《Our Goddess Incarnate》 Chapter 1: “Islac Ve Consta. Vedi Ve Custi.” Thursday, July 19th ( 18, Mizami, Dies Reis, L.S.L 10041 ) Mizarmonie woke to the quiet morning. The sun had not even begun to crest so that she could see the lavish walls of her room as she took in the black stillness. She lay entangled with her Den. Dawn was approaching, and she didnt want to get up. Miza loved their unconventional family. While nesting was traditionally something only reserved for the Goddess Incarnate and her consorts within their mateship, Mizas Nest included the extended family her consorts already had before their bond snapped into place. They had brought the ancient practice of Dens. The action of nesting provided safety and warm comfort as they slept. Nesting also had proved to strengthen the bonds amongst their little family as they navigated building the relationships in the Den their way rather than according to how the Imperial House Council demanded they live. As Miza and her youthful wisdom had explained to Donte three years ago, when it was just the four of them, they were each others people. They were supposed to love each other, but love looks different and comes in different ways. Despite relishing the warmth and the electric buzz of being surrounded by those she loved, Mizas discipline won out. She slowly detangled herself from two of her Nestmates, crawling around several other sleeping bodies, and crept into her changing room to put on her morning workout clothes. Compression capris, sports bra, and running shoes. She grabbed her workout pack and quietly slipped out of their residence without waking anyone in the large two-story apartment. As she made the long trek from their third-floor residence, Miza was deep in thought. They had heard so many assumptions in Lestania about the perversion of their family since the mate bond was triggered four months ago, based solely on the conjecture surrounding the last Goddess Incarnate 400 years prior. Being the host of the Goddess herself, she was slowly remembering her past lives, and she knew for a fact that the Clergy put out that propaganda against Leana to support the whims of the imperial family all of those years ago. The purpose of the Goddesss Den was lost to the people over the last four centuries, so as Mizarmonies mates were revealed, many opinions concerning their ages, genders, marital statuses, and classes were made known based on how the Clergy had presented the Godesss Nest in scripture and lore. Thank you, Alivar, for making my life harder even in death. Aside from her deep love of Liero, nothing in the lore was accurate. Based on the little that Mizarmonie had reviewed since the awakening, she could see subtle changes that erased key details. Simply put, the Goddess Leanas Nest, the Primi Consortiu, had ten people in it. Leana and her mates. All but Liero were erased from the history of Leanas children. Some of her mates had partners and children before pledging themselves as her chevaliers and consorts, thus creating the first Den that was protected and cherished by the Goddess herself even after Leanas children were born. The only thing that saved face is that Mizarmonie had become a beloved princess in Lestanaia, and her Den lived in the Academy hidden in the human realm, so many would argue that the rumors were just that. There was nothing the Nest could do about the beliefs that others had about something divined and built into the structure of the Guardian Realm itself, even if Lestanians had chosen to ignore their heritage. It wasnt time to deal with it yet. The Provincial Palace, colloquially called the Academy, was smaller, of course, than the Verdant Palace, where the Imperial family resided on the isle of Lestania, but it was just as grand. Leana had used the location itself for thousands of years as a go-between for her realm and the humans, but the Academy itself had been standing for just over 400 years. It was a massive mid-16th-century structure with heavy French influence in the architecture that easily housed 500 people. The Academy was the current operating base of the Lestanian faction system. Miza had lived here most of her life to keep her out of her fathers way. As she walked the halls, she was reminded that the imperial family had failed to protect the fragile balance of the Guardian Realm, and her Nest had so many obstacles to fight. Rather than just heading a Faction and being a member of the imperial family, as the new heir to Lestania and the Goddess Incarnate, she was in charge of the Academy, but what it now was made her sick. Pausing outside the kitchen doors, she took a moment to compose herself. Put on her happy face. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and held it in before releasing it. Weve got this. She whispered to herself before walking into the kitchen with a smile on her face. High Majesty, Cook said with a bow as Miza entered the kitchen, I hope you slept well. Yes, thank you. She responded, picking up the fork laid by a heaping plate of fresh fruit salad. Delicately taking a bite of pear, she took out her phone to check the email that she used for diplomatic relations. Under an assumed name, of course. Can you imagine how some of her business partners outside of her realm would react if they discovered that she was a child in their eyes? Are you excited about your party tomorrow? You only get to turn 13 once. Cook interrupted her reading as the kind older woman winked at her as she sat her smoothie next to the bowl and returned to preparing the royals breakfast. The other staff members were quietly preparing breakfast for the rest of the Academys residents, working as if their princess was not there. She gave Cook a sad smile but said nothing. Like most of the long-term staff, Cook knew whether or not she would speak on what was bothering her. They felt sorry for the young girl who had so much on her shoulders, knowing that they themselves would have buckled beneath the pressure of being the youngest daughter of the imperial family even before the line of succession changed to Miza from her eldest brother. Miza picked up the protein bar and smoothie and headed to the elevator that would take her to the sub-level training hall. Miza wasnt ready to rise. Her birthday was in two days, and she just wanted to beto live a normal life like an ordinary teenage girl. Her father long ago had said he would make it happen, but that was before she was the heir. Now, she was preparing for her Risingher accession into adulthood, and there were no plans for her to leave to experience the life she had asked for. This text was taken from Royal Road. Help the author by reading the original version there. The spring festival had ruined that for her when Leana finally decided to reveal that Miza was her reincarnation. She had a duty and mission now. Before, atleast her leaving was just simply an argument about a new duchess and royal daughter being vulnerable, but now Miza was the next ruler. It looked like she was losing even the smallest amount of control over her life that she had held onto. That Donte had fought so hard for her to maintain. Thursday. She muttered with a sigh. Twenty minutes of non-stop moving. Miza sat down to stretch, twisting her body to warm up her muscles. Her watch beeped at 5 A.M, and she pushed the button on the countdown and got to work in quick succession, completing jumping jacks, high knees for each leg, sidekicks, squats, crunches, and pushups with weights. Exhausted, she started a slow jog onto the track to wind down. As her feet hit the ground, she repeated to herself. I will be the best. Ill make Papa proud. Miza didnt fully understand why it mattered so much to her that he was proud. She knew his feelings about her. His disappointment was palpable. It was a heavy shroud that she and her twin brother wore. Mav was the dumb queer who refused to live up to his duty as an imperial prince. Too soft. Too weak. Not enough of a man who had raised several warriors. And she? She was a murderer in their fathers eyes. She knew who she was born to be and couldnt deny it even though she wanted to. During the Spring Festival, it became apparent. She was losing a battle to be herself. The distance between her and her father had slowly closed since her confirmation into the priesthood, but she still could see the anger in his eyes when he looked at her. He resented her for existing, and she resented him for not being her father. Donnie was always good to her. She adored him. He left her father''s service for her, but she still hated her father for treating her less. Coming back to the starting point, she grabbed her bag and drank the last of her smoothie, alternating sips and bites of the protein bar as she made her way to the Eminentia Taniereher two-story residence nestled into the middle of the Provincial Palace. Various den-mates were still asleep as she re-entered the Nest, so she quietly slipped into the bathroom to shower for the day. As the hot water warmed her skin, she thought about what she needed to do that day. Her secretary, Jamie, had announced that her father would be returning from Lestania. He had a meeting in D.C. early next week but needed to consult her before her birthday festivities began. She supposed she would have to fit that into her schedule, but she really just needed a moment to breathe. But her thoughts immediately dispersed when she felt Valons presence outside the shower. She turned off the water and stuck her hand outside the stall for the towel that she quickly wrapped around her to keep the chill at bay. Miza, you know better than to leave without one of us. He said, leaning down to kiss her cheek. Am I not safe in my own home? Can I not defend myself? She smirked, turning to kiss him lightly on his cheek, requiring him to lean down for her to reach. You worry too much. Youve been with me for 13 years, Valon, since my birth, and you dont believe I can protect myself? Her face scrunched in distaste at the idea. He laughed, of course. Forever a tease. Perhaps its my wise years. He said dryly. You are only 23, Val; I dont know if wise is the word I would use. Overprotective, love-struck fool. She pressed her lips to his arm. She could hear the Den stirring as noises throughout their residence could be heard as the denblings that had stayed last night to Nest quickly dispersed to their rooms as the chevalier of Mizas Nest started their day. Lovestruck? Yes, and I will deny it to all others as requested. Overprotective? Yes. It is my duty. But never a fool. We are blood-bonded, and I am your consort above all others. We both know it. Remember who you are. He snapped. Miza gazed at him. You are hiding something from me, V. She said, approaching him to caress his face. I dont know what it is, and I assume you have a reason, but dont be afraid for me. She stared into his eyes and smiled sadly, then walked away. She set the boundary. She needed to maintain it. She had begged for a life similar to a typical American teen. She was trying to get her father to agree that it was possible and to allow her to leave. Temporarily, but still, she wanted this adventure. That even meant pushing the marriage that she and Valon had both become comfortable with over the years. About a year ago, they stopped pretending to be only platonic but had agreed that no one outside the Den would know in hopes of winning her battle with her father to push the marriage back and let her go on her little adventure. They appeared to be a favored princess and the head of her guard to everyone else, but in the privacy of the den, they fought to find equilibrium in her having the childhood she craved and the life she was raised to expect. The day she was born, an alliance between the Lavine Clan and the Imperial Family was drawn up using their children as collateral. At ten years old, Valon left his home to live with his newborn fiance. She and Val always agreed they would stay friends because she wanted to go to a real school outside the veil, like her human mother. She didnt just want to be a royal and follow her duty. Miza didnt understand why they wanted her to marry so young. The Imperial House Council had, at several points over the years, pushed them to marry and solidify the alliance early due to how close she and Valon were. What did they expect, making her grow up with her fiance and a guardian raising her? Good morning. She sang out as she disappeared into the wardrobe to dress. Black skinny jeans, red crop, a leather jacket, and boots. She stared at the young girl staring back at her. Saturday was the day she was supposed to leave the childhood she was fighting for behind. She and her den would step towards a future as she claimed the crown as an official heir. She was running out of time and had no idea how to persuade her father to let her do the one thing she wanted, even if it seemed pointless to everyone else. Someone is in a bad mood, Justin teased, opening his arms to her. She fell into him, burying her face in his chest. She looked up at him. Justin, Im not ready to deal with him yet. Its one thing to know your father thinks you murdered his wife but to hear him actually say it. I just dont know if Im ready to deal with this. Miza whined. Dont take it to heart. We know its not your fault, so dont let it bother you. The second Queen Consort was an amazing woman. Her loss hit this kingdom hard, but no one but your father sees it that way. It is simply his grief. She was the love of his life. He brought her to Lestiania, and he promised to open our borders. It broke something that was already darkening his soul. Justin took her hand and guided her out of the bedroom to the suite''s common room where many of his denblings were waiting. So, seeing that none of us have assignments, I thought we should take Miza to the watering hole for a bit. Relax our minds. What do you say, Donnie? Val? Alex, on our way down to breakfast, let Cook know we will be out for lunch and need a picnic for the den. Im starved. Lets eat. Justin instructed his Nestmate. Chapter 2: Weary Miza watched her den, faction, and her brother from atop the dais in the main dining hall of The Academy. Miza may be a princess in the imperial family, but this was her home. Mavrick was ever the pacifist and refused his claim to run a faction and have his chevalier. He entered Mizas faction simply to have the protection a royal needed. She watched as he and Lihte whispered on the lower dais, heads bent together in their own private world. She could feel a faint giddy feeling, a sensation of carefreeness and confusion swirling at her nape. That was a shadow of the emotion from the twins connection. She would have to discuss this with them both. It was clear to Miza that their relationship was moving from faction members to more. Mizas attention was drawn to Alexs arrival at the dining hall after xyr errand. Xe took xyr seat, and Justin stood. Academy! he said without shouting, silencing the room. He nodded and retook his seat, and all eyes of the academy focused on their Mistress. Contrary to her father, Miza followed closely the paths of her ancestors. She was drawn to the elements and land from a young age and their history. She shared a connection to the divine plane that had not been seen for hundreds of years. Several generations ago, her grandfather had subdued the old religion as it did not coincide with his plans for the future of Lestiania. The Academy, which was housed at the Provincial Palace, had been transformed from a place of integration between the veils and a college to house Lestainias finest thinkers who wanted to expand their knowledge to bridge the gap between the two realms, to a house where murderers and thieves often met to discuss their dealings. No longer was The Academy an exclusive educational institution that sponsored some of the greatest minds in the studies of the natural world and stewardship operating in obscurity. Outside of the people of Lestania, few were aware that this place had ever existed. There were no more whispers of grand salons shrouded in mystery and held a lavish retreat for a king. In the human realm, it was just a lost part of history. Three hundred years of work towards the integration was ruined by one selfish man and his heirs as the royal family separated itself from The Circle of their Great Mothers celestial love and the divine destiny set before them. After millennia, they were utterly cut off to the point that high priestesses and priests were elected officials and seen as more of a novelty for homage to the past, like most of the festivals. Miza was determined to retain some of the harmonies of nature that were long lost to her people and even longer lost to humankind. She was the Mistress of this place. She would see that it came to be. She sat with her back straight and ankles crossed, as her feet didnt quite reach the floor. Giving the people of the academy a sweeping glance, she raised her hands in line with her shoulders, palm up, and spoke their morning prayer. The sky has light. We have last the night. As we break our fast, let us thank The Mother for her labor. Lets thank those who use her born fruits to revitalize us. Let us give our thanks for this day. As she spoke the last few words, she raised her hands to the sky in offering and watched as those around her did the same, murmuring, We give our thanks. As the room settled to silence, she lowered her hands, signaling the end of the devotional. She smiled as laughter and conversation began to ring throughout the hall again. Mavrick settled himself to her left as Valon, to her right, dove into his French toast and stuffed tomatoes. Sister, you watch me. Mavrick inquired. Yes, brother. But I cant help but note your actions. She teased. Youve learned some defensive arts and have spent many of your free hours in the company of young Lihte. He- She distractedly responded as she felt Alexs gentle nudge on her awareness. -is older than us but kind. He says that even if I am your brother, I should at least know some defense. I know he didnt mean it this way, but I am a burden here. It is no longer just a place for intellectuals, philosophers, and scholars like me. I will distract you as long as I am here, though I want to stay with you, sister. I have not changed who I am; Im just practicing realism. The young boy apologized. She softened her gaze as she grasped his hand and kissed his palm. Ricky, love, you are not a burden to me. I knew who you were and what you could do when you joined this faction. Dont feel pressured. She said, offering reassurance. I do not. He objected. And what do you feel? She asked with a smirk as she took a bite of a strawberry pudding. Im not blind to my senses, especially our bond. She winked, continuing their banter. A blush splashed across Mavricks copper-toned checks. He looked at his sister, bright brown pools reflecting each other. I know, Miza. He broke their gaze and picked up a piece of dry toast, starting to shred it. I know. I knew that once I asked to join your faction and gave up my own chevalier, I would lose the opportunity for anything against the natural order. I know what is expected. I will find a wife when we are older and settled. I know my boundaries. I won''t push father. I believe that love is the natural order, Ricky. I disagree with how our ancestors have polluted Lestanias true traditions just to blend into this realm. We choose our paths. We are not just for breeding; even in Lestania, many family options exist. You just have to be brave. Have a little rebellion in you to break the norms of the last 450 years. If the desire is mutual, I may be inclined to help you. Just say the word brother. Miza insisted. Unauthorized use: this story is on Amazon without permission from the author. Report any sightings. Mavrick watched his sister as she finished her pudding and moved on to her besan omelet and roasted potatoes. He knew he shouldnt be shocked, but he was always amazed by her ability to stand against the norms of the royal family. Rick, finish eating. We have a big day ahead of us. Lots of fun and prep for fathers visit. Miza continue grimacing. He blanched. How could he even consider living the life he wanted when the man he feared was due to arrive soon? Miza finished her repast and kissed her brother farewell. Akierda was alert to his new Mistress''s movements and followed her out of the dining hall. Um, Highness? He ventured shyly. Miza stopped and turned, smiling brightly at the lost boy. Dear, you can call me by my name or Miza as your den does. You are no longer required to use such formalities at all times. Especially per your request to join the den as a consort and guard. She winked at him, enjoying the blush that spread across his face, and turned to continue down the hall. She heard his footsteps pick up and an additional set join his. Ok then. M-Miza, M-My Dear. Ive been following you for months. Miza- Please. We seriously need to discuss this. I thought this would be different, but- Oh, Goddess. Miza, I am a commoner living between the Academy and the palace. I-I- She stopped short, quickly interrupting him. Jaime, leave us. Ill meet you in my offices. Miza instructed curtly. Yes, High Majesty. She waited until her personal assistants footprints faded, and then she pulled Akierda into the small sitting room near the Academy business suites. Speak your peace, honestly and completely. You are being confirmed tomorrow. There must be no doubt when you drink, or you may not make it through. Miza requested firmly. She sat on the settee and patted the space next to her as if what she said was not terrifying. Akierda sat beside her, rubbing his sweaty palms against his knees, wondering where to start. Miza, I am not questioning you. I- When I met you three months ago, and you stopped the guard, I was awed. You saw me for me and not who I was born. You sought to give me an opportunity. I mean, that is what I thought. I now understand that it was your knowing. I just saw a beautiful girl coming to the rescue of a street kid, and then suddenly, my 14-year-old life was completely changed. What would I say even if I wanted to? But the longer I am here, the more I wonder if I will be a detriment to the goals of this Faction, to you, to the kingdom. Im a commoner. Not even a commoner. Im not nearly as educated as the rest of the den. What will the Emperor think? What will he do? The old laws havent been applied in four generations. We are breaking everything our people currently know. He sighed. Im not strong. I know that. I cant defend you yet. Im scared, Miza. Im scared of what I feel and what is happening. He looked into her eyes, seeking comfort. Akierda, I know who you are, and Im not promising a romantic fairytale-like in storybooks from this realm. I am the first Goddess incarnate in 400 years. There is a target on my back. We are here to change Lestania for the better. You wouldn''t be here if I didnt believe in you. She took his hand, placing it on her cheek. This is your choice. It can only be your choice to give your life completely to another. To undergo the changes to become ones chevalier is completely life-altering. And it can be your death. Take your time to think about this, Love. You never have to return to Zetice, but you must be sure about this. Leaning over to kiss his forehead, she left him to his thoughts. Miza smiled reassuringly at Akierda as she backed out of the room. ~ Oh, Val. Valon Lavine! You put me down this instant. Miza giggled and was spun around in his arms. Mistress, please, we must review the agenda for tomorrow. The Emperors arrival is upon us. Your RisingC Lord Valon, you are not helping. Jaime muttered with exasperation as she clacked away on her tablet. It was rare to see these moments, but she was delighted to see that the Lady and Prince Consort were happy. They didnt often appear like this in front of others. It was a privilege that they trusted her. I am sure you are quite as capable as my assistant Jaime. You can handle all of the preparations. Miza pouted as she sat up straight to focus. Miza She heard the light scolding in Dontes voice. Hmph, fine. Jaime, what is on my schedule? The young girl huffed. High Majesty, Friday, your tutor will meet you here for Political Philosophy at 9:00 am. Ethics will begin at 11 am in the main library with the other Highnesses, Lords, and Ladies. You have a planned break for lunch at noon with Akierda, Sir Alex, and Justin. There is a Teleconference at 1:30 pm back in your office with our Factions east coast holding. From 2:30 pm C 5:00 pm, you will meet with the party planner, Lord Valon, and Lord Dante. You will then prepare for your fathers arrival, and the formal Ball welcoming your father will begin at 7:00 pm. At 7:30 pm, you will pass the blessing as requested. At 9:00 PM, you will leave with your nest to visit the temple so that Akierda can be confirmed. Jamie paused to ensure Miza was following along. Miza groaned, burying her head in her hands. I cannot with this, She stopped breathing in harshly as she held her hands up for a moment, before allowing them to continue. Okay, continue. Valon shared a worried look with Donte as he felt Alex push into his awareness again. Jaime moved forward with the schedule. As requested for today, your morning has been blocked off, leaving your afternoon and evening completely booked. From 2 PM - 4 PM, you will have a conference with parliament and the Imperial House Council. 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM, you will meet the faction leads in the receiving hall. 5:45 PM - 6:30 You must review and sign the documents on your residence office desk so I can pick them up after dinner. You will have dinner delivered to your suite tonight as the attendants will assist My Ladys personal attendant in preparing you for Saturday. You will only have time to change quickly before your Rising starts. You will meet with the High Priest and Priestess at the Temple for more training in ceremonial rights after dinner, so it will be a late night. Mistress, I understand that the next few days are full due to work and study, but please maintain. Please take time to enjoy your morning. Have a blessed day, Mother. She counseled as she finished quoting Mizas next two days at her. Jaime bowed and left the room. Miza sprawled on the couch. This is not being a normal teenager! She said irritably as she threw her hands up. Chapter 3: Culturally Relative They sat watching their den-mates splash about with Miza. Valon, Justin, and Donte sat under the ancient oak, the Sacred Tree, hidden within the Verdant Forest. This was a private placespiritual. Lore said this was where the Great Mother and the Great Father consummate their union. A lake, clear as crystal, so that you could see the rocks and plants covering the bottom and aquatic life swimming in the water. It was surrounded by oaks, willows, and other plant life that thrived no matter the season. The area was fragrant due to the tea tree and lavender flowers dotting the terrain past the rocky banks. Every inch of this lacustrine cave system made it apparent that this place was the den of the Primi Consortiu. The Goddesss power ran deep here. Miza climbed to sit on a pile of rocks outside the mouth of a hollow, just in front of the waterfall from a mountain stream. She waved to the men before standing and jumping into the water, laughing. At least today she gets to be a kid, Justin murmured with his gaze softly on her. Well, at least for a little while. Does it get to you, Justin? I find that since we moved into the Academy, what is normal has been hard at times. The age gaps, the arranged marriage, the expectations. Valon pushed forward before Donte could interrupt him. She says she wants to experience life as a normal girl, but how normal can she really be as a princess of a mystic land between the gods and the humans? Whose culture and norms are not accepted in the society she wants to blend into? Im turning 23. I am the first consort. She is to be my wife. Justin, you are 16. What happens if other chevaliers awaken and struggle to get with the program? Its what she wants, Val. We have to fight for her. We have to persuade her father that her attending a normal high school and living as a regular child for a while will benefit Lestania. Even if we are skeptical and, at times, the social differences will be challenging. Justin said. Donte finally interrupted. Mizarmonie is wise beyond her years. She has to be. I also dont think she needs this to lead the unveiling. This life in the human realm, however, is the way that she wants to go about it. I, as her guardian, you, as her head of security, and you, as her head counsel, must help her to find the best ways to navigate and learn about the world outside of the veil. The last 300 years is not what will help Lestania integrate into this world. Our Emperor does not want to hear it, but I spent years between the veils. Donte explained to his nest-mates. This world outside the academy walls is not mystical. It is further from the gods than we as a society have ever been. They will react to us with fear if we can not navigate this correctly. While this may not be the most Academy-style plan any faction has launched, this is our faction''s plan, and this faction is a royal faction with a mission far greater than the others. We cannot fail due to dissent. The four of us need to be in harmony. Donte clarified, not wanting any of them to be confused about what they were trying to do. Can there be harmony if you arent honest with us or even yourself? Alex said. Xe was always so quiet when xe approached. Donnie grunted as Alex lay beside him, putting xyr head on his lap. Donte shifted, leaning back on the blanket to create more space. His gaze was smooth and cold, shadowing all of his emotions. That is not the topic. It is a complication that will be dealt with later. He huffed angrily. Right now, we must be willing and able to lead this faction when needed and stand with Miza, even when we disagree, to help her navigate this mission. Right now, she is stressed, and we have less than three days to convince His Highness to allow us to do as Miza requests and devise a system of managing ourselves for a lie of this capacity. I also dont think she has realized that she will build a life and have to leave it behind. Donte sighed, irritation still apparent in his stiff posture. As Goddess incarnate, she cant abdicate. She has to take the throne and complete the ceremony by her eighteenth birthday. Alex reminded them as he lightly rubbed Donte''s thigh in an unconscious attempt to calm him. Valon, this rides on you to prep her. You are the first consort and God Incarnate. Your denblings will follow your lead in how they support her. We dont simply have a faction. The 9 of us are not just a Nest. We have brought dens back. This is a family with a small subset making up a faction. Donte, you keep saying mission, but this is more. The large of the den is not prepared for anything like this. Most of our nest-mates are only a few months in. They have never been outside of the Lestianian Property; Akeirda is new to everything. This is a test integration of a Lestanian family and a complicated one that we have not seen in almost 400 years. Yes, there is a mission, but what about our responsibility to the non-crew den-mates? It will be handled. I will ensure it will be handled. Donte said, not fully knowing where he would find his resolve. ? Mizarmonie, come eat lunch. We have to go soon. Donte heard a loud groan from the water, followed by a screech and Justins name being shouted. Justin loved her, and there was no question why he was second consort, but he was still a 16-year-old male. You could forget they were a royal couple when you watched them away from the prying eyes of duty. At 16, Justin became the second-youngest head of security when Valon was no longer eligible due to his title as God-incarnate. Faction missions were outside of the purview of the General of the Lestanian Guard. Ive been a brat today. Miza sighed. She reached for a hand pie and broke it open. Lentil-pies. I am nervous and not handling this well, am I, Donnie. She peeked at him woefully under her long lashes. A princess should be better at managing schedules, right? This is just so much. I knew I would have a lot with a royal faction, but I- She paused. How did I end up as Goddess-Incarnate? Ugh. Miza shoved half of the pie into her mouth and chewed a bit. I have to stop complaining, she mumbled with a full mouth. You are 13. Of course, you are struggling. Even though royals rise young, they are rarely required to follow through with daily duties. They generally still have time to enjoy their adolescence. Give yourself grace. You werent being trained according to succession, and your life has changed in a handful of months. You are the heir and the Goddess Incarnate. This is more than any Royal has had to oversee at once in centuries. Why would the Blessed Goddess anoint me? Miza grumbled. Valon and Justin shared a glance, and Valon nodded. Miza, you owe Alex and me some time. Justin stood and reached his hands out to her to pull Miza to her feet. Alexandra, lets go. He called to the brunette. He picked up a basket packed apart from the den lunch so they could go off by themselves. Ensure your favorite authors get the support they deserve. Read this novel on Royal Road. Lets go to the orange grove. Alex hooked xyr arm with Justins as he took Mizas hand, and they started making their way to the trail down the mountain. Valon and Donte watched the trio disappear. Donnie, lets schedule some time in the next week to discuss your future in the den and strategize with J. You have a lot of experience, and right now, we need it. We need you to accept who you are to her. Yes, My Lord, Donte said with hesitation as he watched Valon''s gaze settle over the den members, still enjoying themselves. This was a large den. There had not been an extended plural family in centuries, and it was uncommon for one so large to exist. Complicated, Valon thought, Mizas life has gotten too complex, and I hate complicated things. ? Valon rubbed his hands over his face. He was exhausted, and they had only returned from their morning for a few hours. He needed to visit the saunas but still had reports for the new men at arms to review, missions to approve, and the final verification of tomorrows security protocols for the ball and ceremony. Representatives of the Lestanian aristocracy were coming through the veil and arriving as early as the morning, some staying through the week. Allyion, lets meet, he called out to his secretary. He picked up his office phone. Jaime, yes, Lord Valon, here. I need you to pull a list of high schools and housing. I sent you an email with the specifics. I need the report by Friday. Alyion will assist. Yep. Thank you, Jaime. Allyion had entered and taken a seat across from him. Youll be coordinating with Jaime on a project. Also, we will need to start coordinating needs for going fully remote. Lets get through these reports so we can call it a day. Im sure you are just as exhausted. It was 4 a.m., and he wanted to get back to the residence at a reasonable time. The den needed more time, like today. Miza had seven romantic partners, including Valon. Some of them had partners and families of their own, leaving the den at a 17-member family unit, and they were still missing a chevalier, according to the insignia. Since Miza was anointed as Goddess Incarnate, the den was constantly unavailable. All of Mizas partners had or needed jobs related to Lestanias governance, and Miza, being touched by the Goddess, had irrevocably changed their lives. Even before then, /Miza had chosen to live her life as she saw fit, sometimes bringing back the old ways. She did so because she could be an example, and she wasnt connected in any real way to the countrys governance. But with the anointment, she was named heir to the throne. Luckily, the matter of King Consort was resolved as a faded version of her mark appeared on Valons left hip, a mirror to hers. He was God Incarnate, meaning he would be her spouse even if they had not been previously engaged. He didnt know what he would have done or felt if he had not been. The idea of letting her go was terrifying. There had never been such a large reigning family before. It was a headache. Valon and Allyion worked diligently and finished their analysis quickly. They packed their work and sent out their parcels to go through the veil back to the Verdant Palace in Lestania. Valon left the offices and took an elevator to the second sub-level of the communal baths. We arent ready. None of them were ready to wear the weight of the expectations of being the heir. He wasnt prepared for Marc Anthony. The man was furious when he was stripped of his position as heir and Commander of the Listanian Guard. He had always hated his sister because of their mothers death, but this was the last of it for him. Not only did he feel his sister had taken his mother from him, but she had taken his throne. Mark Anthonys fiances family broke the engagement. He lost his rights to his royal faction as heir and had to restructure. His lands were taken, leaving him with only his residence in the capital and rooms in the palace, though the apartment he grew up in was also shifted to his younger sister. For 25 years, he was the heir, but suddenly, he wasnt. He was forgotten in the flurry and excitement of the kingdoms beloved Princessa gaining power. Of their Goddesss return. She was beloved. She wasnt an absent royal. As Valon walked down the corridor to the dressing rooms for the baths, he thought about who she was and how beloved she was by the people of Lestania. She was their joya beacon of light in their corrupt history. While Donte had done an excellent job raising her and her brother for Maximillian, it was clear that it was not just the former second-in-command of the Emperors training that made Miza the way she was. It was something innate. A characteristic of love deep within her that allowed her to see past who she was supposed to be and who she needed to be, even when she was young. He settled into the sauna. Laying his head back, he shifted his mind to their factions medallions. The circumstances around Mizas upbringing were different from those of her siblings. Her father shifted guardianship and responsibility of her to Donte so that he would not have to experience the grief he felt looking at her. The Emperor was still her father and wanted the royal children protected, so he gave Donte the authority to set up a faction in her stead. Valon was brought to the palace at ten years old at the birth of his new fiance, so when Donte moved him to the royal residences and set up apartments for them, he was not ready, either. He trained hard for the last ten years and became Mizas personal guard while Donte worked to establish them. After her fourth birthday, Donte finally named the faction l''aube du loup. He had watched her, how she interacted with the palace and Academy staff, and how she enchanted the people when she visited the city with him. Days before her fifth birthday, she had a small task as the only princess to perform. Simple because she was young, but impactful because it was her cause. Donte had overseen a series of childrens homes that were being opened based on the different developmental needs of the children. Miza had said something during her daily tutoring about not understanding why small children were on the streets when the palace always had open rooms. Valon, who was older and had lived outside of the palace in his parents Dukedom, traveled with them often. He tried to explain the social classes and how many were affected by the money they had available to them. As his parents had recently passed, it happened to others, but the other kids didnt always have a family to take them or money to support themselves. If Valon were not a part of the aristocracy, he would not have money to live without the grace of the Emperor, and he was lucky that he was with her because it had given him standing early in his life independent from his parents, prompting the Emperor to allow him to keep his title and wealth. Miza was furious that things were like this. She left her lessons to ask her father why this would happen to their people, only to be turned away. She demanded that her faction find a solution. With their limited power, Donte petitioned the High Council and Parliament to allow him to restructure the care of orphaned children through a foundation that the princess would patronize. Donte brought various aspects of the homes to her for her outlook. Miza was young, but she still needed to understand that she was in a position of authority, even at four. She needed to be guided in making choices based on information and her convictions. Ultimately, they had an infant home, a younglings home, an adolescent home, and an Academy Preparation home for teens. A small trust would be made in each child''s name, and a review would be made one year before leaving the adolescent home to help them create a plan for their rising and adulthood. Rising for non-royals was generally around their 17th or 18th birthday, and aristocrats could do so earlier in cases of a parent''s death, causing an heir to be confirmed early. At the ribbon-cutting, she met a youth for the youngling home. He came home with her to be trained in the royal house as a knight and member of her faction. Three days later, Valon and Justin woke with a knowing and access to shadows of each others emotions. During a private dinner, Donte arranged for the princess and princes birthday; Donte presented them with their medallions and brought a priest to perform the ancient rite of chevaliers. Valon and Justins minds were opened and connected to Miza. They were one. Islac Ve Consta. Vedi Ve Custi. Chapter 4: The Balance of Power Friday, July 19th ( 19, Mizami, Dies Lea, L.S.L 10041 ) Laughter and excitement filled the dining hall as The Academy and its guests prepared for the arrival of the Emperor. The younger members were ready for an exciting weekend of festivities. In a little under 12 hours, a ball welcoming the Emperor back to the Academy under the new heirs leadership would be held to denote approval and support of the path the succession would take. This followed by Her Imperial Majesty, the Goddess Incarnates Rising, back in Lestania. Valon, Justin, Donte, and Alex sat upon the medial dias, masking their intense discussion across their linked awareness. Alexandra, it is your job to oversee the fine points of the reversal of the Adiamorphic Regime at The Academy. You will have to get used to speaking your mind to Maximillian whether you want to or not. Donte pushed through their mind link in their tethers, his sense of urgency creeping through to reinforce the reprimand. Thats easy for you to say. You are used to him. You worked with him. Even now, when his anger over Miza ''s actions is palpable, you can still break through to him. You were his Commandant until he released you to raise his child. He sees you like family. You have the most influence of any of us. I wasnt even in the Military Guard. I was a temple advisor. I was only a Seer for one year. I was an assistant before that. He hates the temple. Alexs panic was apparent, sending tingles of discomfort through their awareness. Alex, this was never supposed to be a war college or an ostentatious Cours des Miracles. You grew up as a child of the Temple. When you finished your courses at Lyceum Hall, you worked as a duty assistant, a temple escort, and a temple guide, and then after ten years, you moved on to being a Historian. Remember that is how you first met Our Lady when she came to make inquiries about Her Imperial Majesty. Your first duty as a Seer was this past Spring Festival. You performed the service in which Leana awakened in Miza. Who better to retransition us than someone who has a direct connection to the initial intent of this place. Valon insisted, attempting to soothe his Nestmate. Valon, you know better than to assume that, Alex stressed. Peering back at xyr brother. I know better than to assume the competency of a chevalier under my charge? His eyes flashed dangerously with this line of questioning. You know who you are. We have a duty to Miza, our kingdom, and our goddess. We know exactly why we were called to be a part of this faction and den. But, Alex, we can''t tell each other what to do. Donte, Justin, and I, as leadership in this faction, cant tell you what to do. This is the same thing we tell Akierda. This has to be your choice. Doubly so because you are not a warrior by nature. You were called to Mizarmonie just before that rite. You drank the blood and made it to the other side. Valon encouraged xyr. We speak treason, brother, Alex begged to be relieved of this duty. Valon could feel the fear, pain, and uncertainty churning within Alexandra. Consider this, Donte said firmly, We are Leanas children. Is it treason to return to our mother after a wayward father took us away from her? Is it criminal to take something stolen and return it to its rightful owner? I am loyal to the Imperial Family, but we can not forget who truly heads that family. Do not forget what Alivar did for power and the cost. He attempted to reason. You, out of all of us, have the most credence to take the Academy back to a place of Light and Learning. You can do this. Valon asserted before he was distracted. The connection was severed when Donte noticed Jaime entering the dining hall and purposely walking to the dias. She bowed to them. Good evening, Sirs. Sir Alexandra, the Goddess, requests your presence in the residence. Highness, Your Lady sent this message. She said, handing Valon a folded paper and walking away. Did she hear our conversation? Alex whispered hurriedly. I doubt she listened to the conversation, but it is hard to ignore when the connection links our intense emotions. Go, Alex. She probably is just giving you some reassurance. ? Alex entered the private residence with anxiety mounting. As xe made xyr way to the private lounge where Miza had been meeting with her attendant and dressmakers, a barrage of questions went through xyr mind. Xe never expected any of this when xe received the chevaliers'' call. When learning the history of Lestania, Alexandra had never seen such turbulence in recorded history. Yes, man''s greed had sometimes tainted Lestania, but this was so encompassing. The question burned in Alexandras mind. Is this what life within the imperial family has always been like? The constant struggle between itself, as well as with the Imperial House Council and the Clergy? Did Alivar do as he did because it was the most straightforward path? Historians recorded the facts. They have passed down and written our people''s oral histories and recorded past events. Is there really such a skewed interpretation of what the ruling class does? Then how much has been lost? Is this really a calling I can take? Of course it is. Alex heard as xe opened the door. You wouldnt have accepted the calling if you couldnt handle it, and you accepted that calling when you requested to pledge your life to mine in the middle of the Spring Festival. Miza sat smiling before them, clad in a satin robe, holding a glass of nectar. Alexandra strode to kneel in front of Miza, taking the hand she held out and kissing the ring she wore. Xe rested xyr head on Mizas hand. To answer your questions, yes, to all of them. This is what life has evolved into for the House of Lea. It was simple once upon a time. But 450 years ago, a type of greed that our people had not experienced yet was introduced when humans crossed into this realm for the second time in our history. Miza placed her glass down and lifted Alexs chin to look xyr in the eyes. Yes, my grandfather chose an easier path with less accountability because he could. Yes, our Historians record and study facts and events, but things are easily misplaced, or precious memories are, shall we say, stored to protect them. Venuemaos was allowed to enter Lestania, and without the influence of Leana it has spread and tainted the human side of many. Miza folded her hands into her lap. Alexandra watched her as she stared into the pool of a fountain in their common room. Alex felt the calm wash over them as they watched Miza. How did the chevalier''s call work? How did it connect them and bring about such trust and calm? Alexandra, do you remember how the rumors about me started when I was younger? How the people began to speak about the changes in the ruling class? The people said they saw the Princessa traveling about the kingdom and in the capital. I wasnt raised with the rest of the palace nobles, but I was still taught that Royal children were not to leave their nursery until they rose, outside of festivals and special events in which their presence had been planned. But when I was four, I had a dream one night. Miza smiled as Alex peered up at her. A spirit showed herself to me in a meadow. We wove crowns for each other and drew Pictures in the soil along the creek''s bank. Turned stone is the water and splashed around. And then, as we danced along the flowers where the bank and meadow connected, I noticed that only singular parts of each of our pictures were not washed away or covered by mud. That dream led me to visit the Temple Compound. I was searching for a written record of a story about Leana, but the Advisors were unfamiliar with this story of Leana''s daughters. I visited the worship hall, which Royal children rarely do anymore. While there, I petitioned our Mother to assist me in understanding the dream. Miza turned her gaze to Alexandra As I was leaving the sanctuary, I heard someone discussing their first-hand account of the lands outside the central region and the capital. I stopped to listen to the lecture in the main sanctuary. It was such a detailed description of the North. Miza paused as her countenance shifted. Alexandra watched her with reverence as Miza''s gaze turned from simple warmth to adoration. Astonishment that their lady would ever look at xyr like that. Miza continued. But then the duty assistant said something. In the region she hailed from, due to the mountains that separate the North from the southern regions and the broken surface of most of the land, very few people travel that area unless they work the mines. Because of this, some of the history of the past has been rumored to be protected there, or the people of that region did not learn other histories and had to make their own. But there is a specifically romantic tale of Leanas daughters, who were initially tasked with guardianship of the outer regions and traveled the veil to protect the people of all nations. We were told in the Verdant Palace that Leana only had one daughter, and her decedent crossed the veil and was lost and found. But that is untrue, isnt it, my love? You shared that story, and you know it to be true. Miza asserted. Miza, you believe it is my mission to search for the lost text and bring them to the Academy to be studied and reintegrated? Alex queried. I know your purpose was to make your way from the North and help uncover the truth. A chevalier''s fight is not always with a sword. You wield a different weapon, as your brothers have told you. There is no question that Leana has asked us to drive this change as a family. While you may not have as much experience as your peers at the temple, you are their peer. You are one of us and one of them. You are never alone in what you need to do. Would you like to meditate with me? Miza finished speaking. She stood, prompting Alex to stand quickly and step aside. Xe followed Miza to the reflection room off of the solarium. They sat on a circular mat with geometric shapes depicting the geographical landscape of the Island, encircled by pillows. In the center of the area, a tea service for two had been set. Alex watched as Miza prepared the herbs for the meditation and ground them into a fine powder that she sprinkled into the bottom of the cups. She then poured the hot water from the pot into the cups, passing Alex one of them. They drank the mixture quickly and then took their positions. ? The morning had been hectic, with schedule changes based on the discovery from last night''s meditation session. Donte was worried when, right before the den nested down for the night, Miza informed them that Alex would be giving a lecture during her Ethics class. His stress increased when he was told the Emperor would arrive that morning instead of that afternoon as soon as the den left the residence. This tale has been unlawfully obtained from Royal Road. If you discover it on Amazon, kindly report it. As he listened to the recitation, his apprehension dissipated. Last night, he was just frustrated that Alex was struggling to follow orders, but after xyr talk with Miza, xe was clearly ready to spearhead xyr side of the mission. I appreciate Professor Baiul allowing me to encroach on his lecture. Thank you, Sir, " Alex said, bowing in the professor''s direction. Hello, everyone. Bndictio Clarmine. Que la mre staecum avec vous. I have been known as Alexandra Dije, a child of the Temple, former Seer of Divine Rites, and Historian of the Celestial Temple. After my ligatu par le sanguis, I am OSe Sir Alexandra Dije Hyodolshi Lea, Graduate of Lyceum Hall, Historian of the Celestial Temple, and Conseiller of The Academy. Alex gave a moment for the weight of xyr title to settle over the small crowd that had gathered in the lecture hall. Miza chose to make this move, giving one of her consorts a new title and role in the kingdom without the approval of the crown, using her role as Goddess Incarnate to set things in motion. The professor began his lectures by expounding further on the subdivisions of ethical thought, as he has been teaching the second-year pupils of the Academy and the visiting noble children in a series on subtyping ethics and the reasoning behind knowing these distinctions. After a brief discussion, the professor agreed to allow me to lay an example of metaethics before you by relaying a piece of oral history that has long been lost to our people. Xe paused before speaking just loud enough for the crowd to hear and feel the power of a Conseiller. Leana said unto her daughters, Go forth and watch over the lands. Xe began. From her nine consorts with whom she shared her divine power with Liero - The Great Father, Tikcran, Zikhte, Lit, Pyol, Daisha, Becul, Crindl, and Miyal, she bore four daughters, Reina, Adelaida, Mizaami, and Brit. The voiatoregeuses had been with them for over 1000 years, and Leana decided that it was time to revisit the human world and share her message of love and peace. You see, Mother Leana had been watching the development of the humans on Earth. Survival was only sometimes kind to certain lifeforms, Leana had learned as she traveled the universe. The stress often caused humans to make choices that harmed themselves or others simply because it was the best decision the humans could think of at the time. Throughout human history, Leana had visited Earth and given humans some of her peace. Alex divulged as murmurs went through the crowd. The temple only ever spoke of Leana and Liero. These names were heard, but not as her consorts. Over 300 years ago, the temple denounced Goddess Leandra Collete Moreau Lea''s claim of the consortiums representing beings with power. The High Priest and Priestess at that time released a temple-sanctioned document decrying the belief that Lestania addressed any deities other than Leana and Liero and that they did not believe in practicing a plural relationship. Their letter claimed this was one of the false beliefs that the young put forth in her attempt to destroy the work of her father. What was the truth? Has the temple been lying? Alex pushed through the disruption, raising xyr voice with force to regain control of the crowd. Leana, however, had recently borne a fifth daughter, Lieros first daughter, Lesstia. She could not travel the veils as the daughter started showing subtle signs of celestial energy, and Leana saw a flicker of what she believed to be divine power in her. Her other daughters were all over a century old. They had all been trained to use their celestial energy and had proven to their parents that they could abide by the divine consequences and her rule. Lesstia was all of 5 years old by the Gods standard. So Leana called her eldest daughters to her. Alex explained further shocking the attendees that supposedly the Great Father was only the seed bearer of one of the girls. Your sister is but a babe. She still needs to be held close in the den and in her parents'' eyes. For this, I charge you to travel my island to ensure the voiatoregeuses are still settled and then go through the veils. Shroud yourself in sensibility and grace. Be shrewd as you bestow your gift. You are my daughtersextensions of me. When you return successfully, you will have proven ready to leave our den and create ones of your own. Xe continued to recount the memory Leana gave them. The maids of Leanas island did so with gratitude. Lesstia watched her sisters bathed in the lake outside the cliff caves they called home. She sat on the rocks, braiding crowns out of lavender and rosemary as her feet lightly splashed in the water. Lesstia worked quickly because once her sisters were done in their ritual baths, they would be leaving. The young women swam rhythmically, dancing in the water to center their celestial energies. As they finished their baths, the maidens dressed their dripping forms in sheaths of layered lace. When dressed, the girls kissed their parents goodbye before bending to receive their crown from their sister and kissing her cheek. When her sisters were gone, and their footsteps were no longer heard, Lesstia approached her mother. Mother, can I go beyond the veils? Leana smiled at her youngest daughter. When you are ready, your celestial light will shine bright, and divinity will guide you. The Great Mother told her. But that is not what the young girl wanted to hear. The divinity Leana saw in her youngest daughter meant that her celestial energy was far more developed than that of her sisters. Lesstia knew that her sisters could not commune with nature as their ability to propagate plants and speak with animals was not present as it was with her. Reina could interact with stone and easily find strains of ore and mineral deposits. Adelaida could help crops flourish. Mizaami could read the spirits of nature on the breeze. Brit could read the currents and tides and dance with the aquatic life. Mother had even told her that the universe was connected to her. Life resonated with her differently. So why couldnt she go? She stepped into the lake to cool her thoughts. Alex took a moment to pause, noticing that the audience attention attention was on xyr, and they were quiet. We can sum this up to the fact that Lesstia had experienced few children. Leana was strict that until she was certain her children could understand their power''s purpose, it was unsafe for them to interact with the Voiatoregeuses without proper supervision. But life resonated so profoundly with her that even as she swam in the lake outside her home, the purification dances came naturally to her; the fish swam with her, and the plant life at the bottom of the lake strained just to graze her toes. At that moment, 5-year-old Lesstia decided that she would travel across the veil. This is part of the story that Lestanians were familiar with. After peeking around, she left the water to ensure her parents were occupied. She listened as the wind carried their distant voices to her, noting they were distracted by their various tasks. She gently called to the earth to guide her to a veil. She followed the path of wild mushrooms that appeared before her. She approached a grove of trees tightly packed so that only glimpses of light shone through. The air was thick and shimmering. Alex attempted to describe the scene xe saw. The wind around her picked up, and she heard her parents calling her to stay where she was. But she stepped into the grove and disappeared. Lesstia had not yet learned the temporal differences affecting the veil and that she needed to understand the focus and intent of her presence to travel the veil. Liero and Leana arrived at the grove in time to see their daughter disappear into the darkness. With thousands of possibilities across the developing universe, they were unsure of when the young girl could have gone. Xe said, imparting knowledge that most did not have about the veil. Over the next few months, her sisters came home after completing their mission to find their mother grieving and exhausted, something they had never seen of the Goddess before. She had traveled the veil many times but had yet to find her daughter. The toll had affected her divine power, and Leana had to stop before she adversely affected the universe. The den grieved for the young child, not giving up faith that they would find her but knowing that they needed to continue with their stewardship of the Guardian Realm to meet the ever-growing needs of the expanding population on it. As promised, Leana sent her eldest daughters across the island to find their mates. Over the years, the women found their mates and moved to live with their mates'' families to steward the land in that area. These families became the four guardians of the island we now call Lestaina; these guardians became the houses that grew into the grand duchies that exist today. Gasps spread across the hall, and whispers spread like wildfire, but Alexandra stood firm as xe completed the narrative. So then why is this only a story rumored in the North? I spent the first five years of my life in the North before my father and older brothers died in a mining accident. In the Reina Mountains, along the natural corridors our ancestors used, there are still depictions on the stones of the stories and stories told of histories hidden from destruction in the mountains that few will brave. Is this a piece of exaggerated mythology or a story that was cast aside as irrelevant to the history taught? What lessons are there to learn from such a story? I end here with these questions and ask our future and aspiring scholars about the relevance of controlling the narratives of historical events. Professor Baiul expects a three-page critical essay from his pupils to be turned in to his office secretary on Monday morning. As your Conseiller, I hope that throughout this grand weekend, we use the Academy for what it was always intended. Analysis. Inquiry. Discussion. Thank you all, and have a blessed day. Alex finished speaking and bowed into the silence before leaving the lecture stage to join his nest mates. ? Xe did amazing, didnt Xe, Justin. Justin, Miza, and Akierda sat waiting for Alex to join them for lunch on the terrace. Yes, Alex held it together, well, until His Highness and your brother arrived. I wasnt expecting him to come so early. He may hate me, but he is a royal and has trained in diplomacy for years. I assumed that Mark Anthony would attend with Father. Though I will admit, I may have reconsidered allowing Alex to orate if I knew they would arrive during lectures. Cest la vie. I wanted to stay with them during the debriefing with the professor once I realized that Father and Marc Anthony would be sitting in. Alex said not to concern myself, though. The tether is quiet as well. Miza, we have no one in the palace, Akierda said. I didnt even have a chance to live in the palace because the entire den moved to the Academy right after you met me. I know you still have friends and colleagues, but we have no allies to assist in this pursuit. During the conclave, we should - Bide our time. Build our allies. We are in alignment with Lestania. My presence shows that the unveiling is imminent. Don''t worry unnecessarily. When we are to make moves, it will be clear to us. Give people time to process what they have been told. We will live as we do, and they will make decisions that will show us our next steps." "Miza" "I''m not the Queen yet. I plan to enjoy my time until my father needs to step down. And honestly, that''s that. We should settle in the US, you know. I was looking at some of the school districts" "Hey guys!" Alex interrupted as xe joined them on the Garden Terrace. "Oh, lunch!" Miza gasped loudly, gesturing to the servants to serve them. "Alex, Did Father say anything to you." "It was surprisingly pleasant. His Majesty was displeased, but as our Emperor, he kept it together. The Archpriest suggested mounting an expedition to the North to study the story. Lovely, she said, sitting back in her chair. I am pleased to hear that. The servants had finished serving the meal and took their post, standing at a respectful distance from the royals as they enjoyed the afternoon meal, choyate salad, squash soup, and fried garbanzo curd. An Imperial House Council messenger interrupted the nest-mates'' casual conversation. The servant knelt before them. I wish you health, Mother. I have a dispatch from the Imperial Council Hall. Justin stood up to receive the message for Miza, dismissing the servant. He handed her the message. She opened it and scanned the letter. Rolling her eyes, she slammed the letter on the table and returned to eating. Chapter 5: Succession and Disgrace July (Mizami) 19 Mizarmonie and Valon stood outside the doors of her father''s office. The hallway to her was empty, and his suite had been cleared out. That meant he didnt want anyone privy to this discussion. Valon could feel her anger coating the tether. Heavy and daunting. They had fought hard to push this conversation as long as they could. The summons at this time could only mean one thing. His Imperial Highness was no longer willing to abide by Mizamonies wishes. Its fine, Miza. I stand with you 100% on your decision to push our marriage. It''s fine. We can wait. He cant force the issue, not with your refusal. He would need the full Council and to convince the Clergy to go against you. I dont think they will be inclined to make an immediate decision considering Alexs lecture. She breathed in deeply. This is a power play, and this is exactly why I refused to be married on The Council''s timeline in the first place. But this push, this push isnt just about us. We tipped the scales, and Father needs to reclaim some semblance that he, as Emperor, is still the reigning King and that I do not have power yet. Since he was forced to name me his heir, he knows his legacy, the entire Hydolshi legacy, will be considered a blight once I have taken the throne. She felt a slight tinge of panic welling inside her. The Adiamorphic Regime. Yes, Ive heard the whispers. After you were named the heir, rumors began to appear, claiming that Alivar had brought sin and evil to the House of Lea. But they are whispers. I currently have a team focused on investigating the source. Do you truly believe His Imperial Highness is affected enough by this to push this marriage? Now? Miza kept trying to convince everyone that just because their laws said that she was an adult in less than 24 hours didnt mean that she was prepared. She wasnt. She knew she wasnt ready to rise. She wasnt prepared for the responsibilities that had been thrust upon her. Being the Goddess Incarnate didnt make her life easier. It didnt make the job clearer. It just made her a target. I know that my father is a proud man who has not ever had to fear my opinions until recently. We knew this peace wouldnt last, V. Her voice came out in barely a whisper. She raised her fist and knocked on the heavy door, then entered without waiting for permission. ~ You do not have the right to refuse a royal decree. Just because Valons parents are dead does not mean that alliance is void. Maximilian growled. He still hadnt adjusted to dealing with Mizarmonie. Before the Spring Festival, he rarely interacted with his youngest daughter. He knew of her, but outside of official duties, he avoided his two youngest children at all costs. It had only been a handful of months since he had been forced to lead the occasional lesson to show her the ropes of being the Emperor. Unlike his son, Mark Anthony, the girl just soaked in the information and never stated her opinions on anything to him. He assumed that, for the most part, she was pretty docile. He had never dealt directly with her like this, and he was out of his depth. Highness, have I not proved my loyalty to the House of Lea? I beg your pardon, My Lord. I am intrinsically bound to your House with or without our marriage happening at this time. Valon attempted to reason with his emperor. Silence, boy. I did not give you blessing to speak. Maximilian scoffed. How he had come to hate this boy and his rise to power. The challenge he posed. Father! Mother fought for all Lestanian women to have this choice returned to them. You supported this, and then you took it back. Why, when I want to exercise my ability to choose whether or not to engage in these very adult choices, you dont care? It doesnt matter how often you try to avoid it, but I am your daughter. Even if you dont care that the Imperial House Council is trying to erase Mothers legacy, you cant ignore that I am your little girl. Im thirteen, father. What do I know of being a wife or starting a whole family? I barely understand how to have Nest and you want me to be a wife? The young girl raged at her seed bearer. Her father glared at her, anger swirling in his light brown eyes. She stared back. She was enraged. It was palpable, and both men could feel its weight. That weight, the heavy presence of her innate power and divinity, made him fight this harder. She was his child. He was the emperor. No one was above him. No one dictated to him. You are a daughter of the Imperial House. You are my heir, whether I chose you or not. You will not continue to defy me and breed discontent in my nation. He snapped at her. Then let me go! I have suggested this dozens of times, " Miza said as she felt her anger settle to a simmering rage, recognizing that the back-and-forth would get them nowhere. The answer is no. I want this alliance sealed. Maximilian demanded. As Valon has said, Father, we have fulfilled the decree. She breathed deep, then stood with her back rigid, her voice low and clear as she approached his desk. Father, I need you to hear me. I know who I am. I know that Valon is my mate. I love him and intend to complete our union, but when I am ready, not when you or the Council want us to. Im thirteen. I know in our culture, and because I am of royal blood, my life is different, but I AM going to enjoy my childhood. There is no reason we cant leave so I can go to a real school and be a normal teenager. We can still do our jobs. We have already established the alliance you want. She could barely keep her exasperation from showing. This is not a game, Mizamonie! Maximilian bellowed, slamming his fist on his desk as he stood towering over his daughter, the threat imminent. Valon, kneeling, flinched, torn between respecting his emperor and protecting his mate, the honored mother. Sensing his confusion and discomfort, Miza held her hand out to force him to hold. No, My Lord, this is no game. I have not forgotten who I am, but perhaps you have. I am Leana incarnated. I am our Mother here on earth. The throne you hold is with my permission. You and no one else dictate to me my wishes because I am the Goddess. I am YOUR fucking Goddess. The fact that you and any other king hold the throne for more than a second when the Goddess Incarnate becomes of age is by her grace. The fact that I want a chance to experience my childhood and learn about the human realm in person and away from Lestania''s influence is the only reason you hold this throne. Because right now, I do not want it. Because right now, I let you and your band of fools hold it. When I claim it, it will be because I will be ready to lead MY people into a new age that honors our Mother and Fathers wishes rather than human wishes. Not because the descendant of an earthly man declared it. And you should remember all of this with every decision you make, Imperial Highness. Mizas threat was clear. This is my decree. Miza challenged with a mocking bow. Briefly looking at the man who should have been her father, she turned abruptly on her heels to leave. Valon, to me. We have plans to make with our nest-mates. Miza! Valon called after her as she navigated to their residences. She was furious. She could feel it deep within her. Its stupid that just because she is a royal she had to get married, and she would not be wed until she and Val were ready. Well, it was mostly Miza. Valon would hold the ceremony whenever she said to. He was just waiting for her. Gods damn it. Miza stopped shouting in the corridor, stomping. Lucky for Valon, that gave him just enough time to catch up to her without running. Holding back a chuckle, wondering at how adorable she was when angry, though he wouldnt mention that to her. Valon wrapped his arms around her, locking her in place. Breath, baby girl. He soothed as she huffed angrily. I am angry, Val. Miza whined Yes. You are also the future empress screaming in the middle of a hallway and staring daggers. He whispered playfully. Her face immediately flushed as she realized they were not alone and that many had probably seen her and could see her. Looking up, she saw several servants trying to appear busier while trying to make themselves disappear. She covered her face with her hands. Blessed Mother gives me strength. She muttered to herself before relaxing her shoulders. Valon let her go, coming around to lift her chin with his finger. Parting her fingers, she stared up into his eyes, letting him calm the storm raging in her. She was angry. She was scared. Marriage came with expectations. She wasnt ready for any of that. He gently grabbed her wrist to pull her hands from her face as he studied her and read through her emotions, tracing the source of her concerns while rubbing soothing circles into her wrist. Valon knew she had many concerns about getting married. It didnt matter how close they were now. Their marriage was still political, even though they cared for each other. Anything less than completing the ceremony when she was ready and prepared would taint the partnership they had been building. The only thing that matters is that I stand beside you and support your decision to wait. I will not go through with this until you say you are ready. No one can make this happen if both of us are refusing. They can keep applying pressure, but your Nest, your den, Your Family support you totally. We are here for you. We serve you. He took her right hand and kissed the ring on her finger. Dont forget. You are a Goddess reborn.Taken from Royal Road, this narrative should be reported if found on Amazon. Miza nodded, and he pulled her away. She shook her head in realization. I almost forgot. I have a meeting. I need to go to the offices. She gasped. I sent Don. Well rest before we meet with the planner for final checks. Valon informed her. Thanks, V. She whispered as he hummed in acknowledgment. Valon followed the hall until they reached the inner doors that led to the first floor of their dens residences. They had to remodel the mid-to-rear third floor and the rear third of the fourth floor to give their den a separate home for themselves. The royal residence was quite lovely. The Academy was built to impress, but Donte and Valon took pride in how the Eminentia Taniere had turned out over the last few months. It was another symbol of their familys unity and the change to come. They entered the den, passing through the seating area and greeting their denblings as he took her large bedroom that the Nest shared. While each member of her Nest had separate rooms within the residence, they generally slept in the shared room together. He would just take her for a quick rest to help her decompress from the stress. ~ There was nothing Mizarmonie hated more than balls. She hated them even more when her brother and father were there trying to butter up business partners from outside the veil. There werent many humans here, but there were enough. Miza was becoming concerned with the type of humans that were around more often than not. She was aware that, over the years, her family had become involved in unsavory industries in the human realm. She knew that the humans that were here tonight were powerful men, just some for all the wrong reasons. Unlike her Rising, this ball was a more intimate party. It was a reminder of the relationship between the Academy and its purpose to serve the emperors goals, or so they had been telling the people during the last several reigns. Miza sighed, waiting for the time to come for them to make their exit. There were only a handful of people left to present themselves to her father. His throne sat in the middle of the upper dias while hers sat in the medial dias to his right, and Valon stood slightly behind her. As the last person completed their greetings and the servant ensured the guest''s gift to her father was secured, she began to fidget. She was in a ballgown, of all things. She used her fan to hide her discomfort, discretely stirring the air. Father. The temple informed me that there were some last-minute things they needed to review before tomorrow afternoon. Since I am not needed, Ill take my leave of you. She announced quietly. He barely acknowledged her with a grunt and a wave of his hand, but she would take it. Valon came around the throne to give her his hand. As she rose, he placed her hand in the crook of his arm. Turning them to face the Emperor, they both bowed before exiting. They both nodded and stopped for the occasional chat as they made their way through the crowd. Within 20 minutes, they found themselves leaving the great room into the foyer where the rest of the Nest waited, with Mizas personal attendant who led her to a room off to the side to change out of the floor-length white lace gown quickly. Once Miza was changed, they quickly made it to the large room to the left of the foyer and down a long hallway that led to the gateway chamber that hosted the Academys veil. It was a room in which the natural elements surrounding the veil and the architecture of the palace were combined to create a space that could be monitored and protected. The guards stepped away from the veil opening. Donte went through the veil, then Peter and Akierda, then Rayel and Sarafen, Then Alex and Justin, and finally Miza and Valon. They arrived safely in the Verdant Palace, where they exited to quickly take their carriages to the Temple Compound, where the ceremony would take place. When they arrived at the final gates, a young temple guide met them outside the doors of the outer worship hall. With a deep bow, the child spoke. Blessed Mother, we thank you for joining us. I have been instructed to lead you to the Main Sanctuary, as there are still people here for worship. Several temple guardians have been called to ensure privacy. Thank you. She gestured for the guide to take them to the sanctuary. As they walked, Miza noticed eyes on them as they passed through the walkways that led to the main sanctuary parallel to the worship hall. When they reached the doors, the guards opened them, and they entered to be greeted by the High Priest and High Priestess. Generally, with a Goddess and God Incarnate present, someone in their position would step aside. The clergy agreed with her that if they were good enough to serve all through her childhood, then they still were good enough to continue serving until she was ready to take over all of her duties. For now, she and Valon trained under them to learn the ceremonies, rituals, and stories that are unique to their position. In instances like this evening, having a High Priestess that was not her was a lovely thing because she would perform the ritual. The ritual space was set up, and the Priestess already prepared the altar. Blessed Mother. The High Priestess honored her by bowing low. Mother. Miza responded by bowing her head. We will take you to your ritual baths to prepare. Your Nest will go together with our High Priest. Akierda, the High Priest, will take care of your bath, and the attendants will be there for the rest of the lords and ladies. My lady, I will take care of you. They separated to their rooms. Within the Temple were several private rooms for baths as well as a communal hot spring. These rooms were for the ritual baths and still used old-style pools with earthen drainage for baths. The shower room that had been ever present to keep the hot spring as clean as possible was nearby. Each room had sunken square or rectangular pools that were inlaid slate tile. There was a gentle slope to the pools that would cause the water to drain through the hole in the bottom back of the pool when uncovered. That hole connected to a drainage system that dumped the wastewater into a nearby natural water purification system that was maintained by the bath attendants using aquatic plants to ensure the water was correctly treated using natural methods. There was no running water for the ritual baths, and each pool was filled from a separate spring with buckets and kept warm by fires maintained in a room under the baths by those same attendants. The pools were designed with seats on the sides depending on the pool size so that they could be soaked in. They also had a catch in which stones and herbal products necessary for ritual baths could be added if they were too large for the drains. Akierda and Miza were each in a single bath, while the rest of the Nest was split between baths that held 2 to 4 people each. Akierda wasnt quite sure what to expect, but he had been forewarned about the ritual baths. He wasnt comfortable with it, but he had worked really hard to be ok with it. What was now called transgender people in the human realm never really existed in their culture until the last 100 years. Well, they existed, but they were just them. It was a term adopted by Mizasgrandfather from the human realm along with many of the negative social ideas that many had about them. One of the kings had specifically grouped everyone who didnt follow reproductive categorization and made it seem like it was dirty if they did not. In Lestania, that is not how it ever was until that kings choice, but they used the fact that the Great Mother and Father were an example and that people should strive to follow that example. The Clergy, of course, fought parliament about making laws that punished queer people, but it didnt stop the social issues that the royal family had pushed. The royals were literally Leanas blood, so, of course, the people followed their example. If a ruling Lea said it, it must be true, right? He grew up feeling shame for being who he was. It wasnt until Miza found him and introduced him to Alex, who had been freer to live as xyrself under the temples protection, that he was ok with opening up about not being a girl. Miza had been trying to break down the social issues that had become very common in Lestania. Akierda learned from Alex that she had been arguing with the nobles and her father for years, that there was nothing in scripture or lore that spoke against queer people, and that there were examples that they existed during the Goddess''s reign without retribution. When she became the Goddess Incarnate, her den doubled down on their stance, making their large, very queer family known. In recent months, a lot of the overt hate and fear disappeared simply because people were afraid to fall out of favor with a royal whom the Goddess clearly favored. Miza felt that if fearing her stopped some of it, then she would take that as a start. She and Alex had been on a mission to find missing lore once Alex joined the family, and Miza realized that even the temple had been questioning parts of lore that seemed to be missing or rewritten. Despite the safety Akierda had found in his new family, he still could not hide the shame he felt when he looked at his body and hated that the High Priest needed to be subjected to it. But he understood the ritual bath and its purpose, so he sat in the heavily scented water, letting the day be washed from him so that he would enter the ceremony wholly cleansed. When he was done, the priest helped him dress and led him out of the room. They entered the ceremony space, and his nest-mates and Miza were already dressed in their ceremony robes. He joined her in the center of the circle that they created around her. A symbol of a Chevalier Nests protection of their Rose. He supposed that he should be afraid of his ligatu par le sanguis. They had all been telling him that even with the Chevalier''s call, you can die from it and the changes it makes in your body. The mixture that they each drank had a poison in it that only their bond could fight if their intentions to the one they served were pure. The air was heavy. Thick with incense, but there was something else. Akierda heard chanting, but his attention was locked solely on Miza. He saw her flinch as a blade was drawn across her wrist, and a bowl was placed to collect the liquid as it came pouring out. He noticed that the Bowl was removed, but he continued to intently watch her, waiting patiently for the High Priestess to tell him to speak. All he could hear were quiet gasps or grunts as his nestmates hands were cut, and then he could faintly hear the High Priestesss voice asking him to respond after a few moments. Yes, this is true, " he said as the High priest took his hand and slid the blade across it, tipping his open palm to collect the liquid. The priestess said more words, but he felt like he was getting heavier, and that was all he could focus on. Focus, Akierda. He said to himself. Akierda, he heard her gentle voice. Drink, " she said as she tipped the liquid into his mouth. It was thick, sweet, and metallica blood bond. If you are faithful, you may join this circle. There was darkness. Chapter 6: We Shall Rise July (Mizami) 20th( 20, Mizami, Dies Cesemitio, L.S.L 10041 ) Mavrick paced in his small sitting room in his converted apartment. He was dressed in traditional robes for his Rising. Loose woven beige pants and matching robes that flowed, laying open to bear his chest. A headdress covered his shoulder-length twist. Hung low on his waist was a braided belt of spun gold and silver with a token of onyx affixed through the center. Miza had rooms blocked off for Mavrick so he could remodel it into a small apartment within her residences so he would have privacy and safety. Mavrick was so nervous that he had spent most of the day confined to the residence. Their father arrived early, and Mavrick wasnt prepared, so he retreated and feigned illness. Mavrick and Miza had decided to bring back the tradition of allowing those who were sex-diverging or engaged in multisexual relations to determine their masculine and feminine alignment and thus choose when they would rise into adulthood. Mavrick finally had come to terms with the fact that he related more to his feminine balance and that he would rise with his sister on their birthday rather than wait until he was 16. Though Mavrick thought it would be nicer to pick an age that didnt have to do with common bodily functions between sexes. They had not told their father. However, the priest had reluctantly prepped for both of the royal children to rise at his sister''s insistence. To her, if their tradition and history honored the authentic expression of individuals, then their royal ancestors had no right to prohibit these traditions that allowed a person to follow a path that aligned with them. He was panicking, but as Miza was receiving guests, she couldnt be with him to calm his nerves. But he needed his sister more than anything right now. There was a knock on the door. Mavrick turned as Lihte walked in. He felt his heart flutter, and the pit gnawing in his stomach changed to a different type of nervousness. He timidly smiled at the young man before him. Lihte was a few years older than him and had recently had a private Rising in the Celestial Temple with his foster mother. Only the royals and some of the aristocracy had public Rising as their rights of passage were explicitly connected to their title, and the people celebrated their titles. Good evening, Lihte, Mavrick said softly, looking down at his bare feet with their pretty gold-painted nails and red markings adorning his feet. My Lord, Lihte bowed low, then straightened, smirking at Mavricks blush. I came to check on you as you have been missing most of the day. Its good to see that you are in good health. You do your ceremonial garb justice. Lihte complimented Mavrick. Mavricks blush spread further across his face. He couldnt tell if Lihte knew how he affected him or not. They were great friends, and he enjoyed spending time with him. He made him laugh, and when Lihte helped him train in close combat, he also felt more confident even when he messed up. When Lihte was there, he felt different. The world was a little less scary. He didnt fear every shadow or feel like a burden. Feel like a failure. Um, yes. I was just feeling a bit unwell. I thought I should rest to be in full form for the - Mavrick stopped short as he realized Lihte had gotten closer. Very close. Yes, rest is good, Rick. He was standing with only a few inches between them. Lihtes hand was reaching out towards him. But you are missing a piece. He had picked up the thin woven scarf in a pattern of vertical red, black, and tan shapes. There. He said, draping the stole around his neck. His fingers lingered at Mavricks collarbone, causing Mavricks blush to deepen. Their gazes met, Lihtes filled with an intensity that the younger boy had never seen directed at him before. Youre ready. ? The drums beat rhythmically, reverberating against the stones of the courtyard. Her body and spirit reacted to the ambiance created by the palace staff under the direction of the committee sent by the temple clergy. The music was designed to open her body to allow the Great Mother''s spirit to emerge from within her and merge with her spirit. That would be if she and Leana were currently not one and the same being. This was all symbolic and for the people. She sat on her dias. Mavrick sat on the dias built below hers. She was dressed in robes similar to Mavrick. The difference was that her long beige robes were embroidered with red flowers, and an ornate and heavy necklace of beads was made from wood, stones, and precious gems that mostly covered her bare breast. The music was stimulating and heady. Miza swayed as she watched the dancers on the outer edge of the circle as the High Priest and Priestess completed their symbolic step-down ritual. As Goddess incarnate, her rising was not just Miza crossing the veil into her adult life; she was now technically the head of the clergy. She was the Mother here on earth. Despite the potent atmosphere around the dias designed to relax them with incense and burning herbs, she was aware of her father''s displeasure as he sat across the atrium having a quiet but obviously heated discussion. She briefly caught Dontes eye and noted his subtle nod, letting her know that her thoughts on their discussion were accurate. Her father was furious that she and Mavrick were rising together. He was angry that Mavrick was not a warrior like their elder brothers, and he was only driven further into his anger now that Rick was rising in his feminine aspect under the Goddess rather than under Liero. But this was welcomed and accepted by our ancestors, Father. The clergy agreed. She thought to herself. The music stopped, drawing her attention back to the ceremony as the man and woman exited the circle, no longer wearing their diadems. A priest approached her carrying the High Priestesss diadem with a temple guide trailing behind them carrying two cups of anomie. The priest stopped before her and began speaking so that his voice reached all of the guests. On this day 13 years ago, the Great Mother blessed us with a daughter and vessel to carry on her spirit. Will you accept her calling and lead our people in accordance with Leanas vision and hope for her children? This tale has been unlawfully lifted without the author''s consent. Report any appearances on Amazon. Yes, I will. Do you accept the responsibility of being our Mother here on Earth and her representation in law and stewardship? I do. Then purify your body and prepare to rise. The guide knelt before her so that she could choose a cup, and then, she gave the remaining cup to Mavrick. Miza drank the bitter, earthy liquid as Valon climbed the step to the dais. She watched Valon approach her, handsome in his traditional robes. His medallion hung around his neck. Her handprints were visible on his chest, where she pressed the blood and clay mixture to his skin as a symbol of their bond for the rite. His sword hung low on his hip, and his boots shined so that the candlelights reflected on them. He was followed by Henri, a lower-level crew member, carrying a pillow with the coronet for the heir of the Lestanian throne. As Goddess Incarnate and daughter of the reigning Emperor, she was automatically named the heir, displacing her older brother. Valon knelt before Miza as the priest continued. Commit your vow. In body, mind, and soul, I give myself to the Great Mother to merge her ancestral essence with my spirit. As Goddess, I pray that the Great Mother will allow me to invoke her strength so that I will be a fair leader. I pray that as a Mother, I will demonstrate love and compassion. I commit myself to my children in love, respect, admiration, and promise to maintain an illuminated path in my stewardship of our wellbeing. Miza confidently recited. Valon stepped forward, taking the high priestesss wreath in his hands as the priest continued. Then we proclaim your glory and bask in your light with our birthright as children of Leana. We acknowledge you as Mother and pray that your ears are attentive to your children''s prayers. Valon placed the coronet on Mizas head and then knelt in supplication and prayer. The crowd''s voices rang out as they chanted their prayer together. Blessed be our Mother. May she nurture me, teach me, and strengthen me. May your wisdom guide us. Valon stood before her and spoke. Will you honor our ancestors and protect the integrity of the imperial house? I will. Miza promised Will you honor our history and be an example in citizenship? Valon said as worry passed through his awareness, knowing that this statement would be seen as a challenge. I will. Miza affirmed. Will you promote peace and uphold justice, fighting inequity? Valon asked I will. It was a straightforward declaration for her. Will you follow and learn from the laws of nature and seek knowledge to increase the welfare of our isle? Valon asked. I accept the opportunity to follow this path, Miza answered with a slight smile. Then rise as our Crown Princess and Goddess. Valon placed the coronet on her head. Then he knelt, bowing his head and raising his fist across his chest. Miza stood and took the celestial staff into her hands, a woman now, as the divine spirit within her shone forth in acknowledgment of her shared soul with Leana. The ceremony was over. Miza and Mavrick had made it through the first half of the night. The ball honoring her and her brother was now beginning. Servants entered the atrium carrying trays of food, champagne, and wines. Valon had quickly directed the servants to rearrange the mezzanine back to the normal setup with tables and cushions below my dais for her den-mates. An assortment of fruits, cooked and raw vegetables, cheeses, breads, cakes, tea, and wines. Her den was enjoying themselves. She had been receiving guests for the last hour. Miza was ready for the event to end. Still, this event was specifically designed to present the Goddess Incarnate to the nobility of Lestainia, business associates of the royal family, and the allies of the unveiling. Each individual needed to understand her place not only as the upcoming Imperial Empress but also as her peoples link to the celestial sphere in which the Great Mother and her children returned after the misdeeds of humanity. She was not just an imperial heir but a deity in their presence. It was time for people to understand that Lestiania was no longer simply a place for Leanas descendants to build their families but that it needed to return to its rightful place as a celestial gate in the cosmos. She could see the end of the line in sight. Ten more pairs to go. She took a deep breath. Trying to listen to the Master of Ceremony intently. Mister Evan Wisdale and his wife Sophia, The Chairman of Wisdale International. Miza inclined her head to the pair, scrutinizing them as they ceremoniously greeted her. Where did she remember that name from? She quickly sorted through the profiles she had reviewed in preparation for the events. He owned several development projects in the United States, including one near where her mother grew up. The receiving processional ended. Now, she could just have fun. Miza took her seat next to her father and watched as the opening dance performance began. It was a ceremonial performance telling the story of the Blessed Mother''s embrace of the first voiatoregeuses. The primordial culture was present in the costumes and use of ceremonial instruments. She was pleased to see movements from traditional stories being honored again. During her weekly meetings with the archpriest, she was told that a special troop had been formed to bring back ancient dances and storytelling. She let her attention roam around the courtyard, taking in the scene. She made note of which factions seemed distracted. Noticeably, her elder brother, Marc Anthony''s guard, who once was housed under the now defunct faction Venomous, was a raucous crowd. She had felt that her father was misguided in his reign, but her brother''s ideals prior to being deposed were terrifying even to the Imperial Council. While Marc Anthony sat composed and observant, his men behaved as if they were attending a festival, not an Imperial Celebration. The dancers finished and left the dance floor as an American Rock song rang from the speakers placed around the courtyard. She stood bending at the hip in a respectful bow. "I ask to take my leave, your Majesty". With his permission, she settled to enjoy the ball with her mates and faction. Chapter 7: Love is Loyalty is Treason Mizami was slowly coming to an end. After the excitement of the twins Rising, both the Imperial Palace and the Academy fell into the steady lull of business as usual. Valon was back to his usual flow of steady intelligence reports from the outer veils of the human realm and the generals of the Imperial Army. As the General of the Imperial Army, it was his duty to ensure that security and training were all managed with a firm hand across all sectors. Duty. Love. Treason. These words were all starting to blend in with each other. His duty as God Incarnate was battling his vow of General of the Imperial Army. His love for his future wife and the family they were all building together. His love of the rich history of his country was hard to separate from his fear for her future if the imperial family continued on its path. His distrust of if his Kings plan for his budding empire across the veils was the right path. His trust that his Goddess and love was correct in her assessment that she needed to intervene at the earliest and safest moment to prevent Lestania from further being tainted. It felt right to continue to back her. They were unmistakably connected proven by the faint mark of Liero on his left hip. One day, his mark would be completed, like Mizas mark of the Goddess, but at this moment, he knew that his duty to Mizarmonie, no matter how it affected the emperor he had sworn to protect, was his priority. Thats why he hadnt initially told Donte about the mark that appeared the day Miza was born. He wasnt sure it was safe to do so. It had taken him years even to start to trust that Donte was no longer aligned with the Emperor. When he saw it last year, it was almost the end of them, and they had barely started. Sighing, Valon pushed aside the reports. He couldnt concentrate on them. Turning to his laptop, he set to answer some correspondence before lunch. The sound of quickly pounding footsteps and hushed voices interrupted him from typing a letter to a foreign dignitary that they were considering introducing to Lestania. A faint prickling sensation, like the feel of a rose thorn sliced through their tether, like ice. He straightened as his nest-mate walked into his office, followed by his secretary. He waved her away, and she quickly exited, closing the door softly behind her. "Don, what''s happened?" "We need to talk, Val." Donte stopped, taking a deep breath as he raked his hands through his hair. "Max has been made aware of a potential attack. The latest intel has reported that Mark intends to make a play for the throne as well, but that he intends to pass the blame on Our Lady for now to destabilize the little goodwill that becoming the hier has given her with him. Max doesnt know this yet; his people just know that something is coming, but it wont be long until someone brings up that the Crown Princess would likely desire to cut his reign short simply because she is the Goddess Incarnate. Valon sat silently for a moment, and then he dropped his head into his palms, groaning quietly. Negativity manifests, they say. He took a steadying breath. He wasnt just General of the Imperial Army. He was in Command of Mizas private guard, their nest, the newest consortium. It was time to get to work. "Call the nest together. Miza is on a call with some American diplomat at the moment." He steepled his fingertips as he sat back in his chair. " We will give our lady love the one thing she wants to ensure her ultimate goal is accomplished and that she is safe. She is our top priority." Valon dismissed his brother with a nod as he got to work planning. ? Do you all understand your assignments? Valon paused, sitting on a couch in the sitting room of their apartment, to ensure each member of the nest understood. The nest specifically consisted of Mizas Chevaliers, a specific position in each member of the Imperial familys guard who has taken a blood oath. In Mizas case, as the Goddess Incarnate, it was sealed in a holy ritual only performed by a ranking clergy member binding the Goddess and her mates. Chevalier drinks an anomie laced with an enchanted poison. If any trace of disloyalty is present, then the person will not survive the ritual in which their minds and body are transformed to be a protective force for the person they have pledged themselves to. They become connected in a way that the typical anomie does not allow when used in a bind. The link that is typically known as the awareness or tether usually features access to the faint whispers of the emotions of those you are blood bonded to. With Chevalier, however, their awareness was fully open. Not all of the den will be able to come with us, at least not in the beginning. They should be fine under the factions'' protections. We need to start taking steps immediately to find a location and secure it. This is going to be a big change for us, but it is not outside of our purview. The mission is the same. Protect our lady at all costs. Move in silence. Dismissed. Valon concluded their huddle, giving no room for the mix of emotions the eight were experiencing to blind them. Donte, Justin, and Peter stayed behind, waiting for the others to leave. Alex is the most likely member of the den to stay in Lestania and be our liaison. Xe was recently instituted as Conseiller, so if xe stays behind, no one will question it. Xe would also be adept in traveling to the location we choose without being tracked. Who all will go? Peter asked solemnly. Im sorry, brother, Valon said, shaking his head. Taking the whole den will draw attention. Miza going off will not be immediately seen as a problem, but if everyone starts disappearing for a long period, it will be an issue. For now, we have to take precautions. So you, Justin, and I to start? Donte asked. Can we protect her? We will make due and modify as we can. Thats all we can do for now. We need to go within the week. The men stopped talking as they heard the door unlatch. Miza slipped into the room, followed by her secretary. Val, Donnie, whats happening? Peter? She looked between the men, waiting for a response. Despite his training, she could tell that Peter was visibly upset. I can feel something is off, and I saw Rayel on my way up. She said to talk to you. Sir, I will dismiss myself to assist in the preparations. Peter bowed to Valon and then to Miza, removing himself from the room quickly. As he passed her, a shooting pain went through the awareness. Wait. Pet- Valon, what the hell is going on. Miza snapped angrily, turning to face him when Peter failed to acknowledge her. Sweet, calm down, " he said softly, using his voice and awareness to soothe her. We will explain everything.This story originates from Royal Road. Ensure the author gets the support they deserve by reading it there. ? Yes, Miza, this is the best strategy. This is the safest strategy for everyone? Not just me. For every one of your den-mates, this is the safest choice. Miza asked, puzzled by the information she had been giving and the steps already in place. Yes. Even with you gone, our faction stands as a powerful force. They will be safe. And you are not disconnecting; we are just moving you away from danger. We will be in communication, and I will be coming back as needed. I will keep your people safe. You focus on adjusting to this new life. You must blend in. You are going to be an underclassman in a high school, not an heir to a throne or a goddess here on earth. There are adjustments you have to make to stay under the radar. How you speak to your new peers; how you dress; the expectations you have of others around you. He informed his fretful mate. I know Valon. But cant- How can I just ignore their pain? She pleaded. Miza, every choice has a consequence. I cant believe that in that pretty head of yours, you still believe we all would stay together while you are at school. The logistics alone. What would our new neighbors or your schoolmates think if we just plopped into a small neighborhood with a bunch of people? Valon cautioned. She blushed at the reprimand. She silently bristled at the idea that she hadnt thought about it. It''s not that she hadnt thought about how hard it would be. She just had hoped Valon and Donnie would figure it out so that they could avoid the hurt of prolonged separation. Now, he is telling her that her hopes had absolutely no chance because their plans were further shifting due to imminent danger. This was too much. She glared at him. It''s not that I thought we would all be together for this. I just didnt dream we would have to leave like this. You are saying that I cant return at all right now. For however long, I won''t be able to see over half of my mates and family. This wasnt the plan at all. With her last words, her voice cracked, revealing the panic that she was experiencing over the situation. Over her den-mates being in potential danger. Over her not being there if they needed her. She knew she wasnt a warrior, and that was never expected of her. But she was an active member of her faction and could handle herself. She had served on missions, even when Donte had not liked it. She had power, and she had been practicing with it since the Goddess blessed her. She wasnt completely defenseless. Valon looked at her. He always tried to ensure that the boundaries they set for themselves in their relationship were maintained and that slips were private, at least within the nest. Still, at times like this, it was difficult not to give in to the fact that she was his Goddess-given mate and that he loved her as much as she loved him. It was hard not to pull her into his arms, soothe her, and let her know that he would move mountains for her if he could. That wasnt the agreement. Her other lovers had more freedom, especially publicly with her, but due to their stance on their arranged marriage, he was always more careful. Right now though, the look on her face was tearing at his heart. Glancing over to his brother, Donnie subtly nodded to him, stepped behind him, and placed a supportive hand on his shoulder. Baby, Valon started after taking a deep breath to recenter himself, This is what we have to do. As the Blessed Goddess Incarnate, all of your plans now have to change. This is for everyone''s safety. The faction. The Den. Our Nest. Every person and every child in our family, because you, even though you are young, are the head of THIS family and have to make decisions that are not fun. Is there more risk than we want to take? Yes, but with this impending coup, there is a war coming to the imperial family. As the heir, removing you from harm''s way will simply help mitigate the danger and casualties within the Den. Your fathers people can handle this, but we have to protect you. He said in hopes of persuading her with gentleness to prioritize herself. If she chose to fight him on this it would be harder to protect her. He stood up. Walking towards her purposefully, he slowly knelt before her, concerned, lacing his features. He could feel the rush of emotions and the uncertainty coursing through her. He cupped her face with his palms. With the skin-to-skin contact, he immediately felt some of his tension leave his body. He felt calmer as she relaxed in his warmth. The less information that our Den-mates have about your whereabouts, the safer they will be in the long run. I know Peters reaction scared you, but he, as a soldier, knows that as a Nest-mate who is partnered outside of you, he can not be with you right now. He can not protect you, his wife, and the children for this mission, and if anything happens to Laura and the kids without him here, neither of you will forgive yourselves. Mizarmonie, it is our responsibility, our primary purpose, and our duty as your Chevalier and Nest to care for you. This is not the way that he wants to protect you because he feels the need to be there to keep you from harm physically, to see and feel that you are safe. Peter, Alex, Akierda, Rayel, and Sarafen will have to trust the 3 of us to defend you in an unfamiliar world and rely on the tether to know how you are just until we can reasonably get them to us. Most of us have not spent a full day without you since we met you, much less once the awareness was triggered. Baby, it''s hard for all of us, but we will do this because we love each other and trust each other. Silent tears trickled down her cheeks, collecting between Valons fingertips as he held her gaze. It''s ok to be scared, Donnie added. Life as you know it is actively changing in ways none of us ever thought to prepare you for. We never thought you would be the heir with five siblings ahead of you. It was a shock for the whole Den. We didn''t prepare for this life, and we have had less than six months to figure this out. Why would The Mother choose me? Miza let out a soft sob and rested her head on Valons shoulder as he offered her comfort. In her heart, she knew the Goddess had a wise plan, but her teenage brain was having trouble catching up. ? Donte was on a secured video call. Mr. Wisdale, it is imperative that the property is ready for move-in no later than next Friday. We will be sending a security liaison to assist the staff you are hiring. Yes. Sir. And as I mentioned, this is a newer development near one of the highest-rated high schools in the area. We are highly selective in our application process for residents in our A level estates. We have details of all residents'' social and business dealings. It is highly irregular for security details to be released. While we do, however, understand the need to protect the Lady, it would destroy of reputation if it ever got out that we released this information. Evan, are you not lobbying to be an Unseen for this faction? Consider this a well-placed bid for our limited openings. W-why, yes, Sir. Wisdale breathed out, cheeks reddening, eyes wide with excitement. It is my pleasure to serve a Goddess and honor the Blessed Mother. Do you have any updates on Maximillians plans for the unveiling? No, Sir. I have connected him with several potential investors and partners from the underground that he supposedly had not previously dealt with. I should be receiving some updates about his movement shortly after you move in. Good Wisdale. And remember. No one is to know you are connected to the Lady. You must convince everyone that your alliances lie elsewhere. Yes, Sir. I look forward to our next meeting. I will have security on my end to deal with this. Donte disconnected the call, sitting back in his chair. They had to finish preparations quickly. He momentarily felt guilt for being a traitor to Maximillian. He was his friend, and before Mizarmonie was born, he was the second-in-command in the Kings faction. He chose to focus on the fact that Max had given him to his daughter. He made the safety of Mizarmonie his responsibility 13 years ago. Working against the current empire was still honoring his promise, even if, at times, if didnt feel that way. Even if when it was done, Max would not see it that way. His job now was to do everything he could to protect his little Lady. ? Chapter 8: Exposure August (Brit) 1 Miza woke with a start to alarms blaring, red lights strobing, casting shadows as it dimly lit her room. She was still orienting herself from being startled awake when Justin roughly grabbed her arm to shake her into full consciousness. Baby girl, wake up! He hissed as he dragged her from the bed they were sharing. Weve got to go now. Get dressed. She scrambled to pull on a pair of leggings and the hoody he had thrown her. Quickly stepping into her boots, she watched Justin scurry around the room, grabbing a few items and throwing them into one of the packs she was holding. Seeing that she was ready, he threw a pack to her and held out his hand. They walked to the back wall. An intricate carving was embedded in the material decorating the wall. Justin placed his open palm on a specific part of the pattern that looked like the Sacred Tree, where the family spent most of their free time. As light started emanating from the wall, starting from under his palms, they heard the sound of heavy footsteps and then loud thumping from the outside doors of the Legacy Residence, where they resided at the Verdant Palace. She felt a brief flash of panic. Jus, Whats happening? Where are your denblings? She whisper-shouted as she heard a scream from outside her room and felt the suffocating coil of anxiety within the awareness. Layers upon layers of fear and anticipation laced together like a weight at her nape. Realization hit Miza: whoever was attacking was inside the residence. The lights from the wall finished spreading out like vines and flashed, revealing a circular archway opening into the forest surrounding the Verdant Palace Compound. Justin pulled her through the opening quickly, and it sealed behind her. Before she could attempt to do anything Justin. Whats happening? She said again, this time louder and with more of a demand. The coup we heard about is starting. They realized that we knew. The Nest is implementing the emergency protocol as planned for the den. All non-fighters are being relocated and under the protection of the designated warriors within the Faction. I just need to get you to the rendezvous point. The nest will convene before we set off. Her heart clenched. The coup was starting. She should have known that they wouldnt be able to have the small farewell party the den was preparing for. She didnt even know why she allowed Laura to plan it, but now she wanted nothing but that time together. She tried to argue but knew that if someone got into the residence there was no use fighting any of her chevaliers at this moment. They continued running through the forest, doing their best to cover their tracks. The lake was coming into view. Justin made a sound similar to the owls that rousted in this area from his throat. He stopped at the edge of the clearing, where they still had cover. A few seconds later, a response was heard. Lets go. He whispered. This text was taken from Royal Road. Help the author by reading the original version there. He dragged Miza forward, using his element to allow them to cross the lake''s surface quickly. As they approached the shore, she saw her chavaliers. Donte and Valon stood with several duffles across their backs. Peter, Akierda, Rayel, and Sarafen standing alert but sorrowful. Rayel was already crying. Say your goodbyes quickly, Valon said gruffly as he kept a vigilant watch of the area. My lady- Peter started, but she ran into his arms with a sob. Miza, it will be fine. We will be fine. You will be free and safe while we take care of your people. That didnt make sense. I hate this She sobbed out. Peter kissed her forehead and cheeks, whispering words of love. She felt a hand on her shoulder as Peter let go, leaving a final gentle kiss on her forehead. She next found herself being squished in a group hug with Akierda and Rayel. I love you, Akierda murmured as they released her from the hug. Akierda pulled her to him into a deep kiss.Be safe, baby girl, He said, staring down at her as his hazel eyes swirled with emotion before he let her go, stepping back in line. She didnt have a chance to focus on why everything seemed off. Miza glanced over to Rayel and watched as she signed. I love you, my darling Lady. I will honor you in your absence. Miza signed back to her. Be safe and well, love. We love you, Miza. Be safe and happy until we can return to you. Sarafen hugged her before releasing her and kissing her hand gently. Baby, we need to go, Justin said, touching her shoulders. A loud sob wracked through her body. She felt like she was breaking as Justin pulled her away from her other mates. She quickly began pulling the pieces together. The nest is never broken, no matter the distance. Stay strong. The changes that are coming without us here may be overwhelming, but our faction, our crew, this den, and this nest will always prevail. Loyalty unto this circle. Fidelity to our cause. Valon said, giving each of his nest-mates a meaningful look before taking a stone pendant from his pocket and holding it facing away from them, opening a portal. She knew at that moment that there was nothing she could do to stop this. Donnie gruffly nodded and hummed before walking away from his nest mates and stepping through the portal. Miza''s sobs shook her small frame as Justin pulled her through the portal. She helplessly reached back towards her mates. Alex wasnt there. Why wasnt Alex there? She looked back as Valon stepped through to see the rest of the nest staring after them. Suddenly, they were distracted as Peter yelled for them to scatter as lights could be seen coming towards the clearing. And then the portal closed. Miza looked around her only to see trees she was not familiar with. ~ Chapter 9: Secrets Burden September (Adelaide) 3rd. One year and two months later. Valon, of course, had a backup plan. Miza quietly walked through the empty halls of the school. The high school Donnie had enrolled her in had an alternate block schedule. Four courses per day, lunch, and a study hall. In their sophomore year, students were required to choose a primary discipline to train in. Donte had decided that enrolling her as a Freshman would bore her since she already had studied beyond what typical high school students knew, and Freshman year was more of a transition year. She needed to be distracted from the depressive state she was in. Today was the first year of her Junior year. Yep. It had already been a whole school year. High school for Miza thus far was an enjoyable experience, with the exception that she had the weight of not knowing what was happening in Lestania. It had just been the four of them since that night. Nothing had gone right, but she didnt know what had gone wrong. Was everyone ok? She still didnt know why Alex wasnt there with everyone else that night. Was the coup successful, and everything just too unstable for her mates to reach out? Were her siblings, her twin, safe? Were they alive, or had they been murdered in her brothers insane plot? Why was Valon still here? Not that she didnt want him around, but if something was still going on, wouldnt it be necessary that the leader of the country''s military be there? Didnt their people need him? Need her? But no. Donnie and Valon had her and Justin dutifully attending classes and blending in like normal American teenagers. Well, as normal as they could pull off. She would never lie about being their mate, but they didnt flaunt it. From the first day, they came to the school for interviews, it was assumed that Donte and Valon were a gay couple, which wasnt terribly untrue, and that Miza and Justin were their children. They just let the assumption ride. She was late to her Political History class because, by the end of 3rd period, she had overthought herself to the point of near hysterics and hid away in the bathroom during lunch. She couldnt take them hiding what was going on from her. It was so bad that last fall, less than a month into hiding in this realm, Valon put a bind on her. He effectively cut her off from the tether that bound the Nest together. Of course, he didnt destroy the awareness; he just used a blood bind to prevent her from accessing the awareness or anyone using its tether to find her. Which also had the affects of blocking most of her powers. Of course, Liero Incarnate would have the ability to do that. They had been idle for so long while their family was, was what? She didnt know what was happening. She was the head of the family. The leader of the faction, and what did she do? She just ran away and cried like a baby. Valon was adamant that she did what she needed to do. She was the legitimate heir, and she needed to be safe and sequestered until they could fight back. So here, Miza was living out her dream of being an average American teen of being free from princess duty. She had her life back instead of having everything dictated. So then, why did she hate herself so much when this was all she ever wanted? She took a breath before knocking on the door, prepared to give the teacher her schedule and a great excuse. ~ The teacher''s first-day-of-school announcements were interrupted by a knock on the door. He opened the door, and a petite girl with copper-toned skin and light brown curls down her back stood there. She handed him a folded piece of white paper. This story is posted elsewhere by the author. Help them out by reading the authentic version. Sara Harison. Well, little Miss it''s nice for you to join us. Do you have your pass? No, Sir, Sara said quietly. Well, arent we off to a great start this year, Miss Harison? He sighed out. We have assigned seats. You may sit with Tyler in the back of the class. Tyler saw the irritation that briefly flashed across her face before she smiled, mumbling an apology with a slight bow of her head before hurrying to her seat. She looked over to him nodding as she sat, focusing intently on listening to the teacher. Tyler tried to listen to the teacher describe the class structure for this semester and the explanation of the six units they would cover. But he couldnt focus. It was nearly impossible. Who the hell was Sara Harison, and why was she just on his radar? ~ J, I know what I felt. I just- I-I cant. Justin looked at Miza while attempting to shield the pain he felt over their fractured family. This forced separation didnt stop a bond that was predestined from forming. While someone may choose to be a chevalier in hopes of dedicating themselves in mind, body, and soul to one of the royals, when the Goddess divines it, there is little to be done but to accept it. He took a bite out of his veggie wrap as they sat alone in their booth in the back corner of the school cafeteria. He watched as she picked at her salad. Maybe I should just get my schedule changed, " she sighed. She dropped her fork and covered her face in her palms. Since she had seen the boy, her mind had been racing. She took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm her shaking hands. Baby, He said softly so that no one else could hear since they were assumed to be adopted siblings. They were doing pretty ok so far. Didnt you say that you wanted to take that course to get a feel for American politics as the citizens might see it and understand how they teach politics to the kids here? I dont see the point in switching schedules in an attempt to run away from this Tyler guy when you had a purpose for taking this course. He isnt Lestanian. The most that will happen is he thinks he has a persistent crush. If he is a decent guy, if you choose not to show interest, he should leave you alone. I can pretend to be the overprotective big brother again and try to make him leave you alone. He smiled cutely at her in hopes of getting some reaction. I cant lose anyone el- He cut her off. They are not lost. Val said not to give you details, but we are doing what WE need to do to keep you safe. Justin frowned at the direction this conversation was taking. He made a mental note to talk to the guys about their persistence in keeping her in the dark in regards to their plans. The men had made an executive decision at the start of this journey, but maybe excluding her like this was not the way to continue. So look, babe, I know that trying not to think about this is going to be difficult, but I need you to trust Val and Donnie. Trust that we will do what you need us to do to fulfill your call. Miza looked at him with love and adoration but quickly caught herself remembering to guard their interactions. If Tyler is meant to join us, he will. You cant stop that. Just focus on school. Enjoy the experience. Youll be ready when it''s time. The pair enjoyed a companionable silence for a few more minutes until their peace was disturbed. Shit. Miza noticed Justin''s eyes snap up and focused as his body tensed. Already day one, and Prarieview Prep is at it. Miza peers behind her from her seat in the booth. Yep. Unnecessary violence, probably over insignificant drama. She turned her head to pack up her empty lunch container. Growing up, she was accustomed to fighting and practicing among the warriors, even the occasional brawl between faction crews. Still, honestly, she had yet to discover what high schoolers needed to settle with violence, much less violence with an audience. ~ Chapter 10: Duality Miza was listening to her choreo teacher explain their senior capstone to them. It would be a significant part of both their final grades for senior year and the foundation of their professional portfolio, especially if they were going to school for music and dance. This is the second version of the spiel she had heard today since she was in both music and dance. In the music and dance department, the three capstone options included a senior performance, an internship/professional group development, or building a structured portfolio. They were required to start in their junior year to make sure that they had the base research and experience hours to complete the requirements. The local fine arts college at the university partnered with the high school to oversee the programs provided by the school. Honestly, she didn''t know why she was bothering. At Donnie''s insistence, she was doing usual teenager stuff, like preparing for life after high school, which her teachers felt was musically related. Don''t get her wrong. She was super excited. She loved this, but as a future ruler, she thought she should have chosen a more practical specialty. Val and Donnie had been adamant that she choose something based on her interests. "You are here for the experience. All of your years prior to rising prepared you for what you need to do. Have a little fun." It felt like that was all the guys were telling her to do. Have fun in the middle of a crisis. She couldn''t lie that hearing about the options available excited her for the new adventure until Valon cleared their return home. Realizing that for the hundredth time today, she was dwelling on this, she vowed to make a more conscious effort to enjoy the rest of her time here. J said he would chat with Valon about being more open with what they knew and were planning. That must mean that at least they were not clueless as to what was going on. It couldn''t be that bad. Right? "It''s ok. If I''m going to be here, I''ll just throw myself into the rigor of it all." Miza thought to herself. Miza was having trouble deciding which avenue she wanted to take. She knew that her final presentation was going to have a performance, but she was unsure which option she wanted to use to showcase her skills. You know, just in case she couldn''t go home for a while. She had taken music and dance because she had found the idea of being a music artist fascinating. Miza was aware that she could kind of sing and dance because she had performed in rituals and dances growing up, and that only increased when she became the Goddess Incarnate. She never had thought she would be good enough for a career in it. During her school interview, when they asked about her interests, she mentioned fine arts because she drew and painted but also liked dancing. They arranged a voice audition just to test it out. The audition was to determine where she was and to help gauge a tentative timeline of where she would need to be to complete the program. They had told her to select five songs and then scheduled her to visit the following week to perform her selections. Miza performed some of her favorite songs that she would sing growing up that she had found on her dead mother''s old MP3 player and some newer ones that she had while growing up. ''Doo Wap (That Thing)'' by Lauren Hill, ''If I Die Young'' by The Band Perry, ''My Girl'' By the Temptations, a rendition of ''Savage Daughter'' by Wyndreth Berginsdottir, and ''Lost Boy'' by Ruth B. She was pleasantly surprised to know that her performance blew away the testing committee. She was enrolled in voice class sophomore year so that they could start coaching her through the rest of puberty and help her perfect her craft. Her first semester was spent being trained. She participated in the school choir as well to help with other voice skills and get used to being on stage. The second semester she was allowed to travel to competitions. The staff in the music department was excited by her progress and dedication. While she didn''t want to get anybody''s hopes up, she was thrilled with school last year and was looking forward to this year. So much so that when Donte met with the Head Mistress and the Department Director to give them a rough exploration of the risk and potential limits they would face because she was living under an assumed identity. The school was invested and wanted to develop her talents even just to have an example of how they support their students in their portfolio. "Alright now, everyone. All of your junior-level teachers in this department will give you 30 minutes a day this week to research and start planning. Go ahead and break out." Miza walked over to her black cactus leather backpack to grab her laptop and a notepad before taking a seat at the floor-to-ceiling windows at the back of the room. The nice thing about this school is that it is in a wooded area. Prairieview itself was a city surrounded by trees and mountains. Her nest was staying in a luxury housing development that was surprisingly only a few miles from the school. There were three high schools in this city. The Preparatory school she attended, a Catholic Private School on the other side of town, and a public high school near the city center. If she walked a few miles through the trees, she''d reach the outer walls of the development. Her attention was drawn to the laughter to her left as a group of girls approached her. She smiled at them as these were her friends that she had made since enrolling. Though, friend was a loose term for them. She only really liked Renee. Unauthorized reproduction: this story has been taken without approval. Report sightings. "Sara," Allyson said, "why don''t you throw the back-to-school party this year? You totally have a house to die for." "I also live in a gated community. That would be excessively complicated. Besides, I would not be allowed to." She rolled her eyes at the suggestion. "Girl, you''ve got to live a little. We are juniors now." Renee said teasingly. "I am not really down for the party scene enough to attempt to disrupt my family''s evening for a bunch of teenagers to get drunk and be foolish," Miza told them. "God, you are so boring. Renee, how do you even deal with her." Allyson accused. "Ally, don''t be rude." Miza snapped at the girl. "Ally, stop it. You know her family is super private. Besides, school just started, and I don''t know about you, but I still haven''t decided what I am doing for our senior project. Like should I play it safe and just graduate, or like should I put in real effort." Renee mused. "I am pretty sure all of the projects require effort, Nee." Miza giggled at the deflection. "I mean, yeah, but like, how much do I want to do? Ugh, I am way too stressed about this, and it''s only day one." Renee mused. "Don''t stress yet. The teachers are just having us brainstorm. We have like two years to finish. Just pre-plan and get some ideas on paper." Miza said gently. "Sara is the ultimate mom friend," Heather said. Miza winced at the comment on her nature. As their Goddess incarnate, it was pretty typical for her to dote on those around her, but she tried not to make it too obvious. "Ok, Heather. Since we are attempting to voluntell people. Ally, let''s have a slumber party at your house. Your dad is a terrible chaperone. We can enjoy the last real chance to eat junk before these extra dance classes murder us. Heather can sneak booze for those of you who just can not. And you can invite some of the boys. No need for a rager." "Sounds like a plan to me," Ally said as the girls plopped themselves around Miza with her laptop in her lap. She was jotting down notes as she talked, super into the project planning. Speaking of the boys, what about that hunk of a brother of yours?" "Brother?" Miza scowled. "Yes! Tall. Blonde. Angelic. Green eyes. Muscles. Sexy." Ally purred. "You should get him to come. Or at least stay since he so diligently drives you everywhere." Miza stopped writing and silently bristled at Ally''s implication that she invited one of her mates to a house party so that she could do Goddess knows with him. But what could she do? No one knew what was really going on. "I mean, I can ask him if he wants to stay, but you have really got to stop hitting on Chris. It''s been like a -" Miza was cut off as the teacher crouched by their group. "Girls, you only have 15 minutes of planning time left, and I only see one person doing anything. You might want to take your futures a little more seriously than parties and boys." The teacher said with disappointment. Miza sighed with relief, dodging yet another conversation with her school friends wanting to hook up with her boyfriend. ~ Miza sat in the car as Justin drove them back to their house from her slumber party. He was currently upset that she didn''t mention that boys were invited. Valon cleared the girls'' houses last year after running background checks. One of them always dropped her off for sleepovers and then rotated checking the perimeter while she was there. They were currently at odds because of her desire not to have to watch Ally flirt with him, but of course, that was not a bigger priority than her safety. "You guys ran checks on the boys we hang out with." Miza reminded him. "What makes you think I want you alone with random guys any more than you want random girls flirting with me." Justin retorted. "J, it''s not even like that. Besides, I am currently ignoring a guy who is supposed to be a mate. What would I want with these other high school boys? Come on, Babe. Don''t tell Val or Don. Don''t make this a big deal when my friend just wanted to flirt." Miza urged. "Fine." He sighed out. Miza smirked and popped over in her seat to give him a peek on the cheek. "So it''s Saturday. What''s the plan? Are we training or resting? I really hope resting." "Sorry, Darling," he said with a sympathetic look before he rolled down his window so that the gate guard could confirm his identity and buzz them through. Val and Donnie have called a huddle." " A huddle?" She said incredulously. They drove in silence for a few minutes. "I talked to them like I said I would." He stopped the car in their driveway and then turned to her. He pulled her hand to hold it in both of his before bringing it to his lips. "Please don''t be mad at us. Remember that everything we are doing is to keep you safe." He asked her. Yeah, She did not like the sound of that at all. ~ Chapter 11: Binds They decided to have the conversation in the downstairs sitting area. Miza was sitting on the middle couch across from the 97 wall-mounted television by herself. Justin sat on the two-seater to her right, fidgeting, anxiety showing plainly. Valon sat to her left on the second two-seater, stoically ready to receive the full brunt of her anger, while Donnie was standing behind him at the home bar, already in desperate need of a drink. As soon as Justin had brought her home, she called for them all to join her and calmly asked them to explain what they had been hiding, which Justin assumed she would be angry about. He was right. Miza was livid. As soon as the words left Valon''s mouth, she felt the acidic burn of rage rise. She couldnt look at any of them. She felt sick. She sat processing the information as the pinpricks of her emotions went through her. She must have sat for a least 20 minutes just trying to calm herself from the betrayal she felt gripping the couch cushions, trying to contain herself. She took one last deep, calming breath as she rubbed her palms over her upper arm, trying to warm herself of the chill taking over her body. So this entire time, you knew that my father was dead, Miza asked, not looking up. Her voice low and deceptively calm. Yes, Valon said, voice solid but quiet. And you knew that my siblings, except for Ricky, are being held captive by our Elder? Miza questioned, attempting to gain clarity over the depth of the lies of her consortium. Yes. Valon conceded. And we have a man on the inside, but you wont tell me who. This was not a question as much as a statement that needed to be confirmed. They could feel the weight of her condemnation despite the bind Valon had placed. Because- Valon attempted to explain, but Miza calmly cut him off. Yes or no, my love? She prodded. Yes. He grunted out. The traces of his frustration peeking through his calm facade. Ok. She replied, nodding, taking another breath. How many of the crews are still inside? She continued. Too many. This time, Donte interjected, his nerves bolstered by the strong bourbon he swallowed before pouring himself another drink. And our denblings? Not everyone has made it out, and some potential casualties in the family were reported. This, again, was Donte. This news made Mizas gaze snap from the television she was staring at to Donnie as her brow furrowed, pain and concern coloring her features. Her eyes moved between Donte and Valons faces. How are they this fucking calm about losses in our family? She took another breath as she felt the anger rising in her again. Speaking through clenched teeth as the tears began to fall. How could you keep this from me? How could you just let us be here living life like people arent dead? And my people? The kingdom? What is happening to them? She continued to watch them both as she noted a hollowed look on both of their faces. She lost her last straw and stood, pacing back and forth. Your tethers are open. Your fucking tethers open. She looked over at Justin, who had been watching her. He shrank back at her withering stare. Yes. Valon and I have always had access to controlling the tethers to a degree. It came with the power you gave him and me. Your awarenesss core is documented in the Rparti. Mark Anthony can track you, which is why we bound you. We just didnt tell you that we can selectively open and close some tethers with the right preparation and maturation of the tether. Peter was the only other person whose tether was strong enough to withhold the strain of distance. Which is why I suspect he chose to stay and that he didnt get stuck. Your awareness as Goddess and, by default, ours has always been different love. This book is hosted on another platform. Read the official version and support the author''s work. Well, I didn''t know that was a difference. She snapped, sounding every bit like a disgruntled teenage princess at that moment. Wait, you have known if Peter was dead or alive all this time and didnt tell me. Valon! How could you? She sneered, no longer able to pretend to have her anger under control. Your mission is to be the teenager you wanted to be and to leave this to us. He shouted back. She stopped in her tracks glaring at him for raising his voice to her, for daring to think that he could speak to her that way when he was clearly in the wrong. She did not interrupt him but allowed him a moment to gather himself and start again. Baby, you are not a soldier. You are the Goddess. You are our princess. You are the heir to a throne. Fuck, you are the greatest love of our lives. He gestured widely. You may have strength, but you do not have the knowledge and skill to take down a demented king. It would be irresponsible for us to put you in that position when we are not ready. That is my mission, my responsibility as the future king of Lestania and as Liero incarnate. That is how I support you. I protect you, and to do that, this time, I had to keep information from you. Donte and I are responsible for you. We made the decisions we made to protect you. Otherwise who knows what you would be doing. Trying to traipse all over the world in search of veils to get back? Endangering your life instead of letting us defend you? Valon fumed. Val - Donnie came from around the bar to stand behind the couch he was on, placing a hand on his shoulder and lightly squeezing. He spoke to give Valon a moment to compose himself from the challenge and the fear of how his fiance would view him after this discussion. Valon had always been sensitive to how Miza would feel about the decisions he made. In his mind, she was his empress, even when her father was in power. His queen. But no matter how they tried to spin it, she was also the love of his life, and he cared about disappointing her. Miza, dear one, we simply did what we thought would be the safest option for you until we created a strategic plan with the resources we have. We are collecting intel and building our strength. Donnie stressed. Peter is on the inside, but Laura and the kids made it out as far as we can tell. We dont know who all have made it to their safety cells yet. It isnt safe to confirm yet. Peter is hidden in the capital with Unseens. He uses his shadow jumping. We thought Alex would make it to the Academy, but it was taken as well. Right now, its just Donnie, Peter, and I coordinating a mess while trying to keep you hidden until you have accumulated power. Be a normal teen. Follow the path you are on. Do what you need to do. Let us do what we need for you and Lestania. Miza was frustrated by the idea that she needed to navigate being a typical teen and that somehow that would help her as a queen save her people. Her dream didnt make sense anymore. It seemed counter to everything that seemed to be important. Not all rulers are good at their job when they take over. Look at all of this as you unofficially taking on responsibilities. Justin finally cut in. We still have to do the unveiling. Im sure that while we are out here you can find something that is of use to that. Maybe our focus can be on the unveiling. But Baby, Val is right. You are not a soldier. You may be trained, but we worked hard to keep you away from that. I agree that we can do better in keeping you informed, but also we need to trust that you would not go off on your own. We need to know that you are working with us, not against us. Our goals are all the same. Because we are a part of your Nest and therefore we are all the Imperial Family. Just because you and Val will wear the crowns does not change that. Right? Justin waited for her to confirm. So instead of infighting, because Valon is our Military Leader and your king, Donnie has raised you, and we all love each other and want to keep each other safe, we plan. Together. Yeah? Justin coaxed. He looked at Valon hoping that he could see the validity in what he was saying. Yeah? Three voices echoed back. So we work together. We are honest with each other. We support each other. Just like we did before the Goddess decided she had plans for us. Because if we break, everyone loses. Justin vowed. ~ Chapter 12: Painfully Awkward September (Adelaide) 30 Tyler had been watching her for weeks. Well, months. They were entering the second 9-weeks of the school year. Sara was everything, but he couldn''t approach her despite being table mates in one of their classes. They were cordial and worked well together. The most reaction he got from her was the first week of school. The second class of the year, when she walked to their desk and looked up to see his face with bruises. He remembered her initial concern about what had happened and if he was ok. He spun a quick story, not wanting to admit that he had gotten into a fight in the school cafeteria because some guy made comments about the cute girl in his class. He overheard him make inappropriate comments about her and just felt an overwhelming amount of rage. He had never experienced anything like it before, but he was ashamed that he lashed out and jumped on the guy. He was lucky. He was a good student and never got in trouble, so the Head Mistress let him off with a warning and detention. It wasn''t great. He missed the first Newspaper Club meeting, and his goal was to get an Editor position this year. He was more embarrassed about his overwhelming need for her. It wasn''t to a self-destructive point, but it was getting worse. Heavier. When she sat next to him in class, his skin tingled. He felt a deep peace when she accidentally touched him one day when passing him a paper. He dreamed about her. He dreamed. He thought about her almost every waking minute. He didn''t understand what was happening. Tyler had crushes before, but whatever was going on with Sara was very different. Tyler had avoided his feelings for her, especially because she didn''t really try to interact with him outside of class. They were on different tracks. She was a dancer, a good one. Friends always surrounded her or that brother of hers was near. She didn''t seem bothered by it, but his impression was that he was incredibly overbearing and protective. Now, he felt that if he didn''t say something soon, he would explode. It was time to take the leap. The class was being assigned a table project in Political History so he would have plenty of time to talk to her. At this point, he was just curious if there was any real attraction between them at all or if he was just a horny teenager. Noticing that the bell was going to ring soon, he sat with anticipation, staring at the notebook in front of him, hands clasped tightly on his lap. "Fuck." he whispered under his breath. "Hey, Tyler." He heard her angelic voice. "You seem to be having a tough day. Is everything good?" Taking a deep breath, he looked up into her golden brown eyes. ''Yes,'' he thought to himself, ''I''m totally fucked.'' "Yeah." He croaked out as his voice caught. She smiled back at him as she took his seat. "Ok, that''s good. I was worried for a second you were sick." She hesitated, biting her lip. The bell rang and their teacher moved straight into introducing the project. "-The key is to remember that you have limited class time to work on this project." Their teacher droned. "You have to make time during free periods and probably outside of school to complete this project. Rubrics and examples have been uploaded into our online classroom for you to use. Honestly, I expect ''A''s. Most of you are juniors. At this point, you are preparing for real life. You are going to college or trying to find a job. Impress me. You can use the rest of today to trade contacts and start planning." Tyler felt a jolt of electricity go through him as he realized he would get her number. Better yet, he might get to hang out with her. He looked over as he heard her low giggle. " Well, Ty, I am sorry to say that you may have gotten the short stick. My schedule is super hectic because of school and other activities. I don''t know if you know that I am on the Fine Arts track. So yeah." She drawled. "I''ll make it work, but we will have to plan, like, really well. I''m sorry." Miza apologized. He stayed silent for a moment, stunned. Sara gave him a nickname. He smiled brightly at her, causing her brows to draw together in confusion. "Ty, what''s up?" "Don''t worry, Sara, I will be wherever you need me." He watched as a gentle smile plastered itself across her face as she flushed before she composed herself again. He bit his lip as he watched her pull herself together. She brought her fist to her mouth and coughed into it before pulling her phone out as he watched her. "Ok then, let''s trade numbers, and then maybe we can meet Saturday afternoon." ~ Miza sat in their backyard, trying to focus all of her energies. They decided that it was time for her to start training again seriously. Well, training her powers as the Goddess Incarnate. She hadn''t really touched them since before they left since she was so busy prepping for her birthday and Akierda''s confirmation, then they were running and hiding. She focused on relaxing her body, trying not to think about how stressed she was. Their Goddess was a mother goddess and creator. As her incarenated self, Miza had a fraction of that power if she trained herself to harness it. Working with the earth came naturally to her. She had always been drawn to the gardens and the forest, so she decided that this was where she started. She took her time trying to hear, feel, and experience the trees, the grass, and the organisms living in and nourishing the soil. When she felt a moment of clarity, she paused and lifted her hand, focusing her energies. Miza gave a few moments to focus, but she failed today. The exercise was intended to help her create or draw life to her. And she didn''t. Again. Every Saturday morning, she spent a few hours trying to create after meditating throughout the week. She sighed with frustration. It wasn''t enough. How was she supposed to devote enough time to learning to control and use her powers, go to school, and prepare for an unveiling? She didn''t have the time she needed to focus on this. Miza reached over to grab her phone and realized that noon was quickly approaching. She told Tyler that she would come to his house at 1:30 to work on their project. She had enough time to shower and go. She was a sweaty, gross mess. Trying to control the divine energies she had access to was difficult, and she truly wished she had access to the Temple to assist her. She was purely going off of the little information she read from the past Goddess Incarnates and her instinct. Honestly, she was convinced her instincts sucked. She pulled the back door open to head to ''her'' room, which was really the new nest where the four of them currently slept together. "How did it go, Darling," Valon asked from his seat in their library area. "Not great. I mean, I can feel it; I just can''t use it. I am missing something, and I haven''t quite grasped what it is. I have to make time to commune. I need to be closer to a veil for that, though, bec ause I don''t know how to channel Leana properly." She sighed. "That isn''t sa-." Valon started to say but was cut off. "I know that Val. I know. I just don''t know what to do at the moment." Miza huffed "Are you still meeting with Tyler?" Setting his book on the table beside him while peering at her. "Yes, but for school stuff." She curtly responded. "Jus says he is one of us." She could hear the seriousness in his tone.Unauthorized tale usage: if you spot this story on Amazon, report the violation. "Jus needs to shut up." She said extra loudly in a sing-song-y voice, hoping her boyfriend would hear her from wherever he was. " Yes, I felt the pull of a tether, but I can''t. I can''t start a new relationship. I can''t bring someone else in." She responded wearily. "I don''t think you will have a choice. The kid has to know by now that something is up." Valon warned her. "I don''t know, but I just need to make it through this class. Let''s just hope that the pull doesn''t affect Tyler because he is human. J is dropping me off. Ty and I were texting, and he requested, and I quote, ''Can we ditch the overprotective brother for a little while?''" Miza shook her head. "Maybe we should do something about that. Everyone at school knows that I have an ''overprotective older brother.''" "Well, they are just gonna have to get over it." Justin mumbled as he walked into the sitting room. "Jus, You gotta do something." She said. "Join a club, make a friend. Do something." she attempted to encourage him. "How about I do something when you do something? Besides, that''s not my job." Justin countered. "Ty has nothing to do with people thinking you are a weirdo and overprotective. And we aren''t here to only work." Miza refuted. "Maybe if ''Ty'' was on our side, I wouldn''t be the one who is everywhere, and people wouldn''t be suspicious." Justin teased. "Honestly, the whole gay dads and adopted siblings thing was great at the time, but it''s not working." He concluded, face twisting in disgust. "I am not bringing someone into our life just because we can''t figure out how to blend in properly. Accepting him puts him at risk. I am not prepared for the consequences of that." Miza reiterated. She had said all of this before. "Yeah, well, I hate the consequences that pretending that my lover is my younger sister means that people assume she is available and flirt with her all the time. I also am not prepared to deal with the consequences of not being there if you need me." Justin attempted to reason with Miza, but she just made a face and rolled her eyes at him. "Jealous Jus is a strange experience," Valon said quietly. "Well, none of us have had to deal with the idea of people who don''t belong to her coveting her. In our kingdom, you were always present. She wasn''t available at any point. This is just part of the "her being a normal girl." Donnie pointed out as he joined them upon hearing their back in forth from the study. "At no point did we ever discuss her being available," Justin grumbled angrily. "Ok, I don''t understand the problem. I am not available. These people are just my peers." Miza reminded Justin, whose mood had soured. "Who don''t know to keep their grumbly hands off of you." He replied to her as if she were being unreasonable. He sucked his teeth when Valon chuckled. "Ok, well, I know that I don''t want their ''grumbly hands'' on me, so I feel like everything should be ok. I don''t think even Ty can help if you are not trusting me." Miza informed them both. "Of course, I trust you. I don''t trust them." Justin concluded, causing both Valon and Miza to give him exasperated looks. "I feel like if this is not a security question, we have bigger problems than ''grumbly hands,'' J. Do we have a problem?" Miza asked him softly. Justin groaned loudly, turning to walk away. "I''ll be in the car." He informed them. They quietly watched him walk away hunched over. "Is this being a normal teenager, Val?" She asked "I suppose hiding and lying does become stressful after a while. It doesn''t affect me as much because I''m not around it. I can imagine that I would feel angry if I had to hear people talk about you the way he says the boys do, and I couldn''t really say anything. I think this is just one of those adjustments we have to make because we are living beyond the veil. There isn''t much you can do because we never had to hide. We all feel strain because we are lying. Its just not in my face that people always want you like it is for Justin. I never really thought about it, but knowing that its happening does make me uncomfortable." He paused for a moment while Miza gathered her belongings. "Compared to how we were before we left, our relationships have been increasingly platonic." Miza looked back to Valon and saw Donnie nodding to him. Miza stiffened as she thought it over. "Perhaps we should do something over your break. Maybe it will help him." Valon mused. "I guess you are right. Yeah. I love you both. See you in the evening." She waved, smiling sadly at them. Donte walked up to Valon, resting his hands on his shoulders as they watched the door closed behind her. "I didn''t account for this, Don. I don''t know why I just thought we could be us." Valon said, standing up from the chair. "When we were planning, we were not supposed to be on the run and hiding. The den wasn''t supposed to be broken up. We weren''t supposed to be fighting for our lives." Donte turned Valon so that he was facing him, taking his head in his hands and forcing him to look him in the eyes. "You didn''t fuck up, love. This is just the hand we were given. We will work through it." Donte asserted. He bent to give him a tender kiss, trying to soothe the stress away as Valon sighed against him. He pulled the younger man''s body close to him, pushing all of his love and support into the embrace. "You are not alone in this. Our family will make it through this." Donte reminded him. ~ Sara had been at Tyler''s house for a couple of hours already. They were doing well and were coming up on their agreed break time as they were finalizing their notes on what their project would entail. "Ok," Sara began, smiling at him. " We have agreed to do a Comparative Analysis of 10 major political events over the last 200 years. We will create a visual timeline for the classroom presentation summarizing the event, its local and global significance, how it was covered in the ''news,'' and the ethical considerations of that coverage. For our report, we will discuss the importance of ethics in journalism, provide a synopsis of each event in case study form, discuss the common ethical issues that occurred, and present how journalists as individuals can keep integrity in their area of expertise. Is that the basics?" "Yeah. If this isn''t ''A'' material, I have no idea what he wants. Let''s take a break, and then we can do preliminary research on potential major events and type up the proposal. Do you want anything to eat? Drink refill?" Tyler checked-in. "Another water would be great. Thanks, Ty." She smiled up at him again, causing his heart to beat painfully against his chest. He stood quickly and went to the kitchen. His family''s house was pretty small. A simple two-bedroom is a quiet neighborhood. "Tyler, control yourself." He whispered as he grabbed a glass to fill it from the water pitcher on the counter. He wanted to kiss her. He really wanted to kiss her. But that was weird, right? They barely knew each other. He should change that. Yeah, that is totally what he should do. Was that weird? She came here to work on schoolwork, not get hit on, but he wanted her so much. The more he was around her, the more he wondered if she knew how amazing people thought she was. From little conversations, he picked up that she knew she was pretty. She was beautiful. She was aware that she was talented enough that ''this amazing school let her in.'' It was becoming very obvious to him, though, that she didn''t know exactly how people talked about her. Guys and girls. Could he get through the rest of the school year like this? He knew the answer. He knew he couldn''t. He was afraid of insulting her or scaring her off, but he was also afraid of losing her. He shook his head to get himself together and head back to the living room. He was going to bite the bullet before she left. "Here you go, Sara." He said sitting the glass in front of her. "Are you sure you don''t want anything? I can order in." "No, it''s ok." She said, looking up from her phone. "I have a pretty strict diet and exercise routine for dance." "That takes a lot of discipline." He noted. "It does, but it doesn''t have to ruin my fun. I have times I eat whatever, but I prefer ''healthier'' options. I grew up a whole foods vegetarian. Since we moved here, I have been enjoying fast foods and convenience items, but too much makes me feel icky." She informed him. She made a face, and he thought it was the cutest thing he had seen in his entire life. "They didn''t have fast food where you are from, or are your parents that strict?" "We didn''t really have it. We have more like street vendors who make quick snacks out of what was produced on the island." "Oh, which island are you from? I thought you had an accent, but I couldn''t place it." Tyler inquired, loving the opportunity to learn more about her. "Um. You wouldn''t know it. It''s not a tourist island. It''s closed to visitors. Um, so it''s getting late should we finish up." Frowning, he nodded and allowed the noticeable change of topic. They worked for another hour and a half sorting through major events until they agreed on 5; that was enough for a proposal. They filled out the form in the online classroom and submitted it. "I think we work pretty well together, Ty. I am happy you are my partner." She told him. ''Well, hopefully, I am not about to ruin that.'' He thought pensively. "I''m glad you think so, Sara. Um, I hope this isn''t too awkward." He paused causing her to look back up from her phone that she had been typing into. " Sara, I have really enjoyed the little bit of time that we''ve spent together so far this year, and if you don''t think it''s too awkward, I would like to spend more time with you. Outside of school, you know." Tyler confessed. She was silent for a long moment. Tyler swore he saw tears gathering in her eyes before that collected face of hers came back. "I''m sorry, Ty. I think I mentioned before that I am really busy with dance, and I have to decide on my final project. You are a nice guy, but I don''t think it''s really possible for me to pursue relationships right now." He deflated. "I''m so sorry, Ty." She said, watching his face fall. Miza scrambled to gather her stuff together. "It''s fine, Sara. I''m sorry, you don''t have to run out. I apologize for making it awkward." Tyler said. "I''ll see you next week." She sniffled as she dashed out the door before he could stand or say goodnight. She was relieved that Justin was right outside. She quickly got into the car. "Miza, baby, what happened?" He asked, looking her over. "Just drive, Jus." She sobbed as the tears started to fall. "Shit!" She yelled in frustration as the car began to move, and she curled into herself. "Baby?" Justin asked with worry, glancing back and forth between his lover and the road. "I''m fine." She whispered. "I''ll be fine." Chapter 13: Epiphany Fall Break - October (Viatroi) 9 When Justin brought her home last Saturday, Valon officially decided that they needed to take time to stop. Justin had carried her in saying she hadnt stopped crying since she got into the car. They took her bed to soothe her and let her rest. The next day, she revealed Tyler''s confession and how it broke her. Despite their protest, she was adamant that she couldnt accept him because that would only put him at risk. She was so despondent that he received a call shortly after school from one of her coaches due to concern. A few days into the school week, Valon announced that they would be going camping during her Fall break. Mizarmonie was never really a camping person, but she loved nature and being outdoors. She was usually more immersed than she had been since they ran from the Verdant Palace, so he hoped that getting the right gear for her comfort would help. He booked a campsite in the local forest. Based on the website, there was a lot to see and do. Trails, views, fishing for Don and Jus, and a lake to swim in, especially since it was the cold season, so they would be alone for the most part. After Saturday he really needed to help get everything on track. Justins anger and Mizas depression from being terrified after meeting Tyler were starting to way down on her. He knew that pretending that she didnt feel the pull through their bond was excruciating especially since he had slowly been releasing her awareness again. He hoped the boy was doing well, but there was nothing he could do until Miza moved forward and told him. That was the agreement, and he may overrule her when it came to security matters, but he wouldnt risk causing her harm by pushing her before she was ready. They had just arrived at their site. It had taken them an hour to hike from the parking lot. Mizamonie looked unimpressed. And this cant be a day trip. She deadpanned. For a matron-earth goddess, she really was not about sleeping outside. Playing with the babies, hanging out in the trees, she could even get a little dirty, but sleeping here. What could she say? She grew up in a palace. Even if her father hated her, she was used to a luxurious lifestyle. Valon, Donte, and Justin all chuckled, setting down their packs. No, darling, we are here to reset. You need to get back to nature, and we all need to get back to each other. He sat out a blanket near the fire pit. Why dont you light a fire and get Dinner out while we set up camp? It''s all prepped in the cooler. By the time they had camp set up and protection stones laid in the surrounding areas, the sun was disappearing behind the trees. They spent a little time chatting about how they would spend the next day once they finished their sandwiches before retiring to their tent for the night, settling down to nest with Miza between them. ~ Miza had to admit, Valon did have great ideas. They left Friday straight after school. Donnie and Justin spent the early morning hours that Miza chose to rest in on the docks of the lake before the four of them followed a trail. Right now, Miza was sitting in a shady grove against a large pine tree focused on a deep communing session. She had been at it for over two hours, and she was just starting to get somewhere. Holy shit. Sara! Sara, are you ok? Miza heard a panicked voice. Oh, Goddess. Miza blinked rapidly, recognizing the voice, but she was stuck in the daze that deep communing put her in. Where was Val? She focused intensely on bringing the grove she was sitting in back to the center of her reality. She blinked slowly, making her vision clear. There was Tyler. Tall and handsome, eyes wide with fear. Tilting her head in confusion, Miza realized that woodland creatures surrounded her. She felt excitement bubbling in her that she finally had a successful commune. She smiled widely, letting her hand drift to the adorable wolf pup that had its head in her lap. Well, hello there, darling one. She cooed softly to the pup, giving herself a moment to relish her achievement at connecting so deeply with the natural world that animals recognized her for who she was. Hearing the sound of brush, she turned to see Valon making an appearance. He stopped short seeing Tylers shock and then Miza surrounded by animals. Love? Valon said, hesitating to say or do anything, It worked, Val. She giggled, snuggling the baby wolf. Valon coughed into his fist, clearing his throat as a ready distraction for the image in front of him. He clearly could not focus on the serene beauty of the scene when Tyler was confused and probably a little terrified walking into this. I can see that love. Who might this be? He asked, giving her a chance to introduce him to the conversation since Tyler wasnt aware that they knew so much about him. Valon watched as several emotions went through her features as she looked back at Tyler. Fear. Confusion. Happiness. Apprehension. She turned back to him with a final nod before looking at Tyler. Determination. He is one of us. She said softly. ~ Ok, so let me get this straight. Neither of you are Sara''s dads. Tyler asked, puzzled by this sudden revelation. They all nodded.You arent gay? He asked. Well, I wouldnt go that far. Donte responded. This book was originally published on Royal Road. Check it out there for the real experience. Um, okay. So you are supposed to be married to Sara? He said, pointing at Valon. Yes. If Sara didnt want to wait, then yes. We would have likely been married the week of her Rising. Probably actually that night of considering how adamant her father had been. Valon said snidely. But you are old. Tyler blurted out, slightly appalled. Im 25. Im, like, ten years older than Sara. Im not old. That would be D-George. He joked, causing the older man to grunt in displeasure. Ok. Ok. And you are still figuring out what you are to Sara because you raised her, but you also are one of the protector dudes. He said pointedly at Donte, who nodded. Ok. Lets come back to that one. And Chris, you arent her brother? You are one of her boyfriends? He said voice slightly rising in his confusion. Partners because there are more of us and we are different sexes and genders. We usually just refer to ourselves as mates. Justin clarified. Ok. Thats super cool, I guess. None of you think it is weird that you are betrothed to a teenager. Like, Im freaking out about it. Shes 14. Like, we are aware she is 14 right? That is not even age of consent here. He said, looking at Valon, who stared at him incredulously because how was he supposed to explain to a human teenager their laws? Ty, our culture is different. Where we come from, yes, I am a teenager, but I am not a kid. And honestly I think V-Geo-Greg and I are only this close because I grew up with him. He was ten, and I was a newborn when he was brought to my home to stay. He was always there and safe. It''s not like how my older sister just had some random guy show up the day of her thirteenth birthday, and then she was married to a 50-year-old aristocrat. But also this pull you feel, is the same for all of them as well. They cant stay away, but I decided for a long time that I really wanted to try being a normal American teen, so we decided to fight against the social expectations and the pull of the tether. Tyler looked lost, but she continued. And I mean, if I werent the Goddess, then there would only be, um, Greg. Every Goddess Incarnate has a Consortium, just like Leana did. I doubt the other Goddess Incarnates had boundaries like mine, though. The first laws in our kingdom related to child marriage only happened the year before I was born. My mother fought hard for that because she was afraid that what happened to my older sister would happen to me. After my mothers death, parliament convinced my father that the law was wrong, so he took it away. So yeah, in the context of your culture, its weird. I dont think its weird, but I do think not having the choice to decide is a bit problematic. At the very least, I should be able to choose when I get married without it being a fight. She explained. Sara stopped and took a deep breath. I never admitted this. Never talked about it to anyone. She looked down and then up to Valon, biting her lip nervously before focusing on Tyler again. I was really angry for a while when I was younger. From the moment I could comprehend life, I was told that I was his and he was mine. We were so close, but I didnt get a say. I wasnt mad at Greg, but I did ask George why Greg was a part of my life like that. At that point, he was just Greg. I understood that he was part of my, um, the people that were responsible for taking care of me. Then, at four years old I was told my entire life was planned for me. I didnt know Greg didnt choose to be around me or how much it affected his life. I was just really mad that suddenly the life I thought I could have wasnt mine, and to me Greg took my choices until I learned that wasnt true. I didnt have a life without Greg so him being with me however we are is not weird to me. It was my normal. A few months before my thirteenth birthday, we got another new normal, and you are part of that. Also, age of consent is not a major issue. She said, feeling awkward about that topic because she wasnt there yet. So what is this new normal? Tyler asked curiously. Sara was throwing around a lot of interesting, if that was even the right term, words. You belong to me the same way I belong to you. By default, you belong with all of us. She replied matter-of-factly cocking her head to the side as she said that in a way he could only describe as enduring. Ok, so explain this. I am confused. You are clearly leaving stuff out. Obviously, your names are not Sara, George, Chris, and Greg. I cant tell you everything. It''s not safe. Sara admitted to him. Not safe? He asked, perplexed and stiffening. He had never considered that she wasnt safe. They all paused, looking at each other. We cant divulge the details, but we are in hiding to keep Sara alive, Valon said quietly. Tyler paused as his eyes widened. What kind of fucked up mess was he getting himself involved in? So this entire time, you knew what was going on and why I feel so crazy with you, Sara? Tyler asked. Yes. She mumbled, choking on a small sob. Staying away has been the hardest thing I have had to do in a long time. But it''s the best choice right now. I cant even try to see my other partners right now because it''s too dangerous to try to find them or get to them. Im just waiting. And they have special training. You would be defenseless against my world. This is the safest thing for you. She looked up at him, and the tears started to fall as everyone sat quietly. I think I should be allowed to make decisions about what is safe for me too. Tyler said into the silence. ~ Tyler stayed with them that night since he was there to work on an Environmental Science research project. He went back to his campsite and gathered his gear to bring it back to theirs. By the time he got back, it was late afternoon. He unsuccessfully attempted to persuade her to tell him more. When it didnt work, he decided to focus on learning more about her. They were honest that she was struggling with the fact that she was fighting the tether''s natural pull by refusing to allow their bond to complete. Greg said this camping trip was an attempt to help relieve her stress. So Tyler had decided to instead focus on getting Sara to talk to him about herself. He didnt understand what was happening, but he knew enough to realize that he felt deeply for her, and he would do what he could to keep her safe. If that was what all of this was about, then he would do whatever he could on his side to make her safe, except give her up. Now he was home because he only had permission from his parents to be away for a night, but he wanted to go back. Now that he knew about her, well, he didnt fully understand. Tyler just knew that he needed to see her again. They wouldnt be back until the weekend, at least. He turned over on his stomach. When she was away to relieve herself, the guys mentioned to him that they had been trying to convince her that it was acceptable to be with him. They were also just as adamant that he couldnt know the whole truth just yet because it put him at unnecessary risk. They truly believed that because he was from outside of this place that they came from, the more they kept from him, the safer he would be. He just needed to convince her that more information would keep him safe and that ignoring their feelings would not help. ~ Chapter 14: The Invitation End of October (Viatroi) It was not going terribly for them. She continued to ignore the fact that they were bonded. But at least she wasnt intentionally pushing him away. Tyler avoided asking about where she was from and focused more on getting to know her as a person, though that was still a challenge. Miza would quickly change the topic of anything that she felt related too closely back to her life before she moved here. It was a pattern he noticed after asking about her favorite color. Then they ended up in a conversation about the latest celebrity beef taking over socials. She didnt have socials at the moment. They were currently in the cafeteria in their back corner booth. After they got back from Fall Break, Chris had invited him to have lunch with them. This was only the third time he joined them, as he didnt want to overwhelm her. Chris had turned out to be an exceptional ally for Tyler. They had exchanged numbers, and they discovered that they had some of the same interests, outside of Sara that was. Much to his disdain, he had a pile of rabbit food in front of him. He quickly realized that they were all vegetarians, and Chris had confirmed that it was a part of their culture. Where they were from, no one ate meat. There were no meat production places. Nor hunting. Chris had even recounted a story of the first time Sara had gone to a grocery store here. He had laughed and quickly sobered himself during their last lunch when Chris mentioned that it was not uncommon for house pets to have end-of-life ceremonies and for farmers who had animals that were used for milk and wool to request a visit from the temple when one of their animals were born or died. Tyler apologized at Saras indignant glare. Chris had texted him after lunch to say that Sara was a volunteer with their temple and had assisted in those ceremonies. Needless to say, if eating less meat would get him back in her good graces, then he would. It couldnt be all that bad. George, Chris, and Greg had muscles. Like they were built, so it couldnt hurt to add more green to his less-than-stellar diet, he thought as he poked the unappetizing lettuce. His attention was brought back from his thoughts of how Sara acted like salads were a delicious dessert when she would put bits of arugula, spinach, or cabbage in her mouth and wiggle in satisfaction. She didnt even have ranch. They made their dressing with more plants. He thought about how green their diet was, remembering that Sara said that today she had a blend of avocado and nectarines. Yuck! Earth to Ty. Sara poked him in his side, causing him to giggle at the ticklish sensation. Sorry about that. Whats up? He acknowledged her. We were just wondering if you were busy on Saturday. Sara inquired. Not really. My parents love Halloween, so I probably will be roped into passing out candy to kids or something. Why, whats up? Tyler asked curiously. Do you think they will let you come to my house? We dont celebrate Halloween, but we do have a thing we do at this time of year. It should be safe, seeing as I live in a gated community, and the guys have surveillance on the house. She paused, biting her lip nervously. We want you to come. Well, um, I want you to come. Her voice went quieter at the last few words. Tyler peeked over at Chris. He was covertly nodding his head to tell him to agree. Um, yeah. That could be cool. That sounds like fun. Im sure my parents will be chill about it. Tyler agreed. Cool. Sara said with a gentle smile before going back to her salad. Ok, like I was saying, Tyler. I dont know what is up with these teachers, man. I signed up on the general studies track when we moved here and now the Head Mistress is all Declare thyself. Willful shrew. Chris said, using a mocking tone. Thats rude, Chris! Sara said disapprovingly as she glared at him. Well, she is. Chris tried to defend himself. Well, you know they usually only offer a Generalized Track to students that still need time to figure it out, but like, we are kinda Juniors. I know you guys were kinda dropped into this, but I think they assumed you would pick a track by Junior year. Tyler emphasized. I have a job already. He muttered under his breath. No one here knows that. Sara said, voice thick with frustration. If dads find out that you arent cooperating, they are not going to like it, and Greg will not be nice about you blowing this opportunity. She said pointedly, emphasizing certain words. Why dont we go get pizza after school, and we can go over the course catalog and Discipline Tracks? Im sorry, but I am in heavy need of something not healthy after eating grass. Tyler offered as Sara scoffed at him. Stolen novel; please report. Sara looked over at Chris shaking her head at his lack of discipline since they left home. You are really going to hate when George gets ahold of you. She informed Chris. Chris snorted then started laughing loudly as Sara yet again shot him a disapproving look, but this time because he was drawing attention to them. Little did Tyler know that once Sara finally accepted him and stopped worrying about his safety, training would begin, and George would also be his problem. Chevalier training was never easy especially with Donte being at the helm of their training protocol. He turned out Valon, shaping him into a warrior fit to protect an empress even before she was named Goddess Incarnate, and since then, every chevalier in her crew went through an intensive to ensure they were fit to protect her or die trying. He had absolutely no clue. ~ He really had no clue. It was Saturday, and after convincing his parents that spending a low-key evening at his new friends'' house was way better than dressing up to give candy to kids, he spent an excessive amount of time trying to decide what to wear since this was obviously some important cultural aspect of her past. People dressed up for that, right? What he was not prepared for was the fortified mini-town at the edge of the city that they lived in. The houses were huge! There were several Estates around the town they lived in, but none of them compared. As he drove through the streets, once the main gate security cleared him, he was feeling a bit intimidated. Tyler had suspected they had money. Unlike the other girls at school in her clique, she didnt show off her wealth. She obviously had nice things, but holy fuck. Then GPS showed a house at the end of a dark cul-de-sac that seemed pretty isolated from the rest of the estate and had a separate security booth that was operated. He was stopped at this booth and waved through once he showed the pass after calling up to the house. For the first time, he was questioning if he was - worthy. How are they on the run and can afford this? He murmured to himself. Pulling into the driveway, he hoped to give himself a moment to settle himself, but Chris came out to greet him. Here goes nothing. He said under his breath as he got out. Hey, brother, Chris said as he pulled him into a hug. Did you find the place ok? Yeah, everything was great, Tyler assured him. Good, good. Lets head in. Ty, I want to warn you the guys want to chat a bit. So they arent, like, going to tell you a lot, but be prepared for some things. It''s been a debate since fall break, but I had your back, bro. At least some of this will make sense. I mean, you decided to stick around when you found out the girl you like was engaged and living a secret life with several of her lovers, so, like, youll probably do great tonight. He rambled, which did not make Tyler feel great about the news he was about to receive. Chris was known in school to be pretty collected so if he was rambling, should he be terrified? Oh, fuck. He thought to himself. They walked in, and Tyler was not being further comforted. This was fresh out of a luxury magazine. From the outside, it was slightly less overwhelming. Clearly a two-story, at least, but when he walked in, there was a sweeping staircase the his left, a large open area, and a closed door to his right. Following Chris, he saw through a doorway on his left that was a bedroom with double doors. From the side that was closed, he could see the ornate carving in the richly colored wood. In front of him, he could see the patio and pool through glass doors. Walking further in he saw a large open area room next to the patio that had several low bookshelves surrounded by heavy wood shelves built into the walls with a fireplace in the center and plush chairs that screamed old style. Turning slightly to his right, he saw a television area with three couches and an ornate wood coffee table. A fully stocked bar sat behind the furthest couch from him. He could see other rooms further and assumed there must be a kitchen and dining in that direction. Greg sat on one of the high stools at the bar where George was mixing drinks when he noticed them and smiled. The atmosphere, despite being heavily decorated in ornate dark woods and deep reds, was still bright a cheery. It felt like a home. It was clearly way bigger than his house. He swore the first floor was bigger than his parents'' whole house. His attention was brought back to Valon as the older man walked towards him, his smile dropping to concern. You ok, kid? He asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. Y-y-yeah. I wasnt expecting any of this. Tyler stuttered. Right. Valon chuckled. Welcome to Lesstia Manor, as we call it. I am sure that you arent used to this. But if you expect to stick around, this is just one of the things you will have to get used to. There are several properties to recover that are much larger. This is just a quick one we purchased and had renovated so that we could make this our base for now. Tyler just stood staring at him. Oh, so they were rich, rich. Sara is still getting ready, but we did already decide that George and I would talk with you before the ritual so that you would be informed and able to opt-out. Would you like a drink before we start? George mixed something up, but we also have juice and water. Let me guess, you guys dont do soda. He chuckled. Rarely. Mostly only if we eat out, which is rare, we arent used to it. Though we have been enjoying sparkling waters and experimenting with juices for flavor. Valon told him. A water would be fine, thank you. He nodded as George brought a tray with a pitcher, cups for everyone, and a chilled bottle of sparkling water. Ok, so you ready. He nodded as everyone took seats on the couches. So, first of all, my name is not Greg. My name is Valon. This is Donte, and that over there is Justin. Valon said playfully, pointing at Justin. And she is not Sara. Her name is Princessa Mizarmonie Alasmonsette Hyodolshi Lea. ~ Extra: Love is a Verb of Many Embodiments Approximately six months before Mizas Rising POV Valon Why does she always do this? I think angrily. I push myself to pick up pace despite the burning in my lungs as I breathe in the smells of damp soil and decomposing wood. Ive been running for so long, but shes still so far. I smack the low-hanging branches and leaves out of my way as I run through the Verdant Forest from the Temple Compound, ducking under tree limbs growing close to the forest floor. I am heading deeper into the darkening depths towards the Tinere De Lea, where I know my girl is hiding out. Very few people outside of the temple even remember that this place exists. Miza, why couldnt you hide in our apartment in the Palace or just go back to the Academy? I think fighting the exhaustion. Our little family, Miza, Justin, Don, and I, was first drawn to this place when Miza was five years old. She was probably drawn to the Great Mother''s ancient den before then, but that was when she first started getting a taste of freedom when we moved her from her nursery to our apartment in the Verdant Palace. One shift change: Donte was in the offices working on her request to revamp the orphanages, and I was in my warrior exams; suddenly, the palace staff was in an uproar because the youngest daughter of the Imperial family was gone. Their beloved princess, who was a curly-headed ball of energy and joy, was nowhere to be found. I listened to my feet as I ran to her, hearing the rhythmic pounding like drums, the blood pumping through my body. I wiped my forearm across my brow to help keep the sweat from burning my eyes. Along with the hammering of my heart, I could feel the thrumming of the ever-persistent bond driving me to Mizarmonie. It was the bond between the Goddess Leana and the God Liero that told me exactly where she was. When I arrived at the temple for our scheduled meeting to discuss our upcoming marriage ceremony, she wasnt there waiting with the High Priest. I shouldve known she wouldnt be. I duck under the trunk of a fallen tree, leaning precariously in my path, stumbling as I hit my knee, but I dont stop. I can feel her anguish. Donte and I explained to Miza shortly after he discovered that I was Liero reincarnated, who she really was. She took it better than I thought, but Miza was devastated about what it would mean for her future. Miza was eleven then and was convinced that she wanted to go to a high school in the United States of America, where her human mother was born. Miza had studied the history of our culture with far more diligence than any other royal who had lived for a long time. She read the temple documents and legal decrees thoroughly, so she knew what being the Goddess Incarnate meant in the eyes of the Imperial House Council, and she was terrified. There were tears and anger when she realized I always knew what our future would hold, but she understood that I was her Liero. She then understood why I never insisted that my parent''s death absolve me of the agreement they made, even though I doubt the emperor would have listened if I had petitioned him to end our engagement. Miza wanted a childhood. The Imperial House Council had been very adamant that the contract marriage between my duchy and the royal house needed to be completed. They were always afraid that I would stop being a stupid boy and try to use the courts to release me from the contract. But the Council didnt just want it to be completed. They wanted an heir. So, while I am older and far more prepared, despite my apprehensions, Miza was nowhere near ready. While I have not remembered large chunks of the millennia of my existence, I have always been all too aware that we are mates and forced myself to live with it, but there is no reason to force my mates current host to engage in something she isnt ready for. I hate that I dont know how to make the Council leave her be. With Mizas thirteenth birthday approaching, we were running out of ways to stall because, legally, she would be an adult as a royal. The IHCs pressure was so bad that shortly before she turned 10, we started being more private about any affection we displayed. They tried to use it against us. The bastards tried to use our platonic bond that had grown because I had been there since the day she was born. I was just 20, and she was 10, and they had convinced themselves that our closeness was proof enough that the marriage should happen early. Of course, we are close. Outside of the doctors, I was the first person who held her, fed her, changed her, and interacted with her until her father assigned Donte to care for her. The nursery staff was all afraid of the kings wrath after hearing the circumstances of her birth. I shudder to think what would have befallen her those first three days if my mother and I had not immediately packed up and come when we received notice that a royal daughter was born and our contract was now in effect. We were shocked, but I loved her the moment I saw her lying alone in her little bassinet in the medical wing. That love is the reason that I have no qualms about marrying her whenever she is ready. Miza is my mate, regardless. I love her and care for her no matter what, but pushing her to get married or have children before she is ready, though, is out of the question. Ill do everything I can to keep the sweet girl that she has grown to be as safe as possible. So here I am, running miles through the Verdant Forest because the little miss didnt show up. I can just see the grove of trees that form a natural gateway through the shrubbery and leaves. The closer I get, I can feel the faint pressure of Mizas emotions getting stronger. It''s chaotic. There is an acrid sense of fear. I push harder. How long had she been gone while I was out before this meeting? Im going to throttle Donte. Cell Phones dont work outside of the Palace in our realm, but our little family each has a call stone that we have imbued with the ability to send short messages. Miza disappearing would definitely be a good reason unless he didnt know. I shake my head in frustration. I love that man, but Miza should always be our priority, so I cant stop the anger I feel. I am now running through the entrance of the Tinere de Lea. I skidded to a halt, scanning the area for her. The lake itself is large, but we generally stick to the cave system that the Primi Consortiu called home. I spot her sitting on the rocks under the small tiered waterfall. Goddess, this girl. It''s the dead of winter here. I know it doesnt get that cold, but the temperature is definitely too low for this. I quickly remove my shoes, pants, and shirt before running into the water. This content has been misappropriated from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere. I run through the shallows and then dive, ignoring its frigid temperature as I push under the clear waters until I emerge close to where she sat. I feel the water as I swim through it, creating waves that lap at the stones. The water itself cools me after my long run. Thank the Mother for my warrior training. I reach my destination and haul my body out of the water into the cool winter air, slowly making my way to her over the slippery stone surface. Miza? I call her name. Babygirl, why are you out here alone in the cold? You may be a reincarnated goddess, but you can still get sick. I question trying to add some humor to the situation. She doesnt respond to me. Miza just sits staring as if she doesnt see me. I kneel before her, taking in her body language and appearance. She is still in her day clothes, not even dressed to go to the temple. Her eyes are red, so she must have been crying for a while just sitting there under the water. I groan in frustration. Where was Justin, or even her twin? The twins were often together, but then again, I doubt Mavrick would tell us anything she didnt want us to know. I raise my hand to cup her cheek and give her a gentle shake, bracing myself. Miza? I say softly. Miza shakes her head, blinking her eyes as she comes back to herself. There she is. Miza shivers against my hand. I watch as her glossy eyes focus on me and fill with tears. The salty liquid tips over the edge, trailing down her blotchy cheeks. Miza''s face crumples as a jagged sob wracks her little body. Fuck. I feel a pang in my chest as I watch my love experience anguish. Liero has tried to help me with the limited access we have to each other through our spiritual connection, but as far as I can tell, Leana and Miza have not connected. She is struggling through this alone. Sitting in front of her, I pull her out of the direct flow of the waterfall and into my lap, wrapping my arms around her tightly as she continues to sob into my chest. Fuck them for this. I hate them so much. I hate her father. I hate our government. Damn it all. I might even hate myself at this point for not being able to fix this for her. I rub soothing circles on her back. I am so angry at everything and everyone. I love her so much, but all of this is just making her life so much more challenging. Shes just a child, and she has such heavy burdens. Mizarmonie, Sweet, I gently coo as I try to soothe her raging emotions. I need you to listen to me. I tell her as I place both of my hands on her cheeks, tucking my thumbs under her chin as I tip her face. I looked into her beautiful golden-brown eyes and forced her to hold my gaze. Leanas eyes. I love you, Miza. I always have. I always will. But we will never marry unless that is what you want. I dont know what we are going to do yet, but I will not let your father or Council taint the love that we have for each other. We have resources, so if we have to, we will leave Lestania, and when you are ready, we can come home. I watched the tears track, pooling around my fingertips. I could feel the faint traces of Mizas anxiety. Her throat worked as if she were trying to get herself to talk. I waited in silence until she slowly closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them with a renewed purpose. She nodded softly and then spoke. Relationships are weird, She whispered, looking down as her hands began to fidget with the hairs on my chest. We are all interconnected. You, me, Donnie, and Justin. The way some of the ladies of court discuss being with someone is stressful. They keep telling me that I should be used to the idea of sex and that they are surprised that I am bothered by the idea. I guess they thought you and Donnie would have focused on making sure I was ready since youve been here my whole life. She stopped fidgeting and looked up at me. Yea, no. We let the palace doctor give her the sex education talk when she got her menstrual cycle earlier this year, but sex talks are not relevant in our lives. I hate that people are making her feel that she needs to be concerned with this. You dont really care if we get married after my Rising or when I am done exploring the human world, do you? Miza looked at me for reassurance. I shook my head. Although I had accepted my duty when I came to the palace, Miza herself would always be worth fighting for. I had loved her in many ways over these last ten years, and I would continue to love her more as we grew older. I was doing research, Miza said. Even in the human realm, they cant seem to figure out when it is appropriate to marry people off, but some places have laws like the one that my mother tried to implement here. I want to go where Mom was before Father found her and showed her our world. She didnt want that for me. She wanted me to have a life. Choosing an age based on puberty is so weird, V. She was shivering again, so I pulled her in close and began alternating, rubbing her arms and legs to try to warm her. Are you ready to go back? I dont want you to get sick. I asked her, and she nodded. We stood and stretched as we prepared to swim back to shore. Right before I plunged into the water, Miza stopped me, looking up with wide eyes. Val, you promise you wont let them make us get married before I am ready? she asked nervously. I turned to her and smiled reassuringly. Until you are ready, we are just the bestest friends, and I am your loyal guard to any who asks. I hugged her close and then rubbed our noses together. I dont know much about relationships either, Miza, but I do know that they are between people, not institutions, and people should only do what they feel they are ready for in any relationship. I like how we are now. I replied firmly. She nodded shakily. Ok, she said before jumping into the water and swimming off. Nothing about the little family we created was standard for the royal family or Lestanian society as it was now, but our family was ours. I will be damned if I let any mortal hurt my love. We have shared so many millennia and lifetimes together. This one would be no different. I will protect my mate for all of our existence. Chapter 15: Communion ...Princessa Mizarmonie Alasmonsette Hyodolshi Lea. No, Brother, dont interrupt yet. Valon paused when Tylers eyes bulged, and he went to speak. Yes, she is royalty. We are here due to a challenge of succession. Something happened that changed the original succession plan. The elder lost the rights to the throne to our Miza and he decided to take it back by force when she wasnt even ready to sit on it. She had just turned thirteen. Very literally. She and Justin were in bed after her and her twin brothers birthday celebration. So our nest has divided itself to protect her. A nest that you are very much a part of. Valon declared as he sat back straight and leg bent over his knee. No wonder why people always got the vibe that see was so much more. Sara Harison is a princess, an heir to a throne. Valon paused to drink, tapping his fingers on the back of the couch he had casually draped his arm over as if he were organizing his thoughts. Donte stood behind Valon as was his norm, with Justin sitting on the couch across from them. Tyler was quiet, sitting in between them, trying to process the information that was being thrown at him. We answered some of your questions a few weeks ago. We still have concerns regarding why and how someone from outside our walls was chosen to be a part of us. We still feel it is too risky for you to have too many details. You didnt grow up with our ways or our laws. It''s new for us, as well, to have kinship but not be able to extend trust immediately. For a nest, that is not our way. With bonds such as ours, it''s a deep, soul-binding experience. But you still need to learn how to interact with this, so we will do our best. I am sure that once we teach you what to look for, you will recognize the awareness you have had since we crossed the veil, and it has only been getting stronger till we are here now. We are all individuals, but for all intents and purposes, we are one. Valon continued. Miza is adamant that because of who you are and your lack of training, you are not safe, and as the head of her security, I have to agree. Not that you would harm her, but if someone finds out we are here, you are the weak spot in our defenses because you have, well, none. You have no training to defend against the warriors that would be sent for her, so your protection is to know as little as possible until you can protect yourself. Valon stressed. Tyler looked over to his friend, who nodded in confirmation. Which we will be discussing at a later date, as well, but you will be working out and learning self defense for now. Donte interrupted. Yes, Valon said, Your ability to defend yourself will be helpful. Its incredibly inconvenient that you cant be fully briefed, but we will work on it. For now, you must know that she is supposed to be a queen. I say queen because he brother killed their father and likely would have killed her if we hadnt got her out in time. The throne is currently in the hands of a usurper. So, please know we arent exaggerating the danger. Taking her throne back is not going to be easy when the time comes, but everything we do will eventually align with that. Right now, Donte, I, and others who didnt get away in time are in communication for surveillance. The hope with our current intel is that there will be no direct action until she has at least graduated. Valon explained If you tried to look up our country, you wouldnt find it. We are hidden, separated by the Goddesss law, until we are prepared to join the human realm. The unveiling has been being discussed and has happened in small ways for centuries. But no one has been ready. We are powerful, but we are not a warring nation. While we have been in an era that counters many of our Goddesss teachings, Miza''s existence is proof that we have been in a godless era and that it is time for a change. Tyler''s brow furrowed as he tried to understand. While our country is not listed anywhere in your world, our kings, for the last few centuries, have held the ears of the wealthy and political leaders without them realizing it the depth of the control Lestania holds. For centuries, The House of Lea has worked in the shadows of the human realm, sometimes for good and sometimes for bad. The goal has never been for our country to open the veil and be a powerful rival to the current world powers. The purpose was that IF we opened the veil, it would be to help humans reconnect with the earth as they have lost their connection with the universe itself. When the Primi Consortiu left us almost two melinia ago that is what Leana entrusted her people to do. Some of that message had been lost. Valon disclosed. Tyler''s interest was piqued, though he was still unsure. He listened while trying to discern if they were pulling a prank on him. After all, he didnt really know Sara; he just liked her. She could be a terrible person. But no matter how much he tried to persuade himself that this was too fantastical to be real, he simply could not believe it was a lie. He felt that it was true. Tyler had never been that sure of anything. If you choose to take on your calling, you would be learning to connect to the earth in ways you did not know were possible unless like some, you follow the practices of the indigenous in various areas across the planet. They have been passing down oral traditions of their regions and their connections to the Celestial Sphere. Our realms provide a delicate balance that has been long lost. You will become a guardian. You will become a steward. And one day, you will be a king of sorts with the rest of us. Valon emphasized to him in hopes of clarifying their place in the hierarchy of things and the choice the boy needed to make. That was the one thing that Miza was adamant about. Tyler had to choose. They could offer extra reassurances. Give him the information that was deemed safe and stress that he wouldnt be safe as he is now and let him choose. For now, the mission is for Miza tolive out her teen years here, attending this school. The three of you will make connections and excel in your fields. We need to make political, economic, and social allies over the next few years. Miza will be using her interest in entertainment to broach that. We can work with you if you need assistance. I hear that you are going into communications, which could be helpful. Taking her throne back with the least bloodshed possible will be hard. He warned.This text was taken from Royal Road. Help the author by reading the original version there. What you need to understand is that loving her could be the greatest thing thats happened to you, or it could cost you your life. Are you ready for that? Donte chimed in, cutting to the root of the conversation. Um, do I really have a choice? A lot of this, if it is all true, sounds like a lot of this is not our choice. This sounds like some fated mate fantasy novel. So could I even choose to let go and let you all live your lives, and I live mine. Tyler asked. You can always refuse to accept her, but it will be a loss you forever feel. If you can live with that, then it is a viable choice. It is uncommon for one to choose to ignore the bond, but it has happened in the past. For a human, it could be easier. Donte mused, tilting his head to the side as he considered the thought. Im not going to run, Tyler reassured them. I just. All of this seems so final. Like our entire lives have been planned for us. Valon, Donte, and Justin looked at each other before Justin started to speak. In a way, yes. Once Miza was picked to be the vessel of our Goddess, our paths were changed. Miza is our Goddess reborn. The last time this happened was 400 years ago. That Mother only lived seven years and created great reform that was quickly undone and as generations passed, worse has occurred. If there was no free will, then no one would question a Goddess Incarnate because she is chosen by the Goddess herself, but each one that is born is questioned to a degree. Lestanian bloodlines are a mixture of the Gods and the humans brought to the island over time. We still have the same free will. We each make our choices to stay with our lady. She is a Goddess. Like a real Goddess. He scoffed in disbelief. You saw an example of her power. She just doesnt have much experience with it. We were afraid that tapping into the power would make her traceable, but so far, it hasnt been an issue. She is Leana reincarnated. And if I believe all of this and say I am ready? That at this moment, I am ready to deal with it all. Tyler hesitated. He would never lie and say he was brave. He felt a certainty in his heart, but he was still just seventeen. You take your time and learn. Right now we only have access to the oral traditions she is trained in, and you will learn that. You will learn to be one of us. You will become one of hers. Valon said. Ok, but what my dear brother is leaving out is that you get to be the public-facing boyfriend. Because someone needs to claim her, so those other guys stop hitting on her. Justin threw in. I cant believe we are still on this. Valon said, rolling his eyes. He glanced at his watch. It''s almost time to start the ritual. We have a few more things to set up, so we will leave you to think. Tyler nodded. What the fuck was that. He thought to himself as he rubbed his hand over his face as the older men walked away. Hey, dude. Justin whispered before walking off to the bedroom. Dont worry. Half of us were not nobles, nor did we grow up in the palace. I was 15 when she first became Goddess Incarnate, and that triggered the tether. My kind of adoptive dad and mentor was a low-class warrior, so imagine his surprise when I was in training with him and suddenly the Valon came to collect me because things in out little group changed. I had been around because she moved me to the Warriors program from the adolescence home, but I was only in the palace for like five months officially before we had to run. So, dont worry too much, man. We all still have a learning curve when we get back to our island, so you arent alone. Val and Donnie wouldnt steer us wrong. He nodded reassuringly to Justin. Tyler felt that this night was just giving him more questions, but based on how he felt, he was sure that fighting the bond was pointless. Heres to hoping for the best. ~ Miza stepped into the large circle she had drawn earlier of fallen leaves. Tyler had never seen her dressed quite like this. She was barefoot, wearing a short linen sleeveless dress with a chunky necklace with cords of wood beads dangling from a large silver piece that looked like a crescent moon. Miza let the beat of the drum reverberate through her focus on the ritual dance. Step with arms wide, turn 180, hop back on the left foot, raise hands, step left, glide, jump, full turn, bow, lift, kneel, up. She completed the dance, approaching the center of the circle that was now faintly glowing. They had set an altar in the center where six bowls of herbs were burning, and several other bowls and bottles of various materials were present with a mortar and pestle in the middle of the altar for mixing. She got to work. First, pouring the oil, then adding each of the burned bowls into the vessel, mixing them into a fine paste. She then added several other items before pouring a deep red liquid and mixing it again. She walked to the southernmost point of the circle to kneel, and Valon signaled for them to position themselves around the circle. Donte stood at the point that she entered the circle. Justin walked to his left while Valon took Tylers arm to direct him to stand at the western point before he walked to stand in front of Miza. Noticing that all of the men were standing with their backs straight, arms crossed, and hands clasped behind their backs, Tyler attempted to mimic them, but he seemed to not be at their level of elegance. Suddenly Valon knelt in front of Miza, cueing the other to do the same with their arms still in place. Blessed Mother, we call to you in the Celestial Sphere. We ask that you guide us as we carry out your mission. We ask that we receive with open hearts and minds the wisdom to help restore the balance across the planes of us mortal beings. We are the gods vessels. We are your stewards. As your people, we beseech you to let us continue to walk with you. Miza stood. She adjusted the mortar so that she could put her right hand in it to coat it with the mixture. She turned, and as she walked towards Donte, she placed her hand over her heart, leaving a handprint in its place. Stepping before Donte, she dipped her finger in the mixture and drew a line between his brows and on each check before pressing her open palm to his bare chest. She repeated the process for Justin and Valon before approaching Tyler. Standing before him, she looked him in the eyes, silently requesting permission. He nodded and watched her intently as she followed the same motions before smiling up at him as her palm was placed on his chest. Tyler wondered if she could feel how fast his heart was pounding from her touch before she walked back to the center of the circle, placing the bowl back on the altar. She then turned back to face Valon and knelt. Tyler''s eyes widened as the circle glowed brighter. No longer a dull illumination of leaves, the circle was a bright white line. Miza bent at her waist, bowing so that her hands were stretched before her, fingertips touching as her upper body pressed into the grass. As it is, So it is, My Sister, my Mother, my Goddess. She vowed. ~ Chapter 16: Comparisons Early December (Luna) Ahh, Ty. Noooo! Miza screamed as his fingers danced across her ribs after he was chastised about a terrible joke. Tyler was lying on one of the large plush couches in the upstairs recreation room with Miza, Justin, and Valon. He was still adjusting to the fact that they all, very often when resting, would lay in a tangle of limbs and cuddles. He wasnt used to this, but had learned very quickly that platonic touch, cuddles, and lots of conversations were common interactions in the nest. One thing that he was that regardless of the individual relationships to sex, they were all close, and the intimate relationships between everyone in the nest were different. He wondered what his would be like with the others as time went on. A few days ago, Jus had mentioned Peter, who he discovered was another chevalier, who happened to also already have a wife and kids, when he felt the pull. His other family was close to Miza and had interacted with her regularly. He was struggling to understand the dynamics, but he decided that letting it flow was the best strategy. Nothing made him want to pull away, but the culture shock - continuous culture shocks, honestly, were a bit overwhelming. Today they been watching a movie, but when that finished Miza had put on a whale documentary. Whales! Overall, he was happy. They had been discussing Tyler and Miza going public before Christmas break, and since Communion, twice per week, he had training with Donte. That was going well, especially since he took it upon himself to run every morning now. The increase in his stamina was definitely helpful for keeping up with the older man who was a solid block of muscle and strength. The amount of bruises he went home with on training days simply because he wasnt used to fighting or blocking. Suddenly, there was a loud banging on the door. Loud enough that they could hear it upstairs. Valon immediately jumped up as Miza paled and Justin stiffened, preparing for something. Tyler understood the concern. No one should ever be able to get to the door without us knowing. Miza whispered, echoing the concerns going through his head. Valon held a hand out in the stop motion. He was listening knowing that Donte had been in the downstairs study doing work. There were muffled voices, and then they all heard the front door open. Val! He heard Donte shout. Stay. Valon said to the three still on the couch before leaving the room. He rushed downstairs, preparing to help Donte defend the others, but stopped short on the stairs. Donte was practically crushing Alex and Akierda in a hug while Mavrick was heavily leaning on Lihte. Miza. J. Get down here. He yelled up the steps before running into the group hug. Justin came down the stairs slowly with Tyler behind him and Miza following closely behind. Justin stopped in shock, struggling to process the scene before him as he heard Miza gasp and push pass them both with a sob. Alex? K-Kierda? Breaking the hug, Alex and Akierda both looked at her with longing and adoration. Lady. Alex said with a bow. Another sob ripped through Miza as she crashed into them, soaking in the warmth as she tried to understand that they were actually there. She let go and jumped into Akierda''s arms. Babygirl. He breathed out, pressing his face into her hair and breathing her in as she sobbed. Sister? What. She sniffled, looking up and then around Akierda when she saw no one other than an uncomfortable looking Rick. Ricky? Lihte? She screamed and ran to her brother, knocking him over, Lihte barely catching him. Oh, Goddess, you are here. I missed you so much, sister. He held her tightly while she clutched onto his arms. I missed you. He cried. Coming back to himself, Valon ushered them all into the main sitting area, firmly locking the door behind him. Tyler watched as Chris and Miza piled onto a couch with two of the new men. He didnt feel angry, but he was confused. Valon? Tyler said unsurely. Whats - Come. I need to check the cameras, then we can join them. Tyler followed him into the downstairs study. Tyler waited patiently while his heart raced furiously. Valon pushed a button on the desk, and the wall across from it slid up into the ceiling. He watched as Valon rewinded several screens and then played them quickly as he scanned them. Tyler saw on a screen that showed an area near the front of the house that flashed with light and a rippling before the four men appeared. Valon watched for a few more minutes until the video passed him, closing the doors, and then became current. Sighing, he put the remote down and pressed the button on the desk. It looks clear. Ill contact security and have the amp things up around here for a bit. Tyler, I have a feeling that life is going to be a bit difficult at the moment, but these are some of our den-mates. Alex, the person with the long straight hair, and Akierda, who has braids, are two more of our nest-mates. They belong to Miza as well. The boy that looks like her is her twin and the other boy was a warrior in our crew. Tyler looked confused momentarily as there were new words thrown in, but he quickly accepted the explanations. You dont have to worry. They will have your back just as much as we do now that they are here. Things will be different, of course. Ill explain more once they have given a brief. Are you ok? You seemed pretty shocked.Support creative writers by reading their stories on Royal Road, not stolen versions. Um, yeah. He shuffled, slightly embarrassed to admit that when it first happened, he had felt initially pushed aside seeing everyone that he had been becoming so close to with others, but that didnt make sense. He was confused. I just didnt know exactly what was happening. Valon looked at him curiously. Noting his body language and guarded face. If you arent okay, that is perfectly normal. Most people would be hard-pressed at their girlfriend suddenly being in the arms of someone else. If you ever need time to not be ok, you can say so. We can work through it. Valon assured him. I appreciate that, Val. It is somewhat weird, but it is nice that I kinda walked into this with a really accepting family. I looked it up, and our worlds version of this type of relationship isnt always like this. The three of you seem to work so well with her. I kind of worried what it would be like when the others showed up. Well, Im glad we do make it look like we are pulling it off so well. In historical accounts back home, I have read some trainwrecks, but overall, I think with us, we have been pretty mission-driven. You and Miza have the most normal relationship of us all. No weird age gaps, taking it slow, regular dates. Ive been a bit jealous because it seems so uncomplicated by comparison. I know that is unfair. We are all going to have our struggles in this, we just have to be there for each other. Donnie and I are actually really grateful that you ended up with us. I think you were exactly what she needed during this. Thank you for sticking with it, even though it''s been hard. Valon said expressing his gratitude. ~ You were in Lestania this entire time. Miza whispered. Alex looked warily towards the boy who was standing behind her as they sat around the dining table. Donte suggested they retire there for a late lunch while they talked and the new boy, Tyler, was assisting him. The boy had paused by Miza as xe started relaying what had happened to xyr that night. Tyler had placed his hand on Mizas shoulder massaging it soothingly as she listened to Alex. Yes. I was meeting with some of the crew mates living on the palace grounds to discuss assistance with research, and the meeting was running longer than anticipated. When the attack started, I wasnt going to make it back in time for safety protocol. I was attempting to gather the crew members still on site to get them to evacuate once it was confirmed that Mark Anthony was in control of the palace. I got a hold of one of the unseens and sent them to the Academy with a calling stone before I came across Demetrius. We were locked in a battle when Akierda came across me. I was in a bad way. Im afraid I didnt do Dontes training justice at that moment. Akierda was able to jump him and knock him out with a vase of all things. Unfortunately, more people were coming. I dont really know what happened after. I grabbed Akierda and ran to the academy veil in the palace, trying to slip in before they entirely took the palace. We didnt end up in the Academy, though, when we went through the veil. We ended up back in the mountains. We were baffled, but I recognized the mountains. We were in a bad way because we werent prepared for the cold even if it was the warmer season, but we hunkered and developed a plan. I do not recommend survival situations. Akierda threw in with a giggle. Yes. But we, of course, did ok. Our abilities helped a lot with hunting. However, I do feel terrible about calling the poor creatures to us. Once we had a few furs for warmth, we started making our way down the mountain. Several days into traveling with a pack of wolves, we came across a small group of people living in the mountains. Not the villagers that we know who steward the North. There was a small group, but they disappeared. I called out to them for help and they just disappeared into the forest and snow. The wolves helped us make our way to the village. There is apparently a family line in the capital that allied themselves with the Reina duchy after the last meeting between the Dukes and Duchesses the Summer before your Rising. That is the only reason they didnt kill us on-site. I didnt realize how dangerous that Duchys village was. I found out that those people we saw are known to the villagers because they hold the stories of old. The ones we thought disappeared. The duchess said that after the ancestors proved to be no longer aligned with the Gods, the Duke at the time sent a contingent of their village with all of the writings and oral histories deep into the mountains. Those people are tasked to keep this history hidden and the oral traditions alive. They are called the Ore. Every 15 years a set the youngest weened children are sent to the mountains to keep their numbers steady. It was all quite fascinating. There are secret traditions and history being kept, Miza. Alex said with excitement. The Duchess explained how this was their Dukedom''s deepest-held secret and that the harsh conditions of the environment have made it easy to hide the truth. Their ally sent notice that a Goddess Incarnate had been named since their last visit and kept them up to date about you. So when we arrived, they recognized us and sheltered us. We learned so much while we were there. We agreed that with travel out of Lestania being risky, it would be silly to try to get across the mountains. Their winter is the majority of the year up there. We spent all of those months working with them to learn those histories until they were able to get us safe passage off of Lestania. Alexandra explained to xyr mates, who eagerly absorbed the information. We arrived in the States earlier this fall, but the tether has been incredibly weak. During this time, we ran into Lihte, who was with Mavrick, so we stuck together. Alex and I felt a pull a few weeks ago, so we packed up and ended up here. Lihte saw Miza at a school while searching the city and we tracked her down from there. We didnt want to risk contact there, and it be an issue for her. We saw that name, you know that old guy that was gushing a Donte trying to get favor when looking stuff up. He is the one that gave us the portal stone when we showed up in his building''s parking garage today. Akierda informed them. Yes, Wisdale has been incredibly useful while we have been here. I honestly forgot that I gave him that stone. Speak of the devil. Donte said as his phone vibrated with Wisdales coded messages for updates on their situation. Unknown Number: Please provide updates for the inventory of the next delivery. ~ Chapter 17: Hard talks I just dont know what to do. I am just so happy that you all are back with us. Miza said. This has been the most stressful year and a half ever. But not too terrible. Alex glanced at Valon and then looked back over to the boy. No, Alle. Weve been doing pretty well. I will brief you and Akierda. This is Tyler, our missing nest-mate. We discovered him here. He goes to school with Justin and Miza. Weve been slowly teaching him what he needs to know, but this is a complex situation, so we have not revealed everything. I think that right now, it is crucial to figure out our next steps. He turned to Tyler. This is one of those things that we cant share with you just yet. We have a lot to hash out and I dont know what is sensitive information or not. You dont need to leave, of course, but we are going to hunker down in the study to chat. Tyler took a deep breath to ease his tightening throat and the knot in his chest. He knew he still had to earn his place in the nest when it came to sensitive information. It had already been explained that new trainees in the faction or her primary protection crew didnt get every piece of information when it came to protecting Miza, just the need to know. Yeah, brother, no problem. Ill hunker upstairs until it''s time for me to get home. I still have homework since some little miss likes to distract me. He said while giving Miza a big squeeze that startled a giggle out of her. Wait, he doesnt live here. How - Alex was interrupted. That is just one of the many complications of this world. That is also why we kept him out of the loop as much as appropriate. It''s currently the safest route until we can start connecting to the safety cells. Lets move this to the study. Valon urged. Miz stood, giving Tyler a quick peck on his lips before grabbing onto Alexs arm, chattering as they walked towards the study. He turned to take the few dirty cups to the dishwasher and put away the fruits when he realized Akierda had not followed the rest of them. D-Did you need something? I dont know where a lot is, but I can probably help. He falter under the other boys scrutiny watching as the boy looked him up and down as if unimpressed. No, Im all good. He said and walked off. Um, Okay. ~ You really managed to pull off the story that you are her parents. Justin has been pretending to be her brother. What? Alex asked. It works, Donte said, clearing his throat. And you expect me to pretend to be your adopted kid. Akierda clarified, scowling. Yeah. We have to explain some of the educational discrepancies. So, being newly adopted from another country would explain 1) any hardship you have in social adjustments since you were just getting specialized training before we left, 2) explain why you may not quite be at their minimum standards, and 3) cover why we suddenly have a third child. Valon replied, causing Akierda to roll his eyes. I dont have a problem with the fact that I am stupider than Miza or Jus. We all know the standard of education where I am from was not the same, but you want me to pretend my girlfriend is my sister. He commented, annoyance clear as he stood slumped against the wall with his arm crossed. Just publicly. And just for now. I think coming out needs to be strategic. We are planning a career in entertainment for Miza. Itll keep her in the public eye, make Mark Anthony have to think about immediately killing her and give us easier access to connections. This world does non-monogamy, but it''s still kind of iffy. I think we need more time to make relationships and network before any of the other relationships come out because everything will be scrutinized. Especially because laws here are different. Integration is a bit more complicated. He attempted to reason with Akierda. All we need is for one of us older ones to slip up, and people read it correctly but assume we are a pedophile abusing her. Battling social services will not be a good entry into The Unveiling. Valon counseled.Unauthorized tale usage: if you spot this story on Amazon, report the violation. I did some research on the similarities and differences between concepts they have that are similar to what we practice. I really understand why Queen Kathreen was adamant about having that law passed. Comparably the fact that only nobles in our culture have marriage alliances across ages is different, but we all know most of them are not our choices, but some of the stories I read were really horrifying. You know, in the US, it still happens despite the laws because they hide the marriages and dont legally document them until they are the age of consent. Id rather explain our culture in a forum we choose than pick that battle of being caught up in that mess or reinforcing some of the stigmas queer men face in this society. It won''t be the end of the world, just inconvenient. He stated, attempting to reassure the boy. Akierda sucked his teeth, frustration evident from his lack of reply. Kierda, J and I have been making it work. I promise it will be fine. Valon told him. But this Tyler guy gets to be her boyfriend in public. Akierda clarifie. Valon looked to Donte and Miza with concern before responding. He is known. His parents have a decent reputation as middle-class individuals in this city in their prospective fields. He is decently popular at school for a boy who focuses on his education primarily. His academic track is helpful. Until she is 18, hes pretty perfect. Shes not even 15 yet. People will question their relationship if they figure out her age, but they are classmates. Their relationship is the safest one we have right now. Also, Justin is going to blow our cover because he is constantly jealous. Miza is pretty popular at school. We need a public person. Ok, I think we dragged this out enough. Unless there is an actual flaw in this plan rather than just discomfort, this is the best plan we have to carry out the mission. Okay? Valon said sternly. Yeah, fine, Akierda replied emotionlessly. We just need to figure out something for you and Lihte, Alle. Do you want to go to school, Lihte? Valon asked the younger man. I am not particularly fond of the idea, Lihte replied. Since you are already 18, I can hire you on at my security company then. Lihte nodded in acceptance. I actually have an idea, Valon, for me if you would consider it. If you remember, one of the things I did before we left was lecture at various universities. We can attempt a little risk. The school they are attending has an empty literature spot that is a Fellowship position with the university. They havent found a professor who can accommodate the school schedule without compromising their general admission course load. If our man here can help with some paperwork, I can attempt to apply and explain the special circumstances. I have a few connections that might be risky to reach out to for a reference, considering Mark Anthony is probably watching them. But again, if we are future planning, applying my job back home here, would help. Don? Unless we stay completely silent, then there will always be risk. We may need to talk to the Headmistress and the President of the university. It might be time to throw money at the situation. Which means we need to gather some of our other assets and that I need to get to work. Val set a meeting with the Headmistress. Ill tap into some of my old business partners and set something up for next week. Donte instructed him. That covers the work we need to do now, but onto what I learned. I know everyone is aware we lost The Academy, but that is the one thing we need. The Academy was ours. That was Mizas power that shaped it for almost a decade. All Lestanians are our people, but those are OUR people. If we take it back, we remove Mark Anthonys easy access to this side of the veil. We prep everyone and initiate the unveiling from an educational perspective. It can be quiet. A cult following of history professors and nerds are already searching for the mythical Academy. Henri made it inside. If he is still alive, he can confirm who, if anyone, is meeting with the current Academy Master. That will tell us the timeline we have to work with. We dont have all of our people. I dont have an army. Valon said. Well, Val. It looks like this is about to become an official base, and recruitment is about to start. Miza finally spoke up. Weve been focused on keeping me safe, but Im not as defenseless as I used to be. My powers are working. With a little more focus, we can probably start tracking the safety cells. I know that when the Academy was compromised, we didnt implement regular safety protocol, but maybe its time to work on seeing if some of our people are in the planned locations and then seeing if we can track the ones that moved. You are right. It''s time to use your power as the advantage we have. There are more of us, so your circle is better protected. Lets work on breaking the seal we put on you and then make a plan to take back The Academy. Hopefully we can finish recon before school starts back. There is no point in starting right before the break, so be prepared to work. Donte said. Roger, brother. They all responded in unison. ~ Chapter 18: Find Balance Ow! Fuck, Akierda, that hurt. Tyler swore. They were all currently in their backyard having a defensive training session led by Donte. Today was a challenge session meant to test their skills and see how they would fare in a fight, but it wasnt going as planned. Its supposed to hurt. You were supposed to block. Akierda growled. Aki. Valon chidded. One obvious thing was that Akierda was not a fan of Tyler. Akierda knew that someone new to training wouldnt be able to block that. The rest of them knew that he knew that as well. He did that on purpose, and it was shocking to everyone but Tyler. Ok, Miza said, kneeling to check Tylers bruising cheek. Maybe we just need a break. Crap, Val, I think this is going to bruise. Im going to take him in and put some cream on it. We will be back. Miza fretted over Tyler as they walked away from the group, worried that he would actually be hurt. Kierda. Donte started. Ive been hit harder as a newbie. He said snidely, crossing his arms. Its a challenge. You used full force and you knew you didnt have to in order to test where he is. What is actually going on? Valon questioned. Akierda looked shame-faced and then dropped his gaze, mumbling, Nothing. Kierda, are you jealous of Tyler? Alex asked with surprise. When the boy didnt reply, he crooned. Oh, sweet boy. I know you missed her a lot, but he didnt replace you. He belongs here the same as the rest of us, not to replace anyone. Im sorry, brother. Akierda continued to look down with his arms wrapped around himself. With his nest-mates standing there looking at him with pity, he kinda felt silly. He shouldnt have done that. When he showed up, no one made him feel bad about it. Hell, everyone but J, Valon, and Donnie showed up in the same four-month period. Five of them quickly integrated and built a family. A family that was confused and fucked up but happy nonetheless. Happy before it was ripped away. Tyler deserved that experience just as they all did. Ill apologize. He sighed. Yeah, we appreciate it. We all get how you feel. Alex is right. Tyler replaced no one. But I can see how coming back, and suddenly there is a new guy could be unsettling. You were just confirmed before the attack, so I get it. Valon said as he approached him to wrap an arm over his shoulder and hugged Akierda to him. Akierda found them in the nest room, the main bedroom, sitting on the bed they had all been sharing since they arrived three days ago. Miza was intently dabbing a thin layer of cream onto Tylers cheek while he was trying to reassure her. Ill just tell my parents that Chris and I were roughhousing. Theyll believe me. Tyler reassured her. Thats not the point, Ty. I - Something- Miza stopped looking confused and uncertain about what she needed to say. Akierda searched her face as he saw the confusion there. Just then, Miza looked up and saw him. He could see the distress hidden in her features. He sighed deeply. He did that. He put that look on his girls face. Hey, baby. Can I talk to Tyler alone? He really hated that she hesitated despite nodding and leaving the room. Listen, that wasnt really appropriate of me to lash out at you like that. Its just tough adjusting. I didnt have to go through this before, so it''s new for me. Tyler looked at him, confused. Before the attack, I was the last one. I mean, we knew there was one more of us, but Ive never gone through it. I dont know how the others have done this, especially Valon. Over and over. It''s weird. Its like I just got back to her after being stuck for so long, and I am still adjusting to you, you know. To you being one of us. But you are my brother, even on the hard days. I shouldnt be lashing out just because I find it difficult. I shouldve just talked to you or her. I know that. So Im sorry. Yeah, man. This is hard. I still am not used to sharing. Tyler replied uncertainly. Its weird. Im still not used to any of this, but Im trying to. I guess we can try together. Feel free to talk to me anytime you are having a problem, and Ill talk to you, too. Yeah. ~ December (Luna) 12 Elizabeth Whitehouse, was blown away as she arrived at the Harisons mansion. When she received a call from Greg Harison, she was quite surprised but incredibly excited to hear from him and his interest to not only potentially set up an endowment for the school that she knew she could not turn down his invitation to have dinner with his family. When they first brought Sara to the school, she knew that the child herself was an investment just off her talent, but the air around the family as a whole spoke of a sophistication that left those around them ready to serve. Now, as she drove up to the house, she knew that was quite true. She knocked on the door to be greeted by Mr. Harison''s equally handsome older husband. Dressed in a black evening suit that fit him like a glove. Smiling brightly she thought it a pity that both were taken. They were a beautiful family indeed. Good evening, Headmistress Whitehouse. We are thrilled to invite you into our home. George said, stepping aside to allow her in. May I take your coat? She nodded and shrugged off her coat, passing it to him. Headmistress! She turned her head to see young Sara dressed in a lovely deep red pencil-styled cocktail dress that stopped right above her knees with her curls bouncing freely around her head. She wore a pair of ankle-strapped pumps in the same color. She looked quite elegant and matched the room perfectly. Good evening. Thank you for coming. Would you please join us in the sitting room? Would you like a drink? Yes, thank you, dear. Oh, Tyler. I didnt realize you would be here. She said as they entered the room and she saw him standing by one of the couches talking to young Christopher and another youth that she had not seen before. Oh, yes. Tyler and I have been dating, but we havent gone public yet. Stephen, would you get her a drink, please? We have water, peach nectar, and one of Georges signature cocktails? A cocktail, please. She said as Greg came around the corner. Good evening. I just wanted a chance to greet you. Turning to Sara, Dinner will be served in five minutes. We are moving everything to the table. Thank you Sara smiled up at him. Oh, course, you know Christopher. This is Paul, and Parker is here somewhere. She laughed softly. Lihte brought over her drink. We have a full house tonight. She said, excitement over the special invitation dissipating with the new faces and confusion lying heavy in her belly. She listened quietly as the kids laughed about something silly that happened at school with Saras friends, and George prattled about some business investment he wanted to make. ...she really was jealous of the portfolio I am trying to build. I dont know why. Heather is just in dance. She has wanted to dance since she was little. But apparently, my branching into songwriting is too much. Its fine, though. She can simmer for a bit. Alright, guys, dinner is ready. Greg stepped back into the room, this time with his suit jacket on instead of an apron. Now that she really focused on it, all of them were extremely well dressed, including Tyler, who, for formal events at school, generally wore slacks with a shirt and ties, not bothering to comb his curls as usual. Tonight, though, he was very different. He had on his own evening suit, and his curls looked relatively tame. I suppose needing to stand by Saras side would require him to step up at least outside of their schools standard uniform. The headmistress thought. Sara led her into the dining room and left Whitehouse at a chair one seat from the head of the table. She watched as everyone found their seats at the giant table that could fit at least 16 people. On the right side of the table sat Tyler, the new boy, another boy Whitehouse assumed was Parker, Whitehouse herself, and happily, Greg was next to her. Across from them was George, another man she didnt know, Stephen, and Christopher. At the head of the table next to George and Greg sat Sara. Curious that is was not one of her fathers at the head of the table. She watched as everyone sat silently waiting. Sara raised her hands palms up, and everyone mimicked her. Let us thank The Mother for her labor. Let us thank those who use her born fruits to revitalize us. Let us give our thanks to sit and sup together. Blessed is our Mother. Blessed is our Mother. They all recited back to her. A fleeting thought about their behavior being cultlike passed through the back of her mind. Then chatter broke out as they started to pass dishes around until all of their plates were full. She noticed that it was all vegetarian, something she hadnt noticed about them. She realized that Sara had picked back up on the conversation they were having about her friend. Right. So, Im focused on the music industry primarily, so having multiple specialties in the industry makes sense. I already discussed this with the faculty advisor and the grade-level counselor. Heather is being annoying about my life. Did you chat with your counselor so that you can declare, Chris? Greg inquired. Yes. Yes. I did it at the beginning of the week. My classes will adjust after the break. Perfect. He chirped. Speaking of which. Again, we are so thankful that you were able to join our family Headmistress. I know you are aware of our situation, and we have a few new details and asks of you. She looked at Tyler and the new people quickly. And everyone here is aware of the situation. She inquired. Yes. Thank you for that. These are all family members of ours. And we are about the let you in on a little secret of ours that will greatly benefit your school in the next few years if you can continue to provide your unwavering support. He smiled charmingly at her. Sara began to speak.The narrative has been taken without authorization; if you see it on Amazon, report the incident. As you have been told, we have been in hiding since last year, but George and Greg, well Valon and Donte, she said, pointing to them in turn, have not been able to divulge the truth of why. We have reached a point that we believe it is important to notify specific individuals of certain truths as we need to create alliances. The headmistress cut her eyes between the two men. What? She thought through her confusion. I see you are confused. These two are not the heads of this household. I am. My real name is Princessa Mizarmonie Alasmonsette Hyodolshi Lea. The Headmistress''s mouth dropped. I see you recognize something in that. Miza inquired. Im wondering if that name is the Lea, as Ive read during my studies of obscure historical text. The Whitehouse murmured as she thought through all of the dates and facts in her head that previously seemed so useless. Quite possibly. Alex quipped. Well, at least youve had references to it. Early last year, the right of succession changed. I was named heir over my elder brother, and in retaliation, he staged a coup and killed our father. To keep me safe, my mates initiated a safety protocol; we separated and fled. Miza explained. Mates. What? The Headmistress questioned, causing Miza to gesture towards the others. Except Mavrick, my twin, and Lihte. Of course, we didnt know of Tyler till we were here. There are several separate undertakings we have initiated. As you have said, my realm is only in obscure text. Few outside of our borders know we exist. Currently, opening our borders is a priority. That, however, is difficult to do when we are in hiding, and there is a battle for succession. As I said, we need allies. Who better to start with that one who has done so well keeping our secrets. Miza prompted. The Headmistress shook her head. What is she talking about? Mr. Harison, I do know that you dote on your daughter, but I am unsure if this prank is as humorous to me as it is to you all. I appreciate your invitation to dinner, but I cannot abide by this sort of behavior from my students or their parents. I am a very busy woman. She asserted angrily as she pushed her chair back and stood. Good evening to all of you. Sit down, Headmistress Whitehouse, Valon advised, looking straight forward at Donte, who was watching the headmistress. Whitehouse immediately felt the cold fingers of fear spread through her as she felt the loss of control over her body as she sat without intending to palm grasping onto the arms of her chair. Be nice, Dears. She heard Miza say to Valon. She felt as if the invisible fingers in her body pulsed with power before they released her, and she let out a shaky breath. You dont believe me. I know. It is always hard to believe new information about things of this nature, but I am not lying. What would help you to believe me? Miza asked softly. What was that? The headmistress wheezed out, struggling to control her panic. Miza frowned and then looked over to Valon disapprovingly. Valon used his ability to make you sit down, which was rude of him. You see, people do not have much information about where I am from aside from obscured historical mentions because we are from a land between realms. We pass in between the earth''s material planes and the gods plane or the Celestial Sphere. We are rarely physically on the earth long enough for people to find our island. I am a princess there, but I am also what we call the Goddess Incarnate, meaning my mates and I have uncommon abilities. Miza explains. Valon, move away and apologize. Miza chastised him for clearly scaring the woman. He apologized then picked up his plate and cup and moved to sit across from Tyler. Miza continued. Im sorry for him. He has always been a bit overprotective, but he should know better. To be clear, even if you do not believe us, we do need you to understand that they are not my fathers. While they have a lot of authority to act in my best interest, I am the one in charge here. We have a very serious matter that requires your assistance. `We chose to involve you because we believe you can be trusted, but we need you to be able to trust us as well. You need to benefit from this. We have an offer for you and then we will answer all of your questions. Alexandra? Headmistress Whitehouse watched as the girls attention shifted from her to the man she didnt know. Wait? What? The headmistress was briefly confused. Yes, of course, Alexandra said. It is so lovely to meet you. Our Dear One has spoken fondly of you. Your background is impressive. You have spent the last 30 years teaching and educating students, but what intrigued me the most about you was your early career. You were a history and education major in your undergrad. As a graduate student, you spent the next eight years researching how ancient civilizations educated their people. You also discussed educational centers that people would travel to. You referenced Deorum Scientia and Lea several times in your papers when discussing centres of learning common amongst the ancients. Well, yes. I simply mentioned that this place was mentioned in manuscripts and ancient writings worldwide. You posited in your last published paper that throughout human history, there may have been a place that was guarded and where much of the common knowledge that seemed to be shared amongst cultures was found. While most scholars seem to believe particular eras of learning highlight human history, you believe that there has been a constant undercurrent that lent itself to creating the proper environment so that these centers could grow. Alex summarized the womans thesis. Whitehouse looked at them skeptically. Its not that she completely lost face with this theory, but it just seemed so far-fetched that she had stopped discussing it, and that is when she chose to go into teaching rather than continue as an educational researcher . To give herself a break from her obvious excitable fancies. The theory was interesting, but there was never any proof. You discussed a document found in Chile that held similarities to information found in Mesopotamia. Yes, but I never had proof that it was real, not a forgery. Whitehouse countered. And so no one took you seriously. But for all of human history, Leanas Isle was a well-guarded secret amongst the mortals who were given the opportunity to learn there. There is very little proof out there because the Gods did not want there to be proof of their influence in this realm. The knowledge that a Goddess had been specifically assigned to their world and that all the deities they believe to exist are not real is a hard pill for humans who did not have the ability yet to understand the natural world to swallow. You were not wrong, but you also were not right. Alex clarified. Lestania is one of many guardian realms in the universe. The Gods can not coexist with humanoids in the realms that were created for them across the universe because of their differing physiology. The guardian realms each have a deity assigned to them to use at their discretion to ensure the planet under their protection is thriving. Like Earth, many of these realms were eventually abandoned as the Gods no longer saw fit to be active in the progression of life. This is similar to what happened to Earth. Alex explained. Around 10,000 years ago, the Goddess Leana first took an interest in this galaxy. She specifically found the life that thrived on this planet interesting. Leana watched humans progress over time, but as they became more tainted by Venuemaos , she felt a need to assist them because she believed in their capacity. She saw in humans something that she had not seen before. Alex revealed as the headmistress watched him doubtfully. The spark that is specific to what we call humanity but is so easily lost to the fear of fighting for resources in this ruthless yet beautiful world. Leana spent centuries traveling the veils, speaking to people and teaching them, until one day, she decided to bring her first wayward soul back to the Guardian Realm 6,000 years ago. They, of course, died, breaking her heart. However, the Gods had been falling for mortals for millennia at this point. After talking to her brethren, she learned how to modify the Guardian Realm to host both divine beings and mortals. Our realm was the first of its kind, adapted by its Goddess to coexist. Over the centuries, she and Leiro collected many followers as they traveled the veils. Friends that they would visit often as their energies would replenish from traveling the mortal real. She loved them, so she gifted them life and knowledge. They shared with those around them the rich blessings they received. In some places, those blessings thrived, and great powers were built; in others, the humans turned on each other for power. It broke her heart again. The civilizations that thrived were left with instructions for how to obtain the knowledge and power she offered if one was worthy. It eventually became lost because the journey to find her, to prove their desire to help their fellow man was not easy. So many failed, in fact, that over the centuries, no one looked for Leanas Isle as it quietly passed in and out of the material realm, nor did they believe the myth. Eventually, it became another lost story that only the occasional scholar sought to prove. Alex recounted sadly. This was especially true when the Abrahamic religions took power. After such a long period of war, Leana continued to travel the veil, but after the rise and fall of the Roman empire and the unnecessary carnage that was displayed, she took her final group of humans to her Isle and closed it. She stopped taking humans there to learn. They took their lessons from her as long as Leana could stay in this realm, and then she did not return. She stopped building relationships with humans. She simply focused on the places where Venuemaos hit the hardest to try to influence humans and bring back equilibrium. You see, Elizabeth, we have access to all of the proof you need because Mizarmonie is a descendant of that source. After our unveiling, the scrolls and writings necessary to conduct comparative analysis across cultures would be at your disposal if you can do what is required. All at your disposal as long as you ally yourself with us. Alex announced as xe finished speaking. She sat, mouth agape. The shock was evident on her face. Crazy. Was she going crazy? This was a dream. She abruptly pinched herself and then shouted in pain and the realization that she was not in a dream and that she might actually be in danger. Headmistress, I dont know how to prove to you who I am. I have never had to prove it. Most people that know are either from Lestania or just see a girl with wealth and do as I say regardless until they have seen it. I dont have the ability to show you Lestania or the current Deorum Scientia because it is not safe. I- She paused, furrowing her brow, drawing the attention of her mates. She sat staring, unfocused. Miza, Donte called to her, reaching out in worry, but she couldnt hear him. Shes ok, Alex said softly. I think Leana is communicating with her. She is having a vision. Xe explained as xe observed her body language and actions. Suddenly Mizarmonie gasped loudly, sucking in a breath as if she had forgotten to breathe. She looked frightened and confused. Baby? Tyler called from down the table as they all watched her struggle to regain composure. She had never experienced this. Miza knew that part of being the Goddess Incarnate was Leana choosing to spend time in her body. Still, she was unfamiliar with the idea of the Goddess having the ability to control her body or mind, and that was terrifying. She shook her head. Focus on this later. She reminded herself. Um- ok. Leana visited you when you were in the fifth grade. You were on vacation and got lost when you got distracted on an excursion. You almost drowned. She whispered sadly, remembering the fear. How do you know about that? The headmistress asked shakily. Leana. Miza tapped her temple. Whitehouse closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She didnt understand what crazy fucked up world she had stepped into, but she did have an idea that you dont cross influential people, especially crazy powerful people. Ok. What do you need me to do? ~