《The Seventh Sense》 Prologue 3D Reality & the Multiverse He explained, ¡°It is only when one allows their future self to manifest in the now that harmony and pleasure can step forth to resonate a frequency of balance. This is because the self of the now is not equipped with the sensors to peer behind the curtain of impossibility which will allow the hidden locks to trigger. Even more than that, is to grasp the understanding which leads to self-empowerment. Because without self-empowerment, each are required to rely upon another to stumble their way to higher paths. Once this is understood, then it is only proper to answer when called if one¡¯s purpose is to empower others.¡± Then he told his story, it went something like this. ***** It happened many decades back. It took me by surprise as I was unprepared. Nor did I think anything like it could possibly happen to someone like me. Yet it was one of my very first powerful extraordinary experiences. It¡¯s not as if I wasn¡¯t aware that things like this could happen. It was only that I had never been involved in such things of this nature, yet. While it was the first of such powerful experiences, it was not the last. ***** I asked her how she was doing. She began to cry. So I asked her what was wrong. She told me how she had just come from the doctor¡¯s office. He had informed her that she had a heart aneurysm with one side of her heart being four times bigger than the other side. She was informed by the doctor that she would be forced to quit her job and go on disability now or she would die. She explained to me that she didn¡¯t know what she was going to do. She was in her late fifties and single. Almost everything she owned she was making payments on, her house, car, furniture, appliances, and even her stereo. Disability wouldn¡¯t be enough. She would lose everything she owned. I don¡¯t know why I chose the words I did other than I had been watching a preacher doing healing crusades which drove me to the conclusion that God was powerful enough to heal anyone he wanted. I responded by asking her if she believed that God was powerful enough to heal her if he chose to. She immediately stopped crying. A serious look came across her face. She looked at me and stated with the utmost finality, ¡°Yes I do!¡± It was in exactly that moment that it happened. Faster than thought or sound, an energy rose up with force beyond my experiences. It welled up in my chest momentarily. Then it leapt thru my left arm, out my hand, leaving me with the sensation of it impacting on her body which was approximately 6 or 7 feet from me. I watched as her arms went up to her shoulder level. Her head was tilted backwards as she gazed upwards. An expression of tearful joy was spread across her face. Yet I only glanced her way for a moment as that same energy which just impacted her body was still present inside of me. It was not being silent either. It was shooting down thru my legs into the ground and back up my legs into my chest over and over again faster than one would think possible. It happened more times than I could count and extremely fast. I had never experienced anything like this before so I was stunned and shocked. In reaction, I leapt backwards onto my desk to get my feet off the ground. Instantly the process ended, leaving me with a nirvana type feeling. The whole event didn¡¯t hurt me whatsoever. In fact, it felt great. It was more powerful than I can find words to express and it was wonderfully splendid. As I sat there on my desk, recovering from the shock of the moment but amazed nonetheless, I looked back to her. Her arms were still up in the air about level with her shoulders. It was a scene of someone who appeared to be looking upward to God, amazed at something they thought God had just done for them. It was very understandable. So I told her that I knew she was healed because I felt it happen. She looked at me with wonder in her eyes and told me she also knew she was healed as she felt it happen also. She left there happy and just as amazed as I was. While I wondered how this could be as I did not attend church or agree with any religion in the world that I knew of. At the time I felt like an outsider when contemplating religions. I didn¡¯t want to be associated with any religion because I knew they weren¡¯t real religions but only man made religions based on men¡¯s ideas. I was unsure of how it had happened as I did not understand reality very well at the time. I definitely didn¡¯t think that God had reached thru me. It felt more like a part of my self had felt compassion for this lady and reacted. Yet I decided not to discuss it with others as I knew they would disbelieve it as I was not part of any church. This happened back in the 1980¡¯s when those types of beliefs were prevalent. If you weren¡¯t part of their church or a church, then God could not be working thru you, which was a prevailing view for one to have healed someone. In other¡¯s opinions at the time, it would have to be the devil or a demon since my beliefs would disagree with theirs. That¡¯s the only way they could understand it to even think about it. Me, I was unsure at the time what exactly was taking place. It would be more experiences and years later before I would fully understand. ***** Unauthorized use: this story is on Amazon without permission from the author. Report any sightings. About six months later I was standing in approximately the exact same spot. I was all alone at the moment. Suddenly, I could hear a voice speaking to me. Yet the texture of the event and the sound of it made me understand fairly quickly that it was not a voice speaking in the room with me. Even though I could hear it very well, it was as if someone was speaking from another place and the words were being placed directly into my mind. It told me that it was disappointed in my choices up to this point in my life and was considering taking unpleasant actions to correct it with the upcoming events in my life. It asked me if perhaps I needed to spend time in a wheel chair like the man I was watching across the street as he wheeled down the sidewalk. But the chosen words sounded more like a permanent situation. I began to cry like a baby. I was hearing this voice speaking plainly to me but no one was in the room with me. The sound and texture was different as if they were not even in my dimension. So I spoke out loud, answering this voice. I told it that I wanted to hear real words and not this kind of words. I wanted it to manifest into my reality so that I would know it was real. I asked for my mother to say these words to me. Right after I said that out loud, within about ten seconds or so. At the exact location the guy had just wheeled by in the wheel chair across the street, out stepped my mother. She was marching my way with a determined look on her face. I watched as she came across the street aimed straight at the front door. I was in my office at work. She marched right inside and stopped. She turned to me and began explaining something straight off. She said she was at home watching her favorite soap opera. A presence came into her front room and told her to get up now and go see me at my job and say these words. She had to come here and do this as she would do what spirit asked her and she didn¡¯t care what I thought. I think my jaw was lying on the floor. I couldn¡¯t find my voice as I was shocked and speechless. She began to tell me the same words that the voice had just spoken. I had just wiped the tears away. I had just told this voice that I wanted to hear my mother say those words before I would believe it was real. Now it was very real. My mother, after giving me those words, said she loved me and then turned and walked back out. She marched back across the street and out of my view. When things enter your reality, you can be assured that it is real, especially when other individuals are involved. This is when one event after another began to take place. This is when I began to know that all the events of my youth were real and not my imagination. I knew they were real anyways but of course I was seeking an excuse out of fear to disbelieve my own experiences of my youth. I was afraid of what I would be asked to do. I was a stubborn individual in many ways though. The events would not all be pleasant in my future from that time to this. Fact is I ended up in jail as a homeless person not long after that. But later I was given a tool which stopped approximately 95% of the negative ones. My life became rather harmonious and pleasant after that. I also found out that the voice I heard that day, it was my own voice. I was talking to myself in a way. You see, we are much more complex beings than we realize. There are aspects of self, consciousness, unconsciousness, super-consciousness, higher self, and parts or pieces that work with our other aspects of self such as the emotional body and the beast nature found in the genetics. The complexity of our parts is beyond words. It took many types of experiences; normal experiences and extraordinary experiences to teach me. Just as anything else, over time, I began to learn. Experiences will do that. They give us a taste of things in order to progress thru issues which there might not be any words available to use that might assist us. But more often than not, words do nothing but limit our learning process anyways. Words are limiting and make it difficult to learn from. Many will argue against that point quickly. Yet it is experiences that will align those who argue to no longer argue. That is how things work. It was much later in my life in which visions and interaction with individuals from the multiverse took place, very powerful experiences, to say the least. Peeks behind our reality to the structure of things began to manifest. At one point I found that we have a teacher. Each of us has our very own individualistic teacher that is working with us in every aspect of our learning process. This teacher is the only teacher worthy of our time, yet it will step back when we argue with it. It will wait for us to quiet down and listen before it will step up again to attempt to teach us. In my youth, I tended to argue a lot. So it took my teacher many years to get thru to me. Many times it would step back and allow the painful events, which I orchestrated unknowingly, to play out and then step forward to show me things. I learned that I was pretty much the one causing the painful events most of the time. So then I had to suffer the consequences of the very events which I was creating by arguing. When if I had been listening and learning, there would not have been painful events hardly ever. One of the most powerful experiences I have gone through would be to experience an aspect of self residing in a place of timelessness, a place called Source Reality. I was actually there in timelessness, experiencing myself. There are truly no words to express this experience. While experiencing that, I was filled with awe and wonder. I asked myself if there was anything in the 3D life which could compare. There were absolutely none. I specifically said in my mind that even sex had no comparison as I was in absolute bliss. Nothing in this world can ever compare to that experience, nothing. From that day forward I could feel energy pouring out of my chest. At least that is the only way I can explain it. I found later, that I had broached this reality and connected outside of this reality to an aspect of myself. I had set up a specialized communication connection in the process. Then I found why, what it was all about, and what is coming in the future, along with the necessity of accomplishing also. It is all related to our future, the now, and the past. What we actually are and what has taken place. What the body is and the history of the planet. The complexity of the situation is off the charts. It is more than our finite minds can contain or understand in its fullest expression. So it is nearly impossible to express into this reality with words. One thing I also found was the method to self-empower others, a method to help others experience so that the true reality will enter their reality. There is no other way to understand or know these things. Each is required to experience for themselves. There is no other way to accomplish the complexity. While there are many ways to become self-empowered, I am only going to share some simple methods which can accomplish when coupled with the unique path and teacher that each individual is already experiencing. That is the only proper way for me to assist others. Instead of continuing to explain my experiences to each one, which I fully understand can be disbelieved by so many. I will instead give my explanation of methods to become. You see, that is the project I was asked to help with in my future when I was only eight years old. In my life, as I continued to experience the mundane and then the extraordinary events, I learned that we are never asked to do anything that we are not already asking to do. While that is a simplified explanation of the situation, it will suffice to give the understanding. The fact is that no one would have to ask me to do what I am doing. I gladly want to share this knowledge to assist others. Why, you might ask? Imagine if you could hear all others in the world screaming from within their selves as they express the pain of confusion and lack of understanding about how the world can be the way it is and what is going on here. That is what I experience and have experienced since I was a very young child. That is what created such compassion for my fellow human being across much of my life. That is why I no longer have to be asked to assist in this project. That is why I chose to help. The following rest of the story will be dedicated to the steps to accomplish very powerful things using simple steps. Every aspect of what is given accomplishes extreme complexity for the individual. I am no one¡¯s teacher. I am equal to each one and each one is equal to me. We are only time-shifted from one another. Each one has a teacher, the teacher from within, our true self, our higher self. It desires to fuse with us and it will reach out to us as we reach out to it, only it will reach back ten times more than we could possibly reach out to it. It is only difficult to understand most of what takes place as most individuals do not possess the sensors to detect the steps or the words of the true teacher. The sensors on the genetic template are designed to detect the 3D construct of time-bound energy fields, what we call reality. But reality is nothing as we perceive it to be, absolutely nothing like it. The reality we think is reality is only comparable to a dream like reality which is an illusionary experience. So it is comparable in that way. Chapter One

The Basic Steps of Alignment

The very first thing that should be realized by the individual concerns the blunt fact that the body is not them. The body turns to dust once it stops functioning and the one using the body must trust in a process that they continue to exist once the body dies. A simple concept of comparison to an automobile would be proper. When you step into an automobile, you don¡¯t think the car is you. You use the car but once you are finished, you park it and move on. It is the same with a body. In later chapters we will discuss the origins of the genetic template and the history of this planet which fully explains what has taken place both to the body and on this planet. Next, the individual should understand that each hold a potential. Science is just beginning to understand the potential of the individual which resides within a body. Not only that but the potential resident within the genetics. Both are in evolutionary types of paths designed to culminate in wonderful experiences. In the last few decades, science has discovered and presented the knowledge that consciousness affects reality. While that is a powerful statement concerning the individual which resides within a body, even greater discoveries have very recently come forth which are even more powerful. It has been shown and presented the fact that consciousness creates reality. When reading that statement, everyone should be saying, Wow! That means that the consciousness attached to the genetic template is actually creating their very own reality. It is also shown that the individuals being tested were not aware they were creating reality. This is because the connections to those abilities are tucked away within the unconscious mind circuits. In other words, the individual is not aware they are interacting constantly in those layers of the unconsciousness. The layers of the unconsciousness are generally secured behind a barrier which keeps the conscious mind from knowingly interacting with the unconscious layers. Those layers run deep and just beyond those is another barrier which keeps the super-consciousness anchored securely away from the consciousness and unconsciousness. Now you should begin to understand the complexity of the situation. Yet we have not even scratched the surface as there are near infinite aspects which could be touched upon. So here is where we will turn to simplicity. Without simplicity, the individual would be required to spend an endless amount of time just learning the basics. With this in mind we ask you to trust us by applying the beginning steps of alignment. It is these beginning steps, when applied correctly, will begin the major shifts and changes of the individual which lead to greater things, namely their very own potential. Just know this one simple thing, what one has experienced, all can experience. That means that any ability displayed by a human on this planet at any time in history, you too can display. That is your potential and much more. Yet to display one¡¯s potential, all things must be in place. If we look to the ceiling at the light fixture understanding that if all things are not in place, that light bulb will never shine light into the room. If the switch is not placed on the wall, the wires running up to the light fixture, the light fixture itself, a light bulb placed in the fixture and then power hooked to the switch on the wall, without all these things, that light will never shine into the room. So it is with the potential of each individual. So our task is to empower the individual to find their very own potential. By aligning and beginning to perform in specific ways in the daily life, the individual will be building the system that begins to shine their light into the room. Now, with the understanding of science, ¡°Consciousness creates reality.¡± we will proceed. A simple statement which is derived from the highest philosophies ¡°I am a fragment of First Source, imbued with its capabilities.¡± That statement refers to the potential resident in all. It¡¯s that simple. So adopting that statement and beginning to understand our potential, we can begin the process of becoming our potential. First Source is a reference to God expressing self into the physical and non-physical creations and interacting in them.Support the creativity of authors by visiting Royal Road for this novel and more. So, we call each one a fragment of the infinite being or an Offspring of the Infinite Being. That is you, that is me. We are the Offspring of the Infinite Being plain and simple. Yet we aren¡¯t being taught that in religions as all religions have been edited for purposes of control over the populace. We discuss where religions came from and how they got here in later chapters along with their purposes and more. Let¡¯s begin by adopting that statement ¡°I am a fragment of First Source, imbued with its capabilities.¡± by saying it several times in a row, as this will assist the individual in facing the fact that they have a potential which has not been nurtured in this reality. It is time to nurture our potential. While saying that, we can now begin to put all the pieces into place to allow them to come together which will begin the process to empower the individual. While saying that one should begin to align properly. This is accomplished by some simple steps that actually do extremely complex tasks needed to bring the potential resident in each forward a little more to experience in subtle ways. Now, imagine emitting love in all directions. While that is only a concept of what one is actually doing, it allows a process to take place. While imagining emitting love in all directions one must understand that they are supporting all things in this reality, all beings, all things, no exceptions, unconditionally supporting all things. Whether it be a virus, bacteria or the most vile being ever to have stepped on the planet, we must support all things with the flow we emit without exception, without judgement and unconditionally. Many are stopped right there in the process as they have been taught to be the judge, jury, and executioner of others. You might begin to understand now how that a simple thing of judging others and contemplating their punishment stands in the way of the individual finding their own potential. Now it can be plain to understand why so few could even begin to know things beyond words or understanding. If the very system around us is designed in such a way as to preclude us from finding our potential, so then is it easy to understand why it is an extremely rare thing to manifest into this reality. After practicing these small steps over a period of time the individual generally begins to notice subtle changes taking place within their self. Next the individual will need to deal with their behaviors in their daily life and how they interact with others. When these steps are combined with other steps, extreme complexity takes place. It¡¯s like creating formulas in a laboratory. The more things combined in the formulas, the greater the outcome can be. What has just been taught as simple alignment accomplished extreme complexity beyond the senses of the individual, yet the outcome bubbles up within the consciousness of the individual, manifesting in subtle but powerful ways. It can be sensed that something is now beginning to take place below the surface of this holographic reality. Yes Holographic is one word that properly describes our reality. Science itself has aptly described our reality as Holographic. Therefore it is only proper that it would be utilized to describe this reality. Science also describes our reality as ¡°A holographic set of energy fields.¡± There is much much more to explain but instead of bringing out all the microscopic aspects of reality and the issues surrounding humanity and the history of this planet, we choose to instead utilize simplicity where possible. As they say, ¡°KISS or keep it simple stupid.¡± Now the understanding of aligning has been given. Yet there is much more that needs to be done to progress to the potential within each. What one can accomplish, all can accomplish. Consider that when thinking of individuals who have displayed ESP or PSI abilities. How about healing others, exactly? There are many other terms of description of extraordinary types of events having taken place in the history of this planet. Now understand that each one holds the potential to experience the extraordinary. Understand that all are equal. Understand that all are equal but only time shifted from each other. All are playing out parts on the stage of the world. Yet there are hardly any that understand exactly what that means and how it is unfolding. Why it is unfolding in the way it is. Who is manipulating this process and how they are accomplishing that. All of this keeps the world in negativity and duality. All of this keeps the world from finding out what they truly are and their potential. Chapter Two Chapter Two The Proper Behaviors to Practice The next step to nurturing the potential of the individual can be found in the behaviors that an individual utilizes to interact with other individuals. Many will wonder, how can my behavior nurture my potential? The answer to that is simple. If our perspective of others affects our alignment, then only after a proper perspective has been accomplished will the support of the alignment assist us so that we can continue to build on the alignment. We can compare this to the concept of having the structure in place but nothing supporting it to keep it from falling apart. So supporting our alignment by gaining the proper perspective is required. Now the reason for this is extremely complex. It delves into many areas to fully understand. The problem with diverting our path into this explanation at this juncture of these papers reverts to the origins of this planet, the origins of the genetic template of humans and the events leading up to modern times, not to mention, the manipulation of humans and the 3D construct we call our reality. So as we can see, those topics would require a massive discussion on each topic to bring closure and build a concept so that each can understand what has happened and what is going on. Instead, we will not divert into those discussions for the moment. But at this point in the discussion some type of concept is required to, at minimum, support the previous statements concerning the need to modify one¡¯s perspective so that the process can continue in nurturing the potential of the individual. So for the sake of progress at an early stage, I will present this concept to work from. It is proper to view others as children caught up in errors of behavior. In so doing the individual will allow their self to be pulled into a ¡°Parental Perspective¡±. A parent will view their children as caught up in a learning process so that when they make mistakes, even grave ones, they will generally continue to support them and attempt to help them along their path. This is a simplified understanding of an extreme amount of knowledge which will substitute for the time being. Of course just a quick glance at this concept makes sense regardless, even though there are many arguments surrounding these issues.You could be reading stolen content. Head to the original site for the genuine story. For the moment, please push any arguments aside until a much larger concept can be presented. In the early stages of this discussion we should not move into that discussion just yet. So, as we encounter others, it is proper to hold a parental perspective. In so doing we solidify the alignment process which assists to build the circuits thereby solidifying the structure holding the pieces together which are contributing to the nurturing process of our potential. Now that we have established another aspect of nurturing our potential, our behaviors towards others should be one of understanding, forgiveness, unconditional support of positive actions of others, non-judgement and positive interaction. By doing this we affect others in positive ways. This is called ¡°Making the Ripples today that turn into the Waves of Change in the Future¡±. The way this works is very simple but also very effective. As we begin to treat others properly, they begin to treat others properly. Simply contemplated, it spreads. Two negatives do not make a positive but a positive can change a negative into a positive. It is a win/win. We are nurturing our potential and at the same time assisting others to unknowingly, nurture theirs. Also, all the while that we are holding alignment and displaying the proper behaviors, we are beginning to change. Subtle changes begin to manifest and we are beginning to repel the negatives that approach us. This is very important as it will be shown in later papers. The negatives that are approaching are tied to many of the things that was pushed aside earlier in this paper. They include manipulations of our species that has been ongoing for the whole history of, not only our species, but also the programmed lives approaching from the future, so, not only our past but our approaching future. Science will tell us that Time is an illusion. Individuals in the past have proven this to be the case. How else can prophetic visions take place? All arguments forming at this moment are well noted and will be dealt with in future papers. In future papers the full explanation will be presented on how this has been transpiring and who have been manipulating our future in the now as they program the lives of individuals before they live them. As we can see, just by discussing these topics such as behaviors, we have touched upon more extreme complexity. The statement ¡°who have been manipulating our future in the now as they program lives of individuals before they live them¡± is mind blowing all by itselfFor now, know that holding a parental perspective is nurturing the process of building the needed structures leading to our potential. We have barely begun but many will note at this point that practice of these minor issues have begun to have their effects on us, some more than others. We will discuss a method of changing the future as it is approaching. This is a very powerful tool and one that has the potential to not only change people¡¯s lives but support the efforts of alignment and behavior thereby assisting to nurture the process leading to our potential. Chapter Three Facing Fears Most individuals live a life of fear based reactions at various times along their path. It can even be very frequent for some. There is a great need to remove fears from our lives so that we can progress and nurture our potential further. I will share a tool which accomplishes many things. When applied properly, it can bring astounding changes to our lives. This tool also assists the individual to experience the ¡°Parental Perspective¡± from another angle of perception. It is part of a set of tools which exist in the education platform of all realities. What that means is that behind the scenes are forces at work to educate the Offspring of the Infinite Being. Forces which our senses are not designed to detect, at least not our senses within the genetic template, the body. Why wouldn¡¯t there be an education platform in place put there by the Infinite Being to educate its offspring? This tool activates automatically on behalf of the individual when specific formulas are triggered by the individual. The formulas are extremely complex so an explanation of how it functions will assist us. This is how to trigger values to be stored to variables within aspects of the formulas. First, when a fear enters the mind in an attempt to check the status of the offspring as a potential event might be approaching from the future, the offspring must face this fear. The alternative can be found by attracting exactly what we fear. An example, the fear of getting a ticket and arrested for driving while intoxicated. Knowing that technically you are not drunk but having the odor of alcohol on your breath yet unforeseeable events caused you to have to leave right after drinking one beer. Of a sudden you fear getting pulled over and hauled off to jail for being a drunk driver. So to face this fear say this, ¡°I am willing to experience (FEAR), however I prefer not to experience (FEAR).¡± Fear being the example above. Then release the fear in trust. This is what just happened if it was performed properly. When you make the statement, ¡°I¡¯m willing to experience (FEAR).¡± You were recognized as being in a ¡°Parental Perspective¡± by the platform where the tool functions from. You were scanned to see if you are working from a perspective which understands that you are being educated by experiences. If you are willing to experience the necessary experiences which are approaching from the future, then the value of ¡°Parental Perspective¡± is stored in a variable in a formula which the tool utilizes. If you are unwilling to acknowledge the need to experience, even negative experiences at times, then you are considered to be a student which might need to experience the approaching event thereby adding an increased likelihood of attracting exactly what is feared. Now understand that my explanation is only a concept of what takes place.If you discover this tale on Amazon, be aware that it has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road. Please report it. Next, if the value of ¡°Parental Perspective¡± has been applied to the first variable, then the main control variable of Preferences can be empowered to activate. This will depend on the valuation of the need to experience the approaching event to override the preferences of the personality of the individual. Simply stated, the higher self will make the decision in determining if the conscious personality needs the experience of the event at which point the preferences of the conscious personality are overridden. However, approximately 95% of the time, the preferences of the conscious personality of the individual will be utilized to change the approaching event to more pleasant or harmonious events if the fear was properly released in trust by the conscious personality of the individual. It can be hard to release in trust when fear is attempting to control our thinking processes. So to ensure the individual has accomplished the ¡°Parental Perspective¡±, a simple final check is made to see if it was released in trust or held onto in an attempt to control the approaching events. Since the conscious personality of the individual does not control such things, it is a clear indicator of a student needing education which nullifies the variable ¡°Parental Perspective¡± stored as a value in the beginning of the process and then places the value ¡°student¡± in its place. This doesn¡¯t mean the individual will experience the potential approaching event, it only means that when events are designed, adjusted or directed, this is part of the process in general. Again, this is only a simple concept used to explain an extremely complex set of events. Once this tool is mastered, the individual will begin to notice a change of events which arrive in their reality to experience. A lot more Harmonious and Pleasant events will be noticed. Since the Offspring of the Infinite Being are supposed to be having a pleasurable time, the preferences of the individual hold a high value which this tool will use in its process and is provided to assist us. What reality we are in is not a factor as the education platform exists in all realities. So, the tool simply works like this. When a fear enters our mind, we respond to the fear with this statement, ¡°I am willing to experience (FEAR), however, I prefer not to experience (FEAR).¡± Then release the outcome in trust. If performed properly, the individual will notice a major change in their lives from this point on.