Chapter 0743
I hardly felt the sensation of the branches whipping against my face as I ran. I hardly felt my feet pounding on the forest floor, or my legs acting on instinct as I leaped over fallen trees and exposed roots.
All I felt that night was fury. Pure, unadulterated fury.
Truthfully, I didn''t know exactly why I felt so furious. I didn''t know exactly why it had been targeted against my closest friend and Beta, Matt, either. But that night, when Nina had leaned toward him and giggled at something that he had said right at the dinner table, I had just...
Lost it.
Now, after our fight, all I saw was Nina''s horrified face when she had put herself between us. She had looked at me like I was a monster.
Curses flew out of my mouth as I sprinted through the woods. I had left my friend''s bloody body behind, and with it everyone else everyone who now likely saw me as the same monster that Nina had.
God, what had happened to me? It was as if, ever since I fought in M''s arena, something in me had... snapped. My anger became harder to manage. My wolf became more feral, more violent.
Was I going insane?
Once I was certain I had put enough distance between myself and the others, I slowed my pace and looked down at my hands. They were covered in blood, although I couldn''t be sure whether it was my blood or Matt''s, or even Nina''s.
"Did I hurt her?" I asked my wolf inwardly. "Did I hurt Nina?"
"What does it matter if you did?" he hissed, no longer the voice of reason but now the voice of pure malice. "She cheated on you with your Beta. Perhaps the baby in her belly isn''t even yours."
I furrowed my brow at my wolf''s words. Maybe... How long had they been having an affair, I wondered? Days? Weeks? Months? Nina always seemed loyal to me, but it was often those who seemed the most loyal on the outside who wound up cheating the most.
As I slowed and came to a stop, the moon came out from behind a cloud overhead and illuminated the red, sticky blood on my hands.
Matt''s... Nina''s...
It was my blood.
I looked down, shuddering at the sight of it: arge gash in my abdomen. I couldn''t be entirely sure if it happened during the fight or during my mad dash through the woods, but it didn''t matter. I was losing a lot of blood. A lot...
And suddenly, everything went ck.
"Hello, pet."
I heard her voice before anything else. It seemed to echo around me, bouncing and reverberating off of the walls of my mind. And I recognized it immediately.
"Did you think you could run?" she whispered. I couldn''t open my eyes, but I knew she was close; impossibly close, even. It was as if she had actually taken up residence in my mind. As if somehow, if my brain could reach out,
it could touch her.
"Where are you?" I asked. "What do you want?"
"What do you think?" M''s voice echoed back without a moment of hesitation. "I want you."
"Me? You can''t have me. I belong to Nina."
M clicked her tongue, and the sound was like gunshots in my mind. "Is that what you really think?" she asked. " She''s fucking your best friend. What makes you think that she''s yours? What makes you think that the baby in her belly is even yours?"
I didn''t know what to say. My wolf had said the same exact thing-that maybe the baby in Nina''s belly was Matt''s, or maybe even someone else''s, and not mine. I didn''t want to believe it.
But I couldn''t help myself from thinking it now. It was as if a floodgate had opened in my mind, and visions upon visions of Nina with other men poured in like dirty water. How many others had she slept with? Matt? Luke? The entire hockey team, even?