Chapter 0744
"You see it now, don''t you?" M asked with a chuckle. "You see the truth now?"
I swallowed, if I could even swallow in this strange mindscape. "I think so."
"So what are you going to do about it?"
"I don''t know." My head whirled with possibilities. I didn''t want to leave Nina, but... if she was cheating on me, then I had no choice. I wouldn''t lower myself like that.
"You know what you need to do," M said with a surprising amount of calmness in her voice. "Leave her. Come to me instead."
"It''s non-negotiable, Enzo." Her voice deepened a little; it didn''t get louder, but rather sank further into my mind, as though settling itself into the folds in my brain. "Our psychic connection has already been established. We''re connected now, Enzo,"
"Connected?" I asked.
M chuckled in a mocking way, but it was oddly soothing as though she were gently stroking the depths of my mind with her voice. Like she was petting me.
"Once a dragon has chosen its mate, the psychic connection cannot be broken," she said. "You are mine. And I am yours. But that cannot be so unless you get her out of the picture."
"And if I say no?" I asked.
"Simple. I will use our connection to drive you mad; and then you will kill her yourself. With your own bare hands. After that, you wille to me."
I felt my mind shudder at her words. Killing Nina... I couldn''t kill her. No matter how angry and hurt I was, I couldn''t harm her. Even as I saw her protecting Matt''s body, holding her hand out to stop me, it had halted me in my rage.
"I know you don''t want to kill her," M said softly, her voice soothing me again. "That''s why I''m giving you the option to simply leave. To return to me, of your own ord, and leave that life behind."
There was a long pause as I pondered her offer. Neither option seemed ideal, but if I had to choose between leaving her or killing her with my own hands...
"Will you make me forget?" I asked.
"I want... I want to forget," I murmured. "If Ie to you of my own ord, I want you to make me forget. Not just Nina, but... everything. I don''t want to remember a single moment of this life that I left behind."
M paused, as though considering my proposition, before she chuckled again. "Yes, my pet. I can certainly make that happen. Now... go."
As though I had been physically shoved out of my mindscape and back into the real world, my eyes shot open. A gasp heaved out of my chest, like I had been holding my breath. Slowly, my vision flooded back in, and I realized where I was.
I wasying on a bed in a dimly lit room, lit only by the soft light of a single smallntern on the bedside table. When I tried to move my arms, I found that my wrists had been strapped down. Panic began to rise in me, but only momentarily before a soft, soothing sensation washed through my mind.
"Bide your time," M''s voice echoed in the back of my mind, as though her presence had reced that of my wolf. "Don''t panic.."
I drew in a deep breath, absorbing her words. Yes. I couldn''t panic...
But when I felt the pressure on myp, I couldn''t help but look down. Nina''s heady there, fast asleep.
And seeing her filled me with fury.