Remey jumped forward as well while holding the mana fruit in her hand. "Thank you as well. Growing the mana sprout was thest thing I needed toplete my skill. I also have an extremely rare fruit that will assist in my growth. I have no way to repay you." Remey was extremely polite and was on the verge of crying. She had seen and done so many amazing things and was pursuing her dream with her friends in a way that she couldn''t have ever imagined.
"It''s finished? Use it and tell me the details!" Trish pushed to the front, her alchemists'' curiosity took control of her body and mind.
"It''s the alchemical brawlers'' field guide. It records the herbs and fighting styles Ie in contact with after I learn a certain amount of information. After I have done so I can recall it instantly and use it as building blocks for potions and in battle." Remey read this directly from her system but it lead the group to some questions.
Gil wanted to test out his quiver but knew that he could switch the arrows over at any time. Hearing what Remey''s skill did was a bigger priority since they might need to do something to assist her in the future or even at the moment.
"Well, the herb recording part is simple. I already have plenty memorized, but this skill makes it easier. The fighting style is much better." Remey was all smiles while delicately holding the mana fruit.
"When I see and study a fighting style like Wade''s for example, my skill records the moves and skills he uses. I can''t recall the skills and identify them as a journal but I can see the fundamentals of why they are used in certain ways."
Walker was at first surprised at first that the skill didn''t let her remember the skills systems used and gained. But when he thought about it the reasoning that certain systems used certain tactics and skills in an order was more valuable.
"I can figure out the right time to dodge a long range attack or read a sword wielding opponent. I even learned a way to dodge some wide area attacks or minimize damage. It is aption of styles that will eventually mold my own style. I can even use it to guide others." When she said this Walker was sure that this aspect of the skill was a hidden gem.
"So you are saying if you learn about more and more fighting styles you will eventually be able to perfectlybat all of them?" Su was not about to let this go, she needed the ability to do just that.
"As long as I have the proper strength then I should be able to. I could also find the weaknesses of the systems I have learned and help them ovee that. The stronger people I train with and the wider variety of systems I train against the better."
"Soo, teacher Remey?" Gil couldn''t leave the joke unsaid. He thought that having another person to critique their strategies during training was a good idea. Even more, if there was a skill that inlyid out their weaknesses it was a perfect path to strength.
"And did you record the information of all the herbs we studied?" Trish wanted to make sure that all their effort was still locked away in Remey''s mind.
"Of course it is. I had it memorized and now I have it lock in my skill. I n to work on my penmanship and record it all. I think I will make a few alchemists fall t when they realized how many volumes I will create." Remey was already thinking of making these journals to send around the kingdoms. If she did so then potion making could take another great leap.
"Hey Remey, I think you have just gotten much closer to your goal of making a certain alchemist building a guild. You can lure them in with your knowledge and keep the alchemists to their word if you share it." Remey grew a devilish grin hearing Walkers'' sudden thought.
Trish looked at Remey and Walker while thinking about what he had just said. She had never thought that there would be an alchemist guild ever due to the fact that the alchemy system was one that ended with arge profit. T was just a hard task to aplish since there would be a loss of profit. However, she also saw that information like Remey had would be a huge draw for those alchemists to follow such a guild.
"Your idea is to tempt other races alchemists to join an alchemist guild so that knowledge can be shared and expanded? Do you also have in mind the fact that there would be a change in prices for every potion? Some could be more expensive while others would take a drastic decline. There are also the herbs being shared from other kingdoms which would be a huge change in herbalist systems and farming based systems. Not to mention the auctions in other kingdoms, here we only hold small ones with friends for fun, but I know other races make big events."
Trish was already seeing the future while Remey and Walker got more and more excited. "Then may I be forward with you?" Remey couldn''t let this chance get away from her. She had started the night with the goal to finish creating a skill and somehow ended up speaking about her greatest goal after she had been given the dream of being able to act as an alchemist.
Everyone watched in silence as Remey made her move. Walker was silently cheering for her while Su and Gil did the same. The lunar priestess was thankful for the break to rest and Wade was caught up in the moment. The only two that didn''t seem to notice any of this were Midnight and Onyx who had curled up together to nap the night away, Onyx absorbing the light elemental mana from the mood and Midnight softly snoring.