《Lost in an RPG World》 Lost in an RPG World Chapter 1 May 20th XXXX Day 1 I was driving home after a mentally draining day at work, when the road ahead of me became shrouded in fog and an azure light flared up in it. I slowed down my car so that I would not get in to an accident but the farther into the fog that I crept in the car stalled and I angled to the side of the road. It was a good choice as the moment that I left the lane the vehicle behind me rushed past and rear-ended a car in front of it. When my car stopped, I got out to see if I could be of any assistance someone in the crash. When I made my way to the first vehicle a truck, I looked in to the driver side window, but as I saw no one, I moved on to the next vehicle and the next. ¡°Hello! Is there any one here?¡± I shouted and waited for a little while until I gave up seeing that no one responded and returned to my car. In my car, I slumped into a seat and tried to come up with any reason for why the vehicles would die for no apparent reason and why there were no other drivers. Sitting there for a while I decided to check my cell for any reception but when I picked it up I discovered that it was dead also, which was weird as it was charging while I was driving. Sighing I got out of the van and noticed that the fog was dissipating and was revealing a forest surrounding the road in a rough circle. Quickly rushing out and climbing on to the roof I speculated that the circle was about 100 meters in diameter. ¡°Well, I don¡¯t think I¡¯m on the west coast anymore.¡± Quickly deciding to search the vehicles around me for any useful items. I set out scavenging searching for the next few hours I found: -6 water bottles (4.5 full) -2 thermoses (empty) -A dozen Tupperware containers (empty) -Box of granola bars (48 pieces) -10 cans of tuna -5 apples -3 oranges -7 tomatoes -3 cucumbers -Banana -Windup wrist watch -2 notebooks -Box of pens -Box of pencils -Several changes of clothes -Pair of steel toe boots - Tool pouch - Hamer -Knife13" blade, 18" long - Shovel - Folding Hand saw - 3lbs 23.5" Chopping Axe -Bow and a quiver of arrows (45) - Compact PROSPECTORS PICK AXE -Small sledgehammer -?? Spool of Twine 150 meters -8 survival books -Box of seeds -Camping kit with sleeping bag -First aid kit: obandages o3 Medical tape rolls o3 bottles of Iodine Most of the stuff I found in a RV, it seems that the owners were survivalists and I took anything that I could carry looking at the sky I saw that it was becoming dark I decided to pack everything up and use the RV as a place to sleep. Day 2 When I opened my eyes in the morning I saw ablue translucent rectanglefloating in front of me. "What the hell!" I croaked. "What is this?" """ New entity found. Synchronizing with the world. Please input your name. _________________ """ "Andros" Name: Andros Age: 27 Level: 1, 0% Reading on Amazon or a pirate site? This novel is from Royal Road. Support the author by reading it there. Health: 80 Mana: 110 Stamina: 90 Strength: 10 Agility: 9 Dexterity: 10 Constitution: 8 Endurance: 9 Intelligence: 11 Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10 Luck: 14 Abilities: Boundless Skills: Alignment: Neutral Language: English (unusable) ¡°¡±¡± Warning Any Items Not Claimed Will Be Purged In 1 Days¡¯ Time. Please Vacate the Area as Any Thing That Remains in The Area Will Be Removed.¡±¡±¡± Well I was planning on leaving this area, this just makes it that I have to leave earlier then I would have. But first I would have to eat some breakfast. Opening one if the cans of tuna I ate it and drank half of a bottle of water, I grunted as I slung the pack over my shoulders and put on my carpenter¡¯s tool belt and shoving the axe through one of the loops I opened the compass looking at it to see which way was north, but it only spun in circles. Sighing I shoved it in to my pocket and looking up at the sky I turned tothe sun and headed in the direction that I thought of as the east. When I neared the tree line, I looked back one last time at all that was left from my world. Walking in to the trees I was happy that this was a temperate broad leaf forest, this meant that I would be able to tell the seasons apart easily as the leaves would change color in the fall and fall off. This also meant that the winters would not be too cold. I sighed in relief and marched on eastward. Walking for several hours I thought about and what I knew that could help. I was an apprentice carpenter. And an avid gamer, bookworm. I had some clue of how to build a house, how to cook, sew, and farm. And if I did not know something I would just have to learn it. I might be able to survive but it would be a hard-long road to walk on. I stopped for a little while to rest my back and eat and drink a bit and then walked on. From time to time I would hear animals making noise, but I never saw any as I was making enough noise to wake up half of the forest. As the sky began darkening I heard a burble of water nearby, following the sound I found a stream and filling up the water bottles and drinking my fill after adding a drop of iodine to make sure the water was safe to drink. I decided to walk upstream and see if I could find a lake or a river near which I could set up a camp near it. Following the steam for about half an hour I saw that the sky was becoming darker, so I found a large tree and eased off the pack and sighed in relief as the strain on my back was lifted. The next hour of so I spent searching for wood, dry grass and rocks to make a campfire. Then I spent another half hour setting it up and lighting the grass with flint and steel. It took me far longer to get a decent spark then it should have. I have used flint and steel before in my previous world when I was forced into going on a wilderness adventure with my class in high school. I hated it as I never believed that I would ever need of want to start a fire like that. After I got the flame going I took out some fruit (apples) and granola bars and ate as much as I could and saved the seeds from the fruit. Then I took out the twine and unspooled about 20 meters so that I could lift the pack on to one of the lower branches of the tree. Folding it up so that the twine was 4 times as thick and only 5 meters long I looped it over the thickest branch that I could reach and tied it to the loops of the pack I hoisted up the up to the branch but then I had to lover it down as I had nowhere to tie the twine to. So, then I had to climb up the tree and hoist it up several more times before I could get it up and tie it to the tree. When I finally dragged myself to the fire so that I could rest in relative comfort I noticed three colored bars on the top left edge of my vision, one below the other: red, blue and green. Red was for hit points, HP; blue was for mana points, MP; and green was for stamina. There were numbers over each one of them. HP: 85 / 90 MP: 110 / 110 Stamina: 15 / 120 Below them I saw an exclamation mark flashing, mentally poking the exclamation mark I saw that the days¡¯ exertions gave me: +2 strength +1 constitution +3 endurance I was tired but exited at the prospect that I would see results from my work and not just an empty good feeling. When my stamina was fully restored I got a bottle of water and drank it while adding more wood to the fire and decided that I would be safer if I slept in the tree, climbing back up I found several branches that were interwoven and perching upon them I unspooled some more twine and tied myself to the trunk so that I would not fall out of the tree. Day 3 Waking up early in the morning I was very sore and I really had to take a leek quickly I untied myself and nearly fell out of the tree as my legs seized up in pain. Grabbing the trunk, I slid down and lost 10% of my HP, on the ground I wobbled my way to the nearest bushes and relieved myself. I wanted to know what time it was so I rummaged in the pack and retrieved the watch and saw that it was 5:30 in the morning, that probably meant that it was late spring or the start of summer, mostly I believed this as the night was relatively warm and I hoped that it was that time of year. After I saw what time it was I grabbed something to eat some more tuna and granola bars with a banana. Taking apart the campfire so that there would not be any risk of fire, I took down the pack cleaned the scrapes and set out upstream. I was pushing myself hard, as I wanted to improve my stats, the main problem was that as my pace increased so did the rate at which my stamina dropped, I had to stop to rest every 15 minutes to recover. The fact that I had access to fresh water sped up the recovery and I was on my way after 5 minutes. This continued in till noon which was when I decided to rest and eat for half an hour before proceeding further until 6 when I decided to set up camp for the night. His time I decided to sleep on the ground with the knife beside me. I traveled like this for the next 3 days, and earned another: +3 Strength +4 Endurance Day 7 On the fourth day near noon I reached the edge of the forest and saw that the stream flowed in to a lake.Looking around I noticed that there were several more streams/ rivers that flowed into it. I believed that it would be a great idea to make a semi-permanent camp near the lake, and as Ionly had barely enough food left for the next two days before I would begin to starve. Looking at the landscape around the lake; to the Northeast the lake had a river on the west and a streamto the east, the land was hilly and forested and farther north east there were some high Hills. The land to the east was flat and had two rivers flowing in, it would be a great place to have a settlement and farms, but the fact that the trees were far away would make building homes difficult. The south east also had a stream and a river and similar geography to the east. However, the south west was my favorite as it was relatively flat, had what looked like a sandy beach, and had a decent forest to the south. Looking back to the west and north west I had to correct myself as the stream that i was following so far was not a stream but a small river. Also looking back I was surprised that I never noticed the Mountains, or the fact that I was mostly walking uphill. That all good and well, but for the moment I will have to set up camp in the North west of the lake as it looks like several more days of travel just to get to the place I liked. Setting up camp this time took far longer as I decided the Iwould have to be here for at least a week or longer as I had to hunt and forage for food. Five hours later and I had the tent set up and a decent campfire going. When I set up the Cast Iron tripod and unrolled the sleeping bag in the tent, I was surprised with a prompt. Would you like to Designate this area as a Camp? Yes / No I mentally selected Yes and received another Prompt Would you like to Designate your Camp as a Bind Point? Yes / No "What the Hell!" I yelled, "Of course I will." and selected Yes. I wondered does everyone in this world receive this or am I a unique case. The fact that I had Stat points was great but I ignored it after a while, but the fact this world looked like it was an RPG world went over my head in the beginning. Now that I had a bind point which Ithink meant that if I die Iwould be resurrected here? Ok, time to experiment. I focused and thought "Status Page" and I saw a blue translucent rectanglefloating in front of me. Name: Andros Age: 27 Level: 1, 0% Health: 90 Mana: 110 Stamina: 160 Strength: 15 Agility: 9 Dexterity: 10 Constitution: 9 Endurance: 16 Intelligence: 11 Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10 Luck: 14 Abilities: Boundless Skills: Alignment: Neutral Language: English (unusable) I really wanted to know what the "Boundless" ability was, and focusing on it, I knew. Boundless: You are not bound to a path like everyone else, and can surpass any level and learn any skill to its maximum potential. Holly crap. I thought this is a very Over Powered ability, which I will have to keep to myself, just so that I don¡¯t get hunted down to see how it works. Looking around and seeing that I should unpack the rest of my gear I unpacked everything in to the tent and went far enough away from the camp to dig a deep hole that I would use as a toilet while I¡¯m staying here. After I was done digging I went out to gather more wood and to see it I could find plants that might be edible. After searching for several hours, I collected enough wood and found several berries that I ate, the only one of note was a blue berry that increased my vision by 0.1 % and tasted sour. I did not receive any cumulative bonuses but I still ate enough to be full. As evening came I added some more wood to the fire and fell asleep. Day 8 Day 8 Waking up, I quickly started a fire and boiled some water to drink, then I grabbed the bow and a quiver of arrows and a knife. I also took the pack, twine, and two tupperware containers for any plants that I might find. When I was, ready I headed out northwest, after moving for several hours through the forest, I spotted a rabbit eating some flowers near some bushes about 8 meters in front of me, carefully unslinging the bow and slowly notching an arrow I took a deep breath and drew the sting until it was taught aimed and released. The arrow flew and pierced the rabbits hip. The rabbit let out a pitiful squeak and tried to jump away but the arrow prevented its movement and all it could do was crawl. Quickly moving to its side, I took out my knife and grabbing its ears to lift its head, I slit its throat trying not to look at its eyes. I felt sick, but I knew that I needed to eat and survive. Grabbing the rabbit, I took out the arrow and tied the rabbits¡¯ hind legs with the twine and hung it from a branch of a nearby tree so that its blood would drain away. Rabbit (Lvl 1) has died. You have received 2 experience points. Waiting while the rabbit hung I walked away to examine the nearby berry bushes. As I was picking berries in to one of the tupperware containers I saw that a grey fox was circling about the rabbit trying to get at it. I guess that the blood attracted it. Putting the container under the bush I unslung the bow once again and aimed and fired, the fox probably hearing me looked up and tried to dodge the arrow but was not fast enough and the arrow pierced its stomach. Quickly drawing my knife, I rushed at it to cut off its escape. I pounced on it and drove the knife into the side beside the arrow. Grey fox (Lvl 1) has died. You have received 7 experience points. You have learned the Skill: Archery Grabbing the fox and slitting its throat,¡± Sorry little guy, but I need to eat.¡± I hung it and returned to gathering the berries and when the container was full, I stuffed it in to the bag and finding a large stick I returned to the hanging animals and transferring them to the stick I hung them over my shoulder and slowly began returning to wards my camp. An hour passed as I was returning and I spotted a large bear ambling along through the trees, I shrank from the bear and trying to make as little noise I began inching my way as slowly and as quietly as possible away from the bear. I was very happy when the big animal ignored me and ambled on its way. Sighing happily, I continued to the lake, by noon I was in sight of the lake with two more rabbits added to the stick. I also received a new skill. You have learned the Skill: Stealth I guess the fact that I met the bear was a good thing as it forced me to be cautious and not as if I was on a picnic. Walking up to my camp I laid out the rabbits and fox, put away the bow and quiver and grabbing one of the knives that I could not use for hunting as they were for cooking I walked up to the animals and began skinning them. When I was done, I put the parts that I would not eat in to a tupperware container and grabbing the shovel I walked away to bury them. Returning with some small sticks I lit the fire and grabbing some of the rabbit meat I skewered it on to the sticks and poking it into the ground near the fire with the meat about a foot from the flames to cook. As I waited for the meat to cook, I decided to finally look at the books. I grabbed the ¡°The Hunting & Gathering Survival Manual¡± book and began reading. Several times I had to stop and adjust the meat so that it would not burn. After half hour, I tasted the meat and finding that it was cooked I ate some and when I found some parts that were undercooked I just returned them to cook over the flames. I was thinking what I was going to do with the rest if the meat when I thought of jerky and using the tripod I carefully removed the pot and tying three sticks horizontally above the flame and placing sticks on top of them I had what looked like a ¡®grill¡¯. Adding some more wood to the fire I waited to see what would happen to the ¡®grill¡¯ when it did not catch fire after half hour I grabbed all of the meat and laid it on the ¡®grill¡¯ to dry and began reading the book on survival. After a few hours of reading, tending fire and observing the drying meat I had some ideas on how to set rudimentary traps.This novel''s true home is a different platform. Support the author by finding it there. Looking at the time I had several hours of light left, and so I decided that I would try and make a fish trap. After gathering several armfuls of branches, I walked to the river and found several large rocks that I would use and began building the trap. Several hours of building and I was happy with my creation, when I was done I received a prompt. You have created: Rudimentary fishing trap, it has a 5% of catching a fish per hour. You have learned the skill: Trap Making I was happy for my new skill and after adding more wood to the fire and flipping over the meat then, I left to go to sleep. Day 9 Waking up, I checked on the meat and the trap, ate and started reading the book on survival. Afternoon I was bored out of my mind and decided that I should begin to prepare some logs for my future home. Chopping down small trees for the next several hours, until I was starving I hurried back and finished the meat that was being smoked and checked on the trap, once again it was empty so I decided that I should go hunting once again. Grabbing my hunting gear, I went out, in search of some more meat. Today I decided to just go north for the next 4 hours or until I spot a decent animal to hunt, after an hour of moving through the forest I spotted several small animals but choose not to hunt them I was still hoping for something bigger like a badger or a deer. This evenings hunt was a success even though I did not kill any large animal, I was able to catch 3 more rabbits and gathered 2 containers of berries. When I returned to my camp it was dark already dark as the time was approaching midnight, I quickly started a fire and skinned the animals and cooked the one rabbit and prepped the other two for smoking, after eating the rabbit and berries I fell asleep. By the way the days¡¯ exertions raised my strength by 1 and dexterity by 1 as I was chopping the trees. Day 15 Over the next four days I hunted, chopped wood and created more fish traps. I was slow gathering enough wood to begin making a frame for my home. I finished the ¡°The Hunting & Gathering Survival Manual¡± book, which taught me how to prepare leather and hides, also it taught me how to spot edible plants. As a nice surprise my intellect increased by +1. The constant cooking gave awarded me the cooking skill, which improved the quality of the food very slightly. Also, my archery increased to level. You have learned the skill: Cooking You have reached skill level 2 in Archery. + 0.5% bonus to aim. + 0.8% bonus to damage. Waking up on day 15, I found out it was raining and after debating if getting out of the tent was a good idea. My hunger decided my actions and I forced myself to go out and eat some of the berries that I gathered the previous day. With a full stomach, I went to check on my fish traps and I finally saw that a fish was caught. Jubilant that one of the traps caught a fish. Deciding that spending the day reading and digging the perimeter of my future home would be a productive way of using today. Three hours after I started digging the rain turned in to a drizzle and then stopped with a beautiful rainbow looking over the lake and the mountains to the east. After I was done with digging at noon, I cooked the fish and enjoyed it immensely. Starting a fire was a huge pain in the ass as all of the wood was wet. After my meal, I checked on the traps again and sitting down on a boulder near the lake I opened the ¡°Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties¡± and began to read. I had a good idea of how the building proses was going to go, but any extra information would be an immense help and would ease the head ache that was bound to come up when I began construction. That was how I spent my 15th day on this new world. Chapter 3 I was woken in the middle of the night by strange noises, my heart was in my throat and I was looking in every direction trying to see who or what was making those sounds. The fact that I was in the tent and I could not see much was not helping my panic. Thoughts racing, I began to try to regain the coldness that had crept into my mind since I showed up in this crazy world, and yet I could not find the calmness, the coldness, the rationality that carried me the last two weeks. Taking a deep breath, I felt around until I found the knife that I always kept beside me. With the knife in my hand I felt slightly better and as my heart began slowing down. Noticing that the noises were coming closer, I untangled myself from the sleeping bag and still barely managing to rein in the panic I crouched and activated my stealth skill. A few moments later the flap to the tent was pushed to the side and a muzzle with long whiskers and GIANT INCISORS was forcing its way in to the tent. Looking past the teeth and into the beady eyes, I acted on instinct and stabbed the knife into its right eye. With a squeal the head jerked back wrenching the knife out of my hand. The rapid departure of the head, caused the tent to fall on me, wich caused me to freeze in panic. After a few seconds I began forcing myself to think and move. Quickly trying to remember where any of the other weapons were. The axe was propped near the pile of fire wood; the sledge hammer, it was in the corner, but, it would be too difficult to fight with as I lacked experience with it; the hammer should be near the camp fire. I was running out of time, I quickly decided that I would use one of the cooking knives, which was near the sledge hammer the last time I saw it, I scrambled for one of then in the far-left corner. Grabbing the butcher knife, I forced myself to take a deep breath. Lifting the closest edge of the tent, I quickly rolled to the side as I felt movement to my right. The roll saved my life as I only received a slash across the right side of my ribs. ¡°Fuck,¡± I screamed, ¡°you are so going to die¡±. I made myself move into a crouch and finally looking at my un-wanted guests¡¯, I was creeped out as I saw four Rat things in their Ratty glory. Moving back slightly, to give me some more space in case the one that tried to stab me, tried to lunge at me again. Holding the knife in my right hand and pointing it at the rat I looked around my camp as there was enough moonlight to see by. The tent was to my right, the campfire several feet in front of it, and the firewood pile was several feet to my left. The rats were mainly in front and to the left, and seemed stunned to see me. Except for the one that attacked me, and, the other one that was stabbed in the eye was lying on the ground between the tent and the fire twitching in death throes. The rat that was my immediate threat was squeaking something at me, but I did not care what it was saying and moved to my left trying to keep it between me and the others of its kind and trying to reach the axe that was at the wood pile. ¡°Come on, you stupid rat, be a good animal and back away from me,¡± I told the rat. Just a few more feet and I would be close enough to the axe to grab it and have a better weapon then the butcher knife. The rat understanding that I was moving with a purpose, lunged at me and raised the blade in its hands. I jumped backwards and slashed with the knife from left to right striking its blade and barely deflecting it. How the hell did I miss the freaking Blade in its front paw? I thought. Regaining my balance, I stabbed at the rat and scored a light hit on it, but that only pissed it off more. The next few moments both of us attacked each other, both scoring minor hits but not gaining ground. My mind was scrambling in panic as I tried to find any way to survive. A wicked thought crossed my mind, and not thinking any further I kicked the rat in between its legs. With a wail that nearly shattered my eardrums the rat became still and its eyes bulged out. As the rat stood there stunned I lunged forward and slashed at its throat, opening it up and was rewarded with a spray of blood. Seeing the other two rats running at me. I looked around and spotting the axe I rushed towards it, grabbing it, I spun around and slammed it into the chest of the closest ratman, as it closed in on me. Just as the rat fell to the ground wheezing for air. The last rat fell upon me slashing at me with its claws, and trying to rip my face off with its teeth. Barely holding off the rat with my right arm, I was fumbling at the ground with my left for the knife that I dropped. As my right arm was being savaged mercilessly by the claws, I grabbed a thick branch and smacked the rat on its nose. The hit clearly disorientated the beast as I was given a second that was free of savaging. Looking around and noticing the blade that was loosely gripped by the wheezing rat, dropping the branch and yanking the blade from its paw I had just enough time to raise it between me and the rat as it leaned in to finish savaging me. That action cost the Rat its life, as it impaled itself on the blade. The rat struggled and bit me on my right shoulder as its life ebbed away.This novel''s true home is a different platform. Support the author by finding it there. I lay under the rat for a few moments until, I felt it release its bowels. Then I screamed in disgust, rage and pain as I forced it of off me and moved to the lake to wash the shit and blood off me. When I was clean and in severe pain from the cuts, savaged arm and bitten shoulder I forced myself to stand up and slowly make my way to the tent. At the tent, I flipped it over and after a bit of searching found the bandages, tape and iodine. When I had my meager medical supplies, I disinfected the wounds and with a lot of swearing and nearly blacking out several times from the increased pain because of the iodine. I bandaged myself and liberally applied the tape to the bandages, so that they would not fall off. Right after I closed the bottle of iodine I passed out. Waking up in pain, and in panic I sat up, screamed and nearly fainted again.