《The Liberated Archives, Vol. I》
i. Open Letter
An Open Letter to the Citizens of The Verushan Empire
For too long, we have sat complacent. For too many generations, the people living under the thumb of the Verushan Empire suffer while they attack our cultures without remorse. All the while, those who pretend to be the preservers of knowledge enjoy the privileges of the elite families of this world.
That time is at an end.
We no longer accept our station as if it is our birthright. We no longer allow the wealthy families of the Empire to benefit from the sweat off our backs and the blood in our veins. No longer will our children starve, and we no longer accept that their children will be consigned to the same fate. We will no longer move through our days as if we are satisfied.
Today, we state to the world: We will resist.
This action has been done with great thought. We are not ignorant of the inevitable repercussions, but the cost of complacency is too great and one we can no longer afford.
Therefore, the Shroud of Freedom returns to declare war on the Verushan Empire and all its accomplices, in particular the Dasholin Scholars of the Eternal Library. We call upon those who profess to support all people of the world to reject their imperialist ties and join the people in the fight for freedom.
For too long, the Dasholin Scholars maintained a policy of ¡°neutrality¡± when we come for aid. They horde powerful artifacts away and refuse to allow anyone access to their arcane visions and wisdom. We know the truth. This is little more than a gauzy fabric that fails to hide its allegiances to those who uphold the systemic oppressions of people like those of us who live here in the suffering neighborhood of Valakarma in Pradita. The Scholars claim they do this to protect us. They claim the power wielded by the other arcane cults is too great and must be contained. They cite the Battle of the Burning Rain, which they claim reduced the city of Bat-Hom to ash. They cite the thousands dead in the Civil War in Erikenyea. But these events were centuries past, and today, the Scholars work under the employ of the ¡°royal¡± families while the majority of the people of this land are pinned to the ground by the scepter of the Empire.If you discover this tale on Amazon, be aware that it has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road. Please report it.
The Library is no friend of the Valakarma.
Has an ¡°Elder Scholar¡± ever dined at your table? No. They eat their meals with the Living Autumn Mother and dance in the court of the Roaring Throne. They benefit from every bead of your sweat that drops on Pradita¡¯s stone streets. They do not care about the fishmonger, the ropeweaver, or the stonemason.
Our list of specific grievances is clear:
They sit idle while the Living Autumn Mother and the Goshaka Family commit numerous atrocities on the people of the Valakama.
They refuse to support the liberation of the people tormented by imperial forces in the ancient forest of Lhoda in the kingdom of Samghara.
They do nothing to hold other arcane cults accountable for the many acts of violence perpetrated under the pretense of mystic advancement, which is little more than greed-laden quests for power.
They continue to present themselves as ignorant of the plight of the Hanaqi people living enslaved in the kingdom of Er¨ªa.
Above all, they hold and refuse to share the invaluable information and artifacts within their libraries that could free us from the empire¡¯s tyrannical rule.
As should be plainly understood, the Dasholin Scholars, by continuing to remain ¡°neutral,¡± signal their support for violence committed not just by the Verushan Empire but by regimes throughout the world. It is our duty, and the duty of all oppressed and enslaved people, to hold them accountable for their lack of action. There is no such thing as neutrality in a world in chains.
At great human cost, The Shroud of Freedom liberated a collection of classified documents from the shelves of the Library¡¯s secure archive on the island of Golau, and we will soon release them. We do not know why each document in the collection was obtained and held secret, nor do we care. It is not our purpose to explain them to the world. Our purpose is to make them available for analysis. We will release these documents over the coming months. Do not worry about how this is done. You will find them.
By taking this course of action, we demand the Eternal Library reject its policies of nonintervention and imperial appeasement. We urge its ranks: reject fealty to false rule and join the struggle. We welcome you with open arms. And for those that don¡¯t, those who choose to reject our call, whether you are a scholar, a soldier, a shopkeep, to you we say all people, regardless of station, religion, or forced citizenship, have the right to self-determination. So you have a choice. Stand with us or stand aside.
We hold all governments accountable for their actions.
We hold all arcane cults responsible for the violence that they inflict upon the world.
We hold the Eternal Library especially responsible for their lack of intervention.
Let all who support and profit off the suffering of others be on notice.
[Supplemental] Maps of Kir
Maps of KirSelections from¡°The History of our World: Major Events, Geographies, Biographies, Arcanum and Theologies¡±Compiled by the scholars and custodians of the Eternal Library¡°Map of Kir¡± recreated from the notes and drawings of Zhandu, Elder Bookmaster of the Eternal Library, p0884
Known Countries and Cultures
The World of Kir comprises seven major states, each with a deep history and a cornucopia of cultures, languages, and people. Here is a brief overview of those regions:
The Verushan Empire?
There is no state or person whose life is not impacted by the Verushan Empire. Founded by the ambitious Emperor Lord Veru I of the Mahavaar family, the five states that comprise The Empire are the dominion of powerful families who politically scheme against one another for control of The Roaring Throne and all that ruling the empire entails. The Empire dominates global politics and economics and it¡¯s diplomatic and administrative core, the Vissi, have a well-earned reputation for always getting the best deal, whether the other side likes it or not. For the people living within its complex weave of states who are subject to its rule, they either see The Empire as the greatest place to live on Kir worthy of its reputation or boot on the neck of all oppression, and dream of the day their homes are once again free of it¡¯s tyranny.
Saadhari and Mankara
The seat of power of the Verushan Empire, Saadhari is a state of extreme wealth and extreme poverty, many resources, and one of the most impactful lands in terms of world events. Saadhari is one of the major states of Kir, and much of the fate of the world is decided from its capital city Verughar, whether the other nations agree or not.
Mankara is geographically small but significant state in the Empire. Pradita, the capital of Mankara, is the home of the Empire¡¯s school for spies and its infamous and secretive arcane cult, The Order of Five Knives.
The once-independent state of Erikenyea celebrates a rich history and stong, traditional culture. Erikenyea is the birthplace of the Avosi religion, the state religion of the Verushan Empire, and well-known and active arcane cult known as The Mirror. Erikenyea¡¯s capital city of Erkishar is located deep in the Tu¡¯shkha (or ¡°One Thousand Tears¡±) and is home of the great castle of the Erikenyean rulers, known as the Sahals, and their seat of power, the Living Throne.
The people of Samghara pride themselves on their veneration of education, philosophy, and medical and scientific advancements. Within the borders of Samghara, the wealthy and the working classes alike spend hours contemplating the mysteries of the universe both within and outside of the body. Medicine, science, and thought flow from the massive school, medical complex, and seat of governance known as the Garajam (or ¡°The Palace of Healing¡±). Samghara is also known for the strong defense of its caste system and a strong rivalry with its eastern neighbor, Rish¡¯ea.
The kingdom of Rishea is secluded in the northern regions of the Verushan Empire. Risheans call themselves as ¡°Star Children¡±, a reference to their religious, tribal, and cultural roots as worshippers of the bright stars in the night sky.
Imperial influence has been significant on Rishea since the Roaring Throne¡¯s conquest of the region. The tribal leaders, in an effort to gain influence with the Empire, have adapted and acculturated to many of the customs of their southern colonizers, though they retain a few traditional systems such as food and dress. But a sense of individuality and a strong rebellious nature is strong in Rishean culture, and many people of this kingdom still dream of the independence they lost to the bloody tips of Verushan spears.Unauthorized usage: this narrative is on Amazon without the author''s consent. Report any sightings.
The history Salasa is defined by the interests, lineage, and worship of the Umabum (or ¡°Noble Beings¡±), long-lived mythological creatures of great supernatural powers who existed in antiquity. Salasans celebrate a devotedly religious culture, and the Salasan Empire maintains one of the strongest governments and economies in the world, with an extensive and vibrant internal economy.
Among its many contributions to the world, Zhidao is known for being the lands where the Arcane Science was ¡°discovered¡± and honed and the home of the Dasholin Scholars of the Eternal Library, the stewards of the world¡¯s knowledge, as well as the oldest arcane cult in the world, the Children of the Flame. The people of Zhidao celebrate the region¡¯s connection to the arcane, and many festivals and presentations happen throughout the year, especially in the ¡°City of Magic¡±, Shanmujia. Zhidao¡¯s arcane connections extend to its flora and fauna, and this land has the distinction of being richest in Kir in arcane biodiversity.
The Republic of Milanka is unique in Kir for being ruled by an assembly of anointed officials from cities, towns, and villages throughout the region. Though this bureaucratic system can result in complex political rivalries, Milanka is a mostly peaceful nation with a robust national economy and military. It is well known for its passionate celebration of its unified monoculture and mysterious arcane cult, the Students of Essai.
This was not always the case. Classical Milanka was dominated by strong and authoritarian men. Violent gladiatorial sports and horrific battles persisted both inside and outside the arena. After a brutal, eight-year revolution led in large part by gladiators themselves, and a subsequent dark age that lasted nearly five hundred years, Milanka eventually emerged from its bloody past as a strong people with a renewed vitality and unified identity. Symbolically, this emergence is celebrated through the repurposing of the gladiatorial arenas into large cultural centers where music, storytelling, and other artistic performances take the place. The most popular of these events are the large orchestral, spectacular, choral pageants, known as fanas.
Ulan Islands
In the middle of the Southern Ocean are the Ulan Islands, known for their red sand beaches, dense forest vegetation, and the wise and resourceful UIani people. Expert sailors and master traders, the Ulani travel the world in large sailing vessels, guided by a spirit of adventure. There are few ports in Kir that have not met one of their ships, and as such, the Ulan Islands have the distinction of celebrating a neutrality rarely seen in this world, and many major diplomatic events have taken place here.
Also known as ¡°The Land of the Shadowed Forest¡±, Er¨ªa is widely considered the most barbaric and turbulent society in the world. The history of Er¨ªa is marked by internal conflicts and clan warfare. There are few outsiders that travel to the shores of Er¨ªa, but those who manage to survive return with stories of a country as chaotic and violent as it is filled with great natural beauty and gorgeous music.
The people of Er¨ªa are the most fair-skinned in Kir, and are often very tall. Traditional Er¨ªan society centers around the larger family units of clans. The total number of clans in Er¨ªa is unknown, though it is generally understood that forty-five significant clans have made a mark in the history of the nation.
Er¨ªa also has the distinction of being the last nation in the world to practice slavery. The Er¨ªans¡¯ import of Hanaq people to their nation to serve as slaves is a controversial practice that has made them the pariahs of the larger world. The liberation of the Hanaqi people from the barbaric institution is the subject of many national treaties and diplomacy, to the point that few nations are willing to trade directly (or openly) with Er¨ªa and its people.
Like many of the lands in the Southern Sea, Hanaq was mostly ignored by the ¡°civilized¡± nations of the North until Hanaq¡¯s vast wealth was discovered and the many gemstones, precious metals, and other treasures began to filter out of it. From that time, the history of Hanaq has been inescapably tied to a violent and oppressive history of invasion, settler colonialism, and, especially through the Er¨ªan conquest of the western kingdom of Qara, the controversial export of Hanaq¡¯s most precious resource, the Hanaqi people.
Through all of this history the Hanaqi have kept their culture and communities alive, continually fighting external powers, and retaining a vibrant culture through their animistic religious practices and love of music, dance, and family.
1. The Legend of Bin Lin Hai: Part 1 of 5
The Legend of Bin Lin Hai and the Founding of the Children of the Flame
Translated from the ancient scrolls and intended for the incomplete manuscript: ¡°A Shining Light in the Burning Citadel: The Complete History of the Children of the Flame¡±
by Bookmaster Bo Fanza Hi
Obtained by The Department of Collections, Returns, and Acquisitions
Collection Date and Location: 16 Anten i0391. Main Branch, Solidi Binya, Zhidao 7:468:PDK
LIBRARY CLASSIFICATION CODE: Restricted - Level 3 of 3.
Scroll 1: The Night in The Mountain Cave
Our story, which has been passed down from child to child, speaks first of Bin Lin Hai. She who is the first of our family. Our sacred elder sister enflamed. She who teaches us all the control of our rage. She who gives us the power to wield our sacred flames. She who began all, the first of all. She who is the most necessary, the most blessed. She who is the inner light of all Children of the Flame.
Born of a quiet family, Lin Hai was the child of a well-known word-maker whose hands made many signs and banners in the lands around the Kifu Shu Mountains and the once small village of Dot¨¢n. Strong are his words on the reed paper. Strong is the stroke of his brush. But weak are the words that come with his breath. Weak is the will behind them. Even at fifteen Lin Hai knows this, and it feels her with shame.
As our story is passed down, Lin Hai and her father, not worthy of a recorded name, sit in his small shop on the edge of the village of Dot¨¢n. Three men in full royal armor enter. Behind them follows the Magistrate, a woman noble of birth dressed to demand respect from all who meet her. Lin Hai sees the woman commanding the men, who spread out to ensure that none in the small hut will leave. Though she is small and her voice soft, the soldiers obey the Magistrate without question. Lin Hai looks at her father, who has already bowed over, as custom demanded, and lowers his gaze so as not to meet the noble woman¡¯s eyes. In this moment Li Hai learns her first lesson: The privilege of noble birth is strength.
¡°It will soon be the birthday of our Great Lord in the Mountain, Ta Chu Kun,¡± the Magistrate proclaims to the father of Lin Hai. "You are commanded to make the great banners that will hang in the throne room of his mountain fortress. Each banner will be a meditation on one of the five virtues. Our Mountain Lord exhibits each equally, and the banners should extol this truth. You will bring these words to our Mountain Lord¡¯s keep in two weeks¡¯ time. Do this well, and you will earn the Mountain Lord¡¯s favor. Fail, and your shame will be carried by your family for three generations.¡±
Lin Hai¡¯s father bows low. He accepts the job without question or clarification and begins to work immediately. He puts all of his skill and vision into the creation of these banners. He selects from his stores the finest reed paper he has made and spends seven sleepless days on the banners, filling them with the meanings of the virtues celebrated in Zhidao since before they were written down so that all who see them would not only understand the virtues but be compelled to celebrate them, especially the Mountain Lord.
Lin Hai, a devoted child, helps her father in this task. She keeps the ink pots warm and full and the reed paper neat, clean, and straight. Upon the tenth day, their work is complete.
Lin Hai looks at the banners, drying in the crisp morning air. They are her father¡¯s greatest creations. Never before has his work been this immaculate, this close to perfection. Lin Hai¡¯s father, exhausted from the exertion, falls ill in an instant and must rest.
¡°It is not right that I must ask this of you, daughter,¡± he gasps through weakened breaths, ¡°but if I try to make the journey, neither I nor these words will survive. There is no one else. It must be you who completes my task.¡±Stolen from its rightful place, this narrative is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.
Lin Hai looks down at her father, leaning back, exhausted in his sickness chair. Here, she learns her second lesson: Perfection costs the person seeking it. But this one fills her with shame, for her father is weak and not strong enough to complete the task before him. And the Magistrate warned his shame would come to Lin Hai and her children.
She also feels another emotion, a new one that she cannot name, for she has no words for it. It is hot under her skin and comes to her when she thinks of the noblewoman and the paintings she has seen of the Mountain Lord sitting on his throne high in the mountains and commanding the world around him without ever seeing it in person.
¡°I will never speak or act in a way that will dishonor you, Father,¡± and she tells him. With great care, Lin Hai rolls up her father¡¯s banners and secures them on the family mule. She holds her father¡¯s hand one final time and begins her journey up into the mountains.
For two days, she climbs and travels ever upward on the path up the mountain. On the third day, as the sun falls, she is beset by a horrible storm of ice and snow. A great gust of wind blows forth as if the mountain itself was pushing her away. The family mule loses its balance and begins to tumble. She reaches for it. She tries to save it, but it is too heavy. Lin Hai cries out as she watches all but one of her father¡¯s banners plummet with the unfortunate beast to the valley below. Our eldest sister stands, clutching the last remaining banner tight to her chest, giving thanks to the creature who has now left this world, and searches for shelter from the storm.
She struggles for an hour to walk in the blizzard. She holds the banner close to her, which expresses the virtue of charity. Soon, she finds the entrance to a small cave in the rocks. It is small and dry but very cold, for our sister has no way to warm herself.
Lin Hai curls herself into a small ball to keep from freezing. She begins to imagine a great fire in front of her. Roaring warm and pleasant, like the one in the center of her home. But it only gets colder and colder in the cave, and soon Lin Hai begins to lose the feeling in her hands. Her imagination becomes more and more desperate, and her thoughts more and more extreme. She no longer seeks comfort in the warm blaze from her family¡¯s house. She has transformed it in her mind into a raging inferno, stretching across mountains and covering the hilltops of all the lands around Dot¨¢n and reducing all to ashes.
She struggles to stay awake. She begins to see her father in front of her, and she curses him for his weakness, for forcing her to travel his journey for him. Soon, he too is engulfed by the flames in her mind. She should be ashamed of such thoughts, but she is not. The image warms her. She then conjures the image of the Magistrate, who placed her family in this position when she came into their home and demanded the banners. And then she sees the Mountain Lord. They, too, are soon incinerated in the firestorm in her mind.
The feeling she had previously felt returns. That emotion that came when she saw her father ill from his labor. That which she had no name for screams from deep within her. She soon knows the truth of it. Recognizes it. She wants to name it, but she cannot. It is beyond anger. Beyond fury. Beyond rage. She then learns her third lesson: Emotions don¡¯t need names.
It is at this moment, when Bin Lin Hai, our sister, the first enflamed, knows this truth, the cave begins to glow. All around her, large, green gems hidden in the darkness pulse to life, filling the cave with light. Lin Hai sits up. She feels warmth on her hands and looks at them. There, in the cave, surrounded by glowing stones, Lin Hai sees her hands covered in bright flames. Her hands burn hot and orange, and though it causes her pain, it is a pain she is compelled to bear.
She stretches her hands forward and sets forth a mighty blaze in front of her. Here in the small cave, she makes a small but powerful campfire, which burns even though there is no fuel for it. The fire keeps her warm. The fire keeps her safe.
Our sister then picks up a glowing stone, one the size of her fist, and places it in front of her. With the anger inside her still strong but now steady and even, she finds she can control the pulse of the stone with her mind and words. She can encourage it to brighten and darken, quicken, and slow down. She is even able to make the flames jump from the fire she has started onto the stone itself and back again to the fire. She lays the stone next to her and settles down by the fire. It comforts her and watches over her, and she is soon able to sleep.
The next morning, Lin Hai wakes to find that the storm has passed. The path in front of her is covered in a thick blanket of snow, but she is able to make her way through. She tries to use the stone to conjure flames outside of the cave, hoping she can melt the way forward, but it does not happen. The stone will not even glow. With no other option, Lin Hai pushes forward through the thick blankets of frost and continues her journey on the mountain path to get her father¡¯s last banner to the Mountain Lord, contemplating what she might do when she stands in front of him.
2. Oath of the Snakeskin Warrior
artwork by Ivan Garcia
Oath of the Snakeskin Warrior
from ¡°Understanding the Hanaq: A field guide to the Kingdom. Vol. 4 of 7: The Eagle, the Turtle, the Jaguar, the Serpent¡±
Documented and translated from Hanaqi by Bookmaster Obi Bondo
Obtained by The Department of Collections, Returns, and Acquisitions Collection Date and Location: 1 Roo¡¯Asha i1193. Pakasacha, The Otoro Confederacy 3:778:UFB-2
LIBRARY CLASSIFICATION CODE: Restricted - Level 1 of 3.
The following pledge is recited during the culmination ceremony of the training program of an elite group of warriors in the Hanaq Empire known as the Amari, roughly translated as ¡°The Snakeskin Warriors.¡± No foreigner has ever seen the ceremony in the temple to Amar in the western kingdom, also named after the the snake spirit of the Hanaq people. However, I was blessed to have it recited to me by an ancient member of their ranks during a recent visit I took to the city of Amarchara, where initiates are indoctrinated into the ¡°Amari Alluya,¡± the Snakeskin Family. For the last four years, I have been gaining the trust of these secret wardens of the Hanaqi people, whose ranks have been a closely kept secret since the Kingdom of Amara outlawed them, the last of the colonized regions to do so. They are rightfully mistrustful of me, but after years of relationship-building and ensuring their anonymity, they finally allowed me to document certain elements of their initiation ceremony. While I was sworn to secrecy, I was gifted the ability to share the knowledge that the ceremony centers around the oath documented here and the drinking of a powerful elixir that is believed to kill the initiate, allowing them access to the Hanaqi spirit world, what which we call The Lonely Road, and then be reborn on this plain as an Amari. The truth of this is doubtful, yet it creates a powerful mystique in a society where the deeds of ancestors live daily on the tongues of the living.
The Amari have a place of great distinction in the Hanaq society, and even though they are outlawed by the colonial powers controlling these lands, few travel to these shores who will not eventually encounter one of their ranks. They are the guardians of the land. Protectors of its people. Those called to this service follow The Path of Mitl to receive ¡°The Gifts of the Gods¡± and are seen no longer as individuals or from a single family or kingdom but as the children of all Hanaq. The Amari are called to help any and all Hanaqi in need, and likewise, all Hanaqi are obliged to aid and protect them, as if related by blood. The tragic history of this land - its colonization by Er¨ªan Raiders and the enslavement of its people, make this relationship deep and personal, as the Amari were the fiercest resisters of that war. And make no mistake, the Treaty of Chaqa was equally as damaging to the people of this land. What we of the Sceptered States have done, dividing the land and its people, claiming dominion over them because of some paternalistic sense of duty to what The Empress calls her ¡°southern children,¡± is little more than a ruse conceived of and believed by, ruling elites of the Verushan Empire, the Salasans, and the Kingdom of Milanka; simply asking any Hanaq here on their homeland and they will be happy to affirm this truth. The details of this betrayal are detailed later in this volume, but it bears repeating as much as possible.The story has been illicitly taken; should you find it on Amazon, report the infringement.
What exactly ¡°The Path of Mitl¡± remains unknown. Clearly, it is connected to the legend of Mitl the Archer, the mythic hero of the Hanaqi people, whose quest for knowledge and justice for his village is fundamental to the people of this land and their culture. But whether this a physical journey the Amari initiates must travel, a training regiment, or some sort of philosophical principle is a closely guarded secret by their ranks. What is known is the skill of these warriors, who have been instrumental in the ongoing resistance of the Er¨ªan slave traders and all colonized powers in control of their home.
The Oath
I begin with gratitude.
I express it for my ancestors who¡¯s breath is in my lungs. Mother to mother to mother, until my entrance into this world from the comfort of the Sun Heaven. Each step they took guided my spirit to this place and placed me here, in front of the great Snake Mother and among my new family.
It is to these ancestors that my honor is dedicated.
It is to their legacy I humbly add my own so that when I return to rest in the Burning Caves, there might be a place for me next to them, and I can rest until such a time as my spirit is to return.
I walked the Path of Mitl, who began our journey. And like our sacred brother, I communed with the guardian spirits.
I met with Qara, who gave me his back to protect me from danger.
I climbed to the aerie, saw the great mother Anca, and soared with her in the heavens.
I went deep into the jungle and hunted with Otoro, and I tasted the blood of my prey on my tongue.
And now I stand before you, Anca, and I am ready for the final steps of my journey.
I willingly accept your gift.
I step into the shadows. Humbled.
I go to visit my ancestors.
I understand the mysteries of the twin suns.
I have no fear of this journey. And pledge my blood to protect the people of this land.
Upon my return, my life will be forfeited to their protection and prosperity. And woe and suffering will come to all who step on the shores of our home and do not carry the spirit of Ranatirana.
Qara, watch over me.
Anca, give me sight.
Otoro, guide my feet.
Amar, let me understand.
I drink.
3. On the Great Tribes of Rishea
On the Great Tribes of RisheaAn excerpt from Elder Scholar Pshably Payles¡¯ ¡°Star Children: A Social and Economic Study of the Great Northern State of Rishea and Her Peoples¡±. Obtained by The Department of Collections, Returns, and Acquisitions
Collection Date and Location: 20 Ehi''aho i0051. Natuqala, Rishea 1:110:ARL:17
LIBRARY CLASSIFICATION CODE: Restricted - Level 1 of 3.
To truly understand the history of Rishea, it is necessary to start with the Seven Great Tribes of Rishea. Through understanding the cultures, political machinations, and structures of these communities, the true story of the vast lands of the north and its people appears. What the study of these tribes also illuminates is a rejection of the perception of the North by the ¡°civilized¡± lands of the South. Rishea is a vibrant land with a cultural identity extending back far further in time than is typically believed.
The coalescence of the Star Children into the Great Tribes happened well before recorded history, and only a handful of mythic stories remain in regard to the origins of this process. At one time, it was thought that there were as many tribes in the region as there are ancestors in the sky. As is often the case, the accumulation of resources and the need for power, often justified under the false banners of security and prosperity, merged these independent groups into larger and larger ones. By the time Emperor Veru I and his armies arrived in Rishea to expand his empire, these groups had integrated into the Seven Great Tribes, each with unique territories, traditions, skills, and cultures, and the interplay between them presents an intricate web of resource-sharing within this land.
The Royal Tribes
Shortly after the Siege of the Mezqala (i0008), Chief Hasus of the Temyri called for the Council of Elders, a rare gathering of the leaders of all the great tribes. There, they were presented with a difficult choice: end the violent conquest of Rishea by swearing allegiance and fealty to Lord Veru¡¯s Roaring Throne or continue to resist and fight a war that could no longer be won. Following Chief Hasus¡¯ legendary speech, five of the seven tribes chose to kneel to the invaders and, by doing so, were richly rewarded.
The strongest and most powerful tribe in Rishea, the Temyri, were given full control of the region after assisting Lord Veru and the Verushan Empire¡¯s conquest of the region and the subsequent acculturation of Rishean society. Historically, the members of this tribe have a strong sense of class structure and devotion to family and tradition. They are based around the area surrounding the Rishean capital city of Temyrqala (or ¡°home of the Temyri¡±)
The second largest tribe in the land, the Natuk, has the distinction of claiming direct lineage to the Roaring Crown after Lord Veru took the Natuk princess Ninye I as his wife. Due to this connection, they are the only tribe to be granted the ¡°Imperial Exception.¡± As such, members of the Natuk tribe can become imperial administrators and military officers. The Natuk also have a substantial presence in the gilded halls of the Empire¡¯s capital city, Verughar.Unauthorized usage: this narrative is on Amazon without the author''s consent. Report any sightings.
Members of the Zhabaki are trained at birth to be strong warriors, especially in hand-to-hand combat and with the favored weapon of the Zhabaki, a barbed, short spear known as bzagha,(or ¡°wicked tip¡±). The Zhabaki are known for having volatile internal politics, which have historically been settled through formal duels. Unlike the other tribes, formal duels also determine the tribal leadership in this tribe.
Hailing from the dense woodlands of Sur Rishea, the Ghasa have a well-earned reputation as scholars, craftspeople, and archers. Because of their homeland''s proximity to Rishea¡¯s border with its rival nation, Erikenyea, the history of the Ghasa is defined by ongoing conflicts with Erikenyean raiders and the complex, violent history of the Redlands, the land between the two nations that is claimed by both and controlled by neither.
Originating from the island of Hatu just outside Mylar Bay, the Hatuwa people are active traders well-known outside of Rishea, and there are few who know how to navigate the frozen waters of the Northern Ocean better than them. The Hatuwa are one of the most common Rishean people in Zhidao, their most active and long-lasting trading partner. Because of their significant economic importance in the region, the Hatuwa were the last of the tribes to join the Empire and were coerced to do so by maintaining a complex political independence with the Empire and the other Royal Tribes, who continue to profit off their strong trading network.
The Lesser Tribes
The ¡°Lesser Tribes¡± of Rishea are those who refused to kneel to their conquerors and were smudged for this impudence from Imperial history, both figuratively and physically. While the scholars, administrators, and soldiers of the Empire believe that they have successfully extinguished most of the Lesser Tribes from existence, like many conquerors, they fail to realize the depth of connection Risheans have to the old ways and the strength of their resistance to Imperial rule. Two Lesser Tribes remain to this day, mostly either hidden within cities, gathering amongst themselves, or in villages far from the Emperor''s grasp.
Once as large and important as the Temyri, the semi-nomadic and independent tribe of the Ushykhei refused Imperial rule until the end of the Rishean Civil War in i0022. By that time, the Ushykhei were reduced to a small fraction of their former population. Because of this, they have a very tenuous and mistrusting relationship with the Royal Tribes. The last of their people live deep within the Khade Desert, a dangerous place where only the Ushykhei dare to travel. Ushykhei families are matrilineal, and they are most well known for maintaining the Rishean cultural practice of singing their ancestry, known as the orun¨¦, as well as for being excellent horse riders.
¡°The Children of the Guiding Star¡± are the most mysterious and misunderstood of all the Rishean tribes. Zhemyri live in the Frozen Steppes of Mylar Bay and are considered the oldest and most revered of all the people of this land. Their long, tragic history guides the ethos of many in Rishea. It is generally agreed that all Risheans come from the Zhemyri, as does the land¡¯s traditional religion, Zhawanism, the complex belief that the ancestors of Risheans journey into the sky after death and become stars. The small but significant Zhemyri tribe was destroyed during The Battle of the Frozen Steppes at the end of the Rishean Civil War, and if any of the ranks still live, they are too few to be significant.1
1. Handwritten in the margins of the text: Must talk more to Miza at the Last Heart about possible Zhermyi descendent, Umi N¡¯uz. Number of living Zhemyri could be greatly undercounted. If so, significant revisions are needed in this overview and for pages 754-814. I¡¯ll never be done with this Zhawa-forsaken book!
NOTICE: A Message to the Citizens of the City of Pradita
The royal flag of the Goshaka family flying over Mantayal Palace.A Message to the Citizens of the City of Pradita from Your Living Autumn Mother Nanpia IV20 Roo''Asha, i1195To the People of the Great City of Pradita,
The Goshaka family is aware of the actions of the Shroud of Freedom and their attempt to disrupt the harmony of our great city. A city that has been at peace for generations. For a millennium, they have been like a fly to us, hovering over our meals and buzzing disloyalty and lies into the ears of our citizens.
Be assured that is all they are. Insects. And I shall deal with them.This tale has been unlawfully lifted from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.
Our streets will be safe.
We will have LAW and ORDER.
On behalf of the Empire, and as the woman who has pledged her life to protect and guide the citizens of our great city, the ¡°Jewel of Mankara,¡± I pledge to root out these terrorists. Pradita will be rid of them once and for all. As you are reading this, noble, loyal members of the Pradita Defense League, have entered the Valakarma, and they are going block by block, rooting these criminals.
Until they are exterminated, you are to ignore their propaganda. The documents they are distributing in this ¡°Liberated Archive¡± are little more than spurious narratives designed to spread distrust and fear of the institutions that are here to protect and defend you from the very real threats that endanger the people of our great culture - be they economic, philosophical, and physical. Do not fear them. Do not fear the empire. Do not distract the Eternal Library. Love them, for they are here for you. They are you.
Do not believe these lies.
Do not shelter or abet these terrorists.
Loyalty to your Mother will be rewarded.
Treachery to her will be punished.
These are my words. As such, so too are they yours.
42nd Living Autumn Mother
4. Ashas Letter
From the Private Correspondence of Revered Brother Asha Orothwa of the Benevolent Society of the Mirror
Obtained by The Department of Collections, Returns, and Acquisitions
Collection Date and Location: 21 Ninyena, i1182 - Tower of Reflection, Erikenyea
LIBRARY CLASSIFICATION CODE: Restricted - Level 3 of 3. For additional details on the process by which this letter was obtained and other additional context, please see Retrieval Document 349, section 15, located at 1R:555:ILS-17
02 Zhuye, i1170
Honored Sister Vindirominish Venghev Vinghu-Hedhri,
I hope this letter finds your good health returning to you. I know that you can obtain most things you need in the Free City Orn for managing boat rot, but I came across a poultice in my recent travels to Salasa that might be helpful. The symptoms of a rare skin disorder occurring there seem identical to your affliction, so I thought this poultice might reduce the swelling, but check with Lu-Adama before using, as the good doctor may have come across it before and have further insight.
I am sending you an update on my work and research here in the Tower. We are nearing the completion of the eleventh pinnacle and will soon be able to freely access the knowledge kept by the Frostbitten Friars outside the great city of Myzos. As we had summarized, once we understood the relationship between Emoyan telepathy and the Xifa pathways, the constructions became relatively straightforward and a simple matter of purifying the gateways by solidifying the bonds created by the arcane stones. We should now be able to finalize construction, and we will soon be ready for the final pinnacle. I am sure this is pleasant news, and I share your excitement.
Another bit of information worth sharing is that I have finally heard from Veteran Master Mata Vissir of the Order, and he has agreed to discuss their knowledge on contacting the Umabum. Based on our preliminary conversation, I believe that setting up the channel to their homeland is possible. Of course, this will all depend on my diplomacy skills and developing a strong working relationship with these fickle creatures, which is where Master Vissir will come in handy. Of all the members of the Order, he has the most knowledge of the Kingdom of Caves and how to best interact with its inhabitants. This meeting has come at a great cost, and the body of Revered Brother Kubalay Khasa Kubahatiah at the top of The Tower is nothing if not a testament to this struggle. May his bones be cleaned quickly.Unauthorized reproduction: this story has been taken without approval. Report sightings.
From what little information I have attained so far, mostly by clandestine trade with a few of the more freethinking members of the Eternal Library, I have learned that the Umambum live in a very class-structured society maintained through a delicate equilibrium. It is generally agreed that the only races to be contacted are the benevolent former God-Kings of Salasa and their servants, the Udil. However, I hope to inquire more about this matter with Veteran Master Vissir, as it appears that the term ¡°udil¡± describes a much wider variety of the species of these magical beings. What this might mean, its impact on our work and the possible increase in the Mirror''s influence remain unknown, but the possibilities are extremely enticing.
The aforementioned meeting has been set for three days from now in Inamiri, though the location will be kept secret, as it is one often used for such conversations. Please have Brother Takava send me the Dagger of Tyalilli. It is possible I may need it. I do not fear our new friends in the Order, but it never hurts to be cautious. I will return it promptly.
As usual, please destroy this letter once you have finished reading it. There still are many within the Mirror, and all who oppose our work outside of it, that would actively work to prevent us from completing the Twelve Pointed Star.
Remain in good health and I hope to come see you in person on my return trip from Inamiri. I will contact you if this is possible.
Reflect the Truth in All Things.
PS: I have an update on the metal shard we obtained in the mountains near Tasuriri and have made some headway researching its significance. As we had surmised, and Master Vissir confirmed, it is indeed a piece of the fabled sword of Angsaki, the Shudalku, and the writing on it is a sampling of Umabum script. Takava has promised to send me a rubbing from the translation stone so that I can work to begin the inscription of the gateway, but for now, to have such a powerful artifact in our collection sitting on my desk as I write this is as beguiling as it is unnerving. We have already begun testing it to see how potent the power of the Shudalku is within the shard. Even if it''s a fraction of what is discussed in the ancient Salasan texts, I believe that something quite powerful can be developed out of it. I am sure that we''ll have better uses for it, but I plan to lobby the Selection Committee of this year''s Arcane Games for a rematch with Kekiae. That beanpole Waterbreather won¡¯t know what hit him.
5. Seeing through The Shroud
Seeing through The Shroud: IntroductionA History of the Valakarma Commune and the Shroud of Freedom
Written by Valakarma Qutah ¡°VQ¡± Prashem
Collection Date and Location: 10 Ninyena, i1138. Eternal Library: Pradita Branch - Pradita, Mankara. 3:778:LFA-9
LIBRARY CLASSIFICATION CODE: Restricted - Level 2 of 3
As long as there has been an empire on our continent, there have been radical forces that have opposed the Roaring Throne, seeking self-governance by any means necessary. Some still wish to debate this truth, but it is not a matter of conjecture or theory. It is a stated fact willfully ignored and openly dismissed as a radical, idyllic utopia dreamed up by the foolish and the poor who cannot accept their lot in life. The reason behind this dismissal is simple. The Empire¡¯s ruling elite and their willing abettors find it impossible to fathom a reconstruction of the world where the poor are not subject to the rich, where no person is required to toil for the sole benefit of others, and where each person is allowed to seek their own personal and social advancement through self-improvement and collective good-will. But this is exactly what happened during the years of i0140 and i0146 in the Valakarma district of the city of Pradita, and it remains a singular achievement in the history of anti-government and popular social movements.
With origins in the days of Erikenyean rule over the city and the group¡¯s rise in prominence in the Verushan Empire¡¯s golden age, the Shroud of Freedom has been an uncomfortable thorn in the foot of the elite ruling class throughout its existence, creating pockets of resistance in their hometown of Pradita, spreading their message across the Empire during the Rishean Conquest, and even prophesying the return to the pre-civilization state, a future gaining more traction and quickly becoming more popular. Then, on the first day of the year i0140, they committed their most audacious act, liberating the large district of the city of Pradita known as the Valakarma, the neighborhood that is the home of the underprivileged working people of the city. The home of the servant, the fisherman, and the foot soldier. My neighborhood. And through this audacious act, the Shroud became a symbol of resistance to the tyranny of the state to oppressed people in every state in the Empire and an infamous terrorist organization to levers of power who are determined to crush their revolution.
The Valakarma Commune has been fascinating to me ever since I was a child when I would sit with my grandfather in outdoor cafes of the district and listen to him talk about it in hushed tones with his friends. Most often, they would discuss and theorize its return. This conversation was especially popular when the Goshaka Family levied new taxes or instituted new curfews on the neighborhood, two of the favorite pastimes of the ruling family of Pradita. Afterward, he would typically want to walk with these old revolutionaries, and we would stroll by the Aparanka Vitti, decayed and falling apart from abandonment. Even in this dilapidated state, the opera house was a magnificent structure. It remains so to this day. The green ribbons and yellow uratu flowers attached to the rusting gates are constant reminders of what once was and what could one day return. Love this story? Find the genuine version on the author''s preferred platform and support their work!
On one of these many walks, I asked him why the old building was never repaired and why there were no more meetings or performances in its halls.
"It''s a message to us here from the Family," he told me. "The Goshaka want the building to rot, and they want us to watch it happen."
And therein is the fundamental flaw of the Verushan Empire and its handling of the Shroud. The foolish belief that the spirit of freedom and the desire for self-rule can be squeezed out of working people. Nearly a thousand years prior to my birth, the people of the district were awoken to the truth that their labor benefits the wealthy, not society. Imperial rule and the families that govern the great cities, regardless of their virtues and altruistic actions, only seek to gain and maintain control of populations for the sole purpose of their own social, economic, and political advancement and security. This is the nature of power. Once understood, the knowledge of it cannot be beaten out of people, no matter how heavy the guards¡¯ vanta. It cannot be starved away. And decaying symbols and burned buildings will not erode their potency.
As much as possible, I have endeavored to let the voices of those whose actions inspired hundreds of thousands to speak for themselves in this brief and incomplete volume. Through these accounts, we hear the story of the revolution that took place in the neighborhood where I was raised and so dearly cherish. It begins with what remains of the letter that was attached to the gilded doors of the Aparanka Vitti on the 13th of Zhuye, i0138, the first public communication of the Shroud of Freedom to the people of the Valakarma district and the city of Pradita.
It is the first of many communications and manifestos the Shroud has disseminated over the years, as revolutionaries want to do. And throughout the years, their message, vision, and rhetoric have remained remarkably intact. I have reproduced it below, with the punctuation and formatting intact, as the founders had a love of the aesthetics of written documents and took care with each missive distributed that the words were placed in a way that they believed would make them understood:
Their privileges depend on the machinery of bureaucracy, labor, and the subjection of people necessary to maintain control. From the merchant to the beggar, all are forced to serve the masters of the state.
We will serve no longer.
We sacrifice our lives to liberate ourselves, our families, and the Valakarma neighborhood from this tyranny.
WE CALL UPON ALL THE PEOPLE living in the City of Pradita, the Kingdom of Mankara.
WE CALL UPON ALL THE PEOPLE living within the so-called Verushan Empire to commit to the following actions:
Relinquish any government positions, titles, and holdings bequeathed by any of the Great Families or the Emperor, make all private lands public to use, and redistribute all ill-gotten wealth to your neighbors.
Lay down any and all arms that you carry for the Empire and refuse any calls to fight in wars, foreign and domestic.
Do not interfere with any actions observed or known plans that we have taken t to succeed in our goal of autonomous self-rule and a classless society.
Only woe and misery will befall those who do not participate in the struggle. For those who know, know. For those who do not, you will soon learn. We give you our solemn vow:
6. Welcome Traveler
Welcome Traveler
Artist Unknown (assumed to be Minasa Qaditha)
Collection Date and Location: 21 Avena, i0002. Qaditha Compound - Huume, Samghara. 1:498:KWE-5
LIBRARY CLASSIFICATION CODE: Restricted - Level 1 of 3
A small folded piece of paper was liberated with the image:If you discover this tale on Amazon, be aware that it has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road. Please report it.
"Taken from the bedroom door of Minasa Qaditha (age 15) - p0007. To people not familiar with arcane science, the image¡¯s meaning is a mystery. It started to appear on doors in the city of Huume in Samghara around the year p0061, shortly after the city¡¯s devastation at the hands of the Usykhei.
We who are more familiar know it demands either respect or fear...it all depends on how you feel about life''s great transitions.¡±
- Bookmaster Udimi Avasa Dekere (i0002)