Walker wasn''t sure what to do about Mis. she had basically walked over, said hello, then walked away. If anything, he felt that he was just there to make an acquaintance. Yet, the more he watched the more he learned. She was the center of the vige at a fairly young age. Everyone went to her when theypleted a task.
"Well, if you''re working hard, let''s calm things down so we can work smoothly." Walker used the calming waves skill. A pulse of mana went through the center of the vige stopping everyone for just a moment. They looked over at Walker with clearer eyes.
Those that had been in pain were able to rx a little more while those working themselves to the bone could feel a few moments of peace. It made everyone stand a little taller. "Point me to those with the worst injuries." Walker was right next to the healers who had clearly exhausted a lot of their mental strength. It wasn''t a surprise since many of them had been healing since they got to the vige.
"Walker,e over here. This man cut himself on his leg while working in the fields." The man inquisition had a piece of metal from a broken farm tool still in his leg. It looked like the man had been over tired and potentially hit a rock with the plow. The horses pulling it could move very fast which caused the metal to fly off.
The dark bags under the man''s eyes proved that he had been working more than he should have been. "I''m fine, I''m fine. Help someone else. There are others that need it-more." The pain made the man''s voice sound broken.
"That''s not happening. I can heal a lot of people with my mana and the potions we have. Just brace yourself because this will hurt." Walker refused to step away. Su guided a healer toward them who didn''t hesitate to pull the metal from the man''s leg.
Between Walker and the healer, they both used healing skills to fix the damage partially. Su started to wrap the man''s leg in herbs that the healers and Remey were mashing in to a salve. "You won''t be able to move around for a month. Keep it covered and dry. And I swear, if you even think of standing up I will make sure your vige leader hears it." The healer had enough of stubborn farmers trying to work and help others.
"Su, have you noticed?" Walker asked while Su pointed him to the next person that was injured.
"Yes. The vigers started to help thoseing from the border when they weren''t in the field. They need rest or else they will keep hurting themselves. Their leader is struggling to manage them since they all feel obligated to do everything." Su hit the nail on the head. Even a fool would be able to derive this from this situation.
"Then I will get a little extreme." Walker felt bad for what he would do since he just used the calming waves skill. However, there were too many people risking hurting themselves. He needed them to stop and rest.
With arge breath, Walker used a weaker version of his dragon''s intimidation. The roar drew all attention and made everyone from the fieldse running. In a matter of minutes there was an entire vige in front of him.
"What in the heavens was that all about?! I thought you were here to help!" Mis came with a fury in her to yell at Walker.
"I was calling the work day over. That injury, that, that, and even that. Are all from your vigers being too tired. Helping people is great. But for your own safety and health? No. The work day is over. Now you can set up a n with healthy shifts. If you can''t agree on this I will use my earth magic to tten three fields. That way you won''t have so much work to do."
Walker would never do this to the vige. He was bluffing. Even Mis seemed to know that he was bluffing. Yet, she needed an excuse to convince her vigers. With this evil sounding threat, Walker had be the target while Mis was the light that was making it work.<sub> </sub>
"You know you just made them hate you a little, right?" Su shook her head. She didn''t have an issue with doing things that way, but she felt it was a little exaggerated.
"It was the fastest solution apart from actually tearing up their fields. Now, show me the next person to help." With Su''s knowledge, Walker was able to use his mid tier healing skill in tandem with multiple healers.
''The skill healing cooperation has been taken from the grand healer system. The user has automatically learned the skill healing cooperation due to multiple healing instances with other healers.
Healing cooperation- passive
Those that heal in tandem with you will spend less of their mana to cause a healing effect.''
The skill was very simple. Walker wanted to thank the world for how simple it was. It didn''t require any crazy situation or any harder work. There was even the benefit that it didn''t cost mana. All he needed to do was work with other healers and they would all save their mana. That meant they could heal more people.
It was perfect to help them push in to the night with the healing and preparations. Hourster, Walker found that Mis had sat down next to him. "You know that you aren''t going to be weed here easily. But some of the older family thinks you have some steel. Even though you are too loud." Miss handed him a cup of water before leaving to go and rest herself.
"We are heading to the border in the morning. Don''t worry, we will make sure that we lessen your burden." Mis just shook her head.