《the life and death of me autobiography》 being born So I come into existance in the sky above my soon to be home but wait there is nothing below me. So what do I do I think car and get a few billion stolen from me. Next thing you know I am 3 or 4. I try speaking to mom. Moms mouth moving but there is not any sound wait... I am deaf come on God you got to treat me better. Start hearing stuff after a few minutes of complaining to God. Of course I thank God for healing me but I learned I was practicly born deaf they just caught it early on in my first year of living. Oh yeah that was summertime. So as time goes by me chillin at home with mom and dad. Next thing you know its dad giving my unlce a loaded rifle during the fall. I walk in and stand in front of mom who is scared. Next thing you know he fires it at us. So I wake up live the day like nothing happened. I do not notice any differences in my body and no holes. So at night I tell mom what happened of course after daddy went to sleep. Next thing you know mom calls the cop we get together. As I am about to speak a great fear takes over me and my heart stops. ( died at age 2)Taken from Royal Road, this narrative should be reported if found on Amazon. Next thing you know mom steps out of room. I run still affected by the fear it seams. I then find myself crawling down the stairs. A third of the way down mom finds me and picks me up and carries me down until the last third she falls.. I die again but this time I revert to the time she falls and I pray to God let me roll. I live.( age 1 ) Life gets peacefull after that but do I need to tell you what a 1 year old eats. I would have died of starvation if I stayed mentally active in that time so I ask God when do you want me and please take me there. But before that I did ask God for cow. I am sure that is when God made them. After that its like tongue tied they clip my tongue. Now I can eat baby food. I am pretty sure thats when God just added thst to the menu but really I forgot to say amen from earlier. I have no clue whats going on. Next thing you know cerel with milk. I ask mom if its her milk or cows milk she stops and after a few seconds sayscows. I hesistated but eventually dug in. bet you never guess this actually happened First things first I did not eat before the first or second time I died. Only the third. Next the things I ate described the time moving forward to where I began. An it was instant. Lastly it was cheerios originally and I asked God for something similar but better aka fruit loops. Next I looked around me and saw no way for warm food. So i thought microwave, microwave oven, oven, stove top, fridge, and freezer. Then finaly something spoke to me and told me about how to end a prayer as in amen. My family did not go to church and yet God allowed me who cant read or have fellowship to believe in him even though I did not know his son at this time. The Lord still acted. I admit a story like this is hard to organize especially where time has no meaning and living in the past even for a day can deviate from what happened before. The first and second death never happened and very little evidence would exist on the third and of course no death only a fall and due to my skull being soft still no real damage. I did not know how to roll. I am good with ideas but in execution I will make mistakes. So I rely on Gods judgement. At some point in time it is a nice day so I go outside and recolect what has happened. Note I do not go outside often and not without mom. I stay out until sunset. Everyday so far has been nice well I have never heard of rain. I never looked out the window either. I am hoping dad comes home before it gets dark. I gain focus as the sun goes down and think thats it. The sun just goes down. I ask God for hope of a new day and something when the sun goes down. Then the Lord gives sunsets and all its beauty as the sun disapears behind the horizon. I dont rememer seeing clouds before.I go back inside. Did I tell you my family only has one car at this time. No family had two cars. But we will get there soon. It was a toyota and it was moms dad couldnt afford it. Though dad was the only one who drove it. I beleive this story belongs here no gurantees though.This story has been unlawfully obtained without the author''s consent. Report any appearances on Amazon. Next mom, dad, and me go to a party. I meet dads friends 3 or 4 times in my life. Most would believe this as a deviation of the path to heaven. As this is my first time in the car and I am a kid still trying to take in his suroundings. I am loose in the back seat. After looking out the window I scoot over as I look in front of me nothing in car but spedometer rpm and gas gauges. There is a glove box. I scoot back over. I am scared of thinking. So I dont. I am bored. Dad starts yelling at mom. I have not seen any traffic signs or lights yet. I have seen maybe one or two cars nothing else. So I relax. Maybe we are fortunate. Dad calms down and says we are going to a party and you are the only child in attendance. I think totally inapropriate and boring. By the way mom has not said anything yet. Mom was totally being submissive. Dad was provoking mom not good. We park and leave the car. We go inside. I am left alone asap. I look for anything to do at a party. nothing.. absolutely nothing no one to talk to or would around me. I dont even see mom or dad. complete avoidance from everyone and everything. As I was walking back to the car via going from backyard and thru the house. I did something I regret. I asked God for music, beer, and drugs. I walked back. I asked God also for a two hours of no laws in affect on any of those three. During those two hours police sirens were constant. I did ask God to clean my system afterward and yes two hours later I got my way and we left. Leaving a child on his own at the age of 3 or 4 for 3 hours. Not cool. I doubt this actually hapened because I relived it and once the laws came into affect how could it happen. If they were all responsible people. the unconventional demon attack at a church during a funeral and red heads do care:) Dont know my age it is all aprox guesses it has yet to be discussed. This may befirst time at my church no service. Told to wait at door. I have been to another funeral before on my mothers side it was normal the first time and will keep that part to myself. I open doors for others with a random old man. I have not been told whos funeral it is. I see a red head my age her father asks who I am. I tell him he moves on the girl stays. We communicate have a good time. Then she asks do you know whos funeral this is. I say no but I asume just a friend of the family. She says you see people leaving. I say yes and my parents should be coming any second. She is startled after a few minutes. She says follow me. I say I will get in trouble if I leave this room. She goes to the stairwell in the room and climbs it. I get close to the stairs.I feel fear. She encourages me. I revert back to the conversation earlier my eyes wide awkward silence. Where are we in the conversation again. I was so confused and wanted to make a good first impression. I say excuse me and whisper to the old man for advice on where we are in the conversation. She runs off a few seconds later she screams. I revert back to saying goodbye to mom and dad and opening the doors with the random old man. I open doors until the red head comes. But until then I talk with the random old man of the problem I am having. He just listens. He sugest prayer and she shows up. I cant talk.A few minutes later I pray the way the old man sugests completly ignoring her. I do cry because its a funeral. The one place all people are alowd to cry. I get up and turn around and do three crazyman sword moves as the red head dies. The third move I failed and was a faint. That moment the old man sees I never see him again and I presume he went to heaven. The fight continues but my heart wavers. Next move a actual successfull block rwo more blocks and then I think. He has to know i cant see him right. I ama todlerhe is toying with me. Next one he will kill me. Then I revert back to opening the door. This time all alone. She cant stand helping me open doors and runs off I follow this time. We make it out of the room and into the hallway. I suffer from thoughts that are not mine but are in my head. Something else says who attacks the house of the Lord. I think demons because I just saw something for the first time. Then the red heads father shows up and says we are cousins. It is my grandfathers funeral and my father relunctantly lets me see him. Of course there was one more fight before but it was a loss. I went back and the Demon came again we died. What a false sense of security. I mean really. Still... I open doors again. I attempt to witness to the red head cousin this time. She disapears and eventually my parents come and we go home. Oh yeah dad does ask if I knew whose funeral it was. I say Grandpa and somebody told me. lol He did doesnt know it lol. I did get tosay my goodbyes. lol thank youcousin. When Finally no more doors. At least two people went to heaven. I feel sorry for her father. I later find out he had a heart problem. I ask if he grabed his shoulder or arm they avoid the question. They respond with he had one before. Maybe like my death #2. But thats useless speculation I am sure God knows. My grandmas favorite saying I am never sorry. How can You ever be a christian if you dont want forgiveness.If you encounter this narrative on Amazon, note that it''s taken without the author''s consent. Report it. Now after grandpa dies I pray for God to allow Grandma to drive. Big mistake. But wait my mom has never driven. Are women allowed to drive. Its the 1990s I have yet to see any women drivers. After that I forget that thought because no imediate response was given. I mean really.. wow. I just dont get how I grew up in such a situation. We go to grandmas afterwards.Uncle did not show up finally everyone realizes this.We go back to the church and find him some where. It takes untillafter the sun falls behind the horizon but still sunlightto find him. A few weeks later God apeals to the lonely widow and grandma from my fathers side becomes my babysitter. One thing that existed at this time was home cooking. She was actually good and proud of it. She cant cook today... I am sorry grandma. So she takes me out for a spin first time in front seat:) no seat belts or car seats at age 3 or 4 maybe 5. Everything is uknown right now. As I am riding in car I say grandma I''m hungry. Grandma says I am driving around town we dont have food its at the house. I give a pouting face and think. God Give ME FAST FOOD. Sorry I am a kid who isnt realy known for his hunger issues due to lack of actually ever being extremely hungry. I do admit God gave a McDonalds instantly but we passed it. We did turn around and drive by but it was busy. Did I forget to mention mom took me grocery shoping the grocery store apeared the same way dont make mom walk miles and miles so it appeared at the end of the street and in order to cross I asked for a light too. Though no crossing signal. AsI was saying It was busy and the street was the busiest I have seen so far. As grandma was leaving due to impatiance and unwilling to wait in line inside I ask God cant you make it faster. God gave the drive thru. By this time grandma says no and is turning around int the parking lot. I tell grandma follow the line of cars please. she says no. we go home but I dont know what or how it goes down but i am down from not getting food. I get in my first car accident. I hear a crunch and glass breaking. Next thing you know I am at home. I dont like mcdonalds as much because of this. Dad tried to kill me yet again Well I told you so far a crazy child hood and what has just happened it continues well. I don''t know where I left off don''t really care. So in 92 I asked for brother got an older one cuz a kid asked and said he got younger one. In 91 at the same place aka bunker hill all the elderly people got replaced scared me a lot. I just walked out and came back in forgot my snack of popcorn. Popcorn!!! Gives me nightmares why me? I prayed until they were replaced totally forgot why I re-entered. Sat back on swing. It happened again in second grade that time half my class got replaced. I brought one back though for a minute.The author''s tale has been misappropriated; report any instances of this story on Amazon.