In "Chaos Caracole," Sam (aka Oberon) finds himself caught in an inexplicable phenomenon that transforms him into a voiceless, glowing blue werewolf. As the world is ended by an eerie green haze, Sam must navigate a terrified city filled with unknown adversaries, surreal landscapes, alarming mysteries, and a broken time loop. Although Sam''s new monstrous appearance terrifies those around him, he is determined to prove he''s not like the other monsters. As he battles forgotten enemies, his main goal is to reunite with his childhood friend, Jon, and if he can manage, find a way to let everyone escape the nightmare. His journey is filled with questions of fear, ignorance, and superstition in this genre-blending sci-fi, urban fantasy, and horror web novel. Diving into a narrative filled with eldritch creatures and arcane phenomena, "Chaos Caracole" is a haunting and suspenseful tale that explores the essence of monsters and humanity.
In "Chaos Caracole," Sam (aka Oberon) finds himself caught in an inexplicable phenomenon that transforms him into a voiceless, glowing blue werewolf. As the world is ended by an eerie green haze, Sam must navigate a terrified city filled with unknown adversaries, surreal landscapes, alarming mysteries, and a broken time loop. Although Sam''s new monstrous appearance terrifies those around him, he is determined to prove he''s not like the other monsters. As he battles forgotten enemies, his main goal is to reunite with his childhood friend, Jon, and if he can manage, find a way to let everyone escape the nightmare. His journey is filled with questions of fear, ignorance, and superstition in this genre-blending sci-fi, urban fantasy, and horror web novel. Diving into a narrative filled with eldritch creatures and arcane phenomena, "Chaos Caracole" is a haunting and suspenseful tale that explores the essence of monsters and humanity....