"Well, We all got a little rest at least. Walker felt that they had all gotten a decent nap throughout the night. It was good that Mis had managed to get the vigers resting in cycles.
"I feel like we could have slept here longer if you hadn''t made them all angry. But, those old folks by the fire made us tea, so they might not be that angry." Gil had already handed the cups back to the elderly farmers. They had been the only ones awake so early in the morning.
"We should take the advantage and head out. It will be more beneficial to us since the longer stretch of travel will be today and tomorrow." Su had already borrowed the map from Walker. She was trying to get better at reading it while she traveled.
There was also the fact that she worried there were more incidents like the one that Alice encountered where fires or something changed thendscape. If the paths were messed up then it would take them longer to find a new way or a safer way through some of the wilderness. Not many people traveled down to the demonnds other than suppliers and soldiers. That made the paths more overgrown as it was.
"Brother, Alice says that the healers will stay here to help the vigers until the demons and soldiers are well enough to head to Genesis. More people should be here to help soon." Onyx had been thest to return with Alice. The pair had checked with every single healer to ensure that they were better prepared for the potential of more injureding.
"Good, as long as they keep themselves paced in cycles too then they won''t work themselves sick. The vigers and the healers." This made Walker happy because he wouldn''t need to y the viin anymore.
"Then we are heading out! No more salve making I hope." Remey enjoyed alchemy, that wasn''t a lie. However, she found the tedious mixing and scraping that came with salve making to be annoyingly boring. It drove her crazy.
While speaking, Walker noticed that some of the vigers came out of their homes to see them off. He didn''t expect them to do so but it was a nice gesture. One that gave the entire party a little more energy. Unsurprisingly, when Midnight ran to meet them as they left, she had somehow acquired a piece of roasted meat that she was finishing. The party didn''t even question it. She was the ruler of sneaking.
"This is where Alice said she found the group of demons making a camp." Walker looked up to see Alice nod in approval. "That means we have a higher chance of encountering them here near the border wall. If there was a good ce to cross the border then I expect we will be able to find multiple demon camps or soldiers escorting demons." Walker was sure they would find more demons and would have to help them with directions.
"If I have to I can lead them back to a path or the vige itself." Onyx was willing to ept this since he knew that the rest of the party wanted to make it to the wall as soon as possible. He would dly take the longer route to get there by backtracking with those in need.
"Onyx, you won''t have to do that. With the number of peopleing our way, I am sure that we will group up soon. There are healers, soldiers, and even adventurer groupsing this way. Some of the adventurers were closer to here than Genesis when they received a quest to help." Walker had been told this by ra who had the party managers offer the quest to all their adventurers.
"There were even merchants that had volunteered to carry additional supplies down here. They should be moving pretty fast since they are used to higher transport speeds. They also have carriages." Remey was sure that some additional potions and foods would be sent this way. She wasn''t foolish to believe that some of the Genesis storage wouldn''t be brought to the walls.<sub> </sub>
A warning growl from Midnight alerted the group to the movement that they saw ahead of them once they looked up. All of them had gotten too in to their conversations and missed the clear movement ahead. Luckily, Midnight was much more attentive with her draconic senses.
"That looks like a boar. A demonic boar?" Walker was surprised. He had trained against them before with his friends from the tamer''s guild. But this one was very different.
''Demonic boar alpha
This demonic boar has grown up in the wilds under constant threat of attack. Due to being the only surviving member of its pack, this boar had grown differently. There is a stronger physical ability causing its fur to be a deep ck. The horns are purposefully broken against trees to be able to cause more injuries. Alpha demonic boars are known to go berserk when at the end of their life.''
The all around appraisal skill gave all the warning that Walker needed. This was not the average demonic boar. It was very likely that this one had managed to cross the border where the walls were open for movement. In the process, the pack had been lost leaving the single demonic boar to grow alone.
"We need to work together. Don''t let it get those horns near you. It is stronger than the other demonic boars we have seen." Walker''s warning put everyone on the ready. It was just in time because the alpha boar was charging at them. Su only had a moment to use the earth dwelling shield to deflect the boar toward the side. She was still pushed back a few inches though. Everyone saw this as a bigger reason to remain nearby her for protection.