"You are already viewed as an apprentice in my eyes. You may have another master and alsoe from another race, but to me, you are the same as any other apprentice I have had. But you have already risen above them...Maybe you are more of a fellow alchemist, just a little younger and with less experience." Trish giggled a little at this. She had never imagined she would be calling a young human an equal.
"Then with that in mind. Please sign a pact with me to be one of the heads of the alchemist guild when I can form it. I wish to have three heads to lead the guild one day and I already have the other in mind. I would just need one more. It is the perfect time to do it since the knowledge you have discovered in your life is enough to draw hundreds of hidden alchemists." Remey was confident in her request and Trish heard every word clearly.
No one dared to speak while Trish thought about this. She was weighing the benefits and the downsides. "If I were to join then it would ferry my forest elf race to the top of the alchemy world due to our many years of unshared knowledge. Do you believe this would be safer for my people than just letting our alchemists act as they wish?"
Trish was proposing the question not only to see what the answer would be but also because it was a veryrge concern. The elves were privy to the information on the outside world but they were not all well versed as those who had already lived it for many years. There were simply too many elves who had never left the city in their lives.
The major worry was over those who did not have battle rted systems. Many alchemists, craftsmen, and merchants would be at risk to the new markets for their goods and skills. There could be a lot of maniption from unsavory parties and this could cause a huge injury to the elven kingdom. Many could suffer and it was thest thing anyone wanted.
"I want the guild to for to prevent the shady deals that can and will start to happen. I am not a fool even at my age I know that there are those that abuse the free market that alchemists have. With powerful heads, the guild can regte the flow of knowledge and register those who wish to learn. This could also get rid of the rich elbowing their way to better standing so they can receive better potions." Remey was seeing the future in her mind. This was the future she wished to build.
"If there are younger alchemists that need guidance then there would be a way for them to find a master to teach them. There wouldn''t be the self taught failures we hear about. No self poisoning by idental potion creation. It could be a safer environment as a whole. Esteemed master alchemists can even hold lectures for up anding apprentices."
Remey was getting more powerful in her speech as he ideas became clearer. "The guild can work with an auction house to properly regte price so that an alchemist can''t over charge those in need. It can be based off of seasonal herbs and quality. Those who need certain potions for healing can request it as the adventurers guild does. And the alchemist guild could request quests from the adventurers guild for herbs and materials needed.."
Walker, Su, and Gil all knew that Remey had massive desires to make the world of alchemy better. But none of them had realized the depth she had taken her goal. They saw a drive within her that was much stronger than they rerealized and could not help but resonate with it. Trish felt this as well and was already making up her mind.
"I hear your goals and dreams and I believe it is possible. From what I have heard the alchemy in many kingdoms is based on the alchemist. We have even had plots to trap and use an alchemist in captivity here before our enforcers became better trained. It is a time in our history I will never forget, but one that was necessary for us to grow."
Trish spoke of a time many years ago that had shaped her lifestyle. There were many reasons she lived alone high in the massive tree with her hanging garden, one of these reasons was that there had been these kinds of events. They had left a lifelong impression on her.
"I Trish Root, Master alchemist and elder of the forest elf kingdom pledge on my system and very soul to be a head of the soon to be multi national alchemist guild. I promise to bring in the alchemists of the forest elf kingdom and foster a new era of alchemy." Trish made this pledge and an incredible pressure fell upon every one of them.
''The pledge has been heard by the world and the heroes of the era. International quests shall be issued to users who wish to pursue simr goals. Congrattions to the hero who has spurred the world''s first international quest in one hundred years.''
Their systems all received this notification causing every single one of them to draw a sharp breath. They had just witnessed a system notification that spoke of international quests. These quests would span multiple kingdoms and nations. There were no limits to how these would change the world and those living in it.
"Thank you so much for your support. I will do my best to bring those together. I will rely on you to begin with your kingdom and in time we can build an alchemist building here as the first headquarters." Remey wanted to burst in to tears of joy but forced them away. She needed to be strong at the moment and show the strength of a hero.