《The Magical Textbooks of Eliya》 The Basis of Magic Chapter One, Theory of Magic The basis of all magic consists of three concepts; the flow of mana in one''s body, the understanding and mental imaging of what and how a certain spell can be created and finally theinstigator or theamplifier for the said magic or spell. How do we humans control magic? In the human brain between the temporal and the occipital cortex exists the "magic" gland. This magic gland was first discovered by the ascientific mage by the name of Altrabus Weinz, creating the name of this part of the brain the Altra Cortex but also known as the magic or mana cortex. Although his discovery of this gland was only accepted within in the last forty years, there is still many unanswered questions about the cortex and our understanding of it is still simply very basic. Altrabus Weinz had theorizedthat mana is all around us, and like oxygen the air we breathe in, it is simply inhaled into our bodies. The only difference is that instead "mana" is entered into our bloodstream and into the cortex; thus giving us the ability to have mana flow in our bodies. The reasoning behind this was when he conducted a test on three veteran mages in a controlled experiment where the mages were put into chambers with different airflow. The first had normal airflow and his mana usage and spells used were of the same level as if he were to use it outside. The second had a 70% airflow and was shown to have ansignificant lost of power in that of his spells. Finally the last subject was subjected to 50% of airflow, the spells he had used wasequivalent to that of a beginnermage. As the studies has shown, oxygen and mana seems to be intertwined; however, Altrabus Weinz has never been able to provide anadequate evidence on where the mana is created from. How do we use our mana? Let''s start by going back to the three concepts, the flow of mana is as far as we know is from inhaling air. The second concept is the mental imagery of the spell or magic that you the caster would like to cast. With the mana cortex so closed to the brain, it would seem natural that by using our minds, we would be able to channel that magic into certains spells such as FireBall, but how do we get from imaging a fireball to actually creating one in our hands? The body is able to store and have a flow of mana in us; however, we have no organ or physical feature (IE. demon horns) to release the mana. The third concept is to use a device to release the mana in our bodies, such as wands or rings and at times a demon''s horn. We will use the wand as an example so we can understand this concept easier. A wand is usually created from the the wood of tree that has been grown in a mana rich environmentusuallyin the wild. The mana rich envrionment ususally has caused the tree to be gain magical properties and it reacts to the mana in our bodies. The discovery of this was founded by Merlin the Great, a grand master magician. Theorized and tested he created the first wand in the world from a tree that was deep in the Forest of Vigil. By simply holding the wand we are able to release the mana from our bodies. To create a spell you must hold firm and release a mental image of the said spell; however, this is not enough to create a "fireball". Incantations are used to help our mind remember a certain image or understanding of a spell. Our mind power is simply not strong enough to have such clear images; thus incantations was created. By repeating a certain incantation or spell continuously and with practice we are able to create a shortcut of the image into our minds. Every person has a different limit and power to their mana cortex and as all starting mages will learn, if you use up all your mana stored in your gland, you will suffer an extremely strong headache, and over usage of an empty mana cortex can result in the the gland exploding causing death. Let us start with a simple spell. Fire Ignite (S) First hold the wand firmly in your hand, with your thumb upwards, focus at the tip of the wand and use the incantation "Recnac Eir Leh" with the imagery of a burning candle. While you do this remember to breathe in and out. Congratulations you have created your first spell! Practice slowly, using this spell over and over again until you are able to create a bigger flame. The mana usage of this spell differs from person to person but the most minimal usage is about 5 mana. Please use a mana gauge while practicing any spells to prevent the complete usage of your mana. -Learning fire magic is always fun and games until you burn your eyebrows off - Merlin The Grand Master Chapter Two. Magical Spells and its creation. Royal Road is the home of this novel. Visit there to read the original and support the author. Now that we have a basic grasp of magic we shall have a quick look at some more magical spells. Fire and water magic is very easy to create as we have many visuals to help our minds understand it. What do we when we are faced with an element or a spell that we can not see? What can we do if we do not have a goodvisualization of an object, or an element? Thunderstorms are normally seen in the eastcontinent, but is that how we create lightning bolts from our hands? No it is not. What we see is simply the energy that is released. We as humans are unable to visually see what happens before the energy is release; however, there are cases of mages being able to use the ability of the same energy that is release into their bodies, creating an explosion of speed, the most notable would be the Grand Mage N. Springfield. Although Mage Springfield has never released the proper technique or spell to infuse one''s body with the energy of that of an lightning bolt, it has been seen throughout history in many rare cases. The unfortunate thing is in our society we are dominated by the mage classes of fire, water, nature, earth and light magic. Light magic is a special case and we will explain further on in the book. It is unfortunate because there are many more magic out there that can be created but we simply do not have an understanding of the basics. The fortunate thing is that we are able to create magic almost from everything, the only limit is our imagination and how we can use the magic. Creating a spell can be a very simple yet difficult task. We can not "create" water if we do not understand what is in the water; however, we can understand that water is a liquid and that we can control it by simply putting it in a cup, or changing its flow by creating a dam. Using this principlewe are able to control water with our mana, and by enforcing the water with our mana we are able to make the water be either high or low temperature with a strong or weak pressure. A water mage canmanipulate the water from the lake to an Ice Arrow, but it is considered aninefficient way to create the Ice Arrow Skill. The mage must first use mana to bring the water to him, and depending on how much water is taken from the lake, the amount of mana is expended. Then the mage must use that same water and turn it into ice molding it into the shape of a Ice Arrow, causing more mana to be expended. You will ask now, how can we create an Ice Arrow then? The answer is simple; although, the way to create an Ice Arrow isinefficient, it is also how the first ice mages had started. They first used their mana to draw water from a nearby lake and slowly molded it into an ice ball, and then into an ice cone. Let us practice together by following these simple steps. Fill up a bowl with water. Using your mana and your wand, point the tip to the water in the bowl. Using your mind, imagine the water temperature lower and lower. (Imagine winter and how water freezes) Use the basic freezing spell "Elich" The bowl should have frozen water now. Point your wand at the bowl and imagine an arrow head. Repeat the spell while using mana "Elich Arrow". The ice in the bowl should now have become a the shape of an arrow head, To form the shaft we must lift the water and and form it midair, but as a beginner course we will create the arrow head. To throw the object simply use our basic lift and push skill to shoot it at an object. Congratulations you have learn how to use an Ice Arrow! Continue practicing this spell until you able to bring water from any nearby source to form yourself a mighty arrow. The Grand Mage Henry Slyrak was one of the first mage to branch off into a completely different field of magic and that was Ice Magic. He was a renowned water mage that had hailed from the seaport city of Rosengard, on a fateful stormy night, an ice dragon had flew past this town lowering the temperature and freezing all the water, creating hail and ice causing panic as the citizens were not prepared for the winter in the spring time. The death of over 50 civilians had him realizing that ice is truly powerful. This night was later known as the Ice Dragon''s Spell. To create a spell you must first remember these basic steps. 1. The base of your spell. Example Freezing is "Elich" 2. Use a word that can allow your mind to instantly remember or think of such object. "Arrow" 3. Together with practice your mind can create "Elich Arrow" or Ice Arrow This can be applied to all types of magic. The more complex a skill, the more long an incantation or spell will be. The problem with this is that the longer the spell the harder it is to use, many mages carry small spellbooks with them to help them remember certain spells. These books can be the lifeline of a mage, and you must never lose it in a fight! The other option is to shorten a spell, which will be covered in future chapters. This is the basicfundamentals of magic in the world of Eliya, Please practice the basic spells that is written before chapter One. Practice all the spells and be able to use the at least 8 of the 10 spells before moving to Chapter Three, Choosing your Magical Branch. - To learn magic is to learn life - Grandmaster Altrabus Weinz Real Magic and Advance Theories Chapter 3. What is Real Magic? What is Real Magic? The mageassociation has stated that it is any magic that is used without a proper understanding of how it works. Within the last 250 years, the mage association of Kingspool has grown from the dark age of learning magic by passing down from master to student, to the understanding of why and how magic is created. The past consisted of students withaptitude of magic slaving away for their mentors for years and years in hope to be a mage one day. Many times the students would have a small talent for magic, but with no real understanding of how and why it works, they would never be able to become real mages; but simply the mentor''s assistant for the rest of their lives. With a firm grasp on about 80% of the world''s spells, the mage association has made huge strides in producing more mages out into the world. What is magic that we can not understand? Light and dark magic are good examples of real magic. Spells are created from mana, with the help of an incantation and imagery, we can create many wonderful spells that benefit the humankind. Light magic to our knowledge is blessings to the God of the World Eliya. Light magic is learned from holy churches and certain mage schools that provide the nesscary resources. The power of the light can heal, purify and cure our bodies of pain and hexes. Light magic can only be used when an item has been enchanted by holy water. Any magical device can be used to release light magic as long as it has been enchanted by holy water. Holy water comes from the peak of a spring in the Scared Mountains, the holy items that are commonly used are enchanted from the water at the base of the mountain as the road leading to the peak isinhabited by many strong magical creatures; including mythical beasts of immense power. An item can be more amplified in light magic if it has been enchanted in the higher tiers of the mountain springs. The higher you go, the stronger it can become. Unfortunately there is no mage that is capable of explaining the reasoning on light magic and its healing properties. We simply know from the prayers and the spells that has been passed from hundreds and thousands of years ago. Dark magic can be seen, but not understood. If we were to be locked in a room with nothing including light, we can see its dark; however, we do not know if we are truly alone. Although dark mage is forbidden and the usage of such magic is condemned by the mageassociation, we must warn everyone that it is an extremely dangerous due to its power to consume a person''s mind. Love this story? Find the genuine version on the author''s preferred platform and support their work! Although we have come to an understanding of many magical spells, there are countless out there that we do not understand. Magic comes from a long dark history, while many records were destroyed throughout the centuries we must continue our studies into learning the world of magic. There are many cases of real magic that are being researched such such as arcane, time, void and of course light magic. - Are you truly alone in the dark? - Famous last words from the Dark Witch Peony Chapter 4. Advance Magical Theories put into pratice. Now that we have master the basis of magic, let us continue to learning advance magical theories and how you can put them into pratice. Advance magic is defined in the two forms, the nesscary steps that was taken to create the spells and the power to mana ratio used. The ideal type of an advance spell is one that has a short incantation while having a minimal mana usage and a strong outcome. The worst type would be the opposite, with a long incantation, high mana usage and a very low impact. As covered in our basis of magic, spells are created from small spells to form one big one. We are basicaly learning words to form into a sentence. Like words, we are able to change a spell by rewording it and making it shorter while giving the same power and if possible less mana. One of the most effeicent advance spells is Fire Breathe, the incantation is quite short while the mana usage is only dependent on how long you wish you use this spell and the power can be devasting depending on how much mana is used. Change the spells of Fire wall and Multi Fireballs to shorter incantations as pratice, and for ice mages; Ice wall and Ice Shards. The ability to shorten your spells can mean life or death to mages, as well as the group of people you are fighting with. The best mages are the ones that can change spells into simple words and create devastating affects. Continue praticing your spells as much as possible and you will be a full fledge mage in no time. - The good mage is one that can memorize many long spells. The better mage can use the same spells with less words. The best mage only needs to whisper before the other two are dead. - GrandMaster Battlemage Seinz de Helmsworth About the author for "The Basis of Magic" - Master Vivian Rubalee Master Vivian Rubalee was the trusted magic assistant of Aria Vexen, the headmaster of the reknowned Mage School "Gabrielle" in the kingdom of Asgerd. After many years under Aria, Vivian had branched off to writing magical books for young magicians as well as more advance works such as "The 7 Known Deadly Skills" and "Fighting Seinz de Helmsworth in the mage stadium" The many races of Eliya as well as their history. Chapter 1. The Human Race and History. The first known record of human cilivization was 3000 years ago, records stated that a massive light had reign over this world. It was as if life had opened its eyes for the first time, and are able think for themselves. It appears as if life started springing all around Eliya, it was almost if life was barren before this flash. Humans are weak compared to the other ten races of Eliya, we are flesh and bones with average qualities in life. We are smart but not as smart as elves, we are strong but not as strong as orcs, we reproduce but not as much as goblins. Humans might be averge but there is a quality that seperates us from the rest, and that is our desire to be better, stronger and to improve ourselves. The willpower of the human race is to become better than the rest and that makes us the most dangerous of all. After about 800 years of scattered tribes fighting off the other races, the first empire was created from a large tribe of humans in an area called Awwal. This empire is now known as the Ecclesia Empire, with over 5 large cities and a string of fortresses along its boarders, the capital has since changed its name toNuwara Eliya, also known as the City of Lights. This empire is located on the west side of thecontinent of Kingsland stretching along the coast and into the plains of Uru, it stands strong as the first real capital of human life. It has a long rich history along with the family that had brought the humans into one united empire, the royal family ofEcclesia. TheEcclesia family started as a group of traders that had a keen interest in creating a trading hub for their business. By creating a centralized location for their goods they had brought a lot of humans together creating the city of Awwal. Over time they had created jobs, homes and a system of defense for the many tribes that were fighting off other races. Eventually the tribes banded together under the rule of the Ecclesia family making them the first major governing entity. There has been many cases of rebellions and wars over the years since the Ecclesia family had declared themselves royalty and the rulers of Awwal. Through the many wars and rebellions that has happened over the thousand of years in the history of Awwal, the Ecclesia stayed strong, seemingly to be an unstoppable force and the most powerful rulers in the human kingdoms. There was only one event that has ever made the Ecclesia empire on the brink of ruin; "The Invasion of the Demonkin". During the war against the demons, the everlasting cities and castles of the Ecclesia empire was destroyed one after another until they had reached the capital of Awwal. The world was dark, with only the burning embers behind the legion of death bent on destroying the humans. Gathering all the resources from the cities and castles, the city of Awwal became a brimming city of light and hope, experiencing the most massive growth in the city in over 800 years. The battle that decide the fate of humans was filled with bloodshed and death; however, the city was a bright light that drove on the humans to fight the demons. The battle is recorded to have lasted over a two months with deathtolls nearing the millions and nearing the final battle, a group of the best knights, mages and fighters had reached the rear of the demon army, slaying the Demon King, his Generals and destroying the pillars of blight that gave an seemingly never ending strenght to the demon army. Stolen from its original source, this story is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings. These brave heroes has never been forgotten in the pages of human history. Knight Arthur Pendragon Knight Lancelot Duvae Knight Uther Avernus Knight Charles Godwine Knight Yusel Slyrak Mage Mordred Kay Mage Merlin the Great The 131st Anti Demon Divison. Many of the lineages of these heroes continue to this day, some have kept quiet and reserved while others have continued to live in the famous names of their families. As famous as these heroes were, the Ecclesia empire was not the only ones in the human world that had to fiend for themselves against the demon horde. On the eastern seaboard in the Asgerding pennisula, the city ofOstarion defended against the demon invasion with the six Ostarion guardians; infact they had pushed the demons back onto the edge of the Elven Forest. The smaller empire of Ostarion was only 150 years old when the invasion had happened; repeling and fighting back the demons was almost unbelievable. The Ecclesia empire has always denied the fact the Ostarion''s had defended and fought back while they were being pushed into their main capital. To this day, the west and the east has always had a small hatred for each other''s empires; although not in open war it is clear that tensions are high. The Ostarion Empire is young but very strong, 170 years before the Demon invasion had happen, the migration of over 50 of the most powerful families had moved to the eastern seaboard. Tired of the Ecclesia empire they had taken all the wealth to the east to start their own kingdom. The Ecclesia empire believed this would benefit themselves in the long run as they will be able to groom new traders and businessmen into their fold as these 50 families gave them trouble throughout the years. Lead by the Ostarion Family and the 6 Ostarion protectors, they had began their journey to the now great empire in the Asgerd Penisula. The seperation from these two empires are that of the massive anicent forest, part of which is the Elven kingdom and the endless mountain ranges within the forest. To the north of the forest is the gates of Babylon seperating the human world and the demon world. To the south tip of the forest is the valley of Muji, Empire of the Goblins, while reaching even further down is the dessert of Haru. Historians argue that if war was to ever happen between the two human kingdoms, one would need to have an alliance with the Elven Kingdom; allowing safe passage of the armies. Although this scenario is very unlikely due to the cause of war that will be brought upon the Elven Kingdom as well. Humans has survived rebellions, wars, dieasese, proverty and famine but we continue to strive on. Although we have many differances between ourselves, if we are to declared war upon as a race; we will never give up. During the demon invasion the two nations had seperated their differences and had many major battles with both Ostarion and Ecclesian forces. Maybe one day our race will be one nation, united under one rule; however, that day will not be soon. - There is one thing you demon fucks will never understand, sitting on your high demon horses looking down on us, is that we humans will never fucking give up! Especialy not to a 2 horn demon shit like yourself - Knight Lancelot, moments before slaying the demon king. The History of Elves in Eliya Chapter 2. The Elven Kingdom As previously stated, all living beings seemed to appear about 3000 years ago with no exceptions to elves. The kingdom of Elves are located in the center of Kingsland within the Deep Forest. Elves have a very long lifespan, with the oldest elf recorded at the age of 1228; extreme compared to the average 75 of humans. Elves are interesting creatures, they have the features of a human; however, there are the distinct feature of their long ears and amazing eyesight. Elven culture is peaceful but was considered backwards compared to the human race due to their lack of technology. Raised in the forest and atop of the trees, the elves are very agile while using the bow as their primary weapon. With the amazing eyesight and archery skills, elves are a force to be dealt with in their homeland or in open plains. Life is very precious to the elven cultue, their respect towards life and nature is in their blood. The reasoning for this is their extreme longevity, and the fact that they are unable to reproduce as often as humans or goblins do. An average elf can often only produce one offspring in their life time, two if lucky; although there has been cases of triplets being born in the elven kingdom, an extremely rare occasion. They are trained from a young age to appericate nature and understand the meaning of life, creating a high affinity towards nature and light magic. Trained in both magic and archery the elven race are extremely dangerous in a long range battles. It was not until the around year 500 did the humans discovered the elven kingdom. They were very cautious to approach humans but they had a curiosity for their knowledge of technology such as mining and smithing. Although this was the first human and elven interaction, they had observed the humans a great deal and had chose to stay away as far as possible. They had observered that humans are selfish and crude race, with very little respect to the land. The only reason they had decided to finally make contact with the humans was because of an exceptionalexplorer at the time, Herman Corteax. If you encounter this tale on Amazon, note that it''s taken without the author''s consent. Report it. Herman Corteax was the first human to ever interact with the elven kingdom because they had wittness his pure soul. He was geniune, honest and had a thirst for knowledge. Sharing with the elves technology andideology, he and his explorers were the first humans to ever set foot into the elven kingdom. With the increased knowledge the elven culture had exploded into new fields of study, such as minning and smithing which was previously very poor. Having this knowledge the elves were the first to be able to create what is now known as enchanted weapons; with elven smithing rivaling dwarven skills. Herman''s journal had stated that he lived among the elves for 5 years, attempting to show the elves that although humans are selfish and crude, there are many good points. Historians believe that Herman was the key that convinced the elves to begin trade with the human world and establishing the first ever elven-human city near the edge of the Deep Forest. Elves were always considered elusive creatures, as they are quite secretive and slow to trust; however, over time elves are sought after more and more for their superb skills in archery and enchanted smithery. Curiosity had began settling over the elves as well; human culture was slowly being introduced to them causing many elves to leave their homes in order to undertsand the world more. The first guild settled on elven soil was in the elven-human city called Martlock with the highest ranked elf adventurer as the guildmaster; an SS Rank archer. Martlock serves as an important city to humans and elves as it connects a road from the Uru plains in the west to the eastern fortress city Vigil. It also acts as a truce zone between the two human kingdoms and a major trading hub between the three nations. To this day, there are very few that know and has set foot in the elven capital, their secrets remain hidden from the human world. -Elves are peaceful yet fierce, inteligent but smart, always striving for perfection they are amazing race of people. - Herman Corteax The History of the Northern Tribes Chapter 3. The Northen Folk To the north east of the Deep Forest is the valley Omise and the home of theprairie people. Established as an empire under the rule of two parties; shaman and tribe leader, they are plentiful in numbers and fierce fighters. The prairie people are quite xenophobic against all other races including human kingdoms especially the Ostarion empire. Shamans play an important role in the prairie culture, regarded as holy or chosen beings; the shaman king has complete power including over the prairie king. They however do not involve themselves in politicis and instead choose to further their magical studies. The shaman king resides on a small mountain where the Babylon''s Gate resides, very little information is known about this gate due to the lack of acessiblitiy to the prairie lands; even to adventurers there is very limited passage. The Ostarion Empire and the Prairie Kingdom are in an open war against each other after the demon war. The rapid expansion from the Ostarion Empire was seen as a threat to the prairie people and since has been in open warfare against the Ostarion people. The wars have died down from large scale battles to smallerskirmishes near the boarder city of Caerleon and the Tranquil Forest; north of the capital Rosengard. The city was established after many years of fierce battles in the Tranquil Forest, as the government needed to establish a foot hold, a town was built; soon it became a city due to the trade of magical beasts from the Tranquil Forest. While fights do happen, over the years it has slowed down to the point of an unofficial ceasefire. Very little information is given about the Prairie Kingdom, reclusive and mysterious; maybe one day more adventurers will be able to break the tension and gather more information. Chapter 3.1 Babylon''s Gate Although Bablyon''s Gate is now the home of the Shaman King, it was not always so. There has been records about it from many races from the around the year 515; with the first Shaman King taking residene around the year 517. It has been restricted from all other races and kingdoms except the Shamans and the king. Records state that Bablyon''s Gate is a gateway to somewhere esle in the world; however, there is no strong evidence causing it to become a fairytale. The earliest record had said Hemran Corteax hadjourneyed from the Elven Kingdom to the Prairie Lands in search for the wonders of the world; he might not only have been the first man to make peace and set into the prairie kingdom but also discover Babylon''s Gate. In his book and journal, it was said that he had used the gate to travel to another land and then the Shaman King had banned all other races from reaching the gate. Royal Road is the home of this novel. Visit there to read the original and support the author. If the statements in Herman Corteax is true, then Bablyon''s Gate could be a wonder of this world allowing us to travel to different parts of the world; however, this has been yet to be proven as many parts of his journals were destroyed. - There is no need for a reason to explorer the world, it is in our human nature - Herman Corteax''s Journal Chapter 3.2 Beyond the Prairie Lands Beyond the mountain of Babylon''s Gate is a the Frozen Forest, here there are many strong magical beasts, as well as freezing temperatures; it is truling a harsh envrioment. Deep within the Frozen Forest resides the remaining demons that were defeated from the war; living in exile from the rest of the world. Many people have believed that the demons must have died yet there has always been sightings of demons from adventurers that wander into the frozen forest looking to make money. As dangerous and harsh as it is, the possibitiy to make money is very lucrative; many magical beasts are a great source income as magical items can be sold at a high price to adventurers. Many demons were lost after the king and generals were killed; almost if they were free from a magical spell by the demon king and was granted a free will. This however did not change discrimination against demons, and will remain strong due to the war but there are many who believe in that demons can be a great race if given a chance, improving our way of life even; however, the majority disagree. With demon slaves selling as one of the highest prized items there are, it seems there will never be a chance of a demon nation. - Only good demon is a dead one - Arthur Pendragon The History of Guilds Chapter 4. Guild 4.1 Who created the guild system? Guilds was first introduced around the year 528 by Herman Corteax after his journey around the world. Ambitious and passionate about his discoveries, he lead the creation of the adventuring class. Telling the world of the riches, discoveries and wonders he had wittness throughout his travels, many people began wandering through the lands in search of the adventurers told by Herman. 4.2 What do guilds do and who runs them? The guilds are operated by strong and experienced ranked adventurers that have passed tests and challenges to be a guild leader swearing many oaths signing contracts due to the fact guilds are outside of all governing entities within the countries they reside. Guilds were once simply a place for adventurers to record their journals and their findings as a way to keep the world up to date with the current events but it has evolved into so much more. Guilds are now often large buildings with manyfacilities such as training grounds, map information, quest and reward boards, bars and restaurants as well as hospitasl. Adventurers must register with guilds and be given a rank based on their skills and knowledge of the world while quest givers must give all information on the quests to the best of their knowledge as well as giving 50% reward upfront incase of fraud. Ranks arecategorized by letters and metals such as "F Bronze Rank adventurer as the lowest F rank with "F Gold Rank" as the highest in that catergory. To advance ranks you must complete quests within your rank to gain points in order to level up. Depending on a person''s skill it is possible to register into a guild as a higher rank; although the highest rank you can register yourself into is rank "B Bronze" even if you are quailified to be higher. There are many benefits to keeping a good standing and high rank within the guilds as you can do more difficult quests that will give a much higher reward as well as having the possiblity to be hired as bodyguards for wealthy nobles in the future if you have a good reputation. Although guilds are a non-governement entitiy they still have many rules that adventurers must follow by in order to maintain their standings within the guilds. To enforce these rules, there exists the bounty hunter system created by guild officers. The bounty hunter system was created due to the concerns from the many governments who were worried about strong adventurers causing havoc among their kingdoms. As one of the only ways for the guilds to be allowed to establish in a country, they promised that in the event of a registered adventurer that breaks the law and rules set by the country and guild they will be hunted down by other guild members.Stolen from its rightful place, this narrative is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings. 4.3Quests. Anyone may give quests as long as they fill out the proper forms as well as having an appropriateaward for their request, what the reward is totally up to the person; although the more lucrative the reward, the more eager people will be to accept and finish the quest. Sadly the system is created with the benefits of the wealthy with the poor unable to put as high rewards for their simple quests; therefore, the guilds created the Guild Commision System, if a quest giver is unable to provide an reward due to their weath, the guild will give adventurers more points to rank up as well as different discounts at guild facilities allowing these "lower tier" quests to be sought after just as much as a high paid quest. There also exists quests commisioned by the governement, usually the hiring adventurers to join the ranks of the soliders to subjugate small pockets of monsters.Although anyone can provide a quest, it is up to the guild to deem the dangers and the rank of each quest as to limit the amount of injuries and deaths in the field. 4.4Different Guilds Although there is only one type of adventuring guild, there are also sub guilds of different trades and crafts such as the mining guild and the merchants guild. These act as record keepers, listing the different businesses and craftsmen so that people can find them easier in a directory. Not only do they help record business, they also list the supply and demand for the many resources as well as weapons. 4.5Results The result of guilds in cities has created many jobs, opened up markets, reduce deaths by monsters as well as bringing many races together sharing knowledge and technology. It is undeniable having a guild in a city will benefit all social classes from peasents to nobles, traders to craftsmen.The dream that Herman Corteax envisioned was to create one known system that the world will recongize, to help each other as long as you are part of this guild. Although Herman has passed away for a long time, his dreams continue to live on as long as there are adventures for people to go on. -"There is no end to adventures as long as the our imagination thrives, always one more cave and one more ocean to explore." -Herman Corteax The History of Goblins Chapter 5 The Goblin kingdom Goblins are sworn enemies of many races since the beginning of life on Eliya, they are small pests that can populate with great speed if given the proper conditions while damaging everything in their path. Goblins are small green creatures the size of a 10 year old human child although usually with low inteligence, these creatures can evolve into smarter variations, to the point of understanding and using magic. Small but quite dangerous, theypossess the strenght of a mature human man with nothing to lose. The race of goblins does not usually give birth to many females, as a result there are many kidnappings of other race''s females to reproduce, most common young girls of the human and elve races. This has caused many subjugating quests of goblins throughout the many countries. Before the creation of guilds, goblins were quite rampant, like rats in a dirty kitchen they were everywhere. Livestock were commonly killed, women were kidnapped, farmland destroyed and one of the main cause for deaths of farmers. Goblins do not much purpose as they seem to only be focused on killing, eatting and reproduction. Just before the creation of guilds, there was a war against the goblins, as humans and elves banded together and began extreme extermination of many goblin tribes. This had later became as the war of the goblins, as many goblin tribes began to be destroyed by this elven human force, an unique event had happened, a goblin king had emerged. This goblin king was strong, tactful and extremely resourceful, able to bring together all the tribes of the goblins under his rule, he had created weapons and even repaired a destroyed city as his home base. There were many battles within this 5 year war of goblins, many times resulting in the win for the goblins. In the one decisive battle the goblin king had pushed the human elven force back, causing a massive panic in their countries. However, they had suddenly retreated south, leaving a massive flag with a note written on the battlefield they defeated them on. A declaration was written on the flag, stating that he had decided to end the war and create his own country for his goblin kin, and that any attacks on his newly found country will result back in a total war of the races. At this point, the humans and elves were in a weakened state, and there were a raise in demon attacks from the north, it was decided to leave the goblins alone. Goblins now reside in the southern part of the Deepforests, their boarder is not huge due to their poor technology and crude lifestyle. Their country if it can be called as such has one large city as the goblin capital and two smaller cities. Although they are not as grand as the human and elven kingdoms, these cities are considered quite impressive for goblin standards, build with stones and wood, the goblin king had taught the goblins how to farm and hunt, as well as create walls and battle formations. There are many believes that all goblins are mere simple minded drones, and it can only be brought under control by one single mind, the goblin king. There has been vey little information on the goblins and how smart they truly are after the country was founded since they prohibit any outsiders from entering their country. There has been reports that the goblins are becoming a great nation with many many goblins creating brand new villages and cities. This has yet to be confirmed but has caused alarm for humans elves, worrying for the scenario of a new goblin war in the future.Stolen from its original source, this story is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings. 4.2 Who was this Goblin King? This goblin king that came out of the during the near extinction of goblins was a truly a unique event. There are many theories, the most famous one was called "The Theory of Balance". This theory states that every race in Eliya has an equal chance of fighting back any invading force even if that force has the possiblity of wiping out the race completely by any means. This has been true throughout the years as the Human race although almost destroyed by the demons, heroes had emerged and fought them back, goblins beingexterminated to the point of extinction created a strong leader that was able lead the goblins to greatness. The most frightening thing that had happened during the war was that this goblin king had used tactics used by humans, using weapons that require human knowledge, as well as having the ability to bring the goblins under his control. There has been theories that an outworlder or a human might have been born as this goblin king, placed by fate to prevent the extinctioin or give the chance of goblins to redeem themselves; although, it is will always remain a theory, as it is impossible to prove this. The goblin king''s genes has been passed down after many generations, and although every generation seems to be the same as the past, there have been records of small goblin forces going further south of the continent. Although the majority of goblins reside in the goblin country, there has always been reports of smaller goblin pockets appearing north of the human and elven countries. These smaller goblins that are cut off to the goblin king has no purpose and simply attack everything; not considered real goblins, guilds often commision subjugation quests for these pests. There are tails that this Goblin King has taught the human tounge to his goblins, and even magic to his mages. There are records of adventurers saying goblins have come peacefuly and talked to them, usually telling them they are hunting near the land of goblins and they should leave. It is truly terrifying to know how intelligent this gobin king is. -"From this point onwards, let it be known down in history that we goblins had defeated you humans and elves, from this point let it be known this is the beginning of the kingdom of Goblins, and if you shall invade our lands, we will fight back with full force." - Declaration from the Goblin King after the final battle.