds today!
Lets eat together!(Kuzuha)
Thank you very much, Kuzuha-chan(Arge)
The Skewers were steaming hot, it was obviously freshly baked.
As I was invited by the good smell of the sauce, I took it in my hand and had a taste, the sweet and spicy sauce matched the taste of the wild bird.
Its probably Kuzuha-chans home-made recipe, considering the baking.
The exquisite grilling condition that the meat juice overflows,
I have eaten it many times before.
...She must be good at cooking, right?
She was probably taught by her mother, but Kuzuha-chan was amazing.
I feel like I can marry her anytime if she feels like it.
The sauce is delicious(Arge)
Ehehe, I was taught by Iris-san(Kuzuha)
Is that so... Thank you very much(Arge)
No no. Uhm... may I sit next to you?(Kuzuha)
Go ahead(Arge)
There is no reason to refuse to sit down next to a friend.
Kuzuha-chan put a te of yakitori like a mountain in front of me and sat down beside me.
I cant stand not to have a meal after work (Arimasen~wa~ne)...
*Hagu...Hagu* (chomp)
Im doing a good job (desu no)(Kuzuha)
Thank you for your work (Otsukaresama desu), Kuzuha-chan(Arge)
No no.
Aoba-san could provide fruits and vegetables,
But as I thought, meat is also important.(Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan shakes her head with a carefree smile and bites the yakitori in a hurry.
Even though the scale is smaller than the Imperial Army, the Rebellion is still a big group.
Someone like Richelle-san would eat a lot but Kuuha-chan, who can make copies of herself and hunted, was really helpful and appreciated.
You are kinda used to it (Kuzuha)
I agree.
Even so, its a preparation time.
I think its just good to beid back(Arge)
...I see(Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan smiled in reply to my words and put down an empty skewer.
Arge-san. Speaking of which, I didnt ask(Kuzuha)
What is it?(Arge)
Why is Arge-san traveling?(Kuzuha)
That is...(Arge)
I would have been able to answer this question immediately until the other day.
Finding someone to feed me with three meals, snacks, napping anytime, and blood.
Theres no lie that Im still asking for it.
However, this journey is far from my goal.
Our destination is the Imperial Capital, where we will definitely have the biggest fight.
......There are things I have to ask(Arge)
Something to ask (Desu~no)?(Kuzuha)
......Kurogane Kuon is an acquaintance of mine(Arge)
I couldnt really say that there is a connection in the previous life.
Still, what Im revealing to Kuzuha-chan is big enough to make her eyes wide opened in surprise.
Whats that emotion with the wide-open fox eyes?
I didnt want to know that.
...thats why I have to ask him straight(Arge)
Still, what I said didnt change.
My previous life in the Kuon family.
There are many things I cannot say.
As if searching for something, I said...
I have to ask him why.
If I dont... I cant sleep at ease.(Arge)
...Is that so (Sou~deshita~no)?(Kuzuha)
My hands started to shiver and I reflexively closed my eyes.
...Why ... why am I so scared?
I see. This is horror.
The moment I understand it, the fear bes cold and runs on my back.
I didnt feel scared when I was cut off from the world or when I lived in the cage or when I died.
But now, its so scary to open my eyes and look at my friends face.
Its okay (Daijbu~desu~no(Kuzuha)
Her touch was gentle and warm.
I was surrounded by soft fluffy cushions and her scent.
When I opened my eyes, Kuzuha-chans chest was in front of me.
It seems that she was hugging me.
.....Im not angry that you were hiding it (~imasen~wa).
So you dont have to be afraid (~daijbu~desu~no)(Kuzuha)
...But, I...(Arge)
Youre not agreeing with what Kurogane-san is doing, right?(Kuzuha)
...Of course not(Arge)
He might be right if we are living in the Kuon family.
The weak ones will be erased and the strong ones will remain.
And to remain the top is Kuons way of living, way of thinking.
Thats why Im different.
My way of thinking didnt suit in that world.
I was reincarnated in this world because it was out of alignment.
Kurogane Kuon.
I cant ept his way of thinking.
In that case, Arge-san is really the one that I know.(Kuzuha)
Gentle, love sleeping, troublesome, cute...
But you were there when I cried.
You are my important friend(Kuzuha)
She didnt move her fingers out of my hair.
Kuzuha-chan wasughing when looking at me.
It was a benevolent smile, as her mother did.
So when youre sad, Ill be by your side.
I have decided so since that day(Kuzuha)
...Thank you very much, Kuzuha-chan(Arge)
...Can we stay like this for a while?(Kuzuha)
Yes... just a little more(Arge)
I was held by Kuzuha-chan until my body stopped shivering.
It was a little embarrassing to be spoiled by a little girl, but I felt relief when she called me her friend.
Chapter 213
Chapter 213
Arge Novel Chapter 213: Curse Wind (⤤L)
Fuwa~a...(Arges yawn)
Im not a member of the rebellion... but its been a while since I became their coborator .
Thanks to all the things Im doing, everyone in the rebellion remembered me .
When I walk, I get a greeting, and especially the people, that I saved, are exaggeratedly treating me every time .
Oh, aint that Tenshi-sama? Have you finished your work yet?(Someone)
I dont really like that name though...(Arge)
Its not bad but Im somewhat reluctant because it can be used for teasing .
When Iined, the other personughed and gave me a cookie .
I still have a stock of Satsuki-sans cakes, but sweets are still valuable .
Aoba-san can make flour and nectar, etc . , but its difficult to make or obtain butter .
... Hmm, it cant be helped . I will forgive you(Arge)
Surprisingly easy...!(Someone)
Its not easy, because its for eating with my friend .
Also, please stop calling me Tenshi . (Arge)
After nailing that down, I started walking with the cookie I got .
Its not a lot, but lets eat it with Kuzuha-chan .
...Somehow,pared to the old days, I like this kind of thing(Arge)
To be honest, when I was in the Kuon family, I felt that it would be fine if I can eat tasty things to some extent .
The only thing I like is a mysterious drink that has a strangely chemical taste, but I liked it because it tasted interesting, not because it was sweet .
I feel like Ive be a girl, or my eyes have preferred something sweeter than before .
Lets eat Satsuki-sans cake thoughtfully .
Im sure Kuzuha-chan said that she will help carry luggage today . (Arge)
Her Alter Ego will consume magical power and itsbor work, so she will get tired .
She might be done now, so lets have a snack and take a nap together .
If I walk around the base leisurely, I will be able to call out again and again .
I dont hate it but its a little ufortable to be called that way .
I try to hide from people as much as possible and pass through the gaps in the warehouse .
As I approached the corner, I just bumped into someone .
Ita~ta (it hurts)...(Chrome)
Uhm, Im sorry . Are you okay... Ah, Chrome-chan(Arge)
I bumped into someone I knew .
Chrome-chan, someone I have found before .
Apparently she has an illegal mercenary family business and she seems to be in the rebel army for various reasons .
I havent heard what those various reasons are .
Ginka didnt talk much about it .
Even if I talk to Chrome-chan, she always runs away .
Ah... that...(Chrome)
Eh? Ah...(Arge)
Chrome-chan pointed to the bag I had .
When I opened the bad to look inside, the cookies I received were crushed .
It probably crushed when I bumped into her .
Ah ...please dont worry . Because I was careless . (Arge)
Did you get hurt, Chrome-chan?
It sounded rather loud, we didnt cushion each other because we all have small breasts . (Arge)
Did you try to make me hate you more?(Chrome)
No, because we both have small breasts .
When we bump into each other, its not stic and soft but its hard .
Because of our t-chests, its unavoidable that our damage is great .
But I think its unreasonable to demand someone as big as Satsuki-san .
...Are those sweets?(Chrome)
This is the cookies I got earlier .
I was thinking of eating with my friendster ...
... Well, you can eat it even if it breaks(Arge)
A little powder spills, which is still eptable .
Well then, Chrome-chan . Good luck with your work . (Arge)
Im not in a fight with Krom-chan, but I had a bit of a quarrel before .
As the one that hurt her pride, she might hate me .
In fact, when I met her again, she had an atmosphere like she would pull her weapon out at any time . And now, when when I dont talk to her but just passing by, she still res at me asionally .
It seems that she implicitly told me not to approach, so I also avoided getting involved with her .
Theres no reason to get involved if the other person hates you, so lets go straight away .
Hey, wait!(Chrome)
...Something wrong?(Arge)
I was surprised because I didnt expect to be detained .
Perhaps my eyes are wide-opened now .
Grabbing my wrist, Chrome keeps me from leaving .
Meanwhile, she doesnt look directly at me, I wonder what she wants with me
Uhm... what is it?(Arge)
...over here . (Chrome)
Its fine already! Juste over here with me . (Chrome)
Chrome-chan rushed me too much that I almost fell .
Or more like, I was pulled .
For some reason, Chrome-chan is trying to take me somewhere . She turns her back at me, the back of her neck and ears are bright red, I wonder if she feels ufortable somewhere .
Uhm, Chrome-chan . Do you have a fever...(Arge)
IM NOT (Nai~yo)!
Its fine already, just follow as I said! Or Ill kill you!(Chrome)
Uhm, I dont want to be killed, so I obediently follow(Arge)
She might not be able to kill me upfront but if she really wanted to kill me, she could do it when I went to sleep and I wouldnt be able to resist . So I nodded obediently .
So far, the fact that she hasnt done it yet means even if she hates me, but she doesnt n to kill me .
Or maybe its because of the rebels, Im convinced with this reason .
I dont want to be hated anymore, so lets follow her without saying anything .
We are going here(Chrome)
She brought me to the kitchen, the ce to prepare meals for the rebels .
Its past noon right now and it seems the kitchen has been cleaned up after lunch . There was no one in the kitchen .
Honestly... just wait for a moment(Chrome)
With a moody brow, Chrome wears an apron .
No matter how I look at her, she is nning to cook .
Chrome-chan quickly begins to prepare ingredients and cooking utensils .
Chrome-chan ... Can you make sweets?(Arge)
...you have a problem?
Its impossible to make something like a cake, but I can make cookies . (Chrome)
I dont have any problem... Rather Im surprised......You dont seem like being able to cook......(Arge)
Are you trying to pick a fight with me?(Chrome)
No, its just as I see it .
When I meet her, she proudly talks about herself with a doya (smug) face .
Its unthinkable when she wears a daily outfit like an apron .
Geez! Honestly! You are really...(Chrome)
Chrome-chan is angry, but she skillfully makes cookie dough .
The flour seems to fly around, but she hands move skillfully . She may be surprisingly homely .
... Good . After this, let the dough lie down and then cut it out . (Chrome)
When she puts the finished dough on, Chrome-chan quickly puts away the cooking utensils that she no longer needs .
I didnt help because her atmosphere was scary, so I just watched it .
Fu~uuu ... a little break(Chrome)
Thank you for your hard work, Chrome-chan(Arge)
...... As expected, broken cookies wouldnt taste good to eat with friends . I didnt know it back then...(Chrome)
You are surprisingly serious ......(Arge)
From a while ago till now, did you try to pick a fight with me?(Chrome)
No, I dont .
I didnt understand you before as well(Arge)
...Of course . We killed each other(Chrome)
For me, I just stopped the hassle, but for Chrome, that was a serious fight .
...Is it difficult to talk to someone who you have tried to kill before?(Arge)
Actually . Its not unusual for mercenary business(Chrome)
Uhm ... then, were you purely angry when we met before?(Arge)
Well, that kind of thing... Isnt that obvious(Chrome)
For some reason, she raises her voice, but I dont think she is angry .
Chrome-chans face became bright red and she stared at me as if she was about to step on the ground .
Curse-wind Chrome, I might get that name in this road!
To think I lose...
It was a humiliation to lose so quickly!!(Chrome)
Uhm... Im sorry(Arge)
Dont apologize!
You will make me more miserable!!(Chrome)
I wonder if Chrome is angry and tired all the time .
When I pointed out, she became angrier, so I decided to keep silent .
... Im an orphan(Chrome)
Is that so?(Arge)
Ahh . Its not unusual in this world, though ...(Chrome)
Chrome-chan begins to talk as if her anger has subsided, she seems to have calmed down a little .
If Im getting sleepy (yawn) now, she will be really angry, so lets listen honestly .
Orphans have no choice but to sell their bodies, rob from someone, or take them in ...
Thats why I chose to take it away . (Chrome)
Thats for mercenary business?(Arge)
... Thats right . But, as you can see, my body was small, and I couldntpete with other women, let alone a man . (Chrome)
...I see . Thats why you chose speed(Arge)
For her petite body, it must have been the path she chose to seed .
Thats right . Thats why I couldnt forgive you for overthrowing me . (Chrome)
That is...(Arge)
Dont apologize . You will make me more miserable! (Chrome)
But now its a little different .
Yes, why is that?(Arge)
When I asked her, Chrome-chan looked at me with a surprisingly refreshing look .
The brilliance in her amber eyes isnt the ferocious color that I once met, but it looks like having fun .
Youve seen it too .
The power of Obsidian .
If she gets that strong, I cant catch up to her just by speed . (Chrome)
...Indeed, that was amazing .
Not just her armor, Ginkas skill in handling it is also great . (Arge)
Something like that .
I followed you to the Empire and meet Ginka ...
Speed is still important to me, but I stopped sticking to it . (Chrome)
There is no lie in her refreshing words .
Chrome-chan followed me to the empire .
Deceived by Oswald-kun, the guardian of the forest .
Like Ive learned a lot on that long trip, Chrome-chan must have been through various things in the empire, too .
What she just told me is one of them .
Well, I still have a grudge against you, you know?
Thats why when I met you, I kind of react like that . (Chrome)
Uhm ... Im sorry ...(Arge)
As I said, stop apologizing .
Rather than that, what happened here?(Chrome)
For my life, perhaps?(Arge)
Im free until the dough settles down, you can talk if you want .
Before I knew it, yourrades increased,
You are taking that Odd-eyed (Heterochromia) Knight .
Did you make an interesting trip together?(Chrome)
Well, thats right ...
For now, it was a lie that I went to the empire, I was actually in the republic(Arge)
... Actually, Ive noticed that I was deceived for a while . (Chrome)
In other words, she believed it until a while ago .
I have learned one new side of her .
I thought this was a little fun time, including her surprisingly homely skills .
Chapter 214
Chapter 214
What I swallowed has the sweetness of the fruit, with a spiciness of the alcohol lingered on my tongue .
I feel that my consciousness floats softly (drunk) .
As Im enjoying this feeling, I talk to the person sitting face to face with me .
...inviting me for a drink tasting huh, how rare of you, Aoba . (Felnote)
Yes, well... I was wondering if it would be right for me to check the result of fruit wine .
Or rather, Felnote-san is the only person who can drink other than me . (Aoba)
Richelle is a dark elf so I think its okay for her as well...
Even so, we have been staying here to the extent that you can make fruit wine . (Felnote)
Was it just about 30 days today?
I think its a long stay, but I have a lot of things to do, so I almost forget about time .
Well, this is good . Considering its a preparation state(Felnote)
We cant drink it on the battlefield though . (Aoba)
By the way, this is easy to swallow . There is no astringency(Felnote)
Technically speaking its not wine . Its like fruits soaked in sugar and liquor . (Aoba)
This is the first type of fruit wine I drink . Did she invent it?
She is the Queen of the Forest, Sherwood, and apparently intends to gain the right for territory in exchange for putting the end to this war .
Im grateful for someone who has a clear interest .
She wont betray us unless her interest is taken .
Above all, Aoba seems to be an acquaintance of Arge . In that case, I can trust her .
When I take another slip, I notice that even its easy to drink but also easy to get drunk as well .
I dont drink a lot like a drunk but lets keep it in moderation .
Even so, dont you have such luxury things here?(Felnote)
These things are necessary for people like humans .
There are no humans in my forest, but ...
There are many things that have hearts, and they arent so different from people . (Aoba)
...I see(Felnote)
Aobas words sound dignified, or rather, they are unwavering .
There may be a reason for her to be able to assert so clearly like that .
But I didnt think about digging it up .
I will listen if she wants to talk about it though .
Thanks to the leader, people have a friendly atmosphere, but not everyone is like that . (Aoba)
It cant be helped ...
Because some people have lost their homes and important people . (Felnote)
Yes . Thats why I decided to make wine, fruits, medicine, and flowers to make even one more of them remember the feeling of having fun . (Aoba)
Shaking the cup, Aoba drank the liquor in one breath .
... Yes . It tastes good(Aoba)
You drink it...(Felnote)
Or rather, my circtory function is so strong that Alraune cant get drunk .
Thats why I invited Felnote-san to see how strong the alcohol is . (Aoba)
...So thats why .
Convinced by that reason, I look at the liquid remaining in the ss .
It has the color of the fruit, its a red color like a ruby .
Its called Bayberry, do you know?(Aoba)
I havent heard of it(Felnote)
Is that so . Because I improved the varieties(Aoba)
Aha . Whats with that, I dont know such things(Felnote)
No, I was wondering if it already exists in this world(Aoba)
I think that this kind of sensation is somewhat simr to Arge .
Its understandable if they are rtives, but since they Alraune and Vampire, it probably wont happen .
...The Empire, huh(Felnote)
Ive been hearing a lot of nostalgic names these days .
When I was a knight, I fought with them many times .
But I think the empire now is much more troublesome than it used to be .
A hunting dog (hound) unit on an iron ship flying in the sky .
And the powerful magic tool (Artifact), Artificial Spirits .
The most surprising is all of them were brought by a single engineer .
Do you remember something in the old days?(Aoba)
Thats right . Just a little .
But it seems more troublesome than when I was a knight(Felnote)
...Kuons family is dangerous(Aoba)
Do you know about it? Ive never heard of it(Felnote)
... Well, just a little . Its some rumors(Aoba)
Did the name I had never heard of when I was a knight be famous while I was retired?
I thought I had read the newspaper without fail, but when I left the line, I wouldnt be able to get thetest information .
Hmm ... well, if its about that airship, You can crash about five ships(Aoba)
Just now, Ive heard words that I cant ignore ...(Felnote)
Because the movement was slow no matter how you look at it, their arms for interception are also just cannons .
It doesnt have the magical function to hide its existence, you know?
From the bottom, if you do it with Zudon in materialization(Aoba)
(T . N: Maybe Aoba means to cut it with Felnotes sword of light like Excalibur)
Did she just say something strange?
At least I dont think its as troublesome as cutting the mountain in half or fighting that ck wings .
I drank the rest of the liquor, tilting my head toward Aoba .
She poured more wine right away, so I didnt even need to talk .
... What will Aoba do when this battle is over?(Felnote)
Thats the death g(Aoba)
Ah no . Nothing . As the Queen of Sherwood, I wonder if Im going to make a triumphant return with Arge-san . (Aoba)
Eh, you are going to take Arge?!(Felnote)
Yes, well... thats our promise in the first ce(Aoba)
I was surprised because it was my first time hearing this .
Arge-san has already worked hard a lot .
I also want her to live a leisurely time in my forest . (Aoba)
...You are really concerned about that girl(Felnote)
I have known her since forever(Aoba)
The words spoken were so clear as if even before they were born .
What is Felnote-san going to do?(Aoba)
I... I am... uhm...(Felnote)
In my opinion, I think that if we end this war sessfully, you will be praised as a savior . (Aoba)
Certainly, Aoba and Arge are doing so for Her Majesty .
If I fight the empire and stop the war, my name will be known . Her Majesty would be happy to pull me back into the kingdom .
I dont hate to serve the pce again, but its true that I dont want to stand out too much .
For some reason, I also enjoyed my retired life .
Your face showed that you only noticed it just now, right?(Aoba)
...U~u, what should I do?(Felnote)
Fufu . Would you like toe to my forest to hide?(Aoba)
Ill think about it ...(Felnote)
Aoba smiled happily at the sight of me began to sweat .
...Fu fu fu(Aoba)
Whats with that? Do you have fun?(Felnote)
No . Im not thinking about anything other than winning this war(Aoba)
Isnt that obvious?(Felnote)
Thinking about when you lost is just running away .
We can think about the future because we have a strong will to win .
Because I strongly believe that we will win and survive .
Win . Exactly, lets finish it... we will go home, all of us, Aoba(Felnote)
Yes . of course . At that time, lets drink alcohol again(Aoba)
Fu~u . Thats good(Felnote)
The fun has increased more .
I dont think I hate it and I drink more fruit wine .
Chapter 215
Chapter 215
Arge Chapter 215: Fox Loli training ground
(This chapter is Kuzuhas POV)
*Zun*, my head hits against the ground and I frown in pain .
I get up in a hurry to shake off the smell of the soil while Felnote-san still holds her wooden sword
Kuzuha, (Daiyobu) are you still okay / can you still keep going?(Felnote)
Her quiet words werent mean to ask about my injury but whether to continue .
The answer is obvious . Instead of words, I run toward her with my alter ego .
Simultaneous attacks from all directions to make her confused with my alter ego . I can handle evasion and defense by myself!!
Multi-stage simultaneous attack . Thats your greatest strength, but(Felnote)
I can understand (read) everything from the signs(Felnote)
Uu~u, Im still immature ~desu~no(Kuzuha)
I intended to make an all-out attack to block her escape route .
However, she didnt run away, rather, in an instant, she judged (recognize) me from all of my alter ego and defeat me, the main body .
In the first ce, why did I find out that I was genuine ?(Kuzuha)
Your main body stays in the safest ce(Felnote)
Its simple but its true .
I can create as many alter ego as I want but I only have one main body .
Because I understand that and the alter ego born from me, I tend to put the alter ego in a more dangerous position .
Thats all for today .
Even if you want to pack so many things, it still wont do(Felnote)
Thank you very much (Arigat Gozaimashita ~wa), Felnote-san(Felnote)
Its okay .
Does it hurt anywhere?
If its a minor injury, Ill heal you .
Or do you want Arge to heal you?()
Im sorry for the bother (Mshi Wakearimasenga), but may I ask you to heal me (Onegai Dekimasuno)?(Kuzuha)
I ask her wholeheartedly and Felnote-san agrees to heal me with a smile .
She has seen through me .
I dont have to say that I dont want Arge-san to know about this .
Thats why Felnote-san will heal me even if I dont say anything .
Im sorry, it must be hurt(Felnote)
No, this is what I asked for . I dont mind(Kuzuha)
The bruise and pain from the wooden sword havepletely disappeared .
I havent recovered from my fatigue, I still cantpare with Arge-san .
Lets endure this fatigue as proof that I am still immature .
Richelle-san, thank you very much(Kuzuha)
When I bowed to Richelle-san, who has been worried, she got a relieved smile .
I dont understand hernguage but I know she cares .
As I said earlier, you shouldnt think too much about it . (Felnote)
I know (Wakatte ~orimasu ~wa)
I dont think I can catch up with Felnote-san or Arge-san soon(Kuzuha)
My mother was a big fox with nine tails .
My tails have yet to reach my mothers level .
Felnote-san and Arge-san are powerful enough to even fight my mother when she is serious .
As a fox with a shortage of tails, Im sure Im still not strong enough to fight side by side with them .
In fact, from the mock battle the other day, I still havent found a way if I was fighting Obsidian .
But to prepare for a big battle, spoiling isnt allowed(Kuzuha)
Im saying its too painful(Felnote)
When she hit on my forehead, I raised my voice in surprise .
Her two-colored eyes are gently narrowed more than before .
The two of you are really simr as friends(Felnote)
Eh, what, what are you saying (Naniga ~desuno)?!(Kuzuha)
You two are really worried about your friends but are too careless about your own .
In a way, its bnced . But Im worried when you are alone . (Felnote)
Noway, is that so?(Kuzuha)
I didnt mean to do that myself but it seems like she is pretty worried .
As Im looking up while feeling somewhat ufortable (upset), her expression is gentle as ever .
She seems to consult a child, its a little embarrassing .
Well, I know how you feel .
I dont want to be a burden as well . And above all Arge is important, right?(Felnote)
Of course, it is (desu~wa) .
Is Felnote-san the same?(Kuzuha)
Ah, uhm
That is, well well, the meaning is a little different
If you ask me, I like her, but uhm(Felnote)
Its nothing!
I like her!
I really like her!
She is my benefactor after all!(Felnote)
Originally, Felnote-san is a knight of the Kingdom . She left the front line due to an injury on duty .
I heard that it was the Arge-san who healed her lost eyesight .
For different reasons and circumstances, we are both saved by Arge-san .
Thats why I understand your feelings, so if I have free time, Ill help you train like this(Felnote)
Thank you very much (Arigat Gozaimasu Desuno)(Kuzuha)
I know the power of Felnote-san from our travels .
Thats why I want to do my best training with her to be stronger .
Dont be too impatient . You see, Richelle is also worried(Felnote)
Ill be careful (Kiwo Tsuke Masu~wa(Kuzuha)
They are worried that I shouldnt be impatient .
They arepanions who have traveled with me all the time, they must understand me well, I must be too impatient .
When I breathe in to calm down, the smell of grass is pleasant .
It was pleasant to have the training ground outside .
Why dont you go to Arge for a change?
She must be sleeping anyway(Felnote)
Thats true .
Well, thats about it for today .
Thank you very much (Arigat Gozaimashita ~wa), Felnote-san(Kuzuha)
After bowing down to Felnote-san, I left the training ground .
Meeting Arge-san .
Just by thinking so, my pace naturally elerated and my tail shook .
Chapter 216
Chapter 216
Arge Chapter 216: Service Cut Time
(T.N: Sa-bisu and Taimu is JP katakana of Service and Time, I dont understand the Katto in the title as well)
My sensation of consciousness is light as Im slumbering, but it is kind (Yasashi) to me, and it makes me feel relieved (Anshin Suru).
Ah, as expected, a nap during this time is the best?
Im wandering between consciousness and non-consciousness.
Such a pleasant time.
Its as if Im floating above the clouds. Its fluffy andfortable.
Just 12 more hours, please?(Arge)
Uhm, Arge-san.
Its really oversleeping
Please get up(Kuzuha)
Fumi~yu Nu~u~u?(Arge)
My light consciousness during my slumber suddenly returns as my body is shaken.
I still feel a little sleepy, after shaking my head, I bury my face in a fluffy one in front of me.
This fluffy feeling is a little tickling, but it feels so good to the touch.
I rub my face on it as Im drowsy.
Nu~fu~u Mofumofu (Fluffy) Pillow?(Arge)
Ah, Arge-san!
Thats my tail (desu~no)!(Kuzuha)
mm, Eh Ah, Kuzuha-chan?(Arge)
After hearing the scream in a familiar voice, I wake up from my slumber.
Kuzuha-chan is looking down at me with somewhat teary eyes.
And I finally confirm the true nature of Mofumofus feel, its her tail.
Uhm, sorry.
I was half-asleep.(Arge)
I dont mind but youre really oversleeping, you know?
And you arent careful enough to lock your private room.(Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan sighs while trimming her tail that I let go of.
She looks like a mom.
By the way, Kuzuha-chan, do you need something?(Arge)
Ive been making clothes for the first time in a long time!(Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan seems to be in a good mood, she takes out clothes that seem to be new.
At first nce, it has a deep color, but I also cant tell what it is like.
I learned from Satsuki-san, now could be able to create more borate designs than before.(Kuzuha)
I think the first one was also quite borate(Arge)
Until now, Kuzuha-chan has created maid clothes and kimono for me.
Both are well made and designed, it was so good that couldpare with professional.
Right now, Im wearing the usual robe given by Zeno-kun,
But these are the clothes I got from my friend, so Id like to wear them once in a while.
Uhm Then, should I wear this?(Arge)
Yes, by all means!
Ah, would you like me to help you wear it?(Kuzuha)
Oh no, uhm
I can understand by looking at it(Arge)
If it was before, I would have no problem.
However, recently, Im a little reluctant to let people see me naked.
For some reason, Kuzuha-chan her tail and ears dropped.
Is that so (Soudesu no)
Well then, I will be waiting outside, so please call me when youre done.(Kuzuha)
After seeing Kuzuha-chan get out of the room, I take off my clothes.
I get used to wearing underwear(Arge)
Before I knew it, I didnt feel the hassle of wearing something girlish.
Rather, this seems to be skirt-like, so I try to wear the pants firmly.
Um-sho (ready-set) Uwa, its a perfect fit(Arge)
Kuzuha-chan has measured when she first made clothes for me,
Vampires dont grow or deteriorate, so if these clothes are made ording to that measurement, it should be fit.
Put both my hands through sleeves, wear a skirt, and tights on the toes.
The boots are thick and it feels good to put my feet in.
Finally, put on the hat, and Im done.
This is uhm, military uniform?(Arge)
(T.N: 47Agdragon-sama, I demand the picture of Arge, not another girl)
That was the impression when I looked at myself.
It has a neat design and a little exposure.
While Im still pondering, the door of the room is knocked.
Ah,e in(Arge)
Now that Ive changed my clothes, I dont mind peopleing in.
After hearing my reply, Kuzuha-chanes in happily and approaches me.
Ah, as expected, it looks great on you (~imasu~wa~ne)!
Do you feel ufortable somewhere?(Kuzuha)
No, its okay.
It fits well.
Kuzuha-chan, this outfit (Arge)
Its the clothes worn by Imperial soldiers.
Regardless of what they are doing, the clothes are somewhat cute, so I stole the design.(Kuzuha)
Ha~a. Is that so?(Arge)
Its different from what the hunting dog corps wore. Its probably more like a guard than an official one, so, this is the Imperial uniform.
It seems to cover the whole body firmly, yet it is rtively easy to move.
Im not a soldier, but it wasfortable to wear.
But wearing this will make me stand out at the base of the Rebel Army.(Arge)
Actually, I somewhat excited when making it, but it should be okay.
I wonder whats so bad about it(Kuzuha)
There are(Arge)
Im d she did it for me, but Its not practical,
I cant wear something like this.
Its a shame because its done well, it seems that there arent many opportunities to use it.
Uhm Ah, thats right (Sou~desuno)!
Wear this and infiltrate!(Kuzuha)
I think they would be suspicious if someone with a child-like figure like me wears it.(Arge)
U~uu, thats true (Sou~desu~wa~yo~ne)(Kuzuha)
Well, Im d that you made it for me.
Thank you very much, Kuzuha-chan(Arge)
I dont think its useful, but its true that she works so hard to make it.
Then I should receive it properly.
My clothes dont have to be burned like before and I dont have to be naked until my clothes were done.
No, Im happy that Arge-san was pleased with it (~desuno)
I have to leave it to the Tension (EN)(Kuzuha)
(T.N: I think she means like feel like doing it, have the EN word really LOCKED the way I can trante it)
For the time being, I have no ns to go out today, so Ill wear it as I am.(Arge)
Then can you turn around while wearing it?
I want to see from every direction!(Kuzuha)
well, if Kuzuha-chan wants it(Arge)
It feels a little embarrassing, but if the creator, Kuzuha-chan says so, I should do it with her a little.
While serving lightly, I spent time with Kuzuha-chan as friends would do.
I like taking naps, but this isnt too bad.
Somehow, I think so these days.
Chapter 217
Chapter 217
Arge Chapter 217: Not good at dealing with children
Ei, How persistent!
Why must I (Boku) go along with you!(Chrome)
I heard familiar words and woke up from a nap .
When I opened my eyes and looked around, the position of the sun was high .
... It hasnt been long since I started taking a nap .
I feltfortable on the grass and just fell asleep .
I get up and yawn while stretching lightly .
I look around, recognizing that my sleep fatigue slowly disappeared and I slowly awakened .
Seeing the face of an acquaintance, I get up .
When approaching her, there seemed to be a little girl clinging to Chrome-chan . And for that matter, that little girl is also someone I know .
Ara, Arge-san . Thank you for your hard work (Otsukaresama ~desuno)(Kuzuha)
No, I was sleeping until a while ago so I didnt anything else today ...(Arge)
Vampyr! This girl is persistent! Do something!(Chrome)
Whats happened here...(Arge)
I dont really get it but Chrome-chan seems to be trying to escape from Kuzuha-chan .
As for Kuzuha-chan, for some reason, she even used her alter ego to firmly hold Chrome-chans arms .
Kuzuha-chan, Do you have something to do with Chrome-chan?(Arge)
Actually, I got some sweets from todays purchase . So I was wondering if Chrome-san...(Kuzuha)
I told you already! A tea party doesnt suit me!(Chrome)
Ah, I see ......(Arge)
For the time being, I can grasp the situation from what these two say .
Kuzuha-chan tried to invite and Chrome-chan tried to escape?
...Chrome-chan seems to be not good at it .
Ive never seen her with other people in the rebellion .
Does she like to be alone or is she not good at dealing with others, or both?
Either way, Chrome-chan would be awkward with the cheerful type like Kuzuha-chan .
But but (Demo Demo), Its better to eat together (~desu wa yo) .
And Ginka-san is waiting for Chrome-san toe (orimasu~no)!(Kuzuha)
As you can see, even if you try to refuse, she wont give up .
Instead of being depressed, Kuzuha-chan keeps pushing with a smile . Her haunting-ghost-like stubbornness is enough to make me give up a nap .
...... Ill go if its an order(Chrome)
She also told me to reply just in case you are saying something like this (orimasu~no)
Its not good if its an order, I will be happy if you agree toe(Kuzuha)
Gu~... that woman (Ano Onna)...(Chrome)
Its probably because she (Ginka) knows Chrome-chans personality .
Also, she chooses a difficult to refuse messenger (Kuzuha) .
That girl (Kuzuha) wont take no for an answer...
It doesnt even take more than a moment for her (Chrome) to break out of the restraint .
When both girls (Kuzuha+Bushiha) are surprised, Chrome-chan instantly separated from them .
Kuzuha-chan and her alter ego Bushiha-chan are dumbfounded looking at Chrome-chan .
Its amazing (Sugoi desu~wa~ne)......(Kuzuha)
...Its hard to keep up when Im really surprised . (Bushiha)
Kuzuha-chan is pure after all(Arge)
...Anyway, I dont want to participate in that kind of party . Just tell Ginka so(Chrome)
After briefly expressing her opinion, Chrome-chan turns around .
Before Kuzuha-chan called out, she dashed through a gap in the warehouse and disappeared .
Kuzuha-chan . Chrome-chan also has her circumstances(Arge)
Uh ... I understand (wakarimashita~wa) .
And, Arge-san, Im sorry for the bother but can I ask you for a favor?(Kuzuha)
Kuzuha-chan handed me a bag with her tails and ears waving in anticipation .
When I checked the contents, it looked like an assortment of sweets .
Shion-san asked me to give this to her in case she doesnt feel likeing . (Kuzuha)
How well prepared...(Arge)
I can understand in many ways .
Both Ginka and Zion care about Chrome-chan .
Unfortunately, it doesnt seem like I can catch her...(Kuzuha)
Well, thats right . Chrome-chan is fast(Arge)
Shes so quick that even Kuzuha-chan cant keep up .
She was caught before because Chrome-chan was caught by surprise (puns intended) .
If she was serious, she wouldnt be caught that easily .
Okay, Ill give it to her for you(Arge)
Thank you very much .
Pleasee when youre done (~desu no)
I will be waiting for you in the tea party(Kuzuha)
After dispelling Bushiha-chan, Kuzuha-chan moves away .
Holding the bag of sweets, I looked around lightly and...
...... Chrome-chan, its already okay toe out . (Arge)
...You got me well(Chrome)
Chrome-chan popped out of the roof of the warehouse .
Its the smell of her blood telling me where she is .
Kuzuha-chan probably knew that too, but she might have thought she couldnt be able to catch Chrome-chan .
Here goes (Yoi~sho~o)(Chrome)
Chrome-chanes to me afternding without a sound .
... Is it the bracelet that doesnt make any sound?(Arge)
...Ah, thats right .
This is Sound-Blurred death child .
It will erase any sound made by the wearer and its curse can cause deaf .
Its a type of magical artifact . (Chrome)
With Chrome-chans quickness and the sound-eraser Sound-Blurred death child .
The silent and high-speed movement will be useful for toying with her opponent and surely killing them slowly .
...Uhm, please take this for the time being(Arge)
I give the bag of sweets .
Despite her blunt attitude, Chrome-chan doesnt refuse .
Honestly, whats with that child?(Chrome)
Uhmm, she is my friend . She is energetic though, a bit too energetic(Arge)
How can you get along with her... No, rather isnt she just right for you?(Chrome)
I didnt understand what she meant by just right, but Chrome-chan seems to be convinced .
Fixing her ck hair, she sits on the grasnds .
She somehow sat down next to me and gave me a candy ball .
Ah, thank you(Arge)
It will be rude to refuse so I take it and put it in my mouth . I can taste the sweetness and aroma .
As I enjoyed the taste simr to the tortoiseshell candy in my previous world, Chrome-chan also chewed the same thing,
That child, she called for you, right? Dont you need to go now?(Chrome)
No, I just woke up, I still need my fill of napping before going(Arge)
...aint that right?(Chrome)
Chrome-chanys down in the open as if convinced with my reply .
Im not good at dealing with children ......(Chrome)
Chrome-chan seems to be the same age though(Arge)
Haa!? Im already 18!
Dont lump with such a child!(Chrome)
Eh, you are 18 with that body...!?(Arge)
Where did you look at me when you said that? I will kill you, you hear me?(Chrome)
I didnt want to be killed, so I kept silent without saying that I was looking at her breasts .
Chrome-chan clicked her tongue, shook her hand, and started leaving .
I just messed with her for fun but she seemed to be angry so I decided to leave her alone .
I slowly swallow the sweetness in my mouth as it melts
Chapter 218
Chapter 218
Arge Chapter 218: The Vampire and the mercenary.
Tell you what... Im not a candy maker, you know...?(Chrome)
Whileining, Chrome-chan gives me freshly baked cookies.
No, this time too, it wasnt my intention......(Arge)
Somehow I got up in the middle of the night and went out for some water a while ago.
When I went to the kitchen, I saw Chrome-chan baking sweets, and thus I apanied her.
However, I didnt ask for it, but Chrome-chan was the one who invited me.
When I pointed it out, Chrome-chan somehow became embarrassed with her cheeks reddened,
... I know that. I will give you some, so dont tell anyone(Chrome)
Did Chrome-chan secretly ingest the source of extravagant meat in the middle of the night?(Arge)
Im not fat!
Look, theres no extravagant meat!(Chrome)
Thats true... its t ...(Arge)
Why did you look at my chest and not my waist when you said it?!
I knew it! I will kill you! !!(Chrome)
Oops, I dont want to be killed so I hold my mouth shut.
Chrome-chans face became bright red and she sighed.
Its interesting to y (tease) with her in a different sense from Felnote-san.
But if I tease her too much, she might get seriously angry, so I have to do it moderately, but I just end up doing it without holding back.
... Its not that. I said that people mustnt know that I was making sweets.(Chrome)
Is it bad to be known?
Do they get angry because butter is a valuable item?(Arge)
Its not about ingredients because I bought it personally.
Simply put, it would be troublesome if people know that I could make sweets.(Chrome)
Ah, was that so?(Arge)
In other words, does she hate being known and being asked to do it?
By the way, even when she gave me the cookies she made before, she reminded me that Dont tell people that I made it.
I understand her feelings, so I will keep silent about it.
Hmm ... Ah, its delicious(Arge)
While I enjoyed the crispy texture, Chrome-chan started to brief tea.
When I looked at her face, her cheeks became red and looked moody somehow,
Hey now, youre thirsty, right? Drink it(Chrome)
Thank you very much(Arge)
Even she is quick to get angry, Chrome-chan is surprisingly caring.
She asionally sees people in trouble casually helping out.
When we first met, we only fought each other so I didnt know this side of her.
It was somewhat fun knowing it.
After eating properly, remember to brush your teeth.
Dont sleep with an empty stomach(Chrome)
Chrome-chan told me more.
Its strange that we talk normally like this, I think its just a little quirky.
As I looked at her amber eyes, Chrome-chan is also biting the cookie.
She seems to like sweets unexpectedly.
I just have to clean it with recovery magic(Arge)
... Usually, people would rather brush their teeth than consuming magical power for something like that.
Just how much magic power you have?(Chrome)
Speaking of which, Felnote-san also said something simr.(Arge)
The high-level recovery magic I use originally consumes a lot of magical power.
It would waste a lot of magic power if you use it instead of taking a bath. Normally, it would take less effort to take a bath instead.
Of course, thats for normal people. Its not a big deal for me, who has a huge amount of magic and resilience.
Oh, this tea is delicous(Arge)
Its a tea leaf with a fruity scent.
I like it.
Its a little expensive though(Chrome)
Is it so-called vored tea?
Lemon tea, etc. also falls under this category, but it seems to be the same in the different world.
The scent was sweet and resembled a peach.
Chrome-chan keeps putting sugar as much as possible.
As expected, she seems to have quite a sweet tooth.
Wafu ......(Chrome)
Chrome-chan, do you like sweets?(Arge)
Rather, I eat sweets when Im tired(Chrome)
Tired ... well, thats right.
It seems that your nutrition is low ...(Arge)
You just look at my chest again!?(Chrome)
...... Is it because you were an orphan and you didnt have enough nutrition?(Arge)
Do you have a death wish?! Isnt that right!?(Chrome)
Oh no, I went overboard.
It was so fun to mess with her, so I lost the temptation.
Chrome-chan gritted her teeth, stared at me, and then sipped tea to swallow her anger.
Chrome-chan doesnt sit at the table, she stands, looks down, and talks to me again.
Actually, I didnt n have to develop my chest.
Obviously, its heavy and hard to move fast, right?(Chrome)
Haa, is that so?(Arge)
Then why was she ring so hard when I pointed it out?
Well, just for a moment, when I look at that knights chest, I want to cut it off.(Chrome)
She absolutely cares about that.
Or so I thought, but I swallowed it down.
Generally speaking, your body isnt that much different!?
This... this Tsurupeta (prepubescent)!(Chrome)
Oh, wait Chrome-chan, what are you...
Iya~... ~an~(Arge)
...W...H...Y (Na..n..de), a little bigger than me ......!!(Chrome)
N~ya, I... dont know... that ... hmm, Chrome... Chrome-chan, you are forceful... i~i...(Arge)
I think its unreasonable for her to touch me without asking, but why did Chrome-chan get angry instead.
Even though Im wearing her clothes, it really hurts when she gropes me so hard.
As I protested, Chrome-chan had a frightening look and let go.
My... my bad, okay...(Chrome)
Ugu, I thought it was about to be pulled off...
You dont have to be so forceful...(Arge)
To think you are better than me!
This is betrayal!!(Chrome)
Is this betrayal or something like that...
Pain pain, fly away...(Arge)
For the time being, I applied recovery magic lightly on my tingling chest.
Chrome-chan seems to think that its bad while mumbling something,
Then she silently gave all the rest of the baked cookies to me.
Uhm, thank you very much(Arge)
With a sullen face, Chrome-chan went away.
What about cleaning up afterward?
Also, dont mess around with peoples breasts too much.
Only to the limit that they can put up with it.
...... Yeah, its delicious as expected.(Arge)
The crisp sound echoed in the kitchen with me alone.
Chrome? Are you there?(Ginka)
Ah, Ginka-san(Arge)
Arge? Chrome is... It looks like I just missed her(Ginka)
Ginka muttered after seeing the two teacups on the table.
Would you like to have tea with me, Arge?(Ginka)
Ah, yes. I dont mind(Arge)
I was thinking of going to sleep after finishing the sweets, but I was somewhat less drowsy because Chrome-chan rubbed my chest so hard.
After preparing new tea, *Here you go (Douzo)* I called out to the half-elf woman
Chapter 219
Arge Chapter 219: Ms. Heros story
(T.N: I dont like using -san for anything besides the name so I use Ms.)
Chrome thought she can go unnoticed but, in fact, some people are aware of her hobbies.(Ginka)
Well, thats true(Arge)
People can spot the sweet smell in the kitchen.
They can also notice that the kitchen has been cleaned up, and the number of rebels is rather low in the first ce.
As long as they shared the kitchen, it couldnt remain unknown forever.
As expected, is Chrome-chan still unstable?(Arge)
Well, a little.
Speaking of Cursed Chrome, it was originally well-known... as a person in a bad way.(Ginka)
As a back-office business?(Arge)
So a little far-off... No, its not(Ginka)
Ginka denied my words by shaking her head.
The emotions in her golden eyes areplex, but I can only tell that she cares for Chrome-chan.
In fact, she often talks to Chrome-chan casually and invites her to a tea party.
She was always treated bluntly by Chrome-chan but she still talks to Chrome-chan many times because she cares.
Everyone already epts her.
For whatever reason she came, everyone understands her role in this rebel ce and the magnitude of her achievements.(Ginka)
......It looks like so(Arge)
There is no doubt about the power of Chrome-chan, and if she has been wielding that power, she will surely get a lot of achievements.
She followed me to the empire, but her history of moving into the rebels has nothing to do with me.
In other words, Chrome-chan thought and chose it for herself.
Whatever the reason, what Chrome-chan has done is Chrome-chans track record.
But... she still doesnt step in, so I dont know when will she step in.(Ginka)
Well, she seems to be difficult to get along with... she gets angry soon.(Arge)
No, she is usually quieter ...
Youre the only one who makes Chrome so emotional(Ginka)
Eh, is that so?(Arge)
Didnt you notice ...
Chrome is the type of person who takes a step back when she tries to associate with others.
She is the type that you wont get closer than she need because she is pulling back too much.(Ginka)
For me, Chrome-chan is expressive and good at sharp art, but it seems that she isnt like that around others.
I thought people keeping a distance because she threatened the surroundings too much.
Like seeing a scary beast.
When I was still surprised, Ginkaughed and said
So Im a little happy.
Ive never seen Chrome explodes so many emotions since I met her.
She showed me a little before but ... she became more prominent after you came.(Ginka)
She doesnt seem to be a mess these days either... so if you dont mind(Ginka)
Well, talking to Chrome-chan is fun, so I dont mind(Arge)
Perhaps, she is satisfied with this answer, Ginka-san picks up a cookie and throws it into the air casually.
As a matter of course, a particr artificial spirit appeared from an empty space and scooped it up.
When she put the cookie in her mouth in a flowing motion, Shion-sans eyes are wide-opened.
Youre really good at cooking, Chrome-chan(Shion)
You as well, Shion-san?(Arge)
Obviously, Shion is one with Ginka-san.
I cant stay more than a certain distance away from her and were always aware of each others situation.(Shion)
Shion-san emerges fluffy, sits on Ginka-sansp as a matter of course while Ginka-san epts her as a matter of course.
The entanglement of jade hair and silver hair became a dazzling picture.
Guardian spirit ......(Ginka)
Oh, thats right, thats right. Its like that.
From morning to night, from changing clothes to eating meals!(Shion)
... Im honestly embarrassed when she looks at me changing clothes(Ginka)
Shion-san had a big smile on Ginka-san blushed.
Its just Shions hobby(Ginka)
In other words, I have no intention of stopping...!?(Shion)
They are still good friends, so I thought it was a good thing.
Ginka-san cleared her throat as if she had regained her mind, and looked at me again.
Her golden eyes are serious and notcking gentle.
Her words were also the same.
Apparently Chrome likes you.
She might look like she hates you but... itsplicated.(Ginka)
Is it something like that?(Arge)
Ah. That child is a littleplicated...
Because she is a troublesome kind.
She seems cold and gentle, but when you get closer to her, she runs away.
It feels like a cat that sometimeses home(Ginka)
Somehow, I understand what she means.
She gets angry easily,ining a lot but Chrome-chan is kind.
Otherwise, she wont remake the broken cookies, she will get them for herself or she wont share what she makes.
Is it okay to do something that she hates?(Arge)
Thats true...
Umm. Lets do it like this(Ginka)
Somehow, Ginka-sans action of pping her hands gives me a bad premonition.
Its better to fight each other seriously once.(Ginka)
As I expected, the seem-to-be obviously annoying thing came.
Chapter 220
Chapter 220: Revenge match
... So why does something like this happen?(Chrome)
I also dont understand at all...
It seems that it is a mock battle, right?(Arge)
*Hai Hai*, the cheers of the rebellions members resounded around us.
Or rather, there are quite a few people who are obviously holding alcoholic drinks and knobs. The tension greatly differentpared to when Ginka-sans group fought before.
...uhm, so, why did this happen again?
To be honest, I have no idea.
Why do we need to fight?
Ginka-san ignores our opinion and sets it up, so the match was ready in half a day, but I never thought it would happen.
Ha~a... honestly.
It seems to be Ginkas work as always.
Its not a freak show.(Chrome)
Chrome-chan sighs seem to be annoyed.
She is somehow ufortable or moody, maybe she doesnt want to get too much attention.
Chrome-chan gently stroked her own magical artifact, The Blurred Sound Child of Dead, and looked at me.
Her amber gaze is somewhat mncholy, it feels like she is being lost.
...Regardless, I hope for this and ites true.
I was surprised because it was so sudden.(Chrome)
...Chrome-chan, as expected, you want to have a rematch after all?(Arge)
Isnt that obvious!
...is what I want to say, but...(Chrome)
Chrome-chan nced at me and sighed again.
She doesnt seem to be annoyed but has an attitude that she doesnt want to do it.
The same goes for thest words she mutters.
... To be honest, I think its hard to do.(Chrome)
Is that so?(Arge)
...While its true that I lost. As a bonus, I be your friend (Nakama) now.
A friend who drinks tea together once in a while(Chrome)
Well, certainly, thats true(Arge)
We were certainly hostile when we first met, but now we are in the same rebel army.
It wasnt necessary to get along with each other more than necessary, but she had to take care of me. And before I noticed, we started to drink tea and have snacks together.
Thats why I thought the opportunity (for a rematch) was gone.
I cant say it out in front of you so easily, you will be more confused than happy.(Chrome)
Uhm... then, do you want to stop?(Arge)
... I dont think thats the case.(Chrome)
Replying so, Chrome-chan rxes her body.
Rather than holding equipment, she removed all extra things to make it lighter.
Enough for me to feel that way, she was ready to fight.
The friendly air that she had just now disappeared in an instant, and was reced with the murderous intent when we first met.
I know Im a nuisance for the rebels...(Chrome)
Thats not right. I think its different.
At least, yesterdays Ginka-san said it wasnt so.
The rebels acknowledged her power but also said that they couldnt get close to her.
However, Chrome-chan doesnt seem to think so.
No, thats why she avoided getting used to them more than necessary.
I dont know what Ginka is thinking ...
As long as Im here, if Im told to show my strength, Ill do it.(Chrome)
Chrome-chan, that is......(Arge)
Enough already, I have already made up my mind...(Chrome)
*Flowing Flowing*
Chrome-chan sways like a pendulum.
Its gentle, quiet, and you cant take your eyes off it.
Thats her move.
Then, in an instant, a Knifehand strike was swung around my neck.
I chose to move away because Chrome-chan was much faster than before.
A sense of crisis, that camete, made my back shivering.
While recognizing that I started sweating, Im ready myself.
...As usual, you are really fast(Chrome)
Chrome-chan is really faster than before(Arge)
Ha~... isnt that obvious?(Chrome)
Lowering down her Knifehand strike, Chrome-chan looks at me.
Her amber eyes are fiercely distorted and her murder intent is sticky.
The sign of Chrome-chan now is much sharper than it was when first met her at Neguseous forest.
Chrome-chan chased me into the empire, where she moved into the rebels and surely experienced a number of battles.
Her strength should be much higher than that time.
I wille at you seriously...
Dontin in case you die...(Chrome)
...How about whoever wins, we shall live and have a cup of teater?(Arge)
Instead of a reply, theres only a Knifehand strikeing at me.
As for Felnote-sans group, the mockbat started without any signal.
Theic version will be released in three volumes tomorrow, so if you are buying it, please do.
At this rate, the 7th volume of the original, which will be released soon, will be more advanced than the Naroban version, but I am busy and so I will take it easy.
The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and
continue reading tomorrow, everyone!